ITEM 5.2 WFE 5th Addition0 otS11.1= O MINNESOTA V DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Request for City Council Action ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: REQUESTOR: MEETING DATE: Planning City Planner Licht 26 January 2015 PRESENTER(s): REVIEWED BY: ITEM #: City Planner Licht City Administrator Johnson 5.2 — WFE Fifth Addition AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends approval of the Otsego Waterfront East Fifth Addition and PUD Development Stage Plan for a 32,224 square foot office building. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? I IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? No. Held by Planning Commission on 20 January 2015. BACKGROUND/JUSTIFICATION: WFC III, LLC has submitted plans for development of a 32,224 square foot office building to be located on Outlot K, Otsego Waterfront East and a portion of Lot 1, Block 1, Otsego Waterfront East Fourth Addition. The subject site is located at the southeast quadrant of Quantrelle Avenue and 90th Street, east ofTH 101. The subject site is zoned PUD, Planned Unit Development District in accordance with the ordinance adopted by the City Council on 10 November 2003 and PUD Development Stage Plan for Otsego Waterfront East approved on 10 June 2004. The proposed development requires approval of a PUD Development Stage Plan, preliminary and final plat and vacation of drainage and utility easements. The Planning Commission held a public hearing to consider the applications at their meeting on 20 January 2015. Mr. Steve Fisher of Aaron Companies was present to represent the applicant. There were no public comments. The Planning Commission was very positive regarding the proposed office building and site plan and did not have any concerns. The public hearing was closed and the Planning Commission voted 5-0 to recommend approval of the applications. Findings of fact consistent with the Planning Commission recommendation are attached as is a resolution vacating existing drainage and utility easements. The City Attorney has also drafted a development contract for consideration by the Citv Council. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: ❑ ATTACHED ❑ NONE A. Planning Report dated 16 January 2015 B. Engineering Review dated 5 January 2015 C. Findings of Fact D. Resolution 2015-09 vacating drainage and utility easements E. Resolution 2015-10 approving a Development Agreement F. Development Agreement POSSIBLE MOTION Please word motion as you would like it to appear in the minutes. Motion to approve the preliminary and final plat of Otsego Waterfront East 5th Addition and PUD Development Stage Plan for Waterfront Commons III as outlined in the Findings of Fact and Decision as presented, adopt Resolution 2015-09 vacating drainage and utility easements and adopt Resolution 2015-10 approving a Development Agreement. BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING: I BUDGETED: ❑ YES ■ ►• ACTION TAKEN ❑ APPROVED AS REQUESTED ❑ DENIED ❑ TABLED ❑ OTHER (List changes) COMMENTS: TPC3601 Thurston Avenue N, Suite 100 Anoka, MN 55303 Phone: 763.231 .5340 Facsimile: 763.427.0520 TPC@PlanningCo.com PLANNING REPORT TO: Otsego Planning Commission FROM: Daniel Licht, AICP DATE: 16 January 2015 RE: Otsego —Waterfront East; Waterfront Commons III Building TPC FILE: 101.02 BACKGROUND WFC III, LLC has submitted plans for development of a 32,224 square foot office building to be located on Outlot G, Otsego Waterfront East and a portion of Lot 1, Block 1, Otsego Waterfront East Fourth Addition. The subject site is located at the southeast quadrant of Quantrelle Avenue and 90th Street, east of TH 101. The subject site is zoned PUD, Planned Unit Development District in accordance with the ordinance adopted by the City Council on 10 November 2003 and PUD Development Stage Plan for Otsego Waterfront East approved on 10 June 2004. This area was planned as part of the PUD Development Stage Plan to be developed with an office building mirroring that of Building C to the north and a riverboat themed restaurant building located in the area of the parking lot approved as part of Otsego Waterfront East Fourth Addition. The proposed development modifies the original development plan with construction of a two story office building and utilization (and expansion) of the parking approved with Otsego Waterfront East Fourth Addition to be shared with Building C. The proposed development requires approval of a PUD Development Stage Plan, preliminary and final plat and vacation of drainage and utility easements. A public hearing to be held by the Planning Commission to consider the applications has been noticed for 20 January 2016 at 7:OOPM. Exhibits: A. Site Location B. Existing Conditions Plan C. Demolition Plan D. Proposed Site Plan E. Proposed Shell Floor Plan (2 sheets) F. Proposed Building Elevations (2 sheets) G. Landscape Plan (2 sheets) H. Exterior Lighting Plan I. Grading and Drainage Plan J. Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (2 sheets) K. Utility Plan L. Preliminary Plat. M. Final Plat (2 sheets) ANALYSIS Zoning. The subject site is zoned PUD District with allowed uses specified as being those permitted, interim and conditional uses as allowed in the B-3, General Business District. Office uses are a permitted use within the B-3 District. The modifications to the original PUD Development Stage Plan for Otsego Waterfront East necessitate consideration of a new PUD Development Stage Plan for the subject site and portions of Otsego Waterfront East Fourth Addition. Consideration of a PUD Development Stage Plan is to be evaluated based upon, but not limited to, the criteria established in Section 20-3-2.F of the Zoning Ordinance: The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the Otsego Comprehensive Plan. Comment. The 2012 Comprehensive Plan guides the subject site for commercial uses as part of the City's primary retail, service and office district located adjacent to the TH 101 and CSAH 39 interchange. The proposed office use and site plan is consistent with the Future Land Use Plan. Furthermore, the proposed building is to be occupied by expansion Accurate Home Health Care, a current tenant of the office building to the west. Providing opportunity for retention and expansion of an existing Otsego business is also consistent with the economic development policies outlined in the Comprehensive Plan. 2. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. Comment. The subject site is surrounded by the following existing and planned land uses shown in the table below. The proposed office use will be consistent with the character of the area being developed as Waterfront East and other commercial businesses to the south. Direction Land Use Plan Zoning Existing Use North Commercial PUD District WFE Bldg. C East Public PUD District City Park South Commercial PUD District Nathe 101 Market West Commercial PUD District WFE Bldg. B 0 3. The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained within the Zoning Ordinance and other provisions of the City Code. Comment: The proposed development will comply with the requirements of the Otsego Waterfront East PUD District, the Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Ordinance. 4. Traffic generation of the proposed use in relation to capabilities of streets serving the property. Comment: The subject site is served by Quantrelle Avenue and 90th Street, which were designed as part of the Otsego Waterfront East development and upgrade of TH 101 to freeway status to accommodate the planned commercial development east of TH 101. 5. The proposed use can be accommodated by existing public services and facilities and will not overburden the City's service capacity. Comment: The subject site is located within the East Sewer District and consistent with the Comprehensive Plan for anticipated urban development with adequate public service capacity to support the proposed land uses. Preliminary/Final Plat. The proposed development requires approval of a preliminary and final plat to establish Outlot G, upon which the proposed office building will be developed as a platted lot/block. The developer has submitted a preliminary plat that provides for two lots encompassing Outlot G and also Lot 1, Block 1 Otsego Waterfront East 4th Addition to reconfigure the boundary between the two existing parcels to be a straight line through the parking lot and proposed access to the east leg of the Quantrelle Avenue and 90th Street intersection. Lot 1, Block 1 (Building C) will have an area of 2.43 acres and Lot 2, Block 1 (Waterfront Commons III) will have an area of 2.29 acres. Building Design. The proposed building is a two story structure with a gross floor area of 32,244 square feet. Primary exterior materials consist of a stone base and brick. EIFS accents are used between the windows between floors and as the parapet material. Section 20-17-4.D of the Zoning Ordinance requires that the stone and brick material be utilized for at least 75 percent of the area of each fagade of the building not including window areas. The developer must verify that the proposed exterior materials comply with the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. The height of the proposed building is 35 feet to the top line of the structure, which is the maximum height for buildings within the PUD District. Landscape Plan. The developer has submitted a landscape plan for the subject site that provides for boulevard landscaping along Quantrelle Avenue, the interior of the site and building foundation. The landscaping east of the proposed building includes and outdoor plaza area adjacent to the City park. Trees are also proposed to be added to the southeast of the building within the City park adjacent to the trail and additional plantings within Outlot A will be required as discussed under the grading plan section of this report. The proposed planting types and sizes are appropriate and consistent with the requirements of Section 20-16-7.0 of the Zoning Ordinance. Section 5-7-3.B.4 of the City Code requires that the developer provide for an inground irrigation system to maintain the landscaping within the subject site and boulevard adjacent to Quantrelle Avenue. Lot Requirements. The PUD District for Otsego Waterfront East has no minimum lot area or width requirements. The suitability of the lot to accommodate the proposed development is based on each lot's ability to comply with applicable setbacks, off-street parking and other site design requirements. Setbacks. The original PUD Development Stage Plan establishes a zero -lot line setback requirement for the subject site that was intended to accommodate development of a one-story office building identical to Building C at the front lot line and adjacent to the plaza area between the two buildings. The proposed PUD Development Stage Plan locates the proposed office building to the east portion of the lot to better overlook the adjacent City park and Mississippi River, with off-street parking between the building and Quantrelle Avenue. The zero -lot line setback between the building and the abutting City park outlot is acceptable. There is a 15 foot setback for the off- street parking from the front lot line abutting Quantrelle Avenue to provide area for landscaping of the parking lot and visibility along the public street. Access. The subject site was planned to be accessed via two driveways to Quantrelle Avenue located south of the Quantrelle Avenue and 90th Street intersection. The proposed site plan includes removal of the existing fountain and plaza east of the Quantrelle Avenue and 90th Street intersection to provide for an expansion of the off- street parking area between the proposed building and Building C and construction of a driveway as the east leg of the intersection. The proposed driveway will improve access to Building C and serve as the primary entrance for the proposed building. The proposed driveway is centered on the median for 90th Street to ensure proper vehicle movements through the intersection as well as visibility of traffic exiting the site. The northerly most existing driveway to the subject site, on the outside corner of Quantrelle Avenue, will be removed with the other existing driveway to the south remaining to ensure adequate access and circulation for the subject site. Off -Street Parking. Section 20-20-9 of the Zoning Ordinance requires office buildings to provide off-street parking stalls at a ratio of three stalls plus one stall per 200 square feet of net building area. The calculation of required parking is shown below: 3 stalls + (32,224sf. x 90% / 200) = 148 stalls The site plan provides 169 parking stalls or 21 parking stalls more than required for the proposed building. The 21 additional parking stalls are shared with Building C to the north and Building B to the west consistent with the PUD Development Stage Plan approval for Waterfront East. The developer must submit cross access and parking easements over Lots 1 and 2, Block 1 Otsego Waterfront East Fifth Addition and Lot 1, M Block 1 Otsego Waterfront East that are to be recorded concurrent with the final plat and development agreement. The off-street parking stalls are designed with dimensions of nine feet by 20 feet where a two foot overhang is available and 20 feet deep where the stalls are nose-to-nose. Parking stalls are accessed by a 24 foot drive aisle. The parking lot will be paved with an asphalt surface and surrounded with perimeter concrete curb and curb landscape islands. The design of the proposed parking lot complies with Section 20-20-4.H of the Zoning Ordinance. Sidewalks. The submitted site plan provides for extension of the existing sidewalk along the east side of Quantrelle Avenue south of 90th Street, where it currently terminates, to the north driveway of the Highway 101 Market. The developer will be required to reconstruct the curb for the Highway 101 Market Driveway that is within the public right-of-way to install ADA required pedestrian ramps and metal plates. The proposed five foot wide concrete sidewalk is located within the existing public right-of- way of Quantrelle and will provide pedestrian access between the existing and planned businesses within Waterfront East and adjacent development to the south. Exterior Lighting. The developer has submitted a photometric lighting plan indicating the location and illumination pattern of all proposed exterior lighting. The exterior lighting plan must identify that all exterior light fixtures have a 90 degree horizontal cut- off to minimize glare as required by Section 20-16-10.C.2 of the Zoning Ordinance and the height of the proposed freestanding exterior light fixtures, which are limited to 25 feet tall by Section 20-16-10.C.4 of the Zoning Ordinance. Section 20-16-10.C.1 of the Zoning Ordinance limits the intensity of exterior lighting to 1.0 foot-candles at the property line abutting public rights-of-way and 0.4 foot-candles on other property lines. The lighting intensity along Quantrelle Avenue complies with the intensity limits established by the Zoning Ordinance. Adjustments to the lighting plan are necessary along the south lot line to limit the light cast at the property line to 0.4 foot-candles as required by the Zoning Ordinance. Light cast to the east onto the City park and to the north over the shared parking lot with Building C exceed 0.4 foot-candles but provide needed illumination of these areas and can be allowed for as part of the PUD Development Stage Plan approval. Signs. The exterior elevations identify one wall sign on each facade of the proposed building. The Otsego Waterfront East PUD District wall signs on each facade not to exceed 15 percent of the building area or 100 square feet for each individual sign. The proposed signs are 50 square feet on the east and west facades of the building facing the park and Quantrelle Avenue, and 70 square feet on the north and south ends of the building more visible from TH 