05-28-02 CCITEM 4. 1. 21 dAlo(ll CLAIMS LIST CITY COUNCIL MEETING MAY 2 8, 2 002 TO: Judy Hudson ITEM 5. 1. Attached is the Claims List for the City Council. For more details, please refer to the Check Detail Registers. If you have any questions regarding this service, please let me know. Claims Register 5-16-2002 $13,438.69 5-23-2002 $37,655.53 GRAND TOTAL $51,094.22 If you have any questions or if you would like to review this list further, please let me know. Kathy Grover Bookkeeper CITY OF OTSEGO 05/23/02 10:46 AM Page 1 *Check Summary Register@ MAY 2002 FILTER: None Name Check Date Check Amt 10100 BANKOFELKRIVER M UnPaid AMERICKEN HOME BUILDERS INC $1,000.00 UnPaid BOISE CASCADE OFFICE PRODUCTS $253.65 UnPaid CHRISTIAN BUILDERS INC $1.000.00 UnPaid DRAKE CONSTRUCTION, INC. $1,000.00 UnPaid EARL F ANDERSON INC $165.94 UnPaid ECM PUBLISHERS INC $254.07 UnPaid ELK RIVER PRINTING & PARTY PLU $76.68 UnPaid ELK RIVER-ROGERS VFW POST $100.00 UnPaid FIRST STATE TIRE RECYCLING $1,246.00 UnPaid FORTIS BENEFITS INSURANCE CO. $94.19 UnPaid FYLE'S EXCAVATING & HONEY WAG $240.00 UnPaid KENNEDY & GRAVEN, CHARTERED $81.00 UnPaid MEDICA $3.600.19 UnPaid MINNESOTA LIFE $64.50 UnPaid NOVAK-FLECK INC $1,000.00 UnPaid PEOPLE SERVICE INC. $18,586.00 UnPaid PITNEY BOWES $100.02 UnPaid RMR SERVICES, INC $4,484.76 UnPaid SHARP HOLDING COMPANY $1,000.00 UnPaid STICKLES CONSTRUCTION INC $1,000.00 UnPaid VEIT & CO $1,258.03 'fnPaid WRIGHT-HENNEPIN CO-OP ELECTRIC $1,050.50 Total Checks $37,655.53 FILTER: None CITY OF OTSEGO 05123102 10:46 AM *Check Detail Register@ Page 1 MAY 2002 Check Amt Invoice Comment 10100 BANKOFELKRIVER — Tnp-a—id- X-M-E-FR46" _KE'_NH 6WE -B_ _0 I L D E_R_ S I N C Total EARL F ANDERSON INC $165.94 E 702-41400-310 Miscellaneous $1,000.00 --i-1—.00000 8135 PALMGREN ESCROW REFUND Unpaid Total AMERICKEN HOME BUILDERS INC ECM PUBLISHERS INC =npai*a_ BOISE CA§dk_0_EOFF1dEAP5R_ UCTS E 101 -41400-201 Office Supplies $221.83 104798 OFFICE SUPPLIES $202.22 E101-41400-201 OfficeSupplies $31.82 106658 OFFICE SUPPLIES Total BOISE CASCADE OFFICE PRODUCTS $253.65 Print/Binding (GENERAL) Unpaid CHRISTIAN BUILDERS INC ORDINANCE E 702-41400-310 Miscellaneous $1,000.00 7840 PARK AVE LNDSCP REFUND $254.07 Total CHRISTI AN BUILDERS INC $1,000.00 Unpaid DRAKE CONSTRUCTION, INC. ELK RIVER PRINTING & PARTY PLU E 702-41400-310 Miscellaneous $1,000.00 8117 PALMGREN LNDSCP REFUND E 101-41400-350 Total DRAKE CONSTRUCTION, INC. $1,000.00 $76.68 Unpaid EARL F ANDERSON INC E 101-43100-393 Street Signs $165.94 47208 STREET SIGNS Total EARL F ANDERSON INC $165.94 Unpaid ECM PUBLISHERS INC E 423-43100-350 PrintlBinding (GENERAL) $202.22 128548 BIDS- QUADAY E 101-41400-350 Print/Binding (GENERAL) $51.85 128561 ORDINANCE Total ECM PUBLISHERS INC $254.07 Unpaid ELK RIVER PRINTING & PARTY PLU E 101-41400-350 Print/Binding (GENERAL) $76.68 15310 BLOGING PERMITS Total ELK RIVER PRINTING & PARTY PLU $76.68 Unpaid ELK RIVER-ROGERS VFW POST E101-41400-203 Supplies -General $100.00 DONATION - FLAGS Total ELK RIVER-ROGERS VFW POST $100.00 Unpaid FIRST STATE TIRE RECYCLING E 101-43620-390 Contacted Services $1,246.00 28544 CLEAN UP DAY Total FIRST STATE TIRE RECYCLING $1,246.00 Unpaid FORTIS BENEFITS INSURANCE CO E101-43100-130 Employer Paid 1ns (GENERAL) $40.19 PW -JUNE E101 -4140G-130 Employer Paid Ins (GENERAL) $54.00 AOMIN-JUNE Total FORTIS BENEFITS INSURANCE CO $94.19 Unpaid FYLE'S EXCAVATING & HONEY WAG E 101-43100-310 Miscellaneous $110.00 11014 PUMPING - SHOP E 101 -41940-430 Miscellaneous (GENERAL) $130.00 11014 PUMPING - CITY HALL Total FYLE'S EXCAVATING& HONEY WAG $240.00 Unpaid KEWROED771 GRAVEN, CHARTERED E 101-41700-301 Legal Services $81.00 51919 CHARTER RENEWAL Total KENNEDY & GRAVEN, CHARTERED $81.00 Unpaid MEDICA E 101-41400-123 Health $2.149.99 ADMIN - JUNE E 101-43100-123 Health $1,450.20 PW - JUNE Total MEDICA $3,600.19 Unpaid MIN_NE__SOTA LIFE CITY OF OTSEGO 05/23/02 10:46 AM *Check Detail Register@ Page 2 MAY 2002 Check Amt Invoice Comment E 101-41400-130 Employer Paid Ins (GENERAL) $27.40 ADMIN - JUNE E 101-43100-130 Employer Paid Ins (GENERAL) $37.10 PW -JUNE Total MINNESOTA LIFE $64.50 Unpard—_ NOVAK-FL_EE_KIWC_ E 702-41400-310 Miscellaneous $1,000.00 7848 PARELL AVE LNDSCP REFUND Total NOVAK-FLECK INC $1,000.00 Unpaid PEEPLE —SERVICE INC. E 601-49400-390 Contracted Services $7,680.00 5685 RETRO RATE JAN -MAY E 601-49400-390 Contracted Services $10,626.00 5685 MONTHLY -JUNE E601-49400-220 RepairfMaint Supply (GENERAL) $245.00 5685 LABOR E 60149400-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) $35.00 5685 LABOR Total PEOPLE SERVICE INC. $18,586.00 Unpaid PITNEY BOWES E 101-41400-413 Office Equipment Rental $100.02 4705027-MY02 POSTAGE MACHINE Total PITNEY BOWES $100.02 Unpaid RMR SERVICE - 1,W -d E 601-49400-203 Supplies - General $4,484.76 2002-160 METERS Total RMR SERVICES, INC $4.484.76 'Jnpaid— N—A—W—HUDING, COMPANY -- E702-41400-310 Miscellaneous . $1,000.00 15037 84TH SY LNDSCP REFUND T:otal SHARP HOLDING COMPANY $1.000.00 Unpaid STICKLES—CONSTFW—CTION INC E 702-41400-310 Miscellaneous $1,000.00 8105 PARELL LINDSCIP REFUND Total STICKLES CONSTRUCTION INC $1,000.00 Unpaid __ VEIT & C6__ E101-43100-310 Miscellaneous $459.28 1184 CRUSHED CONCRETE 83RD ST E 101-43100-310 Miscellaneous $798.75 1193 CRUSHED CONCRETE 83RD DT Total VEIT&CO $1,258.03 Unpaid WR_1G__HT_-_HENNEPIN CO-OP FL­ECTjFjC_� E 601-49400-390 Contracted Services $1,050-50 8626 MONTHLY MAINT Total WRIGHT-HENNEPIN CO-OP ELECTRIC $1,050.50 10100 'BANK OF ELK RIVER $37,655.53 FILTER: None CITY OF OTSEGO 05/16/02 2:03 PM Page I *Check Summary Register@ MAY 2002 Name Check Date Check Amt 10100 BANKOFELIKRIVER UnPaid AMERICAN ENGINEERING TESTING UnPaid ARLENE HOLEN UnPaid CELLULAR+ UnPaid CHRISTIAN BUILOERS INC UnPaid DEMCON DISPOSAL INC UnPaid ECIVI PUBLISHERS INC UnPaid ELAINE NORIN UnPaid FENNA HOMES UnPaid FIRST STATE TIRE RECYCLING UnPaid GOPHER STATE ONE -CALL INC UnPaid H G WESER OIL COMPANY UnPaid ICMA RETIREMENT TRUST UnPaid MICHAEL JOHN ROBERTSON UnPaid NAGELL APPRAISAL & CONSULTING UnPaid OSI ENVIRONMENTAL, INC UnPaid PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT FD UnPaid RANDY'S SANITATION UnPaid SOFTRONICS UnPaid US INTERNET UnPaid XCELENERGY Total Checks FILTER: None $586.70 $60.39 $12.61 $1,000.00 $1,629.79 $165.17 $40.89 $1,000.00 $178.40 $26.60 $1,875.91 $422.31 $221.30 $1,000-00 $155.00 $1,268.28 $2,035.00 $1,706.25 $19.95 $34.14 $13,438.69 CITY OF OTSEGO 05/16/02 2:06 PM Page 1 *Check Summary Register@ MAY 2002 FILTER: None Name Check Date Check Amt 10100 BANKOFELKRIVER UnPaid AMERICAN ENGINEERING TESTING $586.70 UnPaid ARLENE HOLEN $60.39 UnPaid CELLULAR+ $12.61 UnPaid CHRISTIAN BUILDERS INC $1,000.00 UnPaid DEMCON DISPOSAL INC $1,629.79 UnPaid ECM PUBLISHERS INC $165.17 UnPaid ELAINE NORIN $40.89 UnPaid FENNA HOMES $1,000.00 UnPaid FIRST STATE TIRE RECYCLING $178.40 UnPaid GOPHER STATE ONE -CALL INC $26.60 UnPaid H G WEBER OIL COMPANY $1,875.91 UnPaid ICMA RETIREMENT TRUST $422.31 UnPaid MICHAEL JOHN ROBERTSON $221.30 UnPaid NAGELL APPRAISAL& CONSULTING $1,000.00 UnPaid OSI ENVIRONMENTAL, INC $155.00 UnPajd PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT FD $1,268.28 UnPaid RANDY'S SANITATION $2,035.00 UnPaid SOFTRONICS $1,706.25 UnPaid USINTERNET $19.95 UnPaid XCELENERGY $34.14 Total Checks $13.438.69 FILTER: None CITY OF OTSEGO 05/16/02 2:04 PM Page I *Check Detail Re-qister@ MAY 2002 Check Arnt Invoice Comment 1010 ELK RIVER . M P""J" Unpaid AMERICAN ENGINEERING TESTING E 429-43256-302 Engineering Fees $586.70 18397 WWTF EAST 2 SOIL TEST Total AMERICAN ENGINEERING TESTING $586.70 n ARLENE HOLEN E 101-45300-310 Miscellaneous $60.39 SHRUBS -BENCH 0 CEMETARY Total ARLENE HOLEN $60.39 Unpaid CELLULAR+ E 101-43100-410 Rentals (GENERAL) $12.61 0205104454 PAGER Total CELLULAR+ $12.61 Unpaid CHRISTIAN BUILDERS INC . . ................................ E702-41400-310 Miscellaneous $1,000.00 15122 81ST ST LNDSCP REFUND Total CHRISTIAN BUILDERS INC $1,000.00 Unpaid DEMCON DISPOSAL INC E 101-43620-390 Contracted Services $1,629.79 11415 CLEAN UP DAY Total DEMCON DISPOSAL INC $1,629.79 "Ill" --"",.--"-,.---",-,-,-.I .. . Unpaid ECM PUBLISHERS INC E 101-43620-390 Contracted Services $118.50 CLEAN UP DAY AD E 101-41400-350 Print/ ' Binding (GENERAL) $46.67 128537 NOTE OF PH - BARTHEL Total ECM PUBLISHERS INC $165.17 Unpaid ELAINE NORIN E101-45300-203 Supplies -General $40.89 PHOTO ALBUMS/PAGES Total ELAINE NORIN $40.89 Unpaid FENNA HOMES ........... . ................. E702-41400-310 Miscellaneous $1,000.2g- 8171 PALMGREN LNDSCP REFUND Total FENNA HOMES $1,000.00 Unpaid FIRST STATE TIRE RECYCLING E 101-43620-390 Contracted Services $178.40 32229 CLEAN UP DAY Total FIRST STATE TIRE RECYCLING $178.40 Unpaid GOPHER STATE ONE -CALL INC E 101-41400-310 Miscellaneous $26.60 2040619 7 TICKETS Total GOPHER STATE ONE -CALL INC $26.60 Unpaid H G WEBER OIL COMPANY E101-43100-202 Gas&Oil E 101-43100-202 Gas & oil E 101-43100-202 Gas & Oil E 101-43100-202 Gas & Oil E101-43100-202 Gas& Oil Total H G WEBER OIL COMPANY $302.83 43157 GAS & OIL $607.43 43170 DIESEL $124.80 43185 GAS $432.82 43389 DIESEL $408.03 43390 GAS $1,875.91 . .................................... ICMA RETIREMENT TRUST E 101-41400-121 PERA $192.31 PPE 5111 CK DTD 5/15 G 101-21705 Other Retirement $230.00 PPE 5/11 CK DTD 5/15 Total ICMA RETIREMENT TRUST $422.31 Unpaid MICHAEL JOHN ROBERTSON E 101-41400-360 Education/Training/Conferences $221.30 REIMBURSE - CRAGUN'S Total MICHAEL JOHN ROBERTSON $221.30 CITY OF OTSEGO 05/16/02 2:04 PM Page 2 *Check Detail ReqisterC MAY 2002 Check Amt Invoice Comment .. . ... ....... . . . . . ............. ....... -- ---- - - - ----------- ......... NAGELL APPRAISAL & CONSULTING E 101-43160-322 Utilities $34.14 054157132213 RIVERPOINTE Total XCEL ENERGY $34.14 10100 BANKOIFELKRIVER $13,438.69 FILTER: None E 415-43251-390 Contracted Services $1,000-00 9988 QUADAY/RIVER ROAD Total NAGELL APPRAISAL & CONSULTING $1,000.00 OSI ENVIRONMENTAL, INC E101-43620-390 Contracted Services $155-00 226887 FILTERS/ANTIFREEZE Total OSI ENVIRONMENTAL, INC $155.00 Unpaid PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT FD E 101-41400-121 PERA $316.92 PPE 5/11 CK DTD 5/15 E 101-43100-121 PERA $342.87 PPE 5/11 CK DTD 5/15 G 101-21704 PERA $608.49 PPE 5/11 CK DTD 5115 Total PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT FD $1,268.28 Unpaid RANDY'S SANITATION E 101 -43620-390 Contracted Services $2,035.00 422905 CLEAN UP DAY Total RANDY'S SANITATION $2,035.00 Unpaid SOFTRONICS . . ........... ................... E 101-41400-390 Contracted Services $375.00 1968 LABOR E 101-41400-570 Office Equip and Furnishings $1,331.25 1968 Total SOFTRONICS $1,706.25 US INTERNET . . ......... ................. E 101-41400-390 Contracted Services $19.95 416821 5-1 TO 5-31 Total US INTERNET $19.95 Unpaid XCELENERGY E 101-43160-322 Utilities $34.14 054157132213 RIVERPOINTE Total XCEL ENERGY $34.14 10100 BANKOIFELKRIVER $13,438.69 FILTER: None ITEM 5.2. 4GIRTH-L-IST ASSOCIATID to"SULTANTS" Me, 5775 Wayzata Boulevard, Suite 555, St. Louis Park, MN 55416 Telephone: 952.595-9636 Facsimile: 952.595-9837 planners(iDnacplanning.com MEMORANDUM TO: Otsego Mayor and City Council FROM: Daniel Licht DATE: 21 May 2002 RE; Otsego - Barthel Feedlot CUP; Planning Commission Action NAC FILE: 176.08 - 02.14 Please be advised that the Planning Commission held a public hearing on May 20, 2002 to consider the above application, which, was initiated by the City of Otsego on behalf of Barthel Brothers Dairy. Mr. Joe Barthel was at the Planning Commission meeting but had no comments. During the public hearing, Ms. Judy Vetsch spoke about her concern for the application being processed retroactively and about the ability to except their property from the 1,000 foot setback. The CUP is being processed retroactively to legitimize the building. If the CUP is approved, there would be no basis for hardship for future development requests within the 1,000 foot setback. Mr. Randy Karstensen, who owns one of the two dwelling to the southwest of the feedlot that i are within 1,000 feet of the building, spoke that he did not believe the proposed screening wall was necessary. We had recommended this structure to specifically address complaints about noise and light from the building. We had also discusses providing such a structure with Mr. Barthel in such a way as to not impact the building. The Planning Commission discussion focused on the proposed screening measures. The Planning Commission was comfortable allowing some resolution of the matter between the two impacted property owners and Mr. Barthel as to the extent of the required screening. As such, the Planning Commission voted 6-0 to recommend approval of the CUP subject to the following conditions: The operator fully comply with the terms and conditions of the MPCA Certificate of Compliance dated 26 July 2000, applicable MPCA regulations, and provisions of the Otsego Zoning Ordinance. 2. The operator is to provide a current population for the animal feedlot. 3. The operator is to install two staggered rows of coniferous trees and/or screening fence along the common property line of the two lots within 1,000 feet of the subject building to the southwest, subject to approval of City Staff. Findings of fact consistent with this recommendation are attached. The application will be considered at the City Council meeting on 28 May 2002 at 6:30PM. pc. Mike Robertson Judy Hudson Andy MacArthur Ron Wagner Joe Barthel CITY OF 05-20-02 0 T S E G 0 FINDINGS & DECISION WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA CUP APPLICANT: City of Otsego on behalf of Barthel Brothers Dairy. APPLICATION: Request for a conditional use permit to allow construction of a new animal building for a registered feedlot within 1,000 feet of an existing residential use. CITY COUNCIL MEETING: 28 May 2002 FINDINGS: Based upon review of the application, the recommendation of the Planning Commission, and evidence received, the City Council of the City of Otsego now makes the following findings of fact: A. The legal descdption of the property is attached as Exhibit A. B. The property is guided for agriculture land uses by the Otsego Comprehensive Plan, as amended. C. The property is zoned A-1, Agdculture Rural Service Area Distdct. D. Feedlot operations are regulated by Chapter 27 of the Otsego Zoning Ordinance. E. The facility was registered by the operator pursuant to Section 20-27-2.13 of the Zoning Ordinance. F. Section 20-27-5 of the Zoning Ordinance outlines conditions allowing registered feedlots to construct new buildings to house farm animals. These conditions are: Any new building to house farm animals is within three hundred (300) feet of an existing building that houses farm animals, except by conditional use permit. 2. Any new building or expansion of an existing building intended to house farm animals may not encroach within 1,000 feet of an existing residential use, except by conditional use permit. G. In 2000, the operator constructed a new 37,500 square foot building intended to house farm animals. Said building is within 1,000 feet of existing residential uses, thus requiring consideration of a conditional use permit. H. The operator did not file an application for such a CUP, nor did the City process or approve such an application related to construction of the animal building. The City Council has initiated retroactive consideration of a CUP related to the construction of this new animal building for a registered feedlot used to house farm animals that is within 1,000 feet of an existing residential use. The City noticed the operator of its action in a letter dated 4 April 2002, prepared by the City Planner, Northwest Associated Consultants, Inc., which is incorporated herein. -1- K. The operator met with City Staff on 2 May 2002 to discuss operation of the feedlot, construction of the building, and possible measures to mitigate potential negative impacts to surrounding properties. L. The Planning Commission and City Council must take into consideration the possible effects of the CUP with their judgement based upon (but not limited to) the criteria outlined in Section 20-4-2.17 of the Zoning Ordinance: The proposed action's consistencywith the specific policies and provisions of the official City Comprehensive Plan. Finding: At the time the building was constructed, the site was guided for agricultural land uses within the Agriculture Preserve Area. Protecting and preserving agriculture uses and the economic vitality of farming is a primary community goal for this area (1998 Comprehensive Plan - Policy Plan, p. 24). The 1998 Comprehensive Plan outlined a specific strategy to promote a continuation of farm activities as a viable land use with the rural areas of the City This strategy included a schedule for existing operators to increase their animal units and the ability to build new buildings in order to modernize or repair existing buildings, and separation requirements for residential uses and feedlots. The Zoning Ordinance was amended on February 22, 1999 to implement this policy. The construction of the subject building is consistent with the intent of the Comprehensive Plan. 2. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. Finding: The lands surTounding the subject site were guided for agriculture land uses designated by the Comprehensive Plan within the rural service area. There are fivr residential uses along 801 Street within 1,000 feet of the subject building. There is also onL feedlot to the southwest and one to the east of the subject property. The existence of residential uses within proximity to modem fanns does present certain compatibility issues. However, residential uses within agricultural areas must have realistic expectations associated with modem farm practices including, noise, odors, hours of operations, road traffic, etc. Provided that the proposed use meets all City or MPCA requirements, the parameters of its operation will not exceed those which may have been reasonably expected based on the City's Comprehensive plan. 3. The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained in the Zoning Ordinance (i.e., parking, loading, noise, etc.). Finding: The proposed use will be required to conform with all applicable City or MPCA requirements. 4. The proposed use's effect upon the area in which it is proposed. Finding: The proposed use is within the framework established by the Comprehensive Plan for agricultural uses. This policy framework and the resulting performance standards incorporated into the Zoning Ordinance allow for the construction of new buildings for existing feedlots in such a manner as to mitigate any negative impacts. As such, no negative impacts are anticipated. 5. The proposed use's impact upon property values of the area in which it is proposed. -2- Finding: No study of area property values has been completed. The proposed use is not anticipated to negatively impact area property values in that such a project is reasonable to expect under the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance and the use complies with all applicable performance requirements. 6. Traffic generation by the proposed use in relation to the capabilities of streets serving the property. Finding: The proposed use is not anticipated to generate any additional traffic. 7. The proposed use's impact upon existing public services and facilities including parks, schools, streets, and utilities and its potential to overburden the City's service capacity. Finding: The proposed use is not anticipated to have a negative impact to the City's service capacity. M. The planning report dated 15 May 2002 prepared by the City Planner is incorporated herein. N. The Otsego Planning Commission conducted a public hearing at their regular meeting on 20 May 2002 to consider the application, preceded by published and mailed notice. Upon review of the application and evidence received, the Otsego Planning Commission closed the public hearing and recommended by a 6-0 vote that the City Council approve the request based on the aforementioned findings. DECISION: Based on the foregoing information and applicable ordinances, the requested conditional use permit is hereby approved based on the most current plan and information received to date, subject to the following conditions: The operator fully comply with the terms and conditions of the MPCA Certificate of Compliance dated 26 July 2000, applicable MPCA regulations, and provisions of the Otsego Zoning Ordinance. 2. The operator is to provide a current population for the animal feedlot. 3. The operator is to install two staggered rows of coniferous trees and/or screening fence along the common property line of the two lots within 1,000 feet of the subject building to the southwest, subject to approval of City Staff. PASSED by the Otsego City Council this 20th day of May, 2002. CITY OF OTSEGO la Larry Fournier, Mayor -3- Attest: Judy Hudson, Zoning Administrator/City Clerk Review No. 1 ENGINEERING REVIEW Hakanson Residential Subdivision Anderson for the City of Otsego Assoc., Inc. by Hakanson Anderson Associates, Inc. Submitted to: Mike Robertson, Administrator cc: Judy Hudson, City Clerk, Dan Licht, City Planner Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Orrin Thompson Homes, Developer Sathre-Bergquist, Inc., Engineer & Land Surveyors Reviewed by: Ronald J. Wagner, PE Shane M. Nelson, EIT Date: May 22, 2002 Proposed Development: RiverPointe 2nd Addition Street Location of Property: Part of the NW 1/4of Section 1, Twp 120, Range 23, Wright County. Applicant: Orrin Thompson Homes 8421 Wayzata Blvd. Golden Valley, MN 55426 Phone (763) 544-7333 Owner of Record: Thomas Koerwitz 17069 —53 rd Street N.E. Rogers, MN 55374 Purpose: A single family detached home residential development Jurisdictional Agencies (but not limited to): City of Otsego, Wright County Wright County Highway Department MN/PCA MN Health Department Permits Required (but not limited to): NPDES Sewer Extension — MN/PCA MN Department of Natural Resources City of Otsego (wetland) Considerations: Page 1 MaMShared Docs\Municipa[\AOTSEGO2000\2248\ot2248R\(Wl.doc INFORMATION AVAILABLE Plan set dated April 26, 2002 by Sathre-Bergquist, Inc. Sheet 1 of 9 — Title Sheet Sheet 2 of 9 — Street Plan Sheet 3 of 9 — Street Plan Sheet 4 of 9 — Sanitary Sewer and Watermain Plan Sheet 5 of 9 — Sanitary Sewer and Watermain Plan Sheet 6 of 9 — Storm Sewer Plan Sheet 7 of 9 — Grading, Drainage, and Erosion Control Plan Sheet 8 of 9 — Grading, Drainage, and Erosion Control Plan Sheet 9 of 9 — Detail Plan Specifications for Riverpointe by Sathre-Bergquist, Inc., dated May 3, 2002 Geotechnical Evaluation by Braun Intertec, dated 1/20/00 Alta/ACSM Land Title Survey, Sheets 1 & 2 of 2 City of Otsego Engineering Manual, 2/27/01 revision City of Otsego Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances as revised National Wetlands Inventory Map 1991 City of Otsego Comprehensive Plan dated September 1998 100 -Year Stormwater Quality And Quantity Management Plan by Sathre-Bergquist, Inc., dated 10/6/00 Page 2 %�HaOl\Shared Docs\Municipa]\AOTSEGO2000\2248\ot2248RVW1.doc REVIEW AND COMMENTS TITLE SHEET 1. Cul-de-sac to the north of 56 th Street NE shall be named 56th Circle NE rather than Quin court NE. (All sheets) STREET PLAN 1 . Minimum radius for cul-de-sac is 50'. Please revise. 2. All streets shall be designed for a 30 mph design speed. Revise vertical curves accordingly. 3. Catchbasins on the east end of 55 th Street NE are not shown. Please revise. 4. A 100'tangent is required between reverse curves. SANITARY SEWER AND WATERMAIN PLAN 1 . Additional drainage & utility easement will be required for sanitary sewer located on lot line from SMH-3 to SMH-1. 2. Sanitary sewer casting shall be Neenah R-1 733 with concealed pick holes or equivalent. 3. Sanitary sewer service text and lot number for Lot 3, Block 5 is cut-off on sheet 4. Please revise. 4. It appears that the sanitary sewer stub invert elevation is incorrect for 55 th Street NE. Please verify. 5. Length of 6" DIP required to place hydrant 5' behind the curb shall be called out for each hydrant. STORM SEWER PLAN 1. All rip rap shall be class 111. 2. It appears that additional catchbasins will have to be constructed at the north end of Radford Ave NE this phase to facilitate drainage. Inlet protection will be required. (See grading comment No. 3) 3. Additional rip rap may be needed at the apron northwest of STMH-1. 4. Minimum size for storm sewer is 15". Please revise. 5. NWL called out in pond outlet structure detail is incorrect. Please revise. Page 3 \\HaOl\Shared Docs\Municipal\AOTSEGO2000\2248\ot2248RVW1.doc 6. Skimmer structure grate shall be Haala 48-57. Please revise detail. 7. There are existing structures on Radford Ave NE which will require casting adjustment. Call out proposed top of casting elevations for all structures. GRADING, DRAINAGE, AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN 1 . Garage floor elevation shall be a minimum of 18" above adjacent curb. 2. Several lots have cross drainage from lot to lot. Revise grading or provide all cross drainage within a drainage & utility easement. 3. Additional drainage and erosion control measures are required on 56 th Street NE and Radford Ave NE. Run-off will not be allowed to run directly onto the proposed streets. Please revise. 4. Easements shall be provided along each side of the centerline of all drainage channels or swales — 20 feet minimum. 5. Provide an easement around the mitigated wetland area. 6. Rip rap shall be shown on grading plan. 7. It appears that the basement floor elevation for Lot 5, Block 5 was mistyped. 8. Additional erosion control measures will be required foe temporary drainage swale from Rachelle court NE. 9. Basin side slopes above the NWL to the HWL shall be at 4:1 MAX. 10. There are many lots which have 3:1 slopes from back lot line to front setback line. Maintenance of these slopes will be difficult and these lots will have no usable backyards. We suggest retaining walls (stepped terraces) or revised grading. DETAILS 1 . Add Standard Plate No. 207 for curb stops installed in driveways. 2. Steel posts are now the only option for service markers. Please revise details. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS 1 . A copy of the final plat should be sent for review. 2. Submit storm sewer design data. 3. Submit inlet spread calculations. Page 4 \\HaQl\Shared Docs\Municipal\AOTSEGO2000\2248\ot2248RVW1.doc ITEM 6. 1. 5775 Wayzata Boulevard, Suite 555, St. Louis Park, MN 55416 Telephone: 952.595.9636 Facsimile: 952-595.9837 planners@nacplanning.com PLANNING REPORT TO: Otsego Mayor and City Council FROM: Daniel Licht DATE: 22 May 2002 RE: Otsego - Riverpointe; 2 nd Addition Final Plat FILE NO.: 176.02 - 02.20 BACKGROUND Orrin Thompson Homes, Inc.. has submitted an application for final plat approval of Riverpointe 2 nd Addition, consisting of 31 single family lots. The subject parcel is guided for low density residential use and zoned R-4, Residential Urban Single Family District. The preliminary platfor Riverpointewais approved by the City Council on August 14,2001. Exhibits: A: Site Location B: Preliminary Plat C: Final Plat ANALYSIS Preliminary Plat Consistency. The proposed final plat is generally consistent with the approved preliminary plat for Riverpointe Pointe, having the same number of lots over the same area. The layout of Block 2 has changed since the preliminary plat approval based on comments from the City Engineer regarding access to the waste water treatment plant. The proposed final plat is consistent with these comments and also provides for elimination of a cul-de-sac. All of the lots conform to the minimum R-4 District lot area (12,000 square feet) and width (75 feet at the front setback) requirements. Sewer Capacity. The proposed final plat is to be served by municipal sanitary sewer. This preliminary plat was exempted from the current subdivision moratorium based upon available capacity to service existing preliminary plats. Construction Plans. The applicant has submitted construction plans for review and approval of the City Engineer. A temporary cul-de-sac will be required at the terminus of 55' Street. No temporary cul-de-sac is necessary on 56' Street because the street extends only one lot past Quin Court NE. Please note that Section 21-7-7.Q of the Subdivision Ordinance states that cul-de-sacs less than 300 feet deep are to assume the name of the Street that it abuts. As such Quin Court should be renamed 56 th Street, subject to further comment from the City Engineer. Park/Trail Dedication. In satisfaction of park and trail dedication requirements, the applicant must pay a $1,075 per lot cash fee in lieu of land or $33,325.00. Development Contract. With approval of the final plat, the applicant must enter into a development contract with the City and pay all required securities and fees. The development contract is subject to review and approval of the City Attorney. CONCLUSION The proposed final plat of Riverpointe 2 nd Addition is consistent with the approved preliminary plat and applicable performance standards of the Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances. As such, our office recommends approval of the application subject to the following conditions: 1 A temporary cul-de-sac is provided at the terminus of 55h Street. All construction plans, grading and drainage plans, easements, and utilities are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 2. The applicant pay appropriate cash fees in lieu of land in satisfaction of park and trail dedication requirements equivalent to $1,075 per lot equal to $33,325.00. 3. The applicant shall enter into a development contract with the City and post all required securities and pay all applicable fees, subject to review and approval of the City Attomey. 4. Comments of other City Staff. pc. Mike Robertson Judy Hudson Ray Baird Andy MacArthur Ron Wagner Page 2 of 2 88 X N M,.. C ..NNW Raw, lftw %W %Nor lw4aor lw4mr ON THE GREAT RIVER ROAD AP: wl ric. IG ,T ir. E H iT 41- ,It7- �>q" 80 s"...Oxw RIVERPOINTE 2ND ADDITIO SW,3'-VT 67%23 EAST LINE oI, ouxor c. Av N SW*I.VWE 112&45 k 4.4,V 0 ,qsv, I SCALE IN FEET /SEE DETAIL C IINSIF-'r JEB (SEE SW 4 OF 4 Hm) NOTE THE BASIS FOR THE 8EAnl!,JG SYSTEM IS THE NORTH LINE OF OUTLOT C. RVERPOINTE WHICH IS ASSUMED TO BEAR NrONO-1 3'39 - SEE DETAIL 9 ob 67. L - S2 .. I, / . '*oo 4- -�o 00 so'col, - '�' 0 us! .wm:;, �v P % 7- -0 0 0� t do 0 VIET LANDS_ Is�p WET LAND rW-ET L-A N D --l. VE I DETAIL A WET LAND d* 95 (NO SCALE) 4 -.IrZr2i� - - - - - - - - - - I x- "-C8--S?O*58'53-E r I ';: I C-41.00 I A-5'4Z'Or It R-412.20 SOo-f3'39'E 64,55 -T LANDS 41.02 62� 20 R-472. I c: 1:- 4221 rq Has -075 &-r '57' I z'w C.9 C-64.5051 t 37 O� "ol 4k22 -E RVOOSS-V rG4. 31 -S72*2W56-E -572-02' -�;7.42 84 2.4- 10 W S, 07 S3r29'2QrE 36.51 X1 60.00 -��.4 2 WET LAND 89.72 W3-33'34*W \1 71.29 -NI8*4ir47W R-270.00 !7.!0 L N24 N 26-W A'f5aOQC 71.42 'E..0 E N. E. 33.63 c 71.04 R -190.01T t R- -wrsw33*w 6_21;1� - I gs B. C"I'OrWE C-110.87 C-33 62 4 -wI N5 -E I I III C. -S21-3i'16'W A- 0*20'59* r- BRC,-NJ2'31'33W 2*18'24 47 -14&45 .02 m?s-Ow4rW 110M \so AI M52*16'24E 't 47.02-:� k SEE DETAIL A "4r2r25'1 "DETAIL B 60.00 IN 1, "On (NO SCALE) _Z - N3r43*36'W P-564.92 A-VOWW s0-r2irvj-W CLI e - sl LEGEND 0 DENOTES 1/2 INCH 8 e IRON I s2f;.jo .7 IS3 EYT 14' PIPE D I IE -1 AND INA'RKEED' BOYUN LICENSE NO. 247a4 v� A -OUND IROK UONUMENT a DENOTES 0 DENOTES F COUNTY N40NUMENT ol -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - \ -,, S2.r."4%r�E KTAL C �4.- " - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - — - - - - - — - - — - - — - - - - - - - - - - cc �/ SATHRE-SERGQUIST, INC. _ EXHIBIT C-1 RIVERPOINTE 2ND ADDITION ft '00s ll'�A �0�0 SATHRE—BERGQUIST, INC. )Z-- +Y `.%� -1-1/ (INSETA) 2IT7.42 '�- 1111.82 DETAIL A A-10-2(y5g- r— BRC,-N-'k2o3l*33-W SC�C N FEET N 0 TE: THE BASIS FOR THE BEARING SYSTEM Is THE EAST LINE OF OUTLOT C. RIVERPOIN E VVHICH IS ASSUMED TO BEA L-E:C;E:r-4[) * DENOTES 1/2 INCH BY T 1�- IRON(;IlE SE IN THE ROUND AND MARKED BY * LICENSE No. 247:4 DENOTES A FOUN ,RON MONUMENT * DE' 07ES r -OUNTY MONUMENT ORAINACE AND UlIUTY EASDMNM AW qjM TIM BEING 5 FEET IN W`OM AND AOJO"W LOT �E�� UNESS OTHOhNSE NW�TED. Aw io FEET W WIDTH AND ADJONMG FIGHT OF WAY '. �� OR""SE MWATEO, A� SHOM IN n4E PLAT. 