09-30-96 PH' SEP 3 0 1996 To : City of Otsego - County of Wright My wife and I are extremely opposed to the proposed assessment due to the over a project. We were never in favor of the overlay in the first place. It has been our feeling that thereare streets in Otsego that need work much more desperetly than Mississippi Shores. This seemed like a hastily decided project and one that creates a real hardship on us financially. Thank you for taking the time to listen to our concerns. Thor and Leslie Johnson 15389 95th St. N. E. September 30, 1996 SUBJECT: Appeal of Improvement Project #95-2 Tim J. and Deanna L. Greninger are appealing the proposed assessment for the road improvement project done in the Island View Estates Addition. Because we are not a part of Island View, we were not included in the petition that the city council received from the residents of Island View Estates nor were we notified of the meeting where the board passed this special assessment. This should be noted in the minutes of that meeting. Our property of 10254 99th Street does not have a legal access to 99th Street, nor is there any frontage to the street. Last spring, the city mayor, the city attorney and a representative of the engineering firm were out to our residence to discuss the reconstruction project because they wanted to extend the road past our residence. But if they proceeded with such action, our access to County Road 39 would have been cut off. Therefore, they decided to leave the road as it was. Upon further discussion as to our minimal usage of 99th Street, it was verbally agreed that we would not be charged the full assessment. If adoption of this assessment takes place on September 30, 1996, we wish to defer our payment for 30 days from the date this letter of objection is finalized without interest or penalties. Tim J. Greninger Deanna L. Greninger CITY OF OTSEGO PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT PROJECT NO. 95-2 ISLAND VIEW ESTATES AND ARROWHEAD ESTATES ROADWAY RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT ESTIMATED FINAL PROJECT COSTS [71 Contractor Engineering Engineering (yet to be billed) Field Service Field Service (yet to be billed) Preparation of Assessment Roll (yet to be billed) Appraisal Fee Soils Engineering Services Publishing Legal Administrative Bonding: Standard & Poor 1,250.00 Springsted 6,547.18 Kennedy & Graven 1,045.16 TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COST Number of assessment units Cost per unit OT331 = 90 = $4,907.32 $356,996.57 24,831.82 3,013.91 31,166.66 4,533.00 1,000.00 500.00 10,057.55 102.56 433.10 180.90 $441,658.41 PROPERTY OWNERS ASSESSMENT REPORT Property Owner: Legal Address: PID #: Date of Report: NAME ADDRESS PIN NUMBER September 30, 1996 Project: City of Otsego Public Improvement Project Number 95-2 Island View Estates and Arrowhead Estates Roadway Reconstruction Project SCHEDULE OF ASSESSMENT: STREET IMPROVEMENT Total Unit Units Total Assessed Cost Amount Assessed Assessment $463,275.00 $5,147.50 1 $5,147.50 ASSESSMENT CALCULATED FOR EQUAL ANNUAL PAYMENT Annual Interest Rate: 7.50% Number of Years Covered: 10 Interest Start Date: 10/01/96 First Period Through: 12/31/97 Filing Year Collect Year Principal Paid Interest Paid Total Paid Principal Balance 1996 1997 $279.73 $483.37 $763.10 $4,867.77 1997 1998 $398.02 $365.08 $763.10 $4,469.75 1998 1999 $427.87 $335.23 $763.10 $4,041.88 1999 2000 $459.96 $303.14 $763.10 $3,581.92 2000 2001 $494.46 $268.64 $763.10 $3,087.46 2001 2002 $531.54 $231.56 $763.10 $2,555.92 2002 2003 $571.41 $191.69 $763.10 $1,984.51 2003 2004 $614.27 $148.83 $763.10 $1,370.24 2004 2005 $660.33 $102.77 $763.10 $709.91 2005 2006 $709.91 $53.24 $763.15 $0.00 CITY OF OTSEGO PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT PROJECT NO. 95-2 ISLAND VIEW ESTATES AND ARROWHEAD ESTATES ROADWAY RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT ASSESSMENT SCHEDULE CASE #1 ASSESS FULL NOTICE AMOUNT Total Assessment = EQUAL ANNUAL TOTAL PAYMENT Total Principal Term of Payment Interest Rate $5,147.50 $5,147.50 10 years 7.50% Filing Collect Principal Interest ; Annual Principal Year Year Payment Payment- Payment Balance 1996 1997 1998 1997 1998 1999 � $279.731 $398.02 $427.87 $483.37 $365.08 $335.231 $763.10 $763.1011 $763.10' $4,867.77 � $4,469.75 j $4,041.88 1999 2000 $459.96 $303.14 $763.101 $3,581.92 2000 1 2001 $494.46 $268.64 $763.101 $3,087.46 2001 1 2002 j $531.54 _ $763.101 $2,555.92 2002 2003 $571.41 _$2_31.56 $191.69 $763.101 $1,98 