06-24-96 CCCity of Otsego Engineer's Agenda Items City Council Meeting June 24, 1996 9.1. UPDATE ON ISTEA 1996 PROJECT A. John Lefebvre Trail Acquisition Item 6.2 presents a request to pass a resolution allowing signing the purchase agreement with John & Kevin Lefebvre, for the proposed trail and park acquisition. B. Find accompanying, a copy of the proposal purchase agreement by the City Attorney. We have reviewed it and agreed with the content, however, it may need some minor revisions before the final copy is signed. C. Merland Otto, of our firm has submitted the Program Development report to Mn/DOT, with the assumption that Item B. is recorded by July 1, 1996. The schedule will be close for completion. No action is needed on the item assuming Item 6.2 is acted on to approve the resolution. 9.2 PROJECT UPDATE ON ISLAND VIEW AND MISSISSIPPI SHORES A. Improvement Project 95-1 (Mississippi Shores Addition) Patching and cleaning of the existing pavement occurred on Tuesday the 18th, and overlay work began the following day. The project was expected to have been completed by Friday, June 21, 1996. The City can topsoil and seed after the overlay is done, weather permitting. The topsoil machine should not be used during warm weather for three weeks. This will help to avoid marring the new pavement. Topsoil source has been found in the City of Buffalo, owned by the City. The cost of material is $1 /C.Y. The project has proceeded according to schedule and the City crew must haul the material. B. Improvement Project 95-2 (Island View Estates) Construction began the week of June 10, 1996. Bridge Water Telephone is also on-site replacing the telephone cables in the subdivision. Culvert adjustments are occurring ahead of the grading work. The contractor seems to be coordinating the subcontractors and utilities per specifications to date. Local access, emergency access and mail delivery are being maintained. Thru traffic will be diverted for short periods of time during construction. Minor delays for local access will also occur, but are being kept to a minimum. Work on 99th Street occurred first to help out the telephone company. Work will then occur from south to north, starting at CSAH39 and working towards Kadler Avenue. The Contractor has performed well to date. Work has proceeded faster than expected due to the warm, dry weather. Rainy weather could slow us down considerably, however, we are ahead of schedule at this time. A change order was required for clearing Lot 15, Block 7, for storage of excess material. A Right of Entry was obtained from Lee Nessler to use this lot. Our firm and Midwest Asphalt could not agree on a fixed price for the clearing work, so the work is proceeding on a time and material basis. To date it appears that the Change Order will be less than the amount that the Contractor had requested on a lump sum basis. 9.3 MOORE PROPERTY This issue is brought to council for discussion and perhaps direction. The Moore property is a wedge of undeveloped land between CSAH39, and Mississippi Parkwood on the south and north with Antelope Park on the east. Mr. Moore some years ago approached the City to request approval to place a duplex family housing off the end of 92nd Circle. This request was turned down mainly due to residences objection. Due to the Storm Sewer Drainage Study, and in particular, the drainage plan for the North Mississippi District, the Moore property will be impacted by ponding and conveyance of storm water to the Mississippi River. The drainage project prompted by new housing developments in this district, Sorenson Ridge, Heritage Plain, and Rivers Glen will be funded by an impact fee associated with plating. Mr. Moore had the parcel split into two lots. It appears that both parcels are buildable. One of the lots needs access to CSAH39, which is a Wright County issue. .. It is staff opinion, that placing two residential dwellings on these parcels with one having an access to CSAH39 is not the most desirable. We also need to acquire from Mr. Moore, the easements for ponding and conveyance of the stormwater. This property would be subject to the impact fee in the amount of $3,900 at the rate of $1,000/acre for 3.9 acres. At some point in time, when the housing developments are built out, and the impact fees collected, the storm trunk needs to be built. Questions: Can the staff have the direction to recommend solutions to the issue presented above? W. Should we wait until such time when the development upstream is completed? The staff is opened to direction on this matter. 