ITEM 5.1 Martin Farms Phase 20t sTe F o MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Request for City Council Action ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: REQUESTOR: MEETING DATE: Planning City Planner Licht J.J. February 2013 PRESENTER(5): REVIEWED BY: ITEM #: City Planner Licht City Administrator Johnson 5.1— Martin Farms Phase 2 City Engineer Wagner AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends approval of the Martin Farms Phase 2 Preliminary Plat. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? I ISA PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? No. BACKGROUNDIJUSTI FICATION: Held by Planning Commission 4 February 2013 Lennar has submitted plans for preliminary plat approval of Martin Farms Phase 2 located northeast of Maclver Avenue and 70th Street. The proposed preliminary plat includes 132 single family lots, two outlots and public right-of-way. The subject site is guided by the 2012 Otsego Comprehensive Plan for low density residential uses and is zoned R-6, Residential Medium Density District. Planning and Engineering reviews of the proposed preliminary plat are attached. The Planning Commission held a public hearing to consider the application at their meeting on 4 February 2013. Mr. Joe Jablonski of Lennar was present as the applicant. Several existing Martin Farms residents with homes on Block 13, Martin Farms spoke at the public hearing about concerns regarding the proposed preliminary plat design as well as stormwater drainage issues. The residents were concerned that they had been told by Lennar sales staff that their lots would back up to open space and that the Phase 2 area would not be developed in the near future. City staff explained that the lot and street layout, grading plan and utility plan of the current preliminary plat was reviewed in 2003 when Martin Farms was originally proposed as a phased development. The proposed preliminary plat is consistent with the 2003 planning and also current Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Ordinance requirements. The City has no ability to require changes to the subdivision design at this time nor are changes to create greater separation between the home sites practical given the boundaries of the parcel now being preliminary platted, which follow the layout of the subdivision as planned in 2003. The Planning Commission noted that the information regarding the planned development of the area south of these residents was available from the Citv. The residents commented that there is an existing berm between their lots and the proposed lots to the south. This berm is a result of their rear yards sloping down to the south towards their rear lot lines and then the grade going up to the house pads on the planned lots in Block 2, Phase 2. The change in grade shown on the grading plan between the existing lots and the front elevation of the houses is approximately four to five feet. The house pads on the proposed lots to the south are to have front elevations five to seven feet above the rear lot lines. However, the pad elevations for the houses on each block are all within two to three feet with the houses to the south higher. City staff reviewed further the issues raised by the residents regarding stormwater drainage. The area along the rear lots lines between Block 13, Martin Farms and Block 2 Martin Farms Phase 2 has been designed as a drainage area to capture stormwater runoff from the rear of the houses and yards. Drain tile is to be (or has been) installed along the rear of Lots 7-14. Residents in the area of Lots 6-9, Block 13 also noted issues with their rear yards being wet and holding water and that drain tile has been installed along their side lot lines. Phase 1 of Martin Farms was approved after the City implemented wetland buffer and setback requirements so these areas were to be posted as no disturb zones. The City Engineer will verify if the signs are still in place prior to the City Council meeting. As shown on the grading plan, a large portion of these rear yards is wetland. Given the natural drainage patterns and clay soils in the area, any attempt to extend a lawn into the wetland or area immediately surrounding it will result in wet conditions. City staff has been working with Lennar to monitor the wetland management plan approved for Martin Farms in 2003 and will need to verify that the boundaries of the wetland were posted. The City Engineer also notes that installation of drain tile for drainage along side lot lines is not unusual in areas such as this with clay soils to move storm water away from the house pads (and sump pump outlets) to stormwater basins. The Planning Commission discussed the history of the Martin Farms project and how the area was master planned together with Zimmer Farms and Otsego Preserve to extend trunk sanitary sewer and water utilities. City staff noted that areas of Martin Farms under option by Lennar or owned by others that were planned for medium and high density residential land uses may change as a result of market conditions and that these changes would require additional Planning Commission review and City Council approval. The Planning Commission closed the public hearing and voted 7-0 to recommend City Council approval of the Martin Farms Phase 2 preliminary plat subject to conditions. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: X ATTACHED ❑ NONE A. Planning Report dated 31 January 2013 B. Engineering Review dated 25 January 2013 C. Findings of Fact D. City Engineer's drawing of Block 13, Martin Farms/Block 2, Martin Farms Phase 2 POSSIBLE MOTION Please word motion as you would Ilke It to appear In the minutes. Motion to approve the Martin Farms Phase 2 preliminary plat subject to the conditions as outlined in the Findings of Fact as presented. BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING I BUDGETED: ❑ YES NA ACTION TAKEN an We ❑ APPROVED AS REQUESTED ❑ DENIED ❑ TABLED n OTHER (List changes) COMMENTS: TPC3601 Thurston Avenue N, Suite 100 Anoka, MN 55303 Phone; 763,231.6840 Facsimile: 763.427.0520 TPQ0P1anningCo.com PLANNING REPORT TO: Otsego Planning Commission FROM: Daniel Licht, AICP RE: Otsego — Martin Farms Phase 2 (Outlot F) REPORT DATE: 31 January 2013 ACTION DATE: 26 February 2013 TPC FILE: 101.02 — 13.01 BACKGROUND Lennar has submitted application for preliminary plat approval to subdivide Outlot F of Martin Farms into single family lots as the second phase of this development. Outlot F is located northeast of MacIver Avenue and 70t" Street and is immediately to the south of the previously final platted lots in Martin Farms now being built out. The preliminary plat encompasses 49.8 acres to be subdivided into 132 lots, two outlots and public right- of-way. A public hearing has been noticed for the Planning Commission meeting on 4 February 2013 to consider the application. Exhibits: A. Site Location B. Preliminary Plat Submittal dated 1/1112013 (9 sheets) ANALYSIS Previous Approvals. Martin Farms was initially developed by Insignia Development LLC. The City Council on 28 July 2003 approved a Zoning Map amendment, an Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EAW) and Phase 1 preliminary plat applications for the project. A final plat for Phase 1 was approved by the City Council on 8 March 2004. While the subject site was not included in the preliminary or final plat except as an outlot for future phases of the project, detailed planning and engineering was done to master plan the lot and street design together with preparation of preliminary utility and grading plans to ensure an orderly build out of the overall 306.09 acre neighborhood. The submitted plans for Outlot F with the current application are reviewed in consideration of these preliminary plans prepared with Phase 1. Environmental Review. An EAW was prepared with the review of the Phase 1 applications and it's scope included the planned development of future phases of Martin Farms, including the portion of the site subject to the current application, based on the concept plan that was submitted together with the Phase 1 preliminary plat. The City Council adopted findings on 28 July 2003 that the proposed project did not have potential for significant environmental effects and that an Environmental Impact Statement was not to be required. The current preliminary plat application requires no additional environmental review. Comprehensive Plan. The 2012 Otsego Comprehensive Plan includes the subject site