'o DETAIL A I (W Sc" EXHIBIT C-2 I RIVERPOINTE 2ND ADDITION (INSET B) 154,N SWINVI 92&0 55A 12&28 122.55 100.03 DRAINAGE AND UTILITX EASEMENT 15.01 8� he", 141 'A --- -------- ft NI, 10 7 12&77 I -4 'V 051 _ 1� A , !-. 8 All, ORD 10 Y- TO 0�32 Ipr to. p k _ ... L24 -R I Z 13 vl� 00 a\ops NL SATHRE-BERGQUIST, INC. L ------------- J SCALE IN FEET NOTE: THE BASIS FOR THE BEARIINIG SYSTEM IS THE EAST LINE OF OUTLOT C. RIVERPOINTE WHICH IS ASSUMED TO BEAR NOO-13'39' ,E:C;E:,o * DENOTES 1/2 INCH By I �- IRON POPE SET IN THE GROUND AND MARKED BY LICENSE No. 247154 * DENOTES A FOUND IRON MONUMENT DENC)TES COUNTY MONUMENT DRAKNZ ANI) U2M Emals ARE MM T.M. -T BEING 5 FEET IN I" AM" LINES. UNLESS Oli-S' FEET IN 11010rd LINES. U ON THE PLAT, SW'13'39*E g4.M GZ20 JD -47120 37 0 jct z CIL-S72-02'51'E law I N24025'25'W SOB'Dr52' 35.51 81.1111 6O.OD -< SW02r'3w1r23r"W N63 -33'34W so Aj 71.29 L R-270.00 I .24 22'6!2!6 W �-15'07*39' 71.42 C-71 'a R ft.=00 SaDETALS _Sor5v., A-5'50'20* C-71 '00 C.9 -Nll'Or53"E C-33.62 C.O.-S271-30II'llf Sl� N4r2r25j �,)ETAIL 13 -35.9 (NO SCALE) EXHIBIT C-31 I T14 - PIN. Z -7, L 41( 10 410 I v Hakanson Anderson Assoc., Inc. MEMORANDUM ITEM 6.2. I R no?, m As F3T 3601 Thurston Avenue, Suite 101, A a Phone: 763/427-5860 Fax: 763/427-0520 To: Mike Robertson, Administrator From: Ronald J. Wagner, P,E. William L. Morris, P.E. CC,. Judy Hudson, Clerk Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Dan Licht, NAC Date: April 9, 2002 Re: Revised Recommendation for Developer's Agreement for To -Day, Inc. 85'h Street Extension with Sanitary Sewer, Water Mains and Storm Dminage Based on the discussions at the April 4, 2002 staff meeting, we have revised our recommendations to respond to the staff comments. In the Feasibility Report, dated September 20, 200 1,the estimated cost of improvements, including sanitary sewer, water main, storm sewer, and street construction, w= evaluated. The City Council held a hearing on this matter. Since that hearing, the developer has revised his site development plans to reflect the review comments from the City Engineer. However, the complete extension of 856 Street to Quaday Avenue (Future) as discussed in the Feasibility Report was not included in the developers plans. There is a delineated wetland blocking the straight-line extension of 85h Street to Quaday Ave. To resolve this pmblem, the aligmment of both 85'h Street and Quaday Ave. would have to jog around the existing wetland, This realignment of 85th Street could be the north onto property not owned by the To -Day Development or to the south an property that they do control. Either alignment would cost about the same in terms of construction. However the alignment to the south could be more easily accomplished in regards to right -o -way acquisition. The detailed view of both of these alignment options are shown an the attached "Assessment Map for To - Day Development" and "Alternate Aligrunent To -Day Development". The attached.'Txhibit X' shows the overall view of these revisions for the District 4 Commercial/Industrial Area. The northern realignment was included in this overall view but without the intent of showing preference. Civil & mmnicipal EngineeFin,r 25 (!.\MuWci;al\AOTSEGO2000\2213\ct2213MC4.doe L4"d S14rue .V ingfo r RPR. 9.2002 12:22PM NO.402 P.3/11 DRAFT Revised estimates of the construction cost to reflect this new alignment and also to include other revisions in the utility improvements required for the To -Day Development, have been prepared. We have broken the total project cost into two portions, initial construction and future construction. These detailed estimates are shown in Table I and Table IL The To -Day Development will be assessed 50% of the initial 856 Street construction up to the th cul-de-sac concurrent with his proposed development. The additional future construction of 85 Street to Quaday Ave. wM also be assessed to the To -day Development an the date in the future when this extension is needed to serve other developing properties in this commercial /industrial district. Due to the options for alignment on the current developer's Property or off the developer's operty, the City wished to evaluate the assesm:nent fees including construction cost only and Pr I n then include right-Of-WaY and easement acquisition cost, if anY, in some cases, the inc, usio of cost for condemning right-of-way necessary for the construction when the desired location of the roadway is centered on a common property line, places an unfair burden on the property owner that decides to develop first. This particular case is even more complicated since the fature extension of 85'h Street in either north or south option, will require more right-of-way from one property owner flm from the other. There would have to be some special conditions in the development agreements from both property oWnen to compewate for this inequality, Table M calculates the assessm=t fees using only the construction cost. Including the 30% overhead for contingencies, engineering and legal, the initial phase assessment is S132.72 per f pb e ass sm t comes to S 193.72 front foot for the total front footage of 2,240 feet. The uture as es en per front fbot for the remaining total front footage of 860 feet. Including the right-of-way or easement acquisition cost, Table IV shows that the initial phase assessment would increase to $177.83 per front foot and the future phase assessment would increase to S317.67 per front foot. DEVELOPEWS AGREEMENT It is recommended ftt the developer,s agreement for the "To -Day DevelopmcnC'be amended to included the following items: ?? The developer will be assessed all of the roadway, storm drainage, water and sanitary sewer impmvements for the full 1,640 length of SP StrW Extension to include the temporary plugged end of the lines within the future Quaday Avenue right-of-way. The City shall perform the construction in two phases. The assessments to the Developer will be required concurrent with the construction of the two phases. a. The initial phasewill included a 50'back-of-curb radius cul-de-sac, with concrete curbs and gutters, constructed with the center of the cul-de-sac located at station 10+98.9 1, The subgmde preparation shall be completed by the developer with his site grading to a point beyond the cul-de-sac to provide 0:\MuW4ol\AOTSErjO2OOO\2213\od2l3nw4.dor Hakanson Anderson 1�0111 Assoc., Inc. eUWj:� 12: 22PM NO. 402 P. 4/11 DRAFT proper cover for the ends of the wank water and sewer lines plugged at station 11+70. b. The future phase will included the removal of the 50' radius cul-de-sac and the completion of the roadway and utilities to Quaday Avenue, using either the north or south aligment. That the two on-site storm water detention basins that will be built by the developer on his property will be constructed in such a manner that will facilitate the future expansion of the detention basins to serve the over-all stormwater district's needs. Tle initial size of the detention basins and their outlet control facilities shall be sized to meet only the 15 -acre projects storm water runoff. ?? The Developer shall dedicate sufficient land on the north and east sides of his property, full lengai, for road right-of-way and drainage and utility easements to allow for the future construction of 85h Street, Quaday Avenue and regional stormwater detention basins. The specific description of these dedications will depend on the chosen north or south alignrnent. The drainage and utility easement for the developer's detention basin shall extend to the 85"' Street rightof-way. 0'.\Munici*\okOTSE002000\2213\ot2213mr4.4oc Hakanson Anderson I Assoc.,Inc. APR. 9.2002 12:22PM 109-Ir-MlEd YHHOVSharad DocalmunicipaVActsegor443/0043EngEtilmaleAnEng's EsL- Iftl0al P. 5/1.12102 Engineer's Estimate 85 th Street Extenslon - Initial Construction Under City Contract Otsego Industrial Park Assessments Table I Schadule"A'- Street Item No. I DescriplJon Unit Unit Ccst Fstimated Quandty Esdrratei� Cost 1 MobilIzatlon LS $5,000.00 1 $5,000 -1 2 1 Class 5 Acgreciate Base I TIN S8.00 I 195a $15,624 3 17ype 31 Non -Wearing Course MIxturs TN $2750 629 S17,298 4 IType 41 Waaring Course MIxture TN S30.00 1 472 S14,180 5 1 Bituminous Material for Tack Coat l GAL S1.00 286 1 $286 I Curb and Gutter Design B618 I LF $7.00 2386 1 $18,702 _B 7 1 Traffic SIgns SF $20.00 15 S300 AdJust frame and Ring CastInal EA $150.00 9 $1,350 -8 9 Adjust Water Valye Box I EA $100.00 4 $400 Schedule "A" Totals $71.120 Schedule 'S' - Storm Sewer Item No, I I Descripdon Unit Unit Cast Estimated Quantity- Estimated Cost 1 15" RC Pipe LF 121.00 120 12,520 18' RC Pips LF M90 114 $2,611 -2 3 IS" HOPE Pipe LF S18.00 25 S450 4 18' HOPE Pipe LF $20.00 - 397 S71940 5 21" HOPE Pipe LF $22.00 205 S41510 6 .240 HOP Pipe LF 223 S5,798 7 27' HOPE Pipe LF S30.00 279 $8,370 B 41 Dla, Qa_tcP6asIn/ Manhole MISI"26M S1 4 0 S4.350 9 41 Cie. Sorrn Manhole EA $1 4 '00.0 6 S8,400 10 2* x 31 Catch6asln EA $1,200.00 a S3,500 11 18* RCEFES EA $380.00 2 $750 12 21" HOPE F!S EA S300.00 1 $300 13 274 HOPE FES EA $380.00 1 $380 14 Class 11 Field Stoma Rack Rip -Rap CY $65.00 13 $845 Schedul '13" Totals I S50.834 Schedule "C' - Sanitary Sewer Item Description Unit Unit Cmwt Estimated Quantity Estmated Cost -No. 1 81 PVC S OR 35 14-18' Deep LF $17.00 390 $8,630 2 5' PVC SDR 35 16-18' Deep LF $19.00 490 S9.310 3 80 PVC SOIR 25 16-201 Deep LF $23.00 '110 $2,530 4 8" PVC SOR 26 20-27 Deep LF S26.00 120 $3.120 5 Staridard Sanitary Saiwer Manhole 0-81 Deep EA $1,400-00 3 $4,200 6 Manhole Overdeath VF S85.00 1 33 S2,805 7 Connect to ExIstinc SanRary Sewer Drop F -A S1 500-00 1 S1.500 a B'X S* PVC Wye EA: S75.00 a $600 9 6" PVC Service Pips LF 10.00 440 S4,400 10 80 Plug EA 3140.00 W '1 $140 11 Televise Sanitary Sewer LF S0.50 1`110 S858 12 OewataTnR LF S20.00 1110 $22,200 Schedule "C" Totals Schedule 'D4 - Watermalin Item Descrlptlon Unit U nIt Cast F-stimated Quantity Estimatad Cost -No. 1 64 DIP Wa:armain Class 52 LF $15.00 1 36C $5,400 2 12" DIP Watermain Class S2 LF $22.00 1 1120 $24,W 3 Insulalon SF $1.00 96 S96 5 Watermaln Flttngs LIRS 31.60 3680 $5,728 8 Wat­T2p ExIsting 161 DIP, F & 112' Butterfly Valve EA S2,700.00 1 S2,700 Hydrant ;7/ Gate Valve EA $1 900M 4 $7,600 8 12"BuMerfly Valve EA $900.00 1 S900 9 61 Gate Valve EA $470.00 7 S3,290 Schedule "13" Totals $50,364 Total -All Schedules $230,408 YHHOVSharad DocalmunicipaVActsegor443/0043EngEtilmaleAnEng's EsL- Iftl0al P. 5/1.12102 RPR. 9.2002 .LC-- Englneees Estimate as th Street Extension - Futury Constr.yction With Quaday Ave. Chseap Industrial Park Assessments Table 11 Sche Ule 'A'- Str9at Esdmated EstImated Item No. Descriptlen UnIt Unit Cost QU2nft Cost 1 Mat:lllz - ation LS 1 $4.000.00 1 55,000 2 !G_mcV9 Concrete C & G = $3.00 328 S984 3 Remove 13iturritnous PavIrnent SY 300 52,910 4 Granular Fill CY S5.00 8700 1 $43,500 5 Class 5 AggMate Base _Twj_ S8.00 960 $7.840 _ 6 TV13e 31 Non-WearIng C4urse Mixture TN 1 $27-50 314 7 'Ty—pe 41 wearing Course Mwure TN I S30,00 235 $7,050 a BiturnIncus MateMal for Tack Coat GAL $1.0C 143 S143 9 Curb and Gutter Design 551 d LF $7.00 11M $8,274 10 Tr2ffic Slans SF $20.00 15 S300 — 11 Adlust frame and RIng Casting _&�_ - $150.001 a 390Y 12 Adjust Water Valve Box EA $100.00 3 $300 Schedule "Al" Totals 83,536 Schedule "El' - Sanit2!y Sewer EsQmated r�stlmatea_ tem I No. Desclipdon Ljnjt _ LnIt Cost " % t Quantity cost I a, PVC SOR 35 10-121 Deep LF 1 $14. 50 1 a5 $2,6133 2 8* p1VC $OR 35 12-14' Deep LF -rF— 115,50 220 $3,410 3 _V PVC SDR 35 14-16 Deep — $17.00 110 $1,870 4 Standard Sarltary Sower Manhole Deep ET 1140�( 0 $1,400.00 3 $4 1200 5 Manhde Overdepth VF $85-00 14 51,190 8 Con nect to sting Sanitary Sewer FA $1,500-00 1 S1,500 7 8"X 6' PVC WYk F -A $75.00 1 S75 a .61 PVC service pipe LF _�10.00 40 —wo 9 18" pluo . EA S140-00 2 $280 1 a Televise Sanita!Y Sewer LF $also 515 S309 11 Dewate-dng $20.00 515 S10,300 — Schedule "B" Totals __HL217 Schedule PC* - Watermaln Item , Estimated Edmated NO. Descillptlan UnIt UnIt Cost Qugntty L Cost I Ir DIP Watermaln Class 52 LF $15-00 57 1 SB55 2 12' DIP Watermaln Class 52 LF $22.00 470 $10,340 3 Insulation SF $1.00 32 S32 5 - Watermain FIttings LBS $1.80 1000 31,600 6 1 r Buttemy valve EA 1 $900 7 Hvdrant w/ Gate Valve EA $1,900.001 i S1900 a 61 Gate Volvo EA I S470.00 $-470 — schedule C"'Totals 1 416.097 1 Toto -All Schedules I L S1 28,150 IrH90115�zmd Docainmic"VAaMwU3ic"SwExftat"sgng's FaL -FuNre P. S/ 11102 85th Street Extension Table III City of Otsego Financial Summary 1. Assessments: INITIAL PHASE(To Station I I+ Sanitary Sewer Watermain Storm Sewer (lateral) Street Estimated Cost of Construction Total Estimated Project Cost 30% Overhead for contingencies , engineering and legal Total Estimated Project Cost including 30% overhead assment front footage ;essment per front foot. FUTURE PHASE (11+70 To Qua Sanitary Sewer Watermain Street Estimated Cost of Construction Total Estimated Project Cost 30% Overhead for contingencies, engineering and legal Total Estimated Project Cost including 30% overhead sessment front footage sessment per front foot. 2240 860 NO.402 P.7/11 $58,101.00 $50,354.00 $50,834.00 $71.120.00 $230,409.00 $230,409.00 $89,123.00 $299,532.00 $133.72 /F.F. $26,217-00 $16,097.00 $85.336.00 $128,150.00 $128,150.00 $38,445.00 $166,595.00 $193.72 1F.F. Table 14,uumnaryA%*r4b(9 111 414/02 RPR. 9.2002 12:23PM 85th Street Extension Table IV City of Otsego Financial Summary Assessments: sanitary Sewer Watermain storm Sewer (lateral) Street Estimated Cost of Construction treet. R/W Acquisition 1 .1 acres Q $60,000 cquisition Fees stimated Cost of Final Land Acquisition otal Estimated Project Cost 0% Overhead for contingencies . engineering and legal . otal Estimated Pmject Cost including 30% overhead ent front footage tent per front foot. Ave Sanitary Sewer Watermain Street Estimated Cost of Construction NO.402 P.e/11 $58,101-00 $50,354.00 $50,834-00 $71,120.00 $230,409-00 $68,000.00 $10,000.00 $76,000-00 $306,409.00 $91,923.00 $398,332.00 A 2240 $177.83 IF.F. treet RM, Drainage & Utility Easement Acquisition 1.2 acres $80,000 Acquisition Fees stilmated Cost of Final Land Acquisition Total Estimated Project Cost 30% Overhead for contingencies, engineering and legal Total Estimated Project Cost including 30% overhead front footage 860 $25,217.00 $16,097-00 $85,836.00 $128,150.00 $72,000,00 $10,000,00 $82,000.00 $210,150-00 $63,045.00 $273,195.00 7.67 /F.F. Table IlliwwwryAsTable IV 4/9/02 WM 9T. E)ff. 70 BE CONSTRUCTED FORTO-DAY STAO*W BEGINUMAVE. rPFK)POSM WAIER MAIN LOT 1 pfflm STORM WTH AVE. Off. FUTUREEKTENSION 70OUADOWAVE. Pei I r tqm rosm _/ I SEWER PROPOSED STOR A DRAP&M LOT 4 dr LOT 2 LOT 3 1 PADW I rr. 10+0.91 T BAWNW NA13E OFFSE 12 D.W FT. FIL me j WETLAND ASSESMENT MAP FOR TO -DAY DEVELOPMENT crry or 200 0 200 400 o"E" I I mmoma SCALE IN FEET Ha nson AnNmon Assoc.,Inc. Civil tngkmry ma Lmd Surveyors 3wi Tknallon P.L. Awka. %W 763-4 a -j -_WW TAX 163-427-05,20 f%T-2-1 'I -ZX Wi ILA nwr HFK. �J.LUOE 12:23PM c I7- 91 W LU Ar NO.402 P.10/11 ;4 z Lij 2 z Z UJ 02 0 �j LU Lil uj ui 9 Por &3 C a a C) .NM 0 T LLJ U. 0 C,4j C SO 5 NUVI z C14 N NO.402 P.11/11 FEASIBILITY PLAN My of OTSF ,Go STREET & UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS �rvnxlo� EXHIBIT A liffi HAakanvon ,11, n s,1"71n,. LDD2\0T2213\WL.M TO—GAY.DWC Today Properties, Inc. Otsego Commercial Park 1) More flexibility of ftiture road. 2) Less invasive to the Kolles Property 3) Land may be accessed in the future once the Kolles property is developed. 4) Most cost effective way of dealing with an unknown layout of future development. (Where will area wide ponds be located, where should the road go & are there more wetlands in the way of future development?) 6-� Q� �-b Q) w �., 2 r14 S, co 10 jl� 'ZAT RSrWd I III ------ (vt -OR V7.sz� r--------------------------------- cc L LA L u /17 1 Aa 1 . . .- 11 1 , . t daE .00 400 1�ur- t 1,--, 11*2 IL .44 QA a COMSICRC-/WOVpRL*L qC, Aa 1 . . .- 11 1 , . t .00 400 1�ur- t - 7' a COMSICRC-/WOVpRL*L qC, CONCEPrUAL % fiHa�onson ll Anamrs 11 A3soc.,fnc. %I 1-1 ji� 't - V to scuo % % % Q4 offly JOY- co W Or gmy ave C11 04, N"rif AFos r See A al A S098 6�-V ZT9 : "ON 9NOHd 7T -J CNAM—O.;7 *�jwr S-MiNOD -biIE)l(l i:)381CI : wo8_j .00 400 COMSICRC-/WOVpRL*L qC, CONCEPrUAL DCVCLopwcmr fiHa�onson ll Anamrs 11 A3soc.,fnc. A al A S098 6�-V ZT9 : "ON 9NOHd 7T -J CNAM—O.;7 *�jwr S-MiNOD -biIE)l(l i:)381CI : wo8_j "UULJ I "it) JU 1111111611 a 11 MAE 6 , L Land or,, Inc MdY 28. 1602 Mr. Mike.Robertion City Adz�nktmtcr - City of otkso 8899-N.E NaslWu Awauc -Ek Rivi:r� MmeSom 5.5330 Dqv4loilment Agreement fo' r Otsego W;terfronj Dr. a'r Mike, Pleme Slllowlal!� I letter to IiMc' 2 Z.* rY, our cOnflinmLiCIM of the final form,(if DCvC10p Qt'QLsL%u rur Lhc ouir * 6-n Agreciaxilt with tlic* flit P4 bloWatentOnt Strcct and Wity proqcrd illoug W1 Ul Ux U�Vclupmz L SUL6rc of our, W-� hayc revicw",il LLr f,�ai rurm of agreement and PTVIr ' ed'10.Mecute the ILgrecn=t and post tho IQLLLK uf uredit w.bcn all ft dc.icriheii �Ians and. 'rL COMPany. will prnvfdr . Tile. exhibAs., 2M c0zwketed and.-itt3c6d.- nece;52ry letter 6r.credit as secujity in the e . timatcd min'ount'Of 1 -8 -Million . -dnllnr.q)- now Csti=ted at S1.34.5'rnillion du� t� compet'itive bidding, tq COStSI. :'It is a' th Ur ie qutzt thatAe cOvcr c strcct and utiliky PrUj=L the 9trict proj' C'ry Cntm�" BVr"vc the Enal f6in, of Dcvwfuj),r,, Aiaccmixaz and iwdrd credi 6& &t b'(b tonight with thr-"'012dition t1lal, UA: Dr'clupm' &T'Cement, is C=uted . ind, Irm.er cif t Post T%IrAz for youl- as6.ist�=.b un. this ma=. v Vzy truly -yours, Robert Fi.1 ds Presiden� LandCor, -Chi' r -T M=gcr, Otscg6 Ldijd CUMUny. LLC P cc- Mscuu Linii Company, LLC McTithen; 9404 Hendock Izne X. Mapl 69 Phone: 7&3-3 15-(18 1 x e arove. MN 55 3 a (Pj*i:-,4 15,0811 Hakanson Anderson Assoc., Inc. May 28, 2002 Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Otsego 8899 Nashua Avenue NE Otsego, MN 55330 ITEM 7.2 3601 Thurston Avenue, Suite 101, Anoka, MN 55303 Phone: 763/427-5860 Fax: 763/427-0520 Re: Construction Bids, Quaday Avenue and 91" Street City of Otsego Project #02-03 Dear Mayor and City Council: Bids were received and opened on May 24, 2002, for Construction of Quaday avenue and 9 I't Street. A total of I I bids were received as shown on the attached Bid Tabulation. Arcon Construction is the low bidder at $1,054,085.50 and is below the Engineer's Estimate of $1,286,849.00. Arcon Construction is an underground utility contractor that has successfully completed several projects within Otsego. (Pheasant Ridge I through 5 and Stonegate Estates I and 2) We recommend Award of the Contract to the low bidder, Arcon Construction, PO Box 159, 43425 Frontage Road, Harris, NfN 55032. Sincerely, Hakanson Anderson Associates, Inc. *elow. M�g, WASM ne row RJW:dlc Enclosure cc: Mike Robertson, Administrator Judy Hudson, City Clerk Civil 6- Municipal GAMun ici pal\AOTSEGO\ 3 47\ot3 47hmcc. doc Engineering 25 Land Surveyingfor RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION ACCEPTING BID WHEREAS, pursuant to an advertisement for bids for the Street and Utility Improvement of Quaday Avenue and 91't Street, bids were received, opened and tabulated according to law, and the following bids were received complying with the advertisement: Arcon Construction $1,054,085.50 Kuechle Underground $1,056,606.76 Barbarossa & Sons $1,068,067.95 Northdale Construction $1,098,370.96 Redstone Construction $1,125,882.75 Dave Perkins Contracting $1,149,095.50 SR Weidema, Inc. $1,152,134.45 Randy Kramer Excavating $1,155,588.20 Landwehr Construction $1,165,425.35 Dennis Fehn Excavating $1,198,367.65 Burschville Construction $1,211,130.15 AND WHEREAS, it appears that'Arcon Construction of Harris, Minnesota is the lowest responsible bidder, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF OTSEGO MINNESOTA: 1. The Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to enter into a contract with Arcon Construction of Harris, Minnesota in the name of the City of Otsego for Street and Utility Improvement of Quaday Avenue and 91st Street, according to the plans and specifications therefore approved by the City Council and on file in the office of the City Clerk. 2. The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to return forthwith to all bidders the bid bonds made with their bids, except that the bid bond of the successful bidder and the next lowest bidder shall be retained until a contract has been signed. Adopted by the City Council this Judy Hudson, Clerk G:\Municipal\AOTSEGO\347XOT347ResACCEPT BOA= day of 2002. Larry Fournier, Mayor Bid Schedule "A" - Streets BID TAP' - TION 91st Avenue a iday Avnue Street and Utility improvements Project No. 02-03 Bid Date May 24, 2002, 10:00 a.m. Arenn (nnqf-rflnn V. -hl. 11-4 Item No. Description Estimated Number of Units Unit Unit Price Extension Unit Price Extension Unit Price Extension Fwumua-ie %.onstrucuon Unit Price Extension 1 Mobilization 1 LS $20.000.00 $20,000.00 $3,500.00 $3.500.00 $30.000-.00 $30,000.00 $7,100.00 $7.100.00 2 Remove Culvert 94 _ LF $6.00 $564.00 $4.31 $405.14 $3.00 $282.00 $5.00 $470.00 3 Remove Bituminous Pavement 50 SY $3.00, $150.00 $2.46 $123.00 $5.00 $250.00 $4.00 $200.00 4 Sawing Bit Pavement (Full Depth) 200 LF $4.00 $800.00 $1.73 $346.00 $4.00 $800.00 $5.00 $1.000.00 5 Salvage & Reinstall Sign 1 EACH $120.00 $120.00 $58.00 $58.00 $150.00 $150.00 $150.00 $150.00 6 Common Excavation (P) 7.070 CY $3.33 $23.543.10 $3.27 $23.118.90 $3.27 $23,118.90 $1.31 $9.261.70 7 Topsoil Stripping (P) 15,260 CY $1.15 $17.549.00 $1.25 $19.075.00 $1.15 $17,549.00 $1�21 $18.464.60 8 Class 5 Aggregate Base (TJ 3,300 TON $10.87 $35,871.00 $11.00 $36.300.00 $10.87 $35.871.00 $13.411 $44.253.00 9 Mill Bituminous Surface 25 SY $5.73 $143.25 $5.73 $143.25 $5.73 $143.25 $6.02 $150.50 10 Type LV 4 Wearing Course Mixture (C) 1,190 TON $32.73 $38,948.70 $33.00 $39,270.00 $33.00 $39.270.00 $34.37 $40.900.30 11 Type LV 3 Non -Wearing Course Mixture (B) 1,480 TON $28.30 $41.884.00 $28.00 $41.440.00 $29.00 $42.920.00 $29.72 $43,985.60 12 Bituminous Material For Tack Coat 550 GAL $1.00 $550.00 $1.00 $550.00 $1.00 $550.00 $1.05 $577.50 13 Adjust Valve Box 34 EACH $150.00 $5.100:00 $100.00 $3.400.00 $150.00 $5,100.00 $125.00 $4.250.00' 14 Adjust Frame & Ring Casting 16 EACH $300.00 $4.800.00 $150.00 $2.400.00 $200�070 a $3,200.00 $150.00 $2.400.00 15 Raise Ex. Manhole (wl Barrel Sections) 6 VF $160.00 $960.00 $210.00 $1,260.00 $135.00 $810.00 $163.90 $983.40 16 Raise Ex. Valve Box I - VF $150.00 $150.00 $540.00 $540.00 $175.00 $175.00 $154.88 $154.88 17 Raise Ex. Hydrant (11' Hydrant Extension) I EACH $285.00 $285.00 $410.00 $410.00 MOM $380.00 $416.25 $418-25 18 Stamped Concrete Sidewalk (4") 1.700 SY $57.00 $96,900.00 $56.00 $95,200.00 $55.00 $93.500.00 $57.75 $98.175.00 19 Stamped Concrete Sidewalk (6") ISO Sy $62.00 $9,300.00 $61.00 $9,150.00 $60.00 $9,000.00 $63.00 $9,450.00 20 Construct Pedestrian Curb Ramp 6 - EACH $200.00 $1.200.00 $200.00 $1.200.00 $200.00 $1.200.00 $210.001 $1,260.00 21 Concrete Median (6") 470 Sy $28.50 $13.395.00 $29.00 $13.630.00 $28.50 $13.395.00 $29.93 $14.067.10 22 Concrete Curb & Gutter Design B618 5.600 LF $7.00 $39.200.00 $7.00 $39,200M $7.20 $40.320.00 $7.35 $41,160.00 23 24 6" Concrete Apron Valley Gutter Traffic Control - 250 1 SY LS $29.00 $2,500.00 $7.250.00 $2,500.00 $29.00 $2,300.00 $7.250.00 $2,300.00 $29.00 $2,500.00 $7.250.00 $2.500.00 $30.45 $2,415.00 $7,612.50 $2.415.00 25 26 Sign Panels, Type C Pavement Message (Right Arrow) - Epoxy 420 24 SIF EACH $21.50 $76.00 $9,030.00 $1,824.00 $22.00 $76.00 $9.240.00 $1,824.00 $21.50 $55.00 $9,030.00 $1.320.00 $22.58 $79.80 $9.483.60' $1.915.20 27 Pavement Message (Left Arrow) - Epoxy 20 EACH $76.00 $1,520.00 $76.00 $1,520.00 $55.00 $1,100.00 $79.80 $1.596.00 28 29 30 Pavement Message (Thru Arrow) - Epoxy 4" Solid Line White - Epoxy 12" Solid Line White - Epoxy 20 3,000 450 EACH LF LF $76.00 $0.36 $1.25 $1,520.00 $1.080-00 $562.50 $76.00 $0.36 $1.25 $1.520.00 $1.080.00 $562.50 $10.00 $0,20 $2.00 $200.00 $600.00 $900.00 $79.80 $0.38 $1.311 $1,596.00 $1,140.00 $589.50 31 24" Stop Line White - Epoxy 185 LF $2.50 $462.50 $2.50 $462.50 $6.00 $1,110.00 $2.63. $486.55 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 -7- 9 [Wyd,aulic Bale Check Silt Fence. Type Machine Sliced Seeding - Type Lawn Restoration Sodding - Type Lawn Restoration Seeding Mixture - GOB Commercial Fertilizer, 10-10-10 Hydraulic Soil Stabilizer Type 5 - Soil Stabilizer Type 6 30 4,500 3 2,250 300 1,500 1 1 3 EACH LF ACRE SY LBS LBS TON TON $5.00 $1.75 $1,500.00 $2.50 $2.20 $0.25 $630.00 $150.00 $7,875.00 $4,500.00 $5.625.00 $660.00 $375.00 $630.00 $8.00 $1.60 $800.00 $2.00 $2.80 $0.25 $1,000.001 $240.00 $7,200.00 $2.400.00 $4.500.00 $840.00 $375.00 $1,000.00 $3.000.00 $6.00 $2.001 $360.00 $2.30 $4.00 $0.20 go 00 $590.00 $690 00 $690.00 $180.00 $9,000.00 $1,080.00 $5,175.00 $1,200.00 $300.00 $590.00 $2.070.00 W $6.30 $200 $378.00 $2.42 $4.20 $0.21 $619.50 $724.50 $189.00 $9.00000 $1,134.00 $5.445.00 $1,260.00 $315.00 $619.50 $2.173.50 Total - Bid Schedule "A- shared d0cWmun-pa1/&oLsegcM I 510047bid SchedLdwids Bid Tabulation $398,867.05 $376,033.29 13T- I - $401,589.15 $385,800.18 5/24/2002 Bid Schedule "B" - Watermain BID TAP" - TION 91st Avenue a, iday Avnue Street and Utility isnprovements Project No. 02-03 Bid Date May 24, 2002, 10:00 a.m. gkrrnn rnnetnirfinn Le.-kf- 1 1- Total - Bid Schedule "B" Bid Schedule "C" - Sanitary Sewer $229.458.25 $249,800.00 $232.975.00 $242,353.52 Estimated (k Ouns Nortnaaje construction Estimated Item Number of Total Estimated Total Estimated Item Number of No. Description Total Estimated Unit Total Estimated Cost Total Estimated Cost Total Estimated No. Description Units Unit Unit Price Cost Unit Cost Cost Unit Cost Cost Unit Cost Cost 40 Connect to Existing Watermain 1 LS $300.00 - $300.00 $960.00 $960.00 $950.00 $950.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 41 16" Ductile Iron Pipe Cl 52 1440 LF $28.95 $41,688.00 $33.00 $47.520.00 $31.00 $44,640.00 $30.26 $43,574.40 42 12" Ductile Iron Pipe CI 52 790 LF $19.55 $15,444.50 $25.00 $19.750.00 $22.00 $17.380.00 $22.78 $17.996.20 43 8" Ductile Iron Pipe CI 52 3425 LF $17.15 $58.738.75 $16.00 $54.800.00 $17.00 $58.225.00 $18.95 $64,903.75 44 6" Ductile Iron Pipe CI 52 365 LIF $22.80 $0,322.00 $19.00 $6,935.00 $16.00 $5,840.00 $14.53 $5,303.45 45 Ductile Iron Fiffings 11,000 LB $1.65 $18,150.00 - $1.99 $21.890.00 $1.50 $16,500.00 $2.07 $ $22,770.00 46 16" Butterfly Valve and Box 4 EACH $1.425.00 $5,700.00 $1,700.00 $6,800.00 $1,500.00 $6,000M $1,28422 $5,136.88 47 12" Butterfly Valve and Box 2 EACH $800.00 $1,600.00 $1,100.00 $2,200.00 $850.00 $1,700.00 $746.40 $1,492.80 48 8" Gate Valve and Box 18 EACH $675.00 $12.150.00 $660.00 $15,480.00 $725.00 0.00 $669.78 $12,056.04 49 6" Gate Valve and Box 17 EACH $495.00 $ , 8,415.00 -$61E,22 $11,560.00 $550.00 $9,350.00 $504.70 $8,579.90 50 Hydrant a EACH $1,670.00 $13,360.00 $1,900.00 $15,200.00 $1.900.00 $15,200.00 $1,513.09 $12,104.72 51 Hydrant Extension 24 LF $285.00 $6,840.00 $240.00 $5,760.00 $350.00 $8,400.00 $506.77 $12,162.48 52 Salvage and Reinstall 16" Plug 1 EACH $100.00 $100.00 $170.001 $170.00 $200.00 $200.00 $250.00 $250.00 53 2" Insulation 500 SF $1.40 $700.00 $3.35 $1,675.00 $3.00 $1.500.00 $0.94 $470.00 --1 12" DIP CL 52, Fastite A, Installed by Jacking 54 and Boring of 20" Steel Casing 230 LF $JR5 on t17950.00 $170.001 $39.10000 $148.00 $34,040.00 $150.23 $34,552-90 Total - Bid Schedule "B" Bid Schedule "C" - Sanitary Sewer $229.458.25 $249,800.00 $232.975.00 $242,353.52 shared doc�/municipaVaotzago/615/ot347bid SChadulwxlz Ild TabWabon BT- 2 $5,040.00 1 zjz�LOLJ sa.290.80 I 5/24/2002 Estimated Item Number of Total Estimated Total Estimated Total Estimated Total Estimated No. Description Units Unit Unit Price Cost Unit Cost Cost Unit Cost Cost Unit Cost Cost 55 15" PVC SDR 26 16-18'Deep 203 LF $61.25 $12,433.75 $28.00 $5.6�4 0-0 -$39 00 -$7,917.00 $49.15 $9,977.45 56 15" PVC SDR 26 18-20'Deep 690 LF $61.25 $42.262.50 $30.00 $20.700.00 $40.06 $27,600.00 $55.81 $38,508.90 57 12" PVC SDR 26 18-20'Deep 427 LF $60,50. $25,833.50 $27.00, $11,529.00 - $37.00, $15.799.00 - $52.091 $22,242,43 58 12" PVC SDR 26 20-22'Deep 110 LF $60.501 $6,655.00 $29.0 $3,190.00 $38.0( $4,180.00 $17.4� $§ 3,1,6,?o 59 10" PVC SDR 26 16-18'Deep 20 LF $55.951 si,i 19.0o $22.00 $440.00 $39.F( $780.00 $43.3 4 60 10" PVC SDR 26 18-20' Deep 10 LF $55.951 $559.50 $24.00 $240.00 $40.0( $400.00 $�9�igj $499.90 61 10" PVC SDR 26 20-22' Deep 416 LF $62.051 $25,812.80 $27.00 $11,232.00 $41.0( $17,056.0 53 _ $23,013.12 62 10" DIP CIL 52, Fastite A. 10-12' Deep 10 LF $69.1( $691.00 $23.00 $235-0-0 -$43 Oc -$43000 $4:�i9i3, $499.30 63 10" DIP CIL 52, Fastite A. 12-14' Deep 9 LF dLF $69.1( $621.90 $24.0 $216.00 $44.00 $396.00 ii $449.37 64 10" DIP CL 52, Fastite A, 14-16' Deep 10 LF $69.1( $691.00 $26.00 $260,00 $45.00 $450.00 49.93 $499.30 65 10" DIP CL 52, Fastile A, 16-18' Deep 36 $69.1( $2,487.60 $29.00 $1.044.00 $46.00 0 $1,656, 0 $56.6 $2.037.60 66 10" DIP CIL 52, Fastile A, 16 -20' Deep 10 LF $69.1( $691.00 $ 3 0 $310.00 $47.00 $470.00 $56.60 67 10" DIP CL 52, Fastile A. 20-22' Deep 60 LF $69.1( $4,146.00 $34-.00 $2,040.00 $48.00 $2,880.00 $566.001 68 8" PVC SDR 35 0-8' Deep 10 LF $15.N $151.50 $14.00 $ i �O -00 $19�00 1110 01 $190.00 69 .8" PVC SDR 35 8-10' Deep 252 $15151 $381780 CIA n 7- --1 shared doc�/municipaVaotzago/615/ot347bid SChadulwxlz Ild TabWabon BT- 2 $5,040.00 1 zjz�LOLJ sa.290.80 I 5/24/2002 Bid Schedule "C" - Sanitary Sewer Continued BID TAr WION 911 st Avenue. iaday Avnue Street and Utilky mprovements Project No. 02-03 Bid Date May 24, 2002, 10:00 a.m. Arcon Construction Kuechle nderground Barbarossa & Sons Northdale Construction Item No. I Description Estimated Number of Units UnIt Unit Price Total Estimated Cost Unit Cost Total Estimated Cost Unit Cost Total Estimated Cost Unit Cost Total Estimated Cost 70 8" PVC SDR 35 10-12' Deep 10 LF $15.15 $151.50 $14.00 $140.00 $21.00 $210.00 $33.93 $339.30 71 6" PVC SDR 35 Service Lateral - 360 LF $17.40 $6,264.00 $13.00 $4,680.00 $14.00 $5,040.00 $14.93 $5,374.80 72 Standard Sanitary Sewer Manhole 0-8' Deep I I EA $1,910.0c $21.010.00 $2,800.00 $30.800.00 $1,955-00- $21,450.00 $1.540.73 $16,948.03 73 Manhole Overdepth - 126 VF $135.00 $17,010.00 $138.00 $17,388.00 $160.00 $20,160.00 $100-.23- $12,628.98 74 Outside Drop Connection 0-2' 1 EA $960.00 $960.00 $1,200.00 $1,200.00 $1.300.00 $1,300.00 $1.244.95 $1,244.95 75 Extra Depth Outside Drop Connectioin >2' 8 VF $65.00 $52000 $80.00 $640.00 $98.00 $784M $135.65 $1,085�20 76 Connect to Existing Sanitary Sewer at Manhole I EA $1,180.00 $1,180.00 $1.600.00 $1.600.00 $1.500.00 $1,500.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 77 6" PVC Riser Pipe 67 VF $17.40 $1,165.80 $13.00 $871.00 $15.00 $1,005.00 $17.37 $1.163.79 78 15"x 6" PVC Wye 2 EA $185.0( $370.00 $210.00 $420.00 $200.00 $400.00 $293.77 $587.54 79 12"x 6" PVC Wye 3 EA $125.0( $375.00 $150.0c $450.00 $140.00 $420.00 $243.72 $731.16 80 1 O"x 6" PVC Wye 2 EA $105.0( $210.00 $133.00 $266.00 $120.00 $240.00 $222.42 $444.84 81 8"x 6" PVC Wye 1 EA $65.0( $65.00 $89.00 $89.00 $50.00 $50.00 $184.08 $184.08 82 12" Plug I EA $60.00 $60.00 $67.00 $67.00 $40.00 $40.00 $178.75 $178.75 83 10" Plug 2 EA $55.00 $110.00 $62.00 $124.00 $35.00 $70.00 $173.43 $346.86 84 6" Plug 9 EA $30.00 $2TO.00 $37.00 $333.00 $15.00 $135.00 $27.13 $244.17 � 85 10" DIP CL 52, Fastite Jt, Installed by Jacking and Boring of 18" Steel Casing 260 ILF 1 $180.00 $46.800.00 $200.001 $52,000.00 1 $142.01 $36,920.00 1 $188. 