9.4 ANY OTHER ENGINEERING BUSINESS CITY OF OTSEOO REQUEST FOR COUNCEL ACTION AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: MEETING DATE 10.COUNCIL ITEMS CITY CLERK June 24, 1996 6:30PM ITEM NUMBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION: PREPARED MEMO: 20.1. Discussion of SKB (Demolition Landfill) and if interested Elaine Beatty, CC/ZA BACKGROUND: Rick O'Gara and John Domke from SKB Environmental came to a Workshop Meeting on June 6, 1996 to discuss a construction material landfill and the possibility of locating one in the City of Otsego. Our City Solid Waste Ordinance does not allow landfills at this time, nor does our zoning ord, and they would have to be changed to accommodate the use if the Council decides they want to allow a construction material Iandfill. This would take a public hearing and the Council said they would make a decision on this issue at the 6/24/96 Council Meeting. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: This is a policy decision that would change our ordinances. We have to think long and hard as to the implications of this use. Keep in mind it is a way to generate money for other things like water and sewer. This use would need a major road access and be in a rural area of the city as I see it. It is a Heavy Industrial Use. I tend to believe that we already have so many issues facing us, with feed lot, annexation, and sewer and water, this may be a big complication with neighborhood opposition if a yes decision is made. There are some up sides to this such as SKB being community friendly and helping with clean up day, etc., also the generation of some funds. The use is still the question. A construction material demolition landfill may be a big issue with the residents. The Council needs to decide. X his helps, Elaine CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL AC I ION AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: MEETING DATE 6. CONSENT AGENDA CITY CLERK June 24, 1996 6:30PM ITEM NUMBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION: PREPARED t3Y: EB,CC 6.1. THOMAS AND CHERYL VASSEUR - CONSIDER EXTENSION OF CUP APPROVAL FOR AN OVERSIZED GARAGE - (Lot 1, Block 1, Vasseur's Oak Grove Estates) BACKGROUND: The above CUP came before the P.C. for Hearing and the City Council for approval on the 28TH day of June,1993. This CUP for an oversized garage was approved with conditions and recorded at Wright County. Tomkand Cheryl Vasseur did not have the funds to build the garage at that time, but would now like to build as they do have the funds. The attached information explains the CUP and letter from Tom and Cheryl Vasseur request an extension of the CUP for an oversized garage. STAFF REMMMDATION : The Staff recommends that the Council grant T4 request for an extension of this CUP to allow oversized garage. The reason being that they through the CUP process, were approved by the City Council to build this oversized garage. Wright County and nothing has changed that woi different outcome as we see it. (See attached Than s, , Elaine 3m and Cheryl Vasseur's them to build the have already gone Planning Commission and It has been recorded at jld give them any information) /yL'-/�-�iA�J OTSEGO, MINNESOTA ZONING/ SUBDIVISION REQUEST NOTIFICATION FORM Conditional Use Permit/Oversized Garage DATE July 19, 1993 PROPERTY; PID * 118-031-001010 Lot 1, Block 1, Vasseurs Oak Gro, 0 REQUEST & ACTION: Estates THOMAS AND CHERYS VASSEUR 14114 NE 85TH STREET ELK RIVER, MINNESOTA, 5 5 3 3 0 REQUEST IS FOR AN CUP\OVERSIZED GARAGE ;OUNCIL APPROVED A CUP FOR AN OVERSIZED GARAGE ACTION DATE JUNE 2 8, 19 9 3 CONDTION SUMMARY i (SEE ATTACHED CONDITIONS FROM NAC'S REPORT) SEE ATTACHED FINDINGS OF FACT FROM NAC APPLICANTS NOTE Any request involving a Conditional Use Permit or Uariance must be exercised within twelve months from the date of approval, or the appy will lapse. If a time extension is necessary, it is the applicant's responsHty to fie for such extension at least 30 days prior to the lapse approval. Elaine Beatty/Deputy Clerk/Zoning Ad�!rrator CITY OF OTSEGO: 8899 Nashua Avenue, Otsego, MN 55330 (CITY SEAL) CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT APPROVAL CITY OF OTSEGO WRIGHT COUNTY, MJNNESOTA IN RE: FINDINGS OF FACT AND RECOMMENDATION Application of Thomas Vassuer for a conditional use permit to allow the following: 1. A conditional use permit to allow the construction of an !accessory building which exceeds 750 square feet in size within an R-2, Residential -Immediate Urban Service District (Large Lot). 