02-26-01 CCCITY OF OTSEGO CITY COUNCIL MEETING FEBRUARY 26, 2001 COUNCIL CHAMBERS OTSEGO CITY HALL 6:30 PM 1. Mayor Larry Fournier will call the rder. Mayor Fournier called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. Roll Call: Mayor Larry Fournier; Councilmembers: Vern Heidner, Virginia Wendel, Jerry Struthers. Absent: Suzanne Ackerman. Staff: Mike Robertson, City Administrator; Judy Hudson, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator; Dan Licht, City Planner, Ron Wagner, Assistant City Engineer and Andrew MacArthur, City Attorney. 2. Consider agenda apnroval. CM Wendel requested to add under Item 9, Community Recreation Report. CM Heidner motioned to approve the agenda. Seconded by CM Struthers. All in favor. Motion carried. I Consider the following mint s• Minutes not available. I Open Forum: Judy Vetsch appeared on Open Forum asking if the City has received any information regarding feedlot registration. Mayor Fournier explained this issue will be discussed during the Closed Meeting portion. 5. Consent Agenda- non -Controversial items) 5.1. Approve Claims List CM Heidner motioned adoption of Consent Agenda. Seconded by CM Struthers. All in favor. Motion carried. 6_ Dan Licht, City Planner - 6, Darrell Farr Comfy for a PUD Concept Plan Review for a Senior Housing Development and Medical Cenier. This item was tabled at the February, 2001 City Council Meeting - Ron ting_Ron Wagner, reviewed his February 17, 2001 letter to Mike Robertson outlining the sewer capacity issues. He also went over his Traffic Impact Study that the City Council had requested of him at the last meeting. Mayor Fournier also allowed George and Diane Sebeck to express their concerns about this proposal which were traffic concerns, the elderly living in a noisy area and giving Tax Increment Financing. Mayor Fournier also read the attached statement from CM Ackerman giving her opinion of this project. Mayor Fournier noted the applicant was not in attendance. After Council discussion, the following motion was made: City Council Meeting of February 26, 2001, cont'd. Page 2. Mayor Fournier motioned to deny the PUD Concept Plan based on safety issues stemming from County Road 42, the lack of room for turn lanes due to the proximity of the school entrance road and site lines from the curve on County Road 42, and the intensity of traffic concerns raised in the City Engineer's Memorandum dated February 26, 2001. Seconded by CM Heidner. All in favor. Motion carried. 6.2. Discussion of Concept Plan Reviews. Staff went over Mike Robertson's memo dated February 15, 2001. Both Dan Licht and Mike Robertson feel Concept Plans should provide a generalized description of the project and not a lot of detail therefore not requiring the developers to spend a lot of money if the Council doesn't give it their support. Mayor Fournier agreed but he said at times it hard to make a decision without details and would like to see a better method. Andrew MacArthur arrived at this time and suggested the language in the Ordinance should be reviewed. He suggested a consensus only should be given to a Concept Plan. He stated that Concept Plan Approval does not guarantee Preliminary Plat or Site Plan Approval. CM Heidner suggested there should be guidelines and a workshop with the Planning Commission. The Council agreed to send this issue to the Planning Commission for discussion. 6.3. DNR Wild & Scenic Plan try Dan Licht went over his February 20, 2001 Memo on the Otsego Mississippi Wild and Scenic Plan Update. 6.4. Any other Planning Issues. CM Struthers asked Dan about the progress with the Heritage Preservation Commission on the Historic District. Dan explained they are working on this but the sites can not be designated unless the study is completed, a hearing held, and Council would then make a decision. 7. Larry Koshak. CityEngineer- 7.1. Discussion of Sewer Canal Allocations John Anderson, Tollefson Development, asked if he needs to go through Final Platting in order to reserve sewer capacity. Mike replied yes he does. The Council directed Mike Robertson to write to the City of Dayton regarding reserving sewer capacity for them in Phase II and a response from them is needed by April 1, 2001. 7.2. Any other ineeri g Issues Mayor Fournier requested to place on the next City Council Agenda discussion of Sewer Capacity Allocation. R. Andrew MacArthur, CitytAt�orney& 8-1- Closed Meeting for Attorney Client Privilege_ CM Wendel motioned to close the City Council Meeting. Seconded by CM Struthers. All in favor. Motion carried. Meeting closed at 8:55 PM. Attending the Closed Meeting for Attorney Client Privilege were Mayor Fournier, CM Struthers, CM Heidner, CM Wendel, Mike Robertson, City Administrator; Judy Hudson, City Clerk/Zoning Adm.; Andrew MacArthur, City Attorney and Dan Licht, City Planner. City Council Meeting of February 26, 2001, cont'd. Page 3. CM Heidner motioned to close the Closed Meeting and re -open the City Council Meeting. Seconded by CM Struthers. All in favor. Motion carried. Meeting re- opened at 9:20 PM. a. Snowmobile Issues (At the request of CM Struthers) CM Struthers said his main concern is that nothing is being resolved with the problems created by snowmobiles and requested that the Sheriffs Department put more time towards snowmobile enforcement. The Council agreed and directed Mike Robertson to contact the Sheriff and request that 10 hours of Otsego's time per week is directed towards this enforcement. b_ Set up interviews for Planning Commission applicant- Council p an+Council asked staff to advertise for applicants for all the commissions. C. Community Rec_I do ate. CM Wendel presented a memo from the School District showing a $32,852 loss since the program started and they now want to be paid. The Council agreed not to pay anything until a detailed audit and bill is provided. Mr. MacArthur agreed with the Council and also said that Community Rec. is required to provide a detailed financial report each year. 9.1. Mike Robertson, City Administrators The Council reviewed Mr. MacArthur's request for legal services fee increase. Mayor Fournier motioned to approve the requested increase as outlined in Mr. MacArthur's letter dated February 5, 2001. Seconded by CM Wendel. All in favor. Motion carried. 9.2. Judy Hudson, City Clerk Judy asked for a change of hours for Clean Up Day on May 5, 2001, changing the hours from 9 AM to 2 PM to 8 AM to 1 PM. The Council agreed. 10. Adjourn y 10 PM_ CM Heidner motioned to adjourn. Seconded by CM Struthers. All in favor. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:21 PM. la Hudson, City Clerk/Zoning Adm. City Seal