05-13-96 CCCITY OF OTSEGO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA CITY COUNCIL MEETING 6:30 PM COUNCIL CHAMBERS OTSEGO CITY HALL MAY 13, 1996 Vice Mayor Larry Fournier called the May 13, 1996 City Council Meeting to order at 6:35 PM. Roll Call: Larry Fournier, Vern Heidner, Ron Black, Suzanne Ackerman Mayor Norman F. Freske arrived late. Staff: Andrew MacArthur, City Attorney; Bob Kirmis, Assistant Planner; Larry Koshak, City Engineer; Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator; Phyllis Cokley, Business and Finance Director; Judy Hudson, Deputy Clerk. I Consider Agenda Approval CM Black recommended moving Item 9, Engineering, prior to Item 8, Legal, since the City Attorney will be retained for the Closed Meeting. CM Black also requested the addition under Item 9.4. Discussion of 62nd Street in regards to the 101 Construction Project. CM Heidner requested the addition under Item 7.6. City Council Discussion of Home Extended Ordinance Update. CM Black motioned to adopt the May 13, 1996 City Council Agenda as amended. Seconded by CM Heidner. All in favor. Motion carried. 3.1. A ri 122, 1996 - CC Minutes CM Black motioned to adopt the April 22, 1996 City Council Minutes. Seconded by CM Heidner. All in favor. Motion carried. 3.2. A rip '1 25„_] 996 - Board of Review CM Heidner motioned to adopt the April 25, 1996 Board of Review Minutes. Seconded by CM Ackerman. CM Black requested to table the motion pending review by the City Assessor. Seconded by CM Heidner. All in favor. Motion carried. 4_Special Presentations. - 4. 1 resentations:4.1 _ Pastor Greg Pagh Presentation on Community Youth Task Force Pastor Pagh previously distributed copies of the Report and Recommendations of Building Healthy Communities, The Community Youth Task Force, dated April 1996. Pastor Pagh gave a summary of this report highlighting the five (5) key areas of concern: Transportation, Non -Sport activities, Adult Mentor, Space and Partnerships. Otsego City Council Meeting of May 13, 1996, cont'd. Page 2. Chris Kelly, a Senior at Elk River High School briefly reviewed Asset Number 5: Other Adult Communication and Asset 7: Positive School Climate. CM Black asked Ms. Kelly if the percentages shown in the Report are reflective of this community. Ms. Kelly replied the percentages refer to School District 728. CM Heidner asked her how District 728 percentages compared with the national level. She reported 728 was below average for Music and Other Activities and were above national level for two assets. Pastor Pagh noted the national numbers weren't put in the report because they wanted the community leaders to look at this community's numbers. He also reported the Elk River Star News will be focusing on one asset per week. In conclusion, Pastor Pagh reported seeing cooperation between youth ministers. They recently held an event at the Vandenberg School and over 640 youth turned out. At this point in the meeting, Mayor Freske arrived. 5. Open Forum: There were none. 6_ Consent Agenda 6.1. Deferred Assessment CM Heidner motioned to remove Item 6.1. from the Consent Agenda. Seconded by CM Ackerman. All in favor. Motion carried. CM Heidner was concerned with the substantial differences in dollar amounts for the different options. Mr. MacArthur, City Attorney, reported an Assessment Search was never done on this parcel which is normally done at the time ownership is changed and usually is paid off at that time. The City has the ability to collect the highest amount of interest which was 11.1% at the time the assessment was levied. CM Black motioned to adopt staff recommendation of Option 3, Owner paying the unpaid balance of $1,725.76 plus the amount of interest the other benefiting properties paid of $1,101.67 for a total of $2,827.43 plus additional accumulated interest from the end of the ten year period to 1996 at the rate of 8% for a total of $3,561.74. Seconded by CM Heidner. Voting for the motion: Mayor Freske, CM Black, CM Ackerman, CM Fournier Voting against the motion: CM Heidner Motion carried four to one. (Discussion occurred between the motion being made and the actual vote) Discussion: CM Heidner stated he is not favor of this and with staff went over the interest calculations. He felt this should between the owners and the City is losing over $5,000 on this and the public should not be penalized for the owners oversight. Otsego City Council Meeting of May 13, 1996, cont'd. Page 3. CM Black recommended for staff to develop a policy for the deferred assessments to use from this point forward. He stated the policy should show deferred assessments should be charged the rate of interest that the City assessed. CM Black motioned to direct staff to develop a policy for unpaid assessments for the City of Otsego and to include annual review of deferred assessments.. Seconded by CM Fournier. All in favor. Motion carried. 