i4 5151 2003 2004 $614.27 $148.83 $763.101 $1,370.24 2004 2005 $660.331 $102.77 $763.101 $709.91 2005 2006 $709.911 $53.24 $763.15 $0.00 Total j $5,147.501 483.55 $7,631.05', "" Includes interest from filing date to 12/31/1997 CITY OF OTSEGO PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT PROJECT NO. 95-2 ISLAND VIEW ESTATES AND ARROWHEAD ESTATES ROADWAY RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT ASSESSMENT SCHEDULE CASE #2 ASSESS ESTIMATED ACTUAL AMOUNT Total Assessment = EQUAL ANNUAL TOTAL PAYMENT Total Principal Term of Payment Interest Rate $4,907.32 $4,907.32 10 years 7.50% Filing Collect Principal Interest Annual Principal Year Year Payment Payment Payment Balance 1996 - 1997 1997 1998 $266.621 $379.3911$348.05 $460.82; $727.44 $727.44, $4,640.70 $4,261.31 1998 1999 2000 1 1999_ 2000 2001 $407.84 $438.43 $471.31 $319.60__$727.44 $289A1�_ $727.44 _ $256.131 $727.441 $3,853.47 ' _$3,415.04 $2,943.731 2001 2002 $506.66 $220.781 $727.441 $2,437.07 2002 2003 1 $544.66 $182.781 $727.441 $1,892.411 2003 2004 $585.51 $141.931 $727.44 $1,306.9011 2004 2005 $629.42 $98.021 $727.44 $677.48 2005 2006 $677.48 $50.811 $727.44; $0.0011 Tota! $4,907.32 $2,367.931 $7,274.40 'k* Includes interest from filing date to 12/31/1997 CITY OF OTSEGO PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT PROJECT NO. 95-1 MISSISSIPPI SHORES ADDITIONS OVERLAY PROJECT ESTIMATED FINAL PROJECT COSTS .A Contractor Engineering Field Service Preparation of Assessment Roll (yet to be billed) Publishing Administrative Bonding: Standard & Poor 1,250.00 Springsted 6,547.18 Kennedy & Graven 1,045.16 TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COST Number of assessment units = 235 Cost per unit = $649.57 OT331 $125,876.91 12,658.15 3,987.42 1,000.00 102.55 180.90 $152,648.27 PROPERTY OWNERS ASSESSMENT REPORT Property Owner: NAME Legal Address: ADDRESS PID #: PIN NUMBER Date of Report: September 30, 1996 Project: City of Otsego Public Improvement Project Number 95-1 Mississippi Shores Additions Overlay Project SCHEDULE OF ASSESSMENT: OVERLAY PROJECT Total Unit Units , Total Assessed Cost Amount Assessed Assessment $188,729.00 $803.10 1 $803.10 ASSESSMENT CALCULATED FOR EQUAL ANNUAL PAYMENT Annual Interest Rate: 7.50% Number of Years Covered: _ 5 Interest Start Date: 10/01/96 First Period Through: 12/31/97 Filing Collect Principal Interest Total Principal Year Year Paid Paid Paid Balance 1996 1997 $126.58 $75.41 $201.99 $676.52 1997 1998 $151.25 $50.74 $201.99 $525.27 1998 1999 $162.59 $39.40 $201.99 $362.68 1999 2000 $174.79 $27.20 $201.99 $187.89 2000 2001 $187.89 $14.10 $201.99 $0.00 CITY OF OTSEGO PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT PROJECT NO. 95-1 MISSISSIPPI SHORES ADDITIONS OVERLAY PROJECT ASSESSMENT SCHEDULE CASE #1 ASSESS FULL NOTICE AMOUNT Total Assessment = EQUAL ANNUAL TOTAL PAYMENT Total Principal Term of Payment Interest Rate $803.10 5 years 7.50% $803.10 Filing 1 Collect Principal Interest T Annual Unpaid Year I Year I Payment Payment �P"ayment� Balance i 1996 19971 1997 1998 $126.58 $151.25 $75.411 $50.741 $201.991 $201.991 $676.52 $525.27 19981 1999 $162.59 $39.40 $201.99 $362.68 19991 2000 $174.79 $27.20 $201.99 $187.89 20001 2001 — $187.891 $14.10 $209.99 $0.00 Total $803.101 $206.851 $1,009.951 *'° Includes interest from filing date to 12/31/1997 CITY OF OTSEGO PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT PROJECT NO. 95-1 MISSISSIPPI SHORES ADDITIONS OVERLAY PROJECT ASSESSMENT SCHEDULE CASE #2 ASSESS ESTIMATED ACTUAL AMOUNT Total Assessment = EQUAL ANNUAL TOTAL PAYMENT Total Principal Term of Payment Interest Rate $649.57 5 years 7.50% $649.57 Filing Collect I Principal Interest Annual Unpaid Year Year Payment Payment Payment Balance 1996 ; 19971 $102.66 � $60.90 $163.561 $546.91 1997 1998 1998 1999 _ $122.54 $131.73 _ $41.02 $31.83 $163.56' $163.56 _$424.37 $292.64 1999 20001 $141.61 $21.95 $163.561 $151.02- 120001 2001 — $151.02 $11.33 $162.351 $0.00 1 1 Total 1 $649.57 j $167.021 $816.591 y"k Includes interest from filing date to 12/31/1997 Watson Appraisal and Consultant Service 4230 Central Avenue N.E., Columbia Heights, MN 55421 Office: (812) 7a8.2714 • Alter Hours: (812) 571.1717 May 7, 1996 City Council City of Otsego 8899 Nashua Avenue Elk River P.O., MN 55330 Dear Councilmembers: In accordance with your request for an evaluation of the proposal for an evaluation of the proposed bituminous street construction in the Island View Estate Additions, I have proceeded as follows: 1. 