11-15-1995 Budget Workshop MinutesCITY OF OTSEGO BUDGET MEETING MINUTES NOVEMBER 15,1995 - 6:30PM 9SGrdg.wpn Vice Mayor, Larry Fournier called the meeting to Girder at 6:30PM. Larry Fournier, Vice Mayor, Vern Heidner, Ron Black, and Suzanne Ackerman Council Members were present. Mayor Norman F Freske was absent. Also present were Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator and Phyllis Boedigheimer, Business and Finance Director. 2. Consider anulieation for Bob and Dianne Cederbenz of 8700 Obrian Avenue rain Ron Black motioned to approve the required CUP to allow a building relocation as set out in Sec. 19 of the Zoning Ordinance (Move In House) be granted with the conditions asset forth by NRC's Report dated OctobeT 19,1995, Suzanne Ackerman seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Review of Budget and preparation for the Truth in Taxation Meeting_(Phyllia Boedigheimer) Phyllis Boedigheimer gave a presentation. She had figured information for presentation for the Truth In Taxation Meeting. She is looking for feedback from the Council. She gave a selection of overheads that may be used and asked that the Council review this information. Larry Fournier said the public likes to see figures for the last year and this year. Phyllis showed a graph showing both years from Champlin. She said to get actuals is hard for us. For 1995 and 1996 she said she will try to do a graph. Ron Black said if it does not match totally, we can still get infomation to them the best we can. Vern Heidner has a color printer now and possibly we can use that. Attached information for review is 1990 - 1996 - Adjusted City Levy. The Council asked Phyllis to look back two or three years to figure the per capita. Phyllis suggested aline graph with population and spending. There was more discussion of per person cost: Amount of levy for 1991-1995 as follows: 1991 $488,556. 1992 $547,420. 1993 $651,379. 1994 $774,215. 1995 $963,599. CITY OF OTSEGO BUDGET MEETING OF NOVEMBER 15, 1995 AT 6:30PM - PAGE 2 - The Council asked Phyllis to take the actual cost on $180,000.00 Ag Land parcel and a $180,000.00 Home and figure tax for each. 4. Other Business Larry Fournier, Park & Rec. Comm. Rep. said ag lime for ballfields is $13.00 a Ton, Delivered or $4.00 a ton Picked up. The cost of the City doing this would apply to in kind work- It was agreed that Larry Fournier should work with Phyllis on this. Larry Fournier also brought up the light for the skating rink at the end of the pole building by the City Hall. The price is $50.00 with a pole, installed. The cost a month for the light is $4.00. It will be reviewed by the Finance Officer. Vern Heidner motioned td adjoum. Suzanne Ackerman ceded the moti4W limon carried unanimously. CITY OF OTSEGO: NORMAN F FRESK.E, MAYOR ATTEST: Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning Adm. T$ (CITY SEAL) CITY OF OTSEGO SPECIAL BUDGET WORKSHOP MINUTES SEPTEMBER 5, 1995 - 7PM Mayor Norman F. Freske called the meeting to order at 7: IOPM Mayor Norman F. Freske, Ron Black, Vern Heidner, Suzanne Ackerman, Larry Fournier, Council Members were present. Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator and Phyllis Boedigheimer, Business/Finance Director were also present. Business/Finance Director, Phyllis Boedigheimer reviewed the Municipal Well Fund and the projected 1996 costs associated with the well operations. She indicated that based upon current projections of well operations, engineering and debt service, the fund would have a negative balance of approximately $15,000 in 1996. It was the consensus of the City Council to include in the 1996 levy $15,000 for the municipal well. Other issues of discussion included the insurance deductible, the Planner's budget, the attorney contract, and the proposed tax rates. Various additions and deductions were made to the August 10th proposed budget including an addition of $2,000 for city maps, a reduction of $10,000 to the Planner's proposed budget, reductions in the Street Maintenance budget, reduction in various memberships, education and training, administrative overtime, and animal control. The above discussed recommendations resulted in a $57,740 reduction to the proposed budget. It was the consensus of the city council to direct the Business/Finance Director to incorporate all of the discussed recommendations into the 1996 proposed operating budget and to determine a proposed levy for taxes payable in 1996. The proposed tax levy will then be approved by the City Council for certification to the County Auditor on September 15, 1995. On motion and second the meeting adjourned. CITY OF OTSEGO NO AN F. FRESKE, M YOR 9TTEST: Elaine Beatty, City Cler oning Adm. (City Seal)