6:30 PM
MARCH 23, 1998
1. Mayor Larry Fournier will call meeting to order
Mayor Fournier called the March 23, 1998 City Council Meeting to order at 6:30 PM.
a. Pledge of Allegi n
Mayor Fournier led in the Pledge of Allegiance.
h_ Roll Call.
Mayor Larry Fournier; Councilmembers: Mark Berning, Vern Heidner, Virginia Wendel,
Suzanne Ackerman.
Staff: Mike Robertson, City Administrator; Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning
Administrator; Judy Hudson, Deputy Clerk; Andrew MacArthur, City Attorney.
2. Consider agenda approval-
p rov 1_Mike Robertson requested the addition of Item 9.3.e. Discussion of tree trimming quotes.
Mayor Fournier requested Consent Agenda Item 5.3. Approve Fee Schedule for Clean Up
Day removed and placed under Item 9.2.
CM Heidner motioned to adopt the March 23, 1998 City Council Agenda as
amended. Seconded by CM Berning. All in favor. Motion carried.
3. Consider Minutes:
a. Regular Council Meeting of March 91998_
Mayor Fournier requested the addition of his question to Ted Field (Item 4. Lb, pg. 2.)
of the status of the Environmental Worksheet Assessment (EAW) for the Wastewater
Treatment Plant. Mr. Field replied the EAW is being reviewed and prepared for the Public
CM Berning motioned to adopt the March 9, 1998 City Council Meeting Minutes as
amended. Seconded by CM Heidner. All in favor. Motion carried.
4. Open Forum_
4.1. Special Presentation:
A. Crary Groen - update on City Finances_
Mr. Groen reviewed the February Statements. Mr. Groen also informed the Council he
has provided the Park and Rec. Commission with budget information. He noted there is
approximately $55,000 in the Park Development Fund. The City Audit has been
scheduled for the end of April and staff will be meeting with Banyon Software on Monday
to discussed new financial software. Mr. Groen noted the cash flow from now until June
is in good order.
City Council Meeting of March 23, 1998, cont'd. Page 2.
b Presentation to City of Otsego Mayor and Council by Amie
Hendrickson of Minnegasco (Customer for 25 Years Anniversary
Mr. Hendrickson presented to the City Council a plaque and a check of $250 in
recognition of 25 years of natural gas service to Otsego. (see attached letter).
Mayor Fournier thanked him on behalf of the Council and Citizens of Otsego.
C Teff Bartheld, Park & Recs. Chair - Discuss seeding Prairie Park
Jeff Bartheld, Chair of the Park and Recs. Commission, stated to the Council his request
and reasons for Council support of re -seeding and fertilizing areas of the Otsego Prairie
Park. Mr. Bartheld requested $2,000 to start this immediately. This year they would like
to do one ball field, soccer field and spot areas in the wooded area.
Other commission members, Tom Constant, Sue Kroll, Nicolle Martin and Mike Day also
addressed the Council supporting the $2,000 request.
Mr. Bartheld also updated the Council that the Friends of the Park Program is sending out
letters to businesses asking for contributions. He also asked if the Park and Rec.
Commission should be preparing for any input to the updated Comprehensive Plan.
Mayor Fournier stated they should.
Mr. Bartheld also said the Bike and Trail Plan is two-thirds completed and they will need
Council approval and a Public Hearing to finish it.
4.2. Any other Open Forum,
John Knaus, Anoka, appeared on Open Forum to state that he is interested in purchasing
the Peavey property which is owned by the City.
4-A- Continuation of Council Annual Review of CUP for Dennis Fehn (For
Grading, Mining and Excavation CUP) See attached information_
Mayor Fournier noted the applicant was not in attendance and that the requested
information from the last council meeting was not received.
Mayor Fournier directed Mike Robertson to contact Dennis Felin and Terry Olson,
Hasson Township, and inform them the Council will act on this Review of CUP at the next
Council Meeting. Mr. Olson previously submitted a Petition from Hasson Township
residents requesting change of hours for operation.
5 Consent Agenda.(non-controversial items)
5.1. Approve pay raise for Public Works Maintenance I Position.
5-2- Approve Resolution for addition of Quaday Avenue #42 to 85th Street
to MSA System,
5-4. Approve Arlene Holen to move to regular Heritage Preservation Member
from 1st Alternate Member.
