05-28-96 CCCITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCEL ACTION AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: MEETING DATE 6.CONSENT AGENDA CITY CLERK MAY 28,1996 6:302M ITEM NUMBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION: PREPARED BY: 6.1 Consider a Workshop Meeting to discuss Otsego Creek/Fees for Watershed Districts/Construction demolition debris disposal at 6:302M 6/6/96, Thursday. Background: Larry Koshak, Phyllis Cokley and Elaine Beatty met regarding Otsego Creek project and other issues. We also concluded that it would be very helpful to have a Council Workshop Meeting for the purpose of discussing these issues. The issue of construction demolition debris disposal came up at Staff meeting when Rick O'Gara from SKB came to talk to us of the possibility. He would like to address the Council at this workshop and see, after his short presentation if there is any interest by the Council of such a facility. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff feel that these items are best discussed and hashed over in a Workshop Meeting, rather that taking the time from a regular Council Meeting. Staff Recommendation is to set a Workshop Meeting at 6:30PM for Thursday, June 6, 1996. Thank �1 EIaine CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION ORIGINATING DEPT. MEETING DATE CONSENT AGENDA FINANCE MAY 28,1996 ITEM NO: ITEM DESCRIPTION PREPARED BY 6.2 CONSIDER ESTABLISHING JUNE 10, 1996 5:30 PM AS A WORKSHOP TO REVIEW AUDIT REPORT AND CITY'S OUTSTANDING DEBT REPORT P.Cokle The auditors have completed the city's audit and will be prepared to present the report to the City Council at a %yorkshop session. This workshop will allow for review and questions prior to the formal presentation at the City Council meeting. Springsted has prepared an outstanding debt analysis report for the city, which I would like to review with the City Council at this time as well. The purpose of this analysis is to provide information to the City Council regarding adequacy of revenues to pay debt service. It is recommended that the City Council establish June 10, 1996 5:30 PM as a workshop to review the 1995 audit report and the City's outstanding debt report. CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: MEETING DATE 7.BOB KIPMIS, ASST. CITY PLANNER PLANNING MAY 28,1996 6:30PM ITEM NUMBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION: PREPARED BY:,E 7.1. Consider Amendment to Home Occupation portion of /.oni.ng Ordinance Background: This Ordinance Amendment was worked on by the EDAAC originally. Recommended changes were reviewed at the May 13th Council Meeting by Vern Heidner who had Suzanne Ackerman and Liz Wilder`s input. Bob Kirmis, City Planner has incorporated the suggested changes to the ordinance into a draft form for the Council to review. Attached is that draft with a letter from Bob Kirmis dated May 20, 1996 )vith his concerns for the Council to take into consideration. STAFF IZF.(_'0NI1 MNDATION: The City Council review the draft ordinance "An Ordinance Amending Section 28 of the Otsego Zoning Ordinance Relating to Home Occupation Requirements" and consider the letter from Bob Kirmis. Thank you, �4 40E-e� Elaine FCA Northwest Associated Consultants, Inc. C O M M U N I T Y PLANNING DESIGN e MARKET R E S E A R C H MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: RE: FILE NO: Otsego Mayor and City Council F.061101W u 20 May 1996 Otsego - Zoning Ordinance - Home Occupations 176.08 - 94.25 Attached please find a draft amendment to Section 20-28 of the Zoning Ordinance relating to home occupations. The amendment has been prepared at the direction of the City Council and would result in the following changes to the City's existing home occupation requirements: 1. A listing of specifically prohibited activities has been incorporated (i.e., body shops, adult oriented businesses, etc.). 2. Special home occupation provisions would be expanded to allow the following: a. To conduct business activities in an attached garage. b. A full time employee other than � those persons who reside on the premises. 