01-28-02 CC-Tm L.L. 5775 Wayzata Boulevard, Suite 555, St. Louis Park, MN 55416 Telephone: 952.595.9636 Facsimile: 952.595.9837 planners,nacplanning.com MEMORANDUM TO: Otsego Mayor and City Council FROM: Daniel Licht DATE: 23 January 2002 RE: Otsego - Otsego Industrial Park 5th Addition NAC FILE: 176.02 -02.01 CITY FILE: 2001-25 Please be advised that the Planning Commission held a public hearing on January 22, 2002 to consider the rezoning and preliminary plat application for Otsego Industrial Park 5th Addition. There were no comments from the public and limited discussion by the Planning Commission concerning the lot design for the concept plan submitted with the application. Following the public hearing, the Planning Commission voted 4-0 in separate motions to recommend approval of the applications. The City Council will consider the applications at their meeting on January 28, 2002 at 6:3013M. Based upon the recommendations of City staff and the Planning Commission, the City Council may take the following actions: Decision 1 -Zoning Map Amendment A. Motion to approve a Zoning Map amendment rezoning the subject site from A-1 District to 1-2 District based upon a finding that the request is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance. B. Motion to deny the request based upon a finding that the request is not consistent Zvi+h thrz rmm�rahAnciva Plan anri 7nninrz nrr1inMnrc - _ -- C. Motion to table the request. Page 1 of 2 Decision 2 - Preliminary Plat A. Motion to approve the Otsego Industrial Park 5` Addition Preliminary Plat subject to the following conditions: 1. An application for final plat approval is submitted within one hundred (100) days of preliminary plat approval. 2. A concept plan for resubdivision of the entire Kolles property is submitted, subject to review and approval of the Planning Commission and City Council. 3. Lots 1 and 2; Block 2 are revised to have a minimum area of two (2) acres. 4. Lot 3, Block 2 is revised to have a minimum width of two hundred (200) feet. 5. All easements, street designs, grading plans; and utility plans are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 6. Comments of other City Staff or the DNR. B. Motion to deny the application based upon a finding that the request is not consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance. PC. Mike Robertson Judy Hudson Andy MacArthur Ron Wagner Doug Cummings Steve Kolles Page 2 of 2 CITY OF 0 T S E G 0 WRIGHT COL�iTY, YIIN- ESOTA Applicant: Douglas Cummings. 1-23-02 Zoning Map Amendment Findings of Fact & Decision Request: Consideration of a Zoning Map amendment to rezone property located north of CSAH 37 and south of Interstate 94 from A-1 District to 1-2 District to allow development of the Otsego Industrial Park 5`h Addition Preliminary Plat. City Council Meeting Date: 28 January 2002 Findings of Fact: Based upon review of the application, the recommendation of the Planning Commission and evidence received, the City Council of the City of Otsego now makes the following findings of fact: 1. The legal description of the property is described by attached Exhibit A. 2. The 15 -acre property lies within the Long Range Urban Service Area and is guided for industrial land uses by the 1998 Comprehensive Plan Update, as amended. 3. The property is zoned A-1, Agricultural Rural Service District; The applicant is requesting the property be rezoned to 1-2, General Industrial District to allow for development of the preliminary plat entitled "Otsego Industrial Park 5`h Addition". 4. The Planning Commission and City Council must take into consideration the possible effects of the Zoning Map amendment with theirjudgement based upon (but not limited to) the criteria outlined in Section 20-3-2.17 of the Zoning Ordinance: A. The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the official City Comprehensive Plan. Finding: The area south of Interstate 94 and north of CSAH 37 is guided for future industrial development taking advantage of visibility to the Interstate to expand the City's tax base. The proposed subdivision is a logical extension of the development that has occurred within the Otsego Industrial Park to the east and will serve to realize the City's goals. B. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. Finding: Existing uses surrounding the property include industrial uses to the east and crop production to the south and west. The Comprehensive Plan anticipates full development of the parent parcel with industrial uses meaning that no compatibility issues should be expected with either existing or planned area uses. C. The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained in the Zoning Ordinance (i.e., parking, loading, noise, etc.). Finding: All of the proposed lots and design features of the preliminary plat will be required to meet applicable performance standards. D. The proposed use's effect upon the area in which it is proposed. Finding: The proposed preliminary plat has the effect of continuing industrial development along the Interstate 94 corridor, which positively contributes to the City's tax base. E. The proposed use's impact upon property values of the area in which it is proposed. Finding. Although no study has been completed, the proposed use is not anticipated to negatively impact area property values. F. Traffic generation by the proposed use in relation to the capabilities of streets serving the property. Finding: The proposed subdivision is not anticipated to generate traffic beyond the capabilities of Jensen Avenue, which is a commerciallindustrial street design. G. The proposed use's impact upon existing public services and facilities including parks, schools, streets, and utilities and its potential to overburden the City's service capacity. Finding. The proposed use is not anticipated to have a negative impact to the City's service capacity. 