101 and are consistent with the PUD District allowances. No freestanding sign is proposed at this time but a possible future monument sign location is shown on the landscape plan and would be allowed to be up to 64 square feet in area and 15 feet in height in accordance with Section 20-37-5.C.6.a of the Zoning Ordinance. A sign permit is required prior to placement of any signs upon the property. Trash. There is an exterior enclosure for trash containers located at the northeast corner of the subject site accessible from the shared off-street parking area with Building C. No details regarding the trash enclosure are included on the submitted plans, which must be constructed of the same exterior material used for the principal building and be of sufficient height to fully screen the trash containers as required by Section 20-16-15.13 of the Zoning Ordinance. Details regarding the construction of the trash enclosure may be submitted and verified by the Zoning Administrator as part of the building permit application. Park and Trail Dedication. Park and trail dedication requirements for Waterfront East, including the subject site, were satisfied with the initial final plat approval with dedication of park and trail easements and improvements within Outlot A. The City has since acquired fee ownership of Outlot A. The site plan includes extension of sidewalks within the site to connect to the trail within Outlot A improving access to the City park. The developer will be required to grant the City an easement for public access and utilization of the sidewalk and off-street parking areas within Lots 1 and 2, Block 1 consistent with the terms of the original PUD Development Stage Plan approval for Waterfront East. Grading Plan. The developer has submitted a grading and drainage plan and Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) for the subject site. Otsego Waterfront East was planned to utilize a regional storm water basin located within Outlot A (now City park) to satisfy storm water management requirements. However, the MPCA adopted updated requirements providing that each development site must provide for infiltration of the first one -inch of storm water within the site and preexisting undeveloped lots are not grandfathered. As such, the developer will need to provide an additional storm water basin for the subject site. In order to maximize the potential development of the subject site for building and parking consistent with the original PUD Development Stage Plan, City staff is recommending that the required storm water basin be located in the southwest corner of Outlot A between the subject site and trail. The initial design for this basin would provide a shallow depth of five feet below the trail over an area of approximately five acres. In utilizing City property for private storm water management, the developer will be required to install additional landscaping on the east side of the basin adjacent to the City trail consistent with the City's landscape plan for the park and the development agreement will include a financial credit to the City for the area of the basin. The grading and drainage plan and SWPPP are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Easements. The proposed final plat illustrates drainage and utility easements to be dedicated with the final plat in accordance with Section 21-7-15 of the Subdivision Ordinance. An additional 10 foot wide drainage and utility easement must be dedicated along the front lot line of Lot 2, Block 1, which had not been previously dedicated due to the anticipated zero -lot line setback to the public right-of-way. Existing drainage and utility easements dedicated with the Otsego Waterfront East Fourth Addition Final Plat at the perimeter of the lot now to be final platted within Lot 2, Block 1 no longer serve a public purpose and are to be vacated. All drainage and utility issues are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. M Utility Plan. The developer has submitted a utility plan for connection to City sanitary sewer and water utilities, which is subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. The developer is required to pay utility availability charges for the subject site with the final plat. Utility availability charges were also not previously paid for Lot 2, Block 1 Waterfront East 3`d Addition and were deferred when this parcel was combined with Lot 1, Block 1, Waterfront East 2nd Addition. Chapter 6, Section 2 of the City Code specifies that utility availability charges for commercial development is calculated as 3.5 RECs per acre at the rate indicated on the current fee schedule and shown in the table below for the proposed development. Utility connection charges will be determined and paid at the time the building permit is issued for the proposed building. Development Agreement. The developer is required to enter into a development contract with the City upon approval of the final plat memorializing the entitlements and providing for all required securities, fees and conditions of approval. The development agreement for the subject site will incorporate the financial credit to the developer for the proportional share of the construction cost for the regional storm water basin within Outlot A that is provided by the City subject to the proposed building meeting specified value thresholds at the time the Certificate of Occupancy is issued. The City Attorney will draft the development agreement and it is subject to City Council approval. RECOMMENDATION The proposed Waterfront Commons III provides for expanded tax base and employment opportunities through business retention and expansion and is therefore a positive addition to the City. The proposed development is also consistent with the land use policies of the Comprehensive Plan and requirements of the Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Ordinance. Our office recommends approval of the applications as outlined below. POSSIBLE MOTIONS A. Motion to approve the PUD Development Stage Plan, Preliminary and Final Plat and vacation of drainage and utility easements for Otsego Waterfront 5th Addition subject to the following conditions: The developer shall verify that the exterior materials of the proposed building comply with Section 20-17-4.D of the Zoning Ordinance requiring 7 Area RECs Fee SAC/WAC (2014) Due Water 3.25ac 3.5/ac. $1,566/REC $17,813.25 Sewer $2,200/REC $25,025.00 Total $42,838.25 Development Agreement. The developer is required to enter into a development contract with the City upon approval of the final plat memorializing the entitlements and providing for all required securities, fees and conditions of approval. The development agreement for the subject site will incorporate the financial credit to the developer for the proportional share of the construction cost for the regional storm water basin within Outlot A that is provided by the City subject to the proposed building meeting specified value thresholds at the time the Certificate of Occupancy is issued. The City Attorney will draft the development agreement and it is subject to City Council approval. RECOMMENDATION The proposed Waterfront Commons III provides for expanded tax base and employment opportunities through business retention and expansion and is therefore a positive addition to the City. The proposed development is also consistent with the land use policies of the Comprehensive Plan and requirements of the Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Ordinance. Our office recommends approval of the applications as outlined below. POSSIBLE MOTIONS A. Motion to approve the PUD Development Stage Plan, Preliminary and Final Plat and vacation of drainage and utility easements for Otsego Waterfront 5th Addition subject to the following conditions: The developer shall verify that the exterior materials of the proposed building comply with Section 20-17-4.D of the Zoning Ordinance requiring 7 that the stone and brick material be utilized for at least 75 percent of the area of each fagade of the building. 2. The landscape plan shall be revised to: a. Provide additional trees on the east side of the proposed private storm water basin within Outlot A consistent with the City's landscape plan for the park, subject to approval of City staff. b. Specify installation of an in -ground irrigation system within the subject site and boulevard as required by Section 5-7-3.B.4 of the City Code. 3. The developer must submit cross access and parking easements over Lots 1 and 2, Block 1 Otsego Waterfront East Fifth Addition and Lot 1, Block 1 Otsego Waterfront East that are to be recorded concurrent with the final plat and development agreement. 4. The developer shall reconstruct the curb for the Highway 101 Market Driveway that is within the public right-of-way to install ADA required pedestrian ramps and metal plates, subject to approval of the City Engineer. 5. The exterior lighting plan shall be revised to: a. Identify that all exterior light fixtures have a 90 degree horizontal cut-off to minimize glare as required by Section 20-16-10.C.2 of the Zoning Ordinance. b. Identify the height of the proposed freestanding exterior light fixtures, which are limited to 25 feet tall by Section 20-16-10.C.4 of the Zoning Ordinance. C. Reduce light cast to the south property line to not more than 0.4 foot-candles as required by Section 20-16-10.C.1 of the Zoning Ordinance. 6. All signs shall comply with Section 37 of the Zoning Ordinance and require issuance of a sign permit prior to placement upon the property. Any freestanding sign shall be limited to one sign not to exceed 64 square feet in area or 15 feet in height. 7. Construction of the trash enclosure shall comply with Section 20-16-15.13 of the Zoning Ordinance, subject to review and approval of the Zoning Administrator. 8. The developer shall grant the City an easement for public access over the sidewalks and off-street parking areas within Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, Waterfront East Fifth Addition for park purposes, subject to review and approval of the City Attorney. 9. The grading and drainage plan and SWPPP are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 10. The final plat shall be revised to provide a 10 foot wide drainage and utility easement along the front lot line as required by Section 21-7-15 of the Subdivision Ordinance and all drainage and utility easements are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 11. The developer shall pay utility availability charges at the time of final plat approval and all utility plans are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 12. The developer shall enter into an agreement with the City, which shall include provisions addressing a City credit for utilization of the area of Outlot A for private storm water management and the development incentive provisions previously agreed to, subject to review by the City Attorney and approval of the City Council. B. Motion to deny the application based on a finding that the request is inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan and requirements of the Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Ordinance. C. Motion to table. C. Lori Johnson, City Administrator Tami Loff, City Clerk Ron Wagner, City Engineer Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Steve Fisher, Arrow Companies 9 Exhibit A - Site Location Date Created: 1/16/2015 d %HCL YCL NICL VATECL PCL ownship Limits •cels CALL BEFORE YOU CIGI ,r -� O 20 40 BENCHMARKS Gopher State One CaI j Elevations are based on Top Nut Tww CITY ARe : 651-454-UUC2 all F • I-EGG-i52-Ii56 m Hydrant do east sloe of QOarltrelle TGLL FREE Avenue, epproximatley185 ft. SCALE IN T+IEET south Of 908h Avenue as shown hereon. Elevation a 866,58 feet (NAVD 191313 datum) ft^+ 1 rit - I I I I I J / / A_ 0 Rasa l Architectural —� 51,4• Group �3N N�vrmt •ate.. 1 Inc. + I _ 1 1084 Sterling Street ` a St. Pat.4 Mrlrinesota 55119 nff �xrvrx'utu oanuLFn GutdeRTnimi'r[ue xTwmsrm =ecv:.-s tet 651-739-7988 fax 651-738-3165 I � �f SURVEY LEGEND — EXISTING CONDITIONS WATERFRONT I COMMONS III { i ,II I O MAI-3PJVITARY SANITARY MANHOLE WATERMAN aas, 6 WATER MANHOLE --UNDERGROUND ELEC U \ , Q HYDRIiNT R—UNDERGROUND CAS I 9000 QUANTRELLE AVE NE — G4 GATE VALVE —UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE OTSEGO, MN 55330 I I I I I J / / A_ 0 SUITE 335 7265 KIRKWOOD COURT N. MAPLE GROVE, MN 55369 ASSOCIATES p1 Go HS Mv� P•�W FlE YaYtl pm We t�N�l lam �N G°P flue Ghia fMnneeod. y a To��dd W�M�Lovl 2f1393 au�MA liartsr No_ Pace PROJECT NUMBER: 14161 DATE: DECEMBER B. 2014 DRAWN EY: TRG CHECKED BY; TWU REVISIONS. 14 /A EXSTING CONDITIONS PLAN ® CCPIRIGHHT 2014 RCS& ARCHITECTURAL GROUP e A/ eetcxt \ ' N�vrmt •ate.. ` nff �xrvrx'utu oanuLFn GutdeRTnimi'r[ue xTwmsrm =ecv:.-s �f SURVEY LEGEND — EXISTING CONDITIONS I � ® cATcrl eASIH � sTORrr sLvrER { ® STORM MANHGL£ SEWER \ 4 O MAI-3PJVITARY SANITARY MANHOLE WATERMAN �� 6 WATER MANHOLE --UNDERGROUND ELEC U \ , Q HYDRIiNT R—UNDERGROUND CAS — G4 GATE VALVE —UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE \. TELEPHONE PEDESTAL OVERHEM UTL6TY 0POWER POLE � —G.1N UNK INCE it LIGHT POLE 'CONm_, CURB x r SIGN CONCRETE `. .sre> SPOT ELEVATION _gli"_ GUNTOVK 0 ELECTRIC TRANSFORMER _ _ © 'TELEPHONE PEDESTAL CONIFEROUS TREE --- b YARD LIGHT a rn TGP WALT l EYATON OcCIDUOVS MCCTC TOP GF Cl1Ra ELFJATION u ASH A MAPLE SUITE 335 7265 KIRKWOOD COURT N. MAPLE GROVE, MN 55369 ASSOCIATES p1 Go HS Mv� P•�W FlE YaYtl pm We t�N�l lam �N G°P flue Ghia fMnneeod. y a To��dd W�M�Lovl 2f1393 au�MA liartsr No_ Pace PROJECT NUMBER: 14161 DATE: DECEMBER B. 2014 DRAWN EY: TRG CHECKED BY; TWU REVISIONS. 14 /A EXSTING CONDITIONS PLAN ® CCPIRIGHHT 2014 RCS& ARCHITECTURAL GROUP e GENERAL NOTES - - - T. NIINNTSOTASFA I L -A-11 NOTIFICATION PER"COP HER STATE ONE ChLVPRICR IP COMMENCINCANY CRADING,—ATI—OR UNDERGROUND WORK 2. THECONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY LOCATIONS &NDEUVATION50F LX15iINU LUTlUTIESANDTOPO-1-1-15ATURIES PRIOR 7000MMENCEMUNT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY- THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE ENGINEER DF ANY DSCREFANCIES QR VARLAHONS FROM THE PIAT•S. 3. THECONTRACTOR 511ALL TARE ALL PRECAUrMKSN'ECESSARY TO AVOID PRDPERTYDAMAGE TO AUTACENTPROPERBIE DURING ME CONSTRUCTION PHASE OF T1 -ES PROJECT. THE CONTRACTOR WILL BE HOU) RE51PONSIRLF. FOR ANY DAMAGES TO ADJACENT PROPERTIES GCCURRING DURING THE CONSTRH-- PHA5 L OF TI{I5 PROfFCT. 4_ THE CONTRACTOR WI LL BE RE510N5113LEfOA YRUVIDING AND MAINTAINING TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES SUCH AS BARRICADES, WARNING SIGNS, DI RECTRINAT SIGNS, FLAGMEN AND LC— TO CC NTROL THE MOVEMENT OF TRAFFIC WHERE NECESSARY. PLACEMENT OF THESE. DEVICES R IALL BE APPROVE❑ BY THE ENC14EER PRTOK TO PLACEMENT. TRAFFIC CONT ROL OEYICES —U- CONFORM TO THE APPROPRIATE MINNESOTA DFPART.FNT OF TRANSPORTATION STANDARDS. S.TNACCORDANCE WITH GENTRALLY ACCEPTED CONSTR=ION PRACTICFS, THECONTRACTOR WILL JESOLELY AND COMPLFTELY RESPONSIBLE FOR CORD MONS ON Ti IE 100 SITE, INCLUDING SAFETY OF ALL PERSQN5 AND PROPERTY DURING THE PERFORMANCE OE THE WORIL THIS REQUIREMENT WILL APPLY CANTI.NUOUSLY AND NQT BE Umirm To NORMAL WORKING HOVPS. L. THE DUTY OF THE ENGINEER OR THL DGYELOPLR TD CCINDVCT CONSTRUCTION REVIEW OR THF COMRACTORS PERFORMA510E I5 NDT INTENC1Eb'3'1i INCLUDE REVIEW OF THE ADEQUACY OF THE CONTRACTORS SAFETY MEASURES IN, OR NEAR THE CONSTRUCTION SITE. 7. BEFOREBECINNING CONSTRUCTION THE CONTRACTORSHALL INSTALL EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROLMCMURES INACCORDANCE WITH NPOES PERMIT REQUIREMENTS. BEST MANAGEHENT PRACDCES_ STATE AND LOCAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE UETAIL5 SHOWN ON THE DETAIL SHFFTM OFTHE PROJECT PLANS. R- ALL Ca NSI RUCTION PERMITS, AFRICATIONS ANDFEES ARE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR 4. ALL ENTRANCES AND LTONNECTIOMTC CTY 5TKHET55HALL HE CONSTRUCTED PER THE REQVIREMENES Of THE STATE AND LOCALJCRISDECTIONS.THE CONTR,ACTVR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FORALL PERMITS AND NOTIHGTIC:NS AS REQUIRED. 