02-22-96 WSMayor Norman F. Freske Otsego City Hall 8899 Nashua Avenue NE Otsego, MN 55330 February 15, 1996 Dear Mayor Freske and Otsego City Council Members: Due to my schedule, I will be unable to attend the Workshop meeting scheduled for February 22, 1996. I totally understand the importance of this meeting concerning the future of our proposed development. However, I will be out of town on February 22 and February 23. Knowing the strategic importance of this meeting, I would like to submit a list of issues that I feel must be resolved within the next two weeks. I recognize this is a short time span, but I believe most of these issues have been apparent for several weeks. We need to continue on a time schedule, that mandates we close on the purchase of 335 acres of land by December of 1996. To do so, we must request immediate response to certain matters. They are as follows: 1. We must have a written agreement from the City that we will be granted a franchise to own, design, construct, maintain and operate a package treatment sewage plant. The plant should include sewer and water to provide full utilities to the proposed development. It is my understanding and agreement that this package be entirely subsidized by ourselves. We, or others, would be responsible for the operation and maintenance of this facility. The system would be subject to MPCA approval. It is my understanding that the package plant and utilities will be designed to accommodate our project. If Riverwood Conference Center chooses to use our system, it would then be constructed to accommodate them and they would pay us a proportionate share of the cost. The system could be designed so that Island View homes could "hook- up" later if need be. This would entail increasing the plant capacity and they would pay a proportionate share to the owners, or us. I know this will have to be massaged by attorneys. I am hopeful that the City, at this time, can grant us, in writing, the franchise to build and operate the plant. We will find it improbable to continue the pursuit of this project, without getting this resolved in the next 10-20 days. We are presently running 45 days behind our projected schedule. Neal A. Perlich Realty incorporated 12450 Wayzata Blvd., Suite 207 Minnetonka, MN 55305 (612) 933-8300 Fax (612) 545-1184 Mayor Norman Freske Page 2 of 4 February 15, 1996 Please do not take this as a "threat", but rather as fact. This issue is the most important element of our progress. We must have this agreement secured in the next 10-20 days. It is relatively simple, if we pay to build and own the plant -- we want a franchise to operate it. We would not intend to simply turn the system over to the City. After having designed, financed, constructed and managed the plant, there would have to be some compensation. This option would exist for the City. Again, we recognize that the granting of the facility as a franchise, does not assure us of anything until we receive final or preliminary plat approval. To repeat in plain, simple English — unless granted the franchise, the project is dead. Since we are paying the full cost, I do not feel this is unfair. Since we are solving a problem for Riverwood and future problems for Island View, I would consider it a no lose situation for the City. 2. We must have a commitment from the City as to the fees for Park and Trail assessments. a. Will we be granted the present assessment of $875.00 (including Park and Trail) per residential lot? b. What would the assessment fee or allocation be for the 190 acre golf course? Need specifics. (How much per acre or what?) Please spell out the specifics. 3. It has been mentioned several times in meetings that the City will "help" but "not in a monetary way". What specifically does this mean? a. Does it mean in real estate taxes? b. Does it mean in Park Dedication Fees? C. Road Improvement Charges (Kadler, etc.)? d. Waiving any legal, engineering or development fees? Please be specific, if there is any participation from the City — what is it going to be? e. Or other answers? Mayor Norman Freske Page 3 of 4 February 15, 1996 4. I would request a safe figure, or percentage of actual construction fees, that would be charged by the City for engineering/supervision fees. This is not unreasonable. We worked this out in our most recent development in Wyoming, Minnesota with a fully sewered and watered residential development. We have to get a "ball park" figure on what the City charges may be for this project. Because this involves a sewer and water plant along with a lot development, we must be able to relate to percentage cost. EXAMPLE 1: If our "plant costs" are $500,000, what could their charges be — knowing the MPCA will control this. More and more cities are providing this up -front. EXAMPLE 2: If there are 200 lots, with three miles of roads and total development costs are $13,000 per lot, what are their fees? I recognize that this is nebulous, but we have to know what the City Engineer charges may be on this project. We need a figure given a 15% margin of error; recognizing the development of lots over three to four years. I know they hesitate to do this, however I do know that based on the givens: a. 200 residential lots; b. Golf course; and C. Privately owned sewer and water approved by MPCA (they would be the governing factor). A "not to exceed" figure could be given to us. Perhaps this is an area where the City could "help". We are looking for a firm figure -- "not to exceed". On a development of this magnitude, it can be done -- "as a guarantee" or "subject to", etc. We need this for projections. 