04-22-96 CCCITY OF OTSEGO UEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION 11 AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: MEETING DATE A 18. ANDY MAC ARTHUR, LEGAL April 22, 1996 - 6:30PM I ITEM NUMBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION: PREPARED BY: 8.1. Searing for Chris Bulow, Sorensen Ridge Vacation of Streets_ Background: As part of the Sorensen Ridge Development, Chris Bulow is asking that the vacation of streets within the plat which were created by the Otsego Old Townsite Plat, as noted in the attached petition and Resolution of City Council to vacate streets. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Is to approve vacation of the streets as requested, to coincide with the Final Plat of Sorensen Ridge Plat, The Staff feels this is a plus for the City to get rid of the Old Townsite Plat streets in this area. 8.2. Consider ResolutiowToliey for Stormwater Drainage Impact Fees - Deferment BACKGROUND: Some of the developers have asked the Staff if they could have a deferment of the Drainage Impact Fees on their developments, until the project is built out. This was brought to the Council and they directed Larry Koshak and Andy MacArthur to put together a Resolution to propose a policy for same. Attached is the Resolution for the Council to consider_ STAFF EC'OMMMNDAT N: Approve the attached Resolution as written. The reason being that the Stormwater Drainage will not be done right away, and we will have the money in time to do the drainage project. 8.3. Consider approval of Referendum to Amend the City Liquor Ordinance for Sunday Sales (by Riverwood Metro Business Resort) BACKGROUND: Attached is a letter from Riverwood Metro Business Resort, 10990 95TH ST NE, Monticello, MN 55362 requesting the Referendum to amend the City liquor ordinance for Sunday sales. Attached also is a letter from Andy MacArthur regarding this issue. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Is to approve the request for Referendum to amend the City Liquor ordinance for Sunday sales, with the stipulation that Riverwood Metro Business Resort pay all fees associated with this Referendum. Thank you, 4 [[fFN Northwest Associated Consultants, Inc. A� DESIGN MARKET RESEARCH COMMUNITY PLANNING MEMORANDUM TO: Otsego Mayor and City Council FROM: Bob Kirmis/David Licht DATE: 17 April 1996 RE: Otsego Comprehensive Plan: Urban Service Area FILE NO: 176.08 In the Fall of 1994, our office presented a memorandum to the City Council which discussed issues involving possible expansion of the City's immediate urban service area (see attached 11/23/94 memo). Discussion of the immediate urban service boundary was prompted by several development inquiries received by City staff. As noted in the referenced memorandum, it was the recommendation of our office that an expansion of the immediate urban service area not take place until such time as City sewer and storm water management plans were complete. At its 9 January 1995 meeting, the City Council opted to take no action on the immediate urban service area expansion issue. In consideration of the City's recently completed drainage study, pending sewer study, and recent developer inquiries, reconsideration of the immediate urban service area issue would seem appropriate. If the City were to expand its immediate urban service area boundaries, such expansion must be justified through a demonstrated consistency with the City's sewer plan. While "Phase 1" of the sewer study conceptually outlines a "sewer service area", a more in depth plan which physically outlines future service areas (based on plant capacity, growth projections, physical constraints, etc.) is needed to help define a revised urban service area and areas of the City conducive to future service. 5775 Wayzata Blvd. - Suite 555 - St. Louis Park, MN 55416 • (612) 595 -9636 -Fax. 595-9837 Northwest Associated Consultants, Inc. U R B A N PLANNING- DESIGN- MARKET RESEARCH Kelp FROM: DATE: RE: FILE NO: BACKGROUND Otsego Mayor and City Council Otsego Planning Commission Bob Kirmis/David Licht 23 November 1994 Otsego - Immediate Urban Service Area Analysis 176.08 - 94.23 In past months, staff has received a number of development inquiries which would require a change in the City's immediate urban service area boundary (Comprehensive Plan amendment). Specific inquiries received include the Anderson and LuConic properties located south of County Road 39 and east of Nashua Avenue. These inquiries have prompted a need for the City to examine its growth strategy and consider an expansion of the City's immediate urban service area. This memorandum is intended to supplement a previous NAC correspondence dated 9 November 1994.regarding this matter and provide a background/ summary of issues involved in the Planning Commission's and City Council's forthcoming consideration of a potential expansion to the City's immediate urban service area. Initially, we have updated the residential land demand projections as presented in the City's 1990 Comprehensive Plan Inventory. Such projections are intended to be utilized in determining a need for the possible expansion of the City's immediate urban service area. The projections provide an estimate of the amount of land necessary to accommodate Otsego's future residential growth needs. Secondly, we have conducted an inventory of undeveloped land within the immediate service area and, through property owner contacts, determined the extent to which such land is currently "available" for development. Finally, we have outlined -various policy related decisions which must be made in establishing a growth strategy for the community. 5775 Wayzata Blvd. • Suite 555 • St. Louis Park, MN 55416 • (612) 595-9636•Fax. 595-9837 Local Growth As stated previously, local growth in Otsego is restricted by the lack of available public sewer and water which would allow for more intense urban land use and densities. Without urban services, residential land uses will continue to develop at rural/suburban densities typically in the form of one acre lots. Between 1985 and August of 1994, Wright County and the City of Otsego issued building permits for 459 housing units. Such permits were exclusive to detached single family homes and manufactured (mobile) homes. As illustrated in the following table, Otsego's development has fluctuated through the past decade reflecting extraneous economic and market trends occurring at the time. While future growth is assumed to also fluctuate, the City can assume a development rate similar to that experienced in the last decade. 1984-94 OTSEGO RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS Number of Residential Year Building Permits 1985 43 1986 30 1987 31 1988 30 1989 28 1990 54 1991 34 1992 69 1993 112 1994 38* SOURCE: Otsego Building Permit Information, 1980-1994 * 28 Permits issued through August 1994. A total of 38 permits projected for year. Residential Land Demand and Absorption Aside from agricultural land use, residential development continues to be most predominate land use within the community. This development trend is projected to continue through the next decade. In projecting the year 2000 residential land demand, future growth is assumed to follow the existing development patterns with the most popular lot size being one acre. Over the next five years, Otsego is projected to add 235 new households. As shown on table Assumption #2. Future low density residential development will develop under a one acre lot size scenario. Assumption #3. Twenty-three percent of available land area would be devoted to streets. The vacant land inventory also revealed that available parcels range from 10 to 40 acres in size with the average available parcel measuring 18 acres. Land Availability While 398 acres of land has been determined to exist for future residential development (excluding Wild and Scenic District), no assurances exist that such land holdings are in fact "for sale" and "available" for development. To determine the extent to which vacant land is available, staff has made contact with a number of property owners to determine land availability. Such contacts revealed the following results: Number of Response Property Owners Total Acres Willing to develop 3 114 Not willing to develop 6 185 No response/undecided 7 172 TOTAL 16 471 NOTES: Totals represent gross area and lands within Wild and Scenic District (76 acres). Attached Exhibit B reveals that only 19 percent of contacted property owners are willing to develop at this time, while 44 percent were undecided or had no response. Thirty-seven percent of contacted property owners indicated that they had no plans to develop. While the results of property owner contacts cannot be considered "cast in stone", the staff survey does reveal that the significant number of undeveloped properties within the immediate service area are currently not available for residential development. For the purposes of this examination, it is estimated that approximately one-half of the undeveloped land within the immediate urban service area is available for development. Specifically, it is estimated that ± 200 acres is actually "available for development". Such acreage would accommodate ± 150 k, a U > i ] 15 • 92nd ST 4 Y 22 DSIA ST 00 ' < t ST u 27 4 y s 631A ST fJ. v 1 � l� Y ., Otsego, Minnesota 1 .5 0 1 SCALE IN MILES YAP OATU ,A6, SEPTEMBER 1989 MOTL- TMn MAP n r01 PT, AM�q ►1/1P01ei OMIT AND MLAO MOT K M640 WW- PMlCY! MCAfUl1TWTS AK KOUwlA BASE MAP SOUFICE WFtlGHT COUNTY SURVEYORS OFFICE 7.2569 6 • •'� -67.nJ Off :d u Immediate Urban Service Area M X Urban/Rural Long Range Urban Service Area PREPARED BY: _ El Rural Service Area vo Service Concept orthwest >. Specific Immediate Urban Service Area Boundary AssoClated D Amended by Resolution N0. 94-70, 10 January 1994 d t i Engineering d b Stud to be determined gg y consultants, Inc. C VELOPMENT DEVELOPMENT SPONSE V SERVICE AREA 1500 }000 FEET EXHIBIT B CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: MEETING DATE 7. BOB KIRMIS Planning April 22,1996 6:30PM ITEM NUMBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION: PREPARED BY: 7.1. Discussion of Inunediate Service Area Line Change. Background: With the Sewer Study in the NE portion of the City to Serve #101 area Commercial and Industrial and any new housing, the City Staff is asking the Council to look at the Immediate Service Area Line South of the present line to determine if there should be a line change, as we are getting requests from developers in that area. See attached memo from Bob Kirmis, NAC dated April 17, 1996. STAFF RECONANIENDATION: Staff agrees that the area South from the Immediate Service Area Line to 70TH ST and maybe beyond to Frankfort Twp. line, and East of Odean to 101 and maybe beyond towards Dayton, should be studied as to what will be allowed for future development with sewer and water and see if the line should be changed. We feel the Council needs to discuss the possibilities. Thank you, E6 MVcA iO4--l'g-Wn i7744M ►JfK1HM Qbm7GhCOT7 7n -1— — 01/10/1994 02:02 2183462048 WAGON WHEEL GROCERY PAGE 01 ✓�, / / J A .0 /s r/ p'A 1r/S e'o- 17J1-4. -17 Al, y 1/01/18 rf /_-f /eS eo r e.- s, J7� a� S"S.3 '7 -y X899 Ylnasf..-eer- ��..e.� N£ x4w'0-4� " The Scuth Ha'If of the ScutheitSt Quartcr of Section 28. Tc-,mahip 121, Mingo 2'3. ++riyhL County, c.4capt therefrom the fol!Qwin8 described tracts: 1. The north -e1e.00 feet of the west 547.00 feet of the said South Half of the Southeast Quarter. 2• the cast 660.00 feet of the Said South Half of - the. Southeast quarter. 3. De;'nniny ' at the southwast corner of Lha sold South Half of the Southeast Quarter; thence north along the Nest lire of said south Half of the Srutheast Quarter, a dis';,3nca of 619.00 fret; thence eost at a right angle, a distance of 31:3.8:s feet; thence south, at a right angle, a distance of 621.89 feet to the South line of the said South Half of the Southeast Quarter; thence west along the said south line, a distance of . 313.e4 feet to the point of beginning. , 16kAt- -a�'�-,oU O d-� �-�{,a.-� .��n•�� cz�c-ate. ). I i WE H,,*Ia.rry Qct rry l? r'c, v i l / *W Al G. s' 94 aif- �3'1& - 7A00 ,tx a/8'- 3'16- -;2a'f� STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF WRIGHT In the matter of the vacation of all those streets lying within the plat of the Townsite of Otsego, lying south of County State Aid Highway No. 39, and east of the Plat of Bulow Estates, as more fully described on the attached Exhibit A. CITY OF OTSEGO NOTICE OF HEARING ON PETITION TO VACATE STREET NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that a Petition has been filed with the City Council of the City of Otsego to vacate that part of those streets above described herein by the owners of land abutting said streets to be vacated. That a hearing will be held upon said Petition by the City Council of the City of Otsego on the ?7Nn day of Ap:-1 , 1996 , at 7:30PM o'clock at Otsego City Hall and that any person interested in the same may be heard at said time. Dated this 2gwu_ day of Mach , 1996 Attest: 'City Clerk Elaine Beatt CITY SEAL CITY OF OTSEGO Mayor Norman F Freske EXHIBIT A All those streets lying within the Plat of the Townsite of Otsego described as follows: C Street lying southerly of County State Aid Highway No. 39, except that part previously platted. B Street lying southerly of County State Aid Highway No. 39. A Street lying southerly of County State Aid Highway No. 39. All that part of Fifth Street lying easterly of the plat of Bulow Estates. All that part of Sixth Street lying easterly of the plat of Bulow Estates. All that part of Seventh Street lying easterly of the plat of Bulow Estates. All that part of Eighth Street lying easterly of the plat of Bulow Estates. FA C Northwest Associated Consultants, Inc. C O M M U N I T Y PLANNING • DESIGN • MARKET R E S E A R C H MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: RE: FILE NO: CCS[EOMIE D ,cr Andy MacArthur Bob Kirmis 17 April 1996 Otsego - Storm Water Drainage and Park/Trail Deferment 176.08 - 96.04 At your request, I have reviewed your draft resolution (dated 4/16/96) related to the deferment of storm water drainage and park/trail fees. In review of the draft resolution, the following comments are offered: 1. It may be advisable to add an additional "whereas" which reiterates the purpose of storm water drainage and park/trail fees. 2. It is my understanding that storm water impact fees are charged on all development requests (where an increase in impervious surface will result) and are not exclusive to subdivision applications. Thus, the resolution should be revised accordingly. 