10. ALL SIRtET REPAIRS AND PATCHING SHALL BE PERFORMED PER THE REQUIREMENTS OT THE CITY. ALLTRAFFECCCNTROLSHALLEEPROVIDEDBYTHE CONTRACTOR AND SF IALL BE ES—ISHED PER THE REQ UIREMENTS OFTHE MINNESOTA MANUAL OF UNIFORM TRAFFIGGONBROL DEVICES TMUTCDJ ANDTHE CTTY. THLSSHnLL INCLUDE ALL 9CNAOE. BARRICADES, FLASHERS AND "I—FIRS ASNEEDED. ALL PUBLIC STREETS SHALL RE OPEN TO TRAFFIC AT AU TYMM. 11.ADJUST ALL LX15TINC STRUCTURES, BOTH PUBLIC AND PRIVATE TO THE PROPOSED GRADES INHERE UlSNRBED ANOCOMPLV WITH ALL REQUIRFINEP4T5 OF IHEUT%ITYOIA'NERS- STRUCTURESRFING RESETTO PAVEDARFAS Must MEET OWNERS REQUIREMENTS FOR TRAFFIC LOADING. _ 12. EMSTINGTOPOGXAPHYFWO DEORYIOUC.kS ASSOCIATES, PARTIAL EQUNDARY AND TOPOGRAPHICSURVEV DATED 0g24114..--- — PATCH EX. BIT. r-- M I. PATH FOR STORM " SEWER INSTALLATION REMOVE EX. j HYDRANT & VALVE REMOVE BITUMINOUS SAW -CUT FULL PARKING LOT 1 DEPTH _ \. �g,, / LSITE �DEMOLITION LEGEND REMOVE CONCRHT PAlk—T DREMf11E U111-0— .... .... SAWCUT PAVEMENT SITE DEMOLITION NOTES 1. CONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVE ANGfOR RELOCATE—STING PRIVATE UTIL-ES AS NECESSARY. CONTRACTOR TO CDORDINM1TE AICTIVITIES 1MT!-I tTILITV COMPANC£5. ]KPILE ONSITE REFERTO G. CONTRACTORSHALLPRDTECTSURFACEANTISUMURFACEPFATURESNOTNOTEDFOR REM—I.- STRIP TOS SO L.. AND STOCONTRACTOR TO CL.EAFFAND GRUB EXISTING VEGETATION W LTH IN CONLSTRUCTIDN LIMITS SRAGING PLAN n ND SWPPP FOR SEDIMENT ANO f. C EILOSR?N CONTROL REQUIREMENTS. '.CLEAR AND GRUB ANO REMCN E ALL TAE€5,VEGETATIONANDSITEDEBRISPRIORTOGRAM— ALL REMOVED MATERIAL SHALL BE HAULED TRAM THE SITE DAILY- ALL CLERKING AND GRUBBING ANP REMOVALS SHALL BI:. PERFORM@ PER THE CONTRACT SPECIFICATIONS ERQRON CONTROL .MEASIJRTS SHALL RE IMMEDIATELY =ABUSHED UPON RVd QWAL. SEE THE STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN LSWWFI. S. CQNTRACTOR1HAILIE5M0V€ALLSITESURFACEFEATURESWITHINREMOVALUMITSUNLCSS OYNFRWUF NOTED. REMOVE EX1STf N G WATERMAI N CAP EJC. WATERMAIN 8 FITTING �> REMOVE DEAD TREES & " ASSOCIATED LIGHTING CALL BEFORE YOU ➢IO! % Gopher State One Call F TWINCCTV ARF?- 651 -4s4 -a B2 eLL FREE: I -B00-252-1165 NOTE: ALL ITEMS IN BOLD ARE TO BE REMOVED. WARNING: THE COMPACTOR SFIAlL R£ W—N-1 FOR -NG IND Pok L—IONS OF ALL Ekk5T111 UTILITLE5. PER I4NTH ALL 1,TRITY CDMPAN.ILs IN MAINTMNMG TTIDR SFR4'1CF.N•IA!oR nc�ounok OF uNes. THE CONTRACT00. M IALL -r GOPHER STATE ONE CN I AT 651 h54®@T ATLFAST 4b HOUR5IN - ADVANCTT[IRTNEUI TIO NSOFAILUNDERGROUNOWR6,CABLES, CONDUITS, PIP{$..MANHOI F3, - VISTYES OROYfi'ER BDRlED STRUCTVRfS B:TORL DtGGCNG THE COrxI.RACT13R 4U11R PNR CM REPInCE _ n % 1}f. PATCH EX. BIT. PATH FCIR.'TORtv)— INSi'ALLATIE ,�rTa BENCHMARKS Ele—tions are based on Top Nut \ t' (g Hydrant on east side of Quantrelle\ lY �Ni I F. REMOVE DEAD TREES & -- ' ASSOCIATED LIGHTING - trip.) $T hereon. Elevation =866.58 feet REMOVE CON CRET . [ LSITE �DEMOLITION LEGEND REMOVE CONCRHT PAlk—T DREMf11E U111-0— .... .... SAWCUT PAVEMENT SITE DEMOLITION NOTES 1. CONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVE ANGfOR RELOCATE—STING PRIVATE UTIL-ES AS NECESSARY. CONTRACTOR TO CDORDINM1TE AICTIVITIES 1MT!-I tTILITV COMPANC£5. ]KPILE ONSITE REFERTO G. CONTRACTORSHALLPRDTECTSURFACEANTISUMURFACEPFATURESNOTNOTEDFOR REM—I.- STRIP TOS SO L.. AND STOCONTRACTOR TO CL.EAFFAND GRUB EXISTING VEGETATION W LTH IN CONLSTRUCTIDN LIMITS SRAGING PLAN n ND SWPPP FOR SEDIMENT ANO f. C EILOSR?N CONTROL REQUIREMENTS. '.CLEAR AND GRUB ANO REMCN E ALL TAE€5,VEGETATIONANDSITEDEBRISPRIORTOGRAM— ALL REMOVED MATERIAL SHALL BE HAULED TRAM THE SITE DAILY- ALL CLERKING AND GRUBBING ANP REMOVALS SHALL BI:. PERFORM@ PER THE CONTRACT SPECIFICATIONS ERQRON CONTROL .MEASIJRTS SHALL RE IMMEDIATELY =ABUSHED UPON RVd QWAL. SEE THE STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN LSWWFI. S. CQNTRACTOR1HAILIE5M0V€ALLSITESURFACEFEATURESWITHINREMOVALUMITSUNLCSS OYNFRWUF NOTED. REMOVE EX1STf N G WATERMAI N CAP EJC. WATERMAIN 8 FITTING �> REMOVE DEAD TREES & " ASSOCIATED LIGHTING CALL BEFORE YOU ➢IO! % Gopher State One Call F TWINCCTV ARF?- 651 -4s4 -a B2 eLL FREE: I -B00-252-1165 NOTE: ALL ITEMS IN BOLD ARE TO BE REMOVED. WARNING: THE COMPACTOR SFIAlL R£ W—N-1 FOR -NG IND Pok L—IONS OF ALL Ekk5T111 UTILITLE5. PER I4NTH ALL 1,TRITY CDMPAN.ILs IN MAINTMNMG TTIDR SFR4'1CF.N•IA!oR nc�ounok OF uNes. THE CONTRACT00. M IALL -r GOPHER STATE ONE CN I AT 651 h54®@T ATLFAST 4b HOUR5IN - ADVANCTT[IRTNEUI TIO NSOFAILUNDERGROUNOWR6,CABLES, CONDUITS, PIP{$..MANHOI F3, - VISTYES OROYfi'ER BDRlED STRUCTVRfS B:TORL DtGGCNG THE COrxI.RACT13R 4U11R PNR CM REPInCE _ n % 1}f. PATCH EX. BIT. PATH FCIR.'TORtv)— INSi'ALLATIE ,�rTa \h REMOVE FOUNTAIN, - STAMPED CONCRETE, & ` ASSOCIATED LIGHTING vI SAW -CUT FULL % - /' y \\ IN- DEPTH DEPTH � �' f'NN 1TI FEETIry , u BENCHMARKS Ele—tions are based on Top Nut \ t' (g Hydrant on east side of Quantrelle\ lY 7 r Avenue, Bpproximatley185 H. 5OD[13 of 90th AVen11e aB ShOwn qj hereon. Elevation =866.58 feet REMOVE CON CRET . [ PRON - 2N \h REMOVE FOUNTAIN, - STAMPED CONCRETE, & ` ASSOCIATED LIGHTING vI SAW -CUT FULL % - /' y \\ IN- DEPTH DEPTH � �' f'NN 1TI FEETIry , u Rosa Architectural Group Inc. 10184 Ster&ng Street St PaLA Minnesota 55f19 tak 651-739-7988 fax 651-739-3165 WATERFRONT COMMONS III .t LisF: .. •T _ Aj 9000 QUANTRELLE AVE NE OTSEGO, MN 55330 A ARROW SUITE 335 7255 KIRKWOOD COURT N. MAPLE GROVE, MN 55369 ROME= Assocwms 7M@ IMebrE Lan.-Su;e ]BR Frc N%—'I- �� �N IR®mY ®Mh Lwtlr zIn tbn or:epsn wes Lam :rye naaeLvmtl ���'Imvnnuvh lays Dn.sl r m�bc� rr. - - - WL—hK� - Tadd W: Mr.Leulh-PE 20361 @-0I>-T4 I E'irnlx Na Dale PROJECT NU61EER_ 14161 DATE: DECEMBER S. 2014 DRAWN BY: TRG CHECKED Eh'; TYTM RESflSIDIdS� N/A = DEMOL -0010 PLAN Ci m2 CST COPnEHT 2719 RO5A ARCHITECTURAL LIRUP BENCHMARKS Ele—tions are based on Top Nut \ t' (g Hydrant on east side of Quantrelle\ lY 7 r Avenue, Bpproximatley185 H. 5OD[13 of 90th AVen11e aB ShOwn f hereon. Elevation =866.58 feet i [ (NAvD 1988 datum) Rosa Architectural Group Inc. 10184 Ster&ng Street St PaLA Minnesota 55f19 tak 651-739-7988 fax 651-739-3165 WATERFRONT COMMONS III .t LisF: .. •T _ Aj 9000 QUANTRELLE AVE NE OTSEGO, MN 55330 A ARROW SUITE 335 7255 KIRKWOOD COURT N. MAPLE GROVE, MN 55369 ROME= Assocwms 7M@ IMebrE Lan.-Su;e ]BR Frc N%—'I- �� �N IR®mY ®Mh Lwtlr zIn tbn or:epsn wes Lam :rye naaeLvmtl ���'Imvnnuvh lays Dn.sl r m�bc� rr. - - - WL—hK� - Tadd W: Mr.Leulh-PE 20361 @-0I>-T4 I E'irnlx Na Dale PROJECT NU61EER_ 14161 DATE: DECEMBER S. 2014 DRAWN BY: TRG CHECKED Eh'; TYTM RESflSIDIdS� N/A = DEMOL -0010 PLAN Ci m2 CST COPnEHT 2719 RO5A ARCHITECTURAL LIRUP 110 E16TINcz TRAIL QH s / r PR'OPo9EID SITE FLAN \ NVRT4- \ \ X200 _0` 0 3 i f / \ FFRO O&ED 577 f=L 4N �\ f Sltr= [DATA: \ BUILDING AREA \ IST FLOOR = 16,112 SF, � \ 2ND FLOOFZ = Irv,112 SF_ \ NEW PARKING= = 1ro9 STALLS \ \ 6 {-I_G, STALLS \ \ I Rosa Architectural Group? Inc. 1084 Sterkng Street St Pad, Minnesota 55119 ME 651-739-7988 fax: 651-739-3165 WATERFRONT COMMONS III 9200 QUANTRELLE AVE NE OTSEGO, MN 55330 A ARROW SUITE 335 7265 KIRKWOOD COURT N. MAPLE GROVE, MN 55369 1 �m IR'PCREr w.�F�pmo'n:so er� aaorUu Nxss®vr oi� � d I StS\ I PROJECT NUMBER: 21436 VV DAM DECEMBER 8. 2014 DRAWN E1': JL CHECKED BY: RR REVISIONS: \ r PROPOBED SrM PLAN I A1.1 Q COFYRGHT 20,6 ROSA ARC—ECTURPL GROUP 'vsPROPO6I=I-> MAIN LEVEL SPELL. FLOOR PLAN ql�Ty Rosa Architectural Croup Inc. 1084 Sterling Street St Paul, Vinnesota 55119 tet 651-739-7988 fax: 651-739-3165 WATERFRONT COMMONS III 9000 QUANTRELLE AVE NE OTSEGO, MN 55330 SUITE 335 7285 KIRKWOOD COURT N. MAPLE GROVE, MN 55369 eM�,PIs P :a WHia TAT I Z A MY�4'c1E'Zl� RRo.�s duF 11EaEl1 TME lAPS GF TME 5'EAe GF iAIMNESOTA'�r MERiPf i9iIPY TINT TMI$ PIAN. SPECTFl�TIpN�q IRePb� Wp5�PE9A3EID 8Y L[E aR ILJaER �ETa NE uwET� ciT i� sash OF uluNF.-QTR PROJECT NUMBER: 21436 GATE: DECEMBER 8, 2014 DRAWN BY: JL CHECKED UY: RR REVISIONS: PROPOSED MAIN LEVEL SHELL FLOOR PLAN ;Qml c COPYRimr 20u Rd SA AR RTEc7LM& GRCUv 3'-4" IP -4' 314' I014• 314' I.,. Y-4' I®'-4' 3'-4". ED' -4' V-4• IO' -4' 5'-®' 7e'-®' S'-0` Y1'-4' 3'-4- I®'•4• 3'-4' Im'-4• 3'-4• iPl'.4• ,9'-4' id -4^ 3'-4' Im'A y'-4' A a - H H H H H 0 O € _ g ® o oLLLLLLLLLL R Lls� 3E'•O' S4O° I I®"J" Y-4• I43'-4' 3'-4" ia'-4' 3'-4• Im'-4" 3'-4' Iffi-•P 9'-4' 1®'-.4' E'-4' 4' fm'•4' 5:&' 'vsPROPO6I=I-> MAIN LEVEL SPELL. FLOOR PLAN ql�Ty Rosa Architectural Croup Inc. 1084 Sterling Street St Paul, Vinnesota 55119 tet 651-739-7988 fax: 651-739-3165 WATERFRONT COMMONS III 9000 QUANTRELLE AVE NE OTSEGO, MN 55330 SUITE 335 7285 KIRKWOOD COURT N. MAPLE GROVE, MN 55369 eM�,PIs P :a WHia TAT I Z A MY�4'c1E'Zl� RRo.�s duF 11EaEl1 TME lAPS GF TME 5'EAe GF iAIMNESOTA'�r MERiPf i9iIPY TINT TMI$ PIAN. SPECTFl�TIpN�q IRePb� Wp5�PE9A3EID 8Y L[E aR ILJaER �ETa NE uwET� ciT i� sash OF uluNF.-QTR PROJECT NUMBER: 21436 GATE: DECEMBER 8, 2014 DRAWN BY: JL CHECKED UY: RR REVISIONS: PROPOSED MAIN LEVEL SHELL FLOOR PLAN ;Qml c COPYRimr 20u Rd SA AR RTEc7LM& GRCUv I'-4' Y-4- . WS-4•. W - W-4* 9' ". w— 3'-4'. W-4• W i'ROPOSED SECOND LEVEL SWELL FLOOR PLAN Al am► \Ax'% YB""_I N Rasa Architectural Group Inc. 1084 Stertirg Street St. Paul, M inegota 55119 tek 661-739-7988 tax. 851-739-53165 WATERFRONT COMMONS Ill 9000 QUANTRELLE AVE NE Y OTSEGO, MN 55330 4 OW ciR SUITE 335 — 7265 KIRKWOOD COURT N. MAPLE GROVE, MN 55369 mow aw PFPORT nA5 PREAMEC �A � 1`A9 SRUR � � LICQbtS PF9F£5410WL urea rHe ee�Re Rcson� � Aaxn wua — �� ��� ir«r er�ue aw uNoix ur n�si swu�evrsAw .�ro�"r� Run �.sm. aRma�cm v�a�. m� GWN aF Tnc surf aF runnEsm.� S PROJECT NUMBER: 27436 DATE: DECEMBER S, 2014 DRAWN BY: JL CHECKED HY_ RR REVISIONS: PROPOSED SECOND LEVEL SHELL FLOOR PLAN A2,2 D OCPTRIGHT 2014 ROSA ARCHITECTURAL GROUP i ff ELEVATION 6TUcco cANOI�r rL455 ErTTeY L1C:NTINa uGKTIr- "w Ye"Y_®Y 3 SOUTH ELEVATION QQ NcWH ELEVATION aa.I Iia 1I, r1_�.11 ,k ,, a EAST ELEVATION e1I_I,_m�1 Rosa Architectural Group Inc. 1084 Sterrmg Street St. Pain Hnnesata 55f19 teL 651-739-7888 fax: 651-739-3785 WATERFRONT COMMONS III 9000 QUANTRELLE AVE NE OTSEGO, MN 55330 ARR'0W SUITE 335 7265 KIRKWOOD COURT N. MAPLE GROVE, MN 55369 Eae cERrcr TruT TRs Pux. �mnrJmm, rn ANPtt THAT i W� WLY LM`]5m PRpfESSIBiLL Yn®EIS TxE I.tWS OF T11L SPATE OF YI[MESpTI�. a i I Y£REHY CERIITY TR4i 1X15 PLAR, SPEgFlGTOR, OR W - .m AfPhAEo er ^ puiT u@ism�ARQiitE¢1' 3 iwon wAC V,YIS YF TR[ STALE YF 3'AIRRESFIf0. PROJECT NUMBER: 21435 ©ATE. DECEMBER 8, 2014 DRAWN Cir: JL CHECKED BY_ RR REVISIONS' PROPOSED BUILDING ELEVATIONS A3m 1 ® COPYRIGHT 2Die ROLA ARCKrECr[1RAL GRQUP �' - ay �+��_- E affil b' -� � .--- � _ :'xC.- �`} C` ^may C � 1�`�r '" / f I PLANTING PALATTE SYMBOL PLANTTYPE/POTENTIALSPECIES LIST Q DECI0110ENIIHnDETR££5 YCAL -. NORT/ N4000 REO ,W1PTE 0 A—b—,'Noreidwvod' =N=-- / O 3❑ 60 QD=m aEa RED 6AK id CHECKED 8Y: Quer s mhl-e REVISIONS: IMPERIAL HCFNZYLOCLL SCALE TN FEET C T' ftRj'T hos var. i wFFR' SkyR"' 111—ENTALTREE5-1-CAL r THORNLESS COCKSPUR HAWTHORN �I FLOWERING CZRAHAPPIE Malas spp. PLANTING PALATTE SYMBOL PLANTTYPE/POTENTIALSPECIES LIST Q DECI0110ENIIHnDETR££5 YCAL -. NORT/ N4000 REO ,W1PTE 0 A—b—,'Noreidwvod' =N=-- LFFTLEL.EAP LINDEN O 3❑ 60 QD=m aEa RED 6AK id CHECKED 8Y: Quer s mhl-e REVISIONS: IMPERIAL HCFNZYLOCLL SCALE TN FEET C T' ftRj'T hos var. i wFFR' SkyR"' 111—ENTALTREE5-1-CAL THORNLESS COCKSPUR HAWTHORN Cmlaeg[¢ crosga Bi •1a[armis' FLOWERING CZRAHAPPIE Malas spp. S__ SYMBOL PLAINT TYPE lP ITENTEaL SPECIES LIST Q CONIFH2OU5 TREES-S-6'LiT. -. SCOTCH PINE - STC syNEE =N=-- COY,ORAPO GREENSPRUCE O 3❑ 60 Picea Pungens CHECKED 8Y: BLACK H ILLS SP Pioea d—.w SYMBOL PLAI4T TYPE/ POTENTIAL 5PEEX5 LIST Q DEO DUOUS SHRUBS- d2 POT -. BUSH FIONEY'SUCKHE - Dia [I. 1erFc =N=-- BURGUNDY CAROUSEL BARBERRY O 3❑ 60 U'bF,d' B[enhergii' Bail_' CHECKED 8Y: ANNABELLE HYDRANGEA REVISIONS: Hydrangn arbOFesccns `AnnabeF0' SCALE TN FEET ALPINE CURRANT RLhes IPinUm SPREA SPi_ _ "5- CONIFEliOUS STIRUBS-N2 POT D SFAGREENJUNIPER Junip.-Lhln is'Sea Green' SAVI'N JUNIPER TALJNTOIN SPREADING YEW Ta><us x mwiiz Taunron' YELLOW RMB ARBORVITAE TS[vja xdJenlalis'YelloW mbban' {r-`� PERENNIALS - 1 GAL CONT. O ._cK FYED SUSAN ""fbc kea hima'G,Idgmm' AUTUMN TOY SEDUM Sedvm x'A[xlumn Joy' OAYLILV KAHRL FC)EKSTI sPR.E EDGRAS CammoiavRu'Gar I FaeFsler' GENERAL NOTES CONTRACTOR SHALL VT317 511E PRIOiE TO SURE51'I'T[NG RID- RES" IN= SRE AND OnCELVE FAMILIAR WITH M91FIG CONDITIONS RELATrN'L TO THE NATURE AND SCOPE OF WORK VMIFYLAYOU TANDANY D3MINYONS SHOWN AND eRINGTOTHE ATTENITON GF THE WNDS[ EAR[HBEGTANY GISCREPANCIES WHIG{&"Y COMPR[7M13ElHE DESIGN M[5 010. R'TIENT OFTHF PgQfELTS LAYOUT. A55'URE EuwILMa WITH ALLAPPLKMLF CODES AND REGULATONi GOVERNING THE WORK OR.—TERULS SUPPLE➢. [1]NTRACTORSFV.'1 PROTECT ALL E[tSnl� ROADS CURISIGIITIERS, TAABS, TRS, IA•A4J3 ANDSITE ELFMENTS.DURING PLANTING OPFIiAllONS. ANY OnlNAGi EO SAME SHALt eE REPAIRED TND COSTTDTHE DIYNE1d. CONTRACTOR 5HALL VERILY ALIGNHLNT AND LOCATION OF ALL UNDERGROUND AND All— GRADE tHILME6 AND PROV TUE THE NKfSSARY PROIFLTION FOR 54NE SF 1CONSTRUCTION(MN.—T6'-v. CLFARANCEI. ALL uNODLDRDU:VO LyFIRTS SNA,. LK IAIOSOTHATTKENC1iES DO NOT CUTTHRCLJGH ROOTSYSIEM5 OFAW E1ElSBNO TREES TO -, , . REMN RISNCA PE ARC JNOBYOTHEM. CONTRAiTUR SHALL VERIFY ANY ANO ALL OPSOiEPA1 l6 PRIGRTD CONSTRUCYTOk AND NDTTFY WYDSUPFA R(]i fFECTOF SAME- THEALIGNMEiVTANO CRr {TIEPROPOSEDWALKS,TPARS AND/ORROADWAYS AR£SUBT£CTTD FlFLDAUIl1STMENT R£(TUIRFI, TO CONFORA'4TO LOGLIT#IJ TOPOCiRAPHCOfC CONDRI[ASS AND TOMIh"If+IZE TREE RENAVAI AND GKADINC. RNT CHAN � IN ALUNMENT MLSF BF APPROVED 6Y LAN65UPE AR[HITE[T. ALL PLAhTNC eEUS TO fFEOPVESHRE[1OED HARD`AOOD MULCH UNLE56SPEC nM UTHER.W PSE ON THE U ME5CAPE PUN. 5DETUREIRIJGATED CONTRALTORTOSUBAIRSH DRAWINCFORAPPROV%RY D•' EARCHITtUPWORTOCQNPRUCT]ON a CALL BEFORE YOJ DK2 45591 Gopher State One Call -. + TWN CITY AP.EA: 631-'ISA'-aO112 TOLL FREE 1-800-2S2-ROa - 1 =N=-- WARNING: O 3❑ 60 THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPON5I0LE FPR CALLING FOR LOC=ATIONS OF ALL A L EXISTING UT]EM THEY SMALL COOPERATE WITH ALL LTITl1IY --IN CHECKED 8Y: MAINTAINING THEIRIR SERVICE AND; OR RELOCATION OF L M REVISIONS: THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT GOPHER STATE ONE CALL AT 65IA5 AIO 2 AT SCALE TN FEET LEAST 40 HOURS IN ADVANCE FOR THE LO[ATRL S OF ALL UNISERC.' UND WIRES, CABLES, CONDUFTS, PIPES, MANHOLES, VALVES OR OTHER BLERIEO STRLIC 22S BEFORE DIGGING_ THE CONTHALZOR SHALL REPAIR OR REPLACE THE ABOVE WHEN DAMAGED DURING CON5TRUCFIONAT NO C TO THE OWNER. Rosa Architectural Group Inc. 1084 SterMg Street St Pai�nF. m mesots 55119 W - ti 551-739-7986 fax 651- 739-3185 WATERFRONT COMMONS III 9000 QUANTRELLE AVE NE OTSEGO, MN 5533© A ARRC) YV SUITE 335 7265 KIRKWOOD COURT N. MAPLE GROVE, MN 55369 - - I.n Lrpircunr, �ulW suneylnR ri I��Ne *Imo... Frvie�.e�++i z1 fWNnie ,mrd MN 55]99 delµaon¢u�sn I n.�q aIRN wl ue<Pl:n sPd�euw, ur rePunwec pieparN Jn¢arunaa Py ®raft aupoMelon arc [na[ 1 aln a R y Llcencetl la[Osc�n ANIpeG �Mc m. Wws 4FILB Sf4rt pTMi[T[C�1d- D.'S P D. Laken 45591 17196/14 Curve No. Drte - 1 DATE: DECEMBER i DRAWN BY: TRG 9000 QUANTRELLE AVE NE OTSEGO, MN 5533© A ARRC) YV SUITE 335 7265 KIRKWOOD COURT N. MAPLE GROVE, MN 55369 - - I.n Lrpircunr, �ulW suneylnR ri I��Ne *Imo... Frvie�.e�++i z1 fWNnie ,mrd MN 55]99 delµaon¢u�sn I n.�q aIRN wl ue<Pl:n sPd�euw, ur rePunwec pieparN Jn¢arunaa Py ®raft aupoMelon arc [na[ 1 aln a R y Llcencetl la[Osc�n ANIpeG �Mc m. Wws 4FILB Sf4rt pTMi[T[C�1d- D.'S P D. Laken 45591 17196/14 Curve No. Drte PROJECT NUMBER: 14161 DATE: DECEMBER 13, 2014 DRAWN BY: TRG CHECKED 8Y: TWM REVISIONS: IN LANDSCAPE PLAN L1-1 ® CDPYFLGiT 2014 R05A ARCHFIECFURAL 6ROJP THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR MAINTAINING ALL T1EE5 IN APLl1MR POSITION THROUGH THEWARRANTY PER100. STARINGL4 SUG �4TFD, Biir NOTREgUIREU. ANY SFAKING MUST CONFORMVI7TH PRACTICES AS DEFINED IN A.N.h. C,UIDEL[NF5 FORT PRA.CTFCPS PRUNE DAMAGED AND CROSSING BRANCHES AFTER, PLANTING 15 COMPLETE. CUT BACK WIRE BASKET WATER TREE IHOROUGHLY UU RRNG PLANTING OPERATIONS. P1ACE BACKFILL IN 8-12" UPTS AND SATURATESOILWTrH WATER DONOTCOMPACT MORETHAN NECEAARYTOMAINTAINPLUVB. 