6. I need to know the City's timing. If we provide you a preliminary plat on a given date, knowing it will carry restrictions from an EAW survey or MPCA approvals, how long will the process take to get approval from the City? Subject to RAW, MPCA or other necessary approvals, how long would it take to get the project through the usual process? a. Three months? b. Four months? C. Five months? This means preliminary plat approval. We must know this to be accommodating our Purchase Agreements on the land. S0 ' d -ti101 Mayor Norman Freske Page 4 of 4 February 15, 1996 I am sure this leaves out many details that must be answered in the future. However, we must have answers to these questions — NOW! I do feel that these matters can be addressed and resolved by the Council. We are requesting a reply by March 5, 1996. Please understand, we want very much to do this project. We presently have approximately $30,000 invested, which is infinitesimal in relation to the future. We are prepared to go forward. I am anxiously awaiting the City's answers and direction. Thank you Mr. Mayor and all members of the City Council. Please give this matter your most serious and immediate attention. Sincerely, Neal Perlich NP/epw 02-21-1996 04:38PM FROM Radzwill & CouriLaw Offic TO 4418823 P.01 .c Ylam S. Raizwiu RADZMLL & CO IRI Andrew J. McArthur Attorney: at Law Michael C. C uri 705 Central Avenue East PO Bax 369 St. Michael, MN 55376 (6.12) 497=1930 (612) 497-2599 (FAX) Post -It" brand fax transmittal Memo 7 1 +torp TbFw Febr ary 20, .1996 ICOL f�n,,-7 co. City (Council Members r-_ `re miy voila City of. Otsego c/o TgJaine Beatty, City Clerk 8899 Nashua!Avenue NE Elk iver, MN'55330 RE: roposed Wastewater Treatment P,Iant Neal Pe�rlichi DearICouncil Members: ..Upon. review . of that, letter submitted. by. N.ea1•::P.er.li-�h :relative to the council Workshop I believe the following issues need to be addr ssed by the Council 1: D es the•Council.wish to consider a. franchised operation within. the-. ity? As the= Council i$.: we.l-1 aware,...�other franchise agreements; i.::. for ,nstartce cable, involve: rather complex agreements. In ' most.:. case diose Agreexaents-'are• formula :agreements, in this. instance a rgth' r unique. agreement would have .-to be drafted including, but not • - limi ed to the following items: A. "Specific conditions as to how the: franchise wouldbe: oilern ted such as responsibility for repair to the system and rest ratioof City streets when work is done. IB. A clear delineation of liability .between the parties. Fran ise holder will clearly have to indemnify and defend the City from any and all claims. C: The cost of the franchise. D. Terms and conditions under which the City would buy out or ass e ' eohtra'l of the facilities. E. :Bond' or securityi provisionsi.to ensure.,oper;ation of the �tia?n and mean up of any environmental or 'other .hazar• 3s . resulting - i i 02-21-1996 04:39PM FROM Radzwill & CouriLaw Offic TO 4418823 P.02 Letter to Otsego City Council FebrIary 21, 1996 Page 2 from acts or failures to act of the franchisee. F. Identification of who would be the franchisee, under what Gond tions there could be assignment of rights under the agreement, and what evidence of financial stabil4.ty need be.presented to the City G. What' form of organization is .proposed, to operate the faci ity and. collect charges for services? If al Homeownerfs Association is formed, for instance, what provisions will have to be inserted in the controlling covenants to ensure Ithat the City canake appropriate corrections and charge such costs back to the responsible parties in the event of nonperformance? H. The franchise holder will have to demonstrate adequate insuance coverage in an amount acceptable to the City, including Work is Compensation coverage and compliance with all. statutes and rule that are required ofa business doing City.contract work. II.. The contract (franchise) will need to clearly separate the franchise operation from the City :for purposes of the open Meeting Law, I-munic pal. bidding and other provisions, while allowing the City adequate; oversight of the facility to insure that it is being properly operated. J. There would have to.be a determination as to who would be designated the responsible supervisory person representing the City and Who would. assume costs of periodic inspections and review of any equired reports. K.. There. would have to be a determination -of who would be responsible for the costs incurred in drafting a proper Franchise Agreement and; making necessary adjustments or .additions to City ordi ances in order to effectuate the franchise. The City has already established City utilities by ordinance which prohibit hookup to alternative facilities in the event that City util ties are available. Granting a franchise would require amendments to the existing utility ordinances as well as drafting a comprehensive franchise ordinance and agreements: which would obviously cost some money. It should be noted that going back to the rroposal previously made by the Darkenwalds, that there appear to be no comparable agreements available within. the State of Minnsota. Thus, the City would have to be very' careful in patterning any agreement after an outstate franchise drafted under diff4rent laws. 02-21-1996 04:40PM FROM Radzwill & CouriLaw Offic TO 4418823 P.03 Letter to Otsego City Council February 21, 1996 Page If.yo any 'other questions I will be available to attempt to ,IA have,an. answer them at the scheduled workshop meeting on Februatry 22, 1996. �Ieryrrely Yours re F7 r ac r RADZW is COURI cc: L rry Koshak, HaXanson Anderson b-Kirmis, NAC —P -g -- Post -it" brand fax transmittal memo 767 of From -Co.. Co. Dept. Phone # Ix # Fax # TOTAL P-03 Eg-08-1996 11:42 NRC 612 595 9937 P.02i06 FA C Northwest Associated Consultants, Inc. C O M M U N I T Y PLANNING • DESIGN MARKET R E S E A R C H MEMORANDUM TO: Otsego Mayor and City Council FROM: Bob Kirmis DATE: 8 February 1996 RE: Otsego - Perlich Development (Riverwood Golf Course) FILE NO: 176.02 - 96.01 Attached please find a resolution applicable to the Perlich development request which directs an amendment to the City's Comprehensive Plan. Specifically, the amendment would: 1. Expand the Immediate Urban Service Area boundary to include the subject property. 2. Change the suggested land use upon the subject property from Agricultural and Low Density Residential to Low Density Residential. In consideration of the resolution, please note that the directed land use change refers to low density residential use rather than low/medlum density residential use as specifically requested by the applicant. The reference solely to low density residential use reflects the Planning Commission's recommendation on this matter. Also note that the amendment is conditioned upon final project approval and finding of no adverse environmental impact. This item is scheduled for City Council resolution on 12 February. PC: Elaine Beatty Andy MacArthur Larry Koshak Neal Perlich 5775 Wayzata Blvd. • Suite 555 • St. Louis Park, MN 55416 • (612) 595-9636. Fax. 595-9837 FEB -9B-1996 11:43 NAC 612 595 9837 P.03i06 CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 96 - RESOLUTION APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO THE OTSEGO COMPREHENSIVE PLAN TO: EXPAND THE IMMEDIATE URBAN SERVICE AREA BOUNDARY TO INCLUDE THE PROPERTY LEGALLY DESCRIBED ON ATTACHED EXHIBIT A; AND 2. CHANGE THE SUGGESTED LAND USE UPON THE PROPERTY LEGALLY DESCRIBED ON ATTACHED EXHIBIT A FROM AGRICULTURAL AND LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL TO LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL. WHEREAS, the owners of certain tracts of land (subject property) described on attached Exhibit A of this resolution, and consisting of approximately 335 acres, desire to construct low and/or medium density residential dwellings upon the property in conjunction with an 18 hole golf course; and WHEREAS, the proposed low and/or medium density residential dwellings are to be served by a "package' sewage treatment system; and WHEREAS, the developer has represented to the City that the area can be reasonably serviced by such "package" sewage treatment system; and WHEREAS, the subject property currently overlays portions of the Rural Service Area and Long Range Urban Service Area; and WHEREAS, the City's Comprehensive Plan (Land Use Plan) currently suggests agricultural use (south of County Road 39) and low density residential use (north of County Road 39) of the subject property; and WHEREAS, the proposed land use has necessitated an amendment to the City's Immediate Urban Service Area boundary and Land Use Plan, as provided in the City's Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has Considered the requested Comprehensive Plan amendment and recommended conditional approval; and WHEREAS, the proposed `package" sewage treatment plant may at some future point serve existing development in the area and address existing environmental concems; and WHEREAS, upon preliminary review, the lands do not qualify as premature development In that: a. The land holds adequate storm water drainage capacity. b. The land has a safe water supply. c. Adequate roads serve the property. d. The site holds the ability to accommodate a safe sewage disposal system. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY OF OTSEGO RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: The City Comprehensive Plan be hereby amended to: A. Expand the Immediate Urban Service boundary to include the subject property legally described on attached Exhibit A. B. Change the suggested land use of the subject property legally described in attached Exhibit A from agricultural and low density residential to low density residential use The aforementioned Contprehensive Plan amendment is approved subject to the following conditions: A. All approvals as deemed necessary by the State, County and City are obtained for a development substantially similar to that described in the Northwest Associated Consultants Inc. report dated 10 January 1996. A determination is made by the City that the proposed use will have no adverse environmental impacts (i.e., storm water, water supply, sewage disposal, etc.). 3. The text of the Comprehensive Plan and all maps showing the subject area are appropriately adjusted to describefillustrate the Immediate Urban Service Area and land use changes. 4. The Northwest Associated Consultants, Inc. staff report dated 10 January 1996 is incorporated herein by reference. TOTAL P.02 FES -06-1996 11:44 NRC 612 595 9937 P.05i06 PASSED this day of 1996. CITY OF OTSEGO By: Norman F. Freske, Mayor By: Elaine Beatty, Deputy Clerk/Zoning Administrator FEB -08-1996 11:44 NAC 612 595 9837 P.06i06 LEGAL DESCIPTION: The NW 1/4 of the NWI/4 and the SWIM of the NW 1/4, and the SEIM of the NW 1/4, and the South Half of the NEI/4 of the NWI/4 of Section 14, Township 121, Range 24 and The NW 1/4 of the SWIM. and the SWIM of the SWIM. and the West Half of the NEI/4 of the SWIM, and the West Half of the SEIM of the SWIM of the NW 1/4 of Section 14, Township 121, Range 24, and The NW I/4 of the MVI/4, and the NEI/4 of the NW 1/4, and the North Half of the SWIM of the NW i/4 of Section 23, Township 121, Range 24 all lying within the City of Otsego, County of Wright, Minnesota EXHIBIT A TOTAL P.06