11-21-96 CCPROPOSED 1997 BUDGET AUGUST 28, 1996 FUND: 101 -GENERAL FUND REVENUE BUDGET JUNE 30 1994 1995 1996 1996 1996 1997 ACTUAL ACTUAL ADOPTED Y -T -D AMENDED PROPOSED CODE DESCRIPTION BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET 31010 Property Tax 420,644 603,596 658,440 0 658,440rr% _ 32100 Business Licenses 0 5,162 5,000 6,716 7,000 _< _<" �/,000� 32210 Dog Licenses 0 185 150 60 100 100 32260 Building Permits 87,797 39,758 40,650 14,849 35,000 50,000 32270 Septic Permits 0 3,375 1,200 1,725 2,500 2,750 32280 Wetland Review 0 750 100 385 500 700 32290 Weight Permits 30 50 70 50 50 33401 Local Government Aid 50,941 63,070 74,893 0 74,893 101,805 33402 Homestead Credit Aid 95,241 152,332 140,579 0 140,579 140,276 33403 Local Performance Aid 0 0 0 0 0 6,896 33404 Recycling Grant/Aid 9,742 7,004 2,800 858 2,800 3,000 33405 Police Aid 5,453 7,972 5,500 0 8,000 8,000 33406 MSA Maintenance 59,164 69,004 62,000 68,846 76,496 77,000 34000 Chgs ForSev- General 0 37,429 10,000 1,313 2,400 5,000 34100 Chgs For Sev- CUP/Variance 46,594 2,848 2,400 1,200 2,400 2,500 34102 Chgs For Sev- Sutxivision 0 1,625 2,000 700 1,000 1,000 34103 ChgsForSev- Zone/Ordinance 0 1,050 1,300 650 1,000 1,000 34120 ChgsForSev- Assess/Septic 0 2,580 2,100 1,545 2,100 2,100 34130 Chgs ForSev- Streets 13,791 1,036 1,000 1,029 1,100 1,100 34140 Maps/Copies/Misc 6,268 904 500 335 500 500 34150 Topo Sales 0 0 0 2,479 2,500 2,500 34710 Recreation Fees 0 343 2,150 0 2,150 2,575 36001 Delinquent Special Assessments 0 1,185 0 0 0 0 36210 Interest Earnings 7,855 4,844 10,000 7,197 9,000 10,000 38000 Old Hall/House Rent 0 8,975 9,300 4,540 9,300 9,300 38050 Franchise Fee 5,211 5,727 5,745 7,044 7,044 7,100 39000 Other Revenue 127,048 273 600 475 600 600 39300 Clean Up Day 0 3,531 3,000 3,344 3,344 3,000 39400 Refunds & Reimbursements 0 15,494 0 242 0 0 39500 City Hall Rent 23,368 13,698 10,000 3,082 5,000 5,000 TOTAL REVENUES 959,117 1,053,780 1,051,457 128,684 1,055,796 1 173, 6/a GENERAL FUND APPROPRIATION SUMMARY JUNE 30 1994 1995 1996 1996 1996 1997 ACTUAL ACTUAL ADOPTED Y -T -D AMENDED PROPOSED Account FUNCTION BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET GENERAL GOVERNMENT 41100 Mayor and City Council 35,530 38,502 52,410 14,473 41,110 -62,419 WLY/D 41400 Administration 317,955 186,607 202,452 72,543 181,216 188,566 41600 Finance 30,329 59,473 58,600 27,290 58,154 61,431 44T245 f y 750 41550 Assessing 16,045 14,063 14,060 6,728 14,060 41700 Legal 64,264 62,153 28,200 29,337 65,200 3,468 30,000 -3,568- 3 700 41530 Planning Commission 3,240 3,246 3,300 168 41570 Planner 57,878 48,704 52,250 18,385 47,000 10,555 59,900 26,66E l �{ 7 �%D 90 410 EDA 0 2,792 14,005 4,357 41940 City Hall & Peavey House 3,293 71,506 74,180 23,557 75,202 79,276 TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT 528,534 487,046 499,457 196,838 495,965 649,a64 5ait. 8A2 PUBLIC SAFETY 42100 Police 89,100 93,440 96,360 47,937 96,360 100,740 42410 Building Inspection 36,332 22,272 20,000 6,730 18,000 31,060- �yS00 TOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY 125,432 115,712 116,360 54,667 114,360 let 49' / 30 .ZSk PUBLIC WORKS 41560 Engineering 79,518 47,953 40,000 22,253 40,000 52,000 43200 Street Lighting 10,054 368,358 10,342 223,616 10,000 267,633 4,607 80,761 10,300 265,616---��b7 10,600 1.3 43100 Street Maintenance 0 0 0 0 3,100 41610 Animal Control Recycling 0 29,196 30,754 30,000 13,275 30,000 3909. 34.000 TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS 487,126 312,665 347,633 120,896 345,916 -292;�t-t- 36933_ COMMUNITY SERVICES 45100 Community Recreation 0 1,481 13,000 9,913 17,777 32,770 8,886 10,572 17,777 29,699 18,725 4Q-.6 3 7 9o0 45200 45300 Park Maintenance Heritage Preservation 0 0 1,550 220 1,150 4,800 TOTAL COMMUNITY SERVICES 1,481 22,913 52,097 19,678 48,626 92;24@- OTHER USES 45000 Capital Outlay 20,897 0 0 0 0 35,910 0 0 0 35,910-1-2- 0 $ i7 49360 Transfers (Capital Equipment) TOTAL OTHER USES 20,897 0 35,910 0 35,910 7 Qg g% 70 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 1,163,470 938,336 1,051,457 392,079 1,040,777 1-73 FUND: 101 -General Service Activity: Mayor & Council - 41100 E TENDITURES: JUNE 30 1964 1965 1988 1996 19N 1987 ACTUAL ACTUAL ADOPTED Y -T -D AMENDED PROPOSED CODE ITEM BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Salaries & Wages 32,923 35,525 32,850 12,575 32,850 32,850 122 Employer Contribution - Soc.Sec. 2,042 2,075 2,035 780 2,035 2,035 126 Employer Contribution - Medicare 477 485 475 182 475 475 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 35,442 38,085 35,360 13,537 35,360 35,360 SUPPLIES 203 General Supplies 0 18 0 0 0 0 TOTAL SUPPLIES 0 18 0 0 0 0 OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 321 Mileagelrravel 88 84 200 7 200 200 355 Dues & Memberships 0 205 3,900 170 3,900 3,900 36D Educationlrraining/Conferenc es 0 110 1,660 135 650 1,650 310 Miscellaneous 0 0 1,300 624 1,000 1,300 TOTAL OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 88 399 7,050 936 5,750 7,050 OTHER FINANCING USES 801 Contingency 0 0 10,000 0 0 -3&�986 3d Ova TOTAL OTHER FINANCING USES 0 0 10,000 0 0 Ye,666 36 c�oa GRAND TOTAL 35,530 38,502 52,410 14,473 41,110 62-, %Z ylC� BUDGET WORKSHEETS Line Item Detail Line Item #-Z—OZ Detail / .ELine Item# Detaili /e -w / Line Item # Pj r Line Item# -2-0 Detail Line Item # Detail. - Line Item # Detail Q FUND: 101 -General Service Activity: Administration - 41400 EXPENDITURES: SUPPLIES 201 Office Supplies 9,462 9,530 12,000 JUNE 30 10,000 12,000 203 General Supplies 1994 1995 1998 1996 1996 1997 205 Election Supplies ACTUAL ACTUAL ADOPTED Y -T -D AMENDED PROPOSED CODE ITEM 0 142 BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET 206 PERSONAL SERVICES 0 0 1,500 1,000 2,000 2,500 101 Salaries & Wages 95,376 81,262 88,567 41,849 83,887 87,360 102 Overtime 0 12,381 9,558 3,285 8,080 8,360 103 Election Judges 2,173 0 3,300 0 3,300 0 121 Employer Contribution - PERA 4,485 4,256 4,598 2,022 4,122 4,288 122 Employer Contribution - Soc.Sec. 5,913 5,715 6,565 2,634 5,907 5,935 126 Employer Contribution - Medicare 1,084 1,330 1,535 616 1,387 1,387 123 Employer Contribution - Health & Dental 12,534 7,593 7,200 2,685 7,072 7,200 130 Employer Contribution - Disability 0 599 486 378 486 486 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 121,565 113,136 121,807 53,469 114,241 115,016 SUPPLIES 201 Office Supplies 9,462 9,530 12,000 2,566 10,000 12,000 203 General Supplies 0 901 500 187 500 500 205 Election Supplies 2,663 0 3,000 0 3,000 0 240 Small Tools 0 142 150 0 150 150 206 Postage 0 0 1,500 1,000 2,000 2,500 TOTAL SUPPLIES 12,125 10,573 17,150 3,755 15,650 15,150 OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 204 Insurance 23,400 16,061 21,650 0 17,410 19,500 320 Telephone Communications 3,963 4,550 4,500 1,824 4,250 4,500 321 Mileage 42 224 200 0 200 200 340 Recording Fees 706 550 500 156 500 500 347 Newsletter 5,350 3,694 5,000 1,781 5,000 5,000 348 Maps 0 0 2,000 0 2,000 3,000 350 Printing & Publishing 8,309 9,921 12,000 1,520 5,000 7,000 355 Dues & Memberships 5,293 3,790 300 185 300 300 360 Education/Training/Conferences 1,446 2,675 1,500 635 1,500 1,500 365 Refunds & Reimbursements 8,697 8,971 0 0 0 0 310 Miscellaneous 0 2,447 500 0 500 0 TOTAL OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 57,206 52,883 48,150 6,101 36,660 41,500 CONTRACTUAL CHARGES AND SERVICES 371 Clean Up Day 10,136 7,448 8,000 6,304 7,220 8,000 390 Contracted Services 45,384 1,563 500 92 500 500 400 R & M - Equipment 5,362 460 500 413 500 500 410 Rentals 47,746 44 6,045 2,129 6,045 7,500 430 Miscellaneous Other Charges 18,431 500 300 280 400 400 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL CHARGES AND SERVI 127,059 10,015 15,345 9,218 14,665 16,900 GRAND TOTAL 317,955 186,607 202,452 72,543 181,216 188,566 LineAtem BUDGET WORKSHEETS Line Item Detail iil YGI� GI Item # Detail_O q,.2 MPTIMP WE �WI%/ v Zn11rAor, '- iii ,_� . �� �� . � _ _ J ./ /,!� _ � � • �, !1Line Item #_jjW Detail Line It/em # ZD c� Detail ,/ , / Y it ' —/ X/-1-4,7, ✓' // Ae" 111 j Line Item # /Q.-:� Detail_�J� x � 997 lo/ CUm�. e�pc-� a BUDGET WORKSHEETS Line Item Detail /1' Line Item #-42ZQl Detail ;z 0 3 vim. -1 Line Item #-2AZ� Line Item #,,2aQ) Line Item # 3--� / Detail ;;�� d dv• OD Line Item # 3 S/aDetail Line Item #2-!2,7 Line Item #_29 Detail ��4/ '� ��� rJ r.• u iS0 0� y, s 0 ILS BUDGET WORKSHEETS IV line Item # 3-5 Detail 1w r Line Item # 3 _O Details.11 1-yl� e w7-�1414 Line Item Detail Line Item #- Detail Line Item #_iZ N Line Item #2 2D OW��� 9 FA- M 'g5 070 L Line Item #ZDetail A Line Item # '�'`�` Detail /579 5�11 igy7 BUDGET WORKSHEETS FUND 101 Service Activity for ADMINISTRATION ACCOUNT: 41400 EXPENDITURES: Workers Compensation - Clerical & City Council $ 1,500 General Liability - This estimate is assuming an increase in expenditures and an insurance rate increase, therefore projecting an approximate 12% overall increase TOTAL $19,500 FUND: 101 -General Service Activity: Finance - 41600 EXPENDITURES: JUNE 30 1994 1995 1996 1996 1996 1997 ACTUAL ACTUAL ADOPTED Y -T -D AMENDED PROPOSED CODE ITEM BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Salaries & Wages 27,168 43,262 45,190 21,928 45,190 47,382 102 Overtime 0 0 0 0 0 0 121 Employer Contribution - PERA 941 2,037 2,025 982 2,025 2,123 122 Employer Contribution - Soc.Sec. 1,551 2,691 2,801 1,350 2,801 2,9138 126 Employer Contribution - Medicare 394 629 656 318 656 687 123 Employer Contribution - Health & Dental 0 810 2,040 810 1,819 1,938 130 Employer Contribution - Disability 0 169 138 106 138 138 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 30,054 49,598 52,850 25,494 52,629 55,206 SUPPLIES 201 Office Supplies 0 33 100 37 50 100 203 General Supplies 0 10 0 0 0 0 TOTAL SUPPLIES 0 43 100 37 50 100 OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 305 Printed Forms 0 0 500 169 500 500 321 Mileage 275 102 100 0 50 50 350 Printing & Publishing 0 115 300 0 600 600 355 Dues & Memberships 0 0 150 0 150 150 360 Education/Training/Conferences 0 95 500 15 100 250 TOTAL OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 275 312 1,550 184 11400 1,550 CONTRACTUAL CHARGES AND SERVICES 304 Audit 0 9,520 4,000 1,575 3,975 4,475 390 Contracted Services 0 0 0 0 0 0 400 R& M- Equipment 0 0 0 0 0 0 430 Miscellaneous Other Charges 0 0 100 0 100 100 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL CHARGES AND SERVI 0 9,520 4,100 1,575 4,075 4,575 GRAND TOTAL 30,329 59,473 58,600 27,290 58,154 61,431 Jo BUDGET WORKSHEETS FUND 101 Service Activity for FINANCE ACCOUNT: 41600 1997 EXPENDITURES: Line Item# 201 Office Supplies Binders, covers,spirals for computer and budget reports $ 100.00 Line Item# 305 Printed Forms Payroll and Accounts Payable checks, claim forms, and printed covers $ 500.00 Line Item# 321 Mil age Anticipated mileage to workshop or conference, dependent upon location $ 50.00 Line Item# 350 Printing and Publishing Printing of the summary financial report and the summary budget report as required by statute $ 600.00 Line Item# 355 Dues and Membership Membership to the Minnesota Finance Officers Association and to the Government Finance Officers Assoc. $ 150.00 Line Item# 360 F.d ,ration/Training/ onference Attendance at the Finance Officer Conference, dependent upon location, Computer software training $ 250.00 Line Item# 304 Audit Estimate $500.00 more than 1996 due to more funds, projects and bond issue $4,475.00 Line Item# 430 Miscellsineous Other Char ges Possible calculator replacement, or other required expenditure without specific category $ 100.00 TOTAL $6,225.00 11� FUND: 101 - General Service Activity: Assessor - 41550 EXPENDITURES: JUNE 30 1964 1965 1988 1988 1966 1967 ACTUAL ACTUAL ADOPTED Y -TD ADMENDED PROPOSED CODE REM BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Salaries 8 Wages 13,534 12,464 12360 6,000 12,360 4a6e& 1 a 574 121 Employer Contribution - PERA 562 645 564 289 554 -6m 591 122 Employer Contribution - Soo.Sec. 783 773 766 372 766 M 9,05 126 Employer Contribution - Medicare 196 181 180 87 180 480 A?