10-03-96 WSCity of Otsego Council Workshop Sanitary Sewer and Water Services October 3, 1996 7 P Mayor Norman F. Freske called the Workshop to order at 7 PM. Roll Call: Mayor Norman F. Freske; Councilmembers: Suzanne Ackerman, Larry Fournier, Vern Heidner, Ron Black. Staff: Larry Koshak, Kevin Kielb, City Engineers; Andrew MacArthur, City Attorney; Bob Kirmis, City Assistant Planner; Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator; Phyllis Cokley, Director of Business/Finance; Judy Hudson, Deputy Clerk. Planning Commission Members: Carl Swenson, Richard Nichols EDAAC Members: Liz Wilder, LeRoy Lindenfelser, Wally Odell Heritage Commission Members: Arlene Holen, Frieda Lobeck Parks Commission Members: None Candidates: Mark Berning, Virginia Bistodeau-Wendel, Floyd Roden, Rick Savitski. Larry Koshak, City Engineer, opened up the Workshop with explaining the purpose is to discuss where the City has been and where it plans to go on the issue of Sanitary Sewer and Water Service. They are here to talk about concepts and not details. He noted all members of the City's commissions and the candidates were invited to attend. Bob Kirmis, Planner, talked abut the Visioning Session the City held last year which had two objectives: 1. Provide a forum for interaction between the Council and Advisory groups. 2. Identify, through brainstorming, the City's various problems, assets and identify corrective measures which can be used to respond to concerns and issues. Mr. Kirmis went through the Visioning Session's summary of Problems/Issues and one of them was the lack of Public Sanitary Sewer and Water. Assets - in connection with Sewer and Water was the availability of land. The Visioning Session came up with corrective measures to address their concerns and problems and one of them was to pursue City Water and Sewer Service. The Visioning Session also addressed the top five (5) most important work programs and the top one was Sewer and Water. Mr. Koshak went over where the City has been since incorporation. Sanitary Sewer issues since incorporation -Sewer Study for original Comprehensive Plan -Elk River Treatment Plant as a source of treatment -Elementary School -Darkenwald treatment Plant -Riverwood Conference Center Otsego City Council Workshop of October 3, 1996, cont'd. Page 2. -Albertville Treatment Facility -Bonestroo study for the three community committees -Present status of individual treatment systems Water issue since incorporation -Well #1 at the Otsego Elementary School -Water Studies Bob Kirmis went over: Comprehensive Plan - Sewer Plan - Urban, rural service district - Land Use Plan Zoning and Sub -division Ordinance - Re -subdivision lands - Zoning District Larry Koshak addressed: The Pro's & Cons of sanitary sewer and water services advantages -Greater growth opportunity -Increased tax base -Efficient use of land -Economical service delivery -Variety of housing types -Greater commercial and industrial development options -Environmental issues (Health & Water quality) Disadvantages: -Higher service level required -Undesirable density (Suburban lots) -Increase land cost -Higher density causes increased service demand -Increase growth rates Comments from the City Council and Attendees: Nancy Brunell: Increase of homes and high assessments would be disadvantage and people would not recoup their costs from their property. Arlene Holen: Questioned the length of the assessment. Virginia Wendel: Wanted this issue to go to the residents to vote on. Otsego City Council Workshop of October 3, 1996, cont'd. Page 3. Mr. Koshak explained that the intent of Phase I is to serve undeveloped land and not existing homes. This workshop is for the purpose to discuss the initial stages and seeing if the community needs this. The Public Meeting on November 13 will bring in the landowners along 101 to get their input and opinions. There are parts of Otsego that won't get Sewer and Water and won't have to pay for it. Mr. Koshak went over the necessary City Council Decisions: -General commitment to municipal water and sewer service concept -Darkenwald treatment facility integration -Does the city continue working with Dayton? -Is St. Michael in the study? -Adoption of the Bonestroo Report Comments from the City Council and attendees: Virginia Wendel asked what costs has the City incurred up to this date for the study. Mr. Koshak stated he did not have the costs with him but the three communities paid for the Bonestroo Report. CM Fournier explained this Service Area is for undevelopment land along 101 and for residential around the Elementary School. Service area is for new development and the existing residents of Otsego will not pay for it. He further stated if he hears the landowners won't support this then the project would not be a "go". This is the first meeting of several more to come. Mr. Koshak went over what tasks need to be done to implement the Sewer and Water Project: -Comp Plan revision (land use plan) -Facility Plan for Wastewater treatment -Comprehensive Collection System Sewer study -Comprehensive Water System Study -Financial Consultant review an advise -Public Hearing and Meetings Further Discussion and Summary There was discussion regarding if there will be any required hookups in Phase I for existing residential, draft acceptance of the Plan, storm sewer impact fees, Bonestro's Part, Financial direction, landowners input, grants, sharing services with other communities, Metro Council, Frankfort's past involvement and area involved, St. Michael's involvement, when does Phase II start, bonding issues and interest payments, flood plain issues, present and future municipal wells, land applied sludge, current ordinances, November 13 Public Information Meeting, industrial and commercial growth. Otsego City Council Workshop of October 3, 1996, cont'd. Page 4. Other Council Business CM Black motioned to adopt the Amendment to Resolution 96-22 Appointing additional Election Judges for the General Election. Seconded by CM Ackerman. All in favor. Motion carried. CM Fournier motioned to adjourn. Seconded by CM Ackerman. All in favor. Motion carried. Workshop adjourned at 8:56 PM. Mayor Norman F. Freske Attest: Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator Recorded by: Judy Hudson, Deputy Clerk