02-09-98 CCCITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: MEETING DATE: DEPARTMENT: PREPARED BY: MEETING DATE 5.CONSENT AGENDA (Non -controversial items)Elaine Beatty Council of 2/9/98 - 7PM gNUMBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION: PREPARED BY: EB,CC 5.3 Approve PC/Council Workshop to review Comp. Plan - Policy Plan Section for the regularly scheduled PC Meeting of February 18, 1998 - 8PM. BACKGROUND- Depending on what happens on Wednesday night at PC/CC Workshop for Comp Plan, Bob Kirmis called and felt that we should have this on the agenda to keep the Comp Plan Process moving along. I agree. RECOKdENDATION : This is for Council information. Please approve. Council/PC Workshop at the Feb. 18, 1998 P.C. Meeting at 8PM. Thanks, lame JNT Y C. pop = m X855 January 29, 1998 Elaine Beatty Otsego City Clerk 8899 Nashua Avenue NE Elk River, MN 55330 RE: 1998 Local Board of Review Dear Ms. Beatty: 5.2 FEB - Z DOUGLAS M. GRUBER Wright County Assessor Wright County Government Center 10 2nd Street N. W. • Room 240 Buffalo, Minnesota 55313-1183 Phone: (612) 682-7367 / (612) 682-7368 FAX. (612) 682.6178 The 1998 Otsego City Board of Review has been tentatively set for Monday, April 20 at 7:00 p.m. If this date will not work for you please let me know before February 15, 1998. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. incerely, Dougl M. Gruber Wright County Assessor DMG/df Equal Opportunity l Affirmative Action Employer CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: MEETING DATE: DEPARTMENT: PREPARED BY: MEETING DATE 5.CONSENT AGENDA (Non -controversial items)Elaine Beatty Council of 2/9/98 - 7PM ITEM NUMBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION: PREPAEZED isr : ES, c.:c: 5.4 Approve Brad Kelash, Public Works Employee resignation. BACKGROMM : As you know, Brad Kelash, Public Works Employee gave his notice verbally on January 28th and in written form on January 29th, 1998. This item is on the Consent Agenda as a mere formality to approve his resignation by the Council and have it in the permanent record. Brad is already unemployed by Otsego. For your information, he has been sent a letter informing him of his rights on Insurance, etc. RECCbMENDATION : This is for Council information. Please approve this Consent Agenda Item. T nks, Elaine WiU wn S. RadzwiU Andrew J. MacArthur Michael C. Couri February 4, 1998 City Council Members City of Otsego C/o Elaine Beatty, City Clerk 8899 Nashua Avenue NE Elk River, MN 55330 RADZ I I LLQ K COV Lel Anorneys at Law 705 Central Avenue East PO Box 369 St. Michael, MN 55376 (612) 497-1930 (612) 497-2599 (FAX) RE: Resolution Authorizing Eminent Domain For Acquisition Of Wastewater Treatment Site Dear Council Members: Enclosed for your consideration at Monday's regularly scheduled City Council meeting please find a proposed resolution authorizing commencement of Eminent Domain proceedings for acquisition of the wastewater treatment site. This resolution authorizes the initiation of the process and the quick -take provisions of Minn. Stat 117. Initiation of these proceedings does not preclude acquisition of the property through negotiation, it merely starts the condemnation process so, that in the event that negotiations are not successful, the City can acquire the property within the time frame necessary to begin timely construction of the facility. The appraisal of the property has been completed, and hopefully myself, and the City Administrator, will have met with the property owners and offered them the amount set forth in the appraisal prior to Monday's meeting. I have discussed the matter with Ted Field of Bonestroo and he indicated that the property acquisition must be completed by July. By adopting the enclosed resolution the City will authorize a taking within 90 days of Notice to the property owners. A court order, after a hearing on the issue of public purpose, is required to take possession of the property along with payment of the Letter to Otsego City Council February 4, 1998 Page 2 appraised value to, the owners or deposit of the same in court. Once that order is received Commissioners are appointed and the only issue remaining is the amount of compensation due for the taking. The City is required to reimburse the property owners up to $500.00 dollars for appraisal fees should they seek a separate appraisal. I have provided the property owner's representatives with various documents regarding site selection, which they requested. I have also indicated to them that I would notify them of any significant actions regarding the property, which I am doing by copy of this letter. If you have any questions regarding this matter I will be available to answer them at the City Council meeting on Monday. Very urs, ew J. A th RADZ & COURI Encls. Cc: Mike Robertson, City Administrator Bob Kirmis, NAC John Harwood, Hakanson Anderson Ted Field, Bonestroo Steve Szarke, Attorney at Law CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING COMMENCEMENT OF EMINENT DOMAIN PROCEEDINGS. WHEREAS, the City of Otsego has determined to proceed with construction of a wastewater treatment facility to serve future needs of the citizens and in order to address potential future environmental problems arising from septic system failures; and WHEREAS, the City has authorized Bonestroo, Rosene and Anderlick, professional engineers, to study the issue, to make recommendations to the City Council, and to prepare a Facility Plan for submittal to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency for review; and WHEREAS, such a report was completed by Bonestroo, Rosene and Anderlik, subsequently reviewed and revised, and put in final form and dated September, 1997; and WHEREAS, Bonestroo determined that because of heavier discharge restrictions placed upon discharge into the Mississippi River, due to its designation as a Rare and Valuable Resource River, that the easiest and most cost effective discharge point would be to the Crow River; and WHEREAS the Facility Plan identified, in general, the plant site area for proper discharge into the Crow River; and WHEREAS, a public hearing was held on the Facility Plan on September 15, 1997 at which time public comment was heard regarding the general area selected for discharge, as well as the advisability of constructing the plant; and WHEREAS, within that area identified generally for the plant site, the City Council reviewed numerous specific sites, and the final site and area for construction of roadway and discharge pipe to the Crow River was selected by the Otsego City Council at a meeting on October 15, 1997; and WHEREAS, said site is owned by Ralph Lahn (deceased) and Elsie Lahn, and is upon that property legally described as set forth on the attached Exhibit A; and WHEREAS, the site and easements required are described as set forth on attached Exhibit B and B-1; and WHEREAS, the City Council proceeded to order an appraisal of the designated site; and WHEREAS, said appraisal was completed on or about January 29, 1998, indicating an appraised value for the subject property; and WHEREAS, the amount of the