/ PO TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 15,055 14,063 13,880 6,728 13,860 ii6t5-� OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 360 EducatiorVTraining/Conference/Mileage 990 128 200 0 200 200 TOTAL OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 980 0 200 0 200 200 GRAND TOTAL 16,045 14,063 14,060 6,728 14,060 34r /y 7s O BUDGET WORKSHEETS FUND 101 Service Activity for ASSESSOR ACCOUNT: 41550 1997 EXPENDITURES: OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES Line Item# 360 Fri uratinnfrraining/ nnference/Mileage Annual certification training and conference including mileage $200.00 TOTAL $200.00 2, 460 - 1996— �i�Pe�.cA.Yo a,os� Q4� �i 2v5S YS 318 a163 - 1a�971 FUND: 101 - General Service AclM y.. Legal - 41700 E)TENDITURES: JUNE 30 1994 1986 1966 1968 1988 1997 ACTUAL ACTUAL ADOPTED Y -T -D AMENDED PROPOSED CODE ITEM BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 301 Legal Services GRAND TOTAL 64,264 82,153 28,200 29,337 66,200 30,000 84,284 62,153 28,200 29,337 66,200 30,000 BUDGET WORKSHEETS FUND 101 Service Activity for LEGAL ACCOUNT: 41700 1997 EXPENDITURES: Line Item# 301 Legal Services Two city council meetings and two extra meetings per month Planning & zoning issues, including ordinances,variances,conditional use permits and communication NAC Sewer,water,storm sewer issues General city business,easements, hearings and communication with Engineer TOTAL i� $ 9,600.00 $10,000.00 $ 5,000.00 $ 5,400.00 $30,000.00 FUND: 101 -General Service ActMTy: Planning Commission - 41530 EXPENDITURES: JUNE 30 1984 1986 1968 1988 1968 1987 ACTUAL ACTUAL ADOPTED Y -T-0 AMENDED PROPOSED CODE ITEM BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Salaries 8 Wages 3,000 2,ee0 3,100 0 3,100 3,100 122 Employer Contribution - Soc.Sec. 196 165 156 0 158 156 126 Employer Contribution - Medicare 44 39 44 0 44 44 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 3,240 2,864 3,300 0 3,300 3,300 SUPPLIES 203 General Supplies 0 3 0 0 0 —a 160 360 Educabonlrraining/Conference 0 0 0 168 168 -29D- 360 310 Miscellaneous 0 379 0 0 0 0 TOTAL SUPPLIES 0 382 0 16B 166 -2BB- �QQ GRAND TOTAL 3,240 3,246 3,300 168 3,468 —3,688. 3700 Line Item #-LO.L BUDGET WORKSHEETS Line Item Detail C - �Z, 5-3d Line Item #aza�o Line Item # Detail " Line Item # Detail Line Item # • Detail Line Item # Detail ---- Line Item # Detai I FUND: 101 - General Service Activity Planner - 41570 EXPENDITURES: JUNE 30 1964 1966 1966 1968 1966 1997 ACTUAL ACTUAL ADOPTED Y -TD AMENDED PROPOSED CODE ITEM BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 302 Planning Services GRAND TOTAL 57,878 48,704 52,250 18,385 47,000 59,900 57,878 48,704 52,250 18,385 47,000 59,900 7 BUDGET WORKSHEETS FUND 101 Service Activity for PLANNER ACCOUNT: 41570 1997 EXPENDITURES: Line Item# 302 Planning Cervices Sixty-six meetings $ 9,900.00 General city assignments, including ordinances, zonings, communications with engineer, attorney, city staff, miscellaneous information $30,000.00 City comprehensive plan update $25,000.00 TOTAL $59,900.00 1�0 AUG -09-1996 rw C 0 08:52 NAC 612 595 983? P. 01/W Northwest Associated Consultants Inc, COMMUNITY PLANNING • DESIGN . MARKET R E S E A R C H MEMORANDUM - Via Fax Transmission TO: Elaine Beatty FROM: Bob Kirmis/ David Licht DATE: 9 August 1996 RE: Otsego - Budget -1997 Planning FILE NO: 176.08 - 96.10 At your request, we have attempted to project various planning activities in Otsego which will impact the City budget. This Information is summarized below: Meetings. Meeting charge rates will remain $150 per session for staff and $200 for principals. Meeting charges for the past year and one-half have been as follows: 1995 57 Meetings $7,000 1996 ('/) 37 Meetings $5,700 Based upon the foregoing, the projection for 1997 Is: 1-997 66 Meetings $9,900 2. Private Development Applications. Our office's time and expenses for private development applications are intended to be "pass through" costs charged directly to the applicant. As such, no City expenses are projected. 3. General City Assignments. Assignments performed for the City are typically sporadic and are most often responses to specific City Council directives and preliminary development applications. While it is difficult to judge expectant charges for 1997, historical charges can be utilized 'as a general guide. Our charges for the past one and one-half years have been as follows: 5 Wayzata Blvd. - Suite 555 • St. Louis Park, MN 55416 • (612) 595 -9636 -Fax. 595-9837 AUG -09-1996 08:53 NAC 612 595 9837 P.02/05 4. Q 1995 $27,469.01 1996(%) $15,647.98 Based upon past trends, $30,000 Is projected for 1997: Special Projects. A. Comprehensive Plan Due to the relative instability of Otsego's boundaries in 1996, two comprehensive plan projects (which were initially budgeted for) were either not completed or only partially completed. Such efforts were to focus upon the areas which border Albertville ($5,000 originally projected) and the