3. A revocation of business license section has been added. In consideration of this material, please note that the outside employee and attached garage activity allowance is applicable only to special home occupations. While not specifically discussed with the Council, it is believed the allowance of such activities should warrant a public hearing (hearing is not necessary for permitted home occupations). 5775 Wayzata Blvd. - Suite 555 - St. Louis Park, MN 55416 - (612) 595 -9636 -Fax. 595-9837 DRAFT - DRAFT - DRAFT ORDINANCE NO. 96 CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT, MINNESOTA AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 28 OF THE OTSEGO ZONING ORDINANCE RELATING TO HOME OCCUPATION REQUIREMENTS. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO HEREBY ORDAINS: i Section 1. Section 20-28-4.A of the Otsego City Code (Home Occupation - General Provisions) is hereby amended to add the following: 11. No home occupation (permitted or special) shall involve any of the following: body shops, welding, ammunition manufacturing, flea markets, motor vehicle sales or repairs, massage or escort business or other adult oriented businesses as defined by this ordinance, or other objectionable uses as determined by the City Council. Section 1. Section 20-28-4.C.1 of the Otsego City Code (Special Home Occupation requirements) is hereby amended to read as follows: 1. A maximum of one (1) full-time employee, or equivalent, other than those persons who customarily reside on the premises shall be employed. This provision shall not apply where the permitted home occupation is a meeting place for employees and the work is done off -premise. Section 3. Section 20-28-7 of the Otsego City Code (Home Occupation Revocations) is hereby added to read as follows: 20-28-7 Revocations A. Permitted and special home occupation business licenses shall remain in effect until: CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCEL ACTION i.l. c:onsicer Amendment to Home Occupation portion of Zoning Ordinance Background* This Ordinance Amendment was worked on by the EDAAC originally. Recommended changes were reviewed at the May 13th Council Meeting by Vern Heidner who had Suzanne Ackerman and Liz Wilder's input. Bob Kirmis, City Planner has incorporated the suggested changes to the ordinance into a draft form for the Council to review. Attached is that draft with a letter from Bob Kirmis dated May 20, 1996 ,with his concerns for the Council to take into consideration. STAFF RECOMMENDATION• The City Council review the draft ordinance "An Ordinance Amending Section 28 of the Otsego Zoning Ordinance Relating to Home Occupation Requirements" and consider the letter from Bob Kirmis. Thank you, I (?t- Elaine Northwest Associated Consultants, Inc. C O M M U N I T Y PLANNING • DESIGN MARKET R E S E A R C H 1L_ LL•- .'I§ ,I TO: FROM: DATE: RE: FILE NO: Otsego Mayor and City Council Bob Kirmis 20 May 1996 Otsego - Zoning Ordinance - Home Occupations 176.08 - 94.25 Attached please find a draft amendment to Section 20-28 of the Zoning Ordinance relating to home occupations. The amendment has been prepared at the direction of the City Council and would result in the following changes to the City's existing home occupation requirements: 1. A listing of specifically prohibited activities has been incorporated (i.e., body shops, adult oriented businesses, etc.). 2. Special home occupation provisions would be expanded to allow the following.- a. ollowing: a. To conduct business activities in an attached garage. b. A full time employee other than those persons who reside on the premises. 3. A revocation of business license section has been added. In consideration of this material, please note that the outside employee and attached garage activity allowance is applicable only to special home occupations. While not specifically discussed with the Council, it is believed the allowance of such activities should warrant a public hearing (hearing is not necessary for permitted home occupations). 