1 $48,906..00 86 Televise Sanitary Sewer 1 2533 ILF 1 $0.60 $1,519.801 $0.591 $1,494.47 $0.6q $1.519.80 1 $0.62L $1,570.46 Total - Bid Schedule "C" Bid Schedule "D" - Storm Sewer $226,014.95 $173,345.47 $176,487.80 $210.790.48 Item No. Description Estimated Number of Units Unit Unit Price Total Estimated Cost Unit Cost Total Estimated Cost Unit Cost Total Estimated Cost Unit Cost Total Estimated Cost 87 42" RC Pipe Apron I EACH $1,085.00 $1,085.00 $1,000.00 $1.000.00 $1,100.00 $1,100.00 $922.07 $922.07 88 36" RC Pipe Apron I EACH $900.00 $900.00 $880.00 $880.00 $980.00 $980.00 $791.08 $791.08 89 45"x 73" RC Arch Pipe Apron w/ Dropwall 1 EACH $1.545.0( $1,545.00 $1.900.0c $1.900.00 $1.300.0( $1,300.00 $1,563.94 $1,563.94 90 15" RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CL V (all depths 80 LF $29.8( $2,384.00 $25.00 $2,000-00 $23.0( $1,840.00 $23.90 $1.912.00 91 18" RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CL III (all depths 48 LF $31.5( $1,512.00 $27.00 $1.296.00 $24.0( $1.152.00 $25.62 $1,229.76 92 21" RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CL III (all depths 61 LF $32.5( $1,982.50 $29.00 $1,769.00 $26.00 $1,586.00 $28.09 $1.713.49 93 27" RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CL [[I (all depths 160 LF $37.4� $5,992.00 $40.00 $6,400.00 $34.00 $5,440.00 $35.35 $5,656.00 94 30" RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CL III (all depths 64. LF $44.50 $2,848M $46.00 $2.944.00 $41.00 $2,624.00 $40.12 $2,567.68 95 33" RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CL III (all depths 275 LF $46.75 $12,856.25 $53.00 $14.575.00 $51.00 $14.025.00 $45'.49 $12.509.75 96 36" RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CL III (all depths 59 LF 1 $55.60 $3.280.40 $60.00 $3,540.00 $63.00 $3.717.00 $52.52 $3,098,68 97 42" RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CL III (all depth 864 LF $31.05 $26,827.20 $77.00 $66,528.00 $74.00 $63,936.00 $72.32 $62,484.48 98 48" RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CL III (all depths 105 LF $74.25 $7,796.25 $92.00 $9,660.00 $93.00 $9.765.00 $85-99 $9.028.95 99 45*'x 73" RC Arch Pipe Sewer CL III (all depths) 651 LF $129.15 $84,076.65 $150.00 $97.650.00 $156.00 $101,556.00 $150.66 $98,079.66 100 15" Pipe Plug 4 EACH $60.00 $240M $89.00 $356.00 $100.00 $400.00 $181.95 $7278 101 18" Pipe Plug 2 EACH $65.00 $130.00 $93.00 $186.00 $105.00 $21000 $186.21 $372.42 102 42" Pipe Plug 2 1 EACH $140.00 $280.00 $147.00 $294.00 $155.00 $310.00 $339.46 $678.92 103 45" x 73" RCPA 45* Bend 2 EACH $2.180.00 $4,360.00 $2,300.00 $4,6001.00 $2.200.00 $4.400.00 $2.499.01 $4,998.02 104 45" x 73" RCPA 35' Bend 1 EACH $2,180.001 $2,180.00 $2.300.001 $2.300.00 $2,200M, $2.200.00 $2,499.01, $2.499.01 shared dOc&ln�icApayaotsegoiBI51ot347bid schedule xfs 13T - 3 Bid Tabulation 5/24/2002 Rid qp-had, da ,n,, - -qfn— -v --- r r—tin,,m BID TA —"' ATION 91st Avenue jaday Avnue Street and Wis., improvements Project No. 02-03 Bid Date May 24, 2002, 10:00 a.m. A—. P-4--tf— Item No. Description Estimated Number of Units Unit Unit Price Total Estimated Cost Unit Cost Total Estimated Cost Unit Cost Total Estimated Cost Unit Cost Total Estimated Cost 105 Connect to Existing Storm Sewer 1 EACH $480.00 $480.00 --- $970.00 $970.00 $950.00 $950.00 $500.00 $500.00 106 Construct Draingage Structure Design 48" 4020 3 EACH $1,225.00 $3,675.00 $1,500.00 $4,500.00 $1,225.00 $3.675.00 $1.323.47 $3,970.41 107. Construct Draingage Structure Design 66"4020 2 EACH $1,985.0( $3.970.00 $2.300.0( $4.600.00 $1,950.0( $3.900.00 $2.475.5E $4,951.1 108 Construct Draingage Structure Design 72" 4020 1 EACH. $2.315.0( $2,315.00 $2,400.0( $2,400.00 $2,200.0( $2,200.00 $2,927�91 $2.927.97 109 Construct Draingage Structure Design 78" 4020 2 EACH $3,130.0( $6.260.00 $3.100.0( $8,200.00 $2,800.0( $5,600.00 $3,776.4C $7.552.80 110 Construct Draingage Structure Design 84" 4020 1 EACH $3.965.0( $3,965.00 $3,800�OC $3.800.00 $3.450.0( $3,450.00 $4.103.41 $4,103.41 111 Construct Draingage Structure Design 90" 4020 0 EACH $0.0c $0.0c $0.0c $0.00 $0.0c $0.0c $0.010 $0.0c 112 Construct Draingage Structure Design 96" 4020 1 EACH $4.040.00 $4,040.00 $3.600.00 $3,600.00 $4.000.0( $4,000.00 $5,463.93 $5.463.93 113 Construct Draingage Structure Design 120" 4020 1 EACH $7,065.00 $7,065.00 $6.200.00 $6,200.00 $6,900�0( $6.900.00 $10.723.39 $10.723.39 114 Random RipRa.p Class 111 100 CY $55.00 $5.500.00 $52.00 $5,200.00 $68.0( $6,800.00 $60.00 $6,000.00, 115 Random RipRap Class IV 40 CY $55.00 $2.200.00 $52.00 $2.080.00 $75.00 $3.000.00 $60.00 $2,400.00 1 Total - Bid Schedule"D" $199.745.25 $257,428.00 $257,016.00 $259.426.78 SUMMARY OF BIDDING TOTAL BID SCHEDULE 'A' $398.967.05 $376,033.29 $401,589.15 $385,800.13 TOTAL BID SCHEDULE 'B' $229,458.25 $249,800.00 $232,975.00 $242,363.52 TOTAL BID SCHEDULE 'C' $226,014.95 $173,345.47 $176,487.80 $210,790.48 TOTAL BID SCHEDULE -D- $199.74S.25 $257,428.00 $257,016.00 $259,426.78 $1.054,085.50 $1.056,606.76 $1,068,067.95 $1,098,370.96 shared docs/municipauaotsegorlWot347bid Sehedige.xls BT - 4 Bid TaWation 5/24/2002 Bid Schedule "A" - Streets BID TAP -ION 91st Avenue ar day Avnue Street and Utility Improvements Project No. 02-03 Bid Date May 24, 2002, 10:00 a.m. Redstone Construction Dave Perkins Contracting S.R. Weldema. Inc. Randv Kramer Excavatina Item No. Description Estimated Number of Units Unit Unit Price Extension Unit Price Extension Unit Price Extension Unit Price Extension 1 Mobilization I LS $11,369.51 $11,369.51 $15,000.00 $15,000.00 $20,000.00 $20,000.00 $15,000.00 $15,000.00 2 Remove Culvert 94 LF $5.67 $532.98 $10.00 $940.00 $6.00 $564.00 $8.16 $767.04 3 Remove Bituminous Pavement 50 SY $2.841 $142.00 $3.00 $150.00 $1.85 $92.50 $3.06 $153.00 4 Sawing Bit Pavement (Full Depth) 200 LF $3.00 $600.00 $3.00 $600.00 $2.35 $470.00 $4.08 $816.00 5 Salvage & Reinstall Sign I EACH $125.00 $125.00 $35.00 $35.00 $95.00 $95.00 $306.00 $306.00 6 Common Excavation (P) 7,070 CY $3.27 $23,118.90 $2.00 $14,140.00 $1.60 $11,312.00 $5.05 $35.703.50 7 Topsoil Stripping (P) 15,260 CY $1.15 $17,549.00 $2.00 $30,520.00 $2.00 $30,520.00 $3.32 $50,663.20 8 Class 5 Aggregate Base (7") 3,300 TON $9.24 $30,492.00 $8.00 $26,400.00 $8.001 $26.400.00 $10.76 $35,508.00 9 iMill Bituminous Surface 25 SY $6.501 $162.50 $20.00 $500.00 $10.00 $250.00 $5.04 $146.00 10 Type LV 4 Wearing Course Mixture (C) 1.190 TON $34.35 $40,876.50 $35.00 $41.650.00 $34.35 $40,876. $33.38 $39,722.20 11 Type LV 3 Non -Wearing Course Mixture (B) 1.480 TON $27.50 $40,700.00 $35.00 $51.800.00 $27.50 $40,700.00 $28.87 $42,727.60 12 Bituminous Material For Tack Coat 550 GAL $1.50 $825.00 $3.00 $1,650.00 $1.50 $825.00 $1.02 $561.00 13 djust Valve Box 34 EACH $94.54 $3,214.36 $75.00 $2,550.00 $77.00 $2.618.00 $175.001 $5,950.00 14 Adjust Frame & Ring Casting 16 EACH $189.84 $3,037.44 $350.00 $5,600.00 $295.00 $4,720.00 $200.00 $3.200.00 15 Raise Ex. Manhole (w/ Barrel Sections) 6 VF $197.01 $1,182.06 $200.00 $1.200.00 $177.00 $1,062.00 $287.80 $1,726.80 16 Raise Ex. Valve Box 1 VF $126.86 $126.86 $75.00 $75.00 $180.00 $180.00 $145.00 $145.00 17 Raise Ex. Hydrant (V Hydrant Extension) 1 EACH $388.37 $388.37 $350.00 $350.00 $382.00 $382.00 $405.00 $405,00 18 Stamped Concrete Sidewalk (4") 1,700 SY $59.40 $100.980.00 $60.00 $102,000.00 $59.40 $100,980.00 $56.10 $95,370.00 19 Stamped Concrete Sidewalk (6") 150 SY $69.30 $10.395.00 $70.00 $10,500.00 $69.30 $10.395.00 $61.20 $9.180.00 20 Construct Pedestrian Curb Ramp 6 EACH $450.00 $2,700.00 $450.00 $2,700.00 $450.00 $2.700.00 $204.00 $1,224.00 21 Concrete Median (6") 470 SY $31.50 $14,805.00 $32.00 $15,040.00 $31.50 $14,805.00 $29.07 $13,662.90_ 22 Concrete Curb & Gutter Design B618 5,600 LF $7.40 $41.440.00 $7.50 $42,000.00 $7.40 $41,440.00 $7.14 $39,984.00 23 6" Concrete Apron / Valley Gutter 250 SY $31.50 $7,875.00 $32.001 $8,000.00 $31.50 $7,875.00 $29.58 $7,395.00 24 Traffic Control 1 LS $3,050.00 $3.050.00 $2,500.00 $2.500.00 $2,300.00 $2,300.00 $2,346.00 $2.3,46.00 25 Sign Panels, Type C 420 SF $21.50 $9.030.00 $25.00 $10.500.00 $21.50 $9,030.00 $21.93 $9.210.60 26 Pavement Message (Right Arrow) - Epoxy 24 EACH $76.00 3 0 $1.824.00 $56.00 $1.344.00 $76.00 $1.824.00 $77.52 $1,860.48 27 Pavement Message (Left Arrow) - Epoxy 20 EACH $1.520.00 $56.00 $1,120.00 $76.00 $1,520.00 $77.52 $1,550.40 28 -Pavement Message (rhru Arrow) - Epoxy 20 EACH N$76.00 $76.00 $1,520.00 $11.00 $220.00 $76.00 $1.520.00 $77.52 $1,550.40 29 14" Solid Line White - Epoxy 3,000 LF $0.36 $1,080.00 $0.25 $750.00 $0.36 $1.080.00 $0.37 $1,110.00 30 12" Solid Line White - Epoxy 450 LF $1.25 $562.50 $2.50 $1,125.00 $1.30 $585.00 $1.28 $576.00 31 24" Stop Line White - Epoxy 185 LF $2.50 $462.50 $6.50 $1.202.50 $2.60 $462.50 $2.55 $471.75 32 Sale Check 30 EACH. $6.00 $180.00 $10.00 $300.00 $5.00 $150.00 $5.10 $_153.00 33 Sift Fence. Type Machine Sliced 4.500 LF $1.90 $8,550.00 _$2.00 $9,000.00 $1.75 $7,875.00 $1.79 $8,055.00 34 Seeding - Type Lawn Restoration 3 ACRE $360.00 $1,080.00 $1,200.00 $3,600.00 $1,500.001 $4,500.00 $1.530.001 $4.590.00 35 1 Sodding - Type Lawn Restoration 2,250 SY $2.30 $5,175.00 $2.50 $5,625.00 $2.50 $5,625.00 $2.55 $5,737.50 36 Seeding Mixture - 60B 300 LBS $4.00 $1,200.00 $5.00 $1,500.00 $2.20 $660.00 $2.20 $660.00 37 Commercial Fertilizer. 10-10-10 1,500 LBS $0.20 $300.00 $0.50 $750.00 $0.25 $375.00 $0.26 $390.00 38 Hydraulic Soil Stabilizer Type 5 1 TON $590.00 $590.00 $2.000M $2,000.00 $630.00 $630.00 $642.60 $642.60 39 Hydraulic Soil Stabilizer Type 6 3 TON 1 $690.00 $2,070.00 $2,000.001 $6.000.001 $630.00 $1,890.00 $642.60 $1.927.801 Total - Bid Schedule "A" $390.831.48 $420,936.50 $399,288.50 $441.147.77 shared docs/municipaUaotsegoral5lot347bid schaduleAs BT- 5 Bid TabiAafion 5/24/2002 Bid Schedule "B" - Watermain BID TAE" " 'TION 91 st Avenue a iday Avnue Street and Utility ..�iprovements Project No. 02-03 Bid Date May 24, 2002, 10:00 a.m. Redstone Congtrurtinn n2va Parking r-f-finn C 0 IAW Item No. Description Estimated Number of Units Unit Unit Cost Total Estimated Cost Unit Cost Total Estimated Cost Unit Cost Total Estimated Cost nanay r%ra er t:xcavattng Total Estimated Unit Cost Cost 40 Connect to Existing Watermain I LS $624.65 $624.65 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 $610.00 $610.00 $600.00 $600.00 41 16" Ductile Iron Pipe Cl 52 1440 LF $32.79 $47.217.60 $30.00 $43,200.00 $39.65 $57,096.00 $33.27 $47.908.80 42 12" Ductile Iron Pipe Cl 52 790 LF $27.05 $21,369.50 $23.00 $18.170.00 $31.20 $24.648.00 $23.44 $18,517.60 43 8" Ductile Iron Pipe Cl 52 3425 LF $16.83 $57.642.75 $17.00 $58.225.00 $27.00 $92.475.00 $15.33' $52,505.25 44 6" Ductile Iron Pipe Cl 52 365 LF $17.36 $6,336.40 $18.00 $6,570.00 $27.00 $9.855M $14.82 $5.409.30 45 Ductile Iron Fittings 11.000 LB $2.13 $23,430.00 $3.00 $33,000.00 $1.20 $13,200.00 $2.00 $22,000.00 46 16" Butterfly Valve and Box 4 EACH $2,117.86 $8,471.44 $1.300.00 $5.200.00 $1,482.00 $5.928.00 $1,521.56 $6,086.24 47 12" Butterfly Valve and Box 2 EACH $1.275.97 $2,551.94 $780.00 $1.560.00 $872.00 $1,744.00 $1120.25 $2.240.50 48 8" Gate Valve and Box 18 EACH $896.28 $16,133.04 $650.00 $11,700.00 $680.00 $12,240.00 $675.82 $12.164.76 49 6" Gate Valve and Box 17 EACH $584.07 $9,929.19 $550.00 $9,350.00 $460.00 $7,820.00 $498.28 $8,470.76 50 Hydrant a EACH $1,932.61 $15.460.88 $1,400.00 $11.200.00 $1,710.00 $13,680M $1.744.51 $13,956.08 51 Hydrant Extension 24 LF $176.57 $4,237.68 $150.00 $3.600.00 $195.00 $4.680.00 $392.25 $9,414.00 52 Salvage and Reinstall 16" Plug 1 EACH $124.90 $124.90 $150.001 S11 0.00 $137.001 $137.00 $200.00 $200.00 53 54 2" Insulation 12" DIP CL 52, Fastite A, Installed by Jacking and Boring of 20" Steel Casing 500 230 SF LF $2.31 $159.97 $1,155.00 $36.793.10 $2.001 $175.001 $1.000.00 $40,260.00 $1.60 S172001 $800.00 $39.560.00 $1.48 $162.021 $740.00 $37,264.60 Total - Bid Schedule -B' Bid Schedule "C" - Sanitary Sewer $251,478.07 $244,675.00 $284.473.00 $237.477.89 shared docs/ffxx�cipaVaotsagck/6l6/oi347bid achadule,xis Bid TabLilation BT -6 0.00 1 �JZAZI $8.169.84 1 5/24/2002 Estimated Item Number of Total Estimated Total Estimated Total Estimated 1 Total Estimated No. Description Units Unit Un It Cost Cost Unit Cost Cost Unit Cost Cost Unit Cost Cost 55 15" PVC SDR 26 16 -18'Deep 203 LF $65.41 $13,278.23 $27.00 $5,481.00 $40.40 $8.201.20 $49.601 $10.068.80 56 15" PVC SDR 26 18-20'Deep 690 LF $65,29 $45,050.10 $29.00 $20.010.00 $40.TO -$27,876.00 $36.100.80 57 12" PVC SDR 26 18-20' Deep 427 LF $81.12 $26,098.24 $25.00 $10,675.00 $ 3 ."1 $16.268.70 --$52.3A 141,42 $i2 58 12" PVC SDR 26 20-22'Deep 110 LF $69.301 $7,623.00 280 $28.0 $3,080.00 $38.1c _ $4,191.00 $48. !.!10�74 i 20 59 10" PVC SDR 26 16-18' Deep 20 LF $51.131 $1.022.60 200 $�O.O $400.00 $35.65 $713M $43.8 A $876.50- 60 10" PVC SDR 26 18-20' Deep IT LF $58.6N $586.80 220 $22.0 $220.00 $35.65 $356.50 $46.521 $465.20 61 10" PVC SOR 26 20-22' Deep 416 LF $67.04 $27.884.48 �26 0 $26...- $10,816.00 $35.65 $14,830.40 $46-52� $19,352.32 62 10" DIP CL 52, Fastite A, 10-12' Deep 10 LF $41.781 $417.80 $31.0 $310.00 $ �4-0 0 $540.00 $42 0 $ 42 7-0 $1 63 10" DIP CL 52, Fastite A, 12-14* Deep 9 LF $39.261 $353.34 $33.0 .33 0 $297.00 $54.00 $486.00 si 3 i 8 i3 7.63 64 10" DIP CL 52, Fastite A. 14-16' Deep 10 LF $41.781 $417.80 5 0 $35.0 $350.00 $ 54.0 $540.00 $43.931 $4 E�� 39.30 65 10" DIP CL 52. Fastite, A., 16-18' Deep 36 LF $39.261 $1,413.36 $37.0 $1,332.00 $54.0 $1,944.00 $51.07 $1,838.152 66 10" DIP CL 52, Fastite A. 18-20' Deep 10 LF $41.78 $417.80 $39.0� $390.00 $54.0 1 $540.00 $53 7q $537.90 67 10" DIP CL 52, Fastite A, 20-22' Deep 60 LF $39,26 $2,355.60 $42.01 $2,520.00 $54.0 $3,240.00 - $53.7q --$3,227.4 68 8" PVC SDR 35 0-8' Deep 10 LF $9.73 $97.30 $14.Oq $140.00 $20.0 $200.00 $32.4 T JO 69 0" PVC S DR 35 8-10' Deep 252 LF cii n7 RA C1 $324.20 shared docs/ffxx�cipaVaotsagck/6l6/oi347bid achadule,xis Bid TabLilation BT -6 0.00 1 �JZAZI $8.169.84 1 5/24/2002 Bid Schedule "C" - Sanitary Sewer Continued BID TAF TION 91st Avenue a jday Avnue Street and Utility improvements Project No. 02-03 Bid Date May 24, 2002, 10:00 a.m. Redstone Construction Dave Perkins Contractin- S R Weldema in Item No. Description Estimated Number of Units Unit Unit Cost Total Estimated Cost Unit Cost Total Estimated Cost Total Estimated Unit Cost Cost anuy hiamcir Unit Cost rxt;dvdulig Total Estimated Cost 70 8" PVC SDR 35 10-12' Deep '10 LF $12.75 $127.50 $16.00 $160.00 $20.00 $200.00 $34.03 $340.30 71 6" PVC SDR 35 Service Lateral 360 LF $10.91 $3.927.60 $18.00 $6.480.00 $22.50 $8.100.00 $13.34 $4,802.40 72 Standard Sanitary Sewer Manhole 0-8 Deep 11 EA $2,253.59 $24,789.49 $2.400.0( $26,400.00 $2,100.00 $23,100.00 $2,472.95 $27.202.45 73 Manhole Overdepth 126 VF $148.40 $18,698.40 $200.0( $25.200.00 $163.50 $20.601.00 $147.801 $18,622.80 74 Outside Drop Connection 0-2' 1 EA $513.01 $513.01 $1,500.0( $1,500.00 $1,150.00 $1,150.00 $1,000.0c $1,000.00 75 Extra Depth Outside Drop Connectioln >2' 8 VF $256.49 $2.051.92 $150.0( $1,200.00 $66.00 $528.00 $250.00 $2,000.00 76 Connect to Existing Sanitary Sewer at Manhole I EA $2,561.79 $2,561.79 $42,500A $42.500.00 $2,440.00 $2.440.00 $600.00 $600.00 77 6" PVC Riser Pipe 67 VF $10.96 $734.32 $28.0( $1,876.00 $8.50 $569.50 $13.34 $893.78 78 15"x 6" PVC Wye 2 EA $282.23 $564.46 $250.00 $500.00 $155.0( $310.00 $211.32 $422.64 79 12"x 6" PVC Wye 3 EA 1 $224.66 $673.98 $200.00 $600.00 $95.0( $285.00 $159.23 $477.69 80 10"x 6" PVC Wye 2 EA $202.45 $404.90 $200.06 $400.00 $83.0( $166.00 $107.01 $214.0i- 81 8"x 6"PVC Wye 1 EA $150.09 $150.09 $150.00 $150.00 $35 -OC $35.00 $77.55 $77.55 82 12" Plug 1 EA $31.52 $31.52 $75.00 $�5.00 $45�0( $45.00 $57.15 $57.15 83 10" Plug 2 EA $26.37 $52.74 $75.00 $150.00 $4TOC $80.00 $51.91 $103.82 4 ug 9 EA $2.24 $20.16 $25.00 $225.00 1 $11.001 $99.00 $27.27 $245.43 85 86 10" DIP CIL 52, Fastite A., Installed by Ja!n and Boring of 18" Steel Casing Televise Sanitary Sewer 1 260 2533 ILF 1 ILF 1 $194.87 $0.59 - $50,666.20 $1,494.47 $195.00 $1.00 $50,700-00 $2,533.00 $198.( $0.60L_ 0 $1.519.8-0-F $197.5� $2.Oq $51,373.40 5.066.00 Total - Bid Schedule "C" Bid Schedule "D" - Storm Sewer $237,268.64 $220,450.00 $195,675� 10 $221.816.98 Item No. Description Estimated Number of Units Unit Unit Cost Total Estimated Cost Unit Cost Total Estimated Cost Unit Cost Total Estimated Cost Unit Cost Total Estimated Cost 87 42" RC Pipe Apron 1 EACH $1,199.02 $1,199.02 $1,005.00 $1,005.00 $917.00 $917.00 $915.10 $915.10 88 36" RC Pipe Apron I EACH $923.22 $923.22 $950.00 $950.00 $583.00 $583.00 $752.90 $752-90' 89 45" x 73" RC Arch Pipe Apron w/ Dropwall I EACH. $2,848.66 $2,848.68 $1,400.001 $1.400.00 $2.505.0( $2,585.00 $2,228.OE $2,22&05 90 15" RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CL V (all depths so LF $24.8C $1,984.00 $25.0� $2.000.00 $31.00 $2,480.00 $19.8c $1.584.00 91 18" RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CL III (alLq�� 48 LF $24.64 $1,182.72 $28.001 $1,344.00 $33.00 $1.584.00 $21.62 $1,037.76 92 21" RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CL III (all depth 61 LF $25.20 $1,537.20 $29.00 $1,769.00 $37A $2,299.70 $26A8 $1,615.28 93 27" RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CL III (all depths 160 LF $34.85 $5.576.00 $35.00 $5,600.00 $415�25 $7,240.00 $33.03 $5.284.80 94 30" RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CL III (all depths 64 LF $39.01 $2,496.64 $40.00 $2,560.00 $50.3( $3.219.20 $3&3� $2,456.96 95 33" RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CL III (all depth 275 LF $47.93 $13.180.75 $45.00 $12,375.00 $54.7( $15,042.50 $45.16 $12,424.50 96 36" RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CL III (all depth 59 LF $54.36 $3,207.24 $53.00 $3,127.00 $64.1,1 $3.784.85 $54.63 $3,22117 97 42" RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CL III (all depths 864 LF $75.85 $65,534.40 $72.Oq $62,208.00 $80.8( $69.811.20 $75.25 $65.016.00 98 48" RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CL III (all depths 105 LF $89.69 $9,417.45 $89.0( $9.345.00 $97.00 $10,185.00 $90.20 $9,471.00 99 45"x 73" RC Arch Pipe Sewer CL III (all depths) 651 LF $131.41 $85,547.91 $151.0( $98,301.00 $156A $101,816.40 $158.751 $103,346.25 100 15" Pipe Plug 4 1 EACH $162.70 $650.80 $75.0( $300.00 $88.0( $352.00 $78.6N $31440 101 18" Pipe Plug 102 42" Pipe Plug 103 45" x 73" RCPA 45* Bend 104 45"x 73" RCPA 35' Bend 2 2 2 1 EACH EACH EACH EACH $166.59 $268.44 $2,774.71 $2,774.691 $333.18 $536.88 $5.549.42 $2.774.69 $75.0( $150.0c - )001 $2,500.0 $2,500.Od $150.00 $300.00 0000 $5,000.00 $2�500 00 $93.0( $170.0( $2,645.0( $2645001 $186-00 $340.0 $5,290.00 $2,645.00 $82.8 $219.5 $2.319.04 $2.319.04 W $165-60 $439.00 $4,638.08 C 9110 nA shwed dGaVin�icipallaotsegoffi I WW3417bid schedule.As Bid Tabulation BT- 7 5/24/2002 BID TAB' 10N 91st Avenue ar day Avnue Street and Utility iiiiprovements Project No. 02-03 Bid Date May 24, 2002, 10:00 a.m. Rid qr-hP6 j1p "n" - Rtnrm qpwpr rnnfini jpd Item No. Description Estimated Number of Units Unit Unit Cost Total Estimated Cost Unit Cost Total Estimated Cost Unit Cost Total Estimated Cost Unit Cost Total Estimated Cost 105 Connect to Existing Storm Sewer I EACH $506.99 $506.99 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 $945.00 $945.00 $600.0 $600.00 106 Construct Draingage Structure Design 48" 4020 3 EACH $1,408.46 $4,225.38 $1.400.0( $4.200.00 $1,193.00 $3.579.00 $1.411.61 $4.234.83 107 Construct Draingage Structure Design 66" 4020 2 EACH $2.404.25 $4,808.50 $2,100.0( $4,200.00 $2.217.0( $4,434.00 $2,275.18 1 $4.550.36 108 Construct Draingage Structure Design 72" 4020 1 EACH $2,543.43 $2,543.43 $2,100.0( $2,100.00 $2,217.0( $2.217�00 $2,432.21 $2.432.21 109 Construct Draingage Structure Design 78" 4020 2 EACH $3.184.09 $6.368.18 $3.500.0( $7.000.00 $2,905.0( $5.810.00 $3,208.0 8 $6.416.16 110 Construct Draingage Structure Design 84" 4020 1 EACH $3,760.74 $3,760.74 $4,000.0( $4,000.00 $3,967.00 $3,967.00 $3,950.15 $3,950.15 Ill Construct Draingage Structure Design 90" 4020 0 EACH $0.00 $0.00 $0.001 $0.00 $0.0( $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 112 Construct Draingage Structure Design 96"4020 1 EACH $4.000.071 $4,000.07 $9,500.00 $9,500.00 $3,540.00 $3,540.00 $3,753.96 $3,753.96 113 Construct Draingage Structure Design 120"4020 1 1 EACH $6,502.67 $6,502.67 $9,800.00 $9,800.00 $7.065.00 $7,065.00 $6,796.00 $6,796.00 114 Random RipRap Class Ill 100 C $65.06 $6,506.00 $75.00 $7.500.00 $77.00 $7,700.00 $37.00 $3,700.00 115 Random RipRap Class IV 40 CY $65.06 $2,602.40 $75.00 $3.000.00 $77.00 $3.080.00, $37.00 $1,480.00 Total - Bid Schedule "D" SUMMARY OF BIDDING TOTAL BID SCHEDULE W TOTAL BID SCHEDULE "B" TOTAL BID SCHEDULE 'C' TOTAL BID SCHEDULE -D' $246.304.56 $390,831.48 $251,478.07 $237,268.64 $246,304.56 $1,125,882.75 $263,034.00 $420,936.50 $244,675.00 $220.450.00 $263,034.00 $1,149,095.50 $272,697.85 $399,288.50 $284,473.00 $195,675.10 $272,697.85 $1,152,134.45 $255.145.56 $441,147.77 $237,477.89 $221,816.98 $255,145.56 — $1,155,588.20 shared doc$/ML"CipaUaotsegoi5l5/ot347bid Schedule YJA BT- 8 Bid Yabulation 5/24/2002 BID TAB' -ION 91 st Avenue ar day Avnue Street and Utility improvements Project No. 02-03 Bid Date May 24,2002, 10:00 a.m. Bid Schedule "A" - Streets Landwehr Construction Dennis Fehn Excavating Burschville Construction Item No. I Description Estimated Number of Units Unit Unit Price Extension Unit Price Extension Unit Price Extension I IMobilization 1 LS $14.400.00 $14.400.00 $9,200.00 $9,200.00 $10,000.00 $10,000.00 2 1 Remove Culvert 94 LF $13.00 $1,222.00 $10.00 $940.00 $10.00 $940.00 3 Remove Bituminous Pavement 50 SY $3.00 $150.00 $6.00 $300.00 $3.00 $150.00 4 Sawing Bit Pavement (Full Depth) 200 LF $3.00 $600.00 $5.00 $1,000.00 $4,00 $800.00 5 Salvage & Reinstall Sign I EACH $150.00 $150.00 $150.00 $150.00 $200.00 $200.00 6 Common Excavation (P) 7.070 CY 1 $3.27 $23,118.90 $3.27 $23,118.90 $1.35 $9,544.50 7 Topsoil Stripping (P) 15,260 CY $1.15 $17,549.00 $1A5 $17,549.00 $1.30 $19,838.00 8 Class 5 Aggregate Base (7") 3.300 TON $10.871 $35,871.00 $11.00 $36,300.00 $9.74 $32,142.00 9 Mill Bituminous Surface 25 SY $5.73 $143.25 $16.00 $400.00 $7.00 $175.00 10 Type LV 4 Wearing Course Mixture (C) 1,190 TON $32.73 $38,948.70 $37.30 $44,387.00 $35.35 $42.066.50 11 Type LV 3 Non -Wearing Course Mixture (B) 1,480 TON $41,884.00 $31.20 $46,176.00 $28.50 $42,180.00 12 Bituminous Material For Tack Coat 550 GAL _$28.30 $1.00 $550.00 $1.90 $1.045.00 $1.60 ____$880.00 13 Must Valve Box 34 EACH 1 $87.00 $2,958.00 $105.00 $3.570.00 $275.001 $9,350.00 14 lAdjust Frame & Ring Casting 16 EACH $160.00 $2,560.00 $105.00 $1,680.00 $350.00 $5,600.00 15 1 Raise Ex. Manhole (w/ Barrel Sections) 6 VF $135.00 $810.00 $143.00 $858.00 $600.00 $3,600.00 16 Raise Ex. Valve Box I VF $70.00 $70.00 $263.00 $263.00 $275.00 $275.00 17 Raise Ex. Hydrant (11' Hydrant Extension) I EACH $340.00 $340.00 $525.00 $525.00 $350.00 $350.00. 18 Stamped Concfete Sidewalk (Al") 1.700 SY _$55.00 $93.500.00 $57.75 $98.175.00 $61.40 $104,380.00 19 Stamped Concrete Sidewalk (6") 150 SY $60.00 $9.000.00 $63.00 $9,450.00 $71.30 $10,695.00 20 Construct Pedestrian Curb Ramp 6 EACH $200.00 $1,200.00 $470.00 $2,820.00 $500-00 $3,000.00 21 lConcrete Median (W) 470 SY $28.50 $13.395.00 $30.00 $14.100.00 $33.50 $15,745.00 22 JConcfete Curb & Gutter Design 8618 5,600 LF $7.00 $39.200.00 $7.35 $41,160.00 $8.00 $44,800.00 23 6" Concrete Apron / Valley Gutter 250 SY $29.00 $7.250.00 $30A5 $7,612.50 $33.50 $8,375.00 24 Traffic Control I LS $2,3GO.00 $2,300.00 $2.415.00 $2,415.00 $2.800.00 $2,800.00 25 Sign Panels, Type C 420 SIF $21.50 $9,030.00 $22.50 $9.450.00 $22.50 $9,450.00 26 Pavement Message (Right Arrow) - Epoxy 24 EACH $76.00 $1,824.00 $100.00 $2.400.00 $80.00 $1,920.00 27 Pavement Message (Left Arrow) - Epoxy 20 EACH $76.00 $1,520.00 $100.00 $2,000.00 $80.00 $1,600.00 28 1 Pavement Message (Thru Arrow) - Epoxy 20 EACH $76.00 $1.520.00 $84.00 $1,680.00 $80.00 $1.600.00 29 14" Solid Line White - Epoxy 3.000 LF $0.361 $1,080.00 $0.67 $2,010.00 $0.40 $1,200.00 30 17'Solid Line White - Epoxy 450 LF $1.251 $562.50 $3.68 $1,656.00 $1.30 $585.00 31 24" Stop Line White - Epoxy 185 LF $2.50 $462.50 $7.40 $1,369.00 $2.55 $471.75 32 Bale Check 30 EACH $5.00 $160.00 $7.00 $210.00 $4.00 $120.00 33 Silt Fence, Type Machine Sliced 4.500 LF $1.75 $7,875.00 $1.50 $6.750.00 $2.00 $9,000.00 34 Seeding - Type Lawn Restoration 3 ACRE $1,500.00 $4,500.00 $485.00 $1,455.00 $380.00 $1.140.00 35 1 Sodding - Type Lawn Restoration 2,250 SY $2.50 $5.625.00 $2.25 $5.062.50 $2.50 $5,625.00 36 Seeding Mixture - 60B 300 LBS $2.20 $660.00 $0.01 $3.00 $4.25- $1,275-00 37 Commercial Fertilizer, 10-10-10 1,500 LBS $0.25 $375.00 $0.25 $375.00 $0.25 $375.00 38 Hydraulic Soil Stabilizer Type 5 1 TON $630.00 $630.00 1 $500.001 $500.001 $600.00 $600.00 39 Hydraulic Soil Stabilizer Type 6 3 TON $630.00 $1,890.001 $800.001 $2,400.00 1 $700.001 $2,100.001 Total - Bid Schedule "A" $384,873.85 $400,514.90 $404,947.75 shared docshnLwdcipal/aotsegOJ5151ot347bid adiedi-de As BT- 9 Bid Tabdation 5/24/2002 BID TA" ',TION 91st Avenue a aday Avnue Street and Utility improvements Project No. 02-03 Bid Date May 24, 2002, 10:00 a.m. Bid Schedule "B" - Watermain Landwehr Construction Dennis Fehn Excavating Burschville Construction Item No. Description Estimated Number of Units Unit Unit Cost Total Estimated Cost Unit Cost Total Estimated Cost Unit C o5t Total Estimated Cost 40 Connect to Existing WateFmain 1 LS $980.00 $980.00 $263.00 $263.00 $750.00 $750.00 41 16" Ductile Iron Pipe CI 52 1440 LF $29M $41,760.00 $35.60 $51,120.00 $34.75 $50,040.00 42 12" Ductile Iron Pipe CI 52 790 LIF $21.50 $16,985.00 $26.30 $20,777.00 $27.50 $21,725.00 43 8" Ductile Iron Pipe Cl 52 3425 LF $15.70 $53,772.50 $19.20 $65,760.00 $21.00 $71.925.00 44 6" Ductile Iron Pipe Cl 52 365 LF $13.30 $4.854.50 $16A0 $5,986.00 $18.00 $6.570.00 45 Ductile Iron Fittings 11,000 LB $4.10 $45,100.00 $3.10 $34,100.00 $1.50 $16,500.00 45 16" Butterfly Valve and Box 4 EACH $1.670.00 $6,680.00 $2,027.00 $8,108.00 $1,750.00 $7,000.00 47 12" Butterfly Valve and Box 2 EACH $1.140.00 $2,280.00 $1,155.00 $2.310.00 $1.000.001 $2.000.00 48 8" Gate Valve and Box 18 EACH. $775.00 $13,950.00 $840.00 $15.120.00 $725.00 $13,050.00 49 6" Gate Valve -and Box 17 EACH $610.00 $10,370.00 $735.00 $12,495.00 $650.00 $11,050.00 50 Hydrant a EACH $2,100.00 $16.800.00 $1,575.00 $12,600.00 $1,500.00 $12,000.00 51 Hydrant Extension 24 LIF $69.00 .$1.656.00 $19.00 $456.00 $300.00 $7.200.00 52 Salvage and Reinstall 16" Plug I EACH $850.001 $850.00 $263.00 $263.00 1 $500.00 $500.00 53 12" Insulation _ _ _ 500 SF $1.90 $950.00 $0.85 $425.00 $2.501 $1,250.00 !i4 112" DIP CIL 52, Fastite A, Installed by Jacking and Boring of 20" Steel Casing 230 LF $155.001 $35,650.00 $124.00 $28,520.00 $169.001 S38,870.00 Total - Bid Schedule -B' Bid Schedule "C" - Sanitary Sewer $252,638.00 $258.303.00 $260.430.00 Item No. Description Estimated Number of Units Unit Unit Cost Total Estimated Cost Unit Cost Total Estimated Cost Unit Cost Total Estimated Cost 55 15" PVC SDR 26 1 6-18'Deep 203 LF $66.30 $13,458.90 $53.50 $10.860.50 $49.50 $10,048TO- 56 15" PVC SDR 26 18-20'Deep 690 LF $71.40 $49,266.00 $55.50 $38.295.00 $51.50 $35.535.00 57 12" PVC SDR 26 18-20'Deep 427 LF $67.60 $28,865.20 $51.501 $21.990.50 $47.50 $20,282.9'0- 58 12" PVC SDR 26 20-22'Deep 110 LF $74.7(4 $8,217.00 $54.0( $5,940.00 $49.5( $5,445.00 59 10" PVC SDR 26 16-18'Deep 20 LF $60.5( $1,210.00 $48.0( $960.00 $43.;( $870.00 60 10" PVC SDIR 26 18-20' Deep 10 LF $65.5( $655.00 $50.0( $500.00 $45.5( $455.00 61 10" PVC S DR 26 20-22' Deep 416 LF $72.6( $30.201.60 $52.0( $21,632.00 $47.5( $19,760.00 62 10" DIP CIL 52, Fastite A, 10-12' Deep 10 LF $67.3( $673.00 $50.0( $500.00 $44.5( $44&00 63 10" DIP CL 52, Fastite A, 12-14' Deep 9 LF $71.1( $639.90 $5ZO( $468.00 $46.5c $418.50 64 10" DIP CL 52, Fastite A. 14-16' Deep 10 LIF 1 $71.10, $711.00 $54.0 $540.00 $48.501 $485.00 65 10- DIP CIL 92, Fastite JI., 16-18' Deep 36 LF $71.501 $2,574.00 $57.0 $2.052.00 $50.5 $1.818.00 66 10" DIP CIL 52, Fastite A, 18-20' Deep 10 LF $76.2 $762.00 $60.0 $600.00 $52.5 $525.00 67 10" DIP CIL 52, Fastite A., 20-22' Deep 60 LF $83.3 $4.998.00 $61.0 $3,660.00 $54.5 $3.270.00 68 8" PVC SDR 35 0-8- Deep 10 LF $26.00, $260.00 $13.0 $130.00 $30.50 $305.00 69 6" PVC SDR 35 8-10' Deep 252 LF $26.0 $6,552.00 $14.51 $3,654.00 1 $32.5 $8,190.00 shated docs/mu�dpaUsotsegorol5lot347bid schadLie.xis BT- 10 Bid Tabulawn 5/24/2002 Bid Schedule "C" - Sanitary Sewer Continued BID Tt 'XTION 91st Avenue jaday Avnue Street and Utility Improvements Project No. 02-03 Bid Date May 24, 2002, 10:00 a.m. Landwehr Construction Dennis Fehn Excavating Burschville Construction Item No. Description Estimated Number of Units Unit Unit Cost Total Estimated Cost Unit Cost Total Estimated Cost Unit Cost Total Estimated Cost 70 8" PVC SDR 35 10-12' Deep 10 LF $29.00 $290.00 $16.00 $160.00 $34.50 $345.00 71 6" PVC SDR 35 Service Lateral 360 LF $19.10 $6,876.00 $38.00 $13,680.00 $12.00 $4,320.00 72 Standard Sanitary Sewer Manhole 0-8' Deep 11 EA $2.600.00 $28,600.00 $1.680.00 $18.480.00 $3,225.00 $35,475.00 73 Manhole Overdepth 126 VF $180.00 $22,680.00 $280.00 $35.280.00 $304.00 $38.304.00 74 Outside Drop Connection 0-2' 1 EA $3.830.00 $3.830.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $600.00 $600.00 75 Extra Depth Outside Drop Connectioin >2' 8 VIF $230.00 $1,840.00 $70.00 $�60.00 $150.00 $1.200750- 76 Connect to Existing Sanitary Sewer at Manhole 1 EA $2,060.00 $2,060.00 $500.00 $500.00 $3.000M $3.000.00 77 6" PVC Riser Pipe 67 VF $19.10 $1,279.70 $12.00 $804.00 $15.00 $1.005.00 78 11 Yx 6" PVC Wye 2 EA $205.00 $410.00 $175.00 $350.00 $150.00 $300.00 79 11 2"x 6" PVC Wye 3 EA $160.00 $480.00 $100.00 $300.00 $100.00 $300.00 80 11 O"x 6" PVC Wye 2 EA $145.00 $290.00 $70.00 $140.00 $90.00 $180.00 81 18"x 6" PVC Wye 1 EA $110.00 $110,00 $30.00 $30.00 $45.00 $45.00 82 12" Plug I EA $82.00 $82.06- $45.00 $45.00 $100.00 $10&00 83 10" Plug 2 EA $76.00 $152.00 $35.00 $70.00 $90.00 $180.00 84 6" Plug 9 EA $69.00 $621.00 $5.00, $45.00 $25.00 $225.00 85 10" DIP CL 52, Fastite A, Installed by Jacking and Boring of 18" Steel Casing 260 ILF $192.00J $49,920.00 $160.0 $41,600.00 $400.001 $53,300.00 86 Televise Sanitary Sewer 2533 ILF I $0.6q $1.519.801 $0.7q $1.899.75 $6.950.00 1 $2,026.401 Total - Bid Schedule "C" Bid Schedule "D" - Storm Sewer $270,084.10 $226,725.75 $248,757.90 Item No. I Description Estimated Number of Units Unit Unit Cost Total Estimated Cost Unit Cost Total Estimated Cost Unit Cost Total Estimated Cost 87 42" RC Pipe Apron 1 EACH $915.00 $915.00 $1,160.00 $1,160.00 $1,100.00 $1,100.00 88 36" RC Pipe Apron I EACH $800.00 $800.00 $1,022.00 $1.022.00 $850.00 $850.00 89 45" x 73" RC Arch Pipe Apron wl Dropwall 1 EACH. $2,480.0C $2,480.00 $1,957.00 $1, , 957.00 $3,600.00 $3.600.00 90 15" RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CL V (all depths 80 LF $28.4C $2,272.00 $23.00 $1.840.00 $23.00 $1,840.00 91 18" RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CL III (all depth 48 LF $30.20 $1,449.60 $25.50 $1,224.00 $25.50 $1,224.00 92 121" RG Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CL III (all depths 61 LF $32.50 $1,982.50 $29.00 $1,769.00 $2&00 $1,708.00 93 27" RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CL III (all depths 160 LF $40.40 $6.464.00 $40.00 $6,400.00 $38.50 $6.160-00 94 30" RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CL III (all depths 64 _ LF $43.901 $2,809.60 $48.50 $3,104.00 $43.00 $2,752.00 95 33" RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CL III (all depth 275 LF $50.0� $13.750.00 $59M $16,225.00 $51.00 $14,025.00 96 36" RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CIL III (all depths 59 LF $56.50 $3.333.50 $69.00 $4.071.00 $59.50 $3.510.50 97 42" RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CL III (all depths 864 LF $73.30 $63.331.20 $93.00 $80.352.00 $86.00 $74,304.00 98 48" RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CL III (all depths 105 LF $85.00 $8,925.00 $109.00 $11.445.00 $10000 $10.500.00 99 45" x 73" RC Arch Pipe Sewer CL III (all depths) 651 LF $142.00 $92,442.00 $1gs.00 $126.945.00 $171.0( $111,321.00 100 15" Pipe Plug 4 EACH $230.00 $920.00 $47.00 $188.00 $100.0( $400.00 101 18" Pipe Plug 2 EACH $240.001 $480.00 $52.00 $104.00 $125�0( $250.00 102 42" Pipe Plug 2 EACH $290.00 $580.00 $136.00 $272.00 , $200,OC $400.001 103 145" x 73" RCPA 45* Bend 2 EACH $2,320.00 $4.640.00 $3,440.00 $6.880.00 $3,475.00 $6.950.00 1 104 145" x 73" RCPA 35' Bend I EACH $2.320.00 $2,320.00 $3,440.001 $3,440.00 $3.475.001 shared docshnuNdpaUaotsegorol5/o(347bid schedUe)ds BT- 11 Bid Tabulation 5/24/2002 BID T11"" ATION 91st Avenue uaday Avnue Street and Uti..., improvements Project No. 02-03 Bid Date May 24, 2002, 10:00 a.m. Rid Rr-hprijilp "n" - c;tnrm Rpwpr r.nnti-iPfl Item No. Description Estimated Numberof Units Unit Unit Cost Total Estimated Cost Unit Cost Total Estimated Cost Unit Cost Total Estimated Cost 105 Connect to Existing Storm Sewer 1 EACH $930.00 $930.00 $263.00 $263.