southeast area of the City ($95,000 projected). In consideration of Otsego's current boundary stability, the anticipated conclusion of the sewer study, possible development issues associated with the Riverwood Conference Center and the age (1991) and the limited applicability of the current plan, an update of the City's Comprehensive Plan is in order. Obviously, such effort will require recognition of Otsego's recent =' detachments and annexations. Without having prepared a specific work V� 2c,;`' program, our preliminary estimate for such work is $25,000 to $30,000. V -L) r C' Lt - To be noted In regard to such work is the need to update all physical, socialY and economic information based on the new municipal boundaries (including City map updates). Also to be noted is that the utilization of "computer graphics" will result in a high end estimate (i.e., $30,000). Should the City wish to pursue this effort or desire a detailed estimate immediately, such information can be provided upon request. Also, an example of a plan which utilizes "computer graphics" can be provided for review. Zoning/Subdivision Ordinance As a result of recent City boundary changes, some modifications to the City's Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance may become necessary. Undoubtably, a new zoning map will need to be created which includes the former Frankfort Township area. As a result of possible changes in City policy (as part of comprehensive plan update effort), changes to the Cit/%s Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance may 2 AUG -09-1996 08:53 NAC 612 595 9637 P. 03/W become necessary. For example, the designation of a 'third industrial area - for relocated home extended businesses could prompt a modification to City Performance standards. Specific projections related to this work will fall under general city assignments and may be provided at the City's directive. C. Codification of Ordinances While our office's degree of involvement may (or may not be) limited, a codificatlon of the City's various ordinances Is a task we believe is overdue. Projections for this work would depend on our company's Involvement. 5. Economic Development. We are uncertain of possible 1997 involvement in this area. Past charges are as follows: 1994 $4,673.19 1995 $2,664.74 1996 No Charges Possibly $2,500 for 1997 might be a reasonable projection. We emphasize that this is a preliminary projection of activities and related budget implications. Hopefully this material will serve as a reasonable estimate for budgeting purposes. 1996 Budget Summary For 1996, our office submitted a planning budget proposal of $65,750 to the City. Such Proposal was broken down as follows: Meetings 9,750 General City Assignments 32,500 Special Projects - Comp Plan - S.W. Area 5,000 - Comp Plan - Sewer Study 15,000 Economic Development 3,500 TOTAL $65,750 CA 03 ALC -09-i996 ee: s4 rwc 612 595 9M? P. e4/S The aforementioned budget proposal was subsequently reduced by the City Council to $52,250. Specifically, the Council reduced the special projects work by $10,000 and eliminated the economic development budget Through the first six months of this year, $23,200 has been expended on planning services, it should be noted that such expenditures exclude approximately $18,700 which was to be devoted to special projects (per original NAC budget estimate). Following the submission of our 1896 budget projections, we were highly surprised to find that some figures were similarly changed without any comment or discussion taking place with our office. While we recognize the Council's authority In this area, we would at least request the courtesy of discussing possible modifications. It Is only through such communication that we believe both parties can gain an understanding of what Is expected or what will be delivered. 4 CSI FUND: 101 - General Service AcMy. EDA - 41900 EXPENDITURES: JUNE 30 1994 1995 199e 1998 1996 1997 ACTUAL ACTUAL ADOPTED Y-TD AMENDED PROPOSED CODE ITEM BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Salaries & wages 0 2,038 8,000 3,870 8,000 i- ,m 9'36 / 121 Employer Contribution - PERA 0 0 380 173 380 375 122 Employer Contribution - Soc.Sec. 0 109 49e 240 496 $22' $/ 126 Employer Contribution - Medicare 0 25 115 56 115 49e ILO 123 Employer Contribution - Health & Dental 0 0 3e0 0 3e0 342 130 Employer Contribution - Disability 0 0 24 0 24 24 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 0 2,172 9,355 4,339 9,355 2YD SUPPLIES 201 Office Supplies 0 0 0 0 0 100 203 General Supplies 0 270 100 18 50 0 TOTAL SUPPLIES 0 270 100 18 50 100 OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 321 Mileage 0 147 150 0 0 150 350 Printing & Publishing 0 0 500 0 0 500 355 Dues & Memberships 0 50 1,150 0 1,000 1,700 360 Meetings & Conferences 0 95 650 0 150 500 TOTAL OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 0 292 2,450 0 1,150 2,850 CONTRACTUAL CHARGES AND SERVICES 390 Contracted Services 0 0 2,000 0 0 2,000 430 Miscellaneous Other Charges 0 58 100 0 0 100 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL CHARGES AND SERVI 0 58 2,100 0 0 2,100 GRAND TOTAL 0 2,792 14,005 4,357 10,555 868 /fl 71l% C�5 BUDGET WORKSHEETS FUND 101 Service Activity for EDA ACCOUNT: 41900 1997 EXPENDITURES: Line Item# 20] Offi a Supply Supplies for business contact mailing $ 100.00 Line Item# 321 Mileage Mileage for attendance at EDAM conference, and Wright County Partnership meetings $ 150.00 Line Item# 350 Printin & Pnhlishing Business information, survey, newsletter $ 500.00 Line Item# 355 D ]pc Rr MPmhprchc Membership to EDAM -$150.00 Membership to Partnership -$1,550.00 $1,700.00 Line Item# 360 Meetings