appraisal was offered by the City to the owners of the property, but has not been accepted; and WHEREAS, the City has set forth a time line for proposed construction of the facility, wherein access to the property to commence necessary testing, preconstruction activities and to commence construction of the facility must be secured by early summer of 1998; and WHEREAS, the City has determined that it must commence action to insure access to the site in a timely manner; and WHEREAS, the construction of the wastewater facility and necessary pipes and access roads constitutes a public purpose as set forth in Minn. S t. 117, and WHEREAS, the City has authority to acquire property and easements for said wastewater treatment plant pursuant to Minn. Stat. 412.211; an WHEREAS, the City has the right to acquire the land and ease ents required prior to the filing of an award by the court appointed commissioners, pursuant to Min. Stat. Secs. 117.011 and 117.042; WHEREAS, the County of Wright has certain interests in that portion of the easements crossing County State Aid Highway 36; and WHEREAS, the City has been unable to successfully negotiate the acquisition of the site and easements. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO, WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA as follows: 1. That it is determined that construction of a wastewater treant facility within the City of Otsego serves a valid public purpose. ti 2. That the City Council of the City of Otsego hereby authorizes the acquisition of said land and easements by eminent domain and to take title and possession of that land prior to the filing of an award by the court appointed commissioners, pursuant to Minn. Stat. Secs. 412.211, 117.011 and 117.042; and 3. That the City Attorney is requested to file the necessary petition therefor, and to prosecute such action to a successful conclusion or until it is abandoned, dismissed, or terminated by the City or the Court. ADOPTED this day of February, 1998 by the Otsego Ci Council, Wright County, Minnesota. IN FAVOR: OPPOSED: CITY OF OTSEGO Larry Fournier, Mayor Elaine Beatty, City Clerk EXHIBIT A That part of the NW 1/4 and that part of the SW 1/4 of Section 1, Township 120, Range 23, Wright County, Minnesota, described as follows: Commencing at the southwest corner of said NW %4; thence on a bearing of north ( sumed bearing) at the west line of said NW %4, a distance of 466.18 feet; thence S 3° 07' 30" E, a distance of 237.23 feet; thence S 78° 11' 10" E a distance of 466. 11 feet; thence S 78° 32' 37" E, a distance of 1012.22 feet to the actual point of t eginning said point being on the center line of Wright County Highway Numb tr 36; thence N 0° 13' 39" W, a distance of 2203.94 feet to the north line of NW !4; thence N 89° 41' 03" E along said north line, a distance of 941.80 feet to the no east corner of said NW V4; thence S 0° 13' 39" E along the east line of said 1/4, a distance of 2359.48 feet to the centerline of said Wright County Highway ber 36; thence N 88° 52' 54" W along said centerline, a distance of 77.97 feet; thence westerly along said centerline on a tangential curve concave to the north, having a radius of 1591.87 feet and a central angel of 10° 20' 17", a distance of 2E 7.23 feet; thence N 78° 32' 37" W along said centerline tangent to said curve, a distance of 45.50 feet; thence S 23° 30' 58" W, a distance of 155 feet more or les to the waters edge of the Crow River; thence northwesterly and westerly alon said waters edge, a distance of 500 feet more or less to a line which bears S 0° 13' 39" E from the point of beginning; thence N 0° 13' 39" W along said line, a distance of 124 feet more or less to the point of beginning. I EXHIBIT B The north 800.00 feet of the west 550.00 feet of the following scribed property: That part of the Northwest Quarter and that part of the Southwe t Quarter of Section 1, Township 120, Range 23, Wright County, Minnesota described as follows: Commencing at the Southwest corner of said Northwest Quarter; thence on a bearing of North (assumed bearing) at the west line of said Northwest Quarter, a distance of 466.18 feet; thence South 83 degrees 7 m nutes 30 seconds East, a distance of 237.23 feet; thence South 78 degrees 11 mini ites 10 seconds East a distance of 466.11 feet; thence South 78 degrees 32 mint tes 37 seconds East, a distance of 1012.22 feet to the actual point of beginning aid point being on the center line of Wright County Highway Number 36; thence North 0 degrees 13 minutes 39 seconds West, a distance of 2203.94 feet to the no line of Northwest Quarter; thence North 89 degrees 41 minutes 03 seconds East al Dng said north line, a distance of 941.80 feet to the northeast corner of said Northwest Quarter; thence South 0 degrees 13 minutes 39 seconds East along the east line of said Northwest Quarter, a distance of 2359.48 feet to the centerline c f said Wright County Highway Number 36; thence North 88 degrees 52 minul s 34 seconds West along said centerline, a distance of 77.97 feet; thence wesrly along said centerline on a tangential curve concave to the north, having a rius of 1591.87 feet and a central angle of 10 degrees 20 minutes 17 seconds, astance of 287.23 feet; thence North 78 degrees 32 minutes 37 seconds West along said centerline tangent to said curve, a distance of 45.50 feet; thence South 23 C.egrees 30 minutes 58 seconds West, a distance of 155 feet more or less to the waters edge of the Crow River; thence northwesterly and westerly along said waters edge, a distance of 500 feet more or less to a line which bears South 0 degrees 13 minutes 39 seconds East from the point of beginning; thence North 0 degrees 13 minutes 39 seconds West along said line, a distance of 124 feet more or less to the point of beginning. Together with a permanent easement for utility, ingress and egr s over, under and across the west 50.00 feet of the above described property lying southerly of the north 800.00 feet thereof and northerly of the centerline of Comity State Aid Highway No. 36. Together with a permanent easement for utility purposes over, u the east 40.00 feet of the west 80.00 feet of the above described southerly of the centerline of County State Aid Highway No. 36 Together with a permanent easement for utility purposes over, u the east 30.00 feet of the west 80.00 feet of the above described northerly of the centerline of County State Aid Highway No. 36 and across erty lying and across 'erty lying southerly of a line 40.00 feet northerly of, as measured at right angles, and parallel with said centerline. I Together with a temporary easement for construction purposes o ver, under and across the east 100.00 feet of the west 150.00 feet of the above described property lying southerly of the north 800.00 feet thereof and northerly of he centerline of County State Aid Highway No. 36, except the east 30.00 feet of he west 80.00 feet of the above described property lying northerly of the cente ine of County State Aid Highway No. 36 and southerly of a line 40.00 feet no erly of, as measured at right angles, and parallel with said centerline. Together with a temporary easement for construction purposes over, under and across the west 200.00 feet of the above described property lying southerly of the centerline of County State Aid Highway No. 36. Said temporary easements to expire on December 1, 1999. I � 1 I I 8 I.1r .40.OW Sr 101ul .11. PID 012401 I n ...