3. Some concern exists in regard to fee payment responsibilities. In subdivision requests, it is not inconceivable that fee payments could be passed from the developer to the builder and ultimately to the lot purchaser. It may be appropriate to specifically address responsible parties in the resolution. 4. Item 2.D of the draft resolution states that deferment terms and conditions relating to storm water impact fees are to be addressed within a development agreement. This raises question as to how fee deferments are to be handled for development requests which typically do not require development agreements (i.e., conditional use permits). 5775 Wayzata Blvd. • Suite 555 • St. Louis Park, MN 55416 - (612) 595-9636•Fax. 595-9837 5. Item 3.6 notes that interest charges are to be imposed for park and trail deferments in excess of two years. For the benefit of both the developer and the City, it may be appropriate to specify the rate of interest to be applied (i.e, prime rate plus a certain percent increase). Aside from the preceding items, the draft resolution appears to be in order. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. pc: Elaine Beatty Larry Koshak 2 STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF WRIGHT RESOLUTION 96-13 CITY OF OTSEGO RESOLUTION OF CITY COUNCIL VACATING STREET In the Matter of the Vacation of all those streets lying within the plat of the Townsite of Otsego, lying south of County State Aid Highway No. 39, and east of the Plat of Bulow Estates, as more fully described on the attached Exhibit A. The above entitled matter came on to be heard before the City Council of the City of Otsego, Wright County, Minnesota, upon the Petition of Bulow Inc.by Christopher M. Bulow, its President, for the vacating of the streets above described, and the City Council having given due notice of said hearing by published and posted notice as provided by law and said hearing having been held on the 22ND day of April , 1996, at 7:30 o'clock P. M., at the City Hall in said City, an no one appeared in opposition thereto, and the said Council after hearing the evidence presented to it in favor of said Petition finds: that Petitioners are the owners of all the land abutting said portion of above described streets; that said streets are not serving any public purpose, and that it would be in the best interest of the public to vacate said streets; Council/Me Heidner introduced the following resolution, to -wit: All those streets lying within the plat of the Townsite of Otsego, lying south of County State Aid Highway No. 39, and east of the Plat of Bulow Estates, as more fully described on the attached Exhibit A., be and the same are hereby vacated pursuant to Minn. Stat. Ann. 412.851. Which resolution was seconded by Council/Member and being put to a vote a majority of said Council vote in favor of said resolution, whereupon said resolution was declared adopted by the Mayor of said City. Dated at the City of Otsego, Minnesota this 22ND day of April 1996. Mayor Norman F Freske ATTEST: Clerk Elaine Beatty, City Cler Zoning Adm. STATE OF MINNESOTA ) SS. COUNTY OF WRIGHT ) Elaine Beatty , being first duly sworn says that !he is the duly elected, qualified and acting City Clerk of the City of Otsego, Wright County, Minnesota, and as such is custodian of the records of said City; that the above resolution is a true and correct copy of said resolution taken from the records of the minutes of the City Council of said City, for the regular meeting thereof held on April 22, , 1996. Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning Subscribed and sworn to before me this 22ND day of April , 1996. e. o ary lic x JUDY E. HUDSON NOTARYPUBLrAINNESOTA WRIGHT COUNTY My Commission Eaplroa Jan. 31, 2000 rvu�nMnnnMn x MMIBIT A All those streets lying within the Plat of the Townsite of Otsego described as follows: C Street lying southerly of County State Aid Highway No. 39, except that part previously platted. B Street lying southerly of County State Aid Highway No. 39. A Street lying southerly of County State Aid Highway No. 39. All that part of Fifth Street lying easterly of the plat of Bulow Estates. All that part of Sixth Street lying easterly of the plat of Bulow Estates. All that part of Seventh Street lying easterly of the plat of Bulow Estates. All that part of Eighth Street lying easterly of the plat of Bulow Estates. D 12@ IEae[E ArT,a�lass William S. Radzwill Andrew J. MacArthur Michael C. Court April 17, 1996 RADZWILL & COURI Attorneys at Law 705 Central Avenue East PO Bar 369 St. Michael, MN 55376 (612) 497-1930 (612) 497-2599 (FAX) City Council Members City of Otsego c/o Elaine Beatty, City Clerk 8899 Nashua Avenue NE Elk River, MN 55330 RE: Proposed Resolution Regarding Deferment Policy Dear Elaine: Please find enclosed for City Council consideration at Monday night's Council meeting a proposed resolution regarding City policy for fee deferrals. The enclosed resolution incorporates comments made by Bob Kirmis and Larry Koshak. I will be available on Monday to answer any questions the Council may have. Very ly/y%ours, drewM`acArthur RADZWILL COURI Encl. cc: Larry Koshak, Hakanson Anderson Bob Kirmis, NAC CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION REGARDING CITY POLICY FOR DEFERMENT OF FEES RELATED TO STORM WATER DRAINAGE AND PARR AND TRAIL DEDICATION. WHEREAS, Developers have requested that the City consider allowing deferment of City fees for storm water drainage impact and fees for park and trails in lieu of land dedication; and WHEREAS, the City has established within its subdivision ordinance certain fees in lieu of land dedication which are for the purpose of mitigating the affects of additional development on the City's park and trail systems; and WHEREAS, the City has also established fees for the affect of land use changes on storm water drainage within the City due to increase in impervious surface areas; and WHEREAS, the City has determined that it will set forth such a policy in writing to allow deferments in certain situations and under certain conditions so as to encourage development within the City; and NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO that the following is the policy of the City of Otsego regarding requests for granting deferments of the above mentioned fees: 1. No deferment(s) shall be considered unless requested in writing by the Applicant. 2. Deferments of storm water drainage impact fees may be granted at the discretion of the City Council upon reviewing the request presented and any pertinent facts. If deferment is granted it shall be granted subject to, but not limited to only, the following conditions: A. The City Engineer determines that the City is not in immediate need of said fees. B. No deferment shall be in excess of two years from the date of approval of the land use change, unless extended by the City Council. Any extension beyond two years shall be subject to interest charges, as well as being subject to any increase in fees adopted after the date of initial approval. Interest on any extension of deferment beyond two years shall be determined by use of the Engineering News -Record Construction Index. C. All deferred fees shall be fully covered by a Letter of Credit which may not be reduced below the amount of outstanding fees owed. The Letter of Credit shall be maintained by the original applicant until all fees have been paid. Any change in the identity of the person or entity posting the Letter of Credit is subject to City approval. D. The terms and conditions of the deferment and the amount of Letter of Credit shall all be contained within either the Developer's Agreement for a subdivision, or within a separate written recordable agreement between the applicant and the City in the case of any other land use change. 3. Deferments of fees in lieu of park and trail dedication may be granted at the discretion of the City Council upon review of the request presented and any pertinent facts. If deferment is granted it shall be granted subject to, but not limited only to, the following conditions: A. The Council determines, after receipt of a recommendation from the Park and Recreation Commission, that deferment of receipt of fees will not impair the City's park and/or trail system. B. No deferment shall be in excess of two years from the date of approval of the subdivision unless extended by the City Council. Any extension beyond two years shall be subject to interest charges as well as being subject to any increase in fees adopted after the date of initial approval. Interest rates shall be determined by the City Council on a case by case basis. C. All deferred fees shall be fully covered by a Letter of Credit which may not be reduced below the amount of the fees owed. The Letter of Credit must be maintained by the original applicant until all fees have been paid. Any change in the identity of the person or entity posting the Letter of Credit is subject to City approval. D.The terms and conditions of the deferment and the amount of Letter of Credit shall all be contained within the Developer's Agreement for the subdivision. ADOPTED this day of , 1996 by the Otsego City Council. IN FAVOR: OPPOSED: CITY OF OTSEGO Norman F. Freske, Mayor Elaine Beatty, City Clerk 90 95th Street NE Monticello, MN 55362 April 11, 1996 City of Otsego c/o Elaine Beatty, City Clerk 8899 Nashua Avenue NE. Elk River, MN. 55330 RE: Sunday Liquor Dear Elaine, ULS\Z:2LSU\.!/l5 z GG6 RMOD_.Jre[ ePHONe6612 441-6833 Fax 612 -441 - METRO BUSINESS RESORT On behalf of Riverwood, we are requesting a referendum for the upcoming election. We are requesting the referendum to amend the City liquor ordinance for Sunday sales to read as such: A restaurant club, bowling center, or hotel with a seating capacity for at least 30 persons and which holds an on -sale intoxicating liquor license may sell intoxicating liquor for consumption on the premises in conjunction with the sale of food between the hours of 12:00 noon Sundays and 1:00 AM Mondays If the referendum is passed, we ask for immediate amendment to the City liquor ordinance. Sincerely, Nadine Aarvig Senior Sales Manager William S. Radzwill Andrew J. MacArthur ?Michael C. Couri February 16, 1996 RAVZWILL & COURI Attorneys at Law 705 Central Avenue East PO Box 369 St. Michael, MN 55376 (612) 497-1930 (612) 497-2599 (FAX) City of Otsego c/o Elaine Beatty, City Clerk 8899 Nashua Avenue NE Elk River, MN 55330 RE: Sunday Liquor Dear Elaine: Enclosed please find the statutory material on Sunday Liquor that you earlier requested. As you will note, the first step in the process is to initiate a referendum on the subject. This can either be done by petition or can be initiated by motion of the City Council. The easier method would be for the party requesting the referendum to make a direct request of the City Council. Upon successful initiation of referendum, it is then a matter of waiting to see whether or not the matter is approved by the majority of voters voting on that issue. If the referendum is successful there must be amendment of the City's Liquor Ordinance to provide for Sunday liquor and license for the same. This amendment will require a public hearing. Additionally, there must be a public hearing on the granting of a Sunday liquor license if the applicant desires to start service at 10 a.m. Arguably, the statute does not require such a public hearing if the applicant desires to start service at 12 0' clock noon. However, for the sake of consistency and ease of administration, any ordinance amendment which I would recommend for passage would require a hearing for either form of Sunday Liquor license. Because of the number of events that must occur to establish Sunday liquor, it is my suggestion that the applicant request not only that a referendum be initiated but that a proposed ordinance amendment be drafted and that a public hearing on that amendment be scheduled contingent upon passage of the referendum. Letter to Otsego- Sunday Liquor February 16, 1996 Page 2 I would advise the City to not initiate the referendum process by Council motion until an agreement is reached with the applicant wherein they guarantee to cover the City costs of the process. If you have any questions regarding this matter please feel free to contact me. Very truly yours, rew J. acAr ur RADMILL i COURI Encls. cc: Arlene DeCandia, Riverwood City of Otsego Engineer's Agenda Items City Council Meeting April 22, 1996 9.1 CONSIDER OTSEGO CREEK LEVY • Council is requested to consider setting the levy for the drainage improvements to Otsego Creek and for the engineering fees to assist the Otsego Creek Authority in prepared of the necessary studies, reports, and permit applications as required by the Mn/DNR to do work in the creek. • If you the levy is set and approved, the Council then is requested to order the preparation of Plans and Specifications for the culvert replacements and ditch improvements. • The Council should consider that if the levy is denied, that some improvement will need to be made to the culvert under 83rd Street in the future. Funding source will need to be considered to make any improvements or repairs to the 83rd Street culvert. 