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 106 Construct Draingage Structure Design 48" 4020 3 EACH $1.590.00 $4.770.00 $1,050.00 $3,150.00 $1.400.00 $4,200.00 107 Construct Draingage Structure Design 66" 4020 2 EACH $2,300.0( $4.600.00 $2,457.0( $4.914.00 $2,850.0( $5,700.00 108 Construct Draingage Structure Design 72" 4020 1 EACH $2.380.0( $2,380.00 $2,760.0( $2,760.00 $2.850.0( $2,850.00 109 Construct Draingage Structure Design 78" 4020 2 EACH $3,260.0( $6,520.00 $4,053.0( $8,106.00 $3.850�0( $7.700.00 110 Construct Draingage Structure Design 84" 4020 1 EACH $4.515.0( $4,515.00 $5,150.0( $5,150.00 $4,425.00 $4,425.00 111 Construct Dfaingage Structure Design 90" 4020 0 EACH $0.0( $0.00 $0.0c $0.0c $0,0( $0.00 112 Construct Draingage Structure Design 96" 4020 1 EACH $4,370.00 $4,370.00 $5.061.00 $5,061.00 $6,450.00 $6,450.00 113 Construct Draingage Structure Design 120" 4020 1 EACH $7,310.00 $7,310.00 1 $10.122.00 $10.122.00 1 $10,500.00 $ 10 !, 5 0 0 W 00 114 Random RipRap Class 111 100 CY $89.00 $8,900.00 $35.00 $3,500�00 1 $70.00 $7,000.00 115 Random RipRap Class IV 40 CY $91.00 $3,640.00 $35.00 $1.400.001 $'A Total - Bid Schedule "D" $257,829.40 $312,824.00 $296.994.50 SUMMARY OF BIDDING TOTAL BID SCHEDULE 'A' $384,873.85 $400,514.90 $404,947.75 TOTAL BID SCHEDULE "B' $252,638.00 $258.303.00 $260,430.00 TOTAL BID SCHEDULE 'C' $270,084.10 $226,725.75 $248,757.90 TOTAL BID SCHEDULE "D" $257,829.40 $312.824.00 $296,994.50 $1,165,425.35 $1,198,367.65 $1,211,130.15 Shared d0C&WK�1C1PaUa0t5e90ffi1510t347Ud Schedule,)ds BT - 12 bid Tabulabon 5124/2002 RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION ORDERING PREPARATION OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS WHEREAS, a resolution of the city council adopted the 28t" Day of May, 2002, ordering Hakanson Anderson Associates to prepare Plans and Specifications on the proposed improvement of 85 th Street from CSAH 39 to approximately 1100 feet east including excavation, aggregate base, curb and gutter, bituminous surfacing, water, sewer and drainage improvements. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF OTSEGO, MINNESOTA: 1. Such improvement is hereby ordered as proposed in the Feasibility Report dated September 2001, and in the council resolution adopted the 24th day of September 2001 and as presented at a public hearing on October 22, 2001. 2. Hakanson Anderson Associates, Inc. is hereby designated as the engineer for this improvement, and are hereby directed and authorized to prepare plans and specifications for the making of such improvement. Adopted by the council this 28th day of May 2002. Larry Fournier, Mayor Judy Hudson, Clerk G:\MunicipaMOTSEGO\350\ct35ORESordering Plans.doc Hakanson Anderson Assoc., Inc. May 22, 2002 Honorable Mayor and Council City of Otsego 8899 Nashua Avenue NE Otsego, N1N 55330 Item 7.1 3601 Thurston Avenue, Suite 101, Anoka, MN 55303 Phone:763/427-5860 Fax:763/427-0520 Re: Cost Estimate and Estimated Assessment for Parrish Avenue Neighborhood Sewer and Water Extension Dear Mayor and City Council: As requested, we have determined a cost estimate for extending water and sewer service to the flood prone area of Parrish Avenue. Extension of water and sewer starts at the north end of Otsego Waterfront West and follows the proposed location of future Quaday Avenue (see Sheet 1). This area along future Quaday Avenue is guided for commercial and high density residential, which requires larger water and sewer lines. Also a city well is planned in this area so the water line is slated to be 16" in diameter. These are additional costs not required to serve the Parrish Avenue neighborhood but is included in the cost. Reimbursement to the Parrish Avenue neighborhood would not be realized until those commercial and high density areas are developed and the City drills the proposed well. The cost estimate on pages 3, 4 and 5 (Exhibit A) show the total estimated cost of construction including oversizing for future developments and City trunk needs. No easement costs are included. Pages 6 and 7 (Exhibit B) show the cost estimates of the portions which will be reimbursable either by future developments or by the City WAC fund. Pages 8 and 9 (Exhibit Q show cost per front foot to be assessed. All front footage in flood prone areas were included (developed and undeveloped). Exhibit C. I on Page 8 shows a total estimated estimated cost of approximately $900,000 divided against approximately 6000 front feet gives approximately $150 per front foot. Exhibit C.2 shows the estimated reimbursement to the assessment when development occurs. This is estimated at approximately $365,000. Exhibit C.3 shows 3 scenarios involving the assessment and future development. Scenario A is a worst case scenario where no future development occurs (highly unlikely). Scenario B is a best case scenario (also highly unlikely due to the limitations of sanitary sewer treatment) where future development occurs concurrent with the extension of sewer and water to the Parrish Avenue flood prone area. Civil &Municipal GAMuiiicipaRA0TSEG0\71 I\ot7l I hmcc.doc Engineering 25 Land Surveyingfor Item 7.1 Scenario C (most likely case) shows cost breakdowns for the assessment in the event future development occurs 5 years into the assessment. Sheets 2 through 5 at the end of this report show improvements, which this cost estimate includes. A lift station is required to serve this low area. It should be noted, bringing water and sewer to this area does not alleviate the problems with access or the east dike. Also even if City water and sewer is provided, the east dike is improved to meet codes and CSAH 42 is reconstructed to a higher elevation, the area will still experience flooding issues due to the high permeability of the soils in this area. Sincerely, Hakanson Anderson Associates, Inc. Rona'ld 16Vagner, RJW:dlc Attachments cc: Mike Robertson, Administrator Judy Hudson, Clerk Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Dan Licht, City Planner G:\Municipal�AOTSEGO\71 I \ot7l I hnimdoc Hakanson Anderson Assoc., Inc. FEASIBILITY STUDY 5/22/2002 EXHIBIT B COST PAID BY COMMERCIAL HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL ACREAGE City of Otsego, Improvement Project No. 02-xx Water Sewer for Lowlands Area on North End of CSAH 42 Bid Schedule "B" - Watermain Item No. Description Estimated Number of Units Unit Unit Price Estimated Cost 1 Connect to Existing Watermain 1 LS $350.00 $350.00 2 16" Ductile Iron Pipe Cl 52 3050 LF $32.00 $97,600.00 3 12" Ductile Iron Pipe Cl 52 85 LF $28.00 $2,380.00 4 8" Ductile Iron Pipe C1 52 700 LF $26.00 $18,200.00 5 6" Ductile Iron Pipe Cl 52 100 LF $24.00 $2,400.00 —6 Ductile Iron Fittings 16015 LB $1.35 $21,620.25 7 16" Butterfly Valve and Box 5 EACH $1,535.00 $7,675.00 8 12" Butterfly Valve and Box 1 EACH $1,200.00 $1,200.00 9 .8" Gate Valve and Box EACH $625.00 10 6" Gate Valve and Box 10 EACH $455.00 $4,550.00 11 Hydrant 10 EACH $1,650.00 $16,500.00 12 Hydrant Extension 10 LF $275.00 $2,750.00 13 1" Corporation Tap EACH $82.00 14 1" Curb Box & Stop EACH $84.00 15 1 " Copper Service Pipe ( Open Trench) LF j $8.00 16 Directional Boring 1 " Copper Service Pipe LF $16.00 17 Salvage and Reinstall 16" Plug 1 EACH $150.00 $150.00 18 2" Insulation 128 SF $1.00 $128.00 19 land 12" DIP CIL 52, Fastite Jt, Installed by Jacking Boring of 20" Steel Casing LF $ 190.00 Total - Bid Schedule "B" $175,503 Page 6 //HaOl/Shared Docs/municipal/aotsego/347/ot7l1 feasibility -table i.xis 5/22/2002 FEASIBILITY STUDY 5/22/2002 EXHIBIT B COST PAID BY COMMERCIAL HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL ACREAGE City of Otsego, Improvement Project No. 02-xx Water Sewer for Lowlands Area on North End of CSAH 42 Bid Schedule "C" - Sanitary Sewer Item No. Description Estimated Number of Units Unit Unit Cost Estimated Cost 20 12" PVC SDR 26 12-14' Deep 250 LF $18.00 4,500.00 21 12" PVC SDR 26 14-16'Deep 830 LF $20.00 $ 16,600.00 22 12" PVC SDR 26 16-18'Deep 1027 LF $22.00 $ 22,594.00 23 12" PVC SDR 26 18-20'Deep 80 LF $24.00 __$ 1,920.00 24 12" PVC SDR 26 20-22'Deep 900 LF $26.00 $ 23,400.00 25 8" PVC_ SDR 35 0-8'Deep LF $15.00 $ - 26 8" PVC SDR 35 8-10'Deep LF $17.00 $ 27 8" PVC SDR 35 10-12'Deep LF $19.00 $ 28 8" PVC SDR 35 12-14'Deep LF $21.00 $ 29 8" PVC SDR 35 14-16'Deep LF $23.00 $ 30 8" PVC SDR 35 16-18'Deep LF $25.00 $ 31 8" DIP CL 52, Fastite A, 16-18' Deep LF $27.00 $ 32 6" PVC SDR 35 Service Lateral 920 LF $10.00 $ 9,200.00 33 4" PVC SDR 35 Service Lateral ( Open Trench) LF $9.00 $ - 34 Standard Sanitary ��_ewer Manhole 0-8' Deep 11 EA $1,500.00 $ 16,500.00 35 Manhole Overdepth 93 VF $120.00 $ 11,160.00 36 Outside Drop Conne�t_ion 0-2' 6 EA $550.00 $ 3,300.00 37 Extra Depth Outside Drop Connectioin >2' 60 VF $195.00 $ 11,700.00 38 Connect to Existing Sanitary Sewer 1 EA $200.00 $ 200.00 39 6" PVC Riser Pipe 230 VF $12.00 $ 2,760.00 40 1 2"x 6" PVC Wye 23 EA $60.00 __�__1,380.00 41 8"x 4" PVC Wye EA $50.00 $ 42 Directional Boring 4" PE (SDR1 1)Service Line LF $25.00 $ 43 3" PVC SDR 21, Force Main LF $10.00 $ 44 5 HP S�anitary Lift Station EA $50,000.00 $ 45 6" Plug 23 EA $35.00 $ 805.00 46 8" DIP CL 52, Fastite Jt., Installed by Jacking land Boring of 16" Steel Casing LF $16000 �Oi_'.i $ - 47 _ ITelevise Sanitary Sewer 3087 LF i 5u �u $ 2,315.25 Total - Bid Schedule "C" TOTAL - ALL SCHEDULES Page 7 //HaOl/Shared Docs/municipal/aotsego/347/ot7li feasibility -table lAs $ 128,334 $303,838 5122/2002 FEASIBILITY STUDY EXHIBIT A City of Otsego, Improvement Project No. 02-xx Water Sewer for Lowlands Area on North End of CSAH 42 Bid Schedule "A" - Streets 5/22/2002 Item No. Description Estimated Number of Units Unit Unit Cost Estimated Cost 1 Mobilization 1 LS $10,000.00 $10,000.00 2 Remove Existing Concrete Curb & Gutter 10 LF $3.00 $30.00 3 Remove Bituminous Pavement 1,328 SY $3.50 $4,648 * 00 4 Remove Exisitng 4" & 6" Sidewalk 71 SY $4.00 $284000 5 Sawing Bit Pavement (Full Depth) 1,054 LF $2.00 $2,108.00 6 Salvage & Reinstall Sign 10 EACH $50.00 $500.00 7 Topsoil Stripping (P) 2,115 CY $3.00 $6,345.00 8 Class 5 Aggregate Base (6") 478 TON $9.00 $4,302.00 9 Mill Bituminous Surface 14 SY $8.00 $112.00 10 Type LV 4 Wearing Course Mixture (C) 120 TON $33.00 $3,960.00 11 Type LV 3 Non -Wearing Course Mixture (B) 160 TON $31.00 $4,960.00 12 Bituminous Material For Tack Coat 70 GAL $1.25 $87.50 13 Adjust Valve Box 1 EACH $150.00 $150.5-0- 14 Adjust Frame & Ring Casting 1 EACH $200.00 $200.00 15 Concrete Sidewalk (4") 71 SY $20.00 $1,420.00 16 Concrete Curb & Gutter Design B618 10 LF $7.00 $70.00 17 Traffic Control 1 LS $5,000.00 $5,000.00 18 Bale Check 100 EACH $10.00 $1,000.5-0- 19 Silt Fence, Type Machine Sliced 1,000 LF $4.00 $4,000.00 20 Seeding - Type Lawn Restoration 3 ACRE $3,000.00 $9,000.00 21 Seedi - ng Mixture - 60B 300 LBS $4.75 $1,425.00 22 Commercial Fertilizer, 10-10-10 1,500 LBS $0.50 $750.5-0- 23 1 Hydraulic-, Soil Stabilizer Type 5 4 TON $350.00 $1,400.00 .24 JTree Clearing Individual Trees > 4"_,. 60 EACH $300.00 $18,000.00 Total - Bid Schedule "A" $79,752 Page 3 //HaOl/Shared Docs/municipal/aotsego/347/ot7l1 feasibility -table i.xis 5122/2002 FEASIBILITY STUDY EXHIBIT A City of Otsego, Improvement Project No. 02-xx Water Sewer for Lowlands Area on North End of CSAH 42 Bid Schedule "B" - Watermain 5/22/2002 Item No. Description Estimated Number of Units Unit Unit Price Estimated Cost 25 Connect to Existing Watermain 1 LS $350.00 $350.00 26 16" D-uctile Iron Pipe Cl 52 3050 LF $32.00 $97,600.00 27 12" Ductile Iron Pipe Cl 52 220 LF $28.00 $6,160.00 28 8" Ductile Iron Pipe Cl 52 3630 LF $26.00 $94,380.00 29 6" Ductile Iron Pipe Cl 52 150 LF $24.00 $3,600.00 30 Ductile Iron Fittings 16015 LB $1.35 $21,620.25 31 16" Butterfly Valve and Box 5 EACH $1,535.00 $7,675.00 32 12" Butterfly Valve and Box 1 EACH $1,200.00 $1,200.00 33 8" Gate Valve and Box 3 EACH $625.00 $1,875.00 34 6" Gate Valve and Box 17 EACH $455.00 $7,735.00 35 Hydrant 17 EACH $1,650.00 $28,050.00 36 Hydrant Extension 10 LF $275.00 $2,750.00 37 1" Corporation Tap 47 EACH $82.00 $3,854.00 38 1 " Curb Box & Stop 47 EACH $84.00 $3,948.00 39 1" Copper Service Pipe ( Open Trench) 700 LF $8.00 $5,600.00 7 40 Directional Boring 1" Copper Service Pipe 2300 LF $16.00 $36,800.00 41 Salvage and Reinstall 16" Plug 1 EACH $150.00 $150.00 42 2" Insulation 128 SF:L $1.00 $128.00 112,, 43 DIP CL 52, Fastite Jt., Installed by Jacking and Boring of 20" Steel Casing 80 LF 190.00 $15,200.00 Total - Bid Schedule "B" $338,675 Page 4 //HaOl/Shared Docs/municipal/aotsego/347/ot7l1 feasibility -table 1.xls 5122/2002 FEASIBILITY STUDY EXHIBIT A City of Otsego, Improvement Project No. 02-xx Water Sewer for Lowlands Area on North End of CSAH 42 Bid Schedule "C" - Sanitary Sewer 5/22/2002 Item No. Description Estimated Number of Units Unit Unit Cost Estimated Cost 44 12" PVC SDR 26 12-14'Deep 250 LF $18.00 $ 4,500.00 45 12" PVC SDR 26 14-16'Deep 830 LF $20.00 $ 16,600.00 46 12" PV ' C SDR 26 16-18'Deep 1027 LF $22.00 $ 22,594.00 47 12" PVC SDR 26 18-20'Deep 80 LF $24.00 $ 1,920.00 48 112" PVC SDR 26 2T--22'Deep 900 LF $26.00 $ 23,400.00 49 8" PVC SDR 35 0-8'Deep 680 LF $15.00 $ 10,200.00 50 8" PVC SDR 35 8-10' Deep 1300 LF $17.00 $ 22,100.00 51 8" PVC SDR 35 10-12' Deep 450 LF $19.00 $ 8,550.00 52 8" PVC SDR 35 12-14'Deep 150 LF $21.00 _$ 3,150.00 53 8" PVC SDR 35 14-16' Deep 50 LF $_23.00 $ 1,150.00- 54 8" PVC SDR 35 16-18'Deep 70 LF $25.00 $ 1,750.00 55 8" DIP CL 52, Fastite A, 16-18' Deep 20 LF $27.00 $ 540.00 56 6" PVC SDR 35 Service Lateral 920 LF $10.00 $ 9,200.00 57 4" PVC SDR 35 Service Lateral ( Open Trench) 2350 LF $9.00 $ 21,150.00 58 Standard Sanitary �_e­wer Manhole 0-8' Deep 21 EA $1,500.00 $ 31,500.00 59 Manhole Overdepth 108 VF $120.00 $ 12,960.00 60 Outside Drop Connection 0-2' 6 EA $550.00 $ 3,300.00 61 Extra Depth Outside Drop Connectioin >2' 60 VF $195.00 $ 11,700.00 62 Connect to Existing Sanitary Sewer 1 EA $200.00 _$ 200.00 63 6" PVC Riser Pipe 230 VF $12.00 $ 2,760.00 64 12"x 6" PVC Wye 23 EA $60.00 $ 1,380.00 65 8"x 4" PVC Wye 47 EA $50.00 $ 2,350.00 66 Directional Boring 4" PE (SDR1 1)Service Line 1440 LF $25.00 36,000.00 67 3" PVC - SDR 21, Force Main 1250 LF $10.00 _$ $ 12,500.00 68 5 HP Sanitary Lift Station 1 EA $50,000.00 $ 50,000.0-0 69 6" Plug 23 EA $35.00 $ 805.00 70 8" DIP CL 52, Fastite Jt., Installed by Jacking and Boring of 16" Steel Casing 80 LF $160.00 $ 12,800.00 71 ITelevise Sanitary Sewer 5887 LF $0.75 $ 4,415.25 Total - Bid Schedule "C" $ 329,474 TOTAL - ALL SCHEDULES $747,901 Page 5 I/HaOl/Shared Docs/municipal/aotsego/347/ot7lI feasibility -table i.xis 5/22/2002 FEASIBILITY STUDY EXHIBIT C FINANCIAL SUMMARY WATER AND SEWER TO SERVE LOWLANDS AREA ON NORTH END OF CSAH 42 City of Otsego Initial ( Assuming no Assistance from Commercial7-Aigh Dens! Development)Assessments to Residnetial Properties in Low 11. Land Area: Sanitary Sewer Watermain Street Estimated Cost of Utility Construction 20% Overhead for construcion contengency, engineering and legal Total Project Cost To Be Assessed Assessment Cost Per Front Foot (Total Front Footage - 6,940 LF) IAmount to be Eventivally Paid by Commercial/ High Density ll. Residential Or City WAC &SAC Fees. $329.474 $338,675 $79,752 $747.901 $149,580 $897,481 $151 /Front Foot Estimated Construction Cost of Water & Sewer Facilities to be Paid by Commercial / High Density Residential From Exhibit 'B" Water $175,503 Sewer $128,334 Total $303,837 20% Overhead for construcion contengency, engineering and lega $60,767 Total Project Cost to Be Credited to Assessment Fund $364,604 5/22/2002 M71 I ��l -y,, WF ­1 S�q Page 8 5/22/2002 FEASIBILITY STUDY EXHIBIT C FINANCIAL SUMMARY WATER AND SEWER TO SERVE LOWLANDS AREA ON NORTH END OF CSAH 42 City of Otsego Project Funding Assumption A. Worst Case- (No Future Comerrcial, HD Residential Development) TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL PERFRONT PER FRONT PERFRONT FRONT FOOT FOOT FOOT FOOTAGE AMOUNT Assessments for Water Sewer and Streets Assessments for Water Sewer and Streets $151 5940 $897,475 Annual Annual Annual Example for 100 Monthly Payment MonthlyPayment Monthly Payment Payment Per Foot Lot- Monthly Example for 100 Foot Per Front Foot Per Front Foot Front Foot Payment Lot- Annual Payment Total Payout 6.00 Interest Rate % YEAR YEAR YEAR io Year Assesment Period lo Year Assesment Period io Year Assesment Period 1.68 20.53 $168 $2,053 $20,528.29 is Year Assesment Period 1.27 15.56 $127 $1,556 $23,334.97 20 Year Assesment Period 1.08 13.17 $108 $1,317 $26,345.43 B. Best Case- (immediate Future Comerrcial, HD Residential Development) TOTAL TOTAL PERFRONT PER FRONT FRONT FOOT FOOT FOOTAGE AMOUNT Assessments for Water Sewer and Streets Assessments for Water Sewer and Streets $68.13 5940 $404.668 Annual Annual Example for 100 Monthly Payment MonthlyPayment PaymentPer FootLot-Manthly Example for 100 Foot Per Front Foot Per Front Foot Front Foot Payment Lot- Annual Payment Total Payout 6.00 Interest Rate % YEAR YEAR io Year Assesment Period lo Year Assesment Period 0.76 9.26 .$76 $926 $9,256.13 is Year Assesment Period 0.57 7.01 $57 $701 $10,521.65 20 Year Assesment Period 0.49 5.94 $49 $594 $11,879.06 C. Probable Case- (Future Comerrcial, HD Residential Development Occurs in Five (5) Years) TOTAL PERFRONT FRONT FOOT FOOTAGE AMOUNT Assessments for Water Sewer and Streets $68.13 5940 $404.668 Annual Example for 100 Monthly Payment Payment Per Foot Lot- Monthly Example for 100 Foot s First Five Years Per Front Foot Front Foot Payment Lot- Annual Payment Total Payout 6.00 Interest Rate % YEAR io Year Assesment Period 1.68 20.53 $168 $2,053 $10,264.14 15 Year Assesment Period 1.27 15.56 $127 $1,556 $7,778.32 20 Year Assesment Period 1.08 13.17 $108 $1,317 $6,586.36 Remainder of Finance Period 6.00 Interest Rate % YEAR io Year Assesment Period 15 Year Assesment Period 20 Year Assesment Period Total Period 10 Year Assesment Period is Year Assesment Period 20 Year Assesment Period 0.76 9.26 $76 $926 $4,628.07 0.57 7.01 $57 $701 $7,014.43 0.49 5.94 $49 $594 $8,909.29 Total Payout $14,892.21 Total Payout $114,792.76 Total Payout $15,495.66 5/22/2002 Page 9 512212002 77 71 145 i -V ls� q �7_ 77- ��, L 4 p - CITY OF OTSEGO SEC 15 T121 R23 c I CL_ �;JF9/� :E Q On .=(n LnT m . . . . . . . . . 4 < z z Ln Ao Ln m ; So o lie 77 71 145 i -V ls� q �7_ 77- ��, L 4 p - CITY OF OTSEGO SEC 15 T121 R23 c I CL_ �;JF9/� :E Q On .=(n LnT m . . . . . . . . . 4 < z z Ln Ao Ln m ; So o 77 71 145 i -V ls� q �7_ 77- ��, L 4 p - CITY OF OTSEGO SEC 15 T121 R23 < x 862.1 X'1862.3 �861* 9-- ;615 542"� 859 x Li S x 862.7 #b 2 2.a—\ x 8642\11 x 1859.8 C3 5601 x x 861.0 1-3 i -in -Z. 860 4 8+41 It X10 8607 Pi L\ 1�r- It c -J xt4�— \\k\\- X\1870\6 It WI, L I It x 860.7 ZI J- c7l, �6,',. 8 5 9 2 N N' W, \ \\ N 8610 It .4 + -c x 85 9 862.3 X\ -g6o— It x p 'It 41 It S61,5 860— Vrk + kit 864.5 861.6 3��s6o:; x 4:1)3 960.5 �S- 01, A 1+ M i Fj \A -Z+tO MATCH LINE — — — — — — - e54 5 it. 21 x 859 0 x x S59.4 x ME 'i IL'4402 a6cl x 4 -Z+tO MATCH LINE — — — — — — - e54 5 it. 21 ul ul w x 0 cp� x in In 0) a) 00 a, X x x In 0 ED ul ED x 4n X ALL WATER SERVICES ON 9 8LF (OR TO R 0 W EAST SIDE OF ROAD ARE 85LF DIRECTIONAL BORING OF 4: SANITARY WYES COPPER SERVICE PIPE MH 5+ 0 4 SERVICE LOCAL RIM -8 4 0 4- P (TYPICAL) LUGS fu [(S)INF858,23 x " 0 . , woo' liEr .. -- l6'ml2' REQMR 2-16' BUTIERFL VALVES k 12' BUTTERELY VALVE x ,TYPICAL, 4 INV -858 tO 10 0, C) 1 0 00 60LIF ED IT, In In 111 )4+00 In In .,.;, 14' x —f'� 16" DIP 'o Y As, 0 cp� x in In 0) a) 00 a, X x x In 0 ED ul ED x 4n X ALL WATER SERVICES ON 9 8LF (OR TO R 0 W EAST SIDE OF ROAD ARE 85LF DIRECTIONAL BORING OF 4: SANITARY WYES COPPER SERVICE PIPE MH 5+ 0 4 SERVICE LOCAL RIM -8 4 0 4- P (TYPICAL) LUGS fu [(S)INF858,23 x " 0 . , woo' liEr .. -- l6'ml2' REQMR 2-16' BUTIERFL VALVES k 12' BUTTERELY VALVE x ,TYPICAL, 4 INV -858 :_,j 1 0 0 60LIF ED :AN% In 111 )4+00 x —f'� 16" DIP 'o Y As, NT VAL In SOLF 4' DIRECT[ A x r,*90 '* r 90 RIM RIM - B60 0 MH CD BORING EACH SE VI WEST SIDE OF 0- x N)NV-"5 I ;-mlll- 2�66 20+90 Im 8 x (4 (44 —1 UNE "D" S) V S)l IN =115. tS) NV=852 76 t 86 (N)INV-854 36 — C) Qr .1 MH 31*11 RIM -872,0 S" GRAVITV SEWER—\ !%x Zz - 8"(N)INV-855 w L'I r-; 8-(W)INV-855. 5- EX19TI a .3 1 12" x x 00. J/ -01 Lv�-- fl — T 3- PVC Z(J2lI-FO!jMAIN) I I.. j I PIVED S".CERff I Vi GLITTIER - Iq Fi I C 0 - R 42 so a IIIIIET IM END EXr CURB &- ,JG 1,18 &-,-GUTTER IS" DIP -1 13 / n—, I ii Z� L,�j oil f I W ' — 10 /KJ STUB Our— PICY zj-iz rJ I 2OLF 8 IT (SDR 35) I 0.4x at ,I) 5�N PLUG x 0 x x . . . ....... cl 10 DATE RE�ISION FEA SIBILITY STUDY 0 3 "A,,kd.,nSSO,',' WATER & SANITARY SEWER LFv SERVICE Assoc.,Inc.1 C.S.A. OT"42 NORTH 5 OET L .,I[ T� MINNESOTA — —, 1 ca -5113/IN I -It - — . — ci 0 0 D VAL ED :AN% In 8") VE x —f'� A 'o Y As, NT VAL In SOLF 4' DIRECT[ A ED CD BORING EACH SE VI WEST SIDE OF 0- x zt I tx 86 ALL WATER SERVICES ON WEST SIDE OF ROAD ARE I" TAP-5LF OF 1* COPPER Zz - SERVICE PIPE (TYPICAL) so a IIIIIET IM END EXr CURB &- ,JG 1,18 &-,-GUTTER IS" DIP -1 13 / n—, I ii Z� L,�j oil f I W ' — 10 /KJ STUB Our— PICY zj-iz rJ I 2OLF 8 IT (SDR 35) I 0.4x at ,I) 5�N PLUG x 0 x x . . . ....... cl 10 DATE RE�ISION FEA SIBILITY STUDY 0 3 "A,,kd.,nSSO,',' WATER & SANITARY SEWER LFv SERVICE Assoc.,Inc.1 C.S.A. OT"42 NORTH 5 OET L .,I[ T� MINNESOTA — —, 1 ca -5113/IN I -It - — . — 7!+ 96th ST. 8 71 1 em r. 9 ct XT I x P AC, T\ \-,\ 8685 x 979.4 x S79.8 cb x 880.9 x 878.7 x 879 —7/9 7 C 67,6 x )7 879.8 x x 879.4 86 104 x 890 5 o� x a6g.5 Z�) ool, x 880 7 It' X 866e low I C, 86�5 191 oon t -87,x 8(,961 C68,2 A Aq x 865 4 xi 86 3,03:5, t C, rm 867.6 iA �E,,, ED . ":f" =M-0 Mtn zrn 0 66A." MATCH lk Irl T� Er fiz 67 gs I- c ? z x st-a E 14+55 x 868�3 8,70 4 # 3,11 i7UX MA TCH, 14+55 13 x a6r..g Rr X 8613 _S3 o 96SE x x 867.3 #3150 866.8 68.8 x p- 867.2 x WO 970 9 868.3 x # 1 54 100 -C� 8 x 86S4 7.01 j 8687 '22 x 868.7 867.5 F1 #402(53 10 #15430 X 81 01 x 709 ZT) bb x CZ) i z BS7.0 i C) i C) 96� C, (�,8655 V 870.7 8672 C-3 f� 7.7 1 n A Wo 86a '3 x 810 7 a C. 870.7 i X 870,7 :3 0 X1 8691 X 8694 x 8 '0 870. -1 <x + o z LD 67 Z! IT, lion, 10 �,i 10 z 0 7 0 noo 4--- L 0 'o 1-7 F -F 7- iLji: 70.6 Hakanson Anderson Assoc., Inc. May 28, 2002 Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Otsego 8899 Nashua Avenue NE Otsego, MN 55330 ITEM 7.2 3601 Thurston Avenue, Suite 101, Anoka, AAN 55303 Phone:763/427-5860 Fax:763/427-0520 Re: Construction Bids, Quaday Avenue and 91s' Street City of Otsego Project #02-03 Dear Mayor and City Council: Bids were received and opened on May 24, 2002, for Construction of Quaday avenue and 9 1 Street. A total of I I bids were received as shown on the attached Bid Tabulation. Arcon Construction is the low bidder at $1,054,085.50 and is below the Engineer's Estimate of $1,286,849.00. Arcon Construction is an underground utility contractor that has successfully completed several projects within Otsego. (Pheasant Ridge I through 5 and Stonegate Estates 1 and 2) We recommend Award of the Contract to the low bidder, Arcon Construction, PO Box 159, 43425 Frontage Road, Harris, MN 55032. Sincerely, Hakanson Anderson Associates, Inc. RJW:dlc Enclosure cc: Mike Robertson, Administrator Judy Hudson, City Clerk Civil & Municipal G:\Municipal\AOTSEGO\347Not347hmcc.doc Engineering 25 Land Surveyingfor RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION ACCEPTING BID WHEREAS, pursuant to an advertisement for bids for the Street and Utility Improvement of Quaday Avenue and 91't Street, bids were received, opened and tabulated according to law, and the following bids were received complying with the advertisement: Arcon Construction $1,054,085.50 Kuechle Underground $1,056,606.76 Barbarossa & Sons $1,068,067.95 Northdale Construction $1,098,370.96 Redstone Construction $1,125,882.75 Dave Perkins Contracting $1,149,095.50 SR Weidema, Inc. $1,152,134.45 Randy Kramer Excavating $1,155,588.20 Landwehr Construction $1,165,425.35 Dennis Fehn Excavating $1,198,367.65 Burschville Construction $1,211,130.15 AND WHEREAS, it appears that Arcon Construction of Harris, Minnesota is the lowest responsible bidder, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF OTSEGO MINNESOTA: 1 . The Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to enter into a contract with Arcon Construction of Harris, Minnesota in the name of the City of Otsego for Street and Utility Improvement of Quaday Avenue and 91st Street, according to the plans and specifications therefore approved by the City Council and on file in the office of the City Clerk. 2. The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to return forthwith to all bidders the bid bonds made with their bids, except that the bid bond of the successful bidder and the next lowest bidder shall be retained until a contract has been signed. Adopted by the City Council this Judy Hudson, Clerk G:\MunicipaMOTSEGO\347\OT347ResACCEPT 81D.doc day of 2002. Larry Fournier, Mayor Bid Schedule "A" - Streets BID TABU[ ATION 91st Avenue an lay Avnue Street and Utilit. rovements Project No. 02-03 Bid Date May 24, 2002, 10:00 a.m. Arcon Construction Kuechle Underground Barbarossa & Sons Northdale Construction Item No. Description Estimated Number of Units Unit Unit Price Extension Unit Price Extension Unit Price Extension Unit Price Extension 1 Mobilization I LS $20,000.00 $20,000.00 $3,500.00 $3.500.00 $30.000.00 $30,000.00 $7,100.00 $7.100.00 2 Remove Culvert 94 LF $6.00 $564.00 $4.31 $405.14 $3.00 $282.00 $5.00 $470.00 3 Remove Bituminous Pavement 50 SY $3.00 $150.00 $2.46 $123.00 $5.00, $250.00 $4.00 $200.00 4 Sawing Bit Pavement (Full Depth) 200 LF $4.00 $800.00 $1.73 $346.00 $4.00 $800.00 $5.00 $1,000.00 5 Salvage & Reinstall Sign 1 EACH $120.00 $120.00 $58.00 $58.00 $150.00 $150.00 $150.00 $150.00 6 Common Excavation (P) 7,070 CY $3.33 $23,543.10 $3.27 $23,118.90 $3.27 $23.118.90 $1.31 $9,261.70 7 Topsoil Stripping (P) 15,260 CY $1.15 $17,549.00 $1.25 $19,075.00 $1.15 $17,549.00 $1.21 $18.464.60 8 Class 5 Aggregate Base (TJ 3,300 TON $10.87 $35,871.00 $11.00 $36,300.00 $10.87 $35.871.00 $13.411 $44,253.00 9 Mill Bituminous Surface 25 SY $5.73 $143.25 $5.73 $143.25 $5.73 $143.25 $6.02 $150.50 10 Type LV 4 Wearing Course Mixture (C) 1,190 TON $32.73 $38.948.70 $33.00 $39,270.00 $33.00 $39.270.00 $34.37 $40,900.30 11 IType LV 3 Non -Wearing Course Mixture (B) 1,480 TON $28.30 $41,884.00 $28.00 $41,440.00 $29�00 $42,920.00 $29.72 $43,985.60 12 Bituminous Material For Tack Coat 550 GAL $1.00 $550.00 $1.00 $550.00 $1.00 $550.00 $1.05 $577.50 13 Adjust Valve Box 34 EACH $150.00 $5,10uo $100.001 $3,400.00 $150.00 $5,100.00 $125.00 $4,250.00 14 Adjust Frame & Ring Casting 16 EACH $300.00 $4.800.00 $150.00 $2,400.00 $200.00 $3.200.00 $150.001 $2,400.00 15 Raise Ex. Manhole (w/ Barrel Sections) 6 VF $160.00 $960.00 $210.00 $1,260.00 $135.00 $810.00 $163.901 $983.40 16 Raise Ex. Valve Box 1 VF $150.00 $150.00 $540.00 $540.00 $175�00 $175.00 $154.88 $154.88 17 1 Raise Ex. Hydrant (1' Hydrant Extension) 1 EACH $285.00 $285.00 $410.00 $410.00 $380.00 $380.00 $416.25 $416.25 18 Stamped Concrete Sidewalk (4") 1,700 SY $57.00 $96,900.00 $56.00 $95,200.00 $55.00 $93,500.00 $57.75 $98.175.00 19 Stamped Concrete Sidewalk (6") 150 SY $62.00 $9,300.00 $61.001 $9,150.00 $60.00 $9,000.00 $63.00 $9,450.00 20 Construct Pedestrian Curb Ramp 6 EACH 1 $200.00 $1,200.00 $200.00 $1,200.00 $200.00 $1,200.00 $210.00 $1,260.00 21 Concrete Median (6") 470 SY $28.50 $13.395.00 $29.00 $13,630.00 $28.50 $13.395.00 $29.931 $14,067.10 22 Concrete Curb & Gutter Design B618 5,600 LF $7.00 $39,200.00 $7.00 $39.200.00 $7.20 $40,320.00 $7.35 $41.160.00 23 16" Concfete Apron / Valley Gutter 250 SY $29.00, $7,250.00 $29.00 $7,250.00_ $29.00 $7,250.00 $30.45 $7,612.50 24 Traffic Control 1 LS $2,500.001 $2,500.00 $2,300.00 $2.300�00 $2,500.00 $2,500.00 $2.415.00 $2,415.00 25 Sign Panels, Type C 420 SF $21.50 $9.030.00 $22.00 $9,240.00 $21.50 $9,030.00 $22.58 $9.483.60 26 Pavement Message (Right Arrow) - Epoxy 24 EACH $76.00 $1.824.00 $76.00 $1.824.00 $55.00 $1,320.00 $79.80 $1,915.20 27 Pavement Message (Left Arrow) - Epoxy 20 EACH $76.00 $1,520.00 $76.00 $1.520.00 $55.00 $1,100.00 $79.801 $1,596.00 28 Pavement Message (Thru Arrow) - Epoxy 20 EACH $76.00 $1.520.00 $76.00 $1,520.00 $10.00 $200.00 $79.801 $1,596.00 29 14" Solid Line White - Epoxy 3,000 LF $0.36 $1'080�00 $0.36 $1,080.00 $0.20 $600.00 $0.38 $1.140.00 30 12" Solid Line White - Epoxy 450 LF $1.251 $562.50 $1.25 $562.50 $2.00 $900.00 $1.31 $589.50 31 24" Stop Line White - Epoxy 185 LF $2.50 $462.50 $2.50 $462.50 $6.00 $1,110.00 $2.63 $486.55 32 Bale Check 30 EACH $5.00 $150.00 $8.00 $240.00 $6.00 $180.00 $6.30 $189.00 33 Silt Fence, Type Machine Sliced 4,500 LF $1.75 $7,875.00 $1.60 $7,200.00 $2.00 $9,000.00 $2.00 $9.000.00 34 Seeding - Type Lawn Restoration 3 ACRE $1.500.00 $4,500.00 $800.00 $2,400.00 $360.00 $1,080.00 $378.001 $1.134.00 35 Sodding - Type Lawn Restoration 2,250 SY $2.50 $5,625.00 $2.00 $4,500.00 $2.30 $5,175.00 $2.42 $5,445.00 36 Seeding Mixture - 60B 300 LBS $2.20 $660.00 $2.80 $840.00 $4.00 $1,200.00 $4.20 $1.260.00 37 Commercial Fertilizer. 10-10-10 1,500 1 LBS $0.25 $375.00 $0.25 $375.00 $0.20 $300.00 $0.21 $315.00 38 Hydraulic Soil Stabilizer Type 5 1 TON $630.00 $630.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $590.00 $590.00 $619.50 $619.50 39 Hydraulic Soil Stabilizer Type 6 3 TON $630.00 $1,890.00 $1,000.00 $3,000.00 $690.001 $2,070.00 $724.50 $2,173.50 Total - Bid Schedule "A" $398.867.05 $376,033.29 $401,589.15 $385.800.18_ shared docs/muniopaUaotsegorol5/ot347bid schedule As BT- 1 Bid Tabulation 5/24/2002 Bid Schedule "B" - Watermain BID TAB"' 'TION 91st Avenue ai day Avnue Street and Utilit, provements Project No. 02-03 Bid Date May 24, 2002, 10:00 a.m. Arcon Construction Kuechle nderground Barbarossa & Sons Northdale r- t v - Item No. Description Estimated Number of Units Unit Unit Price Total Estimated Cost Unit Cost Total Estimated Cost Unit Cost Total Estimated Cost Unit Cost Total Estimated Cost 40 Connect to Existing Watermain 1 LS $300.00 $300.00 $960.00 $960.00 $950.00 $950+00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 41 16" Ductile Iron Pipe CI 62 1440 LF $28.95 $41,688.00 $33.00 $47,520.00 $31.00 $44,640.00 $30.26 $43,574.40 42 12" Ductile Iron Pipe Cl 52 790 LF $19.55 $15,444.50 $25.00 $19,750.00 $22.00 $17.380.00 $22.78 $17,996.20 43 8" Ductile Iron Pipe CI 52 3425 LF $17.15 $58,738.75 $16.00 $54.800.00 $17.00 $58,225.00 $18.95 $64,903.75 44 6" Ductile Iron Pipe Cl 52 365 LF $22.80 .