08-12-96 CCA CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: MEETING DATE 4. OPEN FORUM CITY CLERK August 12, 1996 - 6:30PM ITEM NUMBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION: PREPARED BY: EB,CC 4A, Residents of the City of Otsego in the SFT Area around Albertville Background: Attached is a Memo to the Otsego City Council from: Residents of the City of Otsego dated Tuesday, August 6, 1996 asking to be added to the Agenda of August 12, 1996 Council Meeting to discuss being annexed into Albertville. The petition was originally brought in by Floyd Roden and copied to the Council. Attached also is a memorandum via fax from David Licht dated August 7, 1996 re: -Otsego -Annexation. This memo was written at my request to get the Planners viewpoint on the petition. STAFF RECON MNDATION : The residents wish to be heard and I feel we should listen to their concerns and I feel Dave Licht's memo has some very good points and we did do the SW area analysis to try to determine the planning for the area. We do need to study the area, but were waiting for the SW area to get the annexation issues settled. I would recommend Dave Licht's suggestion of updating Otsego's Comprehensive Plan as part of the 1997 budget and considering the SW area of Otsego in this Comp.Plan update as we had planned. Thanks, Elai AUG -07-1996 r[-N � 1157 NAC 612 595 9837 P.01i01 Northwest Associated Consultants, Inc. C O M M U N I T Y PLANNING • DESIGN - MARKET RESEARCII MEMORANDUM - VIA FAX TRANSMISSION TO: Elaine Beatty FROM: David Licht DATE: 7 August 1996 RE: Otsego - Annexation FILE NO: 176.08 - 96.11 We have reviewed the petition which was sent to us today regarding the possible further detachment of additional properties from the City of Otsego to the City of Albertville. There may in fact be some rationale for the proposal which is being offered. It would seem, however, that the request is at this point in time highly premature. The ink is hardly dry on the approval of the boundary adjustment agreement just approved by the MMB. Additionally, given the vast amount of undeveloped property yet remaining in this area, it would appear to be ill-advised to rush a decision without a detailed and cooperative analysis of need and advisability of the requested action. We will be recommending to the City Council the need to update the City's Comprehensive Plan as part of the 1997 budget. Consideration of the Southwest Area of Otsego would be part of such an undertaking and we would expect that the requested boundary adjustment would be addressed in a comprehensive fashion at that time. Included in such an effort would be some involvement of the City of Albertville and a cooperative look into the area's long range development and servicing needs and capabilities. As a consequence of the considerations noted above, it would seem advisable to take up the petition at some point in the future when a decision can be based upon facts rather than speculation. If you have further questions on this matter, or if we can be of further assistance, please call. F-9 Wayzata Blvd. - Suite 555 • St. Louis Park, MN 55416 • (612) 595-9636•Fax. 595-9837 TOTAL P.01 To: Otsego City Council Ettn: Elaine Beaty From: Residents of the City of Otsego Date: Tuesday, August 6, 1996 The residents of the "Otsego Triangle" and residents who signed the attached petitions wish to be on the agenda for the August 12, 1996, city council meeting to discuss being annexed into Albertville. lb '�; of JUL 18 1996 TIIE FOLLOWING LAND OWNERS ARE IN AGREEMENT \1 ITH MOVING THF. OTSEGO/ALBERTVILLE ANNEXATION LINE "r0 INCLUDE ALL SrX ANALYSIS DISTRICTS Name/d $`�� %� l � • .S% dd�res' / es 4zU Cit State, Zip Code s � 0 17 4114- r Name Address City;State, Zip Code Name address City.Sta�ode j .5�: r \'A } c 14 e Address City,State, App Code \ame address City.State. Zip Code %8' ,� r/� //, S 7,- Jul/ C�.BE, � - - , .5S Name Address City,State, Zip Code Qk Na Address City.State, Zip Code t 4y Na to_ — Ad ress C.tty,State, Zip C e Na, address'itv. 'tate Zip p Code � TILE FOLLOWING LAND OWNERS ARE IN AGREEMENT WITH MOVING THE OTSEGO/ALBERTVILLE ANNEXATION LINE TO INCLUDE ALL SIX ANALYSIS DISTRICTS Name Address Name Address 'M/— -2�rL J-14.1 Name SLZ Name City,State, Zip Code City,State, Zip Code ,53 34,/ Address City,State, ZipICode Address City,State, Zip Code Name Address City,State, ZiCode i ame 1--lL ell; Name Name I Name If Name Address Address Address 70' Address Ion Address City,State, Zip Code City,State, Zip Code City,State, Zip Code � u,z 1/ -5-5-30/ City,State, Zip Code City,State, Zip Code THE FOLLOWING LAND OWNERS ARE IN AGREEMENT WITH MOVING THE OTSEGO/ALBERTVILLE ANNEXATION LINE TO INCLUDE ALL SIX ANALYSIS DISTRICTS r Name Address City,State, Zip Code -11&6,f Name lV/,wl 1( j Nam Name Name Na Name Address Address Address 1-7 Address 4/�2��,/� City,State, Zip Code City,State, Zip Code City,State, Zip Code r� yr A16crTil, i/,: A4 1v ss� City,State, Zip Code Address City,State, Zip Code /P T,, , , I LS fiiti ress Address City,State, Zip Code I� JAS d� City,State, Zip Code Address City,State, Zip Code ���� RI1+6E 24 1_nw+CE 27 a.wcE 2� rtxtcE 25 G;7 1500 0 1500 5000 SC1L iH :CCT ANALYSIS DISTRICTS A CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: MEETING DATE S.CONSENT AGENDA CITY CLERK July 8,1996 6:30PM ITEM NUMBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION: PREPARED MEMO: Elaine Beatty, CC/ZA 5.1. Consider Approval of Cigarette Licenses: A. Riverview Liquorette B. F & F Foods C. Tom Thumb BACKGROUND: These Cigarette Licenses are being renewed. They have filled out the applications, paid the fee and are all ready to be approved. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Please Approve the renewal of the Cigarette Licenses for A. Riverview Liquorette B. F & F Foods and C. Tom Thumb as they have met the requirements to be renewed. 5.2. Consider Resolution No. 96-22 Appointing Election Judges for 1996 Primary and General Elections: BACKGROUND: Attached is Resolution No. 96-22 Appointing Election Judges for the 1196 Primary and General Elections. The Election Judges will be trained at Otsego by myself and Judy Hudson on August 15, 1996 at 6:30PM. STAFF RECONIMENDATION: Please Approve Resolution No. 96-22 as stated above. 5.3. Change September 9,19% City Council Meeting date (due to Primary Election) BACKGROUND: The Primary Election is very early for the City Staff to open up and get the Elections Started. It is always a long night when we have a meeting the night before. The City Staff would like to have the Council Consider changing the Council date to Tues . - 3rd _ of September or Monday the 16th of Sept. at 6:30PM. Which ever one fits into your schedule best. L -CONSENT AGENDA RCA - Page 2 - STAFF RECOMMENDATION: I recommend that the City Council Meeting of September 9, 1996 be changed to Septemberz3., 1996 ( TU RS ,) because of the Primary Elections being on September 10, 1996 at ?AM. 5.4. Consider setting a fee for dog kennel administrative permit BACKGROUND: Our Dog Ordinance was changed to allow a dog kennel for more than the three dogs allowed for a single family Residential Unit. It is an Administrative Permit. We have not as yet written a permit, but need to seta fee €or the permit. The fee of $35.001 feel will cover the cost of administering the permit. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: I recommend the City Council set the fee for the Administrative Dog Fennel Permit at $35.00 for new or renewal permit. Thanks, Elaine RESOLUTION NO 96-22 APPOINTING ELECTION JUDGES FOR 1996 PRIMARY AND GENERAL ELECTION CITY OF OTSEGO, COUNTY OF WRIGHT WHEREAS the Primary Elections are September 10, 1996, and the General Elections are to be held on November 5, 19% and there are Election Judges needed to perform the election duties for the Primary and General Elecitons; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the following persons be appointed as Election Judges and attended the necessary training provided by the City of Otsego in order to hold the position of Election Judge: (SEE ATTACHED LIST) Appointed this 12TH day of August, 1996. CITY OF OTSEGO: NORMAN F FRESKE, MAYOR ATTEST: ELAINE BEATTY, DEPUTY CLERK/ ZONING ADMINISTRATOR (CITY SEAL) Prepared by Judy Hudson 41ect96.wdb 1996 Election Judges ES IAarvig Nadine 9339 Kahler Ave NE iMonticello MN 55362 ES lexander Marian 9880 95th Street NE Monticello MN 55362 ES Beaud Germaine 12900 77th Street NE Elk River IMN 55330 Becker Rosie 19510 85th Street NE Monticello MN 55362 Bentz Ann 6699 Packard Avenue NE Elk River MN 55330 Beminq Julie 11800 80th Street NE Albertville MN 55301 ES Black Pam 9467 Parkin ton Ave NE Elk River MN 55330 ES Blesi Judy 7129 LaBeaux Ave NE Albertville MN 55301 ES -Cassady Rosemarie 8189 Packard Ave NE Elk River MN 55330 Davis Gabriel 6689 Packard Avenue NE Elk River MN 55330 Duerr Nancv 11230 70th Street NE Albertville MN 55301 Hennick Lorene 15084 96th Street NE Elk River MN 55330 Hofstede Merrilee 9487 Park Avenue NE Elk River MN 55330 Kofoed Darn 15250 88th Street NE Elk River MN 55330 ES Lindenfelser Arlene 8287 Kadler Ave NE Monticello MN 55362 Lindenfelser LuAnn 9364 95th Street NE Monticello MN 55362 ES Lindenfelser Sandy 8157 Kadler Ave NE Monticello MN 55362 ES LuConic M 8922 