7.1. Consider Final Plat for Heritage Plains Staff Report Bob Kirmis, Assistant City Planner, went over the NAC Report dated May 7, 1996. NAC recommended approval of the Final Plat subject to the ten (10) conditions listed in the attached report. Larry Koshak, City Engineer, referred to his attached May 9, 1996 letter outlining his comments and concerns. Mr. Koshak recommended approval of the Final Plat with the conditions he outlined in his letter. Action CM Black motioned approval of Heritage Plains Final Plat subject to the ten (10) conditions outlined in the May 7 1996 NAC Report and to incorporate the City Engineer's comments outlined in his May 9, 1996 letter. Seconded by CM Heidner. All in favor. Motion carried. (Discussion occurred between the motion being made and the actual vote) Discussion: CM Fournier questioned the NAC Condition Number 7, requiring all front yards of lots be sod. Mr. Kirmis responded this is part of the justification for the PUD, being part of the trade-off for the narrower lots. There is also additional storm water ponding. The developer is going beyond normal requirements. 7.2. Consider Final Plat for Sorensen Ridge Staff Report Bob Kirmis went over the attached NAC Report of May 7, 1996. He recommended approval of the Final Plat for Sorensen Ridge subject to the eight (8) conditions outlined in his report, which he went over. Action CM Fournier motioned to approve the Final Plat for Sorensen Ridge subject to the conditions in the Planned Unit Development Zoning and Subdivision Agreement. and subject to the neighboring residents receiving their Quit Claim Deeds. Seconded by CM Black. All in favor. Motion carried. (Discussion occurred between the motion being made and the actual vote) Otsego City Council Meeting of May 13, 1996, cont'd. Page 4. Discussion: CM Black asked who is the owner of Outlot A. The Developer, Chris Bulow, said this lays on the frontage street and will go as a Public ROW. CM Heidner said the residents have not received their Quit Claim Deeds. Mr. Bulow said they are ready and he has the purchase agreements. CM Black and CM Fournier both agreed to put into the motion approval is subject to the Quit Claim Deeds being provided to the residents. CM Heidner questioned the irregular shape of the cul-de-sac with concerns of maintenance problems and if the bordering residents will have access. Mr. Koshak noted this is just the ROW and the cul-de-sac will be of normal design and the residents will have access. 7.3. Consider Floyd and Beverly Roden Conditional use Permit to allow the following* 1. The transfer of property rights on a oneep r 40 split. Staff Report Mr. Kirmis went over the Planning Commission Recommendation as outlined in the Findings of Fact which is attached. He noted the Planning Commission recommended shifting the proposed site 1,300 feet to either the West or the corner of CSAH 19. The lot in question is isolated and is in contrary to the ordinance, which states clustered lots. Action CM Black motioned to approve the Planning Commission recommendation for a Conditional use Permit to allow a "one per forty" transfer of development rights in an A-1 Zoning District and subject to the stipulations outlined in the Findings of Fact. Seconded by CM Fournier. All in favor. Motion carried. (Discussion occurred between the motion being made and the actual vote) Discussion: CM Heidner asked how will the determination be made regarding the shifting of the lot location. Mr. Koshak said he will do a site visit, reviewing the drainage and septic issues. The applicant, Floyd Roden, stated the Engineer will see the purpose of this location when he reviews the site. Staff Report Mr. Kirmis went over the Planning Commission Recommendation of Approval as outlined in the attached Findings of Fact and Decision. Otsego City Council Meeting of May 13, 1996, cont'd. Page 5. Action CM Heidner motioned to adopt the Planning Commission Recommendation for approval of a Pole Building with total accessory storage space to exceed 2,000 square feet and allowing more than one detached accessory building. Seconded by CM Black. All in favor. Motion carried. 