04-08-96 CCCITY OF OTSEGO Kt(_)UtJ 1 fUK I.UUNL IL At_ 1 1UN II AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: MEETING DATE II �P�r•rT ti PR-q-'L7TnN L� r ! Qa6-6:30PMAri -. ITEM NUMBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION: PREPARED BY: 4.1. JOHN DANIELS - Long Haul Trucking (RE: Sign on 1-94 for his Industrial property - Letter of Credit Reduction) John Daniels asked to be on the Agenda to discuss sign size with the City Council. He feels the current Ordinance is way too restrictive for a sign on I-94 to advertise his Industrial Lots. He also wanted to discuss the reduction of his Letter of Credit, which he feels should be reduced more than it has been. Larry Koshak has more information on this. I have attached information I have received from John Daniels Re: Signs, Rogers Ordinance and payments made on the Industrial Park. Also attached is a Memo from Bob Kirmis dated 4 4/96 for your consideration. John Daniels will explain his position on the above. Thank you, ••NN•• • • ••N N • N ••• •• •••• •••• •• •• •••• •NNN• N•• N•• NNN •• •06 N•• •• N• • •• N• •N ••• • N••• •H• •••••• •••• •N ••• •• •N• N•• • • • • 0"00"0 00000•••• • • •• •• N ••• • N N •••••• •• N N •• H N •• •• •• •• ••• •N •• •• N N N •• N•• N• N •• N N •• N•••N •N••• N N••• •• �• •••NNS ""0'86 N • N •••• N N N•• •• •••• 00000000• N1••N•• M •• •• N N •• •• N M N •• N N N N N •••• • • APR -05-1996 09:37 NAC 612 595 9837 P.02i08 FNNorthwest Associated Consultants Inc. A_ ,>, COMMUNITY PLANNING • DESIGN • MARKET RESEARCH MEMORANDUM TO: Elaine Beatty FROM: Bob Kirmis / David Licht DATE: 5 April 1996 RE: Otsego - Long Haul Trucking Business Sign FILE NO: 176.08 - 95.30 At the forthcoming 8 April City Council meeting, Mr. John Daniels of Long Haul Trucking is scheduled to make a presentation regarding a proposed freestanding business sign. As shown below (and noted in attached 13 December 1995 correspondence with Mr. Daniels), the freestanding business sign significantly exceeds the sign height and area requirements of the Zoning Ordinance: Proposed Required Sign Height 50 feet 20 feet Sign Area 552 square feet 100 feet (each side) (each side) Of particular issue in the City Council's consideration of this matter is the "need" for the scale of signage being proposed in relationship to the approved use of the property. As you are aware, the Long Haul site is zoned 1-2, General Industrial which lists "truck terminals" as a permitted use. It has come to our attention that the Long Haul facility may, as part of its general operations, provide truck wash service to the general public. If offered, such service is considered a "commercial" use and not permitted within the applicable 1-2 Zoning District. 5 Wayzata Blvd. • Suite 555 - St. Louis Park, MN 55416 • (612) 595 -9636 -Fax. 595-9837 APR -05-1996 09:37 NAC 612 595 9837 P.03i08 While the facility's truck wash component Is certainly considered incidental to the Long Haul Trucking operation, question exists in regard to both the allowance of a "public truck wash" use in the 1-2 Zoning District, and the impact such use would have upon site functioning. It is our recollection that as part of site plan review procedures, no mention was made of a public truck wash. If such service is to be provided, it undoubtedly would have effects upon area traffic generation, site functioning (truck stacking space, water usage, etc.). Further, such activity was not made known to either the Planning Commission, City Council, or general public in consideration of the development application. In considering Mr. Daniel's forthcoming presentation, we believe the Council should be made aware of possible site activities which extend beyond that subject to previously and specifically approved by the City Council. If you have any questions or comments regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to call. PC: Otsego City Council Andy MacArthur Larry Koshak 2 APR -05-1996 09:38 NAC 612 595 9837 P.04i08 rNFNorthwest Associated Consultants, Inc. C COMMUNITY PLANNING • DESIGN MARKET RESEARCH a 13 December 1995 Mr. John Daniels, President Long Haul Trucking, Inc. P.O. Box 167 Albertville, MN 55301 RE: Otsego - Long Haul Trucking Business Sign FILE NO: 176.08 - 95.30 dear John: This letter is intended to advise you as to the acceptability of your proposed freestanding business sign pursuant to existing ordinance standards and to the various processing procedures available in this matter. According to information provided, Long Haul Trucking wishes to construct a freestanding business sign measuring 50 feet in height with a sign area of 576 square feet on each side (see Attachment). The sign area is to be comprised of three individual sign components, each measuring 192 square feet in area (24'x 8'). One of the three components is to be an electronic ureaderboard" which you have indicated is to advertise an on --site truck wash facility. Existing Regulation. As you are aware, Otsego's existing sign regulations prohibit freestanding business signs of a height and area which you are proposing. Specifically, Section 20-37-5.C.3 of the Ordinance establishes standards pertaining to business identification signs as reiterated below: 3. Business Identification Signs. Total sign area shall not exceed fifteen (15) percent of the total front building facade except that both front and side facades shall be counted on a comer lot. Signs chosen to comprise the total gross sign area shall be consistent with the following provisions: a. Freestanding. Not more than one (1) double sided freestanding sign. Sign area may not exceed one hundred (100) square feet each side with a maximum height of twenty (20) feet. 5 Wayzata Blvd. • Suite 555 • St. Louis Park, MN 55416 • (612) 595 -9636 -Fax. 595-9837 APR -05-1996 09:38 NAC 612 595 9837 P.05i08 Mr. John Daniels Page Two b. Wall, Canopy or Marquee. Not more than one (1) wall, canopy or marquee sign per building. However, on corner lots, two (2) such signs shall be allowed, one (1) per street frontage. Individual sign area shall not exceed one hundred (100) square feet. C. Advertising messages shall not comprise more than twenty-five (25) percent of any freestanding or wall sign. While Section 20-37-6.A of the Ordinance (motor fuel station sign regulations) does allow additional signage for display of fuel prices and car wash facilities (two additional signs totaling 32 square feet in area and not greater than 15 feet in height), it is the opinion of our office that your facility does not constitute a commercial "motor fuel station" and therefore, based upon the ordinance cannot be afforded any additional business identification signage beyond that identified in Section 20-37-5.C.3. In regard to the proposed readerboard sign, the following ordinance provisions are considered applicable: General Provisions (20-37-2) G. Illuminated signs shall be shielded to prevent lights from being directed onto residential property, or at oncoming traffic in such brilliance that it impairs the vision of the driver. Nor shall such signs interfere with or obscure an official traffic sign or signal. This includes indoor signs which are visible from public streets and highways. Prohibited Signs (20--37-3). 3. Motion Signs and Flashing Signs. Except time and temperature signs depicting a constant message as contrasted to a moving message. APR -05-1996 09:39 NAC 612 595 9837 P.06i08 Mr. John Daniels Page Three Processing Options: 1. City Initiated Amendment. As I mentioned to you in a previous conversation, the City is currently in the process of amending its sign regulations to potentially allow greater sign areas and heights along the City's principal arterial streets (Highways 94 and 101). At this point, however, the. City Council has directed that this amendment address only construction and real estate development signs, which do not at this time, pertain to your situation. This is not to say, however, that the scope of the amendment could not potentially be expanded to address business identification signage as well. 2. Property Owner Initiated Amendment. Regardless of the outcome of the pending City initiated amendment, you may request (through formal application) an ordinance text amendment which would make greater height and area allowances for business signs along principal arterial streets. Such request would require public hearing and the submission of background information substantiating the proposed ordinance change. As you are aware, no guarantees of City approval can be assumed. 3. Variance. Through formal application, you may request a variance from the City's business sign height and area requirements. As part of such application, a demonstration of hardship unique to your property would be required. While our initial thoughts on this matter are that a 50 foot sign height may be excessive, it is believed that a case for hardship could be made in consideration of the distance of such sign from the interstate (separated by railroad right-of-way). While our office would likely support a variance request (not necessary to the area and height being proposed), there are no guarantees of City Council approval. In terms of timing, all of the aforementioned processing options would likely require approximately 45 days to process (from date of application to date of Council action) provided no unforseen issues result. Hopefully, this letter has informed you of possible processing options available in this matter. A decision as to how you wish to proceed will be your responsibility. APR -05-1996 09:40 NAC 612 595 9e37 P.07/ee Mr. John Daniels Page Four Considering the likely production cost of the sign "proof' you had provided to our office, I have copied the plan for our records and returned your original. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to call Sincerely yours, NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS, INC. Bob Kirmis, AICP Senior Designer PC: Elaine Beatty Andy MacArthur MAR -25-19% 16121 FROM SCENIC SIGN TO 9-16124973253 P.01 Tranernitted To; John bmn Company; _LQNG HAUL TRUCKQNG Fax-Nuh biFof 11 -407 -SM Redivina Equlpnwt-. FAX 0; (612) 252.4280 Date of Transmission: --Macm1m Purchase Order No: Rs: SIGN prmFvw5 We are forwordin2 the following; Na W' Rl�MARK,S; DEAR JOHN 0AWELS: HERE IS THI. SIGN ORDtANCES FOR THE CRY OF ROGERS, ACCORDING TO A FREEWAY SIGN YOU WOULD BE ALLOWED UP TO ?5' NOT TO EXCEED 200 00 FT OR 1 80 FT PER VERY LFT OF FRONTAGE, NOT TO EXCEED 400 SQ FT. WHAT WE WOULD BE ASKING FOR WOULD 6E 384 SQ FT OF SIGNAGE 50' OAH. THE MESSAGE CENTER REQUIREMENTS ARE 190 SQ FT AND IF WE WENT WITH THE 2 LINE MESSAGE CENTER WE WOULD M AT 188 SQ FT. PLEASE REVIEW ANIS GIVE ME A CALL IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS. SCENIC SIGN 0 252-9400 CAR PHONE# 280-4146. THANKS AGAIN, truly yours, BOX 881, SAINT CLOUD, MINNESOTA '56302.612.252.9400 1.00/T00d 29S'ON bTbb Tbb ET9 E- sJ iiAonai -inbH 9NO-1 SO:LT 9G/9E/20 03/25/96 17:07 LONG HAUL TRUCKING 4 612 441 4414 -S- NO.563 P004/007 m4mod pasodma iq pel2oWns :40u U6T'w v (2) •qeOgTgaq Am xo asodsnd[ 20 wp02; *mow sqa DU740tusp s AGA 30 daoxb zo p"A osf vs av 14t:s093693 '24'Wt 014 pssn toquAs Yo 'sa3oonma Avw (b) •xiAO$ asT4Q3 Ta 3ssd to swgrti WOMPOT so MOT-[ a=s -404P ;q Pa}vuTQmTrT aaTTaao Tmv 400266t; ssxslasT �s�43aRZRq:J sfQ q*"w U6=t Aw (d) *own O440Ttnq-aoo 3&qW Yo egc2ngc 0Ta0go5 'IaysFTsas 0 buT44;140PT Kd;s vqi *40TZISTa TvxiuPTsaa ui -sserMsd alp vo ps; snowyeaq .A,4 rMM buT-3Tinsp T ubTs Z*dsau724 04L (o ) -sa6Ts pumosb ysisp svaa sq Tjwgw Nsnious4s 4409220011 as Sv5T>Q •AXsadosd aq3 0 a2nzaus4s xo fiUit►tTtm ult OW4 36 s6 SW4 Aq pa-4soddav so Iuodn p43vTd USTb AM (n) 00" 4"349 WRI ?Q (c/i) D wosad ispva 96 3 ta"id �raswuUATO TwovaQ� os�t) U04 Oyipiaaxa Sou pavogxap4+si v •A0A*Aoq tesn'400nm son id (£/) P2TTR-4ao :adeitt aQ14 ttMTN ps4saoT XAoa uATs sq; QUT'Lvq (6Z6t •0%A• Y *on 4AaQ0 4003 S OT uvtn JegGTq Sou 3� as (SL 0ATJ-Aiwawat�t 10 (40-4 o; ps3no"w) agbTaq v q} .&d V ' {tlt) •„st:bTs bu'TgssT3s Sou aw bTe 6vjbasgow sv pasT oVa*ssnd4oS63 aouonooTs *lpsisiios 20VUBTa Ts i&ses ojjgad sv yana ousts sulfiu t aT40mvv •ash VT W$ u67V ganw tssga SMT4 LTs ;a sOtOo ptss A4TMM4OT pY :uv4swo 2a/►us dsvaoT14s34 P'mTv4u'Fw [ 14017 uT gR6TT TvTOTIT4ss 044 KoTWM U0 ubT* P*4*wjmUtiT (T •UATs v 30 OTgdes6 pus Mas ag14 $asorous g5Tqu 03nbTi POPIN-J401 39*TL as eta 30 14043 02tlnbe wT ra2v aqZ-WMTEFvww00W.7(n) •u6i9 v no sTogetds 20 sobs S* t at]te babas ws /CrtdaFP 24Q3Q Rax bajYlxoM aqr uo uAoq+e siv sabuv43 Ado* 4U0js •1?4MM ddPj stats waj iiia asa4n snroJ3D>tas so ia14uam 060"em •v674 •;vp pow4wTwdw0:& JOWT14 scrales aTTgnd POITOs$v40 d'[tasngT;14aaTo 30 ATTw0Tua445t Ta ue go gonff a6T4 v D uc 2 •890b7s0 ,[dors*o r 014 paYT3iv vT gmma UQ"wzTiF14oa T 20 a6rss4w ititqAmLtta%gwjUPTEI(q) £0'd £5M VET9T--6 01 NU 1 S D I N30S WOrld £Z :9T 966T--SZ-6tPA MAR -25-199G 16:24 FROM SCENIC SIGN TO 9-161249?3253 P.04 a non -mat -al frame aiyn shall maintain a clearance of nide ta) feet groand. Zn the event +-hot a or00000 petal slat( structure or accessory fixture herein described is groanaad by the use of a grounding conductor rUft W1th the Circuit conductors and Bald atructore of fixture is also grounded by beim bamded to a grounding a;lctroft at the sign 61ter no clearance to grade *hall be mandrtory. 2., Xo 09tal gtround sign shall be located within eight (8) feet; Vertically and rout (4) feet horizontally of Sloottic vir•* of ociOuctors in free * a3raarrying mor■ than forty-eight (48) volts( wbetter of not such Wires Or conductors are inaulated or otherwise protected. 3. All grmmd signer *ball oonform v►ith the taaximtua sign area and maxinam sign beigbt prnviSiOns in relation to the street classification and zoning districts4p as contaiaaa in the following table: pylgn fit= Monuuent__61a pre wax sign Size Copy at iigFt at Area d-.�.Ri„e►� Cit City Street 15' 40 15' Sn WA Minor Artorta2 200 75 le' do X/A reined Arterial 401 100(3) 20• s0 optional Interstate Corridor 481 190(3) 209 100 73/2001 (1) A:Z. ni_:. *L" City stroat; 209 73 let 6o optiana1 Minor Arterial 30• 120 20, $0 Cpt4onax lwrfnoipti Arterial 401 12D(3) 201 Yds Optional interstate Corridor 404 120(3) 2101 320 75/2001 (2) ationt (1) Prolrsrtios within the pre"*y Business District h&Ve e option to use a fromomy sfgn not w exceed 200 sq. ft:. 1n ardwe t7pgqtifoct& (for gmab 11"ae f000t of lsaont ge notrto cxaeed, 4"*sgr 1 ft. in ares# wbl*lmv*r it 4reat:er. Option (3) Sign arra swa b* increased to equal l sq. Ft. fog each I itnear foot df frontage on an artarial roadway or interstate not to exceed 280 sq. ft. L00/2,00d t9S ' ON b T bb T bb E T 9 <- ai I Aonai 7nUH SNO1 60:2,T 96/SZ/20 MRR-25-19% 16:24 PROM SCENIC SIGN n� TO 9-16124973253 P.OS street classillcation *ball be datesmined in accordance with the provisions of the sransportetiob Plan for the Citr of Rugerls. application. The level at which the sign control system applies is detendnad by the street classification and sowing districts, as outlined above, wbich directly abuts the subject PZCP&ZtY. Actual siq» h4l�qiht is deterwinod b�► the grade of the toad rc& whish the sign gains its principal exposurer however in no event *ball tae height of the Biqa chosen 11033 feet above sea level. M.G.V. t:. 1033. Sign area foe $gtoo" si9as applies to only one (2) Daae of a Wo -laved grognd sign, or two (2) fa►oos of a funs -faded shift# etc. so grMnd sign shai.l be iocated closer to any Tropetty line than ten (10) feot except tis olacmuz Witbin the D0Mtgarn 948110-20 Distrlct. C'""d sighs JavP esing Ct�1NlO4ht andvProvided that pylon with approval by the llat>riA9 signs metat4mG�af? t��rrorficoc�aarrsai clearance =nom t'.br highest point t aged sbalY ort •steed one and a half (l . S) times the perai ttrd 00PY au sa - t4) soppaart of any sign shah De maiatiafned that rojecls ' 1X the sic spsca ever the roof of "Y build oc sttnature- (e) g7jhervi,se O =00 to am sUbJect to the t62-10Wiug T,ette><iag eY x�tera sb 11 oot Project AKMV*r b� oKhW�CAm pblsicaY dl�atcns vi the s r9 - ietterinq et letter& Shall Wt be larger from top to bottom than twelve i15) incbee- Lrttero say ba paiaa6a or permissible avninq x*galationss X. 2. -21- L00/E00d 29S'ON bTbb Tbb ET9 F 9NI>Dnal -InUH 9NO-1 90:2,T 96/SE/20 MAR -25-19% 16,25 FROM SCENIC SIGN TO 9-16124973253 P.06 BUbd. M 118.1 na No o ggfoq Signs lull be pegmitted is an eCGlsaory to any camasxcial or Iadnstriai dead, aaaapt in compliance wi Ch the following provisions and regulations►. (a) 60AW4 at PeraLit-sage. Requ*ak far a special uign permit& as provId4d within this ordinance, aaalh be filed with the caclock shall b• secofficial Cwpaf►fed byapplication -6 tea tor• • StitCi I application as provideo lour by the city council Resoxut3on. This tee bhsll not be teft=dsd, Such a liostion shall also be aaoupponied tv two (I) copies ordetailp o written And graphic 10&teCial, fully eticplaining o"ngiay sisn' its size, design, height. locution and materials. be requ&st for a special sign permit shalt be pplaced on the aganda of a City Council 2leetingq witbitn tbirt tY01 days of thedlltebave aile ppptharitioto in subsitted. city council Legtiast additional information from the aPPlicaet concerning the Proposed sign deemed d r'�t evalbate vbsthet the sign eawlies Vitb city ores mane ss. Ibi The fblloving "A niato V"U tem mts Aftall be ob"Zvea for obanging sig'»m. 1, sa cbjyiM4.. sign shall exceed 160 square fast in ""LOM area. woe sha11 the U&.xisum atructare bliGht rt=#" the masigMn height provisions for groamd. sl Mtsbijahad in section st uubd. (g)(0) of this Ordinance. The petvitttd risqes area shall apply to the area of each lnilieideal feet when the sign dlspinYS no ,sore th-n tao faces. Z. "a ww"age Rball Amt ttaeel borizoataalY. 3. foot less . theme 50% of the time the sign is 0"jeatiseq shall. be de.ottd to f4adet qime t pmraturet date, road 00nditims or other public service inf'OrmatiOn• If a changing sign does not devotee •t 1w►st 506 of the time it is ape -rating to aaah infoss�atiour iforffeit ltndemed specialeaign permit grounely a d ■igAr sba# l ! and sball be subject to status as a eking u�tseenta applicable to AM governed t�]t UO taq PP ground sigma in this prdl,r►anoc. A. The lighting shall be acco2p1i9bed in such a way have no abutting land larrt'si6*ntiainu"igbt •isilxl• to -2S- L00/900d 29S ' ON b T bb T bb Z T 9 F 9N I >iDFiai -if11jH SNOB LO : L T 96/SE/20 MAR -25-1996 1625 FROM SCENIC SIGN M TO 9-16124973253 P.07 �cy . 7be par�s a or a special slgn no in to provide the CM with a reanonab►le degree of disecrotiow in date In the srultabilitY of changing sig" upon the gehera�l w*lfarep public health and safety. in IRs t ing this detssrasinatloar vbetbot or not a ape�ia4 sign paraut is to be sUCPwsd# the City may doasider the nature of the: adjoining la=rd of buiWAMW, wbetber or not a ala llar sign is w1readY in existence sod located on the taxa premises or on otbslr land isaisdistelp clave bye the a:ff*ct upon tri zlia into amd from the praimises or on "7 wdjoininy roads, a0d all "bar Or further factors an tb* City shall depw preregMisit* of cOnsid"stioa in d:tarasining the affect of the ase ou the general Welfare, public beaith and sofa". (d) . At a conattxon pr&c*~t to, imbuing a special atgd permit far a ch"i" sign, the Counoll abaci molte record" findings of fact t2i8t tAf p=opM*d =ign C EP"es with the' requirements of this Ordinance determining the suitability of the ebaaging sign Upon the general "Learin Poli c bter] th and safe"# and May Impose, sem�►► eooditions it am i4ers "Case" to Protect the pub healthr Safety and W01fatta It) . A ebaaging Si D tura C ascetic to a ho1►tinQ berets► tie M7 Council prim to the City detez�+iUag than the pertsittem has forfaitld its spacial Biqa permit, stub he Jftg *hall be after 14 dors written notice- r S �.biah 3oes i3Oti-Pose awl is�sictant as"at to A legal ooee-confoCaln4 sign _ gamin noo owk, 24jnt6�anCor & r ovi� gn and be maintained b7 Wall oe.is►p � (a) Ww" not be eli*904 os em2•esge6 in any way; (D> &Call not be teplaaae bySnothe � o cck ti orsain, oLot' be not that eba"isrg the dsslpaet to be & replsMNSOnt F la of be. ivlaaated onlese it is Made to Conform to tlkci 1d) shall not be reommtruCtO4, •Etat iftfurring d&aaga in an esHmnt exCeediaq SO pesCOnt of 'to UL,Y*t value at the user of losav es deterult" bY -26- TOTAL P.07 L00/900d 29S ' ON b T Gib T bb Z T 9 E- 9N I 7cnal -InOH 9MO-1 eO : L T 96/SZ/E0 This FAX conti page(s) including this cover sheet. Company........... �. 