1 viewed the streets included in the proposed improvement with Engineer Koshak on April 26, 1996. 2. We toured the Parkwood and Antelope Park Additions where the streets are already bituminous surfaced similar to what is proposed for Island View Estates. 3. 1 checked out lots currently for sale and lots where homes have been constructed recently. 4. 1 went through the Multiple Listing Service sales of vacant residential sites for the past two years. 5. I received property I.D. numbers on parcels from Mr. Koshak and from Judy Hudson in the Otsego City Office to confirm lot locations. 6. I discussed with Mr. Koshak the problem of unstable soil conditions in the Island View Estates Addition as compared with the stable/granular soils in Antelope Park. 7. 1 called the realtors who had listed Island View Sites and reviewed the probable selling prices in an unpaved street area. Edina Realty sent me data on 10 Island View Home Sales. 8. I contacted Mr. George Sanford of Zeigler Construction company and discussed what their general estimate of land value is on the property sales which were on improved sites in Antelope Park. 9. I reviewed the current county assessors estimated market values on lands in the Antelope Park Addition where new homes were recently built. 10. I prepared a grid of lot values in Island View as an area of gravel streets and a grid of lot values in the Antelope Park Addition as an area of bituminous surfaced streets. It is my opinion based on the foregoing research that after adjusting for soil stabilization, subdivision location, lot shapes, and time of sales that the remaining differential factor is the dust -free, low maintenance bituminous streets. The class 5 (gravel) area lots would have a probable market value of $15,000 to $18,000 per building site, whereas similar sites on a bituminous roadway would fall in the $19,000 to $24,000 range or $4,000 to $6,000 more due to the bituminous road surfacing. As noted herein, this is my evaluation of the benefit derived to a building site having a low maintenance, dust free, bituminous street to serve each site. This estimate assumes an "entire" project with no streets eliminated as that would mean continual need for blading in the "neighborhood" with the accompanying dust and inconvenience. I further note that the roadway design with a deep granular base and good bituminous mat thickness should give the area a long-term maintenance free roadway. The drainage design with proper driveway culverts and stabilized private drives will also enhance the over-all project. The average benefit should be about $5,000 per building site. Aespectfully submitted, Malcolm O. Watson Appraiser/Consultant Civil Engineer Appraiser License #4000369 MOW/sh April 23, 1996 Island View Estates Project Comparable Single Family Lot Sales Paved Street Comparables All Sites are 1 Acre, More or Less, In Size Address 14864 Ogren 14979 96th St NE Otsego Otsego Leeal: L. 3, Blk. 2 L. 1, Blk. 9 Antelope Pk. Antelope Pk. Sold For: Est. 28,001) 28,900 Date Sold: 1995 1995 Assr's EMV: 30,000 30,700 Soil: Granular/stable Granular/stable EMV 5/1/96: 30,000 30,000 15008 96th St NE Otsego L. 1, Blk. 2 Antelope Pk. est. 25,000 For Sale 16,500 Granular/stable 25,000 Actual market value in this arca-superior location to Island Park would be $25,0(X) to $30.(XX)/Lot location is worth about $5,000/site over the lot value in Island View Estates ($20,(X)0 to $25,(=). Due to being in a more developed area convenient to Highway 101 and Elk River commercial facilities. Superior soil conditions also exist in Antelope Park with stable granular soils for less costly construction on homes and streets. This would be an additional value of about $1,000 per site for a net "Paved Road" value of $19,000 to $24,000 per site. DEFINITION OF NIARKE.T VALUE.: The must prohahle prier which ;1 property should bring in a cougcliinv and open market under all conditions requisite Io it Lor sale. the hiller and seller, each acting prudently. knlrsvkdgeably omul assuunnp the price is not affected by undue %Iillllllu.. Inaplicif in this definition is the konstunncrtioah of it .ale as .11 a .lit-611rd d,uc and the passing of title hoto seller to buyer under cnnditiuns seherchy: (1) buyer and seller afe typoc;dly uuaivaled. I!, lohh parlies arc well kilbrmed or well advised, and each acting in what he considers his own best intetcsl: (3) :1 reasonahlc lime is allowed for exposure of the illicit nlarkcC (4) payment is mode in leans of cash in U.S. dollars or