$8.322.00 $19.00 $6,935.00 $16.00 $5,840.00 $14.53 $5.303.45 45 Ductile Iron Fittings 11,000 LB $1.65 $18,150.00 $1.99 $21,890.00 $1.50 $16,500.00 $2.07 $22,770.00 46 16" Butterfly Valve and Box 4 EACH $1,425.00 $5,700.00 $1,700.00 $6,800.00 $1.500.00 $6.000.00 $1,284.22 $5,136.88 47 12" Butterfly Valve and Box 2 EACH $800.00 $1,600.00 $1,100.00 $2,200.00 $850.001 $1,700.00 $746.40 $1,492.80 48 8" Gate Valve and Box 18 EACH $675.00 $12,150.00 $860.00 $15.480.00 $725.00 $13,050.00 $669.78 $12,056.04 49 6" Gate Valve and Box 17 EACH $495.00 $8.415.00 $680.00 $11,560.00 $550.00 $9.350.00 $504.70 $8.579+90 50 Hydrant 8 EACH $1.670.00 $13,360.00 $1,900.00 $15,200.00 $1,900.00 $15,200.00 $1.513.09 $12,104.72 51 Hydrant Extension 24 LF $285.00 $6.840.00 $240.00 $5,760.00 $350.00 $8,400.00 $506.77 $12,162.48 52 Salvage and Reinstall 16" Plug 1 EACH 10 .00 $100.00 $170.00 $170-00 $200.00 $200.00 $250.00 $250.00' 53 2" Insulation 500 _ SF $1.40 $700.00 $3.35 $1.675.00 $3.00 $1 500 - 00 $0.94 $470.00 54 12" DIP CL 52, Fastite A, Installed by Jacking and Boring of 20" Steel Casing 230 LF eirr nn -1`17,950.00 $170.001 $39.100.00 $148.010 , $34'040.00 50.23 $34,552.90 Total - Bid Schedule "B" Bid Schedule "C" - Sanitary Sewer $229.458.25 $249,800.00 $232,975.00 $242,353.52 Item No. Description Estimated Number of Units Unit Unit Price Total Estimated Cost Unit Cost Total Estimated Cost Unit Cost Total Estimated Cost Unit Cost Total E51LImated Cost 55 15" PVC SDR 26 16-18' Deep 203 LF $61.25 $12,433.75 $28.00 $5,684.00 $39.00 $7,917.00 $49.15 $9,9777�-5 56 15" PVC SDR 26 18-20'Deep 690 LF $61.25 $42,262.50 $30.00 $20,700.00 $40.00 $27,600.00 $55.81 $38,508.90 57 12" PVC SDR 26 18-20'Deep 427 LF $60.50 $25,833.50 $27.00 $11,529.00 $37.0( $15,799.00 $52.09 $22.242.43 58 112" PVC SDR 26 20-22'Deep 110 LF $60.50 $6.655.00 $29.00 $3,190.00 $38.0( $4,180.00 $57.42 $6,316.20 59 10" PVC SDR 26 16-18' Deep 20 LF $55.95 $1,119.00 $22.06- $440.00 $39.0( $780.00 $43.32 $866.40 60 10" PVC SDR 26 18-20'Deep 10 LF $55.95 $559.50 $24.00 $240.00 $40.0( $400.00 $49.99 $499.90 61 10" PVC SDR 26 20-22' Deep 416 LF $62.05 $25,812.80 $27.00 $11,232.00 $41.0( $17,056.00 $55.32 $23,013.12 62 10" DIP CL 52, Fastite Jt., 10-12' Deep 10 LF $69.10 $691.00 $23.00 $230.00 $43.0( $430.00 $49.93 $499.30 63 10" DIP CL 52, Fastite Jt., 12-14' Deep 9 LF $69.101 $621.90 $24.0( $216.00 $44.0( $396.00 $49.931 $449.37 64 10" DIP CL 52, Fastite Jt., 14-16' Deep 10 LF $69AN $691.00 $26.0( $260.00 $45.0( $450.00 $49.931 $499.35' 65 10" DIP CL 52. Fastite Jt., 16-18' Deep 36 LF $69.10 $2,487.60 $29.0( $1,044.00 $46.0( $1,656.00 $56.60 $2.037.60 66 10" DIP CIL 52, Fastite A., 18-20'Deep 10 LF $69.10 $691.00 $31.0( $310.00 $47.0( $470.00 $56M $566.00 67 68 10" DIP CL 52, Fastite A. 20-22' Deep 8" PVC SDR 35 0-8' Deep 60 10 LF LF $69.10 $15.15 $4,146.00 $151.50 $34.00 $14.Oi $2.040.00 $140.00 $48.00 $19.0c $2.880.00 $190.00 $61.93 $32.90 $3.715.80 $329.00 69 8" PVC SDIR 35 8-10' Deep 252 LF $15.15 $3,817.80 $14.001 $3,528.00 $20.001 $5.040.00 $32.90 $8,290-801 shared docs/municipal/aotsegol6l5/01347bid schedule As BT - 2 Bid Tabulabon 5/2412002 Bid Schedule "C" - Sanitary Sewer Continued BID TA"' 'TION 91st Avenue 2 aday Avnue Street and Utility improvements Project No. 02-03 Bid Date May 24, 2002, 10:00 a.m. Arcon Construction Kuechle nderground Barbarossa & Sons Northdale Construction Item No. Description Estimated Number of Units Unit Unit Price Total Estimated Cost Unit Cost Total Estimated Cost Unit Cost Total Estimated Cost Unit Cost Total Estimated Cost 70 8" PVC SDR 35 10-12'Deep 10 LF $15.15 $151.50 $14.00 $140.00 $21.00 $210.00 $33.93 $339.30 71 6" PVC SDR 35 Service Lateral 360 LF $17.40 $6,264.00 $13.00 $4,680.00 $14.00 $5.040.00 $14.93 $5,374.80 72 Standard Sanitary Sewer Manhole 0-8' Deep 11 EA $1.910.001 $21,010.00 $2,800.00 $30,800.00 $1,950.00 $21,450.00 $1,540.73 $16,948.03 73 Manhole Overdepth 126 VF $135.00 $17,010.00 $138.00 $17,388.00 $160.00 $20,160.00 $100.23 $12,628.98 74 Outside Drop Connection 0-2' 1 EA $960-00 $960.00 $1,200.00 $1,200.00 $1.300.00 $1,300.00 $1,244.95 $1,244.95 75 Extra Depth Outside Drop Connectioin >2' 8_ VF $65.00 $520.00 $80.00 $640.00 $98.00 $784.00 $135.65 $1.085.20 76 Connect to Existing Sanitary Sewer at Manhole 1 EA $1,180.00 $1,180.00 $1,600.00 $1,600.00 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 77 6" PVC Riser Pipe 67 VF $17.40 $1,165.80 $13.00 $871.00 $15.00 $1,005.00 $17.37 $1,163.79 78 15"x 6" PVC Wye 2 EA $185.00 $370.00 $210.00 $420.00 $200.00 $400.00 $293.77 $587.54 79 12"x 6" PVC Wye 3 EA $125.00 $375.00 $150.00 $450.00 $140.00 $420.00 $243.721 $731.16 80 1 0"x 6" PVC Wye 2 EA $105.00 $210.00 $133.00 $266.00 $120.00 $240.00 $222.421 $444.84 81 8"x 6" PVC Wye 1 FA $65.00 $65.00 $89.00 $89.00 $50.00 $50.00 $184.08 $184.08 82 12" Plug 1 EA $60.00 $60.00 $67.00 $67.00 $40.00 $40.00 $178.75 $178.T5- 83 10" Plug 2 FA $55.00 $110.00 $62.00 $124.00 $35.00 $70.00 $173.43 $346.86 84 6" Plug 9 EA $30.00 $270.00 $37.00 $333.00 $15.00 $135.00 $27-13 $244.17 85 10" DIP CL 52, Fastite Jt., Installed by Jacking land Boring of 18" Steel Casing 1 260 ILF $180.001 $46,800.00 $200.001 $52,000.00 $142.00 $36,920.00 $188.10 $48,906.00 86 ITelevise Sanitary Sewer 1 2533 ILF $0.601 $1,519.80 $0.591 $1.494.47 $0.60 $1,519.80 $0.621 $1,570.46 Total - Bid Schedule "C" Bid Schedule "D" - Storm Sewer $226,014.95 $173.345.47 $176.487.80 $210,790.48 Item No. Description Estimated Number of Units Unit Unit Price Total Estimated Cost Unit Cost Total Estimated Cost Unit Cost Total Estimated Cost Unit Cost Total Estimated Cost 87 42" RC Pipe Apron 1 EACH $1,085.00 $1,085.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,100.00 $1,100.00 $922.07 $922.07 88 36" RC Pipe Apron 1 EACH $900.00 $900.00 $880.00 $880.00 $980.00 $980.00 $791.08 $791.08 89 45" x 73" RC Arch Pipe Apron w/ Dropwall I EACH. $1,545.00 $1,545.00 $1,900.00 $1.900.00 $1,300.00 $1,300.00 $1.563.94. $1,563.94 90 15" RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CL V (all depths: 80 LF $29.80 $2,384.00 $25.00 $2,000.00 $23.00 $1,840.00 $23.90 $1,912.00 91 18" RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CL III (all depths 48 LF $31.50 $1.512.00 $27.00 $1.296.00 $24.00 $1,152.00 $25.62 $1,229.76 92 21" RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CL III (all depths 61_ LF $32.50 $1,982.50 $29.00 $1,769.00 $26.00 $1,586.00 $28.09 $1,713.49 93 27" RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CL III (all depths 160 LF $37.45 $5,992.00 $40.00 $6.400.00 $34.00 $5,440.00 $35.35 $5,656.00 94 30" RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CIL III (all depths 64 LF $44.50 $2.848.00 $46.00 $2.944.00 $41.00 $2,624.00 $40.12 $2,567.68 95 33" RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CL III (all depths 275 LF $46.75 $12,856.25 $53.00 $14,575.00 $51.00 $14,025.00 $45.49 $12.509.75 96 36" RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CL III (all depths 59 LF $55.60 $3,280.40 $60.00 $3.540.00 $63.00 $3,717.00 $52.52 $3,098.68 97 42" RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CL III (all depth 864 LF $31.05 $26,827.20 $77.00 $66.528.00 $74�00 $63.936.00 $72.32 $62,484.48 98 48" RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CL III (all depths 105 LF $74.25 $7,796.25 $92.00 $9,660.00 $93.00 $9,765.00 $85.99 $9,028.95 99 45" x 73" RC Arch Pipe Sewer CL III (all depths) 651 LF $129.15 $84,076.65 $150.00 $97,650.00 $156.00 $101,556.00 $150.66 $98,079.66 100 15" Pipe Plug 4 EACH. $60.00 $240.00 $89.00 $356.00 $100.00 $400.00 $181.95 $727.80 101 18" Pipe Plug 2 EACH $65.00 $130.00 $93.00 $186.00 1 $105.00 $210.00 $186.21 $372.42 102 42" Pipe Plug 2 EACH $140.00 $280.00 $147.00 $294.00 $155.00 $310.00 $339.46 $678.92' 103 45" x 73" RCPA 45' Bend 2 EACH $2,180.00 $4,360.00 $2,300.00 $4,600.00 $2,200�00 $4,400.00 $2,499.01 $4.998.02 104 45" x 73" RCPA 35' Bend I EACHI $2,180.001 $2.180.00 $2.300.001 $2,300.00 $2.200MI $2.200.00 $2,499.01 $2,499.01 shared docs/municipaUaotsegcffil5/ot347bid schedule As BT- 3 Bid Tabulation 5/24/2002 Rid Snhpdulp "M - qtnrm.qpwpr rnntiniipd BID TAr, " WION 91st Avenue � aday Avnue Street and Wilk, .,nprovements Project No. 02-03 Bid Date May 24, 2002, 10:00 a.m. A—n r'—fr—ti— Item No. Description Estimated Number of Units Unit Unit Price Total Estimated Cost Unit Cost Total Estimated Cost Unit Cost Total Estimated Cost Unit Cost Total Estimated Cost 105 Connect to Existing Storm Sewer — 1 EACH $480.00 $480.00 $970.00 $970.00 $950.00 $950.00 $500.00 $500.00 106 Construct Draingage Structure Design 48" 4020 3 EACH $1,225.00 $3,675.00 $1.500.00 $4,500.00 $1,225.00 $3,675.00 $1.323.47 $3,970.41 107 Construct Draingage Structure Design 66" 4020 2 EACH $1.985.00 $3,970.00 $2,300.00 $4.600.00 $1.950.0( $3,900.00 $2,475.58 $4,951.16 108 Construct Draingage Structure Design 72" 4020 1 EACH $2,315.00 $2,315.00 $2,400.00 $2,400.00 $2,200.0( $2,200.00 $2,927.97 $2,927.97 109 Construct Draingage Structure Design 78" 4020 2 EACH $3.130.00 $6.260.00 $3,100.00 $6.200.00 $2,800.0( $5,600.00 $3,776.40 $7.552.80 110 Construct Draingage Structure Design 84" 4020 1 EACH $3,965.00 $3,965.00 $3,800.00 $3,800.00 $3,450.00 $3,450.00 $4,103.41 $4,103.41" 111 Construct Draingage Structure Design 90" 4020 0 EACH $0.00 $0.0c $0.00 — $0.0c $0.0c $0.00 $0.00 $0.01] 112 Construct Draingage Structure Design 96" 4020 1 1 EACH 1 $4.040.001 $4,040.00 $3,600.00 $3,600.00 $4,000.00 $4,000.00 $5,463.93 $5,463.93 113 Construct Draingage Structure Design 120" 4020 1 EACH $7, 65.00 $7,065.00 $6,200.00 $6.200.00 $6,900.00 $6,90000 $10,723.39 $10.723.39 �Lll 4 Random RipRap Class 111 100 CY $55.00 $5,500.00 $52.00 $5,200.00 $68.00 $�,800!00 $60.00 $6,000.00 1 115 Random RipRap Class IV 40 CY $55.00 $2,200�00 $52.00 $2,080.00 $75.00 $3,000.00 $60.00 $2.400.00 Total - Bid Schedule "D" SUMMARY OF BIDDING TOTAL BID SCHEDULE "A' TOTAL BID SCHEDULE "B" TOTAL BID SCHEDULE "C' TOTAL BID SCHEDULE "D" $199,745.25 $398,867.05 $229,458.25 $226,0114.95 $199,745.25 $1.054,085.50 $257,428.00 $376,033.29 $249,800.00 $173,345.47 $257,428.00 $1,056,606.76 $257.016.00 $401,589.16 $232,975.00 $176,487.80 $257,016.00 $1,068,067.96 $259,426.78 $385,800.18 $242,353.52 $210,790.48 $259,426.78 $1,098,370.96_ shared docs/munidpaVaotsegorol5/ot347bid schedule x1s BT - 4 Bid Tabuiation 5/24/2002 Bid Schedule "A" - Streets BID TAB"' WION 91st Avenue a 3day Avnue Street and Will, jprovements Project No. 02-03 Bid Date May 24, 2002, 10:00 a.m. Redstone Construction Dave Parkinn Crintrartinn R p W.H.- 1. Item No. Description Estimated Number of Units Unit Unit Price Extension Unit Price Extension Unit Price Extension Unit Price Extension I Mobilization I LS $11,369.51 $11,369.51 $15,000.00 $15,000.00 $20,000.00 $20,000.00 $15,000.00 $15,000.00 2 Remove Culvert 94 LF $5.67 $532.98 $10.00 $940.00 $6.00 $564.00 $8.16 $767.04 3 Remove Bituminous Pavement 50 SY $2.84 $142.00 $3.00, $150.00 $1.85 $92.50 $3.06 $153.00 4 Sawing Bit Pavement (Full Depth) 200 LF $3.00 $600.00 $3.00 $600.00 $2.35 $470.00 $4.08 $816.00 5 Salvage & Reinstall Sign 1 EACH $125.00 $125.00 $35.00 $35.00 $95.00 $95.00 $306.00 $306.00 6 Common Excavation (P) 7.070 CY $3.27 $23,118.90 $2.00 $14,140.00 $1.60 $11.312.00 $5.05 $35,703.50 7 Topsoil Stripping (P) 15.260 Cy $1.15 $17,549.00 $2.00 $30,520.00 $2.00 $30.520.00 $3.32 $50,663.20 8 Class 5 Aggregate Base (7") 3,300 TON $9.24 $30,492.00 $8.00 $26,400.00 $8.00 $26,400.00 $10.76 $35,508.00 9 Mill Bituminous Surface 25 SY $6.50 $162.50 $20.00 $500.00 $10.00 $250.00 $5.84 $146.00 10 Type LV 4 Wearing Course Mixture (C) 1,190 TON $34.35 $40.876.50 $35.00 $41,650.00 $34.35 $40,876.50 $33.38 $39,722.20 11 Type LV 3 Non -Wearing Course Mixture (B) 1,480 TON $27.50 $40,700.00 $35.00 $51,800.00 $27.50 $40,700.00 $28.87 $42,727.60 12 Bituminous Material For Tack Coat 550 GAL $1.50 $825.00 $3.00 $1,650.00 $1.50 $825.00 $1.02 $561.00 13 Adjust Valve Box 34 EACH $94.54 $3.214.36 $75.00 $2,550.00 $77.00 $2.618.00 $175.00 $5.950.00 14 Adjust Frame & Ring Casting 16 EACH $189�84 $3,037.44 $350.00 $5,600.00 $295.00 $4,720.00 $200.00 $3,200.00 15 Raise Ex. Manhole (wl Barrel Sections) 6 VF $197.01 $1,182.06 $200.00 $1,200.00 $177.00 $1,062.00 $287.80 $1,726.80 16 Raise Ex. Valve Box 1 VF $126.86 $126.86 $75.00 $75.00 $180.00 $180.00 $145.00 $145.00 17 Raise Ex. Hydrant (V Hydrant Extension) 1 EACH $388.37 $388.37 $350.00 $350.00 $382.00 $382.00 $405.00 $405.00 18 Stamped Concrete Sidewalk (4") 1,700 SY $59.40 $100,980.00 $60.00 $102,000.00 $59.40 $100,980.00 $56-.1-0- $95,370.00 19 Stamped Concrete Sidewalk (15") 150 SY $69.30 $10,395.00 $70.00 $10,500.00 $69.30 $10,395.00 $61.20 $9.180.00 20 Construct Pedestrian Curb Ramp 6 EACH $450.00 $2,700.00 $450.00 $2,700.00 $450.00 $2.700.00 $204.00 $1,224.00 21 Concrete Median (6") 470 SY $31.50 $14,805.00 $32.00 $15,040.00 $31.50 $14.805.00 $29.07 $13,662.90 22 Concrete Curb & Gutter Design B618 5,600 LF $7.40 $41.440.00 $7.50 $42,000.00 $7.40 $41.440.00 $7.14 $39,984.00 23 6" Concrete Apron / Valley Gutter 250 SY $31.50 $7,875.00 $32.00 $8,000.00 $31.50 $7,875.00 $29.58 $7,395.00 24 Traffic Control 1 LS $3.050.00 $3,050.00 $2.500.00 $2,500.00 $2,300.00 $2,300.00 $2.346.00 $2.346.00 25 Sign Panels, Type C 420 SF $21.50 $9,030.00 $25.00 $10,500.00 $21.50 $9.030.00 $21.93 $9,210.60 26 Pavement Message. (Right Arrow) - Epoxy 24 EACH $76.00 $1.824.00 $56.00 $1,344.00 $76.00 $1,824.00 $77.52 $1,860.48 27 Pavement Message (Left Arrow) - Epoxy 20 EACH 1 $76.00 $1,620.00 $56.00 $1,120.00 $76.00 $1,520.00 $77.52 $1.550.40 28 Pavement Message (Thru Arrow) - Epoxy 20 EACH $76.001 $1,520.00 $11.00 $220.00 $76.00 $1.520.00 $77.52 $1,550.40 29 4" Solid Line White - Epoxy 3.000 LF $0.36 $1.080.00 $0.25 $750.00 $0.36 $1,080.00 $0.37 $1.110.00 30 12" Solid Line White - Epoxy 450 LF $1.25 $562.50 $2.50 $1.125.00 $1.30 $585.00 $1.28 $576.00 31 24" Stop Line White - Epoxy 185 LF $2.50 $462.50 $6.50 $1,202.50 $2.50 $462.50 $2.55 $471.75 32 Bale Check 30 EACH $6.00 $180.00 $10.00 $300.00 $5.00 $150.00 $5.10 $153.00 33 Silt Fence, Type Machine Sliced 4,500 LF $1.90 $8,550.00 $2.001 $9.000.00 $1.75 $7,875.00 $1.79 $8,055.00 34 Seeding - Type Lawn Restoration 3 ACRE $360.00 $1,080.00 $1.200.00 $3,600.00 $1.500.00 $4.500.00 $1,530.00 $4,590.00 35 Sodding - Type Lawn Restoration 2.250 SY $2.30 $5,175.00 $2.50 $5,625.00 $2.50 $5,625.00 $2.55 $5,737.50 36 Seeding Mixture - 60B 300 LBS $4.00 $1,200.00 $5.00 $1.500.00 $2.20 $660.00 $2.20 $660.00' 37 Commercial Fertilizer, 10-10-10 1,500 LBS $0.20 $300.00 $0.50 $750.00 $0.25 $375.00 $0.26 390M 38 Hydraulic Soil Stabilizer Type 5 1 TON $590.001 $590.00 1 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 $630.001 $630.00 $642.60 $642.601 39 1 Hydraulic Soil Stabilizer Type 6 3 TON $690.001 $2,070.00 1 $2,000.001 $6,000.00, $63 $642.601 $1,927.801 Total - Bid Schedule "A" $390,831.48 $420,936.50 $399,288.50 $441,147.77_ shared docs/muNcipaVaotsegorol5iot347bid schedule �ds BT- 5 Bid Tabulation 5/24/2002 Bid Schedule "B" - Watermain BIDTAB" "TION 91st Avenue at day Avnue Street and Utilit), ...,provements Project No. 02-03 Bid Date May 24, 2002, 10:00 a.m. Redstone Construction Dave Perkins Contractinq S.R. Welderna, Inc. Randv Kramer Fxcavatinn Item No. Description Estimated Number of Units Unit Unit Cost Total Estimated Cost Unit Cost Total Estimated Cost Unit Cost Total Estimated Cost Unit Cost Total Estimated Cost 40 Connect to Existing Watermain 1 LS $624.65 $624.65 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 $610.00 $610.00 $600.00 $600.00 41 16" Ductile Iron Pipe Cl 52 1440 LF $32.79 $47,217.60 $30.00 $43,200.00 $39.65 $57.096.00 $33.27 $47,908.80 42 12" Ductile Iron Pipe Cl 52 790 LF $27.051 $21,369.50 $23.00 $18,170.00 $31.20 $24,648.00 $23.44 $18,517.60 43 8" Ductile Iron Pipe Cl 52 3425 LF $16.83 $57.642.75 $17.00 $58,225.00 $27.00 $92,475.00 $15.33 $52,505.25 44 6" Ductile Iron Pipe Cl 52 365 LIF $17.36 $6,336.40 $18.00 $6,570.00 $27.00 $9,855.00 $14M $5,409.30 45 Ductile Iron Fittings 11,000 LB $2.13 $23,430.00 $3.00 $33,000.00 $1.20 $13,200.00 $2.00 $22,000.00 46 16" Butterfly Valve and Box 4 EACH $2,117.86 $8,471.44 $1.300.00 $5.200.00 $1.482.00 $5,928.00 $1,521.56 $6,086.24 47 12" Butterfly Valve and Box 2 EACH 1 $1,275.97 $2,551.94 $780.001 $1,560.00 $872.001 $1,744.00 $1,120.25 $2.240.50 48 8" Gate Valve and Box 18 EACH $896.28 $16,133.04 $650.00 $11,700.00 $680M $12,240.00 $675.82 $12,164.76 49 6" Gate Valve -and -Box 17 EACH $584.07 $9,929.19 $550.00 $9,350.00 $460.00 $7,820.00 $498.28 $8,470.76 50 Hydrant 8 EACH $1.932.61 $15,460.88 $1,400.00 $11,200.00 $1,710.00 $13.680.00 $1,744.51 $13,956.08 51 Hydrant Extension 24 LF $176.57 $4,237.68 $150.00 $3,600.00 $195.00 $4,680,00 $392.251 $9,414.00 52 ISalvage and Reinstall 16" Plug I EACH $124.90 $124.90 $150.00 $150.00 $137.00 $137.00 $200.00 $200.00 53 12" Insulation 500 SF $2.31, $1.155.00 $2.001 $1,000.00 $1.60 $800.00 $1.48 $740.00 _,4 112" DIP CL 52, Fastite A, Installed by Jacking and Bodng of 20" Steel Casing 230 LF $159.971 $36,793.10 $175.001 $40,250.00 $172.00t $39,560.00 $16202 $37 264.60 Total - Bid Schedule 'B" Bid Schedule "C" - Sanitary Sewer $251.478.07 $244,675.00 $284.473.00 $237.477.89 Item No. Description Estimated Number of Units Unit Unit Cost Total Estimated Cost . Unit Cost Total Estimated Cost Unit Cost Total Estimated Cost Unit Cost Total Estimated Cost 55 15" PVC SDR 26 16-18'Deep 203 LF $65.41 $13,278.23 $27.00 $5.481.00 $40.40 $8,201.20 $49.60 $10,068TOF 56 15" PVC SDR 26 18-20'Deep 690 LF $65.29 $45,050.10 $29.00 $20,010.00 $40.40 $27.876.00 $52.32 $36,100.80 57 12" PVC SDR 26 18-20'Deep 427 LF $61.12 $26,098.24 $25.00 $10.675.00 $38.10 $16,268.70 $48.62 $20,760.74 58 12" PVC SDR 26 20-22'Deep 110 LIF $69.30 $7,623.00 $28.00 $3,080.00 $38.10 $4,191.00 $48.621 $5.348.20 59 10" PVC SDR 26 16-18'Deep 20 LF $51.13 $1.022.60 $20.00 $400.00 $35.65 $713.00 $43.8q $876.00 60 10" PVC SDR 26 18-20'Deep 10 LIF $58.68 $586.80 $22.00 $220.00 $35.65 $356.50 $46.5� $465.20 61 10" PVC SDR 26 20-22'Deep 416 LF $67.03 $27,884.48 $26.00 $10,816.00 $35.65 $14,830.40 $46.52 $19,352.32 62 10" DIP CL 52, Fastite A, 10-12'Deep 10 LF $41.78 $417.80 $31.00 $310.00 $54.00 $540,00 $42.07 $420.70 63 10" DIP CIL 52, Fastite, A., 12-14'Deep 9 LF $39.26 .$353.34 $33.00 $297.00 $54.00 $486.00 $43.07 $387.63 64 110" DIP CL 52, Fastite A., 14-16'Deep 10 LF $41.781 $417.80 $35.00 $350.00 $54.00 $540.00 $43.93 $439.30 65 10" DIP CL 52, Fastite A, 16-18'Deep 36 LIF $39.26 $1,413.36 $37.00 $1,332.00 $54.00 $1,944.00 $51.07 $1,838.52 66 10" DIP CL 52, Fastite A, 18-20'Deep 10 LF $41.78 $417.80 $39.00 $390.00 $54.00 $540.00 $53.79 $537.90 67 10" DIP CL 52, Fastite A., 20-22' Deep 60 LIF $39.26 $2,355.60 $42.00 $2,520.00 $54.00 $3,240.00 $53.7 $3,227.40 68 8" PVC SDR 35 0-8' Deep 10 LF $9.73 $97.30 $14.00 $140.00 $20.00 $200.001 $32.421 $324.20 69 8" PVC SDR 35 8-10'Deep 252 LF $11.07 $2,789.64 $15.00 $3,780.00 $20.00 $5,040.00 1 $32.4� $8,169.8:F shared docs/municipal/aotsegorol5lot347bid schaduleAs BT - 6 Bid Tabulawn 5/24/2002 Bid Schedule "C" - Sanitary Sewer Continued BID TAW " -rION 91st Avenue an Jay Avnue Street and Utility ....provements Project No. 02-03 Bid Date May 24, 2002, 10:00 a.m. Redstone Construction Dave Parkins Cnintrarfing A R Wel,11- Item No. Description Estimated Number of Units Unit Unit Cost Total Estimated Cost Unit Cost Total Estimated Cost Unit Cost Total Estimated Cost --y Unit Cost Total Estimated Cost 70 8" PVC SDR 35 10-12'Deep 10 LF $12.75 $127.50 $16.00 $160.00 $20.00 $200.00 $34.03 $3407�0- 71 6" PVC SDR 35 Service Lateral 366- LF $10.91 $3,927.60 $18.00 $6,480.00 $22.50 $8.100.00 $13.34 $4,802.40 72 Standard Sanitary Sewer Manhole 0-8' Deep 11 EA $2,253.59 $24,789.49 $2.400.00 $26,400-00 $2.100.00 $23.100.00 $2,472.95 $27,202.45 73 Manhole Overdepth - 126 VF $148.40 $18,698.40 $200.00 $25,200.00 $163.50 $20,601.00 $147.80 $18,622.80 74 Outside Drop Connection 0-2' 1 - EA $513.01 $513.01 $1,500.00 $1,500M $1,150.00 $1.150.00 $1,000.00- $1,000.00 75 Extra Depth Outside Drop Connectioin >2' 8 VF $256.49 $2,051.92 $150.00 $1.200.00 $66.00 $528.00 $250.00 $2,000.00 76 Connect to Existing Sanitary Sewer at Manhole 1 EA $2,561.79 $2,561.79 $42,500.00 $42,500.00 $2,440.00 $2,440.00 $600.0 S60000 77 6" PVC Riser Pipe 67 VF $10.96 $734.32 $28.00 $1.876.00 $8.50 $569.50 $13.34 $893.78 78 11 5"x 6" PVC Wye 2 EA $282.23 $564.46 $250.00 $500.00 $155.00 $310.00 $211.32 $422.64 79 12"x 6" PVC Wye 3 EA $224.66 $673.98 $200.001 $600.00 $95.00 $285.00 $159.231 $477.69 80 1 O"x 6" PVC Wye 2 EA $202.45 $404.90 $200.00 $400.00 $83.00 $166.00 $107.01 $214.02 81 8"x 6" PVC Wye 1 EA $150.09 $150.09 $150.00 $150.00 $35.00 $35.00 $77.55 $77.55 82 12" Plug I EA $31.52 $31.52 $75.00 $75.00 $45.00 $45.00 $57.15 $57.15 83 10" Plug 2 EA $26.37 $52.74 $75.00 $150.00 $40.00 $80.00 $51.91 $103.82 84 6" Plug 9 EA $2.24 $20.16 $25.00 $225M $11.00 $99.00 $27.27 $245.43 [;:[1 0" DIP CL 52, Fastite A, Installed by Jacking a . nd Boring of 18" Steel Casing elevise Sanitary Sewer 260 2533 L LF $194.871 $0.591 $50,666.20 $1.494.47 $195.00, $1.001 $50,700.00 $2.533.00 $198.06 $0.601 $51,480.00 $1,519.80 $197.591 $2.001 $51,373.40 $5,066.00 Total - Bid Schedule "C" Bid Schedule "D" - Storm Sewer $237,268.64 $220.450.00 $195,675.10 $221,816.98 Item No. I Description Estimated Number of Units Unit Unit Cost Total Estimated Cost Unit - Cost Total Estimated Cost Unit Cost Total Estimated Cost Unit Cost Total Estimated Cost 87 142" RC Pipe Apron I EACH $1.199.02 $1.199.02 $1.005.00 $1,005.00 $917.00 $917.00 $915.10 $915.10 88 136" RC Pipe Apron I EACH $923.22 $923.22 $950.00 $950.00 $583.00 $583.00 $752.90 $752.90 89 145" x 73" RC Arch Pipe Apron wl Dropwall I EACH. $2,848.68 $2.848.68 $1.400.00 $1,400.00 $2,585.00 $2,585.00 $2,228.05 . $2,228.05 90 15" RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CL V (all depths 80 LF $24.80 $1,984.00 $25.00 $2,000.00 $31.00 $2.480.00 $19.80 $1,584.00 91 18" RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CL III (all depth 48 LF $24.64 $1,182.72 $28.00 $1,344.00 $33.00 $1.584.00 $21.62 $1,037.76 92 21" RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CL III (all depths 61 LF $25.20 $1,537.20 $29.00 $1,769.00 $37.70 $2,299.70 $26.48 $1.615.28 93 27" RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CL III (all depths 160 LF $34.85 $5,576.00 $35.00 $5,600.00 $45.25 $7,240.00 $33.03 $5.284.80 94 30" RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CL III (all depths 64 LF $39.01 $2,496.64 $40.010 $2,560.00 $50.30 $3,219.20 $38.391 $2.456.96 95 33" RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CL III (all depths 275 LF $47.93 $13,180.75 $45.00 $12,375.00 $54.70 $15,042.50 $45.18 $12,424.50 96 36" RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CL III (all depth 59 LF $54.36 $3,207.24 $53.00 $3,127.00 $64.15 $3,784.85 $54.63 $3,223.17 97 42" RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CL III (all depth 864 LF $75.85 $65,534.40 $72.00 $62.208.00 $80.80 $69,811.20 $75.25 $65,016.00 98 48" RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CL III (all depths 105 LF $89.69 $9.417.45 $89.00 $9,345.00 $97.00 $10,185.00 $90.20 $9,471.00 99 45" x 73" RC Arch Pipe Sewer CL III (all depths) 651 LF $131.41 $85,547.91 $151.00 $98,301.00 $156.40 $101.816.40 $158.75 $103,346.25 100 15" Pipe Plug 4 EACH $162.70 $650.80 $75.00 $300.00 $88.00 $352.00 $78.6 $314.40 101 18" Pipe Plug 2 EACH $166.59 $333.18 $75.00 $150.00 $93.00 $186.00 $82.8 $165.60 102 42" Pipe Plug 2 EACH $268.44 $536.88 $150.00 $300.00 $170.00 $340.00 $219.50 $439.00 103 45" x 73" RCPA 45* Bend 2 EACH $2,774.71 $5,549.42 $2,500.00 $5,000.00 $2,645.00 $5,290.00 $2.319.04 $4.638.08 104 45" x 73" RCPA 35* Bend I EACH $2,774.691 $2.774.69 $2,500.001 $2,500.00 $2,645.001 $2.645.00 $2.319.041 $2,319.04 Shared docs/municipaVaotsegurol5/ot347bid scnedule.xis BT - 7 Bid Tabulation 5/24/2002 BID TABU' 11TION 91st Avenue an Jay Avnue Street and Utilit� ,rovements Project No. 02-03 Bid Date May 24, 2002, 10:00 a.m. Riel Rrhpdi da ,n,, - qtn,—i CZ—r r—fint ind Item No. Description Estimated Number of Units Unit Unit Cost Total Estimated Cost Unit Cost Total Estimated Cost Unit Cost Total Estimated Cost Unit Cost Total Estimated Cost 105 Connect to Existing Storm Sewer 1 EACH $506.99 $506.99 $1.500.00 $1.500�00 $945.00 $945.00 $600.00 $600.00 106 Construct Draingage Structure Design 48" 4020 3 EACH $1,408.46 $4,225.38 $1.400.00 $4,200.00 $1,193.00 $3.579.00 $1,411.-61 $4,234.83 107 lConstruct Draingage Structure Design 66" 4020 2 EACH $2.404.25 $4,808.50 $2,100.00 $4,200.00 $2,217.00 $4,434.00 $2.275.181 $4,550.36 108 Construct Draingage Structure Design 72" 4020 1 EACH $2,543.43 $2,543.43 $2,100.00 $2,100.00 $2,217.00 $2,217.00 $2,432.211 $2,432.21 109 Construct Draingage Structure Design 78" 4020 2 EACH $3,184.09 $6,368.18 $3,500.00 $7.000.00 $2,905.00 $5,810.00 $3.208.081 $6.416.16 110 Construct Draingage Structure Design 84" 4020 1 EACH $3,760.74 $3,760.74 $4.000.00 $4,000.00 $3,967.00 $3,967.00 $3,950.15 $3.950.15 Ill Construct Draingage Structure Design 90" 4020 0 EACH $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.0 112 Construct Draingage Structure Design 96" 4020 1 EACH. $4,000.071 $4,000.07 $9.500.001 $9.500,00 $3,540.00 $3,540.00 $3,753.96 $3.753.96 113 Construct Draingage Structure Design 120" 4020 1 - EACH $6,502.67 $6,502.67 $9,800.00 $9,800.00 $7.065.00 $7,065.00 $6.796.00 $6,796.00 Fi-I 4 lRandom RipRap Class Ill 100 CY $65.06 $6,506.00 $75.00 $7.500.00 $77.00 $7,700.00 0 $3.700.00 1 115 1 Random RipRap Class IV 40 CY $65.06 $2,602.401 $75.00 $3,000.00 $77.00 $3.080.001 $37.001 $1,480.00 Total - Bid Schedule "D" SUMMARY OF BIDDING TOTAL BID SCHEDULE "A" TOTAL BID SCHEDULE "B" TOTAL BID SCHEDULE "C" TOTAL BID SCHEDULE "D" $246,304.56 $390,831.48 $251,478.07 $237,268.64 $246,304.56 $1,125,882.75 $263,034.00 $420,936.50 $244,675.00 $220,450.00 $263,034.00 $1,149,095.50 $272,697.85 $399,288.50 $284,473.00 $195,675.10 $272,697.85 $1,152,134.45 $255.145.56 $"1.147.77 $237,477.89 $221,816.98 $255,145.56 $1,155,588.20 shal-ed docsJm"apaUao1seqor615/ot347bid1 schedule.xis BT- 8 Bid Tabulation 5124/2002 BID TAB" ' TION 91st Avenue ai iday Avnue Street and Utilit) ...�provements Project No. 02-03 Bid Date May 24, 2002, 10:00 a.m. Bid Schedule "A" - Streets Landwehr Construction Dennis Fehn Excavatina Burschville Construction Item No. Description Estimated Number of Units Unit Unit Price Extension Unit Price Extension Unit Price Extension 1 Mobilization 1 LS $14,400.00 $14,400.00 $9,200.00 $9,200.00 $10,000.00 $10,000.00 2 Remove Culvert 94 LF $13.00 $1,222.00 $10.00 $940.00 $10.00 $940.00 3 Remove Bituminous Pavement 50 SY $3.00 $150.00 $6.00 $300.00 $3.00 $150.00 4 Sawing Bit Pavement (Full Depth) 200 LF $3.00 $600.00 $5.00 $1,000.00 $4.00 $800.00 5 Salvage & Reinstall Sign 1 EACH $150.00 $150.00 $150.00 $150.00 $200.00 $200.00 6 Common Excavation (P) 7.070 CY $3.27 $23,118.90 $3.27 $23,118.90 $1.35 $9,544.50 7 Topsoil Stripping (P) 15,260 Cy $1.15 $17,549.00 $1.15 $17,549.00 $1.30 $19,838.00 8 Class 5 Aggregate Base (7") 3.300 TON $10.87 $35,871.00 $11.00 $36,300.00 $9.74 $32,142.00 9 Mill Bituminous Surface 25 SY $5.73 $143.25 $16.00 $400.00 $7.00 $175.00 10 1 Type LV 4 Wearing Course Mixture (C) 1,190 TON $32.73 $38,948.70 $37.30 $44,387.00 $35.35 $42,066.50 11 Type LV 3 Non -Wearing Course Mixture (B) 1,480 TON $28.30 $41,884.00 $31.20 $46,176.00 $28.50 $42,180.00 12 Bituminous Material For Tack Coat 550 GAL $1.00 $550.00 $1.90 $1,045.00 $1.60 $880.00 13 Adjust Valve Box 34 EACH $87.00 $2,958.00 $105.001 $3.570.00 $275.00 $9,350.00 14 Adjust Frame & Ring Casting 16 EACH $160.00 $2,560.00 $105.00 $1,680.00 $350.00 $5,600.00 15 Raise Ex. Manhole (w/ Barrel Sections) 6 VF $135.00 $810.00 $143.00 $858.00 $600.00 $3,600.00 16 Raise Ex. Valve Box I VF $70.00 $70.00 $263.00 $263.00 $275.00 $275.00 17 1 Raise Ex. Hydrant (V Hydrant Extension) 1 EACH $340.00 $340.00 $525.00 $525.00 $350.00 $350.00 18 Stamped Concrete Sidewalk (4") 1,700 SY $55.001 $93.500.00 $57.75 $98,175.00 $61.40 $104.380.00 19 Stamped Concrete Sidewalk (W) 150 SY $60.00 $9.000.00 $63.00 $9,450.00 $71.30 $10,695.00 20 Construct Pedestrian Curb Ramp 6 EACH $200.00 $1,200.00 $470.00 $2,820.00 $500.00 $3,000.00 21 Concrete Median (6") 470 SY $28.50 $13.395.00 $30.00 $14.100.00 $33.50 $15.745.00 22 Concrete Curb & Gutter Design B618 5,600 LF $7.00 $39,200.00 $7.35 $41,160.00 $8.00 $44.800.00 23 6" Concrete Apron / Valley Gutter 250 SY $29.00 $7,250.00 $30.45 $7,612.50 $33.50 $8,375.00 24 Traffic Control I LS $2,300.00 $2,300.00 $2,415.00 $2,415.00 $2,800.00 $2,800.00 25 Sign Panels, Type C 420 SF $21.50 $9,030.00 $22.50 $9,450.00 $22.50 $9.450.00 26 Pavement Message (Right Arrow) - Epoxy 24 EACH $76.00 $1,824.00 $100.00 $2,400.00 $80.00 $1,920.00 27 Pavement Message (Left Arrow) - Epoxy 20 EACH $76.00 $1,520.00 $100.00 $2,000.00 $80.00 $1,600.00 28 -Pavernent Message (Thru Arrow) - Epoxy 20 EACH $76.00 $1,520.00 $84.00 $1,680.00 $80.00 $1,600.00 29 14" Solid Line White - Epoxy 3,000 LF $0.36 $1,080.00 $0.67 $2,010.00 $0.40 $1.200.00 30 12" Solid Line White - Epoxy 450 LF $1.25 $562.50 $3.68 $1.656.00 $1.30 $585.00 31 24" Stop Line White - Epoxy 185 LF $2.50 $462.50 $7.40 $1,369.00 $2.55 $471.75 32 Bale Check 30 EACH $5.00 $150.00 $7.00 $210.00 $4.00 $120.00 33 Silt Fence, Type Machine Sliced 4.500 LF $1.75 $7,875.00 $1.50--- $6,750.00 $2.00 $9,000.00 34 Seeding - Type Lawn Restoration 3 ACRE $1,500.00 $4,500.00 $485.00 $1.455.00 $380.00 $1.140.00 35 Sodding - Type Lawn Restoration 2.250 SY $2.50 $5,625.00 $2.25 $5,062.50 $2.50 $5,625.00 36 Seeding Mixture - 60B 300 LBS $2.20 $660.00 $0.01 $3.00 $4.25 $1,275.00 37 Commercial Fertilizer, 110-10-110 1,500 LBS $0.25 $375.00 $0.26 $375.00 $0.25 $375.00 38 Hydraulic Soil Stabilizer Type 5 1 TON $630.001 $630.00 $500.00 $500.00 $600.00, $600.00 39 Hydraulic Soil Stabilizer Type 6 3 TON $630.001 $1,890.00 $800.001 $2,400.00 $700.001 $2,100.00 Total - Bid Schedule "A" $384,873.85 $400,514.90 $404.947.75 shared docs/municipat/aotsego/515/ot347bid schedule XIS BT- 9 Bid Tabulabon 5/24/2002 BID TAB"' "TION 91st Avenue ai iday Avnue Street and Utilit, -,.jprovements Project No. 02-03 Bid Date May 24, 2002, 10:00 a.m. Bid Schedule "B" - Watermain Landwehr Construction Dennis Fehn Excavatino Surschvillp Cnnqtr"rt1nn Item No. Description Estimated Number of Units Unit Unit Cost Total Estimated Cost Unit Cost Total Estimated Cost Unit Cost Total Estimated Cost 40 Connect to Existing Watermain 1 LS $980.00 $980.00 $263-00 $263.00 $750.00 $750.00 41 16" Ductile Iron Pipe Cl 52 1440 LF $29.00 $41,760.00 $35.50 $51,120.00 $34.75 $50,040.00 42 12" Ductile Iron Pipe Cl 52 790 LF $21.50 $16,985.00 $26.30 $20,777.00 $27.50 $21,725.00 43 8" Ductile Iron Pipe Cl 52 3425 LF $15.70 $53,772.50 $19.2U $65,760.00 $21.00 $71.925.0 0 44 6" Ductile Iron Pipe Cl 52 365 LF $13.30 $4,854�50 $16.40 $5,986.00 $18.00 $6,570.00 45 Ductile Iron Fittings 11,000 LB $4.10 $45,100.00 $3.10 $34,100.00 $1.50 $16,500.00 46 16" Butterfly Valve and Box 4 EACH $1.670.00 $6,680.00 $2,027.00 $8.108.00 $1,750.00 $7,000.00 47 112" Butterfly Valve and Box 2 EACH $1,140.001 $2.280.00 $1,155.00 $2,310.00 $1,000.00 $2,000.00 48 8" Gate Valve and Box 18 EACH $775.001 $13,950.00 $840.00 $15,120.00 $725.00 $13,050.00_ 49 6" Gate Valve and Box 17 EACH $610.00 $10,370.00 $735.OU $12.495.00 $650.00 $11,050.00 50 Hydrant 8 EACH $2,100.00 $16,800.00 $1.575.00 $12.600.00 $1,500.00 $12,000.00 51 Hydrant Extension 24 LF $69.00 $1,656.00 $19.00 $456.00 $300.00 $7,200.00 52 Salvage and Reinstall 16" Plug 1 EACH $850.00 $850.00 $263.00 $263.00 $500.00 $500.00. 