Nashua Avenue NE Elk River MN 55330 Martin JoAnn 10226 Parrish Ave NE Elk River MN 55330 Martin Melroy R 9051 65th Street NE Monticello MN 55362 McAlpine Denise 8507 Nashua Avenue NE Elk River MN 55330 ES Nichols Qoan M 13371 77th Street NE Elk River MN 55330 PearsonDiane 15439 93rd Street NE Elk River MN MN 55330 Schultz Lillian 43 Crow River Drive Elk River 55330 Silverness_Judy 8893 Odell Avenue NE Elk River MN 55330 Vetsch Betsy 9484 65th Street NE Albertville MN 55301 Weidenbach Carol 8809 LaBeaux Avenue NE Monticello MN 55362 Wicklund Allan 8714 Parell Avenue NE Elk River MN 55330 Wilder Liz 14340 93rd Street NE Elk River MN 55330 Bernard Colleen 9645 Ogden Avenue NE Elk River MN 55330 Carron Debbie 14975 95th Street NE Elk River IMN 55330 Hanson Willard 19 Cannon Drive Elk River IMN 55330 CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION li AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: MEETING DATE 16.B09 KIRMIS, ASST.CITY PLANNER CITY CLERK August 12, 1996 - 6.30PM ITEM NUMBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION: PREPARED BY: EB,CC 6.1.0 S WEST, New Vector, scent Sticha, 2510 Mendels3ohn dive W. Golden Valley, MN 55427 for property owner David M and Lynell A Becker 6155 Radler Avenue NE, Otsego, MN PID #118-800-344400 (West of Kadler Ave and South of I-94 West of Albertville, MN) Request is as follows: 1. A CUP for a telephone transmission facility which exceeds the height limits of the A-1 Agricultural Zoned Area. Background: Attached is a Findings of Fact for your consideration. The Hearing was held at the Planning Commission on the 17th day of July, 1996 at 8PM. A CUP was requested to allow a 100 foot self supporting tower and cellular antenna. The leased parcel is located S of Co Rd 37 and W of Kadler Ave. In conjunction with this tower construction of a 288 sq ft equipment bldg has also been proposed. CUP is required in A-1 areas if the height exceed 45' for tower. NAC Recommended approval w/eight conditions in NAC report of July 10, 1996. The City attorneys report talked about the co -location of equipment on already existing towers in the area and an effort should be made to do same. He agreed with the approval of the request w/that comment. After the public portion of the hearing, Ing Roskaft asked if this request is granted could we have in writing the reasons for not co -locating with UPA and WDAY. Answer: they could do that PC RECOMMENDATION: Richard Nichols motioned to approve request subject to an additional requirement that U S West provide a letter from UPA and WDAY Stating that co location is not permissible on current towers. Ing Roskaft seconded. All in favor. Motion carried. STAFF RECOHMNDATION: Approve the unanimous recommendation by the P.C. as noted above w/ condition of letter. Thanks, Elaine Northwest Associated Consultants, Inc. C O M M U N I T Y PLANNING • DESIGN . MARKET R E S E A R C H MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: RE: FILE NO: Otsego Mayor and City Council Bob Kirmis 22 July 1996 Otsego - U.S. West Cellular CUP 176.02 - 96.14 Attached are findings of fact related to the U.S. West cellular conditional use permit request. Please note that the findings reflect the Planning Commission's recommendations on the application. This item is scheduled for City Council consideration on 12 August. pc: Elaine Beatty Andy MacArthur Larry Koshak 5775 Wayzata Blvd. • Suite 555 • St. Louis Park, MN 55416 -(612) 595-9636•Fax. 595-9837 CITY OF OTSEGO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA IN RE: Application of U.S. West Cellular for the following: CONDITIONAL USE PERMITAPPROVAL FINDINGS OF FACT AND DECISION 1. Conditional use permit to allow a telephone transmitting/receiving facility to exceed the height limits of the applicable A-1 Zoning District. 2. Planned unit development conditional use permit to allow more than one principal structure upon a single lot of record. On 12 August 1996, the Otsego City Council met at its regularly scheduled meeting to consider the application of U.S. West Cellular for a conditional use permit to allow the aforementioned. Based upon the application, the recommendations of the Planning Commission, and the evidence received, the City Council now makes the following findings of fact and decision. FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The applicants are requesting the following: a. Conditional use permit to allow a telephone transmitting/receiving facility to exceed the height limits of the applicable A-1 Zoning District. b. Planned unit development conditional use permit to allow more than one principal structure upon a single lot of record. 2. The subject property is zoned A-1, Agricultural, Rural Service. 3. The subject property lies within the City's Rural Service Area, as illustrated in Otsego's duly adopted Comprehensive Plan. 4. The legal description of the subject property is as follows: See Attached Exhibit A 5. The A-1 Zoning District establishes a maximum height requirement of 45 feet. 6. The applicant is proposing to erect a 100 foot self-supporting antenna tower and associated 12 foot by 24 foot equipment building upon the subject property. f. Traffic generation by the proposed use in relation to capabilities of streets serving the property. Traffic generated by the proposed use is within the capabilities of Kahler Avenue which serves the property. g. The proposed use's impact upon existing public services and facilities including parks, schools, streets and utilities, and its potential to overburden the City's service capacity. The proposed use can be accommodated by existing public service facilities and will not overburden the City's service capacity. 9. The planning report, dated 10 July 1996, prepared by Northwest Associated Consultants, Inc. is incorporated herein. 7. On 17 July 1996, the Otsego Planning Commission conducted a public hearing to consider the proposed conditional use permit and planned unit development application preceded by published and mailed notice. Upon review of the conditional use permit and planned unit development application and evidence received, the Otsego Planning Commission closed the public hearing and recommended that the City Council approve the conditional use permit and planned unit development based on the aforementioned findings. DECISION Based on the foregoing considerations and applicable ordinances, the applicant's request for 1) a conditional use permit to allow a telephone transmitting/receiving facility to exceed the height limits of the applicable A-1 Zoning District, and 2) a planned unit development conditional use permit to allow more than one principal structure upon a single lot of record is approved in its present form and subject to the following conditions: 1. The antenna support structure is designed and constructed to accommodate other users (i.e., police, fire, other cellular companies). 2. Verification of the antenna support structure's "collapsible" design is provided to the City. 3. The proposed equipment building comply with applicable building material requirements. 4. No advertising messages are affixed to the antenna or antenna support structure. 3 The East Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 34, Township 121, Range 24 except the following parcels Parcel A: The North 208.70 feet of the East 208.70 feet of the East Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 34, Township 121, Range 24, containing 1.00 acre more or less, subject to road easement on the easterly and northerly 33.00 feet thereof; Parcel 8: n_e fforEh 626.13 feet of the East 417.42 feet of the East Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 34, Township 121, Range 24, except therefrom the North 208.70 feet of the East 208.70 feet, containing 5.00 acres more or less. Subject to the right—of—way of Wright County Road No. 37 along the North line of said Southeast Quarter and subject to the right—of—way of a township road along the East line of said Southeast Quarter; Parcel C: An undivided 56/100ths interest to Cooperative Power Association and an undivided 44/I00ths interest to United Power Assoclotion in and to: That part of the East Half of the Southeast Quarter, Section 34, Township 121, Range 24, described as follows: Commencing at a point on the East line of said East Half of the Southeast Quarter distant 539.46 feet North of the Southeast corner thereof; thence West at a right angle to the said East line, 681.74 feet to the actual point of beginning of the tract to be described; thence continue West along the last described course, 420.00 feet; thence South at a right angle, 420.00 feet; thence East at a right angle, 420.00 feet; thence North at a Tight angle, 420.00 feet to the point of beginning, containing 4.05 acres; together with an easement for ingress and egress 10.00 feet in width being 5.00 feet on each side of the following described center line: Commencing at the point of beginning of the above—described tract; thence West along the North line of the above—described tract, 59.47 feet to the actual point of beginning of said center line; thence North deflecting 90 degrees 56 minutes 30 seconds right, 183.00 feet; thence East deflecting 88 degrees 10 minutes 30 seconds right, 739.22 feet to a point on the East line of