Item 5.3. was removed from the Consent Agenda and placed under Item 9.2.
CM Heidner motioned to adopt the Consent Agenda as amended. Seconded by CM
Ackerman. All in favor. Motion carried.
6 Bob Kirmis-
ssistant City Planner.
Mr. Kirmis was not in attendance.
City Council Meeting of March 23, 1998, cont'd. Page 3.
6.1. Consider closure of Kadler Avenue NE South of 1 -94 -
Mike Robertson, City Administrator presented the report on the Kadler Avenue Closing.
Mayor Fournier asked for any public comment.
Bruce Lubke, 65th Street. Mr. Lubke stated the closure of the south end of Kadler was
tine but stated concern if all of Kadler Avenue is vacated.
Mr. Robertson stated the Planning Commission recommended that just the south end of
Kadler Avenue is closed.
The Council discussed the future possibility of this street being vacated.
Mr. MacArthur said the developer is just asking for closure at this time. For vacation of a
road there must be a petition.
CM Heidner motioned that the City of Otsego recognizes closing of Kadler Avenue
which Ges in the City of St. Michael with the realization that the City of Otsego
opposes future vacation of Kadler Avenue. Seconded by CM Ackerman. All in
favor. Motion carried.
Mayor Fournier suggested for CM Wendel and CM Ackerman to take this issue up with
the City of Albertville.
7. Andrew MacArthur, City Attorney,
7.1. Present LMC Resolution regarding Right-of-way.
Mr. MacArthur distributed the model ordinance.
It was the consensus of the Council to have this Item on the next City Council Agenda.
7-2- Consider action for renters at Peavey House - past due rent_
Mr. MacArthur said the attached letter of March 18, 1998 was sent to Mr. and Mrs.
Hagen giving them until May 1, 1998 to pay in full all rent due. If not, his firm will initiate
unlawful detainer proceedings on behalf of the City. The City Attorney was directed to
send a follow-up letter to Mr. and Mrs. Hagen.
7 Consider New Liquor License for Randel D_ and Deborah Carron
14975 95th Street NF. Otsego, MN 55330 for Off -Sale Intoxicating
I .iQr or License (to be used at F&F Foods Complex leased space
on Hwy 101 and Co Rd 42 SE Corner - Owned by Clem Darkenwald.
Mayor Fournier opened the Hearing at 7:35 PM. Elaine Beatty stated the proper noticing
was done.
Mr. MacArthur explained this Hearing is for the purpose of granting a new Off -Sale
Intoxicating Liquor License. The Certificate of Insurance received did not meet City
Ordinance limits. The applicant will be submitting proof of the required insurance
requirements. Mr. MacArthur also referred to his letter dated March 11, 1998 addressed
to Randy and Debbie Carron informing them the City Council is presently considering the
possibility of establishing a municipal liquor store and the City must decide whether or not
it would operate an exclusive off -sale liquor store.
Mayor Fournier opened the Public Hearing for public comments.
Randy Carron, applicant, requested the Council to approve this liquor license. He said
they will be located at F&F Foods and have already invested money for this business. He
wants to open on May 1, 1998.
City Council Meeting of March 23, 1998, cont'd. Page 4.
Mayor Fournier asked Mr. Carron if he is aware that the Council could decide to open a
Municipal Store. Mr. Carron replied he is aware of this.
Mayor Fournier questioned if this license would only be good through the end of June and
than would have to be renewed.
Mr. MacArthur replied that is correct per City Ordinance but the current fee would be
pro -rated.
There were no other public comments.
CM Heidner motioned to close the Public Hearing. Seconded by CM Berning. All
in favor. Motion carried.
Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator, stated she did receive the background
check back from the Wright County Sheriff's office and everything checked out fine.
CM Berning motioned to adopt Resolution No. 98-11, approving Off -Sale Liquor
License to allow Randal D. and Deborah A. Carron approval of an off -sale,
intoxicating liquor license within the City of Otsego, subject to meeting all
requirements of the City Ordinance and subject to the State of MN approval.
Seconded by CM Wendel. All in favor. Motion carried.
