ITEM 5.2 Future meeting discussionots11.1: o MINNESOTA V DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Request for City Council Action ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: REQUESTOR: MEETING DATE: Administration Lori Johnson, City Administrator January 12, 2015 PRESENTER(s): REVIEWED BY: ITEM #: Lori Johnson, City Administrator Thus, they are most appropriately placed on a future work session agenda for initial discussion. 5.2 AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: Recommend setting meeting dates for discussion of a number of items that are best suited to discussion at a future Council work session. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? No No BACKGROUND/JUSTIFICATION: Attached is a list of topics and items for future Council discussion and action. Most of these items are complex or have many offshoots hence will require considerable discussion before final action is taken. Thus, they are most appropriately placed on a future work session agenda for initial discussion. Given the high number of topics on the list, I would like to get as many as possible scheduled at Monday's meeting as we will need to work around Council schedules, other commission meetings, and in some cases, need to have time to confirm schedules with consultants and others who need to attend. Please bring your calendars along on Monday so that we can lay out the work session schedule for at least the next few months. Also, you may have an item or topic that is not included on the attached list that we need to add. Additionally, the Economic Development Authority annual meeting is tentatively slated for January 26. This is the meeting at which the officers are appointed and the official newspaper and depositories are approved. No other action is pending at this time. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: X ATTACHED ❑ NONE • 2015 City Council Discussion and Action Topics/Items • Memo mailed to the expiring Commissioners 0 2014 Expiring Advisory Commission Appointments POSSIBLE MOTION Please word motion as you would like it to appear in the minutes. Motion to call special meetings as determined at this meeting. BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING: BUDGETED: ❑ YES N/A ❑ NO ACTION TAKEN ❑ APPROVED AS REQUESTED n DENIED ❑ TABLED ❑ OTHER (List changes) COMMENTS: 2015 City Council Discussion and Action Topics/Items 1. Personnel Policy Update — February 2. Advisory Commission Interviews — February (possibly two meetings) 3. Organizational Items - February a. Vacant Public Works Position b. New Administrative Position c. Position Descriptions 4. Wastewater System Expansion/Odor Mitigation Planning 5. 2015 Strategic Goals a. Marketing Plan b. Broadband 6. New E-8 School a. Infrastructure —Timing and Funding b. Fees - WAC/SAC and Other c. Joint Facilities and Play Fields 7. Prairie Festival a. Carnival b. Budget Approval 8. IT System/Services (Rob Snavely to attend) 9. Street Management/Reconstruction Policy (Continuation of previous meeting) a. Financing and assessments 10. Storm Water Districts and Financing 11. Consider Recodification of City Code (City Attorney to determine if needed.) 0 tsTeF o MINNESOTA MEMORANDUM TO: Advisory Commissioners with expiring terms Advisory Commission Alternate Members FROM: Tami Loff, City Clerk DATE: December 22, 2014 RE: 2015 Advisory Commission Appointments BACKGROUND The City Council has established a process for consideration of applicants for appointment or reappointment to Advisory Commissions in accordance with the City Code. This memorandum is provided to existing Advisory Commissioners with expiring terms and Alternate Commissioners who may be interested in being considered for appointment as a Commissioner to outline the application process. ANALYSIS Open Seats. The table below summarizes the openings on each of the four advisory commissions that will expire on February 28, 2015 due to expiring terms and/or vacant positions. Advisory Commission Expiring Terms Vacant Seats Total # of Appointments Planning Commission 3 1 4 Parks & Recreation Commission 2 1 3 Public Safety Commission 2 1 3 Heritage Preservation Commission 2 1 3 Process. The Following Schedule has been established for consideration of advisory commission appointments: Action 2015 Schedule Website notice December 22, 2014 Staff contact Commissioners By January 2, 2015 CC Liaisons announce openings Janua meeting Public Notice January 10, 2015 Applications Due February 5, 2015 CC Interviews February special meeting CC appointments February 23, 2015 CONCLUSION The City Council appreciates the efforts of those that step forward to become involved in the community by having served on an advisory commission and welcomes you to submit an application for reappointment. If you have any questions regarding the process, please do not hesitate to contact the City Council or City staff liaison to your respective advisory commission. C. Lori Johnson, City Administrator Daniel Licht, City Planner Ross Demant, Parks and Recreation Manager 2 T C O E E O U C C O O N Y h ra E `u E a, O v v c c � c � c a a Y N v co m cII C E � C O v O C N N t6 +' � N i Y W U U CO m O 0 L C) O N N u N O N [O C O 1C W00 CL m H O E 1 N C) O C14 O v CO W 'i 1 Y u -1 O A t d O i m I YCu n oO 1 Uo CD Y v C O E E O U C C O O N Y h ra E `u E a, O v v c c � c � c a a 0 N H 7 O m N U N 29 Y v CU m NI � C O v O, � 1p C f0 O N O N Y CL O C O C O O N O N Q L fu 3 O v CO W 'i * O N 0 N H 7 O m N U N 29 v m � C O v � f0 O N Y CL Y O C n oO 1 Uo N CL O rL C N > m rt ci * O N m om Ln C -1 0 0 N C C O Ln� k2 0 N N C Q