1-20-15 Memo 2015 CIP ProjectsOtCITYz o MINNESOTA 01 TO: Parks and Recreation Commission FROM: Ross Demant, Parks and Recreation Manager DATE: January 14, 2015 RE: 2015 Capital Improvement Projects At a work session between on January 12, 2015 City staff and the City Council reviewed the 2015- 2019 Capital Improvement Plan. The current plan does not go before the Council for approved until the January 26th, 2015, however if approved the following projects will be moving forward in 2015. 70th Street Trail The initial phase of this trail was completed in 2014 which connected Maciver to Martin Farms Avenue NE. Phase two of this project will have the trail continue from Martin Farms Avenue NE. to Odean Avenue, once this section is complete the 70th Street trail will add approximately 2.75 miles of trail into the City's inventory, additional phases will be added in 2017 and 2018. 90th Street Trail & Crosswalks Increased use of Prairie Park has increased pedestrian and bicycle traffic along 90th Street. In order to provide a safe pedestrian route, the City's trial system will be extended on the south side of 90th Street along the length of Prairie Park. Gearly marked crosswalks with solar powered lighted signs will also be installed at the parking lots at the soccer field complex and the dirt parking lot east of City Hall. Norin Landing The DNR established a designated boat landing to the Mississippi River at Kadler Avenue. The existing boat landing consists of an unimproved gravel water access with provision of parking or other amenities. The City acquired additional property through park dedication as part of the Norin Landing development consistent with the recommendations of the Future Parks and Trails Plan. A concept plan and cost estimate to improve the boat land and add passive site amenities have been approved by the Parks and Recreation Commission and City Council. Plans and specifications were prepared and approved for construction of the boat landing and vehicle parking areas to be constructed in partnership with the DNR using possible grant funding. The project cost of $477,400 includes the improvements in the park, boat landing and vehicle parking. During the 2015 Capital Improvement Planning, the City Council directed staff to pursue grant opportunities both through the DNR and other sources for the construction of the park. Wilson Property Christian Builders, Inc. has submitted a sketch plan for subdivision of the 35.14 acre property located at the northeast quadrant of Odean Avenue and 85th Street. The site consists of two parcels, one is currently developed with a single family dwelling and two detached accessory buildings. The sketch plan includes a 10 acre parcel for the existing home and detached accessory buildings and nine single family lots generally one acre in area. The future Parks and Trails Plan identifies acquisition of Hall's Pond and the shoreline adjacent to it for public use. However, Outlot A as shown on the sketch plan provides only the area within the approximate Ordinary High Water Mark (OHWM) of Hall's Pond and a 30 foot corridor that is still within a delineated wetland with limited use for natural trails or boardwalks. Dedication of land for a legitimate public purpose would be the primary basis for allowing the proposed development in accordance with the Comprehensive Plan and City staff recommends that park dedication requirements for the proposed development be satisfied as a combination of dedication of Outlot A to the City and payment of a cash fee in lieu of land for the nine proposed lots. City staff is developing a plan for a boardwalk within the wetland and will be working with the developer to have it installed. iT,TM C U 7.T-J3►Ti [fit'. Cdr? The City accepted donation of 6.38 acres of land for development of a neighborhood park within the Wildflowers Meadows subdivision based on the Future Parks and Trails Plan. A concept plan for development of the neighborhood park was prepared to provide equipment, facilities and amenities based on the park classification system in the Comprehensive Plan and approved by the Parks and Recreation Commission and City Council. 2 City Planner Licht has been in contact with the developer and is anticipating that plans for the 3rd phase of Wildflower Meadows will be submitted soon. Once those plans are submitted and formally approved, the planning phase of Wild Flowers Meadow park can proceed. Dog Park One of the top priorities of the Parks and Recreation Commission over the past several years has been the construction of a dog park. A dog park was also included in the Prairie Park Master Plan which was revised in 2013, and approved by the Parks and Recreation Commission and the City Council. The proposed dog park will be approximately 100'x200', the CIP also allows for site amenities which City staff will be working with Parks and Recreation Commission to select. Exhibits: A. 70th Street Trail Map B. 90th Street and Crosswalk Plan C. Norin Landing Concept Plan D. Wildflower Meadows Concept Plan E. Prairie Park Master Plan 3