5. The planning report dated 16 January 2002 prepared by the City Planner, Northwest Associated Consultants, Inc., is incorporated herein. 6. The engineering review dated 17 January 2002 prepared by the City Engineer, Hakanson Anderson Associates, Inc., is incorporated herein. 7. The Otsego Planning Commission conducted a public hearing at their regular meeting on 22 January 2001 to consider the application, preceded by published and mailed notice. Upon review of the application and evidence received, the Otsego Planning Commission closed the public hearing and recommended by a 4-0 vote that the City Council approve the Zoning Map amendment based on the aforementioned findings. Decision: Based on the foregoing information and applicable ordinances, the requested Zoning Map amendment is hereby approved based on the most current plan and information received to date. PASSED by the Otsego City Council this 28th day of January, 2002. Attest: CITY OF OTSEGO Larry Fournier; titaycr Judy Hudson, Zoning Administrator/City Clerk CITY OF OTSEGO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA Applicant: Douglas Cummings. 1-23-02 Preliminary Plat Findings of Fact & Decision Request: Consideration of a six -lot industrial subdivision located north of CSAH 37 and south of Interstate 94 entitled `Otsego Industrial Park 5'h Addition". City Council Meeting Date: 28 January 2002 Findings of Fact: Based upon review of the application, the recommendation of the Planning Commission and evidence received, the City Council of the City of Otsego now makes the following findings of fact: 1. The legal description of the property is described by attached Exhibit A. 2. The 15 -acre property lies within the Long Range Urban Service Area and is guided for industrial land uses by the 1998 Comprehensive Plan Update, as amended. 3. The property is zoned 1-2, General Industrial District. 4. Lots within the 1-2 District must have a minimum area of two (2) acres and minimum width of two hundred (200) feet, as defined by the Zoning Ordinance. All lots within the preliminary plat meet these minimum requirements. 5. The planning report dated 16 January 2002 prepared by the City Planner, Northwest Associated Consultants, Inc., is incorporated herein. 6. The engineering review dated 17 January 2002 prepared by the City Engineer, Hakanson Anderson Associates, Inc., is incorporated herein. 7. The Otsego Planning Commission conducted a public hearing at their regular meeting on 22 January 2001 to consider the application, preceded by published and mailed notice. Upon review of the application and evidence received, the Otsego Planning Commission closed the public hearing and recommended by a 4-0 vote that the City Council approve the preliminary plat based on the aforementioned findings. Decision: Based on the foregoing information and applicable ordinances, the requested preliminary plat is hereby approved based on the most current plan and information received to date, subject to the following conditions: 1. An application for final plat approval is submitted within one hundred (100) days of preliminary plat approval. 2. A concept plan for resubdivision of the entire Kolles property is submitted, subject to review and approval of the Planning Commission and City Council. 3. Lots 1 and 2. Block 2 are revised to have a minimum area of two (2) acres. 4. Lot 3, Block 2 is revised to have a minimum width of two hundred (200) feet. 5. All easements, street designs, grading plans, and utility plans are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 6. Comments of other City Staff or the DNR. PASSED by the Otsego City Council this 28th day of January, 2002. Attest: CITY OF OTSEGO By: Larry Fournier, Mayor Judy Hudson, Zoning Administrator/City Clerk ORDINANCE NO.: CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT, MINNESOTA AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO TO PROVIDE FOR A CHANGE IN ZONING CLASSIFICATION FOR PROPERTY INCLUDED AS PART OF THE OTSEGO INDUSTRIAL PARK 5T" ADDITION PRELIMINARY PLAT. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO DOES HEREBY ORDAIN: Section 1. The official Zoning Map of the Otsego Zoning Ordinance is hereby amended to change the zoning classification of the property legally described by Exhibit A (the `property'). Section 2. The property is hereby rezoned from an A-1, Agricultural Rural Service District designation to a 1-2, General Industrial District designation. Section 3. The Zoning Administrator is hereby directed to make appropriate changes to the official Zoning Map of the City of Otsego to reflect the change in zoning classification set forth above. Section 4. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and publication. PASSED by the Otsego City Council this 28th day of January 2002. CITY OF OTSEGO BY: Larry Fournier, Mayor ATTEST: Judy Hudson, Zoning Administrator/City Clerk CITY OF OTSEGO EDA MEETING CITY COU CIL MEETING JAN ti ARI' 22, 2001 6:30 PM COLNCIL CHAMBERS OTSEGO CITY HALL Open EDA Meeting by President Fournier: President Fournier called the Meeting to order at 6:30 PM Pledge of Allegiance President Fournier led in the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll Call: President Larry Fournier; Virginia Wendel, Vern Heidner, Suzanne Ackerman, Jerry Struthers Staff. Mike Robertson, City Administrator; Judy Hudson, City Clerk'Zoning Administrator. A. Consider approval of January 24 2000 EDA Meeting Minutes Member Heidner motioned adoption. Seconded by Member Ackerman. All in favor. Motion carried. B. Election of Officers Current Officers are: President Larry Fournier Vice President Vern Heidner Treasurer Suzanne Ackerman Secretary Elaine Beatty Assistant Treasurer Judy Hudson Assistant Secretary Carol Olson Member Wendel motioned to appoint Year 2000 Officers for Year 2001 with one exception for the Secretary appointing Mike Robertson. Seconded by Member Ackerman. Seconded by Suzanne Ackerman. All in favor. Motion carried. D. Any other business. Mike Robertson reminded everyone of the joint EDA./EDAAC Meeting for Monday, January 29, 2001, 7 PM. E. Adjourn. Member Heidner motioned to adjourn. Seconded by Member Mendel. All in favor. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 6:36 PM. President Larry Fournier Recorded by: Judy Hudson, City Clerk City Seal CITY OF OTSEGO CITY COUNCIL MEETING JANUARY 14, 2002 COUNCIL CHAMBERS OTSEGO CITY HALL 6:30 P`I 1. flavor Larry Fournier will call the meeting to order. Mayor Fournier called the January 14`h City Council Meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Roll Call: flavor Larry Fournier; Councilmembers: Fern Heidner, Jerry Struthers, Suzanne Ackerman, Virginia Wendel. Staff: Mike Robertson, City Administrator; Carol Olson, Deputy Clerk; Andrew MacArthur, City Attomey; Dan Licht, City Planner; Ron "'agner, City Engineer. Pledge of Alleeiance: Mayor Fournier led in the Pledge of Allegiance. Consider agenda approval Ctil 'Wendel added item 6.2. general discussion of Comp. Plan changes and under item 5.2. discussion on official newspaper. Cil Struthers added update regarding sir nuisance sites in November 28 Memo, and add item 9.C. discussion of park fees, and to add item 9.F. national night out. Mayor Fournier added item 9.E. set meeting with Sheriff Miller and City Council. Mike Robertson deleted item 4.2. as Representative Bruce Anderson will not attend tonight. CNI Heidner motioned to adopt the agenda as amended. Seconded by CSI Ackerman. All in favor. Motion carried. 3. Consider the following minutes: A. December 10. 2001 City Council Meeting. CM Wendel motioned to approve minutes of December 10, 2001, as written. Seconded by CiNI Struthers. All in favor. Motion carried. B. December 17 2001 City Workshop Meeting Mayor Fournier motioned to approve workshop minutes of December 17, 2001, as written. Seconded by CINI Wendel. All in favor. Motion carried. 4._ Open Forum: (5 minute limit) No one spoke. 5. Consent Agenda (Non -controversial items) 5.1. Approve Claims List 5.3. Consider Resolution Establishing Depositories CM Heidner motioned to adopt the consent agenda. Secon�lPrl by r�1 AckPr;;;a.,, All in favor. Motion carried. Special Presentation - Senator Mark Ourada State Senator Mark Ourada addressed the Council on the State budget issues and the upcoming legislative session. City Council Meeting of January 14, 2002 Page 2 5.2 Consider Resolution Adopting an Official i`iewspaper. CNI Wendel expressed concerns about the Star News not being delivered on the west end of the City. Administrator Robertson said he has spoken with Liz Harris, who expressed the same concerns regarding delivery. Sue Larson stated that she would be willing to do any stories we would have for her, but she is also limited for space. CM Heidner motioned to adopt the Star News of Elk River as the official newspaper. Seconded by CNI Ackerman. All in favor. Motion carried. 6. Dan Licht. Citv Planner: 6.1 Vintage Golf Course Plan. Dan Licht presented the Finding of Facts for Vintage Pro -Golf Concept Plan. A PUD will be required for rezoning, and also require an application to amend the Comprehensive Plan to allow low density residential land use of the subject site. Also a Zoning Nlap amendment will be required. To accommodate traffic generated by the project Kadler Avenue (gravel) will need to be upgraded. The Comprehensive Plan does allow for consideration of the project with proposed common sewage treatment and potable water facilities. The Planning Commission did approve this unanimously on November 19, 2001. Ron Wagner went over his memo dated November 27, 2001 on the Vintage Pro -Golf PUD Concept Plan. Mayor Fournier asked if there would be anything unique regarding the Townhomes. Chris Bulow, 9380 Napier Avenue, commented that they would range from 5230,000 to S400,000. The single family homes should range from 520,000 to 540,000. Administrator Robertson asked Chris if he had any objections to any of the approval conditions. Chris said he had no objections. CNI Struthers asked about the time line for an NIPCA decision for the private sewer plant. Ron Wagner thought it should be approximately three months, but was unsure since no one has applied for this before. City Attorney NlacArthur stated concept plan approval does not imply or obligate preliminary plat approval. Mayor Fournier agreed that it was a good plan, but would like to see it in the Otsego `Vest Wastewater treatment district. CNI Wendel motioned to approve the concept plan subject to the 7 conditions listed in the Findings of Fact and the 5 conditions listed in the City Engineers memo of November 27, 2001. Seconded by CNI Heidner. After Discussion: CNI Wendel amended her motion to approve the concept plan subject to the 7 conditions in Findings of Fact, the 5 conditions listed in the City Engineers memo, and also to