R� ""feranrec EDAM conference, Economic Development workshops, seminars $ 500.00 Line Item# 390 Contracted Services Consultant fees for business development and analysis through either survey or specific business inquiry $2,000.00 Line Item# 430 Miscellaneous Other Charges Miscellaneous charges warranted by intern needs $ 100.00 TOTAL $5,050.00 a �� FUND: 101 - General Service AdW. City Hail & Peavey House - 41940 E)TENDITURES: CODE ITEM PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Salaries & Wayes 122 Employer Contrib Alon - Soc.Sec. 126 Employer Contribution - Medicare TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES SUPPLIES 203 General Supplies 220 R & M Supplies TOTAL SUPPLIES OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 322 Utilities 410 Rent TOTAL OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES CONTRACTUAL CHARGES AND SERVICES 325 Garbage Service 389 Cleaning Service 390 Contracted Services 400 R & M - Equipment 402 R & M - Building 403 R & M - Imp Other Than Bldg. 430 Miscellaneous Other Charges TOTAL CONTRACTUAL CHARGES AND SERVI GRAND TOTAL JUNE 30 1994 1966 1969 1966 1996 1967 ACTUAL ACTUAL ADOPTED Y -T -D AMENDED PROPOSED BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET 0 1,950 0 0 1,600 2,160 0 102 0 0 99 134 0 24 0 0 23 32 0 1,776 0 0 1,722 2,326 0 749 500 303 600 650 1,954 2,000 664 2,000 2,000 0 2,703 2,500 967 2,600 2,660 0 11,558 11,500 4,994 11,500 11,500 0 46,317 46,380 11,674 46,380 45,100 0 57,875 57,880 16,668 57,880 56,600 0 1,130 1,250 616 1,250 1,250 0 0 0 3,387 7,000 9,500 186 7,459 9,400 968 2,000 4,000 3,107 624 500 357 500 400 319 1,500 0 1,500 1,500 0 230 500 44 100 500 0 1,166 650 550 660 550 3,293 10,928 13,800 5,922 13,000 17,700 3,293 ------ ------- 73,282 ------- ------- 74,180 ------- ------- 23,557 ------ ------ 75,202 ------- ------- 79,276 ------- ------- EXPENDITURES: BUDGET WORKSHEETS FUND 101 Service Activity for CITY HALL & PEAVEY HOUSE ACCOUNT: 41940 WA 11411.930411 1141 �`i> Line Item# 101 Detail Salaries & Wages 2 Building Supervisors @ $5.00 per hour 1 Building Supervisors & $6.00 per hour Average Number of Hours per month - 40 hours TOTAL $2,160.00 122 Employer Contribution - Soc Sec $ 134.00 126 Employer Contribution - Medicare $ 32.00 TOTAL $2,326.00 SUPPLIES 1997 Line Item#203 Detail General Supplies for City Hall Duerr's Water Care (Water softener for City Hall) $100.00 Supplies for City Hall $500.00 Miscell. $ 50.00 TOTAL $650.00 G & K Textile Leasing Rugs & towels $1,400.00 Miscell $ 600.00 TOTAL $2,000.00 OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 199-7- 997Dine Item#322 Detail Utilities fority Hall 1 A ne 0 ER Municipal (Old City Hall) $1,900.00 Minnegasco (New City Hall) $6,000.00 Wright Hennepin (New City Hall and Shed) $3,600.00 TOTAL $11,500.00 Line ltem#410 Ddd QU Rent to n s Bank of Elk River $45,100.00 CONTRACTUAL CHAR . Line Item #3i .ta;l 1m (�arhage cPrvinp S for City HAI --tea Sa LaPlant nitation Inc $1,250.00 Lineltem #3i;9 Cleaning Service for City Hall Long and Sons (Reg. and routine cleaning of City Hall $6,700.00 Extra Cleaning - From renters $ 2,800,00 TOTAL Lin .Item # 90 C'nntrartedServices for City Hall $ 9,500.00 First Choice Lawn Care $3,000,00 Bear Alarms $ 300,00 Corrow Lawn & Irrigation $ 130.00 Miscel $ 70.00 TOTAL $4,000.00 Line Item #400 Repair and M 'ntenanc a for City HallFnujpg�� Fyle's Excavating $ 300,00 Dehmer Fire Protection $ 100,00 TOTAL $ 400.00 Line item #402 Repair and-Mnintenance for City Hall Building Ceiling Tiles, carpet & the cleaning TOTAL $1,500.00 Line Item #4o3 Repair and M intenan for nth r than Bail Irrigation System, parking lot, i $ 500.00 Line Item #430 Mi-Scellaneaus Other C arges TOTAL $ 550.00 FUND: 101 - General Service AcMy. Pore - 42100 EXPENDITURES: CODE ITEM OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 390 Contract Pore Service GRAND TOTAL JUNE 30 1984 1966 1996 1988 1968 1987 ACTUAL ACTUAL ADOPTED Y -TD AMENDED PROPOSED BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET 89,100 90,440 98,360 47,907 96,360 100,740 89,100 93,440 96,360 47,937 96,360 100,740 0 BUDGET WORKSHEETS FUND 101 Service Activity for POLICE ACCOUNT: 42100 1997 EXPENDITURES: Line Item# 390 Contract Police Services Wright County Sheriff Contract 2,920 hours at $34.50 per hour $100,740 TOTAL $100,740 ,31 FUND: 101 -General SWAM AcWky. Buk" InapecUm - 42410 E)PENDITURES: CODE ITEM OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 390 Inspectlon Services GRAND TOTAL 1994 1966 1968 ACTUAL ACTUAL ADOPTED BUDGET 36,332 22,272 21,000 38,332 22,272 21,000 2� JUNE 30 1968 1968 1997 Y -TD AMENDED PROPOSED ACTUAL BUDGET 8,730 15,000 So, agSw 8,730 15,000 BUDGET WORKSHEETS FUND 101 Service Activity for BUILDING INSPECTION ACCOUNT: 42410 1997 EXPENDITURES: Line Item# 390 Inspection Services Building Inspection Contract with building inspector; half of building permit fees estimated at $50,000 - $25,000 ! gp —.W hours of code enforcement at $25.00 per hour - , o g jock TOTAL $� }91 fOD 32 FUND: 101 - General Servlcs AcMy.. Er omwkp - 41580 EXPENDITURES: JUNE 30 1984 1985 1988 1968 1968 1997 ACTUAL ACTUAL ADOPTED Y-TD AMENDED PROPOSED CODE ITEM BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 390 Engineering Services 79,518 47,963 40,000 22,253 40,000 52,000 GRAND TOTAL 79,518 47,963 40,000 22,253 40,000 52,000 3 `/ BUDGET WORKSHEETS FUND 101 Service Activity for ENGINEERING ACCOUNT: 41560 1997 EXPENDITURES: Line Item# 390 Engineering Services Water source, trunk and storage facilities plan $129000.00 Trunk and sub -trunk sanitary sewer study $ 69000.00 Wetland, storm water and storm water utility service $ 6,000.00 MSA issues and projects $ 4,000.00 