08-14-95 CCWilliam S. Radzwill Indrew J. MacArthur Michael C. Couri August 7, 1995 Elaine Beatty City of Otsego 8899 Nashua Avenue NE Otsego, MN 55330 RADZWILL LAW OFFICA Attorneys at Law 705 Central Avenue East PO Bax 369 St. Michael, MN 55376 (612) 497-1930 (612) 497-2599 (TAX) G Re: proposed Ordinance for the Wastewater Treatment Plant Dear Elaine: At the city council's request please find enclosed the proposed moratorium ordinance regarding the wastewater treatment plant drafted by Andy MacArthur. This proposed ordinance is being submitted for discussion at the August 14th city council meeting and is subject to comment by the city planner and the city engineer. Andy is on vacation the week of August 7th through August 11th; however, he will be in attendance at the August 14th city council meeting. Sincerely, Monica R. Brown Legal Assistant RADZWILL LAW OFFICE Enclosure cc: Dave Licht Larry Koshak CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF MINNESOTA ORDINANCE NO.__ AN INTERIM ORDINANCE TEMPORARILY THAT ARER OF PROHIBITING THE RCITY OF OF COTSEGO ERTAIN DEVELOPMENT REQUESTS WITHIN GRAPHICALLY ILLUSTRATED ON EXHIBIT A. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO ORDAINS: Section 1. Definitions. The following terms whenever used in this ordinance shall be interpreted to mean: Development: The division of a parcel of land into two or more parcels; the construction, reconstruction, conversion, structural alteration, relocation or enlargement of any structure; any mining excavation, landfill or land disturbance, and any use or extension of the use of land. Governmental Projects: A development undertaken by any department, commission, independent agency or instrumentality of the United States, State of Minnesota, Wright County, city of Otsego, authority, district, or other governmental unit. Section 2. Intent. It is the intent of this Interim Ordinance to allow the City of Otsego to complete a previously authorized study of the area in order to 0 fu future joint waste waterxplore possibility Of this area being treatment used as the site of a proposed facility. Section 3. Authority and Purpose. The City Council is empowered be Minn. Stat. 462.355, Subd. 4 to pass an applicable to all or a portion of its jurisdiction for the purpose of protecting the planning process and the health, safety and welfare of its citizens. Section 4. Temporary Prohibition. For one year after the effective date of this ordinance ,or until such earlier time as the Otsego City Council determines by resolution that the reasons for the moratorium no longer exist, no new development applications or lot splits shall be approved or accepted for lands lying within that area graphically described on Exhibit A, attached hereto and herein incorporated by reference. Exceptions to this ordinance shall include the following: 1. Property for which properly completed applications for development approval were filed on or before 995. 2. Building permits associated with projects approved on or before__► 1995. 3. Building permits associated with governmental projects. 4. Building permits for garages or accessory buildings, or minor improvements to the property. Section 5. Misdemeanor. Any person, persons, firm or corporation violating any provisions of this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be punished pursuant to Minn. Stat. 609.02, Subd. 3, or as subsequently amended,plus costs of prosecution. Section 6. Injunctive Relief. In the event of a violation of this ordinance, the City may institute appropriate actions or proceedings, including requesting injunctive relief to prevent, restrain, correct or abate such violations. Section 7. Separability. It is hereby declared to be the intention that the several provisions of this ordinance are separable in accordance with the following: If any court of competent jurisdiction shall adjudge any provision of this ordinance to be invalid, such judgment shall not affect any other provisions of this ordinance not specifically included in said judgment. Section 8. Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect from and after its passage and publication and shall remain in effect until one year after the effective date, unless a shorter period of time is approved by proper resolution of the Otsego City Council. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Otsego this day of , 1995. IN FAVOR: OPPOSED: CITY OF OTSEGO Norman F. Freske, Mayor Elaine Beatty, City Clerk A City of Otsego Engineer's Agenda Items City Council Meeting August 14, 1995 7.1 Improvement Project 94-3 Municipal Well A. EPL Report A report received from EPL Laboratories was altered to depict test results from the Municipal Well. We received initial indications of this on July 21, 1995. EPL is an independent laboratory and was contracted by Traut Wells to perform a sand analysis of the well water. A history of this is as follows: 1. March 15, 1995 Hakanson Anderson Associates, Inc. composed a letter to Traut Wells asking for a laboratory analysis of the sand content in the well water. This was to complete a contractual obligation by Traut Wells. 2. April 27, 1995 Hakanson Anderson Associates, Inc. received the test results on EPL stationary which indicated that 4.3 ppm of sand was found in the well water. 3. July 21,1 995 Hakanson Anderson Associates, Inc. received a letter from Hoolihan & Neils, attorneys for EPL, indicating that the test report sent out by their office and the report submitted to us by Traut Wells were not the same. We contacted Andy MacArthur for his input. Andy subsequently drafted a letter, dated July 25, 1995, to Traut Wells regarding the testing. 4. July 27, 1995 Traut Wells responded to Andy's letter explaining how the sand analysis was actually performed. Agenda Page 3 - August 10, 1995 The methodology in testing appeared conservative. Less sand than was reported was most likely in the well water. 5. August 2, 1995 Hakanson Anderson Associates, Inc. formally requested that Traut Wells perform additional testing at the well site to determine the sand content of the well water. A Rossum sand sampler was to be utilized. The Rossum sand sampler is approved by AWWA for sand analysis of well water. Traut Wells agreed to this and the test was scheduled for August 3, 1995. 6. August 7, 1995 At the request of KKE Architects, the above listed information was forwarded to them. Copies were also sent to Ron Brantly at ISD #728. Of Key importance in this issue is that the method of testing is not in question. The method of reporting is. B. Well Water Sand Testing of August 3, 1995 On August 3, 1995, Traut Wells was on-site to perform a sand analysis of the well water. Hakanson Anderson Associates, Inc. personnel and ISD #728 personnel were on-site to verify the testing. A Rossum sand sampler, along with visual observations in the form of jar tests were utilized in the testing. Results indicated that less than 2.0 ppm of sand were present in the well water. Visual observations verified these results. C. Well Pump Motor Failure A meeting was held between Erickson Ellison Associates, Inc. electrical engineers, Traut Wells, and Hakanson Anderson Associates, Inc. to discuss the pump failure incident. The pump motor failed and was subsequently replaced by Traut Wells. Based upon preliminary analysis of electrical readings on the motor, failure was believed to be caused by Agenda Page 4 August 10, 1995 a power surge. The surge could not have passed through the control panel. Overload protection would have prevented the surge from passing through the panel to the pump. The consensus of the meeting was that there was a strong possibility that lightning struck the pump. There was lightning in the area the day the pump failed. The recommendation was to submit the failed pump for an insurance claim. D. General Update The school has installed sand separators in the school building. The well is operating as proposed initially by KKE Architects. The way the system operates, however, is still a concern to our office. The well will operate without problems at flows over 360 gpm (fire flows.) The pump should also operate without problems at lower domestic flows (flows below 50 gpm.) However, at flow rates between 50 and 360 gpm short cycling of the pump will occur. This will cause excessive wear on the pump motor and could lead pump shutdown and temporary loss of water to the school. Short cycling will reduce the life of a pump. Because the pump was sized at a large flow rate, 360 gpm, per KKE specifications, a problem occurs with domestic usage. We believe that the useful storage of water in the school's tanks is a total of 300 gallons (we do not have actual confirmation of this.) The pump only has to run approximately 50 seconds to fill the tanks. However, if the water in the tanks is also consumed quickly by the users, the pump will have to start up again to fill the tanks back up. This does no allow enough cooling time for the pump motor and could cause failure. Past observations indicate that the pump will trip -out on overload prior to being seriously damaged. However, wear on the pump motor is still a concern. Agenda Page 5 August 10, 1995 The short -cycling issue must be addressed by the school district. Possible alternatives which exist are: 1'. Larger storage in the school in terms of larger pressure tanks 2. A Variable Frequency Inverter Drive (VFD) type controller 3. A second smaller well used for domestic purposes only We would be willing to work with the school to resolve this issue. E. Final Payment Traut Wells and RL Larson Excavating, Inc. are requesting final payment for their work on this project. We feel that the well is operating as specified. Problems which still exist must be resolved by the City and the school. The work does hold specific warranties. We recommend final payment be made to Traut Wells and RL Larson Excavating, Inc. See attached payment forms. 7.2 Improvement Project No. 94-2; CSAH37 and Odean Avenue A. General The roadway project is entering the final stages of construction. If weather permits, the asphalt surface should be complete by Friday, August 11, 1995. The roadway could potentially be open for traffic the week of August 14, 1995. B. Partial Payment Buffalo Bituminous, Inc. is requesting partial payment of $144,158.61 for work through July 21, 1995. This is slightly less than the Wright County Sheriffs Department has made so far on the project. We recommend making partial payment as requested. We will then request the County's portion be paid to the City. Agenda Page 6 - August 10, 1995 7.3 Mississippi Shores Addition and Island View Estates Addition Please find a attached letter regarding 7 -ton and 9 -ton pavement costs. We will be available to discuss this matter further. Also enclosed are Resolutions to order the projects. 7.4 Utility Permits (see previous agenda) A. Recommend a letter be written to Elk River Utility requiring that a permit form with map be submitted to the City for review and approval by staff. B. Recommend that a fee be required to review and approve all utility permits. —VIHakanson Anderson Assoc., Inc. March 15, 1995 Dave Traut Traut Wells 151 72nd Avenue S. St. Cloud, MN 56301 Re: City of Otsego Municipal Well Public Improvement Project No. 94-3 Dear Dave: Item 7. 