1 53 12" Insulation 500 SF 1 $1.90 $950.00 $0.85 $425.00 $2.50 $1.250.00 54 112" DIP CL 52. Fastite A, Installed by Jacking and Boring of 20" Steel Casing 230 LF $155.001 $35,650.00 $124.00 $28.520.00 $169.00 $38,870.00 Total - Bid Schedule "B" Bid Schedule "C" - Sanitary Sewer $252,638.00 $258,303.00 $260,430.00 Item No. Description Estimated Number of UnIts Unit Unit Cost Total Estimated Cost Unit Cost Total Estimated Cost Unit Cost Total Estimated Cost 55 16" PVC SDR 26 16-18'Deep 203 LIF $66.30 $13.458.90 $53.50 $10,860.50 $49.50 $10,048.50 56 15" PVC SDR 26 16-20'Deep 690 LF $71.40 $49,266.00 $55.50 $38,295.00 $51.50 $35.535.00 57 12" PVC SDR 26 18-20'Deep 427 LF $67.60 $28,865.20 $51.50 $21.9W50 $47.50 $20,282.50 58 12" PVC SDR 26 20-22' Deep 110 LF $74.70 $8,217.00 $54.00 $5�940.00 $49.5C $5,445.60 59 10" PVC SDR 26 16- 8' Deep 20 LIF $60.56- $1,210.00 $48.00 $960.00 $43.60 $870.00 60 10" PVC SDR 26 18-20'Deep 10 LF $65.50 $655.00 $50.00 $500.00 $45.50 $455.00 61 10" PVC SDR 26 20-22'Deep 416 LF $72.60 $30,201.60 $52.00 $21,632.00 $47.50 $19.760.00 62 10" DIP CIL 52, Fastite A, 10-12'Deep 10 LF $67.30 $673.00 $50.00 $500.00 $44.50 $445.00 63 10" DIP CIL 52, Fastite, A, 12-14'Deep 9 LF $71.101 $639.90 $52.00 $468.00 $46.50 $418.50 64 10" DIP CL �2, Fastite A, 14-16'Deep _ 10 LF $71.10 $711.00 $54.00 $540.00 $48.5( $485.00 65 10" DIP CL 52, Fastite A, 16-18'Deep 36 LF $71.50 $2,574.00 $57.00 $2,052.00 $50.5( $1.818.00 66 10" DIP CL 52, Fastite A, 18-20'Deep 10 LF $76.20 $762,00 $60.00 $600.00 $52.5( $525.00 67 10" DIP CIL 52, Fastite A, 20-22'Deep 60 LF $83.30 $4.998.00 $61.00 $3.660.00 $54.5( $3,270.00 68 8" PVC SDR 35 0-8' Deep 10 LF $26.00 $260.00 $13.00 $130.00 $30.5( $305.00 69 .8" PVC SDR 35 8-10' Deep 1 252 ILF 1 $26.00, $6.552.00 $14.50 $3.654.00 $32�5( $8.190.00 shared docs/municipaVaotsegcMl5/ot347bid schedule.A3 BT- 10 Bid Tabulation 5124/2002 BID TAr- 4LTION 91st Avenue iaday Avnue Street and Uth,., mprovements Project No. 02-03 Bid Date May 24, 2002, 10:00 a.m. Bid Schedule "C" - Sanitary Sewer Continued Landwehr Construction Dennis Fehn Excavating Burschville Construction Item No. Description Estimated Number of Units Unit Unit Cost Total Estimated Cost Unit Cost Total Estimated Cost Unit Cost Total Estimated Cost 70 8" PVC SDR 35 10-12'Deep 10 LF $29.00 $290.00 $16.00 $160.00 $34.50 $345.00 71 6" PVC SDR 35 Service Lateral 360 LF $19.10 $6.876.00 $38.00 $13,680.00 $12.00 $4,320.00 72 Standard Sanitary Sewer Manhole 0-8' Deep I I EA $2.600.00 $28.600.00 $1.680.00 $18,480.00 $3,225.00 $35,475.00 73 Manhole Overdepth 126 VF $180.00 $22.680.00 $280.00 $35,280.00 $304.00 $38,304.00 74 Outside Drop Connection 0-2' 1 EA $3,830.00 $3.830.00 $1,000.00 $1,000-00 $600.00 $600.00 75 Extra Depth Outside Drop Connectioin >2' 8 VF $230.00 j1,840.00 $70.00 $560.00 $150.00 $1,200.00 76 Connect to Existing Sanitary Sewer at Manhole 1 EA $2.060.00 $2,060.00 $500.00 $500.00 $3,000.00 $3,000.00 77 6" PVC Riser Pipe 67 VF $19.10 $1,279.70 $12.00 $804.00 $15.00 $1,005.00 78 15"x 6" PVC Wye 2 EA $205.00 $410.00 $175.00 $350.00 $150.00 $300.00 79 11 2"x 6" PVC Wye 3 EA $160.001 $480.00 $100.00 $300.00 $100.00 $300.00 80 1 O"x 6" PVC Wye 2 EA $145.00 $290.00 $70.00 ------$1-40M $90.00 $180.00 81 8"x 6" PVC Wye 1 EA $110.00 $110.00 $30.00 $30.00 $45.00 ___$45.00 82 12" Plug I EA $82.00 $82.00 $45.00 $45.00 $100.00 $100.00 83 10" Plug 2 EA $76.00 $152.00 $35.00 $70.00 $90.00 $180.00 84 6" Plug 9 EA $69.00 $621.00 $5.00 $45.00 $25.00 $225.00 1 85 10" DIP CL 52, Fastite A., Installed by Jar -king land Boring of 18" Steel Casing 260 LF $192.00 $49.920.00 $160.001 $41,600.00 $205.0 $53,300.00 1 86 ITelevise Sanitary Sewer 2533 iLF $0.60 $1,519.80 $0.751 $1,899.75 $0.8q $2,02 Total - Bid Schedule "C" Bid Schedule "D" - Storm Sewer $270,084.10 $226.725.75 $248,757.90 Item No. Description Estimated Number of Units Unit Unit Cost Total Estimated Cost Unit Cost Total Estimated Cost Unit Cost Total Estimated Cost 87 42" RC Pipe Apron 1 EACH $915.00 $915.00 $1.160.00 $1,160.00 $1,100.00 $1,100.00 88 36" RC Pipe Apron 1 EACH $800.00 $800.00 $1,022.00 $1.022.00 $850,00 $850.00 89 45" x 73" RC Arch Pipe Apron w/ Dropwall I EACH. $2,480.00 $2.480M $1.957.00 $1,957.00 $3,600.00 $3,600.00 90 -15" RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CL V (all depths 80 LF $28.40 $2,272.00 $23.00 $1,840.00 $23.00 $1,840.00 91 18" RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CL Ili (all depths 48 LF $30.20 $1,449.60 $25.50 $1,224.00 $25.50 $1,224.00 92 21" RC Pipe Sewer Design 3008 CL III (all depths 61 LF $32.50 $1,982.50 $29.00 $1,769.OU $28.00 $1,708.00 93 27" RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CL III (all depths 160 LF $40.40 $6,464.00 $40.00 $6,400.00 $38.50 $6,160.00 94 30" RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CL III (all depths 64 LF $43.901 $2,809.60 $48.501 $3,104.00 $43.00 $2,752.00 95 33" RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CL III (all depths 275 LF $50.00 $13,750.00 $59.00 $16.225.00 $51.00 $14.025.00 96 136" RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CL III (all depth 59 LF $56.50 $3,333.50 $69.00 $4,071.00 $59.50 $3,510.50 97 42" RC Pip Sewer Design 3006 CL III (all depths 864 LF $73.30 $63,331.20 $93.00 $80,352.00 $86.00 $74,304.00 98 48" RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CL III (all depths 105 LF $85.00 $8.925.00 $109.00 $11,445.00 $100.00 $10.500.00 99 45" x 73" RC Arch Pipe Sewer CL III (all depths) 651 LF $142.00 $92,442.00 $195.00 $126,945.00 $171.0( $111,321.00 100 15" Pipe Plug 4 EACH $230.00 MOM $47.00 $188.00 $100.0( $400.00 101 18" Pipe Plug 2 EACH $240.00 $480.00 $52.00 $104.00 $125.0( $250.00 102 42" Pipe Plug 2 EACH $290.00 $580.00 $136.00 $272.00 $200.0( $400.00 103 45" x 73" RCPA 45" Bend 2 EACH $2,21MOO $4,640.00 $3.440.00 $6,880.00 $3,475.00 $6,950, .00 r104145" x 73" RCPA 35* Bend I EACH $2,320.00 $2,320.00 $3.440.00 $3,440.00 $3,475.001 $3,475.00 shared docs/rnunicipaVaotsegorb I 5/ot347bid scheduleAs BT - 11 Bid Tabulation 5/24/2002 BID TAF'- ­ 'kTION 91st Avenue -, aday Avnue Street and Util,., _nprovements Project No. 02-03 Bid Date May 24, 2002, 10:00 a.m. Rid RrhArtilp "n" - Rfn� Rpwpr r.nntimipil Item No. Description Estimated Number of Units Unit Unit Cost Total Estimated Cost Unit Cost Total Estimated Cost Unit Cost Total Estimated Cost 105 Connect to Existing Storm Sewef 1 EACH $930.00 $930.00 $263.00 $263.00 $1.000.00 $1.000.00 106 Construct Draingage Structure Design 48" 4020 3 EACH $1,590.00 $4.770.00 $1,050.00 $3,150.00 $1.400.00 $4,200.00 107 Construct Draingage Structure Design 66" 4020 2 EACH $2,300.00 $4,600.00 $2,457.00 $4.914.00 $2,850.0( $5,700.00 108 Construct Draingage Structure Design 72" 4020 1 EACH. $2,380.00 $2.380.00 $2.760.00 $2.760.00 $2,850.0( $2,850.00 109 Construct Draingage Structure Design 78" 4020 2 EACH $3,260.00 $6.520.00 $4,053.00 $8,106.00 $3,850.0( $7,700.00 110 Construct Draingage Structure Design 84" 4020 1 EACH $4,515.00 $4,515.00 $5.150.00 $5,150.00 $4.425.0( $4.425.00 111 Construct Draingage Structure Design 90" 4020 0 EACH $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.0c $0.0c $0.00 112 Construct Draingage Structure Design 96" 4020 1 EACH $4,370.00 $4,370.00 $5,061.001 $5,061.00 $6,450.00 $6,450. 113 Construct Draingage Structure Design 120" 4020 1 EACH $7,310.00 $7,310.00 $10.122.00 $10,122.00 1 $10,500.00 $10,500.00 1 114 Random RipRap Class 111 100 CY $89.0 $8,900.00 $35.001 $3.500.00 1 $70.00 $7.000.00 115 Random RipRap Class IV 40 CY $91.001 $3.640.001 $35.001 $1,400.00 1 $70.00 $2.800 00 Total - Bid Schedule "D" $257,829.40 $312,824.00 $296,994.50 SUMMARY OF BIDDING TOTAL BID SCHEDULE "A" $384,873.85 $400,514.90 $404,947.75 TOTAL BID SCHEDULE "B" $252,638.00 $258,303.00 $260.430.00 TOTAL BID SCHEDULE "C" $270,084.10 $226,725.75 $248,757.90 TOTAL BID SCHEDULE "D" $257,829.40 $312,824.00 $296,994.50 $1.165,425.35 $1,198,367.65 $1,211,130.15 shared docs/municipaL/aotsegorol5lot347bid schedule.ids BT- 12 Bid Tabula6on 5/24/2002 I - Michael C Couri- Andrew J. MacAr(hur Robert T. Ruppe-- David R. Wendorf *A Uo licemed Ln 11&w�f --AW licaued Ln CalVbntia May 21, 2002 Stacy Woods Attorney at Law Jensen & Sondrall, PA 8525 Edinbrook Crossing Suite 201 Brooklyn Park, NIN 55443 COUN & MACARTHUR Aitorneys at Law 705 Central A venue Eavt PO Box 369 St. Michael, MN55376-0369 (763) 497-1930 (763) 497-2599 (FAX) couriandmacarthurigWbox. com VIA FACSIMILE AND U.S. MAIL RE: City of Otsego- WATERFRONT- LandCor Construction, Inc. Dear Ms. Woods: Please find enclosed herein for your review an edited version of the proposed , Developer's Agreement for the WATERFRONT Development in the City of Otsego. Also enclosed you will find proposed exhibits setting forth the scope of the City project as well as the proposed assessment amount, estimated to be 1.8 million dollars. As we have discussed over the telephone, the City's primary concern in this Agreement is that the City have enough security to cover the project costs until assessed. The majority of the changes proposed are filling in blanks and small language revisions. You will note that I have revised some sections to include individual lot owners as responsible parties or the Developer. In reviewing the project with the City Engineer it appears that there will be no public improvements constructed by your client, and that all private improvements, landscaping etc. should properly be the responsibility of the individual lot owners. Therefore, it makes more sense to place most of the escrow items into separate agreements with each property owner. I would also note that several of the proposed exhibits to this Agreement, including the final plat and site plan for the development have not yet been provided by your client. Further, one of the exhibits to be attached relates to the estimated bond payments and city cash flow necessary to serve that debt. This exhibit has not yet been done since the decision on the amount to bond for is not normally made until the bids have been received. As I previously indicated, the bids are due on Friday and will be available for Letter to Attorney Woods May 21, 2002 Page 2 review at the next City Council meeting next Tuesday. It is possible that these bids could reduce your client's required Letter of Credit. Please review the proposed changes and exhibits and let me know if you have any comments or questions. Changes and deletions have been indicated by underlining and strike -outs. ZVery ly-yours dre 1 ac ur COURI & MACARTHUR Encl. cc: Dan Licht, City Planner Ron Wagner, City Engineer City of Otsego DRAFT - May 8-,21, 2002 DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT OTSEGO WATERFRONT ADDITION THIS AGREEMENT, entered into this — day of 2002, by and among LANDCOR, INC., a Minnesota Corporation hereinafter referred to as the "DEVELOPER", and OTSEGO LAND COMPANY, LLC, a Minnesota Limited Liability Company hereinafter referred to as "OWNER!, and the CITY OF OTSEGO, a municipal corporation located in Wright County, State of Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as "CITY". RECITALS: WHEREAS, DEVELOPER is the agent of and is acting at the direction of the OWNER and the OWNER is the fee OWNER of a parcel or parcels of land described in Exhibit "A", attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, which parcel or parcels of land are proposed for development as a subdivision and a Planned Unit Development ("PUD") in the CITY, and which subdivision is intended to bear the name "OTSEGO WATERFRONT ADDITION" and may sometimes hereinafler be referred to as the "Subject Property." WHEREAS, the CITY has rezoned the Subject Property to Planned Unit Development; and WHEREAS, the CITY has approved a development stage plan for the property and a final plan for the commercial planned unit development; and WHEREAS, the CITY approved on ....................... . ...... ............. .... -May-13.2002 the final plat of OTSEGO WATERFRONT ADDITION; and WHEREAS, the CITY approved on i Ap * ri - I ... 8.- 2 ' 0 ' 02 the Planned Unit Development ("PUD") for the plat OTSEGO WATERFRONT ADDITION; and WHEREAS, the CITY approved on the development standards for OTSEGO WATERFRONT ADDITION as submitted by DEVELOPER and Dynamics Design, dated Aqw4-24,- 2002. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and mutual promises hereinafter contained, it is agreed as follows: 1. Approvals. (a) Conditions of Plat Approval. The CITY hereby approves the subdivision OTSEGO WATERFRONT ADDITION (the "Plat") on condition that OWNER and the DEVELOPER, as agent of the OWNER enter into this Agreement, furnish the security required by it, and record the plat with the Wright County Recorder or Registrar of titles within one hundred (100) days after the CITY grants approval of the final plat. Any restfictive covenants for the Subject Property required by this Agreement and/or the conditions attached to the CITY's approval shall be submitted to the CITY Attorney for approval and shall be rec,orded prior to sale of any individual lots within the Plat. (b) Right to Proceed. Within the Plat or land to be platted, the DEVELOPER may not grade or otherwise disturb the earth, remove trees, construct sewer lines, water lines, streets, utilities, public or private improvements, or any buildings until all the following conditions have been satisfied: (i) this Agreement has been fully executed by all parties and filed with the Zoning Administrator; Q the DEVELOPER and OWNER must be in compliance with the conditions contained in this Agreement; (iii) the necessary security required by this Agreement must have been received by the CITY; (iv) the DEVELOPER must have initiated and attended a preconstruction meeting with the CITY Engineer; (V) the Plat has been recorded-, (c) the Zoning Administrator must have issued a letter that DEVELOPER and OWNER are in compliance with all conditions and that the DEVELOPER may proceed or until such time as approval to commence early construction is specifically approved by the CITY and the DEVELOPER and OWNER have entered into a written agreement with the CITY agreeing to fully compliance with all conditions set forth by CITY staff. (d) Changes in Official Controls. For two (2) years from the date of this Agreement, no amendments to the CITY's Comprehensive Plan or official controls except changes in fees and dedication requirements, shall apply to or affect the use, development density, lot size, setbacks, lot layout or dedications of the Plat unless required by state or federal law or agreed to in writing by the CITY and the OWNER. Thereafter, notwithstanding anything in this Agreement to the contrary, to the full extent permitted by state law, the CITY may require compliance with any amendments to the CITY's Comprehensive Plan, official controls, platting or dedication requirements enacted after the date of this Agreement. (e) Development Plans. The approval granted by the CITY requires that the Plat be developed in accordance with the plans attached to this Agreement and the conditions stated below. If the plans vary from the written terms of this Agreement, the written terms shall control. The plans are: K Plan A Final Plat, OTSEGO WATERFRONT 1 2002, prepared by Oliver & Associates, ADDITION dated .John Plan B Grading, Drainage, Erosion Control Plan, dated May 13, 2002, prepared by ..................... . ............................................ :John Oliver & .As.s.qciates... Plan C Development standards submitted by DEVELOPER and Dynamics Design, dated Apfil­-2�, 2002. Plan D Development staging plan pFepared by dated .to be Dreoared. . ........... I ..... .............. Plan'C (a)2. Municipal Improvements. The DEVELOPER hereby requests that the CITY install and/or modify the necessary sanitary sewer water municipal storm sewer and streets (the "Municipal Improvements" and/or "Petition Items"). The CITY agrees to proceed pursuant to Nfinnesota Statute Chapter 429 and to specially assess the cost of Municipal Improvements to the buildable lots within the Subject Property over a seven-year period. The DEVELOPER agrees that included as Municipal Improvements will be all engineering, administrative and legal expenses according the CITY's established fee schedule incurred by the CITY. Prior to the CITY awarding construction bids for any part of the Municipal Improvements, the CITY agrees to furnish the DEVELOPER with the estimated costs of all improvements. It is anticipated that the following Municipal Improvements for the Subject Property will be included. (a) Petition for Improvements (Petition Items). The OV;NER herein petitions the CITY to construct as a part of the CITY's Improvements Project No . ................. ........................ 2002-03 and/or any other CITY project deemed appropfiate by the CITY the improvements referred to in Exhibit !� ......... 21"B" and described herein in generalized language as "Petition Items". Said Exhibit !E . ....... 11"B" is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth. (b) Waiver. DEVELOPER and OV;NER waive all right to a public hearing, any irregularities in proceedings and other statutory rights granted to a property OWNER under Chapter 429 of Minnesota Statutes, including right of appeal as the said rights therein granted relate to those Petition Items improvements described in Exhibit "_""B" hereto, including those that are a part of Project No. ==z===2002-03, provided the costs of said improvements are consistent (within 10% of the cost estimates) with the cost estimates as shown on Exhibit �� ......... !!"C" of this Agreement. (c) Petition Items. CITY shall construct as part of its CITY Improvement Project No . .......................... 2002-03 all of the Petition Items as shown on Exhibit Af ......... ?!"B19 pursuant to its regular methods of making public improvements. DEVELOPER and OWNER agree that special assessments for such Petition Items (the "Assessments") may be levied by the CITY, without DEVELOPER'S or OWNER'S objection or appeal, after construction is commenced in accordance with Chapter 429 of Minnesota Statutes and that CITY may recover its costs and expenses (including legal, project management, administrative and engineering), provided said special assessments shall be levied in the amount or lesser amount of the respective cost of such Petition Items. The Assessments shall be payable in equal principal and interest installments as determined by CITY over a period of )7 years, computing said interest pursuant to CITY standard policies, with the first installment coming due commensurate with the 2003 assessment for 2004 payable real estate taxes and Special Assessments 3. Payment for Petition Items. The OWNER agrees, in accordance with the terms of this Agreement, to pay for the Petition Items in the manner set forth herein. (a) It is anticipated that CITY'S debt service each year during the referred assessment period for the cost of the Petition Items shown in Exhibit .......... ".;Ilci that portion of which benefits the Subject Property, will require an estimated payment from CITY to its bondholders as indicated on Exhihks "—",Exhibit I'D" attached hereto. It is intended that OWNER shall make (or cause to be made) sufficient payments of the said special assessments on Subject Property that CITY'S cash flow will be unaffected by said improvement project. (b) That OWNER herein agrees that it will actually pay (or cause to be paid) sufficient amounts of said special assessments each year, if not already paid in prior years, for properties lying within the plat of the Subject Property to enable CITY to pay the required debt service payment shown on Exhibits 46 — "'Exhibit "D" when due. To determine the actual amount, as opposed to the estimated amount, to be paid by the parties, the principal amounts shall be added to the interest amounts, for the subject improvement project, as shown on the tax statements for lots lying within the Subject Property less credit for prepayments made therefor. The OWNER shall post an irrevocable "Letter of Credit" in the amount of 100% of the Special Assessment. The Letter of Credit shall be subject to release in accordance with the "Surety Release - Petition Items" provision set forth in paragraph _I.,,.c below. (c) If there is a default in payment of any installment of any of the Assessments on the OWNER'S parcels, the CITY may give written notice of default to the OWNER, and if the delinquent installment (including penalties and interest) is not paid within 10 days after the notice, the CITY may draw upon the defaulting party's surety so that CITY'S cash flow will be unaffected by said improvement project. (d) DEVELOPER and OWNER herein agree that they will actually pay (or cause to be paid) sufficient amounts of said special assessments each 4 year, if not already paid in prior years, for properties lying within the plat of the Subject Property that is their responsibility as shown on Exhibit " ""Ell to enable CITY to pay the required debt service payment shown on ;—aid Ex—hibit when due. To determine the actual amount, as opposed to the estimated amount, to be paid by OWNER, the assessment amounts shall be added to the interest amounts, for the subject improvement project, as shown on the tax statements for lots (including outlots) lying within the Subject Property, less credit for prepayments made therefor. Any deficiencies in the amount paid by OWNER for special assessments causing a shortage of funds with which CITY may timely pay the required debt service payment shall be supplemented with funds withdrawn by CITY from the OWNER's approved letters of credit, or other surety furnished to CITY as the case may be. Any of said surety or guaranty of funds referred to herein that are withdrawn will be used by CITY for payment of its herein -referred debt service payment when due. Upon OWNER paying the delinquent special assessments, CITY will repay to the appropriate surety, to the extent that the delinquent special assessments have been paid, the surety monies withdrawn, less any costs incurred by CITY in conjunction with the said delinquent special assessments. (e) Assignment and/or Transfer of Special Assessments and Surety Obligations. The special assessments levied for CITY Project No . ................ --------------- 2002-03 or any other CITY project previously levied, or to be levied as a part of activating previously deferred assessments, if any, against the Subject Property, or portion thereof, may be assumed by the new purchaser of 'the Subject Property, or portion thereof, upon the sale or transfer of any fee OWNERship interest in the Subject Property. OWNER, unless the new purchaser has submitted its own sureties as allowed, however, shall maintain the sureties required under Sections 3,h.Apd and — 4 ­ a hereof for the purpose of guaranteeing CITY cash flow in the eve�t the special assessments are not timely paid. At such time as a lot has been developed with a building or buildings to which a Certificate of Occupancy has been issued, or one year's installment of pro -rated assessments on such a lot have been paid in full, OWNER, or in the case of a new OWNER, shall be released for that lot, from the security requirement in Section ---4,g hereof. Said release shall be made pursuant to Section 4 b hereof If only a portion of the Subject Property is transferred, the new purchaser may assume the special assessments attributable only to that portion which is being sold or transferred subject to OWNER maintaining the surety required in Section 4 of this agreement unt I such time as a building is constructed thereon and ihe Certificate of Occupancy issued therefor or the surety is released as provided in Section ......... _4b of this Agreement. In the event the OWNER wishes to convey a lot(s) and to receive certification that the assessments therefor have been fully paid, prior to completion of Project No. ................... 2002-03 and the assessment therefor, said party shall providc cash surety deposit in amount equal to one hundred percent (100%) oF the estimated special assessments for lots or the lots that the party seeks to convey. The said surety deposit made by the OWNER for the Petition Items shall be retained in full until the final project costs and results of said assessments are 5 determined. The CITY, upon receipt of said payment for a particular lot or lots shall then, upon request, certify within any special assessment search relating to said lot(s) that such lot(s) have been fully assessed for said Project, pursuant to this Agreement, and that no further assessments will be made to said lot(s) for the improvements comprehended or being constructed under Project No After determination of the final cost of the project is assessed, the assessment to the extent same is not part of the Special Assessments, shall be paid out of the said surety deposit and any overage paid by the OWNER will be returned; if there should be any shortage in the amount paid, the OWNER shall immediately pay the CITY the difference between the amount previously paid and the amount of the assessments for the particular lot(s). Payment shall be made within thirty (30) days of the billing of the OWNER. The CITY may draw upon any surety deposit made by the OWNER if the OWNER fails to pay the billed amount within thirty (30) days of said bill. 4. Surety — Petition Items. OWNER shall provide CITY with cash, letter of credit or other surety, with the f orm of any non-cash surety to be satisfactory to CITY, in the amount of 100% of the estimated cost of the Petition Items which are to be constructed as part of Project No. —.200.2.-.0.3.. See calculations below: Otselzo Total estimated cost of Petition Items dollars for surety calculation purposes Surety Requirement ---------------- - ------ S --------- - ----- .. .. .. 91�qp re " me ' n ' t $1.8 million dollars (See Exhibit "C") The said 100% surety is the guarantee referred to earlier in this paragraph that sufficient revenue is annually produced by the payment of special assessments to enable CITY to pay the required debt service payment, which debt service payments relates to the Subject Property development. DEVELOPER and/or OWNER may request of CITY, and upon verification of the condition hereinbelow described, CITY shall grant a reduction or release of the respective party's sureties, as the case may be, as follows: (a) Security. To ensure compliance with the terms of this Agreement and construction of all public improvements, the DEVELOPER shall furnish the CITY with "security" in the amount of S —I.$. ... I .... 8 ...... m ... Ulio. ri, said amount calculated as follows: ..................................... Site-Gradming;--Erosion.... ---------------------------- ----- - - iand.-Sedifnent-Control-and 1,;r,etland PFeteetiefl ---------------------------- -------- --------------- - -- . ....................... ,W;224.00 ................. . ..... . ............ Storm-Sewer-1-ateral ................................................................................ $-3-3;,64D9;00 Engineering and Suf-,,eying ............ . ...... ................ .............................................................................. ........................................................ ---------------- -- -------------------- - ------------ - - ----------------------- _ ------------------------- S .......................................... See Exhibit "C2" The issuer and form of the security shall be subject to CITY approval, and shall be substantially in the form(s) attached hereto as Exhibit -------- ;;"F'. The security shall be for a term ending June 1, 2003,.and shall be renewed.ygAEj k I obligations under this A ............. . . .................................... . _y..1 qt ' i a ­ a ' s ' se ' s * s * men ' t greement have been satisfied. The CITY may draw down the security for any violation of the terms of this Agreement, or upon receiving notice of the pending expiration of the security. It shall be the responsibility of the DEVELOPER to inform the CITY at least thirty (30) days prior to expiration of the security of the impending expiration and the status of the project relative to the security and this Agreement. M; ... fer--whatevef---fea-son; ... the --security lapses--pfior--to complete compliance-witlAhis ... Agreement-; ... the--DE-VE-LOPER ... shall --- irnmediately pi,eside the CITY with either- an extensien of the seetirity-of-an iffeyeeable4etter--ef credit --- of --the ... sarne ... arnount .. upon notification--of-the ex-pifatio* If --the ... required ents are net eernpleted at least thirty (30) days pFiOr- tO the expiration e ci-rnawky, the CITY rflay alse dfaw-dewfiIn th.e..eve.n.t ... t.hAt ... 4!),y .. p�rig4tion under * ........... .. ........ .. . this Aweement or for payment of assessment remains. DEVELOPER s Apy .. qXpirin ith mable to the CITY in like amo nt at least I ............................................................................. u sixty (60) days prior to the expiation of the security. If the security is drawn down the proceeds shall be used to cure any default. Upon receipt of proof satisfactory to the CITY that work has been completed and financial obligations to the CITY have been satisfied, with CITY approval, the security may be reduced from time to time down to the amount of anywafFarity security fequiFed-by4he-C4T-Y-E-ngineeF-a-nd based upon estii­-,at,­s--of�!*he �uakeests-ef4fnpfevements-feqtti Fed te-be�nstfueted, It-shall.-not-be--reduced-below-this--amo-unt--until--such-time-as--ari-irfevocable--Lettef.-of Al . U. waf:ranty as deteffn4ted*y4he CITY Enginee- sharr-VIC Credit in !he arneunt ef e 11 1,& posted ..... with .... the CIT Y ..... as ..... set .... forth .... in .... par aaraph .................. of this ..... Agreement: 1. — Notwithstandi*g ... the ... posting ... of --warr-anty security; ... theremaining obli-zation. The security shall not be reduced below twenty-ffve-percent--(2-SVo-)-of-the-ac-tua4-c-ost-of 7 all- ... ifnprovements--AD.-be--z-ofvstfue-ted: ....... Said ---twenty ... five ... percent ... (259/4 ... shall ---be retained until all impFevernents have been eefnpleted, allfli ' ft - een financial ebliga to ... the ... CITY .... satisfied ... (which .... incItHles ... po�sting ... of ­warranty ... s-ecurity); ... and .... any required "as built" plans have been Feceived by the CITY—.pj��g�g! C 15.'Zo) .. Mptij ... th.e final costs are known and assessed. ........................................ ...... ................................. This security amount shall be submitted to the CITY prior to execution of the plat and DEVELOPER's Agreement. All administrative and legal fees related to plan review, drafting of the DEVELOPER's agreement and any other necessary items shall be paid to the CITY prior to execution of the plat and the DEVELOPER's Agreement. This security is separate from other securityrequired--by--any-.ot-hef.-par-agr.aph of this Agreement. The security for this Agreement shall be an Irrevocable Letter of Credit in the amount of $ as set forth on Exhibit 64091, (b) Surety Deficiency. In the event that the respective sureties are ever utilized and found to be deficient in amount to pay or reimburse the CITY in total on the OWNER'S parcels, as the case may be, OWNER agrees that upon being notified by the CITY of such deficiency, the OWNER will pay the said deficient amount or provide additional surety within fourteen (14) days of the mailing of said billings. If there should be an overage in the amount of utilized security CITY will, upon making said determination, refund to the OWNER any monies or surety which CITY has in its possession, which are in excess of the surety needed. (c) Sure!y Reduction and Relative Release. Surety posted by OWNER may be reduced from time to time under the following circumstances: (1) When other acceptable sureties are furnished to the CITY to replace prior sureties, such as the sale of a lot to a new OWNER, wherein the new OWNER becomes a party to the this Agreement by being a successor in interest to OWNER, and the new OWNER provides CITY with an acceptable surety based upon a prorata (per square foot). (2) ' When, upon closing of sale of any lot to a new OWNER, payment of one year's installment of special assessment on a prorata (per square foot) basis to CITY is made. (3) When a building is completed on any lot within Subject Property, and one year's of installment of special assessments on a prorata (per square foot) basis has been paid to CITY, and a Certificate of Occupancy is issued for that building, the surety shall be released by the CITY on a prorata (per square foot) of the assessments. (dl_No reduction shall be made which would result in the surety held being less than fifteen percent (15%) of the original surety amount for the Petition Items until the final costs are known and assessed. (f)Lel_Draw on Expiring Letter of Credit. In the event a surety or other form of guarantee referred to herein is in the form of irrevocable letter of credit, which by its terms will become null and void prior to the time at which all money or obligation of OWNER, is paid or completed, it is agreed that OWNER, shall provide CITY with a new letter of credit or other surety, acceptable to CITY, at least days prior to the expiration of the said expiring Letter of Credit. If a new Letter of Credit is not received as required above, CITY may declare a default in the terms of this Agreement and thence draw in part or in total, at CITY'S discretion, upon the expiring Letter of Credit to avoid the loss of surety for the continued obligation. 5. Street and Traffic Control Signs. (a) Before the CITY signs the final plat, the DEVELOPER shall pay to the CITY $ for installation of traffic control signs (stop signs, street signs, dead-end signs). The said amount was calculated as follows: signs at $150.00 per sign. Using these funds, the CITY shall purchase and install the street and traffic control signs. (b) Street Light Construction. The DEVELOPER shall pay for the operation and maintenance of the street lights for a period of one (1) year or until such time as the plat is ninety percent (90%) built out, whichever occurs first. The first year of operation and maintenance shall not commence until such time as the final plat is accepted by the CITY and it is formally recorded. 