10 .....0. ...................................... Attention...................... �!v ............. ..................... FAX number ................. From: Long Haul Trucking P.O. Box 167 Albert llie, MN 55301 (612) 497-3727 FAX (612) 497-3253 � Sent by:.......... QOW ....................Date......... Date-....�/a$ .................... bfq]"Toad LS --'al bibh Zbb '19 - JNI I7(ldi 1FI�JH 9N01 L©:GZ 95/87-/�-O CITY OF OTSEGO ELAINE BEATTY LARRY KOSHAK THE FOLLOWING IS A BREAKDOWN OF THE WORK COMPLETED BY DENNIS FEHN EXCAVATING AT OTSEGO INDUSTRIAL PARK. THIS WORK IS DIRECTLY RELATED TO THE LETTER OF CRED17 FOR $150,000.00 THAT WE CURRENTLY HAVE WITH YOU. DESCRIPTION SITE, GRADING, DRAINAGE, EROSION CONTROL AND TURF ESTABLISHMENT TURN LANE AND BY PASS CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION OF STREET AND DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS ENGINEERING, SURVEYING AND INSPECTION ORIGINAL PYMT AMOUNT AMOUNT $47,550 $42,795 $27,590 $ 8,277 $64,860 $32,430 $101000 $15,764 TOTAL PAID TO DATE $99,266 WE WOULD LIKE TO ASK THAT YOU REDUCE OUR LETTER OF CREDIT BY THE SAID AMOUNT. IF THERE ARE ANY QUESTIONS OR CONCERNS REGARDING THIS MATTER, PLEASE FEEL FREE TO GIVE ME A CALL AT (612) 497-3727, EXT. 192. THANK ^YOU, JOHN S DANIELS 7lo/?0G_td LSS'OH bi7b i77 ,-i9 '- qNlillfl�l -inFJH SHO -1 eO:OT 968E/(--0 Jt f �� ,.'r i • 96 10. 12 HRKRNSCN ANDERSON .1 �; ��i!s'`�ti�•.;(:: , as to Prevent any addit onsl floodinq bawioy.� .bail •iry tuii 4 Of acl1aoent ;:e'. ,• All private redments regarding t vortply with any ane! all pprirat• Agreements e4 nq drain tiias. [J•velopers shall indaMit and Y hold harmless the City frox any and all causes or action related to tiles, saidlees ;� �• drain including any ocata, diaburses;ants, or attorney,'s the City. should ;/ �•..' :; i any drain tale travarse undax road riQhtdo! �e Y the tiles dust be idaurtifJed and ancased in ,,,,:•.,..•: a steel carrier pips or by other beans to pravrnt daiagd to the lines. i•,:}' 17. leauritj. To ensure aoapli&nce with the terms of this Contract, P&Ybent of real estate taxes plus interest and ponaltlea, payments of the costa o! all public i2provaasentm, and construction of all improvements, Mlettlic the Developars shall furnish the City with an evocable er of credit ("seourity■) for *150,000.00, said amount oalaulLr�A wr 9-11—.,x. It., grading, drainage, erosion control, and turf establishs•nt $47,EEO.00 9'Q x Turn Lang and By pass Cangtruction 427,620.00 Construction of street and drainage iMprovamd'hts (including pond construction) $64,s5o.0o Snjinesring, surveyinq, and inspection !10,000.00 -- $150,000��- Tho issuer a �Ctt pity approval. The letter of credit shall be for a tars endinq Duna 1, 1996. The City may draw down the letter of credit, without notice, for any violation of the terms of this Contract or upas receiving notice that the latter of credit will be allowed to laps• Prior to the ono of the required term. It the required improvanants are not aotpl■tod at least thirty (30) days Pzior to the expiration of trio latter of credit, the City may also dray down the letter of credit. Thirty (30days prior to the &burs listed date Developer shall notify the city that the Latter of Credit is about to axpirn and rapor•t to the City as to what accomplished. In tho avant. that all i�rovabents have be coaplatsd and accepted by the cit D�awts Lave not be Letter of credit to be renewed, with no leper in .n'lculrity� cause an mount and on torus acceptable to the city. Zt the latter an azs4it is drawn down, the proceeds shall be used to cute the default. Upon reoalpt or proof satisfeatory to the City that the work has bean costplatad and financial obiigations to the City have been satisfied, vith city appron►al, the security bay be raducad from time to time by ninsty psrc*nt (90=) at the financial obligations that have been satisfied. Ton paroant (Io%) of the security shall be retained until all isprovabents' have bean ccmpletad, all financial obligations to the City satisfied, all T bb 2 T9 F rqw >i0ndl -inUH 9N0-1 P.2 o �Z77 80:0T 96/8x/70 .1 ;� �• :I: bTOi200d TSS•0N bTbh T bb 2 T9 F rqw >i0ndl -inUH 9N0-1 P.2 o �Z77 80:0T 96/8x/70 vieib0ed TSs'ON PTbh Tbb ZT9 <- 9NImona1 -inUH SHO -1 60:01 96/87;'70 ' i JOHN S. OR LUANN D. DANIELS 1078 BUILOINO CONBTFIUCT'ION ACCOUNT P.O. BOX 167 f�� (fir :• 75-2G2/9I9 ALSERTVILLE, MN SnotPAY TO THE '. ORDERaP I DOL IAkS ? ' _ ce. Ni • 11:09Lg02 31: 1001,t707911' 1078 A, :: vieib0ed TSs'ON PTbh Tbb ZT9 <- 9NImona1 -inUH SHO -1 60:01 96/87;'70 DENNIS PENN GRAVEL & EXG P_02 '•► N'NIS F'ENN GRAVEL & EXCAVATING, INC- 11900 50th SIrsfat N.E. ALBERTVILLE, MINNESOTA 55301 (617) 497.2426 •ahn Oanlels Oar. 5, 195 Joe No. ._..._-. -_. _ __.._..�.� __.._... .._.. _ ... _.- ..- CFTC )tsrgo InduStric-li Park . ... _. _ Jon MAMt .. ... ....... - ..........,. _..— .._ _ - ... Job LOCATION .. , .. ..... Y;I Ilu,4 �scRtPTION PRIGS AMOUNT Common Excavation - r - LS $ 42,200.00 S 42,200 00 -`� Geotexti 1e^ fabric 7700 sq yd .1.0 7,700 00 Select granular 4897 ton 5.25 25,709 00 Class 5 3126 ton 5.7 17,974 50 18" CHM P 86 LF 16.0 = 1,376 00 24" R C P 80 LF 35.01. 2,8001. 00 24" F E S 2 ea 420.0 840 00 .... TOTAL ` 9li, 599. 50 �• Vv ivx P..�.cero,rw« Cow Bw ff�<- b-OT-67Od TSS -0'—H -_ bLbb Tbb 9NN>ionai -inOH 910-1 ©T:OT 95/8Z/-70 LONG HAUL TRUCKING INC- �a(� "' 't INV. No. IHV. DATE P.n. No. DCSCRIPI'ION GROSS AMOUNT Diswc-timmiNTNET AMOU 0038881 02/09/95 PER STMT 1709,00 1709, 00�i CHECK NuMAER: 28476: y rj) > GLEWOOD BANK GLENW(m"U Tim s83 4 28476 M 2021910 INC. P.O. BOX M PK s12497—n ALBERTVXLJ.WIN 5M ONE—IHQU$AND SEVEN HUNDRED NINE AND 00/100 DATE PAY 02/09/95 TO THE ORDER LO SURVEYS CO INC Of: 7601. --73RD AVE NORTH MINNEAPOLIS MN bTO/ 90011 Tss'OH AMOUNT i tt , MM LONG RAUL TRUCKING INC. 5542.8 L�1®UU ll\J U U 6% d L E 10 AUTHORCMD 8KINATURE. r 1 ! • , 4 w! v. bTbb Zbb ET9 F rJNIilon8i -in�JH 9NO-1 0Z 0L 96/8220 LOT SURVEYS COMPANY, INC. -7601 - 73RD AVENUE, NORTH MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55428 560-3093 Mr. John Daniels C/o Long Haul Trucking P.O. Box 167 Albertville, MN 55301 TRENCE JFV I 00038881 01/10/95 1 34-121-24 "d li THANK YOU, YOUR PAYMENT IS VERY MUCH ......d4k, pt; 14 statement 1, 709. 00 19-1, RIMPRECIATIED-v iu:wivq' k.;, - .*'. t -ywl, t* come —R 1"610 P�pomj!w ""tcowr pl-vm""M L4[110 "WOKE ALLD"D CHAAM PLEASE -1 709.00 PAY 1; 1.] Nil TSS ON 1:7 T t7t7 Ttv F -T9 qwmonu -iFikjl-f SHO -1 T T : O T 96/8Z20 LONG HAUL TRUCKING, SW MACKENZ EE AVE. P.O. BOX 167 ALBEFIT ALLE, MN WWI zo 9 6 861/G10 11•0o iooam* i:o9 io L66L.71: 39 200 279S6ill IN Tft 7TOi800d TSS -ON 7777 T77 ZT9 F 9N1m9nai -n-iH %10-1 ET :OT 9618z20 .OT SURVEYS COMPANY, INC. 7601 - 73RD AVENUE, NORTH MINNEAPOLIS, MN SS428 560-3093 00039984' ' VIN Al01101 r,,.,. u: Locate soil boring and drainfiolds, locate culverts 2 man crow - 5. 5 h rs. @ $80. 00 4ot: low a 1 K.YOU, WE APPRECIATE YOUR SUSINE88! THANK YOU ' ,(' SALE MISC: r.TO/600d TGG'OH bTbb Tbb F -T9 omAo ai -in�JH 9N01 ZT:OT 96/8E/E0 Mr. John Daniels Mr. Jahn Daniels c/o Long Haul Trucking c/o Long Haul Trucking R.O. Box 167 P.O. Box 167 Rlbertville, MN 55301 Rlbertvills, MN 55301 N1 AlEtluN%pUI1CNME on SKIP VIA : ' COL �rwhY...I..l PPO SHIPPEb T�yK!J.' ` �• TERMS►�!'INVOtC �`�,• .. YM.. M. . 'a.. ,►. v_.-__ - --.y.... _ ��YY...-.. ...J. ♦r....I. I ' 'DAN_ 05/1.1/95IT umrr PI_Q,,E ��s.'_�>.�+lil:.!-f �16�.p .•►���.M►i�.wit�l.ry�!lF�rl1�� Part of Section 349 Township 121, Range 24 I • r . 1 r1•: i' r,,.,. u: Locate soil boring and drainfiolds, locate culverts 2 man crow - 5. 5 h rs. @ $80. 00 4ot: low a 1 K.YOU, WE APPRECIATE YOUR SUSINE88! THANK YOU ' ,(' SALE MISC: r.TO/600d TGG'OH bTbb Tbb F -T9 omAo ai -in�JH 9N01 ZT:OT 96/8E/E0 ' f 7 t C' rp Roger A. Anderson & Associates' Inc. V ` Civil Englnearing Consuttertte u4<<, Suite 107, 7415 Weyzatd Blvd. Mk>neapolls, MN 55426 ►; . s (612) 546-7035 r 1 BILL TO t, !Mr. John Daniels I Long Haul Trucking :P.O. Box 167 ;1 Albertville, MN 55301 DATE INVOICE NO. TERMS PROJECT =" COMMENTS 05/15/95 1809 Net 30 9207 Long Haul . Albertville, M DESCRIPTION QTY RATE AMOUNT; Senior Engineer - Hours 13.5 75.00 Design Engineer - Hours 4 65.00 260. Engineering Technician - Hours 7 38.00 � �.r 266. TOTAL FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES 1,538. Aerial Photos - Wright County Surveyor 48.00 �;� �, '648. Fedi SUBTOTAL EXPENSES 48Y ,TOTAL THIS INVOICE ' .. I': j t 1,586 .;' For March and April 1995 services Long Haul Trucking ,r:,. Meeting Attendance ,r r Septic System and Survey Coordination Meeting with City Engineer �fsr�uslls ■risk Otsego 01140 w Mwwmft aft* In" .OM SM, Na V,TO/OTO.d TSS'ON LONG HAUL TRUCKING, INC. s 6840 MACKENZIE AVE. P.Q. Box 167 ALBERTVILLE, MN 55301 t �`�%•�• S�tE64/91� �'�r,^1 r•"+111 i ^-4 d B T 96i8Z2� T • ��. { iii -- 1 ' • S 1 t7TVt- Tt7b ET9 F 9ii.,iDnai 1n!JH SHO -1 t7 �'�r,^1 r•"+111 i ^-4 d B T 96i8Z2� y4� - j Marquette tiauk Otsego 000 Id NA >� "m 7�YK,W INV 11 �MN "'00 10 11" 1:09 k0 k55471: 39 200 275 55 �''' •'�� ' `` • - •. .;. it ' �, • .4: � •'Y 1 1''' "'''" [`eft• ! v,TO%TTOd ISS'OH t7T" Tbb Zig F 9tji>ionai -lnUH ON01 bT:OT 96/212© www■ i LAI flpglerA Andemm t& ina CMI Entginecting COrsuttBnb t Suib9107. 