222 Monroe Street Anoka, Minnesota 55303 612/427-5860 Fax 612/427-3401 After a review of submitted documents related to the above referenced project, Ha'tanson Anderson Associates, Inc. has noticed that the laboratory results of sand content in the water were not forwarded to our office. The laboratory sand analysis is required to verify visual estimates of sand content and is required by the contract documents. Conversations with your office indicate that the laboratory analysis may not have been performed. If the analysis was performed, please forward the results to our office. If the analysis was not performed, please contact us so we can resolve' this issue. If you have any questions, please call. Sincerely, HAKAlNSON ANDERSON ASSOCIATES, INC. �7 L/)4 Y 1 I- e/ b Kevin P. Kielb, P.E. Project Engineer /mlc CC: Larry Koshak File: OT501 p ,' .?;• 9 5 14 : 4 4 F.k_l 612 259 0 5-gT-- rF_-�1 I i1 f LLS l e l r WELLS MESSAGE TO = m4mz NE 38: ORQI^Nlz =ATI ON ) t :gENOEL> > -TU: 3. r I r-1 Eg ) NJ cm _ of page ---3 _ inc 1 �d ir-�g ct�vc r pages 151 - 72ND AVENUE SO. • ST. CLOUD, MN 50301 • (612) 251.5090 ` a7 1313gpM MICRoo BIO Lor r F �'�stories Environmental Protection Lobo g17 DneQ Ave. Na St. Cloud, Mtanasoia 56303 (9T2� 253-1840 • M001 62547J0 ExT- 7085 FAX is -,2) 21s3 -E250 y DATE: 04/14195 TO: Traut Wells 151 72nd Ave So. St. Cloud MN 56301 Sample Number: 475 Brought ZTz Collected By = Date Received: 04/10/95 Reference: OTSEGO WATER ANALYSIS WT006 Total Suspended Solids 16 . Sporn As Ferric Iron 12.5ppm As Sand 4.3ppm COMMENTS; es Gs are t performed in accordance "lith Standard Methods These r 17th Edition I Cor the Examination of Water and Waste Wa_e_ 19$9 by APHA (American Public Health Associat-.o-n or by other Methods accepted in the State of Minnesota' State of Minnesota -Certified Laboratory Chemist Analysis By: HOOLIHAN & NEILS PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION ATTORNEYS AT LAW July 21, 1995 Lawes enca B. Nosh ak Hakanson Anderson Associates 222 Monroe Street Anoka, MN 55303 Re: Otsego Project Our File No. 15974 Dear Mr. Koshak: TIMOTHY H. CHIRHART NEIL C. FRANZ JAMES W. HOOLIHAN MARGARET R.MANDERFELD ROGER D. NEILS We are counsel for Environmental Protection Laboratories in St. Cloud, Minnesota. It has recently come to our attention that a report, purportedly generated by my clients, has been submitted with respect to the above project. We were provided with a copy of a report from Mr. Kelb of your office this week. My purpose in writing you today is to make you aware that the report in your possession is not genuine and was not generated by my clients. On April 10, 1995, we received a request from Traut Wells in St. Cloud to examine a water sample which they submitted to determine the extent of total suspended solids. A genuine copy of our report is attached to this letter and I have labeled it Exhibit "A". As you can see, my clients determined that the sample contained 16.3 parts per million of total suspended solids, without differentiating the extent or nature of the solids contained in the sample. I have also attached a copy of the report which has been provided to us, and which I have identified for clarity as Exhibit "B". You will see that Exhibit "B" contains much of the same information as our genuine report, but includes in the analysis a breakout of the suspended solids between Ferric Iron & Sand. My clients did not conduct this analysis and did not author this report. At the present time we can make no judgment about the source of this altered report or the motive behind it. My purpose in anv MMF _ .. -- HOOLIHAN & NEILS Page 2 July 21, 1995 sting is to make you aware that this report is not genuine and. to ermit you volved . to focus your attention on the parties which may be Yourd,. uly, Neil C. Franz Attorney at Law NF/ps cc: Forest D. Reichel Mark J. Traut Elaine Beatta Encl. JUL 17 '95 09: 16 HAKF:rC rc� P. c .�e rr -=S za• �� ►Q� HTv �.oGZL� • _ - STT Lam• �.�. - as. ��.....nru. Sz30O "T33 :if -t 6+� • alOa tZ4�O0. a..lost . FAX 41121 TO: a -at Zal.is 15 � 72nd Ave so - St. Claud btN 563Q2 voPSrm ce : viSLG•'t• UA= ; 01, 11419 5 $aplc y�n�ser: 475 Cc?1Qcted 3-7 Hrought In Date geceived: 04!10!95 AA =4-1. R n T5I5 Si2?G6 ictal SueperAe-d 5clids 16. appm A� Patric lron I2-!ggat As Sd=i 4.3?pm COehT-NTS : :hone craci sre pada_-•mad In accordance pith SiaadSsd zictneds dor the F.Y4't'�n1tion of Yater and W2sLe AaLBr, ITt:: Me -1 tc � 1989 by AYRA (eMQr1Ca� putl.ic $caZCE ascaclxLivas) or bb at z mathcd3 accapted in the 5tnta of mi=eseta. Stars of TUnnescca Ccrtifiad Laboratcrp t oz7-145-1-144 srr..*,I,* w4 �nalys,s iso= c2i=i5t I00® ?r!I STMI 14YILL IOSO OSt LT9 ZY3 WPT 58ILZ/t0 EXHIBIT Environmental Protection Laboratories 217 Osseo Arrr~ No. & 5L Cloud, Minnesota 56303 (612) 253-1640 0 (800) 62"001 Ext_ 7095 • FAX (6121253-6250 TO. Traut Wells � DATE: 04/14/95 102 South 72nd Avenue St__ CIM -id, MN 56301 Sample Number: 47 Collected By s brought in Date Received: 04/10/95 Refer-z?nce: GTSEf- DR It KING WATER ANALYSIS WT006 Total Suspended Solids 16.8ppm CnMMEt•lTS: Thr-- . e LE -St, arcs performed i r, accardancP w.i r3'f Standard M-th6ds rhe ExamLnaticin of Waf:rnr And Wi: —its Water, 1?r.h Edii-ion 1489 by 1AF'`-A �Afner.i car, Publ i e- Heal thr ,�as�+-i ,wti on) or by other, rnet bads acr.,_.,rted io the Statim r,f M4 nn,�5c�'c.�. State o+ Mi nr,E>�;c,t;, Cirri fic�ti t rcrratc?ry 1r J EXHIBI T } William S. Radzwill ndrew J. MacArthur .Michael C. Coun July 25, 1995 1,L4DZWILL LAW OFFICE A.t_rmys ar Law 705 Central Avenue East PO Bax .369 _ St. Michael, MN 55376 • (612) 497-1930 z (612) 497-2599 (FAX) Mr. David Traut Mark J. Traut Wells Drilling, Inc. 151 72nd Avenue South St. Cloud, MN 56301 RE: City of Otsego Municipal Well PiIbl =c Improvement Project No. 94-3 Dear Mr. Traut: 1' 26 This office represents the City of Otsego. I am in receipt of the attached correspondence from the attorney for Environmental Protection Laboratories in St. Cloud relative to a report which you submitted to the City Engineer regarding tests done at the above referenced city well. Obviously, this correspondence raises concerns about what testing was actually done and the validity of the documents presented to the City. Upon review of the contract between your company and the City, it is clear that the issue of the well water being proven "sand free" was an essential element of that contract. Further, the City has other contractual obligations that could be adversely affected by any failure to provide sand free water. At this point, the City is unable to determine whether or not Traut has fulfilled its contractual obligations. This matter needs to be resolved quickly since the Otsego Elementary School will commence operations shortly. The City Engineer's office indicates that previous dealings between your company and the City of Otsego have been fairly smooth. I would ask that you provide the City with an explanation for the apparent inconsistencies between the report submitted to your company by Environmental Protection Laboratories and that submitted to the City by your firm as soon as possible so that this matter can be resolved. Thank you for your anticipated cooperation. Very truly yours, erew5 M Ar- hurLAA OFFICE Encls. cc: City of Otsego Larry Koshak, Kevin Kielb, Hakanson Anderson - i'RAU -------- WELLS ;1. July 27, 1995 r! �r �Q 2 8 Hakanson Anderson & Assoc 222 Monroe St Anoka MN 55303 Attention: Kevin Kielb Dear Kevin: -' The following is an explanation of the difference in the EPL report of 4-10-95 and the report sent the Engineer for the Otsego water sample. On 4-7-95 two (2) samples were drawn at the same time and location at the Otsego school and one sample taken to EPL on 4-10-95. EPL was directed to perform a sand content on the sample and report to Traut Wells. When the report was received on 4-14-95 it was reported as total suspended solids. A test result not recognized by the AWWA for sand determination. At this time, Traut Wells performed a total iron test and found it to be 14 ppm of total iron. At this time, we f iltered out the suspended iron and retested the sample and found 1.5 ppm as ferrous iron. At conclusion 1.5 ppm of iron in solution subtracted 14 ppm of total iron would indicate 12.5 ppm of suspended iron. Subtracting 12.5 ppm of suspended iron from 16.8 ppm of total suspended solids would leave 4.3 ppm of other solids and reported as sand. This calculation was done for the following reason. Because the quantity of suspended iron was very high it rendered the test reported as total suspended solids useless to the Engineer. Traut Wells only took the test results and identified what appeared to be the major constituents of the water and tested for actual quantities. At this time, the iron content was so large that we did not do further testing. In conclusion I would not question the test results of the iron content that was present, but the remaining 4.3 ppm of sand in fact could be more than just sand as reported by Traut Wells. Sincere Paul Lambrecht cc: Andrew J. MacArthur Radzwill Law Office Hakanson 'Anderson Assoc., Inc. August 2, 1995 Dave Traut Traut Wells, Inc. 151 - 72nd Avenue S. St. Cloud, MN 56301 RE: City of Otsego Public Improvement Project No. 94-3 Municipal Well Sand Analysis and EPL Report Dear Dave: 222 Monroe street Anoka, Minnesota 55303 612/427-5860 Fax 612/427-3401 Hakanson Anderson Associates, Inc. is in receipt of your July 27, 1995 letter of correspondence related to the above referenced project. Several questions remain unanswered in regards to the testing. The questions relate to both the method of test reporting and adequacy of the testing performed: 1 . Why were the test results submitted on EPL letterhead when only a portion of the testing was performed by EPL? The letter you submitted on July 27, 1995 explained this issue to some extent. For future correspondence, we feel that your letterhead should be used to transmit this type of information. This does not appear to be a significant issue at this time. 2. Is the well sand -free at this time? Although visual observations in the form of jar tests were performed continually during initial development and subsequently during the well -pump replacement, we feel a more precise final test for sand content should be performed. AWWA standards require that a Rossum sand sampler be utilized. Dave Traut Page 2 =- August 2, 1995 Also, the AWWA requirements dictate that the following criteria be met. a. Sand content shall average not more than 5 mg/L for a complete pumping cycle at the designated capacity. b. No less than ten measurements shall be taken at equal intervals to permit plotting of sand content as a function of time and production rate and to determine the average sand content for each cycle. Based on the above criteria, a two hour test with sand samples taken every 12 minutes would satisfy AWWA requirements. However, constant rate testing over longer periods may achieve more accurate test results, as we discussed earlier. Length of testing may have to be based on field judgement during testing operations. The well pump should be set a 360 gpm and 68 psi to approximate average pumping conditions. This testing should be performed as soon as possible. By completing this analysis we feel many issues can be resolved regarding the well. We appreciate the continued cooperation we have received from your firm during this project. If you have any question, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, HAKANSON ANDERSON ASSOCIATES, INC. Kevin P. Kielb, PE w cc: Lawrence G. Koshak, PE City Engineer Elaine Beatty, Clerk Andy