99-25CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF NE NNESOTA RESOLUTION NO.99%� RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING PROCUREMENT OF PERMANENT EASEMENTS FOR ROADWAY, STORM WATER DRAINAGE, SANITARY SEWER, WATER, AND urni Y PURPOSES, ALONG WITH NECESSARY TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENTS FOR 78' STREET AND PORTIONS OF QUADAY AVENUE WHEREAS, the City of Otsego has initiated a feasibility study for construction of 78* Street and portions of Quaday avenue within the City in order to better serve lands recently proposed for subdivision approval and in order to improve the City's transportation system; and WHEREAS, the City has ordered and approved plans and specifications for the establishment of a City sanitary sewer collector system, water system, and facilities to hold and deliver water service; and WHEREAS, the City has approved a feasibility study for the construction of 78 h Street and portions of Quaday Avenue; and WHEREAS, additional easements for purposes of road right-of-way, storm drainage, sanitary sewer, water, and utilities, as well as temporary construction easements will need to be acquired; and WHEREAS, the general location of all necessary permanent easements, and temporary construction easements is set forth on attached Exhibit A; and WHEREAS, the various taldngs are legally described by individual parcels and graphically depicted on attached Exhibit B; and WHEREAS, the construction of all of the above described facilities constitutes a public purpose; and WHEREAS, the City has authority to acquire said land and easements by eminent domain pursuant to Minn Stat. 117.011 and 117.042; and WHEREAS, the City has the right to acquire the land and easements prior to the filing of an award by the court appointed commissioners, pursuant to Minn. Stat 117.011 and 117.042; and WHEREAS, the land upon which the facilities will be constructed is owned by the following persons listed on attached Exhibit C; and WHEREAS, pursuant to its adopted policy, the City will first make offers, based upon appraisal information, to affected property owners, or will require dedication of the necessary easements within the platting process, if completed prior to commencement of construction of the roadway and improvements; and will provide said owners a reasonable amount of time to respond. In the event that negotiated acquisition of the property interests cannot be achieved, the City will proceed with eminent domain in order to insure timely construction of the above mentioned projects. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Otsego City Council hereby authorizes the acquisition of said land and permanent and temporary easements as described on attached Exhibit C through eminent domain; and to take title and possession of that land prior to the filing of an award by the Court appointed commissioners, pursuant to Minn. Stat 163.02, Subd. 2,117.011 and 117.042; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, flint construction of the various facilities as set forth herein constitutes a public purpose; and BE rr FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City attorney is requested to file the necessary petition therefor, and to prosecute such action to a successful conclusion or until it is abandoned, dismissed, or terminated by the City or the Court The City will simultaneously seek to negotiate the acquisition of the described land and permanent and temporary easements. Motion to adopt this resolution made by Mayor FOurAseconded by CM Wendel , this 1 oTH day of may , 1999. IN FAVOR: OPPOSED: 2 ATTEST City Clerk 1 I 1 I I I 1 1 Overall View of 78th Street V( rj City of Otsego cj Easement Exhibits s�\N. 1/2 SEC.27, TW. 121, RGE.23, WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA -----------------T ----------- - I 1 1 I 1 � 1 1 � I loo Fr09 1 _rilkAAO q � �7 FT PaRMQAIt+uT ' PINK =7n400 i A Fr Pf+�+M+1NtA+ i - I 1 orr 1 I I II PER NA.vE Nr Z6z2ol 1 400 200 0 400 ! SCALE IN FEET C oMIID.o 1 1 Iii9a 1 I r//.g I ' P6�c�w�Nc tcafr Er.wr 1 1 Co.