06-30-03 WSWhat has happened to my property sense I had bought it in 1998. The Mayor, Elene, and another person (male) showed me the plat map of my lot and told me that the set backs of my property were 35 feet from the property line off of Packard Ave., 35 feet from the property line off of 85th street and 10 feet from the property line off of the neighbor to the south of me and 10 feet from the property line off of the east of me, in which case I would have been able to either build or put in a double -wide mobile home in the existing location of present single wide mobile home. It now seems that the city has redefined the setbacks to 35 feet from the property line off of Packard Ave, 65 feet from the property line off of 85`h street and 10 feet from the property line off of the neighbor to the south of me and 10 feet from the property line off of the east of me, also has taken an additional 7 feet from me to widen the road and put in a bike trail. (my lot was originally 150 feet wide and 300 feet long; now is 143 feet wide and 300 feet long) In order to comply with the new set backs I now have to cut down trees, redo my drain field and well. My neighbors to the south of me have 35 feet from the property line off of Packard Ave. 10 feet from the property line off form the property to the north and 10 feet from the property line off of the neighbor to the south of me and 10 feet from the property line off of the east of me, giving them full access of 120 feet in which to arrange buildings and such (myself 68 feet which means that I can not even turn my present 14 x 70 home side ways on the lot) It seems that the city has taken my property and arranged it so I am unable to do as I had wished to be able to do when I had bought this property. I feel that sense this has happened to me that the city has an obligation to reimburse me for the extra moneys that will be needed to develop this property and allow me variances (that I have been told they do not do) when I am able to develop my plans for this property as originally planned. Take note presently I am 23% disabled by state workers compensation laws. As this is also a determining factor of what type of housing I am able to live in. When I received notice from the City about this 85`h street project I called and went to one meeting in which some of my concerns were addressed about trees adjacent to 85"' street, on my property, but in the 10 foot area that was wanted to be rented by the city. A letter was requested at that time an I had to call 2 more times to get this letter. All but one tree (a elm tree on the north east corner of my lot) also on the 10 foot rental area line was addressed.