08-28-95 CCCouncilmember introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NUMBER 95- 3' RESOLUTION ADDING DEPOSITORIES TO RESOLUTION 95-26 A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING DEPOSITORIES FOR CITY FUNDS WHEREAS, the City of Otsego each year must stipulate official depositories for city funds and, WHEREAS, from time to time it is necessary to add depositories to be used for investments of city funds. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Otsego designates the following additional depositories as official city depositories of city funds: Investment Center Located at Bank of Elk River - Elk River, Mn Investment Center Located at First National Bank of Elk River - Anoka Office - Anoka, Mn The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Councilmember and upon vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof: and the following voted against the same: none, whereupon said resolution was passed this 28th day of August, 1995. Norman F. Freske, Mayor ATTEST: Elaine Beatty, Clerk/Zoning Adm. CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION ORIGINATING DEPT. MEETING DATE CONSENT AGENDA FINANCE AUGUST 28, 1995 ITEM NO: ITEM DESCRIPTION PREPARED BY 6.2 CONSIDER HEALTH/DENTAL/LIFE INSURANCE PLAN FOR EMPLOYEES P.Boedigheimer�/ During the past six weeks I have worked with two different insurance agencies, the City Council and the City Staff to obtain the best health, dental and life insurance coverage for the City's employees. Quotes were received in each area of insurance from a variety of carriers. Contribution by the City toward the employees' insurance program was an integral part of the decision process. At the City Council worksession on July 26, 1995, the City Council indicated that the City Staff could anticipate a contribution of $200 per month per employee for an insurance program. After careful review by the City's insurance agent, the City Staff and myself it was determined that Medica Health Insurance was the best health insurance carrier, the League Of Minnesota Cities Insurance Trust offered the best price for life insurance, and Delta Dental was the dental provider chosen to meet the needs of the employees at a reasonable cost. The following is a brief review of the insurance coverages selected: INSURANCE COVERAGE COST Medica Health Insurance 100% Preventative Health Care, Dependent upon age $10 Copay-Physician, $10 Copay- and persons covered Hospital, $9 Copay-Prescription, 80% up to 73 days per member per calendar yr.- Mental Health, $10 copay individual therapy, $5 copay-group with hour per calendar yr. limits., 80% up to 73 days per member per calendar yr. - Substance Abuse. $40 Copay- hospital emergency. $10 Copay- Urgent Care Center. Life Ins. - LMCIT $10,000 Life and AD&D $4.10 per employee Delta Dental $25 deductible - 100% preventative $33.70 per employee 50% all other services. for family coverage $11.40 for single coverage All of the Long Term Disability Insurance carriers required 100% participation and after staff meetings with employees it was determined that there would not be the 100% participation. Therefore, a long term disability program is not in place for the City at this time. This is a good insurance program for the City's employees and I believe all employees are very satisfied and happy with the program as presented. All of the insurance applications and forms have been completed and sent to the various carriers for insurance coverage to begin September 1, 1995. It is recommended that the City Council approve the City's Employee Insurance Program as presented and to allocate up to $200 per month per employee for the program. The balance of the health insurance premium for those employees that also included their spouse and dependents in the program will be deducted from their payroll wages. CONTRACT FOR FIRE PROTECTION This agreement made and entered into by and between the City of Elk River, a municipal corporation of the County of Sherburne and State of Minnesota, hereinafter called the CITY, and the CITY OF OTSEGO of the County of WRIGHT and State of Minnesota, hereinafter called the OTSEGO. WHEREAS, the OTSEGO desires the services of the Fire Department of the CITY in case of fires occurring in the CITY OF OTSEGO, located outside the corporate limits of the CITY; and, WHEREAS, the CITY maintains a fire department consisting of volunteer firefighters, at least one (1) pumping engine and miscellaneous other equipment, which personnel and equipment are available, subject only to the limitations herein expressed, for fighting fires in said OTSEGO and elsewhere. IT IS THEREFORE AGREED BY AND BETWEEN SAID PARTIES AS FOLLOWS: 1. That the CITY through its fire department will answer calls to fight fires occurring in the CITY OF OTSEGO in the area designated on the attached map with at least one (1) pumping engine and equipment to deliver at least 1,500 gallons of water and such volunteer firefighters as may be designated by the Chief of the Elk River Fire Department, or his/her Deputy, unless in the judgment of said Chief, or Deputy, such fixe can be fought with other equipment maintained by the CITY as part of its fire department, subject only to the limitations and restrictions hereinafter set forth: a. If road and weather conditions at the time of the call are such that the fire run cannot be made with reasonable safety to firefighters and equipment, and the decision of the Fire Chief or his/her Deputy in charge shall be final in such matter, no obligation arises under this agreement on the part of the CITY to answer such call. b. In the event that a sufficient amount of the fire fighting equipment and number of volunteer firefighters, or both, are committed at the time of the fire call, in the sole judgment of the Chief or his/her Deputy, to fighting preexisting fires, so as to render the available fire fighting equipment and volunteer firefighters inadequate to answer the fire call, in OTSEGO and fight the reported fire, no obligation arises under this agreement to answer such call, and no person or party shall have recourse against the CITY for refusal to answer such call. A preexisting fire for the purposes of this agreement shall be a fire to which the Fire Department of the CITY is called previous to receiving the call from OTSEGO and which fire is still being fought by the CITY Fire Department at the time the call from OTSEGO is received. c. In the event a fire call in OTSEGO is answered by the CITY, but before the fire in question is extinguished, the fire fighting equipment or volunteer firefighters, or both, are needed to fight a fire in the CITY or protect property in the CITY from a fire in the sole judgment of the Chief or his/her Deputy, without liability therefore to any person or to OTSEGO under this agreement, the Chief may recall the firefighters and firefighting equipment. d. The decision of the Fire Chief or his/her Deputy with reference to sending or recalling fire fighting equipment and volunteer firefighters to or from any fire in OTSEGO shall be final and no person or party shall have recourse against the CITY for any damages or losses resulting from such action or decision. e. The fire protection district in accordance with MSA 368.85 shall be and include the area as outlined on the attached map. 2. That OTSEGO shall pay to the CITY each year this agreement is in force and effect, a sum of money as determined by result of application of the following formula: COST = {Annual Operating Costs + (Equipment 20) + (Building 20) + Administrative Costs) x % of use No additional charges on a per call basis will be assessed. 3. The payment specified in paragraph 2, above, shall be made by OTSEGO for any fire call in OTSEGO answered by the CITY Fire Department regardless of how the call is received or by whom it is made, no payments shall be due for false alarms unless the call is made by a resident of OTSEGO. 4. The parties acknowledge the fact that the CITY is under a similar type contract with other municipalities and that a fire call under any such contract preceding a call in OTSEGO could be a valid and reasonable basis for the decision of the Fire Chief or his/her Deputy in refusing to answer a fire call in OTSEGO. 