\. lao.00 IM « IM Mw l/. e/ PID 012401 / PID 012404 . I 3 b� IYf�\ c.w..l >Iw. Yl II1gw..r w. x 1 PID 012400 �.r �\ -•0.00 Pin 24 1 - �...�..• _ __ _ __ _ Y �Y_4 �Q 012403 I _ - Y �oo fit 1{jU °'�«,w / .�� Iw. wrul Iw. w I.. Sw I/. w L 170. •. f ffi�: .Y' Owwl.s avw.ewwl � I I CITY OF OTSEGO CONDEMNATION PROCESS: GENERAL OUTLINE 1. Pick facility site through engineering evaluation. 2. Preliminary check of ownership and title. 3. Order appraisal of property. 4. Determine what entity will acquire property. Will the property be owned singly, jointly, or by a separate entity What will be the formula for share of costs related to land acquisition? 5. City evaluates appraisal and Council action is taken to make offer to purchase property. Authority to enter into purchase agreement authorized. 6. Negotiate for acquisition of property by purchase. 7. Either close on purchase or consider authorization to go forward with condemnation of proposed site. 8. Preparation of documents necessary to support Condemnation. Proposed site plan for facility, proper legal de criptions of all areas that will be subject to Condemnation, etc. 9. Serve and file Condemnation action on proper parties. 10. Schedule and hold hearing on Public Purpose a d Appointment of Commissioners at the District Court. Agree on Commissioners to review valuation of property. 11. Swear in Commissioners and schedule Commissioners viewing of property. 12. Commissioners view property and set up hearing for award on Condemnation. 13. Commissioners hold hearing on award. Both sides present appraisals and other evidence. 14. Commissioners make award, money paid or deposited in Court, time period for appeal of award to District Court: commences. 15. If appealed, matter is heard at trial in Dis rict Court. 16. District Court judge rules on Commissioner's award. 17. If early possession of the property is a neessity, the City can proceed under 90 day "quick take" provision of Minnesota Statute 117. 1 Wd mn S. Radzwill Andrew J. MacAithur Michael C. Couri February 4, 1998 RADZWILL & COURI Attorneys at Law 705 Central Avenue Fast PO Box 369 St. Midwel, MN55376 (612) 497-1930 (612) 497-2599 (FAX) Steven Szarke Attorney at Law Szarke & Lenczewski Law Office PO Box 485 11 NE I" Street Buffalo, MN 55313 RE: Lahn Property- City of Otsego Dear Mr. Szarke: Please find enclosed and faxed to your attention the Summary page received the other day on the Latin property. I would like to set up yourself and your clients to discuss the appraisal and to offer them compensation for the taking. I would like to meet either tomorrow If you feel the offer is not acceptable and that a meeting would let me know. Could you please give me a call regarding this matter. Very J. Ma/ ur VjT & COURI Encls. Cc: City of Otsego Mike Robertson, City Administrator of the appraisals meeting with hat amount as fair r Monday if possible. no purpose please . I . CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF MINNESOTA ORDINANCE NO. INTERIM ORDINANCE EXTENDING PREVIOUSLY ESTABLISHED MORATORIUM ON RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISIONS WITHIN THE CITY OF OTSEGO. Section 1. Purpose. This interim ordinance is hereby established for the following reasons: A. To halt present residential subdivision and subdivision applications within the City of Otsego. B. To extend the period of time required to complete revisions to the City's Comprehensive Plan and official controls in light of changed circumstances, including the City's decision to proceed with construction of wastewater treatment facilities and potable water services within the City. C. In order to protect the planning process, and insure proper land use controls. D. To protect the City's ability to financially undertake a sewer treatment plant. E. To protect the environment, and to provide for a safer City water supply. F. To protect the health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of Otsego. Section 2. Authority. The City Council is empowered by Minn. Stat. 462.355, Subd. 4 to pass an interim ordinance, applicable to all or a part of its jurisdiction, for the purpose of protecting the planning process and the health, safety, and welfare of its citizens. Section 3. Temporary Prohibition. For eighteen months after the termination of the previous interim ordinance prohibiting residential subdivisions, or until such earlier time as the Otsego City Council determines by resolution that the reasons for the moratorium no longer exist, no application for any type of proposed residential subdivision or application which will result in increased residential use of property not specifically exempted from this interim ordinance, nor any application for rezoning to any residential zoning designation shall be accepted or processed by the City. Section 4. Exceptions. Specifically exempted from this prohibition are the following: A. Applications for commercial or industrial subdivisions, which do not include residential uses. B. Allowable 1 per 40 land splits within agriculturally zoned areas. C. The issuance of building permits for individual residences, or accessory buildings upon lots which have been previously approved and which are in full compliance with the applicable lot requirements for a buildable lot within the zone in which they are located, or; if within a previously approved plat, in full compliance with any additional restrictions placed upon building within that plat. D. Applications for Conditional Use Permits, which do not result in increased residential use of property. E. Applications for variances. Section 5. Misdemeanor. Any person, persons, firm or corporation violating any provision of this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be punished pursuant to Minn. Stat. 609.02, plus costs of prosecution. Section 6. Injunctive Relief. In the event of a violation of this ordinance, the City may institute appropriate actions or proceedings, including requesting injunctive relief to prevent, restrain, restrain, correct, or abate such violations. Section 7. Separability. It is hereby declared that the several provisions of this ordinance are separable in accordance with the following; if any court of competent jurisdiction shall adjudge any provision of this interim ordinance to be invalid, such judgment shall not affect any other provisions of this ordinance not specifically included in said judgment. Section 8. Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect from and after its passage and publication, and shall remain in effect until eighteen (18) months from the termination date of the previous interim ordinance prohibiting residential subdivisions, unless a shorter period of time is approved by proper resolution of the Otsego City Council. ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Otsego this day of February, 1998. IN FAVOR: OPPOSED: CITY OF OTSEGO Larry Fournier, Mayor Elaine Beatty, City Clerk William S. Radzwill Andrew J. M"Arthur Michael C. Court February 4, 1998 City Council Members City of Otsego C/o Elaine Beatty, City Clerk 8899 Nashua Avenue NE Elk River, MN 55330 RADZWILL & COUN Attorneys at Law 705 Central Avenue East PO Box 369 St. Michael, MN 55376 (612) 497-1930 (612) 497-2599 (FAX) RE: Interim Ordinance Extending Present Moratorium On Residential Subdivisions Dear Council Members: Enclosed herein, as per your previous directive, please find a proposed Interim Ordinance extending the moratorium on residential subdivisions and a proposed resolution adopting the Interim Ordinance. The enclosed resolution would extend the present moratorium for a period of eighteen months, however, the moratorium could be terminated earlier by resolution of the City Council. The purpose of the extended moratorium is to allow the City time to complete revisions to the comprehensive plan and official controls due to changed circumstances, including the decision to proceed with sewer and water projects. Rather than review in great detail the enabling statutes and caselaw, I have enclosed with this letter my previous correspondence from last year regarding Interim Ordinances. At the last meeting their was discussion regarding some mechanism for providing review of preliminary plats during the term of the moratorium in order for the City to have some available mechanism to review proposed developments that wish to hook up to City water and sewer services. It is my opinion that such a process would be unworkable since it could lead to a situation where preliminary plat review and final plat (as well as rezoning) would be under different and possibly contradictory standards. Letter to Otsego City Council February 4, 1998 Page 2 It has also been raised that review and consideration of a plan and controls exclusive to the eastern portion of the City could be accomplished prior to the whole plan being finalized. While this is theoretically possible, the potential conflict in policies applied city-wide as a basis for the plan changes would probably add so much confusion and additional cost as to make the idea impractical. I would note that David Licht disagrees with me on this issue. I would suggest that some alternative process be considered in relation to land banking or expansion of the sanitary sewer area. I will be available to discuss this matter at the regularly scheduled City Council meeting on Monday evening. Veryours, drew acArthur RADZ L & COURI Encls. Cc: Mike Robertson, City Administrator Bob Kirmis, NAC John Harwood, Hakanson Anderson CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION EXTENDING AN INTERIM ORDINANCE RESTRICTING RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT WITHIN THE CITY OF OTSEGO WHEREAS, the City of Otsego has previously established a moratorium upon residential development applications within the City of Otsego, in order to proceed with the studies and procedures necessary to amend its Comprehensive Plan and official controls; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Otsego has previously determined that said Comprehensive Plan and official controls are in need of revision; and WHEREAS, the City has initiated the process of review of the existing Comprehensive plan and official controls, which process is ongoing; and WHEREAS, certain aspects of properly revising the Comprehensive Plan and official controls were dependent upon a determination by the City as to whether or not it would proceed with construction of a wastewater treatment facility within the City; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined to proceed with construction of such facilities, and has directed the City planner to proceed to complete work on the Comprehensive Plans based upon the assumption that sewer and water services will be delivered to certain areas of the City; and WHEREAS, the present moratorium requires further extension in order to properly complete revision of the Comprehensive Plan and local controls; and WHEREAS, additional time is needed to complete the studies and procedure in progress; and WHEREAS, processing of applications for residential subdivision of land and any proposed rezoning to residential designation, and evaluation of such proposals under the existing plan and official controls would harm the ongoing planning process. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO, WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA: I. That the attached Interim Ordinance establishing an extension of the existing moratorium on residential development is hereby adopted. 2. That said interim ordinance is effective for a period of eighteen months from the termination date of the previous interim ordinance prohibiting residential subdivisions, unless specifically terminated at an earlier date by resolution of the Otsego City Council. ADOPTED this day of February, 1998 by the Otsego City Council. IN FAVOR: OPPOSED: CITY OF OTSEGO Larry Fournier, Mayor Elaine Beatty, City Clerk CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHJT STATE OF MINNESOTA ORDINANCE NO. INTERIM ORDINANCE EXTENDING PREVIOUSLY ESTABLISHED MORATORIUM ON RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISIONS WITHIN THE CITY OF OTSEGO. Section 1. Purpose. This interim ordinance is hereby established for the following reasons: A. To halt present residential residential subdivision and subdivision applications within the City of Otsego. B. To extend the period of time required to complete revisions to the City's Comprehensive Plan and official controls in light of changed circumstances, including the City's decision to proceed with construction of wastewater treatment facilities and potable water services within the City. C. In order to protect the planning process, and insure proper land use controls. D. To protect the City's ability to financially undertake a sewer treatment plant. E. To protect the environment, and to provide for a safer City water supply. F. To protect the health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of Otsego. Section 2. Authority. The City Council is empowered by Minn. Stat. 462.355, Subd. 4 to pass an interim ordinance, applicable to all or a part of its jurisdiction, for the purpose of protecting the planning process and the health, safety, and welfare of its citizens. Section 3. Temporary Prohibition. For eighteen months after the termination of the previous interim ordinance prohibiting residential subdivisions, or until such earlier time as the Otsego City Council determines by resolution that the reasons for the moratorium no longer exist, no application for any type of proposed residential subdivision, nor any application for rezoning to any residential zoning designation shall be accepted or processed by the City. Section 4. Exceptions. Specifically exempted from this prohibition are the following: A. Applications for commercial or industrial subdivision. B. Allowable 1 per 40 land splits within agriculturally zoned areas. C. The issuance of