06-25-02 CCCITY OF OTSEGO INFORMATIONAL MEETING PARRISH AVENUE RESIDENTS 6:30 PM TUESDAY JUNE 25, 2002 1. Call meeting to order: Mayor Fournier called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm. ROLL: Mayor Larry Fournier, Council Members: Vern Heidner, Virginia Wendel, Jerry Struthers. Suzanne Ackerman arrived at 6:36 pm. Staff: Mike Robertson, City Administrator; Carol Olson, Deputy Clerk; Bill Morris, Assistant City Engineer; Dave Wendorf, Assistant City Attorney. Mayor Fournier stated that the City had promised residents that when it had gathered the information related to possible solutions for Parrish Avenue problems it would hold this meeting for them to hear the information. Bill Morris, Assistant City Engineer, went over the Feasibility study. Sewer and water extensions would cost $748,000. Raising the street would cost $237,000. Rebuilding the dike with clay rather than sand would cost $368,000. Design, inspection, fiscal, legal, and other soft costs are estimated at $331,000, for a total cost of $1,684,000. Doing these improvements will not solve all the problems, as water can still percolate though the soil into basements. Dave Wendorf, Assistant City Attorney, explained the process for the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) grant. FEMA is asking for very detailed criteria. Each property would be looked at individually. The city will submit an application for anyone interested in the program. The State will determine which property will qualify, and then forward them on to FEMA for further review. Affidavits now need to be signed and notarized by July 15, 2002. The applications must be in to the State by July 26`h, 2002. Mayor Fournier stated that no one would be forced to participate in the program and that those who participate can drop out up to the signing of a purchase agreement. Darlene Solberg, 9912 Parrish Ave NE, If you have applied and don't qualify and then your septic went out, what can be done? Mr. Robertson explained that we need to follow the current State Ordinances, and in most cases they would not allow a standard or mound septic system to be built. Mr. Polejewski, 10307 Parrish Ave NE, do they have to raise the road? Mayor Fournier stated that the road would have to be raised to meet State and Federal laws governing access to homes in the floodplain. Parrish Avenue Informational Meeting June 25, 2002 Page 2 Randy DeRosier, 10175 Parrish Ave NE. Are there resources other than FEMA for buy outs? I would like the City to check other resources such as the County and DNR. Mr. Robertson said if it is not on the County ten year plan, they won't deal with it. The City would look at other possibilities, but the State is not putting money into programs like this. Linda Tiltgen, 10003 Parrish Ave NE, asked about raising building pads. Mayor Fournier said that if you were to build you would have to raise the building above flood level. Mark Tiltgen 10003 Parrish Ave NE, stated concerns with the rating of the houses. If not bought out, or doesn't qualify. In a few years what if they want to sell, where does that put them. Mayor Fournier stated that they could re -apply for the FEMA grant each year. Kathy Jones, 10135 Parrish Ave NE, there is $500,000 being spent for road improvements for Waterfront. $250,000 collected for Park Fees. Could that also be used for funding road work. Mr. Robertson explained that is Park dedication fees and must be spent on Park and Trails. The developer is paying 100% of the costs for the Waterfront improvements. Randy DeRosier, 10175 Parrish Ave NE, with sewer and water in and the road raised, will it still be under the ten year flood plain. Mr. Robertson - Yes, but you could fill and apply to the Federal Government to change the floodplain elevation. Darlene Solberg, 9912 Parrish Ave NE, concerned that the appraisal is fair. Would the person selling the house have to pay to cap well, septic , etc. Mr. Robertson explained the FEMA money would pay all of those costs. Engineer Morris said some additional options may be available. A pump station could pump several septic systems to a community mound system. Also an individual grinder pump could be used in conjunction with a force main to pump to the City sewer system. The Council said they would have the City Engineer look at these options. Mayor Fournier said whatever is done, it would have to meet MPCA regulations. Mr. Robertson gave an update on the next steps in applying for the FEMA grant. Please get information to us by July 15`h, 2002. He indicated there would not be any more public meetings on this issue. Mayor Fournier explained again that no one is obligated if they sign up, and thanked everyone for attending the meeting. The me ng was adj ed at 7:35 pm. ayor L#` Fournier Attest: Carol A. Olson, Deputy Clerk