7415 Wavaw Bivd. Mlnno11p81W NW 66426 t '• I �"� 1; ;,� �` �' ;'ii '• i�. ! (612) 546.7W5 (612) 64&OMS FAX it BILL TO41 Mr. John Danieis Long Haut Trucking P.O. Box 167 i `Albertville, MN 55301 ,i 1 1 :1 • DATE INVOICE NO. TERMS 06/15/95 1853 Net 30 DESCRIPTION . 1 Senior Engineer - Hours Design Engineer - Hours rI. Engineering Technician - Hours Office Support/Deliveries - hours TOTAL FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES ' LESS CREDIT FOR HOCKEY SITE PLAN lji;',Senior Engineer - Hours ;II,Design Engineer - Hours Engineering Technician - Hours Office Support/Deliveries - hours TOTAL FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES I� Express Photo 10 % Service Charge `ii SUBTOTAL EXPENSES TOTAL THIS INVOICE ";,.• For,May 1995 Services Y`I Long Haul Trucking Preliminary Plat Site Plan Preparation I", Ice Arena Site Plan Please include invoice number on payment. I t7TO/, TOd TSS 'OH QTY 24 21.5 28.5 10.5 2 2 PROJECT CrOMMENT5 . illlkk 9207 Long Haul 'Albertville RATE R AMOUN 75.00;, ; ,4. 1;19;1,,800, 65.00 ; .. 1 397. 38.00 '.'I :'•' ,I�r 1 0$3: 26.00 f I' }:. ih,l� i 273'1 Total Land Development • Municipal - Highways - Railroads i`ij• �4 t7TPv Tbd ;7T9 F 9tIliiDnai -inFJH 9HO1 ST:OT 175,00' .65-00 ...38.00 26.001 9.36 0.94 Total Land Development • Municipal - Highways - Railroads i`ij• �4 t7TPv Tbd ;7T9 F 9tIliiDnai -inFJH 9HO1 ST:OT JOHN S. OR LUANN 0. DANIELS 10 0 i BUILDING CONSTRUCTION ACCOUNT P.O. BOX 1E7 ALBEATM-E, MN 56WI Q{� 75-YD2�Qti 19 ►Ar TO THE ORDER Of / •"� ow A 1MNN.II Y 111, �•� �� •1 1:0 9 190 20 2 31: 100,11 70 7 9111 1001 '' ••'• lit � � � - Y• •. - - .fi � ' �� • �;•i t' . �� ..�• r 71 VTO/zTOd T99'0H r7Tbt7 Tbb T9 - aii>ondj -lnkJH 9HOl 9T:9T 95i8�i�Ct 6125468685 'JUL-26-1995 13- 46 R. ANDERSON & ASSLX. 6125460865 P.02 Rogue A & Assoc bia CM "cam Sure 107, 7415 WVI' a BNrL, NIUVWSpOis, NIN 55426 (612) 846.71236 (612) 5464SM FAX BILL TO Mr. John Daniels Long Haul Trucking P.O. Box 167 Albertville, MN 55301 DATE INVOICE NO. TERMS PROJECT COMMENTS 07/10/95 1887 Net 30 9207 Long Haul Albertville, MN DESCRIP'nON OTY RATE AMOUNT SQnlor Enginear - Hours 8.5 80.00 680.00 Design Engineer - Hours 5.5 68.00 374 AutoCAD Technician - Hours 6 42.00 252. - Office Support/Deliveries -Hours 0.5 30.00 15.00 SUBTOTAL. FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES 1,321.00 Express Photo 3.63 3.63 10 % Service Charge 0.36 0.36 SUBTOTAL EXPENSES 3.99 TOTAL THIS INVOICE 1,324.99 For June 1995 Services Long Haul Trucking Meetings Plat Changes Please include invoice numbor on payment. Tota $1,324. Land Development - Municipal • N/phw•ys • Railroads TOTAL P.02 bTO/bTod TS9,0H dT" Tbt> F-19 F OHI'dDfl 11 1FI�JH 9 101 "'T:OT ORDINANCE NO. 96 - CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT, MINNESOTA AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO TO PROVIDE FOR A CHANGE IN ZONING CLASSIFICATION. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO HEREBY ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The official zoning map of the Otsego Zoning Ordinance is hereby amended to change the zoning classification of the following described property. SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT A. Section 2. The above described property is hereby rezoned from A-1, Agricultural Rural Service District to PUD, Planned Unit Development District. Section 3. The Zoning Administrator is hereby directed to make appropriate change in the official zoning map of the City of Otsego to reflect the change in zoning classification as set forth above. Section 4. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and publication. ADOPTED by the Otsego City Council this 8th day of April 1996. CITY OF OTSEGO By: ATTEST: Norman F. Freske, Mayor By: Elaine Beatty, Zoning Administrator/City Clerk ATTACH PROPETY LEGAL DESCRIPTION HERE EXHIBIT A TOTAL P.09 All development proposals shall be analyzed on an individual basis from a physical, economic and social standpoint to determine the most appropriate uses within the context of the community as a whole. Once established, geographic land use designations and related zoning classifications shall be changed only when it is in the best interest of the community on a long term perspective and such changes will promote land use compatibility and pre -determined goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan. Immediate, short range market potential and demands for activities which are not suggested for a site or area by the Comprehensive Plan or allowed by the Zoning Ordinance shall not be the sole justification for a change in activity. B. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. The City's land use plan suggests long term low density residential use of the subject property. Thus, the proposed development is compatible with intended long term future land uses in the area. C. The proposed use conforms with all performance standards contained herein (i.e., parking, loading, noise, etc.). All lots within the proposed subdivision will be required to meet or exceed the standards imposed upon typical single family subdivisions. D. The proposed use's effect on the area in which it is proposed. Provided various conditions of subdivision approval are upheld (i.e., access restrictions, etc.), the proposed use will not adversely impact the area in which it is proposed. E. The proposed use's impact upon the property values of the area in which it is proposed. Although a detailed study has not been done, similar situations would indicate the proposed use will not negatively impact area property values. 91 F. Traffic generated by the proposed use in relation to capabilities of streets serving the property. While the 29 additional dwelling units being introduced to the area will result in an increase in traffic generation, such traffic can be adequately accommodated by 94th Street and the County Road 39 service road which serve the property. G. The proposed use's impact upon existing public services and facilities Including parks, schools, streets and utilities, and its potential to overburden the City's service capacity. The proposed use will not overburden the City's service capacity. a_ The planning report dated 7 March 1996 and memorandum dated 2 April 1996, prepared by Northwest Associated Consultants, Inc., is incorporated herein. 9. On 6 March, 20 March, and 4 April 1996, the Otsego Planning Commission conducted a public hearing to consider the proposed rezoning preceded by published and mailed notice. Upon review of the rezoning application and evidence received, the Otsego Planning Commission closed the public hearing and recommended that the City Council approve the rezoning based on the aforementioned findings. DECISION Based on the foregoing considerations and applicable ordinances, the applicant's request to rezone the property as described in Exhibit A from A-1, Agricultural -Rural Service District to PUD, Planned Unit Development is approved in its present form. ADOPTED by the Otsego City Council this 8th day of April 1996. CITY OF OTSEGO By: Norman F. Freske, Mayor ATTEST: BY: Elaine Beatty, Deputy Clerk/Zoning Administrator 0 ATTACH PROPETY LEGAL DESCRIPTION HERE EXHIBIT A REZONING APPROVAL CITY OF OTSEGO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA IN RE: FINDINGS OF FACT AND DECISION Application of the City of Otsego, on behalf of Chris Bulow to rezone the following described land from A-1, Agricultural Rural Service to PUD, Planned Unit Development. The subject property is legally described as: See Exhibit A On 8 April 1996, the Otsego City Council met at its regularly scheduled meeting to consider the application of Chris and Linda Bulow to rezone the above described land from A-1, Agricultural -Rural Service District to PUD, Planned Unit Development. Based upon the application, the recommendation of the Planning Commission and the evidence received, the City Council now makes the following findings of fact and decision. FINDINGS OF FACT The applicant is requesting a rezoning of the following described property from A-1, Agricultural Service District to PUD, Planned Unit Development District_ 2. The subject property is legally described as: See Exhibit A 3. The subject property lies within the City's Long Range Urban Service Area. 4. The subject property overlays a portion of the Original Otsego Townsite Plat. 5. Development of the Original Townsite Plat's lots and street locations, as currently configured, is inconsistent with the City's development objectives for the area and the replat improves such situation. 6. The application of a PUD zoning designation (as opposed to a standard R-3, Residential Immediate Urban Service zoning designation) has been recommended by City staff as a procedural means whereby to address the request in recognition of the following: A. The exclusion of the property from the City's immediate urban service area. B. The avoidance of protracted legal proceedings regarding alleged development rights attached to the pre-existing plat. C. A conflict with the City's land use plan (the plan proposes four per 40 density upon the subject property). D. The desire to make development upon the subject property consistent with the long term planning objectives of the area. E. A standard residential zoning designation (i.e., R-3) would set a poor precedent in regard to future potential development proposals in the area. F. That the Otsego Townsite Plat is a unique, pre-existing condition that can be best dealt with through the imposition of a PUD zoning designation and the required PUD Agreement. 