building permits for individual residences, or accessory buildings upon lots which have been previously approved and which are in full compliance with the applicable lot requirements for a buildable lot within the zone in which they are located, or, if within a previously approved plat, in full compliance with any additional restrictions placed upon building within that plat. D. Applications for Conditional Use Permits. E. Applications for variances. Section 5. Misdemeanor. Any person, persons, firm or corporation violating any provision of this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be punished pursuant to Minn. Stat. 609.02, plus costs of prosecution. Section 6. Injunctive Relief. In the event of a violation of this ordinance, the City may institute appropriate actions or proceedings, including requesting injunctive relief to prevent, restrain, restrain, correct, or abate such violations. Section 7. Separability. It is hereby declared that the several provisions of this ordinance are separable in accordance with the following; if any court of competent jurisdiction shall adjudge any provision of this interim ordinance to be invalid, such judgment shall not affect any other provisions of this ordinance not specifically included in said judgment. Section 8. Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect from and after its passage and publication, and shall remain in effect until eighteen (18) months from the termination date of the previous interim ordinance prohibiting residential subdivisions, unless a shorter period of time is approved by proper resolution of the Otsego City Council. ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Otsego this day of February, 1998. IN FAVOR: OPPOSED: CITY OF OTSEGO Larry Fournier, Mayor Elaine Beatty, City Clerk William S. Radzwill Andrew J. MacArthur Michael C. Couri Megan M. McDonald January 23, 1997 RADZWILL & CO URI Attorneys at Law 705 Central Avenue East PO Box 369 St. Michael, MN 55376 (612) 497-1930 (612) 497-2599 (FAX) City Council Members City of Otsego c/o Elaine Beatty, City Clerk 8899 Nashua Avenue NE Elk River, MN 5530 RE: Proposed Moratorium- Draft Resolution And Optional Interim Ordinances Dear Council Members: Please find enclosed for your consideration two options for a proposed Interim Ordinance establishing a moratorium. The first option establishes a moratorium over residential development within the entire City. The second option establishes a moratorium over only the "urban" portions of the City. I have also enclosed a proposed resolution for adoption which, hopefully, sets forth the salient facts upon which a decision to establish a moratorium are based. In order to support such a moratorium there should be such a resolution stating the reasons for the City's action. For the benefit of all the applicable statute Ordinance, Minn. Stat. based upon a need for particular action. In the revisions to the study. Council Members, I have included a copy of which allows the City to pass an Interim 462.355. Such an Interim Ordinance must be the City to complete studies regarding a this case the Council has already directed Comprehensive Plan, as well as the sewer The statute allowing the passing of an Interim Ordinance does not list any specific requirement that there be a public hearing in order to pass the ordinance. In fact, the Attorney General's Office has indicated that the statute is separate from the provisions establishing procedures for a regular rezoning which requires a Letter to Otsego City Council January 23, 1997 Page 2 public hearing and a 2/3 vote for approval. Op. Atty. Gen. 63b-14, October 6, 1982. Thus, passage of the Interim Ordinance does not require the usual 4/5 vote required for a rezoning, only a majority. I will often recommend that a public hearing be held even if not required, depending upon the situation. In this case, because of the nature of the moratorium contemplated, the desire of the Council to make a decision as soon as possible, the possible adverse affect of the consideration of further applications until this matter is resolved, and the potential overall affect on the City, I think that the City would be justified in proceeding to adopt an Interim Ordinance without public hearing. It is, however, a Council decision. Between the two options proposed, it is my strong recommendation that the first option, a moratorium over the entire City be implemented. A moratorium over only the eastern portion of the City would defeat the whole purpose of the action. The City can apply a moratorium to developments which have already applied for processing. See Almquist v. Town of Marshan, 245 NW2d 819 (Minn. 1976) and Wedmever v City of Minneapolis, 540 NW2d 539 (Minn. App. 1995). In the present case my recommendation is that all developments already in process be allowed to continue through processing. I have drafted the Interim Ordinance to be effective only after the effective date of the Interim Ordinance, the date of publication. In some Interim Ordinances specific exempted subdivisions are listed within the interim ordinance. Another option would be to change the effective date to give applicants a "window" in which to submit an application. The interim ordinance moratorium, as drafted, excludes commercial and industrial development, individual residence construction on already approved lots, CUPS, variances, and 1 per 40 splits. It is specifically directed at residential subdivisions. The proposed ordinance is also drafted to apply for a one year period. It can be lifted at anytime by Council resolution. I have drafted it this way in order to try and avoid the problems that have occurred with other City moratoriums where we have had to come back and extend a moratorium because the originally established time period was too short. It is also unclear what time period there would have to be in order to make needed changes once a decision for or against sewer and water services has been made. Due to the short time period given me to draft these documents Letter to Otsego City Council January 23, 1997 Page 3 there may be changes that become apparent to me prior to the meeting. I will comment on any such changes at the meeting on Monday. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me. Very ly yours, An ew J. cArt RADZWILL COU Encls. cc: Bob Kirmis, Dave Licht, NAC Larry Koshak, Hakanson Anderson darkenwald, inc. Industrial and Commercial Real Estate auuoa• '535 N.E. River Road elk River, Minnesota 55330 (612) 441-3700 February 4, 1998 Mayor & City Council Members City of Otsego 8899 Nashua Avenue Otsego, MN 55330 ,--1a Re: Darkenwald Family Partnership Hidden Lakes Planned Community Dear Mayor & City Council Members: darkenwald REAL ESTATE Based upon recent discussion with City staff and representatives in the City of Otsego, it has come to our attention the City Council is considering extending the moratorium on subdivision applications at its City Council meeting of February 9, 1998 The Dark enwald Family Partnership does not support the continuation of the moratorium and would appreciate the opportunity to speak to this issue at the February 9, 1998 council meeting if possible. As a follow-up to our July 1997 presentation of a concept plan for the 200 acre Hidden Lakes Planned Community, we have been moving ahead with our preliminary plat submission package. It was our intent to present an application to the City within the next month to begin the city review and approval process. Our proposal is to provide sanitary sewer and water services to the Hidden Lakes through privately constructed systems that could be integrated with the City's proposed sanitary and water systems. Our proposed integrated approach offers substantial cost savings to the City. It also offers the City an alternate effluent route to the Mississippi River. This is particularly important should the restrictions of the effluent limits to the Crow River continue to become nmre stringent as anticipated. Finally, integrating the City's systems with the private systems would offer a larger service area in the short term and in the long term through increased treatment plant capacity and immediate construction of lateral sewers. Mayor A City ComPAA Merubers City of Otsego Febroary 4. 1995 In the spirit of cooperation, we encourage you to consider allowing the moratorium to expire without an extension and again consider an integrated approach to the in&astrucwre design eurxeetly underway. Doing so would allow a collaborative effort bem-con public and private sectors that will provide the residents of Otsego a cost effective infrastructure system. Sincerely, The Darkenwald Family Grou Joico arkenwald cc. David Sahli, MPGA, Water Quality, Point Source Division Paul Jacobs, Center for Rural Tedwology & Cooparative Developmcut (CRTCD) Minnesota Pollution Control Agency February 3, 1998 FEB Dear Friend of the Crow River: The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) has recently become aware of potential water quality problems related to low dissolved oxygen (DO) in the lower Crow River (from the confluence of the North and South Forks to the Mississippi River). The concern became apparent during our review of three wastewater treatment facility (WWTF) permit applications for new facilities proposing to discharge to the lower Crow River. As many communities in this area are experiencing rapid growth and development, we want to apprise you of the current situation so you can consider these factors in your planning activities and begin thinking about solutions to the problem at hand. The three WWTF projects currently under review are for the communities of Greenfield, Rockford Township, and Dayton/Otsego. Based on current information regarding the proposed capacities of these plants and the impacts of other existing WWTFs in the area on dissolved oxygen levels in the lower Crow River, MPCA staff believes that the river's winter assimilative capacity for biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) will be reached or even exceeded under low - flow conditions, if these projects are completed as proposed with conventional effluent limits. This would have negative effects on the aesthetic quality and biological community of the lower Crow River. Since the lower Crow River's assimilative capacity has been reached and it will not be able to handle additional amounts of pollution, from this time forward, expansions of existing WWTFs and construction of new facilities will be affected technically and financially. As population increases in the area, future WWTF expansions and construction of new plants will likely be more costly because they will need to remove higher percentages of pollutants, such as BOD and possibly phosphorus, that cause low DO levels. In addition to the impacts of WWTFs on the river, consideration must be given to other potential pollution sources in the watershed, such as nonpoint source pollution effects from sources like agriculture, feedlots, and urban runoff. The MPCA is in the process of performing some basic rcomputer modeling of the North and South Fork Crow Watersheds to provide a better description and understanding of current problems and their sources. Considering the rapid growth projections for this area of Wright County and Hennepin County, the situation is serious and poses a clear threat to the water quality of the lower Crow River. Subsequently, the future trend will be toward even tighter permit limits. In addition to the three projects currently under review, the MPCA is aware of other projects in the watershed in the 520 Lafayette Rd. N.; St. Paul, MN 55155-4194; (612) 296-6300 (Voice); (612) 282-5332 (TTY) Regional Offices: Duluth • Brainerd • Detroit Lakes • Marshall • Rochester Equal Opportunity Employer • Printed on recycled paper containing at least 20". fibers from paper recycled by consumers. Page 2 development stage that will soon be applying for new or expanded discharges to the lower Crow River. Local communities, resource managers, and decision -makers, the MPCA, the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MDNR), and the Metropolitan Council need to work together to determine how to best protect the water quality of the lower Crow River, while allowing for sustainable economic gr,)wth in this area. Once some basic modeling is complete and information has been gathered on the situation, the MPCA, MDNR and Metropolitan Council intend to hold a watershed meeting to discuss the situation with resource managers in the watershed and to begin discussions on how to address the situation. A meeting announcement and invitation will be forthcoming. We look forward to working with you and other local decision -makers in the Crow River Watershed to find acceptable solutions to protect this valuable natural resource. If you have any questions or comments on this letter, please contact Glenn Skuta of my staff at 612/296-7359. Sincerely. ?RLodneyE. ssey, P.E. Division Manager Water Quality Division REM.jae CITY COUNCIL MEETING, FEBRUARY 9TH, 1998 ENGINEER'S AGENDA ITEMS 1) Design Report - Odean Avenue Reconstruction A Right of Way map was transmitted to Andy MacArthur several weeks ago. Preparation of an Owners and encumbrance report is under way. The Design Report shows the proposed road with a single driving lane each direction, and a parking or disabled vehicle lane on each side. Turn lanes are at 85th Street. The bike/walkway is on the west side The required council action is to accept the report by motion. We will proceed with plans, specifications and definition of Right of Way and easement as per the report. 2) Design Report - Sewer Collection & Water Distribution System The report provides details of the proposed facility location. We request council review, input as appropriate and approval by motion. If the council desires, a workshop session can be set up to review the report, alignment, alternatives and costs in detail. We need to transmit the selected alignment to Wright County, to Mn/DOT, and to the impacted utility companies to solicit input and confirm the construction schedule. The Right of Way and easements acquisition process must be initiated very soon. 3) Design Report - Water Supply and Storage We have revised the Water Study recommendations by eliminating one of the three elevated towers. The current system is based on two wells providing supply to a single location for chemical treatment. We request Council approval of the report by motion and authorization to seek quotations for the test wells. 