9.2 CONSIDER ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING THE NW AREA STORM SEWER TAXING DISTRICT. City attorney will provide the ordinance for the establishment of the district should the Council proceed with establishing the district. 9.3 CONSIDER BIDS Mississippi Shores Addition, Improvement Project 95-1 Island View Estates and Arrowhead Estates, Improvement Project 95-2 Find attached our letter of recommendation on the award. 9.4 WARNING SIREN • We were asked to look into the location and power source for the used siren by Elaine Beatty for Council information. • We talked to Dr. Ron Bratlie at the School District about locating the siren on the well site which the City holds an easement for water facilities. He did not foresee a problem, however, he suggested a letter and perhaps a revision to the original easement allowing the siren location on the site be sent to the district. The School District needs to approve the use on the site. The site has three phase powers available and it appears, according to the electrician who worked on the well project, that power could be taken at the well power source. No additional meter would be needed. , Apparently, the siren would need to be mounted on the pole before putting the pole into the ground. Also, the wiring needs to be on the pole before raised. The electrician would need to make several trips to the site and thought the cost of electrical services would be between $1,000 - 1,500, yet to be resolved is the method of activating the siren. We have talked about this matter with Wright Hennepin, who say there is also three phases power available needs the intersection of CSAH42 and TH 101. Land availability and need to establish electrical service point would make the well site least costly. 9.5 ANY OTHER ENGINEERING ITEMS. ki Hakanson Anderson Assoc., Inc. April 18, 1996 Honorable Mayor & City Council City of Otsego 8899 Nashua Avenue Otsego, MN 55330 RE: Award Recommendation Improvement Project 95-1 & 2 Dear Mayor & Council Members 222 Monroe Street Anoka, Minnesota 55303 612/427-5860 Fax 612/427-3401 On April 9, 1996, at 10:00 a.m., the City Clerk and myself received bids for the construction of bituminous paved streets in Island View Additions and Arrowhead Estates, referred to as Improvement Project 95-2 and for bituminous overlay in Mississippi Shores Addition, referred to as Improvement Project 95-1. We received bids from six bidders. The six bids and bidders are listed below with the lowest first; Midwest Asphalt Company Hardrives, Inc. WB Miller, Inc. Valley Paving, Inc. Bauerly Brothers, Inc. Buffalo Bituminous, Inc. Imp Proj 95-1 $155,085.00 153,240.00 142,795.00 152,462.50 147,956.00 172,201 .00 Imp Proj 95-2 $384,393.52 397,909.20 409,899.55 441,201 .85 419,789.87 409,597.57 Total 5539,478.52 551,149.20 552,694.55 563,664.35 567,745.87 581 ,798.57 Item 9.3 The feasibility construction cost estimate for Mississippi Shores was $217,375.00. Using the lowest combined bid of Midwest Asphalt Company of $155,085.00, the Improvement Project 95-1 would reduce the assessment from $1,1 10/unit to $776/unit. Midwest Asphalt's bid was not the lowest for Improvement Project 95-1. WB Miller, Inc.'s bid of $142,795 was lowest, however, we recommend taking the lowest total bid. In Improvement Project 95-2, Island View Estates Project, the feasibility construction cost estimate was $314,035.00, approximately 22% less than the lowest bid received. The feasibility study per unit assessment was estimated at $4,170. Assuming an overhead cost of 22%, the assessment for 89 units would be $5,269.21 or 26% over the feasibility study. Engineers Landscape Architects Surveyors Mayor & Council Members Page 2 April 18, 1996 The apparent reason for the high bid in this case is the estimated cost of soils correction of $52,820.00. After the feasibility hearing and ordering the design, we had the soils tested by Braun Intertec. The result of the tests indicated substantial soils correction. The testing company drilled 20 holes to provide us with a representative soils profile. The construction season weather conditions will play a large role in determining exact amount and locations of the correction areas. A dry season will allow for the existing soils to be reshaped and our proposed section placed with only a minor amount of soil corrections. A wet, rainy season will cause the subsoils to become saturated and will require removing and replacement of these soils. The assumption is that about 2,000 LF of the road will need soil correction. Under dry conditions, we may be able to reduce the amount of correction substantially, however, if you have a wet season we will perhaps need all provided. Since the unit amount for assessments is higher than the feasibility study, I would recommend, before rewarding the project, that the Council consider having an appraisal performed of the benefited property to determine if the assessed amount will benefit the property. Should an appraisal show benefit in the amount of the proposed assessment, then the award is recommended to be made to the lowest responsible bidder. If the opposite is determined, then we will need to look at either reducing the work on the project, or consider abandoning the project. Our recommendation, at this time, is to retain an appraiser to determine amount of benefit to the property. Our contract documents provide a 60 day period in which the bid can be awarded. I will be available at the council meeting on April 22, 1996, to discuss this matter further. Sincerely, HAKANSON ANDERSON ASSOCIATES, INC. Lawrence G. Koshak, PE W cc: Elaine Beatty, Clerk OT331.may BID TABULATION CITY OF OTSEGO PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT PROJECT NO. 95-1 AND PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT PROJECT NO. 95-2 APRIL 9, 1995 Schedule "A" - Public Improvement Project No. 95-1 (Mississippi Shores Addition Street Overlay Project) MIDWESTASPHALTCO. 14ARf)RwF4 mgr_ Schedule "B" - Public Imp. Proj. No. 95-2 (Island View Estates Addition St. and Arrowhead Estates Addition Reconstruction Project) Est. Unit Unit ?m Description Qty. Unit Price Unit Extension Price Unit Extension A 2021.501 Mobilization 1 LS $3,000.00 LS $3,000.00 $2,200.00 LS $2,200.00 2231.501 Bituminous Patching Mixture 75 T 65.00 Ton $4,875.00 46.00 Ton 3,450.00 2331.509 Type 41 A Wearing Course Mixture 7550 T 18.60 Ton $140,430.00 18.80 Ton 141,940.00 2357.505 Bituminous Material for Tack Coat 5650 Gal 1.20 Gal $6,780.00 1.00 Gal 5,650.00 2104.509 Remove Concrete Headwall 1 EA 150.00 EA 150.00 85.00 EA 85.00 >tal Bid Schedule "A" Sawing Concrete Pavement (Full Depth) 26 LF 4.00 $155,085.00 104.00 6.00 $153,240.00 Schedule "B" - Public Imp. Proj. No. 95-2 (Island View Estates Addition St. and Arrowhead Estates Addition Reconstruction Project) R Est. Unit Unit �m Description Qty. Unit Price Unit Extension Price Unit Extension 2021.501 Mobilization 1 LS $6,000.00 LS $6,000.00 $4,500.00 LS $4,500.00 2101.511 Clearing & Grubbing 1 LS 2,800.00 LS 2,800.00 3,850.00 LS 3,850.00 2104.503 Remove Concrete Driveway Pavement 25 SY 4.00 SY 100.00 5.75 SY 143.75 2104.505 Remove Bituminous Pavement 1 130 SY 1.00 SY 1,130.00 2.10 SY 2,373.00 2104.509 Remove Concrete Headwall 1 EA 150.00 EA 150.00 85.00 EA 85.00 2104.511 Sawing Concrete Pavement (Full Depth) 26 LF 4.00 LF 104.00 6.00 LF 156.00 2104.513 Sawing Bituminous Pavement (Full Depth) 635 LF 2.00 LF 1,270.00 1.25 LF 793.75 2104.521 Salvage Iron Pipe Culvert 50 LF 5.00 LF 250.00 5.25 LF 262.50 2104.521 Salvage 12" CMP 140 LF 5.00 LF 700.00 5.25 LF 735.00 2104.521 Salvage 15" CMP 294 LF 5.00 LF 1,470.00 5.75 LF 1,690.50 2104.521 Salvage & Reinstall Wood Fence 26 LF 10.00 LF 260.00 4.00 LF 104.00 ' 2104.521 Salvage & Reinstall Timber 40 LF 25.00 LF 1,000.00 4.00 LF 160.00 1 0104.602 Salvage & Reinstall Yard Light 1 EA 1,700.00 EA 1,700.00 200.00 EA 200.00 2105.501 Common Excavation 12700 CY 2.96 CY 37,592.00 3.50 CY 44,450.00 i 2105.507 Subgrade Excavation 4533 CY 2.96 CY 13,417.68 2.00 CY 9,066.00 R MID WES 7 ALPHALT HARDRIVES INC. Est. Unit Unit ;em Description Qty. Unit Price Unit Extension Price Unit Extension 6 0105.602 Gravel Entrance Reconstruction 52 EA $70.00 EA $3,640.00 $110.00 EA $5,720.00 7 0105.604 Granular Borrow 7700 T 4.35 T 33,495.00 3.00 T 23,100.00 B 0105.609 Geotextile Fabric Type V (Stabilization) 6565 SY 0.90 SY 5,908.50 0.80 SY 5,252.00 9 2112.501 Subgrade Preparation 103.6 Rd St 75.00 Rd St _ 7,770.00 160.00 Rd St 16,576.00 0 2211.501 Aggregate Base, Class 11920 T 5.34 T 63,652.80 5.90 T 70,328.00 1 2331.508 Type 41 A Wearing Course Mixture 2710 T 19.2 T 52,032.00 19.99 T 54,172.90 2 2331.514 Type 31B Base Course Mixture 3650 T 18.35 T 66,977.50 19.24 T 70,226.00 3 0331.601 2" Bituminous Wearing Course (Driveway) 1170 SY 5.75 SY 6,727.50 5.70 SY 6,669.00 4 2357.502 Bituminous Material for Tack Coat 1750 Gal 1.20 Gal 2,100.00 1.00 Gal 1,750.00 5 0412.602 Relocate Mailbox 71 EA 60.00 EA 4,260.00 43.00 EA 3,053.00 6.._, 2501.511 15" RC Pipe Culvert, CL V 326 LF 19.40 LF 6,324.40 21.25 LF 6,927.50 2501.511 18" RC Pipe Culvert, CL III 44 LF 22.65 LF 996.60 26.00 LF 1,144.00 B 2501.511 27" RC Pipe Culvert, Class III 32 LF 34.60 LF 1,107.20 41.50 LF 1,328.00 9 2501.511 30" RC Pipe Culvert, Class III 40 LF 38.40 LF 1,536.00 55.25 LF 2,210.00 0 2501.511 15" CM Pipe Culvert 432 LF 14.40 LF 6,220.80 15.25 LF 6,588.00 1 2501 .515 15" RC Pipe Apron 16 EA 375.00 EA 6,000.00 432.00 EA 6,912.00 2 2501 .515 18" RC Pipe Apron 2 EA 450.00 EA 900.00 460.00 EA 920.00 3 2501 .515 27" RC Pipe Apron 2 EA 550,00 EA 1,100.00 571.25 EA 1,142.50 4 2501 .515 30" RC Pipe Apron 4 EA _ 600.00 EA 2,400.00 593.50 EA 22374.00 5 2501.515 15" CM Pipe Apron 18 EA 130.00 EA 2,340.00 130.50 EA 2,349.00 6 0501.603 Salvage & Reinstall 15" CMP 501 LF 12.00 LF 6,012.00 10.75 LF 5,385.75 7 0501.606 Extend Culvert Random Riprap CL3 12 EA 240.00 EA 2,880.00 93.00 EA 1,116.00 B 251 1.501 Random Riprap CL 3 w/Geotextile Fabric 55.5 CY 60.00 CY 3,330.00 71.00 CY 3,940.50 9 0564.602 F & I Sign Panel (Stop) 1 EA 145.00 EA 145.00 148.00 EA 148.00 0 0564.602 F & I Sign Panel (Left Turn) 1 EA 140.00 EA 140.00 143.00 EA 143.00 1 0564.602 F & I Sign Panel (Right Turn) 1 EA 140.00 EA 140.00 143.00 EA 143.00 2 0564.602 F & I Sign Panel (Hill w/Percent Grade -8%) 1 EA 140.00 EA 140.00 143.00 EA 143.00 ? 0564.602 F & I Sign Panel (Trucks use Lower Gear) 1 EA 140.00 EA 140.00 143.00 EA 143.00 4- 0564.602 F & I Sign Panel (Speed Limit Gear) 1 EA 60.00 EA 60.00 60.00 EA 60.00 5 0564.602 F & I Sign Panel (Dead End) 1 EA 140.00 EA 140.00 143.00 EA 143.00 6 0564.602 F & I Sign Panel (No Outlet) 1 EA 140.00 EA 140.00 143.00 EA 143.00 7 0564.602 Salvage & Reinstall Sign 20 EA 46.00 EA 920.00 46.00 EA 920.00 B 2573.501 Bale Check (per bale) 100 EA 5.40 EA 540.00 5.00 EA 500.00 9 2573.503 Silt Fence, Pre -assembled 2300 LF 1.90 LF 4,370.00 1.90 LF 4,370.00 3 2573.508 Bituminous Lined Flume 7.5 SY 31.00 SY 232.50 40.00 SY 300.00 1 0573.602 Temporary Rock Construction Entrance 3 EA 188.00 EA 564.00 550.00 EA 1,650.00 2 2575.511' Mulch Material, Type 1 25 T 110.00 T 2,750.00 110.00 T 2,750.00 3 12575.501 Seeding 12.6 AC 98.00 AC 1,234.80 100.00 AC 1,260.00 MIDWESTALPHALT HARI)RIVF.S INC 329bid.wk4 Est. Unit Unit tem Description Qty. Price Unit Extension Price Unit Extension 4 2575.502 Seed Mixture 800 650 LB 2.15 LB 1,397.50 $2.20 LB $1,430.00 5 2575.519 Disk Anchoring 12.6 AC 32.40 AC 408.24 33.00 AC 415.80 6 2575.523 Wood Fiber Blanket, Type Regular 6125 SY 1.10 SY 6,737.50 1.10 SY 6,737.50 7 2575.523 Wood Fiber Blanket, Type High Velocity 5000 SY 1.50 SY 7,500.00 --1.54 SY 7,700.00 8 2575.531 Commercial Fertilizer, 20-10-10 3.25 T 320.00 T 1,040.00 325.00 T 1,056.25 Fotal Bid Schedule "B" $384,393.52 $397,909.20 SUMMARY OF BIDDING: 3i-'-„chedule "A” t; - Mississippi Shores Addition $155,085.00 $153,240.00 3id Schedule "B" - Island View & Arrowhead Additions $384,393.52 $397,909.20 -OTAL BID: $539,478.52 $551,149.20 329bid.wk4 lid Schedule "A" - Public Improvement Project No. 95-1 (Mississippi Shores Addition Street Overlay Project) W.B. MILLER INC. VALLEY PAVING Schedule "B" - Public Imp. Proj. No. 95-2 (Island View Estates Addition St. and Arrowhead Estates Addition Reconstruction Project) Est. Est. Unit Unit Unit Unit tem Description tem Qty. Unit Price Unit Extension Price Unit Extension Unit Extension 2021.501 Mobilization 1 LS $500.00 LS $500.00 $2,500.00 LS $2,500.00 2231.501 Bituminous Patching Mixture 75 T 20.00 Ton $1,500.00 48.00 Ton 3,600.00 2331.509 Type 41 A Wearing Course Mixture 7550 T 17.90 Ton $135,145.00 18.60 Ton 140,430.00 2357.505 Bituminous Material for Tack Coat 5650 Gal 1.00 Gal $5,650.00 1.05 Gal 5,932.50 SY 1.60 SY 1,808.00 1.50 SY 1,695.00 2104.509 Remove Concrete Headwall Bid Schedule "A" EA 250.00 EA 250.00 $142,795.00 EA 250.00 $152,462.50 Schedule "B" - Public Imp. Proj. No. 95-2 (Island View Estates Addition St. and Arrowhead Estates Addition Reconstruction Project) Est. Unit Unit tem Description Qty. Unit Price Unit Extension Price Unit Extension 2021.501 Mobilization 1 LS 10,500.00 LS $10,500.00 6,800.00 LS 6,800.00_ 2101.511 Clearing & Grubbing 1 LS 1,500.00 LS 1,500.00 1,200.00 LS 1,200.00 2104.503 Remove Concrete Driveway Pavement 25 SY 5.00 SY 125.00 8.50 SY 212.50 2104.505 Remove Bituminous Pavement 1130 SY 1.60 SY 1,808.00 1.50 SY 1,695.00 2104.509 Remove Concrete Headwall 1 EA 250.00 EA 250.00 250.00 EA 250.00 2104.511 Sawing Concrete Pavement (Full Depth) 26 LF 10.25 LF 266.50 10.00 LF 260.00_ 2104.513 Sawing Bituminous Pavement (Full Depth) 635 _ LF 2.80 LF 1,778.00 2.15 LF 1,365.25 2104.5.? 