5775 Wayzata Blvd. • Suite 555 • St. Louis Park, MN 55416 • (612) 595-9636•Fax. 595-9837 A second item of issue relates to the applicability of Section 20-28-4.A.3 of the existing ordinance in instances where attached garages are used for home occupation activities. Such section states that "...not more than ten (10) percent of the floor area of the dwelling unit shall be permanently set aside to be used in the conduct of the home occupation". Of specific concern is the appropriate amount of space which should be devoted to home occupations and whether the ten percent reference should be exclusive or inclusive of "garage" space. A final issue worthy of discussion involves the use of attached garages for home occupation activities. So that such building component will continue to function as originally intended, perhaps a certain amount of garage space should be reserved for the storage of vehicles (as recommended in previous EDAAC draft ordinance). It is anticipated that this item will be discussed at the forthcoming 28 May City Council Teeting. PC: Elaine Beatty Andy MacArthur Liz Wilder 2 DRAFT - DRAFT - DRAFT ORDINANCE NO. 96 CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT, MINNESOTA AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 28 OF THE OTSEGO ZONING ORDINANCE RELATING TO HOME OCCUPATION REQUIREMENTS. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO HEREBY ORDAINS: Section 1. Section 20-284A of the Otsego City Code (Home Occupation - General Provisions) is hereby amended to add the following: 11. No home occupation (permitted or special) shall involve any of the following: body shops, welding, ammunition manufacturing, flea markets, motor vehicle sales or repairs, massage or escort business or other adult oriented businesses as defined by this ordinance, or other objectionable uses as determined by the City Council. Section 1. Section 20-28-4.C.1 of the Otsego City Code (Special Home Occupation requirements) is hereby amended to read as follows: 1. A maximum of one (1) full-time employee, or equivalent, other than those persons who customarily reside on the premises shall be employed. This provision shall not apply where the permitted home occupation is a meeting place for employees and the work is done off -premise. Section 3. Section 20-28-7 of the Otsego City Code (Home Occupation Revocations) is hereby added to read as follows.- 20-28-7 ollows: 20-28-7 Revocations A. Permitted and special home occupation business licenses shall remain in effect until: 1. Such time as the business is not in compliance with any portion of this ordinance, any other applicable city ordinance, or any applicable state or federal statute, rule or regulation. 2. Such time as there is any violation of the terms and conditions of license approval. 3. Such time as there is any change in the conditions of operation of the business as it was originally approved; including any change in the nature of the business, any substantial change in the extent of business, any substantial change in the extent of business operations, any significant expansion of business facilities, or any other circumstances related to the business which have the potential to significantly effect surrounding properties, or which may pose a threat to the health, welfare or safety of the general public. 4. Such time as the license expires. At such time that the City has cause to believe that any of the events listed in 1, 2 or 3 above have taken place, the City shall immediately notify the license holder of the allegations of violation and the necessary corrections required to bring the license into compliance. Section 4. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and publication. ADOPTED by the Otsego City Council this day of ATTEST: f33 CITY OF OTSEGO Norman F. Freske, Mayor Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator 2 1996. City of Otsego Engineer's Agenda Items City Council Meeting May 22, 1996 9.1 CONSIDER RESOLUTION FOR STORMWATER DRAINAGE IMPACT FEE/PARK AND TRAIL FEE DEFERMENT Find attached a letter written to Elaine and copies to staff on our opinion about the administrative handling of the stormwater drainage impact fee. To avoid possible confusion in the calculation and misinterpretation of the intent, we recommend a single fee with no interest during life of the developers agreement. I recommend approval of the resolution as revised. 