07-24-96 WSCITY OF OTSEGO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING 6:30 PM OTSEGO CITY HALL JULY 24, 1996 1. Mayor Norman R Freske will call meeting to order. Mayor Freske called the July 24, 1996 City Council workshop meeting to order at 6:30 PM. ROLL CALL: Mayor, Norman F. Freske; Councilmembers: Ron Black, Larry Fournier, Vern Heidner and Suzanne Ackerman. Also present were staff members, Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator, David Chase, Public Works, and Phyllis Cokley, Business/Finance Director 2. Discussion of Capital Improvement Items: Mayor Freske indicated that he had talked with Dave Chase, public works, regarding the street department budget and the repairs and maintenance necessary for the old city hall building. Mayor Freske stated that the steps of the old city hall needed to be replaced and that the steps tied into the foundation, therefore estimated replacement costs are greater then expected. Mayor Freske requested the Finance Director to review the proposed five year capital improvement program document as presented. Phyllis Cokley, Finance Director stated that the Five Year Capital Improvement Program is a projection of the City's capital needs for the next five years. She emphasized that the Capital Improvement Program document was a planning tool to be used by the City Council in the budget process. It is an important tool for the City Council when analyzing and projecting the City's financial status and future financial needs. General discussion was carried on regarding the purpose of the Five Year Capital Improvement Program. It is to be used as a planning document and not as an actual commitment to purchase the capital items in each year as proposed. Discussion was carried on regarding the process of developing a five year plan for capital needs, from which the information is then brought into the next year budget process. During the budget process the capital needs are further analyzed, financial requirements for capital improvements are determined, and revenue sources to meet the financial requirements are proposed. The City Council then reviewed and prioritized by year, the street department capital equipment requests with Dave Chase. It was the consensus of the City Council that items under $500.00 would not be included in the CIP, that the City Council would review the proposed document in depth, and that approval and adoption of the plan would be scheduled for the August 12, 1996 City Council meeting. Otsego City Council Workshop Meeting - July 24, 1996 - Page 2 3. Any Other Business Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator indicated that Mr. Bob Brown, 6215 Quale Avenue, had contacted her complaining about the Highway 101 road construction. Mr. Brown indicated that 62nd Avenue was impossible to use because of the mud and ruts created by the trucks hauling dirt. The City Council indicated that the construction was a State project and complaints should be directed to the state project managers. Elaine Beatty further indicated that the Heritage Preservation committee had expressed interest in Councilmember Fournier riding their float in the Elk River Heritage Festival parade. 4. Adjourn Councilmember Larry Fournier motioned to adjourn, motion seconded by Councilmember Ron Black. Motion carried unanimously. 4VIItitA Norman F. Freske, Mayor Recorded by: Phyllis Cokley, Business/Finance Director