within the West Sewer District and guides the area for low density residential uses. The proposed subdivision of single family lots is consistent with the future land use designation of the Comprehensive Plan. Zoning. The subject site was zoned R-6, Residential Medium Density Residential District with the Phase 1 application approved on 28 July 2003. The R-6 District allows for single family dwellings as proposed with the Phase 2 plans as a permitted use. Surrounding Land Uses. The subject site is surrounded by the following existing and/or planned land uses. The single family lots proposed with Phase 2 are consistent with the planned development of Martin Farms and compatible with existing and planned land uses in the area. Direction Land Use Plan Zoning Map Existing Land Use North LD Residential R-6 District Martin Farms Phase 1 Fast LD Residential A-1 District Agriculture LD/MD Residential South MD/HD Residential R-6 District Agriculture LD/MD Residential Detached townhouses LD Residential Single famil dwellings West LD Residential R-6 District Agriculture MD/HD Residential A-1 District Rural Single family dwelling Access. The proposed preliminary plat will be accessed via extension of existing streets within Phase 1 at MacKenzie Avenue, Marquette Avenue and Martin Farms Avenue. Martin Farms Avenue will also be constructed to provide access to the overall development from 70th Street. The applicant is required to pay a collector street access fee as a condition of final plat approval. The City is proceeding with plans to improve and construct 70th Street as a collector street from Martin Farms Avenue to Oakwood Avenue in 2014-2015. When complete, this project will provide a much needed east -west connection across Otsego and allow residents in the western part of the City greater access to commercial areas and TH101 for employment commuting. 2 The preliminary plat also provides for extension of future streets to the undeveloped parcels south and east of Phase 2. Temporary cul-de-sacs will be required at the termini of 72nd Street and 73rd Street at the time of construction and these streets as well as Marlowe Avenue and 71 st Street (at two locations) will be posted with signs identifying future street extensions. Streets. All of the lots within Phase 2 will be accessed via public streets, for which the design and construction plans are subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. The proposed public streets are 28 feet wide with concrete curb and gutter within 60 foot rights-of-way. The plans for the proposed public streets are consistent with the requirements of the Engineering Manual. There is one cul-de-sac street shown on the preliminary plat with a 330 foot length and 60 foot radii for the right-of-way at the turn around, which complies with Section 21-7-6 of the Subdivision Ordinance. A five foot concrete sidewalk is provided on one side of all streets consistent with the Engineering Manual and these sidewalks are on the side consistent with the location of the sidewalks in Phase 1 for those streets being extended. There is an issue with the naming of the streets between Phase 1 and 2 of Martin Farms: ■ Martin Farms Avenue is designated on the east side of Phase 1 and also for a short segment in Remington Coves south of 70th Street. ■ Phase 2 would bring Martin Farms Avenue south to a four-way intersection: o The east leg of this intersection curves south and intersects 70th Street at Martin Farms Avenue in Remington Coves. o The south leg of the intersection turns west and intersects the future segment of Marlowe Avenue between MacKenzie/Marquette Avenue and 70 Street (aligned with Zimmer Farms) and then further west to MacIver Avenue. City staff recommends this street be designated as 71St Street when constructed with a future phase of development. o There is a street segment between Marquette Avenue and Martin Farms Avenue within Phase 2 with no name that City staff recommends be designated as 72nd Street. ■ The cul-de-sac within Phase 2 shown as 72nd Court should be designated as Marquette Court. Lot Requirements. The R-6 District establishes the following minimum lot requirements. The proposed single family lots shown on the preliminary plat all conform to these minimum requirements. Lot Area Lot Lot Width Depth Setbacks Front Side I Rear Wetland Interior 9,Oo0sf. (net) 60ft. 100ft. 90ft. 35ft. 7ft. 20ft. 40ft. Corner 30ft. Grading and Drainage Plan. The applicant has submitted grading and drainage plans for Phase 2 that are based on the preliminary grading plans completed with the Phase 1 approvals. Section 20-16-9.E of the Zoning Ordinance requires a 20 foot buffer at the perimeter of all delineated wetlands, which is shown on the submitted grading plan. The construction plans for the final plat must include that the buffer area is to be posted as a no -disturb zone. The developer will also be required to pay a stormwater impact fee at the time of final plat approval. The grading and drainage plans are subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. Drainage and Utility Easements. On 26 May 2009, Section 21-7-15 of the Subdivision Ordinance was amended to require that stormwater basins and wetlands be included within outlots platted and deeded to the City, although the City may still elect to require only drainage and utility easements. Because the grading plan and subdivision design for Martin Farms was master planned with Phase 1, it would be impractical to require that the stormwater basins be included within outlots platted and deeded to the City. As such, all of the stormwater basins, wetlands and wetland buffers are shown to be overlaid by drainage and utility easements. Drainage and utility easements are also shown to be dedicated at the perimeter of all lots as required by Section 21-7-15.A of the Subdivision Ordinance. Outlot B must also be overlaid entirely by drainage and utility easements. All drainage and utility easements are subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. Utility Plan. The applicant has submitted utility plans for extension of sanitary sewer and water utilities again based on the preliminary plans prepared with Phase 1. All utility plans and issues are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. The developer will be required to pay the Sewer Availability Charge and Water Availability Charge in effect at the time of final plat approval. Outlots. The preliminary plat illustrates two outlots: Outlot A is a remnant parcel that includes a delineated wetland and which based on the layout of streets lots and the boundaries of the exception parcel to the west is unbuildable. Section 21-7-41 of the Subdivision Ordinance requires that Outlot A be eliminated by combining the area with Lot 1, Block 1 with a drainage and utility easement overlaying the wetland, wetland buffer and any stormwater drainage area. Outlot B includes a wetland and was planned with Phase 1 as private open space owned by the Martin Farms Homeowners Association. A trail was proposed to be constructed through this area between 72"d Street and Marquette Avenue in part to provide access to the HOA recreation facilities located at Marlowe Avenue/72nd Street. The planned private trail is shown on the submitted Phase 2 plans and will be required to be constructed at the time this portion of Phase 2 is final platted. Landscaping. The development of the subject site in consideration of planned and existing land uses does not require plantings/berms as a transitional buffer. Landscaping to be required for the preliminary plat in accordance with Section 20-16- 7.0 of the Zoning Ordinance is limited to provision of two trees per lot. Additionally, Section 20-16-7.D requires a berm/landscaping be installed along the south lot lines of 4 Lot 9, Block 9 and Lot 1, Block 10 abutting 70th Street. A landscape plan for this required buffer yard will be required to be submitted with a final plat application. Phasing Pian. A preliminary phasing plan has been submitted showing the anticipated buildout of Phase 2 that generally anticipates extending construction from existing developed areas of Phase 1 south towards 70th Street. The phasing plan is not binding upon the City or the developer but allows for better planning for access and utility extensions as well as other City services. In this regard, the submitted phasing plan illustrates a logical and functional buildout for Phase 2. Park and Trail Dedication. Park and trail dedication requirements for