04-22-02 CCITEM 3. 2. CITY OF OTSEGO CITY COUNCIL MEETING WITH PARRISH AVENUE NEIGHORHOOD APRIL 25,2002 6 PM 1. Call to order. Mayor Fournier called the meeting to order at 6:01 PM. Mayor Fournier welcomed everyone and stated there will be no decisions made at this meeting but staff will give information and everyone will be able to give comments. Roll: Mayor Larry Fournier, Councilmembers: Vern Heidner, Virginia Wendel, Jerry Struthers and Suzanne Ackerman. Staff: Mike Robertson, City Administrator; Judy Hudson, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator; Carol Olson, Deputy Clerk; Dan Licht, City Planner; Andrew MacArthur, City Attorney, Ron Wagner, City Engineer and Jerry Olson, Building Official. 2. Existing Conditions/ Regulations Mr. MacArthur summarized the Federal Flood Mitigation Grant Program as explained in his handout. He also said that staff needs to get information from residents living on Parrish Avenue such as expenses, damage etc. Mr. MacArthur stressed this is strictly a voluntary program and residents can drop out at any time. Mike Robertson let everyone know that staff doesn't have all the answers as they are just starting to look at this program, but will try and address all questions. The septic rules are mostly state and county ordinances and not entirely under the control of the City. A. 100 Year d Ian F�d ain Ron Wagner went over 0 'I 0_� 10 loo i� loo P, i w �he Md Plain 7a wh ch as distributed to everyone. He explained the 10 and 100 Year Flood Plains. B. U.S. ArmY CoKp of En Protection Dike. I . Jurisdiction. 2. Design/M iintenance/Condition. Ron Wagner explained the dike was constructed in 1969 as an emergency dike. Soil used on the east side dike was sandy and not clay. No one claims responsibility for either side and there are no easements recorded for either the east or west side dikes. He also explained the soil conditions, which are poor and make poor building sites. C. SewMe Treatment. I . Area.�oil conditions. 2. Sew we Treatment QrriJnnn,,P_ A. Poi it -of -Sale. B. Building expansion/remodeling, C. Maintenance. Ron explained the soil conditions are poor in this area, which make poor septic sites. He went over the Sewage Treatment Ordinance and what type of system would be allowed in a Flood Plain area. Parrish Avenue Information Nileetincy cont'd. Page 2. Z!P D. Residential Uses. 1. Access. 2. First floor elevation. 3. Flood proof structures. 4. Semic location. 5. Non -conforming status. Dan Licht explained what is allowed to be built which is basically roofing, re -siding, gutters, internal mechanics, and internal alternations that don't trigger a septic certification upgrade. Mr. Licht reviewed septic locations and setbacks. Mr. Licht said that vacant properties would not be allowed construction of new homes. Mayor Fournier stated the Council has not made any decisions on this project. That this meeting is to share information. At this point, Mayor Fournier opened for any public comments. Darlene Solberg, 9912 Parrish Avenue. She said she sits at 866 elevation, which is below the 100 year Flood and wants to know where Ron Wagner received his information. Mr. Wagner replied FEMA determines the elevations of the Ten and Hundred Year Floods. Ms. Solberg said that in 1965 the water came close to her house but didn't come up to the main floor. Paul Onstad, 10168 Parrish Avenue. He said he understands the problem s but all this will make it impossible to sell while all this is being decided and he feels the price of his property will go down. Mr. MacArthur explained an appraiser would determine the fair market value. He also explained not every house has to participate in the program. The City must take into account if there is a sufficient amount of people who want to participate. Once the City purchases the property, it can't be resold but will be made into a park. A decision needs to be made by November in order to apply this year. It is a Federal program and could take six months for them to reply. Randy DeRosier, 10175 Parrish Avenue. He said his sewer system is 20 years old and is concerned he wouldn't be able to replace it. He stated he wants to participate in this program. He can't sell his house now, and during the last 10 years he has pumped 6 times. He also asked what are their options if there is no Federal Grant money. Jerry Olson, Building Official, explained the Wright County Point of Sale Ordinance. He said a few septics have been replaced over the past two years and they were designed to meet the Ordinance but there are now more restrictions. Mr. Olson said possibly an elevated mound system could be installed but they are very expensive. Parrish Avenue Information Meeting cont'd. Page 3. ft Earl Dehmer 10029 Parrish. Mr. Dehmer said he is probably at the lowest elevation on Parrish and is in the same situation as the DeRosiers. His house is too small for his family and his only option is to sell. He asked what he could do now with his septic. Andy MacArthur told Mr. Dehmer to let the City know if he is interested in this program. Mr. Dehmer asked if the City would prioritize properties. Mr. MacArthur replied there is no limitation but there is only so much grant money. FEMA hasn't been overwhelmed with applications and when Andy explained to them Otsego's situation, they thought we would be in a good situation. Dan Licht estimated there are about 25 homes within the 100 Year Floodplain. Mark Thiltgen, 10003 Parrish Avenue. He said he was confused as it sounds like either all residents participate or none. Dan Licht replied the City would need to get enough participation to form a park but did not expect that everyone would participate. Mr. Thiltgen said they have had to pump but he doesn't know if he wants to participate in this program but if all go he would just as soon be in it. Darlene Solberg asked about a Living Estate. She said her septic is good enough for her but not for a family. Mr. MacArthur explained the Living Estate wouldn't apply