MacArthur, Radzwill Law Office OT501.t,N Hakanson Anderson Assoc., Inc. August 7, 1995 Mr. Ron Erickson Korsunsky Krank Erickson Architect 300 - 1 st Avenue N Minneapolis, MN 55401 RE: City of Otsego Improvement Project No. 94-3 Correspondence Dear Mr. Erickson: 222 Monroe Street Anoka, Minnesota 55303 612/427-5860 Fax 612/427-3401 At your request we have included the following correspondence on the testing results reported to us by Traut Wells Drilling. - Letter from Hoolihan & Mills, Attorney for E.P.L., dated July 21, 1995 with Exhibit A & B. - Letter from Radzwiil Law Office (City Attorney) to Traut Wells, dated July 25, 1995. - Letter from Traut Wells to Hakanson Anderson Associates dated July 27, 1995. - Letter to Traut Wells from Hakanson Anderson Associates dated August 2, 1995. Hakanson Anderson Associates received Exhibit B from Traut Wells in April of 1995. We did not receive this report from E.P.L directly. We were not aware of the addition by Traut Wells of the test results for Ferric Iron and Sand onto the report. The test results are not in question. The fact that Traut Wells on their own, added the result to the report for Ferric Iron and Sand is questionable. As we mentioned in our August 2, 1995 letter to Traut Wells, this should have been reported on their letterhead. We did not learn about this addition until we received the Hoolihan & Neils letter on July 24, 1995. Again the test results are not in -question. Kevin Kielb of our staff witnessed on-site jar tests with results less than 5.0 PPM of sand. These tests were performed both during initial well testing and also during the recent well pump motor replacement. Mr. Ron Erickson Page 2 - August 7, 1995 Well tests performed by Traut Wells on August 3, 1995 indicate that between 1 to 1.6 PPM of sand was being pumped from the well. This test was witnessed by Hakanson Anderson Associates as well as school personnel. This test was as requested in our August 2, 1995 letter to Traut Wells. The Elk River Star News indicated sand in the range of 8 to 10 PPM was found in the well water. Are these Braun's test results? if so, please forward that report to our office for consideration. Information of this nature regarding the well water would be useful as we evaluate this situation. We are very concerned about the short -cycling of the well plump. The pump was installed per the original specifications, Section 02670 of Project Manual Volume 1, prepared by KKE. The fire flow appears adequate at 360 gpm and 80 psi. The domestic flow may also prove to be adequate at lower flow rates. However, due to the low storage volume of the pneumatic pressure tanks, usage between approximately 50 gpm and 360 gpm will cause short cycling of the well pump. This will eventually lead to pump failure. The issue must be addressed to obtain a properly functioning system. Also find enclosed correspondence on the well issues that we promised before my vacation. We will fax the letters on the testing results, but will send by mail the other correspondence refered to above. We are willing to sit down and discuss the correspondence to a cooperative manner. Yours truly, HAKANSC� ANDERSON ASSOCIATES, INC. avyfenc.i G.,Koshak, PE Enclosure cc: Ron Brantly, Elk River School Dist. #728 Andy MacArthur, Radzwill Law Office Elaine Beatty; Clerk, City of Otsego OT501 .kke June 9, 1995 PAY ESTIMATE NO. 4 Honorable Mayor & City Council 8899 Nashua Avenue Otsego, MN 55330 Re: Otsego Elementary School Site - Water Line & Water Well Appurtenances Contractor: R.L. Larson Excavating, 2255 12th Street SE, St. Cloud, MN 56304 Bid Amount: $78,881.50 Award Date: August 3, 1994 Completion Date: May 15, 1995 Dear Council Members: The following work has been completed on the above referenced project by R.L. Larson Excavating. SCHEDULE "A" Item Description Estimate Used Unit Quantity to Date Price Extension 1. Mobilization/Demobilization 1 LS 1 LS 2. 10" Class 52 DIP 1203 LF 1203 LF 3. 6" Class 52 DIP 1039 LF 1035 LF 4. Ductile Iron Fittings (MJ) 1610 LB 1860 LB 5. 10" MJ Gate Valve w/Valve box 3 EA 5 EA 6. 6" MJ Gate Valve w/Valve Box 1 EA 1 EA 7. Fire Hydrant Assembly 2 EA 0 EA 8. Meter Manhole w/Casting 1 EA 1 EA 9. Water Meter 1 EA 1 EA 10. Well Pump 1 EA 1 EA 11. 10" Flanged Gate Valve w/Valve box 2 EA 2 EA 12. 10" x 10" Flanged Tee 2 EA 2 EA 13. 10" Blind Flange 2 EA 2 EA 14. 10"x6" Flanged Reducer 2 EA 2 EA 15. 6" FL x PE Pipe (30" Long) 2 EA 2 EA 16. 6" Flange Adapter 2 EA 2 EA 17. 10" Flange Adapter 2 EA 2 EA 18. Valve Key 2 EA 2 EA 19. Remove, Salvage, Replace Culvert (24" CMP) 160 LF 0 LF 20. Remove, Salvage, Replace culvert End Sect. 4 EA 0 EA 21. Import and Place Topsoil 415 CY 0 CY 22. Seeding Includes Fertilizer and Mulch 1 AC 1 AC 23. Install 2" conduit 1 EA 1 EA Tap & Pressure Gage TOTAL WORK COMPLETED TO DATE: Subtotal Less Pay Estimate No. 1 Less Pay Estimate No. 2 Less Pay Estimate No. 3 WE RECOMMEND FINAL PAYMENT OF Please verify the amount of previous amounts, if any, prior to making payment. 1000 /LS $1,000.00 22 /LF $26,466.00 17 /LF $17,595.00 1.25 /LB $2,325.00 800 /EA $4,000.00 600 /EA $600.00 1500 /EA $0.00 3000 /EA $3,000.00 1800 /EA $1,800.00 10000 /EA $9,675.00 800 /EA $1,600.00 300 /EA $600.00 150 /EA $300.00 200 /EA $400.00 150 /EA $300.00 150 /EA $300.00 350 /EA $700.00 50 /EA $100.00 12 /LF $0.00 100 /EA $0.00 8 /CY $0.00 1000 /AC $1,000.00 300 /EA $300.00 376.29 $72,437.29 $72,437.29 $48,524.58 $8,189.00 $13,906.20 -------------- $1,817.51 APPROVALS: CONTRACTOR: Certification by Contractor: I certify that all items and amounts shown are correct for the work completed to date. R.L. LARSON EX A G Signed: Title: President DaCe: 6-20-95 ENGINEER: HAKANSON AND N SOC., INC. Signed: / _1 Title: Date: [O 3 OWNER: - CITY OF OTSEGO Signed: Title: File: OT501 Date: Owne Item 7.1E Owne( Otsego, MN 55330 June 9, 1995 PAY ESTIMATE NO. 3 Honorable Mayor & City Council 8899 Nashua Ave. NE Otsego, MN 55330 Re: Non -Community Public Water Supply for Otsego, MN Contractor: Traut Wells Bid Amount: $77,920.00 Award Date: August 9, 1994 Completion Date: May 15, 1995 Dear Council Members: The following work has been completed on the above referenced project by Traut Wells. SCHEDULE "B1" Item Description 1. Mobilization/Demobilization 2. Drill/Drive 24" Casing 3. Drill 23" Open Hole 4. Fill/Bail Open Hole 5. Set 18" Casing 6. Install Grout 7. F.Z.R. Development Equipment 8. Develop Well/Sandstone Removal 9. F.I.R. Test Pump Equipment 10. Test Pump Well 11. Furnish & Install Pitless Unit 12. Disinfect Well 13. Gamma Log Well 14. Video Record Well 15. Report/Permit/Submittals 16. Site Restoration 17.• Fill 24" Bore Hole 18.* Blast at 150 ft. 19.' Install Development Equipment 20.- Develop Well 21.' Install Test Pump 22.- Test Pump Well 23.* Deduct For Labor Not Required *Per Change Order No. 1 TOTAL SCHEDULE "B1": Less Pay Estimate No. 1 Less Pay Estimate No. 2 Estimate Unit Used Quantity Price to Date Extension 1 LS $5,000.00 /LS 115 LF $118.00 /LF 85 LF $80.00 /LF 9.5 CY $130.00 /LB 115 FT $38.00 /EA 5 CY $265.00 /EA 1 LS $4,000.00 /EA 50 HR $50.00 /EA 1 LS $5,500.00 /EA 40 HR $45.00 /EA 1 EA $13,000.00 /EA 1 LS $150.00 /EA 1 LS $800.00 /EA 1 LS $800.00 /EA 1 LS $450.00 /EA 1 LS $1,500.00 /EA 132 CF $12.50 /EA 1 LS $520.00 /LS 1 LS $4,000.00 /LS 50 HR $50.00 /HR 1 LS $5,300.00 /LS 40 HR $45.00 /HR 1 LS ($650.00)/LS WE RECOMMEND FINAL PAYMENT OF: Please varify the amount of previous amounts, if any, prior to making payment. 1 LS 79 LF 121 LF 9.5 CY 123 FT 5.3 CY 1 LS 50.75 HR 1 LS 33 HR 1 EA 1 LS 0 LS 0 -LS 1 LS 1 LS 132 CF 1 LS 1 LS 43.75 HR 1 LS 49 HR 1 LS $5,000.00 $9,322.00 $9,580.00 $1,235.00 $4,674.00 $1,404.50 $4,000.00 $2,537.50 $5,500.00 $1,485.00 $13,000.00 $150.00 $0.00 $0.00 $450.00 $1,500.00 $1,650.00 $520.00 $4,000.00 $2,167.50 $5,300.00 $2,205.00 ($650.00) $70,015.50 $3,631.99 -------------- $1,503.01 APPPROVALS: CONTRACTOR: Certification by Contractor: Z certify that all items and amounts shown are correct for The work completed to date. TRAUT WEL Signed: I / � :: !� / G/ Title: V '���:� Date: / 0 ENGINEER: HAKANSON ANDERSON ASSOC., INC. Signed: Title: Date: OWNER: CITY OF OTSEGO Signed: Title: Date: File: OT501 Owne Item 7.2 PAY ESTIMATE 1 Buffalo Bituminous Inc. P.O. Box 337 Buffalo, MN 55313 ` RE: PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT PROJECT NO 94-2 NE 70TH STREET (CSAH 37) & ODEAN AVENUE (MSAP 217-105-01, MSAP 217-020-02, SAP 86-637-22) BID AMOUNT: $307,979.25 AWARD DATE: May 23, 1995 COMPLETION DATE: September 2, 1995 BUFFALO BITUMINOUS, INC. BID SCHEDULE "A" - CITY OF OTSEGO PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT PROJECT NO. 94-2 Estimated Contract Used Item -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- No. Description Quantity Unit Price Cost To Dace Extension 2021.501 Mobilization 1 Lump Sum $1,000.00 LS $1,000.00 LS 1 LS $1,000.00 2104.501 Clearing 33 Tree $35.00 TR $1,155.00 TR 37 TR $1,295.00 2101.507 Grubbing 33 Tree $35.00 TR $1,155.00 TR 37 TR $1,295.00 2104.501 Remove pipe culverts 188 Lin. Ft. $4.00 LF $752.00 LF 210 LF $840.00 2104.501 Remove fence (Wire) 90 Lin. Ft. $3.00 LF $270.00 LF 90 LF $270.00 2104.501 Remove fence (Wood) 100 Lin. Ft. $3.00 LF $300.00 LF 100 LF $300.00 2104.505 Remove bituminous pavement 8150 Sq. Yd. $1.00 SY $8,150.00 SY 8358.0 SY $8,358.00 2104.505 Remove concrete slab 155 Sq. Yd. $1.00 SY $155.00 SY 155.0 SY $155.00 2104.509 Remove sign 27 Each $8.50 EA $229.50 EA 27 EA $229.50 2104.509 Remove timber cattle pass 70 Lin. Ft. $15.00 LF $1,050.00 LF 70 LF $1,050.00 2104.513 Sawing bituminous pavement 74 Lin. Ft. $2.00 LF $148.00 LF 0 LF $0.00 2104.521 Salvage fence 135 Lin. Ft. $5.00 LF $675.00 LF 0 LF $0.00 2105.501 Common excavation 34537 Cu. Yd. $1.80 CY $62,166.60 CY 31083 CY $55,949.40 2123.503 Motor Grader (60th St. main[.) 60 Hour $60.00 HR $3,600.00 HR 3 HR $180.00 213' Water (60th St. main[.) 60 M Gal $15.00 GAL $900.00 GAL 69 GAL $1,035.00 22' Aggregate base class 5 6886 Ton $6.00 T $41,316.00 T 5392.6 T S32,355.60 221 Agg. base c15 (60th St. main[.) 1295 Cu. Yd. $7.00 CY $9,065.00 CY 816.0 CY $5,712.00 0331.601 2" bit. wearing course (driveways) 787 Sq. Yd. $4.50 SY $3,541.50 SY 0 SY $0.00 2340.508 Type 41 wearing course mixture 1482 Ton $23.50 T $34,827.00 T 0 T $0.00 2340.514 Type 31 base course mixture 1977 Ton $20.50 T $40,528.50 T 0 T $0.00 2357.502 Bituminous material for tack coat 919 Gallon $1.00 GAL $919.00 GAL 0 GAL $0.00 0412.602 Relocate mailbox 4 Each $60.00 EA $240.00 EA 0 EA $0.00 2501.511 15" RC pipe culvert class V 208 Lin. Ft. $26.00 LF $5,408.00 LF 160 LF $4,160.00 2501.511 18" RC pipe culvert class V 140 Lin. FT. $28.00 LF $3,920.00 LF 132 LF $3,696.00 2501.515 15" RC pipe apron 10 Each $280.00 EA $2,800.00 EA 8 EA $2,240.00 2501.515 18" RC pipe apron 4 Each $315.00 EA $1,260.00 EA 4 EA $1,260.00 2503.511 15" RC pipe sewer class III 567 Lin. Ft. $22.00 LF $12,474.00 LF 616.7 LF $13,567.40 2503.573 Install cone, apron storm (1511) 2 Each $280.00 EA $560.00 EA 2 EA $560.00 2506.508 Construct manhole storm 3 Each $1,300.00 EA $3,900.00 EA 3 EA $3,900.00 2506.509 Construct catchbasin storm 3 Each $1,000.00 EA $3,000.00 EA 3 EA $3,000.00 2511.501 Random riprap cl III wl geo. fab. 36 Cu. Yd. $40.00 CY $1,440.00 CY 0 CY $0.00 2531.501 Cone. curb and gutter design 8618 1450 Lin. Ft. $5.20 LF $7,540.00 LF 0 LF $0.00 2531.501 Conc. curb and gutter design D418 1264 Lin. Ft. $5.25 LF $6,636.00 LF 0 LF $0.00 2531.507 6" concrete driveway pavement 33 Sq. Yd. $26.00 SY $858.00 SY 0 SY $0.00 0557.603 Wood fence 6' high 254 Lin. Ft. $47.50 LF $12,065.00 LF 0 LF $0.00 0563.601 Traffic Control 1 Lump Sum $3,000.00 LS $3,000.00 LS 0.50 LS $1,500.00 0564.602 4" broken line yellow - tape 864 Lin. Ft. $0.25 LF $216.00 LF 0 LF $0.00 0564.602 F & I sign panel (stop) 2 Each $165.00 EA $330.00 EA 0 EA $0.00 0564.602 F & I sign panel (stop ahead) 2 Each $165.00 EA $330.00 EA 0 EA $0.00 0564.602 F & I sign panel (winding road) 2 Each $115.00 EA $230.00 EA 0 EA $0.00 0564.602 F & I sign panel (advisory speed) 2 Each $42.00 EA $84.00 EA 0 EA $0.00 0564.602 F & I sign panel (cross road) 2 Each $115.00 EA $230.00 EA 0 EA $0.00 0564.602 F & I sign panel (dead end) 1 Each $115.00 EA $115.00 EA 0 EA $0.00 3564.602 F & I sign panel (two way traffic) 2 Each $115.00 EA $230.00 EA 0 EA $0.00 3564.602 F & I sign panel (hidden driveway) 1 Each $115.00 EA $115.00 EA 0 EA $0.00 0564.602 F & I sign panel (pavement ends) 1 Each $115.00 EA $115.00 EA 0 EA $0.00 0564.602 F & I street name sign 1 Each $165.00 EA $165.00 EA 0 EA $0.00 Ob-602 Pavement mess. (left arrow) paint 2 Each $20.00 EA $40.00 EA 0 EA 50.00 0564.502 Pavement mess. (right arrow) Paint 2 Each 520.00 EA $40.00 EA 0 EA 50.00 0564.502 Pavement mess. (only) pai.