Martin Farms were calculated with Phase 1 based on the overall project area of 306.09 acres. Outlot D, Martin Farms was dedicated to the City satisfying 6.3 percent of the required dedication. The Future Parks and Trails System Plan included in the Comprehensive Plan does not designate any area within Phase 2 for additional park land acquisition. As such, park and trail dedication requirements for Phase 2 will be satisfied by payment of a cash fee in lieu of land calculated as follows: # of lots x Current Park[Trail Dedication Fee x 93.7% = Amount Due Homeowners Association. Lennar has indicated that the proposed Phase 2 lots are to be included as part of the Martin Farms HOA that would include access to the private recreation facilities within the neighborhood. The documents incorporating Phase 2 into the HOA must be submitted with the final plat application and are subject to review and approval of the City Attorney. Final Plat approval. Upon approval of a preliminary plat, the developer must submit application for final plat, which is subject to City staff review and approval by the City Council. The final plat approval includes execution of a development contract to memorialize all of the conditions of approval and provide for payment of applicable fees. RECOMMENDATION Martin Farms Phase 2 is a positive indication of the housing market recovery and Lennar's continued investments in Martin Farms advances the City's development goals. Furthermore, the proposed preliminary plat is consistent with the planning done with the Phase 1 approvals as well as complies with applicable Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Ordinance requirements. City staff recommends approval of the application subject to the stipulations outlined below. POSSIBLE ACTIONS A. Motion to recommend City Council approval of the Martin Farms Phase 2 Preliminary Plat subject to the following conditions: 1. Approval of the preliminary plat shall not guarantee access to sanitary sewer service. The City shall only allocate sanitary sewer capacity to approved final plats with signed development contracts to assure the City of timely development. 2. Street names designated on the preliminary plat shall be revised in accordance with City staff recommendations and designated on the final plat. 3. All lots are subject to the following minimum requirements of the R-6 District: 4. The preliminary plat shall be revised to combine Outlot A with Lot, 1, Block 1. 5. Outlot B shall be overlaid by drainage and utility easement. 6. The developer shall construct at their cost a trail between 72nd Street and Marquette Avenue as shown on the submitted plans at such time as Outlot B is final platted. 7. The builder shall install a minimum of two (2) trees per lot and a landscape plan for installation of the buffer yard on Lot 9, Block 9 and Lot 1, Block 10 as required by Section 20-16-7.D of the Zoning Ordinance shall be submitted with application for final plat approval. 8. The design and construction of all streets is subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 9. All grading, drainage and erosion control plans and issues are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 10. All drainage and utility easements are subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. 11. All utility plans are subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. 12. Park and trail dedication requirements shall be satisfied by payment of a cash fee in lieu of land calculated based on the number of lots multiplied by 93.7 percent of the fee in effect at the time of final plat approval. ro Lot Area Lot Width Lot Depth Setbacks Front Side Rear Wetland Interior 9,000sf. (net) 60ft. 100ft. 35ft. 7ft. 20ft. 40ft. Corner 90ft. 30ft, 4. The preliminary plat shall be revised to combine Outlot A with Lot, 1, Block 1. 5. Outlot B shall be overlaid by drainage and utility easement. 6. The developer shall construct at their cost a trail between 72nd Street and Marquette Avenue as shown on the submitted plans at such time as Outlot B is final platted. 7. The builder shall install a minimum of two (2) trees per lot and a landscape plan for installation of the buffer yard on Lot 9, Block 9 and Lot 1, Block 10 as required by Section 20-16-7.D of the Zoning Ordinance shall be submitted with application for final plat approval. 8. The design and construction of all streets is subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 9. All grading, drainage and erosion control plans and issues are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 10. All drainage and utility easements are subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. 11. All utility plans are subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. 12. Park and trail dedication requirements shall be satisfied by payment of a cash fee in lieu of land calculated based on the number of lots multiplied by 93.7 percent of the fee in effect at the time of final plat approval. ro 13. Documents incorporating Phase 2 into the Martin Farms HOA must be submitted with the final plat application and are subject to review and approval of the City Attorney. 14. The developer shall submit application for final plat approval and execute a development contract in accordance with the Subdivision Ordinance. B. Motion to recommend the application be denied based on finding that the request is inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan and does not comply with the City's official controls. C. Motion to table. C. Lori Johnson, City Administrator Tami Loff, City Clerk Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Ron Wagner, City Engineer 9 o 2613 destrrood PTofessls o3 S".Ices. Inc. Preliminary Submittal Plat for Martin Farms, Phase 2 (Outlot F) Otsego, Minnesota Prepured for; Lennar Corporation 16305 36TH Avenue North, Suite 600 Plymouth, Minnesota 55446 Contact: Joe Jablowski Phone: 952-249-3014 Fax: 952-249-3075 Prepared by. - H-JUzX Westwood h9Fsi,t01'1t iatv4ctr, MK. DESCRIPTION 1 COVER ed:„ rl.l.�e, am sssu OVERALL SITE PLAN AND PHASfNG PLAN pl/o.e 9S297T-5159 PRELIMINARY PLAT FAX 9S2+09 t - S6'22 PRELMINARY PLAT TGLLFP[! fG8C97T-559 Westwood _ _ 6 Project number: 0000333.00 CclnSn r.t: Fr nn r.%s D. Haycn 11 H-JUzX SHM NO. DESCRIPTION 1 COVER 2 OVERALL SITE PLAN AND PHASfNG PLAN .5 PRELIMINARY PLAT 4 PRELMINARY PLAT 5 _ _ PRELIMINARY GRADNG, DRAINAGE AND EROSION COyTROL PLAN _ _ 6 PRELIMINARY GRADING DRAINAGE AND _EROSION CONTROL PLAN 7 PREUMINARY UTILITY PLAN PRELIMINARY UTILITY_ PLAN S O STREET PROFILES Vicinity Map t i 3, t PROJECT LOCATION .._rr 3 I (:.,.t to _.'.r :,) NO. DATE REVISION sHEt3rs Preliminary Plat Submittal for Martin Farms, Phase 2 (Outlot F) Obego, )AI—ea"A DstG OI/It/Id sheet: 1 of 9 c2013 Weslncod Proleaslonol St""S. rn C. wr,a.,rmanw•.ues.esw,e.a•-- Ebe+Ira'+I•. W KIH M,o.>r K7'i, r.i,sa es�-sy.s»t icurnc + Tr.seso v0stx/ood n.....e.ae4oaae.t Q r ta.to.a .v.t y Peeps»d fon .. Lennar Corporation 16'40 MH Avemue Kota, Suite 6w ... W d -Eft -ft yis+r Plymouth„ Minnesota 554-46 Gdl 45 Hours Ge(ore Pggmg: all or puai 1.cotm Common Grand AITlonte Develo went DAM TOTAL 577E AREA 59.83 ac GUVE PLAN COW 0CM RES D-4 Y/A EXISTWG 7QWN4 R-6 RBTTderrlfol - Arcdtvn, P4nsity OTV,k4 PROPOSED ZONNTC RES'DE7lRAL P.U.D. TOTAL U14TS PROPOSEO 132 UMTS OL'ERALL DEHMTY 265 Olt/AO DFIriOPLtFRT STANDARos (Pre A Jor Arf-, nW SI,YCL£ FAOIIY LOT MOTH 05 U. mb; 70' l>p7-d LOT DEPTH 125 ft, m>n. 140-150 ft IypFc41 LOT AREA 9.000 S.F. (min) AVERAGE LOT AREA )7.845 S.F. SETBACKS (MIA -MUMS) rRONT VARD 35' SIDE YARD 7' urtericr, 30 ut cwncr tots REAR YARD 20' L4A04£R/JDTH Sr. 65. ALL PUBLIC AND PRIVATE STREETS ARE Z8' ®ACK TO VACH OF CURD. • 'NJfXX sf —1' 1S TOTAL LOT AREA LESS RMAlf0 BUFFER & MET[ATTO AREAS ;yXXX 0' 15 TOTAL LOT AREA Localfon riot Ta Sc a'C 7jgafca7 Lot Varies) Strtr (1- $-'W rzy ea,s+n u,• SefEec} Lie (See LJe.e-YprM! Oafo) -aor NsrGre -- A,,-- Lo! Area - Sr tg—h psr.enrrn ly Pwp-wd Legal DkscripNon 0.11a1 F, LIARWJ FARVA 4ccardng tho recorded P'41 thereof., llfTghl C6'afy M;rrn eso(o. 0' 250' 500' 750' NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Martin Farms,. v„r 01/11/13 sr--� 2 or 9 Phase 2 Overall Site Plan (Outlot F) and Phashig Plan oto .' 141—ta F N3 WestaooC Profasalu5ul Services, Inc. I' i fl f' �.�' •'j p -jam. ��_ `=`` - '� ,y� �:a I 4 t ��Iii•I'i 1 I slap I—..•� � � �/% � - � /�:�-•�.,.