7. Section 20-3-2.F of the Zoning Ordinance directs the Planning Commission and City Council to consider seven possible adverse effects of the proposed conditional use. The seven effects and findings regarding them are: A. The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the official City Comprehensive Plan. The subject property lies within the City's long range urban service area in which a residential density of four dwelling units per forty acres of land is recommended. While the proposed residential density is not, at this time, consistent with such recommendation, correction of the current undersized lot and block configuration is considered positive. Specific Comprehensive Plan policies which tend to support the subject request are as follows: Establish and maintain an advantageous property tax situation and pursue a strengthened and sound tax base. 9 Northwest Associated Consultants, Inc. C O M M U N I T Y PLANNING a DESIGN - MARKET R E S E A R C H MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: RE: FILE NO: Otsego Mayor and City Council Bob Kirmis 4 April 1996 Otsego - Bulow Estates 2nd Addition 176.02 - 96.03 Attached please find the following items applicable to the Bulow Estates 2nd Addition request: 1 _ Findings of Fact - Rezoning Approval (A-1 to PUD) 2. Zoning Map Amendment Please note that the findings are reflective of the Planning Commission's recommendation. This item is scheduled for consideration at the forthcoming 8 April City Council meeting. PC: Elaine Beatty Andy MacArthur Larry Koshak Chris Bulow 5775 Wayzata Blvd. - Suite 555 - St. Louis Park, MN 55416 - (612) 595 -9636 -Fax. 595-9837 CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: MEETING DATE 7. BOB KIRMIS, ASST CITY PLANNER April 8, 1996 - 6:30PM ITEM NUMBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION: PREPARED BY: Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Z.A. 7.1. CHRIS AND LINDA BULOW, of Bulow, Inc. P. 0. Box 506, Elk River, MN, 55330, owner of the property is Gary and Carol Sorenson, 13603 NE 95TH ST, Elk River, MN PID #118-010-001010, Section 17, Township 121, Range 23, Otsego, MN Property lies S of Co Rd #39 (95TH ST NE) and East of Nashua Ave NE. Request is as follows: 1. Rezone from A-1, Gen Ag to PUD, Planned Unit Dev. 2. Preliminary Plat - Single Family Subdivision Background: Chris Bulow came to the P.C. and Council with a preliminary sketch plan to get a feeling if the this development would be allowed He then changed the road and moved it further to the East along the Great River Road Development outlots to allow the future split of the Great River Road lots that lie along the road when sewer and water is installed. This item was continued at the request of Chris Bulow, twice to get more information and be able to cover the issues on Engineering, etc. The P.C. voted as follows at their Hearing on April 3, 1996, after presentation by Bob Kirmis, Planner, Andy MacArthur, Attorney and Larry Koshak, City Engr as to the status of the preliminary plat and the public input and P.C. discussion: 1. Richard Nichols motioned to rezone from A-1 Gen Ag to PUD, Planned Unit Development. Seconded by Arleen Nagel. Motioned carried with Gene Goenner voting against the motion because he cannot support the Rezoning even with the PUD zone. 2. Richard Nichols motioned to approve the preliminary plat of Sorenson Ridge subject to the 14 conditions as listed in NAC's Report of March 7, 1996 and April 2, 1996 and including Item 2A, Arleen Nagel seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. There was some confusion as to the Wild and Scenic Lots and how to handle the lot size with the DNR. but the recommendation was for the one acre lots as shown on the preliminary plat. Attached is the Findings of Fact and Zoning Map Amendment for Bulow Estates, 2ND Add. (Sorenson Ridge) STAFF RECOMMENDATION: 1. Approve the Rezoning from A-1, General Ag to PUD, Planned Unit Development 2. Approve the Preliminary Plat - Single Family Subdivision, with the conditions as listed in NAC's Report and the Engineers items as listed in his letter. Thank you, CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: MEETING DATE 8. ANDY MAC ARTHUR, CITY ATTORNEY April 8, 1996 - 6:30PM ITEM NUMBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION: PREPARED BY: Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Z.A. 8.1. Proposed Resolution authorizing condemnation for Is. View Project. Bac round: This proposed resolution is to obtain the easement needed for Island View Estates project. Norman F Freske, Andy MacArthur and Kevin Kielb are meeting with Don Greninger on 4/4/96 to discuss this easement, but the resolution has been prepared to use if needed. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve the proposed Resolution authorizing condemnation for Island View Estates Projects if needed. Andy Mac Arthur will answer that question. 8.2. Andy MacArthur will be available for #7.1 above. (Chris Bulow - Sorenson Ridge) Thank you, Villiam S. RadzwiU Andrew J. MacArthur Michael C. Couri April 3, 1996 RADZWILL & COURI Attorneys at Law 705 Central Avenue East PO Box 369 St. Michael, MN 55376 (612) 497-1930 (612) 497-2599 (FAX) Elaine Beatty City Clerk City of Otsego 8899 Nashua Avenue NE Otsego, MN 55330 RE: Resolution Authorizing Procurement of Temporary Construction Easement for 99th street Dear Elaine: Please find enclosed the original above-mentioned resolution for the City Council meeting on April 8th. As I indicated earlier, myself, Kevin Kielb, and Mayor Freske will meet with Mr. Greninger on Thursday, April 4 at 4:30 p.m. at the Greninger residence. I have explained the purpose of this resolution and the necessity of its passage to Mr. Greninger and have indicated that the matter will be on the City Council agenda. I recommend passage of the resolution authorizing condemnation procedures to obtain the easements described on Exhibit A to the resolution. Please call me if you have any questions. Sincerely, Andrew J /MaCArthur RADZWILL AND COURI Encls. cc: Larry Koshak, Hakanson Anderson Donald Greninger CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING PROCUREMENT OF A PERMANENT EASEMENT FOR PURPOSES OF ROAD RIGHT OF WAY AND CONSTRUCTION OF A TEMPORARY CUL DE SAC, AND A TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT BOTH AS IMPROVEMENTS TO 99TH STREET WITHIN THE PLAT OF ISLAND VIEW ESTATES IN CONJUNCTION WITH OTSEGO PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT PROJECT NO. 95-2 BY EMINENT DOMAIN WHEREAS, the City of Otsego proposes to construct and improve 99th Street and other roadways within the plats of Island View Estates and Arrowhead Estates by reconstruction of said roadways and bituminous surfacing ; and WHEREAS, the necessary improvements include construction of a cul- de-sac and a temporary easement for drainage and construction on that property located at 9383 Kadler Avenue and described on the attached Exhibit A; and WHEREAS, construction of the cul-de-sac and temporary construction easement described herein are necessary to provide proper turn around on 99th Street and therefore constitute a valid public purpose; and WHEREAS, the city has authority to acquire said easements by Eminent Domain pursuant to Minn. Stat. 117.011 and 117.042; and WHEREAS, the city has the right to acquire the easements prior to the filing of an award by the court appointed commissioners, pursuant to Minn. Stat. 117.011 and 117.042; and WHEREAS, the land over which said temporary construction easements are required is owned by the following persons (See Exhibit A) and the City has been unable up to this point to acquire the same by negotiation; and WHEREAS, the following have an interest in said lands (See Exhibit A); and WHEREAS, the city has negotiated with the owners regarding acquisition of the easements, but has been so far unsuccessful in these negotiations; and WHEREAS, the City must proceed with construction of the project on or before May 20, 1996. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Otsego City Council hereby Page 1 of 2 authorizes the acquisition of said land by eminent domain and to take title and possession of that land prior to the filing of an award by the court appointed commissioners, pursuant to Minn. Stat. 412.211, 117.011 and 117.042.; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that said condemnation will be to obtain the permanent and temporary easements described on the attached Exhibit A; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Attorney is requested to file the necessary petition therefor, and to prosecute such action to a successful conclusion or until it is abandoned, dismissed, or terminated by the City or the Court. Motion to adopt this Resolution made by councilperson and seconded by councilperson this day of April, 1996. IN FAVOR: OPPOSED: CITY OF OTSEGO Norman Freske, Mayor Elaine Beatty City Clerk Page 2 of 2 401 I i }14.402 ( I I }142 w2 I I I I ro,o i I 10247-62 I ( I 10064-62 1 I }14I I I I I WRIGHT COUNTY HIGHWAY RIGHT OF WAY P LST NO. 6 1° (N.E. 9th 'STR= }142301 10041-62 5/>> I UPOATIM wP v/__________- ISION I I }142401 tW I }1,2402 1 iC }t42iC0 }1,3100 C-� L -j ( I L I } 8 I I 1C-Tr7-62 I I \ 1052 1 ----------f-------I --------{--------------- I ------------ -- _ ---- ht4o Ht%a Nim ------ --------- 10 p„o --,w- - 10 I }�{zoo ou{-b2 1 4 t as •-aa 13 12 1 1 Han � �---• - I ' � I I 10002-62 Provo sir) ,aun-.1 Ha.a 1 39-62 ( ( }112201 99 h STRE '0 I 9964-62 }+aso 8 rau- r_ I i2 ff Ga SGrne-n'- Hoto F� W10 Haa 5 I 4 1-62 I I jl{2402 � w,o-+i I I (yJ }1{2100 }, •. ;. I y �— z I I 151105 /�„� J� I I �E a2'-'+' cr- W W J 0 I i � W I �✓� . W 1 ----- -------------- - _ ----- Z ---------- ---------------'- 1 401 I i }14.402 ( I I }142 w2 I I I I ro,o i I 10247-62 I ( I 10064-62 1 I }14I I I I I WRIGHT COUNTY HIGHWAY RIGHT OF WAY P LST NO. 6 1° (N.E. 9th 'STR= }142301 10041-62 5/>> I UPOATIM wP v/__________- ISION I I }142401 tW I }1,2402 1 I 10247-62 I }t42iC0 }1,3100 C-� L -j ( T I I 1C-Tr7-62 Q Y 1052 1 ----------f-------I --------{--------------- I ------------ 1 _ ---- H NORTH dn.0.1 LJ Q-- �--•• +�,n..r,, Sm.7•n t IyLop• irc Sl :x -c. I z?z u.