12-27-95 CCCouncilmember Black introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 95-43 RESOLUTION AMENDING THE 1995 ADOPTED GENERAL FUND BUDGET WHEREAS, in conformance with generally accepted accounting practices, it is appropriate to amend the General Fund budget for adjustments to the originally adopted budget. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Otsego City Council that the 1995 General Fund Operating Budget be amended as follows: REVENUES ADOPTED AMENDED Property Taxes $ 603,560 $ 610,000 Business Licenses & Permits 10,000 5,000 Non -Business Licenses & Permits 60,000 39,700 Intergovernmental 297,891 292,296 Charges for Service 20,000 33,225 Rentals 24,300 23,300 Miscellaneous 43.000 23.609 $1,058,751 $1,027,299 APPROPRIATIONS ADOPTED AMENDED Mayor and City Council $ 36,000 $ 40,600 Administration 179,820 186,120 Finance 38,200 57,509 Assessing 15,000 14,076 Legal 40,000 62,500 Planning Commission 3,600 3,200 Planner 60,000 49,000 EDA 20,000 8,499 City Hall & Peavey House 71,500 71,710 Police 100,000 93,500 Building Inspection 20,000 21,000 Engineering 40,000 52,000 Street Lighting 10,000 10,000 Street Maintenance 359,025 235,307 Recycling 28,000 32,000 Community Recreation 13,000 13,000 Park Maintenance 13,000 9,813 Capital Outlay _5.000 3,765 $1,052,145 $ 963,599 The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Councilmember Ackerman and upon vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof: Mayor Freske, Councilmembers Black, Heidner, and Ackerman, and the following voted against the same: none, whereupon said resolution was passed this 27th day of December, 1995. 40 A *5r Normanreske, ayor Cad -4 --3 ATTEST: Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning Admj . Councilmember Black introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 95-44 RESOLUTION CLOSING THE ROAD & BRIDGE FUND AND TRANSFERRING RESIDUAL EQUITY TO THE GENERAL FUND EFFECTIVE DECEMBER 31, 1995 WHEREAS, in conformance with generally accepted accounting practices, it is appropriate to have a limited number of funds created only as necessary for appropriate fund accounting and, WHEREAS, the Road and Bridge Fund and the General Fund are both general operating funds receiving a major portion of their revenues from property taxes and, WHEREAS, the City's auditing firm, Abdo, Abdo and Eick has recommended that the City combine the Road and Bridge Fund with the General Fund for accounting purposes. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Otsego City Council that the Road and Bridge Fund will be closed as of December 31, 1995 and the residual equity will be transferred to the General Fund. The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Councilmember Ackerman and upon vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof: Mayor Freske, Councilmembers Black, Heidner, and Ackerman, and the following voted against the same: none, whereupon said resolution was passed this 27th day of December, 1995. ATTEST: Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning Ad in. M- .. �4%00% !2C-zW.41L Norman . reske, Mayor William S. Radzwill :drew J. MacArthur ..Aichael C. Court December 20, 1995 City City C/o 8899 Elk Council Members RADZWILL & CO UPJ Attorneys at Law 705 Central Avenue East PO Box 369 St. Michael, MN 55376 (612) 497-1930 (612) 497-2599 (FAX) of Otsego Elaine Beatty, City Clerk Nashua Avenue NE River, MN 55330 RE: Home Extended Business ordinance Review Dear Council Members: D DEG 2 At your request, and pursuant to the attached portion of the Minutes of the City Council meeting of November 27, 1995, please find my comments regarding the proposed Home Extended Business Ordinance. I have addressed both those issues which I was directly asked to comment on, as well as secondary issues which have arisen in my review of the proposal and which I feel need to be addressed prior to final passage. 1. Suggested modifications relative to Accessory Buildings: A. Section 20-29-4, Criteria Section, should be divided into separate criteria for Agriculturally zoned areas and for Residentially zoned areas. Generally the same criteria would be listed except that the criteria would stay as listed in the proposed version of the Ordinance in the Agricultural areas, and would be changed, as follows, within the Residential areas to indicate that accessory building use is not permitted. My review of these sections also raises a few questions. Is it intended that all areas presently zoned Agricultural be allowed to use accessory buildings, even if the character of the area is essentially residential? For instance, Mississippi-Riverwood is zoned Agricultural, and certain other areas of the City have substantial residential properties in close proximity to each other yet are still zoned Agricultural. Is it intended that the right to use accessory buildings be correlated with the zoning of the Letter to Otsego City Council December 20, 1995 Page 2 property or the use of the property? I would also note that Properly of the criteria, specifically h, do not appear correlate with Agricultural uses. B. Section 20-29-4, a should be changed to read as follows: "The occupation shall be carried on entirely within the dwelling unit and garage. No occupation, or related activities shall take place within an accessory building as defined in this Chapter." C. Section 20-29-4, 1 should be changed to read as follows (in regards to Residential areas): "Permitted Home Extended Businesses may use for business purposes, a cumulative amount of square footage of a single garage, either detached or attached, not to exceed the square footage allowed under Section 20-16-4 of this Chapter, regardless of the total area of all existing detached and detached garages located on the property. Additionally, attached or detached garages must allow a minimum of 200 square feet for the inside storage of at least one passenger vehicle." 2. Section 20-29-5 should be changed to reference both Section 4 and 35 of the zoning code. The definition of both Home Extended Business and Special Home Extended Business need to be included in the definition portion of the Zoning Ordinance. A new definition must be developed since the present definition of a Home Extended Business references Home Occupations which will be deleted from the Ordinance upon passage of this proposed ordinance and repealer. I would note that the Memorandum from the EDAAC dated October 18, 1995, Page 2,4 refers to a definition of a Permitted Home Extended Business. I do not find this definition anywhere within the proposed ordinance. I believe it is crucial that a definition for this term be contained either within the proposed Section 28 or within the general Definition section of the zoning ordinance. As presently written, there are no criteria establishing an upper limit to what constitutes a Special Home Extended Business. The ordinance only indicates that it is any business that exceeds the criteria for Permitted Home Extended Businesses. That means that the proposed business, if approved, could exceed one or all of the established criteria for a Permitted Home Extended Businesses. While any such request must go through the established criteria for an Interim Use Permit .