consider being included in the city's sewage treatment system subject to the City Engineers approval. Seconded by CNI Heidner. All in favor. Motion carried. City Council 'Meeting of January 14, 2002 Page 3 6.2 Comprehensive Plan Amendment: CM Wendel questioned information given at Staff Meetings regarding the Comp Plan in the triangle area. Administrator Robertson stated that those attending staff meetings generally want to know how the Council might react to such a request before spending a lot of money, and that the City Council has indicated that they do not care to see any more to%�'nhome plans in non -multifamily designated areas. The Council can always change the Comprehensive Plan in any area. 7. Ron Wagner. Citv Engineer: 7.1 Discuss Autumn Woods III Drainage Issue Ron Wagner presented the report dated January 7, 2002 regarding the drainage issues. Council was in consensus to have the developer make the drainage improvements. 7.2 Presentation of report on drainage in Meadowlands Subdivision. Ron Wagner presented the report on the drainage issues regarding tileadowlands Subdivision. Mr. Steve Wiltermuth, 8937 NE Obrian Avenue, said his biggest concern is a swale which stops just short of his place. Could this be continued further so water would be diverted to Great River Acres. Recommendation was for the City Engineer to continue to work with the developer to resolve this issue. 7.3 Consider Ido -Parking Resolution for Page Avenue (791h Street to 85`1' Street) - Required by MSA CM Heidner motioned to adopt No -Parking Resolution for no parking on Page Avenue (79`h Street to 8S`h Street) as required by iNInDOT. Seconded by C`I Struthers. All in favor. `lotion carried. 7.4 Other Planning Business: CM Heidner recommended that the Planning Commission look into the temporary housing ordinance. Staff will place this on the Planning Commission agenda. 8. Andrew MacArthur. Citv Attomev: 8.1 Closed Meeting for Attorney - Client privilege. 9. Council Items: A. East and West Sewer Plant Update and set schedule for future hearings. Council set Tuesday, February 12`h, 2002 at 7:30 p.m. for the Western Sewer District Hearing. Robertson said that staff would notice the proposed sewer district and expansion district. City Council Meeting of January 14, 2002 Page 4 B. Appointment of Council Committees for 2002 by Nfavor Fournier. River Rider: CM Wendel Alternate: Mayor Fournier Planning Commission: CLI Heidner Alternate: CM Mendel EDAAC: CM Wendel Alternate: Mayor Fournier Park and Rec. CM Ackerman Alternate: CM Struthers Heritage: CM Struthers Alternate: CM Ackerman Public `Yorks Sub -committee Mayor Fournier, CM Struthers Alternate: CM Wendel Administrative Sub -committee: CM Heidner, CM Ackerman Alternate: Mayor Fournier Otsego Creek Authority: CM Struthers, CM Wendel Alternate: CM Heidner Urban/Rural Taxing District: CSI Struthers, CM Ackerman Alternate: CM Wendel Post Office: CM Wendel, CM Struthers Alternate: Mayor Fournier Albertville/Otsego Shared Road CM Wendel, Ctit Ackerman Alternate: CM Struthers Sewer Sub -committee: CM Heidner, Mayor Fournier Alternate: CM Wendel Otsego Police Department: CNI Wendel, CM Struthers Alternate: CM Heidner Otsego/Dayton Sewer committee CNI Heidner, Mayor Fournier Alternate: CM Wendel Otsego Fire Department Issues: CM Wendel, CM Ackerman Alternate: CM Struthers CNI Heidner motioned to adopt the proposed appointments. Seconded by CINI NVendel. All in favor. Motion carried. C. Consider Resolution Setting Citv Fees for 2002 CM `Wendel motioned to adopt the proposed resolution. Seconded by CNI Ackerman. All in favor. Nlotion carried. CM Struthers suggested that the park fees be raised. City Attorney iviacArthur described the procedure the City had to follow under State law to raise park fees. Administrator Robertson said that staff was working on a Capital Improvements Program (CIP) for parks based on the recently approved Park & Trail Plan. Once this CIP was approved, it could be used as a basis to raise park fees. City Council Meeting of January 14, 2003 Page 5 D. Set a Public `Forks Subcommittee meeting. A Public `Forks Subcommittee meeting was set for Thursday. February 7, 2002 at 4:;0 p.m. ` E. Set a )leeting with V�'right County Sheriff Council set two dates, February 7 and February 20, both at 4:30 p.m., and directed Administrator Robertson to contact the Sheriff to meet on either date. F. Police Commission Council discussed establishing a Police Commission. Administrator Robertson said that in his experience Commissions existed in small towns were there was no supervisor of the Police Chief and provided a way to deal with citizen complaints about police outside of Council meetings. Council agreed to discuss the issue further with the Sheriff. G. National Night Out C%M Struthers asked if the City should do something for National Night Out. CM Heidner indicated that some neighborhoods have held block parties but that the City has not organized them. Council directed Robertson to note the event in the Otsego View and encourage block parties. 