�,-.. so-.. u.�. w�•.^� :.ams �vPvoxu..r z�.v- a1z/Lr- Sada LEG ?LAT til ?.I.D. ,iDCRESS—L'ST DICI-T GF ZIP C 0 I I a d U ca 3 c PROPOSED EASEMENT DESCRIPTION -99TH Street Cul -De -Sac A perpetual easement for street, utility and drainage purposes over under and across the north 66.00 feet of the south 132,000 feet of the north 423.25 feet of the east 200.00 feet of the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 14, Township 1 21 , Range 24, Wright County, Minnesota. Area = 13,200 square feet or 0.3030 acres. A temporary easement for street, utility and drainage purposes, over under and across the south 66.00 feet of the north 423.25 feet of the east 200.00 feet of the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 14, Township 1 21 , Range 24, Wright County, Minnesota. Said temporary easement is to expire upon completion of the extension of 99th Street, westerly, through the above stated perpetual easement. Area = 13,200 square feet or 0.3030 acres. PROPOSED EASEMENT DESCRIPTION - 99th Street Cul -De -Sac A perpetual easement for street, utility and drainage purposes over under and across that part of the south 132.00 feet of the north 423.25 feet of the east 200.00 feet of the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 14, Township 1 21 , Range 24, Wright County, Minnesota. Area = 26,400 square feet or 0.6061 acres PROPOSED EASEMENT DESCRIPTION - 99th Street Cul -De -Sac A perpetual easement for street, utility and drainage purposes over under and across that part of the south 132.00 feet of the north 423.25 feet of the east 200.00 feet of the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 14, Township 1 21 , Range 24, Wright County, Minnesota. Area = 26,400 square feet or 0.6061 acres 1 _. A, City of Otsego Engineer's Agenda Items City Council Meeting April 8, 1996 9.1 ASSESSMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY AND JOHN LEFEBVRE (refer to Item 10.1) Proposed revision to agreement to defer assessment beyond 1996. Assessment was for street construction of 85th Street between Country Ridge Plat and CSAH42 (Parish Avenue). • At the time of the agreement signing, we had anticipated development occurring on the property within two years. Five years later the situation has changed with respect to the availability of water and sewer to the property. I would recommend the assessment be deferred either through "Green Acres" or by revision to the agreement. • The agreement and any revision should then be recorded. We would also recommend that trail easements acquisition be discussed with John Lefebvre at this time as per Merland's discussion in 9.3 below. 9.2 Consider approval to order a feasibility study for the construction of 85th Street from Page Avenue to 700 ft east of the intersection with Nashua Avenue. The study would also include a storm drainage plan for the land adjacent to 85th Street in Hall's Pond Storm Sewer District. The cost of the study is estimated at $12,500 which will be eligible for MSA funding should the project proceed. • The study will propose re -construction of 85th Street to the MSA standards. Costs will be developed and assessment proposed where City policy and ordinance dictates. • The storm sewer study will utilize the MSA eligible storm sewer facilities in the overall plan. Costs will be developed and MSA eligible amounts estimated and the remaining cost shares spread among the impact fees on underdeveloped property and/or assessment placed on benefitting property. We would anticipate to have the report hack to Council by the first of July, 1996. 9.3 PARK & TRAIL ISSUES (refer to insert prepared by Merland Otto) Update in Otsego Prairie Park Trail easements for ISTEA 96 9.4 ANY OTHER ENGINEERING ISSUES ADDENDUM TO OTSEGO PARK SEEDING Since the case was prepared for the Council agenda package several items have firmed up: 1. Tom Baillargeon has confirmed the availability of equipment for seeding & mulching. 2. A key concern had been spring seeding without irrigation. Tom has also obtained the use of a portable irrigation set up for an extended period of time. 3. 1 have talked with Dan Lais (DNR Area Hydrologist) regarding the use of water from the north wetland for irrigation. He's receptive to that as long as the integrity of the wetland isn't jeopardized. No water appropriation permit is required for use of less than 10,000 GPD or one million gallons/year. 4. A quick review indicates that application of 1 " water/week on the fields during the course of the summer would be possible staying under the permit limits. Using a 25 GPM pump the soccer field would receive 1 " water in approximately 5 hrs. A softball field would take about 2 3/4 hours to irrigate one inch. 5. A quote was received for contract seeding & mulch. It would cost about $11,500 for seeding and mulching of ballfields. The forested area and area near the play equipment would cost an additional $6,600 to seed and mulch. Based on the quote received, the confirmation of equipment and personnel to seed, and the availability of irrigation, we would recommend proceeding with volunteers establishing turf this Spring. A concern would be the possibility of a dry year where greater irrigation would be required while the water source would naturally be depleted. I'd also point out two items. 1 . This year's maintenance budget included fertilizer funds. We should include a fertilizer application with seeding if possible. 2.. No seed has been purchased for the wooded area. We should purchase a fairly heavy fescue/bluegrass mix for this. It's possible fescue could be blended with the athletic mix purchased last fall. For the 6.5 acres @ 75#/acre approximately 580 #'s of seed would be needed. At a rough estimate of $2.50#/the estimated cost would be $1250. This could be done at the same time as the other seeding. OT708.mtg ENGINEER'S ITEM 9.3 PARK AND REC IMPROVEMENTS TRAIL LINK TO SCHOOL PROPERTY A part of the FY96 ISTEA Project includes linking 85th and Page Avenue with the Otsego Elementary School property. Four possible alternatives have been proposed at various times. At least three, and possibly all, require some private land acquisition. Alternative 1 uses the existing partial right-of-way for the extension of Page Avenue south of 85th and then turns east for a quarter mile. The east/west quarter mile would be located on Mr. John LeFebvre's property necessitating purchase in fee or easement. The use of federal funds for construction would require that the City hold fee simple title. The second alternative, approved by the City Council, was Palmgren Avenue and 83rd Street as a link and would tie into the school property by a short segment east of Country Ridge. This would require the acquisition of approximately 300' of right-of- way from property which is also owned by Mr. LeFebvre. The third alternative would use the existing paved shoulders along 85th Avenue for a quarter mile then turn south. The southerly link requires the acquisition of a quarter mile of ROW along the east side of the Country Ridge subdivision. A disadvantage of this alternative is that crossing of 85th would occur approximately 300' west of Parnell Avenue rather than at an intersection. This could possibly be resolved by either crossing at Parnell and extending a trail parallel to the road or by signage at the trail crossing. This quarter mile segment would also be on land owned by Mr. LeFebvre. A fourth alternative would use the existing paved shoulders of 85th to the CSAH42 ROW. A bit trail would then parallel 42 to the east side of the school property. Dependent on the back slope, utility pole locations, and ROW of 42, acquisition may not be required. In a worse case situation a relatively narrow strip along the ROW may be required. The school favors this option since it would bring children to the front of the building and connecting with existing circulation. The advantages and disadvantages of each are summarized as follows: ADVANTAGES Alternative 1 Existing ROW for half the distance. • All offroad • Controlled intersection crossing at 85th & Page. DISADVANTAGES • Acquisition is 100% local cost. • Cuts across a field access at '/4, '/4 corner. • School needs to construct trail on school property to get to building. ADVANTAGES Alternative 2 Lowest cost dependent on acquisition of 300' link. • Crossing of 85th at intersection. DISADVANTAGES • Not a direct link. • No planned improvements to Palmgren & 86th to facilitate bike/ped traffic. • Acquisition is 100% local cost. • Cuts across a field access at '/4, '/4 corner. • School needs to construct a trail on school property. ADVANTAGES Alternative 3 Simple, straight route to school property. DISADVANTAGES • Uncontrolled crossing at 85th needs to be address. • Overlaps field access road. • Acquisition is 100% local cost. • Cuts across a field access at '/4 , '/4 corner. • School needs to construct a trail on school property. ADVANTAGES Alternative 4 Possibly no acquisition required. • Links directly to school roads/walkways. • Offroad trail • Can have controlled crossing at 85th. DISADVANTAGES • Quarter mile plus longer than other routes. • May still need sliver of acquisition dependent on obstructions, slope, how they fit with ROW. Council Action: Consider which route Council may want to negotiate with Mr. LeFebvre if appropriate. OT709 ENGINEERING ITEM 9.3 PARK IMPROVEMENTS OTSEGO PRAIRIE PARK Council members had expressed interest on the tasks remaining for Otsego Park in 1996 to meet grant requirements. The following outlines major tasks and responsibilities as they have been discussed through the Parks Commission. Otsego Prairie Park '96 Improvements for Grant Project