for this type of situation. Gilbert Ebner, Detroit Lakes. He has the property at the far north end of Parrish Avenue. He feels the Cit� is abandoning the Parrish Avenue Peninsula and there are' very few options for property owners in this area. He asked if the City would be willing to claim responsibility for the peninsula and protect it. He feels this is a nice area and a permanent dike with sewer and water would make it very attractive. He would like some decisions made. Mr. MacArthur explained any improvements done would be assessed back to the homeowners. He suggested the homeowners looking into forming a Homeowners Association where they could maintain the dike. A lot of the restrictions are restrictions where the City does not have control over Federal Law and the City is required to administer them. A purpose of this meeting is to bring attention to everyone what the problems are, what could happen and find solutions and to get information. Terry Bridges, 9951 Parrish Avenue. He feels Parrish Avenue has gotten a lot busier and has heard a rumor that the City is building a 4 -lane road. He said more than just Parrish Avenue residents should pay for any upgrades to it. He has lived here for I I or 12 years and hasn't had to pump too many times and is not interested in selling. But, he couldn't afford any assessments for water and sewer or street improvements. He asked what are the plans for Parrish Avenue for the next 10 to 15 years. Mayor Fournier explained Parrish Avenue is a County Road and the City doesn't have the final say. Ron Wagner said Parrish Avenue is not on the County's 5 Year Plan for upgrades. Parrish Avenue Information Meeting cont'd. Page 4. Lance Walters, 10099 Parrish Avenue. If the City goes with the program and your offer would be too low to take, and the 300 -foot setback gets put in force, would the residents be grand fathered in. Mr. MacArthur said the 300 foot setback would only be required if the DNR made the City pass it. Shelly Biaka, Remax Realty, who has the Ebner property listed, stated there has been a lot of interest but have been told the septic system can't be updated. What can be done? She asked if a sealed tank would be allowed. Dan Licht replied it wouldn't be allowed. Earl Dehmer, 10029 Parrish Avenue. He questioned if the land could be converted into a Park. He was told yes. Mark Thiltgen. He said if Earl Dehmer sells and they can't get a septic system approved, can they sell the property? Dan Licht replied that this is the situation the City is dealing with and which needs a solution. John Polejewski, 10307 Parrish Avenue. He stated that whatever the cost of the septic that price would be reflected in the appraisal. He also asked what would sewer and water cost. He also said this is a good place to live. Ron Wagner estimated sewer and water would be at least $30,000 per lot not including SAC and WAC Fees, raising Parrish Avenue or repairing the Dike and that does not include easement costs for sewer and water. Chip Martin, 10226 Parrish Avenue, agreed with Gilbert Ebner comments. He feels that Parrish Avenue residents are not the only ones benefiting from this area. When Parrish Avenue was constructed he asked the County to have it raised. He stated he plans on staying here. Terry Bridges asked for clarification on septic systems. Jerry Olson explained that they need to be 6 inches above the 100 Year Flood. Gilbert Ebner stated that after hearing all of this he feels his choices are abandon the property or sell to the City, or for the City to fix the dike, put in water and sewer, raise the road that will be expensive but would increase the value of the area for developers. Dan Licht said the City is still subject to the Wild and Scenic Rules and State Laws. Mr. MacArthur said the residents could petition the City for Water and Sewer. Mayor Fournier noted there are problems and there are solutions and he wants the residents and the City to get more information. Staff set a meeting for Thursday, May 16 for all residents who are interested in participating in the FEMA Grant Program starting at 9 AM. The Council directed Ron Wagner to get an estimate for extending water and sewer and raising the road. Parrish Avenue Information.Nleeting cont'd. Page 5. Meeting adjourned at 7:53 PM. a AYyU r F ournier rp-y C�)41AIA Atte��udy(!�dson, City Clerk CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP THURSDAY APRIL 25,2002 4:30 PM OTSEGO CITY HALL 1. Mayor Fournier will call the Workshop to order. Mayor Fournier called the Workshop to order at 4:35 PM. Roll Call: Mayor Larry Fournier; Councilmembers: Vem Heidner, Virginia Wendel, Suzanne Ackerman and Jerry Struthers. Staff: Mike Robertson, City Administrator and Judy Hudson, City Clerk. Also attending was Wright County Sheriff Gary Miller and candidate Lenny Walker. 2. To police service issues. Mayor Fournier stated he appreciated the communication logbook Deputy Jake Hermanson installed at City Hall. He went over a resident's request for a traffic trailer placed in the new residential area. Sheriff Miller said he would try and get one out there. The Council felt there is a lot of ATV, dirt bikes etc. going on and they would like to see more enforcement and not just warnings. Sheriff Miller said they can issue citations and staff should discuss these types of complaints with the deputies coming in City Hall. The Council also discussed the logs they are receiving from the' 'Sheriffs Office. Also discussed was adding more hours for police service. In conclusion, the Council would like more snowmobile enforcement in the winter and more ATV etc., enforcement during the summer months. The Council discussed more patrol hours for the city and Sheriff Miller said he would need at least a six-week notice for additional patrol hours. Workshopdjourned at 5-�6 PM. Miayor La ,5& �ou nier JO�Udlt, eity lerk Police WS 04-25-02 ITEM 3.3. OTSEGO CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING APRIL 30, 2002 5 PM OTSEGO CITY HALL