9.1 Mike Robertson. City Administrator. Robertson told Council that he would be taking an Effective Management course specifically for City Administrators, and that as part of the course he would be asking Council and staff to fill out an evaluation. Closed Meeting CM Ackerman moved to close the meeting at 9:45 p.m. to discuss pending litigation. Seconded by CM N`'endel. All in Favor, motion carried. Cli Ackerman moved to reopen the meeting at 10:44 p.m. Seconded by C;<I Wendel. All in Favor. Motion carried. Adjournment CM Ackerman moved to adjourn at 10:45 p.m. Seconded by CM Wendel. All in Favor. Motion carried. Mayor Larry Fournier Attest and recorded by: Carol A. Olson, Deputy Clerk CLAIMS LIST CITY COUNCIL MEETING JANUARY 28, 2002 TO: Judy Hudson Attached is the Claims List for the City Council. For more details, please refer to the Check Detail Registers. If you have questions regarding this service. please let me know. Claims Registers 01-24-02 S 139,03.62 GRAND TOTAL $ 139,0 3.62 If you have any questions or if you would like to review this list further, please let me know. Kathy Grover Bookkeeper CITY OF OTSEGO C1-24,0211:3-. Paye 3 *Check Detail RegisterQ JANUARY 2002 10100 BANK OF ELK RIVER $139,C53.62 FILTER: None Check Amt Invoice Comment E 101-431C0-360 EducaCon,Trair.ing,Ccnfererces SSCC. ,C SAFETY T rtniNING Total SAFETY TRAIN, INC. S�CC.Cp LnFa;C WELLS FARGO BANK MINNESOTA, N. E 302.47GCC-620 Fiscal Agent's Fees $375.00 73910 AGENT FEE E 3C2-47000-602 Bond Interest S9,462.50 896AG01 INTEREST E 3C2-47CC0-601 Oedt Sri Bond Prlr.cical $90,000.00 896AG01 96 GO INIPROV PRINCIPAL Total WELLS FARGO BANK MINNESOTA, N $99,837.50 Unpaid WRIGHT COUNTY RECORDER E 101-41400-340 Recording Fees $20.00 PARSON ACE RECORDING FEE Total WRIGHT COUNTY RECORDER 520.00 Urpaid WRIGHT-HENNEPIN CO-OP ELECTRIC E 601-49400-390 Contracted Seriices $922.75 8023 MONTHLY Total WRIGHT-HENNEPIN CO-OP ELECTRIC 5922.75 10100 BANK OF ELK RIVER $139,C53.62 FILTER: None CITY OF OTSEGO C,,24,C2 11 34 A,, *Check Detail Register© r,,P2 JANUARY 2002 Check Amt Invoice Comment Total DAY BREKKE & LAURA BENSOP 53.�CC.CC Urpaic EARL F ANDERSON INC E 4:E-4-1100-390 Contracted Services S -18E.1-1 49 CC y STREET SIGNS PUT UP Total EARL F ANDERSON INC g tec.1 Urpa:d ECM PUBLISHERS INC E 1C1-4'4CC-350 Printi9indir,g (GENERAL) 551.85 123112 CUP. M;NGS E 101-414CC-350 Print 5indirg (GENERAL) 551.85 1233.'4 BAR7HEL NOTICE Total ECM PUBLISHERS INC 5103.70 Unpaid ELK RIVER PRINTING & PARTY PLU E 1C1-414CC-350 PrinLSinding (GENERAL) $63.90 1.1438 500 BLDING PERMITS Total ELK RIVER PRINTING & PARTY PLU $E3.90 Unpa c FORTIS BENEFITS INSURANCE CO E 101.431CO-130 Employer Pard Ins (GENERAL) 5.10.19 P. Y`/ - FEB E 1 C1-414CC-130 Emplcyer Paid Irs (GENERAL) S54.CG ADMIN - FEB Total FORTIS BENEFITS INSURANCE CC $94.19 Urpa'd GOVERNMENT TRAINING SERVICE E 101-414CO.360 Educacon,Trainir,g.Ccnferences S2C0.00 JUDY HUDSON - b1CFOA CONE. Total GOVERNMENT TRAINING SERVICE S2CC.CC Unpaid H G WEBER OIL COMPANY E101-43100-202 Gas & Oil S330.36 42398 CHEVRON=cYKO,�I E 10 1 -431 CO -2C2 Gas & Oil 539.72 42409 A,%IOCO MPGL E101-43100-202 Gas & Oil 5132.81 42410 FUEL OIL E 101-431 CO -202 Gas & Oil 5431.20 42411 GAS:OIL E101-43100-202 Gas & Oil $263.08 42470 DIESEL Total H G WEBER OIL COMPANY 51,197.17 Unpaid JAMES M NEILSON E 415-43251-500 Capital Outlay (GENERAL) $4.975.00 KOLLES - EASEMENT Total JAMES M NEILSON 34,975.00 Unpaid MEDICA E101-414CC-123 Health $2,149.99 ADMIN -FEB E 101-43100-123 Health $1,450.20 P;VV - FEB Total MEDICA 33,6G0.19 Urpaid MINNESOTA LIFE E 101-414CO-130 Employer Paid Ins (GENERAL) $27.40 ADNIIN -FES E 101-43100-130 Employer Paid Ins (GENERAL) $37.10 P,'N- FEB Total MINNESOTA LIFE $84.5d-- 0Unpa Unpaid d NORTHERN TOOL & EQUIPMENT CO - C l C1-431CC-243 S nai; T avis and i\,iincr E;,ujp $42.59 19340543 TRIPOD LIGHT Total NORTHERN TOOL & EQUIPMENT CC—S-42- 8 Unpaid PEOPLE SERVICE INC. E 601-494CO-220 Repair.'Maint Supply (GENERAL) $262.50 5292 METER REPAIRS E 601-49400-390 Contracted Services $9,090.00 5292 MONTHLY SERVICE Total PEOPLE SERVICE INC. $9,352.50 Unpaid PITNEY BOWES E 101-41400-413 Office Equipment Rental $100.02 4705027-JA02 POSTAGE METER Total PITNEY BOWES 3100.02 Jnpaid SAFETY TRAIN, INC. CITY OF OTSEGO C 1,24,C2 11:34 A%: Page 1 *Check Detail Register0 JANUARY 2002 Unpaid ARROW TERMINAL LLC Check Amt Invoice Comment 10100 BANK OF ELK RIVER Total ARROW TERMINAL LLC Unpaid AIRGAS, INC. Unpaid E 101-431CC-210 Operatirg Supplies (GENERAL) (54.19) 105306527 CREDIT E 101-431CC-210 Operating Supplies (GENERAL) 515.19 105306528 SUPPLIES E101-43100-210 Operating Supplies (GENERAL) 534.05 105309285 HAZ%IAT Total AIRGAS, INC. $-15.05 Unpaid Unpaid ARROW TERMINAL LLC Unpaid DAN BREKKE & LAURA BENSON E 702-414CO-310 Miscellanecus $3.000.00 ESCROW REFUND E 101-431C0-310 Nlisce!lanecus 5196.61 58896 TEFLON/ELECT TAPE PN KiT Total ARROW TERMINAL LLC $196.61 Unpaid AT &T WIRELESS E 101-43100-320 Telephone 543.17 ACCT 14c""55690 R KNUTSON Total AT & T WIRELESS $48.17 Unpaid AUTOMATIC GARAGE DOOR E 101-43100-400 Repairs & Maint Cont (equip) $370.37 37226 NIAINTAINENCE GARAGE REPAIR Total AUTOMATIC GARAGE DOOR $370.37 Unpaid BARTON SAND & GRAVEL CO E 101-431CO-394 Rock,etc 5137.51 1079 BUCK -SHOT Total BARTON SAND & GRAVEL CC $137.51 Unpaid BRAUN INTERTEC E 422-43100-302 Engineering Fees $280.50 88TH STREET G 701-21941 Pulte Prairie Crk 2nd $315.50 PC 2 BITUMINOUS TESTING G 701-21947 Prairie Creek 3rd Addn $78.50 PC 3 BITUMINOUS TESTING G701-21961 Pheasant Ridge #rd & 4th $62.50 PR 3 BITUMINOUS TESTING Total BRAUN INTERTEC $737.00 Unpaid ... ., CARLSON TRACTOR & EQUIP. CO. E101-43100-220 Repair!klaint Supply (GENERAL) $771.61 2005240 # 7 TRACTOR Total CARLSON TRACTOR & EQUIP. CO $771.61 Unpaid COURI MACARTHUR LAW OFFICE E 4C6 -43100-3C1 Legal Services $50.00 DRAINAGE EASEMENTS G 701-21990 WH LINK $200.00 WH LINK E 101-42420-301 Legal Services $600.00 ABATEMENT E 413-43100-301 Legal Services $540.00 OCEAN E 101-42420-301 Legal Services $407.00 ASLAGSON G 701-21982 Prairie Creek 5th $375.00 PRAIRIE CREEK 5 E 101-41700-301 Legal Services 5300.00 POLICE E 