-.t 4 Each $40.00 EA $160.00 EA 0 EA $0.00 0554.603 24" stop line white - paint 30 Lin. Ft. 51.25 LF $37.50 LF 0 LF 50.00 0564.503 24" solid line yellow - paint 368 Lin. Ft. 50.80 LF $294.40 LF 0 LF 50.00 0564.503 4" solid line white - paint 6680 Lin. Ft. $0.15 LF 51,002.00 LF 0 LF 50.00 0564.603 4" double solid line yellow - paint 4155 Lin. Ft. $0.30 LF 51,249.50 LF 0 LF 50.00 0565.502 Furnish and install street light 2 Each 50.00 EA 50.00 EA 0 EA 50.00 0565.503 2" PVC Conduit 307 LF $5.00 LF 51,535.00 LF 307 LF $1,535.00 2573.501 Bale check 160 'Each 56.00 EA 5960.00 EA 0 EA 50.00 2573.503 Silt fence, preassembled 7190 Lin. Ft. 51.55 LF 511,963.50 LF 3820 LF 56,303.00 2573.508 Bituminous lined flume 21 Sq. Yd. $20.00 S': 5420.00 SY 0 SY 50.00 2575.501 Seeding 3.41 Acre 5100.00 AC 5341.00 AC 0 AC 50.00 2575.502 Seed Mixture 800 170.5 Pound 53.00 La SSi1.50 La 0 L3 50.00 2575.505 Sodding, type lawn 5265 Sq. Yd. $1.50 SY 57,897.50 SY 0 SY 50.00 2575.511 Mulch material type 1 6.80 Ton 5150.00 T 5'_,020.00 T 0 T $0.00 2575.519 Disc anchoring 3.41 acre $25.00 AC 585.25 AC 0 AC 50.00 2573.523 Wood fiber blanket type regular 1100 Sq. Yd. $1.00 SY 51,100.00 SY 0 SY 50.00 2575.531 Commercial fertilizer, 20-10-10 0.86 Ton 5300.00 T $253.00 T 0 T 50.00 TOTAL 3I1D SCHEDULE "A" ------------ 5307,979.25 ------------ 5151,745.90 original Work Contract Completed SLMMARY Schedule A ------------ 5307,979.25 ------------ 5151,745.90 Less 5's Retainage: $7,587.30 TOTAL WORK COMPLETED TO DATE: ------------ 5307,979.25 ------------ 5144,153.51 WE RECOMMEND PARTIAL PAYMENT OF: $144,158.51 A %LS Col.-.-CTOR: Certification by Contract: I certify that all items and amounts shown are correct for the work completed to date. BUFFALO a=uMINOUS NC. Signed: Title: /. Date: n ENGINEER: HAXANSON W ERSON ASSOCIATES INg. Signed: Title: Date: OT*,4ER: BUFFALO BITUMINOUS INC. Signed: Title: Date: FILE: OT323.PE1 Hakanson Anderson Assoc., Inc. August 1, 1995 Elaine Beatty, Clerk City of Otsego 8899 Nashua Avenue Otsego, MN 55330 RE: Island View Estates Dear Elaine: Item 7.3 222 Monroe Street Anoka, Minnesota 55303 612/427-5860 Fax 612/427-3401 As requested, we have estimated the cost difference between a 7 and 9 ton street section for the above mentioned project. We have assumed a low traffic volume and a projected R value greater than 30. The Bituminous Gravel Equivalency (G.E.) for a 9 ton is 6.3, and for a 7 ton is 4.9. Therefore, using a minimum of 4 inches of gravel the asphalts thickness must be as follows: Design/Ton Bit. Base Bit. Wear Total Asphalt G.E 9 1.5" 1.5" 3.0" 6.37 7 2.5" 2.5" +5.00 The cost difference in this case involves a '/z " of asphalt wear course and when calculated at $22.50/ton the result is the $20,418.75. The addition of overhead and contingency brings the total project difference to $26,544.' - If divided by 94 units, the difference per unit would be $282.38. Elaine Beatty Page 2 August 1, 1995 I hope this information answers the question on this issue. If you have any questions, please call me. Sincerely, HAKANSON ANDERSON ASSOCIATES, INC. rend G,,Koshak, PE WS cc: Phyllis Boedigheimer, Finance Director Andy MacArthur, Radzwill Law Office OT331 .eb RESOLUTION NO. q-372— RESOLUTION ORDERING IMPROVEMENT AND PREPARATION OF PLANS MISSISSIPPI SHORES ADDITION WHEREAS, a resolution of the City Council fixed a date for a council hearing on the proposed Bituminous Street Reconstruction and Overlay for all streets located within the Mississippi Shores 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th Additions. AND WHEREAS, ten days' mailed notice and two weeks' published notice of the hearing was given, and the hearing was held thereon on the 15th day of May, 1995, at which all persons desiring to be heard were given an opportunity to be heard thereon. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF OTSEGO, MINNESOTA: 1. Such improvement is hereby ordered as proposed. 2. Hakanson Anderson Associates, Inc. is hereby designated as the engineer for this improvement. He shall prepare plans and specifications for the making of such improvements. Adopted by the Otsego City Council this day of 1995. City Clerk OT329.res RESOLUTION NO. 4M3 3 RESOLUTION ORDERING IMPROVEMENT AND PREPARATION OF PLANS ISLAND VIEW ESTATES ADDITIONS WHEREAS, a resolution of the City Council fixed a date for a council hearing on the proposed Bituminous 'Street Construction for all streets located within the Island View Estates Additions. AND WHEREAS, ten days' mailed notice and two weeks' published notice of the hearing was given, and the hearing was held thereon on the 15th day of June, 1995, at which all persons desiring to be heard were given an opportunity to be heard thereon. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF OTSEGO, MINNESOTA: 1 . Such improvement is hereby ordered as proposed. 2. Hakanson Anderson Associates, Inc. is hereby designated as the engineer for this improvement. He shall prepare plans and specifications for the making of such improvements. Adopted by the Otsego City Council this day of 1995. , j: f, �- cr-6 Mayor City Clerk OT331 .res VCA Northwest Associated Consult; C O M M U N I T Y MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: RE: FILE NO: PLANNING DESIGN MARK Elaine Beatty Dan Licht 8 August 1995 15�150WC Sifr Ile RESEARCH Otsego - Wright County Zoning Ordinance Amendments 176.08 - 95.18 The following memorandum is intended to summarize several proposed amendments to the Wright County Zoning Ordinance. While the majority of the proposed amendments are editorial or grammatical, procedure changes, or administrative corrections, several of the amendments represent significant changes affecting land uses or development of land. Although the City of Otsego is outside the jurisdiction of the Wright County Zoning Ordinance, these proposed amendments may impact the City by affecting land adjacent to the City's borders. These proposed amendments, which may indirectly affect Otsego, are summarized below: Section 404. Lots of Record (2) Amended to allow sanitary facilities for lots less than 20,000 square feet to be located on adjacent property legally available to the property owner. Section 604.4 Home Extended Businesses (11) The maximum size of signage for a home extended business is increased from 12 square feet to 35 square feet. This signage is subject to a conditional use permit. Section 604.4 Sanitary Landfills This conditional use within the Agricultural District is expanded to include demolition landfills. 5775 Wayzata Blvd. • Suite 555 • St. Louis Park, MN 55416 • (612) 595-9636•Fax. 595-9837 Section 604.4 Contractors Yards Contractors yards are proposed to be allowed in the Agricultural District as a conditional use. They may only locate on the homestead of a contractor and are subject to storage and screening requirements. Section 604.5 Performance Standards This proposed amendment to the Agricultural District performance standards would apply residential district animal density and setback requirements to lots less than 10 acres in size in the Agricultural District. This amendment is most likely a response to the fact that these lots are more residential in nature than agricultural. Section 604.6 (3) Determining Entitlement on Large Parcels This proposed amendment alters the method used for determining entitlement for large parcels over 60 acres. Under the current Ordinance language, a single 240 acre parcel would be restricted to entitlement for two dwelling units. The proposed amendment would allow the property to be divided into a total of six dwelling units on a 240 acre parcel, provided that there is sufficient road frontage. Despite the increased number of dwelling units, this amendment does not reduce the "1 per 40" density requirements. Section 714.2 Livestock and Animals This section is proposed to be modified in order to clarify and modernize the standards. The only non -editorial amendment to this section involves redefining this setback requirement for animal buildings or feedlots listed below. The standards proposed meet or exceed those required by the City of Otsego Zoning Ordinance. Also included is the provision that keeping four or more dogs represents a kennel and is allowed by conditional use permit. Livestock Buildings 100 feet from any occupied lot/parcel less than 4 acres 50 feet from any lot/parcel Feedlot 200 feet from any property line Section 717 Dwelling Units Prohibited This section has been expanded to include any vehicle or building not specifically approved by the Building Inspector. The provisions of this section dealing with the seasonal use on any lot of travel trailers or mobile homes has been expanded to include the following: • One unit per lot • On non -buildable lots, sewage must be self-contained and hauled off site for treatment/disposal • Principal structure setback standards will apply 2 Section 720 Permitted Encroachments This proposed amendment reduces the amount of impervious surface allowed from 75 percent to 50 percent of the total lot area. Section 725.1 Essential Services Utility lines to be located within public road rights-of-way or existing easements will no longer require a County utility permit. However, all other permits would still be required and as -built plans would be required to be filed with the County Surveyor. For utility lines not located in a public right-of-way or existing easement, Essential Service Permit will be required. The Essential Service Permit is to be treated like a CUP. Also, the term of the permit is proposed to be increased from one year to two years. Each of the proposed Ordinance amendments may have a potential indirect impact on the City of Otsego in that they may affect land uses or development adjacent to the City's border. However, in most instances, the proposed amendments strengthen the County Ordinance to protect adjacent property from potential negative impacts associated with various land uses or developments. Based upon our office's review of the Wright County Zoning Ordinance amendments, we would recommend that the City either make no comment or make a recommendation of approval to the Wright County Planning Commission. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to call. 3 I NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that on Thursday, August 31, 1995 the Wright County Planning Commission will hold a public hearing in Meeting Room 120 of the County Government Center ir, the City of ndment: to Minnesota at 7.00 p.m. to consider several ame Buffalo, Z the Wright County Zoning Ordinance. These amendments include: wording changes and 1) several new definitions, minor clarifications throughout the ordinanicies and procedures for the 2) expansion and clarification of p ol Board of Adjustment; 3) the addition of "Demolition landfills"hAi ulturaltDistrict;Yards' as potential conditional uses 40 the Agricultural are allocated in the 4) a change to the way Agricultural District that will allow mrequiresmlent of someses but maintain the same overall density or 40 acres; regulations to clarify requirements f 5) revisions to livestock regu irementss and, animal density and lot size requirements; ermits and new pipeline 6) simplified procedures for utility p safety rules. ENTIRE SET OF AMENDMENTS IS AVAILABLE FROM THE OFFICE A COPY OF THE OF PLANNING AND ZONING (COPYING COSTS ONLY). Such persons that desire to be heard with reference to the proposed amendments will be heard at this time. If you do not attend the or submit written comment, it will be assumed that you have hearing lease no objections to the proposal. If there are any questions, p ing Office in Buffalo. Interpreter contact the Planning and Zon services for the hearing impaired will be provided on request for public meetings and other county -sponsored classes and events. WRIGHT COUNTY PLANNING & ZONING OFFICE WRIGHT COUNTY GOVERNMENT CENTER 10 SECOND STREET N.W., ROOM 140 BUFFALO, MINNESOTA 55313 PHONE: 682-7338 --NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING - WRIGHT COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION CITY OR TOWNSHIP RESPONSE FORM HEARING DATE: Thursday, AUGUST 31, 1995 at 7:00 p.m. REQUEST: The Wright County Planning Commission proposes to make several amendments to the Wright County Zoning Ordinance as described on the attached notice. Copies of the amendments were distributed and discussed with all Townships at the July 6, 1995 Township Officers County Unit meeting. Extra copies of the amendments are available to anyone by contacting the Office of Planning and Zoning. THE TOWN BOARD OR CITY COUNCIL SHOULD COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING IF YOU WISH TO MAKE ANY COMMENT ON THE AMENDMENTS. IF NO WRITTEN RESPONSE IS RECEIVED, THE PLANNING COMMISSION WILL ASSUME THAT THE TOWN BOARD/CITY COUNCIL PREFERS TO LEAVE THE MATTER UP TO THE COUNTY. ANY RESPONSE CAN BE SUBMITTED AT THE HEARING, OR IN WRITING PRIOR TO THE HEARING THROUGH THE PLANNING AND ZONING OFFICE. CITY/TOWNSHIP APPROVES OF THE REQUEST BECAUSE: CITY/TOWNSHIP DISAPPROVES OF THE REQUEST BECAUSE: COMMENTS OR PROPOSED CONDITIONS: SIGNED: D R A F T PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE WRIGHT COUNTY ZONING ORDINANCE (Proposed changes or amendments are typed in bold print. The current ordinance language is in normal print. Comments and notes which are explanatory and not to be included in the ordinance are in italics.) Page 2 Add a new definition as follows. (la) Access Drive (driveway) - An improved area of any lot or parcel which is used for vehicular access or parking. Drives improved solely with gravel or rock materials will not be used to calculate lot coverage areas; any paved (bituminous, concrete, etc.) area shall be counted as impervious surfaces. Page 9 Change the definition of Lot Width as follows. (The current definition seems to have been an error.) (81) Lot Width - The ffia-M . mind = n+ horizontal distance between the side lot lines of a lot measured within the first thirty feet of the lot depth. The lot width shall determine the required road frontage and shoreline frontage for lots. Page 15 Renlace the current definition of "Travel Trailer" with the following new definitions. (152 ) Travel Trailer/Park Trailer- A travel trailer is a trailer mounted on wheels which is designed to provide temporary living quarters during recreation, camping or travel, does not require a special highway moving permit based on its size or weight when towed by a motor vehicle, and is less than 40 feet in length (including hitches) and less than 102 inches in width. A park trailer is a travel trailer which is 102 inches or more in width, and no larger than 400 square feet when any collapsible components or additions are fully extended. Any trailer larger than these dimensions shall be considered to be a mobile home. (See secticn 717 for trailer regulations.) Page 18 Make the noted changes to part (2) of Section 404. LOTS OF RECORD. (2) They have at least 20,000 square feet of area. Lots smaller than 20,000 square feet may be 1�sed as dwelling sites if the owner can prove that adequate sanitary facilities can be provided. Said sanitary facilities must be located on the same lot of record as the dwelling, or on adjacent land which is legally available to the owner. Extraordinary alteration of the lot through land filling or excavation shall not constitute proof of an adequate site for sanitary facilities. The Board of Adjustment shall decide if lots smaller than 20,000 square feet may be used for dwelling sites in accord with Section 502.2. The expansion of the floor area of substandard residential uses on lots smaller than 20,000 square feet shall also be reviewed by the Board of Adjustment. Such expansion may be denied or limited by the Board when there is limited space for sewage treatment and/or no alternative sewage treatment site on the lot. The Board of Adjustment may note in its review that a substandard residential use should be used for seasonal use only, if adequate sanitary facilities for year-round occupancy cannot be provided. Holding tanks need not be considered as adequate sanitary facilities for year-round use. In no case shall the expansion of a substandard residential use exceed 50% of the assessed value of the original structure if a holding tank is the only available method for sewage treatment. In determining if adequate sanitary facilities can be provided, the Board of Adjustment shall require that all standards in Section 716. Sewaae Treatment and Disposal Standards be shown to be met. Due to the small lot size, and in areas where community water and sewer systems are not planned to be installed, the Board of Adjustment may require that proposals include a second location for a sewage treatment system. Proposals which can provide for only one site, and require a mound system or other alternative sewage treatment system shall not be considered as adequate sanitary facilities on lots which are predominantly low (less than 6 feet) in elevation above the Ordinary High Water Mark or water table. The total square footage of any proposed residence shall be limited by the Board on any lot where there is no alternative sewage treatment site available. 2 Page 25 Section 502.2 defines the responsibilities of the Board of Adjustment. Reviewing lots of record, especially very small lots in lakeshore areas, is one of their major tasks. On rare occasions, a 1 o t is so poor that it must be declared "unbuildabl e", and the following language is proposed to clarify what uses may be allowed on such lots after they are declared "unbuildable". The existing language is found in the middle of page 25. The Board of Adjustment may review lots of record in the office of the County Recorder which do not meet standards established by this Ordinance for size, width, elevation, depth, or other provisions. The Board may require that such parcels by joined, combined, modified in size, shape, or other ways to more nearly achieve the standards of' this Ordinance if the owner wishes to use such parcels as building sites. The Board may initiate such proceedings or may act upon request of the property owner. If the Board determines that the lot is not acceptable as a building site, the Zoning Administrator shall provide a copy of the Board's findings to the Wright County Assessor. No well nor sewage treatment system nor holding tank shall be installed on any lot found to be unacceptable as a building site. One water oriented accessory structure or facility may be allowed if it complies with all shoreland requirements, and a garage or other accessory building may be permitted provided no living quarters nor plumbing are installed and all proper setbacks are met. A travel trailer, but not a park trailer, is permitted if it complies with all the conditions in Section 717. Page 26 There is currently no procedure listed for applying to the Board of Adjustment. While this has not proven to be a major problem yet, a procedure sh-ould be included to correspond to similar wording for applicants to the Planning Commission. Therefore, it is proposed to delete the last three paragraphs in section 502.3, and modify there to be included within a new section 502.5. L _ i i a_ —e L - . e— -.......... .� the ._ a —_ ..—.. ... ... ——.... .--_ r. — ..-. .. ... nv�-zr— -----_ by -- - =t =e-- a `teee, shall be :;:e4 -`she Ge n: 3Ey 'eeeL-?-ei-. =_`:e--aL-Eie�F ehe—;Baai-d ef- Adjustment s Ml ? ; ne-!;ade thel The Gen-4:ne L a .i. - 9a 4E =- e'erEiei , eLa G ae e _ _ e .Geunty n land M 502.5 Procedure (1) The person applying for a hearing before the Board of Adjustment shall fill out and submit to the Zoning Administrator a hearing application form and fee as determined by the County Board. It shall be the responsibility of the applicant to provide all information necessary for the Board of Adjustment to reach a decision. For, the review of projects on Lots smaller then 20,000 square feet in size, the application must be accompanied by a certificate of survey no more then five years old which shows all relevant structures, wells, sewers and other pertinent data. (2) The Zoning Administrator shall refer the application to the Board of Adjustment for review. Notice shall be provided as required by Minnesota Statutes 394.26 (3) The Board of Adjustment shall hold a public hearing on the proposal. The petitioner or his representative shall appear before the Board in order to answer questions concerning the proposal. (4) The Board of Adjustment may approve, approve with modifications or conditions, or deny an application based on the information available and findings of the Board. All decisions by the Board of Adjustment shall be final, except that any aggrieved person or persons, or any department, board or commission of the jurisdiction or of the state shall have the right to appeal within thirty (30) days, after receipt of notice of the decision, to the District Court in the County in which the land is located on questions of law and fact. (5) A certified copy of any order issued by the Board of Adjustment acting upon an appeal from an order, requirement, or decision or determination by an administrative official, or a request for a Variance, shall be filed with the County Recorder. The order issued by the Board of Adjustment shall include the legal description of the property involved. The Zoning Administrator shall be responsible for the document recording requirements of this section. (6) Any violation of a condition or ruling made by the Board of Adjustment shall be a violation of this ordinance. Failure to comply with any ruling of the board of adjustment shall void any variance or special permit granted by the Board of