09-25-1995 City Council MinutesCITY OF OTSEGO
6:31) PM
SEPTEMBER ?5, 1995
L Mavor call the meotin(r to order
MayorFreske called the September 25, 1995 City Council Meeting to order at 6:30 P'_vi
Mayor Norman F. Freske, Council Members; Suzanne Ackerman, Ron Black. Larry
Fournier, Vern Heidner.
Staff: Bob Kirmis, Assistant Planner; Kevin Kielb, Assistant Engineer; Elaine Beatty,
Clerk/Zoning Administrator; Phvllis Boedigheimer, Director of Business and Finance; Judy
Hudson, Deputy Clerk.
1 Consider A(endaren oval (Deletions or Additions)
Mayor Freske requested: Item 8.5. Letter of September 6, 1995 from Andy Dawkins,
State Representative re: Survey of Local Government
CM Black requested: Update on Emergency Siren
CM Fournier motioned adoption of the September 25, 1995 City Council Agenda as
amended. Seconded by CM Black. All in favor. Motion carried.
3. Consider Minutes:
A- SeDtember 11, 1995 Council Minutes
CM Black motioned approval of the September 11, 1995 City Council Minutes.
Seconded by CM Heidner. All in favor. Motion carried.
4. Ogen Forum
No one appeared on Open Forum.
CM Fournier motioned approval of adoption of the Consent Agenda. Seconded by
CM Black. All in favor. Motion carried.
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CM Fournier motioned approval of adoption of the Consent Agenda. Seconded by
CM Black. All in favor. Motion carried.
Otsego City Council Meeting of September 25, 1995, cont'd. Page 2.
6. Bob Kirmis. Planning Items -
6. 1.
ms6.1. Christ Lutheran Church request for Preliminary and Final Plat of MRD
Commercial Park and Rezoning of the 6.4 acres from B-2 Hwy,
Commercial District to INS Industrial District.
Bob Kirmis briefly went over the background of this request. On June 26, 1995, Christ
Lutheran Church withdrew their original request for rezoning of 10 plus acres. They have
submitted a revised plat and final plat of a down scale to a 6.4 acre plat East of the
Church. In addition to the 6.4 acres, the applicant has also proposed a 4 acre Outlot. Mr.
Kirmis went through his report of September 13, 1995.
CM Black stated the tasks and goals of the City Council and also his concerns with these
requests. CM Black does not support the Church's requests for the following reasons:
1. Removes a scarce limited resource. 2. Commercial and industrial use locations are
limited to a narrow corridor along Hwys 101 and 94. 3. The conversion of commercial
land to non -tax status does nothing to relieve the tax load on residents. 4. The bad
precedent being established of ignoring the financial needs of the City and the need to
balance the tax base. CM Blacks comments are attached.
CM Fournier motioned to approve the Request to Rezone the 6.4 acres from B2
Hwy. Commercial District/R-1, Residential, Long Range Urban Service Area to INS
Industrial District. Seconded by CM Heidner.
VOTING FOR: Mayor Freske, CM Ackerman, CM Fournier, CM Heidner.
Motion carried 4 to 1.
Discussion: CM Heidner commended the Planning Commission for their work on a
difficult topic. From a Comprehensive Plan perspective, the Planning Commission acted
as an advisory and made a correct decision. When the request comes to the City Council,
the Council can take a different look. CM Heidner stated that the Flood Plain would make
a good parking lot and he stated that he hoped in the future, the Church would sell it for
commercial. CM Heidner stated he will support these requests.
Mayor Freske stated he has done a lot of reading in a lot of months on these requests. He
commented that both CM Black and CM Heidner had good points. Mayor Freske noted
this is a tough decision pointing out we do need the tax base and yet he feels this is a
unique situation. Mayor Freske feels that the Highway 101 Corridor will not fill up fast
and this is a Policy Decision. He also stated the Planning Commission did a good job.
Mayor Freske supports these requests.