9.2 CONSIDER ISTEA 1996 TRAIL ACQUISITION • With approval from Elaine, we performed a site topo and survey to determine the extent of the property proposed to be acquired. The map accompanies this packet. This amount of land to be acquired is 3.0 acres. • We would ask to council to consider authorizing the attorney to draft the preliminary acquisition papers and purchase agreement authorizing further discussion with Mr. Lefebvre. 9.3 CONSIDER APPROVAL OF CRACK FILLING QUOTES We have letter attached with our recommendations. 9.4 ANY OTHER ENGINEERING BUSINESS agenda5.22 Item 9.1 Hakanson:= 3601 Thurston Avenue Anderson Anoka, Minnesota 55303 • Assoc.,Inc. 612/427-5860 Fax 612/427-3401 May 16, 1996 Ms. Elaine Beatty, Clerk City of Otsego 8899 Nashua Avenue Otsego, MN 55330 RE: Developer's Agreements Dear Elaine: In bur discussion on Thursday, May 16, 1996 with staff, several issues came up that I felt needed our comments and explanation. Impacts Fee nr Storm Sewer Trunk When a feasibility study is prepared to determine to costs for the Trunk Facilities, we are usually dealing with undeveloped property. This was the case in Vantatenhove, Heritage Plain and Sorenson's Ridge Plats.. At the time of the feasibility, it is difficult to determine the number of lots to be ultimately developed on the property. We, therefore, use gross acreage to determine the cost share per parcel. In the case the above plats we took the estimated acreage and divided it into the project co,st at the date of the feasibility study. We determined it to be $1 ,000/gross acre Once the property is developed, it will be necessary to divide the final gross acre cost by the number of buildable lots to determine a per lot cost. This assumes the developer requests the deferal of this portion of this fees. If the developer pays up front the situation does not come up. It is also my opinion that the City set the stormwater impact fee at the time of the signing of the development agreement and not change the fee nor add interest to it. If the fees are unpaid, when the development agreement expires, the balance of the fees are due and payable. This will relieve the staff from additional calculations on interest and making adjustments for the ENR rates. If adjustments and interest is involved, the additional administrative time will be costly and can lead to some confusion. Engineers Landscape Architects Surveyors Elaine Beatty Page 2, May 16, 1996 Thus far the City requires the Developer to place in escrow the amount equal to the number of signs required times $1 50/sign. It would be in the best interest of the City to order and install the signs. The reason is that the City may require a specific type of sign, class, and weight of material. In other words, the specifications and vender where the City purchases the signs may be important to the City. Placing the signs also requires an individual who knows the proper locations of the signs. Public works staff are usually familiar with those issues. The above are just a couple of the issues I felt I needed to discuss with you. If you have any questions, please contact me. Sincerely, HAKANSON ANDERSON ASSOCIATES, INC. Lawrnce Koshak, PE M1 cc: Andy MacArthur, Attorney Bob Kirmis, NAC Phyllis Cokley, Finance Director Judy Hudson, Deputy Clerk OT901.eb2 Hakanson 1111 Anderson Assoc., Inc. RADZWILL & COURI Attorneys at Law 705 Central Avenue East PO Box 369 St. Michael, MN 55376 (612) 497-1930 (612) 497-2599 (FAX) Members go eatty City Clerk Avenue NE N 55330 on Regarding Deferment of Park and Trail and Storm Fees Members: ase find two proposed resolutions regarding deferment, 3 above. I have included these two separate resolutions discussions regarding implementation of the policy ast Council meeting. Option A is the resolution as staff. It includes no interest payments until after deferment period has past. drafted a version, Option B, as set forth in the tes of the last meeting. Since I will not be at the :ing I thought it would be better if you had both front of you. will be the recommendation of staff that the version t require interest payments within the initial period led deferral be approved. This version would remove the ve inconveniences of repeatedly computing interest if are made as lots are sold. I believe other City staff additional input on these issues. pis item will be on the agenda under the Engineer's )uncil should also be aware that both of the Developers fitly approved plats will be presenting requests for 3suming possible approval of the same, we have included deferral amounts as part of the Letter of Credit in ve Developer's Agreements. Letter to Otsego City Council May 23, 1996 Page 2 Very t my yours, An rew J.a Ar Rthur ADZWILL COURI Encls. cc: Larry Koshak, Hakanson Anderson Bob Kirmis, NAC Option A CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION REGARDING CITY POLICY FOR DEFERMENT OF FEES RELATED TO STORM WATER DRAINAGE AND PARR AND TRAIL DEDICATION. WHEREAS, Developers have requested that the City consider allowing deferment of City fees for storm water drainage impact and fees for park and trails in lieu of land dedication; and WHEREAS, the City has established within its subdivision ordinance certain fees in lieu of land dedication which are for the purpose of mitigating the affects of additional development on the City's park and trail systems; and WHEREAS, the City has also established fees for the affect of land use changes on storm water drainage within the City due to increase in impervious surface areas; and WHEREAS, the City has determined that it will set forth such a policy in writing to allow deferments in certain situations and under certain conditions, so as to encourage development within the City; and NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO that the following is the policy of the City of Otsego regarding requests for granting deferments of the above mentioned fees: 1. No deferment(s) shall be considered unless requested in writing by the Applicant. 2. Deferments of storm water drainage impact fees may be granted at the discretion of the City Council upon reviewing the request presented and any pertinent facts. If deferment is granted it shall be granted subject to, but not limited to only, the following conditions: A. The City Engineer and City Finance/Business Director determine that the City is not in immediate need of said fees. Applicant shall be responsible for all costs associated with the request for deferral whether said deferral is granted or denied. B. No deferment shall be in excess of two years from the date of approval of the land use change, unless extended by the City Council. Any extension shall be subject to additional charges, as well as being subject to any increase in fees adopted after the date of initial approval. Additional charges shall be calculated by use of the Engineering News -Record Construction Index. C. All deferred fees shall be fully covered by a Letter of Credit which may not be reduced below the amount of outstanding fees owed. The Letter of Credit shall be maintained by the original applicant until all fees have been paid. Any change in the identity of the person or entity posting the Letter of Credit is subject to City approval. D. The terms and conditions of the deferment and the amount of Letter of Credit shall all be contained within either the Developer's Agreement for a subdivision, or within a separate written recordable agreement between the applicant and the City in the case of any other land use change. 3. Deferments of fees in lieu of park and trail dedication may be granted at the discretion of the City Council upon review of the request presented and any pertinent facts. If deferment is granted it shall be granted subject to, but not limited only to, the following conditions: A. The Council determines that deferment of receipt of fees will not impair the City's park and/or trail system. Applicant shall be responsible for all costs related to the request for deferral whether or not said deferral is granted or denied. B. No deferment shall be in excess of two years from the date of approval of the subdivision unless extended by the City Council. Any extension shall be subject to interest charges. The interest rate on extensions to any deferment shall be 8% per annum, unless a different rate is established by further resolution of the City Council. If deferment is granted, the City Council will determine whether the amount deferred will be the applicable amount at the date of initial approval and whether or not that amount deferred will be subject to any increase in fees