4) Policy and Procedure for Right of Way and Easement Acquisition For these projects and for any other project, we will be describing various types of Right of Way and or easements to be acquired from many properties. The recommended procedure is outlined in the memo. The City must follow good standard practice, treat everyone equitably and have a procedure that can be concluded on an established schedule. ot6l2.cc3 CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: MEETING DATE: DEPARTMENT: PREPARED BY: MEETING DATE 9.COUNCIL ITEMS Elaine Beatty Council of 2/9/98 - 7PM ITEM NUMBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION: PREPARED BY: EB, CC 9.1. Set date for Council/Board and Commission Workshop BACKGROUND, The above item was on the first of the year meeting agenda and the Council asked it to be placed on the first meeting in February for consideration. This workshop is intended to allow the Otsego Boards and Commissions to interface with the Council/Staff and each other. Also, to receive information regarding their Board and Commission positions. We are looking at a date in March, but will let the Council decide. RECCbVENDATION : This is for Council information and decision Thanks, Laine CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: MEETING DATE: DEPARTMENT: PREPARED BY: MEETING DATE 9.000NCIL ITEMS Elaine Beatty Council of 2/9/98 - 7PM ITEM NUMBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION: Y�iLiYAkir+U tsz : r:ts, c:c: 9.2. Consider Board and Commission Member Appointments BACKGROUND: All the interviews should be completed by Wednesday, February 4, 1998 with Janet Bridgland and Gene Goenner being rescheduled for this night before the PC/CC Workshop. Attached is a list of Board and Commission openings to be filled. This is for the Council to decide after their interviews with the candidates. RECOMdENDATION : This is for Council information and decision Thanks, Agg� Elaine CITY OF OTSEGO SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING FOR THE PURPOSE OF BOARD AND COMMISSION INTERVIEWS TUESDAY - January 27, 1998 - 7PM Call to order by Mayor Larry Fournier Roll Call Fifteen minute (15 Min.) Interview as follows: 7:00 Ing Roskaft Planning Commission 7:15 Joy Swenson Heritage Preservation Comm. 7:30 Steve Ackerman EDAAC 7:45 Richard Nichols Planning Commission 8:00 Joan Nichols Heritage Preservation Comm. 8:15 Michael Day Park and Recs. Comm. 8:30 Janet Bridgland Heritage Preservation Comm. -,41-T. 8:45 Teri Kohler Park and Recs Comm (Alternate position) 9:00 Gene Goenner Planning Commission 9:15 Russ Greninger Planning Commission Any other Council Business Adjourn Meeting Appointment Schedules for Commissions file/ih/boards Park and Rec. Board Term Appointed Term Endin Reappointed Term Term Ending Roche Martin 4 Vear 1-1-95 12-31-98 Tom Baftlargeon 4 vear 1-1-93 12-31-96 2-24-97 4 vear 12-31-00 Darlene Solberg 4 vear 1-1-93 12-31-96 2-24-97 4 vear 12-31-00 Ill Olson 4 Vear 1-1-95 12-31-98 Resigned as a full-time member L10-96 replaced by Jeff BaMeld Tom Constant 4 year 1-1-95 12-31-98 Debbie Carron 3 year 1-1-94 12-31-96 Resigned as of1-1-97 replaced by Sue Kroll Teri Kohler 3 year 1-1-95 12-31-97 Jeff Barthe/d 4 year 1-1-95 12-31-98 effective 6-10-96 Sue Kroll 4 year 2-24-97 12-31-00 Itemates: ichelle Tarka 1 st Auer 9-25-97 ' ill Olson 2nd Alternate 6-10-96 file/ih/boards Appointment Schedules for Commissions Planning Commissior Term Appointed Term Ending Reappointed Term Term Ending_ Carl Swenson 4ear 1-1-93 12-31-96 2-24-97 4 year 12-31-00 In Roskaft 4 ear 1-1-94 12-31-97 Bruce Rask 4 year 1-1-95 12-31-98 Jim Kolles 4 year 1-1-92 12-31-95 1-1-96 4 year 12-31-99 Eugene Goenner 4 year 1-1-94 12-31-97 Arisen Nagel 4 year 1-1-92 12-31-95 1-1-96 4 ear 12-31-99 Rkhard Nichols 4 year 1-1-94 12-31-97 nemate: William Jones 2-24-97 resigned 9-25-97 file/jh/boards Appointment Schedules for Commissions file/jh/boards DAAC Term Appointed Term Ending Reappointed Term Term Rea ointed Term Term Ending Ending Liz E. Wilder 4 year 1-1-95 12-31-98 LeRoy Lindente/ser 4 year 1-1-95 12-31-98 Rudy Thibodeau 4 year 1-1-95 12-31-98 uVem Klinkner 3 year 1-1-93 12-31-95 RESIGNED END OF 1995 -epiacedby Gabe Davis Wally Odell 4 year 1-1-93 12-31-96 RESIGNED Effective 10-14-96 2-24-97 4 year 12-31-00 David Sederberg.. 2 year 1-1-95 12-31-96 RESIGNED Effective 1-1-97 LplacedbyVincent Peterson Dadyn Kofoed 3 year 1-1-93 12-31-95 1-1-96 4 ear 12-31-99 resigned 7-14-97 Vincent Peterson 4 year 2-24-97 12-31-00 Gabriel Davis 4 ear 2-24-97 12-31-00 Itemate: OPEN file/jh/boards Appointment Schedules for Commissions file/jh/boards HerRage Preservation Term AppointedTerm Ending Reappointed Term Term Ending Janet Brld land 3 year 3-13-95 12-31-97 Arlene Holen 2 year 3-13-95 12-31-96 char to Attemate 2-24-97 laced b Ron Black Frieda Lobeck 1 year 3-13-95 12-31-95 1-1-96 3 year 12-31-98 Joan Nichols 3 year 3-13-95 12-31-97 Elaine Norin 2 year 3-13-95 12-31-96 2-24-97 4 year 12-31-00 Joy Swenson3 year 3-13-95 12-31-97 Norman Schwanbec 1 year 1 3-13-95 12-31-95 1-1-96 3 year 12-31-98 Ron Black 4 year 2-24-97 12-31-00 Itemate: Bene Holen 2-24-97 file/jh/boards 9. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PARTNERSHIP OF WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA A NON-PROFIT PRIVATE/PUBLIC PARTNERSHIP January 15, 1998 Mayor Larry Fournier 16632 NE 70th St. NE Otsego, MN 55330 Dear Mayor Fournier, With the start of the new year, it has become time again to renew your annual support of the Economic Development Partnership of Wright. 1997 was the Partnership's most successful year to date. Utilizing the Wright County Enterprise Revolving Loan fund, the Partnership assisted in the expansion of Eden Electronics in Montrose and Product Technologies in Maple Lake, creating nearly 45 new jobs for Wright County. Additionally, the Partnership expanded its services this year to include grant writing assistance, site location and promotion, seminars and workshops, and technical and resource assistance. The Partnership has also developed relationships with regional and state economic development entities, held discussions with our elected officials concerning development issues, and increased awareness of the Partnership substantially. The New Year appears to hold even more promise for the Partnership. Within the first full week of 1998 I received two requests for assistance from new businesses looking to start-up operations in Wright County. The Board of Directors recently met to identify new goals and challenges for 1998, which include expanding the Wright County Revolving Loan Fund and implementing a business retention and expansion program to address the needs of existing Wright County businesses. Additionally, you can expect to see the Partnership's web page come on line, and a variety of economic