2. A conditional use permit to allow the total floor area of a detached accessory building and attached garage to exceed 1,500 square feet within an R-2, Residential -Immediate Urban Service District (Large Lot). On 28 June 1993, the Otsego City Council met at its regularly scheduled meeting to consider the application of Thomas Vassuer for a conditional use permit to allow: 1. A conditional use permit to allow the construction of an accessory building which exceeds 750 square feet in size within an R-2, Res i denti al -Immediate Urban Service Dist,-; cr (Large Lot). 2. A conditional use permit to allow the total floor area of a detached accessory building and attached garage to exceed 1,500 square feet within an R-2, Residential -Immediate Urban Service District (Large Lot). Based upon the application, the recommendation of the Planning Commission, and the evidence received, the City Council now makes the following findings of fact and decision. FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The applicant is requesting a conditional use permit to allow: a. A conditional use permit' to allow the construction of an accessory building which exceeds 750 square feet in size within an R-2, Residential -Immediate Urban Service District (Large Lot). b. A conditional use permit to allow the total floor area of a detached accessory building and attached garage to exceed 1,500 square feet within an R-2, Residential - Immediate Urban Service District (Large Lot). 2. The property is zoned R-2, Residential -Immediate Urban Service District (Large Lot). 3. The proposed accessory building is a conditional use. 4. The legal description of the property is Lot 1, Block 1, Vassuers Oak Grove Estates. 5. The site's existing detached accessory structure is a legal non -conformity in violation of Section 20-16-4.H.1 of the Zoning Ordinance (Building Type Requirements). 6. Section 20-15-3.0 of the Zoning Ordinance prohibits alterations to a non -conforming use which extends the non- conformity. 7. The applicant has proposed a 468 square foot addition to an existing legal non -conforming accessory building. 8. Section 20-4-2.F of the Zoning Ordinance directs the Planning Commission and City Council to consider seven (7) possible adverse effects of the proposed conditional use. The seven (7) effects and findings regarding them are: a. The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the official Citv Comprehensive Plan. By requiring the accessory building to be brought into full compliance with Ordinance building type requirements, the proposed use will be compatible with adjacent properties. As such, the use is consistent with the -,intent of the Comprehensive Plan and the property's R-2 zoning designation. b. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. The proposed accessory storage building will be compatible with present and future uses of the area. 2 C . The proposed use conforms with all performance standards contained herein (i.e., parking, loading, noise, etc.). The proposed use will conform to all applicable performance standards. d. The proposed use's effect on the area in which it is proposed. The proposed use will not tend to or have an adverse effect upon the area in which it is proposed. e. The proposed use's impact upon the property values of the area in which it is proposed. The proposed use will not tend to depreciate area property values. !f. Traffic generated by the proposed use in relation to capabilities of streets serving the property. Traffic generated by the proposed use is within the capabilities of streets serving the property. g. The proposed use's impact upon existing public services and facilities including parks, schools, streets and utilities, and its potential to overburden the City's service capacity. The proposed use can be accommodated �y existing public service facilities. The proposed use will not overburden the City's service capacity. 