7.5_ Discussion of Immediate Service Area Line Change (Cont. from 4-22-96) The City Attorney, Andrew MacArthur, referred to his letter dated April 29, 1996 to the Council. In meeting with the developers, the concern he has and also a concern of the Planner is the use of a PUD. The PUDs allowed have been for the in -fill areas and are justifiable. There must be a rationale for rezoning or a PUD. Direction is needed for sewer in a form of a Resolution that the area needs sewer, a conception of indication that this area will be sewer'd for basis in consideration for moving either the Line or a PUD. The problem in the area, if a PUD is approved, there could be other PUD requests. Larry Koshak stated that as far as pollution issues, he wouldn't recommend opening a large area without a commitment for sewer. Therefore, the essential element is the commitment for sanitary sewer. Moving the line would require a commitment for sewer. Also in moving the line would trigger other issues and would have to have Comprehensive Plan revision, a sewer map would need to be provided, some type of agreement for how developers would develop i.e. cluster systems, special conditions for storm water runoff. He could support moving the line as long as other issues are done in an orderly fashion. Mayor Freske agreed with this and stated the City needs to move forward. Mr. MacArthur said this puts the staff level in a difficult position noting the comprehensive plan was done with the intention of receiving services from Elk River. The Comp. Plan hasn't been changed and developers are constantly asking. CM Black stated he feels this is totally inappropriate until there is justification to support it and there has to be some type of analysis done. He is also concern that this has never been discussed by the sewer committee. He referred to a memo recently received that the consulting engineering firm will be issuing the final report on the sewer plant and he is not prepared to make any moves until that report is received and felt that any decisions made now would be premature. CM Ackerman agreed with CM Black and would like to hold off on this until the sewer report is received. CM Heidner stated the initial sewer study did not show trunk lines along 70th Street and could be up to 20 years before sewer gets there. He stated he would be in favor in moving the line south to 70th Street and along 101. CM Fournier agreed with most of the comments made. He went on to say that in moving the Immediate Service Line is a long process and if the sewer plant goes in where the City is thinking, the area being discussed would receive sewer sooner (5 years). He stated he would support a PUD because of the property's location and could address sewer problems with suggestions from the City Engineer, like a cluster system. His suggestion was to approach this as a PUD. Otsego City Council Meeting of May 13, 1996, cont'd. Page 6. CM Heidner agreed but can't see the rationalization of guaranteeing the City provides sewer for the basis of giving a PUD. CM Black asked the City Engineer how does Frankfort address this type of situation isn't that a cluster system and Frankfort doesn't have a commitment for sewer for that part of the Township. Mr. Koshak said Frankfort does have this situation and the concept of a cluster system is that sewer would come in, they also have water. It was a concept that everyone felt was acceptable at the time. He also noted the systems must be taken care of. This isn't a common situation but an exception, if there was a prospect of having sewer in the future this is something that could be done, with a limitation of 10 to 15 years. CM Heidner asked what size lot would be allowed for this. Mr. Kirmis said one-half acre. Mr. Koshak said a PUD can have a mix of lot sizes. CM Heidner said if this would go with cluster systems, there are half acre lots, the drainfield would be on undeveloped land and who would own it. Mr. Koshak replied this can be done through an association or the City would be involved. Once sewer is available, the lot where the drainfield was could possibly have a house on it. CM Fournier said that as far as where we are heading regarding sewer, at this point it is difficult because the final sewer study isn't it. He suggests the applicant approach as a PUD. CM Black motioned that there be no change of the Immediate Service Line at this time, but reconsidered when the appropriate justification is there. Seconded by CM Ackerman. Voting For the motion: CM Black, CM Ackerman, CM Heidner Voting Against the motion: CM Fournier and Mayor Freske. Motion carried three (3) to two (2). (Discussion occurred between the motion being made and the actual vote) Discussion: CM Heidner questioned if the intent of the motion is just not to move the line at this time. CM Black said yes it is just for at this time needing more analysis and study time. CM Fournier stated the motion is not necessary and will not support it. CM Black clarified that the staff recommendation is asking for a decision if the Council feels a line change for the Immediate Service Area is appropriate at this time and the motion is the response. He feels that when it is appropriate and the justification is there then yes. CM Fournier agreed and asked for this to be included in the motion. CM Black and CM Ackerman agreed. 