12-11-1995 City Council MinutesCITY OF OTSEGO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA CITY COUNCIL MEETING 6:30 PM COUNCIL CHAMBERS OTSEGO CITY HALL DECEMBER 11, 1995 Meeting was preceded by the EDA Meeting. 1. Mayor will call meeting to order_ Mayor Freske called to order at 7:05 PM, the December 11, 1995 City Council Meeting. Roll Call: Mayor Norman F. Freske: Councilmembers: Suzanne Ackerman, Ron Black, Larry Fournier and Vern Heidner. Staff: Larry Koshak, City Engineer and Kevin Kielb; Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator; Phyllis Boedigheimer, Director of Business and Finance; Judy Hudson, Deputy Clerk. 2. Consider Agenda Approval CM Fournier requested the addition of: Item 10.2. Consider the suggested Organization Chart he submitted. Mayor Freske requested the additions of: Item 9.1. MnDOT Letter CM Black motioned to accept the December 11, 1995 City Council Agenda as amended. Seconded by CM Ackerman. All in favor. Motion carried. CM Black motioned to accept the November 27, 1995 City Council Minutes with the noted correction on Page 11. Seconded by CM Heidner. All in favor. Motion carried. (Discussion occurred between the motion being made and the actual vote) Discussion: CM Heidner noted a correction on Page 11. The correction is the City Council suggested the Parks and Rec. Commission look at the cost of running a water line from the current well to the ice rink rather than pursuing a sand point well. Mayor Freske asked for clarification from Tim Eng's remark on Rainbow Day Care being Otsego's largest employer. Elaine Beatty responded that she talked to Riverwood and was informed they have 100 employees but they did not respond to the survey and therefore, Tim Eng did not have this information. CM Black asked if the survey will be continually updated because this information is a good resource. CM Heidner said the EDAAC Charter directs them to do this. CANLYMM. I' - -i �i Otsego City Council Meeting of December 11, 1995, cont'd. Page 2. 5. Open Forum. No one appeared. CM Fournier motioned for adoption of the Consent Agenda. Seconded by CM Black. All in favor. Motion carried. 7. Bob Kirmis, Assistant City Planner, Mr. Kirmis did not attend. 8. AndyMacArthur. City Attorne-y, Mr. MacArthur did not attend. Merland Otto went over his Memo of December 7, 1995 and the FY 96 ISTEA Grant Project, which are attached. Mr. Otto pointed out there are decisions that have to be made and he is going to go over the FY 1996. Mr. Otto talked to Mike Tardy from the MnDOT regarding the status of receiving 1998 funds and Mr. Tardy said the latest word is they still anticipate receiving funds. The project could be deferred if status would change. The Parks and Rec. Board need direction from the City Council for dollar amounts. They need to get back to MnDOT by the end of January or early February if this is a go or po- go project. Merland went over the option outlined in his December 7, 1995 Memo. FY96 ISTEA GRANT Mr. Otto said the total project cost is over $246,000. There are Federal Grant Monies of approximately $185,000. Since submitting the application in 1994, MnDOT has changed its ruling and now engineering fees would not be eligible for ISTEA funding. Otsego City Council Meeting of December 11, 1995, cont'd. Page 3. Merland identified about $64,000 of possibilities that could be reduced or deferred as listed in his October 10, 1995 Outline. Merland cautioned about cutting out entire sections of routes. Any changes to the project must be approved by MnDOT. CM Fournier asked about the revised amount of $191,365.00 and how this affects the City's share. Merland said the dollars don't match exactly but are relatively close. The City's share for construction could be reduced to $11,000, land cost reduced to $19,000, Engineering reduced to $6,000 for a total of $36,500. This would be deducted off the $132,245.00. Anticipates the City would have $61,500 in construction costs to match $184,600. Two sections of land to be acquired at an estimate of $21,500, (local funding) engineering at $49,000. $132,000.00 would be the City's local share. After deductions, reduced by $36,000, would amount to just under $100,000 for the City's share. CM Heidner said therefore the final cost would be $75,600 to the City as shown on Page 2 of the Outline. Merland said yes at the minimum. CM Black recommended prioritizing access to the school, then the segment by 96th Street. He suggested Merland Otto and Phyllis Boedigheimer get together and determine where the money should come from and if it is feasible. CM Heidner asked if not all the segments were done, would our project be jeopardized. Merland replied that cutting whole segments out, there could be problems. Mayor Freske didn't like the idea of only doing parts of the project. CM Fournier wants to see something done with the 1996 Grant and suggested Option II. and Option IV, borrowing money from MSA (Per the 12-7-95 Memo). The Council discussed using MSA Funds, which are now available for building bike paths along MSA segments, which could be used for part of the local match. CM Fournier asked if this could be tied into the resurfacing project in Mississippi Shores. Mr. Koshak said yes they will look if this can be tied together. CM Heidner said next year's budget shows Park and Rec. Fund at $15,000 from levy and $10,000 from Park Dedication Fees and we may not have enough money. CM Fournier stated the choice is to commit