6. The planning reported dated 4 June 1993, prepared by Northwest Associated Consultants, Inc., is incorporated herein. 7. On 16 June 1993, the Otsego Planning Commission conducted a public hearing to consider the proposed conditional use permit application preceded by published and mailed notice. Upon review of the conditional use permit application and evidence received,. the Otsego Planning Commission closed the public hearing and recommended that the City Council approve the conditional use permit based on the aforementioned findings. 3 DECISION Based on the foregoing considerations and applicable ordinances, the applicant's request for a conditional use permit to allow: I. A conditional use permit to allow the construction of an accessory building which exceeds 750 square feet in size within an R-2, Residential -Immediate Urban Service District (Large Lot), and 2. A conditional use permit to allow the total floor area of a detached accessory building and attached garage to exceed 1,500 square feet within an R-2, Residential -Immediate Urban Service District (Large Lot) is approved in its present form and subject to the following stipulations: 1. The accessory building in question is brought into full compliance with the Ordinance in regard to building type. 2. The City determine that the proposed amount of on-site ►accessory storage (2,010 square feet) is acceptable. 3. A revised site plan, based on a certificate of survey, is submitted which accurately depicts existing and proposed site conditions (i.e., structure configurations, driveways, drainfield etc.). 4. The accessory structure is not utilized for home occupation, commercial related activities or the keeping of animals. 5. A building elevation of the proposed accessory structure is submitted to determine structure height aqd proposed finish materials. 6. If not already existing, drainage and utility easements are provided along the property lines in accordance with the City's subdivision regulations. This item should be subject to comment by the City Engineer. 7. A drainage easement is established over the subject property's contained drainageway. . This item should be subject to comment by the City Engineer. S. The accessory building match the principal building in color. 9. The proposed accessory building not infringe upon recommended drainageway easement. 10. Comments from other City Staff. 4 ADOPTED by the Otsego City Council this 28th day of June 1993. CITY OF OTSEGO By: Norma "F. Freske, Mayor ATTEST: By: t1lCi( J ore Perrault, City Clerk K E WUHmn S. RadzwiU' Andrew J. MacAylhur Michael. C. couli RADZMrH.L & COUPJ Attorneys., at Law 705 Central Avenue East PO Box 369 St. AdichaeZ, MN 55376 1612) 497-1930 (612) 497-2599 (FAX) June 24,'1996 City Council Members F City of Otsegoi. C/o. Ela4he Beatty,*City Clerk. 8899 Nashua Avenue NE Elk R-iver MN .55330' RE John- Earl'Lefebvre Loving Truatm- Proposed BikewAiy Ease:mobnt. Dear Council Members: I have drafted, a proposed Agreement between thelcity and- John Lefebvre' for acquisition of his property for a Ibike pati_ and Possible park land. We have asked that he submit the proposed Agr*eament to his attorney for comment, I have not !heard.. anything from his attorney, who he will not identify, at this point. In such an acquisition under a federal grant the City . must; pioceed under the federal guidelines for property acquisition') which re'quire that a qualified.appradsal of.the property be unddrtaken..:�Xalcdm Wat I son has qualified given the approp ,riate f otms and wale to meet with.. Xr.+ Lefebvre today.7 I have contacted the State Aid division of MNDOT and the . keg'*iofial dirpactor and engineer in Brainerd regarding the Oligibility for ISTEA and the July. 1 date. I have been told that iin orderito be eligible for. .the funds the City must have 4. Riqht.=drf-way Certificate No.: I executed prior to July- 1, 199�6:`. :To `issue a Certificate No.1 the ; f property must already be acquiked or-theCit - I . commence � . y must have attained the right to enter the -property, and, commence construction. I was informed by the Brainerd office thatthey.may grant lgeway for.eligibilit :if the City y can provide aRight-Of -14Ay.certiflc to No.: 2, which merely certifies that the City is in' tho pr6c6s:s_... "of serious negotiations for the propertyl. a -s. welJ: asi -A. zu6r­ting-.