said East Half of Southeast Quarter distant 733.76 feet North of the Southeast corner thereof, and terminating thereat, the sidelines of said easement to be shortened or lengthened to be continuous and terminate on the North line of the above—described tract and on the East line of said East Half of Southeast Quarter; Parcel D: The North 626.13 feet of the West 417.42 feet of the East 834.84 feet of the East Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 34, Township 121, Range 24, except therefrom the North 208.70 feet of the West 208.70 feet. PROPOSED LEASE PARCEL DESCRIPTION That part of the East Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 34, Township 121, Range 24, Wright County, Minnesota, described as commencing at the southeast corner of said East Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 34; thence North 0 degrees I I minutes 38 seconds West, assumed bearing, along the east line of said East Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 34, a distance of 733.82 feet: thence South 88 degrees 55 minutes 22 seconds West a distance of 571.61 feet; thence North I degree 04 minutes 38 seconds West a distance of 215.00 feet to the point of beginning of the parcel to be described; thence continuing North I degrees 04 minutes 38 seconds West a distance of 50.00 feet; thence North 88 degrees 55 minutes 22 seconds East a distance of 50.00 feet; thence South I degree 04 minutes 38 seconds East a distance of 50.00 feet; thence South 88 degrees 55 minutes 22 seconds West a distance of 50.00 feet to the point of beginning. PROPOSED INGRESS AND EGRESS EASEMENT DESCRIPTION A 12 foot easement over and across the East Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 34, Township 121, Range 24, Wright County, Minnesota. The centerline of said 12 foot easement is described as commencing at the southeast corner of said East Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 34; thence North 0 degrees I I minutes 38 seconds West, assumed bearing, along the east line of said East Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 34 a distance of 733.82 feet to the point of beginning of the centerline to be described; thence South 88 degrees 55 minutes 22 seconds West a distance of 565.61 feet; thence North 01 degree 04 minutes 38 seconds West a distance of 215.00 feet and said centerline there terminating. NOTES I.) This surveyor is not aware of any easements or other matters of record or not of record affecting the above described property other than as shown. Survey is subject to revision upon receipt of a current attorney's title opinion or a Title Insurance Commitment. 2.) Location and size of all underground utilities shown hereon are approximate only and are shown based on field location of visible fixtures in combination with available data provided by various sources. 3.) Contact GOPHER STATE ONE CALL at 454-0002 for precise on site location of utilities prior to any excavation. 4.) Area of proposed lease parcel: 2,500 Sq. Ft. or 0.057 Acres EXHIBIT A .X Northwest Associated Consultants, Inc. C O M M U N I T Y PLANNING DESIGN MARKET R E S E A R C H PLANNING REPORT FROM: DATE: RE: FILE NO: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Background Otsego Mayor and City Council Otsego Planning Commission Bob Kirmis/David Licht 10 July 1996 Otsego- U.S. West Cellular Tower CUP 176.02 - 96.14 U.S. West Cellular has requested a conditional use permit to allow the construction of a 100 foot self-supporting tower and cellular antenna upon a 2,500 square foot (50 foot by 50 foot) lease parcel located south of County Road 37 (65th Street) and west of Kadler Avenue. In conjunction with the tower construction, a 288 square foot (12 foot by 24 foot) equipment building has also been proposed. The lease parcel in question lies within a larger ± 35 acre parcel addressed as 6155 Kadler Avenue NW. According to the Zoning Ordinance, telephone transmission or receiving facilities which exceed the height limits of the applicable zoning district require the processing of a conditional use permit. The subject property is zoned A-1, Agricultural Rural Service, which establishes a maximum height requirement of 45 feet. Recognizing the current existence of a 250 foot tower upon the property, approval of a planned unit development conditional use permit is also necessary to accommodate more than one principal structure upon a single lot of record. 5775 Wayzata Blvd. - Suite 555 - St. Louis Park, MN 55416 • (612) 595 -9636 -Fax. 595-9837 Attached for reference: Exhibit A - Site Location Exhibit B - Detailed Site Location Exhibit C - Site Survey Exhibit D - Site Plan Exhibit E - Site Plan Detail Exhibit F - Tower Elevation Recommendation The proposed 100 foot antenna support structure is to be located upon a site within 600 feet of two existing transmission towers. Obviously, a co -location of the proposed antenna represents a preferred alternative in regard to adjacent property impact. In consideration of the requested CUP, an initial determination should be made by the City as to whether or not the proposed use can be "reasonably" accommodated if co -location were to be required. If the City determines that a co -location requirement would deny reasonable opportunity for existence of the tower, (in the proposed area), our office would recommend approval of the requested conditional use permit subject to the following conditions: 1. The City approve a planned unit development conditional use permit to accommodate multiple principal structures upon a single lot of record. 2. The tower is designed and constructed to accommodate other users (i.e., police, fire, other cellular companies). 3. Verification of the antenna support towers "collapsible" design is provided to the City. 4. The City Engineer provide comment and recommendation in regard to tower site access issues and easement acceptability. 5. The proposed equipment building comply with applicable building material requirements. 6. No advertising messages are affixed to the antenna structure. 2 7. No outdoor storage is provided on site, excepting materials determined by the City to be customary and incidental to the principal use. 8. Additional landscaping is provided along the tower site's eastern boundary (visible from Kadler Avenue). Specific landscaping varieties shall be subject to City approval. 9. Any other comments of City staff. ISSUES ANALYSIS Conditional Use Permit. According to Section 20-32-5.13 of the Zoning Ordinance, all television, audio, or telephone transmission or receiving facilities which exceed the height limits established by the applicable zoning district require the processing of a conditional use permit. As mentioned previously, the proposed 100 foot support structure and cellular antenna exceed the maximum 45 foot height imposed in the applicable A-1 Zoning District. In consideration of conditional use permit requests, Section 20-4-2.17 of the Zoning Ordinance directs the Planning Commission and City Council to consider the proposed conditional use. Their judgement shall be based upon, but not limited to, the following factors: 1. The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the official City Comprehensive Plan. 2. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. 3. The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained herein (i.e., parking, loading, noise, etc.). 4. The proposed use's effect upon the area in which it is proposed. 5. The proposed use's impact upon property values of the area in which it is proposed. 6. Traffic generation by the proposed use in relation to capabilities of streets serving the property. 7. The proposed use's impact upon existing public services and facilities including parks, schools, streets, and utilities, and its potential to overburden the City's service capacity. 9 Co -Location. As shown on Exhibit D, the proposed cellular tower site lies within 600 feet of two existing transmission towers. Specifically, a 250 foot WDAY tower lies directly south of the proposed U.S. West site (upon leased land). To the southwest of the proposed U.S. West tower site is a United Power Association transmission tower which measures 260 feet in height and lies upon a non -conforming subdivided parcel. Considering that two antenna support structures currently lie proximate to the subject property, all efforts possible should be made to co -locate the U.S. West antenna upon one of the existing structures. Such co -location is considered positive by making more efficient use of the existing towers and avoiding possible adverse impacts. According to the 1996 Telecommunications Act, cities must "reasonably" accommodate communication facilities such as that being proposed by U.S. West. This issue will be subject to forthcoming comment by the City Attorney. If the City feels the construction of a new tower is justified, it should be constructed in a manner conducive to future co -location of antennas by other uses (i.e., police, fire, other cellular companies, etc.). Essential Service Provisions. Telephone transmission and receiving facilities such as that being proposed are considered "essential services". When such facilities exceed the maximum height limits of the applicable zoning district, the processing of a conditional