08-08-96 WSCITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP TO REVIEW PRELIMINARY FEASIBILITY STUDY FOR MSA 85TH STREET PROJECT AUGUST 8, 1996 6:30 PM 1. Call to Order_ In Mayor Freske's absence, Vice Mayor Larry Fournier called the Workshop meeting to order at 6:35 PM. Roll Call: Councilmembers: Suzanne Ackerman, Ron Black, Larry Fournier and Vern Heidner. Absent: Mayor Norman F. Freske Staff: Larry Koshak, Kevin Kielb City Engineers; Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator; Judy Hudson, Deputy Clerk. 2. Discussion of Preliminary Feasibility Study for MSA - 85th Street Project with the City Engineer Larry Koshak, City Engineer, presented estimated construction cost worksheets for this project. His intent is to present this information at this workshop and ask for Council input and approach to this project. Kevin Kielb went over the street project first. Street Project - 85th Street from ODean Avenue to Page Avenue - 85th Street from ODean Avenue to 750 feet from Nashua Avenue Will be constructed to standard State Aid Construction as shown in the attached exhibit. CM Black asked if the street will be cut down west of Odean. Kevin said it would be and will try to keep at safe level, but have to consider the existing driveways. CM Heidner asked if more safety issues will be addressed i.e. stopping at the 85th and ODean intersection. Larry Koshak said a 4 way stop could be considered. ODean will be worked on for about 100 feet on both sides of 85th Street with turn lanes. The Council agreed this intersection must be addressed. Mr. Kielb went over the costs for these two sections of street construction as outlined in the attached report. Larry Koshak asked the Council if sidewalks should be considered since it would be easier to put the sidewalks or bike paths in with the project. CM Heidner suggested doing the bike paths and maybe do the grading with the projects and do the paving later. Mr. Koshak noted partial retaining walls may have to be placed if the bike paths go in. He also noted street lights would go in. City Council Workshop of August 8, 1996, cont'd. Page 2. The Council agreed they would prefer bike paths put in over the sidewalks. Kevin Kielb went over the Storm Drainage Improvement Project of Nashua Avenue to Page Avenue. They looked at a system to convey water to a general location of the Hall's Pond, which would be a combination of a pipe and ditch system. A major concern is that the Hall's Pond has a lot of water. There has to be a 1.5 foot of bounce. The DNR controls the low water line and can't lower it. Therefore, a large area is needed to control the water flow and because of this it is recommended: 1. Undeveloped land will have to pond 100% of their runoff and release at a slow rate. 2. Add storage to the Hall's Pond, creating a pond double in size of current pond. Mr. Koshak discussed acquiring land from the Wilson's ( bordering landowners to the Hall's Pond). The Council directed the City Engineer to look at other options i.e. obtaining houses around the pond to expand on. CM Fournier asked about putting a mechanical pump in the current pond to get the water out to the river faster. Kevin went through the pipe layout, lateral system and trunk storm sewer lines. He also went over the cost estimates and the benefit area map. The Council directed the City Engineer to give the alternative of equal assessments for everyone. Kevin discussed the assessments for the street projects. The Council directed the City Engineer to have the appraisal work done before the hearing. Time Table Mr. Koshak said he would like the field work done this Fall. The design work over the winter. Bid out in the Spring. Project starts in 1997. Mr. Koshak will have this on the agenda for the first meeting in September. CM Black motioned to adjourn. Seconded by CM Heidner. All in favor. Motion carried. Workshop adjourned at 8:35 PM. Larry Fournier, Acting Mayor Attest: Elaine Beatty, ity Clerk/Zoning Administrator Recorded d udson, Deputy Clerk City Seal ccws896.wps