7.6_ Any other Planning Business, Home Extended Update: CM Heidner went over the history of the Home Extended Business Ordinance Amendment. The intent of the amendment was to have one non - relative employee and be able to move into a detached accessory building. He went over the proposed changes and would like to have Staff incorporate these into Section 28. All these changes were brought up at a previous hearing and therefore an Otsego City Council Meeting of May 13, 1996, cont'd. Page 7. another Public Hearing is not needed. Staff will put together a review draft copy. 8- Andy MacArthur, City Attorney, 8.1_ Discussion of Feedlot imposed ordinance - Consider continuation of Moratorium for same - The me.The City Attorney stated there is a time schedule concern and a possibility that this will have to be reheard. He presented the Council with a Resolution adopting an interim ordinance similar to the ordinance in place. The current moratorium is over on June 6, 1996. His recommendation is to extend for six (6) months, giving the Planning Commission enough time to hear another Public Hearing and allowing time for a decision by the City Council. Carl Swenson, Chair of the Planning Commission, stated he recommends the six month moratorium. CM Black motioned to adopt Resolution 96-14 Resolution adopting an interim ordinance establishing a moratorium on the establishment of commercial feedlots within the City of Otsego for six months, ending December 6, 1996. Seconded by CM Heidner. Voting For the Motion: CM Black, CM Heidner, Mayor Freske Voting Against the Motion: CM Ackerman, CM Fournier Motion carried three to two. (Discussion occurred between the motion being made and the actual vote) Discussion: CM Black commented he would like a recommendation from the Planning Commission within the next two (2) months giving the City Council the opportunity to have a couple of months to discuss. CM Heidner supports the motion. Whether a three month or six month moratorium has the same effect, with the processing time either one wouldn't allow for construction this year. CM Black stated there is a major impact if moratorium expires -there are no rules. CM Fournier suggested if its a longer moratorium, there is a feeling of being comfortable and not getting this accomplished, which is his concern. Mayor Freske stated it could also have the opposite affect of rushing it through. 8.1 Consider Resolution/Policy for Stormwater Drainage Impact Fees - Deferment. Andrew MacArthur went over the Resolution. This is for deferment for the Stormwater Drainage Impact Fees and Park and Trail Fees. The only item missing is the interest rate, which he discussed with Phyllis Cokley. Phyllis Cokley stated she supports the 8%n, which seems to be the average rate of return. She also suggested the City could use the rate of return on the City's investment if we had the money or use cost of borrowing, but these fluctuate. CM Heidner suggested the Council review the interest rate on an annual basis. Otsego City Council Meeting of May 13, 1996, cont'd. Page 8. CM Fournier questioned Item B, asking if there is interest charged from the beginning on any extensions and no interest charged on the first two years. CM Heidner said it should be from date of the request. Phyllis Cokley read the last sentence from Item B. Interest on any ded Ferment shall b determined by use of the Engineering News -Record Construction Index- This is regarding the impact fee portion of it, and it would be from the beginning. The 8% interest is on the deferment of Park and Trail Fees. Mr. Koshak explained the Engineering News Index, is the index of construction value that increases. For example if $1,000 is set as impact fee in 1995 and this doesn't happen until 1998, then that value of the $1,000 increases to the index of that year and nothing to do with the interest rate being charged for the deferment. Phyllis Cokley suggested the language should be corrected. CM Black suggested a provision under Paragraph 3.B., adding a sentence - That interest rate will be reviewed annually by the City Council. After Council discussion they agreed on August 1. Mayor Freske asked the Council if they are comfortable using two years and they agreed. Phyllis Cokley asked the City Attorney if this will be changed defining the statement regarding the interest or under 3.B. incorporate both the Impact Fees and Park and Trail Fees. Mr. MacArthur the Engineering News -Record only applies to the drainage but the interest applied will be separate. Mayor Freske directed for this Item to be placed on the next City Council Agenda. None The City Engineer, Larry Koshak, said this involves two (2) separate issues with John Lefebvre's land adjacent to 85th Street and North of the Elementary School. Mr. Lefebvre has