in terns ill linonciad arrangements comparable Ihcrcio: and (5) the price represents the normal consideration lilr the prolxriy sold unafli•cted Ill special or creative financing or sales conccssiunse granted by anyone associated with the side. •Adjusunenls to the comparahles must be made lilr special or creative lin:uhciog or sales concessions. No attlsunenls au• necessary for those costs which arc normally paid by sellers as a result of tradition or Low in ;1 marker arca: these costs are readily identifiable since the seller pays !hese costs in virtually all sales transactions. Special or creative financing adplst lcnts can be made to the comparable property by comparisons to financing terms oll'cred by a third party institutional lender that is not already involved in the property or transaction. Any adjustment should not be calculated on a mechanical dollar liar dollar cost of the financing or concession but the dollar amount of any adjustnew should approxim:ie the ntarkel's reaction to the financing or concessions based on the appraiser's judgment. CERTIFICATION AND STATENIENT OF I.INIITING CONDITIONS CERTIFICATION: The Appraiser certifies and agrees that: I. The Appraiser has no present or contemplated future interest in the property appraised: and neither the emphoynhent to make the appraisal, nor the compensation for it, is contingent upon the appraised value of the property. 2. The Appraiser has no personal interest in or hiss with respect to the subject matter of the appraisal report or the paoici pants to the sale. The ••Hslinlale of Market Value" io the appraisal report is not based in whop: or io part upon the nae. eofol. or national origin of the prospective owners or occupants of the property appraised, or upon the race, color or oatinoal orgio of the present owners or occupants of the properties in the vicinity of the property appraised. 3. The Appraiser has personally inspected the property, hush inside and out, and has made an exterior inspct-noo of all comparable sales listed in to report. 'lit the best of the Appraiser's kntlwlcdge and heliel', all statements and infor maiwo m this repom are true and correct, and the Appraiser has not knowingly withheld any signiticanl inhtrnalion. 4. All contingent and limiting conditions are cuntaihed herein (imposed by the terms of the assignment or by the under signed affecting the analyses. opinions, and conclusions cuotahcd in the rellorll. S. This appraisal rep5ort has been made in conformily with and is subject to the requirements ill the Code ill' Prolessnnal Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct of the appraisal organizations with which the Appraiser is allilialcd. 6. All conclusions and opinions concerning the read estate that are set forth in the Igtpraisal report were prepared Ig the Appraiser whose signature appears on the appraisal report, unless indicated as "Review Appraiser.- No change of any item in the appraisal report shall be made by anyone other than the Appraiser, and the Appraiser shall have no responsibility for any such unauthorized change. CONTINGENT AND LIMITING CONDITIONS: The certification of the Appraiser appearing in the appraisal report is s ihiccl to the following conditions and to such other specific and limiting conditions as are set forth by the Appraiser in the report. I. The Appraiser assumes no responsibility for matters of a legal nature affecting the property appraised or the lite there- to, nor does the Appraiser render any opinion as to the title. which is assumed to be good and marketable. The property is appraised as though under responsible ownership. 2. Any sketch in the report may show approximate dimensions and is included to assist the reader in visualizing the prop- erty. The Appraiser has made no survey of the property. 3. The Appraiser is not required w give lestinony or appear in court because of having made the appraisal with reference to the property in question, unless arrmgemcnis have been previously made Iheaefitr. 4. Any distribution of the valuation in the report helween land and ing5rovcnaents applies only under the existing prognuo of utilization. The separate valuations for land and building must not be used in conjuctiun with any tither appraisal and are invalid if so used. 5. The Appraiser assumes that there are no hidden or unlpparent conditions of the property, subsoil. or structures, which would render it more or less valuable. The Appraiser assumes no responsihility for such conditions, or for engineering which might be required to discover such factors. 