101-42420-301 Legal Services $287.50 MOORE E 430-43100-301 Legal Services 5192.50 FARR DEV G 701-21980 Hidden Creek Trail Subd $125.00 HIDDEN CREEK TRAILS E 101-42420-301 Legal Services $120.00 JERRY JERRYJOHNSON E Y f-41 11:1,,- 41i u,ai y. VLJ% REGiO AL FCjNiD E 101-42420-301 Legal Services $2,351.00 BALAMUT E 101-43100-310 kliscellaneous $50.00 FCC AUDIT E 415-43251-301 Legal Services $2,460.00 WASTEWATER EAST G 701-21949 Stone Gate Estates $46.65 STONEGATE E 101-41700-301 Legal Services $30.00 CHRIST LUTHERN E101-42420-301 Legal Services $50.00 ZOSEL E 101-417CO-301 Legal Services $3,240.00 GENERAL E 429-43256-301 Legal Services $700.00 WWTP EXPANSION Total COURI MACARTHUR LAW OFFICE $12.187.15 Unpaid DAN BREKKE & LAURA BENSON E 702-414CO-310 Miscellanecus $3.000.00 ESCROW REFUND CITY OF OTSEGO 21:C211:23A%! *Check Summary Register0 Page 1 JANUARY 2002 FILTER. None Name Check Date Check Amt 10100 BANK OF ELK RIVER UrPaid AIRGAS.INC. UnPaid ARROYI TE RMINAL LLC _ Ur,Paid AT & T WIRELESS $196.61 LnPaic AUTOMATIC GARAGE COOR 548.17 UrPaid BARTON SAND & GRAVEL CO $370.37 UnPaid BRAUN INTERTEC $137 51 UrPaid CARLSCN TRACTOR & ECO. 5737.00CUIP. Lr.Paid COURT MACARTHUR I-XdV CFFICE 5771.61 Ur,Paid DAN BREKKE & LAURA BENSON 5'2,187.15 UrPaid EARL F ANDERSON INC 53.000.00 LnPaid ECM PUBLISHERS INC 5-186.14 LrPaidELK RIVER PR:WiNG & PARTY PLU 5103.70 UnPaid FORTIS BENEFITS INSURANCE CO 563.9E $94.19 UnPaid GOVERNMENT TRAINING SERVICE $200.00 Unpaid H G WEBER OIL COMPANY U'nPa d JAMES M NEILSON S1,197.17 UnPaid NIEDICA $.1.975.00 UnPaid MINNESOTA LIFE 53,6C0.19 UrPaid NORTHERN TOOL & EQUIPMENT CO 564.50 Sy2 59 UnPaid PEOPLE SERVICE INC. Unpaid PITNEY BOWES 59.352.50 UnPaid SAFETY TRAIN, INC. $150.02 Ur,Paid WELLS FARGO BANK MINNESOTA, N. $500.00 UrPaid VVRIGHT COUNTY RECORDER $99,937.50 UnPaid ViRIGHT-HENNEPIN CO-OP ELECTRIC 520.00 S922.75 Total Checks 5139,053.62 FILTER. None ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE SAP 217-103-02 , Street & Storm Sewer Construciton On Page Avenue NE (79th Street NE to 85th Street NE) Bid Schedule "A" - Streets Total MSA Pa icipating Locally Fur ed I Total Item Number of Number of Number of Estimated i No. Sec. Ref. Descri tion Unit Unit Cost Units Units Cost Units Cost Cost 1 2021.501 Mobilization LS $4,500.00 1 1 $4,500 S4 5nn I 2 2101.511 Clearing and Grubbing LS $1,000.00 1 1 $1.000 3 2104.501 Remove Pie Drain 8" PVC LF $200 40 40 S80 4 2104.501 Remove Concrete Curb LF 1 $6.00 170 1 170 $1,020 5 2104.505 Remove Bituminous Pavement SY $4.00 440 1620 $8,100 6 2104.509 Remove Catch Basin EACH $400.00 1 1 $400 7 2104.513 Sawing Bit Pavement Full Depth) LF $3.50 180 180 $630 8 2104.523 Salvage & Reinstall Sin EACH $125.00 2 2 $250 9 10 2105.501 2105.523 Common Excavation P Cnmmnn Rnrrnw - I V CY ry $3.00 cc nn 4375 �cnn 4375 $13,125 $80 i 13.1 11 2211.501 Class 5 Aggregate Base 6") TON $9.00 7476 7476 $67,284 $67,284 12 2232.501 Mill Bituminous Surface SY $8.00 20 20 $160 $160 13 2350.501 Type LV 4 Wearing Course Mixture B TON $35.00 2490 2490 $87,150 $87,150 14 2350.502 Type LV 2 Non -Wearing Course Mixture B TON $32.00 2420 2420 $77,440 $77.440 15 2357.502 Bituminous Material For Tack Coat GAL $1.50 900 900 $1,350 $1,350 16 2504.602 Adjust Gate Valve EACH $175.00 6 6 $1,050 $1,050 17 2506.522 Adjust Frame & Ring Casting EACH $220.00 3 3 $660 $660 18 2531.501 1 Concrete Curb & Gutter Design B618 LF $8.00 6600 6600 $52,800 1 552,800 19 2531.604 6" Concrete Valley Gutter SY $35.00 86.3 86.3 $3,021 $3.021 20 2531.605 6" Concrete Apron SF $3.90 81 81 $316 5316 21 2563.601 1 Traffic Control LS $1,500.00 1 1 $1,500 $1.500 22 2564.531 Sign Panels, Type C SF $28.00 97.75 97.75 $2,737 $2,737- 23 2564.602 Pavement Message (Right Arrow - Epoxy EACH $130.00 1 1 $130 $130 24 2564.603 4" Double Solid Line Yellow - Paint LF $1.30 2940 2940 $3,822 $3,822 25 2564.603 12" Solid Line White - Paint LF $2.00 150 150 $300 $300 26 2564.603 4" Double Solid Line Yellow - Epoxy LF $2.00 2940 2940 $5,880 $5,880 27 2564.603 4" Solid Line White - Epoxy LF $1.00 6100 6100 $6.100 $6,100 28 2564.603 12" Solid Line White - Epoxy LF $4.00 170 170 $680 $680 29 2564.603 1247Stop Line White - Epoxy LF $8.00 26 26 $208 $208 Bid Schedule "B" - Stnrm Sewar Item No. -- 31 -- --- 2573.502 --._ .. Silt Fence, Type Machine Sliced - LF 1 0. 1.VV $5.00 cy 1100 tw 1100 a60U 1 55,500 1360 $5,500 15" RC Pipe Apron 32 2575.501 Seeding - Type Lawn Restoration ACREJ 5500.00 2.5 2.5 $1,250 $1,250 EACH 33 2575.505 Sodding - Type Lawn Restoration SY I S3.50 150 150 $525 $525 $1,200.00 34 2575.502 Seeding Mixture -60B LBS $4.75 235 235 51,116 51,116 230 1 35 2575.519 Disk Anchorin ACRE $140.00 2.5 2.5 $350 5350 760 36 2575.523 Wood Fiber Blanket Type Re ular SY $1.50 4200 4200 $6.3D0 $6,300 $1,722 37 2575.532 Commercial Fertilizer, 20-10-10 LBS $0.60 1250 1250S750 33 5750 S1,584- 38 2575.511 Mulch Material Type 1 TON 5220.00 3.5 3 550 5770 $770 47 2506.502 Construct Drainage Structure 2' x 3' Bid Schedule "A" Sub -Total $1,100.00 3 $366,714 $0 $366,71 Bid Schedule "B" - Stnrm Sewar Item No. Sec. Ref. Description Unit Unit Cost Total Number of Units MSA Partici atin LocallyFunoed Number of Number of Units Cost Units Cost Total Estimated Cost 39 2501.515 15" RC Pipe Apron EACH $500.00 1 1 $500 $500 40 2501.515 121" RC Pipe Apron EACH $850.00 1 1 $850 $850 41 2501.515 24" RC Pipe Apron EACH $1,200.00 1 1 $1,200 $1.200 42 2503.541 115" RC Pie Sewer Design 3006 CL V all depths) LF $32.00 230 1 230 $7,360 57,360 43 2503.541 18" RC Pipe Sewer Desi2n 3006 CL III all deaths) LF $37.00 760 760 528,120 $28,120 44 2503.541 21" RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CL III all depths) LF $42.00 41 41 $1,722 $1,722 45 2503.541 24" RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CL III all depths) LF $48.00 33 33 $1,584 S1,584- 46 2503.602 Connect to Existing Storm Sewer EACH Sb50.00 1 1 $850 $850 47 2506.502 Construct Drainage Structure 2' x 3' EACH $1,100.00 3 3 $3.300 $3.300 48 2506.502 Construct Drain age Structure Design 48" 4020 EACH 51,500.00 6 6 $9,000 $9,000 49 2506.502 Construct Drain a e Structure Design 54" 4020 EACH $2,250.00 1 1 $2.250 $2,250 50 2511.501 Random RipRap Class IIICY $75.00 22 22 $1,650 1 $1.650 ..... ...., ., .,�.,-,...o, ouo,000 Ju aJt%Zb Total - Both Schedules $425,100 $0 $425,100 shared docs/muniapal/aotsegol344/ot344 Engineers Estimate EE - 1 Engineers Estimate 1123102 ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE Bike Path Construction on Page Avenue NE (79th Street NE to 85th Street NE) Bid Schedule "A" - Bike Path Item No. Sec. Ref. Description Unit Unit Cost Total Number of Units MSA Pa ticipating Locally Funded Number Number of of Units Cost Units Cost Total Estimated Cost 1 2104.505 Remove Bituminous Pavement SY $4.00 25 25 $1,760 $1,760 2 2104.513 Sawing Bit Pavement (Full Depth) LF $3.50 10 10 S35 S35 3 2211.501 Class 5 Aggregate Base (6") TON $9.00 1055 1055 $9,495 $9,495 4 2350.50=1T e LV 4 wearing Course Mixture (B) TON 1 $35.00 1 541 1 541 $18,935 $18,935 a $30,225 //Ha01/Sh2red Docs/Municipal/Aotsego/344/ot344 Engineers Estimate/Bike Path 1/23/02 CITY OF OTSEGO CONSTRUCTION PLANS FOR EXCAVATION, AGGREGATE BASE, CURB & GUTTER, BITUMINOUS SURFACING, & STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENTS PAGE AVENUE NE NW 1/4 OF SEC. 27 & SW 1/4 OF SEC. 22, T121 N, R 23W PAGE AVENUE NE MSAP 217-103-02 GROSS LENGTH- 3,265 FT. OR 0.62 MI. NET LENGTH= 3,265 FT. OR 0.62 ML REF. PT.=INT. OF 79TH STREET AND PAGE AVENUE (i -_ I 7-7 '(7 CITY CITY OF OTSEGO .z. - �; ..' - r : _ •`•__ _ WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA END OF SAP 217-103-02 _ � i. •• a STA=41+90 PROJECT LOCATION BEGIN OF SAP 217-103-02 STA=9+25 PALE AVENUE NE RNLI ]9TN STREET NE I"r, is . - 7f ' a IN •E a. av oRxnA Do- x PRO.CC* STA :C $'A A —G, rcdN2EP UMRER Of (000! (3031 v E 1.,--1 n- SPEED a LA Es I PAR "c EAKs ' Ha kanson - - �■!' Anderson Assoc.,lnc. .,..:�3N'NO SP_GF:CA'', ONS MC }000 EwrpN DE ME YINKWTA DEPARTMENT K ANSPMT.TION 'sT.MO.RD SPc—no.s Ewc C--c'C SN AEE GOVERN. µE EEDERA , STATE A q EDCµ ux5. KODEAT-S. AND paw.A. ES SNAEL SE C—lCD xM x nE CONSTRIX.. DE Tws .—cl C,' C'„ -E_ =RC -:ECT 02-01 S-+L_T ", _X T-,-S'LA\ CONTAIN IE StiSETS I. s^Kl Z Dow..NI — U,— . -a , aT EM.nx. � Oet.n., rpma z.ua.., Slam Se.a DxoV. S P•aleci Or.•...• s -b Si.ee1S— S.s 9 ic•aNrt mif aAa TO T•RT/ Ms -Tb ua.: s.�llaa. •��: T mt f pw wx ai iM S�nMToi umneAaia o Ewa .n .,..aw lne o.. ]605] i/Il/OZ ER C�VAENL�n E STATE AID ARR v.ES ws— S,.TE - E—ER Dal. D RULED /C� --CE .. STATE MSAP 217-103-02 - _ FACE AVENUE NE EARTHWORK TABLE ST A. — �g STAN AAD KATES AS —AD BY F -A SY,� A—Y I—TEW I KSCAP�. EARTHWORK SUMMARY Fl FACTOR 4270 14 : 5978 C CUT .375 Cy 1603 Cy COMMON BORRO� lom SEEN Holm mlsm� mummolzm mffcm§K� manm wmm� ECOMEKEM mmmm� silzip": malmml�� WERM�m= �*TrTwTmCom,n E—ation (P)-- lffrffrlm� MC33MII= MCI=_ �*TUWTm �0� Um*vnlmm Type LV 4 We,,,.g 4.) wwommmwmru mazmml� MQM�m[nmm� ME=Wamm NEEMMM MEMO MEN= �EERMMM= mum mIgm slom N=mmcmmwmm 0*ZTIxTfm ml�mc� ��M=Zff= olmmmilm M Bld SlYedWe 'S' St— S-1 JM*TrIffVMMU ww-morffmwywu -InTiffr1irm, I FWX43 M=Zmlmm� on= 1=��Wmm mcim ST A. — �g STAN AAD KATES AS —AD BY F -A SY,� A—Y I—TEW I KSCAP�. EARTHWORK SUMMARY Fl FACTOR 4270 14 : 5978 C CUT .375 Cy 1603 Cy COMMON BORRO� lom s", -TO'. A 'T TYP �A. PLAN ELEVATION 1:..�S rElI.N TYPICAL �TVEWAY APRON SECTION AA CROSS GUj;FR DETAIL is .............. li ----------------------------------------- A A �MCAL DROP L R& - DIE -'AlL TZ' anson 'PAGE 1—=ICH 'A'G.d' IT111T D LA U SAR IMP, 2 k 21 — -Wi U�Kzgxawmwal -, FM Vj 48 INCH DIAMETER SHALLOW DEP TH CATCH BASIN M—UM 24 WCH 131�ETER PIPE SZE s'J&cE STRAW/HAY BA4 WRIER PLACEMENT s-- — . — CB/MH B-6 DETAIL 11".. NOTE6 — REX Q�S— MNCS � 2-2'— '�CR-2' E. 11U OR PRECIST —8. 2' . 3' CATCH BASIN CURB TRAN11PRUAT CATCH BASIN I STORM SEWER SCHEDULE I S� Deta,I Shmt fDr 2x3CaICh B—n Detad Id 3 E .1 0, TEWMIR EIIIIT -S O� Hakans PROIICI OVERVII* on P E E E Anderso" AC M ,�'S ,�A.P P002"El C7 1003:c Assoc., T 2 C =' , I -- � OTSEF. -ES07 895 890 865 855 EI 6 14-00 13-00 12-00 11-00 10-00 9+00 9-00 I I IIEET I IT111 SEWER — A ' I PACE AVENUE ASSOC.,Incl 1'1�'S 3 ,;A. 217-10 :02 PROJECT 0 P 2 01 895 890 885 880 875 870 865 860 ,T PHEASANT RIDG E 2N D 9 PHE��IANT RIDGE Ml�l. 6-2 sT. �72 111T my u." z� 6-1 �T IE�IE 1-3 21 (LT- �3') .875 7 CRIMSON POND T OUTL07' E P, PAGE AVENUE N.E. WsEls E 1. 9- 895 890 865 855 EI 6 14-00 13-00 12-00 11-00 10-00 9+00 9-00 I I IIEET I IT111 SEWER — A ' I PACE AVENUE ASSOC.,Incl 1'1�'S 3 ,;A. 217-10 :02 PROJECT 0 P 2 01 895 890 885 880 875 870 865 860 Im Sy SOO P. ..UE M. 2 2 3 C -EC - PHEASANT RIDGE 4TH Do _2 4 3 1 M 1 =1 ".OPED 20 .,KE S — E.WOW sl TO TXAsmc"OK .1 5 6 A PHEASANT RIDGE L3RD —.1 A E. 10 sl 9 68-6 77 1 1 7 ST. 2l.;.. ES To (.T-23 AO 0, T-2 76 2.— X 7-S— ST. 21� JR017113- -------- A P CP RIER A— C.c C..e IT El 10 ITIR 2, ITA 11*11 1S.) PAST END OT RACRUS C -f 11101 .__'s - - - 6 11 SA.—'A.' ..-OLE a o c, RAKoom A )3RD .7 CLASS CRIMSON PONDS 2 Ex CEI/— 1-3 14A.—.5 'Sl 4 37 SARCUT & KILL A STA 20-0 (A —o m —ET U.E.. (LT -23') 1 (E)IT-8S. S," R.0 ""'$ 12 5, RE.DA C,C RIT CRIMSON PONDS 2NO 5 KEP""' PAST E. 0" .