deferment of assessment and interest for five (5) years. CM Fournier and Mr. Koshak met with the Lefebvre' to discuss acquisition of bike trails for the 96 ISTEA Grant Project. Mr. Koshak referred to his letter of May 8, 1996 regarding this. The Lefebvre's were agreeable with the acquisition and asked if the City would forgive the deferred interest on the assessment for title to the bike path. Mr. Koshak went over dollar amounts involved. Approximately one acre and interest would amount to $13,000. He pointed out fee title to the trail is needed by July 1, 1996. CM Fournier views this as an opportunity to acquire the land without any real dollars coming out of the fund and able to complete this segment now. CM Heidner asked if the money gets replenished from ISTEA or is this above and beyond and where does this place the trail. Mr. Koshak explained it is the City's responsibility to acquire easement. The trail -County Ridge, south portion, go to East line which runs North and South, adjacent to that on Mr. Lefebvre's property. Otsego City Council Meeting of May 13, 1996, cont'd. Page 9. CM Heidner noted the Comprehensive Plan discourages putting bikes trails in the back yards of already developed properties, although this will be buffered and fenced in. Mr. Koshak said there would be a farm road in between and will be fenced. Once this property comes up for development, the developer would have to agree to move the trail. The farm road needs to go straight back to the eighty acres rather than have the trail cross it. CM Black stated he supports what is being proposed and would like to see the following accomplished: 1. Reviewal and comment from the Parks Commission and Merlin Otto. 2. Reviewal and comment of financial implications by the Finance Director and City Staff. He felt that the landowner's usage of this land should not be upset and when this is developed the trail can be changed and details worked out. CM Fournier supports CM Black's comments and the residents in Country Ridge have deep back yards. CM Heidner stated residents expect traffic in front yards and not in back yards. CM Fournier was concerned with the valuation of an acre in this area. Mr. Koshak said he has discussed this with the Finance Director. CM Ackerman asked if anyone has checked into the grievances in #2, #3 and #5 Mr. Lefebvre stated in the May 8, 1996 letter. Mayor Freske said the Building Inspector will address 2 and 3. Mr. Koshak said 4 can also be accomplished. CM Black motioned to have the proposal under discussion between the City and John Lefebvre be referred to the Parks Commission for comment and also City Staff for financial impact. Seconded by CM Ackerman. All in favor. Motion carried. 9.2. Review Island View Estates Paving Project appraisal aisal Mr. Koshak reported Malcom Watson was retained for appraisal of benefit to the landowners in Island View Estates having a paved street. Mr. Koshak went over Mr. Watson's attached letter. Mr. Watson's conclusion was the average benefit should be about $5,000 per building site. Terry Kohler, 10348 99th Street, Island View Estates. She had heard that the bids came in quite a bit more than the previously reported. She thought this seems outrageous. She referred to discussion regarding Class 7 road and the bids were based on Class 9. Mayor Freske explained the feasibility study doesn't include soil boring testing and the bidding process does which makes a different. Mr. Koshak explained it does increase the assessment about $1,000 per lot. The soil borings resulted in a recommendation of more excavation and hauling in more granular material. Ms. Kohler said that regardless of the cost, this project needs to be done. She stated concerns regarding the dangers of dust and speed. CM Fournier stated the cost difference between a 9 ton and 7 ton road was very little. Otsego City Council Meeting of May 13, 1996, cont'd. Page 10. CM Heidner asked if the Council should consider a new Public Hearing, rationale being that there was about a 50-50 split of residents for and against this project and is concern with the $1,000 increase. He also has considered it will cost the City less to maintain the new road. CM Black stated at the Board of Review Meeting there was parcel after parcel that valuation was reduced because of drainage problems etc. This project can enhanced the value of the neighborhood which will directly benefit the City and Public because of the valuation. The Council has to make a decision what they feel is the best interest of the City. Another Hearing costs more money. He supports the project. Mayor Freske also supports the project. CM Ackerman asked about the stop sign installed at the hill It was noted they are installed. CM Fournier motioned to approve Resolution No. 16, a Resolution Accepting Bid Public Improvement Project No. 95-1 Mississippi Shores Additions to Midwest Asphalt Corporation for $155,085.00. Seconded by CM Black. All in favor. Motion carried. B. Island View Estates Bituminous Project CM Fournier motioned to approve Resolution No. 15, a Resolution Accepting Bid Public Improvement Project No. 95-2 Island View Estates Additions to Midwest Asphalt Corporation for $384,393.52. Seconded by CM Black. All in favor. Motion carried. 