(which corresponds to the criteria for a Conditional Use Permit) it would be more helpful if some standards were set forth within the ordinance indicating what size of business would not be considered. For example, should the City be wasting its and the applicant's time processing an application for a Special Home Extended Business which would have ten employees? Under the present definition of Special Home Extended Business such a proposal is possible as long Letter to Otsego City Council December 20, 1995 Page 3 as the activities do not fall within "Prohibited Activities", since the number of employees is merely one of the criteria set forth for a Permitted Home Extended Business. The above are my suggested changes and some issues that may need discussion before they can be ironed out. In order to be properly passed the Ordinance needs to be put in proper form. It needs to be in the form of one Ordinance Amendment repealing and reserving Section 28, amending Section 29 to the proposed ordinance with appropriate changes and amending the Definition section, as well as any Sections affected due to cross references. It has been brought to my attention by the Planner that there are several references to Home Extended Businesses throughout the texz of the Zoning Ordinance. All of these references, which exist in the text regarding many districts, would have to be correlated with the.new definition and process. In my opinion, the issues I have raised above need to be addressed prior to any final Council action on this matter. The Ordinance Amendment and Repealer also needs to be put in proper form. If it is the intent of the Council to approve the proposed ordinance it should also consider drafting a summary for publication, since the proposed text and the additional necessary changes will probably take up substantial space. Is it possible that the Council's intent could be more directly addressed by appropriate amendments to the existing ordinances, rather than wholesale repeal and amendment? If you have any further questions please feel free to contact me. very truly yours, A J acAr hur ew �� RADZWILL & COURI Encls. cc: Bob Kirmis, NAC Otsego EDAAC Larry Koshak, Hakanson Anderson Otsego City Council Meeting of November 27, 1995, cont'd. Page 4. The Council further discussed they would be in favor of another employee for the home occupations but businesses would not be allowed in the detached accessory buildings. Some Councilmembers expressed concern allowing businesses in accessory buildings in the residential areas. CM Fournier motioned to support the concept of the proposed Amendment of Home Extended Business Ordinance and send it to the City Attorney for a thorough review and include any amendments the Mayor or Council members might have. Seconded by CM Heidner. All voted in favor. Motion carried. (Discussion occurred between the motion being made and the actual vote) Discussion: CM Black was concerned with the comment from the Business Database Intern Report regarding the lack of trust business owners have in the government. With this amendment, he feels the City would be implementing a set of rules to allow a representative from City Hall to go into homes and inspect, which would increase the lack of trust. Also he has a concern of turning a residential area into a commercial area. CM Heidner pointed out that the current ordinance provides for right of inspection. Mayor Freske objected to businesses operating out of detached accessory buildings stating it is this type of operation that causes the most complaints on junk and blight and costs of enforcement are high. Mayor Freske agreed with the one additional employee for the home occupation. CM Ackerman stated she feels an accessory building is on the owner's property and owner should be able to do what they want. Mayor Freske said they are referring to only residential and not AG. CM Black motioned to amend the previous motion that the only modification to the Home Occupation and Home Extended Ordinance is to allow one employee so long as business is only contained in the home and attached garage and not accessory buildings. Seconded by Mayor Freske. VOTING FOR: Mayor Freske, CM Black, CM Heidner VOTING AGAINST: CM Ackerman, CM Fournier Motion carried three to two. (Discussion occurred between the motion being made and the actual vote) Discussion: CM Heidner was concerned with the definition of accessory building since a lot of people don't have attached garages. CM Fournier asked for a point of clarification on the amended motion. CM Black replied his amended motion was to take this recommendation and the only changes were to keep the one additional employee for the home occupation but to delete all references to accessory buildings and to keep the home business under the one ordinance. CM Heidner confirmed that motion is to use the draft ordinance the EDAAC prepared. Bob Kirmis stated he thought it would be easier to work off the existing ordinance and asked if this includes the AG area. Mayor Freske and CM Black replied the intent is just for the residential area. Otsego City Council Meeting of November 27, 1995, cont'd. Page 5. CM Heidner stated the City Attorney will review this and Council will vote on it later and this will not have to go through a Public Hearing. Mr. MacArthur replied that is correct, he is to review it and remove accessory building reference for only the residential area. CM Ackerman stated concern for the residents that do not have attached garages. CM Black stated for clarification what we want is one home ordinance section and whatever has been permitted in the current AG Zone is to continue. For the Residential Zone area, the business can secure one employee outside of family but can't operate the business in their detached accessory building. Andy MacArthur briefly went over the Resolution and Interim Ordinance. Mr. MacArthur informed the Council that according to the Attorney General's Office, this does not require a 4/5 vote from council to pass. CM Fournier clarified the Planning Commission's vote, saying it was unanimous rather than four to one. Elaine Beatty verified that Carl Swenson called her and stated his vote was intended to vote for the motion. CM Ackerman stated she will vote against the moratorium since it takes the MPCA four months to process a permit, which is adequate time for the City to review their ordinance. CM Fournier stated moratoriums in the past have not produced results, prolonging the process and creating hardships for residents. He feels this would be no exception. CM Fournier stated this moratorium would not solve the problems with existing ordinance and feels will hinder farmers from adding 20 or 30 cows to current operation. He supports the appointment of a Citizens Committee and receive a recommendation from them. CM Heidner stated he supports the moratorium but for no longer than six months and with a limit of animal units. Mayor Freske stated he supports the moratorium and agreed with the six month period since this can't be prolonged. Mayor Freske expressed that rules need to be put in place. CM Black supports the moratorium which he believes is the only legal way the City can take the opportunity to come up with any changes. He agreed with the six month period with the number of 300 animal units. • .