-.::... narrative that would satisfy the District office thatosu6bstaia'itla. Eo, ci 27-eeTt7v 01 TsSo mQj Tinoo 2 IjTmzpv�j woaA WdE T t7O 9661 -OE -90 Ce • d Idlol CITY OF OTSECO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: MEETING DATE 6. CONSENT AGENDA CITY CLERK June 24, 1996 6:302M ITEM NUMBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION: PREPARED BY: EB,CC 6.2. Consider Resolution - Abating Join LeFebvre Assessment by Andy MacArthur. Background: The assessment for John LeFebvre of $30,900.00 was originally granted a two year no interest period. That period is now over and it was added to the assessment rolls for 1996 payment. John LeFebvre had requested to have this deferred by the Council. Then the ISTEA easements for a trail and the negations for 1996 ISTEA Park trails started. The attached Resolution to Forgive or Abate those Assessment on PID 118-500-221300 and/or PID 116-500-221301, is contingent upon transfer of fee title of the described property by July 1, 1996. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The Staff recommends that the Council approve the attached Resolution abating John LeFabvre's Assessment as payment for land received, but contingent upon transfer of the property by July 1, 1996 to the City. Thanks, , Elaine CITY OF OTsEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO: RESOLUTION AUTHORISING PAYMENT FOR CERTAIN PROPERTY CURRENTI, BY THE JOHN LEFEBV'RE LOVING TRUST CONTINGENT UPON AGRB EM PURCHASE, EXECUTION OF ACCEPTABLE EASEMENT AGREEMENT, AND A TO USE FUNDS TO PAY OFF ASSESSMENTs CERTI$IEb AGAINST OWNED BY THE TRUST AND JOHN E. LEFEBVRE. WHEREAS, an ,Agreement To Be Assessed was executed on the -3. kof July 1990: between the then Town of Otsego (now City of of County of Wright, State of Minnesota ("Otsego"), John E. Lel the John Earl Lefebvre Loving Trust and other part1es relat the improvement of 85th Street within the City of Otsego; a WHEREAS, said agreement set forth two separate assessments e the amount of $15, 469. 00, plus interest at the rate of 9$ pez over a period of ten (10) years to be certified again: respective parcels, i.e. PID 118-500_221300 and PID and 118-500-2 OWNED r FOR st day sego) , ebvre, ive to Soh in annum t the 31301; WHEREAS, by the terms Of said Agreement both assessments, principal and interest, were deferred for a period of two years from in date of adoption of the assessment; and WHEREAS, the City of Otsego did defer said assessments and i,n I erest for the agreed upon term; and WHEREAS, said assessment was duly adopted on May 25, 1993;nd WHEREAS, said assessment is now certified upon the records df the Wright County Auditor as a spOcial assessment against the John Earl Lefebvre Loving Trust property; and WHEREAS, the City has reached a verbal Agreement with Jon E. Lefebvre on behalf of the John Earl Lefebvre Loving Trust to purchase certain property owned by the trust located upon PID No. 118--500-221300, as described on the attached Exhibit A; and WHEREAS, said purchase is contingent upon various factor follows: , as 1. That the parties enter into an agreement acceptable t the City regarding the terms and conditions regarding an.easemOnt for ingress and egress across the property in favor of property of John E. Lefebvre. 2. That John E. Lefebvre and the trust agree that the Ioney paid by the City for the property shall be immediately used t; pay EO *d =eT" 0i Ti -10 mel T ino0 's 1 1 TMZPed WOZId WdET :20 9661-0Z-90 20 ' d 1d101 4. off the above described assessments. 3. That the necessary steps for land acquisition purs� to the terms of the ISTEA Grant to the city be completed in acc I rdance With the terms and conditions of that grant so that sa'd land acquuiisition is an eligible expenditure for reimbursement under ST. WHEREAS, a proposed Agreement setting forth the tams and conditions of the transaction has been presented to Mr. Lefebvre. NOW THEREFORE BE YT RESOLVED that City Staff are hereby a4uthorized to pay to John Earl Lefebvre Loving Trust an -amount not 'to. e�eed thirty thousand nine hundred and thirty eight dollars and 00/100 cents ($30,938.00) for acquisition of land owned by the Jo ;Earl