5. Because the CITY has heretofore entered into mutual assistance fire fighting agreements with other municipalities possessing fire fighting equipment and firefighters, which equipment and firefighters could be called by the Chief or his/her Deputy to a fire in OTSEGO, OTSEGO agrees to pay such additional cost as may be incurred thereby if in the sole judgment of the Chief or his/her Deputy such additional fire fighting equipment and firefighters are needed to fight in OTSEGO and are in fact called to such fire by the Chief or his/her Deputy. 6. The duration of the contract shall be a period of one 1) year subject to annual review from and after the date of its execution by the CITY, subject to cancellation by either party upon thirty (30) days notice in writing to other party. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto set their hands and seals this day of , 1995. CITY OF ELK RIVER :A an City Administrator In the presence of: CITY OF OTSEGO .,21ro-IMr'Volits CR 9 9 Is 4709 i� OO�IS10 A0 i CITY OF OTSEGO R F.nl IF ST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: MEETING DATE: Consent Agenda Clerk 8/28/95 TEM NUMBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION: PREPARED BY: 6.5. Truth In Taxation Hearing Date Elaine Beatty, Clerk/Z.A. BACKGROUND I received a letter from Darla Groshens, Wright Co. Auditor Re: Setting dates for the Truth In Taxation Hearing. We need to take into Consideration the School District Dates and Wright County dates already set. REVIEW OF THE ISSUES The dates already taken were reviewed. ALTERNATIVES/IMPACTS STAFF RECOMMENDATION I recommend December 14, 1995 at 6:30PM as the first Truth in Taxation Hearing Nwith the Alternate Date of December 18, 1995 at 6:30PM Elaine Beatty Otsego City Clerk 8899 Nashua Ave. NE Otsego MN 55330 DARLA M. G Wright County Auditor Wright County Government Ctnte 10 N.W. 2nd Street - - Buffalo, Minnesota 55313-1193 Phone: (612) 682-7578 FAX. (612) 682-6178 August 16, 1995 Re: Truth -in -Taxation Hearings - Payable 1996 R(�M0MC As required by the Truth -in -Taxation legislation, we are notifying you that the Wright County Public Hearing date has been set as follows: Date: December 12, 1995 Time: 7:00 P.M. Place: Commissioners' Board Room Wright County Government Center and will reconvene, if necessary, on December 19, 1995 at 7:00 P.M. Attached is a listing of hearing dates, as set by the Wright County area School Districts. We are requesting that you now set the City's date and time for your public hearing and for a reconvening hearing, if needed. The dates selected for initial hearings, and for continuation hearings if necessary, must all fall within the time period of November 29, 1995 through December 20, 1995. All school districts and cities must hold their Truth -in -Taxation public hearings between November 29 and December 19, 1995, excluding December 12. Truth -in -Taxation public hearings cannot be held before November 29, 1995. Among other things, this restriction allows the counties to get the parcel specific notices delivered to property owners prior to the public hearings. Also, these hearings cannot be held after December 20, 1995. This restriction gives the County Auditor -Treasurer time to complete the tax lists for payable 1996 and also time to mail out the property tax statements for payable 1996 by the statutory deadline. Just a reminder: The proposed and final property tax levies certified by the taxing authority to the County Auditor Treasurer must be after the deduction by the taxing authority of the certified amount of its homestead and agricultural credit aid (HACA) for the taxes payable year 1996. As directed by the MN Department of Revenue, we are asking you to certify to us in writing, on or before September 15, 1995 the dates, times, and location you have selected for your hearings and your proposed property tax levy certified for payable 1995 taxes. The final property tax levy must be certified to us "on or before 5 business days after December 20, 1995 (on or before December 28, 1995)." Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action Employer 1996 Truth -in -Taxation Hea gs - Cities Page 2 s you are aware, these hearing dates must not conflict with the hearing dates of the junty or of the School District(s) in which the City is located. If you have any questions, please call 682-7578. DMG:gg Sincerely, Darla M. Groshens WRIGHT COUNTY AUDITOR/TREASURER TRUTH IN TAXATION HEARING (1996) - WRIGHT COUNTY SCHOOLS 1. S.D. 111 - Watertown/Mayer Tues., Dec. 5 & Mon., Dec. 18 - 8:00 P.M. - Middle School Board Room. 2. S.D. 425 - GSL Lakeside School Thurs., Nov. 30 - 8:00 P.M. & Thurs., Dec. 7 - 6:00 P.M. - Multi -Purpose Room. 3. S.D. 427 - Winsted Thurs., Dec. 14 & Thurs., Dec. 21 - 7:30 P.M. - Elementary School. 4. S.D. 466 - Dassel-Cokato Thurs., Dec. 14 - 7:00 P.M. - High School Media Center. 5. S.D. 728 - Elk River Tues., Dec. 5 & Wed., Dec. 13 - 7:00 P.M. - Community Education Center. 6. S.D. 742 - St. Cloud Thurs., Dec. 7 & Thurs., Dec. 14 - 6:30 P.M. - Administration Off. Board Room. 7. S.D. 876 - Annandale Thurs., Nov. 30, 7:00 P.M. & Mon., Dec. 11, 6:00 P.M. - Middle School Music Room. 8. S.D. 877 - Buffalo Thurs., Nov. 30 & Thurs., Dec. 7 - 7:00 P.M. - Junior High Library. 9. S.D. 879 - Delano Wed., Nov. 29 & Mon., Dec. 18 - 7:00 P.M. - Delano High School Library. 10. S.D. 880 - Howard Lake -Waverly Mon., Dec. 4 & Mon., Dec. 18 - 7:30 P.M. - High School Media Center. 11. S.D. 881 - Maple Lake Mon., Dec. 11 - 8:00 P.M. - High School Life Studies Room. 12. S.D. 882 - Monticello Mon., Dec. 4 & Mon., Dec. 11 - 7:00 P.M. - High School Board Room. 13. S.D. 883 - Rockford Thurs., Nov. 30 - 6:30 P.M. - Middle School Board Room. 14. S.D. 885 - St. Michael -Albertville Mon., Dec. 4 - 7:30 P.M. - High School Board Room. REZONING APPROVAL CITY OF OTSEGO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA IN RE: FINDINGS OF FACT AND DECISION Application of Wilfred Lindenfelser and Hillary Barry to rezone the following described land from A-1, Agricultural Rural Service to A-2, Agricultural Long Range Urban Service Area. The subject property is legally described as: See Exhibit A On 28 August 1995, the Otsego City Council met at its regularly scheduled meeting to consider the application of Wilfred Lindenfelser and Hillary Barry to rezone the above described land from A-1, Agricultural Rural Service to A-2, Agricultural Long Range Urban Service Area. Based upon the application, the recommendation of the Planning Commission, and the evidence received, the City Council now makes the following findings of fact and decision. FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The applicants are requesting a rezoning of the following described property from A-1, Agricultural Rural Service to A-2, Agricultural Long Range Urban Service Area. The subject property is legally described as: See Exhibit A 2. The subject property lies within the City's designated Long Range Urban Service Area. 3. Section 20-3-2.F of the Zoning Ordinance directs the Planning Commission and City Council to consider seven (7) possible adverse effects of the requested rezoning. The seven effects and the findings regarding them are: a. The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the official City Comprehensive Plan. The proposed rezoning is consistent with the provisions of the Comprehensive Plan by allowing a low density residential development which serves as a transition from urban to rural uses. The proposed residential density is consistent with the purpose of the A-2 District's establishment. b. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. The proposed use is compatible with present and future land uses of the area. C. The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained herein. All future development upon the subject property will be required to meet applicable performance standards of the Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance. d. The proposed use's impact upon the area in which it is proposed. The proposed rezoning will not adversely affect the subject area. e. The proposed use's impact upon property values of the area in which it is proposed. The proposed rezoning will not adversely affect property values in the subject area. f. Traffic generation by the proposed use in relation to capabilities of street serving the property. Traffic generated by the proposed use is within the capabilities of County Road 37 which serves the property. g. The proposed use's impact upon existing public services and facilities including parks, streets, and utilities, and its potential to overburden the City's service capacity. The rezoning and resulting land use will not overburden the City's service capacity. 