adopted after the date of initial approval. If the Council determines that the fee amount will remain at the initial rate and not be subject to future fee increases, the Council shall determine for what period of time that the initial rate shall be applicable, not to exceed two (2) years. C. All deferred fees shall be fully covered by a Letter of Credit which may not be reduced below the amount of the fees owed. The Letter of Credit must be maintained by the original applicant until all fees have been paid. Any change in the identity of the person or entity posting the Letter of Credit is subject to City approval. D.The terms and conditions of the deferment and the amount of Letter of Credit shall all be contained within the Developer's Agreement for the subdivision. ADOPTED this day of , 1996 by the Otsego City Council. IN FAVOR: OPPOSED: CITY OF OTSEGO Norman F. Freske, Mayor Elaine Beatty, City Clerk Option B CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION REGARDING CITY POLICY FOR DEFERMENT OF FEES RELATED TO STORM WATER DRAINAGE AND PARR AND TRAIL DEDICATION. WHEREAS, Developers have requested that the City consider allowing deferment of City fees for storm water drainage impact and fees for park and trails in lieu of land dedication; and WHEREAS, the City has established within its subdivision ordinance certain fees in lieu of land dedication which are for the purpose of mitigating the affects of additional development on the City's park and trail systems; and WHEREAS, the City has also established fees for the affect of land use changes on storm water drainage within the City due to increase in impervious surface areas; and WHEREAS, the City has determined that it will set forth such a policy in writing to allow deferments in certain situations and under certain conditions, so as to encourage development within the City; and NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO that the following is the policy of the City of Otsego regarding requests for granting deferments of the above mentioned fees: 1. No deferment(s) shall be considered unless requested in writing by the Applicant. 2. Deferments of storm water drainage impact fees may be granted at the discretion of the City Council upon reviewing the request presented and any pertinent facts. If deferment is granted it shall be granted subject to, but not limited to only, the following conditions: A. The City Engineer and City Finance/Business Director determine that the City is not in immediate need of said fees. Applicant shall be responsible for all costs associated with the request for deferral whether said deferral is granted or denied. B. No deferment shall be in excess of two years from the date of approval of the land use change, unless extended by the City Council. Any deferral shall be subject to additional charges to be calculated from the date on which payment of fees would normally be required, as well as being subject to any increase in fees adopted after the date of initial approval. Additional charges shall be calculated by use of the Engineering News -Record Construction Index. C. All deferred fees shall be fully covered by a Letter of Credit which may not be reduced below the amount of outstanding fees owed. The Letter of Credit shall be maintained by the original applicant until all fees have been paid. Any change in the identity of the person or entity posting the Letter of Credit is subject to City approval. D. The terms and conditions of the deferment and the amount of Letter of Credit shall all be contained within either the Developer's Agreement for a subdivision, or within a separate written recordable agreement between the applicant and the City in the case of any other land use change. 