�li�I=• cr/a�J Lvo�K 1 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 1 I -----------------T ----------- - I 1 1 I 1 � 1 1 � I loo Fr09 1 _rilkAAO q � �7 FT PaRMQAIt+uT ' PINK =7n400 i A Fr Pf+�+M+1NtA+ i - I 1 orr 1 I I II PER NA.vE Nr Z6z2ol 1 400 200 0 400 ! SCALE IN FEET C oMIID.o . •fyli Y pg 9 8 'T tl�3g� k m E6ugg s- E,ts� r` e qo_-a S8o:� t CiAq_ 5 =qui — < s_ 9 asg:g c t–S zISIHX21 ' I #L333�1 1 26 4-4- -- -- I \ 1 / #262203 — c 2 C, #262200 ------------- — �Ci dQ I I s I — 4 4 C I " o `4"15 fi �t n co L7 1 > Yg = —CS- I \ T C 1 - Ig I S ' CQ o ND I I — ✓ Iq 1 1 I � w I fi �t SIR Easement Exhibit 27»00 r 10 City of Otsego A permanent eownenl la rood and uUlly purposes over. under and =cs, No south 40.00 feet of No North hall of the Northeast Quarter of Section 27. Tow ship � •?� 121. Range 23. Ahot County, Minnesota together with os that part of sold North Hall of the Northeast Quarter lyilq 50.00 feet westerly of the following dembed INer Z �, .P Beginning at the southeast comer of said North Hall of the Northeast Ouarlr, thence northerly, along the east the of sold North Hall of the HMheast Quarter, a distance of SU90 Iset to a point at curve; thence northeasterly along a tangential curve concave to the southeast a distance of 402.65 lest. said crus having a ( �.� •% rodlus of 500.00 feet and a central angle of 46 degrees Oft minutes 29 secalds. to the northwesterly projection of the southerly the o/ said VAUGHT COONIY t RIGHT-OF-WAY PIAT NO. 9; thrice northeasterly, tangent to said our". a distance of 60.00 feel to Na centerline of void VAUNT COUNTY RIGHT-OF-WAY PLAT NM 9 4 and said line there terminating. Excepting from said strip the easterly 33.00 feet of oaW North Hail of the Northeast Quarter. -e6 A terrnplor eownrll for construction purposes over, under and ocroes the north 14000 Leet of the south 190.00 feet of the Nath Hail at the Northeast Quarter of I Section 27. Towmahlp 121. Range 23, Mitlght Countx Minnesota. except the eostety 50.00 feet thrsaf. A ternpaary sasetNllt for construction purposes evr, under and across the wplerly 117.00 fest of the easterly 150.00 test of Ilse southerly 600.00 Ml of the Nath Half o/ IM NorMead Quarter o/ Section 27. T~.* 121, Range 23, Yklght County, Minnesota. excepting thereGam the aoove dwa4q permanel, easement Ir road �10 b and uf6lty purposes. and excepting theretran the southerly 160.00 feet thereof 0 . The 40.00 toot prmannt easement fr the proposed rood contains 104.965 @%IL 2.41 acres 117 The 17.00 loot permanent easement for the proposed rood contains 10.749 sq.tl- 0.23 acres v The Trnparry construction sownernt cantahe 432,312 sq.tL 9.92 acres " Sold ternporary easement to expire an SO W Z o 1r o 33 Z 7 I a 0 e 8 1 #271100 W South line of NI/2 of NEI/4 - 50 RI � l� .FT• . i•� PROPOSED 78TH STREET M.S.w 2 140 140 140 160 FT. TEMPORARY ' EASEMENT i 60 FT. IEMPI'xiARY 1 EASEMENT 1 }, 4 #272400 #271300 4 #211400 #274203 .r h r� 4 �/%J=/��J,j L�/l�/1LCld unrawy Wlfeela11O1 GOwe ..1r110p 0rG MM mrsu m we erre MM Lmu"T oAFE REVISIONm 200 100 0 200 es� Lj QA=� Easeent i � I -• tee SCALE IN FEET a R" e..eeeetr�ir �' City of i M 11{ JAN 9U[ as/1e79s it[ q Will Snarl N U_ W Z II .a w aAd Avaynb n :aa L 9 s 7 f/ l3N !° Z/ l5 t° ) 8 $ `o $ 0 t° °4l 1.03-' g OLIN �x_ o z _ I MM ' s \ 8 Ica7j! N • C.` s gs= O� "�• ilii O \:i � � °��• �W°LOs ra W _ « = Z a $ a rte: r` I o Yom$ 3 a v 0 _ rni lLl .5 \ CCD j PN.G QY J. O Z= 5 E_ C111 gist; a genas 4 co "' J I I 5 3 Td$�5 zb ;s O � ( � �sas :sa}�•}�� s sl 9. is o p0 tNI i 3.i `pls 1, ` - I a zs av3 5s39 � I I �� s •i.os•S n � aZ 5e a $ f/L3N 10 L/lS )° $�� •�•ris- /P ••It 190M�U�:s-16 Jra.a 5208°, � \ � _ � N • � e • � N 5 O. � � i i 0 � (-', � �� �aS"� tg�$�•" � � � yah W O� W s o« 035 S s� N° '� s 3 IS S 33 =ole ISO $ g 205 I r is ZO W — — — — — Cl) jjj O _ s s sY � N N EXHIBIT B-3 Easement Exhibit ',-140 Fr. TEMPORARY I 40! i EASEMENT 271900 r V, r City of Otsego 1- r. l 7 #271100 •` • , , 7 `r I 60 FT. TEMPORARY EASEMENT r• 7 #272400 tt .3 u2�1 '00 Z o C N n in 3 p r 40 `-North line of E3/4 of S1/2 of NE1/4 ( #2 1400 90• _i_ j/140 FT. TEMPORARY EASEMENT I IREE.EL r-. 