3 EvXr POLYPROPYLENC OR POLYETHYLENE STRAP TREE WRAP TO FIRST BRANCH SAFFFY FLAGGING - ONE PER WIRE ROOT FLARE EVEN WITH OR JUST ABOVE GRADE MULCH -4•DEEP. NO MULCH IN CONTACT WITH TRUNK - SEE NOTES OR SPECS. BACKFILL WITH IN SRU TOPSOIL WOOD STAKE (OPTIONAL) EDGE VARIES -SEE PLAN SCARIFY BOTTOM AND SIDES OF HOLE PRIOR TO PLANTING SET PLANT ON UNDISTURBED NATIVE SOIL CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR TESTING PERCOLATION RATES PRIOR TO PLANTING. POOR NOTIFY DO DAA I)KAPE ARCHITECT IMMEDIATELY IF 1 DECIDUOUS TREE PLANTING DETAIL Ll -2 s<AF F"` -P THE CONTRACTOR 6 RESPONSIBLE FOR MAINTAINING ALLTREFS IN A PLUMB POSRJON THROUGH THE WARRANTY PERIOD. STAKING B SUGGESCEOT BUT NOT REpUIREd. AW STAKING MUST CONFORM WITH PRACTICES AS DEFINED IN ANA GUIDELINES FOR STANDARD PRACTICES. PRUNE ANY UAMAGEU KkANCHESAFTER PLANTING IS COhVLFIE. WATER TREETHOROVGHLV DURING PLANTING OPERATIONS. PLACE BACKFILL IN B -1Z' UFTS AND 'SATURATESOIL WITH WATER. OO NOT COMPACT MF}RETHAN NECFSSARYTOMAINTAWPLUM0- 16°xZ' FOLYPROPYLENE OR FMYET14YLTNE STRAP SAFETY rLAGGINC - ONE PER WIRE MULCH-4'DEFP-SEENCEMORSPECS. MULCH MUST NDT BE IN CONTACT WITH TRUNK_ BACKTILL WITH IN SITU TOPSOIL WOOD STAKE LOP ZONAL) EDGE VARIES - SPE PIAN HOLEI PRI RTO PLANTINIG OF ROOT HALL SET ON UNDISTURBED SUBCOADE CONTRACTOR IS REf.PONSFBLE FOR TESTING PERCOLATION RATES PRIOR TL, PLANTING. NOTIFY LANDSCAPEARC-HHECT IMMEDIATELY IF POOR DRAINAGE EXISTS. 2 CONIFEROUS TREE PLANTING DETAIL LANUSCJNPE WTA€LA7O E COOMINATETHEPHMES OF CONSTRUCTION AND PANTING INSTALLATION EILACKPOLVEDGERTO@FUSER TOCONTNKSHRUES.PERENNIA"• NO WITH OTHER CONTRILh7R5 WORRNG ON SITE. ANNUALS WHERE aEDMMYS SOD.6EED UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE k0 PLANT W G W ILL BE IN57.LLLED INSTIL CGnPLETE GRADING AND CVNSTRUTIDN HAS BESIJ COh1FLETED IN hIE IMMmIAT€ AREA WHERESOD7EEDABI TS PAVED 5URFACE5. FINISP— OLAC1f OF SOMEED SHALL 8E HELf3 T• BF1GW SURFACE ElEVAITON OF TRAIL SUB. NRII, ETG SFEO ALL AREAS DISTURBED DUE TU EiRAOIMG OTHER THAN THOSE ARFgS NOTED TO R€Cf]VE SOD, SEEM SI W LL BE INSTALLS➢ AND MULCHED AS PER MNIbTSPFCS. SODALL DESIGNATED AREA5 DISTURBED DUE TO GRADING SOD SK UL BE WD PARALLEL TO TP.E CONTOURS AND SHAUL HEWESTACGEREOIONTS. ON S.OPES SEEEPERTHAN ]:F OR IN DNAINAGE SW AM, THE sOD SFIAU BE STAKED TDTHE cRouko. ALL PLSNT MATMR LS COMPLY WTH THE LATEST FDRIDN OFTHE AMERICAN STANDARD FOR .NURSERY STOCK AMEW CAN A5517CNTICH OF NURSERYMEN. UMESSNOTEO ODHERWLSE, ALLSHRLES SHALL HAVE ATLEAST 5 CANES ATTI-E SPELlf1m MW4WUM 5HRU.R H4IGHTORWIDTx MNAMENTAL TREES 51-TALLHAVE BALL. STRE1 AND SWLLLBEGN RREESSIEALN EILOWER THAN]'INGN BODERr1LL STRAYMID BON' ED RO TREES SHALL BEGIN BRANCHING NO LOWER THAN a ABOVE FINISEIFP CRAP£ T.m CONIFEROUS TRIC PREYRUJSLY PRUNED FOA CHRISTMAS TREESALES SHALL NOT BE USED. ALL COMFEROU5 TREE= SHALL R E FULL FORM. NATURAL TO TEE SPECI ES, WTDTOU7 PRUNING. PLAN. __ PRECEDEKCE OVER PLANT ACI£PULE IF DLS(RFDANCIES W W,,NITTTS EXIST- SPEOH-09STAKE PRECEDENCE -R NOTES No T AATENNT SUBSTIDSITONS VIILt BE ACCEPTED UNLESS APPROVAL IS REQUF-SPED DE THE LiNOSCAPE ARCHFIECT -THE IANO6GIPE --- NICK TO THE SU BMIESION OF A 010 AHDME QUOTATION. ALLPROPOEEDPUNTSSFALL@ELOCATE0ANDITAWO ASSHOWHONPIAN. APIUSTMENTSINLOCATIONOFPROPOa"EDPLANTMATERbi MAYBENEEMO INF1FLD. 5H,r L ANAOIU5WLNTBEAU05ED, THELANDSCAPEA PIPTPCT MUSE B€ N011FIEO. ALL PIANTMATERULSSHAII BE N RT5.12ED UPON BRSTALLA71ON WITH A SLOW RELEASE FERTILIZER METED IN VOTE THE PIANENG SOIL PERTHE MA urATURER'S INSTRUTION5. PLANTS MAY RETREATED FORSIIMMER AND FALL INSTAUAEON MTHANAFFIFATDN TA G WNNUTAR l— 9wNG AT— PER]i'CJLIFERpFRTRFEAND3LI SMR11i5 WOH ADDOtUNAI APPl1GTION OF 11.3-3 THE FOLLOO WING IN THE1 TREE SAUC9i. ALLPUNTINGARFASRE[MNGCRU COVER,PERENNLAIS,MN AES. ANOyORVINESSHALLBE.C-IPF.AMi MUMOPIZ"DEPTHCFP NnNC. L CONSISTNG OF ATEPAST 45 PARTS TOPSOIL, %5 PARTS PEAT OR MANURE AND IB PARTSSAND. ALL PLANT57U BE INSTALLED AS PER PLW KUNG DETAILS. RE3N 111 FUDGING AND LABELS FROM MNTS- WRAPPING ANTERIAL SHALL BE COF WTFD PVC FIRINGr GREATCA IN CALIPER THAN THETREE BONG PROTECTED DR QUALITY, HEAVY, WATERPROOF 11 —1 MANUFACLDRED FOR TILS PURPOSE WRAP ALLOFLITH RIGS. TRETED IN THES PLANEFALL PRIOR TO 1Z-1 AT'D RFMOVLALL WRAPPING AFTER 11. 3 MAINTENANCE STRIP AT BUILDING EDGE LANDSCAPE EDGER UPPP SEESPECS GEOTF'LTILE WOVEN LANDSCAPE FABRIC 4e -B' CRANRE COBBLE ROCK MULCH - EQUAL COVERAGE BUILDING WALL REFERTO PLAN SHRUBS TO BE PLACED SO THAT 18' MIN. TOP OF CONTAINER SF15 FLUSH WITH PROPOSED GRADE PLANTING SOL - SIE NOTES OR SPEC MULCH- T' DEPTH - SEE NOTES OR 5FEC. LANDSCAPE FABRIC - SEE NOTES OR SPEC. _ EDGING MATERIAL-5EE NOTES OR SPEC. ---_ EDGE VARIES -REFER M PIAN LOOSEN RL]O LS OF ALL CONTA4NERIZ' PLANTS. - SCARIFYBOTTDSA AND SIDES OF _ - _ _ HOFS PmORTO PLANTING - -- BUILDrNG WALL'LTYP) r-41 SHRUB PLANTING DETAIL L7-2 SEAIeAe `P ALL PERENNIAL PLANTING BEDS TO RECEIVE 3• DEEP 5 HREDUM MAP D W COD MULCH WRTFI NO WEED BARRIEIL ALLSHRUB BOD WSSINCS MRECEIVE Y DEEP SIREOUED HARDWOgP MOLCH ANDTIBER MATWE£]HARRIERUNLESSNOTEOTHFEW ONTHEW MD ll PLAN ALL MULCH RING RING T10 3.4 OPKLAMNiTNIN.)G W RfEFHQSNO fRWTI — IN'DDEIEC• SH OINTAC TNMPR[Dla ITRIP TRUNK SPRLAO GRANDLAR PRE FMERCTM HERBICIDE TREEN OR EQ UALI PER MAN U FACFLREV5 REOD NDA I IONS U EIDER ALL MUICHW AREAS. "NTEFAANCE STRI FS TO HAVE EO OUR ANO MULCH AS SPECIFE XIINDICATED ON THE DETAR. IF THE UNDSG F CONTRACTOR 15 CONFER NED OR PERCETVE5 ANT DUFCIENOES IN THE PLANT SE LLCIICN5. SOIL COHPTIO`LS OR ANY OTHER SITE CONOMONWHIDE{SLIGHTNEGATR'ELYAFEECTPUNTFSTABL WtM , SURVN LORGDARAW_ FIE MU5r BRING THESE DEFICENCIFS TO THE ATTEMION OETH€ UNDSCAPE ARCHITKT?RIOT TO PROCUREMENT ANL]/CM INSfALUTON. CCI.YTR.AC l SUI FL ON DF A W RNTEN AFE M FORT P OWNED. ACCEMur'CEINSPECTON OF ALL IAN[" PF IND SREiuPROVEMENTS. CONTRACTOR 5 RESPONSIBLE FOR ON-GO1NC MNI MFFWNCEOP ALL NEVVLY INSFAFFFD MATERIALS UNTIL ME OF OWNER ACCEPTANCE AIRY AC5OF VANDA jEM OR DAMAGE WHICH AWY OCCUR PRIOR TO OWN" ACCFPFANCE S A LBE TETE RFSPOFi51BILFIY OF LIFE CUNTRACTOK CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE THE OWNER W IPH A MAINTENANCE PROGRA'A N=IAIG. BEEF NOT NECSSMILY UMRED TO, PRUNING, I—,RATION AND DISFASME_ST CONTROL CONTRACT RS N.L GUMAIME HEW PLANT NLITERIAL THROUGH ONE CALENDAR YEAR £ROMTHE DATE OF OWNER ACCEPTANCE. WARRANTY (ONE £LLL GROWING SEASOW FOR UNDSCAPEMATERAL5 SHALL BEGIN ON THE DATE OF ACCEPTANCE BYTHE LANDSCAPE ARCMDECTAFTER TETCDMPLETTONOF PLrM1NG OF ALL LANDXG EMATERIALS. NO PARTIAL ACCEPTANCE WILL BE CONISfOEREO. U NLE55 NOTED OTHERWISE THE APPROPRIATE DATES FIER SPRING PUNT MATFRIAL I FLSTALLATIOET ANO 5 LEOWSOO PUCEFAENT FS FROM THE TIME GROUND EFA5 THAWS D TO JUNE 1S - FALL SODDING 15 GENERALLY ACCfPTARLE FROM AUGUST 15 - NOVEMBER 1. FALL EFOUNGEROMMILLUT I5-SEPTTM@ER tS; pORMAPTfETEEDIN II -THE FALL SHALL NOTOCCUR PRIOR TO NOVEMBER I- FALL CONFEEROLS "'NENG G MAY OCCUR FROM AUGUST 15 -OCTOBER 1 AND DECIDUOUS PLANING FRO.'%THI FIRST FROST UNTIL N0AEFV ER 15. PIANO NG ODrSID E TI -BSE DATB IS NOT RECOLMWN0 D. ANY ADJUSTMENT MUST BE APPROVED I N WRiDNG EY THE UN115W F ARCHRECT UNDSGSP[ CONTRACTOR SHALL 6TABLLSH FO tiLS B.ATISFACTR'MR TFATSUIL AND COMPACTION CONDITIONS ARE AD.EUDATE TO ALLOW FOR PROPER DRAINAGE ATAND AROLTNDIHE ALAMNG SITE FIUQNTK>N NOM' ARTY ENETT,NWROpOsEU FEMCATRN SYSTEM LAYOUTAND CC SEEM COMPLETE i H11TE O.P IRRIGATION'. PRIOR TO SUPPLYING SHOP DRAWINGS. IANDSGPE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPUNSBLE FOR PRQVIDINGAN RELEGATION LAYOUT PLAN ANO SFEOFICATION ASA PARTIEF THE SCOPEOF WORK WHN BIDDING. THEE SF4V.L EE APpRCWm RY THE UNOBGPE ARGKTBCT PRIORTOORDERANOA7R iNSFALLiT1O N. PSFIILL BE THF 50 D ME CONTRACTORS RE -EASA E EO INSURE ROPER LL SOD TAREAS D1 A PU UNO AN AAE TEND FK, XiNC FOY I)AEONG THOSEAREAS DIRECTL4 AROUND 0.NP AHUTDNG BUILDING FDUNDAT]ON. rHEL DSCAPECONTRACTORSHALLPROVDETHEOWNERWIFHM RREGATKiN SCFtMULEAFPROPRIATFTO THE PROIECi SIT€ CONCIRIONS AND TO PLANT MATBEWL GROWN REQUIREMENTS, P.RPGATK)N SYErEAHS NOTTQ5PRINXLE ACROSS PAVEMEM. THE SYSTEM SHALL NCORPOM]'EA RAIN SENSQR INTO IRRIGATION SYSTEM, PLANTNOs OL1 M1HEUMI130FIRRIGATIONARETOBEWATERED REGULARLY EIFFEL"FF1MWECP)SFFD HAS BEEN E57ABLISiDANO PENAL OWNER ACCTPTANCE. VARRU MULCH- J' MEN. DEPTH SEE KAN -SEE NOTES OR SPECS. RS+ EDGER -SEE NOTES ORSPECS. EDGE VAR16-SEE PLAN 1T DEPTH WIPE. LOAM PLANTING SOIL- SEE NOTES OA SPECS LOOSEN ROOTS OF PLANTIMATER! PRICE TO PLANTING 5 PERENNIAL PLANTING Li -2 SCMETN•_,'A Rosa Architectural Group Inc_ 1084 Sterling Street SL PaLA fvirmesata 55119 tet 651-739-7988 fax 651-739-3165 WATERFRONT COMMONS 111 1 94x4 QUANTRELLE AVE NE OTSEGO, MN 55334 A SUITE 335 7265 KIRKWOOD COURT N. MAPLE GROVE, MN 55369 ASSOCIATES rr,n,ana- oraEre+�-mss . ,,,a w.wRe u„a;T,r�AaEal�.m . Lm,xe�.�,w.d e TUD n Ma4�. coo. �N ssise ramAen= vPn udsx� 1 Eereq cmER IIeL.Rk Wan, spe tiTuaBan m reperivns pnpred �/ mz or unec� mybred �Kpe Mion ana BUL I am a EAAP L:r.,�i Lrmrsape Arddred un2er [Irs wP� wtl. Slmeel M19rsslesah. D�GPD. Lk - 45591 1ZNBYI4 Lifson Na. D.. PROJECT NUMBER: 14161 DATE, DECEMBER d. 2014 DRAWN BY: TRIG CHECKED BY: TWM RLMSIONS: N A LAWSCAPG NOTE AND DETAILS L1.2 0 CCFYEI 2014 ROSA AF CHRECRIRAL CROUP J �.� �• P .m r .- ." r A A . . A A A A P �- � j � ` \P ` 1P \..m .� .+. ` .: \ „•� .k�� - d� 0 GRADING, VRAINAGE & EROSION CONTROL NOTES 1. ALLDISTURDED LINPAVEDAREASARETO RECEIVEMINIMUM OF 9 INCHE5OF TOPSOILANDSOD ORSEED. THFSEAREA551IALLPE WATERED 6Y 7HE CONTINCfOR VNTIL THE SODORSEF.Dl-WINGINAHEALTFI-ANNF.R. 2. THECONTRACTOR SHALL TAKE ALLPRECAUTIONS NECESSARY TOAVCIDPRDPERTYDAMAGF TOA01-NTPROPERTIESDLRINGTHECONSTRUCTION PHASE©FTHBFROJECT. T[-ECONTRACTORWILL BE HELDRFSPON-LE FOR ANY DAhNG#'S TO ADJACENT PROPER I-OCCRRJNG DURING THE CONSTRUCTION PHASEOF THI5 PROIECT. 3 THECONTRACTOR WILL BE NESPDN'518LE FOR PROVIDING AND MSINTAINING TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICE5 SUCH AS BARRICADES, WARNING SICK% IRECHO-L SIGNS, FLAGMEN AND LIGHTS TO CON] ROL THE MOvEMSNT OF TRAFFICWHERE NECESSARY. PLACEMENT O' THESE DEVICES SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER PRIOR TO PLACE.ENT. TRAFFICCONTIRCL DEVICES SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE ENOINEFR PRIOR TO PLACEMENT. TRAFFIC CONTROL D EV ICES SHALL CONTORM TO THE AF•PROPR{A IE MINNESOTA On'ARTMENT Of TRANSPORTATION 5TANDARDS. ,C IN ACCORDANCE WITH OEH-1-YACCEPTED CONSTRLICTION F-=. THECONTRRCTOR WILL BE SOLELYANOGOMPLETFLY RESPONSIBLE FDR CD NOTIONS ON THE JOB SITE, INCLUDING SAFE TY OF ALL PERSONS AND PROPERTY nuRING THE PERFORMANCE OF I HE WORK. THIS REPO TMvENT WfLE APPLY CONTINUOUSLY AND NOT BE LIMITED TO NORMAL WORKING HOHRS. E. THE DJTY OF THE ENGINEER OF THE DEVELOPER TO CONDUCT CONSTRUCTION REVIEW OF THE CONTRACTORS Pf RFORMANCE15 NOT INTENDED TO INCLUDE REVLEW OF THE ADEQUACY OF THE CONTRACTORS SA PETTY MEASURESIN, OR NEAR THE CONSTRUCTION SITE. 6. BEFORE BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION THE CONTRACTOR 5HALL INSTALL A TTMPORARV ROCK ENTRANCE PAD AT ALL POINTS OF VEHICLF QUTFROM THE PROJECT SITE -SAID RGC'JC EHTRANi_'E PAD SHALL BE MAINFAINLQ BY THE CONTRACTOR FOR THE DURATION OF THE PROJECT. SEE DETAIL5 SHOWN ON SHEET F- THE P -J -PLANS ]. CROSION AND SEDIMENTATIpN CONTROL ASE0.5URE55NALL BE ESTABLISH£n AROUND THE ENTIRE SITE PERIMETER AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH N.PUES PERMIT REQUIREMENTS. BEST MANAGEMENT PEACnCES, CITY RECtUIREMENTS AND THEDETA1L55HOWN ON 5HE2T CE4 OF THE PROJECT PLAN'S. 8. ALL ENTRANCES AND CONNECTIONS TO CITY ST= SHALL BE PERFORMED PER THE REQUIREMENTS OF HME CITY. THE IERACTOR SHALL af'REPC)NSiBLE FOR ALL PERANTS AND NOTIFICATIONS AS PEQUMM BY THE CITY_ \ EF5-B.SiO 4. ADJACENT STREETS AND ALLEY5 MUST BE SWEPT To KEEPTHEM FREE OF SFDIMEI•Ei_CONTRAROR MUST -TCR ITOR CONDHION5 AND SWEEP AS NEEDED OR WITHIN 24 HOURS OF NOTICE BY THE 10. STREETS MUST BE CLEANED AND SWEPT WHENEVER TRACKING Of SEDIMENTS OCCURS AND BEFORE SRES ASCE LEFT IDLE FOR WE -05 AND HOLIDTYS. A REGULAR SWEEPING SCHEDULE MUST 9t FSTABUSITTO - ll. ADJLl5T 0.1E EJBSTING STRURURES. BOTH PUBLICAND PRIVATE TO THEE P05C$GRADES WHERE DEFLRBED AND CCMPLY WITH ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE UTILITY O-NER5. STRVI:TUUA£SBE]- RESET TOPAVED ARFA5 MlI5T MEET OWNERS REQUIREMENTS FOR TRAFnC 12. DUST MUST BE ADEQUATELY CONTROLLED, E 13_ SEE LIHLTTY PLAN TOR. STORM SEWER INFORMATION. WARNING: THE CDIu1c.4CTOR 5FSALL �RFSPDN316L[ 1NCFl]R LOCANDN50F ALL "e%STING UHI.RIfS. A '�' 14. EXISTING TOPOGRAPHY PROVIDED BY LOUCRS ASSOCIATES PA RTU.L TOPOGRAPHIC 5URV DA TED 04/24!]4. TFIEYSNUL- RATE YnTH ALL LTfDTY CO PANIES NMINTAININOTHEIR SFRNtE AND/OR _ REL -AT- OF LINTS _ 15. 5P01 ELLVA HONS REPRESENT FINISHED SURFACE GRADES AT GUTTERUNE_FACE OF BUILDING. OR FDCE OF PAVEMENT UNLL55OTHERWISE.NOTED- THE ODNE ACIp25HALL CANTALT -TATE -LL AT WIi54-0I>•]R AT LEAST naNOC25 FN r AE, � ADVANCEFFIk THELOCATOFK Oi AIL IRRDFRGRC%1WD LVIRES,I'ARLEi C©EDEA R, PIPES,. AVLNHOlES. f f� 16. 5EESIn PLA.NFORCLFREANn BITUMdNOLLTAPERLOCATIONS. CALL BEFORE YOU OICd-VEO'+TA OVTir[N¢aUAnnEacT oeIRNGCONSTRlKT4Y AT hIOECDST T'o ilHe DwNER FPSB53A Gopher State One Call TNIN OTY : 1-4AREA: 6554-0002 TOLL FREE80a-252-It6fi r � 86110 _ 862.10 CX. �' B 1.20 ~}` rel ` f�F _ •. R62 42 ` 8�EX, en. PATH 862. - - 4.21 x 86}sa .� 864.00 INSTAFL EK 4.6 963 g 2N 63.60 v •- 664 [w-- CURB CVT a RAMP \ 063,10 BE. _- .864,00 863.28 }- HP�{ B 2P 863.25 \ c f a�wwnn It<jSTNACVRB CUT BES BAMP WALKTa MATER' E[. BIT. MATTJH - EX. WA B64JO> . INSTKA� es-0'SD - - LREICUT ' Bfi315 4 96 D R ' BG .Tf9 62.% f 662 66 - -- 663'yU � 86339 'a l 90 \ - ft.IAG IC - WO10 853a� 6T.a HP g 6 - 8d3s0 NP. ti 63.5c 86350 E6%.9n E2.S0 E 963.85 6fi3 A TC 335 63.90 66F00 969.50 883.]6 s o 96}sD 963.90 ssa.aD T RAMPEDESTRIAN s rrvPP Naw 6 BET a 11 661 \ i \� •BE y\ 6' 63.ZD Bfi3.>U i ``I I i 8636 eSR.OJ SGCOS 6395' / \. 669AD BG3.00. f I 0 20 40 M.STCH EK. CURD 4I �O � ' � 96:•T F TJN F°s�r \ � f � 1 I / SENCHMARKS� ` as .]D - O Elevations are based an Top Nlff / Hydrant an east side of QuantrelIA Avenue, approximaLJeyT185fl. South of 90th Avenel. as shown hereon_ Elevation = 866.58 feet (NAVD 1888 datum) Rasa Architectural Group Inc. 1084 Sterfng Street St. Pel4 wMesota 55119 rel: 651-739-7988 fa)c 651-739-3185 WATERFRONT COMMONS III 9000 QUANTRELLE AVE NE OTSEGO, MN 55330 A ARROW SUITE 335 7265 KIRKWOOD COURT N. MAPLE GROVE, MN 55369 ASSOCIATES I P< wtiee� Tmnramm�� IaMT fY4u3N � P �C MSmS THq.Mn I hceelry amrr X>W a 61�PIzn. � '6�� on aT Iwon.... I m4 airy uY®T� v � da r ISI> FerlFl�lur �..+ o�f ReB�YRgefl�Ann`-r-��n,-s-� Todd W_ N.LwLh - PE 20383 Ste ii- No- 0 - PROJECT NUMBER: 14161 DATE: DECEMBER 8, 2014 DRAWN BY: TRG CHECKED PY: TV,W REVISIDNS: N/A GRADING & DRAINAGE PLAN C3-1 da CoPY'tIC-HT 2014 ROSA ARCHITECTURAL GROUP CA BEFORE you -tic! Gopher State One Call TWIN CITY ARE -A: 651 -15a -0O02 TOLL FREC I-EOe-252-1r0- WARNING: ' THEC0WRAC R SHALL BE RLSPON51BU FOR -1 -ENG FOR LfKATIONS OF ALL EXISEYNGL.TLITHS. THEY SFIALLCGOPERATE WrM AlL lfilulY GOMPANIFS IN MAINTAWING THEIR SERMCE AMOl� Rac-cAnnN nP < e,lvs. IHCCOMRAcroR.sanu O]NTA.CT GOPHER STATE �'E ULL AV dSTAi4Rl02 ATL Avenue, apptoximatEey185 ft. south of 9ath Avenue as shown hereon. Elevation - 956.55 feet (NAVD 1988 datum) Rosa Architectural Group Inc. 1084 Sterft Street St. Pati kinnesota 55119 tet 651-78.4-7988 tax. 8 1-739-3165 WATERFRONT COMMONS III � 1 r 4 9000 QUANTRELLE AVE NE OTSEGO, MN 55330 A ARROW SUITE 335 7265 KIRKVVOOD COURT N. MAPLE GROVE, MN 55369 • Assocwres B„nms • CNa E•y�:ng � LaaSumylq I Ewaeey cetlRY Ihvl Bes per. �eaB.y6M er repoRres PRFaletl Sy nm er umlxf mY EL[ct SupuWsleaantl Incl I ama Mhp LYzireCPwfuBvvlF "2vurNermelabs IMc Sheaf Mie�paiB_ 'Aillid el. Lp Llccise Nu- PROJECT NUMBER: 14161 DATE: DECEMBER 8. 