Mayor Fournier called the meeting to order at 5:20 PM. Roll Call: Mayor Larry Fournier, Councilmembers: Virginia Wendel, Vem Heidner, Jerry Struthers and Suzanne Ackerman. Staff. Mike Robertson, City Administrator; Judy Hudson, City Clerk and Ron Wagner, City Engineer. LandCor Representatives: Bob Fields and Steve Fischer. Ron Wagner presented detailed plans and specs for the Otsego Waterfront West. The pedestrian bridge was discussed with a consensus the best location would be on the northern part of the project going between Blackwood's Restaurant and future motel. There was discussion on the maintenance issues for sidewalks etc. with placing a lot of this responsibility with the lot owners. The 91' and Parrish intersection was discussed and Mike announced there would be a meeting on Tuesday, May 7, 2002 at 4 PM with representatives from the County Engineering and the County Commissioner, Pat Sawatzke to discuss getting this issue resolved. Everyone agreed two traffic signals are needed at the 91" intersection and the County Road 39 and Parrish Avenue intersection. CM Heidner motioned to approve the Resolution approving Plans and Specifications and ordering advertisement for bids for the Street and Utility Improvement of Quaday Avenue and 91't Street north of CSAH 39 and east of CSAH 42 and west of TH 101. Seconded by CM Ackerman. All in favor. Motion carried. Ron Wagner will have the Feasibility Report for the May 13, 2002 City Council Meeting and the City Attorney will prepare a Waiver of Hearing. The Bid Opening will be on May 24th with awarding the bid at the May 28th City Council Meeting. CM Heidner motioned to adjourn. Seconded by Mayor Fournier. All in favor. Motion carried. Meetin"a g a ourned at 6:3 PM. ��ayor L ournier Att, stw r�dofded by:'Judy Hudson, City Clerk THIRD AMENDMENT TO O&M AGREEMENT ITEM 4. 1. WHEREAS, PeopleService, Inc., a Nebraska corporation (PeopleService), entered into an Agreement with the City of Otsego, Minnesota, dated April 10, 2000, for the management, operation, and maintenance of the Owner's water and wastewater treatment systems (the "Agreement"), WHEREAS, the "Effective Date" of the Agreement was delayed until December 1, 2000 in a writing by the parties, WHEREAS, the Agreement was amended in writing by the parties effective December 1, 2000 and July 1, 2001, and WHEREAS, the parties desire that the Agreement be amended to recognize the cost of operating the Owner's facilities for the next fiscal year (as provided in Section 4.2 of the Agreement). NOW, THEREFORE the Agreement made and entered into between the City of Otsego, Minnesota and PeopleService dated April 10, 2000, for the management, operations, and maintenance of the Owners water and wastewater treatment systems is amended as follows: Paragraph 1.3 is hereby amended to increase the maximum annual maintenance/repair amount from $5,000 to $5,130. Paragraph 4.1 is hereby amended to increase the monthly payment from $9,090 to $10,626. The "base amount" contained in Paragraph 4.3 for electricity and chemicals is amended to increase the amount to $36,047 for the twelve months ended December 31, 2002. Except as amended herein, and by amendments effective December 1, 2000 and July 1, 2001, the Operations and Maintenance Agreement entered into by the parties on April 10, 2000 is hereby ratified and confirmed and shall remain in full force and effect in accordance with the terms and conditions thereof. This amendment shall be effective January 1, 2002, and is agreed to by both parties as evidenced by endorsement below. PEOPLESERVICE, INC. By: President Attest: Assistant Secretary HAwww\amend\dodgecenter.wp6 OTSEGO, MINNESOTA M Attest: Mayor City Administrator Otsego, NM Overview of Amendment Effective January 2002 1. O&M costs (excluding electrical and chemicals) are adjusted by the CPI for September (2.6%) on January 1" 2002. $89,280 x 2.6% = $2,321 annual increase for CPI adjustment $2,321 divided by 12 months = $193 monthly CPI adjustment (This includes an increase of $130 to the maintenance cap. The adjusted maintenance cap is $5,130) (Refer to O&M Agreement, Section 4.2) 2. The base amount for the electrical and chemical usage true -up is adjusted to $36,047, this is to reflect the history of the 13 months 12/01/2000 — 12/31/2001. $36,047 (actual) - $18,592 (base) = $17,455 needed adjustment over 13 months $17,455 divided by 13 months = $1,343 needed monthly adjustment (Refer to O&M Agreement, Section 4.3) I The monthly payment is amended to reflect: $193 CPI increase + $1,343 electrical/chemical base increase = total monthly payment increase is $1,536. $1,536 increase + $9,090 current monthly = $10,626 as the amended mont pqyment that is in effect Januqa 1", 2002 thru December 3 1 ", 2002. ':I ITEM 5. 1 CLAIMS LIST CITY COUNCIL INIEETING APRIL 22,2002 TO: Judy Hudson Attached is the Claims List for the City Council. For more details, please refer to the Check Detail Register,. If You have any questions regarding this service, please let me know. Claims Register 4-18-2002 S 17,963.41 GRAND TOTAL $17,963-41 If You have any questions or if You would like to review this list know. firther, Please let me Kathy Grover Bookkeeper CITY OF OTSEGO 04/18/02 9:14 AM Page 1 *Check Summary Register@ APRIL 2002 Total Checks $17,963.41 FILTER: None Name Check Date Check Amt 10100 BANKOFELKRIVER UnPaid AIRGAS. INC. $19.75 UnPaid AUDIO COMMUNICATIONS $431.33 UnPaid AUTOMATIC GARAGE DOOR $160.75 UnPaid BANK OF ELK RIVER - CASH $200.00 UnPaid CONSTRUCTION BULLETIN $290.64 UnPaid CROW RIVER FARM EQUIPMENT $756.95 UnPaid DELUXE BUSINESS FORMS & SUPPLI $151.46 UnPaid DJ'S TOTAL HOME CENTER $46.11 UnPaid ECM PUBLISHERS INC $591.10 UnPaid FLOYD TOTAL SECURITY $308.71 UnPaid G & K TEXTILE LEASING SYSTEM $521.25 UnPaid H G WEBER OIL COMPANY $1,343.17 UnPaid ICMA RETIREMENT TRUST $422.31 UnPaid JACQUIE ROGNI-I $875.00 UnPaid MINNESOTA LIFE $64.50 UnPaid NORTHWEST ASSOC CONSULTANTS $6,887.60 UnPaid PRINCIPAL FINANCIAL GROUP $480.12 UnPaid PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT FD $1,111.78 UnPaid SOFTRONICS $1,669.88 UnPaid T.D. JUERGENS DVM $343.51 UnPaid TARGETSTORES $63.89 UnPaid TOSHIBA AMERICA INFO SYS INC $203.38 'nPaid WILSON DEVELOPMENT SERVICES $999.85 iPaid XCELENERGY Rqn -17 Total Checks $17,963.41 FILTER: None CITY OF OTSEGO 04/18/02 9:15 AM Page I *Check Detail Register@ APRIL 2002 Check Amt Invoice Comment 10100 BANKOFELKRIVER =np a Fd AIRGAS, INC. E101-43100-210 Operating Supplies (GENERAL) $19.75 105435960 ACETIHAZMAT/OXYGEN Total AIRGAS, INC. $19.75 Unpaid AUDIO COMMUNICATIONS E101-41400-570 Office Equip and Furnishings $431.33 56310 MIKES NEW PHONE Total AUDIO COMMUNICATIONS $431.33 Unpaid- AUTOMATIC GARAGE DOOR E101-43100-400 Repairs& Maint Cont (equip) $160.75 66852 SHOP GARAGE DOOR Total AUTOMATIC GARAGE DOOR $160.75 Unpaid BANK OF ELK RIVER - CASH E 101-43620-390 Contracted Services $200.00 CLEAN UP DAY MONEY Total BANKOF ELK RIVER -CASH $200.00 Unpaid CONSTRUCTION BULLETIN E101-43100-350 Print/Binding (GENERAL) $96.88 2005198 STREET MAINT AD E101-43100-350 Print/Binding (GENERAL) $96.88 2010898 STREET MAINT AD E101-43100-350 PrintlBinding (GENERAL) $96.88 2016645 STREET MAINT AD Total CONSTRUCTION BULLETIN $290.64 Unpaid CROW RIVER FARM EQUIPMENT E101-43100-220 Repair/MaintSuppl ' y(GENERAL) $316.84 88497 MISC REPAIR/MAINT SUPPLIES E101-43100-220 Repair[Maint Supply (GENERAL) $318.81 88978 MISC REP/MAINT SUPPLIES E101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) $121.30 89137 MISC REP/MAINT SUPPLIES Total CROW RIVER FARM EQUIPMENT $756.95 Unpaid- DELUXE BUSINESS FORMS & SUPPLI E 101-41400-350 Print/Binding (GENERAL) $151.46 98054732 SALES SLIPS Total DELUXE BUSINESS FORMS & SUPPLI $151.46 Unpaid DJ'S TOTAL HOME CENTER E101-43100-203 Supplies- General $15.24 532310 MISC SUPPLIES E101-43100-203 Supplies -General $30.87 539918 MISC Total DJ'S TOTAL HOME CENTER $46.11 Unpaid- ECM PUBLISHERS INC E 101-41400-350 Print/Binding (GENERAL) $33.70 126860 ASSESS NOTICE E 101-41400-350 Print/Binding (GENERAL) $46.67 126865 NOT OG PH SPECHT E 101-41400-350 Print/Sinding (GENERAL) $347.40 127126 CABLE E 101-41400-350 Print/Binding (GENERAL) $62.22 127134 ORDINANCE 2002-04 E 10 1 -41400-350 Print/Binding (GENERAL) $54.44 127138 ORDINANCE 2002-05 E 101-41400-350 Print/Binding (GENERAL) $46.67 127140 ORDINANCE Total ECM PUBLISHERS INC $591.10 Unpaid FLOYD TOTAL SECURITY E 602-49450-430 Miscellaneous (GENERAL) $308.71 675011 WATERTREATMENT PLANT Total FLOYD TOTAL SECURITY $308.71 Unpaid G & K TEXTILE LEASING SYSTEM E 101-41940-390 Contracted Services E 101-43100-225 Uniforms E 101-43100-225 Uniforms E 101-41940-390 Contracted Services E 101-43100-225 Uniforms E 101-43100-225 Uniforms $80.17 735336 MATS $107.70 735337 UNIFORMS $68.82 740163 UNIFORMS $82.75 745013 MATS $102.84 745014 UNIFORMS $78.97 749839 UNIFORMS CITY OF OTSEGO 04/18/02 9:15 AM Page 2 *Check Detail Register@ APRIL 2002 Check Amt Invoice Comment Total G & K TEXTILE LEASING SYSTEM $521.25 Unpaid H G WEBER OIL COMPANY E 101-43100-202 Gas & Oil E 101-43100-202 Gas & Oil E 101-43100-202 Gas & Oil E 101-43100-202 Gas & Oil E 101-43100-202 Gas & Oil E 101-43100-202 Gas & Oil Total H G WEBER OIL COMPANY $129.41 42982 FUEL OIL $185.96 42983 DIESEL $346.66 43004 DIESEL $175.28 43045 DIESEL $403.11 43046 GAS $102.75 43048 CHEVRON OIL $1,343.17 Unpaid ICMA RETIREMENT TRUST G 101-21705 Other Retirement $230.00 PPE 4/13 CK DTD 4/17 E 101-41400-121 PERA $192.31 PPE 4113 CK DTD 4/17 Total ICMA RETIREMENT TRUST $422.31 Unpaid JACQUIE ROGNI-I E 101-41400-347 Newsletter $875.00 2002-03 MARCH/APRIL VIEW Total JACQUIE ROGNI-I $875.00 Unpaid MINNESOTA LIFE E 101-43100-130 Employer Paid Ins (GENERAL) $37.10 PW - MAY E101-41400-130 Employer Paid Ins (GENERAL) $27.40 ADMIN - MAY Total MINNESOTA LIFE $64.50 .:iaid NORTHWEST ASSOC CONSULTANTS G 701-22303 BEAUDRY CUP $361.93 10808 BEADRY CUP G 701-22304 OTSEGO WATERFRONT $975.58 10808 WATERFRONT G 701-22302 BETTY BENSON $391.94 10808 BENSON REZONE G 701-22306 DeMars Plat $232.39 10808 DEMARS G 701-22305 D SOLBERG CUP 02-07 $216.44 10808 SOLBERG G 701-21938 TMH Development $196.52 10808 TODAY G 701-21996 Vintage Pro Golf $39.00 10808 VINTAGE PRO GOLF E 101-42420-310 Miscellaneous $22.00 10809 BALAMUT CODE ENFORCE E 101-41570-303 Planning Fees $274.20 10809 GENERAL E 101-41570-303 Planning Fees $991.53 10809 COMP PLAN E 101-41570-303 Planning Fees $133.05 10809 SIGN ORDINANCE E 203-45210-303 Planning Fees $716.12 10809 SCHOOL KNOLL PARK G 701-22301 BARTHEL CUP $22.00 10809 BARTHELFEEDLOT E 429-43256-303 Planning Fees $22.00 10809 CONDEMNATION HEARING E 101-41570-303 Planning Fees $217.50 10809 YARD LANDSCAPE E 101-41570-303 Planning Fees $59.40 10809 CITY HALL REMODELING E 101-41570-303 Planning Fees $209.00 10809 PARRISH AVE FLOD GRANT E 101-41900-390 Contracted Services $99.00 10809 EDA/EDAAC E 101-41570-303 Planning Fees $170.50 10809 WETLAND BUFFER E 101-41570-303 Planning Fees $137.50 10809 PLAN COMM BYLAWS E 101-41570-303 Planning Fees $1,400.00 10810 MEETINGS Total NORTHWEST ASSOC CONSULTANTS $6,887.60 Unpaid PRINCIPAL FINANCIAL GROUP E 101-41400-123 Health $256.87 ADMIN - 4/15 - 5115 E 101-43100-123 Health $223.25 PW - 4/15 - 5/15 Total PRINCIPAL FINANCIAL GROUP $480.12 Unpaid PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT FD G 101-21704 PERA $533.40 PPE 4/13 CK DTD 4/17 E 101-41400-121 PERA $234.25 PPE 4/13 CK DTD 4/17 E 101-43100-121 PERA $344.13 PPE 4113 CK DTD 4/17 CITY OF OTSEGO 04/18102 9:15 AM Page 3 Theck Detail Register@ APRIL 2002 Check Amt Invoice Comment Total PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT FD $1,111.78 Unp—a—id SOFTRONICS E 101-41400-390 Contracted Services $525.00 1961 COMP LABOR E 101-41400-570 Office Equip and Fumishings $1,144.88 1961 NEW COMPIKEYBOARD Total SOFTRCNICS --�1,669.88 Unpaid T.D. JUERGENS DVM G 701-21962 Juergens, DVM $343.51 BALANCE OF ESCROW ACCT Total T.D. JUERGENS DVM $343.51 Unpaid TARGETWORES E 101-43100-310 Miscellaneous $63.89 1103002572 UNIDEN ANSWERING MACHINE Total TARGETSTORES $63.89 npaid TOSHIBA AMERICA INFO SYS INC E101-41400-413 Office Equipment Rental $203.38 32456463 TOSHIB COPIER Total TOSHIBA AMERICA INFO SYS INC —$203.38 Unpaid WILSON DEVELOPMENT SERVICES E 101-41900-430 Miscellaneous (GENERAL) $999.85 312002 MARCH SERVICES Total WILSON DEVELOPMENT SERVICES —$999.85 Unpaid XCELENERGY E 101-43160-322 Utilities $20.37 054157032207 RIVERPOINTE Total XCEL ENERGY $20.37 10100 BANKOFELIKRIVER $17,963.41 FILTER: None ITEM 6. 