Adjustment. (7) A variance shall be valid for and if not acted upon by the within that time, the variance LAI a period of three years, applicant or his assigns shall be void. Page 27 Paragraph 3 of section 504.2 does not make sense, and must be the result of a typing error. St is proposed to be corrected as follows. The change to paragraph 4 is self-explanatory. (3) A public hearing on the rezoning application shall be held by the Planning Commission within thirty (30) days after the request for the zoning amendment has been received. Notice of said hearing shall be published in the official newspaper designated by the County Board. The recommendation of the Planning Commission will be referred to the County Board a4a- =he-neae�-= i -e eeti:nq of heWL3 ''- " un;'-- " GeaaFd at its next regular meeting following the hearing recommending approval, disapproval or modified approval of the proposed amendment. (4) The Wright County Board must take action on the application within sixty (60) days following referral by the Planning Commission. The person making the application shall be notified of the action taken. The W. hT ^-__ _`y ^-_�-' Zoning -1 Administrator shall maintain records of amendments to the text and zoning map of the Ordinance. Page 30 The County currently requires permits for all structures over 150 square feet in size, while the state building code requires 120 square feet. Also, a survey is required to build a house on any lot "less than ten acres" while the original intent was for ten acres or less. Therefore the following changes are proposed. Buildings less than 4:�Z 120 scruare feet in total ground coverage shall not require a permit.... (4) For all lots of lei—;Eh-�n �Ean eeree ten acres or less in size, a Certificate of Survey shall accompany each residential building permit application along with evidence that corner irons are established and visible..... Page 3I Because other state agencies and road authorities govern the utilities, and because the County has been unable to adequately enforce this section, it: and the accompanying section 725 are proposed to be considerably weakened or eliminated in part. 506.7 Essential Service Utility Permits T-`� a4il-a:en 99 a!; earm ---==.F4:ee9 in any zening ��- _hal; ,. h "=en -:ng A a r --=e app• a a3 �t� —�--te=e, o fej any - _ _ _ ;ahe- ae:e;�:eante. Essential services as treated herein shall refer to trunk transmission, sewer and water system, collection or distribution lines, except electrical distribution lines, and excepting lateral or house lines. Specific requirements and procedures are set forth in Section 725. 5 Page 34 A numbering error in Section 603.2 needs to be corrected. Subdivisions which comply with agricultural standards 604.2 and 6G4-6 (5)-604.6' , * , Page 36 In the Agricultural District, Section 604.4, eliminate the essential service conditional uses as noted which will be subject to the revised section 725, and add or change certain conditional uses as noted. 1asent�Lal Te-lephene,TelegL-ap 1--amid—newel'`- 4�S-irk: T==_nem-and--;e e e -e s a_-ygp t es�n-5tnuet-ur-e9- naaffi s , `' 9weic P l aff3�ra I e e = = : and Gas Gub1s t-a4=-ien s and y3irnirs a 3i� ` Paragraph (11) under Home Extended Business: (11) A business sign shall be permitted which is no larger than 4.r 35 square feet; it may not be nen illuminated and attaehd-tee the ;aid�Llding. D Sanitary Landfills and Demolition Landfills Contractors Yards only on the homestead of the contractor and subject to the storage and screening requirements in Sections 702, 703, 704 and 705. (All existing and/or nonconforming yards shall obtain a Conditional Use Permit and comply with this ordinance within three years of adoption.) Page 38 Add a new paragraph directly under the title for the Agricultural Performance Standards to address setbacks for the many small lots which are pre-existing in the Ag zone. 604.5 Performance Standards (Parcels in the Agricultural District which are ten acres or less in size shall be subject to residential standards for animals and setback standards which correspond with the zoning district which is closest in lot size to the parcel. R-1 standards apply for lots 2 acres or less, R-2 for lots 2 to 4 acres and R -2a for lots from 4 to 10 acres.) Page 40 This proposal is to change the standards in the Agricultural zoning district to allow more residences, while maintaining an overall density of "I per 40". The current ordinance allows one, and only one, extra entitlement for farms over 60 acres which have significant acreage without road frontage. Thus, a farm which has 80 acres but only one forty on the road gets two houses, and a farm with 240 acres but only one forty on the road also gets only two houses. Under the new proposal, • Che farm with 240 acres would get a total of six houses, provided there is enough public road frontage to accommodate the houses. This is accomplished by changing the 1160 acre rule" in the ordinance (604.6(3) and making appropriate changes in other sections as follow. (3) Determining entitlements on large parcels (a) On a farm or adjoining parcels, including all contiguous land under common ownership, as e ` L ie e.t , e- L ,;e date eL L ' .�—sne extra entitlements shall be available to the entire parcel provided the following conditions are met: (1) the lands involved comprise more than sixty (60) acres 7 , L L sem ?, T*� �'S.�V L eae—e•:Ei::9ag_a-ee9 6d.enee the ;anile :moo -e ne _: LE.`' a ent; L L , L (2) if the parcel is the result of a division since August 1, 1978, then the number of entitlements shall be determined by basing the calculations in (b) to all contiguous lands under common ownership as they existed on August 1, 1978. These entitlements shall be allocated to the new parcels by the Zoning Administrator based on acreage and the standards contained herein, and appeals shall be heard by the Board of Adjustment provided that no extra entitlements may be created. (b) Entitlements for such parcels shall be determined by the zoning administrator as follows. (1) The total acreage of the parcel shall be calculated using the best information available (the administrator or Board of Adjustment may require the applicant to provide a survey of the property in case of dispute over size). (2) Forty acres shall be subtracted from this total for each existing house on the parcel, and for each entitlement division which has occurred since August 1, 1978. (3) The result from (1) and (2) shall be divided by 40 acres, and that result rounded to the nearest whole number, which shall be the number of entitlements the entire parcel is allocated. The use of these entitlements shall be subject to all regulations in this ordinance, including public road frontage requirements. 7 changes to section 604.60), continued (bc) The purpose of this provision, 9��s-99eted==- wae is to provide relief to potentially inequitable situations where large landholdings may be unduly restricted due to the location of ag,_ _;__e n !:�efne -Hv-i-e—t-e el -or r l e substantial acreage -• e:_ without road frontage. The intent _ - -- --- _ _e3.,, -a __ `-`, _ Re=l:te _ _,�,and is not to increase residential density, in the AG zone above an average of one house per forty acres. If 94-h - faem a large parcel is subdivided into agricultural parcels, the entitlements shall be allocated at the time of sale in accord with the standards contained within, (provided that no new entitlements may be created) with Bhe _ unless otherwise specified and appropriately recorded through deed restrictions or action by the Board of Adjustment or Planning Commission. Pages 40-41 As a result of the changes noted above, it is necessary CO change the wording for deed restrictions for "Z per 40" divisions. Several other minor changes are proposed to accommodate the increase in entitlements and development in the AG district. 604.6(4) (a) Deed Restriction - The owner(s) (including, in all cases, the fee owner) of the eligible parcel must sign and record a deed restriction to apply to the remainder of the parcel. The restriction shall limit any further residences, divisions or nonagricultural development of the remainder in accord with the terms of this section, unless it is rezoned. The restriction shall be on a form provided by the zoning administrator. (b) Landlocked parcels prohibited - The remainder must have frontage on a public road, or must be held in common ownership with contiguous lands which have road frontage. No lot nor parcel may be created which does not have road frontage in accord with the requirements herein. (c) Lot Standards (2) A private access strip no less than thirty-three (33) nor more than sixty-six (66) ____ _2. feet in width, which abuts a public road, may be approved by the zoning administrator in lieu of the standard road frontage requirement, if the intent is to provide access to a wooded site, or to otherwise preserve active agricultural lard or practices. The strip shall not be an easement, but owned in fee with the division. Maintenance shall be the complete responsibility of the property owner. In no case may such a strip be used to serve more than one residence, unless accepted as a public road by the township. __ no ease gip _1 _ _ _-- `-a TdaaFtaela.-- _�Fetjj-a gee }-hers f4 -c rte- _ , , 1 � e --a d—i4 s i en. Re f u s a 1 by the zoning administrator to approve such a strip may be appealed to the Board of Adjustment. 9 changes to section 604.6(4), continued 604.6(4) (d) Lot Status - The division shall remain zoned AG, General Agriculture, but for the application of rules pertaining to livestock, outdoor storage and other general standards, a division ten (10) �T acres or less in size shall be considered a residential lot. 604.6(5) Entitlement Transfers Entitlements may be transferred to contiguous property under common ownership (but not between owners, nor to separate parcels) provided the proposed divisions comply with 604.6 (4) . Said transfers may be approved by the zoning administrator if all other regulations are met. Transfers shall require the issuance of a Conditional Use Permit by the Planning Commission if the transfers result in the grouping of three or more homes at one location. amd the P-lan-n-ing per== c- whi: eh tit—a= subjeet te=- - e The purpose of allowing such transfers is to preserve productive farmlands, and the F_.:.___= c Coffffn a a:ela shal? eeits4:4e2? to minimize the effects of the residences tL-anafe-9- on the environment, the surrounding neighborhood and nearby farm operations. g its dcl_b-_ c a:en. In no case shall the use of entitlement transfers be used to increase the potential residential density in the Agricultural or Agricultural/Residential Zones. If a new road is proposed or required to serve a group of lots, a plat will be required and the road must be accepted by the Township Board. Page 80 The Clearwater River was mistakenly omitted from the list of rivers for shore l and designation. River Classification North Fork of the Crow River Transition South Fork of the Crow River Agriculture Crow River (main stem) Agriculture Clearwater River Agriculture 9 Page 94 The Wild and Scenic District list of setback standards is confusing because it refers to other parts of the ordinance. It is proposed to list the setbacks here instead and re -organize section 613.5(2). (2) Setback Reauirements: (Also Apply to tributaries designated in NR -2400) Building setbacks I. from ordinary high water mark - 100' Ba' from bluffline - X30' from side yard -30 feet for principal use and accessory uses over 800 square feet -10 feet for other accessory uses from roads- County or State Highway -130 ft. centerline Township or other Road- 65 ft. centerline from rear yard (non -riparian)- 50 feet On-site sewage treatment system setback from ordinary high water mark - 75' Maximum structure height - 35' Controlled vegetative cutting area setback from ordinary high water mark - 100' GR all L_ L ... L lse L i se -h t�,. ���`-^r�� i'i -`t i �i"r� c: .s: stgF_`t ; 7 _ .r_ Gn site --s-ewage�EL-ear:,;.qent syst-em –eekfi-e ;51 n L L : L_ .w —r ... r✓ . _—e ffl- 1 I No structure shall be placed on any slope greater than 13°r (13 feet vertical rise in 100 feet horizontal distance) unless such structure can be screened and sewage disposal system facilities can be installed. No structures shall be placed in any floodway. Structures proposed within a floodplain shall be consistent with the Flood Plain District of this Ordinance. —e t -h e!.