2014 DRAWN BY: TRG CHECKED BY: TWM REV 51ON5-' N/A STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVEMION PLAN - SWPPP C3w2 0 00PY21Ltff 2014 ROSA ARCHITECNNAL GROUP 1�r �� urofilx a[kn TRENCH SILT FENCE EROS-lp /ISSOCIATFS DETAIL SWPPP NOTES 1. THE NATHRL OF THIS PROJECT WILL CONSIST OFCONSTRVCTINO AN RETAIL PUiLDING WITH ASSOCIATED SURFACE PAVENIENTS. UTILITIES AND 5TORMWATER MANACEMENT. 2. THE IYTENf]EU SLEI"ENONG OF.ALMOR CONSTRUCTION ACINITIES ARE AS FOLLOWS: 1.. INST LL VEHICLETRACMNG HMP 2. INSTALLSILT FENCE AROUND SITE 3. INSTALL PROT£CTNE FENCE AROUNU IN'FII TRATION AREAS 4. CLEARAND CRU83RE 5- 57M AND 5MCKPILETOPEOIL h RLMOVEPAV€MENTS AND UTILITIES I CONSTRUCT STORAtWATER MANAGEMENT BASINS A INSTAI..L SILT FENCEAROL'NDBASINS 9. ROUGH GRADE SNE 10. IMPORT CI EAh' FTI FDR RfF1_ACLMLBNTAND BALANCE 11. INSTALL U'1 ILII 12. INSTALL RU MING FOUNDATIONS T3. INS'TAU CURE AND GUTTER T4_ INSEALLPAVEMENTSAND WALKS 15.FINAL GRAUE511E TE.REMOVE ACCUMULATED SEDIIMFNT FROM RASINE 17_ CONSTRUCT NFILTRATION BASIN 16.SEEDANDMVLL]TT IXEMOL'E SILT 19_ WH£NALLCONSNIUCTIDNAGTIVIIYISCOAWLETEANDTNEAT EISSTABILEEM FFNCFAND DISTURBED BY THE REMOVAL. 20. THE IOCATR2N OFAREAS NOT TO PE DISTHRBEO MUST BE IDENTIFIED WITH FLAGS, STAKES, SIUNS. SILT FENCE, ETC BEPORE CONSTRUCTION BEGINS. 21. ALL DISTURULD LR.VUND LEFT NAGPVE FOR IOURTMN CI 47 OR MORE DAYS SHAI I- BE STABILIZED II SEEDING OR SODDING IONLY AVAILABLE PR10R TO SEPTEMBER IS) OR BY MULCHING ORCDVERINp OROTIICREQUIVALIN CONTROLMEASURE 22_ ONSLOPE53:1ORGRFATERM INTAIN5HEEFFLCfWAN0MINIMIZ WLLSAN=RGULUES. SLOPE LENGTHS CAN NOT BE GREATER THAN 75 FEET. DHROTE55LOFE5 GREATER THAN 31. ALL 3:1 SLOPES TO BE STABIIIZED WITH EROSION CONTROL BLANRET 2T- ALL STGR.M DRAINS AND INLETS MUST BE PROTECTED UNTIL ALL SOURCES OF POTENTIAL DISCHARGE ARESTABILIZEO. 2'X3' SEDIMENT CONTROL 13ARPIER DERFLOAV 2ERZ-FILLTRBB�OIEMBLY 1P CEYfR,ASSEMBLY NRF' LG 14 NYMAN -URA AU'11.1-A- 27" LIH TI.fLOAV HIGH -FL A C 27" SEDIMENT CONTROL BARRIER MLYESTERSLEEVE NITER ASSEMBLY �, , _ . 2T - MANHOLE COVER ASSEMBLY - ;j� X CO LET TROL ROAD CNIRAI NS DIVIENT � SCALE, N/A X 24- TFMPOBARY SOIL STOCKPILES MUST I'AVE ESFECfWE SEDIMENT CONTROL AND CAN NOT RE PLACED IN SURFACE WAT£ILS ORSTORM WATER CONVEYAWESYSTEMS- TEMFORARV 5TCCKP1LES WETFEOUTSIGNIFICANT AMOUNT OF SIT, CLAY. ORORc:ANICCOMfbUNDS ARE tSEPMT EX PL Fx'N AGGREGATE STOCK PILES. DEMOLITION CONCRETC STOCxPIL ES,i4rvq 5MICKPILES. 25- 5ML%4FNf LADEN WATER MUST BE DISCHARGED TO A SEDIMENTATION BASIN WHENEVER PO'SSIRLE IF NOT P055[ELE R MUST BE TREATED WTI I TITS APPROPRIATE B -S. 24. SOLID WASTE MUST PE DISPOSE. OF PROPERLY AND MUST COMPLY WITH MPCA DISPOSAL REQUIREMENTS. 27. EATERNAL WASHING aT OOIRSfRUrnGN YEHIOlES MVST kf LIMITED T0.4 DEFINED AREA OF TFIF SILL RUNOFF MUST E£ PROPERLY CONTAINED. ZM NO ENGINE D£ GREASING IS ALLOWED ONSITE 29_ THE OWNER WHO SIGNS THE NPOES PERMIT APPLICATION B A PERMITTEE AND 15 RESPON515LF FOR COMPLIANCE WUH ALL TERMS AHO C'ONDMON5 OFTHE PERMIT. THE OPERATOR ICDNRUGTGRI M 10 SIUNS THE NPDFS PERMIT APPLICATON IS A PEEMTITEE EOR PARTS ILEI.. PART ILC, PARE ILE-F, PART V. PART IVAND APPLICABLE CONSTRUCri ON ACTNITY REQUTREMENT5 FOUND IN APPENDIX A, PART C OF 7Hi NPON PERMIT AND LS JOINTLY RESP+ FSBLf WITH THE OWNER SCR COMPLIANCE WITH THOSE PORTIONS OF THE PERMIT 30_ TERM INATIONOFLUATRAGE-PfRMITTEHSI WISHING TO TERMINATE COVERAGE MUSE SUBMIT I ATION INOUT THE MPGA. ALL PFRMITTFENY MUSiSUBNdiA NOT ATITHIN 30 DAYS AFTER ONL UR AICIRE OF THE FOLLOWING CONUIFIONS HAVE BEEN MET: A_ FINAL. STARIMATION, PER NT4]ES PERMIT PART N.C. HAS BEEN ACHIEVED ON ALL PORTIONS OF THE SEEP FOR WHICH THE PERMITTEE IS RESPONSIBLE B. TRANSFER OF OVMER.SNIP AS DESCRIBED IN THE PERMIT. 1S. INSPECTONS A. INITLLL INSPECTION FOLLOWING SILT FENCE INSTALLATION BY CITY REPRESENTATIVE 5 REE2UIREtT- P HPOSEDSO1LAREASI ONCE EVERT7DAT5ANDWITHNZ4HQURSFOLLOWINGA OSS OVER24 HOUR RAiNEVENT. GSI AREAS- ' ONCE EVERY 30 DAYS FL FRO-IGROUND. ASSOONASRUNOSFOC[LRSUR PRIOR TO RESUMING CONSTRUCTION. IE_ INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE RECORDS MUST BE RETAINED FOR 3 YEARS AFTER FII INC! OF THE NOTICEOF TETt RINATION AND MUST INCLUDE DATE AND TIME OF ACTION. NAME OF PERSON6) CONCUCfINC WORK. ENDING OF INSPECTIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS FOR CORRECTIVE ACTION.OAT- AND AMOUNT OF RAINFALL EVENTS GREATER THAN CLS INCHES IN A24 HOUR PERIOU- 11 MINIMUM MAINTENANCE A. SILT FENCE TO BE REPAIRED, REPLACED, SUPPLEMEN ED WHEN NO NFHNC710NA{, OR Fj3 FULL: WER!IN 24 HOURS E_ S£OIMENI ILA.SINS ORAINFO AND SEDIMENT REMOVED WHEN REACHES 1I15TORAILE VOLUME. REMOVAL MUEL BE COMPLETE WITHIN 7Z HOURS OF DISCOVERY. C. SEDIMENT REMOVED FROM SURFACE WATERS WITHIN 95WEN DAYS D. CONSTRUCTION 57E E3@TS III TRACKED SEDIMENT RUY-IF D WITH 29 HOURS. E. PROVIDE COPIES OE EROSION INSPECTION RESULTS TO CITY ENGINEER FOR ALL EVENTS GREATER THANA' IN 24 HOURS 17. THESWPPP, INCLUDING ALLCILANGESTO R, AND INSPECTIONS AND MAINTENANCE RECORDS MUST RE RIEPT AT THE SITE DURING CONSTRUCTION ACTIWTY "THE PERMITTEE61 WHO HAVE OPERATIONAL CONTROL OF THESITE 15. UWNL: MUST KEEP RECORDS OF ILL PERMITS REQUIRED FOR THI IECT, THE Ii -PPP, ALL INSPECTION i ANO MAINTENANCE, PERMANENT CIPERATION ANO MAlNT£NANCEAGRffMENTS, AND REQUIRED CALCUL 1"NS FPR TEMPORARY AND PERMANENT STORM WATER M4NAGEMENTSYSTLMS. THESE RECORDS MHST HF RETA NEO FOR THREE YEARS AFTER HUNG NPOFS NOTICE OFTFSIMINAIION. 19_ SWPPPMUSTBEAMENDEDWHEN: A- THERE IS A CETANGF IN DESIGN, OPERATION. MAINTENANCE, WEATHER OR SEASONAL CONDITIONSTHAT HAS A SIGNIFICANT EFFECT ON DISCHARGE n. INSPECTIONS INDICATE THATTHE-S-PPP IS NOT IFFFCTIVF AND OLSCHARGT IS EXCEECING WATER QUAUTY STANDARDS. C. THE BMP'SI.N THESWPFP ARENOT CONTROLLING POLLUTANTS IN DISCHARGES OR IS NOT CONSISTENT WITH THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE PE.4N41T. 19. CO NCRETEWASHOUTAREA A. COP"AC_ TO PROVIDE PREFABRICATED CONCRETE WASH-OUT CON TAINER RVITI RAIN PROTEGTRON PER PLATY R CONCRETE WASH -.LIT TO BE IDENTIFIED WITH SIGNAGE SEATING"CONCRETE WASHOUT AREA DO NOT OVERFILL•- [. CONCRETE WAIR-1 WA I E R NEEDS TO BE PUMPED WITHIN 24 HOURS OF STANDING WATER IN WASHOUT AREA, 20 IN THE EVENT OF ENCOUNTERING A WELL OR SPRING DURING CONISIRUCTION CONTRACTOR TO CEASE. CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY AND NOTIFY EN£t1NEER- 27_ PIPE OUL1 US MUST RE PROVIDED WITHI E RARY OR PERMANENT ENERGY Dti6IPATION WITHIN 24 HOURS AFTER CONNECTION TO A SURFACE WATER. 22. FINAL STABILTFATION FINALSTABI LIZADONRE4UIRF5THATALLSOILDISTURBINGAC IATTUIIAVEBEENCOMPLFIED ANDTHAT ULSTURRED ARFAS ARE STABILIdE➢ BV A UNIFORM PERENNIAL VEGETATIVE COVER WITH 7b% OFTHE EXPECTED FINAL DENSITY, AND TNAT AU. PERM.ANLNT PAVEMENTS HAVE BEEN INSTALLED. ALL TFMPORARY BAN'SSHALL BE REMOVED, DITCHES STASILIZED, AINGFLDIMENT SHALLBERfMOV ED FROM FEWAANY TCONVEYANCESAND5EDiMEN IAFIQN UAV NS IN ORUER TO RETURN 'ITIF POND 70 DESIGN CAPACITY. 23. RFSPDNnBILmSs A. THEOWNER MUST JOEN7IFYAPERSON WHO WRL OVERSEE FHt SWPPPIMPLEMENTATION ANC THE PERSON RESPONSBICE FOR INSPECTION ANO JAAINTENANCE: CONTACT: CAMPANY: TPD PF -ZONE: @. THEOWNERMUST1-FYTHEA PFASON WHO WIEI_ RE RE'S PONSIBLE FOR LONG TERM. OPERATIONS AND MAATNTENANCE OF THE PHIMANENT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT .TSTA CONTACT_ COMPANY: TBD PHONE 21. AH UILTD"WC OZ VERA DING OTIY N ONY R E R ION OF E E O OR 3NSPERIONS OR ASU V LLT tl WiWENCS V ERIFYING F'AOPER CONSTRURION OF THE @MPS. Rasa Architectural Group Inc. 1084 Sterling Street St. Payu��Ryy"�w.CesaIt�a/1 5��5/Rnp9p tek 651-7V -7988 fa)c 651-739-3165 WATERFRONT COMMONS III 4 8 -LL JL_ R 9000 QUANTRELLE AVE NE OTSEGO, MN 55330 A A R -R -O . Y SUITE 335 7265 KIRKWOOD COURT N. MAPLE GROVE, MN 553169 ASSOCIATES tA..t� � c,r,l [n5v.ming . Imdsun--ql,g F MnGgvhrcNllaNrc . Swpan.�eA+l 260 Rr.Ned lan a _Su11 a T0R 7 TH.Pt,e.� Init Tisi�ssas 1 FRreby ceM1Ty NFt NLs Els, Epe clTiads of rtpM wes prel*ared by nx erunda n!y NrcdsuneMsgn andthal 1 mm a duly LEelrxd PNhulFml Englreer unecrlxe Iav,s Prue BFam arNaAn�aR.. -Tadd W_ Mc aulh - PE 2P3Bs .Da14 Lire N. One PROJECT NUMBER: 14161 DATA DECEMBER 8, 2014 DRAWN BY: TRG CHECKED BY: TWM REVkSFONS: _ J STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION NOTES & DETAILS C3m3 GGPYRICHT 2D14 RCSA ARCHITECTURAL GA.CDP UTILITY PLAN NOTES SUITE 335 cgti Ek5•PFEE You Btcl I . ALL SANITARY'SEWER, STORM STWER AND WATERMAIN tITILITIf55N RLL RE TURN :SHEO ANO I.YtiTALLED PER THE R€¢I.SIREMENTS OF THE SPECIFICATIONS. THE CITY AND THE SPECIFICATION OF THF CITY ENGINEPLS A59CTOATION OF MINNESOTA (CFAMI, 2BTT EDarI STANDARD UTIEmFS Gopher State One Calf 2. SEE OE FAIL SHHT AND THLCONTRACT5PECIFICAlION5 FOR SPECIFIC L/TILITY DETAILS. Assoclwr>;s iV CITY gREA; 651_451-WO2 3. ALL CONNLCfi13N5 TO "LI UTILITIES SHALL BE PERFORMED PER THE REQUIR=MENDE OF THE CITY. THE CITY DfPARTMENT OF FNCINEERING AND RUILDINC IN5PECTIONS Do Ak TMENT AND THE n TOLL FREE I-800-252-1146 CONSTRHCfI-FNG INFER MAST BE NOTIHED Al LEAST 4L FtDURS P11 -TO ANY -R. WITHINTHEPUBHCRFGHTOFWAY,ORI+ORKIMPA INGPDBLICLFPLITIES. WARNING: 4. THE CONLRACTORSHALL NO tnY COPFIER STATE ONE CALL AT W'1-454-0002 AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO. PERFOR.uINC. EXCAVATION DR LINDERc.RODN[D WORK. F coNigACTpR SHALL RER-NARiE--CALL-FOR LOCATIQ.NSOF ALL FXF5Tp4C UTIUTIFS. - ALL UTIUFY COAWAN IN MAIMAINFNG THBR SERVICE -1 UR 5. 1HECONTR.ACTORS11AL'. f1ELU 0.UIUST WATER0.IAIN TO AYOIO CONfULTS WITH SANFTARY SEW ER, AOR SEYYEy ANO NEkVIGES PS IX£1,�UIRE➢. IF I u1y amseq Fav IR Engin xr 511a Rhl fNn>lesvla A_- .1 I.N., 6. ALUSTR RCPARS AND PATCFIINGSHALL BE PERF- PERTHE REWIREMENTS OF THE CII Y. ALL T"FFFc CONTROL SHALL BE PROVIDED BY THE OUNTRAM CM AND SHALL BE ESTAFL6HED PER THE THECOfrtRACTORSHALL CONfAcT wPHFn sFATf O SCALL Aral -Ar LEAST EB HOURS IN REQUIREMENTS OF THE MINNESOTA MANUAL OF UNIFORM TRAFFIC COTTER C3E OEYICESWMUTCDI AND THE CITY. IEILS 5HALL INCLUDE ALL WNAGE, 3ARRICADE5. FWHFPS AND "GOERS AS NEFDED.AEL OYANCE FORTHELOC.ATI-OFALLONDERGROt1NDW[REi.CABLES.0 NOUlTS.PIPES.-HOLES. VAlVF50R OTH[R BUR{E10STRUCNRES REFORE dGfANG. THE CONTRALTOR SHALL REPMR oat REHncE FV5LICSf RENS SHALL BE OPEN TO TRAFFIC AT ALL TIMES, NORCIAT2CLOSURES SHALL BE PERMITTED WITHOUT THE EXPRESSED AUTHORFTV OF OF THE CnY. THI:aSp.TwH.eNa.u�u',TD DUR:Ne ecusTRucnoN ArNo torr TO THE ovaNtR. P. ALL UTILITY PIPE 3MOINC SHALL BE COMPACTEDSAND OR FINE GRANULAR MATER)AL PER TI[[ RCQUIkEMLNTS Cr YNCCITY. ALL COMPACTION SHALL BEER-FIM[O PER THE REQUIREMENTS OFTHECFAM RATE: DECEMBER &, 2014 SPELIFsLATION. DRAWN EY: TRG Ao[Lur ALL EXISTING STRUCTURES, BOTHPUBLICAND PRIVATETOTHf PROPOSED GRADES WHERE DISTUR6E❑ANp COMPLY WITH ALL REQUIREMENTS OFTHF UTILffYOWNERS. STRUCTURES BEING RESET I I TO PAYED AREAS MAST MEET OfVNERS REQrII R[MENTS FOR TRAfTiC LOAAtNQ - 9. MAINTAIN B FEET OF COYER OVER ALL WATERMAINS AND SERVICES, I - TB. PROPONDPIPLMATERIALS, r FEST SPORM rE1NFR RCF CLA555 VARIES INV -853.0 -SELIERVICE DIP CLA55 S3 E•uIAMFTER SANITARY SERVICE PVC SDR 215 E^'DEFER FES -85 3. ❑ CB 100 - 48" DIA. 70'-12" RCP RIM -862.4 7.8676 a.aS�NRau CB 103-46"DIA. ` m 3' - RIM -861.20 - ADJUST RIM INV -858.20 $62.2 TTO 35'- 12" RCP C� ADJUST RIM TO 862.6 11.43% NN INV-858.01 CLEAN OUT CBS CB 104 - 2'x3' 94'-12" RCP RIM -861.20 s 0 O.96% AS NECESSARY INV -858.70 FFE - 864.50 REMOVE EX. STUBS &BULKHEAD �' � OPENING p�Y[ I �If 101 - 2'x3' RIM -862.4 INV -859.4 4� l i 93'- 8)PVC 1 � WARP CURB ` AROUND 4 \ MH & TIE ~' INTO RAMP CONNECT TO EX. s 6" DIP WATERMAIN 8" PVC SANITARY SERVICE INV -855.0 J R II 177'- 12" RCP F 2 (0 0.93% n CB 102 - 2'x3' RIM -862.05 INV -859.6 i NORTE SCALE IN FEET BENC"MARKS� Elevations are based on Tap NEA Hydrant on east Side of Qvantrelle f Avenue, approxivnatlay185 fl. south of OOth Avenue as SIT -hereon. Elevation = 866.58 feet (NAVO 1988 datum) 'I CON RUCT CBMH 105 48" DIA. OVER EX- 15" RCP STORM SEWER RIM -861.5 \ INV -856.5 (FIELD VERIFY) t r 4 Rosa Architectural Group Inc. f084 Sterflng Street St Pai-4 Mrvresote 55119 tet 651-739-7988 fax 651-739-3165 WATERFRONT COMMONS Ill L.I 9000 QURNTRELLE AVE NE OTSEGO, MN 55330 A ARROW UnLay PLAN C4=1 V C-IGHT 201 ROSA ARCHITECTURAL CROUP SUITE 335 7265 KIRKWOOD COURT N. MAPLE GROVE, MN 55369 Assoclwr>;s t�.� �wm AdIe2W le a.-rY ��QN a by"mwdTW IF I u1y amseq Fav IR Engin xr 511a Rhl fNn>lesvla Todd W. MCLouth - PE 20383 -0R-t4 license NR. E]a� ° PROJECT NUMBER: 14161 R RATE: DECEMBER &, 2014 DRAWN EY: TRG CHECKED BY: Twm REVISIONS: N/A UnLay PLAN C4=1 V C-IGHT 201 ROSA ARCHITECTURAL CROUP Preliminary Plat of- Otsego f Otsego Waterfront East Fifth Addition Alm a07a'W 258 7a _ #f - w I 1�'££'' I 1 r'• � l Y r' .1 � d V_ —. - - C 8 NI3�'fe'W N+.10 I f i r� � $l °�• 1 ! - fI ro 1 I I r•" '�•" 11_ g�'� '.l �; - 3. a !1 ^g y r 17 `lam I I L-------__— _ -- _ ------ 1'�,y m f I zI Q a o 't' rrAt—_..._-----A95Ya All Ya3` •- �.� i'� � � f Yam A M i if � ��m � LLe i1 ••.w ` _y 0 lyfil•_ �s.y?%— .-'� i I ! .�°' i I �iaas�la l�IlO° v� v l _ it j 3 1 IIV�/ `/ • ' ; j�� 1 1 e0° L pss0 y 'v�1_mr....a.n y , ' qp off, II •u-^ , 3 a3— a t------ _, �� � III �I �IIW ai � I \. 1 r �•'- � � „� ��`� �� �r �- JJ` � 3�.� �;� _ -L `aa I}(-1 i I �r`� ��• �x ff�.lo .,._ and ��,a NA � ✓ r - '°FI'r r' -, � `r - i i � g.l ,1 � �r.+' - � `1t __ ��i I 1 _ I _ sm3>7e2 IL sm=z7sT_J L saSD 1 �. Td8$ '., R��p1� Q2h. '� �f r_,• `'_ � � r�l`1r � - _-_ Low-` l� 5 I __Sa- ��a-. 'S �94k � / 1 SURVEY LEGEND — EXISTING CONDITIONS 00 CATCH BASIN STORM SEWER Y ® STORM MANHOLE—'SANRAR,' SEIfIER i - 0 5ANITARY MANHOWATFRMAIN CALOESCRtPTtON: EXtGT1NGZONItuG: ® WATER MANHOLE UNbERCROUNO FLEC7RIC CW •- PtK,Clado Waterfront East Zm IPUD) Q HYDRANT — r% UNDERGROUND GAS 1 _ Z W GATE VALVE UNDERGROUND TELEPHQNE Toeeltcer with: PR6PO5€O ZONING: Zone (PUD) © TELEPHONE PE—AL---OVERHEAD UTILITY �I b 367 gQ Qi POWER POLE R— CHAlN LINK FENCE Lot 1, 131­kl Ctsego Watettrard East Fourth Arldr, , --WEng tv the retarded Plat tt.ereof, 1' VYrIgNt County, Mimeaota. ❑ LPGH7 POLE CONCRETE CURB BENCHMARK: — SICU QCONCRETE Eleaa9ans are hasd We. Top Nut Fydlent onn cast s[de pf quanua9ls AA­,eppm lrrredeyl 85 ft • T13 SPOT ELEVATION ._®_2 CONTOUR n SCALE IN FEET south 099th Street oo shell hereon. Elaminn=866.58 reef INA sea d -L-0 M ELECTR[C TRPNSFORMER CONIFEROUS TREE D 7EIEPHONE PEDISTAE a DENOTES I/2 imG x 14 INCR IKp RED AREAS: - tavNUMEWT SET, MAR'W R2-' 6 YARD U10+Tr • DENOTES IRON MOMAaEJxT £OWD Lotl Area= 1O5,6i sq. F2 or 243 Acres DECIDUOUS TREE LDI2 Are 98.907 Sn.Ft-229A.77,' TOP WALL ELF/ATION M PE.rPTFS cwlsEt£tl X rocwO TmI Property Neo . 2�, 84 8q.Ft or 4.72 Acres TC TOP OF CURB EIJ ,uATION AS ASH MA MAPLE Sheet Titt2. Preliminary Plat Otsego Waterfront East Fifth Addition 'ems Na.: 14-161 Sheet Na: Sheet 1 of 1 Preccl Name: Preliminary Plat Otsego Waterfront East Fifth Addition e C luege, Minnesota i o.,�rerltxveP r- Arrow Companies r I 1 f 7365 IGdcwoad Court N. S. it. 335 MapPe Grove, MN 55369 1 t 1 '. lesional se ­ " 1 i Z ASSOCIATES arkaaPe Nchlr¢ura . rn�ali^g f II -- JrG r 72Don c ' R zd� ,As'_ r nlod�r� ,le;oo Pig �.a.';6 sssa9 �i�3ia:�®°m wµHlepinn y+�_- by C.H Ip atoom.cwm.. J 65- 111 wu m �I• si sl[ICInvGlne Pla tmvl IIL61 Celb�l �.. - i� trrenw N: nxe ualrl CPrarol: � N ...�.