1. Halkir"Wasir ASSOCIATID CONSULTANTS" INC, 5775 Wayzata Boulevard, Suite 555, St. Louis Park, MN 55416 Telephone: 952.595.9636 Facsimile: 952.595.9837 planners@nacplanning.com MEMORANDUM TO: Otsego Mayor and City Council FROM: Daniel Licht DATE: 17 April 2002 RE: Otsego - Specht Rezoning/CUP NAC FILE: 176.02 - 02.10 CITY FILE: 2002-10 Please be advised that the Planning Commission held a public hearing to consider the above request at their meeting on April 15, 2002. The main issue of discussion was the proposed lot design submitted by the applicant Wth a "jogged" side lot line. The Planning Commission accepted the design as presented based upon the topography of the site and existing wetlands. Th'e issue of extending 87th Street along the north lot line was also raised. But, the extension of this roadway is not included on the City's Transportation Plan and would be premature. No additional comments were received from the public. After closing the public hearing, the Planning Commission voted 7-0 to recommend approval on each of the applications as outlined below Findings supporting the Planning Commission's recommendation are attached for reviewbythe City Council at their meeting on April 22, 2002. Please note that no findings are included for the subdivision as that application W11 be handled administratively. Decision 1 -Zoning Map Amendment A. Motion to approve a Zoning Map amendment rezoning the subject site from A-1 District to A-2 District based upon a finding that the request is consistent with the policies of the Comprehensive Plan. B. Motion to deny the application based upon a finding that the request is inconsistent with the policies of the Comprehensive Plan. C. Motion to table the request. Page I of 3 Decision 2 - Administrative Lot Split A. Motion to approve an administrative lot split, subject to the following conditions: An application with all required informationfor Minor Subdivision is approved by City Staff. 2. The common side lot line is revised to be a straight line at a right angle to Mason Avenue over its entire length. 3. Dedication of additional right-of-way for Mason Avenue is subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 4. The provision of easements is subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 5. The applicant pay a park and trail dedication fee in lieu of land equal to $1,075. 6. On-site septic and well systems shall be subject to review and approval of the City Building Official. 7. Comments of other City Staff. B. Motion to deny the request based upon a finding that it is inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinance, and Subdivision Ordinance. Decision 3 - Keeping of Horses CUP A. Motion to approve a CUP allowing the keeping of horses on two lots within the A-2 District, subject to the following conditions: The maximum number of horses stabled on each lot may not exceed one horse per acre or ten horses, whichever is least. 2. Shelter equal to 100 square feet of area per horse is required. 3. Manure may not be stockpiled or applied within 300 feet of an adjacent residence, 300 feet from ditches, lakes and creeks or 200 feet from a private well as regulated by Section 20-27-10 of the Zoning Ordinance. Page 2 of 3 4. Buildings for keeping of horses are subject to the accessory building size and material regulations for residential uses outlined in Section 20-16-4 of the Zoning Ordinance. 5. Comments of other City Staff. B. Motion to deny the application based upon a finding that the request is inconsistent with the policies of the Comprehensive Plan. pc. Mike Robertson Judy Hudson Andy MacArthur Ron Wagner Ed and Beth Specht Page 3 of 3 CITY OF 0 T S E G 0 WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA Applicant: Ed and Beth Spect. 4-15-02 Zoning Map Amendment Findings of Fact & Decision Request: Consideration of a Zoning Map amendment to rezone property located along Mason Avenue south of CSAH 39 from A-1 District to A-2 District to allow development of single family uses. City Council Meeting Date: 22 April 2002 Findings of Fact: Based upon review of the application, the recommendation of the Planning Commission and evidence received, the City Council of the City of Otsego now makes the following findings of fact. - The legal description of the property is described by attached Exhibit A. 2. The 87.5 acre property lies within the Urban Service Reserve Area and is guided for agriculture land uses by the 2002 Comprehensive Plan Update, as amended. 3. The property- is zoned A-1, Agricultural Rural -Service District- The applicant is requesting the property be rezoned to A-2, Agriculture Long Range Urba� Service District to allow for a lot division resulting in two single family dwellings (one existing I one new home); Single family uses are permitted uses of the A-2 District. 4. The Planning Commission and City Council must take into consideration the possible effects of the Zoning Map amendment with theirjudgement based upon (but not limited to) the criteria outlined in Section 20-3-2.F of the Zoning Ordinance: A. The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the official City Comprehensive Plan. Finding: The comprehensive Plan outlines a limited density allowance intended to Provide opportunities for rural character development in areas not planned for sanitary sewer service. The 2002 Comprehensive Plan update specifies that non- farm subdivisions in the Urban Service Reserve Area are to be limited to a minimum lot size of or a maximum 2.5 acre lot size if less than 20 acres. In that the applicant submitted their development application prior to adoption of the 2002 Comprehensive Plan Update, it is reasonable that the provisions of the 1998 document apply. In this context, the proposed rezoning is consistent with the City's polices for rural unsewered development. B. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. 5 91 IC E F 9 Finding- This area along Mason Avenue has developed with severallarge rur al lot Parcels with single family homes. The proposed lot division and keeping of horses is consistent with this character. The proposed use's conformity with all performance Zoning Ordinance (i.e., parking loqrj;, v, noise, etc.). standards contained in the Finding: The Proposed division and keeping of horses will conform to all applicable requirements. The proposed use's effect upon the area in which it is Proposed. Finding: The Proposed division and keeping horses IS not expected to cause any negative effects as it is consistent with the framework of the 1 8 Plan under which application was made and character Of the 99 Comprehensive area. The Proposed use's impact upon Property values of the area in which it is proposed. Finding: Although no study has been completed, the Proposed us - to negatively impact area Property values. e is not anticipated Traffic generation by the proposed use in relation to the capabilities Of streets serving the property. Rnding.-'Mason Avenue has necessary capacity for any additional trafrIc the Property division and construction of another single family home. created by The Proposed use's impact upon existing Public services and facilities including parks, schools, streets, and utilities and its Potential to overburden the City's service capacity. Finding: -rhe Proposed use is not anticipated to have a negative impact to the Citys service Capacity. hp i P _"ning report dated 10 April 2002 Prepared by the City Planner, Northwest Associated Consultants, Inc., is incorporated herein. The Otsego Planning Commission conducted a Public hearing at their regular meeting on 15 April 2002 to consider the applicationy preceded b Published and mailed notice. Upon review of the application and evi y dence received, the Otsego Planning Commission closed the Public hearing and recommended by a vote that the Ci Zoning Map amendment based on the afo __ tY Council approve the rementionari f; _j " ings. Decision: Based on the foregoing information and applicable ordinances, the requested Zoning Map amendment is hereby approved based on the most current Plan and information received to ite. 2 PASSED by the Otsego City Council this 22nd day of April, 2002. CITY OF OTSEGO By: Larry Fournier, Mayor Attest: Judy Hudson, Zoning Administrator/City Clerk -1--f '-� /-'1 11, , I Hakanson Anderson 3601 Thurston Avenue, Suite 101, Anoka, MN 55303 Assoc., Inc. Phone: 763/427-5860 Fax: 763/427-0520 April 18, 2002 Honorable Mayor & City Council 8899 Nashua Ave. Otsego, MN 55303 RE: Specht C.U.P. Honorable Mayor & City Council, We have reviewed the above referenced subdivision and have the following comments: 1. Request dedication of 40' Right of way along Mason Avenue 2. Request dedication of 50' of Drainage Easement centered across Otsego Creek With the two conditions we recommend approval of the subdivision Sincerely, Hakanson Anderson Associates, Inc. . 2 Y ja'e*� Z ��Idgrg f Rona J. W&�r P.E,/ RJW/amr cc: Mike Robertson Judy Hudson Dan Licht Ed Specht Civil & Municipal G:\Municipal\AOTSEGO2000\2500'ot2500-sp —�ngineering 25 'eJhda"Surveyingfor ITEM 6.2. "OlkTHWIST ASSOCIIATIM C0t4!t%#k1!,A141S, %INC, 5775 Wayzata Boulevard, Suite 555, St. Louis Park, MN 55416 Telephone: 952.595.9636 Facsimile: 952.595.9837 planners@nacplanning.com PLANNING REPORT TO: Otsego Mayor and City Council FROM: Jason Lindahl / Daniel Licht DATE: 12 April 2002 RE: Otsego — Ranch Acres; Final Plat NAC FILE: 176.02 — 02.09 CITY FILE: 2002 - 11 BACKGROUND The applicant, Rick Grupa, has submitted an application for final plat approval for Ranch Acres. The proposed final plat contains six single-family lots on approximately 11.8 acres of land. The subject property is located between County State Aid Highway 36 and Richardson Avenue, south of 62 nd Lane Northeast and north of the Crow River. The property is zoned R-3 and is located \Mthin Sanitary Sewer Service District designated by the Comprehensive Plan. The preliminary plat for Ranch Acres was approved June 26, 2000. All applications for final plat must be processed under Section 21-3-3 of the Subdivision Ordinance. Review of a final plat application does not require a public hearing and does not require review by the Planning Commission. Exhibits A. Site Location Map B. Preliminary Plat C. Final Plat ANALYSIS Lots. All the lots on the proposed final plat are consistent with the minimum lot design standards for properties Wthin the R-3 District. However, it should be noted that the setback for Lots 3, 4, and 6 are 65 -feet from CSAH 36. In addition, the deeds for all lots within this subdivision are to carry a restriction prohibiting further subdivision in the future. Access. The applicant is proposing that Lots 4 and 6 have access from CSAH 36, which is designated as a collector street. This design has been approved by Wright County. All other lots will have access from 62 nd Lane or Richardson Avenue, which are local streets. Landfill. As part of their preliminary plat application, the applicant submitted a letter from the Wright County Planning Department indicating that the landfill located in the southwest comer of the property has been restored to the County's satisfaction. The letter goes on to state that any further clean up efforts could be harmful to the land along the Crow River. Park and Trail Dedication. The applicant will be required to satisfy a park and trail dedication requirement with a cash fee in lieu of land equal to $1,075 per lot. Based on five new lots, the dedication equals $5,375. This amount is payable to the City prior to recording the plat with Wright County. Easements. According to the final plat, all lots contain the required 10 -foot drainage and utility easements. In addition, Lots 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 have larger drainage and utility easement for a drainage swale through the center of the property. Grading and Utilities. All lots shall be served by municipal utilities, which will be extended to the site from the trunk sewer line serving the City of Dayton. All utility and grading plans are subject to the review and approval of the City Engineer. Development Contract. As a condition of approval, the applicant will be required to enter into a development contract with the City and post all necessary securities, subject to review and approval by the City Attorney. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION Staff finds that the final plat for Ranch Acres, containing six single-family lots on 11.8 acres, is consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan, Subdivision Ordinance, the performance standards for properties within the R-3 District, and the approved preliminary plat. Therefore, staff recommends approval of the final plat for Ranch Acres. This recommendation is subject to the conditions listed below. 1. The setback for Lots 3, 4, and 6 shall be 65 feet from CSAH 36. 2. The deeds for all lots within this subdivision shall carry a restriction prohibiting further subdivision in the future. 3. The applicant shall pay a total of $5,375 in park and trail dedication fees in lieu of land. 4. The applicant must enter into a development contract with the City and post all necessary securities as required by it, subject to the review and approval of the City Attorney. 5. All grading, drainage, and utility plans are subject to the review and approval of the City Engineer. 6. Comments of other City Staff. PC: Mike Robertson Judy Hudson Ron Wagner Andy McCarthur Rick Grupa Wayne Fingleson 8 1- 8 X N M. C ON THE GREAT RIVER ROAD Preliminary Plat of AN Ranch Acres 62nd Lane- 11 74. -- On St.. 1.0 A. Z2 I + -Z rt- 7- 4- M ,F.O A. —l—r-7— 7 If r —7 - - -r— - - 11 1 111, F If t= 41 73 6 Cr denotes Proposed House Locatjo,. P,-� Z-., Rj I A— If 1 4-1 1 r— F— c~- 130* 63: '30 as --00, ///q /+.p I Jill Z OF t M x 0 Prelk"Md,y Plat R.LS.t. '143'43 of RICK GRUPA 9-o- �t� we bo�,q Ro�ch Acres SS313 o— W I Ilk 0�1.. t.A City of Otsego M EXHIBIT B Wight County. MN - M MI 10 /2-5 f,7,0'> EXHIBIT B r - IVY 41P M %b 4*o cn LU 91" 17 1 1/1 a v vn I v .Z. a LO It'll --------- -- .1 L ------- ---- L ------ 3NV-7 (7/V, -g a uj Ic 41 EXHIBIT C 533.1VE C-1 U-1 17 1 1/1 a v vn I v .Z. a LO It'll --------- -- .1 L ------- ---- L ------ 3NV-7 (7/V, -g a uj Ic 41 EXHIBIT C Review No. 2 ENGINEERING REVIEW Hakanson Construction Plans Review Anderson Residential Subdivision Assoc., Inc. for the City of Otsego by Hakanson Anderson Associates, Inc. Submitted to: Mike Robertson, Administrator cc: Judy Hudson, City Clerk, Dan Licht, City Planner Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Rick Grupa, Developer Ofto Associates, Marty Campion Reviewed by: Ronald J. Wagner, PE Shane M. Nelson, EIT Date: April 10, 2002 Proposed Development: Ranch Acres Street Location of Property: Part of the SE 1/4Sec 36 T1 21 R23 acres -east of CSAH 36. Applicant: Rick Grupa 6201 Richardson Avenue Dayton, MN 55327-9531 Developer: Rick Grupa Owners of Record: Rick Grupa 6201 Richardson Avenue Dayton, MN 55327 Purpose: Ranch Acres has 6 Lots on 11.8 acres. Jurisdictional Agencies: (but not limited to): City of Otsego, Wright County Permits Required (but not limited to):NPDES \\Ha01\Shared Docs\MunicipaMOTSEGO2000\2215\ot2215CPRVW2.doc TA13LE OF CONTENTS INFORMATION AVAILABLE COVER SHEET (SHEET 1) SANITARY SEWER AND WATERMAIN (SHEET 2) GRADING PLAN (SHEET 3) OTHER COMMENTS "Ha"'Shared Dccs�Municipal�AOTSEG02C)00\2215\ot2.)i,;r,,3m�,,.,- . INFORMATION AVAILABLE Preliminary Plat of Ranch Acres, 2/20/01, by Otto Associates Engineering and Land Surveying Grading Plan of Ranch Acres, 1/9/02 revision, by Otto Associates Engineering and Land Surveying Sanitary Sewer and Watermain Plan of Ranch Acres, 8/01/01, by Otto Associates Engineering and Land Surveying City of Otsego Engineering Manual, March 1999 w/revisions date 2/27/01 Minnesota Rules, Chapter 4410 — EAW Requirement City of Otsego Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances, February 1991 National Wetland Inventory Map, 1991 COVER SHEET (SHEET 1) No Comments SANITARY SEWER & WATERMAIN (SHEET 2) Are the services for Lots 1,2,3, and 5 existing? Please verify. The As -Built Plans shall include these service locations. 2. Call out all watermain fittings (including the fitting required to connect 6" PVC watermain to 6" DIP). 3. The sanitary sewer main is approximately 20' deep at the wye location for the existing house south of the plat. A riser may be necessary depending on the low floor elevation of the existing house. Please verify. 4. Depict the existing gate valves at intersection of Richardson Ave and Bates Ave. 5. The plan does not depict connecting to the existing watermain with a 6" gate valve. It appears that a valve may be needed. 6. Include Otsego Standard Plate No. 202 (Reaction Backing detail). 7. Clarify ownership of the existing fence. Indicate if it is to be removed & reinstalled. Replacement of the fence shall be on the property line. PAGE I \\HaOl\Shared Docs\Municipal\AOTSEGO2000\2215\ot2215CPRVW2.doc GRADING PLAN (SHEET 3) Call out all pipe aprons with length, size, and type of material. 2. Include a surge basin detail. 3. Silt fence shall be provided around wetland in Lot 4. OTHER COMMENTS Statement certifying the environmental condition of the site is required. (21-6-2.13. 10). 2. Geotechnical data prepared by a qualified Soils Engineer is required. 