4. The planning report dated 3 August 1995 prepared by Northwest Associated Consultants, Inc., is incorporated herein. 5. On 16 August 1995, the Otsego Planning Commission conducted a public hearing to consider the proposed conditional use permit application preceded by published and mailed 2 notice. Upon review of the conditional use permit application and evidence received, the Otsego Planning Commission closed the public hearing and recommended that the City Council approve the conditional use permit based on the aforementioned findings. DECISION Based on the foregoing considerations and applicable ordinances, the applicant's request to rezone the following described property from A-1, Agricultural Rural Service District to A-2, Agricultural Long Range Urban Service is approved in its present form: See Exhibit A ADOPTED by the Otsego City Council this 28th day of August 1995. CITY OF OTSEGO Norman F. Freske, Mayor 11►�1 &W Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator PROPERTY LEGAL DESCRIPTION The South Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 28, Township 121, Range 23, Wright County, except therefrom- t1;e following described tracts: 1. The north 418.00 feet of the west 347.00 feet of the said South Half of the Southeast Quarter. 2. The east 660.00 feet of the said South Half of the. Southeast (�uarter. 3. Beginning at the southwest corner of the said South Half of the Southeast Q*jarter; thence north along the Nest line of said South Half of the .'c-:utheast Quarter, a distance of 619.00 feet; thence east at a right angle, a distance of 313.83 feet; thence south at a right angle, a distance of 621.89 feet to the south line of the said South Half of t1:e Southeast Quarter; thence west along the said south line, a distance of 313.84 feet to the point of beginning. EXHIBIT A ORDINANCE NO. CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT, MINNESOTA AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO TO PROVIDE FOR A CHANGE IN ZONING CLASSIFICATION. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO HEREBY ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The official zoning map of the Otsego Zoning Ordinance is hereby amended to change the zoning classification of the following described property: See Exhibit A Section 2. The above described property is hereby rezoned from A-1, Agricultural Rural Service District to A-2, Agricultural, Long Range Urban Service District. Section 3. The Zoning Administrator is hereby directed to make appropriate change n the official zoning map of the City of Otsego to reflect the change in zoning classification as set forth above. Section 4. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and publication. ADOPTED by the Otsego City Council this 28th day of August 1995. ATTEST: LN CITY OF OTSEGO LIN Norman F. Freske, Mayor Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator PROPERTY LEGAL DESCRIPTION The South Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 28, Tcwnship 121, Range 23, Wright County, except therefrom the following described tracts: 1. The north 418.00 feet of the west 347.00 feet of the said South i:alf of the Southeast Quarter. 2. The east 660.00 feet of the said South Half of the Southeast Quarter. 3. Beginning at the southwest corner of the said South Half of the Southeast Quarter; thence north along the ,-rest lire of said South Half of the Sc-:utheast Quarter, a distance of 619.00 feet; thence east at a right angle, a distance of 313.83 feet; thence south. at a right angle, a distance of 621.89 feet to the south line of the said South Half of the Southeast Quarter; thence west along the said south line, a distance of 313.84 feet to the point of beginning. EXHIBIT A Hakanson Anderson 1 Assoc., Inc. July 14, 1995 Ms. Elaine Beatty, Clerk City of Otsego 8899 Nashua Avenue Otsego, MN 55330 RE: MRD Christ Lutheran Church Preliminary Plat Dear Elaine: 222 Monroe Street Anoka, Minnesota 55303 612/427-5860 Fax 612/427-3401 We have reviewed the data and drawings sent to us in reference to the above mentioned plat and find the following concern and comments: 1. It appears that the Preliminary Plat does not have current topography and contours. 2. We did no find a grading and drainage plan in the submittals. We need to review this item as part of the process, however, it must be accompanied with current topography and contours. 3. We receive the 1989 septic tank/drainfield data for the design and also some reference to what actually was constructed. The City has adopted a new ordinance which differs somewhat from the County Ordinance of 1989. Mr. Jack Holmes has extrapolated from the 1989 information an assumption that the area available in front of the existing building to be adequate to support of the new system. We would recommend that the Church retain a qualified site evaluator to evaluate the existing system and the proposed system to determine if there is enough space to place the proposed system. The evaluator and church planner should determine what the peak flow needs to be considered for the design. Engineers Landscape Architects Surveyors Ms. Elaine Beatty Page 2 July 14, 1995 A site plan should be provided with current topography, property lines, and a preliminary layout. The issue as to whether the proposed development can provide adequate sewage treatment on site is in my opinion a preliminary plat issue to be addressed. 4. The R.O.W. for future Quaday Avenue is shown as required. We have assumed that the location and alignment meet the design requirement discussed in previous submittal. We would not recommend approval without completion of item 1 and 3 as a minimum. There are major item missing necessary to make a review of the proposal. If you have any questions, please contact me. Sincerely, HAKANSON ANDERSON ASSOCIATES, INC. G. • jig cc: Rev. Greg Paugh, Pastor Bob Kirmis, NAC Andy MacArthur, Radzwill Law Office Walter Klus OT2127.wpd Conditional Use Permit Approval CITY OF OTSEGO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA IN RE. FINDINGS OF FACT AND DECISION Application of Norbert Chapp for a conditional use permit to allow the construction of a second detached accessory structure for a single family dwelling. On 28 August 1995, the Otsego City Council met at its regularly scheduled meeting to consider the application of Norbert Chapp for a conditional use permit to allow the construction of a second detached accessory structure for a single family dwelling. Based upon the application, the recommendation of the Planning Commission, and the evidence received, the City Council now makes the following findings of fact and decision. FINDINGS OF FACT The applicant is requesting a conditional use permit to allow the construction of a second detached accessory structure for a single family dwelling 2. The subject property is zoned R-3, Residential Immediate Urban Service. 3. The proposed accessory building is a conditional use. 4. The legal description of the property is Lot 8, Block 1 Vasseurs Oak Grove Estates 4th Addition. 5. Section 20-4-2.F of the Zoning Ordinance directs the Planning Commission and City Council to consider seven possible adverse effects of the requested rezoning. The seven effects and the findings regarding them are: a. The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the official City Comprehensive Plan. The proposed use will be compatible with adjacent properties. As such, the use is consistent with the intent of the Comprehensive Plan and the property's R-3 zoning designation. b. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. The proposed accessory storage building will be compatible with present and future uses in the area. C. The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained herein (i.e., parking, loading, noise, etc.). The proposed use will conform to all applicable performance standards. d. The proposed use's effect upon the area in which it is proposed. The proposed -.ase will not tend to or have an adverse effect upon the area in which it is proposed e. The proposed use's impact upon property values of the area in which it is proposed. The proposed use will not tend to depreciate area property values. f. Traffic generation by the proposed use in relation to capabilities of streets serving the property. Traffic generated by the proposed use is within the capabilities of Needham Avenue which serves the property. g. The proposed use's impact upon existing public services and facilities including parks, streets, and utilities, and its potential to overburden the City's service capacity. The proposed use can be accommodated by existing public service facilities. The proposed use will not overburden the City's service capacity. 6. The planning report dated 6 August 1995, prepared by Northwest Associated Consultants, Inc., is incorporated herein. 7. On 16 August 1995, the Otsego Planning Commission conducted a public hearing to consider the proposed conditional use permit preceded by published and mailed notice. Upon review of the conditional use permit application and evidence received, the Otsego Planning Commission closed the public hearing and recommended that the City Council approve the conditional use permit based on the aforementioned findings. Fj DECISION Based on the foregoing considerations and applicable ordinances, the applicant's request for a conditional use permit to allow the construction of a second detached accessory structure for a single family dwelling is approved in its present form and subject to the following conditions: 1. A building elevation(s) of the proposed accessory structure is submitted which specifies structure height. The proposed structure shall be. required to comply with applicable height requirements. 2. The proposed accessory structure is not to be utilized for home occupation, commercial related activities, or the keeping of animals. 3. The proposed accessory structure match the principal building in color. 4. The City Engineer provide comment/recommendation in regard to drainage and utility easement establishment. 5. The -+- 100 square foot metal shed which exists along the subject property's western border is removed from the property no later than 1 October 1995. 6. Comments from other City staff. ADOPTED by the Otsego City Council this 28th day of August 1995. CITY OF OTSEGO By: Norman F. Freske, Mayor ATTEST: Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator CITY of OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION BYLAWS Amended: July 1995 ORGANIZATION: 1. The Planning Commission officers shall be: Chair Vice Chair Secretary 2. Duties of the officers: A. Chair: The Chair shall preside at all meetings of the Commission. The Chair shall preserve order and decorum and shall decide all questions of order. The Chair shall appoint any necessary committees and shall appoint any committees requested by a majority of the members. The Chair may call special meetings by written notice stating the purpose of such meeting and delivered at least twenty four hours in advance of the meeting. B. Vice Chair: The Vice Chair shall preside at all meetings in the absence of the Chair and perform such duties as requested by the Chair. C. Secretary: The Secretary shall be responsible for insuring that detailed minutes of all Commission meetings shall be taken by the staff secretary and distributed to the members at least a week before the next commission meeting. The Secretary shall also maintain records of site inspection attendance and attendance of Commission members at meetings and shall submit these records to the staff upon a regular basis. WORK RULES: Page 2 There shall be two regularly scheduled meetings the first and third Wednesday of each month, unless an alternative is scheduled due to an unforeseen conflict. Notice of the change must be given in writing to members at least four days prior to the meeting date. 2. At the first meeting in January, the Commission shall elect from it's membership a Chair, a Vice Chair, and a Secretary. The membership of the Commission shall consist of seven members appointed by the City Council, one alternate member appointed by the City Council, and a non-voting Council representative appointed by the Mayor. 4. The alternate member shall sit at the planning commission table during any scheduled meeting and participate in all sessions, but the alternate shall only vote if a member of the commission is absent. 5. A quorum shall consist of four members. 6. A member may be excused from an individual meeting for reasons of illness, work or out of town trips. Notice of the members absence must be communicated to the staff before 4:00 p.m. on the date of the meeting. 7. The order of business shall be as listed in the meeting agenda to be prepared by the Zoning Administrator before each meeting. 8. All Commission recommendations shall be sent to the City Council in written meeting minutes and shall include a record of the division of votes on each recommendation. 9. All meetings shall be open to the public. 10. Any site inspection involving 4 members or more as a group, shall be noticed as a special Planning Commission meeting. 11. Any resolution or motion, except the motion to adjourn, postpone, reconsider, table, or force the previous question shall be written and included in the meeting minutes. 12. Any resolution or motion may be withdrawn at any time before action is taken on it. Page 3 13. When a question is under debate, no other motion shall be entertained except to table or call for the question, act on the question, postpone, refer to committee, or amend. Motions shall take precedence in that order and the first two shall be without debate. 14. All motions shall be carried by a majority vote of the members and Chair present, except call for the "question". Any members or the Chair may call for a roll call vote on any issue. 15. Motions shall be made only by persons recognized by the Chair. 16. Call for the question is not a motion, but an indication to the Chair that the person making this statement is ready to have the motion or question acted upon without further discussion. 17. Any Commission member having a financial interest, or a family member with a financial interest in any individual action to be considered by the Commission, shall: a. notify the Chair of the conflict in advance of meeting. b. allow the Chair to explain the potential conflict to the Commission. C. at the request of the Chair, the member shall excuse himself/herself from the Commission meeting room in advance of the discussion and voting on this item. 18. In the event that a member is contacted prior to a Commission Meeting by a citizen with a concern regarding a pending issue, the member must: a. refrain from discussing any pending Planning Commission business with any individual outside of a Planning Commission meeting. This includes indicating his/her stand on the pending issue. b. refrain from speculating on other Commission member's stand on the pending issue. 19. Any Commission member who conducts himself/herself in a manner conflicting with the above By -Laws, provides grounds for removal by the City Council. Page 4 20. These rules shall not be repealed or amended except by a five member vote of the Commission and after notice has been given at a previous meeting. Changes in these By -Laws will become active upon approval by the City Council. 21. Any rule not covered by these Work Rules shall.be governed by Robert's Rules of Order. William S. RadzwiU thew I. MacArthur Michael C. Court August 23, 1995 RADZWILL & CO URI Attorneys at Law 705 Central Avenue East PO Box 369 St. Michael, MN 55376 (612) 497-1930 (612) 497-2599 (FAX) City Council Members City of Otsego c/o Phyllis Boedigheimer Director of Business and Finance 8899 Nashua Avenue NE Elk River, `MN 55330 RB: Proposed. Resolution And Draft Agreement Regarding City Assistance To Developer of Otsego Industrial Park Dear Council Members: Enclosed herein for your consideration at the August 28 City Council meeting please find a proposed resolution regarding provision of City funding assistance to Long Haul Trucking, Inc. and a draft agreement regarding the same for your examination. I have discussed the matter with the City's Finance Director and she has calculated that based upon the County's valuation of the proposed building ($750,000.00) and the land with other improvements .