�•��11041 Row. owsw§TXNIMI 1EDIETRWO Andy MacArthur briefly went over the Resolution and Interim Ordinance. Mr. MacArthur informed the Council that according to the Attorney General's Office, this does not require a 4/5 vote from council to pass. CM Fournier clarified the Planning Commission's vote, saying it was unanimous rather than four to one. Elaine Beatty verified that Carl Swenson called her and stated his vote was intended to vote for the motion. CM Ackerman stated she will vote against the moratorium since it takes the MPCA four months to process a permit, which is adequate time for the City to review their ordinance. CM Fournier stated moratoriums in the past have not produced results, prolonging the process and creating hardships for residents. He feels this would be no exception. CM Fournier stated this moratorium would not solve the problems with existing ordinance and feels will hinder farmers from adding 20 or 30 cows to current operation. He supports the appointment of a Citizens Committee and receive a recommendation from them. CM Heidner stated he supports the moratorium but for no longer than six months and with a limit of animal units. Mayor Freske stated he supports the moratorium and agreed with the six month period since this can't be prolonged. Mayor Freske expressed that rules need to be put in place. CM Black supports the moratorium which he believes is the only legal way the City can take the opportunity to come up with any changes. He agreed with the six month period with the number of 300 animal units. MEMORANDUM TO: Planning Commission Mayor & City Council Elaine Beatty Larry Koshak Andy MacArthur David Licht & Bob Kirmis Judy Hudson Phyllis Boedigheimer FROM: EDAAC DATE: October 18, 1995 RE: Response to Kirmis/Beatty Memo dated September 29, 1995 Otsego Home Extended Business Ordinance INTRODUCTION A. Background: After laboring over a year on this important ordinance, we have debated the issues and are now prepared to support the council in adopting this major change in city philosophy. We are aware of the current home occupation and home extended business ordinances as stated in the current Otsego Zoning Ordinance. We were asked by the City Council and the EDA to draft a new ordinance that is more community and neighborhood friendly to home occupations and home extended businesses. We believe from the direction given us by the City Council and also a ware D are tlia eohcyohange will be decided is ready for a change to this proposed ordinance. We are P by the City Council. We believe that we have addressed adequately your concerns about sound planning principles as stated on page one of Staffs memo. We have also addressed your concerns regarding permanent or interim uses through the licensing process and annual license fees which the City will administer. There is also a major policy change in allowing new home extended businesses, in contrast to the legalization of only existing businesses. B. Objective: The objective of this proposed ordinance is to provide an environment that encourages and incubates the development of small business in Otsego while providing for the quite enjoyment of our neighborhoods. Memorandum October 18, 1995 Page 2 II. DISCUSSION This proposed ordinance is clear in its definition of prohibited activities, while it provides a structure for neighborhood compatible home occupations. 1. City Policy: City Policy currently prohibits new home extended businesses and generally puts a time limit on their existence. Even though it is the current policy, it still has not stopped new business startups in residential areas. Our proposed ordinance preserves the character of the neighborhoods, makes Otsego more user friendly, and gives small businesses the opportunity to expand as needed. 2. Accessory Buildings: As long as the current accessory building requirements are met per Section 20-16- 4 of the Zoning Ordinance, the proposed ordinance allows the use of such accessory buildings for business purposes, subject to other conditions. 3. Prohibited Activities: Special Home Extended businesses are not prohibited activities. Special Home Extended Business that do not involve "prohibited activities" but that exceed the "permitted home extended business criteria" may be allowed with the approval of an interim use permit issued by the City Council pursuant to section 35 of the existing zoning ordinance. Additionally, so as to maintain compatibility and protect the health, safety, and general welfare of the public, the City Council may impose additional limitations or requirements as it deems necessary. (Refer to section 35-2-B and section 4-2-B & L of existing zoning ordinance.) 4. Permitted Home Extended Business Definition: A Permitted Home Extended Business is any gainful occupation or profession engaged in by the occupants of a dwelling unit, within said unit, garage or accessory building and must meet criteria of the proposed ordinance Section 20-29-4 (a-1) inclusive. In reference to the paragraph regarding square footage of accessory buildings as allowed by Section 20-16-4, the argument that the proposed ordinance does not establish a size "cap" for accessory buildings is invalid since only the Council can authorize oversized buildings pursuant to the CUP process. 5. Special Home Extended Business: Please see Paragraph 3 above. Memorandum October 18, 1995 Page 3 6. District Applicability: We recommend the inclusion of "SINGLE FAMILY" residence. 7. Revocations: Section 20-29-7 has been revised to integrate language prepared by the City Attorney in his 22 August 1995 letter to the City Director of Business and Finance. 8. Code Enforcement: City Staff has indicated that there are no formal citizen complaint logs concerning home occupations and home extended businesses. City Staff has also indicated that complaints regarding home occupations and home extended businesses has been minimal. Licensing fees to be set by the City Council and adjusted from time to time, will cover administrative costs involved in enforcing the proposed ordinance and its various provisions. III. CONCLUSION: We believe that we have come up with a flexible and workable ordinance. We invite the Planning and Zoning Commission to assist us in refining this document, as necessary. We have met the objective of creating a simplified ordinance by combining an administrative process with a permitting process which leaves the City Council in ultimate control. 