05-07-03 WSITEM 3 -2 - CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP WEDNESDAY NIAY 7, 2003 4:30 PNI CITY HALL 1. Mayor Fournier will call the Workshop to order: Mayor Fournier called the Workshop to order at 4:39 PM. Roll Call: Mayor Larry Fournier; Councilmembers: Vern Heidner, Virginia Wendel, Jerry Struthers and Dan Scharber. Staff: Judy Hudson, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator; Andrew MacArthur, City Attorney and David Wendorf, Assistant City Attorney. 2. Discussion of a Municipal Liquor Store Both Mr. MacArthur and Mr. Wendorf explained the law for the City to notice its intent to start a municipal liquor store. Mr. MacArthur said it is a complicated process to follow since it hasn't been done in Minnesota for over 20 years. David Wendorf explained how this would limit the number of on -sale liquor licenses the City could issue. CM Heidner asked if the City could have a Municipal Liquor Store if the population goes over 10,000. Mr. Wendorf replied no and also the population used is based on the latest census. Mayor Fournier asked what is the City's responsibility to current off -sale liquor licensees, if the City goes Municipal Liquor as far as any compensation to them. Mr. Wendorf explained originally the law required the City to buy them out and this was changed by the Supreme Court and there is no obligation to buy them out. The City could buy their inventory. CM Heidner asked if there are any rules regarding setbacks from one liquor store to another. Mr. Wendorf replied he wasn't aware of anything. Mayor Fournier asked for any public comments. Bob Fields said that in the last census Otsego's population was approximately 6,000 and he has estimated Otsego's current population at 12,000 and they could call for a census. CM Scharber comments were that after seeing what the start up costs would be to start a Municipal Liquor Store he feels the City wouldn't see a profit for 15 years. He also commented that if Highway 101 is turned into a freeway, people would have to exit off the freeway, and doesn't see them doing that for only liquor, unless there was another big draw. Also, he doesn't see people going across 101 or residents from western Otsego going to a store located on the east side of 101. If there would be issues of renewing on - sale licenses, Otsego won't draw the big restaurants. He stated he would not support Otsego giving notice of intent to start up a Municipal Liquor Store. CM Heidner stated he agrees with CM Scharber's comments CM Wendel stated the City is trying to attract commercial businesses in the City and why would the City want to discourage them. She feels the City has their hands full with all City Council Workshop of May 7, 2003. Page 2. the growth with sewer and water. Mayor Fournier explained there would be no formal action taken at this workshop but this issue will be on the next City Council Agenda for May 12, 2003. 3. Any other Council Issues. There were none. 4. Adjourn. CM Scharber motioned to adjourn. Seconded by CM Wendel. All in favor. Motion carried. Workshop djourned a :25 PM. ayor L ry Fournier ATTEST: t�bkk Ju y u o , City Clerk