02-04-02 WSCITY COUNCIL CITY COUNCIL/PLANNING COMMISSION WORKSHOP FEBRUARY 4, 2002 Mayor Fournier called the Workshop to order at 8:26 PM. Roll Call: Mayor Larry Fournier; Councilmembers: Vern Heidner, Jerry Struthers and Virginia Wendel. Absent: Suzanne Ackerman. Planning Commission Members: Carl Swenson, Richard Nichols, Steve Schuck, Ken Fry, David Thompson, and Jim Kolles. Absent: Christian Mbanefo and Patrick Moonen. Staff. Mike Robertson, City Administrator; Judy Hudson, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator; Dan Licht, City Planner. Dan Licht presented the proposed sewer service area for the West Sewer Treatment Plant. CM Wendel questioned if a property is not included in the immediate service area can sewer to extend to them. Dan Licht replied they could if they pay for the sewer lines. CM Wendel also questioned if the Vetsch land in the triangle if part of could go residential. Dan said he visited this site and because of the lay of the land and the wetlands it could be looked at. CM Heidner stated concern for Ag Preservation Area. Is Ag use, as we now know it, be able to survive. What can these landowners be allowed to do? Mr. Licht said they have limited rights now. Mayor Fournier questioned why not let the Ag Preserve Area also be Urban Service Area. Dan replied because of the streets and to make it more organized. Commission Member Nichols asked what is the difference between the Ag Preserve and Urban Service Area. Dan replied the Ag Preserve doesn't get as much density. Nichols also said they should be a method of growth. Mike Robertson said that 80ffi Street is the firm line. CM Heidner pointed out to service the entire western half of Otsego would take millions of gallons of sewer capacity. Commission Member Nichols asked if there is any impact on registered feedlots. Dan Licht said they are located north of 80ffi Street. CM Wendel stated she doesn't support the Ag Preserve Area. Commission Member Fry questioned if septic systems replacements would still be allowed. Mike Robertson said replacements would be allowed. Commission Member Schuck said he supports this plan. Commission Member Nichols supports this plan but would like to see the difference between Ag Preserve and Urban Service Area. He also suggested changing the current language in the Comp Plan regarding sewer and water in these areas. CM Heidner questioned if "4 per 40" give farmers enough economic benefit. Commission Member Kolles asked that if at the Public Hearing the Council hears from the landowners they don't want Ag Preserve, what would happen. Dan Licht said that would have to be discussed. City Council/Planning Commission Workshop of February 2, 2002, cont'd. Page 2. The Workshop was adjourned at 9:40 PM. 6arZry Fo er, Mayor C)c L Ik �\ i LIYL Rec r ed y. Judy Hudson, City Clerk