Otsego City Council Meeting of September 25, 1995, cont'd. Page 3.
CM Fournier stated the concern of the size of the original plat submitted. The Church
addressed the size issue concern and have also responded to other issues of removing the
ball fields and submitted the septic information. CN1 Fournier commented also on the
concern of future expanding which he doesn't see as a problem. He feels that when a
Church reaches a certain point, they split. If the building was to be left empty, and if this
area is truly a commercial one, there would be no problem. CM Fournier recognized the
lost in tax base but felt you can't compare that to what a Church can do for a Community
in terms of their special programs, serves as a place of gathering which contributes socially
and spiritually to the life of the community. CM Fournier stated, having a Church in the r
Community gives a positive effect on moral attitude which affects the quality of life. CM
Fournier supports Christ Lutheran Churches requests.
CM Black opposes this motion based on his previous statement.
Mayor Freske motioned to send the Request for Preliminary and Final Plat
Approval back to the Planning Commission. Seconded by CM Fournier.
CM Fournier withdrew his second. Mayor Freske withdrew his motion.
Discussion: CM Black opposes this motion for the reason of not delaying this any further.
Bob Kirmis stated that if the rezoning would have been denied, then it should have gone
back to the Planning Commission.
CM Black motioned to approve the adoption of the Preliminary and Final Plat of
MRD Commercial Park. Seconded by CM Heidner. All in favor. Motion carried
to 0.
Mr. Kirmis stated that the applicants are requesting Final Plat Approval of Lin Bar
Estates. The City Council approved the rezoning at their August 28, 1995 Meeting. Mr.
Kirmis recommends approval subject to the conditions in his attached report.
Kevin Kielb recommends approval of the Final Plat subject to the incorporation of the
items listed in his September 21, 1995 Report. Mr. Kielb noted he has discussed these
issues with the applicants.
CM Fournier motioned to approve the Final Plat for Lin Bar Estates subject to the
conditions outlined by the City Engineer and City Planner. Seconded by CM
Ackerman. All in favor. Motion carried.
Otsego City Council Meeting of September 25, 1995, cont'd. Page 4.
Mayor Freske asked about the Stop Sign situation in Island View. Mr. Kielb will check
into this.
CM Black motioned to table this Item until the next City Council Meeting since the
City Attorney is not at this Meeting. Seconded by CM Fournier. All in favor.
Motion carried.
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Mayor Freske noted this was approved by the City Attorney. CM Fournier asked if the
sub -committee is in complete agreement with this contract. Both CM Black and Mayor
Freske said yes.
CNI Black motioned to authorize Mayor Freske to enter into the Agreement with
Bonestroo for the sewer study with the City of Dayton and Frankfort Township.
Seconded by CM Heidner. All in favor. Motion carried.
Elaine Beatty noted there will be a sub -committee meeting on October 12 at 7 PM. She
will let everyone know where.
7.3 Resolution R 7 VanTatenhove Drainage Impact Fee
Mayor Freske asked Mr. VanTatenhove if he is aware of all the discussions regarding the
$1,000. per acre for impact fees and if he has any questions.
Mr. VanTatenhove'said he feels like all of this is over -kill on his project. This is a sandy
area, the impact fees will kill his project. He had this project pre -sold to Ziegler
Construction but doesn't think it is feasible compared to other projects in the area. His
purchase agreement with the property owners, if it doesn't work out feasibly, will be null
and,void. Mr. VanTatenhove asked if he would have to have the black topping done in
order to get Building Permits next Spring, he would like to do only the first lift this Fall.
Another problem is getting the utilities in. He could get the grading done this Fall.
The Council discussed the issuing of building permits, road escrow and pointed out to Mr.
VanTatenhove he will start running into storm water impact fees with other communities.
The Council suggested that Mr. VanTatenhove discuss these issues with the City
Engineer, who should be available in a week, and with Elaine Beatty.
CM Black motioned the approval of adoption of the Resolution. Seconded CM
Fournier. All in favor. Motion carried.