111:7 Ink ! 60 FT. TEMPORARY EASEMENT #274203 nt It se � A permanent easement for road and utility purposes over. undand County,osstheola.th 40.00 feet 0f the East Three-Quaclers of the South Half of the Northeast Quarter of Section 27, Township 121, Range 23,Wrightg EXCEPT Beginning at the northeast comer of said East Three -Quarters of the South Half 0f the Northeast Quarter, thence southerly along the east line of said East thence deflectingfnthe South Halt of the Northeast ortherly o the right 90 degrees audistanced d oft161.70nce ffeetOOthen a deflecting feet; thence deflecting to the left 90 deto the grees a dit 90 stance ofees 4 distance 8 4..58 feet; thence lost; deflecting northerly to the right 90 degrees a distance of 396.65 feel more or less to the north line of said East Three -Quarters of the South Half of the Northeast Quarter; thence easterly along the north line of said East Three-Quartars of the South Half at the Northeast Quarter to the paint of beginning. A temporary easement for construction purposes over, under and =038 the South 60.00 feet of the North 100.00 fact of the Eust Three-Guartera of the South Hoff of the Northeast Quarter of Section 27, Township 121. Range 23, Wright County, Minnesota. EXCEPT Beginning at the northeast corner of said East Three-Quortera of the South Half of the Northeast Quarter; thence southerly along the east line of sold East Three -Quarters of the South Hall of the Northeast Quarter o distance of 560.00 feet; thence deflecting westerly to the right 90 degrees a distance of 200.00 test; thence deflecting northerly to the right 90 degrees a stance of 161.70 fact; thence deflecting westerly to the left 90 Jagraes a distance of 814.58 feet; thence deflecting northerly to the right 90 degrees a distance of 396.65 feet more or less to the north line of sold East three -Quarters of the South Half of the Northeast di Quarter: thence easterly along the north line of sold East Three -Quarters of the South Half of the Northeast Quarter to the point of beginning. The 40.00 fool permanent easement for the proposed coca contains 39,116 Sq.ft. 0.90 acres The Temporary construction easement contains 58.648 sq.tt. 1.35 acres Said temporary casement to expire on ���� toraewr aooswceat rwtne>tr roetwar sow wo umm usoewr 90, Y f` 7 `r 90' 3a �� Northeast comer of E3/4 of SI/2 of NEI/4- ----- w z L !40 _ I � R W Z p G ° A m _1 U) a i a a I `r t1 m 2(X).00 I I�I�I x I 200 100 0 200 SCALE IN FEET _171-w.owc i Easement .Exhibit 271300 lair. rr #272100 #272100 r K r City of Otsego 4, Y /M PROPOSED 78TH STREET N.E. f\ t in #2 71300 to in 1�� a A permanenteasement for road and utility purposes over, under and across the North 40.00 fact of the West Half of the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 27, Township 121, Range 23, Ntight County. Minnesota. A temporary easement for construction purP03e3 over, under and across the South 60.00 feel of the North 100.00 fact of the West Half of the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 27, Township 121, Range 23, Wright County, Minnesota. The 40.00 foot permanent easement for the proposed road contains 26.567 aq.lt. 0.61 acres The Temporary construction easement contains J9.841 sq.ft. 0.91 acres Said temporary easement to expire on .4 mociuer aagaeciias ueoon scy rosiwair Rao wo usun rwaawr 140 Ni WORARY 60 FT. TEMPORARY EASEMENT I I #27 100 I I I I #2 1400 I 200 100 0 200 SCALE IN FEET -2713aa.o" I r Easement Exhibit 272400 r City of Otsego A permanent easement far road and utility purposes over, under and across the North 40.00 feet of the East Half of the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 27, iownsnip 121, Range 23, Wright County, Minnesota. A temporary easement