12-11-1995 04:07PM FROM RADZWILLLAWOFFICE TO wa am S. Rukwiu RAUMILL & COUN 1ndr,ew .% B4acf nFwr Attorneys at Latin. Michael C. Csouri 705 Central avenue Fast PO BOX 369 St. Midwel, MN 55376 (612) 497-1930 (612) 497-2599. (FA70 December 11, 1995 4418823 P.02 City, Council Numbers City,: of :Otsego c/o Phyllis Boedighe,imer, Director of Business and Finance 8899 Nashua Avenue NE Elk iver,MN 55330 RE:roposed..Legal Services Contract Dear Council Members: I.ap logiie for not getting this letter to the City last week but I wasick with the flu most of the week. I'ha a met with both Phyllis and Ron Black regarding a'contract for legal services with the City. To my knowledge., therehas been no writ. en Agreement between the City of Otsego and this firm up to this'point. After meeting with the representatives of:the City and list ping to their concerns the following is my response, and the outline of:a proposed agreement which I submit for your review. �,. Lncerns were brought up regarding billing increments. At prosnt our computer is set up for billing in increments of 15 minutes, but we are willing to adjust our billing to bill out in six ; inute;increments, if that is the desire of the City. 2. Concerns were also brought up regarding the establishment of a flat fee arrangement per meeting. We would be agreeable to such an arrangement and would propose that such a fee be established at the flat rate of $200.00, as long as the meeting does not exceed -.3 1/2 hour and that the City make a good faith effort to place us as earl; on the agenda as possible. 3. ,The suggestion was made that the fee for general legal services be established at a standard monthly rate. This is problematic for a a uple of reasons; first, our hourly rate as been long esta , lished and we do charge the same to other communities, second, 12-11-1995 04:09PM FROM RADZWILLLAWOFFICE TO 4418823 P.04 Letter .to Otsego City Council December 11, 19:95 Page 3 partir upon 90 days notice. i The above';is my attempt to come up with a workable agreement. between this law firm'and the City. I would appreciate your review of.: is prgposal'and any comments, questions or concetns you. might have' If you concur with this letter I would be happy to draft an Agreement incorporating these terms. Very truly yours;. Andrw:: MacArthur R2}8 IE.L & `C0III4tI'. 1 , TOTAL P.04 CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION ORIGINATING DEPT. MEETING DATE LARRY KOSHAK, CITY ENGINEER FINANCE DECEMBER 27,1995 ITEM NO: ITEM DESCRIPTION PREPARED BY 9.1 CONSIDER OPTIONS REGARDING 1996 ISTEA GRANT FOR PARK TRAILS P.Boedigheime At the December 11, 1995 City Council meeting the City's engineer, Merland Otto from Hakanson Anderson Associates reviewed the City's 1996 ISTEA grant request and the required City share of the project. The City Council directed the City's Engineers and myself to review the Park Development Fund, the MSA Construction Fund, various options for the trail project and to make a recommendation to the City Council at the December 27th meeting. I met with Merland Otto and Larry Koshak on December 19th to review the original project, various scaled down options and the possible funding sources for the required City share. During that meeting we discussed the uses of MSA maintenance funds and MSA construction funds and it became apparent that an in depth analysis of the MSA Construction Fund was necessary in order to make an appropriate recommendation to the City Council. Larry and I will meet early in January to review past MSA construction projects, past MSA maintenance funds, how these payments were accounted for and the current construction fund allocation to date. We will also review possible future road construction projects to ultimately arrive at a projected MSA construction fund balance. This information will allow us to make an appropriate recommendation regarding the 1996 ISTEA grant including the size of the project and the possible funding sources for the City's share. It is recommended that the City Council table this issue until the January 22, 1996 City Council meeting to allow a complete analysis of MSA construction and maintenance funds in addition to the possible construction options for the project. City of Otsego Engineer's Agenda Items City Council Meeting December 27, 1995 9.1 Consider options regarding 1996 ISTEA Grant for Park Trails Refer this matter to the Finance Director 9.2 ISTEA Grant Application for Odean Avenue We have written a letter to Mn/DOT petitioning them to change the functional classification of Odean Avenue from a Minor Collector to a Major Collector. According to the Functional Classifications Engineer, we will not have a problem making the change as long as it can be justified. This should be completed within two weeks. We need the new classification to be able to submit an application for Odean Avenue reconstruction through the ISTEA program as a rural roadway. The application would be for 80% funding to reconstruct Odean Avenue (CSAH 37 to CSAH39). The local funding (20%) can come from assessments and MSA construction funds. The application is due Thursday, February 1, 1996. We anticipate the cost of our services to complete the application would be $550. We would recommend that the Council direct us to make application for the fiscal year 1999 (July 1 1998 to June 30, 1999). 9.3 CSAH37 and Odean Avenue Improvement Project 94-2 Considered approval of Supplemental Agreement #2 and approval of Partial Payment #4 to Buffalo Bituminous, Inc.. 9.4 Any other engineering business agenda12.27 PAY ESTIMATE 4 Buffalo Bituminous Inc. PO Box 337 Buffalo, MN 55313 RE: PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT PROJECT NO 94-2 NE 70TH STREET (CSAR 37) & ODEAN AVENUE (MSAP 217-105-01, MSAP 217-020-02, SAP 86-637-22) BID AMOUNT: $307,979.25 AWARD DATE: May 23, 1995 COMPLETION DATE: September 2, 1995 BUFFALO BITUMINOUS, INC. BID SCHEDULE "A" - CITY OF OTSEGO PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT PROJECT NO. 94-2 Estimated Contract Used Item No. Description Quantity Unit Price Amount To Date Extension ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2021.501 Mobilization 1 Lump Sum $1,000.00 LS $1,000.00 1 LS $1,000.00 2104.501 Clearing 33 Tree 35.00 TR 1,155.00 37 TR 1,295.00 2101.507 Grubbing 33 Tree 35.00 TR 1,155.00 37 TR 1,295.00 2104.501 Remove pipe culverts 188 Lin. Ft. 4.00 LF 752.00 210 LF 840.00 2104.501 Remove fence (Wire) 90 Lin. Ft. 3.00 LF 270.00 225 LF 675.00 2104.501 Remove fence (Wood) 100 Lin. Ft. 3.00 LF 300.00 100 LF 300.00 2104.505 Remove bituminous pavement 8150 Sq. Yd. 1.00 SY 8,150.00 8447 SY 8,447.00 2104.505 Remove concrete slab 155 Sq. Yd. 1.00 SY 155.00 155 SY 155.00 2104.509 Remove sign 27 Each 8.50 EA 229.50 27 EA 229.50 2104.509 Remove timber cattle pass 70 Lin. Ft. 15.00 LF 1,050.00 70 LF 1,050.00 2104.513 Sawing bituminous pavement 74 Lin. Ft. 2.00 LF 148.00 96 LF 192.00 2104.521 Salvage fence 135 Lin. Ft. 5.00 LF 675.00 0 LF 0.00 2105.501 Common excavation 34537 Cu. Yd. 1.80 CY 62,166.60 34537 CY 62,166.60 2123.503 Motor Grader (60th St. maint.) 