General city business including staff meetings, city council meetings, communications with planner, attorney, staff, ordinance issues $24,000.00 $52,000.00 TOTAL $52,000.00 JS Son ® 3601Thurston Avenue 103 Pine Street JJILd' Minnesota 55303 Monticello, MN 55362 onAnoka, Inc. (612) 427-5860 (612) 427-BIW Fax (612) 295-5800 (612) 295-4488 Fax .. OffaO Memorandum To: City of Otsego Date: August 9, 1996 8899 Nashua Avenue Otsego, MN 55330 Subject: Budget 1997 Attn: Elaine and Phyllis File #: OT901 Narrative: Budget items over and above regular engineering services: - Water Source, Trunk and Storage Facilities Plan $12,000 - Trunk and Sub -trunk Sanitary Sewer Stud - Storm Water Management Plan to comply with . • eli] Wright County requirements 4,000 - Mapping 3,000 - Storm Water Utilitv Fee cc: � �c By: Lawrence G. Koshak, PE 2,000 FUND: 101 - General Swvlw Achy. Street LlgWkV - 43:= EXPENDITURES: JUNE 30 1994 1996 1988 1968 1998 1967 ACTUAL ACTUAL ADOPTED Y -TD AMENDED PROPOSED CODE REM BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 322 Electrical Service GRAND TOTAL 10,064 10,342 10,000 4,807 10,300 10,600 10,064 10,342 10,000 4,807 10,300 10,600 37 BUDGET WORKSHEETS FUND 101 Service Activity for STREET LIGHTING ACCOUNT: 43200 1997 EXPENDITURES: Line Item# 322 Electrical Services Street lights, security lights, traffic signals, serviced by Elk River Utilities and Wright -Hennepin Co-op $10,600.00 TOTAL $10,600.00 FUND: 101 - General Service Activity: Streds & Roads - 43100 EXPENDITURES: JUNE 30 1994 1995 1996 1996 1996 1997 CODE ITEM ACTUAL ACTUAL ADOPTED Y T -D AMENDED PROPOSED BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Salaries & Wages 89,897 65,226 65,265 34,011 64,675 47.6 'aSe9L 102 Overtime 0 4,758 6,469 3,120 5,700 +B49 15 977 121 Employer Contribution - PERA 3,659 2,922 3,372 1,584 3,153 2�Yt 3 L3 L 122 Employer Contribution - Soc.Sec. 126 Employer 5,573 4,230 4,666 2,389 4,363 3,836 SO a7 Contribution -Medicare 1,303 989 1,090 559 1,020 -87 / 1 7 123 Employer Contribution - Health & Dental 130 Employer 3,459 4,205 6,000 1,952 4,000 4500 (� ZOO Contnbution - Disability 0 372 406 220 270 -244 41 IV TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 103,891 82,702 87,268 43,835 83,181 i*1-475 SUPPLIES 202 Gas,Oil,Propane 203 General Supplies 14,912 11,909 16,000 6,879 14,000 11,600 210 Operating Supplies 13 0 320 134 500 2,000 611 0 1,200 0 500 220 R & M - Supplies 32,981 222W 5,000 5,315 12,000 2,500 12,000 392 Culverts 393 Street Signs 1,214 939 5,000 0 1,500 3,000 394 Rock 1,164 1,010 1,500 556 1,500 0 0 2,800 0 2,800 TOTAL SUPPLIES 50,284 36,568 32,800 13,361 33,000 29,600 OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 225 Uniforms 204 Insurance 2,449 1,328 1,560 699 1,560 1,560 240 Small Tools 0 0 4,626 25 2,400 200 0 0 3,560 3,700 310 Miscellaneous 1,528 25 2,000 257 200 200 500 2,500 320 Telephone/Communications 889 807 780 285 700 700 322 Utilities 1,216 270 550 1,380 2,600 2,600 360 Education/Training/Conference 122 0 750 0 0 0 370 Gravel 372 Sak 19,056 447 12,000 0 12,000 15,000 373 SaR & Sand Mix 0 0 3,934 2,053 2,400 13,000 1,888 4,654 2,400 10,000 11,400 20,250 TOTAL OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 25,260 13,515 35,640 9,163 33,220 58,210 CONTRACTUAL CHARGES AND SERVICES 302 Engineering 26,962 9,637 12,500 1,785 12,500 301 Legal 397 0 0 0 0 390 Contracted Services 14,452 32,773 10,000 0 6,000 400 R & M - Equipment 0 2,757 2,000 2,405 4,000 410 Rentals 0 108 5,000 0 5,000 431 Gravel Contracting 147,112 20,980 15,000 0 20,980 31, 2103 432 Sealcoating-Nashua 0 0 27,000 0 0 ? 433 Crackfilling 0 0 3,500 0 30,500 434 Blacktop Patching 0 0 15,000 0 15,000 435 Street Sweeping 0 0 1,500 0 1,810 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL CHARGES & SERVICES 188,923 66,255 91,500 4,190 95,790 CAPITAL OUTLAY 501 Equipment - Truck Lease 0 20,424 20,425 10,212 20,425 20,425 530 Improvements Other Than Buildings 0 4,152 0 0 0 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 24,576 20,425 10,212 20,425 20,425 GRAND TOTAL 368,358 223,616 267,633 80,761 265,616 ]% 633 21 1996-97 CAPITAL DeROYEMENT PLAN FOR PUBLIC WORKS: EQUIPMENT: 1 - Tandem Truck - 1994 S20,000. per year 1 - Tandem Truck 110,000. per year 1 - Wing for 1992 truck 1,500. by fall 1 - Trailer 7,700:- 1 - Bob Cat 28,000! 1 - Mower 6,000.— for ditches I - Tractor 20,000. Good -Used I - Motor pickup 3,500:- ,5001- 1 -Motor'81 Ford 7,500— SHOP: 2 - Overhead Doors 1 - Air Compressor $ 4,000.E 1 - Pressure washer $ 3,000." 2 - Gas fan heaters $ 4,000,, Cement for dirt floors in shop $ 5,000.E Shop Tools 1/$ 500. Shop Miscellaneous ✓$ 2,500. Truck/Grader/Tractor Repairs ✓$12,000. Per Year Diesel fuel for one year '/$ 6,000. Gas for one year —$ 1,800'" L. P. Gas one-year `'S 300.' q a Pleating Oil for Shop ✓$ 1,300:/ Line Service ? S 400. Cutting Edges (Grader/Plows) !�$ 2,500. Motor/Hydraulic/grease ✓ S 2,200. per year Gravel and Rock (for Roads) -1$15,000. Culverts JS 3,000. Salt and Sand /S20,250. (1,500 yds @ $13.50 per yd.) Salt (600 yds $38.00 ton/2-ton yds.) /$ 11,400. ? (check) Equipment Dental -/$ 5,040, Salt Shed $ 10,000.✓ Equipment Fund 1$ 15,000. Safety Equipment $ 500. Paint two truck boxes $ 5,000.` Paint Pole Shed $ 7.000.