1 Salvage Iron Pipe Culvert 50 LF 5.00 LF 250.00 7.00 LF 350.00 { 2104.521 Salvage 12" CMP 140 LF 1.50 LF 210.00 7.00 LF 980.00 G -- 2104.521 Salvage 15" CMP 294 LF 1.50 LF 441.00 7.00 LF 2,058.00- 1 2104.521 Salvage & Reinstall Wood Fence 26 LF 8.25 LF 214.50 20.00 LF 520.00 2 2104.521 Salvage & Reinstall Timber 40 LF 10.25 LF 410.00 10.00 LF 400.00 3 0104.602 Salvage & Reinstall Yard Light 1 EA 400.00 EA 400.00 250.00 EA 250.00 4 2105.501 Common Excavation 12700 CY 2.55 CY 32,385.00 3.10 CY 39,370.00 5 2105.507 Subgrade Excavation 4533 CY 1.00 CY 4,533.00 3.10 CY 14,052.30 6 0105.602 Gravel Entrance Reconstruction 52 EA 210.00 EA 10,920.00 110.00 EA 5,720.00 7 0105.604 Granular Borrow 7700 T 2.60 T 20,020.00 4.20 T 32,340.00 8 0105.609 Geotextile Fabric Type V (Stabilization) 6565 SY 0.85 SY 5,580.25 1.15 SY 7,549.75 9 2112.501 Subgrade Preparation 1 103.6 Rd St 225.00 Rd St 23,310.00 68.00 Rd St 7,044.80 W. B. MILLER INC. VALLEY PAVING Est. Unit Unit em Description Qty. Unit Price Unit Extension Price Unit Extensio 2211.501 Aggregate Base, Class 11920 T $6.50 T $77,480.00 5.40 T 64,368.00 1 2331.508 Type 41A Wearing Course Mixture 2710 T 18.90 T 51,219.00 19.05 T 51,625.50 2 2331 .514 Type 31B Base Course Mixture 3650 T 18.00 T 65,700.00 18.40 T 67,160.00 3 0331.601 2" Bituminous Wearing Course (Driveway) 1170 SY 9.00 SY 10,530.00 5.70 SY 6,669.00 1 2357.502 Bituminous Material for Tack Coat 1750 Gal 1.00 Gal 1,750.00 1.25 Gal 2,187.50 i 0412.602 Relocate Mailbox 71 EA 60.00 EA 4,260.00 55.00 EA 3,905.00 3 2501.511 15" RC Pipe Culvert, CL V 326 LF 20.50 LF 6,683.00 33.00 LF 10,758.00 7 2501.511 18" RC Pipe Culvert, CL III 44 LF 22.25 LF 979.00 35.00 LF 1,540.00 3 2501.511 27" RC Pipe Culvert, Class III 32 LF 35.25 LF 1,128.00 55.00 LF 1,7_60.00 3 2501.511 30" RC Pipe Culvert, Class III 40 LF 39.00 LF 1,560.00 63.00 LF 2,520.00 )_:... 2501.511 15" CM Pipe Culvert 432 LF 15.35 LF 6,631.20 22.00 LF 9,504.00 J 2501.515 15" RC Pipe Apron 16 EA 600.00 EA 9,600.00 635.00 EA 10,160.00 2 2501 .515 18" RC Pipe Apron 2 EA 650.00 EA 1,300.00 800.00 EA 1,600.00 3 2501.515 27" RC Pipe Apron 2 EA 750.00 EA 1,500.00 1,200.00 EA 2,400.00 2501.515 30" RC Pipe Apron 4 EA 815.00 EA 3,260.00 1,500.00 EA 6,000.00 5 2501.515 15" CM Pipe Apron 18 EA 71.75 EA 1,291.50 90.00 EA 1,620.00 3 0501.603 Salvage & Reinstall 15" CMP 501 LF 15.35 LF 7,690.35 15.00 LF 7,515.00 7 0501.606 Extend Culvert Random Riprap CO 12 EA 200.00 EA 2,400.00 350.00 EA 4,200.00 3 2511 .501 Random Riprap CL 3 w/Geotextile Fabric 55.5 CY 45.00 CY 2,497.50 65.00 CY 3,607.50 3 0564.602 F & I Sign Panel (Stop) 1 EA 180.00 EA 180.00 150.00 EA 150.00 0564.602 F & I Sign Panel (Left Turn) 1 EA 180.00 EA 180.00 150.00 EA 150.00 1 0564.602 F & I Sign Panel (Right Turn) 1 EA 180.00 EA 180.00 150.00 EA 150.00 2 0564.602 F & I Sign Panel (Hill w/Percent Grade -8%) 1 EA 180.00 EA 180.00 150.00 EA 150.00 3 0564.602 F & I Sign Panel (Trucks use Lower Gear) 1 EA 90.00 EA 90.00 150.00 EA 150.00 1 0564.602 F & I Sign Panel (Speed Limit Gear) 1 EA 130.00 EA 130.00 70.00 EA 70.00 3 0564.602 F & I Sign Panel (Dead End) 1 EA 180.00 EA 180.00 150.00 EA 150.00 3 0564.602 F & I Sign Panel (No Outlet) 1 EA 180.00 EA 180.00 150.00 EA 150.00 ' 0564.602 Salvage & Reinstall Sign 20 EA 60.00 EA 1,200.00 45.00 EA 900.00 2573.501 Bale Check (per bale) 100 EA 5.00 EA 500.00 6.00 EA 600.00 3 2573.503 Silt Fence, Pre -assembled 2300 LF 1.60 LF 3,680.00 2.15 LF 4,945.00 ) 2573.508 Bituminous Lined Flume 7.5 SY 60.00 SY 450.00 35.00 SY 262.50 1 0573.602 Temporary Rock Construction Entrance 3 EA 250.00 EA 750.00 200.00 EA 600.00 2 2575.511 Mulch Material, Type 1 25 T 150.00 T 3,750.00 110.00 T 2,750.00 3 2575.501 Seeding 12.6 AC 225.00 AC 2,835.00 115.00 AC 1,449.00 1 2575.502 Seed Mixture 800 650 LB 2.50 LB 1,625.00 2.15 LB- 1,397.50 3 2575.519 Disk Anchoring 12.6 AC 50.00 AC 630.00 45.00 AC 567.00 3 2575.523 Wood Fiber Blanket, Type Regular 6125 SY 1.65 SY 10,106.25 1.07 SY 6,553.75 7 2575.523 Wood Fiber Blanket, Type High Velocity 5000 SY 1.85 SY 9,250.00 1.50 SY 7,500.00 t329bid.wk4 B. ILLER VALLEY PA ING Est. Unit I I Unit em Description Qty. Unit Price Unit Extension Price Unit Exte-ns io 3 2575.531 Commercial Fertilizer, 20-10-10 3.25 T 450.00 T 1,462.50 320.00 T 1,040.00 otal Bid Schedule "B" $409,899.55 $411,201.85 UMMARY OF BIDDING: id Schedule "A" - Mississippi Shores Addition $142,795.00 $152,462.50 id Schedule "B" - Island View & Arrowhead Additions $409,899.55 $411,201.85 �T. _>,L BID: $552,694.55 $563,664.35 t329bid.wk4 W Schedule "A" - Public Improvement Project No. 95-1 (Mississippi Shores Addition Street Overlay Project) BAUERLY BROTHERS INC. BUFFALO BITUMINOUS 3id Schedule "B" - Public Imp. Proj. No. 95-2 (Island View Estates Addition St. and Arrowhead Estates Addition Reconstruction Project) Est. Est. Unit Unit Unit Unit tem Description tem Qty. Unit Price Unit Extension Price Unit Extension Unit Extension 2021.501 Mobilization 1 LS $1.00 LS $1.00 $1.00 LS $1.00 2231.501 Bituminous Patching Mixture 75 T 68.48 Ton $5,136.00 50.00 Ton 3,750.00 2331.509 Type 41A Wearing Course Mixture 7550 T 18.43 Ton $139,146.50 21.75 Ton 164,212.50 2357.505 113ituminous Material for Tack Coat 5650 Gal 0.65 Gal $3,672.50 0.75 Gal 4,237.50 SY 0.50 SY 565.00 1.50 SY 1,695.00 i 2104.509 Remove Concrete Headwall "oral Bid Schedule "A" EA 150.00 EA 150.00 $147,956.00 EA 200.00 $172,201.00 3id Schedule "B" - Public Imp. Proj. No. 95-2 (Island View Estates Addition St. and Arrowhead Estates Addition Reconstruction Project) Est. Unit Unit tem Description Qty. Unit Price Unit Extension Price Unit Extension 2021.501 Mobilization 1 LS 2,000.00 LS $2,000.00 1.00 LS 1.00 2101.511 Clearing & Grubbing 1 LS 3,000.00 LS 3,000.00 10,000.00 LS 10,000.00 1 2104.503 Remove Concrete Driveway Pavement 25 SY 6.00 SY 150.00 4.00 SY 100.00 2104.505 Remove Bituminous Pavement 1130 SY 0.50 SY 565.00 1.50 SY 1,695.00 i 2104.509 Remove Concrete Headwall 1 EA 150.00 EA 150.00 200.00 EA 200.00 i 2104.511 Sawing Concrete Pavement (Full Depth) 26 LF 3.00 LF 78.00 4.50 LF 117.00 ' 2104.513 Sawing Bituminous Pavement (Full Depth) 635 LF 1.00 LF 635.00 1.50 LF 952.50 1 2104.521 Salvage Iron Pipe Culvert 50 , LF 8.00 LF 400.00 _ 5.00 LF 250.00 1 2104.521 Salvage 12" CMP 140 LF 8.00 LF 1,120.00 5.00 LF 700.00 r 2104.521 Salvage 15" CMP 294 LF _ 8.00 LF 2,352.00 5.00 LF 1,470.00 2104.521 Salvage & Reinstall Wood Fence 26 LF 20.00 LF 520.00 10.00 LF 260.00 2 2104.521 Salvage & Reinstall Timber 40 LF 10.00 LF 400.00 8.00 LF 320.00 3 0104.602 Salvage & Reinstall Yard Light 1 EA 500.00 EA 500.00 250.00 EA 250.00 4 2105.501 Common Excavation 12700 CY 4.88 CY 61,976.00 5.35 CY 67,945.00 5 2105.507 Subgrade Excavation 4533 CY 4.88 CY 22,121.04 2.55 CY 11,559.15 6 0105.602 Gravel Entrance Reconstruction 52 EA _ 50.00 EA 2,600.00 100.00 EA 5,200.00 7 0105.604 Granular Borrow 7700 T 5.00 T 38,500.00 3.05 T 23,485.00 8 0105.609 Geotextile Fabric Type V (Stabilization) 6565 SY 0.75 SY 4,923.75 0.95 SY 6,236.75 9 2112.501 Subgrade Preparation 103.6 Rd Stl 75.00 Rd St 7,770.00 100.00 Rd St 10,360.00 BAUERLY BROTHERS INC. BUFFALO BITUMINOUS Est. Unit Unit :em Description Qty. Unit Price Unit Extension Price Unit Extension 0 2211.501 Aggregate Base, Class 11920 T 5.60 T 66,752.00 5.25 T 62,580.00 1 2331 .508 Type 41 A Wearing Course Mixture 2710 T 20.32 T 55,067.20 21.75 T 58,942.50 2 2331.514 Type 31B Base Course Mixture 3650 T 17.88 T 65,262.00 19.00 T_ 69,350.00 3 0331.601 2" Bituminous Wearing Course (Driveway) 1170 SY 5.50 SY 6,435.00 6.00 SY 7,020.00 4 2357.502 Bituminous. Material for Tack Coat 1750 Gal 0.70 Gal 1,225.00 0.75 Gal 1,312.50 5 0412.602 Relocate Mailbox 71 EA 75.00 EA 5,325.00 50.00 EA 3,550.00 6 2501.511 15" RC Pipe Culvert, CL V 326 LF 25.00 LF 8,150.00 26.00 LF 8,476.00 7 2501.51 1 18" RC Pipe Culvert, CL III 44 LF _ 27.00 LF 1,188.00 28.00 LF 1,232.00 8 2501.511 27" RC Pipe Culvert, Class III 32 LF 40.00 LF 1,280.00 40.00 LF 1,280.00 9 2501 .51 1 30" RC Pipe Culvert, Class III 40 LF 45.00 LF 1,800.00 44.00 LF 1,760.00 0;- 2501.511 15" CM Pipe Culvert 432 LF 17.00 LF 7,344.00 16.00 LF 6,912.00 l : I 2501.515 15" RC Pipe Apron 16 EA 375.00 EA 6,000.00 320.00 EA 5,120.00 �2 2501.515 18" RC Pipe Apron 2 EA 425.00 EA 850.00 380.00 EA 760.00 '3 2501.515 27" RC Pipe Apron 2 EA 525.00 EA 1,050.00 480.00 EA 960.00 14 2501.515 30" RC Pipe Apron 4 EA 575.00 EA 2,300.00 _ 530.00 EA 2,120.00 15 2501.515 15" CM Pipe Apron 18 EA 75.00 EA 1,350.00 75.00 EA 1,350.00 16 0501 .603 Salvage & Reinstall 15" CMP 501 LF 20.00 LF _ 10,020.00 12.00 LF 6,012.00 17 0501.606 Extend Culvert Random Riprap CL3 12 EA 100.00 EA 1,200.00 50.00 EA 600.00 18 2511.501 Random Riprap CL 3 w/Geotextile Fabric 55.5 CY _ 50.00 CY 2,775.00 35.00 CY 1,942.50 19 0564.602 F & I Sign Panel (Stop) 1 EA 135.50 EA 135.50 137.50 EA 137.50 10 0564.602 F & I Sign Panel (Left Turn) 1 EA 118.75 EA 118.75 118.75 EA 118.75 11 12 13 14 15 0564.602 0564.602 0564.602 0564.602 0564.602 F & I Sign Panel (Right Turn) F & I Sign Panel (Hill w/Percent Grade -8%) F & I Sign Panel (Trucks use Lower Gear) F & I Sign Panel (Speed Limit Gear) F -&I Sign Panel (Dead End) 1 1 1 1 1 EA EA EA EA EA 118.75 118.75 _ 118.75 118.75 118.75 118.75 40.00 6.00 1.50 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA LF 118.75 118.75 118.75 118.75 118.75 118.75 800.00 600.00 3,450.00 118.75 118.75 118.75 118.75 118.75 EA EA EA EA EA 118.75 118.75 118.75 118.75 118.75 16 0564.602 F & I Sign Panel (No Outlet) 1 EA l_ 0564.602 Salvage & Reinstall Sign 20 EA 18 2573.501 Bale Check (per bale) 100 EA 19 2573.503 Silt Fence, Pre -assembled 2300 LF 118.75 EA 40.00 EA 5.00 EA 1.80 LF 118.75 800.00 500.00 4,140.00 50 2573.508 Bituminous Lined Flume 7.5 SY 16.95 SY 127.13 25.00 SY 187.50 i 1 52 0573.602 2575.511 Temporary Rock Construction Entrance Mulch Material, Type 1 3 25 EA T 25.00 110.00 EA T 75.00 2,750.00 150.00 103.50 EA T 450.00 2,587.50 i3 i4 2575.501 2575.502 Seeding Seed Mixture 800 12.6 AC 650 LB 85.00 1.85 AC LB 1,071 .00 1,202.50 93.15 2.07 AC LB 1,173.69 1,345.50 55 36 2575.519 12575.523 Disk Anchoring Wood Fiber Blanket, Type Regular6125 12.6 AC SY 35.00 0.901 AC SY 441.00 5,512.50 �_l 31.05 1.05 AC SY 391.23 6,431 .25 * CORRECTED TO SHOW MULTIPLICATION ERROR I I BAUERLY BROTHERS INC. BUFFALO BITUMINOUS Est. Unit Unit tem Description Qty. Unit Price Unit Extension Price Unit Extension 7 2575.523 Wood Fiber Blanket, Type High Velocity 5000 SY 1.35 SY 6,750.00 1.45 SY 7,250.00 8 12575.531 Commercial Fertilizer, 20-10-10 3.25 T 280.00 T 910.00 305.00 T 991.25 -otal Bid Schedule "B" $419,789.87 * $409,597.57 SUMMARY OF BIDDING: 3id Schedule "A" - Mississippi Shores Addition $147,956.00 $172,201.00 3id Schedule "B" - Island View & Arrowhead Additions $419,789.87 $409,597.57 - rL, -XL BID: $567,745.87 $581,798.57 )t329bid.wk4 CORRECTED TO SHOW ADDTION ERROR William 5. Radzwill idrew J. MacArthur Michael C. Couri April 17, 1996 RADZWILL & COUN Attorneys at Law 705 Central Avenue East PO Box 369 St. Midurel, MN 55376 (612) 497-1930 (612) 497-2599 (FAX) City Council Members City of Otsego c/o Elaine Beatty, City Clerk 8899 Nashua Avenue NE Elk River, MN 55330 p Lg(�� [2oer� APR 1 7X996 D � d RE: Council Consideration of Otsego Creek Watershed Project Dear Council Members: The matter of Council consideration of the proposed Otsego Creek Storm Sewer District project has been placed on the City Council agenda for April 22. The Council must determine whether or not the project should proceed any further. The hearing held on Monday, April 15 was much like an Improvement Hearing under the Minn. Stat. 429 procedures which you are familiar with. The decision whether to proceed or not does not have to be made at this meeting. It can be made anytime within six months after the date of the hearing. The Council has the authority to order all or any portion of the proposed project. The issue of the actual tax levy is separate from the decision to order the project and can be made at anytime between the time the project is ordered and the date that a levy must be certified to the County. This gives the City the option to wait until the actual costs have been determined before certifying the levy. If the Council decides to proceed with the project they should do so by resolution. If you decide not to go ahead a motion to effect should suffice. Another option is to simply not act on the matter at this time. CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF MINNESOTA ORDINANCE NO. 9 6 - 4 AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A STORM SEWER TAX IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT ENCOMPASSING PORTIONS OF THE GEOGRAPHICAL AREA OF THE NORTHWEST AREA WATERSHED. The City of Otsego ordains as follows: Section 1. Authority. The council is authorized by Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 444 to establish by ordinance a storm sewer improvement tax district within which the council may acquire, construct, reconstruct, extend, maintain, and otherwise improve storm sewer systems and related facilities within the district and within which the Council may levy a tax on all taxable property therein to finance the cost of such improvements, including maintenance and the payment of principal and interest on obligations issued in making such improvements. Section 2. Establishment of District. There is hereby established a Storm Sewer Improvement Tax District encompassing those delineated properties either wholly or partially within the geographical area designated as the Northwest Area Watershed and outlined on the attached Exhibit A, which is herein incorporated by reference. Section 3. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Otsego this 22nd day of April, 1996. Motion was made by Councilperson Ron Black and seconded by Councilperson Larry Fournier IN FAVOR: Norman F Freske, Mayor, Ron Black, Larry Fournier, Vern Heidner and Suzan Ackerman, Council Members OPPOSED: c. No One Norman F. Freske, Mayor elamine Beatty, City Clerk Publish: May 1, 1 9 9 6 Post: April 24, 1996 One West Water Street Suite 200 St. Paul, MN 55107 (612) 296-3767 Fax (612) 297-5615 Field Offices Northern Region: 394 S. Lake Avenue Room 403 Duluth, MN 55802 (218) 723-4752 Fax (218) 723-4794 3217 Bemidji Avenue N. Bemidji, MN 56601 (218) 755-4235 Fax (218) 755-4201 217 S. 7th Street Suite 202 nerd, MN 56401-3660 J 828-2383 rax (218) 828-6036 Southern Region: Highway 15 S. Box 756 New Ulm, MN 56073 (507) 359-6074 Fax (507) 359-6018 40 -16th Street SE Suite A Rochester, MN 55904 (507) 285-7458 Fax (507) 280-2875 Box 267 1400 E. Lyon Street Marshall, MN 56258 (507) 537-6060 Fax (507) 537-6368 Metro Region: One West Water Street Suite 250 St. Paul, MN 55107 (612) 282-9969 Fax (612) 297-5615 jai opportunity employer Printed on recycled paper Kerry Saxton, Office Manager Wright Soil and Water Conservation District 306C Brighton Avenue Buffalo, Minnesota 55313 Dear Mr. Saxton, I received your March 26, 1996 correspondence regarding Wetland Conservation Act (WCA) funding to LGUs and have reviewed your comments with John Jaschke, BWSR Wetlands Specialist. On behalf of the BWSR, we offer the following response: BWSR WCA base grants, annually allocated to counties via the Natural Resource Block Grant (NRBG) Program, are based on the estimated or potential amount of WCA activity. These grants are allocated upfront, before costs are incurred, and it is impossible for BWSR or LGUs to foretell the extent of actual annual LGU costs. Realizing that in some counties the WCA Base Grant was quite insufficient to cover actual local WCA costs, the BWSR, at their December, 1994 Meeting, endorsed a one- time 1995 WCA Challenge Grant opportunity to all counties. For the counties which applied, WCA base grants were closely reviewed and successful applicant's base grants were increased as their need was successfully demonstrated. However, the BWSR did not receive an application for these funds from Wright County. Currently, there are no plans for WCA base grant adjustments, however, further examination of this grant allocation in the future is likely. The BWSR must scrutinize all of their grant programs on a state-wide basis. In so doing, there are numerous methods that the BWSR could employ to more accurately and comprehensively compensate LGUs for their local costs of state programs. Among these methods are: voucher -reimbursement, flat -rate for services performed, annual challenge grants, competitive reimbursement grants, etc., all of which have associated higher administrative costs at the state and local levels and ultimately would reduce the amount of funds available state-wide at the local level for actual WCA administration. At the present, due to budgets and workloads, the current base grant allocation is authorized by the BWSR. In addition, the current base grant method promotes local budget planning, stability, control, and versatility, all of which are desired by LGUs and offset the shortfalls of this grant allocation method. The present and future administration of the WCA in Wright County is important to the BWSR. In early May of 1996, the BWSR will open the application period for FY 97 Local Water Plan (LWT) Challenge Grants. The BWSR would welcome a grant application from Wright County for potentially funding components of the local administration of the WCA. However, this LWP Challenge Grant does not provide for a WCA base grant increase. Yo truly'VA-,A— WaY6 Ze e)xm r Grants Coordinator c: Wright County Commissioners Administrator, City of Buffalo Greg Larson, Section Head H.%=wngh t. -'Administrator, City of Otsego John Jaschke, Wetlands Specialist Ron Harnack, Executive Director CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCEL ACTION AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: MEETING DATE 10. COUNCIL ITEMS: COUNCIL April 22,1996 6:30PM ITEM NUMBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION: PREPARED BY: 10.1.Consider Adopting A Job Performance Review Form Background: Attached is a job performance review form that I obtained from the City of Monticello. I have used it for the reviews of the Deputy Clerk and Secretary and liked the form. I would like the Council to consider adopting this form as the form we use for jab performance reviews. This form was made by the League of Minnesota Cities for Monticello. It worked well. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt the attached form as the form the City will use for1ob performance reviews. It works well to have the employee fill out a forrn as to their review and the farm is also filled out by the interviewer and it is a place to start the interview and a chance to expand €ram there. 10.2. Consider meeting date for Otsego Creek Authority Albertvil}e has asked for an Otsego Creek_ Autl_hority Meeting and Larry Fournier asked that this be on the agenda to set a date for same. Tbank you, CITY OF OTSEGO PERFORMANCE EVALUATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETION OF EVALUATION FORM FOR DEPARTMENT HEADS/ADMINISTRATION The purpose of this performance evaluation scale is to provide you, the rater, with an objective way of evaluating the performance of clerical staff. The rating scales which follow have been designed to help you rate performance in 25 areas which have been consistently identified as important aspects of the department head's job. The rating process is simple. Consider the individual to be rated and give a rating on each of the 25 aspects of performance. You will notice that each of the 25 aspects is defined for you. You will rate each person by describing how well the person typically performs each job aspect. You may not find statements that describe exactly the person being rated. You are, however, expected to use the statements given as reference points to guide your ratings. When rating the person, keep in mind the definition of the aspect being rated. You will notice that the rating scale is made up of a series of statements which have been numbered from "0" through "5". The purpose of the job performance examples is to tell you exactly what level of performance is indicated by the various points along the scale. In other words, we are trying to give you an idea of the behavior represented by a "5", a "411, a "3", a "2", or a "l". Choose one statement per page (per job criterion) which best describes the performance of the person being rated, and mark the appropriate category on the evaluation form. These instruction sheets can be kept by the rater for reference during the next evaluation period. PERSONNEL OFFICE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION FORM DATE: CITY OF OTSEGO DEPARTMENT HEADVADMINISTRATION Employee's Name: Completed By: Job Title: Department: Evaluation Period: SECTION 1 4a0) s a �aaa�a arc � �a x g mV JOB ASPECTS CHECK LIST 1. To 1 7/89 Ability to meet objectives. 2. Accuracy in reports recor s. 3. Pubri—ccontact-and service. 4. Ability to Plan/ability to organize. 5. Teaching/developing subordinates an associates. 6. Compat i ity communication with subordinates. 7. Ability to a egate coor mate. 8. Ability to meet deadlines. 9. Problem solving skills (quick decisions). 10. Compat ib 11 ity communications with supervisors. 11. Technical competence. 12. Credibility. 13. Flexr ility a aptability. 14. Ability to anticipate problems (foresight). 15. Dependabi ity reliability. 16. Accepts responsibility for actions and decisions. 17. Responsible maintenance and control of City property. 18. Budget management cost awareness. 19. Problem solving planned resolution of problems). 20. General communication skills - oral. 21. General communication skills - written. 22. Dedication extra effort -staying late, etc. . 23. Job knowledge. 24. Productivity. 25. Sensitivity to problems or needs of co-workers(job an non -fob related). 1 7/89 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION FORM DEPARTMENT HEADS/ADMINISTRATION SECTION 2 Explain each factor for which "outstanding or exceeds standards" was checked unless documented on previous report. Cite examples. SECTION 3 Explain each factor for which "below standards or unacceptable" was checked. Cite examples. SECTION 4 Comment on how weaknesses might be improved. SECTION 5 Employee comments concerning performance report (to be completed at time of review with employee). Rater's Signature Date Employee Signature Date (Your signature does not necessarily mean that you agree with the rating.) 2 7/89 CRITERION - ABILITY TO MEET OBJECTIVES: This element has to do with progressing toward a goal or goals; understanding what needs to be done to get from A to Z; structuring and coordinating efforts to achieve desired result. These statements describe persons who are usually rated outstanding on ability to meet objectives by most raters. These statements describe persons who are usually rated as exceeding job standards on ability to meet objectives by most raters. These statements describe persons who are usually rated as meeting job standards on ability to meet objectives by most raters. These statements describe persons who are usually rated below job standards on ability to meet objectives by most raters. 5. 4. Identifies challenges beyond goals and sets out to achieve them. Achieves positive results under adverse conditions. 3. Gets job done under normal conditions. Lays out a course of action easy for all to follow. Coordinates efforts of several employees. Has flexibility to adjust goals. Systematic approach to get from start to finish. 2. Tends to come up short. Frequently commits errors or omissions that compromise the objective as identified. Works totally independently such that completion of individual task may have no relationship to greater objective. These statements describe persons 1. who are usually rated as unacceptable on ability to meet objectives by most raters. 0. This criterion is not applicable or I have not had the opportunity to observe performance on this criterion. CRITERION - ACCURACY IN REPORTS/RECORDS: This job aspect involves recording and coordinating of data and information; may relate to technical data such as log books; may relate to dissemination of information in narrative reports; awareness that reports/records play a critical part in other decision-making. These statements describe persons who are usually rated outstanding on accuracy in reports/records by most raters. These statements describe persons who are usually rated as exceeding job standards on accuracy in reports/records by most raters. These statements describe persons who are usually rated as meeting job standards on accuracy in reports/records by most raters. These statements describe persons who are usually rated below job standards on accuracy in reports/ records by most raters. 5. 4. Duplicates and cross-references when data may be applicable to more than one topic. Provides written history of goal achievement. 3. Timely completion of data entry. Notes time and date and other pertinent information to entry. Data is delegated in appropriate file. Generally avoids abbreviations or "private notations" that would confuse another reader. Timely retrieval of data filed earlier. When in doubt concerning importance, saves the information. 2. Throws notes away or into a catch-all file. Misfiles under inappropriate or secondary subject. Scatters data to various files. Gaps in data evident; leaps from step 1 to step 4. These statements describe persons 1. who are usually rated as unacceptable on accuracy in reports/records by most raters. 