01-10-02 WS-7
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JANUARY 10, 2002
7 P.NI
Mayor Fournier called the Workshop to order at 7:05 PM
Attendees: Mayor Larry Fournier; Councilmembers: Vern Heidner, Jerry Struthers,
Virginia Wendel and Suzanne Ackerman.
Staff. Mike Robertson, City Administrator and Judy Hudson, City Clerk.
Hal Henning, part-time Police Officer from Eden Valley, addressed the Council. He
thinks Otsego would be better off with a Police Department (PD) because it would give
more control over their personnel and make them more accountable to the City Council.
He also feels the City will spend no more money than they currently spend with the
County. Mr. Henning suggested purchasing used vehicles. The State of Utah sells used
vehicles (1 year old Crown Victoria's) for approximately $18,000. A leased vehicle goes
for about 5350 per month plus mileage. There are more citations with a PD and that
revenue goes into the City but won't offset all costs. Mr. Henning suggested starting out
with a small PD and growing over the years. He encouraged higher wages to retain
personnel. He noted the City of Corcoran has a budget of 5330,000 for a five person PD.
CM Heidner noted that 5330,000 did not include prosecution, which was 550,000 extra.
In response to CM Wendell's question, Mr. Henning said the Police Chief usually reports
to the City Administrator but he suggested forming a Police Commission. He also said
there is always a lot of paper work to start up a PD and therefore, the Police Chief
wouldn't be able to patrol a lot to begin with.
Myron Morris retired Police Chief from Annandale. He was with Wright County for 12
years, UPA Security for 4 years, and Private Investigator for 8 years and Police Chief for
Annandale for 9 years. Mr. Morris briefly went over a pay schedule. Annandale started
Police Officers (PO) at S14/hour (Big Lake and Wright County similar). Top pay was
$18 to S 18.50/hour for Annandale. Wright County has a 10 -year scale - S14 to
S24.50/'hour and Elk River is about S16 to S24/hour. He feels the benefits from a PD are:
more control; more ownership; getting the right personalities hired; residents like to know
their officers. The population of Annandale is 3,000; their budget for Year 2001 was
5262,000, which included 3 full-time PO and one Police Chief. They have a %2 time
secretary who does all the date entry. State recommends 1 police officer per 1,000
residents. Annandale purchased their vehicles from the State Bid and they budgeted 1/2
car every year. They had a good relationship with the County, which would cover
emergency calls, and did not charge for accessing computer for registrations.
NVorkshop `Ieeting of January 10, 2002, cont'd. Page 2.
CN1 Struthers asked about training. %lr. Morris replied a lot of departments went to
Annandale for training. Usually there is 2 days of regular training a year and for arms
training it is about 1 day per year. Annandale paid for training and uniforms.
M Robertson asked how long it takes to start up a PD. �Ir. iVlorris felt this would take
about sic months. He also recommended forming a Police Commission. Mr. Morris said
a PD would need: Interview room, evidence room, offices, and part-time secretary for
data entry. Annandale's City Staff also helps out. Annandale's prosecution budget this
year is 540,000, which was not included in the 5262,000 figure. The City gets about 1%3
of the fines back but this doesn't cover prosecution.
Mike Robertson asked if Mr. Morris has any advice for Otsego. Mr. Morris replied if
Otsego starts a PD to do it right, starting with enough people and equipment. He noted
there have been 72 Police Departments disbanded in the State recently, most of which
have then contracted with their County Sheriff or with an adjacent community.
Lenny Walker, former Wright County Police Officer and Drug Task Force and Rockford
City Council Member. Nfr. `Valker the said `Fright County Sheriff's Department
employs 170 employees of which 100 are deputies. It costs residents of Wright County
about 13 cents each day per person to run the Sheriffs Department. If Otsego wants
more services from the County, such as a Community Service Officer, you need to
discuss this with the Sheriff. Mr. Walker thought it would take at least 3 months to get a
PD up and running. Rockford had a working Police Chief, which he feels, is needed if
the PD is under a staff of 5. He also advised forming a Police Commission to deal with
police issues.
CM Heidner asked how Otsego could work more closely with Wright County Deputies.
Nlr. Walker replied he didn't see how this could be done but just to continue working
with the Sheriff.
Mayor Fournier asked if Rockford had better service with a PD or with Wright County.
Mr. Walker replied they had more control with a PD.
CNI Ackerman motioned to adjourn. Seconded by CNI Wendel. All in favor.
Motion c ried. ��'ork op adjourned at 8:51 PiNI.
mayor La y Fournier
R c d n attest: Judy Hudson, City Clerk