99-22•- A CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 99-22 RESOLUTION TERMINATING THE EXTENSION OF AN INTERIM ORDINANCE RESTRICTING RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT WITHIN A CERTAIN PORTION OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Otsego has previously established a moratorium upon residential development applications within the City of Otsego, in order to proceed with studies and procedures necessary to amend its comprehensive Plan and official controls; and WHEREAS, said moratorium was subsequently extended for a period of eighteen months or until proper resolution of the City Council terminating the moratorium is passed. The moratorium was extended in Interim Ordinance 98-1, passed on February 9, 1998 and effective upon its publication date, February 18, 1998; and WHEREAS, the City has since that date substantially revised its Comprehensive Plan and official controls; and WHEREAS, the City has recently terminated the moratorium within the established Sanitary Sewer Service District and Long Range Urban Service Area; and WHEREAS, the City has determined that the substantial revisions made in the Comprehensive Plan and official controls are adequate to allow early termination of the moratorium in those portions of the City legally described in the attached Exhibit A; and WHEREAS, early termination of the moratorium will allow the City to undertake proper and timely review of development proposals within the area described in the attached Exhibit A; and WHEREAS, owners of potentially affected property adjacent to the lands described in Exhibit A have provided the City with proper waiver of feedlot registration rights conferred upon them by City Ordinances; and WHEREAS, further revision of official controls outside of the area described in Exhibit A and not previously exempted from the moratorium are presently under review and termination of the moratorium in those areas of the City is not appropriate at this time. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO, WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA: 1. That the moratorium on residential development within the City of Otsego established by Interim Ordinance 98-1 is hereby terminated within the area legally described in the attached Exhibit A, effective upon the date of publication of this Resolution. 2. That the moratorium on residential development within the areas of the City which are not included within the area described in the attached Exhibit A and not previously exempted from the moratorium shall remain in effect until termination of the period set forth in Interim Ordinance 98-1, or until further proper resolution of the City Council terminates the moratorium on an earlier date. 3. That the City Clerk is directed to publish this resolution in the official newspaper as soon as practical. ADOPTED this 19TH day of April, 1999. IN FAVOR: Mayor Larry Fournier, Vern HEidner, Virginia Wendel, suzanne Ackerman, and OPPOSED: Mark Berning, Council Members No One CITY OF OTSEGO Larry Fournier, Mayor That port of the East Holt of the West Holl of the Northwest Quarter of Section 14, Township 121. Range 24, Wright County. Minnesota, Eying North of County flood No. 39. AND the West Hoff of the West Holl of said Northwest Quorter of Section 14, lyinq North of said Counly Rood No. 39. EXCEP7 thot port of said Northwest Quurter described as follows: Comnencipg at the Northwest corner of sold Northwest Quarter of Section 14. thence South olong the West line of said Northwest Ouorter o-distonce of 1683.70 feel; thence South 89 degrees 37 minutes 00 seconds East o distance of 33.00 feet to the East •right of way Iine of NE Ka d.ler Ave. and the Point of Beginning; thence. South along said right of way line o dislonce of 140.50 feel to the North right of woy line of County Rood No. 39; thence Eust *long said right of way line a distance of 525.5 feel; thence North 0 degrees 21 minutes 00 seconds East o dislonce of 187.9 Leel; thence North 89 degrees 37 minutes 00 Seconds West o distance at 525.00 feet to the Point o1 Ueginning. ALSO EXCEPT the. East 349.56 feet of the North 291.25 fest of the Northwest Quorter of the sold Northwest Quorter of Section 14. AND thot part of the Southeast Quorter of said Northwest Quorter of Section 14 lying North of said County hood No. 39. EXCEP7 live cost 33.00 feet of said Southeost Quorter of•soid Northwest Quorter. AND the South Holt of lite Northeost Quarter of said Northwest Quorter of Section 14. EXCEPT the cost 33.00 feet of said Southeast Quarter of sold Northwest Quarter. ALSO LXCEPT that port of said South Hall of th-e Northeost Quorter!of the Northwest Quorler which lies North of the following described line: Comnencing on the West line o! soid Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter at u point 130.00`feel South of the Southwest corner of the North No11 of said Nor theost Quarter at the Northwest Quorter and extending easterly to o point distant 142.00 feat South of the South line of said North Holl of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quorter ono 33.00 feel West of the East line said North Doll of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Ouerter . i