ESTIMATED TASK RESPONSIBILITY COST Haul AG lime & spread Public Works $5000* for two south ballfields Turf Establishment Volunteers (Drag, Seed & Mulch) Install backstops two fields Contract Purchase and install timbers, Volunteers walk to play area Purchase and install HC sign Public Works Install bituminous walkway Contract *Some of this has already been purchased and hauled. OTHER ITEMS NOT IN GRANT Seeding in wooded area Volunteer Install volleyball, horseshoe courts Volunteer Install BBQ grills Volunteer $4000 $200 $100 $7000 - : ■ Iu 14 011 It is our understanding that the City Council is interested in contracting the seeding and mulching of the park. I contacted Tom Baillargeon to confirm whether the equipment necessary to do the work is available. He will double check and get back to me. This information should be available prior to the Council meeting. I also contacted John Hopco, former Northrup King Turfgrass Specialist (12 years) and now an independent contractor. Our concern is with spring planting on sandy soils without any irrigation. His opinion is that we would be better off simply seeding a cover crop (oats or rye) this spring and slit seed our regular mix in the fall. We agree that without irrigation that a fall seeding would be best. If Council agrees, the best thing to do would have the Parks Commission volunteers do the cover crop seeding and possibly contract for final seeding this fall. I also have contacted several contractors. One will not bid without irrigation or watering provisions. We hope to have quotes available at Monday's meeting. OT703.gra RESOLUTION NO. 96-12 RESOLUTION ORDERING PREPARATION OF REPORT ON IMPROVEMENT (85th Street and Hall's Pond) WHEREAS, it is proposed to improve 85th Street NE between Page Avenue NE and a point 700 feet east of Nashua Avenue NE by reconstructing the street to Municipal State Aid Standards AND it is proposed to construct a storm sewer system for the land adjacent to 85th Street NE which lies in the Hall's Pond Storm Sewer District and to assess the benefitted property for all or a portion of the cost of the improvement, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF OTSEGO, MINNESOTA: That the proposed improvement be referred to Hakanson Anderson Associates, Inc. for study and that he is instructed to report to the Council with all convenient speed advising the Council in a preliminary way as to whether the proposed improvement is feasible and as to whether it should best be made as proposed or in connection with some other improvement and the estimated cost of the improvement as recommended. Adopted by the Council this 8TH day of April , 1996. Mayo Norman F.-Freske x CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: MEETING DATE 10. COUNCIL ITEMS Apr�-1 8, 1996 - 6:30PM ITEM NUMBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION: PREPARED BY: Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Z.A. .� •; •; - - - .t.. -t •tt of Background* John LeFebvre called and asked for Special Assessment Deferral. He said he cannot afford this assessment I told him it had been deferred for two years and was to be on for special assessment in 1996. He said he didn't understand that. Attached is the minutes of the Assessment Hearing on 85TH ST and a copy of the resolution adopting assessment 493-56A. I have talked with Wright County and if I give them a letter asking for an abatement for the John LeFebvre amount of $5,878.22 plus ask them to defer this assessment under Sr. Citizen Deferral they can do this. I now need the Council direction. For those Council Members who may not know John LeFebvre, he is a Sr. Citizen and is in a wheel chair. The County said he has Sr. Citizen Deferral on other items at the County, so the paperwork is there for that. Thanks, CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF MINNESOTA 93-56A RESOLUTION ADOPTING ASSESSMENT WHEREAS, pursuant to proper notice duly given as required by law, the Otsego City Council has met and heard and passed upon all objections to the proposed assessment for construction of an extension of that city street known as 85th Street between Northeast Page Avenue and County State Aid Highway 42 benefiting all properties within the Plat of Country Ridge and also the Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter and the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter all in Section 22, Township 121, Range 23, City of Otsego, Wright County, Minnesota. The intent of this resolution is to assess all properties described within that Agreement To Be Assessed dated July 31, 1990 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO, WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA: 1. Such proposed assessment, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, is hereby accepted and shall constitute the special assessment against the lands named therein, and each tract of land therein included is hereby found to be benefited by the proposed improvement in the amount of the assessment levied against it. 2. Such assessment shall be payable in equal annual installment, extending over a period of ten (10) years. The first of the installments to be payable on or before the first Monday of January, 1994 and shall bear interest at a rate of nine percent (9%) per annum from the date of this resolution until December 31, 1993. To each subsequent installment when due shall be added interest for one year on all unpaid installments. Pursuant to the Assessment Agreement, earlier executed, the assessment on Northwest 1/4 of Southeast 1/4 and the Southwest 1/4 of Northeast 1/4 Sec. 22, Township 121, Range 23 is hereby deferred, both principal and interest, until 2 years after the date of the adoption of this resolution. 3. That said assessments are based upon an Assessment Agreement duly executed by the owners of the properties at the time of that agreement and that subsequent purchasers did take such property with full knowledge of the obligations contained within that agreement. 4. The owners of any property so assessed may, at any time prior to the certification of the assessment to the County Auditor, pay the whole of the assessment on such property, with interest accrued to the date of payment, to the City Clerk, except that no interest shall be charged if the entire assessment is paid within thirty (30) days from the adoptioi of this Resolution, and he may, at any time thereafter, pay to the City Clerk the entire amount of the assessment remaining unpaid, with interest accrued to December 31 of the year in which such payment is made. Such payment must be made before November 15 or interest will be charged through December 31 of the next succeeding year. 5. The Clerk shall forthwith transmit a certified duplicate of the f inal assessment roll to the County Auditor to be extended on the property tax lists of the County, and such assessment shall be collected and paid over in the same manner as other taxes. The clerk is hereby directed to make necessary changes to the final assessment roll as to effectuate the intent of this resolution. ADOPTED by the City Council this 25th day of May, 1993. Norman F. Freske, Mayor ATTEST TO: J ome err a t, ity Clerk ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR 85TH STREET NE BETWEEN PAGE AVENUE NE AND COUNTY STATE AID HIGHWAY 42, MSA PROJECT 217-102-02, CITY IMPROVEMENT PROJECT 92-1, CITY OF OTSEGO, MINNESOTA PID NO: NAME AND ADDRESS: ASSESSMENT AMT: 118-500-221300 - Mr John LeFebvre 8585 Parrish Ave NE Elk River (Otsego) MN 55330 and Mr Kevin LeFebvre In Loving Trust- 15483 NE 90TH ST Elk River (Otsego) MN 55330 2 - 40 Acre Parcels @ $15,469.00 ea TOTAL OF TWO 40 ACRE PARCELS $30,938.00 IV Country Ridge Mr Tony Emmerich and Mr Plat # 052 Steven Scharber Country Ridge Partnership 12513 Otto Street 2 - 40 Acre Rogers MN 55374 Parcels and @ 15 , 469 .00 ea 2619 Coon Rapids Blvd - Suite 201 Coon Rapids MN 55443 TOTAL OF TWO 40 ACRE PARCELS $30,938.00 STATE OF MN An Assessment Hearing on the 85th St COUNTY OF WRIGHT Construction Project was held this CITY OF OTSEGO'- 25 day of May 1993, at 7=30 PM. Norman F. Freske, Mayor, Doug Lindenfelser. Floyd Roden, Larry Fournier and Ron Black, Co�ln;i1 Membel-s, Jerome Perrault, Clerk, Elaine Beatty, tary Deputy Clerk/Zoning Administrator, Judy HudAotorney1,ewere� Lal-ry Koshak , Engineer, and Andy McArthur, present. The Assessment Hearing was called to order by Mayor Norman F. Freske . Engineer Larry Koshak addressed the Hearing and said 1990 A fixed assessment this project was started back in . was agreed on with the land owners with 4 (four) 40 acre parcels being assessed at s15.469 each. Country & 4 belonging to John Lefebvre and 2 & 3 to Estates. The project is being funded as an MSA project. ent Andy McArthur advised those in attendance atcthehendat cofmthis on the assessments can be made in writing lerk. On the John Hearing or within•ZO days to the City C Lefebvre -o erty, an agreement was made to delay the assessment for ears tom t e time t e asothssment is ncipal and_ y adopted. This QT 11faTdela interes Andy Ms a problem said there was wit clarifying the PID numbers because of a previs land ou sale by John Lefebvre but he recommended Proceeding with approving the Assessment as the PID numbers would be clarified within a couple of days. n efP ked if there were any assessment deferrals available for disabled people. Mr. McArth_u vise im that ha could a ly for a disability_redu.c_ti��n f -6 -776 -Fn Lefebvre after_ -the 2_-Y_ear postponement expired. Larry Kos ak asked Kevin Lefebvre where he wanted the 2 curbs cuts located and Kevin advised him to discuss this curb john. M1 Koshak also advised Kevin that if John would decide he wanted a chain link fence on the North side of 8th Street, a change order could be made. Motion by Ron Black to close the Hearing ed favordof by oQuo ouo indenfelser, , all Council Members "()tion . Motion by Larry Fournier to adopt the Resolution aparovina the Assessmen.Es -for _t lie-onstruction_of_tli---5tI - 42 contingent upon clarification ween 'gage avenue and Co. - the !SID nu Pts Se -of by Ron -B1aC all Council nc h@fn ors voted in fav_4��2f .