01-07-98 WSCITY OF OTSEGO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA CITY COUNCIL BUDGET WORKSHOP 6:30 PM OTSEGO CITY HALL JANUARY 7, 1998 1. Mayor Fournier will call meeting to order. Mayor Fournier called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. Roll Call: Mayor Larry Fournier: Councilmembers: Vern Heidner, Suzanne Ackerman, Virginia Wendel, Mark Berning. Staff: Mike Robertson; City Administrator; Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator; Gary Groen, City Accountant; Judy Hudson, Deputy Clerk. 2. Review Budget for 1998 and make any changes- Gary hangesGary Groen noted the Community Recreation Budget (Page 19, Item 45 100) of $15,000. Due to recent action by the City Council this budget should be changed to $19,003. CM Wendel had the following questions: 1. Page 3, Item 38000 Old Hall/House Rent. What are the current expenditures on the Peavey House property. Gary Groen noted the current expenditures with the Peavey property are the property taxes. CM Heidner noted the Council previously requested the Old Town Hall and the Peavey House Budgets should be separated and would like to see this done. 2. Page 19, Item 45200 Park Maintenance. The 1998 Budgeted amount is $17,791 and the 1997 amount was $37,989. Why the difference. CM Heidner explained the 1997 figure included wages of a Public Works employee. In 1997 Park Maintenance was contracted out. 3. Page 19, Item 45300, Heritage Preservation of $6,091. Why such an increase over last year's budget. CM Heidner and Elaine Beatty explained the Council approved a Resolution to carry over the balance from last year's budget. Gary Groen noted this amount also includes the commission members pay. 4. Page 20, Item 801 Council Contingency of $30,000. What is this for. Gary explained this is a fund for the Council to use for expenses that are not anticipated. Mike Robertson noted it is 2.5% of the total budget. He also suggested to the Council to hold off on using a large amount of this fund until towards the end of year. That would give the Council the chance of seeing where they stand with the budget. 5. Two mileage/travel, Item 321 on Page 20 and Item 321 on Page 21. Gary explained these two mileage/travel budget items are for two different departments. City Council Budget Workshop, January 7,1998, cont'd. Page 2. 6. Page 30, the EDAAC Budget. Questioned the request for a intern. Mayor Fournier said hiring of an intern is only authorized by the City Council. Gary noted what they requested is outlined on Page 30 but what was actually budgeted is reflected on Page 29. 7. Explain page 32, The Bank of Elk River Loan Schedule. Gary explained this is the loan schedule for the City Hall Building. The payments are in the budget on page 31, under Item 410 Rent City Hall. 8. CM Wendel also questioned the professional services billing. She understood their attendance at meetings were at a flat fee. After Council discussion, Mike Robertson suggested he will review the meeting fee schedule of the professional staff. 9. Page 39, the $3,000 Engineer Budgeted Item 302. Is this in addition to the $52,000 on Page 36, Item 390. Gary explained the $3,000 is in addition to the $52,000 which has been outlined on page 43 by the City Engineer. 10. Where will the money come from to pay for the River Rider Bus Service. Elaine explained the Council directed the funds to come out of the 1997 Mining Fees. 11. Where is money coming from to pay for the Comprehensive Plan. Gary explained half the amount came from 1997s budget and the other half is budgeted in the 1998 Budget. CM Heidner questioned the road maintenance budget expenditures. He wants to see the same dollar spent per foot for paved and gravel street maintenance. He had understood the Public Works Committee was going to get this straightened out. According to the 1998 Budget, it hasn't been done. Mike noted that he will look into this with Larry Koshak, Gary Groen and Dave Chase. They will look at the budget numbers and how it will affect the service level. The Council discussed they could adopt the 1998 Budget contingent upon these items being resolved. Gary Groen reported there is $1,200 budgeted each in the Heritage Commission, EDAAC and Park and Rec. Commissions for paying each commission member $10 for every meeting. Does the council want to do this. Mike suggested the pay is $10 per month and not per meeting. Mayor Fournier noted the alternates will be paid only if they are filling in for an absent member. CM Berning noted there have been two commission members who approached him saying that they don't want the pay but to include it in their respective commissions budgets for other expenditures. CM Heidner questioned if the commission members are paid, will they still be considered volunteers. Mike offered to call the League of MN Cities for clarification of this issue. City Council Budget Workshop, January 7, 1998, cont'd. Page 3. CM Berning questioned the function and purpose of the EDAAC. Mayor Fournier feels the EDAAC is important and will have more purpose when the City has sewer and water. They are also working on a city map showing the city's businesses. CM Heidner, who was the initial chair of the EDAAC, explained the EDAAC's charter and reason to exist is as an advisory group only. He suggested that since this group is an advisory group maybe they don't need to meet for a few months until the City needs them. He referred to the Planning Commission not meeting when there aren't any agenda items. He suggested all commissions should be informed of this. Mayor Fournier directed the Council Representative for each Commission to explain this to their Commission. Mike also offered to explained this when he attends a Commission Meeting. The Council agreed to leave on the January 12, 1998 City Council Agenda approval of the 1998 Budget but need to address the $3,000 for River Rider Bus, $4,000 for Community Recreation, and the road maintenance budgeting. 3. Any other business. CM Berning and CM Wendel questioned the need for three public works employees since there is more maintenance work that is being contracted out. One of the things CM Berning feels the Public Works Employees should be able to do is set culverts without having an engineer there. Mayor Fournier directed staff to put this issue on the next Public Works Committee Agenda for discussion. It was suggested the council review the Public Works Log Sheets. CM Heidner questioned if the Snowmobile Race Event being held on Long Haul Trucking site needs a Conditional Use Permit. Elaine explained she checked with Bob Kirmis and they agreed a CUP isn't needed. They have gone through the proper process for their Non -Intoxicating Liquor License. 4. Adjourn. CM Ackerman motioned to adjourn. Seconded by CM Wendel. All in favor. Motion carried. MeetigVadjoumed at 8:15 PM. Attest: Elaine Beatty, City Cl9r1YJZoning Adm. Recorded by: Judy Hudson, D ty Clerk City Seal