12-11-1995 CCCITY OF OTSEGO HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION BY-LAWS ADOPTED ORGANIZATION I The Heritage Preservation Commission shall consist of 7 members, appointed by the City Council. The City Council shall appoint one of its members as an ex - officio member of the Commission who shall attend the Commission meetings and act as a liaison between the City Council and the Commission. II The Heritage Commission officers shall be: Chair, Vice Chair, and Secretary III Duties of the officers: A. The Chair shall: 1. Preside at all meetings of the Commission. 2. Preserve order and decorum and shall decide all questions of order. 3. Appoint any necessary committees and shall appoint any committees requested by a majority of the members. 4. Call special meetings by written notice stating the purpose of such meeting and delivered to all members and City Staff at least twenty four hours in advance of the meeting. B. The Vice Chair shall: 1. Preside at all meetings in the absence of the Chair and perform such duties as requested by the Chair. C. The Secretary shall: 1. Be responsible for recording detailed minutes of all Commission meetings and having them distributed to the members at least a week before the next Commission meeting. 2. Include records of attendance of Commission members at meetings in the minutes. IV Membership: A. Terms of Office: 1. Each member shall serve a term of three (3) years. WORK RULES: There shall be one regularly scheduled meeting the fourth Thursday of each month, unless an alternative is scheduled due to conflict. A notice of a change in date of a meeting must be given in writing or verbally at least 4 days prior to the scheduled meeting date. At the first meeting in January, the Commission shall elect from its membership a Chair, a Vice Chair, and a Secretary. A quorum shall consist of four members. 4. A member may be excused from an individual meeting for reasons of illness, family emergency, work or out of town trips. Notice of the absence must be communicated to the Chair by 15 minutes before the meeting. Any member of the Commission who has three (3) consecutive unexcused absences from meetings or a total of one-third (1/3) of all meetings in a calendar year, shall be removed from the Commission without City Council action and the Chair shall notify the member. The order of business shall be as listed in the meeting agenda to be prepared by the Chair before each meeting. Recommendations to designate historic sites and/or structures for reservation shall be referred to the City Council and City Attorney for approval after review and acceptance by the Planning Commission as provided for in Otsego City Ordinance # 94-9. All meetings shall be open to the public. Any member having any conflict of interest in an individual action under consideration by the Commission shall not participate in discussion or vote on that particular matter. 10. All external written correspondence regarding Commission matters shall be sent on the official City of Otsego stationery and signed by the Chair. 11. Any communication by phone regarding Commission business shall be reported to the Chair in a brief written memo. 12. These rules shall not be repealed or amended except by a majority vote of the Commission and after notice has been given at a previous meeting. 