9.4. Any other Engineering Items - 62nd .ms_62nd Street and 101 Traffic off of CSAH 36 will have to be detoured during construction. They will approve Quam Avenue all the way up through Frankfort Township into Otsego to 62nd Street. MnDOT decided to pave 62nd Street down to the present Highway, so they can move the traffic past the intersection. MnDOT decided they would leave the pavement on 62nd Street, removing the portion of the cul-de-sac down to 101 and close that area off. The concern is 62nd Street is not in the center of the ROW, constructed in the lower portion of the 33 feet. If they pave it, it will remain a substandard street as far as our standards are concerned. The options: 1. Should Otsego let MnDOT pave the street and leave off -centered, which could pose a problem at a later date when 62nd Street is improved. 2. Let MnDOT pave the street and have the pavement removed after the detour is no longer needed, which is a waste of resources. 3. Street be graded by Otsego. Mr. Koshak feels that relocating the street is not necessarily the homeowner's problem. Graded by Otsego (MnDOT will do - Otsego City Council Meeting of May 13, 1996, cont'd. Page 11. Otsego will pay for) then pave to City's Standards. Landowners adjacent to street wouldn't pay an assessment. Mr. Koshak did not have the costs. He asked for Council direction. Elaine Beatty talked to the landowner and he indicated to her that he doesn't like the idea of having a street moved towards him. CM Black felt that this would be a good opportunity to correct the problem and the street should be in the right location and would prefer the City Engineer to proceed along those lines. CM Fournier supported that recommendation but would prefer to know the costs. Mr. Koshak said he needs to know the course of action and will get some figures from MnDOT. He said this is a short piece of 400 to 500 feet and shouldn't be more than $10,000 and should be much lower than that but it will require a change order for the contractor. Mayor Freske suggested the City Engineer meet with MnDOT. Mr. Koshak reported he did attend the Wright County Five Year Road Plan and there are no projects listed for Otsego. He did discussed the corridor from 50th Street in Frankfort up to Nashua Avenue and there will be a committee to review this. Mr. Koshak reported that Otsego has a good County road system CM Fournier brought up the Monitoring Wells and suggested designating some of the homeowners wells to use. Mr. Koshak said that according to the State, monitoring wells require certain conditions and need to be protected. 10_ Council Items: 10.1. Consider Certification of Local Performance Measures - Aid payable in 1997. Elaine Beatty, City Clerk, went over her attached Memo regarding Certification of Local Performance Measures for Local Performance Aid Payable in 1997 sent by the Department of Revenue. This will impact the City's HACA. CM Black stated he is not in favor of signing the Certification of Local performance Measures until more information is received and referred this back to the City Clerk and Finance Director. Phyllis Cokley pointed out this issue was in the April LMC Cities bulletin. Andy Dockin is the author of the Bill. What he is saying is he wants to take away part of HACA. For 1997 there is no need to show performance measures but the process is to develop methods to show performance records for the services they provide than just for receiving HACA. It is in it's first stages, HACA will come, but will come in two different ways for 1997. CM Fournier said if the City doesn't sign, we might lose HACA. CM Black said we have until June 30, 1996 and therefore have time for staff to provide more information on what the Statute says. Otsego City Council Meeting of May 13, 1996, cont'd. Page 12. CM Heidner stated concerns with not having more information but doesn't want this form to be ignored. Phyllis Cokley suggested getting a copy of the Bill. Mr. MacArthur supported waiting and suggested staff obtain a copy of the draft regulations. CM Black motioned to direct staff to bring back more information back to the June 10, 1996 City Council Meeting. Seconded by CM Fournier. All in favor. Motion carried. 