or lose it, unless we can borrow MSA Funds. CM Heidner asked if the City has to maintain the paths. Merland said yes, Mayor Freske wants a priorities list of MSA Road Projects and suggested the Public Works Sub -Committee get together for this early in 1996. CM Fournier motioned to have Larry Koshak, Phyllis Boedigheimer and Merland Otto get together and prepare a financial recommendation. Seconded by CM Black. All in favor. Motion carried. The Council would like a tentative recommendation by December 27, 1995, City Council Meeting. Otsego City Council Meeting of December 11, 1995, cont'd. Page 4. As part of the ISTEA Program, there is a regular transportation project that could be submitted. There is an application that can be submitted regarding a transportation project to be done between July 1998 and June 1999. The advantage is if it is on the ISTEA program, could pull Odean Ave off the MSA, use MSA money to pay for the 20% City Share of the cost, and utilize that MSA distance in Y some other area. There is about 80% funding. This application has to be in by February 1, 1996. Since we are over 5,000, we have a right to apply for this project. Larry Koshak would like to explore this possibility. He informed the Council that Otsego will be in competition with others in our District. Larry Koshak reported he reviewed the Letter sent to Elaine Beatty from MnDOT regarding a detour route during 101 Construction. This detour is for traffic from CSAH 37 not 101. They have requested to use Parson Avenue as a detour route and Mr. Koshak doesn't recommend this stating Parson Avenue is a gravel road and most likely, traffic would continue down Quaday Avenue. Mr. Koshak recommended using Odean Avenue. CM Fournier motioned to have the City Engineer check with MnDOT regarding the detour of CSAH 37 traffic during the Hwy. 101 project. Seconded by CM Black. All in favor. Motion carried. 10_ Council Items: 10_ L Discussion of NAC fee change. CM Fournier motioned to table this item until December 27, 1995. Seconded by CM Black. All in favor. Motion carried. 10-2. Consider City Organization Flow Chart ado ion. CM Black reported the Administrative Sub -Committee met and have presented the Council with two different options for Organization Flow Chart. This is not attempting to delineate any kind of function beyond the traditional City functions. This is trying to show how decisions are made. CM Heidner asked how current sub -committees fit in (Adm. Sub -Committee and the Public Works Sub -Committee), if they should continue and do they have any authority. CM Black said the sub -committees just make recommendations to the Council and he feels they should continue. Mayor Freske felt the Chart should show the Advisory Boards reporting to the City Clerk. CM Black noted the City Council has designated certain City Staff to work with the Advisory Boards. This is needed for efficient communication with the Council. There was discussion regarding the EDA and the EDAAC. CM Heidner stated right now the Council and EDA are the same. He would feel more comfortable if they are cut off on their own. His concern was the EDA have the ability to raise taxes and should be elected. Phyllis said all this is spelled out in the enabling resolution. The EDA has power to levy but it would have to be approved by the Council. Otsego City Council Meeting of December 11, 1995, contd. Page 5. CM Fournier motioned to accept Option 2. Seconded by CM Black All in favor. Motion carried. Discussion: CM Fournier wants to get this in place. A. Appointment of Citizen Committee to Review Ordinance Amendment regarding Feed Lots, CM Fournier motioned to appoint Doug Lindenfelser, Jim Becker, Jim Barthel and Mary Ann Struss. Seconded by CM Black. All in favor. Motion carried. CM Black motioned to appoint Richard Nichols as Facilitator. Seconded by CM Heidner. All in favor. Motion carried. B. Otsego/Albertville Consolidation Issue. The following names were selected by the Council for Chair and Committee Members: Chair: Jim G. Metcalf, Monticello, David Fricke, Franklin Denn, Merton Auger. Committee Members: Nancy Duerr, Doug Lindenfelser, Jacquie Rognli, Elaine Beatty, Gary Meyer, Jeff Engen, Ing Roskaft, Suzanne Ackerman, Nancy Anderson, John Darkenwald, Larry Fournier, Dave Sederberg, Nadine Aarvig, Jim Agosto. CM Black motioned to have Staff contact these names and ask for brief resumes and this is needed by the end of December. The list is to remain open for any additions. Seconded by CM Heidner. All in favor. Motion carried. 10.4. Consider Claims List forapproval- CM rn�p oval_ CM Black motioned to accept the Claims List as presented. Seconded by CM Fournier. All in favor. Motion carried. Mayor Freske informed the Council of the Elk River Chamber of Commerce Luncheon for December 12, 1995. Phyllis Boedigheimer reported she is meeting with Chuck VanHeel from the STMA Hockey Association. The Council expressed concern with wrong information in the Crow River News regarding the Hockey Association being turned down in Otsego because of zoning. They requested a letter of correction be sent to the Crow River News. Otsego City Council Meeting of December 11, 1995, cont'd. Page 6. CM Fournier motioned to adjourn. Seconded by CM Ackerman. All in favor. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:30 PM. Mayor Norman F. Freske Attest: Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoni Administrator �)"tl`dy Hudson, Depu y Clerk