AUGUST 27, 2001
6:30 PM
1. Mayor Larry Fournier will call the meeting to order.
Mayor Fournier called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM.
Roll Call: Mayor Larry Fournier; Councilmembers: Virginia Wendel, Vern
Heidner, Suzanne Ackerman, Jerry Struthers.
Staff. Mike Robertson, City Administrator; Judy Hudson, City Clerk/Zoning
Administrator; Dan Licht, City Planner; Ron Wagner, City Engineer and Andrew
MacArthur, City Attorney.
Pled 2e of Alle ia�Mayor Fournier led in the Pledge of Allegiance.
2. Consider agenda approval.
CM Heidner requested to add under Item 7.3. Kadler Avenue Bike Path and Crackfilling.
CM Wendel requested to add under Item 9.C. County Civil Defense Director; Item 9.D.
EDAAC Meeting; Item 9.E. Community Rec. Meeting; Item 9.17. River Rider Meeting.
CM Struthers requested to add under Item 8.4. Odean Avenue House; Item 6.3. Park land
acquisition; Item 9.I. Commission Letter. Mayor Fournier requested to add under Item
9.C. Set an Administrative Sub -Committee Meeting and under Item 9.C.2. Set a Council
Workshop with Sheriff Miller.
CM Heidner motioned to adopt the agenda as amended. Seconded by CM
Struthers. All in favor. Motion carried.
3. Consider the following, minutes:
A. August 13, 2001 City Council Meeting:
CM Heidner noted on Page 2, Item 4.b. to change the word they to sub -committee.
CM Heidner motioned adoption of the minutes as corrected. Seconded by CM
Ackerman. All in favor. Motion carried.
B. July 30, 2001 Public Hearing for Odean Avenue Improvement.
CM Heidner motioned adoption. Seconded by CM Wendel. All in favor. Motion
C. July 30, 2001 Public Hearing for 88`h Street Improvement.
Mr. MacArthur asked for additional time to review.
CM Ackerman motioned to table. Seconded by CM Heidner. All in favor. Motion
D. July 31, 2001 Budget WorkshU.
CM Heidner motioned adoption. Seconded by CM Ackerman. All in favor.
Motion carried.
City Council Meeting of August 27, 2001. Page 2.
D. August 1, 2001 Council Workshop.
Mayor Fournier motioned adoption. Seconded by CM Struthers. All in favor.
Motion carried.
E. August 14, 2001 Council Workshop.
CM Heidner motioned adoption. Seconded by CM Ackerman. All in favor.
Motion carried.
4. Open Forum: (5 minute limit)
No one appeared on Open Forum.
5. Consent Agenda. (Non -controversial items)
5.1. Approve Claims List.
CM Heidner motioned adoption of Consent Agenda as presented. Seconded by CM
Wendel. All in favor. Motion carried.
6. Dan Licht, City Planner:
6.1. Park and Trails Plan.
Dan Licht presented the Plan.
Mayor Fournier and CM Struthers suggested looking for a large piece of property out
west for future park development.
CM Wendel questioned the requirement of development providing sidewalks and trails on
both sides of a street. Dan Licht noted this was a recommendation from the Planning
CM Heidner questioned how this plan relates to the Comp. Plan. Dan Licht replied the
Park and Trail Plan is a chapter of the Comp. Plan with the amendment being inserted or
Mayor Fournier motioned to table this issue and send back to the Parks
Commission for comment on a need of a community park and it's possible location
in western Otsego within sixty days. Seconded by CM Wendel.
Voting For the Motion: Mayor Fournier, CM Wendel, and CM Struthers.
Voting Against the Motion: CM Heidner, CM Ackerman.
Motion carried three to two.
CM Heidner voted against this motion stating he supports the Plan being implemented but
than referred to the Park Commission for further review of locating a park in the western
part of Otsego.
7. Ron Wagner, City Engineer:
7.1. Consider approval of Change Order No. 1 for 88th Street.
Ron Wagner went over the Change Order.
CM Heidner motioned not to approve Change Order NO. 1. Seconded by CM
Voting For the Motion: CM Wendel, CM Heidner, and CM Ackerman.
Voting Against the Motion: Mayor Fournier, CM Struthers.
Motion carried three (3) to two (2).
City Council Meeting of August 27, 2001. Page 3.
7.2. Slabtown Assessments.
Ron Wagner reviewed the assessments. The Council requested more information on the
SAC Fees.