✓ School House (Furnace) $ 5,000: Replace front steps (School) $ 10,000. Replace Windows (School) $ 15,0001" one full time maintenance person $ 32,000/ yin, APPENDIX B CITY OF OTSEGO FIVE YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN . SUMMARY OF ANALYSIS DESCRIPTION 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 Class 5 Agg Based Roads *1 $36,220 $31,215 *1 *1 *1 *1 Seal -Coating & Crack-Sealin *2 *3 $27,771 *3 $29,716 *3 $26,540 Bituminous Overlays *5 $182,534 $130,652 $66,847 $115,027 $139,243 $72,649 Roadway Reconstructions *5 $600,000 $600,000 $361,781 $361,781 Roadway Surfacing *5 $455,894 $59,762 $122,844 YEARLY TOTALS $676,644 $791,635 $668,845 $568,285 $625,868 $101,190 NOTES *1 This amount is anticipated to remain approximately the same as the 1997 amount until the number of gravel roads are reduced. The number of gravel roads will be reduced through paving projects. *2 The seal coating amount will increase as the number of paved roads increases. Seal -coating will alternate every other year with crack -sealing. Crack -Sealing has been estimated at $20,000 per year, every other year. *4 Class 5 Agg Base Roads, Seal -Coating & Crack -Sealing, and Bituminous Overlays are presently budgeted as Maintenance items in the Road & Bridge Budget. *5 Funding Sources for these items will include: Assessments, MSA Funding, and Storm Sewer Impact Fees. FUND: 101 - General Service Activity. ANmal Control EXPENDITURES: JUNE 30 1984 1986 1988 1968 1986 1997 ACTUAL ACTUAL ADOPTED Y T -D AMENDED PROPOSED CODE ITEM BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 390 Animal Control Services 0 0 0 0 0 3,100 GRAND TOTAL 0 0 0 0 0 3,100 BUDGET WORKSHEETS FUND 101 Service Activity for ANIMAL CONTROL ACCOUNT: 42710 1997 EXPENDITURES: Line Item# 390 Animal Control Services Boarding fees $9.00 per day (must keep animal at least 7 days) Disposal $27.00 Total of $90.00 for an unclaimed animal Animal pickup $20.00 a trip Estimate four animal pickup's a month with two unclaimed and boarded $3,100.00 TOTAL $3,100.00 ,112 FUND: 101 - General Service AcW .. Recycling - 41810 EXPENDITURES: CODE ITEM OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 203 Supplies 390 Contract Recycling Service GRAND TOTAL JUNE 30 1984 1966 1968 1998 1968 1967 ACTUAL ACTUAL ADOPTED Y -TD AMENDED PROPOSED BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET 0 3,851 0 0 0 .x;689- —a 29,196 27,103 30,000 13,275 30,000 36,000 29,198 30,754 30,000 13,275 30,000 29,800'3(7000 y�l BUDGET WORKSHEETS FUND 101 Service Activity for RECYCLING ACCOUNT: 41610 1997 EXPENDITURES: Line 3 4WV1iM Recycling bins Line Item# 390 Contract Recycling Services Estimate 1200 stops at $1.25 twice a month for 12 months TOTAL �J� $ 3 .00 t99� $36,000.00 $39 .00 341060 FUND: 101 - General Service A&My. Commwky Recreation - 45100 EXPENDITURES: CODE ITEM OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 360 Community Recreation Programing GRAND TOTAL JUNE 30 1984 1966 1968 1968 1968 1967 ACTUAL ACTUAL ADOPTED Y T -D AMENDED PROPOSED BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET 0 13,000 17,777 8,886 17,777 18,725 0 13,000 17,777 8,888 17,777 18,725 J)� BUDGET WORKSHEETS FUND 101 Service Activity for COMMUNITY RECREATION ACCOUNT: 45100 1997 EXPENDITURES: Line Item# 390 Community Recreation ProQramming City share of joint recreation programming administration budget, calculations based on school district area population of 5,020 $18,725.00 TOTAL $18,725.00 1/7 Coord. Salary FICA/PERA Sec 125 Insurance Work Comp- Clerk;ai Staff Clerical FICA/PERA Work Comp. Benefits Rec Program Sup. FICA/PERA/Work Comp Trans./Mileage Dues / Conferences Office Equipment Capital Eqpt. SuppNes Printing Advertising /PR Postage Support Stf. Cont. Fiscal Admin. Staff Tmg. TeduroloW M29,9ed x 43,000 5,200 2,800 275 20,400 26,900 1,600 1,200 800 1,000 3,800 2,000 900 300 1,800 56,040 63,200 74,660 9F "5 97,625 47,901 96,125 112,775 (850) +650 T Community Recreation Administration - Budget Analysis Actual - 1993 Actual - 1994 Actual - 1995 -Adp tem A Amende Actugl Projected Ma M Thru-June 's Thru-12/96 28,890 33,000 34,060 38,675 38,675 19,338 38,675 3,700 4,100 4,100 4,660 4,660 2,330 4,660 5,000 2,700 5,250 2,650 2,650 1,325 2,650 - - - 255 255 128 255 7,500 12,150 12,500 15,000 600 1,600 1,600 1,900 16,625 8,300 16,625 - - 2,400 - - 8,000 15,000 22,160 9,500 22,160 - - - 2,435 11050 1,100 1,100 1,500 1,500 800 1,500 650 800 1,100 1,200 1,200 750 1,200 600 500 600 1,200 1,200 900 1,000 1,200 (*Comp) - 350 1,200 700 800 2,500 2.800 2,600 4,000 4,000 2,500 4,000 900 1,100 1,000 1,800 1,800 1,000 1,800 600 650 600 700 700 350 700 1,300 1,500 500 400 400 180 400 350 500 500 - - - 3,000 3,000 500 500 M29,9ed x 43,000 5,200 2,800 275 20,400 26,900 1,600 1,200 800 1,000 3,800 2,000 900 300 1,800 56,040 63,200 74,660 9F "5 97,625 47,901 96,125 112,775 (850) +650 T Per Capita - Assessment Breakdown Elk River 1995 (x 2,M 12,060 /$32,320 1996 (x3.73) 12,811 / $47,785 Otsego 4,497/ $12,050 4,766 / $17,777 Dayton 704 / $1,886.72 746/$2,782 Rogers 862/$2,310 978/$3,648 Zimmerman 1,781 /$4,773 1,887/ $7,038 Livonia 2,535 / $6,793 2,687/$10,022 Hassan 1,906 / $5,108 2,020 /$7,534 24,345 / $65,240.72 25,895 / $95,586 1997 (x 3.731 13,323 / $49,695 5,020 / $18,725 776/$2,894 1017/ $3,793 1962 / $7,318 2794 / $10,422 2,100 / $7,833 26,992 / $100,680 The population data for 1997 was determined by information from ISD 728 that has been adopted by the State Demographer Office. //P FUND: 101 -General Service ActMty: Perk Maintenance - 45200 EXPENDITURES: JUNE 30 1864 1995 1966 1998 1998 1997 ACTUAL ACTUAL ADOPTED Y -T -0D AMENDED PROPOSED CODE ITEM BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Salaries & Wages 0 1,159 13,088 3,832 13,068 102 Overtime 0 0 0 0 0 77(� 121 Employer Contribution - PERA 0 0 477 0 477 4,712 .y v 122 Employer Contribution - Soc,Sec. 0 e5 810 83 810 2565 717p 126 Employer Contribution - Medicare 0 15 190 19 190 -989 123 Employer Contribution - Health & Dental 0 0 1,200 0 800 2;4% 7 pap 130 Employer Contribution - Disability 0 0 80 0 54 4 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 