Lefebvre Loving Trust subject to the contingencies pre iously stated in this Resolution being successfully resol;ded, ADOPTED this date of June, 1996 by the Otsego City; IN FAVOR: OPPOSED: CITY 07 OTSEGO i orman F. Freske, Elaine Beatty, City clerk il. 20'd =eeT" 0i T,},}0 mv-1 T inoo T i T TmzPed WObd WdZT :20 9662-0Z-90 CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION ORIGINATING DEPT. MEETING DATE COUNCIL ITEMS FINANCE JUNE 24, 1996 ITEM NO: ITEM DESCRIPTION PREPARED By 10.2 CONSIDER 1996 ELK RIVER FIRE SERVICE CONTRACT P.Cokley -TI Attached is a copy of the 1996 Contract for Fire Protection from the City of Elk River, an invoice for the 1990 contract amount per the fair share formula and a breakdown of the calculations for the 1996 amount. The contract presented is the same as prior year contracts for fire protection. The City's 1996 fire contract amount per fair share formula is $54,346.75. The City also must pay an additional $13,615.19 for the 1995 year. This increase is based on the actual percent of calls, 22.73%, made in 1995. The original 1995 contract billed amount was based on 17.34% of calls, which was the City's percent of calls in 1994. The 1995 contract reconciliation calculations are also attached for your review. It is recommended that the City Council approve the 1996 Contract for Fire Protection with the City of Elk River. CONTRACT FOR FIRE PROTECTION This agreement made and entered into by and between the City of Elk River, a municipal corporation of the County of Sherburne and State of Minnesota, hereinafter called the CITY, and the CITY OF OTSEGO of the County of WRIGHT and State of Minnesota, hereinafter called the OTSEGO. WHEREAS, the OTSEGO desires the services of the Fire Department of the CITY in case of fires occurring in the CITY OF OTSEGO, located outside the corporate limits of the CITY; and, WHEREAS, the CITY maintains a fire department consisting of volunteer firefighters, at least one (1) pumping engine and miscellaneous other equipment, which personnel and equipment are available, subject only to the limitations herein expressed, for fighting fires in said OTSEGO and elsewhere. IT IS THEREFORE AGREED BY AND BETWEEN SAID PARTIES AS FOLLOWS: 1. That the CITY through its fire department will answer calls to fight fires occurring in the CITY OF OTSEGO in the area designated on the attached map with at least one (1) pumping engine and equipment to deliver at least 1,500 gallons of water and such volunteer firefighters as may be designated by the Chief of the Elk River Fire Department, or his/her Deputy, unless in the judgment of said Chief, or Deputy, such fire can be fought with other equipment maintained by the CITY as part of its fire department, subject only to the limitations and restrictions hereinafter set forth: a. If road and weather conditions at the time of the call are such that the fire run cannot be made with reasonable safety to firefighters and equipment, and the decision of the Fire Chief or his/her Deputy in charge shall be final in such matter, no obligation arises under this agreement on the part of the CITY to answer such call. b. In the event that a sufficient amount of the fire fighting equipment and number of volunteer firefighters, or both, are committed at the time of the fire call, in the sole judgment of the Chief or his/her Deputy, to fighting preexisting fires, so as to render the available fire fighting equipment and volunteer firefighters inadequate to answer the fire call, in OTSEGO and fight the reported fire, no obligation arises under this agreement to answer such call, and no person or party shall have recourse against the CITY for refusal to answer such call. A preexisting fire for the purposes of this agreement shall be a fire to which the Fire Department of the CITY is called previous to receiving the call from OTSEGO and which fire is still being fought by the CITY Fire Department at the time the call from OTSEGO is received. c. In the event a fire call in OTSEGO is answered by the CITY, but before the fire in question is extinguished, the fire fighting equipment or volunteer firefighters, or both, are needed to fight a fire in the CITY or protect property in the CITY from a fire in the sole judgment of the Chief or his/her Deputy, without liability therefore to any person