13. Any rule not covered by these Work Rules shall be governed by Robert's Rules of Order. OTSEGO HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION MEMORANDUM TO: City of Otsego Council FROM: Joy Swenson, Chair DATE: 1 December 1995 RE: Survey by Minnesota State Archives ------------------------------------------------- At its November 30th meeting, the Otsego Heritage Preservation Commission agreed to the desirability of asking the Minnesota State Archives to review the historical records in the City's possession and assist us in establishing state -approved preservation and indexing methods for them. The records under consideration are boxes of early township files transferred to the City recently by retired city clerk Jerry Perrault. The Minnesota State Archives offers a free service, whereby it will send a staff member out to assist in determining which records have value and need permanent storage, and will provide the necessary archival -quality supplies such as acid -free file folders to set up a permanent record system. They will not remove any records from the premises, nor will they dispose of any material without our prior consent. Suzanne Ackerman was present at this meeting and has a copy of the State Archives brochure and Government Records Leaflet No. 1: Township Records, which provide guidelines relating the retention of government records. The Commission requests permission from Council to proceed with this important preservation initiative. CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF MINNESOTA ORDINANCE NO. AN INTERIM ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A MORATORIUM ON THE ESTABLIHMENT OF COMMERCIAL FEEDLOTS OF 300 ANIMAL UNITS OR MORE WITHIN TH� CITY OF OTSEGO. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Intent. It is the intent of this Interim Ordinax4ce to allow the City of Otsego to complete review of the presently existing ordinance sections related to Commercial Feedlots alnd to make appropriate changes in the same in order to protect the value of residential properties within the city of Otsego, to insure proper land use controls, and to facilitate compatibility:b tween such facilities and the surrounding property uses. Section 2. Authority and Purpose. The City Council is empoweIed by Minn. Stat. 462.355, Subd. 4 to pass an interim ordinance, applicable to all or a portion of its jurisdiction, for the purpose of protecting the planning process and the health, safety and welfare of its citizens. Section 3. Temporary Prohibition. For six (6) months afte% the effective date of this ordinance, or until such earlier time s the Otsego City Council determines by resolution that the reaso for the moratorium no longer exist, no Commercial Feedlot of 300 Ahimal Units or more, shall be established within the City of Otsegci, nor shall the City receive, consider, and/or approve, any application, of any type, for. a Commercial Feedlot of 300 Animal Units or more within the City. The term Animal Unit, as used herein, is defined in Minnesota Rules 7020.0300, Subpart 5. Section 8. Misdemeanor. Any person, persons, firm or corpo tion violating any provisions of this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be punished pursuant to Minn. Stat. 609.02, Subd. 3, or as subse . quently amended, plus costs of prosecution. section 5. Injunctive Relief. In the event of a violation of this ordinance, the City may institute appropriate action or proceedings, including requesting injunctive relief to preent, restrain, correct, or abate such violations. Section 6. Separability. It is hereby declared to be the intention that the several provisions of this ordinance are separable in accordance with the following: if any jurisdiction shall adjudge any provision of invalid, such judgment shall not affect any court of competent this ordinance to be other provisions of i I E0, d 2788 bb Oi 80 J:-0OMH-1-17 I mZQHa Woad U1dL7: S0 S66ti-6Z-T ti this ordinance not specifically included in said judgment. Section 7. Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effec (from and after its passage and publication, and shall remain inffect until six (6) months after the effective date, unless a s orter period of time is approved by proper resolution of the Otsegi City Council. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Otsego this clay of ---- - - , 1995. IN FAVOR: OPPOSED: CITY Off' OTSEGO orman F. Freske, Elaine Beatty, City Clerk 20,C] 2Z88 Z bb 01 33 I dd0Md-171 I MZCU+ J WObd WdeE : S0 S66I -6Z-t Z DEC 07 '95 10:21 HAKANSGN ANDERSON Hakanson Anderson Assoc.-, Inc - TO: Otsego City Council FROM: Morland Otto DATE: December 7, 1995 RE: ISTEA FY1996 PROGRAM P.1 222 Monroe Street Anoka, Minnesota 55303 612/427-5860 Fax 612/427-3401 Post -W rax Note 7671 Q8l& f „► To cu ��C . A;OW From k%Ar � CUJOnW Co. n A iV'� PhAnn f FTIOffB i Fax B ax Earlier this fall the City Council and Parks Commission met to discuss among other items, the ISTEA grants. At that time, the direction was to continue to explore ways of implementing the ISTEA project while looking at ways the City might reduce or fund the City's share. As part of this project, a draft "Project Memorandum" was prepared describing the project and outlining a project schedule. Mn/00T has reviewed it and we are now faced with re -submitting the final draft. It is, thus, necessary to know what the project will consist of, desired schedule, budget, etc. prior to re -submitting the document. The revised Project Memorandum should be re -submitted to WDOT in January if the City is going to proceed with a project. Options explored and which Are available to the City include: 1) Turn down the FY'96 grant (loss of approximately $185,000 in grant funds) 2) Defer bid letting until 1997 (Design in 1996 and construct in 1997. This would spread out the engineering portion of the City's share over a two year period,) 3) Modify the scope and extent of the project to reduce the City's share. Reduction of land acquisition and engineering costs are direct 100% cost reductions, while construction costs need to be reduced at a 4:1 ratio (i.e., in order to save 51 of City costs, the project construction cost must be reduced $4). 4) Search for alternative means of funding the City's share. Possibilities we have looked at include: a_ MSA funding for engineering and construction costs along MSA segments. Engineers Landscape Architects Surveyors DEC 07 195 10:22 HAKANSON ANDERSON Ostego City Council December 7, 1995 Page Two b. Cost sharing wiih Wright Co. on alternative segments. (This does not appear feasible.) C. MSA funding with partial repayment from future park dedication fees. The attachment was presented to the Parks Commission for their consideration_ Without a target budget, however, it's difficult for the PRC to recommend a final program to the City Council. Council Action Required: Consider options and direct a course of action. rte: 07703.Qgr, P.2 DEC 07 '95 10:22 HAKANSON ANDERSON P.3 CITY OF OTSEGO PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION OCTOBER 10, 1995 ISTEA PROJECT COST: FED. GRANT FUNDS: CITY FUNDS: $246,100.00 184, 57 5.00 61,525,00 (25°x) plus land Project: 1.3 miles of bike