use permit is required. If allowed, the proposed U.S. West cellular tower would constitute the second transmission tower erected upon the subject property. Both towers would lie upon leased land. A third tower (the United Power Association tower) lies upon a separate parcel of land with access to the property being provided via an easement. Of particular issue is the escalation of the property use to the intensity of an "antenna farm". To comprehensively address multiple principal structures on a single lot of record, the processing of a planned unit development conditional use permit is necessary. Land Use Compatibility. Generally speaking, the concept of "grouping" antennas and their support structures in a single location is considered highly positive. The proposed U.S. West antenna is of a significantly lower height than that of the neighboring antennas (100 feet versus ± 250 feet) and will not increase the impacts of the pre-existing antennas located in the area. Setbacks. According to the Zoning Ordinance, setbacks for essential service structures must be equal to the height of the structure or the district setbacks, whichever are greater. Lesser setbacks may be allowed upon demonstration that the structure is of a "collapsible" design and will not endanger surrounding property. As shown on the submitted site plan, the tower is to be set back greater than 100 feet (tower height) in all directions. rd The applicants have indicated that the subject transmission tower is to be "collapsible" in nature. While "required" setbacks have been satisfactorily met, documented verification of the tower's collapsible design should be provided to the City. Property Lease. While the leasing of property to accommodate the proposed tower construction is considered an issue, such lease arrangement will result in the existence of multiple principal structures upon a single lot of record. According to Section 20-16-3.0 of the Ordinance, not more than one principal building (structure) may be located on a lot except via planned unit development. Thus, approval of a planned unit development conditional use permit is necessary to accommodate the proposed use. Site Access. As shown on Exhibits C and E the proposed tower is to be accessed via a 12 foot wide easement from Kadler Avenue. Issues relating to easement acceptability should be subject to comment and recommendation by the City Engineer and attorney. Equipment Building. As noted previously, a 2,500 square foot (12 feet by 24 feet) equipment building has been proposed in conjunction with the tower construction. As a condition of CUP approval, such structure must satisfy applicable building material requirements of Section 20-17-4 of the Zoning Ordinance. Signage. Considering the proposed support structure's height and proximity to Interstate 94, such tower may provide an opportunity for advertising. As a conditional of CUP approval, no advertising messages may be affixed to the antenna structure. Fencing. The Zoning Ordinance does not provide specific dimensional requirements for fencing associated with essential service structures. In this regard, such fencing is considered and processed as a "special purpose fence". According to Section 20-16-61 of the Ordinance, fences for special purposes which differ in construction height or length (from residential, commercial or industrial uses) may be allowed via the issuance of a conditional use permit. According the submitted tower elevation (Exhibit F), a seven foot high chain link fence is to be provided around the perimeter of the site. Such fencing is considered acceptable. Outdoor Storage. It has not been indicated whether the area to be fenced is to be utilized for outdoor storage. As a condition of CUP approval, outdoor storage is to be prohibited, excepting materials determined by the City to be customary and incidental to the antenna tower use. 5 Landscaping. As shown on Exhibit E, the proposed cellular tower site is to be landscaped along its northern boundary. Specifically, a row of Austrian Pine trees have been proposed. While such landscaping efforts are considered positive, it is recommended that additional plantings be provided along the tower site's northern boundary (along Kadler Avenue). Such landscaping should be subject to City approval. CONCLUSION An initial issue in consideration of the requested CUP application is whether or not the proposed use can be "reasonably" accommodated via co -location of the proposed antenna upon an existing site tower. Should the City determine that the proposed use cannot be reasonably accommodated by requiring co -location, our office would recommend approval of the requested conditional use permit subject to the conditions listed in the Executive Summary of this report. PC: Elaine Beatty Andy MacArthur Larry Koshak Kent Sticha, U.S. West C.1 EXHIBIT A - SITE LOCATIOt /ea,aee /s«aoo - -------i- N.E. 70th STREET ---- — ----- ----_— i , � MINNESOTA DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION /NSF RICHT OF WAY PIAT NO. 86-4 - RS7, qT , NOR F f 9.9 , ' QOM --------- --- ---- i , , , I µgoo 03-1 __—________—_ M03"'m tamnµaa,o, ------------ MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION --- , , , pez,m /332M e�RVN SON ��TF RSTq�F FRN /MS]OS lO,T2-01 Jn3mo /ssuo, nso-m wl,m 91 A CITY EXHIBIT B - DETAILED SITE LOCATION - j I • «a. .era �. .... - ` N88*55'22'E 2 20 40 '50.00 . «,.. 4 1 \ IN FEET O pC P5� " W � C o � •ere . • ( / V • i Ier7 �GO' in . er. .00% Iar -Mo' / �cP1 588e55'22'W 50.00 A AA° / •WV , I A M ' '' ' ' Jam' .. ~ / /, /I •�r�l// / / / ew/AA ���'/ AA`//- _�h-•:��� j �1I / • / �� I ; / `Ir `d Tare I / .ear A . M7 `'a7 I gl I. eeSI / G I .ere R e s e«a •\ one — eeia \» __..�"'�............. eeGC53 t CO11CSe [A>dCIeT \ \ \ 007 CHAW Lei( MCC •ere MAI NL3 -.. r._ FOOP'OSED AM TO" 739.22 CULL" A=" u7O CRIT "Y� EXHIBIT C - -SITE SURVEY CITY OF OTSEGO PNCPOSCD 0944400 LEAS PARCEL -� asaoa Mmtor-CO IZ rt. II II IIS r , O ILDINGS vzazzA \ �1 FARMSTEAD II \ III II onsnHo 10 rt � nrorosco u rt I � \ 111 1 EXISTING WDAY TOWER (250 FT) r m X v �9444oi EXISTING UNITED POWER TOWER m (260 FT) r D =� NOTE: GEOTEXTILE WEED BARRIER SHALL BE PLACED BELOW ALL AREAS NOTED ON PLAN A9 &RAVEL SURFACE GRAVEL. SHALL BE 8/4' - 1 1/2' GLEAN CRUSHED ROCK (NO FINES) GRAVEL SUR! 0 1� rl -AUSTRIAN PINE " 100' SELF-SUPPORT CELLULAR TOWER \\\ - CON15M. E PAD WER'. TO�OUNDATION t .12' X 24' ' PREFAB AIRTOUCH CELLULAR EQUIPMENT, BUILDING . I � PARKIK6 /AREA WAVEI- ,SURFACE �` i.'. AUSTRIAN PINE .rs j� EXHIBIT E - SITE PLAN DETAIL CHAIN LINK FCNCI YV/ 12' &ATL ELEVATION PRT FAB LULAR )ILDING EXHIBIT F - TOWER ELEVATION William S. Radzwill .ndrew J. MacArthur Michael C. Couri Megan M. McDonald July 17, 1996 RADZWILL & CO URI Attorneys at Law 705 Central Avenue East PO Box 369 St. Michael, MN 55376 (612) 497-1930 (612) 497-2599 (FAX) Planning Commission Members City of Otsego c/o Elaine Beatty, City Clerk 8899 Nashua Avenue NE Elk River, MN 55330 RE: U.S. West Cellular Tower CUP Dear Planning Commission Members: Since my last correspondence I have spoken with the applicant and have received the attached information both from the League of Cities and the applicant relative to their application for a Conditional Use Permit for the construction of a cellular tower. The Telecommunications Act of 1996 does not effect the ability of the City to review the proposed CUP using its normal criteria. However, local regulation cannot be based upon the environmental effects of radio frequency emissions. Appeal of any denial of a local application can also be made to either State or Federal Court on an expedited basis. Also, any denial must be made upon a substantial written record. The City does have a legitimate concern in attempting to limit the number of towers in the City. The utility does have a duty to enter into good faith negotiations for co -location of facilities. It is proper for the Planning Commission to inquire into these matters to ascertain whether or not there were such negotiations and what the reasons were for constructing a separate facility rather than co - location. In my conversation with Mr. Sticha he indicated that discussions were held with the owners of the other towers in the area and that they did not want to provide co -location because of safety concerns and because of the age of the existing towers. I did indicate to Letter to Otsego Planning Commission July 17, 1996 Page 2 him that he should be prepared to address these issues at the hearing this evening. I have attached to this letter Section of the Act and summaries received from both the applicant and the League of Cities. It is my opinion that the City can only deny the request if it was determined that no efforts at negotiating co-location were undertaken, or that there are no legitimate reasons which would prevent co-location. Based upon the above, review of the Planner's report, and the existing City ordinances I would concur with the City Planner's recommendation contained in that report dated July 10, 1996. The issue of these cellular towers and wireless communications and City regulation of the same may be a matter that the City should review since they will quite probably get more of these requests. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me. Very t ly yours, �,------ �-�_-T A kew J./'MacArthut RADMILL `Ii COURI Encls. cc: Bob Kirmis, NAC Larry Koshak, Hakanson Anderson Kent Sticha, US West JUL 17 19G 11 i 9 FRU 5 i.dEST -A!G A I PTCUCH61_ 595 5oee TO 949"'0`99 P. 0� •`%14 FACILITIES SITING FOR PERSONAL WIRELESS SERVICES (SECTION 704) Summary State and Iocal authority over the Placement, construction wd modification of personal wireless services (CMRS and Unlicensed wireless services) shall not prot-dUit or have the effect of prohibiting personal wirefess services or unreasonably discriminate among providers of functionally equivalent services. dVhft Stm and local zoning authorities retain their rights over land use, their actions cannot have the effect of banning wireless services or picld and choosing among similar wireless providers. Localities crust act on requests made for siting in a reasonable period of time and any decision to deny must be in writing and supported by substantial evidence. Appeals of zoning decisions that fail to comply with the provisions of this section can be made to the court of competent jurisdiction which can be either Federal district or State court, Courts must hear and decade these cases on an expedited basis. State and local authorities cannot regulate personal wireless faciities on the environmental effects of radio frequency emissions if those fatalities comply with the Federal standard. In this regard the Ccmmission is directed to complete its rulemaking on RF emissions within 18C days after the bill has been signed infix law. Finally, the Act codifies the existing Presidential memorandum on the use of Federal lands for siting winskm facilities by requiring the President or his design" to establish procedures whereby Federal agenc;es -will make available their properties, rigtm of ways and other easements at a fair and reasmable price for servims dependent upon Federal spectrum. Telecommunications Act of 1996 SEC. 704. FACILIT HS SITING; RADIO FREQUENCY EMISSION STANDARDS. (a) NATIONAL WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS SMNG POLICY- Section 332(0) (47 U.S.C, 332(0)) is amended by adding at the end the following new paragraph: "(7) PRESERVATION OF LOCAL ZONING AUTHORITY - "(A) GENERAL AUTHORITY- Except as provided in this paragraph, nothing in this Act shall limit or affect the authority of a State or focal government or instrumentality thereof aver decisions regarding the placement, construction, and modificatson of personal wireless service facilites. "(B) UMITATIONS- (i) The regulation of the placement, construction, and modification of personal winless service facilities by any State or local government or instrumentality thereof— 170' d -1U101 '(A) to offer for resale at wholesale rates any telecommunications service that the carrier provides at retail to subscribers who are not telecommunications mocunications ¢' carriers; and '(B) not to prohibit, and not to impose unreasonable or - . discriminatory conditions or liinitations on, the resale of such telecommunications service, except that a State commission may, consistent with regulations prescribed by the Commission under this section, prohibit a reseller that obtains at wholesale rates a telecommunications service that is available at retail only to a category of subscribers from offering such service to a different category of subscribers. (5) NOTICE OF CHANGFS- The duty to provide reasonable public notice of changes in the information necessary for the transmission and routing of services using that local exchange carrier's .facilities or networks, as well as of any other changes that would affect the interoperability of those facilities and networks. "(6) COLLOCATION- Tlbe duty to provide, on rates, terms, and conditions that are just, reasonable, and nondiscriminatory, for physical collocation of equipment necessary for interconnection or access to unbundled network elements at the• premises of the local exchange carrier, except that the carrier may provide for virtual collocation if the local exchange carrier demonstrates to the State commission that physical collocation is not practical for technical reasons or because of space limitatinnc— (d) IMPLEMENTATION- ' (1) IN GENERAL- Within 6 months after the date of enactment of the Telecommunications Act of 1996, the Commission shall complete all actions necessary to establish regulations to implement the requirements of this section. (2) ACCESS STANDARDS- In determining what network elements should be made available for purposes of subsection (c)(3), the Commission shall consider, at a minimum, whether— '(A) access to such network elements as are proprietary in nature is necessary; and '(B) the failure to provide access to such network elements would impair the ability of the telecommunications carrier seeking access to provide the services that it seeks to offer. (3) PRESERVATION OF STATE ACCESS REGULATIONS- In prescribing and enforcing regulations to implement the requirements of this section, the Commission shall not preclude the enforcement of I (B) the words 'The term (7) by changing the first letter of each defned term in such Paragraphs from a capital to a lower case better (except for. United States', ' State' , ' State eomtnissjon' , and Great Lakes Agreement'); and (9) by reordering such paragraphs and the additional paragraphs added by subsectiota (a) in alphabetical order based on the headings of such paragraphs and remembering such paragraphs as so reordered. (d) CONFORMING AMENDMENTS- The Act's ameanded-- (1) in section 225(a)(1), by striking -section 3(h)' and inserting ' section Y; (2) in section 332(d), by striking 'section 3(n)' each place it appears and inserting 'section Y; and (3) in sections 621(d)(3), 636(d), and 637(a)(2), by striking 'section 3(v)' and inserting 'section 3'. . TITLE TELECONgriUNICATION SERVICES SUBITTLE A—TELECOMM[JNICATIONS SERVICES SEC. 141.. ESTABLISHMENT OF PART II OF TITLE- section 229 (a) ,AMENDMENT- Title H is amended by inserting (47 U.S.C. 224) the following new part: 'PART TI --DEVELOPMENT OF COMPETITIVE MARKETS SEC. '25 1 . INTERCONNECTION . CATIONS. QRS- Each (a) GENERAL DUTY OF TELECOMMUNICATIONS. telecommunication carrier has the duh'— with the (1) to interconnect directly or indirectly facilities and equipment of other telecommlaications carriers; and (2) not to install network features, functions, or capabilities that do not comply with the guidelines and standards established pursuant to SeCtion 255 or 256- C13ANGE CARRIERS- Each local '(b) OBLIGATIONS OF ALL LOCAL exchange carrier bas the following duties: '(1) RFSALE- The duty not to prohibit, and not to impose unreasonable or discriminatory conditions or limitations on, the resale of its telecommunications services. (2) NUMBER PtaRTABILITY- The duty to provide, to the extent technically feasible, number portability in accordance with requirements prescribed by the Conunission. (3) DIALING PARITY- The duty to provide dialing parity to competing providers of telephone exchange service and telephone toll service, and the duty to permit all such providers to have nondiscriminatory access to telephone members, operator services, directory assistance, and directory listing, with no unreasonable dialing delays. M& O7-11-1996 10:30AM FROM Radzwtll & Court Law Offt TO William S. A adzWU RADZWLLL & COURI Andrew J. macArthur Attorneys at Law Michael C. Oun 705 Central Avenue East PO Bax 369 'St. Michael, MN 55376 i (612).497-1930 1 (612) 497-2599 (FAX) 441883 P . 02 regarding ..the U. S West request for..a CUP to construct a 100 foot .towerfor. cellular tran6mission. . The '�report ..correctly indicates that the recently passed 1996 Telecommunications Act requires the City to "reasonably" accommodate:siich structures. As indicated in the"planning report, there aretwo: similar towers already in existence within 600.feet of tine, proposed site. However, since the Law is: so new there is veryllittle guidance as to how it is to be interpreted and to 'what degree'.the utility is required to seek the preferred alternative, co -1 cation. I have:requested further information regarding this issue which I will, provide;to the Planning Commission prior to the scheduled public hearing. Regarding the issue of co --location, I think that the Planning Commission should inquire of the applicant the reasons for their decision not to co --locate. I think it is important to determine whether or not co -location is technically not feasible or whether it was;'simply not pursued for economic reasons. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me. I I 07-11-1996 10: 30Ar1 FROVI Pacl--w i 1 1 3 Cour i Law Off i TO 4418823 P.03 TOTAL P.03 A CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: MEETING DATE 6.BOB KIRMIS, ASST CITY PLANNER CITY CLERK August 12, 1996 - 6:30PNI ITEM NUMBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION: PREPARED BY: EB,CC 6.2.Consider an Amendment to the Zoning Ordinance RE: Rome Occupation Requirements Background: This has been in process for many months. The EDAAC worked on an amendment to the ordinance re: Home Occupation/Home Extended Businesses. They gave their recommendation and it was reviewed and changed and brought back to the Council who sent it on to the Planning Commission for Hearing. Attached is the Ordinance with changes (4) First change includes statement of prohibited occupations. The second change involves employment requirements allowing one full time employee. The third change relates to use of attached garage and the final change is a revocation section. NAC Memo dated June 16, 1996 from NAC addressing off street parking. The allowed 200 sq ft would basically be one parking stall. This may result in some non- conforming situations. NAC recommends upping that to 400 sq ft, PC RECOMMENDATION: Richard Nichols motioned to approve Home Occupation Ordinance as written. Bruce Rask seconded. All in favor. Motion carried. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve the unanimous recommendation by the P.C. as noted above. Than5"r Elaine Northwest Associated Consultants, Inc. COMMUNITY PLANNING DESIGN MARKED RESEARCH MEMORANDUM TO: Otsego Planning Commission FROM: Bob Kirmis DATE: 12 June 1996 RE: Otsego - Zoning Ordinance: Home Occupations FILE NO: 176.08 - 94.25 Attached please find a draft amendment to Section 20-28 of the Zoning Ordinance relating to home occupations. The amendment has been prepared at the direction of the City Council and would result in the following changes to the existing home occupation requirements: 1. Prohibited home occupation activities have been specifically listed (Section 20-28- 4.A.11). 2. Both permitted and special home occupations shall be allowed to employ one full time person other than those persons who reside on the premises. 3. Home occupation activities (both permitted and special) may be conducted in an attached garage provided not less than 200 square feet of floor area of such garage is reserved for the storage of vehicles. 4. A revocation section (Section 20-28-7) has been added. The draft amendment is scheduled for Planning Commission discussion on 19 June. PC.. Elaine Beatty Andy MacArthur 5775 Wayzata Blvd. • Suite 555 • St. Louis Park, MN 55416 • (612) 595-9636•Fax. 595-9837 DRAFT - DRAFT - DRAFT ORDINANCE NO. 96 CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT, MINNESOTA AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 28 OF THE OTSEGO ZONING ORDINANCE RELATING TO HOME OCCUPATION REQUIREMENTS. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO HEREBY ORDAINS: Section 1. Section 20-28-4.A of the Otsego City Code (Home Occupation - General Provisions) is hereby amended to add the following: 11. No home occupation (permitted or special) shall involve any of the following: body shops, welding, ammunition manufacturing, flea markets, motor vehicle sales or repairs, massage or escort business or other adult oriented businesses as defined by this ordinance, or other objectionable uses as determined by the City Council. 12. A maximum of one (1) full-time employee, or equivalent, other than those persons who customarily reside on the premises shall be employed. This provision shall not apply where the home occupation is a meeting place for employees and the work is done off -premise. 13. All home occupations shall be conducted entirely within the principal building, including attached garage, except that not less than two hundred (200) square feet of floor area in such garage shall be reserved for the parking of vehicles. In no case shall home occupations be conducted in a detached accessory building. Section 2. Section 20-28-4.13 of the Otsego City Code (Permitted Home Occupation Requirements) is hereby amended to read as follows: B. Requirements, Permitted Home Occupation: 1. Permitted home occupations include and are limited to: art studio, dressmaking, secretarial services, family day care, foster care, offices, teaching with musical, dancing and other instructions which consist of no more than one (1) pupil at a time, and similar uses. 2. The permitted home occupation shall not involve any of the following: repair service or manufacturing which requires equipment other than found in a home; teaching which customarily consists of more than one (1) pupil at a time; over the counter sale of merchandise produced off the premises. Section 3. Section 20-28-4.0 of the Otsego City Code (Special Home Occupation Requirements) is hereby amended to read as follows; C. Requirements, Special Home Occupation: 1. Examples of special home occupations include: barber and beauty services, day care -group nursery, photography studio, group lessons, saw sharpening, small appliances and small engine repair, and the like. 2. The special home occupation may involve any of the following: stock - in trade incidental to the performance of the service, repair service or manufacturing which requires equipment other than customarily found in a home, the teaching with musical, dancing and other instruction of more than one (1) pupil at a time. Section 4. Section 20-28-7 of the Otsego City Code (Home Occupation Revocations) is hereby added to read as follows - 20 -28-7 Revocations A. Permitted and special home occupation business licenses shall remain in effect until: 1. Such time as the business is not in compliance with any portion of this ordinance, any other applicable city ordinance, or any applicable state or federal statute, rule or regulation. 2. Such time as there is any violation of the terms and conditions of license approval. 3. Such time as there is any change in the conditions of operation of the business as it was originally approved; including any change in the nature of the business, any substantial change in the extent of 2 business, any substantial change in the extent of business operations, any significant expansion of business facilities, or any other circumstances related to the business which have the potential to significantly effect surrounding properties, or which may pose a threat to the health, welfare or safety of the general public. 4. Such time as the license expires. At such time that the City has cause to believe that any of the events listed in 1, 2 or 3 above have taken place, the City shall immediately notify the license holder of the allegations of violation and the necessary corrections required to bring the license into compliance. Section 5. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and publication. ADOPTED by the Otsego City Council this day of CITY OF OTSEGO Norman F. Freske, Mayor ATTEST: Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator 191 1996. DRAFT - DRAFT - DRAFT ORDINANCE NO. 96 CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT, MINNESOTA AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE OTSEGO ZONING ORDINANCE BY ESTABLISHING REGULATIONS FOR ACCESSORY AND TEMPORARY OUTDOOR SALES AND PROMOTIONAL EVENTS. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO HEREBY ORDAINS: Section 1. Section 20-9 of the Otsego City Code (reserved) is hereby amended to read as follows: SECTION 9 ADMINISTRATION - ADMINISTRATIVE PERMITS Section 20-9-1 Purpose 20-9-2 Procedure 20-9-3 Information Requirement 20-9-4 Performance Standards 20-9-5 Administration and Enforcement 20-9-1 PURPOSE: The purpose of this section is to establish regulations and procedures for the processing and consideration of activities allowed by administrative permit, with the goal of protecting the health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of the City. 20-9-2 PROCEDURE: A. Application for an administrative permit shall be filed by the property owner or designated agent with the Zoning Administrator on forms to be provided by the City. B. The application shall be accompanied by a non-refundable fee as set forth by the City Code for administrative permit applications. Applications for amending permit shall be accompanied by a non-refundable fee as set forth by resolution of the City Council for administration permits. C. The Zoning Administrator shall review the application and related materials and shall determine that the proposal is in compliance with all applicable evaluation criteria, codes, ordinances, and applicable performance D. The Zoning Administrator shall consider possible adverse effects of the proposed events or activity. Judgment shall be base upon (but not limited to) the following factors: 1. Compliance with and effect upon the policies and provisions of the official Comprehensive Plan. 2. The establishment, maintenance or operation of the use, event or activity will promote and enhance the general public welfare and will not be detrimental to or endanger the public health, safety, morals or comfort. 3. The use, event, or activity will not be injurious to the use and enjoyment of other property in the immediate vicinity for the purposes already permitted, nor substantially diminish and impair property values within the neighborhood. 4. The establishment of the use, event or activity will not impede the normal and orderly development and improvement of surrounding property for uses permitted in the district. 5. Adequate public facilities and services are available or can be reasonably provided to accommodate the use, event or activity which is proposed. 6. The use, event or activity shall, in all other respects, conform to the applicable regulations of the district in which it is located. 