\ ` air r `,•fesk ' IN i1 i �i•i. — -fills — 1' I i , �\ '�/ / \�`�! TO I I � j ;111— � `•,, �� � \, '� � �.,., , I , 5 II I \ t ;fT VIX 14 fo OTA ' - r- — II � � 1 4' .7 � ` i a r •`moi` L 7 „�» II f s 4 iii OUII.OTA I 11 5 4 1z 2 ��. roroM - Hdsb,W 1rNon 5r5c r.un..5av nsa. •siiii's.�a vet .ea.., t-3510 vAwtwvww . .5.+awrn— r�sr spcasaa u. eM i r • i — _ F[fi n Q.fn M 0. Rb d 56" •. i - - - — — - [ld.i FLl1 e or. 01 11/13 Ibw i4 MIL =•t e NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Martin Farms, Phase 2 Coll 48 Hours before dlgghg: oil or coll$li.com Comm" Gane /]Monte 0' lea' 200' 3O0' Dalr. 01/11/19 {hocc 3 or 9 Lennar CorporationPreliminary Plat 16305 36Th Avenue North., Suite 600 (Outlot �y Plymouth, Minnaoin 5.,5416n, &41.m tote F .2013 Welk.00d ProEesslonol So yfces. loc. C4+�r aau W 111 Vftitvdood .wf.wrn.ev4amw L Yry�m.Yym� �u y:.[ rr t. W h n u wu cf RCo� �v sem. e� A�il.�aw�i SmW !LD(Lf�OfL46 _ _ __ n,y 01/11/13 EI,y 177]6 o.a.rs FOH ■ Feapaxd lon Lennar Corporation 16305 36ni Avenue North, Suite 400 Plymoull., Mim—ta 31446 Goll 68 Hain befaa dHgg;ng-. 811 or coT1811,com Common Ground Mioncc fh OE IMS 504 BORM OtAWES Stf MCI DMOTES WAW DUTY SLT MCC - - — -�-3 DENOTES E.STb:O c*.IWRS —aso— DENOTES PAOPOSEo CC T1 s [3 --c.- 0 "Notts Ensnx6 STMA EEeER ---H DE.'OTES PAoflnco STOW WC " 04NO ES EtE5M0 TREE Ltf DE:OTCS AhWXUATC rKE --S c fMf:OTES EMTL40 SPOT ELEVATON �84`4.�.S DEwOTES PROPOSED SPOT MVAT4CI1 W UN -011S &O -ROLL EROVW p#CKS OmWES C%9 amCY OKRFLOr E.OE, n[�wnE>!f UCUSEATED %ETLW+E -MAID FXL WEn AND MECATIC 4 v q v 11Pl A}A EUfFEN fi!INfM llgTr:11fn'a2 �-'V ro . - NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Martin Farms, Phase 2 (Outlot F) ot--- Mrnnmke ri 0' Ica' 200` 3OOI Wt. 41/11/13 s1 --t 5 op 9 PrellmWary Grading, Drainage and Erosion Control Flan v 2013 Wkstw PvO PTOfasaTptd Ss Yicea, Inc. ` s a NO ww ;- " " ­` - I g. mism . N__ �6w,. M r_ R 1 rtw/ ��7. YA,Y••ed IroNrl,n,l S•n'It•A NC L ••,Ia � df - _ N sA• m - _. -- - - _ - - _- — ETd Y • 1 r 1 E�.4`ArADrffiADFUE _ 7c L,RrF 19-11 5166 Fmd• D. Hog" 11 WIStMfOOd .,...w..w,.Rk•x.. Pm 01/11/17 U_ Lf. 1-716 -- -- Call 45 livors 6cfa dlgging: EROSION CONTROL NOTES: 611 or call$11.com +w a..' • ALL 5'LT FENCE AND OTHER EROSION CONTROL FEATURES SMALL BE IN-PLACE Cominon Ground ANI°nca PRIOR 10 ANY EKCAVATICN/CONSTRUCTION AND SMALL BE MAINTAINEO UNTIL VIABLE TURF OR CROUNO COVER HAS BEEN ESTABUSHEO. EXISTING SLT FENCE Olt .,!® �•®' ON-SITE SHALL BE MRTNTANEO AND CR REMOVED AND SHALL BE CONSIDERED PAL 60'IT, P INCIDENTAL TO THE GRADING CONTRACT, IT IS OF EXTREME IUPORTAINCE TO BE =-@ AWARE OF CURRENT FIELD CONI'DI TIONS Y,1FN RESPECT TO EROSION CONIROI. v -- TEMPORARY PONDING, DIKES• HAY BALES. ETC.. REQUIRED BY THE CITY SHALL BE a' INODENTAL TO THE GRAONG CONTRACT. •' BOC - eOC IN�� (TTP.) • ALL STREETS DISTURBED DURING WORMNG HOURS MUST BE CLEANED AT THE END sw F ,-, ,Y,,• per, rT tx t,I OF EACH WORKING DAY. A ROCK ENTRANCE TO THE SITE MUST BE PROYINO ACCORDING TO DETAAS TO REDUCE TRACKING OF DIRT ONTO Pl18LJC STREETS IRs, aaPL 96D GENERAL GRADING JC[ DRAINAf,F NOTER (nvl FKTrAIX (+FmN AmueAeaE' s,F PRO,I,F GRADE UC PIAN WEw ra l«ATMNS) '�'> • ALL CONTOURS AND SPOT ELEVATIONS ARE SHOWN TO FINISHED SURFACE/GUTTER �� • GRADES UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED �'� 9SRYAR�kTA6FE O[eiC G • fi F4 REFER TO WE SITE PLAY ECDRO PLAT FOR MOST CURRENT __. y4• NGRIZOHTAL SITE ONF"SIDNS AND LAYOUT. \ a THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY THE LOCATION ASND ELEVATION OF E)OSTING ununES AND TOPOORAPIGOAL FEATURES 'Mill THE CWI4ERs AND rELO-YERIFY TYPICAL SECTION PUBLIC STREET PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL WUEDIATELY NOTIFY THE ,ITS EWCWEER OF ANY DISCREPANOES OR VARIATIONS FROM PLAN. T00' 200' 300 • ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL CONFORM TO LOCAL RULES. `� y- °1 • POSITM DFIVNACE FROM 114E SITE MUST BE PROYDEO AT ALL RUES. LOT Cdfd TR ELFVAT)(T! [%IRA SIRTNOn1­E FR1ER fABEYiO" ` TYPE FDO E I sETBACFNO \S TYPE 1 ABO WAC UESH STEEL OR � AND HAY BALES +AP 99 -----Lor NtfYBER j DRAr4 NE AARON S r1 / i riODO POST �L +�Q I 4130 �— �'wAuwl uCwE Ea[YFlnkt -_�n�. _ �r- I.- T (f APH.% icA[) � :•. , r r f? 10' O k)".:MONO NRH 144 Wo SINE. k.I.UM IASFYEIIT ROOK p4 jp —�' 6'- WITESAK T FENCE D MfIWVT r1.D O 9?/µua F1EA11Y DUTY OETAN. "RE SUIPORI FENOE W�IIACE 535E dE PROPOSED PW NIgO_�,4 (!moi fRp.'+T GRAX REYATKzi i P PDIY)•tO HEIGHT V MAY RECOULTEHNO E / ATTACHSECURELY SIORACE HEIGHT STEEL OR-- TO VPSMEhV j*"0 HEICHJ 1Y �� 76' HIGH MAX SIDE OF POST. - MOOD POST _ RUROfF GRADEDORaD•RASfYLTIT - .-!ECYATICH TO FROYF CRAOE EEVAR04. ~LO. GRADED FOR I.O' DFFEREHCE FROM BASEVENT FLOPRI2 M�NW17EIiYAMfi TO fRO,QT GRAIN [LEVATI¢Y IhlnI SVTt VwvN `:G - -4'.6• MUCHG ACE SLORV° ODRi 10 JA' AEU'�E EIAAVLNL TLWR / 1'-2• nA O ROCK MAOICCUAACTEDF LVATYf{ AT ME BA[Y Of THE N°l PAD_ _ B' NO+ GRADED fOR 6O' CrF[RLNCE FFNW BASEMENT FiCCR BAQClII `-FYI AIiI EILVAn TO FRO[T GRADE IT FVAADY• WnI �Ou. ,G STANDARD METAL GRADE SLCANG OYAN TO WJJA OUT GRADE ELEVATION 14 THE TRENCH VIT1 NATIE BACKFILL RLTTYiNA7E DEiA� REM Of THE "Ouse. TRENCH MATH GRAVEL � NOTE: NOTE. I rI HOUSE PADS N'Fp1 ARE SHADED A4 SUCH, NOCATES A CUSTOM i NSPECT Ano REPAA FENCE AFTER EACH J l� STORM EENT AND REMOVE SEOUENT IN EN d1SMY HOUSE PAD' GR HAS NOT BES COMPLETELY GRADED 0 PREPARED N[LYS1-y- TOU TO C -ED HOD GRADE_ LE 1X.1k $ S 0C C.$E STTLLS FOA" CMI NOTE: L - - LOADED HAT PAA ARE E SVOOS SVCGf4IEO OE4G/twI� ADE SHOLk LOTS. mEO wT FRW Eli 9JCCES[FO HOUSE SME/WABET SNOJLD ROCK CONSHEIDI" O ENTRANCE CONTAIN BE ?. TO AD D A THA SHALL BE DEPOSITED -I S - BE 1rtInFiED ME DI THE DE,ELOPER. A IA:mum L SL OF L r AND CONTAIN SE Ar, AREA -51T DILL NOT CON IRSBUTE a C,, SELh'4gfli OFF-SITE AND CAN BE I MAXIAUM $KK SLOPES OF 4: 1. PERUAN'ENTLY STABIU2TD. )- O) TIE hTAABER N THE PASF MOCK ROCK NTRANRUCT{ON SILT FENCE L-- P ,f IES 0,E CC .S R of MOCKS FY'P1G1T. LOT ENTRANCE N( I THAT T,K O vAce 15 [BOPPED- LSGH 1 SR.F FENCE SHAH BE PLACED ON SLOPE 3 SOC% O.T F[[f. OKri TOLMS TD UAYIUITL PONDIKO CIT,C4LTILY. r- - 4 DENOTES. SOL RMIJO CONTROL BLANKET •-- }fds _ ~' - 1 DENOTES SILT FENCE 6t OR i2�•' DILA. ROIL R CSO. 1685) Er .. DENOTES HEAVY DUTY SILT FENCE T�n e DR POLYESTER NEINY C 'Tf2' r r980— DENOTES PROPOSED CONTOURS BAGKnuEO mf GSrO fA�,ti I Iry i TI DENOTES E)GSifiG STORM SEWER _ 4' If l;.vUO UIOSIOU CO"IROL Y B l E_b*_-N DENOTES PROPDSED STORM SEWER f M-A•'B'ET }4Ws. vvv--�� DENOTES EXISTPNO TREE UNE -- 4-24' g 2 PONT 'Ca UETµ. STAKE ( 0. 5) ' DIZOWTEO APPROX-ATC TnCC 4' 24 - _ 7 fYYI Y REMOVAL uUTTS \ �py� \ - - _ A' 5 DENOTES EXISTdNO SPOT ELEVATI4,N-P6B ;T DENOTES PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATION FILTER FABR,C \\ _ $ a+� DENOTES BID -ROLL EROSION CHECKS 1 L DENOTES EMERGENCY OYERFLON ' ELEVATION �- - -B", 61 DA STAPLES 8 �z1 SPACED I'-0' I # 9 CN CEHIER DELINEATED WETLAND _ STAKES 1 AT•2? la" LONG SPACINO.n CTJ%T TIER U I / NFTTMNC " FIBER ROLL. Fef� ® NOTE: { WETLAND FILL AS IT I OF NNS IL KO AS LH TRENCH NCV BfOROLL BLANKET SYSTEM 5} AS IT IS MHCN u15TALL[O AS SILT FEL:[F. (T-e'PE 3 SEC. 3969) }, MAT3MUM D15TAKCE BETNEEN POSTS IS 4'. AN ADDITIONAL POST MAY BE ADXO TO NOTE: E404 SIDE_ PONT ^A" MUST BE TROWEL MAN POINT "B. Y,ETL-A,}i0 IAITICATO.'f i0 FASUM THAT WATER RO'MS 614R THE STRAW BALE INLET CKAE ALD NOT AROUND PIE. ENDS_ DMOLL BLANKET UIEHT F1LTER SYSTEM — _ l SEO 1- V v p tr UFLAUD BUFFER-._nya5csr-:�7 a=; NOT Fort CONSTRUCTION Martin arms, Os,. 0I/11/13 SIT, -6 GP 9 ----POR ■ Phase 2 Preliminary Grading 9p1 ■ Lennar Corporation .�. (Oudot F) Drainage and Erosion enue r.�.+v+-+Isa2++• 163ES5 36771 h, Nfim North, S44e 600 Control Plan PiyDs°uI}y f•TNFule9otA 55446 OLsego, Mlrrexol• i 2CV sl - ��7. YA,Y••ed IroNrl,n,l S•n'It•A NC L ••,Ia � df - _ N sA• m - _. -- - - _ - - _- — ETd Y • 1 r 1 E�.4`ArADrffiADFUE _ 7c L,RrF 19-11 5166 Fmd• D. Hog" 11 WIStMfOOd .,...w..w,.Rk•x.. Pm 01/11/17 U_ Lf. 1-716 -- -- Call 45 livors 6cfa dlgging: EROSION CONTROL NOTES: 611 or call$11.com +w a..' • ALL 5'LT FENCE AND OTHER EROSION CONTROL FEATURES SMALL BE IN-PLACE Cominon Ground ANI°nca PRIOR 10 ANY EKCAVATICN/CONSTRUCTION AND SMALL BE MAINTAINEO UNTIL VIABLE TURF OR CROUNO COVER HAS BEEN ESTABUSHEO. EXISTING SLT FENCE Olt .,!