0. This criterion is not applicable or I have not had the opportunity to observe performance on this criterion. CRITERION - PUBLIC CONTACT AND SERVICE: This element concerns courteous behavior with people; dealing with inquiries and complaints; providing necessary and useful information; conducting transactions; providing assistance; helping general public understand function/operation of City. These statements describe persons who are usually rated outstanding on public contact and service by most raters. These statements describe persons who are usually rated as exceeding job standards on public contact and service by most raters. These statements describe persons who are usually rated as meeting job standards on public contact and service by most raters. These statements describe persons who are usually rated below job standards on public contact and service by most raters. 5. 4. Demonstrates extra patience with angry or confused customers. Volunteers time and service for public demonstrations, speaking, etc. Publicly promotes assets. 3. Cheerful, pleasant manner. Provides detailed information and explanations on completing transactions. Offers samples/examples/copies of information customer might find helpful. Lends assistance to customer who has not or cannot fulfill his/her own obligations. Able to direct customer to better or correct source of information. Responds quickly to acknowledge customer's presence. 2. Rude comments and behavior. Interrupts customer. Appears bored or bothered by customer's "intrusion." Tends to respond with, "It's not my job" and "I don't know." These statements describe persons i. who are usually rated as unacceptable on public contact and service by most raters. Tends to be defensive, short tempered. 0. This criterion is not applicable or I have not had the opportunity to observe performance on this criterion. CRITERION - ABILITY TO PLAN/ABILITY TO ORGANIZE: This element involves identifying specific goals and the intermediate steps to achieve said goal; clarifying problems that may or will be encountered and their solutions; coordinating efforts to achieve plan without sacrificing efficient daily operations; identifying key personnel involved; presenting alternatives and their consequences. These statements describe persons who are usually rated as outstanding on ability to plan/ability to organize by most raters. These statements describe persons who are usually rated as exceeding job standards on ability to plan/ability to organize by most raters. 5. 4. Identifies required steps to achieve a specified goal. Can identify several alternatives to achieve goal, and recommend best course of action based on anticipated problems and available manpower. These statements describe persons 3. who are usually rated as meeting job standards on ability to plan/ ability to organize by most raters. These statements describe persons who are usually rated below job standards on ability to plan/ ability to organize by most raters. Clearly defines level of service to be provided. Allots time for breakdowns, interruptions, emergencies. Usually achieves goals on time and as planned. Conveys to staff clear instructions to fulfill plan and achieve goal. 2. Has difficulty establishing priorities and making assignments accordingly. Tends to assign whoever is free to a task. Task assignments are often disjointed bearing no relation to other tasks. Frequently falls behind in goal completion. These statements describe persons t. who are usually rated as unacceptable on ability to plan/ability to organize by most raters. 0. This criterion is not applicable or I have not had the opportunity to observe performance on this criterion. CRITERION - TEACHING/DEVELOPING SUBORDINATES AND ASSOCIATES: This aspect relates to allocating time to provide in-depth understanding of the job and the work; explaining the why and wherefor of operations; patience in the learning process; being open and available for questions and providing answers; encouraging expansion to new areas of responsibility. These statements describe persons who are usually rated outstanding on teaching/developing subordinates and associates by most raters. These statements describe persons who are usually rated as exceeding job standards on teaching/ developing subordinates and associates by most raters. These statements describe persons who are usually rated as meeting job standards on teaching/ developing subordinates and associates by most raters. These statements describe persons who are usually rated below job standards on teaching/developing subordinates and associates by most raters. 4. Provides resources where employee can expand understanding and ability. 3. Takes time to assure staff understanding of procedures and policies. Accepts errors of inexperience; attempts to explain how they can be avoided. Makes professional journals/ magazines available to entire staff. Explains tasks/objectives first, rather than mistakes afterwards. Conducts periodic discussion sessions to exchange techniques and ideas. 2. Assigns inexperienced staff to "solo" missions. These statements describe persons 1. who are usually rated as unacceptable on teaching/developing subordinates and associates by most raters. 0. This criterion is not applicable or I have not had the opportunity to observe performance on this criterion. CRITERION - COMPATIBILITY/COMMUNICATIONS WITH SUBORDINATES: This job element relates to the giving of information and direction to other employees; observing areas of difficulty; recognizing excellence and extra effort; being receptive to employee concerns; understanding the various roles of supervisor and subordinate. These statements describe persons who are usually rated outstanding on compatibility/communications with subordinates by most raters. These statements describe persons who are usually rated as exceeding job standards on compatibility/ communications with subordinates by most raters. These statements describe persons who are usually rated as meeting job standards on compatibility/ communications with subordinates by most raters. These statements describe persons who are usually rated below job standards on compatibility/ communications with subordinates by most raters. 5. 4. Gives praise and credit where due. Makes effort to be available in crisis situations. 3. Criticism is given to assist in job improvement. Provides clear, concise explanation of particular tasks and their relation to overall operation. Carefully observes work habits; watches for ups and downs in productivity; meets with employee to discuss. Follows through on employee concerns and complaints. Conducts "informal", oral appraisals keeps staff informed on how everything is going. Is candid and honest with staff; respects employees abilities and rights. 2. Tends to be condescending toward work force. Has difficulty working "with" staff; tends to lose control when not directing. Builds barriers. These statements describe persons 1. who are usually rated as unacceptable on compatibility/communications with subordinates by most raters. Reprimands employees in view of others. 0. This criterion is not applicable or I have not had the opportunity to observe performance on this criterion. CRITERION - ABILITY TO 0ELECATE/COORDINATE: of work; determining best employee for each within work schedules; planning so various lead to a desired result; deriving maximum These statements describe persons 5. who are usually rated outstanding on ability to delegate/coordinate by most raters. These statements describe persons 4. who are usually rated as exceeding job standards on ability to delegate/coordinate by most raters. These statements describe persons 3. who are usually rated as meeting job standards on ability to delegate/ coordinate by most raters. These statements describe persons who are usually rated below job standards on ability to delegate/ coordinate by most raters. This element concerns the assigning task; assigning multiple tasks assignments complement one another, production from self and others. Coordinates results rather than performance. Clearly recognizes manpower limitations. Keeps each task force at minimum number to effectively accomplish task; doesn't have two or three standing around. Assigns best person for each job. Keeps aware of progress on various tasks and their projected completions. Monitors quality of work performance. 2. Tends to assign work, but then stands over employee or does the work instead. Tends to over assign; delegates more work than can realistically be accomplished. Frequently re -assigns employee; takes employee off one job, puts on another. Loses sight of one's own responsibilities; tends to delegate that which should not be delegated. These statements describe persons 1. who are usually rated as unacceptable on ability to delegate/coordinate by most raters. 0. This criterion is not applicable or I have not had the opportunity to observe performance on this criterion. CRITERION - ABILITY TO MEET DEADLINES: This element involves timely completion of assigned or defined tasks, understanding that not completing tasks may have direct bearing on other tasks and objectives; planning and scheduling to get expected results without "last minute rush" to meet deadline. These statements describe persons 5. who are usually rated outstanding on ability to meet deadlines by most raters. These statements describe persons 4. Often completes task well who are usually rated as exceeding in advance to allow for review. job standards on ability to meet deadlines by most raters. These statements describe persons 3. Usually completes tasks on who are usually rated as meeting time. job standards on ability to meet Immediately gives notice if deadlines by most raters. time schedule must be disrupted due to unforeseen circumstances; projects a feasible alternate deadline. Provides occasional progress reports. These statements describe persons 2. Meets deadlines only because who are usually rated below job of continued prodding. standards on ability to meet Frequently waits till "last deadlines by most raters. day" then focuses all efforts on completion. Loses track of time; plans to get to it soon. If done on time, is frequently sub -standard. Displays an attitude that within a day or two is close enough. These statements describe persons i. who are usually rated as unacceptable on ability to meet deadlines by most raters. 0. This criterion is not applicable or I have not had the opportunity to observe performance on this criterion. CRITERION - PROBLEM SOLVING SKILLS (QUICK DECISIONS): This element involves specific problem definition in an urgent situation; assembling all available data; determining remedial action needed; relaying of all information to others as soon as possible; troubleshooting. These statements describe persons who are usually rated outstanding on quick decisions by most raters. These statements describe persons who are usually rated as exceeding job standards on quick decisions by most raters. These statements describe persons who are usually rated as meeting job standards on quick decisions by most raters. These statements describe persons who are usually rated below job standards on quick decisions by most raters. These statements describe persons who are usually rated as unacceptable on quick decisions by most raters. 5. 4. 3. Responds quickly using all available data. Able to identify quick fix to get through the crisis. After remedial action, immediately notifies others and begins planning for long-term solution. Remains composed in crisis; makes accurate determination of kind of problem and whether or not it requires quick fix. 2. Refuses to decide without consultation. Tends to panic; can't see a solution. Makes decisions based on a flip of a coin. 1. Consistently selects wrong alternative; overreacts; results of remedy usually create greater problem. 0. This criterion is not applicable or I have not had the opportunity to observe performance on this criterion. CRITERION - COMPATIBILITY/COMMUNICATIONS WITH SUPERVISORS: This job aspect relates to how one identifies his/her role with respect to role of supervisor; willingness to follow direction; willingness to relay concerns to supervisor; open, honest responses to questions; ability to tell supervisor you are unclear or confused about task, direction, etc. These statements describe persons who are usually rated outstanding on compatibility/communications with supervisors by most raters. These statements describe persons who are usually rated as exceeding job standards on compatibility/ communications with supervisors by most raters. These statements describe persons who are usually rated as meeting job standards on compatibility/ communications with supervisors by most raters. These statements describe persons who are usually rated below job standards on compatibility/ communications with supervisors by most raters. 5. 4. 