6. Information, estimates, and opinions furnished to the Appraiser, and contained in the report, were obtained from sources considered reliable and believed hit be true and correct. However, no responsibility for accuracy of such items furnished the Appraiser can be assumed by the Appraiser. 7. Disclosure of the contents of the appraisal report is governed by the Bylaws and Rcgulatior% of the professional appraisal organizations with which the Appraiser is affiliated. 8. Neither all, nor any par of the content of the report. or copy thereof (including conclusions as to the property v,due. the identity of the Appraiser, professional designations, reference to any professional appraisal organizations, or the firm with which the Appraiser is connected), shall he used for any purposes by anyone but the client specified in the report, the lorrowcr if appraisal fee paid by sane, the mortgagee or its successors and assigns, mortgage insurers, consultants, professional appraisal organizations, any state or federally approved financial institution, any department, agency. or instrumentality of the United States or any state or the District of Columbia, without the previous written consent of the Appraiser- nor shall it he conveyed by anyone to the public through advertising, public relations, news. sales, or other media, without the writer cuuscol and approval of the Appraiser. 9. On all appraisals, subject to satisfactory completion, repairs, or alterations, the appraisal report and value conclusion an: contingent upon completion of the improvements in a workmanlike manner. 'Un la.• .the rvt.e alet.d an th I. repent, the ..let rite• of If th. preen.• of he 'd.. eu b.t enc <<. Intlud in, vl I.,out Il.lt•t ton •abnt0e. ..h .u0st err e.. ..h • ..beat... u f.r.•IdrhyJe feoa poly<hl o rin•ted blphenyl•. petreleua lnkeae. of •arlevltu 11 Ineu let ton, radon, of ether hstn toil. .ub.ten<es a nvl roirent•1 ch.. vhlch soy o .oy not ►• preen.. nn the property, , ..alt ton.. .•y of feet th •aloe sr the pope ray, the v.I:• other rale...•nt•I c.ndltl.... v not I.1i,d to he athero inn ntl.eted Is predl<eted on the • u.pt lsn that share 1t at such el nor did the appraiser boco.e • •re of such dur In$ the <ondllion en .i In the ►roperty er In such prs.l.tty lir rete that oppr.i.W. ln.pattlon. Thr gpnloet he. m knovl.dl. of the la could oils• < tan In volas. Mo regensl bllltT 1• stwstl nor ..Istnce or sv<h •.be'..I a. er <ond It ton.. / kwsuch coudllleo•distolefaheany •. parsf se of anal... r Ina qlred tr .' '/4' 7y.��r�(P ... Appraiser(s) ' /. Date:. :�! . . ............... . sees.. . FoddM M.0 !� " �l�tif �'L.� % p.nnlo Me - Mon .30 JUL N Of roan. end Worm.•` 1 -100 -rod. 315 WMIn1y Ave. Nov, Haven, CT 06511 1 I8001 11}1513 Ilam d 1 1 �tmo roan 10010 JUL 0d Mounds View Public Schools St. Anthony -New Brighton Public Schools Columbia Heights Public Schools St. Francis Public Schools Minnesota Department of Transportation Bureau of Indian Affairs Small Business Administration State Community College Board Norwest Bank Northeast State Bank Fridley State Bank HomEquity Columbia Heights Housing and Redevelopment Authority City of Anoka City of Blaine City of Columbia Heights City of Brooklyn Park City of Mankato City of Mound City of New Brighton City of Roseville City of Minneapolis Anoka County Highway Dept Anoka County Parks Dept Prudential Relocation numerous private institutions and firms of attorneys City Manager: International City Management Association (20 years) Past president, Minnesota City Managers, 1967-1968 First Chairman, Academy for Professional Development Minnesota City Managers Association Civic: Past president, Columbia Heights -Fridley Kiwanis, 1967 President, Columbia Heights Chamber of•Commerce, 1981-1982 Member Board of Directors, Minnesota Council of State Parks and Voyageurs Regional Park MEMBERSHIPS Minnesota Appraiser License #4000369 National Association of Independent Fee Appraisers: President of the Minneapolis Chapter, 1983-1984 State Director, 1987-1988 American Society of Appraisers: Candidate member Minnesota Government Appraisers: Member President, 1986-1987 International Right of Way Association: Candidate Member Certified Instructor - Minnesota Association of Professional Appraisers: Director, 2 years American Arbitration Association: Arbitrator Served on the study committees on appraiser certification and licensing since their inception, including work on state legislation.