- sethaes : shall '� l h e the e - ^1 T_ 1 Lep4E L 1 T - . _ rr `.. L.=�..r �/fir- a..� E-- v ur;awe- v a .r r---wr-- �..--�r \r _eet r _ ...✓ . . For substandard lots of record, all tithe–setback standards a=te- may be reduced to coincide with the sameas' 4 --c.. t2hre Urban/Rural Transition (R-1) district (Section 605.5). 10 Page 105 There are some conflicts within the ordinance regarding outdoor storage and junk between sections 702 Exterior Storage, 703 Refuse and 724.3 Miscellaneous Nuisances. The following changes attempt to clarify and modernize those sections. 702. EXTERIOR STORAGE In residential districts, all materials and equipment shall be stored within a building or fully screened so as not to be visible from adjoining properties, except for the following: laundry drying and recreational equipment, construction and landscaping materials and equipment currently (within a period of thirty-six (36) hours) being used on the premises, agricultural equipment and materials if these are used or intended for use on the premises, off-street parking of licensed and operable passenger automobiles and pick-up trucks. Personal boats and unoccupied trailers less than twenty (20) feet in length and a licensed recreational vehicle less than 40 feet in length, are permissible if stored in the rear yard more than ten (10) feet from the property line. Existing uses shall comply with this provision within twelve (12) months following enactment of this Ordinance. In all districts, the County Board may require a Conditional Use Permit for any exterior storage if it is demonstrated that such storage is a hazard to the public health, safety, convenience, morals, or has a depreciating effect upon nearby property values, or impairs scenic views, �r constitutes threat to living amenities. 703. REFUSE In all districts, all waste material, debris, refuse, or garbage shall be kept in an enclosed building or properly contained in a closed container designed for such purposes. The owner of vacant land shall be responsible for keeping such land free of refuse. Existing uses shall comply with this provision within six (6) months following enactment of this Ordinance. Except as provided below or specifically permitted, outdoor storage of inoperative or unlicensed vehicles, boats, recreational vehicles, farm implements and other machinery or vehicle parts shall be considered refuse. One unlicensed or inoperative passenger vehicles and or trucks an I _';e --eta may shall n be parked 4rr within setbacks in the rear yard of any residential districts or any lot ten acres or less in size for a period not to exceed eme_ thirty (30) days; inoperative shall mean incapable of movement under their own power and in need of repairs or junk yard. In the Agricultural District, on lots larger than ten acres in size, exterior storage of not more than five (5) unlicensed or inoperable vehicles or machines shall be permitted provided no repair or dismantling business takes place and the storage area is completely screened and not visible from any other property or public road at all Mmes of the year. All exterior storage not included as a permitted :cessory use, a permitted use, or included as part of a conditional use &ermit, or otherwise permitted by provisions of this Ordinance shall be considered as refuse. 11 Page 106 The last paragraph in section 704 Screening and Fences needs to be clarified for visual barriers in shoreland areas. Fences which impede visual sight lines in anyway shall not encroach closer to any shoreline than the principal building tipen a S4--e!=e!--REi setback. Electrified or barbed fences shall be prohibited in residential districts. Swimming pools with a capacity exceeding 5000 gallons shall be surrounded by a fence at least four (4) feet in height with a self --latching gate. Page 117 The section dealing with animals needs to be updated and clarified. 714.2 Livestock and Animals (1) In all Zoning the—nom � R -2, R 9, nG I, G 2, " 9 and --W Districts, livestock, poultry and farm animals shall not be allowed on any lots or parcels smaller than 4 acres. On lots larger than 4 acres in theee the R-1, R-2, R -2(a), R-3, S-1, S-2, S-3 and W districts, animals shall be allowed at a maxi= m density of 1/2 animal unit per acre. These restrictions shall not apply to ___ normal farm operations existing prior to the adoption of this ordinance. Livestock shall include those animals listed in Section 302(3)b except for dogs and rabbits as domestic pets. (2) In the A/R and AG R 2 �,a) and �"_eeaTe, t. Districts on parcels over 4 acres in size, animals and the permitted animal density shall be governed by any applicable Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Regulations. (3) Any building in which livestock are kept shall be a distance of one hundred (100) feet or more from any etthe=zes-A:dent=a! occupied lot or parcel which is less than four acres in size, or fifty (50) feet from any other parcel - e -h; = =aa --m. Any feedlot (open or roofed enclosure, not to include pastures) in which animals are kept shall be a distance of two hundred (200) feet or more from any emsp4:ed Lce-s- t':a let- property line. These regulations shall not apply to normal farm operations which existed prior to the adoption of this ordinance provided no expansion shall take place except in accord with these regulations. (4 ) In all rem dentaa aL-ea� Districts, the manure from livestock and domestic pets shall be properly treated and disposed, and not allowed to accumulate in any manner which may cause odor or health problems. (5) The County Board may order the owner of any animals to apply for a conditional use permit if it is deemed to be in the interest of the public health, safety or welfare. 6) Keeping four (4) or more dogs on any parcel for any reason shall be deemed a kennel. Kennels are permitted by Conditional Use in the Ag and A/R Districts only. 12 Page 118 Due to the changes in section 703 Refuse, it is necessary to add the following wording to section 714.3 (1) Miscellaneous Nuisances. (1) It shall be unlawful for any person to store or keep any vehicle of a type requiring a license to operate on the public highway, but, without a current license attached thereto, whether such vehicle be dismantled or not, outside of an enclosed building in residential or agricultural districts except as provide in Section 703 Refuse. Page 123 The Township Officers Sewer Committee Iasi year recommended the following change to the sewer regulations. After the County gains some experience. with the "Point -of -Sale" sewer ordinance, more extensive changes to the sewer regulations may be made in the future. This change deals with the distance between the sewer and the seasonal water table, and will lessen .the need for a mound system in some cases. 716.3 (3) In areas of shallow ground water, the depth of the water table shall be determined. No soil absorption system shall be installed in an area where the water table is at any time less than fetiL--�4) three (3) feet below the bottom of the drainfield trench... age 125 Jue to the change in the definition of travel trailer, and the advent of motor homes, the following changes are needed for Section 717. 717. DWELLING UNITS PROHIBITED No garage, tent, trailer, motor home, et- accessory building, nor any vehicle or building not specifically approved by the Building Inspector shall at anytime be used as a dwelling. The basement portion of finished home or apartment may be used for normal eating and sleeping purposes provided it is properly damp -proofed, has suitable fire protection and exits, and is otherwise approved by the Building Inspector. One travel trailere_ or motor home (not to include mobile homes nor park trailers) is aaFe permitted for seasonal use on any lot provided that the following conditions are met: (1) Only one such unit taFa--i-e_—ti-ai:I� is allowed per lot. (2) Sewage must be properly treated or hauled away. On lots which have been declared by the Board of Adjustment to be unacceptable as a building site, the unit shall have a self -contained holding tank and sewage shall be hauled away for treatment and disposal. (3) The travel trailer is for guests or recreational use only. It may not be occupied on any lot for more than 90 days in any one year. (4) Theai_cr unit must have a current license attached in accord with state law. 5 ) Placement of the unit shall comply with all setback requirements for a principal structure. 13 Page 126 Section 720 Permitted Encroachments needs to be updated and changed to comply with the rest of the ordinance. The section is ouite old and appears to have been copied from a city ordinance. 720. PERMITTED ENCROA=1 ENTS The following shall be considered as permitted encroachments on setback and height requirements except as hereine t== provided: (1) In any yard: Posts, off-street open parking spaces, flues. b ee:��se; leaders, sills, pilasters, lintels, cornices, eaves, gutters, awnings, open terraces, service station pump islands, open canopies, steps, chimneys, flag poles, ornamental features, epees. €tee—es-eepes, s dewal_a, and fences, and all other similar devices incidental and appurtenant to the principal structure except as restricted elsewhere hereine•=��r (2 ) In side and rear yards: Bays not to exceed a depth of three (3 ) feet or contain an area of more than thirty (30) square feet, fire escape not to exceed a width of three (3) feet. n =ee t ;Sr i4C 69-V :de'a3 Seld 15a i eeny :eS---de Ret eMten.d e-fei- eI _ . Breezeways, detached outdoor picnic shelters, open arbors, and trellises, and d _ __ a�deeE __ -._ i-eefas may extend to within five (5) feet of a side or rear lot line except that no structure shall exceed five hundred (500) square feet. Covered porches may extend twenty (20) feet into the rear yard but not closer than ten (10 ) feet from the rear lot line, and must meet shoreland standards. (3) Height limitations shall not apply to barns, silos, and other non- residential farm structures en. _. ; to church spires, belfries, cupolas and domes; monuments; chimneys and smokestacks; flag poles, public utility facilities; transmission towers of commercial and private radio broadcasting station; television antenna, private ham radio towers and parapet walls extending not more than four (4) feet above the limiting height of the building except as provided in municipal airport zoning provisions. (4) In no event shall off-street parking space, structures of any type, buildings, or other features cover more than ae;ventyf i I ; fifty (50) percent of the lot area resulting in less than fi-xe; fifty (50) percent landscaped area in Residential Districts. Page 127 Section 72.1. 