($100,000.00) the entire property has a value of approximately $850,000.00. Based upon her calculations, the Cityfs share of taxes from the Long Haul site should amount to .approximately $13,000.00 per year, assuming a fairly stable City .rate and no unforeseen degradation of the value of the site. Based upon these figures we are asking that the Council consider two simple options, Option A being a rebate of $6,500.00 per year over a ten year period, and Option B being a rebate of $13,000.00 per year over a five year period. Obviously, the options, as stated, do not include any interest to the Developer which I believe is a Council matter for discussion. I have contacted Long Haul's attorney, John Gries, and have indicated that the above options are basically what the City was offering. He raised the issue of some interest payback due to the fact that the assistance would not be up front money, and indicated that he would present a letter to either myself or the City stating Letter to Otsego City Council August ;23, 1995 Page�2 his client's position in this matter. I informed him that the -matter would be under consideration at the Monday meeting. The proposed Agreement is a rough draft so that the Council can see how the rebate would-be structured. The Agreement would be recorded ;;acgairist` the property. If you have any specific questions regarding this draft I will be available to address them at Monday's meeting.` .�_ .,Very truly -yours, rpw :J. acAr ur xRADZWILL & COURI .cc: Bob Kirmis, NACr T. Larry Koshak, Hakanson Anderson John Gries,_Attorney at Law CITY OF OTSEGO ENGINEER'S AGENDA ITEMS CITY COUNCIL MEETING AUGUST 28, 1996 9.1 MUNICIPAL WELL - UPDATE On Thursday and Friday, 8/17 & 8/18/95, Traut Wells flushed the water lines between the well and school and performed additional sand tests. The well depth was also checked. The school district was represented on site by Jon Bogart and Roger Renner. Kevin Kielb of our firm was on-site as well as Duane Fiedler. We hired Traut Wells at a cost of $1250 to do this work. Samples of the water were taken during and after the flushing. The School District representatives and Kevin took samples of the water for independent testing for sand content. We sent our sample to Midwest Testing who reported a sand content of 5.3 and 4.7 PPM. One test showed the level to be slightly higher than the Department of Health guideline of 5.0 PPM. All our previous tests have been lower than this amount. Traut Wells also measured to hole depth and according to the reading, we lost a foot. The last time the hole depth was measured was during the pump replacement in July and which time it was the same elevation when constructed in November 94. The obvious conclusion is that this well is a sand pumping well. This condition is typical of a well using the Ironton Galesville formation. With sand screens and controlled pumping rates, we feel the sand problem can be managed. However, if the hole continues to fill eventually it will be necessary to redevelop and remove the sand from the well. This will be part of a program of monitoring the well in the future. 9.2 OTSEGO PRAIRIE PARK (see attached memo from Merland Otto who plans to attend the council and discussed the contents of the memo with the council.) 9.3 CSAH 37 & ODEAN AVENUE PROJECT UPDATE The street and county road are open to traffic. The contractor is doing restoration work and will be seeding and sodding in the next week. We need to address some drainage concerns with Mr. Jerome Kolles and Mr. Jim Lefebvre. Hopefully these issues can be resolved. The recent rains have been heavier than normal. 9.4 STORMWATER IMPACT FEES One of the methods for funding future storm water projects was to collect an impact fee at the time of development. This could be done in the developers agreement. Since the passage of the ordinance we have had at least two plats get final approvals for construction. We recommend that the Council authorize use to prepare a letter estimating those impact fee amounts. We feel that the most opportune time to collect for future storm water runoff solution is at the time of development. One of the developers is requesting that cost now. It appears he is concerned that if he develops, the impact fee could be higher than he could manage. Our recommendation is to set the fee on a per acre basis. The amount charged should not be higher than economically feasible at this time nor should it be too low and not able to provide the service needed. The Attorney needs to add the appropriate section on this issue to the developer agreement. We would request direction to both the Attorney and ourselves on this matter. 9.5 ANY OTHER ENGINEERING ITEMS File: AGENDA8.28 8/28/95 Item 9.2 Memo: City Council From: Merland Otto, HAA OTSEGO PRAIRIE PARK PARK GRADING The Grading operations commenced, Tuesday, August 8th at Otsego Park. The contract was awarded to Fehn Excavation Inc. The contract amount of $38,750 which included these items. Grading $33,050 Silt Fence $ 1,500 Ag. Lime $ 4,200 Grading was estimated at 17750 CY. The contractor notified us that he was going to be significantly short of fill required since he was running out of cut area. I met with Gary Fehn at the site and there was agreement that we were going to be short the necessary fill. We then preliminarily adjusted grades lowering the fields to achieve a better balance pending our checking of the volumes. The contractor continued working with the instructions not to exceed contract quantities. Upon checking volumes for the adjusted grades, it was determined that a significant increase in quantities and costs would occur. We then notified Fehn to cease further grading operations except for leveling and replacing topsoil. In order to finish the two southerly ballfields approximately 1400 CY of grading remains. In order to complete the Northwest ballfield approximately 2340 CY remains. I have asked Fehn to provide costs for each of these separately. I will review the circumstances and options at your Council Meeting on August 28th. File: OT77 MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ,)plication for installation of Guide and information Signing on Trunk Highways CW Applicant Name CitY Of Otsego Street Address 8899 Nashua Avenue NE City, State and Zip Otsego MN 55330 Phone: (612 ) 441-4414 Business Name Exact Location of Business 8899 Nashua Avenue NE County Wright Township n/a Requested Signing Location(si Southboundof 11lighway 101 over Mississipgi_River No. of Signs Requested: 1 If only one, facing which direction of travel: (circle) east west -irth south. NOTE: Additional guidance ("trailblazing") from the trunk highway intersection to the place of business will be the responsibility of the applicant and the local road authority, as mandated by Minnesota statutes, and must be inpiace prior to installation of trunk highway signing. Applicant must read, complete, and sign the reverse side (Certification of Compliance) prior to sign fabrication and installation. TOTAL COST ($13.50/Sq. ft.): $162.00 (includes fabrication, installation, and overhead) rvm,AKE Ci- —C" OR Nme"NE ORDER PAYABLE TO: CONWHISSICiNER OF TRA .SPORTATION nnesota Department of TranspL ation Metropolitan Division Golden Vallee Office F 2055 North Lilac Drive tirOF TFt Golden Vallee, Minnesota 55422 Mr. Jim Tralle 10825 208th Avenue N.W. Elk River, Minnesota 55330 August 11, 1995 Dear Mr. Tralle: Telephone No. (612) 797-3132 This letter is a follow-up to our most recent phone conversation regarding signing for the r n t- brildn con o •d l tcrc t for signing foi- the 'Betty �,et�, ,d,.u�s ,,..,.tee. In our L..v;;rsaticn � „u a .t.. cs.,e,. n�.,: s. Adkins bridge on both northbound and southbound TH 101 rather than just the southbound roadway as I had indicated in my July 27th letter to you. I am sending you the adjusted prices for the signing and am sending along an additional application as well. The total cost of the two signs is $312.00 ($162.00each--12 square feet at $13.50 per square foot). Payment for the signs must be returned with the application prior to the fabrication or installation of the signs. Please note that the applicant is responsible for maintenance of the signs and their replacement if they become damaged or vandalized and for their replacement cost at the time they must be refurbished due to natural deterioration --usually about every 10-12 years. Please fill out the application and return it to me as soon as possible. As I mentioned in my earlier letter, we should be able to meet your request to have this sign installed this fall, the sign is already designed and will be fabricated as soon as payment is received. We will coordinate its installation with you so that it is placed in conjunction with your proposed recognition ceremony. Please call if you have any questions or comments. Sincerely, Charles J. Irudrlik, P.E. Metro Division Traffic Engineer Traffic Services cc: Al Pint Senator Mark Ourada Gary Dirlam--Dist 3 (Brainerd) Traffic Engineer file ,An E(Pial OpportunitY Employer Mr. Jim Tralle innesota Department of Transp 10825 208th Avenue N.W. Elk River, Minnesota 55330 July 27, 1995 Dear Mr. Tralle: Metropolitan Division Gulden ValleN Office 2055 'north Lilac Drive Gulden Valle. 