7. The use, event or activity and site conform to all applicable performance standards of this Chapter. E. The Zoning Administrator shall make a determination on approval or denial of the administrative permit within thirty (30) days from the date of submission of a complete application. 2 F. A written permit shall be issued to the applicant when a determination of compliance has been made. Specific conditions to assure compliance with applicable evaluation criteria, codes, ordinances, and the standards of this Chapter shall be attached to the permit. G. Determination of non-compliance with applicable codes, ordinances, and the standards in this paragraph shall be communicated to the applicant in writing and the application for the permit shall be considered denied; unless, within ten (10) days of the date of such notice, the applicant submits revised plans and/or information with which the Zoning Administrator is able to determine compliance. H. Unresolved disputes as to administrative application of the requirements of this paragraph shall be subject to appeal as defined by Section 20-6 of this Chapter. 20-9-3 INFORMATION REQUIREMENT: The information required for all administrative permit applications shall include: A. A concise statement describing the proposed use, event or activity, including the purpose, type of merchandise involved, dates and times of operation, number of employees involved, provisions for on-site security, provisions for on-site parking, and other pertinent information required by the Zoning Administrator to fully evaluate the application. B. A copy of the approved site plan for the property or an "as built" survey which accurately represents existing conditions on the site, including entrances and exits, bona fide parking and driving areas, and which accurately indicates any proposed temporary structures, including tents, stands, and signs. C. An accurate floor plan, which in the judgement of the Zoning Administrator, such a plan is necessary to properly evaluate the location of the event and the effectiveness of available entrances and exists. D. A copy of the current sales tax certificate issued by the State of Minnesota, if applicable. E. Certification that all property taxes, special assessments, interest and utility fees due upon the parcel to which the administrative permit relates have been paid. 3 F. Information identified in Section 20-4-4 of this Chapter, as may be applicable. 20-9-4; PERFORMANCE STANDARDS: All uses, events or activities allowed by administrative permit shall conform to the applicable standards outlined in the zoning district in which such use, event or activity is proposed. 20-9-5: ADMINISTRATION AND ENFORCEMENT: A. The Zoning Administrator shall keep a record of applications and administrative permits. B. A copy of all administrative permits issued shall be forwarded to appropriate staff as determined by the Zoning Administrator. C. Enforcement of the provisions of this paragraph shall be in accordance with Section 20-8 of this Chapter. Violation of an issued permit or of the provisions of this section also shall be grounds for denial of future permit applications. Section 2. Section 20-62 of the Otsego City Code (B-1 District provisions) is hereby amended to add the following: 20-62-3A: USES BY ADMINISTRATIVE PERMIT: Subject to applicable provisions of this Section, performance standards established by this Chapter, and processing requirements of Section 20-9-2, the following are uses allowed in a B- 1 District by administrative permit as may be issued by the Zoning Administrator: A. Open or outdoor sales, rental or display as an accessory use in association with an allowed principal use provided that: 1. The area so occupied shall not exceed ten (10) percent of the principal building. 2. No storage or display of merchandise shall be permitted in required rear, side or front yards and shall be limited to the area of the customer entrances. 3. The outdoor sales, rental or display area shall be included in the calculations for parking spaces required for the use and shall not occupy space 51 B. required for parking as stipulated by Section 20-22 of this Chapter, except as may be exempted for cause by the Zoning Administrator. Temporary, outdoor promotional events and sales provided that: 1. Promotional Events. a. Such activity is directed towards the general public and includes grand openings, carnivals, craft shows, flea markets, mechanical and animal rides and displays of materials that are typically not sold or serviced on the site. b. The event shall not exceed the period specified in the administrative permit and in no case shall exceed three (3) consecutive calendar days per event; two (2) of the days shall be a Saturday and a Sunday. C. There shall be no more than two (2) promotional events per calendar year per property. 2. Outdoor Sales. a. Such activity is directed towards the general public and include warehouse sales, sidewalk sales, inventory reduction or liquidation sales, distressed merchandise sales, seasonal merchandise sales, and licensed transient merchant and transient product merchant sales. b. The following specific standards shall apply to all proposed temporary outdoor sales activities allowed by this paragraph and by City Code business licensing provisions in addition to other applicable building and safety code requirements as determined by the Zoning Administrator. (1) The maximum total time for temporary outdoor sales activities shall be the period specified in the administrative permit and, in no case, shall exceed sixty (60) days per calendar year per property. 61 (2) There shall be no more sales activities than those specified in the administrative permit and, in no case, shall there be morean ten (10) sales activities per year/lproperty. (3) Sales activities may be conducted within a required yard provided the area is paved and the activity does not interfere with parking, traffic circulation or emergency vehicle access. Temporary sales on unpaved landscaped areas is prohibited. C. General Standards (1) The event shall be clearly accessory to or promoting the permitted or conditional use approved for the site. Only merchandise which is normally manufactured, sold, or stocked by the occupant on the subject premises shall be sold and/or promoted. (2) Tents, stands, and other similar temporary structures may be utilized, provided they are clearly identified on the submitted plan and provided that it is determined by the Zoning Administrator that they will not impair the parking capacity, emergency access, or the safe and efficient movement of pedestrian and vehicular traffic on or off the site. (3) The submitted plan shall clearly demonstrate that adequate off-street parking for the proposed event can and will be provided for the duration of the event. Determination of compliance with this requirement shall be made by the Zoning Administrator who shall consider the nature of the even and the applicable parking requirements of this Chapter. Consideration shall be given to the parking needs and requirements of other occupants in the case of multi -tenant buildings. Parking on public right-of- way and streets is prohibited; except that parking on local streets may be allowed on Saturday and Sunday only, 9 provided that the petitioner arranges for traffic control by authorized enforcement officers, as approved in writing by the Zoning Administrator, at the petitioner's expense. (4) Signage related to the event shall be in compliance with the temporary sign standards of this Chapter and shall be allowed for the duration of the event. Special signage for purposes of traffic direction and control may be authorized by the Zoning Administrator; the erection and removal of such signage shall be the responsibility of the applicant. (5) The approved permit shall be displayed on the premises for the duration of the event. C. Other uses of the same general character as those listed as a permitted use in this district. Section 3. Section 20-63 of the Otsego City Code (B-2 District provisions) is hereby amended to add the following: 20-63-3A USES BY ADMINISTRATIVE PERMIT: Subject to applicable provisions of this Section, performance standards established by this Chapter, and processing requirements of Section 20-9-2, the following are uses allowed in a B- 2 District by administrative permit as may be issued by the Zoning Administrator: A. Open or outdoor sales, rental or display as an accessory use in association with an allowed principal use subject to the same provisions as required in Section 20-62-3A.A of this Chapter. B. Temporary outdoor promotional events and sales subject to the same provisions as required in Section 20-62-3A.B of this Chapter. C. Other uses of the same general character as those listed as a permitted use in this district. 