® �•®' ON-SITE SHALL BE MRTNTANEO AND CR REMOVED AND SHALL BE CONSIDERED PAL 60'IT, P INCIDENTAL TO THE GRADING CONTRACT, IT IS OF EXTREME IUPORTAINCE TO BE =-@ AWARE OF CURRENT FIELD CONI'DI TIONS Y,1FN RESPECT TO EROSION CONIROI. v -- TEMPORARY PONDING, DIKES• HAY BALES. ETC.. REQUIRED BY THE CITY SHALL BE a' INODENTAL TO THE GRAONG CONTRACT. •' BOC - eOC IN�� (TTP.) • ALL STREETS DISTURBED DURING WORMNG HOURS MUST BE CLEANED AT THE END sw F ,-, ,Y,,• per, rT tx t,I OF EACH WORKING DAY. A ROCK ENTRANCE TO THE SITE MUST BE PROYINO ACCORDING TO DETAAS TO REDUCE TRACKING OF DIRT ONTO Pl18LJC STREETS IRs, aaPL 96D GENERAL GRADING JC[ DRAINAf,F NOTER (nvl FKTrAIX (+FmN AmueAeaE' s,F PRO,I,F GRADE UC PIAN WEw ra l«ATMNS) '�'> • ALL CONTOURS AND SPOT ELEVATIONS ARE SHOWN TO FINISHED SURFACE/GUTTER �� • GRADES UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED �'� 9SRYAR�kTA6FE O[eiC G • fi F4 REFER TO WE SITE PLAY ECDRO PLAT FOR MOST CURRENT __. y4• NGRIZOHTAL SITE ONF"SIDNS AND LAYOUT. \ a THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY THE LOCATION ASND ELEVATION OF E)OSTING ununES AND TOPOORAPIGOAL FEATURES 'Mill THE CWI4ERs AND rELO-YERIFY TYPICAL SECTION PUBLIC STREET PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL WUEDIATELY NOTIFY THE ,ITS EWCWEER OF ANY DISCREPANOES OR VARIATIONS FROM PLAN. T00' 200' 300 • ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL CONFORM TO LOCAL RULES. `� y- °1 • POSITM DFIVNACE FROM 114E SITE MUST BE PROYDEO AT ALL RUES. LOT Cdfd TR ELFVAT)(T! [%IRA SIRTNOn1­E FR1ER fABEYiO" ` TYPE FDO E I sETBACFNO \S TYPE 1 ABO WAC UESH STEEL OR � AND HAY BALES +AP 99 -----Lor NtfYBER j DRAr4 NE AARON S r1 / i riODO POST �L +�Q I 4130 �— �'wAuwl uCwE Ea[YFlnkt -_�n�. _ �r- I.- T (f APH.% icA[) � :•. , r r f? 10' O k)".:MONO NRH 144 Wo SINE. k.I.UM IASFYEIIT ROOK p4 jp —�' 6'- WITESAK T FENCE D MfIWVT r1.D O 9?/µua F1EA11Y DUTY OETAN. "RE SUIPORI FENOE W�IIACE 535E dE PROPOSED PW NIgO_�,4 (!moi fRp.'+T GRAX REYATKzi i P PDIY)•tO HEIGHT V MAY RECOULTEHNO E / ATTACHSECURELY SIORACE HEIGHT STEEL OR-- TO VPSMEhV j*"0 HEICHJ 1Y �� 76' HIGH MAX SIDE OF POST. - MOOD POST _ RUROfF GRADEDORaD•RASfYLTIT - .-!ECYATICH TO FROYF CRAOE EEVAR04. ~LO. GRADED FOR I.O' DFFEREHCE FROM BASEVENT FLOPRI2 M�NW17EIiYAMfi TO fRO,QT GRAIN [LEVATI¢Y IhlnI SVTt VwvN `:G - -4'.6• MUCHG ACE SLORV° ODRi 10 JA' AEU'�E EIAAVLNL TLWR / 1'-2• nA O ROCK MAOICCUAACTEDF LVATYf{ AT ME BA[Y Of THE N°l PAD_ _ B' NO+ GRADED fOR 6O' CrF[RLNCE FFNW BASEMENT FiCCR BAQClII `-FYI AIiI EILVAn TO FRO[T GRADE IT FVAADY• WnI �Ou. ,G STANDARD METAL GRADE SLCANG OYAN TO WJJA OUT GRADE ELEVATION 14 THE TRENCH VIT1 NATIE BACKFILL RLTTYiNA7E DEiA� REM Of THE "Ouse. TRENCH MATH GRAVEL � NOTE: NOTE. I rI HOUSE PADS N'Fp1 ARE SHADED A4 SUCH, NOCATES A CUSTOM i NSPECT Ano REPAA FENCE AFTER EACH J l� STORM EENT AND REMOVE SEOUENT IN EN d1SMY HOUSE PAD' GR HAS NOT BES COMPLETELY GRADED 0 PREPARED N[LYS1-y- TOU TO C -ED HOD GRADE_ LE 1X.1k $ S 0C C.$E STTLLS FOA" CMI NOTE: L - - LOADED HAT PAA ARE E SVOOS SVCGf4IEO OE4G/twI� ADE SHOLk LOTS. mEO wT FRW Eli 9JCCES[FO HOUSE SME/WABET SNOJLD ROCK CONSHEIDI" O ENTRANCE CONTAIN BE ?. TO AD D A THA SHALL BE DEPOSITED -I S - BE 1rtInFiED ME DI THE DE,ELOPER. A IA:mum L SL OF L r AND CONTAIN SE Ar, AREA -51T DILL NOT CON IRSBUTE a C,, SELh'4gfli OFF-SITE AND CAN BE I MAXIAUM $KK SLOPES OF 4: 1. PERUAN'ENTLY STABIU2TD. )- O) TIE hTAABER N THE PASF MOCK ROCK NTRANRUCT{ON SILT FENCE L-- P ,f IES 0,E CC .S R of MOCKS FY'P1G1T. LOT ENTRANCE N( I THAT T,K O vAce 15 [BOPPED- LSGH 1 SR.F FENCE SHAH BE PLACED ON SLOPE 3 SOC% O.T F[[f. OKri TOLMS TD UAYIUITL PONDIKO CIT,C4LTILY. r- - 4 DENOTES. SOL RMIJO CONTROL BLANKET •-- }fds _ ~' - 1 DENOTES SILT FENCE 6t OR i2�•' DILA. ROIL R CSO. 1685) Er .. DENOTES HEAVY DUTY SILT FENCE T�n e DR POLYESTER NEINY C 'Tf2' r r980— DENOTES PROPOSED CONTOURS BAGKnuEO mf GSrO fA�,ti I Iry i TI DENOTES E)GSifiG STORM SEWER _ 4' If l;.vUO UIOSIOU CO"IROL Y B l E_b*_-N DENOTES PROPDSED STORM SEWER f M-A•'B'ET }4Ws. vvv--�� DENOTES EXISTPNO TREE UNE -- 4-24' g 2 PONT 'Ca UETµ. STAKE ( 0. 5) ' DIZOWTEO APPROX-ATC TnCC 4' 24 - _ 7 fYYI Y REMOVAL uUTTS \ �py� \ - - _ A' 5 DENOTES EXISTdNO SPOT ELEVATI4,N-P6B ;T DENOTES PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATION FILTER FABR,C \\ _ $ a+� DENOTES BID -ROLL EROSION CHECKS 1 L DENOTES EMERGENCY OYERFLON ' ELEVATION �- - -B", 61 DA STAPLES 8 �z1 SPACED I'-0' I # 9 CN CEHIER DELINEATED WETLAND _ STAKES 1 AT•2? la" LONG SPACINO.n CTJ%T TIER U I / NFTTMNC " FIBER ROLL. Fef� ® NOTE: { WETLAND FILL AS IT I OF NNS IL KO AS LH TRENCH NCV BfOROLL BLANKET SYSTEM 5} AS IT IS MHCN u15TALL[O AS SILT FEL:[F. (T-e'PE 3 SEC. 3969) }, MAT3MUM D15TAKCE BETNEEN POSTS IS 4'. AN ADDITIONAL POST MAY BE ADXO TO NOTE: E404 SIDE_ PONT ^A" MUST BE TROWEL MAN POINT "B. Y,ETL-A,}i0 IAITICATO.'f i0 FASUM THAT WATER RO'MS 614R THE STRAW BALE INLET CKAE ALD NOT AROUND PIE. ENDS_ DMOLL BLANKET UIEHT F1LTER SYSTEM — _ l SEO 1- V v p tr UFLAUD BUFFER-._nya5csr-:�7 a=; NOT Fort CONSTRUCTION Martin arms, Os,. 0I/11/13 SIT, -6 GP 9 ----POR ■ Phase 2 Preliminary Grading 9p1 ■ Lennar Corporation .�. (Oudot F) Drainage and Erosion enue r.�.+v+-+Isa2++• 163ES5 36771 h, Nfim North, S44e 600 Control Plan PiyDs°uI}y f•TNFule9otA 55446 OLsego, Mlrrexol• 0203 Westwood P,o sMon I d SeMc... sm Coll 45 Hw,s betwe Wqghg: 811 or coll8ill.com C�� Lound A)fonce hf Y_ Ex -VH . N TE RE L.", <X L RID .14 2 A- SbR RE- 1532.87 ,47 CONNECT11 I7 I I To row 08"40PPI41C 2 �5.81 9 5,51 �/ 4 is DROP MA > —RE. -237.6 w1i 96 RE-935.3 t RIE 936.9 IE -916.1 Jill 4 =z I , 111. V, 4 'j 1 7 14 i Jill 1-9M.4 W_;'923.5 141 2 CROP H RE -935.5 7 3 iE�D24.5-/ 7 RE -937.6 K-923'3 8 18 e 7 5 RE -447.7 , I I I l I • ' 941.24 Jl\ 2wo LEGEND RE -9, 0.2 ONNECT T Aii EXISTING ON SDR E 1P.37 SANITAR2 1 Y SEKR -1 WAFER RIE- 40-7 =92&O HYD. W/VALVE ON rE-92 UN STORM SEMR -12 )rA SA141TARY SEWER 10 qt!m rB 49 WATER OTA 210 "VD. W/VALVE STORM SE:YWR 8 2 7 11 it 6 PERYORAIED is 'vc RE- E-941 - PVC DRA11411LE RCi W-930. FUTURE x vii k 12 SANITARY SEWERV, 4 ' E-943.70 EX.RE-942. WATER V 4 "YD. W/VALVE vc u"STORM SEWER 44 7 HHE -4 C3,1 940.67 RE -951.9 7 r3 n I �)FVE VMENT 45-6 to LOH 15 N=934.6 RE -947.4 WH FIE -94 IE 924.4 E= 31, RE -951.5 If IE -940.5-\ E=933 3 < 7� FUTURE < PON* 8 2 100" 200' 300' NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Martin Farms, n er ovivi, sL-t 7 op 9 Phase 2 Q.&A "MIN Lennar Corporation uot F Utility Plan preliminary nwbdg ut tb$m a 16343 36WE Avenue North, Suit* OM (Oti I WillestleK,od llr. owun u__ 1 Fly-.,lh, Nlim6.4* SLS444 qw.:a, Lftoh — O 713 Wo3tWoo4 PToftWancl SoniceF, Inc. 1 -A- ��. 'MrWOOhgilsb�t�n'bcK - ;SIH iil 9]]3I� ]CILTPFE LESTfXi"`w VVQSiVDo* d wnr,+.w++uc - tiw�l �s�W W * pl ui E A•y L�aN !Mr»aIDOeiLL ", OiAU"I M,....-- — k7'7T6 GENERAL -UTILITY NOTES: • THE CONTRACTOR SHALL YERIFY ALL E]OSYM CONOOTONS PRIOR To CONSTRucr"i Alto NOT•FY THE OfkCR Of ANY OFFEREHCES- • LLNLESS OTHERMSE NOTED, ALL LIATERTALS. CONST. TECHNNAJES Aho TESTWO SHALL CONFOR]T TO THE IS99 E0. OF THE 'STANDARD UTILITIES SPEOFICAPONS fOR WATER "kn AND SERNCC MXINSTALLATION AND SANITARY SEY+ER AN STORM SEVER SNS TALLA non BY THE CITY ENp.YEERNO ASSOGT� AON Or Yh'N..' ATiD TO THE STHRfARD SPECIFICATION FOR HCHKAY CONSTRUCTION' L17.11. DEPT. OF TRANS.. AUOIST 31.2005 WOLLM THE GURRRIT Acoa4oUL]. THE CONNTRACTOR SHAH BE RCOVIED TO FOLLOW ALL ME AS OUTLIh[O BY THE LOCAL AGENCY. • INE CONTRACTOR SH/LLL RECEIVE THE NECESSARY PERUITS FOR ALL WORK OU7S10E OF PIC PROPERTY UMTS • SEC ARCH. PLNt FOR EKACT BLDG. LOCATIO'd. SEE SITE PLAN FOR LAYOUT OATENSCNS. SERVTEE EKTRY LOCATIONS TO BE COORDINATED VAIN THE ARCHITECT. • Y£RdY VQSTMO MART LOC. A ELEV. PRIOR TO BEONK-,IG COtiSTRUCTK)U. • RE WATER SERY�CE SHALL BE INSTALLED WITH A ULM OF 7.5 FT. OF COYER. THE GO']TRACTGR S"dkLL YER{Y ME GTT AS-OVLT E0N5TROGIIOM PLANS TO GIECK LOCATION AND VATERIAL TYPE. • ALL STORM SEWR RPE SHALL BE GLASS 5 IRA -ESS OTHERM$C 110TE0. • THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT 'GOPHER STATE ONE CALL' FOR FOR UTILITY LOCATIONS PRKOR TO UTILITY MSTALLAT108L Ef[ISTIIJG PROPD�ED �� SANITARY SEWER I SAi1TARY SEWER — 4 — SANITARY SEWER WATER j - WATER — I — WATER I HYO. W/VALVE 9 HYD. W/VALVE ••F IIYD. W/VALVE - STORM SEN£R .11 STORM SEKER — N STORM SEAER - Ai 6- PERFORATED PVC ORA,NTILE Onto.M FDR 1 Pt'•�nd fore FOETR Lennar Corporation DaMMI My 1630.5 36TH Avenue tr'Oeth, Sults 604 Plymouth, ASlnn�ls b54E6 Coll 49 Hour. beforo Fgg+rg: 811 or ca1181Lcom Common Ground A!ianca o' 100' 2DD' Sao' NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION c.,anssv,F:_ Martin Farms, s OP 9 Phase 2 7 Preliminaryd (Ouot F) [itility Plan Ot�ga, ATinneyol• 02013 Wmt."d PIBf48S70ad1 Cdl 48 Hoa+s before dWg q: 811 or c511811.corn Common 01-d A117ane* 07 .M, �.... 3 P�97Q 'q .. '1 �,.-.y'{( ��-m -.j{ M h_ a�965 'ry 8 - nal Yu��I 1. .a- .