Otsego City Council Meeting of September 25, 1995, cont'd. Page 5.
7.4. Any other gal Business
8. Council Items_
CM Fournier motioned to accept the City Clerk's recommendation for Friday.
November 24, 1995 as a Floating Holiday. Seconded by C11 Black. All in favor.
Motion carried.
CM Fournier motioned to change the December 25th City Council Meeting to
Wednesday, December 27, 1995 at 6: 30PM. Seconded by CM Ackerman. All in
favor. Motion carried.
8.1 Consider Fngagement Letter from Abdo Abdo & Fick for 1995 Audit
CM Heidner motioned to approve the Engagement Letter from Abdo, Abdo & Eick
for the 1995 Audit for $3,875. Seconded by CM Black. All in favor. Motion
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Phyllis Boedigheimer reported that her and Larry Fournier have been meeting with two
Albertville EDA members, Duane Berning and Curt Muyers. Their discussions have
involved marketing, how area would be serviced, definition of boundaries, partnership
arrangements and financial issues.
Phyllis received from Larry Koshak, an estimated cost of $500. for a preliminary study for
water service to the targeted area. Mr. Koshak indicated to Phyllis that a lot of the work
has been done and would be basically putting the Feasibility Study together.
Mayor Freske was concerned with another sub -committee involved. CM Fournier
explained that there are two different issues, one is the EDA of this area and the other one
is annexation.
CM Heidner encouraged both committees to continue their work. Mayor Freske just
wanted to make every thing clear.
CM Heidner suggested moving a boundary line. The Council agreed.
CM Black motioned to approve the preliminary boundary lines as drawn on the
attached Map and the allocation of up to $500. for the City Engineer for a
Feasibility Study. Seconded by CM Heidner. All in favor. Motion carried.
Otsego City Council Meeting of September 25, 1995, cont'd. Page 6.
8.4. Discussion of the Otsego Visioning Session
Elaine Beatty brought the Council up to date on the Visioning Session which is set for
October 16th, 6:30 PM. David Licht will be the moderator and will be sending out a
Memo re,-)-ardin2 this session.
Letter trom An(ly Dawkins. Stato Kc -presentative- dated S �ptemher 6 199>
Mayor Freske requested staff to make copies for the Council and Elaine and Stafi' should
complete the survey.
Wrighto n Partnership- Phyllis Boedigheimer said she has attended two meetings,
with the last one held here at Otsego City Hall. Phyllis noted that Wright County
Commissioners aren't supportive of economic development. The Wright County
Partnership will have a staff coordinator on by November and she feels then the group
would be more aggressive and a viable organization. The group would support Phyllis'
appointment to the Board. The membership dues of $50.00 would cover for the balance
of 1995. Phyllis recommends this and to try it for a year.
Phyllis also said they viewed a video on a new concept for a waste treatment system. She
will try and get a copy of this for everyone to view.
CM Fournier asked for a clarification of dues, if they are calculated by population and City
Status. Phyllis said this was true and first year dues would be $1,000.
Phyllis will have this item put on the next City Council Agenda.
Siren Update: CM Black contacted Wright -Hennepin Electric and they will coordinate
with Dave Chase for installation. Location will be in between Quaday Avenue and 101.
Mayor Freske noted Ing Roskaft's retirement from Wright County Planning Commission.
8.6. Consider Claims List for = rp oval
CM Fournier motioned approval of the Claims List. Seconded by CM Heidner.
All in favor. Motion carried.
CM Fournier informed the Council that the Otsego Creek Authority received DNR
approval for improvement to the Otsego Creek, 2 culverts at 83rd Street and redefining
the ditch. The next meeting is at Albertville, October 11.
8.7. Adjourn by 10 PM.
CM Heidner motioned to adjourn.. Seconded by CM Fournier. All in favor.
Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 8 PM.
ti. S
Mayor Norman F. Freske
Attest: Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/
Zoning Administrator
R c ded . Judy Hudson, Deputy Clerk