— 0OU) PAGE AVENUE N. E. KOM C8 �TS ARE TO BICI O� CURB 1395 895 890 8 9 0 —1. .;1 Elt 5 885 8-3 880 Sao f EAISTING PROFILE 375 875 PROPOSED �R—OFILE' 870 871 665 865 A 860 860 2t- 19-00 18+00 I7.QO 16+00 is. 0 14-RO �O 855 STREET & STORM SEWER I A 0 D, PAGE AVENUE 7 d -103-02 ��.c M.S.A 217 ".,.I IMP. PR EC — A — �M�— U2 1 —Z�R I is 3 4 7 . 'o 1 2 :. wn —m 'r . 0 1 —LE' ., BL—ET POKR PXE TD BE 'Es c RiDGE ..W— 1. BE COUNTRY 'Z. ED .-5 3�w Is' (BT B� -2 &17�11 21*11-2 (RT -26') `CC� -M 3 7, —'23 —12 (BIT EEGE) 'T, 4�40 (ET -23) R .—B 1._ ��- T12� I R.6.7TIBIE T. KA.— . ..... ............ 2 3. p —E -1E. 52 15' RCP TT (%E T & 5� 7) E,T 11— S-T & c—cl Cl R.— v c0e EDGES A CLISS 3 MA 12 n .3 i—GE El.— 2 1 U-- !&�'7 'LT 2 IT) rE EIIT� 2 CRIMSON PONDS 4TH E—E.1 (35 Sl) �T CRIMSON PONDS DS 4TH .056 4 CRIMSON PON v coe ------- ----- --- 4 Ou tto t r1w rl A rpik4l;n. P 4TH Pade ClrrA Pacire Ce PAGE AVENUE N.E. .K. �8 �191S K T. AC. 895 893 890 890 885 Z Boo It 880 PRO�GSED EXIST� PRO111E rL "VILE Li 875 875 870 .7. 865 865 aE 860 86D -00 3�v 00 3�DO 3q-,00 3L-po 3�-00 29-00 855 TE Hokomo... STREET & STOR EwER g g I PAGE AvE�kfjE Assoc.,Inc.1 M -SAP ID3 02 PRO'j'ECT 12: 42-00 41.00 40-00 39-oo 38-00 37+00 36-00 6 7 3 A ...... — ". R-- . ------ I ------ C07 -------------- 00 ---------- - 3 6 A 0 T� 3 8—CAOCS IT. ROAD CLO�D e (D ROAD CO—C— A.EAD GM 0' cmsmcnol 0 �ls EInRlIc CXISTA�G —E 3 aARRICIDES 0 ROA0 C-O A.EAD ------ ALL TRAFFIC CMTAD� DEMCES ALL C�— TO NE WA­WTl 1AWAL � 1-1 TRAFFIC —TROL MICES. --'—D IM.. FOR —ORARY TRAFFIC C—R� ZME LA— - JAWARI 2.1- 2 ALL MAFFIC COITROL DE -5 —LL HAA KMO - RVLECTI� SIEL- 2 Hak And All r- ------- --, --------------- 7 2 3 ARRO* : ---------- ----------- -------- ------------- --- b - - - - - - - - - - -- - 2e S - - (D STOP VGN (� PAN) Ms — — - Ao NO P—ING ----------- ---------------- 71 ------- --- ................. - ------ - -- . I 't ---------- 7 --- - ------ ------- 17 --- ----- ------ j--------- 2 --------------- - — ------------------ - --- --------------- - ----------- N" - --------- 4 ---------------- - — -------- T n w T -� W -- � -I' R ��t H -- (D - - (D STOP VGN (� PAN) Ms — — - Ao NO P—ING 7P LANC - ----- --- ---- -------- . . ............ ------------ Al, .1 -------- ------ —.-I . ----------- --- 3 V 2 —0 -Tr I S�' (D 717 --- - -------- (D P- - W / .1.1 ST W PAGE AVE NE SIGN SCHEDULE -- - ------- LOGO KE PAN� 2! i6n GO i5m ....... AN. KAMON— BLAMANOftDOM�UM Wx� az izm ----------- P-40E—AV— 2 �ONGPEEN W— 1. PA�.—W I —EN -.1 1. INSTSTNE I — ON —E. I I I., OW 2W 23+00 -- — — — — — — — — — — — — — -- — 22+50 NOTE ' D & V D—tes E,i,t,g D,,i,age & Utility Eo—t T.S.E. D—tes T�p—y SIM, Ea—t 25+50 25+00 CF Hokonson' F Anderson 1 S Inc.: m L A �GZ D & U D—te, E,i,ti,g D,oi,age & Util,ty Ea,eme,t T S,E D.—I.. T—p—, SI.,. E. --t 31+50 31+00 - - - - - - - - - - 30+50 ---------- 30+00 29+50 32+50 35+00 D I 32+00 34+50 �OTE * 0 & U D— ::,s E—ti"i; D,liiii,g, & Utility E --t T S.E- D-, SI,p, E0 --t 38+00 37+50 — — — — — — — — — — 37+00 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — NOTE: D & U D-otes E,istmg D,ai,og, & UtR,ty Eos—t IS.E. Dmotes Temp—y Slw, E—t 40+00 39+50 39+34 — . i u B�gi� t per 39+08.10 ::� -- -- — — — — — — — — — — — - 1= . CROS SECTIOI. H k. s. PAGSE AVENUE �,,I,,s.n ..r A.P. 217-103— PROJECT 02 — gmQQ, —m Lefebvre Creek Storm Sewer System Section 22 & 23 T1 21 N R23W All Ditch Easement 5 Acre $30,000.00 $150,000.00 Total $359,040.00 Item Description I Quantity I Unit I Cost/Unit I Extended C Common Excavation 10000 CY $10.00 $100,000.00 Seeding 5.2 AC $1,500.00 $7,800.00 Riprap 20 CY $50.00 $1,000.00 42" RCP Jacked 100 LF $500.00 $50,000.00 42" FES 2 EA S1,000.00 $2,000.00 Sub -Total $160,800.00 30% Contigency $48,240.00 Total Construction Est. $209,040.00 Easement 5 Acre $30,000.00 $150,000.00 Total $359,040.00 1�1)llly 00. i0l z 0 rs C4 z 0 /* / 'I �; -! 9 Lao, 0 Q 0 /* / 'I �; -! 9 14, 1, A, MEMO Date: February 23, 2002 To: Mayor & Council From: City Administrator Mike Robertson Re: Census Population Estimate, 2002 As Of April 1, 2000 The United States Census estimated that Otsego's population is 6389. On January 1, 2001, I estimated Otsego's population at 6674 due to new home construction. In 2001, we had 485 new homes constructed, 235 of those were owner occupied town homes, and 250 were single family detached homes. Because of this, I estimate our population as of January 1, 2002 to be 8,001. For those who are interested, the following assumptions were made to estimate Otsego's population; 1) Each newly occupied single family home is assumed to hold 3 occupants. 2) Each newly occupied town home is assumed to hold 2.5 occupants. 3) Births and deaths of existing population are assumed to cancel each other out. cc: City staf f MEMO Date: January 23, 2002 To: Mayor & Council From: City Administrator Mike Robertson Re: Appointments to City Commissions The following terms on the following City Commissions are up at the end of January, 2002. PLANNING COMMISSION The seats held by Richard Nichols, Patrick Moonen, and Steve Schuck are up. Christian Mbanefo's term is up in one year. PARK & RECREATION COMMISSION No seats are open. Tom Constant and Mike Day's terms are up in one year. HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION The seats held by Joy Swenson, Arlene Holen, and Joanie Nichols are up. Sharon Carter's term is up in one year. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY ADVISORY COMMISSION No seats are open. The terms of Leroy Lindenfelser and Rudy Thibodeau are up in one year. cc: City Commissions City Staff