08-06-01 WSCITY OF OTSEGO MINUTES OF AUGUST 6, 2001 4:OOPM COUNCIL WORKSHOP POTENTIAL WEST OTSEGO SEWER PLANT Roll Call: Mayor Larry Fournier, Councilmembers Jerry Struthers, Vern Heidner, Suzanne Ackerman, and Virginia Wendel were present. City Staff: Michael Robertson and Ron Wagner and Bill Morris, City Engineers were present. Farr Development Update Darrell Farr and Lucinda Gaardner of Farr Development presented a letter outlining their interest in donating land to Otsego for a wastewater treatment plant site. Mayor Fournier thanked them for their interest. Review of West Sewer Study City Engineer Ron Wagner presented the Comprehensive Sewer Study for the West Otsego Area. Engineer Wagner reviewed the topography of the area and showed how various parts of the area could be provided sewer service. Wagner reviewed various alternatives which would reduce the number of lift stations needed for the system, with an approximate savings to the City of $500,000. Council thanked Wagner for his report. Administrator Robertson said that the sewer system would be financed by bonding. He noted that the Council had already directed staff to combine the west sewer and water systems with the east phase II sewer expansion into one large bond. Administrator Robertson was directed to contact Albertville about the future paving of 70th Street. With no further business, the meeting adjourned at 6:55 p.m. �hael ertson City Administrator