3. Follows directions easily. Keeps supervisor informed of progres Requires or requests further informa tion if directives seem questionable Has ability to carry supervisor's instructions to co-workers. Recognizes problems when they occur and reacts and reports immediately. Maintains open, professional relationship with supervisor. Reports actions and results more than asks what to do. Seeks out clarification if presented with conflicting directive 2. Tells supervisor what they think they want to hear; a "yes" man. Strictly follows directions; no follow-up on either instructions or task. Doesn't seem to "hear" directions. Complains to public and co-workers about being unhappy with policies, supervisors, working conditions, etc These statements describe persons 1. who are usually rated as unacceptable on compatibility/communications with supervisors by most raters. Frequently challenges directives, often without sound rationale or alternative. Allows supervisor to discover information from others, second hand, rumors. Tends to "hide" items of minor concern, until they develop into major problems. 0. This criterion is not applicable or I have not had the opportunity to observe performance on this criterion. SOM CRITERION - TECHNICAL COMPETENCE: This aspect concerns the ability to perform with specialized tools and equipment; skills that are learned or acquired that are generally considered to be unique to municipal operations. These statements describe persons who are usually rated outstanding on technical competence by most raters. These statements describe persons who are usually rated as exceeding job standards on technical competence by most raters. These statements describe persons who are usually rated as meeting job -standards on technical competence by most raters. These statements describe persons who are usually rated below job standards on technical competence by most raters. S. 4. Inventive to create or adapt equipment and tools for special needs. Seeks out education opportunities to improve skills. Frequently refers to manuals and other reference material to expand ability to utilize equipment. 3. Displays proficiency in the use of equipment and tools. Demonstrates knowledge of the limits of expectation from equipment and tools. 2. Seems confused and inept. Unfamiliar with specialty tools, both in name and use. These statements describe persons 1. who are usually rated as unacceptable on technical competence by most raters. 0. This criterion is not applicable or I have not had the opportunity to observe performance on this criterion. CRITERION - CREDIBILITY: This element relates to one's actions following through from one's words; following through on statements; consistent application of rules and regulations to both public and other employees; demonstrating one's intent to achieve stated goals. These statements describe persons who are usually rated outstanding on credibility by most raters. These statements who are usually job standards on most raters. These statements who are usually job standards on by most raters. describe persons rated as exceeding credibility by describe persons rated as meeting credibility These statements describe persons who are usually rated below job standards on credibility by most raters. These statements describe persons who are usually rated as unacceptable on credibility by most raters. 5. 4. Finds it necessary to honor his/her word, even if it means a personal sacrifice. 3. Promptly responds to inquiries. Admits "I don't know" when he/she doesn't, in fact, know the answer. Demonstrates consistent application of rules. Actions match promises. Others demonstrate a trust in this person's word. 2. Overextends self on commitments. Frequently apologetic for shortcomings. 0. This criterion is not applicable or I have not had the opportunity to observe performance on this criterion. CRITERION - FLEXIBILITY/ADAPTABILITY: This element relates to the need to use alternative methods to solve problems, address issues; recognizing unique conditions requiring unique actions, when and if compromise is necessary; being receptive to innovative techniques. These statements describe persons who are usually rated outstanding on flexibility/adaptability by most raters. These statements describe persons who are usually rated as 'exceeding job standards on flexibility/ adaptability by most raters. These statements describe persons who are usually rated as meeting job standards on flexibility/ adaptability by most raters. These statements describe persons who are usually rated below job standards on flexibility/adapt- ability by most raters. 5. 4. Demonstrates desire to learn things beyond strict definition of job. 3. Displays receptiveness to new techniques when needed. Identifies ways to change existing method for improvement. Is able to "switch horses" as need arises. Reacts quickly to "one time only" situations; addresses it and then resumes standard operations. Actively participates in the discussion and evaluation of new processes. Can comfortably compromise without abandoning principles. Can bend without breaking. Alert to sensitive issues and personal. Openly suggests to others, including supervisors, that a new way might be more beneficial. Receptive to suggestions of others; willing to try something before dismissing as unworkable. 2. Frequently expresses the sentiment, "We never did it that way before." Exerts less effort in a new situation. Frequently complains that things are always changing; "How can they expect me to do my work when it's never the same." Lives by "a rule is a rule, no exceptions please." Tends to incorporate only part of new.process. Mixes old and new, even when directed to do otherwise. These statements describe persons �• who are usually rated as unacceptable on flexibility/adaptability by most raters. D• This criterion is not applicable or I have not had the opportunity to observe performance on thi3 criterion. CRITERION - ABILITY TO ANTICIPATE PROBLEMS (FORESIGHT): This job aspect has to do with recognizing those things which, if left unattended, could lead to problems; analysis of current situation; determining when problem might occur if not addressed. These statements describe persons who are usually rated outstanding on foresight by most raters. These statements who are usually job standards on most raters. These statements who are usually job standards on most raters. describe persons rated as exceeding foresight by describe persons rated as meeting foresight by These statements describe persons who are usually rated below job standards on foresight by most raters. These statements describe persons who are usually rated as unacceptable on foresight by most raters. 5. 4. Displays comprehensive knowledge of City operation and of "cause and effect" relationship. Encourages and executes extensive preventative maintenance programs. 3. Consistently reviews records to discover troubling trend. Knows desired end result, and what will interfere with achieving that result. Promptly relates to supervisor potential problem and the related details. 2. Person works only on today's tasks. Ignores warning signs. Attempts to cover up problems, hopes they'll go away. Frequently works under crisis or in a state of emergency. 0. This criterion is not applicable or I have not had the opportunity to observe performance on this criterion. CRITERION - DEPENDABILITY/RELIABILITY: This part of the job relates meeting the expectations of the City and co-workers; contributing to, and supplementing the efforts of others; consistent accomplishing of These statements describe persons who are usually rated outstanding on dependability/reliability by most raters. These statements describe persons who are usually rated as exceeding job standards on dependability/ reliability by most raters. These statements describe persons who are usually rated as meeting job standards on dependability/ reliability by most raters. These statements describe persons who are usually rated below job standards on dependability/ reliability by most raters. to complementing tasks. 4. Cheerfully assumes extra duties in an emergency. Readily volunteers for a unique task or a special assignment. 3. Timely completion of tasks. Knows importance of own role to successful operation of City, and fulfills that role. Contributes to effort in a time crisis. Does own job only; gone by quitting time. 2. Late with tasks, thereby affecting others ability to complete tasks. Frequently takes on tasks, but loses interest. Often gets sidetracked and leaves tasks incomplete. Frequently offers excuses for work undone; tends to blame everyone and everything else. These statements describe persons 1. who are usually rated as unacceptable on dependability/reliability by most raters. 0. This criterion is not applicable or I have not had the opportunity to observe performance on this criterion. CRITERION - ACCEPTS RESPONSIBILITY FOR ACTIONS AND DECISIONS: This element concerns the amount of personal responsibility taken for the completion of work and the related decision; the amount of work progress without direct supervision; willingness to work through barriers toward desired result; accountability for results. These statements describe persons who are usually rated outstanding on accepting responsibility for actions and decisions by most raters. These statements describe persons who are usually rated as exceeding job standards on accepting responsibility for actions and decisions by most raters. These statements describe persons who are usually rated as meeting job standards on accepting responsibility for actions and decisions by most raters. 5. 4. 3. Promptly begins day's work without waiting for specific direction. Identifies priority of tasks and decides on a course of action to complete. Openly admits errors in judgement. Identifies self (as a supervisor) as ultimately responsible for staff production, e.g., their problems are his/her problems. These statements describe persons 2. who are usually rated below job standards on accepting responsibility for actions and decisions by most raters. Makes excuses for incomplete work. Frequently seeks out supervisors to confirm or approve a decision before any action is taken. These statements describe persons 1. Blames others for problems. who are usually rated as unacceptable on accepting responsbility for actions and decisions by most raters. 0. This criterion is not applicable or I have not had the opportunity to observe performance on this criterion. CRITERION - RESPONSIBLE MAINTENANCE AND CONTROL OF CITY PROPERTY: This element concerns the conscientious care of tools, equipment, supplies and structures; taking time to care for City property; utilizing appropriate clean-up methods after task completion; making an effort to extend the useful life of property; watching for trouble spots. These statements describe persons 5. who are usually rated outstanding on responsible maintenance and control of City property by most raters. These statements describe persons 4. who are usually rated as exceeding job standards on responsible maintenance and control of City property by most raters. These statements describe persons who are usually rated as meeting job standards on responsible maintenance and control of City property by most raters. These statements describe persons who are usually rated below job standards on responsible maintenance and control of City property by most raters. 3. Exercises reasonable precautions in care of City property. Identifies wear of property and takes steps to repair. Treats equipment as if his/her own. Encourages thorough use of disposable supplies; watches for waste. Ensures security of buildings and contents to prevent theft. Maintains an inventory of tools and equipment. Keeps maintenance files. 2. Tools and equipment frequently left lying about. Must frequently replace specific items due to loss. Attempts to utilize damaged equipment rather than repair or replace. These statements describe persons 1. who are usually rated as unacceptable on responsible maintenance and control of City property by most raters. 0. This criterion is not applicable or I have not had the opportunity to observe performance on this criterion. CRITERION - BUDGET MANAGEMENT/COST AWARENESS: This job aspect concerns understanding municipal financial procedures; ability to perform cost vs. benefit analysis; long-range purchasing plans; recognizing improper purchasing procedures; achieving a defined level of service within budgetary constraints. These statements describe persons who are usually rated outstanding on budget management/cost awareness by most raters. These statements describe persons who are usually rated as exceeding job standards on budget management/ cost awareness by most raters. These statements describe persons who are usually rated as meeting job standards on budget management/ cost awareness by most raters. These statements describe persons who are usually rated below job standards on budget management/ cost awareness by most raters. 5. 4. 3. Has ability to project payback periods. Accurately projects annual needs and adheres to approved expenditure limits. Establishes a long-range capital improvement plan. Maintains quality inventory control. Makes purchases on an as -needed basis. Investigates options with respect to equipment and/or methods to find most cost efficient. Uses, and encourages others to utilize, cost saving measures; e.g., turn off lights, turn down heat, close the door, etc. Emergency measures notwithstanding, consistently comes in at or under budget. 