03-12-01 CCCITY OF OTSEGO CITY COUNCIL MEETING MARCH 12, 2001 COUNCIL CHAMBERS OTSEGO CITY HALL 6:30 PM 1. Mayor Larry Fournier will call the meeting to order. Mayor Fournier called the meeting to order at 6:31 PM. Roll Call: Mayor Larry Fournier; Councilmembers: Virginia Wendel, Suzanne Ackerman, Vern Heidner and Jerry Struthers. Staff: Mike Robertson, Judy Hudson, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator, Dan Licht, City Planner, Larry Koshak, City Engineer, Ron Wagner, Assistant City Engineer, and Andrew MacArthur, City Attorney, who arrived at 8:06 PM. Pledge of Alle ig ance: Mayor Fournier led in the Pledge of Allegiance. 2. Consider agenda approval. Mayor Fournier requested to add under Item 9. l.d. Set date for a Joint Council Meeting with the City of Dayton. CM Heidner requested to add under Item 9. Update on the Snowmobile Ordinance. CM Ackerman motioned adoption of the agenda as amended. Seconded by CM Wendel. All in favor. Motion carried. 3. Consider the following minutes: a. February 12, 2001 City Council Meeting. CM Heidner motioned adoption. Seconded by CM Wendel. All in favor except for CM Ackerman who abstained since she was not in attendance. Motion carried. b. February 26, 2001 City Council Meeting CM Wendel motioned adoption. Seconded by Mayor Fournier. All in favor except for CM Ackerman who abstained since she was not in attendance. Motion carried. C. February 27, 2001 City Council Workshop with City Engineers. CM Heidner requested to add in the third paragraph the Council directing staff to present different financing scenarios. CM Heidner motioned adoption of the minutes as amended. Seconded by CM Struthers. All in favor except for CM Ackerman who abstained since she was not in attendance. Motion carried. 4. Open Forum: No one appeared on Open Forum. 5. Consent Agenda. (Non -controversial items 5.1. Approve Claims List. 5.2. Accept Superior Lawn & Snow proposal for lawn care services. CM Ackerman motioned to approve the Consent Agenda. Seconded by CM Wendel. All in favor. Motion carried. City Council Meeting of March 12, 2001, cont'd. Page 2. 6. Dan Licht, City Planner: 6.1. Owest Antenna Administrative Permit (Water Tower Site) Dan Licht presented the Planner's Report. Larry Koshak stated he would prefer the Antenna be located at the Water Tower rather than located on a tower on the Otsego Elementary School Site. Mr. Koshak suggested their equipment be located in the NW area of the Water Tower Site. Jared Andrews, Loucks Associates, explained the antennas are about four feet high and the equipment will need approximately a 22 x 27 ft site. CM Heidner stated the City needs to have a policy put in place dealing with all costs associated with these types of renters. CM Heidner motioned to direct the City Administrator to negotiate rental fees with Loucks Associates. Seconded by CM Ackerman. All in favor. Motion carried. 7. Larry Koshak, City Engineer: 7.1. Discussion of Sewer Capacity Allocation Dan Licht presented his report. The Council discussed with staff putting a moratorium in place on new preliminary plat applications in the sewer and water district, except for the preliminary plats in progress and also commercial and industrial developments. Council directed staff to prepare the moratorium for consideration at the next City Council Meeting. 7.2. 85th Street Project (Page Avenue to Nashua Avenue) a.) Consider approving resolution accepting Feasibility Study for 85th Street. CM Heidner motioned to approve the Resolution accepting the Feasibility Study for 85th Street. Seconded by CM Ackerman. All in favor. Motion carried. b.) Consider approving resolution ordering the preparation of Plans & Specifications for 85th Street project. Council agreed to bring this back in August, 2001. c.) Discussion of 85th Street Financing Scenarios. Ron Wagner went over the assessments and financing scenarios outlined in the Feasibility Report. Larry Koshak and Mike Robertson discussed using advanced MSA encumbrances, bonding, and the transportation -revolving loan fund as financing sources. The Council were concerned with public safety especially on the west end section with the hill and deep ditches but they would prefer to wait until most of the developing on the east end is done before reconstruction of that section. CM Heidner motioned for the initial construction of the 85th Street West End to start in Year 2003 with the second lift to be done in Year 2004, and the East End of 85th Street to start in Year 2004 with final lift in Year 2005. Seconded by Mayor Fournier. All in favor. Motion carried. The Council agreed for staff to start acquiring the easements. d.) Consider reapplying for advance encumbrance of MSA funds for 85th Street project. No action was taken. City Council Meeting of March 12, 2001, contd. Page 3. 7.3. Consider approval of 2001 revisions to Engineers Manual. Ron Wagner went over the revisions. CM Heidner motioned to approve the revisions with the new standard plates. Seconded by CM Wendel. All in favor. Motion carried. 7.4. Any other en ineering business a.) Consider providing, direction on securing drainage easements for storm water ditch for Stonegate Development to Lefebvre Creek Larry Koshak would like to proceed with securing the easements since he recommends that the project should be done by the time the Stonegate Development is built out. Mayor Fournier motioned to direct the City Engineer and City Attorney to begin securing easements for the storm water ditch for Stonegate Development to the Lefebvre Creek. Seconded by CM Ackerman. All in favor. Motion carried. 9. Council Items: a. Set a Public Works Sub -committee meetin- Thursday, March 29, 2001, 4 PM was set. b. Discussion of expansion of sewer plant beyond the 400,000 gallons Mayor Fournier asked the Council their thoughts on expansion of the sewer plant beyond the 400,000 gallons. They all agreed this would need to be done. Mike Robertson said he will bring this discussion and Ted Field to the Council after the second phase has been approved. C. Set a Sewer Sub -committee meeting for Thursday March 15 4 PM CM Heidner stated he wouldn't be able to attend on the 15th but could the 19th or 22nd. Meeting was set for the 19`h at 4 PM. d. Set a date for a joint Council meeting with Dayton as requested in their letter. April 3, 2001, 5:30 PM at Otsego City Hall e. Snowmobile sub -committee report CM Heidner requested at the Council Workshop with the Sheriff to discuss snowmobile enforcement. The Snowmobile sub -committee has finished their work and CM Heidner will get copies of the revised ordinance. The Council Workshop with Sheriff Miller was set for April 9, 5:00 PM. 9.1. Mike Robertson City Administrator: Mike had no updates. 9.2. Judy Hudson. Cit -Clerk. Judy had no updates. 8. Andrew MacArthur, City Attorney_ 8.1. Closed Meeting for purposes of attorney/client privileges CM Wendel motioned to close the City Council Meeting. Seconded by CM Ackerman. All in favor. Motion carried. Meeting closed at 9:04 PM. Attending the Closed Meeting were: Mayor Larry Fournier; Councilmembers: Virginia Wendel, Suzanne Ackerman, Vern Heidner and Jerry Struthers. Staff. Mike Robertson, City Council Meeting of March 12, 2001, cont'd. Page 4. Judy Hudson and Andrew MacArthur. CM Ackerman motioned to re -open the City Council Meeting at 9:29 PM. Seconded by CM Wendel. All in favor. Motion carried. 10. Adjourn by 10 PM CM Wendel motioned to adjourn. Seconded by Mayor. Fournier. All in favor. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:38 PM. Mayor Larry�urnier 1 A t t: J Hudson, City Clerk/Zoning Adm City Seal