7.4. Consider Celebration Ordinance,
Mr. MacArthur reviewed the Celebration Ordinance with the Council.
Mr. MacArthur suggested the Council review this ordinance, especially reviewing the
numbers and if this should be administered by the City Staff rather than bringing to the
CM Berning wanted to review the number of people and exemptions to include family
events and Riverwood Conference Center.
Mr. Robertson wanted to review the 45 Day approval, feeling this is too long of a process
CM Heidner requested the Park and Rec. Commission review the Ordinance. He
questioned if Minn -e -golf should also be excluded. CM Berning will review it with them.
Mayor Fournier directed to have the consideration of the Celebration Ordinance placed on
the May 11, 1998 City Council Agenda. Staff was directed to fine tune the Ordinance
prior to this date.
Mr. MacArthur reviewed the Animal Control Contract he prepared.
Mayor Fournier suggested changing city official to City Administrator designee in the
contract. The Council agreed.
CM Berning motioned to authorize the City Administrator to sign the Animal
Control Contract with changing the words city official to City Administrator
designee. Seconded by CM Wendel. All in favor. Motion carried.
7 h Anv nthPr T Panl RiicinPcc
Mr. MacArthur reviewed Hakanson, Anderson letter of March 17, 1998 and his letter of
March 19, 1998.
City Council Meeting of March 23, 1998, cont'd. Page 5.
The attached conditional Resolution for Council consideration, states that all conditions
must be met for Council's acceptance of the Heritage Hills streets.
Mayor Fournier questioned if the pond is correct. Mr. MacArthur said this was discussed
with Larry Koshak. Mr. Koshak indicated he will accept the pond the way it is. The pond
is deeper with more capacity. The outlot will also need to be deeded over to the City.
CM Heidner stated concern with the section of the road that does not meet City
Standards. Mr. MacArthur discussed this with Mr. Koshak who feels any deficiencies
what they are talking about will show up in the second year and therefore the City can
collect on the Letter of Credit. Mr. Robertson explained how measurements weren't taken
in one area and therefore the developer can't prove the road was built to code. The road
may have been built fine.
CM Wendel stated concern with safely issues because of the steepness of the slopes.
Mr. Robertson said the landscaping still needs to be completed this spring.
Jeff Bartheld requested the closure of the construction driveway which is located across
from his place. He feels this is a safety issue with all the traffic coming off this driveway.
He also asked about the dirt pile.
Mr. Robertson will contact the developer on those issues.
CM Heidner motioned to adopt Resolution No 98-9, approve contingent acceptance
of streets for Heritage Hills Plat. Seconded by CM Ackerman. All in favor. Motion
Mr. MacArthur stated he provided the Council with appraisal bids for the 1998 Trunk and
Sewer Project and Odean Avenue Project. He asked for Council approval to go ahead
with the appraisal work.
He has received the Owners encumbrance reports back for Odean Avenue. He should get
the Owners Encumbrances reports for the Sewer and Water projects in two or three
weeks. Mr. MacArthur noted it is very crucial to start the appraisal work in order to keep
on schedule for the water and sewer project.
Mayor Fournier motioned to approve the quote of $175.00 per parcel with the Lyle
H. Nagel and Company. Seconded by CM Heidner.
Voting For the Motion: CM Heidner, Mayor Fournier, CM Ackerman, CM
Voting Against the Motion: CM Berning
Motion carried four (4) to one (1).
R_ John Harwood. ity Engineer,
John Harwood was not in attendance.
Mike Robertson announced that Merland Otto is leaving Hakanson, Anderson.
City Council Meeting of March 23, 1998, cont'd. Page 6.
9. Council Items:
9.1. Update of Park and Recs_ Meeting by Mark Benning (see attached).
A_ Discussion of directional signs for "Otsego Prairie Park"_
CM Berning referred to the attached sheet of activities the Park and Recs. Commission
has planned for the Family Fun Fest. He also said he will discussed with the Commission
the information on signage which Elaine Beatty has prepared.
Mike Robertson distributed the attached quotes for tree trimming in the wooded picnic
area. He suggested obtaining the Sentence to Serve Group from Wright County to remove
the debris and clean up this area.