� TM9 6� a •- Sheet Titt2. Preliminary Plat Otsego Waterfront East Fifth Addition 'ems Na.: 14-161 Sheet Na: Sheet 1 of 1 r_. OTSEGO WATERFRONT EAST FIFTH ADDITION - -- r- -- ------------------- I II I t ! ---- —1 f 'lwv, .aa— I �—-- -r 4 i r--------- f I I I I ! lrago, I I oc „ t *i'• „'; 11 gl` Imo_ -19 Rs� AN°f4 I I I i ro l I I I I I I I a I I Isnsr 'E _— I -i L `�3TBaY' r ^ � 4111 s 'r r ' i a•y \1 ��� J ., -r != :- ♦ f Ili' ' r e r � � � I VErnILy Map — _ —T — Is I NO SGLE SSG 74, TWP 121. RNG 23 30 1l ' SCALE INFEET INC ` i H=3U FEET B�flING 4RPENTATION� THE SOVTM LINE OF OV TLOT N, QTSEG6 W0.TERYRGNT FAST LS ASSIJMEO TO BEf.R NORTH BYSTUfI" WEST ' O GENGTEs 121NCHX14 ] NCH'AGN MONUMENT MARXC0 -RL5 172W THATW/ HE -'MTHIN i YEAR of REGOR- THIS PLOT. X DENOTES FOUND ORILLHOLE • OENOFES IRON MONUMENTFOUNO ! f J 11 7.Am _--mw „ t � 4111 s VErnILy Map — _ —T — Is I NO SGLE SSG 74, TWP 121. RNG 23 30 1l ' SCALE INFEET INC ` i H=3U FEET B�flING 4RPENTATION� THE SOVTM LINE OF OV TLOT N, QTSEG6 W0.TERYRGNT FAST LS ASSIJMEO TO BEf.R NORTH BYSTUfI" WEST ' O GENGTEs 121NCHX14 ] NCH'AGN MONUMENT MARXC0 -RL5 172W THATW/ HE -'MTHIN i YEAR of REGOR- THIS PLOT. X DENOTES FOUND ORILLHOLE • OENOFES IRON MONUMENTFOUNO ! f J 11 7.Am _--mw P Otkoo MINNESOTA V APPLICANT: WFC III, LLC 01-22-15 FINDINGS & DECISION PUD DEVELOPMENT STAGE PLAN/ PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLAT APPLICATION: Request for approval of a PUD Development Stage Plan, Preliminary Plat and Final Plat for Otsego Waterfront East Fifth Addition. CITY COUNCIL MEETING: 26 January 2015 FINDINGS: Based upon review of the application and evidence received, the Otsego City Council now makes the following findings of fact: A. The property is identified Outlot K, Otsego Waterfront East and Lot 1, Block 1 Otsego Waterfront East Fourth Addition, City of Otsego, County of Wright, State of Minnesota. B. The property lies within the East Sewer Service District and is guided for commercial land uses by the 2012 Otsego Comprehensive Plan, as amended. C. The property is zoned PUD, Planned Unit Development District in accordance with the ordinance adopted by the City Council on 10 November 2003. D. The applicant has submitted plans for preliminary and final plat approval of two lots and development of a 32,224 square foot office building on proposed Lot 2, Block 1, Otsegc Waterfront East Fifth Addition. E. The Planning Commission and City Council must take into consideration the possible effects of the PUD Development Stage Plan with their judgment based upon (but not limited to) the criteria outlined in Section 20-4-2.F of the Zoning Ordinance: The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the Otsego Comprehensive Plan. Finding: The 2012 Comprehensive Plan guides the subject site for commercial uses as part of the City's primary retail, service and office district located adjacent to the TH 101 and CSAH 39 interchange. The proposed office use and site plan is consistent with the Future Land Use Plan. Furthermore, the proposed building is to be occupied by expansion Accurate Home Health Care, a current tenant of the office building to the west. Providing opportunity for retention and expansion of an existing Otsego business is also consistent with the economic development policies outlined in the Comprehensive Plan. 2. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. Finding: The subject site is surrounded by the following existing and planned land uses shown in the table below. The proposed office use will be consistent with the character of the area being developed as Waterfront East and other commercial businesses to the south. Direction Land Use Plan Zoning Existing Use North Commercial PUD District WFE Bldg. C East Public PUD District City Park South Commercial PUD District Nathe 101 Market West Commercial PUD District WFE Bldg. B 3. The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained within the Zoning Ordinance and other provisions of the City Code. Finding: The proposed development will comply with the requirements of the Otsego Waterfront East PUD District, the Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Ordinance. 4. Traffic generation of the proposed use in relation to capabilities of streets serving the property. Finding: The subject site is served by Quantrelle Avenue and 90th Street, which were designed as part of the Otsego Waterfront East development and upgrade of TH 101 to freeway status to accommodate the planned commercial development east of TH 101. 5. The proposed use can be accommodated by existing public services and facilities and will not overburden the City's service capacity. Finding: The subject site is located within the East Sewer District and consistent with the Comprehensive Plan for anticipated urban development with adequate public service capacity to support the proposed land uses. F. The planning report dated 16 January 2015 prepared by the City Planner, The Planning Company LLC., is incorporated herein. G. The engineering review dated January 5, 2015 prepared by the City Engineer, Hakanson Anderson Associates, Inc., is incorporated herein. H. The Otsego Planning Commission held a public hearing at their regular meeting on 20 January 2015 to consider the application, preceded by published and mailed notice. Based upon review of the application and evidence received, the Otsego Planning Commission closed the public hearing and recommended by a 5-0 vote that the City Council approve the request based on the aforementioned findings. DECISION: Based on the foregoing information and applicable ordinances, the request is hereby APPROVED and is subject to the following conditions: The developer shall verify that the exterior materials of the proposed building comply with Section 20-17-4.D of the Zoning Ordinance requiring that Grade A material be utilized for at least 65 percent of the area of each fagade of the building. 2. The landscape plan shall be revised to: a. Provide additional trees on the east side of the proposed private storm water basin within Outlot A consistent with the City's landscape plan for the park, subject to approval of City staff. b. Specify installation of an in -ground irrigation system within the subject site and boulevard as required by Section 5-7-3.B.4 of the City Code. 2 3. The developer must submit cross access and parking easements over Lots 1 and 2, Block 1 Otsego Waterfront East Fifth Addition and Lot 1, Block 1 Otsego Waterfront East that are to be recorded concurrent with the final plat and development agreement. 4. The developer shall reconstruct the curb for the Highway 101 Market Driveway that is within the public right-of-way to install ADA required pedestrian ramps and metal plates, subject to approval of the City Engineer. 5. The exterior lighting plan shall be revised to: a. Identify that all exterior light fixtures have a 90 degree horizontal cut-off to minimize glare as required by Section 20-16-10.C.2 of the Zoning Ordinance. b. Identify the height of the proposed freestanding exterior light fixtures, which are limited to 25 feet tall by Section 20-16-10.C.4 of the Zoning Ordinance. C. Reduce light cast to the south property line to not more than 0.4 foot-candles as required by Section 20-16-10.C.1 of the Zoning Ordinance. 6. All signs shall comply with Section 37 of the Zoning Ordinance and require issuance of a sign permit prior to placement upon the property. Any freestanding sign shall be limited to one sign not to exceed 64 square feet in area or 15 feet in height. 7. Construction of the trash enclosure shall comply with Section 20-16-15.13 of the Zoning Ordinance, subject to review and approval of the Zoning Administrator. 8. The developer shall grant the City an easement for public access over the sidewalks and off- street parking areas within Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, Waterfront East Fifth Addition for park purposes, subject to review and approval of the City Attorney. 9. The grading and drainage plan and SWPPP are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 10. The final plat shall be revised to provide a 10 foot wide drainage and utility easement along the front lot line as required by Section 21-7-15 of the Subdivision Ordinance and all drainage and utility easements are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 11. The developer shall pay utility availability charges at the time of final plat approval and all utility plans are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 12. The developer shall enter into an agreement with the City, which shall include provisions addressing a City credit for utilization of the area of Outlot A for private storm water management and the development incentive provisions previously agreed to, subject to review by the City Attorney and approval of the City Council. MOTION BY: SECOND BY: ALL IN FAVOR: THOSE OPPOSED: Attest: ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Otsego this 26th day of January, 2015. Tami Loff, City Clerk 4 CITY OF OTSEGO By: Vern Heidner, Acting Mayor Review No. 1 Hal<anson Anderson ENGINEERING REVIEW Commercial Lot for the City of Otsego by Hakanson Anderson Submitted to: Honorable Mayor and City Council cc: Lori Johnson, Administrator Tami Loff, City Clerk Dan Licht, City Planner Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Steve Fischer, Arrow Companies Todd W. McLouth, P.E., Loucks Associates Reviewed by: Ronald J. Wagner, P.E. Brent M. Larson, P.E. Date: January 5, 2015 Proposed Development: Otsego Waterfront East 5t' Addition — Waterfront Commons III Street Location A portion of the SW 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Section 14, T121N, of Property: R23W, East of Quantrelle Ave and South of 90th Street Applicant: Steve Fischer Arrow Companies 7365 Kirkwood Court N. #335 Maple Grove, MN 55369 Developer: WFC III, LLC Owners of Record: WFC III, LLC Purpose: Otsego Waterfront East 5th Addition — Waterfront Commons III is a proposed 32,224 gross square foot 2 story office building located on 2.29 acres of Outlot K of Otsego Waterfront East and Lot 1, Block 1 Otsego Waterfront East 4th Addition in the City of Otsego, Wright County, Minnesota. The proposed development will be served with municipal water, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, and public streets typical of an urban commercial setting. Jurisdictional Agencies: City of Otsego, Wright County, Minnesota Department of (but not limited to) Health, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, Wright Soil and Water Conservation District. Permits Required: NPDES, Minnesota Department of Health (water), and (but not limited to) Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (sanitary sewer) TABLE OF CONTENTS INFORMATION AVAILIBLE FINAL PLAT SCHEMATIC DESIGN SET EXISTING CONDITIONS (Cl.l) DEMOLITION PLAN (C1.2) SITE PLAN (C2.1) GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN (C3.1) STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP) (C3.2 - C3.3) UTILITY PLAN (C4.1) DETAIL SHEET (C8.1- C8.2) ARCHITECTUAL PLANS (Al.1 - A3.1) LANS CAPE PLAN (Ll -1 - L1.2) HYDROLOGY/STORMWATER SUMMARY AND/OR RECOMMENDATION PAGE 2 S:\Municipal\Aotsego22)a12500\2015\WFE 5th Add\ot2500-2015 WFE5 RVW1.doc INFORMATION AVAILABLE Final Plat for Otsego Waterfront East 5t' Addition, by Loucks Associates Preliminary Plans for Otsego Waterfront East 5t' Addition — Waterfront Commons 111, 12/8/14, by Loucks Associates Original Otsego Waterfront East Information Final Plat for Otsego Waterfront East Final Plats for Otsego Waterfront East 1st thru 4th Additions Hydrology Report/Storm Sewer Design for Buildings D, E, & F, 2/12/07 revision, by Metro Land Surveying Engineering Hydrology Report/Storm Sewer Design for Building C, 2/13/07 revision, by Metro Land Surveying Engineering Additional Information Minnesota Rules, Chapter 4410 — EAW Requirement Trunk Stormwater Facilities Study for Portions of the Otsego Creek Watershed City of Otsego Engineering Manual City of Otsego Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances National Wetland Inventory Map PAGE 3 S:WMunicipal\P.otsego22xx 2500\2015\WFE 5th Add\ot2500-2015 WFE5 RVW1.doc PRELIMINARY PLAT 1) The preliminary plat was reviewed with the existing conditions as much of the information required is shown on one or the other or both. Please note, no preliminary plat submittal was received prior to final plat submittal. FINAL PLAT 1) A 10' wide drainage and utility easement is required along the rear lot line of Lot 2, Block 1. 2) A 10' wide drainage and utility easement (5' each side of property line) is required along the shared lot line between Lot 1 and 2. 3) A 20' wide utility easement centered over the all watermain, hydrant and hydrant leads is required. 4) The shared parking area/drive lane is not shown within any easements. Separate documentation will be required. SCHEMATIC DESIGN SET Existing Conditions Plan (Sheet C1.1) 1) List the benchmark(s) to be used. All elevations shall use 1929 datum. 2) (All Sheets) the benchmarks listed are using 1988 datum. All Otsego projects (i.e. Quantrelle Avenue and 90th Street) use the 1929 NGVD datum. Please provide an equation between the separate datum's. Verify that any existing utilities that are proposed to be connected to are labeled with the same datum. 3) Label existing easement. 4) The following required information is missing from the existing conditions plan: a. Label widths of existing streets not just right-of-way. b. Identify by name and ownership, all the adjacent properties within 150' of the boundary. C. Provide the normal and 100 year flood elevations for the regional storm pond to the east of the property. (NWL = 852.60 and HWL = 857.56) Demolition Plan (Sheet C1.2) 1) See Existing Conditions Plan comment #2. 2) (All Sheets) Provide a contact name and phone number for the developer. 3) The existing hydrant proposed to be removed may be able to be salvaged and reused. A hydrant will be needed in the NE corner of the building. PAGE 4 S:\Municipal\Aotsego22xa\2500\2015\WFE 5th Add\ot2500-2015 WFE5 RVW1.doc 4) The bituminous shall be saw cut in all areas where removals are required. The existing pavement next to the new concrete shall be milled 18" wide x 1.5" deep to provide a staggered joint for the wear course. 5) Remove the existing 12" storm sewer pipe from the existing storm manhole in the middle of the proposed parking area. A new cored hole will be required at this manhole for the new proposed pipe connection. 6) A portion of the curb must be removed at the south entrances in order to place pedestrian ramps and the sidewalk. Site Plan (Sheet C2.1) 1) Per the PUD, there is a 0' setback allowed along Quantrelle Avenue and 90th Street. For the rest of the lot lines throughout the development the minimum parking lot setback shall be 5'. 2) It is unclear why the walk between Quantrell Avenue and the parking lot at the north entrance is not a Handicap Accessible route. 3) Call out the concrete aprons at both entrances. 4) Pedestrian Ramps are needed at the south entrance. 5) The parking stalls not adjacent to curb and gutter shall have a minimum depth of 20'. 6) (All Sheets) Provide the normal and 100 year flood elevations for the regional storm pond to the east of the property. (NWL = 852.60 and HWL = 857.56) Grading Plan (Sheet CM) 1) See Existing Conditions Plan comment #2. 2) Label the required rim elevation adjustment at each existing storm manhole. 3) It appears that tip out curb is needed in many areas to get the runoff to designated storm sewer. We suggest labeling these on the plans. SVVPP Plan (Sheet C3.2 — C3.3) 1) The MPCA NPDES requires volume control for all new construction prior to discharging off-site. It is unclear how this site intends to provide storage or runoff of the 1" rainfall. 2) Inlet protection is missing from the storm manhole along the western curb line. 3) Erosion control (fiber blanket?) is required on the slope east of the bike trail at both trail utility crossings. PAGE 5 S:\Municipa[\Aotsego22xa\2500\2015\WFE 5th Add\ot2500-2015 WFE5 RVW1.doc Utility Plan (Sheet C4.1) 1) Show the existing hydrants along Quantrelle Ave. 2) Hydrant coverage is insufficient. Another hydrant is needed in the NE corner of the building. We suggest connecting to the existing watermain at the tee near the NW corner of the building and extending the waterline to the east to provide this hydrant. 3) 90° bends are not permitted. A combination of (2) 45° bends is required. 4) How is the "Warping" the curb around the existing sanitary sewer manhole to be achieved? We suggest a larger radius on the curb. 5) The sanitary sewer has been stubbed to the east of the existing manhole. This line shall be extended to the east and the service from the building shall flow to this new manhole. Details (Sheet C8.1— 8.2) 1) Provide Otsego Standard Plates. The latest version of the Otsego Engineering manual is available at http://www.ci.otsego.mn.us/vertical/sites/%7B5E9EA6DA-857D-408 8-B396- lEBOF2DBA26D%7D/uploads/Otsego_Engineering Manual NEW 2013(1).pdf 2) All rip rap shall be articulated block or approved equal per Otsego Standard Plates. 