07-11-1995 Public Hearing MinutesCITY OF OTSEGO HEARING ISLAND VIEW ESTATES ROAD IMPROVEMENT PROJECT July 11, 1995 6:30 PM OTSEGO CITY HALL Mayor Norman F. Freske called meeting to order at 6:40 PM. Roll Call: Mayor Freske, Councilmembers: Suzanne Ackerman, Larry Fournier, Vern Heidner. Absent: Councilmember Ron Black. Staff: Andy MacArthur, Attorney; Larry Koshak, Engineer; Elaine Beatty, Clerk/Zoning Administrator; Judy Hudson, Deputy Clerk; Carol Olson, Secretary. Mayor Freske turned the Hearing over to City Attorney, Andy MacArthur. Mr. MacArthur explained the process of the Hearing. He stated that purpose of the Hearing is for the City Council to hear Public comment. The City Council has the discretion to decide if the project is to proceed. No action will be taken tonight. Decision will be made at a City Council Meeting. If the decision is to go ahead with the project, an assessment hearing will be held. Larry Koshak, City Engineer. Mr. Koshak went over the Feasibility Report for Proposed Bituminous Street Construction, prepared by Hakanson Anderson Associates, Inc., dated June 7, 1995. A copy of this report is filed at the City Clerk's Office. The estimated costs for the construction work associated with the project is $371,135.00. Assessments to benefiting properties have been estimated at $3,948.24. There are 103 lots in Island View Estates and Arrowhead Estates Addition with 94 benefiting lots. Mr. Koshak went over the Soil Considerations, Wetland Considerations, Existing Conditions, Proposed Roadway Improvements, Project costs, Project Financing, and the Project Schedule. Speed bumps can be a liability to the City and therefore, are not recommended. Concerns of speed should go to the Council who can get more patrolling. Signage can be done. Speed Zone signs are determined by State Guidelines Statutes. Turned back to Mayor Freske. ROAD IMPROVEMENT HEARING, ISLAND VIEW ESTATES. Page 2. Mayor Freske opened for Public Comments: NAME ADDRESS COMMENTS Jim Agosta 9661 Kalenda Concern if bids come in higher than estimated/ cost to maintain roads Terri Kohler 10348 99th St. In favor of project/ Lives at top of hill/ site problems, wants a stop sign at Kahler & 99th/ gravel is hard to stop on/ Lot 11 is not buildable/ left a picture Bob Witschen 10251 Kahler In favor of project for safety reasons Jene Williams 10180 Kahler lives at bottom of hill/ safety issue is dramatic - too much speeding/lots 15 are 14 are unbuildable Greg LaVallee 10042 101st St. Agrees that there are safety and dust issues but is there proof paved roads are safer/Rather see more signs Susan Watters 10527 Kalenda Residents should have the vote Gary Jacobson 9744 Kalenda Does not want the project Current road has a good base/ asphat doesn't last/ Do a 5 or 7 ton road Sandy Michaelson 10303 Kahler Against the project Feels asphalt will increase speed problem - do more signs Al Elleraas 10084 Kahler Against the project for safety issues/Who is paying for Miss Shores overlay/ Why assess L6B7 and not L1 B6 ROAD IMPROVEMENT HEARING, ISLAND VIEW ESTATES. Page 3. Lisa Freiberg 10061 Kahler Will the City pick up any costs - other residents use it Ron Foreman 9700 Kalenda In favor of project/ police officer of 20+ yrs/better control on paved rds/ speeders are Is Vw Residents and should control speed themselves Rd will be cheapest now Jene Williams 10180 Kahler Dropped lots will increase assessments e Terri Kohler 10348 99th St. A lot of kids here/ no parks, trails, usually developer puts in Greg LaVallee 10042 101st Street Will have to move if taxes keep increasing - moved because could afford it Glenn Melling 10100 Kahler Ave Questioned the 10% Construction contingency & 20% overhead costs Bill Affeldt 10050 Kahler How can Street Policy be changed/How is money spent on other projects/ Jim Agosta 9661 Kalenda Can residents still vote on this Jamra Nevils 9919 Kahler In favor of project/ concerned with costs Bob Shaffer 10680 97th St. Hasn't decided yet/ concern with Water & Sewer, do not want to pay again Glen Posusta 10383 Kahler If the