-'�O{fc��e ^ PM STA 0+14.00 5 031 - �ELCV- ... LPN STA 0400,40 - PN ELEV a 949.32 - .�`P>Y{TI� _.. 1099 1 U VIM 1 ,H L.P: ELEYI� 941.24 '. .:... a5_ __... .. '.. .....:. PM STA - 8+00.0050 i :.. --.:PLP. ELEY.=..44569HP ` ,�`, PA ELEY = 946,39 LP. 5TA = 30+75.00 3m-7 4:,,cw 4 a a �iCl � L.P. STA 29+89 -OS - �F PfrA 3939,56 ' - : H.P. STA d 22+25.95 ....... .,..:.,. 60.00, VC L.P. ELEV = 941.74: H.P. STA -14+78:42 - : A.D. -- --1.$5x... ._-- a4O Z. 9� d 1 2 3 4 5 6 94 K-5- VC P. £LEV - 937.53 PN STA10+5J 00 - AO. = 3.50%. k - 37.14 - PM STA - 22+15.00 PN ELEY -= 941.35. L.P. STA 18+74.31 PN STA = 18+65.00 3 - :. _. .._ ..._._ PN. ELEV-936.37 ..- 11 74 PNA.D.y: 10 9 8 -A O,h .r .� .M, �.... VP ve% 75 'q .. '1 �,.-.y'{( ��-m -.j{ M h_ .. .... ..... .a 'ry _..- .. _.. ... ' 90.00' vi- GLP° - nal Yu��I 1. .a- .-'�O{fc��e ^ PM STA 0+14.00 5 031 - �ELCV- ... LPN STA 0400,40 - PN ELEV a 949.32 - .�`P>Y{TI� _.. 1099 1 v' Oi.Or VIM Martin -A O,h .r .� .M, �.... VP ve% r,�N .. .. �-!O - 'q .. '1 �,.-.y'{( ��-m -.j{ M h_ .v .tr.lO, 'ry _..- .. _.. ... ' 90.00' vi- GLP° - nal Yu��I 1. r5 �O .-'�O{fc��e ^ ��* �h --� PN ELEY 940.58. PN ELEV = 948.93 •. ' dl 1.1 lLP. ELEV = 9J %.89 .. a .�`P>Y{TI� _.. ��. _ r ✓S v' Oi.Or VIM ... -. P A ,H L.P: ELEYI� 941.24 '. .:... _:. - __... .. '.. .....:. .. :. i :.. --.:PLP. ELEY.=..44569HP ` PN STA .- 26+65.00 ELEV > g43 -}g LP. 5TA = 30+75.00 3m-7 4:,,cw 4 P.f?., la �iCl � L.P. STA 29+89 -OS - PN ELEV = 938.43 PfrA 3939,56 ' - : H.P. STA d 22+25.95 ....... .,..:.,. 60.00, VC L.P. ELEV = 941.74: H.P. STA -14+78:42 - : A.D. -- --1.$5x... ._-- LP.. ELEY.=.-936.52. ._... :... .. L.P. STA ... €LEV 9� d 1 2 3 4 5 6 PN STA =: 30+00.00 VC P. £LEV - 937.53 LP. STA = 25+00.00 : K = 32.41 PM STA R 26+00,00 410.00' L7f - AO. = 3.50%. k - 37.14 - PM STA - 22+15.00 - L.P. STA 18+74.31 PN STA = 18+65.00 .-.. --PVI ELEV = OM,38. - :. _. .._ ..._._ PN. ELEV-936.37 ..- _ 130 -.VC. 74 PNA.D.y: eJ PM STA = 21+50,00 Pyl ELEV - 933.73 PN STA -.23+55.00 PN ELEV = 937.83 A.O. *+ 2.0079 K ,1000 .!.FAA )A ELE= + 0.00_ PAA EDLEV 94,144 -AO' 1.709 A _ -3 OOX 130.90' VC .. 18$X81. PMSE , s18+80.00 ."2858 - ., ... --- .. .... ..- PVC 21+20.00 .. 1{.P; ELEY.= 931.87 K - 40.08 f : S - - : K = 31.75 AD-' = 2.29X K = 37.5$ ( L_P, ELEV 935.47 .... .. .PVT 21+80.00 H.P.i STA - 5+65.33 ...: .- _. =.. 60.00• VC - :. K 34.31 - ..., ..00' -. .. .., _ : L.P. STA =; 11+8728 ` - 5000 VC; PN:STA - 5950.00 ELEV - 936.93 _ 90.00' Y6 .. E- = 4. - 4. PN STA- 212+ 55.0 ELEV LEY - 9J4.33 .. .. .. _ LP: ELEV 93723 PM: ELEV a 339 .... HC P A.D. -:29.89X,13 HP:..AE=51i. a P 7 SlE= 6+90.04, - AK 15.12: ... $ ..� T x: - �. .�. ;0.06' YC AH AoV -' 475 -00 - _ - N A.0.=937j5120X.-. I7 W VC - .., .. ' i .87X : .. _. D:eoX _ .._ .. _. .. __ -•_-•_ '.-.__. -.. _- '.PM A=-30+34.Do.,. P s z V. TA = 3 +5000 3 r' - _ x = 4Le7, PVD-- ELEV 9 7, - PA ELEV = 945.61 G+ o• _ i tl- - w _. . ; .. ._ '' [ ... _. _- [ ... .. .. i 1 M �7i 1: : ^. 2 - '[ n .- 4� n: .I •- 19 � - .' 24 25 PVC - B+50.60 � PVT - 9+00.W 28 29 30 6+65.00. PVT = 7+75.00: .. u _... i ELEV. -..93837. CLEV 9311.102 -037.3-0_ a 14.9 ?y STA`.." '. 1.8$ - !. �.. ,•,PVT. .31+00.0 PN ELEY = 942.25 _ .. , r PMf STA' 4tIX1.00J M LE 034.24 30 29 28 27 28 25 24 23 22 21 20 - 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 92nd Court 98 Erni 3 7 f t o d 7 + 4Q; �: ~' :gam �-_. - ._.. _ �`.',+O1i _ `�"::°%1' •n qn - ---. _ V�. .. .. :-_. _ _. _... .... ..... LP. ELEV- 94134 ... ._.. 33 -.. ..__ -:�.Up. 'STA', --9 14.00.. - : KP, EkN - 940.71 PN STA *• 15t10.C9 50 00 19C LP. ELEY = 440.27 ; H.P. STA BF26.5i ;_ PN ELEY - 941.94 LP. ELEV -= 912.38 ' 7Q �• VC ...... .. ..- _..70.00' C1L` .. - ...... .. _._ - ; L.P. STA 7+20.00. .. - _- - _ ..,... _. P7 STA - 8+05.60 - - A D. 5.45X .....` . L.P.. STA _ 1+00.00 -- - ..,... 1LP, ELEV 4 9' CP: 0.EV = 936.61 [ PVI STA;= 7+20.00 36.70 .. _.. _... .... - _ _.. ._P1A-:5TA ="1941{ 56 _. .. - 52_QO N.P. EEEY - 937.37 PN ELEV.= 940.89 k P'A STA = 1}50,00--, _- H.P. STA - 3}4.00 70 96 P. STA = 2+44.28 L.P. $TA = 3f 52.48 - PVF ELEV = 940-20 - PM ELEY' 962.84 RY15TA - Jt7D.DD - .. A_D.--2-60; ,; _ 1:20X - 200,00• VC FN ELEV 943.3tsPV1 'STA - 3}84.00-. _._ _.PN STA 2+15.00 .. -. -. K=:30.77_. : A.D. PM ELEV .. 338.18 - AO. - 2.009{ - RN ELEV = 992.72 PM ELEV = 937-56 : K = 41.67 - - -- - - " K 50.00 A_D. _ -6.23>F 96 AA. _ -2.75X 3 A.D. = 3,10X BO's' PVC = 4#95.00 -_..$ `-1 OOX 2.1 .. 100-00• YO ..... ... If=L 5.51 - ,. K m- S!3-59 -.-. - K - 3&Y8.- - .` PVT - tf 4"00 PYC 3+49.00 FyC = 2+70.00 : 725.00' VC ELVR ;940.35 - PYT - 4, 120Q _ .. f9 PVT =_ 2+80.00 .. - ELEV 940.35 ELEV 937.19 o e _ .... _ ELEV = 851,24 ELEY a 93Zk$ r4 �i -.. - h# - ! 6(1.00• V6 .: - - - -_-__ - ........ ...... ... 95 -.. ._.. '. _. _ :_ i� '$,. p n. ... .'�+ _ - . m °' _ '- - a 6O EY - 4fi1.75 4.1 v 1 ... ti , M m __. ! ... - _ t7P.P PSTA .�..15+07.17 .P _ ...:, ....� .p ..:....i. . _.-. .F: _.-_ __ :. .....<?3 E. .. ._ 5 ' - I _ I J.P :E.P. ELEV740.097.78 P41 ELEV = 9Bg.95 a I i E (54.00' VC - TOO DO VC '. 1 2 _ .... H. ELEY = 980.17 _ ..:, ,LO... -2.86% L.P. ELEV; = 961 50 ci �j b _ - "lY 4 73 - H.P. STAB 13167,73.'.. LP STA F1S#42.}7 _. PPN STA =.18+56 47 PN $TA` __ 5#10.04 _ _ - 0.6`0•X' 0.608 P STA = 13}30.00 PN STA - 16+40.00 K - 70.83 : STA =-18+60.00 PM STK O+1x100.. . - = - -- - " _ PN ELEY n 957.10 PVC .. 17468.00 - - - '-PVI E1E'�t �_ 947.39] - -'o. - ., ... PN ELEY - 95{36 PN ELEY 961.13 A -.. PN ELEV_=-'935.52- 2.0675 _. D ...PVT 4, 19+28.00 .W .r- - -L/ _ A.O. - 4B.OSX -A-='3.e8X A.D, ,: 3-765 .... Py -STAB -0+14.00 - �- Q 1•g5X - x 10.63 K e 36.08 ELEV - 96t.39 x „ -.... -..� PVI ELEyd 940.84.. : _ .. - - P_N STA w Oi14.17D ._- _ _: . ..:. PVC - t2}55.00. PVC .. 14#70.00 - ELEY = fl67 65 PYO ='18x30.00 LPN -STA }� 01 W.00 PN FYEV - 935:13 PVI 14+05.00.... PVT ='16+10.80 - .. .PVT =119+36.00 : ... .._ P44. ElEvs= 941.43 ; ; : 35 93 ; - _ _ - - _ 1 2 3 4 5 9 7 8 9 1 ELEY 856,70 : ELEY X958.50 : ELEV:- 961.63 ELEV 959.80 i ELEV �: 958.12 � ELEV:= 962.52 ' T 2 3 4 5 6 0 0 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 d v. -....._ _. L. :. OOH _..- .. _.. ... ' 90.00' vi- GLP° i Oaf ......i�. LRELEV - 939.48' H.P'. ELEV - 949.38 - - H P STA 4+45.9 a 5 - LP. 5TA = f}15.00.' .:. ..... .. ....: PVI STA w 1470.00 PVI STA .. 4}39.00 --� PN ELEY 940.58. PN ELEV = 948.93 •. 1.757[:,. _ AD - -5.1511 '.:.. . ....:...: K - 95.57 lLP. ELEV = 9J %.89 .. - ELEV a 947.51 _ VIM n' .. ELEV = 9as.o3 H.P. STA 26a67.41 - LP, ELEV 24 - ° S a. ` PN STA .- 26+65.00 LP. 5TA = 30+75.00 3m-7 4 PM ELEV n - 945 63 . PN ELEV = 938.43 PfrA 3939,56 C -..-.. ....... .,..:.,. 60.00, VC ..:. ................. 90.00' .. 1..P: ELEV:-438.6$ - - : A.D. -- --1.$5x... ._-- LP.. ELEY.=.-936.52. ._... :... .. L.P. STA ... €LEV 9� d 1 2 3 4 5 6 LP. ELEV = 933.55H VC P. £LEV - 937.53 LP. STA = 25+00.00 : K = 32.41 PM STA R 26+00,00 410.00' L7f - 28!59 68 : PN STA - 28+60.00 :, AO. = 3.50%. k - 37.14 - L.P.-5TA-= -21+20.00 -H.P:STA =-23+70.00 _.. .-.. --PVI ELEV = OM,38. - :. _. .._ ..._._ PN. ELEV-936.37 ..- _ 130 -.VC. eJ PM STA = 21+50,00 Pyl ELEV - 933.73 PN STA -.23+55.00 PN ELEV = 937.83 A.O. *+ 2.0079 K ,1000 - : _ - A_O - 1.72% J( - 40.6 -AO' D. - 1.40X A.D. K = 12-82 A _ -3 OOX 130.90' VC .. - - ^ -_ PVC 21+20.00 2 $ n - .... .. .PVT 21+80.00 PVT -= 243++0100..0000 - n. 933.55 ELEV - 936.93 E- 4. . ... ELEV LEY - 9J4.33 .. .. - ELEY = 937.38 HC T x: 3 2 o0x �._:.. .87X .. _. D:eoX _ .._ .. _. .. __ -•_-•_ '.-.__. -.. _- '.PM A=-30+34.Do.,. P s z V. TA = 3 +5000 3 r' - ELEV 9 7, - PA ELEV = 945.61 .. - . ; .. :.. .... : :. ° P PPM STAELE �� PN STA.a t9+00.D0 PN ELEV = 932.23 - . - - --30938.00 . PYI STA =30+52.00 PM ELEV - 937.60 - 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 32 1nuWe i`siine-1160 ►Tlpty R }f lrR WettwDDd .e ,oaa a. y,y OI/VM .Y -IT. 17716 alv,y IEI19_ Prrpxrcd Ea•n 1 t�i. Lennar Corporation P._ 1>M 16305 36171 Avenue Noah, Sulle 600 Plymouth, Minnesota SSW as �� rnw P ELEY = .0.16 '. STA a Ot60.ID 1 STA = 0480.00 - A ELEV s-936.96 A.O.=-1.215 .... K - 33.17 4is A A04' o o. m- 1 1 -a60x 3 PN 5TA = 0+1408 -'- PM ELEV PN STA- a. 0400.00 - - . 3 PM ELEV:- 938.95 2 NOT ICOR CONSTRUCTION Martin Farms, Phase 2 (Outlot F) Ote'g.' T.Ltnn I& cO"*333DrH31 ra,:K 0!/11/13 slave 9 or 9 Street Profiles d v. -....._ _. L. :. _..- .. _.. ... ' 90.00' vi- GLP° LRELEV - 939.48' H.P'. ELEV - 949.38 - - H P STA 4+45.9 a 5 - LP. 5TA = f}15.00.' .:. ..... .. ....: PVI STA w 1470.00 PVI STA .. 4}39.00 --� PN ELEY 940.58. PN ELEV = 948.93 •. 