02-26-98 SCCCity Council Meeting of March 9, 1998, cont'd. Page 2.
Mr. Offerman also explained Wright -Hennepin Electric has a Municipal Street Lighting
Program, which he would like the City to consider. Also noted was the upgrading of their
transformer located in Albertville, which will be done this summer. There will be some
line construction work in Otsego. Mr. Offerman said he would like to work with Otsego
with deregulation, financing for businesses and any other issues that they may assist the
h. Ted Field, Bonestroo - Update on Sewer Plans for Otsego.
Ted Field, Bonestroo, reviewed the site plan and the grit building concept for the
wastewater treatment plant with the Council. (attached). Mayor Fournier questioned the
status of the EAW. Mr. Field responded that it is being reviewed and preparing for the
Public Hearing.
4.2. Any other Open Forum.
Wallace Odell, presented to the Council a memo on the Darkenwald moratorium
exemption request in response to the March 9, 1998 letter Mr. MacArthur wrote to the
Council on this issue.
John Darkenwald asked if the City's request for a variance for redundancy from MPCA
been approved for the treatment plant.
CM Heidner responded saying it has not been approved and the City has to build two side
by side tanks.
4.A. Council Annual Review of CUP for Dennis Fehn (For grading, mining and
excavation CUP) See attached Information.
Mike Robertson, City Administrator, went over the background of the Conditional Use
Permit noting that it had been granted when the area was part of Frankfort Township.
Terry Olson, 15099 Scenic Drive, Hasson Township. He read the attached petition
requesting the mining operation be limited to nine to five, Monday through Friday with no
evenings or weekend work.
CM Heidner requested Mr. Olson to submit the original copy of the petition with written
CM Wendel asked if the residents signing the petition were there prior to the start of this
mining operation.
Mr. Olson responded that most the houses were there and about 70% of the residents
were there prior to the mining operation. Mr. Olson also noted this operation sometimes
continues past 7 PM.
Dennis Fehn, 11900 50th Street, Albertville
Mr. Fehn submitted a list of the days his company has hauled material. He also explained
they try to do the rock crushing in cold weather months when people aren't outside. He
also noted that one time they started the crushing at 6:30 AM, and they received a
complaint and never started that early again. They seldom haul later than 5 PM but
sometimes they do until 6 PM. They need these hours in order to complete road jobs.
The consensus of the Council was to place this item on the next City Council Agenda,
giving Mr. Olson the opportunity to submit the original copy of the petition and for Mr.
Fehn to submit his log sheet providing times of operations and how long he thinks this
mining operation will continue.
City Council Meeting of March 9, 1998, cont'd. Page 3.
5. Consent Agenda.
5.1. Approve o�v Special Council Workshop minutes of February 20 1998,
CM Berning motioned to adopt the Consent Agenda. Seconded by CM Heidner.
All in favor. Motion carried.
6. Bob Kirmis, Assistant City Planner,
Mr. Kirmis was not in attendance as there were no planning items.
Mayor Fournier announced that Mr. Kirmis will be leaving NAC effective April 3, 1998.
7. Andrew MacArthur, City Attorney:
Mr. MacArthur introduced Marcus Miller, a new associate with the Radzwill & Couri
Law Firm. Mr. MacArthur stated that Mr. Miller will also be working with Otsego.
7.1- Discussion of right-of-way acnuisition pLicy-
a_ Review and approve City Policy
Mr. Harwood presented the policy.
The Council discussed the following changes.
Mayor Fournier requested the addition of "presented to City Council" in Numbers 1 and 2.
CM Heidner motioned to adopt Resolution No. 98-8 approving City Policy for
acquisition of right-of-way, easements, or property parcels by the City Council
including the City Council's recommended changes. Seconded by CM Ackerman.
All in favor. Motion carried.
Mr. MacArthur went over his March 4, 1998 letter.
C. Authorize action/services desired by motion of Council.
CM Heidner motioned to direct staff to proceed with the preliminary steps of the
process for the sewer collector and water system. Seconded by CM Ackerman. All
in favor. Motion carried.
7.2. Discussion of Park and Recs. Otsego mi y Fun Day- Lions Beer Tent,
Mr. MacArthur went over the attached material he provided to the City Council and Parks
and Recs. Commission.
The Council discussed and directed the Park and Recs. Commission to firm up the
activities to be held at the Family Fun Fest and present to the Council. Also, decide if they
really want to have a beer garden at Family Fun Fest. It was the consensus of the Council
for Mike Robertson to review Mr. MacArthur's suggestions as outlined in his March 4,
1998 letter.
7.3. Hearing to consider Renewal of Consumption and Display
Permit for Pattern Station, Inc. DBA Riverwood Inn and
Conference Center, 10990 - 95th St. NE, Otsego, MN
Mayor Fournier opened the Public Hearing at 8:03 PM.
Mr. MacArthur explained the reason for this Public Hearing.
Mayor Fournier asked for Public Comment.
It was noted there was none.
City Council Meeting of March 9, 1998, contd. Page 4.
CM Heidner motioned to close the Public Hearing. Seconded by CM Ackerman.
All in favor. Motion carried.
CM Wendel motioned to approve the Renewal of Consumption and Display Permit
for Pattern Station, Inc. DBA Riverwood Inn and Conference Center. Seconded by
CM Ackerman. All in favor. Motion carried.
7.4. Consider request for exemption from development Moratorium -
Darkenwald Family.
Mr. MacArthur went over his March 9, 1998 letter which states his recommendations to
the Council not to allow the requested exemption to the moratorium.
CM Heidner motioned to allow an exemption to the moratorium for the proposed
Darkenwald PUD.