'Minnesota 55422 ation Telephone No. (612) 797-3132 This letter is a follow-up to our phone conversation regarding signing for the Betty Adkins bridge. The legislation naming this bridge also specified that "The people of the community, ...shall reimburse the department for costs in marking and memorializing this bridge". For your information, I have included several attachments to this letter. • The first is the design for 'Betty Adkins Bridge" sign that will be placed on the north end of the southbound bridge on TH 101 over the Mississippi River. We will also install a "Mississippi River" sign (design also attached) on the same post. This is similar to the "Richard Braun Bridge" signs on TH 252 over the Mississippi River in Coon Rapids. • The second attachment is an Application for installation of Guide and In formation Signing on Trunk Highways. This application must be filled out and signed by the sponsoring organization or community. The cost of the sign is $162.00 (12 square feet at $13.50 per square foot) and must be returned with the application prior to the installation of the sign. Please note that the applicant is responsible for maintenance of the sign and its replacement if it becomes damaged or vandalized and for its replacement cost at the time it must be refurbished due to natural deterioration. We should be able to meet your request to have this sign installed this fall, the sign is already designed and will be fabricated as soon as payment is received. We will coordinate its installation %k nth you so that it is plac:.d is conjunction with your proposed recognition ceremony. Please call if you have any questions or comments. Sincerely, Charles J. Hudrlik, P.E. "� 1 Metro Division Traffic Engineer Traffic Services cc: Al Pint Senator Mark Ourada file ,417 Equal Oppurnuiirr EmploYer cn N cD -10.1 51.7 10.1 23.9 24.2 � 23.9 72 3.0" Radius, 1.0" Border, White on Green "Mississippi" E Mod "River' E Mod 3.0" Radius, 1.0" Border, White on Green "Betty Adkins" E Mod "Bridge" E Mod co �t N CD Clairnz. List fOT r--'PYOVal For- the Period 08/18/95 to 08/24/95 08/24/95 899 403.26 ? UFFALO PLUMBING & HEATING REPAIR OF MEN'S TOILET 08i 2=1/95 08/24/9J- CLAIM TC)TAL CAST TONKA SANITATION FOR WHAT PURPOSE DATE NUMBER CLAIM - _ TO WHOM PAID USED FENDER J - 903 26.63 - :..nc.L': anon r PAY ESTIMATE #J-a7TH & ODEAN C1 £i i1 L:'/7;, 891 144,256.1-1 CUFFALO BITUMINOUS MILEAGE -COOKIES FOR MEETING 0811019= _ ELAIDIC BEATTY REPLACE BEARING ON SHAFT & PARTS 08/24/95 911 254.17 STATE CAPITAL CREDIT UNION PAY DEDUCTION PAY PERIOD 8/11/95 06/18/95 08/16/95 893 694 52.`08.58 H G WEBER OIL COMPANY FED WITH,SOC.SEC.EMPLOYEE/EMPLOYER t 91- _ -Wry BANK. OF ELK RIVER PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT FUND y, EMPLOYEE/EMPLOYER-PERIOD 8/11/95 08/18/95 895 780.22 ICMA RETIREMENT TRUST OF.FERRED COMP -PAY PERIOD 8/11/95 08/18/95 896 300.0 TOM BAILLARGEON REIMBURSE -GAS -PARK. WORK 08/24/95 897 6.91 x a �- J.J _ � 30ISE CASCADE OFFICE PRODUCTS OFFICE SUPPLIES 08/24/95 899 403.26 ? UFFALO PLUMBING & HEATING REPAIR OF MEN'S TOILET 08i 2=1/95 08/24/9J- 900 901 92.1)0 295 75 CAST TONKA SANITATION RECYCLING CHARGES FOR JULY `J USED FENDER 08/24/95 903 26.63 GLENS TRUCK CENTER INC PARK ENGINEERING.SERVICES 08/24/95 904 2,015.64 HAKANSON ANDERSON ASSOC INC PATCHING AND OVERLAY WORK V llt_ FIX DISHWASHER 08/24/95 905 95.25 -J` HOBART CORPORATION 'I Dis-y 4n l RIVER VALLEY LUMBER INC r RS LUMBER & STAKES FOR PARK 08/ 24/95 06/24/95 908 909 47 . 10C.00 RUM RIVER CONST CO PATCHING AND OVERLAY WORK V llt_ REPLACE BEARING ON SHAFT & PARTS 08/24/95 911 254.17 TRUEMAN-WELTERS INC 08;24195 912 37.13 H G WEBER OIL COMPANY GASOLINE t 91- _ -Wry w K1 U N I - i �TGHT COUNTY AUDITOR -TREASURER RECORD TAX FORFEIT DEED 06/24/95 914 31.65 -vuil i 1n t BHT COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPT ` 1 JULY POLICE SERVICES 08;'24/95 916 ClaimS List for APPT"oval For the Period 08/18/95 to 08/24/95 CLAIM TOTAL TO WHOM PAID FOR WHAT PURPOSE DATE NUMBER CLr;IM 163,885.00 TOTAL FOR MONTH 418,466.94 TOTAL YEAR TO DATE Asa OR 'h� CITY OF OTSEGO SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES AUGUST 29, 1995 - 6:30PM The meeting was called to order by Norman F Freske, Mayor at 6:30PM. Norman F Freske, Mayor, Ron Black, Larry Fournier, Vern Heidner, Suzanne Ackerman, Council Members, Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator, and Phyllis Boedigheimer, Business and Finance Director were present. Phyllis Boedigheimer addressed the Council and discussed the levy. She said the $15,000.00 for Park and Recs Comm. will probably not cover the match grants. Discussion was had on the Municipal well and the amount to cover the bond for 1996 is $28,000.00. See attached information on 1996 proposed levies. Estimate for part time clerical help was $5,000.00_ Discussion of the City buying the State Statutes to have available at $18,0.00. Discussion of the Planner's budget amount and salaries and wages and maintenance of the park programs. lin motion and second, meeting adjourned. }v--'4CITYOF-OTSEro0 , NORMAN F FRESKE, MAYOR A EST: Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zo g Adm. eb (City Seal) CITY OF OTSEGO PROPOSED 1996 GENERAL OPERATING BUDGET FUND: 101 -GENERAL FUND REVENUE BUDGET WORKSHEET 1995 7/31/95 1995 1996 ADOPTED ACTUAL AMENDED PROPOSED CODE DESCRIPTION BUDGET Y -T -D BUDGET BUDGET 31010 Property Tax 360,560 197,102 364,000 462,647 32100 Business Licenses 10,000 4,922 5,000 5,000 32210 Dog Licenses 0 125 150 150 32260 Building Permits 60,000 22,316 33,500 40,650 32270 Septic Permits 0 1,125 1,500 1,200 32280 Wetland Review 0 50 100 100 33401 Local Government Aid 63,000 31,535 63,000 74,893 33402 Homestead Credit Aid 93,690 46,845 93,690 140,597 33404 Recycling Grant/Aid 2,500 3,776 2,800 2,800 33405 Police Aid 6,000 0 5,500 5,500 34000 Chgs For Sev - General 20,000 9,944 10,000 10,000 34100 Chgs For Sev- CUP/Variance 0 2,048 2,400 2,400 34102 Chgs For Sev- Subdivision 0 1,625 2,000 2,000 34103 Chgs For Sev- Zone/Ordinance 0 1,050 1,300 1,300 34120 Chgs For Sev- Assess/Septic 0 1,585 2,100 2,100 34140 Maps/Copies/Misc 16,000 501 500 500 34710 Recreation Fees 0 0 0 2,150 36210 Interest Earnings 18,000 1,200 8,750 10,000 38000 Old Hall/House Rent 9,300 4,955 9,300 9,300 38050 Franchise Fee 5,000 5,727 5,727 5,727 39000 Other Revenue 0 267 500 500 39300 Clean Up Day 0 3,531 3,531 3,000 39400 Refunds & Reimbursements 1,451 0 0 39500 City Hag Rent 15,000 10,000 12,000 10,000 39200 Transfer From Other Funds 81,428 0 TOTAL REVENUES 679,050 351,680 708,776 792,514 TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT 464,120.00 268,439.40 483,448.00 516,107.00 PUBLIC SAFETY GENERALFUND 42100 APPROPRIATION SUMMARY 100,000.00 54,141.69 94,900.00 96,360.00 ��,,�✓ . 42410 1995 7/31/95 1995 1996 20,000.00 v 6,000.00 �Qtoo 42710 ADOPTED ACTUAL AMENDED PROPOSED Account FUNCTION BUDGET Y -T -D BUDGET BUDGET 122,360.00 GENERAL GOVERNMENT PUBLIC WORKS 41100 Mayor and City Council 36,000.00 22,918.44 40,570.00 52,410.00 41400 Administration 179,820.00 105,296.61 182,520.00 205,952.00 41600 Finance 38,200.00 33,098.63 57,525.00 58,900.00 41550 Assessing 15,000.00 7,893.90 13,924.00 14,060.00 la 41700 Legal 40,000.00 39,607.65 62,500.00 28,200.00 41530 Planning Commission 3,600.00 0.00 2,600.00 3,300.00 Z50 41570 Planner 60,000.00 33,681.89 47,000.00 `61t—�. 