7 regarding driveway setbacks is missing the word shoreland, and does not make sense without i t . 721.7 Roads, driveways, and parking areas must meet shoreland structure setbacks and must not be placed within bluff and shore impact zones, when other reasonable and feasible placement alternatives exist. If no alternatives exist, they may be placed within these areas, and must be designed to minimize adverse impacts. 14 Page 135 The section on essential services appears to be a very strong reaction to the power Zine controversy from the 1970's. while it contains some good points, it is also somewhat burdensome, and has not been consistently enforced, especially for natural gas lines. The following changes are proposed to modernize the section and make it easier and more practical to administer. 725. ESSENTIAL SERVICES 725.1 Permit Required Since essential services, as defined by this Ordinance, may have an effect upon urbanizing areas of the County, and the County Parks and Recreation areas, the location, design and relevant information shall be. filed with the Zoning Administrator, for review by the Planning Commission and the County Board of Commissioners for approval and issuance of a utility permit as regulated herein, prior to commencement .of any construction by the applicant. Lines which lie within or legally abutting public road rights-of-way or within pre-existing easements for their entire length shall be exempt from this requirement provided all necessary permits are obtained from the road authority and all state and federal requirements are met. "As -built" plans for such lines which specify the location must be filed with the County Surveyor in a format specified by the Surveyor. Essential services as treated herein shall refer to trunk transmission ollection or distribution lines and excepting lateral or house lines. L ed se L f an _ se __...r__ _ __ _en ;4nes shall ed as ne-�=- ce adi=eEsely af f e ewthe—e eenefnrea l ep ei=at�6en ef :T:=_ ep eLaaea:n gf9s yelatediatia-:neset!-F-�:-ty. . Whet -e '-epe:red=s: ir- Tv::; eel z ee len ei' !_:nes -_. l e a a�ee.3 _:fie X-T�-er$e-3' l e e d---zT! a A:=s94:sti a_ e ,-Rem==a :_ e na in h r --- = e e� ��i�.rF$'_-e 9-r^Qsr� lc8�=-1 en e3E ers_..il-eta? se--i4ee e = be LL e_ r, v rtee _-r shall presented v __ r _ t !99) days L _�—get ;9e }in$4:qh �� sw eT—' h l e , 91 L r T L I"1 L Bea -a -d Riay a Eaeh 4es�:gn emsteEia, de-,Felepment st-andaEds . , L L� L\M G L eL- aeee and 15 725.? -2 Annlication Procedures The following application procedure shall be observed: (1) Applicant shall file with the Zoning Administrator such maps indicating the location, alignment, and type of service proposed as shall be i-eq-des4e-ed necessary to determine the potential impacts of the line(s). (2) The Essential Service permit then shall be treated as a Conditional Use Permit and the applicant shall be responsible to comply with all terms of this ordinance applicable to such permits. -, r L p-reperal befeaFe-zhe Ge;antiy Plannung ----mis----- rer -e --.. --- \ , shall iFepert r• L L p iep e s edessse=�al s e - - - - - -- - -- - -- \ The G /1 shell lndieate L Lhe L ea=-e%-9--mssideYed dea-6L-able—ttnde=chi:9 GEdi:-ranee. \ LL n n L pL- e pe e3�rdh e-p-!i�ant� has pi -e -odd --all lrr€� -i-e•� aehe _ LL L L - r r • -_- L rr _r and v ._ s. -1-1 r _-q ✓ h r -_ ✓ r i r r. r ' G }— Where _ .. :t_-' -e-_--P_e- tra--erseine) 9L Ftere=es-arztedee=_—g as L - L pe—. -4: - shall ber_e.y�:ai:ter.t- 72 _ 9 rS Ne T, L T L• • L shal-I be granted by Lhe L 1\ T L T 1 teeL L he 'dee a --J �en4a ef ether r _._the _. _ _ ._ r r he L LneL- 1 4i:-nin�:qh and 1 T L neiefL L .. _ andr r d r _ _ _r _ - r r r r _r_ r _-..-_r_L _ _ .. .. a1 ........rrr_......_......_ .. r __r _ _ - ..✓ -`.- ...a_. and edb!:i:e L L -:n ne ease she;:!sttehr _ heeeet .. Ile 72S.8 n i . L een'd et -e -d 4: eenfe3`�tiy—�Vi`h- Eh � of ss*eh pe-_=mit afn-sof ant' een di:tEi:eTde s rgnaieed in-eeth-teeti:ems ewi th. ejrR+_E—!4ea2Fi:-ntF-,--`C3'.e--Cer`_-'1 nl a-------iiift2�5$sE'ir5izzr� —�c-= Lhin L L L 725.443 Time Limit Essential Service Utility Permits shall be valid for QST two (2) years unless otherwise specified and all conditions in an Essential Service Utility Permit shall be commenced within ene-4'two (2) years and shall be completed4red with within one (1) more year unless otherwise specified. .725.4 Pipeline Safety Where any construction or development -is proposed adjacent to a pipeline as defined in Minn.Stat. 299J.05, said project shall comply with all provisions for pipeline safety and setback standards as specified in Minn.Stat-. 299J.05 Page 147 3ecause there are now two kinds of land alteration permits required by tate shoreland regulations, it: is necessary to clarify which ones require a hearing and which do not. 728. LAND ALTERATIONS 728.1 Permit RecTuired (1) A Land Alteration Permit shall be required in all cases where excavation, grading and/or filling of any land within the county would result in a substantial alteration of existing ground contour or would change existing drainage or would cause flooding or erosion or would deprive an adjoining property owner of lateral support and would remove or destroy the present ground cover resulting in less beneficial cover for present and proposed development, uses and enjoyment of any property in the County. (2) Substantial alteration shall be defined as the extraction, grading, or filling of land involving movement of earth and materials in excess of fifty (50) cubic yards in the Shorelands Districts and in excess of five hundred (500) cubic yards in all other districts except drain tiles and ditch cleaning in agricultural areas. Such substantial alteration shall require a conditional use permit. The creation of wildlife ponds, pollution control structures, and erosion control structures shall not require a 1::aREI=�ticn ne== w conditional use permit, provided that said construction is approved by an official of the Soil GeRse= en and water Conservation District and abides by all other applicable rules, regulations and ordinances. 17 (3) The extraction, grading, or filling of land involving the movement of earth and materials in excess of ten (10) cubic yards withir. shore, bluff impact zones, or steep slopes in shoreland areas shall require an Administrative Permit but not a conditional use permit. Page 153 The following changes are proposed to parts of Section 601.1 Violations in order to update and clarify i t . (3) Any person, firm, corporation or other entity who shall violate any of the provisions hereof or who shall fail to comply with any of the provisions hereof or who shall make any false statement in any document required to be submitted under the provisions hereof, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine eeta ;Es-eMeeed£4:-,—IychadaFed Ele- l,ra and/or by imprisonment net ee-emeeed ni-net-y �9G-Elays- ��n jai::!-eaF bet: -h as set forth in Minn.Stat. 609.03. Each day that a violation continues shall constitute a separate offense. (4) Any person, firm, corporation or other entity who aids, abets, counsels or assists another in the commission of any of the acts prescribed in (3), whether acting as an employee, servant, agent or otherwise, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Any property avAmer who permits any person, firm, corporation or other entity to commit any of the acts prescribed in (3) shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. 18 -0 . >b -mccs. y I a a> I „vo.ro V.w HakansonNORTN �G�D PROPERTY IDENTIFICATION NUMBER 'I /ArAerson�55QC�II1l. PLAT NUMBER COSY S — 40 P.Lo. /o..1n10 ADDRESS MAP ;5 a,_,� CITY OF OTSEGO, WRIGHT COUNTti' _ __ •. '�� '_1NN HARTLEY David Licht and Elaine Beatty met with Roger Marx at the Staff Meeting 8-10-9 regarding a split of his land the long way. He wanted to bring this to the Council to see if they forgee any problems with this. A Memo from NAC will be ing on this matter. Elaine Beat C1_.imz. HAKANSON ANDERSON ASSOC INC I JULY SERVICES,GEN.PRIVATE,STORM DIS 08/10/95 355 24,360.27 JULY RECYCLING OS;10/9. 046 vi G' i iUCI JO! / 5 0 F 1 6JJODL--4 ,'E SANITATION SERVICE FEST DISPOSAL SERVICE CLAIM TOTAL 847 FOP! l•Ji1 5 x;41 1,,IPC.00 TC t•;1I�r' ;IC .EDO ABC', £. EIiCI, FINAL 1994 AUDI? CHARGE r 08:'1G!9,• ?42 106 TIC c .-n �,FFORUABL� tdITATION AUGUST TOILET RENTAL C,,, 1 .;43 •�.�� REPAIR PHONE 5 RV CE ,ADM . 1 ,015 .56 AT & T ECM PUBLISHING HAKANSON ANDERSON ASSOC INC I JULY SERVICES,GEN.PRIVATE,STORM DIS 08/10/95 355 24,360.27 JULY RECYCLING OS;10/9. 046 7 S0 6JJODL--4 ,'E SANITATION SERVICE FEST DISPOSAL SERVICE AUGUST RECYCLING O�/10l9r 847 1.13.00 3 =ORROL TRUCKING JULY RECYCLING ; o. '= DJ'S TOTAL HOME CENTER IMBER BARS & SUPPLIES OF TRUCK,LABOR & FREEON 03/10!95 08 5 849 849 55,00 DUANE'= REPAIR REPAIR '50 1 ,015 .56 ECM PUBLISHERS INC ECM PUBLISHING HAKANSON ANDERSON ASSOC INC I JULY SERVICES,GEN.PRIVATE,STORM DIS 08/10/95 355 24,360.27 FIRE CONTRACT 03/10!`3 351 35.661 •C'1 �. _ IT%,' OF ELF, RIVEF' STR L �, 5 H /95 Som �o:.41 ELF; RIVER MUNICIPAL UTILITZES 993. 9 GAS-MAINT ,OLU FEDERAL WARNING SYSTEMS C7,'eU r�INNEGASCO DECODER ,AN NNA,CA L & Nt ', 088!10/10/95 854 2 0 0 0 _5 2 .53 o & K TEXTILE LEASING SYSTEMS JULY UNIFORMS,TOWELS,MATS HAKANSON ANDERSON ASSOC INC I JULY SERVICES,GEN.PRIVATE,STORM DIS 08/10/95 355 24,360.27 NORTHWEST AS>=.00IATED CONSULTANTS JULY PLANNING,PRIYATE,PUBLIC,ANNETURN LAMPY. 08.'10"'r hl 4„_6F•91 03i 1"'!9E o6� 1 � • � r;APA OF ELF, RIVER INC Of%10:"?5 653 '&.40 OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF STATE BUSINESS NAMES -CORPORATION PAMIDA INC CLEANING SUPPLIE �= X64 10.61 PIPE CAP ,PLUG WATER JULY & AUGUST & BRUSHES RECYCLING,GARBAGE U'�.'1C'' •3-' c, Or, •1 _. 'r�E. `.0 " 0 int, fir, = Claims List f_•r L O CLAIM T -!T.2", L ,DZWILL L,,W OFFIC JULY SERVICES,GEN.PRIVATE H l.. = R'V r. RUM RIVER. CONST CO DIGOUTS,OVERLAYS, CULVERT PATCHES of . , 08/10/95 ouo 867 -t - 6,700.00 SOFTRONICS CABLE FOR LAPTOP' 08/10/95 868 08 vo; U. >. _.5. WEST COMMUNICATIONS SERVICE,CITY HALL,GARAGE,PARKS 08/10/95 870 411.48 VEIT & CO --DUMPING CHARGE 08/10/95 871 25.00 H G WEBER OIL COMPANY - FUEL 08/10!95 872 516.40 v r, u r i L U U r r; l WRIGHT-HENNEPIN CO-OP ELECTRIC ASSN CULVERT STREET LIGHTS, WELL,CITY HALL/SHED 08/10.'95 874 o"E••78 SWITCH FREIGHT 08/10/95 875 34.14 IEGLER INC TC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT FUND .& MONTHLY EMPLOYEE/EMPLOYER SHARE 08/10/95 876 108.00 _,r,,,. OF ELF: RIVER FED.WITH,FICA,EMPLOYER/EMPLOYEE 08/10/95 877 632.91 U O J.O 3_L H OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF STATE 'LISTING OF ASSUMED NAMES 08/10/95 879 29.75 1,608.70 PREPAY HEALTH INS.FOR APPLICATION 08/10/95 880 MEDICA =7777) r MILEAGE,HOTEL,PARKING-CONFERENCE Oo.'10,.'9S 882 11 1 =LINE 2E�TT'i 71M MILEAGE THROUGH 8/1/95 OE:'10,'9� 88� 4'-'.00 ENG n I �-HPITAL 1. -ANK OF ELK RIVER FED.WITH,FICA—EMPLOYEE/EMPLOYER 08/10/95 886 2,�c�:.li 'IINNESOTHDEPT. OF TRANSPORATION REFUND OF OVERPAYMENT 08/10/95 887 7,44?.50 c't,R IC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT FUND PAY PERIOD 7/29/95 OB.'IG,"'`' 888 For the perlo n CLAIM TOTAL UFt P4ilLl"-- CMA, RETIREMENT TRUST DEFERRED COMP DEDUCTION 00/10/95 839 000.00 TOTAL FOP: MONTH 10" 2lC- - 36 TOTAL YEAR TO DATE 34-2,727.2-2