CM Fournier motioned to adopt Resolution 2001-26 for Hearing on Proposed
Assessment for the Slabtown Improvements. Seconded by CM Ackerman. All in
favor. Motion carried.
7.3. Any other EngineeringIssues.
7.3.1. Kadler Avenue Bike Path
Ron Wagner presented the costs for relocating the bike path from the west side of Kadler
Avenue to the east side and continuing up to 101` Street intersection where the crossing
would be located.
Mayor Fournier said by having the City's Public Works haul fill the City would save about
2 - 3 thousand dollars.
John Kavanagh, 10088 Kadler Avenue NE, asked how far in would they go on his
Mr. Wagner replied the slope of the path would end up on his property. Mr. MacArthur
informed the Council an easement would be needed from the Kavanaghs.
Mr. Kavanagh agreed to the easement and also asked if the culvert going under his
driveway could be moved back.
CM Heidner motioned to move the bike path from the west side of Kadler Avenue
to the east side and moving the crossing to 101S` Street to be funded from the Park
and Trail Fund. Seconded by CM Ackerman. All in favor. Motion carried.
CM Heidner motioned to direct the developer of Grenin's Mississippi Hills to install
the bike path as changed to go south to CASH 39. Seconded by CM Ackerman. All
in favor. Motion carried.
7.4. Crack fillinc.
The Council was concerned with the quality of work performed. They directed Ron
Wagner to write a letter to the contractor to re -do and deduct 5% from their invoice.
7.5. Odean Avenue
Mr. Wagner is meeting tomorrow with the contractor regarding reseeding.
8. Andrew MacArthur. Citv Attornev:
8.1. Snowmobile Ordinance.
Mr. MacArthur distributed the ordinance with the proposed changes. The map issue and
setting hours were reviewed. Andy will check with the County Attorney regarding the
trail on Parrish Avenue. No action was taken.
8.2. Facility Use Polio
This will be placed on the September 10, 2001 Council Agenda.
8.3. Any other Legal Issues.
8.3.1. House on Odean Avenue
CM Struthers questioned why the house on Odean Avenue, which was recently raided for
a Meth Lab, hasn't been condemned.
City Council Meeting of August 27, 2001. Page 4.
Mr. MacArthur explained the City could go under the Hazardous Building Code and
condemn. He recommended to first find out if there are any encumbrances against the
property. The Council directed Mr. MacArthur to do this.
The Council also directed Mr. MacArthur to change the Liquor Ordinance to not require a
Public Hearing every year for renewal. They also directed him to prepare a NPDS
9. Council Items:
A. East Sewer Plant Update.
No updates.
B. West Sewer Plant Update
Ron Wagner reported it will be two to three weeks before the topography is received.
The Council directed him to contact Albertville and Wright County if they have any
topography available.
C. Set an administrative sub -committee meeting.
Thursday, September 6, at 4 PM was set.
Wednesday, September 5`h, 4:30 PM was set for Mayor Fournier, Andrew MacArthur and
Mike Robertson to meet with Christ Lutheran Church.
D. Letters to the commission members.
CM Struthers suggested that the Mayor send a letter to commission members thanking
them for all their contributions and how important it is for them to attend meetings.
E. Wright County Sheriff Meeting.
Thursday, September 2&, 4:30 PM was set.
F. River Rider Meeting.
CM Wendel reported on the recent meeting where they are trying to increase ridership.
G. County Civil Defense Director.
The County would like to see this position filled and wants contributions from townships
and cities. The Council agreed this is a County responsibility. Mike said he will contact
the fire departments to see if they have had training in this area.
H. EDAAC Meeting.
CM Wendel reported the EDAAC want their October 16'' Marketing Meeting. They want
to write their own letter but have Mike send them out. They would like another marketing
meeting in 2002 where they would arrange to have a trade show. They would like the city
to hire an Economic Developer.
I. Community Rec.
CM Wendel distributed a copy of the inventory. The Council wants a more complete
inventory such as including all the play equipment.
City Council Meeting of August 27, 2001. Page 5.
9.1 Mike Robertson, City Administrator:
Mike reported the bike trails at the Otsego Elementary School will not be constructed this
year but rather next year.
10. Adjourn by 10 PM.
CM Wendel motioned to adjourn. Seconded by CM Ackerman. All in favor.
Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:38 PM.
ayo rry Fournier
4KA, �A L�"n
ed Judy Hudson, City Clerk