6. DEVELOPER or Lot OWNER Improvements. The DEVELOPER or individual lot OWNER.agrees that is shall cause to be constructed and installed certain --------------- - - * ......... * ............. pnvate improvements ("DEVELOPER Improvements") on individual lots within the Plat. All DEVELOPER Improvements are to be installed at DEVELOPER's sole costs and expense, including: (a) Parking areas and common drives (b) &� !jg.jp� lights (c) Site grading (d) Underground utilities (except for utilities within CITY right of way or..Q.T.K.ea.se.m.e.nO (e) Setting of lot and block monuments (0 Construction surveying and staking outside of CITY, County and MNDOT right of ways-.o.r..C.I.T.Y..eas.e.m.e.i.i.t.s.. 9 (g)Constfuc-tion---suFyeyinng --- and .... staking.--out-side---of--4C--l-T-Y-; County ----and NOMOT right ef wayis-, (h)fgl__The DEVELOPERPT ... Iot ... O.WNE.R ... shall fully comply with the Grading, Utility and Erosion Control Plan (Plan =)-.--The--CITY- has--established--ia fe,L--foF--the-inTac-t--of-the-P4at--tipert-stofm--w-ater--dfairtage-withi*-the--wat,efshed-.- for Lots I and 2. Block I and Dlans for each s* ed bv CITY Enizineer. .... . .. .............................. . . ....................................................................... �4!L��._vwqy .......... . ......................... . ............. The fee is based upon engineefing ... studies completed --- by ... the CITYthe CITY E[igipgq'.s..esfirp.at.e... The established fee for Storm Water Management within the Plat is: as set forth on Exhibit 11C211. DEVELOPER Improvements shall be installed in accordance with CITY standards, ordinances, and the plans furnished to the CITY and approved by the CITY Engineer. The DEVELOPER or individual lot OWNER shall obtain all necessary ................................................................... permits before proceeding with construction. The CITY shall provide adequate field inspection personnel to assure acceptable quality control, which will allow certification of the construction work. The CITY may, when reasonably required to do so and at the DEVELOPER's or lot OWNER's expense, have one (1) or more CITY inspectors and a soil engineer inspect the work. Within thirty (30) days after the completion of the improvements and before any security is released, the DEVELOPER or lot OWNER shall supply the CITY with a complete set of reproducible "as built" plans and two (2) complete sets of blue line "as built" plans prepared in accordance with CITY standards. Before the security for the completion of utilities is released, iron monuments shall -be installed in accordance with Minnesota Statutes 505.02. The DEVELOPER's surveyor shall submit a written notice to the CITY certifying that the monuments are installed. 7. CITY Engineering Administration and Construction Observation, And Legal And Administrative Fees Escrow. The DEVELOPER o.r I.ot..OWNER.5hall pay a fee for consulting engineering administration. CITY engineering administration will include monitoring of construction, observation, consultation with DEVELOPER or lot OWNER and their engineer on status or problems regarding the project, monitoring during the warranty period and processing of requests for reduction in security. Fees for this service shall be three percent (3%) of the estimated construction cost of the improvements to be inspected, assuming normal construction and project scheduling. The DEVELOPERorJot OWNER shall pay for construction observation performed by the CITY's consulting engineer. Construction observation shall include part or full time inspection of public improvements and will be billed on hourly rates estimated to be five percent (5%) of the estimated construction cost of the improvements to be inspected. In the event of prolonged construction or unusual problems, the CITY will notify the DEVELOPER or ' I ' o * t *­ 0 " W ' NE * R of anticipated cost overruns for administration and observation services. The escrow account shall include estimated fees for Administrative and Legal expenses and Signs and shall be established at the time that improvements are commenced. No further use of the lots within the plat may commence or continue until escrow in an amount approved by the CITY is posted with the CITY. H The escrow amount shall be submitted to the CITY at the time that further development within the plat is undertaken ef at the date that the defeFment gFanted her-ein--terminat,es;.-whichever--is .. sooner. All administrative and legal fees related to plan review, drafting of the ' any DEVELOPER's agreement and any other necessary items shall be paid to the CITY prior to execution of the plat and DEVELOPER's Agreement. Any amounts not utilized from this escrow fund shall be returned to the DEVELOPER or lot OWNER when all improvements have been completed, all .......................................... financial obligations to the CITY satisfied, and any required "as built" plans have been received by the CITY. The escrow set forth in this Paragraph is separate and distinct from escrow established under any other portion of this Agreement. An estimate of the proposed escrow is set forth. The estimate is based upon current engineering and fee projections and is a minimum estimate. ESCROW (CASH) Legal service (1% of CITY Administration (1% of CITY Construction Administration and Utility and Street Inspection ( 8% of .......... . ..... $ ............................... - —To be deterMined at . .............................. ----------- - ---- time of development. ... To be determined a I.i.m.e..of.d.evel.opMent, ................... $ ................................. -T , o ­' b * e — det , er , m * i , n , e * d I— at tme..of.d.eyel.ogment, Trunk Water and Sewer Access Fees 1. Trunk Sewer (SAC) To be determined at time of development. 2. Trunk Water (WAQ To be determined at time of development. Trunk Storm Water Management To be determined at Impact Fees time of development. and Trail Dedication Fee Street and Traffic Control Signs Signs x $150.00/ Sign) ......................................................... S ... To be determined a .P.m.e..of.development. TOTAL ESCROW- CASH —$140.000.00 ........... ..... . ......... 8. Grading, Landscaping and Drainage. The OWNER or lot OWNER_shall be responsible for grading, landscaping and storm water management as more fully set forth in this Agreement. In furtherance of this obligation of the DEVELOPER or lot OWNER: ...................................... (a) The DEVELOPER or lot OWNER ** shall submit to the CITY for ----- - ------------- - - ­'' approval�-pfior-to.-or-at--tht--time-the-deferment--pefiod-,ends a Landscaping Plan. Said plan shall be reviewed and approved by the CITY and thereafter the DEVELOPER gdqLQ R. -shall be responsible for full and complete implementation of the plan. In order to insure compliance with the Plan, DEVELOPER shall submit to the CITY security to insure implementation of the Plan in an amount, term and form to be determined by the CITY. Security for landscaping shall be an Irrevocable Letter of Credit in the -am- ount-o-f-S .. . ................................. an amount to be determined at .fime ... of..d.eve1.0D.m.e.nt, Said secuHty may be used to cure any deficiency in the Landscape Plan, and to insure any warranties required by the CITY. If the landscaping is not timely completed, the CITY may enter the lot, perform the work, and apply the security toward the cost. Upon satisfactory completion of the landscaping, the security, without interest and less any draw made by the CITY, shall be returned to the DEVELOPER or I * p ' t _* 0 ' WNE * R " o ' r " any other person who established the security for the benefit of the CITY. The DEVELOPER, or OWNER of each lot providing any trees, grass, seed, and sod shall maintain said plantings and warrant them to remain alive, of 12 good quality and disease free for twelve (12) months after planting. Any replacement shall be warranted for twelve (12) months from the time of planting. The DEVELOPER or OWNERs shall post security, as set forth above, to the CITY to secure these warranties. In the event that the CITY Planner determines that landscaping issues are 4..�gp ... lot& -a . .. .. .... ........ . ..... separate Aweement shall be executed by the CITY and the individual lot OWNER ��qjpgfQqh.5pecific landscapi uirements for that lot and establishipg.A.5gcurit ................ ng.p�q ...................................... y. ............... . .... . ............................................... .......... fQ[JMt)-1eqi-ent-atJo.n.o.f the -Plan. (b) Erosion Control. After the site is rough graded, but before any utility construction is commenced or further building permits are issued, the erosion control plan, Plan B, shall be implemented by the DEVELOPER or lot OWNER ................ * ... * ......... * ... -:- and inspected and approved by the CITY. If the CITY Engineer determines that it would be unreasonable to require ftill implementation of the erosion control plan pirior to utility construction or issuance of certain building permits, he shall state in writing what construction can take place and what particular building permits can be issued prior to full implementation. The CITY may impose additional erosion control requirements if, in the opinion of the CITY Engineer, they would be beneficial. All areas disturbed by the excavation and backfilling operations shall be reseeded forthwith after the completion of the work in that area. If the DEVELOPER o ' r '** I ' ot ... OWNER - does not comply with the erosion control plan and schedule or any supplementary instructions, the CITY may, with reasonable notice, take action as it deems appropriate. (c) Grading Plan. Plat grading shall be in accordance with the grading plan. Ponds, swales, and ditches shall be constructed on public easements or land owned by the CITY. Within thirty (30) days after completion of grading and before any security release, the DEVELOPER.g.r..I.ot..O.WNE.R.shalI provide the CITY with an "as built" grading plan including certification by a registered land surveyor or engineer that all ponds, swales, and ditches have been constructed on public easements, or land owned by the CITY. "As built" plans shall include field - verified elevations of the following: (i) Cross sections of ponds (H) Location and elevations of swales and ditches (iii) Lot comers (iv) Occupancy permits shall not be issued until the grading and drainage plan is certified as set forth above. (d) The City has established a fee for the impact of the Plat upon storm water drainage within the watershed. The fee is based upon engineering studies completed by the City. The established fee for storm water management within the Plat is S .............................................................. included in the Assessment costs as set forth on Exhibit �'_C2- 9. Representation and Agreements of DEVELOPER. In addition to the other terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement and further as an inducement of the CITY's approval of the engineering specifications and authorization to proceed with construction pursuant to this Agreement, the DEVELOPER represents, warrants and agrees: (a)Right of Entry. The DEVELOPER hereby grant to the CITY, its agents, employees, officers and contractors a right of entry to enter the plat to perform any and all work and inspections necessary or deemed appropriate by the CITY during the installation of improvements by DEVELOPER or the CITY, or to make any necessary corrective actions. Except in emergency situations, as defined by the CITY, the CITY shall give the DEVELOPER five (5) business days notice stating the deficiencies and necessary corrections prior to making any corrective action. Said right of entry shall continue until the CITY finally accepts the . . nents. (g) ......... improvements and through.a applicable warranty period ...... . .. ....... ....... .................. ............. . ... ... Py .... .................................. . ... .............. (b) Time of Performance. The DEVELOPER shall install all required public improvements by October 15, 2003. The DEVELOPER may, however, request an extension of time from the CITY. If an extension is granted, it shall be conditioned upon updating the security posted by the DEVELOPER to reflect cost increases and the extended completion date. (c) Pre -Construction Activity. The DEVELOPER or lot OWNER and its engineer shall schedule a pre -construction meeting with the CITY to review a proposed schedule for construction of the Development Improvements and coordinate the schedule with the installation of Municipal Improvements. (d) Park and Trail Dedication. The DEVELOPER shall pay a cash contribution of -S -------------------- ------------- $140,000.00 in satisfaction of the CITY's park and trail dedication requirements. This as fellows. 10. Ownership of Improvements. Upon completion of the work and construction required by this Agreement, improvements lying within public easements shall become CITY property without further notice or action. 11. Clean Up. The DEVELOPER shall promptly clean any and all dirt and debris from streets resulting from construction work by the DEVELOPER, their agents or assigns. 12. On nd-Gff-Site-4mpr-ov-memefft-sAE-ser-ow4tem"u-rety.--DEVE-LOR-SR and--OVi-NER.-shall--per.f,orm-all.-on-.and-,off-site-.impfovements.-on- the.-Subject.-Noper-tr-set forth en Eyhib*t " 91) as ESCF&A' hems. 0"WER-will-pF&vide CITY, as ecen . idependlent stKet�-fr-efn4be-sufety-desefi6ed-in # a Ye,-with-c-ash,-appfeyed4eiteFef 14 c-redit--or--,Dther--sufety--satisfac-tef--y--to-the-4C-IT-Y .. imhe-sum-af I .................... . ................. which--figtkres fepfesent 100% E)f the estimated cost ef said EseFew herns. -The said .-fety shail-be-a guaranty ... to --- CITY --that the ... inst-a-11ation, ---- oo�letimon ... and ... oil-goi*g ... maintenance--of-4-he Eserew items by DEWLOPER and 0_WNX_-.B1 will be ti qianent -evements eempleted to IT. Y'S SatkfaetiOfl, efl eF befeFe The said ... cash-,--k-tter--of--,c-f-,edit--of ... other ... stffety ... fer EscFew4terfts-­ s**h"'a' ... H ........ b*'e *r'*,-'* 4*"e-a' s e d - - - t i p o n eertifioate of the Engineer of CITY that sueh items haye been satisfaeterily�4eted pu-r-suant--te,--t-his--Agreemefit-.-----P,efiodica4ly; ... as payments are--made--by .. OWNER ... fo r --- the Compketio*--of-poftions 0 f --ti-i-e— pf ej ect .. des-c-ribed--under--LEscfow .. Iterns�' and ... when--4--is _­ X -1 be-reduc-e --fof--tiiat--poftion-ofthe--GViNE-R-"S**project,,which,,has.-been-.fully.-coFnpleted--and payment rnade theFefeF. itefn& ... sufeties-sha-11--be---submitted ... by---DE-V-E-L0PER ... fe F .. OV-,rNER,---as fellews, 12. Otsego ) Further A &ft—eireements. The DEVELO�iiC­ ... 0"VPI;FR or Individual Lot ONWERS pur . ............... within the Plat shall enter additional agreements as a iv condition of approval of ind idual developments which shall incorporate applicable portions of this Agreement, as well as individual items such as, but not limited to, .e..5 ... c..r o --- w.._..'s..e .... w ... e.. r. -a- R d- w a -.t ... e. r- -a... v- ... a.i1a___b_..iJ1.i.t_y ha es,.Iandscapi and.ot er matters. .c _rs ----- ................... ... ng ........... ..... t ................... ...... 13. Restrictions. The following restrictions apply to the property and all lots thereon shall be held, sold and conveyed subject to the following conditions and restrictions which are for the purpose of protecting the value and desirability of the plat and insuring that all conditions imposed by the CITY in this Agreement are properly recorded against the property. Said conditions shall run with the real property and be binding on all parties having a fight, title or interest in the plat or any part thereof, their heirs, executors, representatives, successors and assigns: None. 14. Responsibility for Costs. (a) Except as otherwise specified herein, the DEVELOPER shall pay all costs incurred by them or the CITY in conjunction with the development of the plat, including, but not limited to, legal, planning, engineering, and inspection expenses incurred in connection with development of said plat, the preparation of this Agreement, and all costs and expenses incurred by the CITY in monitoring and inspecting development of the plat. (b) The DEVELOPER shall hold the CITY and its officers and employees harmless from claims made by itself and third parties for damages sustained or costs incurred resulting from plat development. The DEVELOPER shall indemnify the CITY and its officers and employees for all costs, damages or expenses which the CITY may pay or incur in consequence of such claims, including attorney's fees. 15 (c) The DEVELOPER shall reimburse the CITY for costs incurred in the enforcement of this Agreement, including engineering fees, attorney's fees, and costs and disbursements. (d) The DEVELOPER shall pay in full all bills submitted to it by the CITY for obligations incurred under this Agreement within thirty (30) days after receipt. If the bills are not paid on time, the CITY may halt all plat development work and construction, including but not limited to the issuance of building permits for lots which the DEVELOPER may or may not have sold, until all bills are paid in full. Bills not paid within thirty (30) days shall accrue interest at the rate of twelve percent (12%) per year. 15. DEVELOPER's Default. In the event of default by the DEVELOPER as to any of the work to be performed by it hereunder, the CITY may, at its option, perform the work and the CITY may then draw down the security established in Paragraph 17 to pay for any work undertaken, provided the DEVELOPER are first given notice of the work in default, not less than seven (7) days in advance. This notice provision does not apply if the work performed by the CITY or its contractors is of an emergency nature, as determined at the sole discretion of the CITY. Should such emergency work be required the CITY will make all reasonable efforts to notify the DEVELOPER as soon as possible. When the CITY does any such work, the CITY may, in addition to its other remedies, assess the cost in whole or in part pursuant to any applicable statutes or ordinances. (a) Abandonment of Project – Costs and Expenses. In the event the OWNER should abandon it's proposed development of the Subject Property, CITY'S costs and expenses for the preparation of the feasibility report, and plans and specifications and all other costs expended by CITY which are associated with Project No . .............................. 2002-03 shall be paid by OWNER. Sureties have been provided as follows: PURPOSE AMOUNT Costs associated with preparation $75,000.00 of feasibility report If the development is abandoned, the CITY may withdraw funds from the above- re fere nced deposit or surety for the purpose of paying their costs referred to in this paragraph. The said escrow funds will be released by CITY upon the OWNER providing satisfactory sureties for the Petition Items referred to in Exhibit 66—'9."C2". If the surety is inadequate to cover costs actually accrued by the CITY, DEVELOPER and/or OWNER shall be responsible for reimbursement to CITY of all such costs above the security. (b) Claims. In the event that the CITY receives claims from labor, materialmen, or others that perform work required by this Agreement, and the sums due them have not been paid, and the laborers, materialmen or others are seeking payment from the CITY, the DEVELOPER hereby authorizes the CITY to E. conunence an interpleader action pursuant to Rule 22, Minnesota Rules of Civil Procedure for the District Courts, to draw upon the letters of credit in an amount up to one hundred twenty-five percent (125%) of the claim(s) and deposit the funds in compliance with the Rule, and upon such deposit, the DEVELOPER shall release, discharge, and dismiss the CITY from any further proceedings as it pertains to the letters of credit deposited with the District Court, except that the Court shall retain jurisdiction to determine attomey fees pursuant to tHs Agreement. In the event that the DEVELOPER desires to make a cash deposit instead of drawing down the letter of credit if a claim is made as stated above, they shall immediately notify the CITY of this intent at the time the claim is made and shall delivery one hundred twenty- five percent (125%) of the claim to the CITY within ten (10) days of such notice in the form of cash or certified check. (c) OWNER to Pay All Costs. It is understood and agreed that amounts set forth in this Agreement as costs, unless specifically specified as fixed amounts, are estimated. DEVELOPER and OWNER agree that OWNER will pay the actual costs, provided the costs are consistent with the feasibility reports and preliminary cost estimates as determined at the time of assessment roll, associated with the proposed development together with platting costs, interest, administrative, engineering and legal costs with respect to their respective parcels, unless and to the extent same are included in the assessment. 16. Miscellaneous. (a) The DEVELOPER represents to the CITY that the plat complies with all CITY, County, metropolitan, state, and federal laws and regulations, including but not limited to, Subdivision Ordinances, Zoning Ordinances, and environmental regulations except where specifically excluded by this agreement. If the CITY determines that the plat does not comply, the CITY may, at its option, refuse to allow construction or development work in the plat until the DEVELOPER does comply. Upon the CITY's demand, the DEVELOPER shall cease work until there is compliance. (b) Third parties shall have no recourse against the CITY under this Agreement. (c) Breach of any of the terms of this Agreement by the DEVELOPER shall be grounds for denial or revocation of building permits. (d) If any portion, section, subsection, sentence, clause, paragraph or phrase of this Agreement is for any reason held invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this Agreement. (e) If building permits are issued prior to the completion and acceptance of public improvements, the DEVELOPER shall assume all liability for the costs resulting in any delay in completion of public improvements and damage to any public improvements caused by the CITY, the DEVELOPER, is/her contractors, 17 subcontractors, materialmen, employees, agents, or third parties. No one may occupy a building for which a building permit is issued on either a temporary or permanent basis until the streets needed for access have been paved with a bituminous surface, unless a specific exception is approved by the CITY. (0 The action or inaction of the CITY shall not constitute a waiver or amendment to the provisions of this Agreement. To be binding, amendments or waivers shall be in writing; signed by the parties and approved by written resolution of the CITY Council. The CITY's failure to promptly take legal action to enforce this Agreement shall not be a waiver or release. (g) This Agreement shall run with the land, shall be recorded against the title to the property, and shall be binding on all parties having any right, title or interests in the plat or any part thereof, their heirs, successors, and assigns. After the DEVELOPER has completed the work required of them under this Agreement, at the DEVELOPER's request, the CITY will execute and deliver to the DEVELOPER a release or partial release (s) of this Agreement. (h) The DEVELOPER shall take out and maintain until one (1) year after the CITY has accepted the public improvements, public liability and property damage insurance covering personal injury, including death� and any claims for property damage which may arise out of the DEVELOPER's work or the work of their subcontractors or by one directly or indirectly employed by any of them. Limits for bodily injury and death shall not be less than $500,000.00 for one person and $ 1,000,000.00 for each occurrence; limits for property damage shall be not less than $200,000.00 for each occurrence. The CITY shall be named as an additional named insured on said policy, and the DEVELOPER shall file a copy of the insurance coverage with the CITY prior to the CITY issuing further building permits. (i) Each right, power or remedy herein confer -red upon the CITY is cumulative and in addition to every other right, power or remedy, express or implied, now or hereafter arising, available to CITY, at law or in equity, or under any other agreement, and each and every right, power and remedy herein set forth or otherwise so existing may be exercised from time to time as often and in such order as may be deemed expedient by the CITY and shall not be a waiver of the right to exercise at any time thereafter any other right, power or remedy. 0) The DEVELOPER shall pay for all local costs related to drainage improvements required to complete the construction according to the plans and conditions that are a part of this Agreement. (k) Should development of the plat proceed at a pace slower than anticipated, and for that reason, specific terms of this agreement become onerous or unduly burdensome to the DEVELOPER, upon his/her application, the CITY will enter into negotiations regarding those specific terms and shall not unreasonably withhold consent to appropriate changes in the terms of this Agreement. W. 0) DEVELOPER shall demonstrate and maintain compliance with the 1991 Wetland Conservation Act. (m) DEVELOPER shall be responsible for all on site drainage as well as for any affects that their actions may have on adjoining properties. Specifically, DEVELOPER shall maintain existing drainage tiles on site, and shall be responsible for any and all drainage problems related to either the site drainage tiles or problems with on-site drainage facilities to be constructed in accordance with this agreement and plat approval. (n) The DEVELOPER agrees that while the development site is being graded, an independent testing firm shall test the street section in fill areas so as to certify that the contractor is achieving 95% of the standard moisture density relationship of soils except the top three (3) feet of the street section, which shall be compacted to 100% density. The CITY of Otsego Engineering Department shall receive a copy of the test. (o) Separability. In case any one or more of the provisions contained in this Agreement shall be invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any respect, the validity, legality and enforceability of the remaining provisions contained herein and any other application thereof shall not in any way be affected or impaired thereby. (p) Notices. Required notices to the DEVELOPER shall be in writing, and shall be either hand delivered to the DEVELOPER, their employees or agents, or mailed to the DEVELOPER by registered mail at the following address: Suite 310, 3200 Main Street, Coon Rapids, NIN 55448 . Notice to the CITY shall be in writing and shall be either hand delivered to the CITY Clerk or Deputy CITY Clerk at the following address: CITY of Otsego, CITY Hall, 8899 Nashua Avenue NE, Otsego, MN 55330, Attention: CITY Clerk or Deputy CITY Clerk. 17. Violation of Agreement. If, while the sureties provided pursuant to Paragraphs _ and of this Agreement are outstanding, a violation of any of the Covenants or agreements herein contained occurs and such violation is not cured within thirty (30) days after written notice thereof from CITY to the offending party, the CITY may draw upon that party's Escrow Items surety and apply the amount so drawn to pay for said Escrow Items to the extent of surety so provided pursuant to Paragraph _ hereof, and to pay for Petition Items, to the extent of surety provided for Petition Items, so as to provide the CITY cash flow pursuant to all terms of Paragraph of this Agreement. 18. Warranty. The DEVELOPER warrants all work required to be performed by it against poor material and faulty workmanship for a period of one (1) year after its completion and acceptance by the C4T-Y.—T-he-amount-e&f)ested-war-renty—jec-u�r a" pub4o-improvernents.-to-be-posted-by--t-he-DE-V-ELOP-ER-shall.-be-in-the-ClTY. 19 afnount-of-& .............................. :-----T-he-amoufAv-ha&-been-deter-mined--by--the-Cl-T Y .. Engineer; and is based upon the easts ef the raw rnateFials and laber-, A�hieh weuld be neeessffi-y--te correct-4he .. rfic6t---wfftmon--defic.iefic.ies in ... such publicAmprovem-ent: --- Calc-u4ations .. for -the 19. Maintain Public Property Damaged or Cluttered During Construction. DEVELOPER and OWNER agree to assume full financial responsibility for any damage which may occur to public property including, but not limited to, street, street subbase, base, bituminous surface, curb, utility system including, but not limited to, watermain, sanitary sewer or stonn sewer when said damage occurs as a result of the activity which takes place during its respective development of the OTSEGO WATERFRONT, except for damage caused by CITY, its employees, agents or contractors. OWNER further agree to pay all costs required to repair the streets and/or utility systems damaged or cluttered with debris when occurring as a direct or indirect result of the construction that takes place on the lots within OTSEGO WATERFRONT. In the event DEVELOPER or OWNER'S fail to maintain or repair the damaged public property referred to aforesaid, CITY may, upon notifying said party undertake making or causing it to be repaired or maintained. When CITY undertakes such repair, DEVELOPER or OWNER shall reimburse CITY for all of its expenses within fourteen (14) days of its billing to the respective party in which repair was required. If DEVELOPER or OWNER fail to pay said bill within fourteen (14) days, the Escrow Items surety shall be responsible for reimbursing CITY therefor. 20. Temporary Easement Right to Install Improvements. DEVELOPER and OWNER, by signing this Agreement, give the CITY, PFejeet N4anager and it seleetedCITY e p ................... M and subcontractor's the right of access on . ................. 0 all of the Subject Property to install the comprehended utility and street improvements referred to herein. It is anticipated that DEVELOPER will file the plat of OTSEGO WATERFRONT on or before 1 2002, which plat will permanently provide right-of-way for the required streets and utilities. 21. Agreement Effect. This Agreement shall be binding and extend to the respective representatives, heirs, successors and assigns of the parties hereto. CITY OF OTSEGO By: Its: Mayor And: Its: City Administrator By: Its: Owner LM 20 Its: Developer 21 STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF WRIGHT SS. CITY OF OTSEGO On this — day of 1 200, before me personally appeared Larry Fournier and Mike Robertson to me known to be the persons described in the foregoing instrument and who did say they are, respectively, the Mayor and City Administrator of the municipal corporation named therein and that the seal affixed to said instrument is the corporate seal of said municipal corporation, and that said instrument was signed and sealed on behalf of said municipal corporation by authority of its City Council and said Larry Fournier and Mike Robertson acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said corporation. CITY OF OTSEGO By: Its: Mayor By: Its: CityAdministrator STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF WRIGHT SS. CITY OF OTSEGO On this — day of 200, before me personally appeared and to me known to be the persons described in the foregoing instrument and who did say they are the general partners of LANDCOR, INC., and that said instrument was signed on behalf of LANDCOR, INC. by authority of its Partnership Agreement and said and acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said partnership. LANDCOR, INC. By: Its: 22 STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF WRIGHT SS. CITY OF OTSEGO On this day of 1 200, before me personally appeared and to me known to be the persons described in the foregoing instrument and who did say they are the general partners of OTSEGO LAND COMPANY, LLC, and that said instrument was signed on behalf of OTSEGO LAND COMPANY, LLC by authority of its Partnership Agreement and said - and acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed off said partnership. P-.