1.757[:,. _ AD - -5.1511 '.:.. . ....:...: K - 95.57 .. - - .. .. .... .... .. ....... :. P.VT a..4+87.51 ELEV a 947.51 VIM n' .. ELEV = 9as.o3 55 . a. Pot 5TA 6+0000- 4 PM ELEV n - 945 63 - P -4Y STA O+moo: - 937.48 ......... ..... 3 - - PN ELEV =O+OD-00 937.85 S 9� d 1 2 3 4 5 6 alv,y IEI19_ Prrpxrcd Ea•n 1 t�i. Lennar Corporation P._ 1>M 16305 36171 Avenue Noah, Sulle 600 Plymouth, Minnesota SSW as �� rnw P ELEY = .0.16 '. STA a Ot60.ID 1 STA = 0480.00 - A ELEV s-936.96 A.O.=-1.215 .... K - 33.17 4is A A04' o o. m- 1 1 -a60x 3 PN 5TA = 0+1408 -'- PM ELEV PN STA- a. 0400.00 - - . 3 PM ELEV:- 938.95 2 NOT ICOR CONSTRUCTION Martin Farms, Phase 2 (Outlot F) Ote'g.' T.Ltnn I& cO"*333DrH31 ra,:K 0!/11/13 slave 9 or 9 Street Profiles Review No. l 1�i3 ENGINEERING REVIEW Hakanso n Residers#ial Subdivision 3 R. Andersonfor the City of Otsego by Hakanson Anderson Associates, Inc. Submitted to: Honorable Mayor and City Council cc: Lori Johnson, Administrator Tami Loff, City Clerk Dan Licht, City PIanner Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Lem -tar Corporation Fran Hagen, P.E., Westwood Professional Services, Inc. Revicived by: Ronald J. Wagner, P.E. and Brent M. Larson, P.E. Date: January 25, 2013 Proposed Development: Martin Farms, Phase 2 (Outlot F) Street Location A portion of the SW'/a of Section 30, T121, R23. North of 70`x' Street NE and East of Maciver Avenue NE. Applicant: Joe Jablonski Developer: Lennar Corporation 16305 36t" Avenue North, Suite 600 Plymouth, Minnesota 55446 (952) 249-3014 Owners of Record: Lermar Corporation Purpose: Martin Farms is a proposed 132 single-family residential lot development on 49.8+ acres in the City of Otsego, Wright County, Minnesota. The proposed development will be served with municipal water, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, and public streets typical of an urban setting. Jurisdictional City of Otsego, Wright County, Minnesota Department of Agencies: Natural Resources, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, (but not limited to) Minnesota Health Department Permits Required: NPDES, Minnesota Department of Health (water), and (but not limited to) Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (sanitary sewer) C:\Users\brentllAppDatall_ocalVicrosoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\S4QFXJJ8\ot23222-RVW1.doc TABLE OF CONTENTS INFORMATION AVAILABLE SUBDIVISION CONFIGURATION, LOT SIZE, DENSITY EXISTING CONDITIONS TRAFFIC/ACCESS ISSUE PRELIMINARY PLAT PRELIMINARY SITE AND UTILITY PLAN SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM WATER SYSTEM STORM SEWER SYSTEM STREETS DETAILS PRELIMINARY GRADING PLAN SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT WETLANDS ENVIRONMENTAL SUMMARY AND/OR RECOMMENDATION C:IUserslbreniMppbataU.oval\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet FileslContent.OutfooklS40FXJJ8lot23222-R\NV1.doc INFORMATION AVAILABLE Preliminary Plat Submittal (includes: Preliminary Plat, Preliminary Grading and Erosion Control Plan, and Preliminary Utility Plan, and Street Profiles) of Martin Farms, Phase 2 (Outlot F), 1/11/13, by Westwood Professional Services, Inc. Preliminary Plat of Martin Farms, 6/16/03, by Westwood Professional Services, Inc. As -built Construction Plans for Martin Farms, 12/16/09, by Westwood Professional Services, Inc. As -built Grading Plans for Martin Farms, 11/4/09, by Westwood Professional Services, Inc. Final Stonn Water Runoff Calculations for Martin Farms, 4/20/04, by Westwood Professional Services, Inc. Geotechnical Report for Martin Fanns, 1/8/03, by Northern Technologies, Inc. Environmental Assessment Workshcet, Jure 2003, by Schoell & Madson, Inc. City of Otsego Engineering Manual, 2009 Revision Minnesota Rules, Chapter 4410 — EAW Requirement City of Otsego Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances, 10/14/02 National Wetland Inventory Map, 1991 C:1UserslbrentNAppdatalLocal\MicrosoRlWindows\Temporary Internet FileslContent.OutlooklS4QFXJJ81ot23222- RWV1.doc SUBDIVISION CONFIGURATION LOT SIZE DENSITY All proposed lot sizes, widths, and depths appear to meet the minimums for R-6 zoning. (20-67-6.A) 2. The setbacks and easements along the cast lot lines of Lot 5, Block 6, Lots 4 &5, Block 7, and Lot 1, Block 8 and along the west lot line of Lot 1, Block 1 shall be a minimum of 10'. (21-7-15.A & 20-67-6.B.2) 3. A minimum 35' side yard setback from the right of way for comer lots along local streets is required for R-6 zoning. 30' setbacks are shown in the Development Data tabulation. (20-67-6.B.2&4) EXISTING CONDITIONS Section comers and section lines shall be clearly depicted and labeled on the plan. (21-6-2.A.2.) 2. Boundary lines to include bearings, distances, curve data, shall be clearly indicated in the plans. (21-6-2.B.1) Existing zoning classifications for land in and abutting the subdivision shall be shown on the plan. (21-6-2.B.2.) 4. Location, size, and elevations of existing storm sewer and culverts, or any other underground facility within 150 feet of the proposed plat, shall be shown on the plan. Attached are the As -built PIatns for Martin Fanns (Phase 1) and 70tt' Street Avenue NE from Marlowe Avenue to Martin Farms Avenue for your information. (21-6-2.B.5.) Adjoining unsubdivided and subdivided, within 150 feet of the plat, shall be identified by name and ownership, include all contiguous land owned or controlled by the applicant. (21-6-2.B.6.) 6. The normal water and 100 -yr high water elevations are needed for all ponds/wetlands within 150' of the boundaries. Label the 100 -yr high water level (HWL) of existing wetland between Blocks 4 and 8. (21-6-2.B.9) 7. A geotechunical report was submitted with the Martin Farms (Phase 1). (21-6- 2.B.11) TRAFFIGACCESS ISSUE C:1UserskbrentRlAppDatalLocal\Mtcrosoft\WindowskTemporary Internet FileslContent.OutlookkS4QFXJJ8kot23222- RWV I.doc 1. All proposed street locations align with the existing streets. One entrance on to 70"' Street NE is proposed, All locations agree with those depicted in the Martin Farms (Phase 1) Preliminary Plat. PRELIMINARY PLAT 1. Some grading, silt fence, and utilities are depicted beyond the proposed plat's boundaries. Any work beyond the platted boundaries shall require written approval of by the owner(s) of the land impacted as well as any required easements. All swales and utilities shall be covered by a drainage and utility easement. Easements over stonn sewer pipe shall be a minimum 10' wide and centered over the center of the pipe. 2. Include centerline horizontal curve data on plan. 3. The ROW shall be rounded with a 10' radius at all intersections. 4. The 72" d Court NE cul-de-sac shall have a minimum 50' radius. The transition at all cut -de -sacs shall be made with a 60' radius. 5. Temporary cul-de-sacs shall be provided on all stub streets where snow removal will be required. Temporary cul-de-sacs shall have a 50' radius and bituminous curb at minimum. 6. The proposed 72"d Court NE shall be Marquette Circle NE. The portion of street between Marquette Avenue NE and Martin Farms Avenue NE shall be 72nd Street. PRELIMINARY UTILITY PLAN SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM 1. The sanitary sewer must be extended to the property line at the end of 72"d Street. 2. Please move the sanitary sewer manholes away fiom the property line at the ends of 73rd Street and 71St Street. A pipe at minimum grade shall be stubbed to the property line for future connections. 3. Label the size and elevations of existing storm sewer, watermain, and sanitary sewer at near the north ends of Mackenzie Avenue, Marquette Avenue and Martin Farms Avenue as well as the existing sanitary sewer and watermain through Outlot B and south along Marlowe Avenue. WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM C:\Users\brentMppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\54QFXJJ8\ot23222- RVWi.doc Location and size of the existing watennain along 70th Street shall be shown on the plan. Attached is the plan sheet for 70th Street Avenue NE from Marlowe Avenue to Martin Farms Avenue for your information. STORM SEWER SYSTEM 1. The storm water runoff for a portion of Martin Farms Avenue, from 70th Street to approximately 500' north of 701h Street, was proposed flow into the future pond west of Lost 3-7, BIock 10. From this future pond the storm water would then flow through a series of ponds/wetlands and storm sewer pipes before eventually ending up in a regional storm water pond in the northeast corner of Martin Farms, Phase 1. A significant portion of this runoff is now proposed to bypass the future pond and flow directly to existing storm sewer pipe along the existing Martin Farms Avenue. It must be verified that this rerouting of the storm water runoff does not overload the existing storm sewer pipes and ponds/wetlands to the north. 