41900 EDA 20,000.00 1,784.18 8,249.00 16,855.00 41940 City Hall & Peavey House 71,500.00 24,158.10 68,560.00 74,180.00 TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT 464,120.00 268,439.40 483,448.00 516,107.00 G PUBLIC SAFETY 42100 Police 100,000.00 54,141.69 94,900.00 96,360.00 ��,,�✓ . 42410 Building Inspection 20,000.00 12,675.35 16,500.00 20,000.00 v 6,000.00 �Qtoo 42710 Animal Control 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY 120,000.00 66,817.04 111,400.00 122,360.00 PUBLIC WORKS 41560 Engineering 40,000.00 42,396.11 48,000.00 40,000.00 43200 Street Lighting 10,000.00 5,617.91 10,000.00 10,000.00 41610 Recycling 28,000.00 19,120.41 29,000.00 30,000.00 TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS 78,000.00 67,134.43 87,000.00 80,000.00 COMMUNITY SERVICES 45100 District 728 Recreation 13,000.00 11,036.89 13,000.00 17,777.00 45200 Park Maintenance 13,000.00 2,123.15 10,208.00 35,370.00 45300 Historical Society 0.00 0.00 O.QO 1,550.00 TOTAL COMMUNITY SERVICES 26,000.00 13,160.04 23,208.00 54,697.00 OTHER USES 45000 Capital Outlay 5,000.00 1,487.20 3,720.00 0.00 49360 Transfers (Capital Equipment) 0.00 0.00 0.00 19,350.00 TOTAL OTHER USES 5,000.00 1,487.20 3,720.00 19,350.00 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 693,120.00 417,038.11 708,776.00 792,514.00 G FUND: 101 -General Service Activity: Mayor & Council - 41100 EXPENDITURES: CODE ITEM PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Salaries & Wages 122 Employer Contribution - Soc.Sec. 126 Employer Contribution - Medicare TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES SUPPLIES 203 General Supplies TOTAL SUPPLIES OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 321 Mileage/Travel 355 Dues & Memberships 360 Education/Training/Conferences 310 Miscellaneous TOTAL OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES OTHER FINANCING USES 801 Contingency TOTAL OTHER FINANCING USES GRAND TOTAL 1995 7/31/95 ADOPTED ACTUAL BUDGET Y -T -D 1995 1996 AMENDED PROPOSED BUDGET BUDGET 36,000.00 21,225.00 34,000.00 32,850.00 0.00 1,316.00 2,108.00 2,035.00 0.00 308.00 492.00 475.00 36,000.00 22,849.00 36,600.00 35,360.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 69.44 150.00 200.00 0.00 0.00 3,720.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 1650.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1, .00 0.00 69.44 3,970.00 7,050.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10,000 0.00 0.00 0.00 10,000 36,000.00 22,918.44 40,570.00 52,410.00 FUND: 101 -General Service Activity: Administration - 41400 EXPENDITURES: SUPPLIES 201 Office Supplies 1995 7/31/95 1995 1996 203 General Supplies ADOPTED ACTUAL AMENDED PROPOSED CODE ITEM BUDGET Y -T -D BUDGET BUDGET 240 PERSONAL SERVICES 0.00 0.00 150.00 150.00 101 Salaries & Wages 92,920.00 45,501.85 81,432.00 88,567.00 102 Overtime 0.00 7,862.11 13,405.00 14,056.00 - 103 Election Judges 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,300.00 121 Employer Contribution - PERA 15,450.00 2,512.67 4,248.00 4,598.00 122 Employer Contribution - Soc.Sec. 0.00 3,384.33 5,880.00 6,565.00 126 Employer Contribution - Medicare 0.00 790.10 1,375.00 1,535.00 123 Employer Contribution - Health & Dental 0.00 3,900.00 6,000.00 7,200.00 130 Employer Contribution - Disability 0.00 283.50 486.00 486.00 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 108,370.00 64,234.56 112,826.00 126,307.00 SUPPLIES 201 Office Supplies 11,000.00 8,658.03 10,000.00 12,000.00 203 General Supplies 0.00 480.45 500.00 500.00 205 Election Supplies 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,000.00 240 Small Tools 0.00 0.00 150.00 150.00 206 Postage 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,500.00 TOTAL SUPPLIES 11,000.00 9,138.48 10,650.00 17,150.00 OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 204 Insurance 25,000.00 511.52 22,650.00 22,650.00 320 Telephone Communications 4,500.00 2,479.59 4,200.00 4,500.00 321 Mileage 0.00 94.60 300.00 200.00 340 Recording Fees 800.00 264.50 500.00 500.00 347 Newsletter 2,150.00 1,399.47 4,350.00 5,000.00 350 Printing & Publishing 8,000.00 7,245.50 12,000.00 12,000.00 355 Dues & Memberships 5,000.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 360 Education/Training/Conferences 3,000.00 2,480.00 2,600.00 1500.00_ 365 Refunds & Reimbursements 0.00 5,490.55 0.00 0.00 310 Miscellaneous 0.00 0.00 2,400.00 500.00 TOTAL OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 48,450.00 20,265.73 49,300.00 47,150.00 CONTRACTUAL CHARGES AND SERVICES 371 Clean Up Day 7,000.00 7,448.14 7,500.00 8,000.00 390 Contracted Services 0.00 1,362.50 1,400.00 500.00 400 R & M - Equipment 0.00 377.50 500.00 500.00 410 Rentals 0.00 44.00 44.00 6,045.00 430 Miscellaneous Other Charges 5,000.00 2,425.70 300.00 300.00 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL CHARGES AND SERVIC 12,000.00 11,657.84 9,744.00 15,345.00 GRAND TOTAL 179,820.00 105,296.61 182,520.00 205,952.00 FUND: 101 -General Service Activity: Finance - 41600 EXPENDITURES: S 1995 7/31/95 1995 1996 ADOPTED ACTUAL AMENDED PROPOSED CODE ITEM BUDGET Y -T -D BUDGET BUDGET PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Salaries & Wages 33,000.00 20,703.24 40,418.00 45,190.00 102 Overtime 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 121 Employer Contribution - PERA 0.00 1,005.32 1,729.00 2,025.00 122 Employer Contribution - Soc.Sec. 0.00 1,380.03 2,506.00 2,801.00 126 Employer Contribution - Medicare 0.00 322.70 586.00 656.00 123 Employer Contribution - Health & Dental 0.00 1,200.00 1,880.00 2,040.00 130 Employer Contribution - Disability 0.00 54.00 46.00 138.00 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 33,000.00 24,665.29 47,165.00 52,850.00 SUPPLIES 201 Office Supplies 0.00 25.00 25.00 100.00 203 General Supplies 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL SUPPLIES 0.00 25.00 25.00 100.00 OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 305 Printed Forms 0.00 0.00 50.00 500.00 321 Mileage 0.00 87.92 100.00 100.00 350 Printing & Publishing 0.00 115.42 350.00 300.00 355 Dues & Memberships 0.00 0.00 0.00 150.00 360 Education/Training/Conferences 0.00 0.00 150.00 800.00 34D TOTAL OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 0.00 203.34 650.00 1,850.00 CONTRACTUAL CHARGES AND SERVICES 304 Audit 5,200.00 8,205.00 9,685.00 4,000.00 390 Contracted Services 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 400 R & M - Equipment 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 430 Miscellaneous Other Charges 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL CHARGES AND SERVI 5,200.00 8,205.00 9,685.00 4,100.00 GRAND TOTAL 38,200.00 33,098.63 57,525.00 58,900.00 S FUND: 101 -General Service Activity: Assessor - 41550 EXPENDITURES: R 1995 7/31/95 1995 1996 ADOPTED ACTUAL AMENDED PROPOSED CODE ITEM BUDGET Y -T -D BUDGET BUDGET PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Salaries S Wages 15,000.00 7,000.00 12,240 12,360 121 Employer Contribution - PERA 0.00 358.40 548 554 122 Employer Contribution - Soc.Sec. 0.00 434.00 759 766 126 Employer Contribution - Medicare 0.00 101.50 177 180 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 15,000.00 7,893.90 13,724.00 13,860.00 OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 360 Education/Training/Conferences 0.00 0.00 200.00 200 TOTAL OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 0.00 0.00 200.00 200 GRAND TOTAL 15,000.00 7,893.90 13,924.00 14,060.00 R FUND: 101 -General Service Activity: EDA - 41900 EXPENDITURES: 19 1995 7/31/95 1995 1996 ADOPTED ACTUAL AMENDED PROPOSED CODE ITEM BUDGET Y -T -D BUDGET BUDGET PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Salaries & Wages 0.00 1,655.93 6,500.00 8,000.00 121 Employer Contribution - PERA 0.00 42.63 224.00 360.00 122 Employer Contribution - Soc.Sec. 0.00 69.39 403.00 496.00 126 Employer Contribution - Medicare 0.00 16.23 94.00 115.00 123 Employer Contribution - Health & Dental 0.00 0.00 120.00 360.00 130 Employer Contribution - Disability 0.00 0.00 8.00 24.00 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 0.00 1,784.18 7,349.00 9,355.00 SUPPLIES 201 Office Supplies 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 203 General Supplies 0.00 0.00 100.00 100.00 TOTAL SUPPLIES 0.00 0.00 100.00 100.00 OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 321 Mileage, 0.00 0.00 150.00 150.00 350 Printing & Publishing 0.00 0.00 0.00 500.00 355 Dues & Memberships 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,150.00 -350 360 Meetings & Conferences 0.00 0.00 150.00 TOTAL OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 0.00 0.00 300.00 2,800.00 CONTRACTUAL CHARGES AND SERVICES 390 Contracted Services 20,000.00 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 303 Planner 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,500.00 430 Miscellaneous Other Charges 0.00 0.00 500.00 100.00 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL CHARGES AND SERVI 20,000.00 0.00 500.00 4,600.00 GRAND TOTAL 20,000.00 1,784.18 8,249.00 16,855.00 19 FUND: 101 -General Service Activity: City Hall & Peavey House - 41940 EXPENDITURES: CODE ITEM SUPPLIES 203 General Supplies 220 R & M Supplies TOTAL SUPPLIES OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 322 Utilities 410 Rent TOTAL OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 1995 ADOPTED BUDGET CONTRACTUAL CHARGES AND SERVICES 325 Garbage Service 390 Contracted Services 400 R & M - Equipment 402 R & M - Building 403 R & M - Imp Other Than Bldg. 430 Miscellaneous Other Charges TOTAL CONTRACTUAL CHARGES AND SERVI GRAND TOTAL Wf 7/31/95 1995 1996 ACTUAL AMENDED PROPOSED Y -T -D BUDGET BUDGET 373.35 1,201.75 1,575.10 7,391.33 11,000.00 12,103.54 47,000.00 19,494.87 58,000.00 11,500.00 46, 380.00 57, 880.00 1,500.00 616.32 1,250.00 1,250.00 0.00 1,335.23 4,710.00 9,400.00 • •• 383.00 700.00 500.00 • •• 500.00 1,500.00 0.00 0.00 250.00 500.00 • •• 603.58 650.00 650.00 1,500.00 3,088.13 8,060.00 13,800.00 71, 500.00 24,158.10 68, 560.00 74,180.00 FUND: 101 -General Service Activity: Park & Recreation - 45200 July 31, 1995 EXPENDITURES: 1995 7/31/95 1995 1996 ADOPTED ACTUAL AMENDED PROPOSED CODE ITEM BUDGET Y -T -D BUDGET BUDGET PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Salaries &Wages 13,000.00 964.64 1,800.00 13,068.00 n � 121 Employer Contribution - PERA 0.00 0.00 0.00 477.00 122 Employer Contribution - Soc.Sec. 0.00 64.56 112.00 810.00 126 Employer Contribution - Medicare 0.00 15.12 26.00 190.00 �( 123 Employer Contribution - Health & Dental 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,200.00 130 Employer Contribution - Disability 0.00 0.00 0.00 80.00 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 13,000.00 1,044.32 1,938.00 15,825.00 SUPPLIES 203 General Supplies 0.00 493.00 500.00 1,000.00- 220 R & M Supplies 0.00 20.00 20.00 2,200.00 202 Gas & Oil 0.00 178.00 400.00 400.00 w, TOTAL SUPPLIES 0.00 691.00 920.00 3,600.00 OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 320 Telephone/Communications 0.00 273.45 500.00 500.00 355 Dues & Memberships 0.00 0.00 0.00 200 360 Education/Training/Conference 0.00 0.00 0.00 350 Printing & Publishing 0.00 335.00 400.00 500.00 , 310 Miscellaneous 0.00 645.00 500.00 1,200.00 TOTAL OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 0.00 1,253.45 1,400.00 2,900.00 CONTRACTUAL CHARGES AND SERVICES 302 Engineering 0.00 0.00 4,000.00 6,500.00 400 R & M Equipment 0.00 146.38 150.00 500.00 410 Rentals 0.00 639.00 1,300.00 1,300.00 440 Recreation Programing 0.00 0.00 0.00 4,245.00 430 Miscellaneous Other Charges - 0.00 0.00 500.00 500.00 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL CHARGES AND SERVI 0.00 785.38 5,950.00 13,045.00 GRAND TOTAL 13,000.00 3,774.15 10,208.00 35,370.00 FUND 201 - ROAD & BRIDGE REVENUE BUDGET REPORT MONTH ENDED JULY 31, 1995 CODE DESCRIPTION 31010 Property Tax 32290 weigh Palmus 33402 Homestead Credit Aid 33406 MSA -Maintenance 34000 Chgs for Sev - Sealcoat 34130 Chgs for Sev - Snowplowing 39000 Other Revenue 36210 Interest Revenue TOTAL REVENUES 10 1995 7/31 /95 1995 1996 ADOPTED ACTUAL AMENDED PROPOSED BUDGET Y -T -D BUDGET BUDGET 243,000 134,184 243,000 268,534 0 30 So 50 52,701 26,351 52,701 0 80,000 62,104 80,000 62,000 0 18,370 12,000 12,000 0 1,856 1,000 1,000 4,000 21 100 100 0 0 1,250 0 379,701 242,916 390,101 343,684 FUND: 201 - Road & Bridge Service Activity: Streets & Roads - 43100 EXPENDITURES: 1995 7/31/95 1995 1996 ADOPTED ACTUAL AMENDED PROPOSED CODE ITEM BUDGET Y -TD BUDGET BUDGET PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Salaries & Wages 89,500.00 36,082.00 66,21200 75,265.00 102 Overtime 0.00 3,054.00 5,400.00 6,469.00 121 Employer Contribution - PERA 17,500.00 1,70237 3,05200 3,37200 122 Employer Contribution - Soc.Sec. 0.00 2,464.00 4,440.00 4,666.00 126 Employer Contribution - Medicare 0.00 576.18 1,038.00 1,091.00 123 Employer Contribution - Health & Dental 0.00 1,800.00 4,000.00 6,000.00 130 Employer Contribution - Disability 0.00 189.00 324.00 406.00 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 107,000.00 45,867.55 84,466.00 97,269.00 SUPPLIES 202 Gas & Oil rP�-4- 14,000.00 6,184.78 10,000.00 203 General Supplies/ 0.00 86.84 0.00 0.00 210 Opeming Supplies 0.00 25.76 200.00 -2-?5910 " - oodc a v 220 R & M - Suppliea�, 27,000.00 16,205.56 26,000.00 30,800.00• t ' rV 392 Culverts hz� 2,000.00 0.00 1,000.00 5,000.00 393 Street Signs' 1,500.00 206.77 500.00 1,500.00' r 394 Rock 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,800. / /f TOTAL SUPPLIES 44,500.00 22,710.69 37,700.00 61,350.00 iD OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 225 Uniforms 2,300.00 833.52 1,560.00 1,560.00 204 Insurance 0.00 2,31299 2,350.00 2,400.00 240 Small Tools 0.00 25.08 100.00 200.00 310 Miscellaneous 0.00 160.00 200.00 2,000.00 320 Telephone/Communications 800.00 448.83 780.00 780.00 322 Utilities 625.00 287.94 500.00 360 Educationfrraining/Conference 100.00 0.00 0.00750.00 370 Gravel 12,000.00 11,64210 12,000.00 12,OW.W 372 Saft 11,600.00 2,716.20 11,000.00 2,400.00 373 Salt & Sand Mb( 0.00 0.00 0.00 13,000.00 L TOTAL OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 27,425.00 18,426.66 28,490.00 35,640.00 CONTRACTUAL CHARGES AND SERVICES �SwO a 302 Engineering 20,000.00 17,832.32 21,000.00 20,000.00 , 1 li 301 Legal 6,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 390 Contracted Services 1 0.00 21,685.44 30,000.00 20,000.00 l P1J� -400 R & M - Equipment 0.00 440.07 1,000.00 0.00 'y BOO r d D r 410 Rentals 0.00 107.70 500.00 5,000.00 431 Gravel Contracting 0.00 0.00 0.00 15,000.00 432 Sealcoating- Nashua -pal 0.00 0.00 0.00 27,000.00 433 Crackfilling 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,500.00 434 Blacktop Patching 0.00 0.00 0.00 15,000.00 - z) !)a 3 l/ 4Z� _ - --wTOTAL CONTRACTUAL C GES D SERVIC 26,000.00 40,065.53 52,500.00 105,500.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 501 Equipment - Truck Lease 23,000.00 20,424.70 20,424.70 20,424.#0�� O O 530 Improvements Other Than Buildings 131,100.00 4,151.83 10,000.00 23,500.00 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 154,100.00 24,576.53 30,424.70 43,924.70 TRANSFERS 720 Transfer to General Fund 0.00 0.00 81,428.00 0.00 TOTAL TRANSFERS 0.00 0.00 81,428.00 0.00 r33 , Vd GRAND TOTAL 359,025.00 151,646.96 315,008.70 34a' -S Tt7- �� lop! 1996 CAPITAL EQUIPMENT REQUEST Administration: 10 Drawer Steel Flat File Wire Roll File 3 - 4 Drawer Legal File @ 129.00 each Lock for File Cabinet Frames for File Cabinet (Hanging) Paper Shredder Computer - Office Clerical Computer - Software (Fir/Payroll/Permit/Spreadsheet) Emergency Preparedness: Siren Historical Society: Copy stand & Used Camera Photo Storage Kits Flat File (10 drawer -46 x 36, with base) Book Case Street Maintenance: Trailer Truck Motor Reserve for Salt Shed Total Capital Equipment 12 00.00 jl�, i $ 2,500.00 11 11 • 111 11 $41,310.00 FUND 203 - PARK DEVELOPMENT REVENUE & EXPENDITURE REPORT MONTH ENDED JULY 31, 1995 CODE DESCRIPTION REVENUES: 31010 Property Tax 36230 Donations 36240 Park Dedication Fees 33630 Grants TOTAL REVENUES EXPENDITURES: 41560 Engineering 45000 Capital Outlay -Equipment 45200-310 Miscellaneous 1995 7/31/95 ADOPTED ACTUAL 1995 1996 BUDGET Y -T -D AMENDED REQUEST 15,000 7,400 15,000 15,000 0 205 200 200 0 3,100 5,000 21,700 0 0 50,000 184,575 15,000 10,705 70,200 221,475 19,408 25,000 55,900 15,000 20,466 62,000 296,100 500 0 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 15,000 39,874 87,500 352,000 11 1995 PARK CAPITAL EQUIPMENT PROPOSED Land Acquisition $ 23,500 6 Benches 1,500 Backstop 2,000 Park Expansion/Play Equipment & Play Area Construction 21,600 Trailer 1,500 Trail Construction 184,575 Total Capital Equipment Proposed $234,675 14 �eurne� a� zee 8�4-rIS CQ3d / 6V --e i rAMMEMPNOMIN i PSM / 6V --e i rAMMEMPNOMIN i