-tthe-motion. The u text of -the-- r< F minutes. �o�uii�nis ;arr_achc.d on the Hearing adjourned. ."ORMAN F FRESKE RON BLACK, COUNCIL FLOYD RODEN, COUNCIL • aYor RY FOURNIER, COUNCIL DOUG LINDENFE' COUNCIL n.—.,�r.,e.T ,•., a W R I G C O U N T Y or OTSEGO 5 1 7A a 5; Ei PARCEL/REC 0 TYPE YEAR --.YRS NAME7ADDRESS EXTRA INT. RATE INITIAL AMT rKUJLUI NAMM CURR-F'RIN. CURB -INT. CURR-DUE RAL-REMN. DP DI LEGAL DESCRTPTION— ----- - --YK5-KEMN. IN A5 TYPE 7TAXPAYER 8891 PARRISH AV NE UNPLATTED LAND a ELK RIVER MN 55330 TH PRT OF NWi/4OF NE i/ODES AS FOL COM AT 9 10 5M 0.41FTTO ACT POB TH S89D16' 53"W70i.66FT T ;21 H N49' 18"W309.26FT TO LNE PAR W/&DIS69 OF S-- - 3.1qW!74 „� MEAS ALNG WLNE OF SD NWi/4OF NE i/4TH N8 9D5'38"E ALNG SD PAR LNE70i.66FT TO ELME 0 1S� �s Su NW174OF-NE-N-E174 1 H 54YIU L PJ -U-5 LN311.56FT TO POB 17 is 19 HINSON, COLIN 6 ANNETTE S ELK RIVER FIRE SECT -22 TWP-121 RANG -23 O 5.00A IU 8763 PARRISH AV NE UNPLATTED LAND 21 2z' E1= WEYER MN 55330 Tm PRT or NW1/40F NEt/4 DES AS Fut BEG Al ASM BEAR ALG S LN OF SD NWi/4 OF NEI/4 701 23I .66FT TH NOD49'i8"W 310.4iFT TH N89D16'53" 24 15 SOD49'18"E ALG SD E LN 310.4iFT TO POB rsI r7 lei 1111-500 22121817`'01 36 .000 --40 . 40. 40.00 FLEMMER, THEODORE L & J K ELK RIVER FIRE SECT -22 TWP-121 RANG -23 0 1O.O1A r91 15565 90TH ST NE UNPLATTED LAND RIVER MH 55330 NW:tz4W MEIY4 DCS COM NW COR IMR 89D05'38"E314.87FT TH NOD23'29"W 691.71FT 3Y TO N LN TH N89D05'38"E ALG SD N LN "FT TH 13 3 TO LN PAR/W &70i.66FT W OF E LN AS MSD ALG 35 S LN TH/OF TH S0D49'i8"E ALG SD PAR LN - 35 3 7 LN 633.66FT TO SW COR TH NOD23'29"W ALG W ,e f9� LN 617.62FT TO POB w1 11 118-500-221300/01 94430 96 10 9.000 30,936.00 31093.80 2,784.42 5,878.22 27,844.20 N N _N N TWP ,Z; LEFEBVRE, JOHN E -LOVING TRST 92-1 IMPROVEMENT SECT -22 TWP-12i RANG -23 9 40.2SA ISM AV HE L4� ELK RIVER MN 55330 UNPLViTTED- LAND NWi/4OF SEi/4EX S2RDS OF NWi/4OF SEi/4ALSO ALO-500-22130t7ol .000 • OII—aU--iT 17i LEFEBVRE, JOHN E ELK RIVER FIRE SECT -22 TWP-12i RANG -23 0 38.79A 8585 PARRISH AV NE UNPLATTED LAND 9 — — 0 ,I 118-500-221400/01 56010 96 1 .000 40.00 40.00 .00 40.00 -_ _00 N N_ N N TWP 2' "I'M 9-vtRNON-G- AiliT -t2r-RANG=23----- - -p —40 DOA ;3 538 ROOSEVELT CR UNPLATTED LAND ELK RIVER MN 55330 SE NE a� 118-500-222202/01 56010 96 1 .000 40.00 40.00 .00 40.00 .00 N N N N TWP MAUE, KEVIN R&MOTTER,DEANN A ELK RIVER FIRE SECT -22 TWP-12i RANG -23 0 _---- ELK RIVER MN 55330 PRT OF NWi/4 OF NWi/4 DES BEG AT PT ON N CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION. DEPARTMENT: MEETING DATE 10. COUNCIL ITEMS April 8, 1996 - 6:30PM ITEM NUMBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION: PREPARED BY: Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Z.A. 10.2. Any other Council Business: a. Consider appointment of new Chair for Cons. Committee (Requested by State Municipal Board. Background: As you all know, Roxanne Packa has resigned from the Consolidation Committee Chair's position. We have a Memo attached from the Municipal Board asking us to appoint three more candidates for Chair position. I have only one more, and that is Jon Bogart, P.E. (See attached Ietter from Municipal Board and Resume of Jan Bogart. As you know, we also have John McEachem's Resume and he was not appointed to chair. This is for your information. I am looking for direction from the City Council. Thanks, An Equal Opportunity Employer City Council of Otsego c/6 The Honorable Norman Freske Mayor of the City of Otsego Otsego City Hall 8899 Nashua Avenue, N. E. Otsego, MN 55330 STATE OF MINNESOTA MUNICIPAL BOARD 475 McColl Building 366 Jackson Street (5th & Jackson) St. Paul, Minnesota 551 01-1 925 March 29, 1996 Phone: (612) 296-2428 Fax: (612) 296-9926 Twin Cities TDD: (612) 297-5353 Gre City Council of Albertville c/o The Honorable Michael Potter Mayor of the City of Albertville Albertville City Hall P. 0. Box 9 Albertville, MN 55301 Re: C -27 -mm Albertville/Otsego Consolidation Study Chair Gentlemen: - 3 696 The Municipal Board acknowledges receipt of the resignation of Ms. Roxanne Packa, Chair, on the above -referenced proceeding. Would you please therefore, submit a list of three persons with an attached short resume on each candidate from which the Municipal Board will appoint a consolidation commission chair. The persons submitted for chair must not be a resident of an affected city, but must reside in Wright County. Please submit the names at your earliest convenience, but no later than April 11, 1996. Upon receipt of the names, the board will appoint the consolidation commission chair. Please call our office if you have any questions or need assistance. Sincerely, MUNICIPAL BOARD Patricia D. Lundy Assistant Director PDL:ry cc: Garrison Hale, Albertville City Administrator Elaine Beatty, Otsego City Clerk Company: Enviroscience Eden Prairie, MN Title: Principal May 1988 to June 1992 Duties: Responsible for all engineering studies and designs produced by Enviroscience. Duties included marketing, client contact, writing of proposals, people management, administration of projects and day to day operation of the business. In addition other tasks have included preparation of plans and specifications, cost estimating, drafting, surveying, and writing of reports. Company: Schneider Engineering, Indianapolis, IN Title: Project Engineer August 1987 -May 1988 Duties: Preparation of plans, specifications and cost estimates for construction. Typical construction. Typical construction projects include subdivision design, commercial site design, design of storm and sanitary sewers, drainage projects, detention pond design, channel realignments, River and stream flood studies, channel improvement projects, municipal street design. Company: Department of Engineering and Housing, U.S. Army, Fort Benjamin Harrison, IN Title: Civil Engineer January 1985 -August 1987 Duties: Prepared plans, specifications, and cost estimates for construction projects at Fort Benjamin Harrison. Performed cosvbenefit analysis for a variety of projects. Typical projects include drainage studies, sanitary sewer studies, project management of consultants, assistance to, and coordination with the department of public works. Company: University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN Title: Teaching/Research Assistant Duties: Teaching Assistant for Surveying and Hydrology and Hydraulics. Research Assistant preparing studies for the hydrologic Analysis of the Kawishiwi River basin. I lClaims List for Approval 1�---For the ❑erind 04/03/9F. to CLAIM TOTAL Tn WHQM RAM FnR-1JkiAS-RLRi�OSE BATE NA✓•MBE(i--�_� AT�t PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT FUND MONTHLY PAY -APRIL 04/03/96 1440 87.1 �bl RANK OF FI K RTVFR FFD LITTH SS MEDTrARE-ARRiL MONTHLY 04102196 1141 i gni 1-1 I - >i"j AUDIO COMMUNICATIONS FAX MACHINE TONER LESS SHIP CHARGE 04/03/96 1443 101.1 1e! RFST t)TSPrISA! SFRVTfF 412RTI RF-rrvrl TNN- 04i02i96_ 1444 53T 1eI BOISE CASCADE OFFICE PRODUCTS OFFICE SUPPLIES 04/03/96 1445 268.5_ el BONESTRO0, ROSENE,ANDERLIK & ASSOC RPT _ FEASIBILITY STUDY 04/03/96 1446 704.00 71 I32 CORROW TRUCKING MARCH RECYCLING 04/03/96 1448 1,158.7' �I" 2O. DUERRS WATERCARE SERVICE WATER CUPS - SHOP 04/03/96 1449 16.2C z' FrM PARI TS,wrpS Tmr oiIci Tcu NOT.Trr ANLL-DISPI-Ay. AD 04,10a 196 1460 }55 5' ELK RIVER PRINTING & PARTY PLUS BLUE PAPER -BUDGET 04/03/96 1451 10.6 )� 22,21 � ELK RIVER MUNICIPAL UTILITIES ELECT.SERVICE-HEADSTART,GAR,ST.LGTS 04/03/96 1452 758.7c 618.x, 62.66 4. Its 12e HAKANSON ANDERSON ASSOC INC FEBRUARY ENGINEERING SERVICES 04/03/96 1453 4,931.4-- 271 ze I zalso 71 I32 3 -I 36 bl J9 sO 41 LAPLANT SANITATION INC APRIL GARBAGE/MARCH RECYCLING 04/03/96 1455 556.47 Ia2 "'� LG1pIG & snAlS METROPOLITAN GRAVEL CO INC MA,.aw oEANIN6 INSPECTION FOR TRAILER & PARTS 6a,/Ga�96 04/03/96 1456 1457 618.x, 62.66 4. as, -i33-1�_- 47 `6 MINNEGASCO GAS SERVICE 04/03/96 1459 710.81 �tB 1"! ninon nr_ F* it R;1'ER INr CAROL A. OLSON Bf1TTEfiYfH-3AIPiT-ff4rSC.flAf2TS REIMBURSE MEDICAL EXPENSE 94,'03,'96 04/03/96 1460 1461 _ 38.00 150'; JERRY OLSON BLDG.INSP.FEES-REIMBURSE CODE BOOK 04/03/96 1462 1,144.61 52 ROGERS RADIATOR REPAIR CLEAN/REPAIR LAWN MOWER RADIATOR 04/03/96 1463 30.00 } i SAXON MOTORS INC PARTS & LABOR 87 CHEV. 04/03/96 1464 20.00 56� iAfiBE(� & 69?46 ''OSE & FITTING G4,'e3,96 1465 )�se U.S. WEST COMMUNICATIONS PHONE SERVICE 04/03/96 1466 438.13 s- —J Claims List for Approval _J -- CLAIM AL WHOM PAiD __FeP-WH^t-T PURP95E i H G WEBER OIL COMPANY FUEL OIL,DIESEL & GAS 04/03/96 6 1467 1468 1,294.2C 347.92 --,.cST 5-IDc--I�iHvLfSAcE *IRE EA JACOUIE ROGNLI EBAi=A?4G=!P4G'9 TIRES, VOL 6, #1 - 1996 NEWSLETTER 04/03/96 1469 400.00 lig WRIGHT-HENNEPIN CO-OP ELECTRIC ASSN ELECTRIC SERVICE 04/03/96 1470 814.41 .0 I 04/03/96 1471 5.49 AT & T PHONE SERVICE , . `' 6 i 17. e $1� 9,743', z2 �j23i 12♦ TOTAL YEAR TO DATE 75,973. 2S: l ,26' I 127. I 33 i 36 371 IdB. I I J i4t1 .3. �IA! 6 X27; 14e Y— 1 I_ 62 !6.1 - 6_ '51 Claims List for Approval — ' CLAIM TOTAL � PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT FUND EMPLOYEE/EMPLOYER SHARE 3/23/96 03/28/96 1433 816.11 5 6I 3 � P BANK OF ELK RIVER FED.WITH,SS,MEDICARE—PAY 3/23/96 03/28/96 1434 2,376.32 12 31 141 1 +a� :1s 1.1 ;2C MN DEPT OF REVENUE MARCH STATE WITHHOLDING 03/28/96 1435 895.07 i24 STATE CAPITAL CREDIT UNION PAY PERIOD 3/23/96 03/28/96 1436 125.00 its DEL TA DENTAL APRIL PREMIUM 03/28/96 1438 191.30 •27 ss Me ANOKA RAMSEY COMMUNITY COLLEGE 5 1/2 DAY SEMINARS 03/28/96 1439 195.00 i3' u :» TOTAL FOR MONTH O _ - �1461,236.5 us TOTAL YEAR TO DATE as u7 ib 1 j41 14 j43 i441 la7 .4 � SO