3) The pavement section shall be per a geotechnical engineers recommendation. Architectural Plans (Sheet AIA -AM) 1) No comments Landscape PIan (Sheet L2.1- L2.2) 1) No comments HYDROLOGY/STORMWATER 1) The storm sewer for the Waterfront Commons III drains to the Regional Pond to the East. It is anticipated that there is sufficient vertical fall from through the site and to the Pond for the storm water runoff to be properly conveyed. Storm sewer and inlet spread calculations shall be provide prior to final plan approval SUNJaVIARY AND/OR RECOMMEENDATION We recommend approval contingent upon the above comments being addressed. PAGE 6 S:\Municipal\Aotsego22xx\2500\2015\WFE 5th Add\ot2500-2015 WFE5 RVW1.doc CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WREIGHT STATE OF MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2015-09 RESOLUTION VACATING CERTAIN DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS WITHIN OTSEGO WATEFRONT EAST FIFTH ADDITION WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Otsego, upon request of WIFE III, LLC, initiated a public hearing to consider vacation of easements within the Plats of Otsego Waterfront East Fifth Addition; and WHEREAS, the easements to be vacated are shown on attached Exhibit A. WHEREAS, the City Engineer has determined that the described drainage and utility easements are no longer required upon approval and recording of Otsego Waterfront East Fifth Addition, which will dedicate all necessary drainage and utility easements to the public. WHEREAS, Otsego Planning Commission held a public hearing at their regular meeting on 26 January 2015 to consider the application, preceded by published and mailed notice. Based upon review of the application and evidence received, the Otsego Planning Commission closed the public hearing and recommended by a 5-0 vote that the City Council approve the request. NOW, THERFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Otsego, Wright County, Minnesota that: That the drainage and utility easements as set forth herein are no longer needed and are hereby vacated, contingent upon recording of the Final Plat of Otsego Waterfront East Fifth Addition. 2. That the City Council specifically finds that there is no damage to the affected property resulting from the vacation and thus no damages are awarded. MOTION TO APPROVE the Resolution was made by Council Member and seconded by Council Member IN FAVOR: OPPOSED: CITY OF OTSEGO Vern Heidner, Acting Mayor Tami Loff, City Clerk CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2015-10 RESOLUTION APPROVING DEVELOPERS AGREEMENT- OTSEGO WATERFRONT EAST FIFTH ADDITION WHEREAS, WFC, III, LLC is seeking approval of a Plat known as OTSEGO WATERFRONT EAST FIFTH ADDITION, and WHEREAS, the approved Plat requires construction of some public improvements and payment of City costs and fees as well as placing certain restrictions on the development; and WHEREAS, those obligations are contained and memorialized in the attached Developers Agreement; and WHEREAS, the Developers Agreement also sets forth the security required to assure satisfactory construction of public improvements and establishes the various remedies available to the City in the event that Developer breaches the terms and conditions of the Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Otsego, Wright County, Minnesota as follows; 1. The attached Developers Agreement between the City of Otsego and WFC III, LLC is hereby approved. 2. The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to execute the Developers Agreement on behalf of the City of Otsego. ADOPTED this 26 day of January, 2015 by the City Council of Otsego. MOTION TO ADOPT the Resolution by Council Member and seconded by Council Member IN FAVOR: OPPOSED: CITY OF OTSEGO Vern Heidner, Acting Mayor Tami Loff, City Clerk PA DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT OTSEGO WATERFRONT EAST FIFTH ADDITION THIS AGREEMENT, entered into this day of February, 2015 by and between the CITY OF OTSEGO, a Minnesota municipal corporation ("CITY") and WFC IH, LLC, a limited liability company under the laws of the State of Minnesota ("DEVELOPER") RECITALS WHEREAS, DEVELOPER has proposed construction of a building (Waterfront Commons III Building) to be constructed on LOT 2, BLOCK 1 OTSEGO WATERFRONT EAST FIFTH ADDITION; and WHEREAS, DEVELOPER is the fee owner the parcels of land described and newly consolidated as OTSEGO WATERFRONT EAST FIFTH ADDITION, which plat measures approximately 4.60 acres; and WHEREAS, LOT 2, BLOCK 1 is proposed for development of an office building, and other related improvements; and WHEREAS, the Final Plat and an existing and the new building are subject to a Planned Unit Development District ("PUD") by Ordinance adopted by the City Council on November 10, 2003 and a PUD Development Stage Plan for Otsego Waterfront East approved on June 10, 2004; and WHEREAS, the PUD Development Stage Plan for Otsego Waterfront East requires that the DEVELOPER enter into additional Development Agreements with the CITY as a condition of approval of individual developments; and WHEREAS, the building and improvements on LOT 2, BLOCK 1 shall be constructed, maintained and operated in accordance with the PUD and the Development Stage Plan for Otsego Waterfront East and the terms and conditions contained herein; and WHEREAS, the CITY and the previous owner GCI Capital, Inc. entered into a certain agreement dated June 29, 2011 and recorded at the Wright County Recorder's Office as Document No. Al 178736 and subsequently assigned to Main Street Otsego Development, LLC by Agreement dated February 25, 2013 which provides for the CITY to pay out certain Development Incentives upon construction of buildings upon the property meeting certain valuation thresholds; and WHEREAS, the Development Incentives have been transferred to DEVELOPER. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the promises and mutual promises hereinafter contained, it is agreed between the parties as follows: 1. Development Plans. The Building shall be developed on LOT 2, BLOCK 1 in accordance with the plans the cover sheet of which is attached to this Agreement as Exhibit B dated and signed by the City Engineer on file and of record at CITY and herein fully incorporated herein by reference and the conditions stated below (hereinafter the `Building Development Plans"). If the Building Development Plans vary from the written terms of this Agreement, the Building Development Plans shall control. 2. Municipal Improvements. The Building Development Plans include certain Municipal Improvements as set forth on the attached Exhibit C. 3. Private Improvements. The DEVELOPER or any future owner of the Subject Property ("Future Owner") agrees that it shall cause to be constructed and installed certain private improvements ("Private Improvements") on the Subject Property. All Private Improvements are to be installed at DEVELOPER'S or Future Owner's sole cost and 2 expense pursuant to this Agreement and the private improvements to LOT 2, BLOCK 1 shall include those improvements shown on the Building Development Plans. DEVELOPER or Future Owner shall construct such Private Improvements in accordance with all applicable building codes, ordinances and CITY standards and the Building Development Plans furnished to the CITY and approved by the City Engineer. The DEVELOPER shall obtain all necessary permits before construction of the Building. CITY shall provide adequate field inspection personnel to assure acceptable quality control, which will allow certification of the construction work. Within thirty (30) days after the completion of Building and before any security is released, the DEVELOPER or Future Owner shall supply the CITY with a complete set of reproducible "as built" plans and two (2) complete sets of blue line "as built" plans prepared in accordance with CITY standards. 4. Grading, Landscaping and Drainage. The DEVELOPER or Future Owner shall be responsible for grading, landscaping and storm water management on the Subject Property as more fully set forth in this Agreement and as for LOT 2, BLOCK 1 only the Building Development Plans and Landscaping Plan. A. Landscaping. DEVELOPER or Future Owner shall maintain the sod and landscape of boulevard areas adjacent to LOT 2, BLOCK 1 as shown in the Building Development Plans through at least one growing season and to the satisfaction of CITY. The long term maintenance of sod and landscaping of boulevard areas shall be the responsibility of DEVELOPER or any Future Owner after purchase of LOT 2, BLOCK 1. Further, DEVELOPER shall be responsible for mowing, elimination of weeds and removal of any garbage or debris on LOT 2, BLOCK 1. B. Erosion Control. The erosion control plan for LOT 2 within the Building Development Plans has been reviewed and approved by CITY and shall be implemented by DEVELOPER prior to grading of LOT 2. All areas disturbed by the excavation and backfilling operations shall be reseeded forthwith after completion of work in that area. If DEVELOPER does not comply with the erosion control plan and schedule or any erosion control requirements, CITY may, with reasonable notice, take action as it deems appropriate in accordance with all applicable laws, ordinances or regulations or according to this Agreement. 3 C. Grading Plan. Grading of LOT 2 shall be in accordance with the approved Grading Plan as provided in the Building Development Plans. 5. Pre -Construction Activity. DEVELOPER shall schedule a pre - construction meeting with CITY to review the proposed schedule for grading and construction of the building and related improvements as set forth on the Building Development Plans, and to coordinate the schedule with the City Engineer. 6. Ownership of Improvements. Upon completion of the work and construction required by this Agreement, improvements lying within public easements on the Subject Property shall become CITY property without further notice or action, except that those streets, which will be maintained as private drives shall remain under DEVELOPER's ownership subject to any and all necessary easements, including necessary ingress and egress access to future and existing lots. 7. Clean Up. DEVELOPER shall promptly clean any and all dirt and debris from streets resulting from construction work by DEVELOPER, its agents or assigns during the work and construction required by this Agreement. 8. Administrative Fee. A one-time fee for CITY administration of the development is one (1%) percent of estimated construction costs or $1,500.00. 9. Park and Trail Dedication. Park and Trail dedication requirements for OTSEGO WATERFRONT EAST FIFTH ADDITION were satisfied with the Final Plat of OTSEGO WATERFRONT EAST. 10. Storm Water Fees, and Storm Water Basin. No Storm Water Fees are applicable to the Final Plat. Pursuant to MPCA updated requirements for infiltration, DEVELOPER shall construct on adjacent CITY property (Outlot A) an additional storm water basin for purposes of meeting the updated requirements. DEVELOPER shall be charged $6,000.00 for a perpetual utility, drainage and ponding easement on the CITY property. The amount of the easement may be deducted from any incentive payments due from the CITY at such time as they are achieved under the terms and conditions of the original Agreement between the CITY and GCI Capital. The location and description of this storm water basin is hereby attached as Exhibit D. Additionally, n u DEVELOPER shall install additional landscaping on the east side of the basin adjacent to the existing trail which conforms to the CITY's landscape plan for the park and subject to approval by the City Planner. DEVELOPER and/or its successors in title shall be responsible for ongoing maintenance repair and upkeep of the storm water basin at no cost to the CITY. The terms and conditions of the perpetual easement, DEVELOPER's responsibilities for costs and CITY remedies shall all be included in the easement document which will be prepared by CITY and recorded at the same time as this Agreement and the Plat. 11. Sewer Availability Charges. The Sewer Availability Charges for the Plat are as follows: 3.25 acres x 3.5 RECs per acre = 11.375 RECs at $2,200.00per REC = $25,025.00. Sewer Availability Charges are subject to possible reductions against CITY incentive payments if ultimately achieved by DEVELOPER. 12. Sewer Connection Fees. Sanitary sewer connection fees are paid at the time of issuance of a building permit. The sewer connection fees shall be determined at the time that building plans are submitted and reviewed by CITY. Sewer connection fees are subject to possible reductions against CITY incentive payments if ultimately achieved by DEVELOPER. 13. Water Availability Charges. The Water Availability Charges for the Plat are as follows: 3.25 acres x 3.5 RECs per acre= 11.375 RECs $1,566.00 per REC = $17,813.25. Water availability charges are subject to possible reductions against CITY incentive payments if ultimately achieved by DEVELOPER. 14. Water Connection Fees. Water connection fees are paid at the time of issuance of a building permit. The water connection charges shall be determined at the time that building plans are submitted and reviewed by CITY. Water connection fees are subject to possible reductions against CITY incentive payments if ultimately achieved by DEVELOPER. 15. Street and Traffic Control Sign Fees. The fee amount for the Subject Property was calculated as follows: 0 signs at $250.00 per sign or $00.00. Using these funds, CITY shall purchase and install the street and traffic control signs. 16. CITY Engineering, Engineering Administration, Construction Observation, and Legal Fee Escrow and City Fees. DEVELOPER `1 shall pay escrow for the CITY'S engineering, engineering administration and construction observation services of Municipal Improvements as set forth on Exhibit C, following execution of this agreement, in the estimated amount set forth below. City engineering administration will include consultation with DEVELOPER and its engineer on status or problems regarding the Project, monitoring during the warranty period, general administration and processing of requests for reduction in security. Fees for this service shall be the actual amount billed for those service estimated to be three percent (3%) of the estimated construction cost of the improvements to be inspected, assuming normal construction and project scheduling. DEVELOPER shall pay for construction observation performed by the City Engineer. Construction observation shall include part or full time observation, as determined by the City Engineer, of the Municipal Improvements and will be billed at hourly rates actually required for said inspection estimated to be five percent (5%) of the estimated construction cost of the improvements to be inspected. In the event of prolonged construction or unusual problems, CITY will notify DEVELOPER of anticipated cost overruns for engineering administration and observation services. The Escrow and Fee account for Building 3 shall include estimated escrow for City Engineering, Engineering Administration and Construction Observation limited to the Municipal Improvements expenses and Legal expenses, and fees for City Administrative, Street and Traffic Control Signs, Water and Sewer Availability Charges as follows: ESCROW AND FEES City Construction Administration and Inspection Escrow $8,180.00 (estimated 8% of $102,200.00, actual billings to be paid) Legal Fees (actual billings to be paid) $1,500.00 City Administration Fees (flat fee) $1,500.00 Street & traffic control sign Fees (0 at $250.00 per sign) $00.00 Sewer Availability Charge (11.375RECs at $2,200 per REC)$25,025.00 Water Availability Charge (11.375 RECs at $1,566 per REC)$17,813.25 Co Drainage, Utility and Ponding Easement $6,000.00 TOTAL $60,018.25 These Escrow and Fee amounts shall be submitted to CITY prior to CITY executing this Agreement. Any Escrow amounts not utilized for legal and engineering charges incurred by the City under this Agreement shall be returned to DEVELOPER when all improvements have been completed, all financial obligations to CITY satisfied, and all required "as -built " plans have been received by CITY. Engineering, planning and legal fees incurred prior to the execution of this Agreement shall be deducted from escrow already submitted with the Plat application or charged against the escrow herein established. All other amounts listed as one-time fees are non-refundable and available immediately for CITY use when posted. 