60 Hour 60.00 HR 3,600.00 8.5 HR 510.00 2' 1 Water (60th St. maint.) 60 M Gal 15.00 GAL 900.00 117 GAL 1,755.00 2 1 Aggregate base class 5 6886 Ton 6.00 T 41,316.00 5935.1 T 35,610.60 22_ X11 Agg. base c15 (60th St. maint.) 1295 Cu. Yd. 7.00 CY 9,065.00 816 CY 5,712.00 0331.601 2" bit. wearing course (driveways) 787 Sq. Yd. 4.50 SY 3,541.50 591 SY 2,659.50 2340.508 Type 41 wearing course mixture 1482 Ton 23.50 T 34,827.00 1473.05 T 34,616.68 2340.514 Type 31 base course mixture 1977 Ton 20.50 T 40,528.50 1838.6 T 37,691.10 2357.502 Bituminous material for tack coat 919 Gallon 1.00 GAL 919.00 700 GAL 700.00 0412.602 Relocate mailbox 4 Each 60.00 EA 240.00 5 EA 300.00 2501.511 15" RC pipe culvert class V 208 Lin. Ft. 26.00 LF 5,408.00 160 LF 4,160.00 2501.511 18" RC pipe culvert class V 140 Lin. FT. 28.00 LF 3,920.00 132 LF 3,696.00 2501.515 15" RC pipe apron 10 Each 280.00 EA 2,800.00 8 EA 2,240.00 2501.515 18" RC pipe apron 4 Each 315.00 EA 1,260.00 4 EA 1,260.00 2503.511 15" RC pipe sewer class III 567 Lin. Ft. 22.00 LF 12,474.00 628.7 LF 13,831.40 2503.573 Install conc. apron storm (1511) 2 Each 280.00 EA 560.00 2 EA 560.00 2506.508 Construct manhole storm 3 Each 1,300.00 EA 3,900.00 3 EA 3,900.00 2506.509 Construct catchbasin storm 3 Each 1,000.00 EA 3,000.00 3 EA 3,000.00 2511.501 Random riprap cl III w/ geo. fab. 36 Cu. Yd. 40.00 CY 1,440.00 36 CY 1,440.00 2531.501 Conc. curb and gutter design B618 1450 Lin. Ft. 5.20 LF 7,540.00 1454.5 LF 7,563.40 2531.501 Conc. curb and gutter design D418 1264 Lin. Ft. 5.25 LF 6,636.00 1259 LF 6,609.75 2531.507 6" concrete driveway pavement 33 Sq. Yd. 26.00 SY 858.00 44.4 SY 1,154.40 0557.603 Wood fence 6' high 254 Lin. Ft. 47.50 LF 12,065.00 280.2 LF 13,309.50 0563.601 Traffic Control 1 Lump Sum 3,000.00 LS 3,000.00 1 LS 3,000.00 0564.602 4" broken line yellow - tape 864 Lin. Ft. 0.25 LF 216.00 0 LF 0.00 0564.602 F & I sign panel (stop) 2 Each 165.00 EA 330.00 2 EA 330.00 0564.602 F & I sign panel (stop ahead) 2 Each, 165.00 EA 330.00 2 EA 330.00 0564.602 F & I sign panel (winding road) 2 Each 115.00 EA 230.00 2 EA 230.00 0564.602 F & I sign panel (advisory speed) 2 Each 42.00 EA 84.00 2 EA 84.00 0564.602 F & I sign panel (cross road) 2 Each 115.00 EA 230.00 2 EA 230.00 0564.602 F & I sign panel (dead end) 1 Each 115.00 EA 115.00 1 EA 115.00 0564.602 F & I sign panel (two way traffic) 2 Each 115.00 EA 230.00 .2 EA 230.00 0564.602 F & I sign panel (hidden driveway) 1 Each 115.00 EA 115.00 1 EA 115.00 0564.602 F & I sign panel (pavement ends) 1 Each 115.00 EA 115.00 1 EA 115.00 0564.602 F & I street name sign 1 Each 165.00 EA 165.00 1 EA 165.00 0564.602 Pavement mess. (left arrow) paint 2 Each 20.00 EA 40.00 4 EA 80.00 0564.602 Pavement mess. (right arrow) Paint 2 Each 20.00 EA 40.00 4 EA 80.00 OF 12 Pavement mess. (only) paint 4 Each 40.00 EA 160.00 4 EA 160.00 0 3 24" stop line white - paint 30 Lin. Ft. 1.25 LF 37.50 38 LF 47.50 0. j3 24" solid line yellow - paint 368 Lin. Ft. 0.80 LF 294.40 564 LF 451.20 0564.603 4" solid line white - paint 6680 Lin. Ft. 0.15 LF 1,002.00 6215 LF 932.25 0564.603 4" double solid line yellow - paint 4165 Lin. Ft. 0.30 LF 1,249.50 3001 LF 900.30 0565.602 Furnish and install street light 2 Each 0.00 EA 0.00 2 EA 0.00 0565.603 2" PVC Conduit 307 LF 5.00 LF 1,535.00 307 LF 1,535.00 2573.501 Bale check 160 Each 6.00 EA 960.00 35 EA 210.00 2573.503 Silt fence, preassembled 7190 Lin. Ft. 1.65 LF 11,863.50 5220 LF 8,613.00 2573.508 Bituminous lined flume 21 Sq. Yd. 20.00 SY 420.00 19.3 SY 386.00 APPROVALS CONTRACTOR: Certification by Contract: I certify that all items and amounts shown are correct for the work completed to date. The Contractor agrees that no futher claims for work associated with the project (except for work associated with Supplimental Agreement No. 1) will be made against the Owner. The Contractor agrees to perform all corrective and warranty work as required by the contract documents. BUFFALO BITUMINOUS INC. Signed: Title: ENGINEER: HAKANSON ANDERSON ASSOCIATES INC. Signed: Title: OTHER: CITY OF OTSEGO Signed: Title: OT323PE4.wk3 Date: Date: Date: Estimated Contract Used Item No. Description Quantity Unit Price Amount To Date Extension ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2575.501 Seeding 3.41 Acre $100.00 AC $341.00 3.5 AC $350.00 2575.502 Seed Mixture 800 170.5 Pound 3.00 LB 511.50 200 LB 600.00 2575.505 Sodding, type lawn 5265 Sq. Yd. 1.50 SY 7,897.50 6312 SY 9,468.00 2575.511 Mulch material type 1 6.80 Ton 150.00 T 1,020.00 7.9 T 1,185.00 2575.519 Disc anchoring 3.41 Acre 25.00 AC 85.25 3.5 AC 87.50 2575.523 Wood fiber blanket type regular 1100 Sq. Yd. 1.00 SY 1,100.00 1920 SY 1,920.00 2575.531 Commercial fertilizer, 20-10-10 0.86 Ton 300.00 T 258.00 1 T 300.00 Supplemental Agreement #1 1 LS 11,472.50 LS 11,472.50 0 LS 0.00 Supplemental Agreement #2 1 LS 1,962.08 LS 1,962.08 ------------ 1 LS 1,962.08 -------------- TOTAL BID SCHEDULE "A" - Total work completed to date $321,413.83 $294,136.25 Contract Work Amount Completed SUMMARY Schedule A ------------ $321,413.83 -------------- $294,136.25 Less 5% Retainage: 14,706.81 . Less Pay Estimate #1 144,158.61 Less Pay Estimate #2 108,697.64 Less Pay Estimate 43 ------------ 21,567.38 -------------- TOTAL ESTIMATED AMOUNT DUE TO CONTRACTOR: $321,413.83 $5,005.81 WE RECOMMEND PARTIAL PAYMENT OF: $5,005.81 APPROVALS CONTRACTOR: Certification by Contract: I certify that all items and amounts shown are correct for the work completed to date. The Contractor agrees that no futher claims for work associated with the project (except for work associated with Supplimental Agreement No. 1) will be made against the Owner. The Contractor agrees to perform all corrective and warranty work as required by the contract documents. BUFFALO BITUMINOUS INC. Signed: Title: ENGINEER: HAKANSON ANDERSON ASSOCIATES INC. Signed: Title: OTHER: CITY OF OTSEGO Signed: Title: OT323PE4.wk3 Date: Date: Date: i !portion All All Wright City of Otsego lural Urban Otsego Wright County Cosi Item 1 want Quant------- Quant County ,,os ------------ --' -- ------------- $i�0.11 00 $135.00 84.21 202i.� 8130.00 2101.. +.^OOge) 20.00 27.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 $735.00 140.00 $ ' 8$0.30 2101.. . 5,00 +3.00 63.00 0.00 0.00 5651.60 0.00 $675.00 $0.00 ?104,: 25,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 $0.00 ;1,001.00 z ;-90.00 2104.- 2164.; 41 00 1950.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 $178.50 ;8.�0 2104.5 11.00 5,60 0,00 9.00 0.00 0.00 .0.00 ;1,050.00 $0.00 $0.00 2104.5 2104.5 70.00 0 X0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 $144.00 0.00 $ 0.00 ;0.00 2104.: 0.2 i 9.00 0.00 0.00 c.