3. Deferments of fees in lieu of park and trail dedication may be granted at the discretion of the City Council upon review of the Tequest presented and any pertinent facts. If deferment is granted it shall be granted subject to, but not limited only to, the following conditions: A. The Council determines that deferment of receipt of fees will not impair the City's park and/or trail system. Applicant shall be responsible for all costs related to the request for deferral whether or not said deferral is granted or denied. B. No deferment shall be in excess of two years from the date of approval of the subdivision unless extended by the City Council. Any deferral granted, and subsequent extensions, shall be subject to interest charges. The interest rate on deferrals and/or extensions to any deferment shall be 8% per annum, unless a different rate is established by further resolution of the City Council. If deferment is granted, the City Council will determine whether the amount deferred will be the applicable amount at the date of initial approval, and whether or not that amount deferred will be subject to any increase in fees adopted after the date of initial approval. If the Council determines that the fee amount will remain at the initial rate and not be subject to future fee increases, the Council shall determine for what period of time that the initial rate shall be applicable, not to exceed two (2) years. C. All deferred fees shall be fully covered by a Letter of Credit which may not be reduced below the amount of the fees owed. The Letter of Credit must be maintained by the original applicant until all fees have been paid. Any change in the identity of the person or entity posting the Letter of Credit is subject to City approval. D.The terms and conditions of the deferment and the amount of Letter of Credit shall all be contained within the Developer's Agreement for the subdivision. ADOPTED this day of , 1996 by the Otsego City Council. IN FAVOR: OPPOSED: CITY OF OTSEGO Norman F. Freske, Mayor Elaine Beatty, City Clerk It 0 z O C4 O ti 1~ Lo co 50 Fr. 20 R. 3D FT. TML Coftlow FMD SERVICE NAD 'I_. 1. '. err.♦ Fr. fFASDIOrt WIN. K 1-2 FT. GFAVEL SHOULDERS TYPICAL SECTION NO WkE PID #221300 PROPOSED 50 FT. FEE TITLE ACQUISITION PROPOSED 30 Fr. FIELD ACCESS ROAD EASEMENT r20 Fr. BIKE TFfql_ SO a 50 100 I !Tsw� SCALE IN FEET 2 PARELL 3 RE AVE. 4 Hakanson Anderson Assoc., Inc. May 22, 1996 Ms. Elaine Beatty, Clerk City of Otsego 8899 Nashua Avenue Otsego, MN 55330 RE: Quotes for Crack Sealing Project 1996 Dear Elaine: Item 9.3 3601 Thurston Avenue Anoka, Minnesota 55303 612/427-5860 Fax 612/427-3401 Along with Frankfort Township, the City of Otsego took quotes for the Street Crack Sealing for the summer of 1996. The quotes of each community were separate in that each proposal is individual. We did receive the quotes at the same time, and assume the work will be done in the same period of the summer. We received five quotes and each is listed below with lowest shown first: Astech Corporation Northwest Asphalt Classic Asphalt Bergman Companies Allied Blacktop The Engineer's Estimate was $15,906.00 16,870.00 18,798.00 20,485.00 26,269.00 $24,100 The quote would allow for additional crack sealing. The extent of the additional work will be determined by the public works committee. We do recommend doing Country Ridge and perhaps several other streets with the total cost not exceeding $22,000. This does not include 70th Street (CSAH19 to 77th Street) in the Mn/Road area. We have been discussing the crack sealing issue with Mn/DOT and we are hopeful they will crack seal 70th Street. Engineers Landscape Architects Surveyors Elaine Beatty Page 2 May 22, 1996 We will, therefore, recommend award of the quote to Astech Corporation of St. Cloud. If you have any questions, please contact me. Sincerely, - HAKANSON ANDERSON ASSOCIATES, INC. al cc: Dave Chase, Public Works Superintendent Phyllis Cokley, Finance Director OT910.eb Hakanson Anderson Assoc., Inc. CITY OF OTSEGO UEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION I AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: MEETING DATE 10. COUNCIL ITEMS: CITY CLERK MAY 28,1996 6:30PM ITEM NUMBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION: PREPARED BY: 10 -1 -Consider appointing a sub -committee of two Council Members to work towards a resolution on Albertville/Frankfort/St Michael/Otsego Annexation issues. Background: The State Municipal Board has ordered that the communities of Albertville/Frankfort/St Michael and Otsego meet at least three times over the next sixty days to try to come to a resolution regarding the annexation issues involved with Frankfort. A committee of two Council Members would go to the meetings when scheduled to try to resolve the issues. For your information, Mayor Norm Freske will not It at this meeting, but he feels that Vern Heidner and Larry Fournier would be his choice for this sub -committee. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Appoint a Sub -Committee of Vern Heidner and Larry Fournier to attend the 4 -community annexation discussion meetings to try to resolve the issues. Thank you, �J Elaine An Equal Opportunity Employer STATE OF MINNESOTA MUNICIPAL BOARD 475 McColl Building 366 Jackson Street (5th & Jackson) St. Paul, Minnesota 551 01-1 925 The Honorable Michael Potter Mayor of the City of Albertville and the Albertville City Council Albertville City Hall 5975 Main Street, N.E. P. O. Box 9 Albertville, MN 55301 The Honorable Norman Freske Mayor of the City of Otsego and the Otsego City Council Otsego City Hall 8899 Nashua Avenue, N.E. Otsego, MN 55330 May 16, 1996 D IT IE0YE hone: (6�2),RN-2428 Fav (22Y296-9926 Twin TDD: (612) 297-5353 Greate- 1 627 Sri Bob Turnquist, Frankfort Town Board Chair and the Frankfort Town Board 9831 - 35th Street, N. E. St. Michael, MN 55376 The Honorable Roxanne Packa Mayor of the City of St. Michael and the St. Michael City Council St. Michael City Hall P. O. Box 337 St. Michael, MN 55376-0337 Re: A-5644 Albertville/Frankfort Township Ladies and Gentlemen: A petition from the City of Albertville for the annexation of certain lands is currently before the Board as docket A-5644. A hearing was convened on May 9, 1996, at which time the Board took jurisdiction of the matter and by consensus of the parties continued the hearing on the merits until July 29, 1996 at 9:00 a.m. at the Albertville City Hall. The dates of July 30, 31 and August 1 are reserved as additional hearing dates. On May 15, 1996, the Board held a conference call meeting and by unanimous vote invoked Minnesota Statutes Section 414.01, Subd. 16 , which allows the Board to require the parties to meet to discuss possible resolution of contested matters. r l d i rnS L i- r- 1'C, T AGPr c,vi, 1 CLAIM TOTAL T I ttald p- 7 G' ICMA KE TIF;EMENr rRu<..? DCFERREC� ("OMP PA1 PERIOC, 1 `)% _- Ji PUBLIC EMP" C;YEES ti'ETIREMENT FUND EMPLOYEE/EMPLOYER SHARE E. 18 96 v5 2s/9e 1`,E,S c. BANK OF ELK RIVF_R FED.WITH,SS,MEDICARE — 5/18/96 05/23/96 1556 2,397.4: 2♦ MN DEPT►.OF REVENUE 6TATE GAP3;A6 GRE614: MAY STATE WITHHOLDING 05/23/96 1557 895.42 U041904 JOEL YOUNG, TREASURER"` PAYRA MEMBERSHIP 05/23/96 1559 25.00 z ABDO ABDO & EICK PARTIAL PAY—AUDIT 05/23/96 1560 1,200.00 — APPOPSA96E SANT—TATIA0.1 za. CHRIST LUTHERN CHURCH F9=tET--RENTA DAMAGE DEPOSIT REFUND 05/23/96 1562 400.00 zc COMPUTABILITY CONSUMER ELECTRONICS TONER CARTRIDGE FOR PRINTER 05/23/96 1563 182.00 i CORROW TRUCKING APRIL RECYCLING 05/23/96 1565 -1,157.5C ,azo CROW RIVER FARM EQUIPMENT REPAIR SUPPLIES 05/23/96 1566- 23.34 a, ')ST TONKA SANITATION APRIL RECYCLING 05/23/96 1568 300.00 to x & K TEXTILE LEASING SYSTEMS UNIFORMS, SHOP TOWELS, MATS 05/23/96 1569 276.2= GLENS TRUCK CENTER INC BRAKE WORK, U—JOINT,FILTER 05/23/96 1570 1,940.07 HAKANSON ANDERSON ASSOC INC MAY ENGINEERING SERVICES 9572`37 05/23/96 1572 12,435.2c su ez EDWARD KRAEMER & SONS AG LIME 05/23/96 157 333.%_ METROPOLITAN GRAVEL CO INC WHEEL STUD 05/23/96 1574 8.h: ss _ _ zs --- —95123/ 96 _6 MINNESOTA MUTUAL JUNE LIFE & STD INSURANCE 05/23/96 1576 134.8- (.Ialrtif La51. tGl' .+PDI ,'\,al a2• �a3 iA7 � hE Fer t6d b�+l—�y "'iC E E 6�E-rLc�=f! — � CLAIM —• --- TOTAL c,--.-+QPl+''iG6t69 F-QAQ i'4�ftf `-' AIR P;6!SR AbLCOr•thb 1 Z? —�Z OSI ENVIRONMENTAL PICKUP USED OIL 05/23/96 1578 50.: c RINKE—NOONAN ANNEXATION LEGAL COSTS 05/23/96 1579 1,240_c -„ , o: 5T- 365E=iS-E11w; m6p1T -;W^_ SURPLUS SERVICES --fes R:5 TRAILER & WATER DISTRIBUTION UNITS 06"23,'96-; 05/23/96 589 1581 328.1- 28.:H HG WEBER OIL COMPANY ANTI -FREEZE & DIESEL FUEL 05/23/96 1582 760.- ZIEGLER INC FLASHER & BULB 05/23/96 1583 104.E RADZWILL LAW OFFICE MARCH GENERAL AND APRIL LEGAL SERV. 05/23/96 1584 7,414.0 6' 17j e; is :.zo zl; tz. ! z3 � mal .z5 1.26! 2� �.za! DELTA DENTAL JUNE DENTAL PREMIUM 05/23/96 1585 191.= :30.. .31; 32: REG9RBER REG9RDING FEES SWANSON 05,'2@,'96 -1686 19 1 WRIGHT GE)UNT-Y :36' CO n;z- .36 TOTAL YEAR TO DATE 97,811 a2• �a3