CM Heidner motioned for the City Administrator to negotiate with the Dehn Tree
Service for tree trimming for the best process so as not to remove as many trees as
the quote states. Seconded by CM Ackerman. All in favor. Motion carried.
CM Heidner motioned to provide up to $2,000 for volunteer seeding of the ball field
and spot seeding in the wooded area Staff should look at the budget for this
expenditure or to be charged to the Park Maintenance Fund. Seconded by CM
Ackerman. All in favor. Motion carried.
Mayor Fournier directed Jeff Bartheld to work with Mike Robertson on this project.
9.2_ Any other .o uncil Business-
isin .ss.9.2.a_ Approve Fee Schedule for Clean Up Day.
Mayor Fournier motioned to approve the 1998 Fee Schedule for Clean Up Day.
Seconded by CM Heidner. All in favor. Motion carried.
9.3. Mike Robertson, City Administrator - u ate.
A. Administrative Sub -committee report.
Mr. Robertson reviewed his March 18, 1998 Memo on the Administrative sub -committee
recommendation for Vacation and Personal Leave.
There was no action taken on this issue.
CM Berning questioned if opening for half a day on Friday can be considered.
It was the consensus of the Council to let the Administrative sub -committee discuss this
B Update on Municipal Liquor Information.
Mike Robertson went over his March 18, 1998 Memo outlining information he received
from surrounding communities on Municipal Liquor Store Operations.
Mr. MacArthur noted the state statutes were written a long time ago and there hasn't been
a lot of municipal liquor stores established recently. If Otsego would allow split liquor -
meaning Otsego would allow other entities to sell liquor, by statute you are only allowed
to do that with a on -sale that would provide food with the liquor.
In order to have split liquor you have to put it to a vote. That is not the issue of municipal
liquor. You can do municipal liquor without a vote. The issue of split liquor has to go to
City Council Meeting of March 23, 1998, cont'd. Page 7.
a vote. The concern is, if the vote is not to allow split liquor, than Otsego could be in a
situation where it would be going into this not intending on affecting any other existing
operations, but end up doing so.
Mr. MacArthur advised the Council that if they are considering municipal liquor there
needs to be more research done.
Mr. Robertson also pointed out it could be several years before the city starts showing a
profit because of the expense of the start up costs of land, building etc.,
Mike Robertson was directed to contact NAC for a copy of the analysis they did for the
City of Robinsdale and to get the numbers from Warren Phillips and for Mr. MacArthur to
check with the Attorney General's Office for further information.
C. Discussion of Elk River -Rogers VFW Grant
Mike Robertson went over his memo of March 17, 1998.
The Council directed Mike to send a thank you letter to the VFW for each flag received.
D. Discussion of Proposed Loose Dog Policy.
Both Elaine Beatty and Judy Hudson requested the deletion of Item B and Item D in
reference to the Sheriffs department verifying and apprehending dogs.
CM Berning motioned to approve the Loose Dog Policy with deleting Item B and
Item D and including Friday in Item D. Seconded by CM Heidner. All in favor.
Motion carried.
9.4. Elaine Beatty, City Clerk - update.
Elaine Beatty had no items for discussion.
9.5_ Consider Claims List for approval-
p rn oval_
CM Berning motioned to approve the Claims List as presented. seconded by CM
Ackerman. All in favor. Motion carried.
Mayor Fournier directed the City Clerk to place Civil Defense on the next City Council
At this point Mike Robertson left. Mayor Fournier informed the Council he has talked to
Mike Robertson regarding full time employment and would like direction from the Council
regarding this. Mayor Fournier set April 14, 1998, 7 PM for a Special Closed Council
Meeting to negotiate a contract with Mike Robertson. Mr. Robertson will meet with the
Council at 7:30 PM.
Regarding the $250.00 check from Minnegasco. The Council directed staff to contact the
Tree Farm in Otsego for trees.
City Council Meeting of March 23, 1998, cont'd. Page 8.
9.6_ Adjourn by 10 PM.
CM Ackerman motioned to adjourn. Seconded by CM Berning. All in favor.
Motion carried.
Meeting -d* umed
i rcLC�rr�C�-.
ayor L Fournier
ttest: Elaine Beatty, C y Clerk/Zo ' Dam
Recorded by: Judy Hudson, Deputy Clerk
City Seal