17. Security. To ensure compliance with the terms of this Agreement, and construction of all Municipal Improvements, DEVELOPER shall furnish CITY with a cash escrow or Irrevocable Standby Letter of Credit in the amount of $187,944.38, said amount calculated as follows: Site Grading, Erosion Control & Wetland Protection $6,900.00 Sanitary Sewer- Lateral $00.00 Watermain- Lateral $13,025.00 Storm Sewer- Lateral $8,900.00 Streets $80,275.00 Engineering & Surveying Construction Services $8,755.00 Landscaping $ 32,500.00 SUBTOTAL $150,355.50 TOTAL SECURITY ($150,355.50 x 125%) $187,944.38 The issuer and form of the security (other than cash escrow) shall be subject to CITY approval, which approval shall not be unreasonably 7 withheld. The security shall be issued by a banking institution in good standing as determined by CITY and approved by the City Administrator. CITY shall have the ability to draw on the Security by overnight courier delivery to the bank or branch bank issuing the Letter of Credit. The security shall be for a term ending December 31, 2015 and shall contain an automatic renewal provision. CITY may draw down the security for any violation of the terms of this Agreement, or upon receiving notice of the pending expiration of the security. It shall be the responsibility of DEVELOPER to inform CITY at least thirty (30) days prior to expiration of the security of the impending expiration and the status of the Project relative to the security and this Agreement. If, for whatever reason, the security lapses prior to complete compliance with this Agreement (other than during any warranty period), DEVELOPER shall immediately provide CITY with either an extension of the security or an irrevocable letter of credit of the same amount upon notification of the expiration. If the required improvements are not completed at least thirty (30) days prior to the expiration of the security, CITY may also draw down the security. CITY may draw down the security for any violation of the terms of this Agreement (after any reasonable notice to DEVELOPER and cure periods). If the security is drawn down, the proceeds shall be used to cure any default. CITY will, upon making determination of final costs to cure any default, refund to the DEVELOPER any monies which CITY has in its possession which are in excess of the security needed. Upon receipt of proof satisfactory to CITY that work has been completed and financial obligations to CITY have been satisfied, the security will be reduced from time to time down to the amount of warranty security as set forth in paragraph 18 of this Agreement. The security shall not be reduced below ten percent (10%) of the posted security until all improvements have been completed, all financial obligations to CITY satisfied (which includes posting of warranty security), and required "as built" plans have been received by CITY. The intent of this Agreement that CITY shall have access to sufficient security, either security or warranty security, to complete the Project and insure warranty on all public improvements. The security amount shall be submitted to CITY prior to execution of the Agreement. 18. Warranty. DEVELOPER warrants all work required to be performed by it against poor material and faulty workmanship for a period of one (1) year after its completion and acceptance by CITY. The amount of posted security for public improvements to be posted by DEVELOPER shall be in the amount of $9,758.75. The amount has been determined by the City Engineer and is based upon the costs of the raw materials and labor which would be necessary to correct the most common deficiencies in the public improvements. 19. Restrictions. The following restrictions apply to the Subject Property and all lots thereon shall be held, sold, and conveyed subject to the following conditions and restrictions, which are for the purpose of protecting the value and desirability of the Plat and insuring all conditions imposed by CITY in this Agreement are properly recorded against the Final Plat. Said conditions shall run with the real property and be binding upon all parties having a right, title or interest in the Subject Property or any part thereof, their heirs, executors, representatives, successors and assigns: A. DEVELOPER shall record, prior to or at the time of recording the Plat and this Agreement cross access and shared parking easements as approved by City staff overlying LOTS 1 & 2, BLOCK 1 OTSEGO WATERFRONT EAST 5' ADDITION and LOT 1, BLOCK 1 OTSEGO WATERFRONT EAST. B. DEVELOPER shall record, prior to or at the time of recording the Plat and this Agreement easements to the CITY allowing use of the parking lot and pedestrian sidewalks within the Plat for access and use related to park purposes. 20. Development Incentive Payments. Pursuant to Agreement between CITY and GCI Capital, Inc. dated June 29, 2011 recorded at the Office of the Wright County Recorder as Document No. Al 178736 and subsequent Agreement between the CITY and Mainstreet Otsego Development, LLC which rights were conveyed to DEVELOPER regarding incentive payments, DEVELOPER may be eligible for certain Incentive Payments upon construction of buildings upon the property meeting the Value Thresholds as set forth in the original CITY- GCI Capital, Inc. Agreement above. In the event that the Value Thresholds are met, CITY shall provide credits against Sewer Availability Charges, Water Availability Charges, Sewer Connection Fees, Water Connection Fees to the extent of the credit earned. DEVELOPER shall submit into escrow the fees as set forth above pursuant to this Agreement and at Q time of issuance of building permit will pay into escrow applicable Sewer Connection Fees and Water Connection Fees to be retained by CITY until and if the Value Thresholds are met. In the event that DEVELOPER does not meet the Value Thresholds, CITY will retain all funds submitted. 21. Responsibility for Costs. A. Except costs for Developer's Internal Improvements, DEVELOPER shall pay all costs incurred by it or CITY in conjunction with the development of the Plat and building, including, but not limited to legal, planning, engineering, and inspection expenses in connection with the development and said Building. B. DEVELOPER shall hold CITY and its officers, employees and agents harmless from claims made by itself and third parties for damages sustained or costs incurred resulting from DEVELOPER's acts or failures to act in connection with development of the Subject Property by DEVELOPER. DEVELOPER shall indemnify CITY and its officers, employees and agents for all costs, damages or expenses which CITY may pay or incur in consequence of such claims, including attorney's fees. C. DEVELOPER shall reimburse CITY for costs incurred in the enforcement of this Agreement, including engineering fees, planning fees, attorney's fees, and costs and disbursements. CITY shall reimburse DEVELOPER for costs incurred in the enforcement of this Agreement, including engineering fees, attorney's fees, and costs and disbursements. D. DEVELOPER shall pay in full all bills submitted to it by CITY for obligations incurred under this Agreement and agreed to be paid by DEVELOPER under this Agreement within thirty (30) days after receipt. If the bills are not paid on time, and DEVELOPER does not reasonably dispute the payment of amount of such bill CITY may either reimburse itself from existing Escrow or Security or may halt all Building 3 development work and construction until all bills are paid in full. Bills not paid within thirty (30) days shall accrue interest at the rate of twelve percent (12%) per year. 22. Miscellaneous. 10 A. Third parties shall have no recourse against CITY under this Agreement. B. If any portion, section, subsection, sentence, clause, paragraph or phrase of this Agreement is for any reason held invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this Agreement. C. The action or inaction of CITY or DEVELOPER shall not constitute a waiver or amendment to the provisions of this Agreement. To be binding, amendments or waivers shall be in writing, signed by the parties and approved by written resolution of the City Council. CITY's or DEVELOPER's failure to promptly take legal action to enforce this Agreement shall not be a waiver or release. D. This Agreement shall run with the land, shall be recorded against the title to the Subject Property, and shall be binding on all parties having any right, title or interests in the Subject Property or any part thereof, their heirs, successors and assigns. E. Each right, power or remedy herein conferred upon CITY or DEVELOPER is cumulative and in addition to every other right, power or remedy, express or implied, now or hereafter arising, available to CITY or DEVELOPER, at law or in equity, or under any other agreement, and each and every right, power and remedy herein set forth or otherwise so existing may be exercised from time to time as often and in such order as may be deemed expedient by CITY or DEVELOPER and shall not be a waiver of the right to exercise at anytime thereafter any other right, power or remedy. F. DEVELOPER shall pay for all local costs related to drainage improvements required to complete the construction of the Plat and building according to the Building Development Plans. Local costs are costs related to required internal drainage improvements such as retention ponds. G. Should development of the Plat or building proceed at a pace slower than anticipated, and for that reason, specific terms of this Agreement become onerous or unduly burdensome to DEVELOPER, upon DEVELOPER's application, CITY will enter into negotiations regarding those specific terms and shall not unreasonably withhold consent to appropriate changes in the terms of this Agreement. 11 H. DEVELOPER shall demonstrate and maintain compliance with the 1991 Wetland Conservation Act. DEVELOPER shall be responsible for all on site drainage for the Subject Property, as well as for any affects their actions may have on adjoining properties. 23. Violation of Agreement. If while the escrow or security provided in this Agreement is outstanding, a violation of any of the covenants or agreements herein contained occurs and such violation is not cured within thirty (30) days after written notice thereof from CITY to DEVELOPER, CITY may draw upon the DEVELOPER's escrow or security to cure any violation of the Agreement and to reimburse CITY for any costs incurred in curing the violation. 24. Maintain Public Property Damaged or Cluttered During Construction. DEVELOPER agrees to assume full financial responsibility for any damage which may occur to public property including, but not limited to , street, street sub -base, base, bituminous surface, curb, utility system including, but not limited to, watermain, sanitary sewer or storm sewer when said damage occurs as a result of construction activity which takes place during development of the Subject Property by DEVELOPER or its contractors, except for damage caused by CITY, its employees, agents or contractors. DEVELOPER further agrees to pay all costs required to repair the streets and/or utility systems damaged or cluttered with debris when occurring as a direct or indirect result of the Developer's construction that takes place on the Subject Property. In the event that DEVELOPER is required to maintain or repair such damage and fails to maintain or repair the damaged public property referred to aforesaid within thirty (30) days after written notice from CITY or such longer period as may reasonably necessary or in the event of an emergency as shorter time period as determined by CITY, CITY may, upon notifying DEVELOPER undertake making or causing it to be repaired or maintained. When CITY undertakes such repair, DEVELOPER shall reimburse CITY for all its reasonable expenses within thirty (30) of its billing to DEVELOPER. If DEVELOPER fails to pay said bill within thirty (3 0) days, the security shall be responsible for reimbursing CITY. 25. Non -Assignment Without Consent. The obligations of DEVELOPER under this Agreement may be assigned by DEVELOPER if the assignment is approved by CITY. However, DEVELOPER shall not be 12 released from its obligations under this Agreement without the express written consent of the City Council through Council resolution. 26. Subordination. This Agreement must be recorded against the Subject Property and all other liens, interests or mortgages shall be subordinate to the terms and conditions this Agreement and said Agreement shall not be subject to foreclosure by any other lien, interest or mortgage. 27. Notices. Required notices to DEVELOPER shall either hand delivered to DEVELOPER, it employees or agents, or mailed to DEVELOPER by registered mail or sent by overnight delivery at the following address: WFC III, LLC, Attn: Notice to CITY shall be in writing and shall be either hand delivered to the City Clerk or Deputy City Clerk or mailed by registered mail or sent by overnight th delivery at the following address: City of Otsego, City Hall, 13400 90 Street NE, Otsego, MN 55330, Attention: City Clerk. 28. Agreement Effect. This Agreement shall be binding and extend to the respective representatives, heirs, successors and assigns of the parties hereto. 29. Amendment. This Agreement shall be amended only by addendum executed by both parties to this Agreement. 13 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, DEVELOPER and CITY have executed this Agreement as of the day and year above first written. CITY OF OTSEGO, A municipal corporation Jessica Stockamp, Mayor Tami Loff, City Clerk WFC III, LLC, A Minnesota limited Liability Company By: Its 14 STATE OF MINNESOTA) ) ss. COUNTY OF WRIGHT ) On this day of February, 2015 before me personally appeared Jessica Stockamp and Tami Loff to me known as the persons described in the foregoing instrument and who did say they are, respectively, the Mayor and City Clerk of the municipal corporation named therein and that said instrument was signed on behalf of said municipal corporation by authority of its City Council and said Jessica Stockamp and Tami Loff acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said municipal corporation. NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF MINNESOTA) ) ss. COUNTY OF WRIGHT ) On this day of February, 2015, before me personally appeared to me known as the person described in the foregoing instrument and who did say he is the of WFC III, LLC and that said instrument was signed on behalf of WFC 111, LLC with authority and on behalf of the company and said to be the free act and deed of said entity. NOTARY PUBLIC 15 acknowledged said instrument .4.1 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY OTSEGO WATERFRONT EAST FIFTH ADDITION, according to the Final Plat on file and of record at the Office of the County Recorder, Wright County, Minnesota. 16 EXHIBIT B DEVELOPMENT PLANS FOR THE SUBJECT PROPERTY Development Plans for OTSEGO WATERFRONT EAST FIFTH ADDITION by Loucks Associates dated , 2015 and approved by CITY , 2015, cover sheet attached. 17 EXHIBIT C- MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENTS Attached. I: EXHIBIT D DESCRIPTION OF PERMANENT DRAINAGE, UTILITY AND PONDING EASEMENT 19