\Attomcy\GljADocuments\LandCor-Otwgo Wataftnt DvIpt Agmt(W)Aoc OTSEGO LAND COMPANY, LLC By: Its: 23 EXHIBIT A Legal descripfion. EXHIBIT B Construction of Quaday Avenue between CSAH 39 and north plat boundary and 91" Street east firom CSAH 42 to Quaday Avenue within the plat. Constructionof all sanitary sewer, water and storm water improvements within 9 1 " Streetand Quaday Avenue right of way. Construction of storm water system within easements dedicated in plat. Construction of looping water lines within easements on plat boundaries. Construction of sanitary sewer lines on easement between Lot Block I and Outlots G and F. Storm drainage improvements within easements between Outlots E and F, southward along easterly plat boundary and along southerly plat boundary within Outlots E and F Lot 12, Block 1, Outlots G and A and northeast comer of Outlot B. And including necessary sidewalks, traffic signal on CSAH 42 and CSAH 39, street lighting along 91't Street and Quaday Avenue and additional County required road improvements. EXHIBIT C Estimate 1.8 million to be adjusted as per actual bids received for surety purposes and further adjusted upon final approval of project and assessment. FEASIBILITY STUDY EXHIBIT C2 Waterfront West Quaday Avenue 91st Street Construction City of Otsego Financial Summary 11. Assessments: Sanitary Sewer $142,030 Less Line Oversizing Credit From Exhibit "CY That Will Be Collected As Part of the SAC Fee. -$26,687 $115,343 Watermain $272,305 Less Line Oversizing Credit From Exhibit "CY That Will Be Collected As Part of the WAC Fee. -$10.834 $261,471 Street, Traffic Signal & Street Lighting $849,114 Additional Cost of Lateral Storm Drainage From Exhibit C4 $21,660 $870,774 Estimated Cost of Utility Construction $1,247,588 20% Overhead for construcion contengency, engineering and legal $249,518 Total Project Cost To Be Assessed $1,497,106 Assessment Cost Per Acre (acreage - 18.1 acres) $82,713 /Acre 11. Impact Fee for the Storm Drainage Trunk Facilities Estimated Construction Cost of Trunk Facilities From Exhibit "C4" 20% Overhead for construcion contengency, engineering and legal Total Project Cost Construction Impact Fee Per Net Acre ( 51.0 acres) Additonal Impact Fee for Easement Acquisition From Christ Lutheran Church Total Impact Fee per Net Acre ( 51 Acres) $754,123 $150,825 $904,948 $17,744 /Acre $650 /Acre $18,394 /Acre ot347 financial summary WsFinancial Summary 5/21/02 FEASIBILITY STUDY EXHIBIT C2 Waterfront West Quaday Avenue 91st Street Construction City of Otsego Financial Summary Ill. Overall Project Funding Summary Current Phase of Development, 18.1 Net Acres. PER ACRE CHARGE ACRES AMOUNT Assessments for Water Sewer and Streets $82,713 18.1 $1,497,106 Impact Fees for Storm Drainage Construction $18,394 18.1 $332,933 Portion of SAC and WAC Fees for Line Oversizing (Including 20% Overhead) $45,025 Total Income from Assessment $1,875,063 Estimated Current Project Cost Water, Sewer and Streets $1,516,139 Storm Drainage( Excluding Future Storm Drainage) $566,596 Total Estimated Project Cost $2,082,734 Net Amount to be Initially Carried by City in -Bond $207,671 Future Impact Fees From 32.9 Net Acres North of Current Project $18,394 32.9 $605,165 Estimated Cost Future Storm Drainage $398,803 Net Overage to Cover previous Bond Cost $206,362 ot347 financial surnmary x1sFinancial SummarY 5/21/02 FEASIBILITY STUDY EXHIBIT C3 DEVELOPER'S CREDIT City of Otsego, Improvement Project No. 02-03 Quaday Ave NE and 91st Street NE Bid Schedule "A" - Streets Item No. Description Estimated Number of Units Unit Unit Cost Estimated Cost 1 Mobilization 1 LS $10,000.00 $10,000.00 2 Remove Culvert 94 $4.00 $376.00 3 Remove Bituminous Pavement 300 -LF SY $3.50 $1,050.00 4 Sawing Bit Pavement (Full Depth) 1,800 LF $2.00 $3,600.00 5 Salvage & Reinstall Sign 1 EACH $50.00 $50.00 6 Common Excavation (P) 2,844 CY 0 $7,110.00 7 Topsoil Stripping (P) 11,760 CY $3.00 $35,280.00 8 Class 5 Aggregate Base (7") 7,150 TON $9.00 $64,350.00 9 Mill Bituminous Surface 200 SY $8.00 $1,600.00 10 Type LV 4 Wearing Course Mixture (C) 2,000 TON $33.00 $66,000.00 11 Type LV 3 Non -Wearing Course Mixture (B) 2,500 TON $31.00 $77,500.00 12 Bituminous Material For Tack Coat 650 GAL $1.25 $812.50 13 Adjust Valve Box 34 EACH $150.00 $5,100.00 14 Adjust Frame & Ring Casting 16 EACH $200.00 $3,200.00 15 Stamped Concrete Sidewalk (4") 1,700 SY $60.00 $102,000.00 16 Stamped Concrete Sidewalk (6'� 150 SY $75.00 $11,250.00 17 Concrete Median (6") 470 SY $50.00 $23,500.00 18 Concrete Curb & Gutter Design B618 7,000 LF $7.00 $49,000.00 19 6" Concrete Apron / Valley Gutter 250 SY $50.00 $12,500.00 - '20 Traffic Control - 2 LS $2,500.00 $5,000.00 - 21 Sign Panels, Type C 840 SF $28.00 $23,520.00 22 Pavement Message (Right Arrow) - Epoxy 48 EACH $130.00 $6,240.00 23 Pavement Message (Left Arrow) - Epoxy 40 EACH $130.00 $5,200.00 24 Pavement Message (Thru Arrow) - Epoxy 40 EACH $130.00 $5,200.00 25 4" Solid Line White - Epoxy 11,000 LF $1.00 $11,000.00 26 12" Solid Line White - Epoxy 450 LF $2.00 $900.00 - 27 24" Stop Line White - Epoxy 400 LF $4.00 $1,600.00 28 Bale Check 30 EACH $10.00 $300.00 - 29 Silt Fence, Type Machine Sliced 4,500 LF $4.00 $18,000.00 30 Soddin ' g - Type Lawn Restoration 2,250 SY $3.50 $7,875.00 31 Traffic Signals 1 LS $150,000.00 $ 150,000.00 32 Street Lights 1 LS $140,000-00 tii-- 140,000.00 Total - Bid Schedule "A" $849,114 BT -1 //HaOI/Shared Doc s/m unic ip a Unt sego/347/ot 347feasibility-table 1.x1s FEASIBILITY STUDY EXHIBIT C3 DEVELOPER'S CREDIT City of Otsego, Improvement Project No. 02-03 Quaday Ave NE and 91st Street NE Bid Schedule "B" - WaterTnain Item No. Description Estimated Number of Units Unit Unit Price Estimated Cost 33 Connect to Existing Watermain 1 LS $350.00 $350.00 34 12"(Instead of 16� Ductile Iron Pipe Cl 52 1440 LF $28.00 $40,320.00 35 12" Ductile Iron Pipe Cl 52 790 LF $28.00 $22,120.00 36 8" Ductile Iron Pipe Cl 52 3425 LF $26.00 $89,050.00 37 6" Ductile Iron Pipe Cl 52 345 LF $24.00 $8,280.00 38 Ductile Iron Fittings( Replaced 16" With 12") 8234 LB $1.35 $11,115.90 39 12"( Instead of 161 Butterfly Valve and Box 4 EACH $1,200.00 $4,800.00 40 12" Butterfly Valve and Box 2 EACH $1,200.00 $2,400.00 41 8" Gate Valve and Box 18 EACH $625.00 $11,250.00 42 6" Gate Valve and Box 17 EACH $455.00 $7,735.00 43 Hydrant 8 EACH $1,650.00 $13,200.00 44 Hydrant Extension 24 LF $275.00 $6,600.00 45 Isaivage and Reinsta'll 16" Plug 1 EACH $50.00 $50.00 46 2" Insulation 500 SF $1.00 $500.00 47 12" DIP CL 52, Fastite Jt., Installed by Jacking and Boring of 20" Steel Casing 230 LF $ 190.00 $43,700.00 Total - Revised Bid Schedule "B" $261,471 Total - Bid Schedule "B" $272,305 Credit to Developer on Schedule "B" $10,834 BT -1 //HaOI/Shared Docs/municipaUaotsego/347/ot347feasibility-table 1.x1s 5/21/02 FEASIBILITY STUDY EXHIBIT C3 DEVELOPER'S CREDIT City of Otsego, Improvement Project No. 02-03 Quaday Ave NE and 91 st Street N E Bid Schedule "C" - Sanitary Sewer Item No. Description Estimated Number of Units Unit Unit Cost 26,687 Estimated Cost 48 .15" PVC SDR 26 16-18' Deep LF $26.00 $ 49 115" PVC SDR 26 18-20' Deep LF $28.00 $ 50 12" PVC SDR 26 18-20'Deep LF $24.00 $ 51 12" PVC SDR 26 20-22'Deep LF $26.00 $ 52 10" PVC SDR 26 16-18' Deep LF $20.00 $ 53 10" PVC SDR 26 18-20' Deep LF $22.00 $ 54 10" PVC SDR 26 20-22' Deep LF $24.00 $ 55 10" DIP CL 52, Fastite A, 10-12'Deep LF $21.50 $ 56 10" DIP CL 52, Fastite A, 12-14'Deep LF $23.50 $ 57 10" DIP CL 52, Fastite A, 14-16'Deep LF $25.50 $ 58 10" DIP CL 52, Fastite A., 16-18'Deep LF $27.50 $ 59 10" DIP CL 52, Fastite A, 18-20' Deep LF $29.50 $ 60 10" DIP CL 52, Fastite A, 20-22' Deep LF $31.50 $ 61 8" PVC SDR 35 0-8' Deep 10 LF $15.00 $ 150.00 62 8" PVC SDR 35 8-1 O'Deep 252 LF $17.50 $ 4,410.00 63 8" PVC SDR 35 10-12'Deep 2021 LF $19.00 $ 38,399.00 64 .6" PVC SDR 35 Service Lateral 255 LF $10.00 $ 2,550.00 65 Standard Sanitary Sewer Manhole 0-8'Deep 11 EA $1,500.00 $ 16,500.00 66 Manhole Overdepth 44 VF $120.00 $ 5,280.00 67 Outside Drop Connection 0-2' EA $55.00 $ - 68 Extra Depth Outside Drop Connectioin >2' VF $195.00 $ - 69 Ponnect to Existing Sanitary Sewer at Manhol2- 1 EA $300.00 $ 300.00 70 16" PVC Riser Pipe 32 VF $12.00 $ 384.00 71 15"x 6" PVC Wye EA $70.00 $ - 72 12"x 6" PVC Wye EA $60.00 $ 73 1 ON 6" PVC Wye EA $55.00 $ - 74 8"x 6" PVC Wye 7 EA $50.00 $ 350.00 75 12" Plug EA $45.00 1 - 76 8" Plug 3 EA $40.00 $ 120.00 77 6" Plug 8 EA $35.00 $ 280.00 78 8"(Instead of 10") DIP CL 52, Fastite A, Installed by Jacking and Boring of 18" Steel Casing 260 ILF $172.00 $ 44,72000 r7-9TT-elevise Sanitary Sewer 1 2533 ILF 1 $0.75 1 $ Total - Revised Bid Schedule "C" Total - Bid Schedule "C" Credit to Developer on Bid Schedule "C" $ 115,343 $ 142,030 $ 26,687 BT -1 //HaOl/Shared Doc slmu nic ipa Ila otsego/347/ot 347feasi bility-table 1.xIs 5/21/02 FEASIBILITY STUDY EXHIBIT C3 DEVELOPER'S CREDIT City of Otsego, Improvement Project No. 02-03 Quaday Ave N E and 91 st Street NE Bid Schedule "D" - Storm Sewer Item No. Descdption Estimated Number of Units Unit Unit Cost Estimated Cost 80 42" RC Pipe Apron 1 EACH $1,400.00 $1,400.00 84 36" RC Pipe Apron 1 EACH $1,250.00 $1,250.00 85 45" x 73" RC Arch Pipe Apron 1 EACH $2,200.00 $2,200.00 86 15" RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CL V (all depthq 80 LF $22.00 $1,760.00 87 18" RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CL III (all depths 48 LF $26.50 $1,272.00 88 21" RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CL III (all depth,, 61 LF $31.50 $1,921.50 89 27" RC_Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CL III (all depth 160 LF $50.00 $8,000.00 90 30" RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CL III (all depth 64 LF $60.00 $3,840.00 91 33" RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006CL III (all depth 275 LF $75.00 $20,625.00 92 36" RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CL III (all depth 59 LF $90.00 $5,310.00 93 42" RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CL III (all depth, 864 LF $130.00 $112,320.00 94 48" RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CL III (all depths 105 LF $160,00 $16,800.00 95 45" x 73" RC Arch Pipe Sewer CL III (all depths) 651 LF $300.00 $195,300.00 96 15" Pipe Plug 4 EACH $70.00 $280.00 97 18" Pipe Plug 1 EACH, $90.00 $90.00 98 42" Pipe Plug 2 EACH $225.00 $450.00 99 45"x 73" RCPA 450 Bend 2 EACH $3,450.00 $6,900.00 100 101 45" x 73" RCPA 350 Bend lConnect to Existing Storm Sewer 1 1 EACH EACH $3,450.00 $750.00 $3,450.00 $750.00 102 Construct Draingage Structure Design 48" 4020 8 EACH $1,500.00 $4,500,00 103 Construct Draingage Structure Design 66" 4020 2 EACH $2,500.00 $5,000.00 104 Construct Draingage Structure Design 72" 4020 1 EACH $2,750.00 $2,750.00 105 106 Construct Draingage Structure Design 78" 4020 Construct Draingage Structure Design 84" 4020 2 1 EACH EACH $3,600.00 $3,850.00 $7,200.00 $3,850.00 107 Construct Draingage Structure Design 96" 4020 1 EACH $4,950.00 $4,950.00 108 Construct Draingage Structure Design 120" 4020 1 EACH $7,000.00 $7,000.00 109 Random RipRap Class 111 100 CY $75.00 $7,500.00 110 Random RipRap Class IV 40 Cy $100.00 $4,000.00 111 Common Excavation (P) 4,226 CY $2.50 $10,565.00 112 Topsoil Stripping (P) 3,500 CY $3.00 $10,500.00 92 Seeding Mixture - 60B 300 LBS $4.75 $1,425.00 93 Commercial Fertilizer, 10-10-10 1,500 LBS $0.50 $750.00 94 Hydraulic Soil Stabilizer Type 5 0.9 TON $350.00 $31 .00 95 JHydraulic Soil Stabilizer Type 6 7.5 TON $500.00 $3,75'0.00 96 ISeeding - Type Lawn Restoration 3 ACRE 1 S-3,000.00 $9,00000 rotal - Bid Schedule "D" $466,973.50 TOTAL - ALL SCHEDULES $1,692,901 BT -1 //HaOI/Shared Docs./municipaUaotsego/347/ot347feasibility-table 1.x1s 5/21/02 FEASIBILITY STUDY EXHIBIT C4 DEVELOPER'S CREDIT City of Otsego, Improvement Project No. 02-03 Quaday Avenue NE and 91st Street NE Bid Schedule W - Future Storm Sewer Hem No. Description Estimated Number of Units Unit Unit Cost Estimated Cost Lateral Estimated Cost Trunk Estimated Cost 1 30' RC Pipe Apron 1 EACH $775.DO $775 $775 2 15' RC Pipe Seymr Design 3006 CL V (all depths) 100 LF $22.00 $2,200 $2,200 $0 3 18' RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CL III (all depths) 344 LF $26.50 $9,116 $9,116 -i-0 4 24' RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CL III (all depths) 670 LF $36.00 $24,120 1 $1,760 $24-.120 5 30' RC Pipe Sewer Design 3W6 CL III (all depths) 630 LF $60.00 $37,800 $1,2D0 $37,800 6 33"RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CL III (all depths) 430 LF $75.00 $32,250 $1,830 $32,250 7 36' RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CL III (all depths) 470 LF $90.00 $42.300 $42.300 8 42' RC Pipe Seymr Design 3006 CL 111 (211 depths) 460 LF $130M $59,800 $59.800 9 48" RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CL III (all depths) 590 LF $160.00 $94.400 $94,400 10 15' Pipe Plug 4 EACH $75.00 $300 -$300 -$0 11 18' Pipe Plug 6 EACH $1D0.00 $600 $600 $0 12 Connect to EmsWV Storm Sewer 2 EACH S950.00 $1,700 - $1,95,300 13 Construct Draingage Structure Design 48" 4020 1 EACH $1,500.00 $1,500 $280 _____L1.7C)0 $1,500 14 Construct Draingage Structure Design 54" 4020 3 EACH $1.&50.00 $5,550 $4,500 $1,050 15 Construct Draingage Structure Design 60' 4020 3 EACH $2,200.00 $6,600 $4,500 $2,100 16 Construct Draingage Structure Design 66' 4020 5 EACH $2,500.00 12,500 $7,500 $5000 [__ �17 �Ranclom RipRap Class 111 11 Cy $75.00 $825 , $3,450 viaj - om 4cneuuie ^ 3"S;Sz'jJb $23,716 $303,620 Bid Schedule 'B* - ProDosed Storm Sewer Item No. Description Estimated Number of Units Unit Unit Cost Estimated Cost Lateral Estimated Cost Trunk Estimated Cost 1 42"RC Pipe Apron 1 EACH $1,400.00 $1.400 $1,400 2 36' RC Pipe Apron 1 EACH $1.250.00 $1,250 $1,250 3 45* x 73' RC Arch Pipe Apron 1 EACH $2,200.00 $2.200 $2,200 4 15' RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CIL V (all depths) 80 LF $22.00 $1,760 1 $1,760 $0 5 18'RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CL III (all depths) 48 LF $25.00 $1.2DO $1,2D0 $0 6 21' RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CL III (all depths) 61 LF $30.00 $1,830 $1,830 $0 7 8 27" RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CL III (all depths) 30" RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CL III (all depths) 160 64 LF LF $50.00 $55.00 $8,000 $3.520 $8, $3,520 9 33* RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CL III (all depths) 275 LF $70.00 $19.250 $19,250 10 136" RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CL III (all depths) 59 LF $85.00 $5,015 $5,015 11 42'RC Pipe Sewer Design 3DO6 CIL III (all depths) 864 LF $125.00 $108,000 $108,000 12 48' RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CL III (all depths) 105 LF $150.00 $15.750 $15,750 13 45* x 73* RC Arch Pipe Sewer CL III (all depths) 651 LF $300.00 $195,300 - $1,95,300 14 15* Pipe Plug 4 EACH $70.00 $280 $280 $0 15 18" Pipe Plug 1 EACH $90.00 $90 $90 $0 16 42" Pipe Plug 2 EACH $225.00 $450 $450 17 1415"x 73" RCPA 45* Bend 2 EACH $3.450.00 $6,900 $6,900 18 145- x 73" RCPA 35' Bend - 1 EACH $3,450.00 $3,450 $3,450 19 JConnect to Existing Storm Sewer 1 EACH $750.00 $750 $750 20 lConstruct Draingage Structure Design 48" 4020 3 EACH $1,500.00 $4,500 $4,500 $0 21 JConstruct Draingage Structure Design 66' 4020 2 EACH $2,500.00 $5,000 $3,000 $2,000 22 23 lConstruct Draingage Structure Design 72' 4020 lConstruct Draingage Structure Design 78' 4020 1 2 EACH EACH $2,750.00 $3.600.00 $2,750 $7,200 $1.5 00 f3-.000 $1,250 $4,200 24 Construct Draingage Structure Design 84* 4020 1 EACH $3.850.00 $3.850 $1,5oo $2.350 25 Construct Draingage Structure Design 96' 4020 1 EACH $4.950.00 $4.950 $1,500 $3,450 26 Construct Draingage Structure Design 120" 4020 1 E�CH $7,000.00 $7.000 $1,500 $5,R-0 27 Random RipRap Class III 1 100 Cy $75.00 $7,500 $7,500 28 Random RipRap Class IV 1 40 Cy $100.00 $4.000 $4,000 Total - Bid Schedule"B" $423,145 $21,660 $401,485 //HaOl/Shared Docs/municipallaoisego/347/of347Enaineer's Estimate.xls/North Central Subdistrict FEASIBILITY STUDY EXHIBIT C4 DEVELOPER'S CREDIT City of Otsego, Improvement Project No. 02-03 Quaday Avenue NE and 9 1 st Street NE Rid -R,h—fid. 'f— . rMnh r�nfn-linn hem No. Description Estimated Number of Units Unit Unit Cost Estimated Cost Lateral Trunk Estimated Estimated Cost Cost 1 Common Excayation (P) 4,226 CY $2.50 $10,565.00 2 Topsoil Stripping 3,500 CY $3.00 $10,500.00 _L051500 $10,500.00 3 Bale Check 30 EACH $10.00 $300.00 $300.00 4 SiN Fence, Type Machine Sliced 4,500 LF $4.00 $18,000.00 $18,000.00 5 Seeding - Type Lawn Restoration 1.5 ACRE $3,000.00 $4,500.00 $4,500.00 6 Seeding Mbdure - 608 150 LBS $4.75 $712.50 $712.50 7 Commercial Fertilizer, 10-10-10 750 LBS $0.50 $375.00 $3757ff a Hydraulic Soil Stabilizer Type 5 0.9 TON $350.00 $315.00 $315.00 9 hlydroulic Soil Stabilizer Type 6 7.5 TON $500.00 $3.750.00 $3,750.00 utai - ma acneouie %, 7*43.ults $0.00 $49,018 Total -All Schedules $804,499 $50,376 $754,123 //HaOl/Shared Docs/municipaVaotsegof347/ol347Engineaes Estimate.xis[North Central Subdistrict EXHIBIT D Payments to bond holders to be determined at time of bonding. EXHIBIT E Entire plat. EXHIBIT F Form Letter of Credit. LAU LUU/5 I J MAE Landcor., Inc* YUY 28.1602 Mr. Mike. Robertsion' City Adxn�irtistmtor City of otscgo 8899 N Z. aslida Avcauc - -Elk Rivi:rw MmeSOM 55330 I)GYGIGPIMent Agreement for' Otscgo Waterfront Dca'r Mike, PleFLQ- $1110w this letter to ierv' c as -our co6firmaUou of tile final form.(if D UtY Ot* OLsvgu �u thc OLSr' .1 IOP6-n Agrz r a CV6 cnxnt with UIC* 90 V terreOnt 3ticor and Wiry pzqicr-t aLong wall U16 d�ycjupm�u fi7t P4 6Lagc of our, W-� havc revicvvcd ll=niiai rUTIn Of atr=ent an . d nre firepared, ro I 'ex I ec . IQU" U: ute the al;rdcment and post tho W�= all ft deScriheft �Ian-s Ind.ejchibM**2r' and C' compketea MWC61' Coompa . ny. will PrOvicir 111c. ntr-Cssary letter or. 1 It o Land dnllnr.q FrOdit " security in the eGtrnated aih� Of 1.8 million now Minmted at Si.34.5 million duc� to c=�e�dqc bidding Costs.:' IL is 0, tq cowr the' _Cd alld UQ�Y Pruj=L Ur fe approve the r St que6t ffiat'the Ciry cnun�l Mal raiAll �ie strict proj of Dcvvfuper,b Aigrccmunj and �wcu-d e�ct b'cb tonight with thc'r-ondition tbaL Ox Dv IuPcM Ageemeni. is execurLd"'Ind, lerrr df cr . cdi . t post6& Thm3k-s for youl, as6list�us;t: un. Lbis nj�=. Y=Y LrWy,yours'. 0 President, LzndCor, Tn�.: Chir -f Ua=gcr.-0tSCgu- Ld"d CUIPUDY, LLC ..RLr-..r PL�cgu Und Company. LTIC Mcrnhers 9464 HeInlock Lane N.. Maple Grove, MN 55369 Phone: M3-3 l.;j_fjjj I M ITEM 9.B. Thl 5�rMFtL-Irlsic - 3 T R U C SUMMARY QUOTATION 05-15-2002 CITY OF OTSEGO BOYER TRUCKS ROGERS Page I of I OTSEGO MN 21701 INDUSTRIAL BLV 763-441-8137 ROGERS MN 55374 612-676-3804 PREPARED FOR: DAVE CHASE PREPARED BY: DARYL ANDERSON Quote ID: OTSEGO (Prices in U.S. Dollars) EQUIPMENT Total 1 L9500 CHASSIS ........................................... $ --- 118758 TOTAL EQUIPMENT PRICE ................................... $---118758 OTHER CHARGES FET TAXES -176 FEES 0 Other 0 0 TOTAL OTHER CHARGES --------- $ 176 TOTAL QUOTE .................. ....................... $ --- 118582 COMMENTS: Delivery assured by provided the order is received before _/_/ . U -n --it to be delivered to the Customer. APPROVAL: Please indicate your acceptance of this quotation by signing below: x Customer Date "YC> 1,A ' I 1 1-1 R t-- 'r171 f-- W. -A V Wt— W<> r j< MAY- I 3-UZ 03 : a TPM FROM-J-Craft,1rc +3zo-398-61Z3 T-085 P.00Z/OoS F -ITT N127 33UTH STR1-:ET KIMBALL NN 55353 Fax: 320/398-6123 Quote Number: 3271 Quote To: DAVE CHASE OTSEGO CITY OF 8899 NASHUA AVE NE ELK RIVER MN 55330-7314 Phone: 763/441-8137 Fax: 763/441-8823 QUOTE Date: 5/13/02 Expires: 3/31/03 Refe=ce: STATE 131D Sales Person: TIM ER.ICKSON Having reviewedyour equipment needs, andpursuanr to the current STA TE OF W contract #429002, We are happy to offer lhef011OwingPackagefor your consideration. PLF.4 SE No 7-E: 1. APPlicable sales tax is not included inprice, but has been hand added at the end of the quote. 2. nis quote is 0 summarY offhe individualprices as indicated a,' the attached sheers 3. F.O.B. point isJ-CRAFn Kimball, RNfacitiry. OTSEGO SGL PKG 12'WST-XML BODY & EQUIP PKG MODEL: 120PVST-XML Lead Time: 60-90 ARO CHASSIS DIMENSIONS: 127' longx 96" wide O.D. FRONTP"EL: 45 "high, 10 ga GR50 steel const. w1reinf top lip, & horiz bracing @ 113 points. SIDES: 36" high, 10 ga GR50 st"Cl OuterPanel. sloped center horiz brace, slopedrubrails, 3115"AR-400 interior. tubing top rails, Boardpockersfronj and rear. full depthfrf & rear cnr posts. dual 2 -line sander manifolds @ RH & LH R-EARrubrail, 114"x 2"flar W01krailfull length both sides, J CBAF7,Stow-A W , cc w1step above installed - ay'a ess ladder - LHFROjvr 7A IL GA TE.- 42"high, 3116"AR-400mainpanel, 10ga GR50reinf 3panel design, 1-114"dia top &bottom pins ]"thick upper hinges, 318 - alloy spreader chains, forged -steel latches, airrrip ready linkage. (SEE ALSO ' ' flow plates rype) 'S"DER " FOR Fj- 0 OR: 114 " HARDOX-400 steel, one-piece construcrio". w/floor to side &f ronz 10floor ta pers UNDERSTRUCTURE. slo,,x25.00,y?structa-BEAM,Ongsil,ls.jU_50 hoist brkr incorporated w/10" struct chnl rear bolster) PREPIPAW. E .. erior industrially blasted, EPOAyprimed & Finish coated with " . RED" Polyurelhane Enamel to Match cob. MAY -13-2002 15:18 +7,-7n 7qm a 1 1)-7 Pa -e: 0 MAY- 13-0 Z a 3: a ON FROM-J-Craft.inc +3ZO-3ga-6123 T-085 P 003/005 F-177 70127 330TI4 STR.EET KIMBALL MN 55353 Quote Number: 3271 Quote To: DAVE CHASE OTSEGO CITY OF 8899 NASHUA AVE NE ELK RIVER MIN 5 533 0-7314 Phone: 763/441-8137 Fax: 763/441-3823 Underside undercoated by Ziebarr I QUOTE Fax: 320/398-6123 Date: 5/13/02 Expires: 3/31/03 Reference: STATE BID Sales Person: TIM ERICKSON RUSTPROOFING: ZLEBARTrreatmenr appliedro body underside, and inside ofthefrt & rear cornerposts. LIGHTSIWIR.E. FMVSS 108 compliant, rubber mounted (STD) clearance lights, Cluster of3, wlFacrory sealed wire harness, Ground strap, STROBL�STOP- TAIL- TURNIBA CWUP light provisions (in corner posts). with lightsprovided by Strobe System and installed. MUD FLAPS: Rear ofrear tires, attached to body mounts. CA BSHIEL D: 112 type, 24" cabshield, 10 go const, Weld -on style, center self -leveling strobe brkt w1conduirs, Attached to body andpainied (SEE ALSO STROBE SYSTEM HOIST.- J-CRAFTModel.- JU50-DA(C), Overhang: 12 ". Dump angle: (55) Double acting, Wlsolid block rear hihge point & (2) OSHA approved safety props PUMP: Frontframe mounted, Engine crank -shaft driven, LS type. Make: FORCE Model: PVWH45L (6 c.i.), Including an H. P. ball valve on pressure o urlet. VA L VE: Make: FORCEIGRESEN Model. 4020-E "ADD -A -STACK", 9funcrion, LS typa Providing controlfor.- BOX HOIST PL, 0 W LIFT, PL 0 W ANGLE, WING TOE. WING HEEL, HYD P USH-BAP, SCRAPER, A UGEP, & SPIAWER Including RELIEF on hoist, FLOAT on plaw lift. & external valve ENCLOSURE. SANDER VAL VEICONTROL: Force America model SSC -1 100 manually adj electronic co trol mounted offcontrol tow r in cob. n e SEE "CONTROLS') CONTROLS: Morse type remote cable (I is 3-burion type) controls. tower mounted off cabfloor, per layout drawing, Page RESER YOM: 30 gal Slim-line� frame mounted, Wlsighrllevel glass, filler -breather, magnetic drain plug, 100 mesh suction screen, and gate rVe shut offvalve. Filled with DEXRON X hydraulic oil. Low oil indicator system provided and MAY- I 3 -OZ 03: 08PM FROM-J-Craft,inc +320-398-6123' ' T-085 P 004/005 F-177 70127 330TH STREET KIMBALL MIN 55353 Quote Number: 3271 Quote To: DAVE CHASE OTSEGO CITY OF 8899 NASffUA AVE NE ELK 11,1VER MNi 55330-7314 Phone: 763/441-8137 Fax: 763/441-8823 installed -QUOTE Fax: 320/398-6123 Dare: 5113/02 Expires: 3/3 1/03 Reference: STATE BID Sales Person: TIM ERTCKSON FIL TRA TIOAr Return line type, remote mounted, wl.-eplaceable element, & cond indicator installed PL UMBTNG: 2"suction line, I " MainPressure line, 1-114" return line� balance to match component port sizing. All swivel fittings 37*JIC or diy-sealrype. MOVYTING: Included ref 12 " behind cab, to provide necessary room for W-SERJES wing standard FENDERS. - SCSI model: M100 black polyfenderser, w1balt-onframe brackets, Installed BACKUPALARM.- PR-EC0 model 230 elecironic backup alarm, installed wAviring to reverse circuit TAILGATE TR[P.- 3-112 " dio x 6" air cylinder, Solenoid air valve, w1piping andfitrings, & installed REAR HITCH. 314"A572-50 Steelpullplare w1brocing to truckfrome, Safety chain D -rings, Premier 370 air -cushion Pintle hook w/transfier offemale electrical socket & air conn ecrions to rear plate. STROBE SYS: WHELENDOT3-102D Strobe system, 360*fronr strobe head on se�'-leveling (cabshield) front mount, & 'D1 type steel housings in rear corner posts. Switches andpowersuppj�wmounredin cab. NOTE: OEM fail lights will be mounted at or near stockposition. A CC'Y WORK LIGHT. - (2) ea rubber encased clear work lights, With switches installed & labeled in cab dash IE: Sander light & Wing light) SNOWPLOWLIGHTS.- Combo halogen headlight with turn signal, Hood mounted (Sid) Alum crossbar bracke, wlSe c r mounted, &relay mtd on power disi panel I le to switch dash UIVDERBLADE Falls modelIS-10A Fixed angle 101. RH discharge, (35'to 45"), all mtg hdwe &plbg, WIPressure gauge cab Page: MAT -IJ -U4 Uj:UPM PROM-J-Cratt,inc 70127 330TH STREET KIMBALL NTN 55353 Quote Number: 3271 Quote To: DAVE CHASE OTSEGO CITY OF 8899 NASHUA AVE NE ELK RIVER M`N 55330-7314 Phone: 763/441-8137 Fax: 763/441-SS23 +320-39a-6123 I QUOTE T-085 P 005/005 F-177 Fax: 320ri98-6123 Date: 5/13/02 Expires: 3/31/03 Reference: STATE BID Sales Person: TI.Nm ERICKSON mounted Nitrogen accumulator cushion & auto reset WlErrernal adjpressure reducinglreliefvalve included A IRBA G: Canadian Load5hare model HS airbag helper spring system, complete and installed on RH offronr axle, with cab cowrolled regulator & pressure gattge. Page: SNO WPL 0 W. - Falls Model PR1243-TE Power Reversible (sectional) Trip -Edge Snowplow, complete with all sid equip, RUBBER SNOWFLAP, HIGH VIS END AMRKERS, & plow push unitfor Falls 446-B hitch system. Pointed Falls std "RED" LEAD-FRE—E paint color. Shippedloose in dump body. FLOWHITCH.- Falls Model 446-B heavy dujy hitch system, complete with all stdjeotures, all mtg hdwe. Wingpost provision), plbg, &S.A. lifi cylinder. Installed andpainred gloss black. SNOW WING: Falls Model TW -10A snow wing, FRONT mounted, complete with all stdjeotures, NITRO-CUSHHYD PUSHBAP, all mig hdwe & plbg, installed complete, andpainted Falls sid "RED " LEAD FREE paint color. SANDEP, Falls Model #IASD-9 under-gatesander. 9" dia auger, STD (we d -i side pi p a L p y pi ner ass I s 11 1 res, H ol s n � R -H steel berm chureplbg & mtg hdwe. Installed & painredRED to match dump body color. NOTE: PLUMBING CONNECTIONS AT A9 & LH "SPLIT" R UBRAIL MAWFOLD& Quote Accepted by: Date: THANK YOU for the opportunity to provide you with this quote Quantity UM Unit Price 1.00 EA 51,577.00000 * le Sub Total: $51,577.00 —3,35.�, 51 Quote To tal- 5y 9dg. s-1 - 1-1 TS MAY -13-2002 15:21 +320 3c39 GIP3 P nez OTSEGO, MINNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION APPLICANT QUESTIONNAIRE ITEM 9-C. MAY 2 0 200.2 L�-- T'he City of Otsego has received your indication of interest to serve as a member of the Planning Commission. In order to assist the City Council in evaluating candidates and selectina individuals, you are requested to provide a response to the items listed below: 1.7 NAME ADDRESS e 4-17) ^J PHONE Lenoth of residency in the Ci - Do you work in Otsego? Yes NO Please list community organizations in which you are or have been involved: &W -sego VI*6,�I) L1147dm-fee- (,,V Please indicate what quahficatrns or e periensce you may have which will assist the Planning Commission and the City? ;y eZe--1V'-S0'- SO 4he -Yz,e eL kl(e- T41,cicecv( . I'Z 'en -s 14JI411 What do you consider hQN �Lf /r1espons1bi14'Wth'e Pf Zrifn'jT66?rnissio"n? -tl y 01) d 'Am /n Otsego Planning Commission Application Questionnaire Page 2 What do you consider to be the major problems being confronted by the City of Otsego? -LX-P drt5 ke e 4,U What do you consider to be the major assets of the community?.P/d 5!SZ AS ere I Other comments: 4,,;L Zh / W entpla�;weat. Please return this questionnaire in the enclosed, self-add�essed stamped envelope with �Ylve days from the date of receipt. Tbank you. )Pon ITEM 9. 1. A mrsmo Date: May 22, 2002 To: Mayor & Council From: City Administrator Mike Robertson Re: Possible Police Department Budget I have enclosed a possible Police Department budget. This memo references the line items in the budget and provides an explanation for them. 1. Salaries - These are the salaries for a five person force and consist of a Police Chief at $60,000, a Sergeant -at $50,000, and three patrolmen at $40,000, $37,000, and $34,000. Five officers are necessary to provide 24 hour coverage. These salaries would attract officers with some experience. 2. Part -Time Wacres - This also includes a part-time secretary at $12,000. 3. PERA. - PERA is Public Association. This is the under Minnesota State law. Employee Retirement pension benefits required 4. FICA & Medicare - These are social security and medicare. S. Health & - Dental - These costs are based on standard city policy as currently applied to City employees. 6. Disability - These costs are based on standard City Policy as currently applied to City employees. 7. Office Suioplies - This is an estimate based on the size of the department. 8. Insurance - Thi i s is an estimate based on comparisons with other communities and discussion with the League of Minnesota Cities. 9. Tele -phone - This is an estimate based on the size of the department. 10. Mileacre - This is an estimate based on the size of the department and the size of the City. 11. Printing - This is an estimate based on the size of the department. 12. Dues & Memberships - This varied so much from community to community that I left it blank. 13. Education/Trainincr - This is based on comparisons with other communities. 14. Prosecution - This is based on comparisons with other communities and aggressive prosecution. It would cost less if the City plea bargained every crime and rarely went to trial. 15. Rentals (Colpier/Off ice Ecruip) - This is an estimate based on the size of the department. 16. Vehicle Ecrui-oment - This is based * on the law enforcement equipment packages for three squad cars. This includes everything, including installation by a certified installer. 17. Vehicles - This is an estimate based on current State bid for three squad cars. I propose to purchase three squad cars initially. Squad cars would probably last two years here given the size of the City. 2 Code Item Personal Services 101 Salaries & Wages 104 Part-time wages 121 PERA 122 FICA & Medicare 123 Health & Dental 130 Disability Total Personal Services Supplies 201 Office supplies Uniforms Gas & Oil Total Supplies Other Services and Charges 204 Insurance 310 Miscellaneous 320 Telephone 321 Mileage 350 Printing 355 Dues & Memberships 360 Education/Training Total Other Services and Charges City of Otsego General Fund Expenditures Budget Police Department Service Activity Number 42100 Proposed Budget Explanation & 2M Calculation of amounts $ 221,000 Police chief and 4 officers 12,000 Part -Time Secretary 20,553 5 officers @ 9.3% city contribution 918 part-time @ 7.65% 27,000 Based $450 per month for 5 officers 900 Based $15 per month for 5 officers Vehicles 282,371 2,000 5,000 20,000 Estimate based on public works usage 27,000 12,000 Liability & Worker's Comp 1,000 800 Assumes call volume increase 15% 1,000 2,000 7,000 23,800 Contracts & Equipment 390 Prosecution 50,000 Assumes aggressive prosecution 400 R & M - Equipment/Vehicles 10,000 410 Rentals (copier/office equip./internet) 1,000 430 Miscellaneous Charges - 501 Equipment (Vehicle) 150,000 Vehicles 60,000 New vehicles, State bid price Total Contracts & Equipment Total Service Activity 271,000 $ 604,171