10.2. Discussion of Sign for John Daniels Industrial site on I-94 and Kadl r Mayor Freske stated he requested this to be on the Agenda. CM Fournier motioned to instruct City Staff to furnish the Council with a draft Freeway Business Identification Sign Ordinance, similar to Clearwater, Monticello and Rogers. Seconded by Mayor Freske. Voting for the Motion: CM Ackerman, CM Fournier, Mayor Freske Voting Against the Motion: CM Black, CM Heidner Motion carried three (3) to two (2) (Discussion occurred between the motion being made and the actual vote) Discussion: CM Black object to this whole discussion as being totally out of order since this should have been discussed when the City Planner was in attendance. Mayor Freske said this is just a Council recommendation for staff to look at this. CM Black said this is saying someone is being treated unfairly and he doesn't see this. CM Heidner asked why these cities and not the cities that are being talked about being adjacent. Albertville doesn't have huge signs. Mayor Freske said we are not saying the real big signs but look at the Ordinance. CM Fournier said the purpose is to look at all the communities along the freeway section that Otsego shares and three of them allow business identification signs. He feels the City owes it to Otsego's Businesses to give them some type of support. CM Black said this is a motion that is directly specific to one business and if this is the intent why doesn't that business apply to Otsego for a sign permit. He objects to this for the residents of Otsego to pay for a special deal for one business in Otsego. Mayor Freske said this will benefit new businesses coming in. CM Black said this business should have been up front with the City in the first place. This is specifically a planner's issue and the motion is totally out of order. CM Black asked staff to look at the previous motion and see who voted for it and who voted against it. CM Fournier said he withdrew the previous motion on the advice of the City Attorney. But since then, he hasn't heard anything better and he thinks Otsego might lose their Industrial Park and wants to promote them. CM Heidner stated he is not in favor of this at this point in time. He is concerned with what is being run there and he hasn't come in to get a permit for doing this. CM Heidner is also concerned with this business talking about being annexed into Albertville. The City Otsego City Council Meeting of May 13, 1996, cont'd. Page 13. made an agreement with him, taking care of some of those dollars because of the increased specifications on the street and he was fearful of this back then. Meeting closed at 9:38 PM. Meeting reopened at 10:03 PM. 10.3. Any other Council business Park Commission: CM Black asked for someone to attend for him. CM Heidner said he could. Mayor Freske brought up reimbursement for issuing Burning Permits. After further thought on this he felt that the fire wardens should be reimbursed for the burning permits issued prior to the motion previously made and then all fees cease at that date. CM Black and CM Fournier said they were never aware that people were being paid to do this and they have personally never received any money. This has never been a budgeted item. CM Ackerman asked to set a date for the Public Works subcommittee. Mayor Freske said he will check into this. CM Heidner said he will be out of town starting Thursday through the following Friday. 10.4. City Clerk's Update Elaine Beatty reported she received a memo from Ted Field, regarding the sewer study which should be ready in three weeks. She also went over with the Council regarding the copies of the letters they received, that were sent to residents regarding junk and blight. Elaine pointed out the Striping Meeting at the Wright County Public Works building to be held Thursday, May 16, 1996, 10 AM. CM Heidner reported he attended a Community Rec. Board Meeting and Michelle Berg will be going full time and therefore will be receiving benefits. He also reported the Community Rec. Board is looking into becoming their own entity. Mayor Freske thanked the City Staff for their work on Clean Up Day and thought everything went very smoothly and received good feedback on it. CM Heidner motioned to accept the Claims List. Seconded by CM Ackerman. All in favor. Motion carried. (Discussion occurred between the motion being made and the actual vote. Discussion: CM Heidner questioned how long will Tom Phillip's unemployment run. Phyllis Cokley didn't exactly know but thought around $1,000. Otsego City Council Meeting of May 13, 1996, cont'd. Page 14. 10.6_ Adjourn by 10 PM CM Fournier motioned to adjourn. CM Ackerman seconded. All in favor. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 10:15 PM. 02 Mayor Norman F. Freske A est: Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zonii/ni Administrator ,% Recorded by: Judy Hudson, Deputy Clerk