3. Submit specifications for review. PAGE 2 \\HaOl\Shared Docs\Municipal\AOTSEGO2000\2215\ot2215CPRVW2.doc OTSEGO, MINNESOTA PARK AND RECREATION COiVni IISSION APPLICANT QUESTIONNAIRE The City of Otsego has received your indication of interest to serve as a member of the Park and Recreation Commission. In order to assist the City Council in evaluating candidates and selecting individuals, you are requested to provide a response to the items listed below: NAME L (�� 5.7,4 / ADDRESS c -ICA PHONE Length of residency in the City A* /5 C-// XS Do you work in Otsego? Yes NO Please list community organizations in which you are or have been involved: 0 erl Al rc y 77) j I -e- ro'< 5 �11�cc.Ar /?-7- Please indicate what qualifications or experience you may have which will assist the'Park and Recreation Commission and the City? What do you consider the role and Park and Recreation Commission? oA 07-re-�v *ivd 7a 1P ylvul'we- Otsego Park and Recreation Commission Application Questionnaire Page 2 What do you consider to be the major problems being confronted by the City of Otsego? What do you consider to be the major assets of the community? CIA - 9 Other comments: Please return this questionnaire in the enclosed, self-addressed stamped envelope within five days from the date of receipt. Thank you. Page I of 2 Otsego City Hall ITEMA�2.9.6 From: <Jed -Chades@co. hen nepin.mn. us> To: <CITYHALL@CI.OTSEGO.MN.US> Sent: Monday, April 15, 2002 12:02 PM Subject: Issues in Otsego Monday April 15, 2002 113 3 City of Otsego Council/Administrator, Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Jared Charles and I live at 7864 Parkington Ave. My family moved in last September from Maple Grove. We enjoy the city and our home. However, there are (3) key issues that need to be addressed by the city. The first is the speed of many drivers. Otsego is no longer a, "Rural Farm Community." It's now a booming residential, family orientated city. However, people continue to drive as if there are no children around! This past weekend several neighbors gathered. I have been appointed by 11 homeowners on Park, Parkington, Perell and Parish Avenues to discuss a few items. Were all concerned about the possibility of children getting injured or even killed by cars. Were simply requesting three things by done. Please post CHILDREN AT PLAY signs on each street. Second, please contact the sheriffs department and have a portable, digital radar speed sign placed on 78TH AVENUES for a week. It should be moved around the City there after. Finally, we simply ask for more sheriffs visibility in Otsego. We understand the Sheriffs department is stretched. However, we all have concluded that they're not as viable as they could be. This is a serious concern. We put you on notice and believe these 3 requests are not out of line. There isn't a person in this community who wants a child to be injured. Please address this immediately. If needed, I would be willing to create a petition. We hopre this isn't necessary. As a community we have (2) other concerns. We DO NOT want parking on city streets overnight. Several residents have expressed concern over suspicious cars, inappropriate teen activity and the general nuisance a car parked overnight creates. Many cities have similar laws and all believe this is appropriate. Last of all, the City of Otsego needs to confront new home owner's about the required ordinance of front yard sod and 2 boulevard trees. This is not being enforced. Some homes are growing knee high weeds and trees are not planted. This decreases property value and general pride among city homeowners. We can provide addresses of these homes. However, we believe the City is responsible for supervising it's own ordinances. Please be advised that these issues are of great concern for the majority of Otsego homeowners. The word is passed at school functions, churches and residential encounters. We moved here to raise our children in a safe and friendly environment. The above requests will establish our faith in the 4/15/02 City of Otsego. Thank you for you valuable time. I'm willing to discuss these topics in more detail. We would like an update when available. Can you provide information on city hall meetings, council members and/or vacant council seats? As a proud Otsego resident, I'm willing to contribute to this city in any respect. Respectfully, Jared Charles 7864 Parkington Ave NE Otsego, NINT 55330 (612) 348-6580 daytime phone number. Sr. Probation/Parole Officer cc: mwp for jtc, s. clause's, c. short, Roberta. m, laws and lawson, Mike Medtronic, am xpress Kaye, Otsego City of, editor@star news Page 2 of 2 4/15/02 ITEM 9. 2. A -�- 'V". t -0mmull I CATI QNNIS C. Q �`W%jhIMUCIAU C 23976 Revere Ave., Box 64 Elko, MN 55020-0064 Business (952) 461-4544 Fax; (952) 461-4544 Display pager (612) 660-0970 Cell: (612) 810-3136 Providing complete sound system services to houses of worship and business — ----- thirty five years in Minnesota consulting, desi-gning,contracting, custom fabrication, 24 hour service To: Judy Hudson City of Otsego Otsego, IVIN DearJudy, Date: 4-16-02 Listed below is a cost estimate for providing the equipment and services that you desire for the sound system in your facility: Service to locate cause of noise in system including turning off PPA transmitter, removing #3 mixer for repair, returning and re -installing mixer and checking system operation. This is an estimated cost as I cannot know yet what rep air charges will be on the mixer: 425.00 Listed below are the optional things that we discussed: 12 AKG shock -proof microphone mounts: 71.64 859.68 Installation of mounts: 240.00 External antenna for PPA system transmitter, (installed) 125.00 Telex USR-100C UHF wireless lavalier mic. system with AT -831 mic. capsule. (Best unit for this purpose!) (Installed [price): 1_.,246.00 Total for all items if chosen: 2,895.68 There might be some other changes i will want to recommend making after I get the initial problems under control, I will have to let you know later on this, Please feel free to call me at any time if there is any other way I can be of help! Sincerely, Dennis Cerney