development related workshops offered. I encourage you to contact me should you have further questions about the Partnership. I would be happy to meet with you to discuss its services, or the role it plays in economic development at the county level, or how it may be of service to you in 1998. Sincerely, Marc Nevinski Executive Director CC: Mike Robertson PO Box 525, 6800 ELEcnuc DRIVE, RocKFORD, MN 55373 (612) 477-3086; FAX (612) 477-3054 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PARTNERSHIP OF WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA A NON-PRor-rr PRIVATE/PUBLIC PARTNERSHIP Invoice 1998 January 15, 1998 1998 Supporting Membership Dues for: City of Otsego Municipality 1990 Pop. 5219 $1,000.00 Should you find this invoice incorrect or have questions as to how your dues amount was determined, please contact Marc Nevinski at (612) 477-3086. Please return a copy of this invoice along with your payment to: Cathy Thisius EDP of Wright County Security State Bank PO Box 449 Maple Lake, MN 55358 Thank you for your continued support. Should you have any questions regarding the Partnership, please contact Marc Nevinski at (612) 477-3086. PO Box 525, 6800 ELEcnuc DRIVE, RocKFORD, MN 55373 (612) 477-3086; FAX (612) 477-3054 Economic Development Partnership of Wright County 1998 Membership Dues Structure Wright County $ .50 per capita* Municipalities < 1000 $ 100.00 plus .10 per capita* 1001-2500 $ 500.00 2501-5000 $ 500.00 plus .10 per capita* > 5000 $ 1000.00 plus .10 per capita* Townships _ $ 100.00 plus .10 per capita* Utility Companies Telecommunications Provider Banks & Lending Institutions $ 1000.00 plus .10 per capita* $ 1000.00 $ 250.00 (deposits up to $25 M) $ 500.00 (deposits of $25 M to $50 M) $ 750.00 (deposits of $50 M to $75 M) $1000.00 (deposits over $75 M) Associate $ 50.00 (Includes non -business, non profit, schools and civic organizations) Business 1 to 4 employees** 5 to 10 employees 11 to 20 employees 21 plus employees Honorary Member *Per capita rates are based on 1990 census. $ 75.00 $ 100.00 $ 150.00 $ 200.00 No Dues Required **Number of employees includes active owners and management and pertains to regular employees (over 20 hours per week) Part Time employees of 20 hours per week or less to be counted as 1/2 employees. 9.3 b MEMO Date: February 3, 1998 To: Mayor & Council From: Interim City Administrator Mike Robertson Re: EDAAC Recommendation & Requests I attended the EDAAC meeting on Monday, February 2 and they made the following recommendation to the Council. 1) The EDAAC by motion and unanimous vote recommended that their regular meeting date be changed from the first Monday in the month to the third Monday in the month, change to take effect in March, 1998. The reason for the proposed change is that it would be easier for some members to make the meeting on the third Monday. The EDAAC also discussed a variety of speakers which they would like to have attend their meeting to provide them information. These speakers were; City Financial consultant Gary Groen to provide an overview of City finances; Interim City Administrator Mike Robertson to discuss the role of the City Administrator in Otsego; Dan Wilson to make specific recommendations on economic development in Otsego; An industrial development specialist or realtor to discuss industrial development in general and Otsego in particular; A speaker to discuss water quality coops, which are cooperatives set up to provide water and wastewater treatment to individual homeowners who are not connected to centralized systems. The EDAAC also discussed again their mission. It is clear that there are a variety of interpretations of their mission. I would recommend that the City Council re-examine the EDAAC's mission and provide specific direction to them. cc: City Staff Claims List for Approval MUNICIPAL OF CITY OF OTSEGO For the period 02/02/98 to 02/02/98 1/ / 02/02/98 3243 912.22 TILITIES TOTAL FOR MONTH TOTAL YEAR TO DATE 1 22,611 .2= 50,081.5- CLAIM TOTAL TO WHOM PAID FOR WHAT PURPOSE DATE NUMBER CLAIM FC15----/�2/�8 14 5�- MINNESOTA COUNTIES INS. TRUST 1998 DUES 02/02/98 02/02/98 3215 3216 50.00 1,830.00 GARY A. GROEN, CPA JANUARY SERVICES Oz 380.82 LAKELAND FORD TRUCK SALES, INC REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 02/02/98 3218 2,402.64 1, r-G-7ESER 01L LOMPANY NORTHERN HYDRAULICS INC JANUARY SUPPLIES 02/02/98 02/02/98 3220 3221 46.83 524.39 : NAPA OF ELK RIVER INC JANUARY SUPPLIES --gIIpFfASHEET CITY OF MONTICELLO� C - DECEMBER ANIMAL CONTROL CHARGES 02/02/98 3223 180.00 DJ'S TOTAL HOME CENTER SUPPLIES 02/02/98 3224 8.58 35.70 02/02/98 3225 WRIGHT COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPT SUPPLIES & SALT & SAND 02/02/98 3226 4,400.57 := CROW RIVER FARM EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES -DECEMBER 02/02/98 02/02/98 3227 3228 33.99 63.45 NORTHERN AIRGAS DECEMBER & JAN. SUPPLIES 02/02/98 3229 95.37 i 16 PR PAFE-6ELTV Y 02/02/98 3 O tsLAUDRY OIL COMPANY _,:BOYER TRUCKS MAINT. SUUPPLIES 02/02/98 02/02/98 3231 3232 93.59 982.46 :,.ZIEGLER INC MAINT. SUPPLIES 02/02/98 3233 237.92 zT LAbIII—S CUB FOODS WINTERFEST SUPPLIES 02/02/98 3234 77.37 zs r. HAKANSON ANDERSON ASSOC INC DECEMBER WWTP BOUNDARY SURVEY 02/02/98 3235 2,066.27 117.15 AN R A 02/02/98 3236 23- �.RANDY'S SANITATION, INC. JANUARY RECYCLING 02/02/98 02/02/98 3237 3238 272.50 33.00 :,,ECM PUBLISHERS INC PRINTING & PUBLISHING 3 8.1 _ L / 2 8 MARKHURD AERIAL SURVEY SERVICES 02/02/98 3240 51000.00 BOISE CASCADE OFFICE PRODUCTS OFFICE SUPPLIES 02/02/98 3241 3242 168.93 467.64 = WEST COMMUNICATIONS V 02/02/98 1/ / 02/02/98 3243 912.22 TILITIES TOTAL FOR MONTH TOTAL YEAR TO DATE 1 22,611 .2= 50,081.5- MUNICIPAL OF CITY OF orscso v ozsooessmswr esazsrsn - For the period 01/27/98 to 02/01/98 REGISTER 02/02/98 oxccx TOTAL ^ccuuwT occnowr TO WHOM PAID R��WHAT PURPOSE DATE NUMBER 10 -_ �L-_ -- . 63.00 101 -*1600-130 28.50 ` 101-43100-130 106.70 101-41*00-123 1.225'19 '�-_- 525.23 ["| �o�-�uzoo-z�o ------------��------�—��4���-- 101-41400-121- 225'96 ."'eAwx OF ELK nzvsn 91 zmpRnovsmsw1 eowo zwrsnssr 01/29/98 210e9 4,687.50 a01-47500-602 4,687.50 � lie TOTAL FOR MONTH 7,978.03 7,978.03 a: TOTAL YEAR TO DATE 1201 2f 231 � 00 C.; r� .. r, '- =' ------ ------------------------------------- ---- ^— �� Claims List for Approval MUNICIPAL OF CITY OF OTSEGO For the period 02/02/98 to 02/02/98 _ CLAIM TOTAL '3 TO W M P ID FOR WHAT PURPOSE DATE NUMBER CLAIM 4 ECM PUBLISHERS INC 1/10 &1/21 PRINTING 02/02/98 3247 652.20 s :'STEPHEN CONROY, ATTORNEY DECEMBER SERVICES 02/02/98 3248 22.00 '.MICHAEL JOHN ROBERTSON ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES - JANUARY 02/02/98 3249 2,797.50 '3 LONG & SONS JANUARY SERVICES 02/02/98 3250 448.15 2'RADZWILL LAW OFFICE JANUARY SERVICES 02/02/98 3251 3,169.50 21BEST DISPOSAL SERVICE FEBRUARY SERVICES 02/02/98 3252 90.00 r3, AT & T SERVICE TO 1/21 02/02/98 3253 31.88 ,a MINNEGASCO SERVICE TO 1/27 02/02/98 3254 826.09 ,7 e WRIGHT—HENNEPIN CO—OP ELECTRIC 19 ao. ASSN SERVICE TO 1/14 02/02/98 3255 828.69 i 211 _ z4i TOTAL FOR MONTH --- 8,866.0 '=al 121i TOTAL YEAR TO DATE 36,336.3 �I 30 32, '33 38 4.i :a 1