^ �a � 2$6.44 x'2105.5 0.00 ;,40,612.,.. 3.., 42.36 212 c f1^009` $ +228.81 $141.79 2?30.^. ntagal 11?1.00 ;16.70 0.00 0.00 8$3 457. ,999.40 $2$481.00 2211.5 ---ntage) ' 100 0.00 581.00 0.00 ;0.00 0,00 ;25,752.24 2 614.50 S-, ;1,950.44 331.E 2340.: `163.00 416.05 527.29 0.00 0.00 0.00 ;23,035.46 $2,161,39 $40.60 2340.` 2351.5 9,5.80 353 ,00 293.60 2.00 0.04 0.00 0.00 $525.40 0.00 5215.00 ;24,00 ;0.00 2501.. 2.00 162.00 6,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 $4,160.00 0.00 50,696.00 $0,00 2501.5 132.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 $.,. 40.00 0,00 $1,260.00 2501.5 $;00 0,00 O,QO 0.00 0.00 0.00 62a.10 513,831.40 $5550.00 $0.00 $0'.00 2503.E Q.QO 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.00 3.00 $3,100.00 ;3,900.00 $0.00 0.00 2.06:: 2506.` 0.00 24.00 0.00 0.00 9.00 0.00 3.00 0.09 $.$0.00 $0,00 $0,00 $ 2511.5 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 288.50 1259.00 0.00 0.00 $ $0.00 0,609.75 $8 2531:` ?5^-7.6 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 32.40 0.00 0.00 0.70 $2,10 .52 ;0.00 $252.63 563.5 r:entaga) 0.00 C1,00 0.00 0 00 $165.00 $0.00 503.0` 1 0,00 0.00 0.90 0.00 0.00 0.00 $165.00 $0.00 $0.00 553.° I.00 0.00 0.00 Q.Qo 0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 554.5: 564.5. 0.00 2.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 �i0.00 0.00 ;. 0.00 0.00 $115.00 $0.00 564.0" 1 1.00 i 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ;230.00 VIS.00 $0,00 564.6. 564.5[ 1.00 1.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 $115.00 00 $0.00 564.6. 0.00 .00 1.00 4.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 $132.00 0.00 $64.00 $16.00 16.00 564.6` 564.`x" 0.00 0.0;0 41CO 0.00 0.00 0.00 $54.00 0.00 $123.00 $32 00 564.11 0.00 0.00 4.00 0.Q0 0.00 80.00 0.00 $428.64 $22.56 564.6, 00.00 42 11?5.00 141.00 2350.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5615.95 ;511.40 10.80 $44 .0 $50,00 564.5: 564.6 is=.S .00 140.00 0.00 0.00 2.00 O.dO 0.00 ;O.QQ 565.6: 550.6� 0.00 24:.70 1.00 00.60 0.00 1 414.00 0.00 $ ,� r .551.00 ;0.00 213.5'- 5 nn 0.40 0.00 0.00 3600 8^5.11 �..� 3316.53 .0.00 203. ? 33 n.22 0.09 O.Q� �7,G ^5n. 2 ;.i ..14.00 0.'7: 0.00 0.0v �a5 �'3Q n r;0 :�.00;.^� 6.00 3 , ...,a:. $1 1�: 2n $27.00 �� 1 ?::. ?5' ^4-: 2 '.43 O . uO C, n0, :; : %1, .14 n r, $1.1'.0,^� 3c. Mn/DOT TP -02134-03 (5/88) 86-637-22, 217-105-01 STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Supp. to Contract No. & 217-020-02 SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT No. _2_ Sheet 1 of _2— Contractor: Federal Project: State Project No.: BUFFALO BITUMINOUS, INC. N/A SAP #86-637-22 SAP #217-105-01 SAP #217-020-02 Address: Location: BUFFALO BITUMINOUS, INC. BOX 337 THE INTERSECTION OF CSAH37 AND ODEAN AVENUE IN OTSEGO, MINNESOTA. BUFFALO, MN 55313 Pro. No. F.Y. Account I.D. Dept/Div. Sequence No. Suffix Object Vendor Type Amount 01 V Purchase Terms Asset No. C.CD.1 C.CD.2 C.CD.3 C.CD.4 C.CD.5 OOONET rYPEOF A40 ( 1 A41 ( ) Dated Number Entered by SACTION: A44 ( 1 A45 ( ) A46 ( ) Dated Number Entered by I his contract is amenaea as roiiows: The contract is amended to allow for changes in work during the course of construction. The following items require payment, but do not fall within the bid schedule list: Castings - Revise castings specified to match manholes required on project. 6 EA @ $93.00/EA = $558.00 2. Culverts - Restocking fee of 15% required for culvert delivered to job -site but not utilized. Pouti driveway was converted to dry entrance. (48 LF of 15" RCP and 2 FES) Cross culvert on CSAH37 Sta 5 +42 was shortened by 8 LF. Pouti = 0.15 x $604.80 + 0.15 x $882.10 = $223.04 CSAH37 = 0.15 x $119.60 = $17.94 3. Sewer Pipe - Bid Schedule listed Class III Pipe Sewer. Plans required Class V. Pipe Sewer. Difference in cost: 628.7/LF @ $1 .85/LF = $1,163.10 TOTAL The above items shall consitute all changes in work incurred by the Contractor, his sub -contractors, his suppliers, and all other parties doing business with the Contractor during the course of this project. No further claims will be made by the Contractor against the Owners for additional work which may or may not have been performed during the course of the project. The Contractor agrees to hold the Owners harmless against further claims put forth by any sub -contractor or supplier for any other cost incurrances associated with this project. The contractural project completion date associated with the "as -bid" project is extended to September 15, 1995. The reason for the contract extension is the substantial rainfalls which occurred from August 15, 1995 to September 1, 1995. The "as -bid" project was subsequently deemed to be substantially complete by September 15, 1995. The project completion date is hereby extended to May 17, 1996 to allow for construction activities associated with Supplemental Agreement No. 1 to be completed. The delay is a result of Owner negotiations with a landowner for easement dedication. Mn/DOT TP -02134-03 (5/88) 86-637-22, 217-105-01 STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Supp. to Contract No. & 217-020-02 SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT No. 2_ Sheet 2 of 2 (Continued) Cost associated with this agreement will be prorated based upon the city/county agreement signed for the project. The proration and associated costs were determined to be as follows: Project Owner Cost SAP 217-105-01 City of Otsego $223.04 SAP 86-637-22 Wright County $1,739.04 TOTAL $1,962.08 The contract amount for the three State Aid Projects will be revised as follows based upon this agreement: Project No. Original Contract SA #1 SA #2 Final Cost SAP 86-637-22 $214,553.59 $5,059.37 $1,739.04 $221,352.00 SAP 217-105-01 67,014.78 6,413.13 223.04 73,650.95 SAP 217-020-22 26.410.88 0.00 0.00 26,410.88 TOTAL $307,979.25 $11,472.50 $1,962.08 $321,413.83 APPROVED: APPROVED: Original Contract Commissioner of Commissioner of Dated Adminisraton Finance Approved as to form Owner - City of Otsego and execution Dated Wright County Engineer Dated Project Engineer - City of Otsego BY: BY: Dated Contractor Dated Assistant Attorney General District Engineer Dated Dated Dated Agency Head Original to State Auditor - Copy to Agency OT323-1.sa CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: MEETING DATE 10. COUNCIL ITEMS Dec. 27,1995 6:30PM ITEM NUMBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION: PREPARED BY: 10.1. Discussion of NAC Fee change (SEE NAC CONTRACT) (Cont.12/11/95) Elaine Beatty City Clerk/Z.A. 10.1. Background: I believe this has been on the Council Agenda five times and been continued. Larry Fournier has talked to Dave Licht and he has made some changes in the Contract RE: exclusive clause and notification if working on a project with surrounding Cities that has the potential to be considered a conflict. This was copied to the Council after the 12/11/95 Council Packet went out and was asked to be continued to this agenda. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the updated contract. Thanks, Councilmember Black introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 95-45 RESOLUTION APPROVING A TAX LEVY FOR 19% OPERATING BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Otsego City Council that there is hereby approved for budgeted expenditures from general taxes, the following sums for the purpose indicated: General Government $ 799,019 Park Development 15,000 Bonded Indebtedness 35,210 Total Levy $ 849,229 Less HACA 140,579 Total Levy To Be Certified $ 708,650 FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that as required by Truth in Taxation Legislation, the City Clerk shall certify to the Wright County Auditor a copy of this resolution approving a proposed levy of $708,650 for the City of Otsego. The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Councilmember Heidner and upon vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof: Mayor Freske, Councilmembers Heidner, Black and Ackerman, and the following voted against the same: none, whereupon said resolution was passed this 27th day of December, 1995. ATTEST: Laine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoningdmin. 40 nn" S ;YMA4 Norman F. Freske, Mayor Councilmember Heidner introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 95-46 RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE 1996 GENERAL FUND OPERATING BUDGET NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Otsego City Council that the appropriations budgeted for General Fund Operations for the calendar year 1996 shall be: Department Amount Mayor and City Council $ 52,410 Administration 202,452 Finance 58,600 Assessing 14,060 Legal 28,200 Planning Commission 3,300 Planner 52,250 EDA 14,005 City Hall & Peavey House 74,180 Police 96,360 Building Inspection 20,000 Engineering 40,000 Street Lighting 10,000 Street Maintenance 267,633 Recycling 30,000 Community Recreation 17,777 Park Maintenance 32,770 Historical Society 1,550 Transfers To Other Funds(Capital Equipment) 35.910 $1,051,457 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the Otsego City Council that the source of financing the sums appropriated shall be: Property Taxes $ 658,440 Business Licenses and Permits 5,000 Non -Business Licenses and Permits 42,150 Intergovernmental 285,772 Charges for Service 18,800 Rentals 19,300 Miscellaneous 21,995 $1,051,457 The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Councilmember Black and upon vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof: Mayor Freske, Councilmembers Black, Heidner, and Ackerman and the following voted against the same: none, whereupon said resolution was passed this 27th day of December 1995. 14.0" S ar~4 Norman F. Freske, Mayor ATTEST: aine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning Ain. Councilmember Black introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 95-47 RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE 1996 WATER FUND BUDGET NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Otsego City Council that the appropriations budgeted for the Water Fund for the calendar year 1996 shall be: Debt Service $ 28,200 Utilities 900 Repair & Maintenance 5,500 Miscellaneous Engineering 1.000 Total Expenditures $ 35,600 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the Otsego City Council that the source of financing the sums appropriated shall be: Property Taxes $ 15,000 Charges for Service —1,15 Total Revenues $ 16,155 The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Councilmember Heidner and upon vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof: Mayor Freske, Councilmembers Heidner, Black, and Ackerman, and the following voted against the same: none, whereupon said resolution was passed this 27th day of December 1995. i Norman F. Freske, Mayor ATTEST: I r '•t 1 o/� �4�/� Y..MNw�uuYy�V�� ♦� i RESOLUTION NO. 95-42 CITY OF OTSEGO, COUNTY OF WRIGHT A RESOLUTION STATING THE INTENT OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO TO APPEAL TO THE DISTRICT COURT THE DECISION OF THE STATE MUNICIPAL BOARD RE: D-312 OTSEGO/A-5402 ALBERTVILLE (FRANK D'AIGLE) AND D-311 OTSEGO/A-5384 ALBERTVILLE (KENT ROESSLER) PURSUANT TO MINNESOTA STATUTES 414, AS AMENDED WHEREAS, The City of Otsego received Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Order and Memorandum from the Municipal Board of the State of Minnesota, Robert J. Ferderer, Chair, Paul B. Double, Vice Chair and Lea De Sousa Speeter, Vice Chair, which are attached, and WHEREAS, The City of Otsego does not agree with the Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Order and Memorandum from the Municipal Board of the State of Minnesota regarding the Annexation of the two properties in D-312 Otsego/A-5402 Albertville and D-311 Otsego/A-5384 Albertville and, WHEREAS, The City of Otsego does agree with the initiation of consolidation proceedings between the Cities of Otsego and Albertville. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT, The City of Otsego hereby states their intention to pursue appeal to the District Court of the Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Order and Memorandum in the matter of the petition for the detachment of certain land from the City of Otsego and Annexation of certain land to the City of Albertville pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 414 as per attached copies of D-312 Otsego/A-5402 Albertville and D-311 Otsego/A-5384 Albertville as stated above. Dated this 27TH day of December, 1995. CITY OF OTSEGO 1!:�7R 011 -IX Norman F Freske, Mayor AT -TEST; Elaine Beatty, City C1erk/Z trator (City Seal) Attachments (2) INIONTICELLO Office of the Cite AL111L111iStYLINO 250 East Broadway December 13, 1995 Monticello, MN 55362-9245 Phone: (612) 295-2711 Metro: (612) 333-5739 Ms. Elaine Beatty Cler?i City of Otsego 8899 Nashua Avenue NE Elk River, MN 55330 Re: Policy on fire calls --false alarms Dear Elaine: Lc� •ALJ .