Mr. MacArthur stated that in order to exempt from the moratorium you should direct staff
to come back with an amendment to the Ordinance.
CM Heidner withdrew his motion.
CM Heidner motioned for the City Attorney to draft an amendment to the Existing
Moratorium Ordinance that would exempt the Darkenwalds Hidden Lakes PUD
Development. Seconded by CM Wendel.
Voting For the Motion: CM Wendel and CM Heidner
Voting Against the Motion: CM Ackerman, CM Berning, Mayor Fournier.
Motion failed three (3) to two (2).
7.5. Any other Legal Business_
a. Discussion of Municipal Liquor - Off Sale,
Mr. MacArthur went over his attached information on Municipal Liquor.
Mr. Robertson stated he had met with Warren Phillips, Owner of Riverview Liquorette,
which is located in Otsego. Mr. Phillips indicated he would like to retire next year and he
will offer the City first chance to buy his business. He will have his accountant provide the
City with some information.
CM Heidner motioned to direct the City Attorney to write a letter to the applicant
of the recently received application for a Off -sale Liquor License that the City of
Otsego is considering the possibility of establishing a Municipal Liquor Store in
approximately one year. Seconded by CM Ackerman. All in favor. Motion carried.
8. John Harwood, City Engineer,
8.1. Receipt of Quotations to test wells for potable water
a. Consider award_
Mr. Harwood presented the quotations.
Mayor Fournier motioned to authorize the Mayor and City Administrator to enter
into a contract with Traut Wells for potable water test wells. Seconded by CM
Ackerman. All in favor. Motion carried.
8.2_ Review and an_orove 1998 Bituminous Road Maintenance Program for
crackfilling/sealcoat/pavement markings (as per Management Plan and
City Council Meeting of March 9, 1998, cont'd. Page 5.
as per Budget of $50.454 -OD)-
8.3. Review and approve 1998 Gravel Roars and must Control Program
1AS per Management Plan and Budget S68,492-00).
8.4. Authorize and direct preparation of a report & Feasibility Study for 1998
Bituminous St. Overlay Program as per Management Plan_
(Report is to include a recommendation for assessment with
consideration of City general tax expenditures on gravel -Vs -bituminous
Mr. Harwood suggested to discuss Items 8.2., 8.3. and 8.4 at the same time.
CM Heidner stated he still wants more of a balance being spent between paved road
maintenance and gravel road maintenance.
CM Berning motioned to adopt the recommendation of the Public Works Sub-
committee approving the 1998 Roadway Maintenance Plan but not the Overlay
Program and to review the overlay policy. Seconded by CM Wendel. All in favor.
Motion carried.
Mayor Fournier appointed CM Heidner, John Harwood and Mike Robertson as a sub-
committee to work on the overlay policy.
8.5. Review addition of Q >l allay Avenue #42 to 85th Street to MSA system
CM Heidner motioned for the City Engineer to prepare a Resolution authorizing
the addition of Quaday Avenue portion (from 85th Street to CSAH 42) to the MSA
System. Seconded by CM Ackerman. All in favor. Motion carried.
8.6. Review final right-of-way easement drawings.
Mr. Harwood reviewed the final right-of-way easement drawings.
8.7. Review utility system cost reduction memo_
a. Force main alignment along 65th to WWTF
b_ Water system review well and tank locations_
Mr. Harwood reviewed.
8.8. Any other Engineering Business_
There no additional engineering items.
9. Council Items:
9.1. Consider Rivers of Hope request for funding of $1,000.00. Also
consideration of line item being included in future City Budgets for
funding dollars for Rivers of Hope_
CM Heidner motioned for the City of Otsego not to participate in any funding
contribution to the Rivers of Hope and that this item is not to be a budgeted item in
the future. Mayor Fournier seconded. All in favor. Motion carried.
9.2. Appoint a Council Member to the Wright County Transportation
Task Force (See attached letter from Bert Bailey, Social Services
Mayor Fournier appointed CM Wendel to this Task Force and directed her to contact Bert
Bailey as soon as possible.
City Council Meeting of March 9, 1998, cont'd. Page 6.
9.3_ Any other Council Business -
isin .ss_9.3. Sub- nt Agreement for FEMA_
CM Heidner motioned for the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the Sub -Grant
Agreement for Federal Assistance. Seconded by CM Ackerman. All in favor.
Motion carried.
9.4_ Mike Robertson, City Administrator - update_
a. Consideration of Animal Control Services with the City of
Monticello and Patty Salzwedellfee schedule and Policy for
ameCM Berning motioned to direct the City Attorney to review the Animal Control
Services Contracts with the City of Monticello and Patty Salzwedel. Seconded by
CM Ackerman. All in favor. Motion carried.
The Council discussed the Staff Policy for using these animal control services. Mayor
Fournier appointed CM Heidner and CM Ackerman to meet with Mike Robertson and
review the policy.
9.5_ Elaine Beatty City Clerk - update_
Elaine Beatty reported that City Assessor, Pete Merges, is now at home recuperating from
his recent heart attack and is doing well.
9.6_ Consider Claims List for approval -
Staff was directed to check an expenditure of $425.09 for the Old Town Hall.
CM Heidner motioned to adopt the Claims List as presented. Seconded by Mayor
Fournier. All in favor. Motion carried.
The Council requested to have the Peavey House Rent issue on the next City Council
Mayor Fournier reminded the Council of the Friends of the Crow River Meeting on March
26, 1998 at the Buffalo American Legion.
9.7_ Adjourn by 10 PM_
CM Ackerman motioned to adjourn. Seconded by CM Wendel. All in favor.
Motion carried.
Recorded by: Judy Hudson, Deputy Clerk
City Seal