or to OTSEGO under this agreement, the Chief may recall the firefighters and firefighting equipment. d. The decision of the Fire Chief or his/her Deputy with reference to sending or recalling fire fighting equipment and volunteer firefighters to or from any fire in OTSEGO shall be final and no person or party shall have recourse against the CITY for any damages or losses resulting from such action or decision. e. The fire protection district in accordance with MSA 368.85 shall be and include the area as outlined on the attached map. 2. That OTSEGO shall pay to the CITY each year this agreement is in force and effect, a sum of money as determined by result of application of the following formula: COST = {Annual Operating Costs + (Equipment 20) + (Building 20) + Administrative Costs) x % of use No additional charges on a per call basis will be assessed. 3. The payment specified in paragraph 2, above, shall be made by OTSEGO for any fire call in OTSEGO answered by the CITY Fire Department regardless of how the call is received or by whom it is made, no payments shall be due for false alarms unless the call is made by a resident of OTSEGO. 4. The parties acknowledge the fact that the CITY is under a similar type contract with other municipalities and that a fire call under any such contract preceding a call in OTSEGO could be a valid and reasonable basis for the decision of the Fire Chief or his/her Deputy in refusing to answer a fire call in OTSEGO. 5. Because the CITY has heretofore entered into mutual assistance fire fighting agreements with other municipalities possessing fire fighting equipment and firefighters, which equipment and firefighters could be called by the Chief or his/her Deputy to a fire in OTSEGO, OTSEGO agrees to pay such additional cost as may be incurred thereby if in the sole judgment of the Chief or his/her Deputy such additional fire fighting equipment and firefighters are needed to fight in OTSEGO and are in fact called to such fire by the Chief or his/her Deputy. 6. The duration of the contract shall be a period of one 1) year subject to annual review from and after the date of its execution by the CITY, subject to cancellation by either party upon thirty (30) days notice in writing to other party. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto set their hands and seals this day of , 1996. CITY OF ELK RIVER By: �C /C.L ayor City Administrator In the presence of: CITY OF OTSEGO City of Elk River 13065 Orono Parkway P.O. Box 490 Elk River, MN 55330 BILL TO City of Otsego 8899 Nashua Ave NE Otseto MN 55330 P.O. NO. TERMS DUE DATE Net 30 7/5/96 Invoice DATE INVOICE NO. 6/5/96 96-131 PROJECT ITEM DESCRIPTION AMOUNT j 34220 1996 Fire Contract per fair share formula $ 54,346.75 67,961.94 j 1995 contract reconciliation TOTAL DUE See attached for detail $ 13,615.19 $ 67,961.94 Total $67,961.94 CITY OF OTSEGO 1996 FIRE CONTRACT 1996 Budget $245,950 Less: Building (28,400) Other Capital Outlay (13,000) Reduction to 1/2 time Fire Chief (29.394) $175,156 C = (175,156 + 2s -o00 (1) + 14-0000 + 448,5000) + 340,0000) +17,516) x 22.73% (5) 5 10 20 20 C = 239,097 x 22.73% C = $54,346.75 (1) Turnout gear @ $800 per firefighter (2) Radios @ $400 per firefighter (3) Includes new $125,000 Rescue Truck (4) Building (5) 1995 actual percent of calls ************************************************************************ 1995 CONTRACT RECONCILIATION 1995 Contract Billed $39,947.37 (based on 17.34% of calls) 1995 Actual C = (172,020 + 2s.000 + 14.000 + 448.500 + 340.000 +17,202) x 22.73% 5 10 20 20 C = 235,647 x 22.73% C = $53,562.56 1995 Billed $39,947.37 1995 Actual 53.562.56 13,615.19 CITY OF OTSECO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: MEETING DATE 10.COUNCIL ITEMS CITY CLERK June 24, 1996 6:30PM ITEM NUMBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION: mtmv: 10.3. Discussion of Funding for the Otsego/Albertville Consolidation Committee Elaine Beatty, CC/ZA BACKGROUND: As you all know, the Consolidation Committee of Albertville/Otsego was ordered by the Mn Munc. Bd. The Committee has met twice so far. Once to organize and once to go over the by-laws for the Committee. Ton Bogart has funded the mailings so far.. The cost to each city for one mailing is $11.65 ea. Nadine Aarvig is Treasurer for Otsego and would like to