2. The stoma sewer pipe along the rear yards of Block 10 will require a minimum 10' wide easement centered over the pipe. STREETS 1, The entire trail along the eastside of Outlot B shall be constructed with this phase of construction. 2. A geotechnical report with a recommended R -value for Martin Farms Phase 2 will not be required if the proposed street sections are the same as Phase 1. PRELIMINARY GRADING PLAN The soil boring locations shall be shown on the plan. (21-6-2.B.8.) 2. A cross gutter will be required if the grade is less than 1% across any intersection. All the streets intersecting Martin Farms Avenue appear to need cross gutters. 3. A swale was installed starting near the NE corner of the Exception lot to the storm sewer pipe stub just north of the wetland in Outlot A to provide drainage for the existing homes here. The final grading and/or storm sewer in this area shall provide drainage for this swale. 4. It is unclear why Lot 10, block 3 is proposed to be a Rambler while all adjacent lots are proposed Lookouts. SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT 1. Martin Farms Final Storm Water Runoff Calculations, dated 4-20-04 with revisions dated 7-9-04 and Storm Sewer Calculations are on file. See Storm C:1UserslbrentNAppDatalLocalWicrosoft\Windows\Temporary Internet FIIesIContent.OutlookIS4QFXJJ81ot23222- RVWi .doc Sewer System comment #1 above. Hydrology and stonn sewer calculations will be required at the time of final plat submittal, WETLANDS In general the proposed wetland impacts and mitigation follow the impacts and mitigation plan laid out with Martin Farms (Phase 1). However, there is currently some discussion regarding the impacts to the wetlands on Lot 1, Block 6 and whether or not these wetlands are regulated by the state and federal wetland rules. ENVIRONMENTAL 1. The buffer shall be overlaid by a conservation easement and marked by permanent signs to prevent encroachment. Verify the declaration of restrictions and covenants found in wetland mitigation plan, encompasses entire mitigated wetland area. Buffer zones shall be covered if receiving wetland credits for them. (20-16-9.E.4.d) SUMMARY AND/OR RECOMMENDATION We recommend approval contingent upon the above conunent being addressed, C:1UserslbrentllAppDatalLocal\Mlcrosoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outiook\S4QFXJJ810t23222- RVW1.doc I'D2-05-13 CITY OF 0 ego FINDINGS & DECISION MINNESOTA CY PRELIMINARY PLAT APPLICANT: U.S. Home Corporation d/b/a Lennar APPLICATION: Request for preliminary plat approval for Martin Farms Phase 2. CITY COUNCIL MEETING: 11 February 2013 FINDINGS: Based upon review of the application and evidence received, the City Council of the City of Otsego now makes the following findings of fact: A. The legal description of the property is Outlot F, Martin Farms located within the City of Otsego, County of Wright, State of Minnesota. B. The subject site is guided by the Comprehensive Plan for low density residential uses within the West Sewer District. C. The subject site is zoned R-6, Medium Density Residential District. D. The applicant has submitted application for preliminary plat approval to subdivide 49.8 acres into 132 single family lots, two outlots and public right-of-way. E. The Planning Report dated 31 January 2013 prepared by the City Planner, The Planning Company LLC., is incorporated herein. F. The Engineering Review dated 25 January 2013 prepared by the City Engineer, Hakanson Anderson Associates, Inc. is incorporated herein. G. The Otsego Planning Commission conducted a public hearing at their regular meeting on 4 February 2013 to consider the application, preceded by published and mailed notice; upon review of the application, and other evidence, the public hearing was closed and the Planning Commission recommended by a 7-0 vote that the City Council approve the Zoning Map amendment based on the findings outlined above. DECISION: Based on the foregoing information and applicable ordinances, the proposed Zoning Map amendment is hereby APPROVED, subject to the following conditions: 1. Approval of the preliminary plat shall not guarantee access to sanitary sewer service. The City shall only allocate sanitary sewer capacity to approved final plats with signed development contracts to assure the City of timely development. 2. Street names designated on the preliminary plat shall be revised in accordance with City staff recommendations and designated on the final plat. 1 3. All lots are subject to the following minimum requirements of the R-6 District: 4. The preliminary plat shall be revised to combine Outlot A with Lot, 1, Block 1. 5. Outlot B shall be overlaid by drainage and utility easement. 6. The developer shall construct at their cost a trail between 72nd Street and Marquette Avenue as shown on the submitted plans at such time as Outlot B is final platted. 7. The builder shall install a minimum of two (2) trees per lot and a landscape plan for installation of the buffer yard on Lot 9, Block 9 and Lot 1, Block 10 as required by Section 20- 16-7.D of the Zoning Ordinance shall be submitted with application for final plat approval. 8. The design and construction of all streets is subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 9. All grading, drainage and erosion control plans and issues are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 10. All drainage and utility easements are subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. 11, All utility plans are subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. 12. Park and trail dedication requirements shall be satisfied by payment of a cash fee in lieu of land calculated based on the number of lots multiplied by 93.7 percent of the fee in effect at the time of final plat approval. 13. Documents incorporating Phase 2 into the Martin Farms HOA must be submitted with the final plat application and are subject to review and approval of the City Attorney. 14. The developer shall submit application for final plat approval and execute a development contract in accordance with the Subdivision Ordinance. MOTION BY: SECOND BY: ALL IN FAVOR: THOSE OPPOSED: Lot Area Lot Width Lot Depth Setbacks Front Side Rear Wetland Interior 9,000sf. (net) 60ft. 100ft. 35fk. 7ft, 20ft. 40ft. Corner 90ft. 30ft. 4. The preliminary plat shall be revised to combine Outlot A with Lot, 1, Block 1. 5. Outlot B shall be overlaid by drainage and utility easement. 6. The developer shall construct at their cost a trail between 72nd Street and Marquette Avenue as shown on the submitted plans at such time as Outlot B is final platted. 7. The builder shall install a minimum of two (2) trees per lot and a landscape plan for installation of the buffer yard on Lot 9, Block 9 and Lot 1, Block 10 as required by Section 20- 16-7.D of the Zoning Ordinance shall be submitted with application for final plat approval. 8. The design and construction of all streets is subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 9. All grading, drainage and erosion control plans and issues are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 10. All drainage and utility easements are subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. 11, All utility plans are subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. 12. Park and trail dedication requirements shall be satisfied by payment of a cash fee in lieu of land calculated based on the number of lots multiplied by 93.7 percent of the fee in effect at the time of final plat approval. 13. Documents incorporating Phase 2 into the Martin Farms HOA must be submitted with the final plat application and are subject to review and approval of the City Attorney. 14. The developer shall submit application for final plat approval and execute a development contract in accordance with the Subdivision Ordinance. MOTION BY: SECOND BY: ALL IN FAVOR: THOSE OPPOSED: ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Otsego this I lt" day of Febuary, 2013. CITY OF OTSEGO By: Jessica L. Stockamp, Mayor Attest: Tami Loff, City Clerk o2GIJ Westwood Proiess'"id Ser.?ces, Mc. B11,! ^9 ca11811.com or r C ylti� anmm CXound Nvvncq c I i `'� � � ./_, 5. 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