road can be aligned right for sight and cut down hill correctly than he is in favor of project ROAD IMPROVEMENT HEARING, ISLAND VIEW ESTATES, Page 4. Charles Berning 10101 Kahler Over taxed already/ roads should have previously been paved/no services in Island View/what would you do for restoration/thinks the City should pick up part of cost. Jeanette Stoddard 10565 97th St. Supports the comments/ costs will be the issue/ people signing petition didn't realize costs Robert Schluender 9560 Kalenda Supports a 7 ton road e Tim Greninger 10254 99th St. Asked if assessment is by footage or unit/ Why wasn't park ever put in David Foley 10070 Kahler In favor of project/ safety issues, concerned with assessed value and if taxed on increase Bob Witschen 10251 Kahler How many signed petition Lisa Frieberg 10061 Kahler What are our amenities Glen Posusta 10383 Kahler In favor of cheaper rd Brain Sorum 10647 Kalenda Concern with speed issue Concern paved road will increase speeders/ if project goes will drainage issues be addressed/ Concern with ATVs Joe Doperalski 10100 101st St. In favor of project/ will cost more later/ will control dust and rocks ROAD IMPROVEMENT HEARING, ISLAND VIEW ESTATES, Page 5. Mark Palmer 10540 Kalenda When sign violations happen call the police and be willing to prosecute Dave Foley 10070 Kahler Would like something done with gravel pit, maybe a park COMMENTS FROM THE MAYOR, CITY COUNCIL AND STAFF The Council has the right to reject bids. If bids are over a certain percent, it will have to come back to a hearing. Seal coating costs come out of the General Fund. Lot 11 will be removed from assessment roll. Lots 14 and 15 have not been deemed unbuildable. Dust control can be done with a cloride application, paid for by residents. Water and Sewer has not been discussed or planned for this area. Once the petition was received, which was deemed valid, it is then up to the Council. Current Street Standard is 9 Ton, a road must have some value for the best interest of the City. Units are only assessed once, Lot 6 was not previously assessed. 10% contingency, allowed because it is a feasibility study, provides a cushion 20% overhead, if for Engineering services, preparing plans, feasibility study, bid process, inspections of project, staking, bonding costs, attorney fees, and administration fees. Considering combining this project with Mississippi Shores Overlay, could get very competitive bids because it would be a large project. Oil price is the critical cost factor and interest rates. The General Fund doesn't have the money to help support the project. Public Works subcommittee determines the priority of road projects. The site distance problems should be corrected without harming any lots, there are limitations to be considered. There is a one year warranty bond. Road is in good shape and do not anticipate any problems. Inspector is always on the job and monitors the materials also. Services residents receive are: police, fire, recycling, graveling, grading, snow plowing Valuation will go up when people start selling their homes for more money. 53 residents signed petition out of 76. Petition was reviewed by attorney and found to be valid. Drainage problems came along with the plat, County did not require drainage solutions. There is a limited amount of funds, but will try to address some of these drainage issues. ROAD IMPROVEMENT HEARING, ISLAND VIEW ESTATES, Page 6. A Neighborhood Watch was recommended to the residents. It was suggested that the residents look at their restrictive covenants and see if a Park could be enforced. It was suggested that the residents call the City Hall or the Mayor and Council and let them know what they want done. CM Fournier motioned to close the Public Hearing. Seconded by CM Heidner. All in favor. Motion carried. CM Heidner motioned to adjourn. Motion carried. Norman F. Freske, Mayor Ronald G. Black, Council Member Seconded by CM�Amkerman. All imfavor. Suzanne M. Ackerman, Council Member CITY SEAL Larry Fournier, Council Member Vern Heidner, Council Member