} At a recent meeting of the Monticello Joint Fire Board, one of the items discussed concerned the increase in the number of false alarms that the fire department is responding to. While the department has always had to expect a certain number of false alarm calls, there appears to be an increase in the total number due to the popularity of homes and businesses installing security systems that trigger fire calls. While the number of incidents is not yet a large problem, the Joint Board did note that each false alarm costs the department money for salaries and even some equipment cost if a response is initiated before it is cancelled. In some cases, we are noticing that the false alarm is because of malfunctioning equipment within the security system that could be fixed by the security company or the business/homeowner. When not attended to, there have been a few occasions where the department will receive additional false alarms in a short period of time. Because there's no incentive for a business, homeowner, or security company to promptly correct any problems, the Joint Board felt it may be wise to consider establishing a policy allowing the fire department to charge a property owner for a false alarm if more than 2 occur within a 12 -month time period. The policy as currently drafted would only apply after ample warning has been given to the person causing false alarms notifying of our intent to seek reimbursement if the problem isn't fixed. The above policy was recently discussed by the Monticello City Council and is going to be reviewed by the Monticello Township Board as part of the joint agreement. While this policy is only intended to be in effect for persons residing within the city of Monticello or Monticello township, we wanted our contracting jurisdictions to be aware of this policy. Within your jurisdiction, you may want to discuss implementing a similar type arrangement in that it will be beneficial for all jurisdictions if we can keep our operating Ms. Elaine Beatty December 13, 1995 Page 2 budget to a minimum. Even though we currently have a fixed fee amount within our contracts for your fire protection, as our fire department costs rise, so will future contract renewals because of this increased cost. As a result, if your residents and businesses are aware that repeated false alarms are costly to the fire department, you should eventually see the benefits of any efforts we can utilize to reduce the number of calls in future contract renewals. In discussing the false alarm occurrences, a new issue has come to light in regard to alarms for carbon monoxide detectors. Again, many security systems also feature methods of determining carbon monoxide in the air, and many homeowners are now purchasing the simple carbon monoxide testing strips that indicate there may be a problem if the color changes on the detector. The fire department is now experiencing a rash of calls concerning possible carbon monoxide existence in a structure, with just three calls occurring already on Monday, December 11. While the department has not come up with any ideas on how to address this rash of calls, the bottom line is that each call that the department responds to costs money and will eventually be passed on to not only the city's and township's citizens, but also to those communities we contract with. The City Council has decided to table any action on establishing a firm policy regarding false alarms at this time but is seeking any input contracting jurisdictions may have concerning our possible implementation of a policy. Your thoughts would be appreciated and are encouraged. Yours truly, PFf"F MONTICELLO L5�44 Rick Wolfsteller City Administrator RW/kd Enclosure cc: Mark Wallen, Fire Chief Fire Contract File CITY OF MONTICELLO Policy Establishing Billing Procedures for Fire Department Respon :es to False Alarms This policy is intended to outline the conditions under which the Monticello Fire Department will charge property owners for responding to false alarms. With the fire department experiencing an increase in the number of false alarms because of the increased popularity of home and business security systems, the Joint Fire Board has recommended a policy be established to allow for reimbursement of expenses associated with responding to these false alarm calls. The Joint Fire Board does not feel it's appropriate for the taxpayers of the jurisdictions supporting the department's services be responsible for the added costs these false alarms generate and therefore, proposed to implement the following policy effective January 1, 1996 as it relates to charges for responding to repeated false alarms: 1. All property owners within the Monticello Fire Department coverage areas will receive up to (2) two fire responses to false alarms within each 12 month calendar year at no additional charge. 2. Any property owner within the jurisdiction responsible for (3) three or more false alarms within the 12 month period shall be billed a response fee of $250 for each false alarm above (2) two. 3. All property owners responsible for a false alarms will be notified in writing of this billing procedure policy. 4. All false alarm charges remaining unpaid at the end of a calendar year may be levied as a special assessment against the responsible property to the extent allowed by State Statutes. FALSETOL: 12/05/95 Claims List for Approval For the period 12/19/95 to 12/19/95 CLAIM TOT< TO WHOM PAID FOR WHAT PURPOSE DATE NUMBER CLA- TrMA RFTTRPMPNT TP11"T Pr=R1Qp EA.Dr-P , — PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT FUND PAY PERIOD ENDED 12/16/95 12/19/95 1198 849 MN DEPT OF REVENUE DECEMBER WITHHOLDING 12/19/95 1200 903. STATE CAPITAL CREDIT UNION DEDUCTIONS WEEK, ENDED 12/16/95 12/19/95 1201 100 BONESTR00, ROSENE,ANDERLIK & ASSOC 50% CITY SHARE OF FEASIBILITY STUDY 12/19/95 1203 2,100 AFFORDABLE SANITATION DECEMBER RENTAL 12/19/95 1204 106. $r I" oil- QQMPAPP4 C = CARRON REIMBURSE HAYRIDE EXPENSES 12/19/95 1206 20. Ek— TONKA SANITATION NOVEMBER RECYCLING 12/19/95 1207 291 G & K TEXTILE LEASING SYSTEMSvv UNIFORM S,SHOP TOWELS,MATS 12/19/95 1209 201 HAKANSON ANDERSON ASSOC INC NOVEMBER ENGINEERING SERVICES 12/19/95 1210 1,648. THE HARDWARE STORE BULBS,COUPLING,BATTERY,FILTER 12/19/95 1211 24. M9TRGPG6iTAP' GRAVE -6 C-9 lHe MINNESOTA BOOK STORE STATUTE BOOKS AND 1995 UPDATE 12/19/95 1213 191. MINNESOTA MUTUAL JANUARY LIFE & SHORT DISABILITY 12/19/95 1214 117. MONTICELLO FORD MERCURY PARTS 12/19/95 1215 25- NORTHERNHYDRAULICSINC ADAPTER HOSE,ICE MELT 12/19/95 12/19/95 1217 1218 40. 31740. NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS NOVEMBER SERVICES RADZWILL LAW OFFICE NOVEMBER LEGAL SERVICES 12/19/95 1219 4,712. Claims List for Approval For the period 12/19/95 to 12/19/95 WRIGHT COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPT SALT & SAND MIX, SALT,SUPPLIES 12/19/95 1227 4,41: MEDICA JANUARY HEALTH INSURANCE 12/19/95 1228 1,48E PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT FUND EMPLOYER/EMPLOYEE SHARE 12/16/95 12/19/95 1229 8: w,r, 643.E TOTAL YEAR TO DATE 71 0 n U' CLAIM lei TO WHOM PAID FOR WHAT PURPOSE DATE 17/19/95 NUMBER CLP 847 120 JACQUIE ROGNLI FEES—ANI�IEXl1TT�N DECEMBER NEWSLETTER 12/19/95 12/19/95 1221 1222 32` 2= SCHARBER & SONS REPAIR TIRE Trn.iFi S 1 2/19/95 1 2,)j 20E 5UPERIOR GHEMIGA6 H G WEBER OIL COMPANY pTgu�n�,�LEr1NER ,Pt3pFa FUEL OIL,GAS,PDF,GREASE 12/19/95 1224 1,491 494 WRIGHT COUNTY AUDITOR -TREASURER COST FOR T -I -T NOTICES --._-- ---"---_ 12/19/95 17/1O/OF 1225 1717,Fi .7.78E WRIGHT COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPT SALT & SAND MIX, SALT,SUPPLIES 12/19/95 1227 4,41: MEDICA JANUARY HEALTH INSURANCE 12/19/95 1228 1,48E PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT FUND EMPLOYER/EMPLOYEE SHARE 12/16/95 12/19/95 1229 8: w,r, 643.E TOTAL YEAR TO DATE 71 0 n U'