for construction purposes over, under and across the South 60 feel of the North 100.00 feet of the East Half of the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 27, Township 121. Runge 23. Wright County, Minnesota. The 40.00 foot permanent easement for the proposed road contains 26.441 sq.ft. 0.61 acres The Temporary construction easement contains 39,649 sq.ft. 0.91 acres Said temporary easement to expire on EMMA XUFWx easau"" u ' MmmrpWOn MAD wo ila EAM"T x 200 100 0 200 1 SCALE IN FEET , 272100 I r I #27 100 �— T— I � 1140 FT. TEMPORARY 1/140 FT. TEMPORARY 401 1 EASEMENT i01 I EASEMENT 401 PROPOSED 78TH STREET N E 140 i40 4 -- _---- 160 FT. IEAIPORARY 'EASEMENT i __ 1 , 1 �— 160 FT. TEMPORARY W North line of E 1/2 `' �� EASEMENT I #2721 00 -y p at SEI/4 of NWI/4'--� ` Z ° #271300 ,r `''' n I N 1�' ,,,#272400 ;_. #2 1400 y e _� W N t 7 1 1 W O h A permanent easement far road and utility purposes over, under and across the North 40.00 feet of the East Half of the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 27, iownsnip 121, Range 23, Wright County, Minnesota. A temporary easement for construction purposes over, under and across the South 60 feel of the North 100.00 feet of the East Half of the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 27, Township 121. Runge 23. Wright County, Minnesota. The 40.00 foot permanent easement for the proposed road contains 26.441 sq.ft. 0.61 acres The Temporary construction easement contains 39,649 sq.ft. 0.91 acres Said temporary easement to expire on EMMA XUFWx easau"" u ' MmmrpWOn MAD wo ila EAM"T x 200 100 0 200 1 SCALE IN FEET Easement Exhibit 272100 le " City of Otsego r Y �i Y � r3 4 W Z I W Zo ), Y`� lr I t7 I a #272100 e l . #271100 ! ---South line of NEI/4 at NWI/4 � ANY 'i_Iw FT. TEMPORARY I 1 EASEMENT 1 car PROPOSED 78TH STREET N. E. i ,r —Northline of W 1/2 `•t'.� 60 FT. TEMPORARY '40 I40 60 F7. TEMPORARY ty Z of SEI/4 of NWI/4 Y � EASEMENT r, •.� EASEMENT ' 3 #272100 . #272400 I "' s \ c -6 #271300 ` ` #271400 4, ° In 1 t 1 y01° 1 3 0 w o l -� T ri �•r A permanent casement for road and utility purposes over, under and across the south 40.00 feet of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 27, Township 121. Range 23, Wright County, Minnesota. ANO The North 40.00 feet of the West Half of the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 27. Townsnip 121, Range 23. Wright County, Minnesota. A temporary easement for construction purposes over, under and across the north 140.00 feel of the South 160 00 teel of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter or Section 27, Townanip 121. Range 23, Wright Caunty. Minnesota. AND The South 60.00 feet of the North 100.00 feel of the 'Nest Half of the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quwter of Section 27, Township 121, Range 23, Wright County, Minnesota. The 40.00 foot permanent easement for the proposed road contains 19,335 sq.tt. 1.92 Jerez The Temporary construction easement contains 224,816 sq.tt. 5.16 acres Said temporary easement to expire on C�/T�"LO11MR'MI M0r OWSUI EAMeNT LSY�Lm nru'. eT sale .* 4am EAiWINT I 200 100 0 200 SCALE W FEET .arnae.awo I EXHIBIT C LIST OF PROPERTY OWNERS: PID # Na, a Address 118-500-271100 Edmond N & M UFebvre. 7981 River Rd, Elk River, MN 55330 118-500.224400 Randal N LeFebvre and M Matheny, 8019 River RD NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-500-274203 D & Y Family Limited Partnership % Gilbert Darkcnwald 7535 River RD NE, Ells River, MN 55330 118-500-274202 Giibert M & Biliie Darkenwald 7515 Quaday Ave NE, Elk River, MN. 55330 118-500-271300 Lef-Co, Fann, Inc. 15033 - 'BOTH ST NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-500-272400 Rita B LeFebvre 15234 - 70TH ST NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-500-272100 Russell V and Sharon Martie, 2998 -150TH ST NW, Monticello, MN. 55362 118-500-272200 Backes Cos. Inc, 7026 Brooklyn Boulevard, Brooklyn Center, MN. 118-500-272300 (Same) 55429