have this amount paid to Jon, as it is an out of pocket expense to him. AIbertville had this on their last CC Meeting to approve the same amount to pay Jon Bogart. The bigger issue here is the funding for this Consolidation Committee to continue. We all know that it seems if we can agree to a compromise between the 4 -communities, there should be no need for this Committee. Are we just meeting in vain? Should there be any funding given, other than mailings of agendas, etc? These are questions the Council needs to answer. Do we continue to meet and drag our feet, or de we ask to have the meetings canceled for a month or two to see what materializes with the 4 -community meetings. These and any other issues you have should be discussed. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Discussion and conclusion as how to handle these issues. I feel in the least, you should approve the $11.65 reimbursement to Jon Bogart, as it should not cost him personally to be Chair of this Committee, other than the time and effort for meetings. XpeAkke_l is helps, Elaine Claims List for Approval i3. For the period 06/20/96 to 06/20/96 +`! CITY OF MONTICELLO 3RD QUARTER FIRE CONTRACT 06/20/96 CLAIM TOTAL e� TO WHOM PAID FOR WHAT PURPOSE DATF NUMRER riATM + 3 e PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT FUND EMPLOYEE/EMPLOYER SHARE 6/15/96 06/20/96 1630 816.47 e� ! TARPS 06/20/96 1653 17.02 'o ICMA RETIREMENT TRUST PERIOD ENDED 6/15/96 06/20/96 1631 507.28 .1 BANK OF ELK RIVER FED.WITH,SS,MEDICARE,6/15/96 06/20/96 1632 2,512.19 !sl S.J.GROVES & SONS FLAT FILES - HERITAGE COMMISSION 06/20/96 1656 500.00 ;6 STENCIL CUTTING & SUPPLY CO NAME PLATFS.ADMTN FTN_P r Q6/20/96 Ias7 7 +e ' azo. 55 SUPERIOR FCR LANDFILL INC. LANDFILL COSTS -CLEAN UP DAY 06/20/96 1658 3,021.87 zz H G WEBER OIL COMPANY DIESEL FUEL 06/20/96 1659 499.60 z3 MN DEPT OF REVENUE STATE WITHHOLDING -JUNE 06/20/96 1633 864.15 zip STATE CAPITAL CREDIT UNION PAY PERIOD 6/15/96 O6/7n/9h 1A34 its nn 25� APPLIANCE .�RECY ' CEN -T ,� PICKUP -CLEAN UP DAY 06/20/96 1635 40.00 - 26i BFI - WOOQLAKEl. i7ArfQrf SEiMiZaE MAY RECYCLING 06!20/96. 1&36: 325.00 27' CORROW TRUCKING '' MAY RECYCLING - OAY7n/�lf, I�17 28- DEMCON DISPOSAL, INC CLEAN UP DAY CHARGES 06/20/96 1638 1,000.00 29 DON'S BAKERY BUNS,MUFFINS,COOKIES-CLEAN UP DAY 06/20/96 1639 37.36 30 FAST SIDE LEASING CO COPY MACHINE IFASE 1AA0 __9-47 g2 ;T TONKA SANITATION RECYCLING FOR MAY 06/20/96 1641 300.00 32! S FENCE. CO,BACKSTOPS&FENCINGFOR -PARK - 06/20/96 1642 3,948.80 331 QTY OF ELK RIVER FIRE ROX - 06/20Z96 1644 _ 130 nn -a FIRST CHOICE LAWN CARE MAY LAWN SERVICE 06/20/96 1644 190.00 35I G & K TEXTILE LEASING SYSTEMS UNIFORMS,MATS,TOWELS 06/20/96 1645 243.83 36! 31 EDWARD KRAEMER &. SONS -,'. AG LIME INV.#67715,68065,67373- - 06/20/96 1646 1,479.50 LARSON PUBLICATIONS, INC. PRINTING 06/20/96 1647 78.24 ]9 MINNESOTA COPY SYSTEMS INC COPY MAC'HTNF L15F nk ign ZqA I AAP _3AI 52 +� MINNESOTA MUTUAL LIFE & STD -JULY 06/20/96 1649 134.80 i2 i3. _.. +`! CITY OF MONTICELLO 3RD QUARTER FIRE CONTRACT 06/20/96 1650 1,732.50 e� MONTICELLO FORD MERCURY PARTS nAz7niaA ifc;i zc 7:Z +� NORTHERN AIRGAS OXYGEN 06/20/96 1652 11.23 37! NORTHERN HYDRAULICS INC TARPS 06/20/96 1653 17.02 RINKE NOONAN LEGAL SFRVICFS-MAY i(.sa Ris �s a3. JEANINE RYTHER REFUND DAMAGE DEPOSIT 06/20/96 1655 400.00 So. S.J.GROVES & SONS FLAT FILES - HERITAGE COMMISSION 06/20/96 1656 500.00 3' STENCIL CUTTING & SUPPLY CO NAME PLATFS.ADMTN FTN_P r Q6/20/96 Ias7 3 z{ 53 3i 55 SUPERIOR FCR LANDFILL INC. LANDFILL COSTS -CLEAN UP DAY 06/20/96 1658 3,021.87 H G WEBER OIL COMPANY DIESEL FUEL 06/20/96 1659 499.60 Claims List for Approval Fnr the perind to 0(' 12n CLAIM TOTAL Tn WHOM PATO] FnR WHA7 PuaonSF nATC7 dlIM6ER C1 ATM WESTSIDE WHOLESALE TIRE CO TIRE REPAIR 06/20/96 1660 6.00 WRIGHT COUNTY AUDITOR -TREASURER COUNTY MAPS AND TAX INFO. 06/20/96 1661 62.65 WRIGHT COUNTY RECORDER RECORD FEES -MINING PERMIT 06/20/96 1662 19.50 WRIGHT COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPT MAY POLICE SERVICE rnNTRArT 06/20/96 Q6in0/96 1663 1(26a 8,030.00 8000 XFRnX rnRPnRATnN HAKANSON ANDERSON ASSOC INC MATNTFNANrr MAY ENGINEERING SERVICES 06/20/96 1665 8,695.22 '1 71 91 .01 �I :21 x. ' W, .. -2; �I TOTAL FOR MONTH 40,660.36 °' TnTAI YEAR TQ nATF iL1r+ oSS cr w .I -7' t 3: 5 'uI D �I :21 .I -7' 3: