02-26-96 CCCITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION DEPARTMENT MEETING DATE 4. Special Presentations 2-26-96 ITEM NUMBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION: PREPARED BY: 4.1 Special Presentation Judy Hudson DC BACKGROUND 4.1. The Elk River - Rogers VFW has, for years, donated American Flags for City Hall Use. Earl Greer, VFW, is attending the City Council Meeting to ask for permission to fly a POW Flag for the MIAs. Mr. Greer said they must receive permission from the Council. Our Flag Pole does accommodate flying two (2) flags. STAFF RECOMMENDATION City Council decision. CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION DEPARTMENT MEETING DATE 6. Consent Agenda 2-26-96 ITEM NUMBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION: PREPARED BY: 6.1 Clean Up Day Judy Hudson DC BACKGROUND 6.1. Yes, it is that time of year again, CLEAN UP DAY! The first Saturday in May has worked out very well for staff and the residents. This year the first Saturday in May falls on the 4th. I am starting to line up vendors and need your endorsement. For your information, we received a check from Wright County for $2,474.00, a Clean Up Day Grant. Reimbursement was based on recyclable tonnage collected from our 1995 Clean Up Day. I will be gathering information regarding pricing etc. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Approve the May 4, 1996 Clean Up Day Date. CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION ORIGINATING DEPT. MEETING DATE CONSENT AGENDA FINANCE FEBRUARY 26,1996 ITEM NO: ITEM DESCRIPTION PREPARED BY 6.2 CONSIDER RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE 1996 PARK DEVELOPMENT FUND BUDGET / P.Cokley C((� The City Council did not approve a resolution adopting a 1996 Park Development Fund budget at their December 27, 1995 meeting because decisions regarding the scope of the 1996 ISTEA project had not been finalized. The City Council has agreed to a scaled down project eliminating land purchases, in addition to delaying the construction of the project until 1997. The attached resolution presents a 1996 Park Development Fund budget incorporating the projected engineering costs for the balance of the Otsego Prairie Park project and the engineering costs estimated for the design work of the trails, which is the 1996 ISTEA Grant project. The grant funds will then be reimbursed to the City in 1997 when construction is estimated to be completed. The balance of the work necessary to complete the Otsego Prairie Park project is included in the proposed 1996 budget. The proposed budget as presented will require the use of the estimated December 31, 1995 Park Development Fund balance of $4,600. It was the consensus of the City Council to borrow funds from the City's MSA Fund for the balance of the City's share of the 1996 ISTEA project in 1997. During the 1997 budget process, the Fund will be analyzed and a resolution authorizing a loan will be addressed at that time. It is recommended that the City Council approve the attached resolution adopting the 1996 Park Development Fund Budget. This budget will provide a guide for park development in 1996. Councilmember introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 96 - RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE 1996 PARK DEVELOPMENT FUND BUDGET NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Otsego City Council that the appropriations budgeted for the Park Development Fund for the calendar year 1996 shall be: Engineering $ 32,000 Capital Improvements: 16,650 Install Bit Walkway $7,000 Timbers Play Walk Area 150 Backstop 4,400 Sign 100 Trailer 1,500 Ag Lime 3,500 Total Expenditures $ 48,650 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the Otsego City Council that the source of financing the sums appropriated shall be: Property Taxes $ 15,000 Donations 200 Park Dedication Fees 21,700 Grants (DNR) 5,892 Total Revenues $ 42,792 The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Councilmember and upon vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof: and the following voted against the same: , whereupon said resolution was passed this 26th day of February 1996. Norman F. Freske, Mayor ATTEST: Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning Admin. CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION ORIGINATING DEPT. MEETING DATE CONSENT AGENDA FINANCE FEBRUARY 26,1996 ITEM NO: ITEM DESCRIPTION PREPARED BY 6.3 CONSIDER APPROVAL OF AGREEMENT TO PROVIDE LEGAL SERVICES CONTRACT P.Cokley The City Council at their January 22, 1996 City Council meeting discussed a proposed agreement to provide legal services contract between the City, Andrew MacArthur and the law firm of Radzwill and Couri. It was the consensus of the City Council to delete the section regarding "expenses" and forward it to Andy MacArthur for his comments and concerns. Andy MacArthur responded with three comments as discussed in the attached letter from his office. Councilmember Ron Black and I discussed his comments and felt they could be incorporated into the proposed agreement. Therefore, I changed the proposed contract to include $115.00 per hour for time spent performing legal work for the City which is billed to and paid for by a third party and included language in Section III, Fees, subsection A, regarding notification of hour limits during a month. The attached new proposed agreement has been sent to Andy MacArthur along with a cover letter indicating that the current policy regarding his attendance at City Council meetings will remain the same. That is, legal issues will be scheduled on the agenda as in the past, and the flexibility of attendance for the entire meeting in the event that there are no legal issues presented will continue. It is the recommendation of the subcommittee; Councilmember Black and myself, that the City Council approve the attached Agreement To Provide Legal Services between the City, Andrew MacArthur and the law firm of Radzwill and Couri. The agreement is a one year agreement effective January 1, 1996, therefore it is also recommended that the January billing be adjusted to reflect the billing rates as specified in the agreement. William S. Radzwill Andrew J. MacArthur Michael C. Court February 7, 1996 RADMILL & COURI Attorneys at Law 705 Central Avenue East PO Box 369 St. Michael, MN 55376 (612) 497-1930 (612) 497-2599 (FAX) City Council Members City of Otsego c/o Phyliss Cokley Business/Finance Director 8899 Nashua Avenue NE Elk River, MN 55330 RE: Legal Services Dear Council Members: IF@ OUR FEB - 81996 I C I have reviewed the proposed legal services contract, and have discussed it with the firm. Overall, it appears acceptable, but I do have the following comments that I would ask that the Council consider: 1. That consideration be given to allowing an increase to $115.00 per hour for matters that are charged through on developments in order to help this office maintain the same level of revenue. I would note that our billing rates have not changed in the last five years. This would not effect the amount paid out by the City, and would be consistent with Cities such as Elk River and St. Michael where the City Attorney's time is billed at a slightly higher rate to developers. 2. That there is some understanding on how notification and compromise under Section. III, A should be implemented. 3. That due to the flat fee agreed to in Section III, A for meetings that there be verbal assurances that meeting attendance will be flexible as far as staying for the entire meeting in the event that there are no legal issues presented. I am comfortable with the present practice. Letter to Otsego City Council February 7, 1996 Page 2 Otherwise, the proposed Agreement is acceptable. Very truly yours, 71 ,c�-- rew J acAr hur RADMILL i COURI AGREEMENT TO PROVIDE LEGAL SERVICES The purpose of this agreement is to document the terms and conditions of legal services between Andrew J. MacArthur, and the law firm of Radzwill & Couri, Attorneys at Law (hereinafter referred to as the "attorney") and the City of Otsego, Minnesota (hereinafter referred to as the "city"). The attorney will perform the following legal services as requested on a time schedule appropriate to the requirements of the City: General Legal Representation 1. Attend Staff meetings, other City committee meetings, Commission meetings and special Council meetings; 2. Draft ordinances, resolutions and correspondence as requested; 3. Meet with and advise the City Council, City Clerk, and other designated individuals on legal matters; 4. Review or draft, as requested, municipal contracts and joint power agreements; 5. Research and submit legal opinions on municipal or other legal matters; 6. Review bond and insurance requirements for City contracts or activities; 7. Prepare reports on the status of City litigations or as requested by the City; 8. Review documents submitted by bond counsel involving the issuance of debt or debt -related instruments and provide opinions as required; 9. Represent the City in the acquisition or sale of properties, property/ easements for public improvements, parks and the like; 10. Provide periodic written updates on new State or Federal legislation or judicial holdings impacting upon the City and suggest action or changes in the operations or procedures to assure compliance; 11. Review, monitor and follow-up on the status of claims that are being handled by the City's insurance carrier or assist in the initial filing of claims against others who have damaged City property. In the event the actual collection of claims from other involve litigation or defense of the City which is not handled by the insurance carrier, then it would be covered under the terms of litigation fees and rates. 13. Other representation from time to time as requested by the City. II Litigation and Other Legal Matters A. Litigation or administrative hearing services. B. Eminent domain proceedings. C. Special assessment appeals. D. Representation of the Economic Development Authority, either general representation or services for developers regarding development contracts or financial agreements. E. Development work, which can be billed to the landowner or developer. 14. Additional Services. The City agrees to use the attorney for all legal service related to development contracts (except the work that requires the use of bond counsel); special assessment projects in which the attorney will prepare or review project procedures, and eminent domain projects. III. Fees The attorney will perform the service listed above under general legal representation and litigation matters as follows: A. A fixed fee of $200.00 per regular City Council meeting including preparation work. If it appears that the time devoted to client matters as defined under general legal representation above will exceed twenty hours per month, the City and the attorney mutually agree to notify the other that limits are being approached, the parties shall then review the work load and negotiate a resolution acceptable to both parties. The time spent for general legal representation work at the following hourly rates: Principal attorney Paralegals, Data Research $ 85.00/hour $ 48.00/hour B. Time devoted to matters listed under Litigation and Other Legal Matters for the City will be performed at the following hourly rates: Principal attorney Paralegals, Data Research $100.00/hour $ 48.00/hour C. Time spent performing legal work for the City which is billed to and paid for by a third party (such as an insurer or developer) also time spent performing legal work in regard to public improvement projects will be performed at the following hourly rates: Principal attorney $115.00/hour Paralegals, Data Research $ 48.00/hour IV Billing Fees for services provided under the hourly rates described above and for covered expenses shall be due and payable within thirty (30) days following receipt of the monthly billings. The monthly billings will itemize time expended in one tenth (1/10) of an hour increments for services rendered and define the reimbursable expenses incurred. V. Duration This contract shall become effective January 1, 1996 and shall continue for a period of one (1) calendar year following that date. If the attorney determines that it is necessary to expend more than twenty (20) hours per month in order to provide quality legal services for those items listed under General Legal Representation, he shall advise the City. The City and the attorney shall then review the work load and negotiate a resolution acceptable to both parties. VI. Conflict of Interest In the event of any conflict of interest as set forth in the Rules of Lawyers Professional Responsibility regarding representation of the City, the attorney shall notify the City at the earliest possible time after the firm becomes aware of the conflict, or potential conflict, of the same. VII. General Matters The attorney shall not assign any interest in this contract and shall not transfer any interest in the same without the prior written consent of the City. The firm certifies that it will comply with all affirmative action/equal employment opportunity requirements of the City and shall not discriminate under the contract against any person in accordance with Federal, State and local regulations. ACCEPTANCE The above agreement is hereby accepted by the City of Otsego this day of February, 1996. By: Norman F. Freske, Mayor Attest: Elaine Beatty, City Clerk The above agreement is hereby accepted by the law firm of Radzwill & Couri this day of February, 1996. Radzwill & Couri, Attorneys at Law By: Partner Andrew J. MacArthur CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION ORIGINATING DEPT. MEETING DATE CONSENT AGENDA FINANCE FEBRUARY 26,1996 ITEM NO: ITEM DESCRIPTION PREPARED BY 6.4 CONSIDER ESTABLISHING MARCH 4,1996 7:00 P.M. AS A JOINT WORKSESSION WITH THE EDAAC AND A FINANCIAL CONSULTANT P.Cokle At the January 25, 1996 Economic Development Authority worksession, it was the consensus of the EDA that the Advisory Commission of the EDA become involved in the research of possible funding sources for the potential wastewater treatment facility to be located in the southeastern portion of the city. This issue was discussed at the February 5, 1996 EDAAC meeting. It was the consensus of the Commission to support the Economic Development Coordinator's recommendation that a financial advisor be brought in to discuss possible funding sources for the potential wastewater treatment facility in the southeast area. In addition, the financial advisor will be able to review financing options for other improvement projects planned within the city in the near future. The financial advisors requested to meet with commission members and the City Council are Paul Donna and Ron Langness of Springsted. Springsted has a long history and a wealth of experience working with old and new cities in financial structuring and debt management of public utilities and infrastructure improvements. The earliest date that was mutually acceptable to Springsted representatives and a majority of the commission members in addition to City Council members was March 4, 1996. Therefore, it is recommended that the City Council establish March 4, 1996 as a joint worksession with the EDAAC to review possible funding sources and financing options for the potential wastewater treatment facility in the southeast portion of the city in conjunction with financing options for other proposed city improvement projects. CITY OF OTSEGO RFOT JEST FOR COtJNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: MEETING DATE 7.BOB KIRMIS - ASST CITY PLANNER Feb. 26,1996-6:30PM ITEM NUMBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION: PREPARED BY: Elaine Beatty,CC/ZA PID #118-500-312400 in S31, T121,R23 rights transferred to PID #118- 500-312401 (10 Acre piece of property to be split to 2-5Acre pieces. 7.1. Consider Floyd and Bev Roden's Request as follows: A. Transfer of property rights on a one per forty split B. Allow a residential lot size larger than 2-1/2 Acres Background: The above request came before the P.C. for Hearing on 2/7/96 at 8PM. After reviewing NAC's Report of January 15, 1996 with Bob Kirmis, and a brief statement from the Applicant regarding the fact that the present 10 Acre lot has a low area on the South end of the property and is not being farmed presently, the vete was as follows-. Item A. Ing Roskaft motioned to approve the Conditional Use Permit to allow a one per forty density transfer within an A -I Zoning District and to allow the creation of a residential lot size larger than 2.5 acres in an A-1 Zoning District. Seconded by Arleen Nagel, All in favor. Motion carried. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff agrees with the P.C. Motion on this request as noted above to approve. Attached to this RCA is a Findings of Fact. The Council has previously rcccived NAC's Rcport of January 15, 1996. Northwest Associates! Consultants, Inc. C O M M U N I T Y PLANNING • DESIGN MARKET R E S E A R C H MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: RE: FILE NO: Elaine Beatty Bob Kirmis 13 February 1996 Otsego - Roden CUP - 1 Per 40 Density Transfer 176.02 - 96.02 Attached please find a Findings of Fact applicable to the Roden CUP request. Please note that the findings are reflective of the Planning Commission's recommendations on this matter. Prior to reproduction, property legal descriptions will need to be attached. Please distribute copies of the findings to the City Council for their consideration on 26 February 1996. We have mailed copies to Andy, Larry and the applicant. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. pc: Andy MacArthur Larry Koshak Floyd Roden 5775 Wayzata Blvd. • Suite 555 • St. Louis Park, MN 55416 • (612) 595-9636•Fax. 595-9837 CITY OF OTSEGO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA IN RE: Conditional Use Permit Approval FINDINGS OF FACT AND DECISION Application of Mr. Floyd Roden for a conditional use permit to allow for "one per forty" transfer of development rights within an A-1, Agricultural Rural Service Zoning District; and the creation of a lot greater than 2'/2 acres in size in an A-1 Zoning District. On 26 February 1996, the Otsego City Council met at its regularly scheduled meeting to consider the application of Mr. Floyd Roden for a conditional use permit to allow the aforementioned. Based upon the application, the recommendation of the Planning Commission and the evidence received, the City Council now makes the following findings of fact and decision. FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The applicant is requesting a conditional use permit to allow: a. "One per forty" transfer of development rights within an A-1, Agricultural Rural Service Zoning District. b. The creation of a residential lot size larger than 2'/2 acres in an A-1 Zoning District. 2. The legal description of the source of the density transfer is as follows: See Attached Exhibit A 3. The legal description of the property to which the development right is being transferred is as follows: See Attached Exhibit B 4. Section 20-4-21 of the Zoning Ordinance directs the Planning Commission and City Council to consider seven possible adverse effects of the requested rezoning. The seven effects and the findings regarding them are: a. The proposed action's consistency with the' specific policies and provisions of the official City Comprehensive Plan. The resulting "one per forty" density which shall result from the proposed density transfer is consistent with the provisions of the City's Comprehensive Plan. Lot size acceptable, as loss of prime land will not result. b. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. Land uses in this area primarily consist of agricultural activities on large parcels of land, usually containing single family homes. The proposal to construct a single family home on a five acre lot is compatible with the surrounding land uses. C. The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained herein (i.e., parking, loading, noise, etc.). As a condition of pending subdivision approval, all applicable performance standards shall be upheld. d. The proposed use's effect upon the area in which it is proposed. The proposal is not anticipated to adversely affect the neighborhood. The proposed use and density is compatible with the surrounding area. e. The proposed use's impact upon property values of the area in which it is proposed. While a detailed analysis has not been conducted, similar situations have demonstrated no negative impact upon area property values. In fact, the construction of a new home may increase area property values. 2 f. Traffic generation by the proposed use in relation to capabilities of streets serving the property. Traffic generated by the proposed use is within the capabilities of 67th Street which is to serve the property. g. The proposed use's impact upon existing public services and facilities including parks, streets, and utilities, and its potential to overburden the City's service capacity. The proposed density transfer will not increase the overall allowed density in the area. Therefore, the proposal shall not negatively impact existing public services and facilities. 5. The planning report dated 15 January 1996, prepared by Northwest Associated Consultants, Inc., is incorporated herein. 6. On 7 February, the Otsego Planning Commission conducted a public hearing to consider the proposed conditional use permit preceded by published and mailed notice. Upon review of the conditional use permit application and evidence received, the Otsego Planning Commission closed the public hearing and recommended that the City Council approve the conditional use permit based on the aforementioned findings. DECISION Based on the foregoing considerations and applicable ordinances, the applicant's request for a conditional use permit to allow a "one per forty" transfer of development rights and the creation of a residential lot size larger than 2 '/2 acres in an A-1 Zoning District is approved in its present form and subject to the following stipulations: 1. The properties involved in the development rights transfer are under the same ownership. 2. The applicant pursue subdivision of the property in a manner substantially similar to that illustrated upon Exhibit D of the NAC report dated 15 January 1996. Such subdivision (administrative) shall be subject to approval by the Zoning Administrator. 3. A deed restriction is placed upon the parcel from which the development rights have been transferred to prohibit additional development. 3 4. Findings are made that the subject site is capable of accommodating a private well and septic system. 5. The City Engineer provide comment/recommendation in regard to drainage and utility easement establishment. 6. The City Engineer provide comment/recommendation in regard to site access. 7. The proposed subdivision is subject to park dedication requirements as determined by the Park and Recreation Committee. ADOPTED by the Otsego City Council this day of February 1996. CITY OF OTSEGO Norman F. Freske, Mayor ATTEST: Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator 112 TO BE ADDED (SOURCE OF DENSITY TRANSFER) EXHIBIT A TO BE ADDED (DEVELOPMENT RIGHT RECIPIENT) EXHIBIT B ro CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: MEETING DATE 7. BOB KIRMIS A�ST.CITY PLANNER FEB. 26, 1996,6:30PM ITEM NUMBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION: PREPARED BY: 7.2. Cons. Wayne German-Is.View Est. 2ND ADD. Elaine Beatty,CC/ZA A. Preliminary and Final Plat for Is View Est.2ND ADD. Background: This long skinny Island View Lot that was zoned A -I came to the P.C. for Rezoning and two variances last year. Andy MacArthur then worked with them to determine how the lots could be deed restricted so they could not be sold separately. The preliminary and final plat is now coming through for consideration of approval. There is also a new twist, as of February 21 st, we received a copy of a letter from John Gries, Atty. who is working in behalf of client Walter Berning and Sons, Inc. and proposed Plat of is. View Est. 2ND ADD. His client claims they have used the W. 150' of Lot 1, Block 1, Is View Est. 2ND Add. as their own property continuously for in excess of 15 years and thus are of the position that they have acquired it through adverse possession. Attached is this letter. Also see attached Andy MacArthur's letter regarding this issue. Three residents spoke at the hearing. Two of them are purchasing land being made available by this plat and the third was Mr. Berning who claimed he could lay a quick claim deed on the W 150' of Lot 1, Block 1, Is View Estates. He felt this purchase was behind his back and no one came to talk to him about it. P.C. MOTION: Richard Nichols motioned to approve the Preliminary and Final Plat for Island View Estates Second Addition subject to the conditions recommended by Staff. Seconded by Aileen Nagel. Voting for the motion was: Jim Kolles, Arleen Nagel, Richard Nichols, Bruce Rask, Ing Roskaft and Carl Swenson, Abstained: Eugene Goenner for the reason that Paul Berning is a relative and did not realize he had a problem with this until this meeting. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval of Is View Estates Second Addition Preliminary and Final Plat subject to two conditions: 1. Developer enters into a Developers Agreement with the City 2. Newly created lots remain in tact with the lot owners (not to be sold separately). 3. Comply with Andy MacArthur's recommendation on the adverse possession letter. n R. Gries vavid J. Lenhardt Gregory). Van Heest DRIES & LENHARDT, P.L.L.P. ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW February 13, 1996 Mr. Wayne German 7240 Brooklyn Boulevard Brooklyn Center, MN 55429-1238 Mr. Fred Bame 900 Mendlessohn Avenue North Golden Valley, MN 55427-4309 Sr. Michael, Minnesota 55376 (612) 497-3099 Fax (612) 497.31b3'• RE: My Clients: Walter Berning & Sons, Inc. and Proposed Plat of Island View Estates Second Addition Dear Mr. and Mr. Bame: Please be advised this office represents Walter Berning & Sons, Inc. Walter Berning & Sons, Inc. is the owner of Lot 1, Block 4, Island View Estates. In addition, it is their position that they are the owners of the west 150 feet of what you are apparently proposing to plat as Lot 1, Block 1, Island View Estates Second Addition. As you are probably aware, my clients and their predecessors have used this part of Lot 1, Block 1, Island View Estates Second Addition as their own property continuously for in excess of 15 years and thus are of the position that they have acquired it through adverse possession. My client has no objection to your plat of Island View Second Addition providing that it does not include the west 150 feet of the proposed Lot 1, Block 1. If you do not dispute their claim or, if you would like, as they would, to resolve this matter, you could provide a Quit Claim Deed to the 150 feet of Lot 1, Block 1, in favor of Walter Berning & Sons, Inc., a Minnesota corporation. If we are unable to resolve the issue in this or some similar manner, then, presumably, it will be necessary to obtain court determination as to the ownership. Because of the pending hearing with the City of Otsego, I am sending a copy of this letter to the City. I am not doing so in an attempt to block your platting of Island View Estate Second Addition providing my client's ownership of the west 150 feet is recognized. If you would like to discuss this matter, please let me know as soon as possible. JRG/kls cc: Mr. Paul Berning City of Otsego --v 02-26-1996 09:40AM FROM Radzwill & Couri Law Offi TO 4418823 P.03 91 (011W ' LTRIES► & UbMARDTt P.►L*L*P. John R, �4tks I Darid J. lxntwdc Gnvuy J. lfxt Mom ATTIAMYS Om C.f)L 14RIC)n Al L.1QVY February 26, 1996 Eon Crcu W Ave• •PCS. Acus 35 9s. Mxhaef, Mouvsxa 55376 1612} 497.10'99 Ta: (612) 497-•16W 191.E4 ATJQ:rtr J. ZLWC�1rV�Uux- At orney at Law RAIMTM & C01DRI ' 70 Central Avenue 9"t P.40. Sox 369' St! Micbael, NN 55276 I I' Re: ' proposea Blunt Of XSIAr tl 'view Estates Sewed "dation `! aaa Walter Berai.ng i Sons Dear Andy: I received a copy of "a letter that you sent to me on Fs 22. You hroa called me on that flay End i triedpo call you Onithe 23rd. ! I 1 just scanted to lest you know that my client is setious about pussui.ng a olaim for adverse posr,essioni on that part of XAot 1, Bl ck 1 Island View Estates Second Addition that is adj nt to itsto which is Lot 1, Block 4 Island View Estates. It appears to ms farms the interviews I have conducted and shat my .clie#ts say has been theci rcvnstances over the preceding 15 plus yea rsl that they halm a provable a*aa -for establishing ownezahip. ! For your Intoruatipnn I did talk with Fred Name. it 1a my reaal-14otion that. basically Mr. Bane said that he left everything up to Xrj. paxmaine. I 100 talked to Mr. C -,or a ane_ He said that this lard had been fad. He apparently was not aware that the property my client is talking about has not been farmed by anyone engaged by�tha owners fax " euce4ss of 15 years. 1n fact, it is lawn. I have not heard bat& Erom either Mr. Barney or Mr. Germaine. difAs far ne your letter to Blaine is concerrMd, have shale ficulty in uwarstanding how the city could appro a the. plat given the clout on title raised by sly clients, claimedl aamorebi.p. aye thr, way, the plat as pr4p;tly laid out does not allow for the conveyance of that part of the most caeFsterlylot to be conveyed to the owner of Lot 1, Block 4 Island View Fstates. Rather{ apparently it; is designed to be c!onvayad to the cwnoex of Lot 2, Ul. Ck 4. A100 I+ i i 02-26-1996 09:41AM FROM Radzwill & Couri Law Offi TO 4418823 P.04 i Mr. Andrew J. MacArthur 1F'ehivary 25, 1996 I in t regard, it is my understanding that neither Mr. Germaine or Mr. b mtz have ever talked with anyone fr" Walter Berni g S Sons regarding their acquisition or consent to conveyance in, regard to the part that is adjacent to their lot. 1 am ovailak le to talk whenever. oa: . Paul Berning Very truly yours, GRX19S & LENHARDT, P.L.L.P. , eZt ri R. MIES I i TOTAL P.04 William S. Radzwill Andrew J. MacArthur Michael C. Court February 22, 1996 City of Otsego c/o Elaine Beatty, 8899 Nashua Avenue Elk River, MN 55330 RAMWILL & CO URI Attorneys at Law 705 Central Avenue East PO Box 369 St. Michael, MN 55376 (612) 497-1930 (612) 497-2599 (FAX) City Clerk NE RE: Proposed Plat- Island View Estates Second Addition Dear Elaine: Regarding the attached letter from Attorney John Gries relative to the above mentioned plat and his client's claim to ownership of some of the property contained therein, I have attempted unsuccessfully to contact Mr. Gries the last couple of days but he is apparently out of the office. If I am unable to contact him prior to next Monday I would request that this item be tabled so that I can discuss the matter with him. The plat is being recommended for approval as a method of adding the additional lots to those already platted without having to replat the entire subdivision. The condition of approval recommended is that they be deed restricted so that these parcels can only be conveyed with the adjoining lot. Since the claim made by Mr. Gries's client is something not of record I would like to be able to meet with the involved attorneys and try to come up with language acceptable to them which would remove the City as a potential party to their dispute. Very ruly yours, A rew J acArt RADZWILL & COURI cc: John Gries, Attorney Wayne Germaine Fred Bame Larry Koshak, Hakanson Anderson Bob Kirmis, NAC CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: MEETING DATE 7. BOB KIRMIS, ASST CITY PLANNER FEB.26,1996 6:30PM ITEM NUMBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION: PREPARED BY: 7.3. Con_. Amendment to the City Zoning Ord Elaine Beatty/CC/ZA RE:Sign Regs: A. B. and C. Background: The change to the sign regulations came up as part of Long Haul Trucking site being established and an indication that a change may need to be made. At the P.C. Hearing, Bob Kirmis went over NAC's January 8, 1996 Report. No one commented at the public hearing. 65MPH was questioned but not an issue. PC MOTION: Richard Nichols motioned to adopt the proposed changes as follows: 1. Make an allowance for construction signs in all zoning districts as exempt signs (sign allowed without a permit. In recognition of typical sign setbacks, the amendment would allow larger signs along principal arterial streets. (Hwy. 101 and I-94 Corridors). 2. Amend the real estate development project sign requirements in residential districts to allow larger signs along principal arterial streets. 3. Amend the commercial/industrial district sign requirements to: A. Establish a maximum sign height for real estate signs B. Make an allowance for real estate development signs (currently allowed only in residential zoning districts). Seconded by Ing Roskaft, All in favor. Motion carried. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff agrees with the P.C. Recommendation above to approve the proposed changes. FA C Northwest Associated Consult C O M M U N I T Y PLANNING • DESIGN e MARK MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE - RE: FILE NO: Elaine Beatty Bob Kirmis 12 February 1996 Otsego - Zoning Ordinance - Sign Regulations 176.08 - 95.22 C C� C 0 Y C' is-,- Inc. R E S E A R C H Attached please find a "clean" copy of the proposed amendment to the City's sign regulations addressing construction and real estate signage requirements. The copy is intended for possible signatures by the Mayor and yourself. As you are aware, this item is scheduled for City Council consideration on 26 February. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. 5775 Wayzata Blvd. • Suite 555 • St. Louis Park, MN 55416 • (612) 595-9636•Fax. 595-9837 ORDINANCE NO. CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT, MINNESOTA AN AMENDMENT TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE ADDRESSING PUBLIC, CONSTRUCTION AND REAL ESTATE SIGNAGE REQUIREMENTS. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO HEREBY ORDAINS: Section 1. Section 20-2-2.S of the Otsego City Code (Definitions) is hereby amended to read as follows: Street -Principal (Major) Arterial: Major arterials provide a high level of mobility between sub -regions, serving medium to long distance trips. Principal arterials are grade separated or have high capacity controlled at - grade intersections. No parking is permitted; the posted speed limit is typically 40-65 mph; and traffic volumes range from 10,000 to 50,000 ADT. Major arterials are typically spaced one to three miles apart (see City Transportation Plan). Section 2. Section 20-37-3.A of the Otsego City Code (Exempt Signs) is hereby amended to add the following: 14. Construction Signs. A non -illuminated construction sign confined to the site of the construction, alteration or repair. Such sign must be removed within two (2) years of the date of issuance of the first building permit on the site or when the particular project is completed, whichever first occurs. One sign shall be permitted for each street the project abuts. No sign may exceed thirty-two (32) square feet in area and six (6) feet in height, except signs abutting principal arterial streets which may not exceed sixty-four (64) square feet in area and fifteen (15) feet in height. Section 3. Section 20-37-5.B.3 of the Otsego City Code (Residential District Sign Regulations) is hereby amended to read as follows: 3. Real Estate Development Project Signs. Signs involving temporary identification of a new subdivision or development located upon the project site. a. Each subdivision or development shall be allowed the following signs by permit: (1) One (1) sign not to exceed sixty-four (64) square feet in surface area and a maximum height of fifteen (15) feet, except signs abutting principal arterial streets which may not exceed one hundred (100) square, feet in surface area and fifteen (15) feet in height. (2) Directional signs as authorized by sub -section 5.6.4 of this Section. b. The permit shall be renewable annually and conditioned upon documentation allowing such sign or structure by the property owner upon which it is to be located, and a vacancy rate of the subdivision greater than ten (10) percent. Section 4. Section 20-37-5.0 of the Otsego City Code (Commercial/Business and Industrial District Sign Regulations) is hereby amended to read as follows: C. Commercial/Business and Industrial Zoning Districts as defined by Section 50 of this Chapter. 1. Signs as permitted in Agricultural Zoning Districts. 2. Real Estate Signs. Temporary signs pertaining to the lease or sale of a property or building with the following restrictions: a. No more than one (1) double sided sign allowed per lot or per building for sale. b. The sign area shall not exceed thirty-two (32) square feet of space on each side. C. The sign shall not be illuminated. d. The sign shall not exceed fifteen (15) feet in height. 3. Real Estate Development Project Signs. Signs involving temporary identification of a new subdivision of development located upon the project site. 2 a. Each subdivision or development shall be allowed the following signs by permit: (1) One (1) sign not to exceed sixty-four (64) square feet in surface area and a maximum height of fifteen (15) feet, except signs abutting principal arterial streets which may not exceed one hundred (100) square feet in surface area and twenty (20) feet in height. (2) Directional signs as authorized by sub -section 5. B.4 of this Section. b. The permit shall be renewable annually and conditioned upon documentation allowing such sign or structure by the property owner upon which it is to be located, and a vacancy rate of the subdivision greater than ten (10) percent. 4. Business Identification Signs. Total sign area shall not exceed fifteen (15) percent of the total front building facade except that both front and side facades shall be counted on a corner lot. Signs chosen to comprise the total gross sign area shall be consistent with the following provisions: a. Freestanding. Not more than one (1) double sided freestanding sign. Sign area may not exceed one hundred (100) square feet each side with a maximum height of twenty (20) feet. b. Wall, Canopy or Marquee. Not more than one (1) wall, canopy or marquee sign per building. However, on corner lots, two (2) such signs shall be allowed, one (1) per street frontage. Individual sign area shall not exceed one hundred (100) square feet. C. Advertising messages shall not comprise more than twenty- five (25) percent of any freestanding or wall sign. 5. Business Area Identification Signs. One (1) sign for each primary entrance to the qualifying area from major collector or arterial streets and consistent with the following provisions: 3 a. Total sign area, including the sign structure, shall not exceed two hundred (200) square feet with a maximum height of twelve (12) feet for freestanding signs. b. Each property owner and/or tenant of the area identified shall be permitted space upon the identification sign for the name of the business only. C. Signs shall be located on outlots of sufficient size and area to accommodate them. A landowners or tenants association or other legal mechanism binding the properties or businesses involved shall own and be responsible for the upkeep, perpetual maintenance, taxes, insurance, utilities, and other costs associated with the sign(s) and the outlot property. The association rules or by-laws or other legally recorded document shall specify how the aforementioned sign responsibilities will be delegated and paid for. Such legal document shall be subject to the review and approval of the City Attorney. d. Outlots for signs shall be considered and planned for at the time of preliminary plat application and be included in the final plat. The subdivision development contract between the City and the developer shall specify the designated use of the outlot, its ownership and the respective land owners association responsibilities regarding the outlot. e. Signs shall be located not less than five (5) feet from a property line. f. Lighting of signs shall be permitted, provided that glare or light from such lighting does not illuminate any adjacent properties, buildings, structures or public rights-of-way. The electric costs and maintenance of such lighting shall be the responsibility of the land owners or tenants association of the area identified by the sign(s) and shall be clearly noted in the association by- laws or rules or other such legal document. g. The outlot area around the sign shall be landscaped in such a manner to accent and enhance the sign while remaining sensitive to the natural features of the site. Detailed site and landscape plans shall be included with each sign permit application and be subject to City Council review and approval. 4 h. The design and construction of business area identification signs shall be done with the highest quality materials and workmanship to keep maintenance and upkeep costs to a minimum and to minimize the potential for vandalism. Business area identification signs are to be aesthetically pleasing when designed and constructed. The sign shall be compatible with nearby or potential homes and other structures in the area. Detailed construction plans and a materials list shall be included with each sign permit application and shall be subject to City Council review and approval. The City reserves the right to require the removal, at the owner's expense, any sign when the requirements of this Section are not completely followed and adhered to or if the sign is not properly maintained or falls into a state of disrepair. The City shall not have any obligation or liability to replace any sign when removed by the City. 6. Message Signs. Temporary message signs, not exceeding thirty-two (32) square feet on each side may be allowed by temporary permit under the following provisions: a. Message signs may be illuminated, but flashing signs are prohibited. b. Electronic changing message/reader boards are prohibited. C. A temporary permit shall be valid for a period of ten (10) days and no more than three (3) permits per property shall be granted during any twelve (12) month period. d. In the case of a business center where two (2) or more uses are located in the same structure or on the same parcel of land, that center shall be considered one property. 5 Section 5. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and publication. ADOPTED by the Otsego City Council this day of CITY OF OTSEGO Norman F. Freske, Mayor ATTEST: By: Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning Ad trator 0 1996. jb CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: MEETING DATE 7. BOB KIRMIS, ASST CITY PLANNER FEB.26,1996-6:30PM ITEM NUMBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION: PREPARED BY: 7.4. Any other Planning Business A. Present estimate for research of SW area of the City Background: ,A,• The City Council had asked that Bob Kirmis, NAC, and Larry Koshak do a study of the SW area of the City as to feasibility of sewer, etc. They requested a quote from both of the professionals. Attached is a letter from Bob Kirmis with the information for the Council on a quote. Northwest Associated Consultants, Inc. C O M M U N I T Y PLANNING - DESIGN - MARKET R E S E A R C H MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: RE.- FILE E:FILE NO: Otsego Mayor and City Council Bob Kirmis/David Licht 21 February 1996 Otsego - SW Area - Pre -Plan Analysis 176.08 - 96.01 At the City Council's direction, our office, in collaboration with the City Engineer, has prepared an outline of tasks and estimate of costs associated with an analysis of the southwest area of the City. Such analysis would provide a base of information from which rational decisions regarding appropriate future land use(s) in the area could be made. Basically, the information derived from such analysis (and conclusions drawn) would serve as a precursor to the formulation of a possible amendment to the City's Comprehensive Plan. Attached please find an outline identifying the various tasks involved in such analysis as well as an estimate of cost anticipated to complete each task. It is anticipated that a preliminary, background analysis of the southwest area of the City can be prepared at a cost of approximately $5,800 (on a time and materials basis). Please note that such cost includes engineering related estimates relating to utility, soil, and transportaton issues. It should be noted that such estimate could potentially be reduced if the land availability investigation were to be conducted by in-house City staff. A representative of our office will be in attendance at the forthcoming 26 February City Council meeting. 5775 Wayzata Blvd. - Suite 555 - St. Louis Park, MN '55416 • (612) 595 -9636 -Fax. 595-9837 SW AREA ANALYSIS OUTLINE TASK HOURS NAC Hakanson Anderson Principal Sr. Designer Technician Principal Engineer Registered Engineer Civil Technician I. INTRODUCTION/PURPOSE 1.0 2.0 --- II. ISSUES IDENTIFICATION A. Land Use Supply/Demand 1.0 3.0 6.0 B. Land Availability 0.5 1.0 4.0 C. General Market (Competitive Development) 1.5 4.0 4.0 D. Cost Revenue Analysis 1.0 2.0 6.0 E. Utility Serviceability X X X 1, Sanitary Sewer X X X 2. Water X X X 3. Storm Sewer X X X 4. Relationship to Perlich Proposal X X X F. Soil conditons/Suitability for Development X X X G. General Service Issues 0.5 4.0 2.0 H. Land Use Compatibility (Relationship to Albertville Land Use Plan) 1.0 3.0 --- I. Transportation --- --- 1. County Road 19 Interchange 2. 70th Street Upgrade III. DISTRICT ANALYSIS 3.0 18.0 10.0 A. District 1 B. District 2 C. District 3 D. District 4 E. District 5 F. District 6 IV, CONCLUSIONS/ RECOMMENDATIONS 1.0 3.0 --- X X X SUBTOTALS - Chaige Rate Hours Subtotal $76.56 x 10.5 $803 $45.00 x 40.0 $1,800 $27.5C x 32.0 $880 10.0 18.0 $2,000 12.0 Secretarial ($30/hr.) 10.0 $300 TOTAL $5,783 X = Engineering tasks (hourly breakdown by task not available) b 'Soo o '500 3000 SCALL IM FEET ANALYSIS DISTRICTS 0 CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: MEETING DATE 8. Andy MacArthur, City Atty. FEB 26,1996-6:30PM ITEM NUMBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION: PREPARED BY: 8.1. Darkenwald Family Partnership Elaine Beatty, CC;ZA Pe: Used Car Lot Contract for Interim Use as a Real Estate Office 11 7J Background: This Darkenwald property is the old Used Car Lot on #42 and #101, NW corner. It is currently zoned commercial. The CUP has lapsed on it as more than 6 Mos. have gone by without a business. The Darkemvalds are asking for a Contract to use this property on an interim basis until the highest and best use is available and #101 is finished. We discussed this at Staff level at the last Staff meeting and the issues at this time are septic (We have the septic information in the file that shows the system was installed 10/15/87 and was designed by SP Testing). The easement on creek was discussed and the Engineer agreed that we would look at that when the highest and best use comes in. We have granted a Contract on an interim use for Historic Fragments and Big Ed's on this same kind of issue. I have attached the septic information on this property. (Jerry Olson doesn't have a problem with the septic being it is was designed by SP Testing and hasn't been used much.) The system has 1,000 gal capacity and 600 sq ft of drainfield trenches and meets the setbacks of code. It was approved by Chuck at the Co Environmental Health office on 10/l/87.. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To grant the Contract on an interim use basis until the highest and best use comes along or possibly a date. See the Attorney's letter re: same. William S. Radzwill Andrew J. MacArthur Michael C. Couri February 22, 1996 RADZWILL & COURI Attorneys at Law 705 Central Avenue East PO Box 369 St. Michael, MN 55376 (612) 497-1930 (612) 497-2599 (FAX) City of Otsego c/o Elaine Beatty, City Clerk 8899 Nashua Avenue NE Elk River, MN 55330 RE: Proposed Agreement Regarding Use of Darkenwald Property Dear Elaine: It is my understanding that the following item will be on the Agenda Monday for Council consideration. Basically, the Darkenwald's and Frank Feister have asked the City to approve use of the Darkenwald property along 101 as a real estate office. Their intent is to lease the office for use" as is". This means that the City would have to approve deferment of performance standards related to the parking lot etc. Consistent with the City's policy toward other properties along 101, it would be my recommendation that deferment of performance standards be allowed under the following conditions: 1. That the owner and lessee enter into a Agreement in recordable form setting forth the conditions for interim use of the property with a date, consistent with other such agreements, when all performance standards would be met. 2. That the leased portion of the property be limited to that part of the property already zoned commercial. 3. That the owner satisfy all Engineering concerns relative to drainage and the septic system. Letter to Otsego February 22, 1996 Page 2 I will be available to discuss this matter further at Monday night's meeting. Very my yours, An rew J ;acArth r RADZWILL is COURI cc: Bob Kirmis, NAC Larry Koshak, Hakanson Anderson John Darkenwald, Darkenwald Realty Frank Feister r r v� Sq. Ft. Sq. Ft. Distance from nearest well t. t. Ft. Distance from lake or stream OFFICE OFPLANNING'ANO:ZONING`/ 0.WRIGHT COUNTY COURT HOUSE ,' ` f l � D� "' �Gj�v' 1 Buffalo, Minn "�' APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO /NSTALLSEWAGE"1 0SAL SYSTEM �i�Lcf G A L '.�.t� DESCRIPTION / 4� s� AND I Lot Block Addition LOCATION — Lake No. Lake Name IDENTIFICATION: Please Print All Information. Last Name First Initial OWNER Lake Permit No. `" Di_ 1 Date Range I wp. Mailinq Address - No. Street, City and State . HAA I- Zip No. Tel. No. SEWAGE ' SYSTEM Name INSTALLER l This System will be ready for inspection on , ' 19 Inspector Name Mrn ._ t r/�� — �(O(/l / t all This Number For Inspectio SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM DATA: CCDV1n TAw6t nRAINFIELD TRENCHES SEEPAGE BED Capacity GIs. v� Sq. Ft. Sq. Ft. Distance from nearest well t. t. Ft. Distance from lake or stream At. Ft. Ft. .Distance from occupied building - Ft. t. Ft. , ,. .. _.. . _.. Distance from roe line Ft. F F t. Distance from bottom to Water Table Depth'of rock beneath tile In. In. RECORD OF TESTS: Inspection was made on - PERCOLATION TEST DATA: Date of First Test - Date of Second Test 1st Test Taken By All distances are snorresr aisrance aerween nuuru3t Nut ;19 —, Time M BY 1 19 _, Rate -9. Rate First Test + 2nd Test ' 2nd Test Taken By 2 Rate AGREEMENT: The undersigned hereby makes application for permit to install or extend Sewage Disposal System herein specified, agreeing to do all such work in strict accordance with ordinance of the County of Wright, Minnesota and Minnesota Individual Sewage Disposal Code Minimum Standard set forth by Minnesota Department of Health. Applicant agrees that plot plan, sketches and specifi- cations submitted herewith and which are approved by the County Sanitarian shall become part of the permit. Applicant further agrees that no part of the system shall be covered until it has been inspected and aceep It shall be the onsibility of the applicant for the permit to notify the inspector that the job is ready for inspection. I � Dated / .—z Signet of Wn or ontractor PERMIT:. Permission is hereby granted to the above named applicant to perform the work described in the above statement. This permit is granted upon express condition that the person to whom it is granted, and his agents, employees and workmen shall conform in all respects to ordinances of Wright County Minnesota. This permit may be revoked at any t' e u n violation of any said ordinance. NOTE: Permit void if � i not c mme ed within six (6) months. Issued Dat /y((( Office of Planning an Hing Fee S _LtiL_ Receipt No. Comments: 'Q G NA L"EGAL -:a DESCRIPTION LOCATION I r_v vvvn t nvvoc Buffalo, Minn. APPL ICA TION FOR PERMIT TO INSTALL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM t Lot .F Blocky Addition • r x; WRIGHT COUNTY CALLED -IN INSPECTION NOTIC SCHEDULED PERMIT NO. TOWNSHIP ADDRESS ( COMPLETED (,o-12,1- OWNERICONTR lk ke N wIql TEL. NO. OCCUPANT USE_ ❑ SITE INSPECTION ❑ PLUMBING FINAL ❑ CONC. SLAB ❑ FOOT'NG ❑ BUILDING FINAL TIC MAINT. ❑ FRAMING IP -TIC INSTALL. ❑ PLUMBING RI T1C FINAL L ❑ MECHANICAL L ❑ INSULATION ❑ WALL BD. ❑ PROGRESS ❑ DEMOL. ❑ FIRE PREY. DATE TIME C _ Permit No. I r 16 r ; , _• Range T E wp. Name City and State Zip No. Tel. No. ii � > . P. ❑ EXCAV./GRADING/FILLING Y+ t ry El REINSPECTION ;. ❑ FOLLOW-UP • �_"..!`.1 ':`;}r; ❑ COMPLAINT ❑ ROUTINE O ❑ U L • L J C L U C71 O t Lc L U L m -WORK SATISFACTORY: PROCEED �... ❑ PHOTO TAKEN O ❑ CORRECT WORK S PROCEED'" J ❑ CORRECT WORK. CALL FOR REINSPECTION BEFORE COVERING ❑ CORRECT UNSAFE CONDITION WITHIN HOURS. INSPECTOR WILL RETURN. ❑ STOP ORDER POSTED. CALL INSPECTOR.. 0 INSPECTION REQUIRED. CALL TO ARRANGE ACCESS. WRIGHT COUNTY PLANNING & ZONING OFFICE PHONE 1-800.362.3667 r Vier ' O METRO: 339.6661 ctor `��' �Pho O LOCAL: 682.3900.: I spec tor's Copt► Yellotw Copy/Owner' r / ` i �/ m. ♦.r �. r; •;au is In., �S distance between nearest points: s �; #E. '•-` jots r'::���-�' � r� ��,•••' + ' - A!1 'f• "!Gs;y Rate' I "a Disposal System herein specified, nesota and Minnesota Individual Sewage 1•ees that plot plant_ sketches and specifi- k of the permit. Applicanj further agrees the allprisibility of the applicant for tm of�ir ontractor :i v yh•, r b lrl tM abov nt. This permit ro. m .. r- mop arra rvoik I conform in all plat%n f o y • • q rdiinnana. A City of Otsego Engineer's Agenda Items City Council Meeting February 26, 1996 9.1 OTSEGO CREEK PROJECT • Consider acceptance of the Feasibility Study for improvement to Otsego Creek. Consider setting a public hearing for setting levy for the Otsego Creek Project. 9.2 NORTHWEST WATERSHED • Consider setting a date for a public hearing creating storm sewer taxing district in the northwest area of the City. See attached map. 9.3 MSA PROJECT FOR 1996 • Consider any action the Council wishes to make after the presentation and discussion at the February 22, 1996, workshop on the current MSA finances. 9.4 CONSIDER APPROVAL OF ESTIMATE FOR ENGINEERING FEE TO SUPPORT A STUDY PROPOSED BY NAC FOR THE SOUTHWEST AREA OF THE CITY. • This item is also in 7.4a of the Planner's Agenda. • Our part of the study would include proposing a conceptual wastewater treatment and collection system, potable water source, storage and distribution system, storm water drainage and transportation plan. • We have estimated based in NAC's preliminary outline that the cost of services to be $2,000. This accounts for the engineering portion of the work only. 9.5 CONSIDER APPROVAL FINAL PAYMENT FOR 88TH STREET PROJECT. • The contractor has finally got all the paper work completed on the project. We are therefore, ready to present the final payment in the amounts of $6,134.58 for your approval. We will then submit to the MSA for the remaining funds eligible for MSA reimbursement. Find attached final payment forms. Upon approval we request the Mayor sign the forms and the form be directed to the Finance Director for disbursement. 9.6 ANY OTHER ENGINEERING BUSINESS. ��.zio se/c/r 03HS2131VM � 003S10 1S3MH180N 10181SIO XVI 03HSH31VM N F � �— __ I I x .caeca •vc. 1 . ' ; I 1 � 1 � 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 I I I ' I •': I I I 1 A I 1 '� I 1 I 7 1 r � •I ••�r. , , , , I I . I Ti '��''•'�i r* ' � 1 If 11 I _1. _i- � , I 11 , I I I I I- W-'�''•'�''' �� 1 1 1 z ivTla � , I A �A W I �. u•wioxt . , Q � , 1 • o I I� I 1 I I n O I I I 2 m O N FEB 23 196 15:37 HAKANSON ANDERSON ' ■■■ Hakanson 6rx NU Monroestreet � nrxsota 55303 Anderson 61L427-5860 Assoc., Inc. Fax 61Z/4Z7-3401 MEMORANDUM TO: Vern Heidner FROM: Kevin P. Kielb DATE: February 23, 1996 FILE: OT411 RE: Wetland Conservation Act Since our February 20, 1996 meeting with the County Commissioners, I have been in contact with the Board of Water and Soil Resources (BWSR). When deciding the apportionment of Block Grant Money for the counties, BWSR used the following criteria: 1. Population change from 1980 to 1990. 2. Number of building permits issued in 1991-1992. 3. Number of wetlands in the County (excluding wetlands on State and Federal lands). I talked to Wayne Zelmer at BWSR to get the above information, but he was unable to give me the exact formula. It is interesting to note that population, construction activity, and number of wetlands are all factored into the equation. We had touched on that in our meeting. Specifics that Mr. Zelmer gave me for Wright County were as follows: 1. Population change from 1980 to 1990 was 17.196. 2. Number of building permits issued was 1,075. 3. Number of wetlands was 3,700. He told me that the information was obtained from the Land Management Information Center (LMIC). Engineers Landscape Architects Surveyors P.2 FEB 23 '96 15:38 HAKANSON ANDERSON Vern Heidner Page 2 February 23, 1996 When I mentioned to Mr. Zelmer that we, as a City, were trying to get the County to share the Block Grant, he told me that it was common practice (that other Counties are sharing with Cities). I will research this further. 1 will update you as I continue my research. lIg OT411.mom P.3 A Aim' Minnesota Department of Transportation yL� Transportation Building °F 7i 395 John Ireland Bouievard Saint Paul, Minnesota 55155-1899 February 13, 1996 Larry Koshak City of Otsego Engineer Hakanson Anderson & Associates 222 Monroe Street Anoka, MN 55303 RE: Notice of Annual Apportionment Dear Mr. Koshak: The following 1996 allotments have been credited to the City of Otsego's state aid accounts in compliance with the Commissioner's Order #81489, and will be released in accordance with the current rules. General Allotment Trunk Highway Turnback Total Maintenance Constriiiietion $76,496 $229,489 $0 If you have any questions, please contact Karen Keogh on (612) 296-7414, or Bill Anderson on (612) 297-3740, of the State Aid Finance Office. Sincerely, J Den on feonTransportation Hakanson Anderson Assoc., Inc. February 23, 1996 Ron Bratlie ISD #728 400 School Street Elk River, MN 55330 RE: City of Otsego Municipal Well Dear Ron: /7 222 Ncnroe Street 612/427-5860 Fax 612/427-3401 Hakanson Anderson Associates, Inc. has analyzed water pumping data for the past two weeks in relation to the above referenced well. The results indicate that the water storage in the school is still limited to 200-225 gallons. This remains a concern to the City. Measures must be taken to increase this storage, at least to the levels indicated in your original school specifications. We are available to discuss this matter further. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, HAKANSON ANDERSON ASSOCIATES, INC. ,Xc L/,» P Y;e_ I b Kevin P. Kielb, PE Z cc: Lawrence G. Koshak, Elaine Beatty, Clerk Duane Fiedler, Maintenance OT501.rb4 Engineers Landscape Architects Surveyors k CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 96-5 RESOLUTION RECEIVING REPORT AND CALLING HEARING ON IMPROVEMENT WHEREAS, pursuant to resolution of the Council adopted on November 7, 1995, a report has been prepared by Hakanson Anderson & Associates, Inc. with reference to proposed improvements to Otsego Creek including removal of obstructions and construction of culverts and other necessary work to insure proper flow through the creek, and this report was received by the Council on February 26, 1996. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO, MINNESOTA: 1. The Council will consider the proposed improvements to Otsego Creek in accordance with the report and the levy of tax for all or a portion of the cost of said improvement over all that property contained within the Otsego Creek Storm Sewer Improvement Tax District, already established pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Chapter 444 at an estimated total cost of the improvement of $84,005.00 2. A public hearing shall be held on such proposed improvement on the 15TH day of April , 1996, in the Council Chambers of the City Hall at 621n p.m. and the City Clerk shall give mailed and published notice of such hearing and improvement as required by law. ADOPTED by the Otsego City Council the 26th day of February, 1996. Larf Laine Beatty, City Cler ZF. - FrezkQ, - Kayar- Fournier, Vice Mayor CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: MEETING DATE 10. COUNCIL ITEMS Park and Recs Comm. FEB 26,1996 6:30PM ITEM NUMBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION: PREPARED BY: 10.1. PARK AND REC ITEMS A. Consider trail plan (Cont. directing the Park and Rec of Comp. Plait for Parks and Gomm to consider a bike Recs.) B. Consider request to organize a volunteer appreciation celebration for Saturday, July 13, 1996. Background:om 10.1. A, and B. were placed on the Agenda at the request of the Parks and Rec Comm through Ron Black, C.R. A. Recently developments have requested information on our bike trail plans. This would refine the already existing trails in the Park and Recs plans which are part of the Comprehensive Plan for the City. B. The Parks and Rec Comm. would like to hold a volunteer appreciation celebration for Saturday. Julv 13, 1996. They would like the Council's consideration of same. A. The Park and Recs portion of the Comp Plan needs to be updated and refined just as the rest of the Comp Plan needs updating and refining as we grow and change. I feel this is an excellent idea to keep our plans up to date. I recommend the Council approving this request to update the Parks and Rec Trail Plan as part of the Comp. Plan. When the updated plans are complete, they will need to be reviewed by the P.C. and Council and a Hearing will have to be held, so it will take some coordination with the City Staff. B. This item should be allowed if in the budget and should be referred back to City Staff (Finance Director) for budget information and if in the budget (City Clerk) will need a plan of who is responsible, how it will be organized, what program, details and timeline and amount of cost for all. CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION ORIGINATING DEPT. MEETING DATE COUNCIL ITEMS FINANCE FEBRUARY 26,1996 ITEM NO: ITEM DESCRIPTION PREPARED BY 10.2 REVIEW AND DISCUSS ORDINANCE #91-04 AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING SALARIES FOR THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL P.Cokle The review and discussion of the city's ordinance establishing salaries for the mayor and city council is brought forward because of inconsistencies in the requested compensation for meeting attendance by the members of the city council. The attached ordinance specifies an annual salary for the mayor and council members. It also states that the mayor and council members shall be compensated for special council meetings attended, meetings of committees or commissions attended in which the council member is an ex -officio member, and meetings which the council has directed or authorized the mayor or council member to attend. This discussion is requested to clearly understand the intent of the ordinance and to clearly define the compensation of additional meetings beyond the regular scheduled city council meetings. Should there be a need to further define compensation in the ordinance the appropriate procedures can be followed for an ordinance amendment. CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF MINNESOTA ORDINANCE NO. 91-04 AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING SALARIES FOR THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL The City Council of Otsego ordains the following: Section 1. Compensation. The salary of the Mayor shall be $4,200.00 per year ($350.00 per month) and the salary of each Council Member shall be $3,600.00 per year ($300.00 per month). The Mayor and Council Members shall be compensated in the amount of $25.00 for each Special Council Meeting attended, each meeting of any established committee or commission which the Mayor or any Council Member is an ex -officio member, and each meeting which the Council has directed or authorized the Mayor or any Council Member to attend. The Mayor and Council Members shall also receive reimbursement for expenses related to attendance at said additional meetings as well as any other functions which they are authorized to attend on behalf of the City, including mileage costs at the then applicable IRS rate. The Mayor or Council Members shall submit written claims to the City Clerk for compensation and for reimbursement expenses. Section 2. Additional Compensation. In addition to that compensation listed above, the Mayor and Council Members shall receive as compensation for attendance at workshops, seminars or conventions $150.00 for each day of It attendance plus reimbursement for expenses related to attendance including mileage costs at the then applicable IRS rate. Written claims for all additional compensation and related expenses shall be submitted to the City Clerk. Section 3. Effective Date. This ordinance shall be in force and effect ten (10) days after its publication in the official newspaper pursuant to Minn. Stat. 412.021, Subd. 5 subject to the further limitations contained in said Minn•. Stat. 412.021, Subd. 5. (,.,,Adopted by the City Council of Otsego this day of 199J. Mayor of the City of Otsego' AT ST: C1 k ' CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: MEETING DATE 10. COUNCIL ITEMS FEB 26,1996 6:30PM ITEM NUMBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION: PREPARED BY: 10.3. Consider Sewer Sub -Committee Study Background: We have been working �vith Bonestroo Engrs. on a sewer study of the Eastern area of the City in a joint effort with the City of Dayton and the Township of Frankfort. A Workshop Meeting with Bonestroo, Otsego, Dayton and Frankfort on February 8, 1996 at 7PM was held and we received information on the progress of the study. The meeting minutes and report from Bonestroo has been copied to all of you. We now need a Council decision as to if you feel the study requires revision or can be combined into a report. We need to let Bonestroo know_ 1. Do we agree with their report? Any changes? 2. Do we want, more area/less area/stay the same (first phase of the project?). 3. Next step is for Bonestroo to do a report of the three meetings we have had and the information gathered. Deadline to give this information to Bonestroo is Feb. 29, 1996. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff feel the area included for Otsego is the right amount for our needs in the first phase. From there the determination needs to be made if we are ready to go ahead with the report. I feel we are ready. I would like more input from the Council as to their feelings on this issue. CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION HEARING PROCEDURE To increase public understanding of the procedure being followed in public hearings, the following specific steps will be used in every hearing: (These steps are similar to what we have been using, but the changes will keep the hearing open longer and will provide the public more opportunity to participate in the process). Chair - Description of request Clerk - Verify that legal publication, mailings, and postings have been completed Staff - Description of request, results of investigation, recommendations Applicant - Added comments and statements General Public - Comments and presentations Chair - Call for P.C. discussion and questions General Public - Additional comments �eP�iC4n�5 Chair - Close public hearing Chair - Call for motion 22 February, 1996 For the period 02/22/96 to 02/22/96 TO WHOM PAID �w�.wur, r.w� wuRrnor�u wcenn rw�r .c�c nnv. Claims List for Approval CLAIM TOTAL DATE NUMBER CLAIM Ic - ABDO ABDO & EICK PARTIAL PAY THROUGH 1/26/96 02/22/96 1324 375.00 BOISE CASCADE OFFICE PRODUCTS HANGING FOLDERS 02/22/96 1326 32.64 BEAUDRY OIL COMPANY PROPANE -ICE RINK 02/22/96 1327 100.29 CHOUINARD OFFICE PRODUCTS CROW RIVER NEWS FLAT FILE r 02/22/96 TWO.YEAR SUBSCRIP' ION ""z � , �j02/22/96 1329 1330 628.35 30.00 DJ'S TOTAL HOME CENTER PARTS SNOWBLOWER 02/22/96 1332 68.65 EAST TONKA SANITATION JANUARY RECYCLING 02/22/96 1333 295.00 AR Row¢t METROPOLITAN GRAVEL CO INC TRUCK INSPECTION 02/22/96 1336 50.00 MINNESOTA COUNTIES INS. TRUST M. ITI 1A1 DRUG & ALCOHOL TESTING TAPE MARCH LIFE ANO ST❑ 02/22/96 1337 iI-IR 7.00 117.20 an* NORTHERN HYDRAULICS INC COUPLER 02/22/96 1340 23.41 —I I NL T MUWtJ SAXON MOTORS INC d ST JOSEPHS EQUIPMENT FNC! WRIGHT COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPT YVJ 1 HUC mm I CR HIVU JI.HLC 7l1NUf1RY 1EGAl.. SF�yf I['ES—CNNF RESISTOR .' , TUBE, LAMP, FILT4 y itETURAI O'&i"09: L1r: tTT SALT,SALT & SAND MIX, SIGNS VG/ GG/ 70 02/22/96171343, 8.52 02/221901344,- 136.10 02/22/96 1346 2,434.69 DELTA DENTAL MARCH PREMIUM'S 02/22/96 1347 202.70 WRIGHT COUNTY MAYOR'S ASSOCIATION 1996 MAYOR DUES 02/22/96 1348 150.00 L INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE FED.WITH TAXES PAYABLE 02/22/96 1350 55.00 Claims List for Approval For the period 02/22/96 to 02/22/96 CLAIM TOTAL TO WHOM PAID FOR WHAT PURPOSE DATE NUMBER CLAIM ni Tf FMPI nYFFS RFTFMPI OYFF/FMPI OYER SHARF /10/96 02/2 /96 1352 914 _6F, M RF F �T TRl1ST f�FFFRwn f OMP 7/1 O/9F, O?/22/46 13F3 41 S_ _88 I,',TE CAPITAL CREDIT UNION DEDUCTIONS PAY PERIOD 2/10/96 02/22/96 1354 110.00 TOTAL FOR MONTH 26,841.03 TOT61 YF R Tn nnTF