pedestrian paths 4.55 miles of bike lanes Bypass lanes Landscaping Additional Costs: Land 3.06 acres $21,500.00 Between the time grant application was made and the grant application was approved, engineering costs were determinmi by MnJDOT to he ineligible for ISTEA funding. Nevertheless, the grant allocation is based on Lim full application amount of $246,000 which included $37,800.00 of engineering costs. If the City would pursue the project as it now stands, the local share would be: $51,525.00 - Construction Costs 21,500.00 - Land Acquisition 49,22Q.00 - Engineering (Increased with project construction costs) TOTAL $132,245.00 The City does not have the funds to finance this scale of project. As directed by the City Council at the joint special meeting of October 3, 1995, we are evaluating ways to scale back and finance the project. I91=fi:111F7f1'`1 1. Defer land acquisition for off road trail west of Nashua. 2, Request land donation in exchange for future park dedications credits. 3. Eliminate bypass at CSAH39 and CSAH19. 4. Eliminate or defer land acquisition from Page to Elementary School. Acquire from 83rd St. (.26 acres) to School and use 83rd and Palmgren as a link to 85th Street. oT7o3.wud rx��rrl�C�i ($14,300.00) (04,000.001 ($5,000.00) DEC 07 '95 10:23 HAKANSON ANDERSON P.4 5. Reduce landscaping on trails from $15,000 to $10,000. ($5,000.00) 6. Eliminate one sign at Historic Town Hall. ($2,250.00) 7. Reduce landscaping at 'town Hall to $3,000 from $5,000. ($2,000.00) 8. School link 85th via Palmgren. AM 340 LF off road trail School link 340/5,280 - .064 x 930,000 = $2,000.00 -Probably closer to $5-9.00/1-F in this quantity $3,060.00 QF1 FTF mile of bike path 2,840 LF = .5 x $30,000 =($15,000.00) Net change deduct ($1 1,940.00) 9. Add 1,100 LF bike lane to Nashua Avenue (Total 7,500', delete 4,200 LF Otsego Creek Link) Add 1,100 at .2'( x $22,000 - $4,620.00 Delete 4,200 = .80 x $30,000 =($24,000.00) Not Deduct ($19.380.4 TOTAL (563,870.00) 5246,100 44.570 Total ISTEA Deducts (plus lend @ 519,300) - $63,870 $201,530 Local Cost Deducts Construction 0 11, 140 (25% of construction) Land 19,300 Engineering $�0M Net Local Deducts: 436,470 LSTFA Circ Project Construction Cost; $163,370 $122,800 $40,930 Land 2,000 -- 2,000 Engineering 32 1370� — 32.670 $198,040 $122,800 $75,600 " $246,100 - $38,700 = $208,300 - $44,570 = $163,730 OT703.wpd 2 DEC 07 '95 10:23 HAKANSON ANDERSON P.5 FY '96 ISTEA Application 1. Construct 8' bike path at each bypass lane on CSAH43 and 39 Revised 5 0 700' average/each (3500 LF) + 5280 = .88 miles @ $30,000 $24,000 $19,900 2. Purchase signs for bike routes on CSAH39 and 42 for County installation $600 $600 3. Bike lanes (widen shoulder, pave, stripe & sign) Nashua/Napier Avenue 7500 LF (revised) 31,240 Page Avenue 5000 LF 20,900 Ohland Avenue & 96th St. 12.040 LF 52,580 25,140 25,140 LF - 5280 = 4.76 miles @ $22,000/mile = $100,000 $104,700 4. 10` bituminous path (off road within public lands) Otsego Creek 0 LF Elem. school 340 LF Park link O LF 340 LF -5280 - .064 miles @ $30,000 = $38,700 $3,000 S. Trail Amenities Landscaping for Trails $15,000 $10,040 Bike racks $1,500 $1,00 6_ Historic Town I iallMest Area {CRR) Inter. signage 2 0 $2,250/EA $4,500 $2,250 Landscaping Y�La000 I3.OQ.Q $189,400 $144,970 Contingency @ 10% $18,900 $14,495 Indirert Costs @ 20% $37,800 $31,900 Total Proiect Coats: $246,100 $191,365 OT703.wpd 3 DEC 07 '95 10:24 HAKANSON ANDERSON FY '98 ISTEA GRANT ISTEA PROJECT COST: FE=D. GRANT FUNDS: CITY FUNDS: $317,700 $238,275 $79,425 + ENG ($63,540) This project consists primarily of five off road paths within street ROW: RC1 W 80' Nashua Avenue - Napier to 85th Street $45,200 66' NE 85th Street - Nashua to Page Avenue 106,800 66' Odean Avenue - CSAH 39 to NE 85th 48,000 66', 80' Odean Avenue - NE 85th to NE 78th 39,000 Quaday Avenue from CSAH 42 to VFW complex 38.400 $277,400 P.7 Typical rural pavement section*: 66' ROW w/24' pavcmcnt (1-4' shoulder) (33-12) = 21' left (all rural sections would have to construct bike lanes w/ 66' ROW. In 80' ROW, 40 12' pavcmcnt, (8' shoufder) (40'-12' = 28') - could only fit 8' path w/no shoulder, need temp. construction easements. Urban section - 66' ROW w128 pavement and bit curb 33 - 14 = 19; 33 - 14 + 4' separation =1 S' can put in separate bike/ped path 80' - 32. 24' each, side - 4' separation = 20', 10' path, 10' to private yards 60' - 31 = 29 (14.5 - 4' = 10.5' - may need construction easernent) ' In rural pavement areas without curb, the bike/pedestrian trails can be no closcr than 20' from the traveled lane. oT703,wpd 4 DEC 07 '95 10:24 HAKANSON ANDERSON P.6 FY '96 PROGRAM Poor w/12' lanes Unsatisfactory w111' lanes Good w/11 ' lane, e.3' paved shoulder Good Unsatisfactory Good w/ 12' lanes and 4' paved shoulders Not rated RATINGS FOR BIKE LANES Speed Street Paye-menl AU Shoulder Limit BDtt 96th & Ohland 24' 790 1-2' unpaved 30 80' Nashua Avenue 24' Page Avenue 24' Napier Avenue 22' Ratings from Bikeway Design Manual Oi703.wpd 226 5' unpaved 2250 2' unpaved 1' unpaved 80' 30 100' 30 DEC -08-1995 11:29 NAC 612 595 9837 P.02iO3 FNorthwest Associated ConsultantsCOMMUNITY PLANNING • DESIGN • MARKET RESEARCH MEMORANDUM TO: Otsego Mayor and City Council FROM: David Licht DATE: 8 December 1995 RE: Otsego - Planning Services FILE NO: 176.08 In an attempt to address the concern that our firm working for neighboring jurisdictions might cause a problem for the City of Otsego, Mr. Fournier has suggested that a notification procedure be included in the NAC contract for planning services. This type of arrangement is totally satisfactory to us in that as a matter of course, we have traditionally notified existing clients of new work in surrounding communities. For example, when we undertook work for Otsego, it was cleared with Albertville, who was our client at that time. Simultaneously, when we pursued comprehensive planning work for Frankfort Township, it was cleared with Otsego, Albertville and St. Michael. I would note that our present work for Sherburne County was not brought to the formal attention of Otsego, as we saw no concern involved in the park and trails planning work. The formalization of the notification process is therefore seen as in the best interest of all concerned. Moreover, we would recommend that this also be an expanded procedure to include specific projects. The following wording is suggested for "Article 5 -Other Parties" of the contract: C. If the Planner enters into a contract with a new client which, in the opinion of the Planner, has the potential to impact the interests of the City, the Planner shall immediately notify the City of such contract in writing. D. If a client of the Planner brings forth a project which is public knowledge, and which, in the opinion of the Planner, has the potential to impact the interests of the City, the Planner shall immediately notify the City of such project in writing. 75 Wayzata Blvd. - Suite 555 • St. Louis Park, MN 55416 - (612) 595-9636•Fax. 595-9837 Joint Powers Comm. Rec. Bd. ........................ ..... Dtsego Creek Auth. Finance Citv A Planner I I I FPolice Assessor Building De t. Fire Ambulance Citizens of Otsego Mayor and Council I City Clerk Administration Economic and Community Development Adopted DE er 11, 1995 Advisory Boards:_ EDA EDAAC Planning Commission Citv Enqineer rks and Rec .............................................. ritaae Commission PUBLIC WORKS Water I I P Claims Li --t for Approval For the Per iori-- LUBRICANT,BULB,MISC. 12/06/95 1179 10.75 - SERVICE -WELL CABLE CUT 12/06/95 CLAIM TOTAL TO WHOM PAID Fr1P WHAT PURPOSF DATE NUMEER. -CLAIM ___ SUZANNE ACKERMAN __ MILEAGE -LEAGUE POLICY CONFERENCE 12/01/95 1161 9.24 ICMA RETIREMENT TRUST DEDUCTION -PAY PERIOD 12/2/95 12/06/95 1162 300.00 PUB Tr' FMPI IIYFFS RFTTRFMFNT FUND FMPI r1YFF/FMPI DYER SHLARF 12/2/95 1 1186 747 --Ui�i-I-�IERSAL-E_ZL_T-ER-SFRV-LCES-..IMC—F_IL-TEFi-L:OLLE-CZLDAI- -? �.�-06:-9..5-�-1.8,7--J5-.4� U.S. WEST COMMUNICATIONS PHONE SERVICE 12/06/95 1188 412.84 '•a 501.31 H G WEBER OIL COMPANY �I BANK OF ELK RIVER FED.WITH,SS,MEDICARE-12/2/95 12/06/95 1164 2,149.86 W ,sl - 2 VERN HEIDNER 8 COLOR TRANSPARENCIES WRIGHT COUNTY RECORDER RECORDING FEES Ir_I AT & T Y PHONE SERVICE AUDIO COMMUNICATIONS C LJ BEST DISPOSAL SERVICE rnPPnW TRHrKTNr �3" CROW -RIVER FARM EQUIPMENT CUSTOM ELECTRIC �I DUERRS WATERCARE SERVICE J ELK RIVER MUNICIPAL UTILITIES TONER KIT DECEMBER RECYCLING 12/06/95 1166 8.00 12/06/95 1167 58.50 12/06/95 1169. 21.35 12/06/95 1170 25.86 12/06/95 1171 47.50 BOLTS, NUTS, WASHERS 12/06/95 1173 21.90 REPAIR CABLE -WELL TO SCHOOL 12/06/95 1174 125.00 _. .11— Inc l l �c t S L.S WATER SERVICE,SALT ELECTRIC SERVICE 12/06/95 1176 59.55 12/06/95 1178 726.71 THE HARDWARE STORE LUBRICANT,BULB,MISC. 12/06/95 1179 10.75 HAKANSON ANDERSON ASSOC INC SERVICE -WELL CABLE CUT 12/06/95 1180 323.75 I API ANI SANTTATMN TNr NpyFMRFR RFrYrt TNr r1Fr rfigg GE SER 1'J 'nF./GS 1181 SSC) 71, TERRY MERRITT MTNNFrASrr1 -I MEETING-ALBERTVILLE/OTSEGO rAS SFRV Trp 12/06/95 1 7 /r1 F, /QS 1182 1 1 R'2 50.00 S7C1 d_Z NORTHERN HYDRAULICS INC HOSE,ADAPTER,ICE MELT 'NF I Tr:4TFR C:n l=rl E5 12/06/95 1^/46 /35 1184 11R5 40.87 13 NnRTHFRN ATRr AS L2 JERRY OLSON OYVrFN AfFTYI CONTRACT SERVICES -NOVEMBER 12/06/95 1186 1,906.64 --Ui�i-I-�IERSAL-E_ZL_T-ER-SFRV-LCES-..IMC—F_IL-TEFi-L:OLLE-CZLDAI- -? �.�-06:-9..5-�-1.8,7--J5-.4� U.S. WEST COMMUNICATIONS PHONE SERVICE 12/06/95 1188 412.84 501.31 H G WEBER OIL COMPANY FUEL OIL. DIESEL.GREASE 12/06/95 1189 _. WRIGHT-HENNEPIN CO-OP ELECTRIC ASSN ELECTRIC SERVICE 12/06/95 1190 619.02 For the period 12/01,/45 to 12/06/95 ('.laims List. for Approvai CLAIM TOTAL P:C)R ''MAI PIIR12QEE Q,[ IE UtIMRFR CLAIM iNg X2 m-mgmg AI 41M 37 GU *;1P4G EDGE6,R9GW6ATnRvGA5KpT 5 z.*EttER fme WOODLAKE SANITATION SERVICE NOVEMBER RECYCLING 12/06/95 1192 315.0c LONG & SONS NOVEMBER CLEANING 12/06/95 1193 568 .00 sj RETIJR04 DAMAGE 9EP9G;T 1-1-06/!R5 1194 Ann nc lj�YCE KON195JORD GOPHER STATE ONE–CALL, INC LOCATES PROJECT 12/06/95 12/06/95 1195 1196 20.0C 3,150.00 BRAUN INTERTEC SOIL TESTS–ISLAND VIEW TOTAL FOR MONTH 23,308 U TOTAL YEAR TO DATE 631,640. 17 is A, x 'T:041" N, iNg X2 m-mgmg AI 41M 37 35 3D 10 n m `laims Li -t for APProvai 1 For the Period 11/27/95 to 11/29/95 CLAIM TOTAL TO WHOM PAID FOR WHAT PURPOSE DATE NUMBER CLAIM 1 b II `•I BANK OF ELK RIVER PRINC.& INT ON EDA LOAN 11/29/95 1158 34,213.2E j� WILFRED LINDENFELSER/HILARY BARRY EASEMENT FOR 37TH & ODEAN PROJECT 11/29/95 1159 268.5E JUN PUUll TOTAL YEAR TO DATE �• . H31 33 H17 cwc nc-