06-06-01 WSOTSEGO CITY COUNCIL SNOWMOBILE WORKSHOP MEETING MINUTES JUNE 6, 2001 - 7:00 PM 1. Mayor Fournier will call meeting to order. Mayor Fournier called the workshop to order at 7:10 p.m. Roll Call: Councilmembers: Mayor Larry Fournier, CM Vern Heidner, & CM Jerry Struthers. Absent: CM Suzanne Ackerman & CM Virginia Wendel. City Staff: City Administrator Mike Robertson. Public Comment - Mayor Fournier noted that there was ordinarily no public comment at a workshop but that he would allow some at the start of the meeting. Tom Carter, Paul Bach, and Chip Martin spoke. Review of Snowmobile Ordinance - Council reviewed the proposed changes to the snowmobile ordinance. Council was in consensus to accept most of the changed language proposed by the Snowmobile Committee. There was considerable discussion over the proposed requirement that everyone should carry a map on their person showing the designated route from their home to the nearest trail. Robertson said he thought this requirement would be an administrative nightmare to enforce, and that enforcement of the 10 mph speed limit would resolve most of the complaints about snowmobiles. Council agreed to discuss this further at a regular Council meeting. Council agreed to change the operation hours to the same as the City of Elk River. Administrator Robertson was directed to find out what Elk River's hours were. Review of Education Efforts - Council was in agreement to hold an educational meeting in late October or early November and to advertise it with a mailing to all registered snowmobile owners in Otsego. Mayor Fournier directed Administrator Robertson to have a Snowmobile Plan drafted by the August 13, 2001 Council meeting, when this would next be discussed. Adjournment: CM Heidner, seconded by CM Struthers, moved to adjourn at 9:15 p.m. Carried 3-0. Am1cgel obertson, City Administrator