0 1,239 15,825 3,734 15,399 40,785-- SUPPLIES 203 General Supplies 0 851 0 76 500 750 220 R & M Supplies 0 157 2,200 0 300 1,200 202 Gas & Oil 0 253 0 301 700 1,000 TOTAL SUPPLIES 0 1,061 2,200 377 1,500 2,950 OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 320 Telephone/Communications 0 517 500 209 500 500 355 Dues & Memberships 0 0 200 0 0 200 360 EducatiorYTraining/Conference 0 0 500 0 0 500 350 Printing & Publishing 0 243 500 0 0 200 Fertilizers,Weed Cor#rol,Herbicides 0 0 0 0 0 4,400 310 Miscellaneous 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 0 760 1,700 209 500 5,800 CONTRACTUAL CHARGES AND SERVICES 302 Engineering 0 5,410 6,500 4,812 6,500 .6,569- �- 400 R& M Equipment 1,481 146 500 0 0 0 410 Rentals 0 1,172 1,300 533 1,300 1,350 440 Recreation Programing 0 125 4,245 550 4,000 2,800 430 Miscellaneous Other Charges 0 0 500 357 500 500 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL CHARGES AND SERVI 1,481 6,853 13,045 6,252 12,300 44-46& 7 /SO GRAND TOTAL 1,481 9,913 32,770 10,572 29,689 x;6 3 737,f9 SO BUDGET WORKSHEETS Line Item Detail # Line Item _&-3 Detail LZGt/-r"/3acgS, S,,ac.r {n/t .ugcw�cks, /12TLSG�LLaM,LreuS HA201,vIYltE Woou uERS�/2yArSYE,,v7- LtAMSPR , —Line Item #2 Detail Folz /'�'�wsN(s 7ftA-tm W ESO T ?zMM E e S Noo BLdwet Line Item #_3-W Detail 11.t). w Gs f - A-7-:117- T'et.6'yhtsnr� GGMM NAArc*rtwS Line Item # l� Detail_FGr2�f3gL� �I4N.trf17.to/y , jZ��vT 700LS pTt Q tiT_J X02 D�-/tkS /'N�tS� iw4•t,�E Line Item # • Detail Line Item # Detail ---- Line Item # Detail S/ Line Item # AL>j> STEMS BUDGET WORKSHEETS Line Item Detail 5 K.4 rx,oy& 5�6V l w �yG a."J - 157000 . °- �EiZ�3�t`LFiZ — Line Item# Detail 24P ROX . .2.2 Aeers cx7-k ,STa,,vPS? $ A A.,Wac- 2ayF2TY toC.+7JF'p /-T SIV,? N45AUA�vE. i .rivcccet�b^S ZtZoO _ .2T Y HA44 644,1S "jF.-'9,z wcoDFj AeEA ,4N 9/�I1[C. FtEcn 9-/tE.4 Est ,,.xP' /-> a'r-%Line Item "9 k P 4--M M Detail l-Awarnow,e/? / ^.& rs , 00 °° No W /3Lowlf%? iaA,l?TS VW cowrOxLine Item # Detail 1 SO '�' 41-? /qc?e X 22 & ?E5 x 1+�31z�v6s TQM ES_, 99'7 .ZOO Line Item # - Detail Line Item # Detail - Line Item # Detail S� FUND: 101 - General Servlos AcUW. Hwbgs Pmeervation .45300 EXPENDITURES: 53 1964 1966 1968 1968 1968 1997 CODE ITEM ACTUAL ACTUAL ADOPTED Y -T -0D AMENDED PROPOSED BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET SUPPLIES 240 Small T t ulpnw 0 0 550 0 0 50 500 0 0 300 TOTAL SUPPLIES 0 0 550 U 50 800 OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 360 EducaborVTraiNng/Conference 0 0 500 150 300 500 390 Cortraded Services 0 0 0 0 0 310 Miscellaneous 0 0 500 120 800 3,000 500 TOTAL OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 0 0 1,000 270 1,100 4,000 GRAND TOTAL 0 0 1,550 270 1,150 4,800 53 BUDGET WORKSHEETS FUND 101 Service Activity for HERITAGE PRESERVATION ACCOUNT: 45300 1997 EXPENDITURES: Line Item# 203 General Supplies Archival document and photo storage supplies, photocopying and finishing $ 500.00 Line Item# 240 SmallTnnlc & Fquipment Bookcase and audio tape recorder and tapes $ 300.00 Line Item# 360 raining/ onference Seminars and other educational expenses $ 500.00 Line Item# 390 Contracted cervices Professional assessment of historic sites in Otsego $3,0Q0.00 Line Item# 310 Miscellanenus Miscellaneous expenses not categorized $ 500.00 TOTAL $4,800.00 OTSEGO HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION 19 August 1995 PROPOSED BUDGET !996 -1997 Archival document and photo storage supplies $350 Professional assessment of historic sites $3000 in Otsego Photocopying and finishing . $150 Book case $100 Audio tape recorder and tapes $200 Seminars and other educational expense $500 Miscellaneous expense $500 Total $4800 SS OHPC-31. VWPS BUDGET WORKSHEETS FUND 206 Service Activity for CAPITAL EQUIPMENT 1997 EXPENDITURES: Trailer Bobcat 2 Overhead Doors Air Compressor Pressure Washer 2 Gas Fan Heaters Salt Shed Paint Pole Shed Office Setup 10 Drawer Flat File Memory and Tape Backup Laser Jet Printer Cable Additional Computer Special Assessment Software PID Software Payroll Software Awning -Service Counter Upgrade Security System Paint Shed at 8899 Nashua Replace Front Steps -School Siren System TOTAL .57 $ 7,700.00 2990:69 Le_aa _ 10, avo 10,000.00 4,000.00 3,000.00 4,000.00 40,000 7,000.00 $ RJ 4. `9 8 aee:e� Pte... `9S -800:86 L.9 4, zoq. e P"t ` q� 1,000.00 5,000.00 3,000.00 1,000.00 a, -e5 � Rj c 4. 9� . 5,000.00 10,000.00 $ 12,000.00 wee k 7 7 ov FUND: 206 - Capital Equipment REVENUES Transfer From Other Funds Total Revenues EXCESS REVENUES (EXPENDITURE JUNE 30 1994 1995 1996 1996 1996 1997 ACTUAL ACTUAL ADOPTED Y -T -D AMENDED PROPOSED BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET 0 0 35,910 0 35,910 125,70 0 0 35,910 0 35,910a 0 APPROPRIATIONS 1,520 CAPITAL OUTLAY: 800 Administration 41400 Furniture & Fbdures 41400 Other Equipment 41400 City Hall & Buildings 0 Emergency Preparedness 42100 Siren 0 Street & Road Maintenance 43100 Improvs Other -Building 43100 Motor Vehicle Repair 43100 Other Equipment 0 Heritage Preservation 45300 Furniture & Fbdures 45300 Other Equipment 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY EXCESS REVENUES (EXPENDITURE JUNE 30 1994 1995 1996 1996 1996 1997 ACTUAL ACTUAL ADOPTED Y -T -D AMENDED PROPOSED BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET 0 0 35,910 0 35,910 125,70 0 0 35,910 0 35,910a 0 0 1,520 378 800 -6,66- -s- 0 0 10,200 3,110 3,250 X356@• 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,500 1,298 1,298 12,000 0 0 6,500 0 0 X066 32LOoc 0 0 6,000 0 0 0 0 0 7,500 0 0 A&769- 2276C 0 0 1,140 0 0 0 0 0 550 500 500 0 0 0 35,910 5,286 5,848 425,76@ 977&—' 00 ----- 0 ----- (5,286) — 30,062