2. Frequently expends funds for items other than identified in budget. Purposely over-estimates budget requests to ensure plenty of money. These statements describe persons 1. who are usually rated as unacceptable on budget management/cost awareness by most raters. 0. This criterion is not applicable or I have not had the opportunity to observe performance on this criterion. CRITERION - PROBLEM SOLVING (PLANNED RESOLUTION OF PROBLEMS): This element involves specific definition of the problem, assembly of available information, data or facts, review, analysis and evaluation of information; formulation of alternatives and anticipated results of each; application of logic and other decision making principles in selecting a preferred alternative; sharing decision with others. These statements describe persons who are usually rated outstanding on planned resolution of problems by most raters. These statements describe persons who are usually rated as exceeding job standards on planned resolution of problems by most raters. These statements describe persons who are usually rated as meeting job standards on planned resolution of problems by most raters. These statements describe persons who are usually rated below job standards on planned resolution of problems by most raters. These statements describe persons who are usually rated below job standards on planned resolution of problems by most raters. 5. 4. 3. Breaks down problem into its simplest component parts and addresses each. Draws from background to review relevant data. Takes solutions to others for their reactions; seeks out additional thoughts and possibilities. Plans ahead. 2. Overwhelmed by the size and complexity of the problem; turns it over to someone else. Tries to avoid dealing with problems; can't see them developing. Sees one solution only; does not evaluate; forces the method, right or wrong. Identifies only a part of the problem; cannot see any relation to other City operations. Does not investigate alternate solutions; first step is always to take it to someone else for their thoughts. 0 0. This criterion is not applicable or I have not had the opportuni' to observe performance on this criterion. CRITERION - GENERAL COMMUNICATION SKILLS clear expression of thoughts and ideas; understanding replies and/or directions These statements describe persons who are usually rated outstanding on oral communication skills by most raters. These statements describe persons who are usually rated as exceeding job standards on oral communication skills by most raters. These statements describe persons who are usually rated as meetin job standards on oral communication skills by most raters. These statements describe persons who are usually rated below job standards on oral communication skills by most raters. - ORAL: This element involves ability to listen and share information; from others. 5. 4. Frequently repeats in paraphrase to verify understandin Provides detail crucial to understanding, but eliminates excess baggage. 3. Thinks before speaking. Attampts to make explanations in a clear sequential order. 2. Wordy, windy, redundant - loves to listen to self talk. Acknowledges clear understanding, but acts in a totally contrary manner. Tends to finish other speaker's sentence or begins own speech be -'ore other is finished. Often gets muddled, saying "you know what I mean?"; tends to ramble on with no direction; avoids or misses the point. These statements describe persons 1. who are usually rated as unacceptable on oral communication skills by most raters. 0. This criterion is not applicable or I have not had the opportunity to observe performance on this criterion. CRITERION - GE+YERAL COMMUNICATION SKILLS - WRITTEN: This element involves composition of reports, letters, memos, proposals and other documents; use of principles of writing such as clarity, brevity, accuracy, and logic. These statements describe persons 5. who are usually rated outstanding on written communication skills by most raters. These statements describe persons 4. Can quickly prepare necessary who are usually rated as exceeding correspondence. job standards on written Carefully selects vocabulary communication skills by most raters. to convey concise meaning without becoming overly complex. These statements describe persons who are usually rated as meeting lob standards on written communication skills by most raters. These statements describe persons who are usually rated beljob standards on written communication skills by most raters. 3. Understands and uses sound grammar. Accurate spelling. Assures that crucial points are covered without excessive verbiage. Avoids excessive use of colloquialisms and slang. Writes technical manuals only when necessary, otherwise stays with what will be understood by reader. 2. Tends to ignore recipient; writes one way only. These statements describe persons 1. who are usually rated as unacceptable on written communication skills by most raters. 0. This criterion is not applicable or I have not had the opportunity to observe performance on this criterion. CRITERION - DEDICATION (EXTRA EFFORT -STAYING LATE, ETC.): This element involves recognizing a specific need and/or emergency; willingness to assist in resolving the issue; occasionally relates to deadlines or adjustments in deadlines. These statements describe persons 5• who are usually rated outstanding on dedication by most raters. These statements describe persons who are usually rated as exceeding job standards on dedication by most raters. These statements describe persons who are usually rated as meeting job standards on dedication by most rat__ These statements describe persons who are usually rated below job standards on dedication by most raters. These statements describe persons who are usually rated as unacceptable on dedication by most raters. q. Willingness to stay late to complete urgent or unexpected task. Alert to time demands of others - offers to stay late to assist. Readily accepts (occasionally volunteers for) a task that is not in any job description; the kind of unplanned, unexpected occurrence. Will readily utilize or "loan to the City" a personal tool, piece of equipment, etc., to get through a crisis. Responds to City demands on personal time, e.g., will make a short side trip for City reasons while on a personal errand. 3. Adjusts well to deadline changes. Shows attitude of being happy to assist rather than a "you owe me" attitude. Conveys an attitude that the job and the business of the City is important. 2. Displays an "it can wait" attitude. 0. This criterion is not applicable or I have not had the opportunity to observe performance on this criterion. CRITERION - JOB KNOWLEDGE: This element involves having a clear understanding of the nature of work tasks unique to the position; how this position relates to departmental operations and the overall functioning of the City. These statements describe persons 5. who are usually rated outstanding on job knowledge by most raters. These statements describe persons 4. Stays current with new findings, who are usually rated as exceeding methods, etc., in field; attempts job standards on job knowledge to become familiar and incorporate. by most raters. These statements describe persons 3.' Knows duties as outlined in who are usually rated as meeting job description. job standards on job knowledge Knows co-workers duties well by most raters. enough to perform them efficiently. Accurately completes assigned duties and tasks. Has underlying comprehension of why task is essential and how it relates to overall operation. Can pass job understanding to public and peers. Knows what resources are available for reference and problems/questions. These statements describe persons 2. Unaware of duties and who are usually rated below job responsibilities. standards on job knowledge Repeated asking of questions. by most raters. Constant requests for further assistance. Needs constant reminders of processes. These statements describe persons 1. Repeated incorrect performance of who are usually rated as unacceptable tasks; high occurrence of on job knowledge by most raters. error and correction. 0. This criterion is not applicable or I have not had the opportunity to observe performance on this criterion. r CRITERION - PRODUCTIVITY: This job aspect relates to completing activities in an acceptable amount of time; identifying that a task can be completed in a specified period of time; moving on to additional tasks. These statements describe persons who are usually rated outstanding on productivity by most raters. These statements describe persons who are usually rated as exceeding job standards on productivity by most raters. These statements describe persons who are usually rated as meeting job standards on productivity by most raters. These statements describe persons who are usually rated below job standards on productivity by most raters. These statements describe persons who are usually rated as unacceptable on productivity by most raters. 5. 4. Special projects are blended right into everyday work load, jeopardizing neither. Special projects proceed steadily to completion. 3. Work load is held at a relatively consistent level. Identifies product/productivity as a standard of excellence to be.achieved through ordinary means rather than extraordinary effort. 2. energy used is substantial, results are few. Projects are frequently abandoned then rejuvenated at a later time. Does precisely as assigned with little regard for next activity. 0. This criterion is not applicable or I have not had the opportunity to observe performance on this criterion. CRITERION - SENSITIVITY TO PROBLEMS OR NEEDS OF CO-WORKERS (JOB AND NON -JOB RELATED): This aspect involves awareness of problems or needs that can affect job performance; keeping the "human element" in the work place; understanding stress situations. These statements describe persons who are usually rated outstanding on sensitivity to problems or needs of co-workers by most raters. These statements describe persons who are usually rated as exceeding job standards on sensitivity to problems or needs of co-workers by most raters. These statements describe persons who are usually rated as meeting job standards on sensitivity to problems or needs of co-workers by most raters. These statements describe persons who are usually rated below job standards on sensitivity to problems or needs of co-workers by most raters. 5. 4. Quickly identifies diminishing job performance and meets with employee. Listens intently to employee concerns. Displays ability to "open -up" about one's own stresses; lends assurance to employee that problems are real for everyone, but can be handled. 3. Identifies when problems may need greater professional help; encourages employee to seek additional assistance. Defends employee in face of unwarranted attacks and cri, sW; is supportive of staff. Recognizes and anticipates stress situations and takes steps to alleviate. 2. Emphasizes work results only; advises employee to hurry up and get it together because work is suffering. Tends to become a counselor; wants to "fix" everybody else. These statements describe persons 1. who are usually rated as unacceptable on sensitivity to problems or needs of co-workers by most raters. 0. This criterion is not applicable or I have not had the opportunity to observe performance on this criterion. 7 1 1 1 i Claims List for Approval For the period 04/09/96 to 04/18/96 1� TO WHOM PAID FOR WHAT PURPOSE DATE NUMBER __ CLAIM I'sl ICMA RETIREMENT TRUST DEFERRED COMP -PAY PERIOD 4/6/96 04/09/96 1473 425.1E 6 _ [JI IQI 1 5 -NPI QVCCG RFI X!RrmMFi0 T a,cv � :„vr��r, 1 `NMB EMPc6YEEi'E!1('t8i'Eft-SHARE 47'97'409470997'96r1: 4'7'4 --�-�s of 1111 I ; , 113 114, 16 t7 1s so .. u 23 24 ELAINE BEATTYMEDICAL REIMBURSEMENT-`SEC't,'N 125 04/09/96 1477 371.50 7 AFFORDABLE SANITATION TOILET RENTAL 04/18/96 1478 106.50 BOISE CASCADE OFFICE PRODUCTS TONER KIT AND GENERAL SUPPLIES 04/18/96 1480 378.42 12a C & H DISTRIBUTORS DUCT AND BLOWER 04/18/96 1481 579.38 30 32 t482 228.78 ( 3J HAKANSON ANDERSON ASSOC INO MARCH ENGINEERING 04/18/96 1483 25,010.19 1• 37 3i 36 7D I I .+ 14oI 141 !421 43 u 45 47 HAKANSON ANDERSON ASSOC INC FINAL PAYMENT 94-4 88TH STREET 04/18/96 1484 831.66 METROPOLITAN GRAVEL CO INC PEDAL 04/18/96 1485 60.51 4e 4P eo. -.i CITY OF MONTICELLO ANIMAL CONTROL CHGS & FIRE CONTRACT 04/18/96 1487 1,813.50 smowfieEft:0 TIMES- Filuotfe fieffee 04/,18/,96 1488 lot .09 e— NORTHERN AIRGAS OXYGEN 04/18/96 1489 11.23 1s� NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS MARCH SERVICES 04/18/96 1490 5,019.53 Claims List for Approval 31 - Y32 :33 'r 137 .. _ 1``39 )i4t (/ 14"Let� 7 143 - '43 46 1147 140 4 1 � S01 t 131 � IS I .33 s4 SSj ass I -- For the period 04/09/96 to 04/18/96 4 FOR WHAT PURPOSE DATE NUMBER CLAIM s 6 TO WHOM PAID 7 1 L f'T IJ 1 ttl 2� 131 1 t4 3 1° RINKE-NOONAN MARCH LEGAL SERVICES 04/18/96 1492 5,309.06 361.8C 1e SOUTHHAM BUSINES COMM USA INC AD FOR BIDS -ISLAND VIEW & MISS.SHRS 04/18/96 1493 WRIGHT COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPT SALT/SAND MIX, SALT,INSP.BOOK5 Y"' 04/18/96 1494 1,423.91 )izo .z l u WRIGHT COUNTY RECORDER RECORD FEES 04/18/96 04/18/96 1495 1496 39.00 400.00 I;z3l 124 VALERIE HOFMEIRECO STER REFUND DEPOSIT 1u �j27 46,678. TOTAL FOR TOTAL YEAR TO DATE 102,905. ["1 )1291 31 - Y32 :33 'r 137 .. _ 1``39 )i4t (/ 14"Let� 7 143 - '43 46 1147 140 4 1 � S01 t 131 � IS I .33 s4 SSj ass I --