7 Section 4. Section 20-64 of the Otsego City Code (B-3 District provisions) is hereby amended to add the following: 20-64-3A USES BY ADMINISTRATIVE PERMIT: Subject to applicable provisions of this section, performance standards established by this Chapter and processing requirements of Section 20-9-2, the following uses may be allowed in a B-3 district by administrative permit as may be issued by the Zoning Administrator. A. Open or outdoor sales, rental or display as an accessory use in association with an allowed principal use subject to the same provisions as required in Section 20-62-3A.A of this Chapter. B. Temporary outdoor promotional events and sales subject to the same provisions as required in Section 20-62-3A.B of this Chapter. C. Other uses of the same general character as those listed as a permitted use in this district. Section 5. Section 20-65 of the Otsego City Code (B -W District provisions) is hereby amended to add the following: 20-65-3A USES BY ADMINISTRATIVE PERMIT: Subject to applicable provisions of this section, performance standards established by this chapter and processing requirements of Section 20-9-2, the following uses may be allowed in a B -W District by administrative permit as may be issued by the Zoning Administrator: A. Temporary outdoor promotional events and sales subject to the same provisions as required in Section 20-62-3A.B of this Chapter. B. Other uses of the same general character as those listed as a permitted use in this district. Section 6. Section 20-66 of the Otsego City Code (B -C District provisions) is hereby amended to add the following: 20-66-3A: USES BY ADMINISTRATIVE PERMIT: Subject to applicable provisions of this Section, performance standards established by this Chapter and processing requirements of Section 20-9-2, the following uses may be allowed in a B -C District by administrative permit as may be issued by the Zoning Administrator. 9 A. Temporary outdoor promotional events and sales subject to the same provisions as required in Section 20-62-3A.B of this Chapter. B. Other uses of the same general character as those listed as a permitted use in this district. Section 7. Section 20-67 of the Otsego City Code (I-1 District provisions) is hereby amended to add the following: 20-67-3A USES BY ADMINISTRATIVE PERMIT: Subject to applicable provisions of this Section, performance standards established by this Chapter and processing requirements of Section 20-9-2, the following uses may be allowed in an I-1 District by administrative permit as may be issued by the Zoning Administrator. A. Temporary outdoor promotional events and sales subject to the same provisions as required in Section 20-62-3A.B of this Chapter. B. Other uses of the same general character as those listed as a permitted use in this district. Section 8. Section 20-68 of the Otsego City Code (I-2 District provisions) is hereby amended to add the following: 20-68-3A USES BY ADMINISTRATIVE PERMIT: Subject to applicable provisions of this Section, performance standards established by this Chapter and processing requirements of Section 20-9-2, the following uses may be allowed in an I-2 District by administrative permit as may be issued by the Zoning Administrator. A. Temporary outdoor promotional events and sales subject to the same provisions as required in Section 20-62-3A.B of this Chapter. B. Other uses of the same general character as those listed as a permitted use in this district. Section 9. Section 20-69 of the Otsego City Code (INS District provisions) is hereby amended to add the following: 20-69-3A USES BY ADMINISTRATIVE PERMIT: Subject to applicable provisions of this Section, performance standards established by this Chapter and processing requirements of Section 20-9-2, the following uses may be allowed in 9 f an INS District by administrative permit as may be issued by the Zoning Administrator. A. Temporary outdoor promotional events and sales subject to the same provisions as required in Section 20-62-3A.B of this Chapter. B. Other uses of the same general character as those listed as a permitted use in this district. Section 10. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and publication. ADOPTED by the Otsego City Council this day of 1996. CITY OF OTSEGO M ATTEST: Norman F. Freske, Mayor By: Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator 10 IFN A C Northwest Associated Consultants, Inc. C O M M U N I T Y PLANNING 9 DESIGN MARKET R E S E A R C H TO: FROM: DATE: RE: FILE NO: Otsego Mayor and City Council Bob Kirmis / David Licht / Alan Brixius 22 July 1996 Otsego - Southwest Area Pre -Plan Analysis 176.13 In light of past discussions and questions regarding Otsego's municipal boundaries, work on the City's Southwest Area Study had been put on hold. Work did, however, progress on the financial analysis portion of the study which remains useful, applicable information regardless of any changes in the City's boundaries. This material is attached for your review. Recognizing the current "stability" of Otsego's boundaries and commitment to sanitary sewer service along the Highway 101 corridor, the City may wish to consider directing an update of the entire Comprehensive Plan in forthcoming months. As you are aware, the current urban service area boundaries are not consistent with long term development objectives of the City. This condition has proven difficult in advising developers of the City's growth strategy. A representative of our office will be available at a forthcoming City Council meeting to discuss details of the financial analysis and future Comprehensive Plan update efforts. PC: Elaine Beatty Phyllis Cokely Andy MacArthur Larry Koshak 5775 Wayzata Blvd. • Suite 555 • St. Louis Park, MN 55416 • (612) 595-9636•Fax. 595-9837 TABLE OF CONTENTS FiscalAnalysis......................................................................................... 1 Introduction................................................................................... 1 OneAcre Analysis........................................................................ 1 StudyArea.................................................................................... 2 Service Expenditures Per Acre ..................................................... 6 State Property Tax Classification By Land Use ............................. 8 Property Tax Revenue.................................................................. 8 Surplus/Deficit Per Acre................................................................ 9 Revenues...................................................................................... 9 Expenditures................................................................................. 10 Surplus/Deficits............................................................................. 10 Table 1 Tax Generation Samples .................................................... 2 Table 2 Annual Service Expenditures Per Acre .............................. 7 Table 3 1995 Property Tax Revenue Per Acre ................................ 8 Table 4 Total Annual Property Tax Revenue/Expenditures Per Acre 9 CITY OF OTSEGO SOUTHWEST AREA ANALYSIS FISCAL ANALYSIS INTRODUCTION To determine what types of development are beneficial and what types are a financial drain to the City, a study and comparison of tax revenues versus City public service expenditures for various land uses in Otsego was conducted. This study uses a model that calculates revenues and expenditures on the basis of one acre of development and provides a financial cost/benefit comparison for various land uses. It is important to note that this study is intended to be a planning tool that illustrates an acre to acre cost analysis comparison of land uses and not an overall City budget analysis. This study is intended to support the assumptions made regarding various land use types and the extent to which the tax revenue generated balances the service expenditure demands for the various land use types. Decisions related to land use planning should not be made solely on the basis of this analysis, but with all of the influencing factors considered. ONE ACRE ANALYSIS The first step in the model was to establish an equitable standard for the land use comparison. For the purpose of this model, all land uses are compared on the basis of one acre of development. To be specifically noted is that no medium and high density residential uses currently exist in the City (reflective of lack of sanitary sewer service). Thus, no tax generation calculations for such uses have been conducted. To illustrate the land absorption and use intensity of each land use, the study calculates the average number of lots per acre, units per acre, and persons per acre as an initial starting point. This information is found in Table 1. A step-by-step calculation was applied to each land use as presented below: 1. Determine average lot size and lots per acre based on a random sample of neighborhoods. 2. Determine lineal feet of lot frontage per acre based on random sample of neighborhoods and zoning standards. 3. Multiply the number of lots per acre by the number of units per lot to determine the maximum number of units per acre. 4. Multiply the number of units per acre by the number of occupants per unit to determine the maximum number of persons per acre. CITY OF OTSEGO SOUTHWEST AREA ANALYSIS 1 FISCAL ANALYSIS COMMERCIAL USES No. of Lots No. of Units Total Acres Total Frontage Lots/ Acre Units/ Acre Frontage/ Acre Persons/ Acre Mississippi Shores 6th Block 1 3 3 3.8 1,150 .79 .79 302.6 9.5 Mississippi Shores 7th Block 1 1 2 1.8 350 .55 1.11 194.4 9.5 MRD Commercial Park Lot 1, Block 2 1 1 3.8 300 .26 .26 78.9 9.5 PID # 262101 1 3 1.8 450 .55 1.66 250.0 9.5 Sample Total 6 9 11.2 2,250 .55 .80 200.9 9.5 INDUSTRIAL USES No. of Lots No. of Units Total Acres Total Frontage Lots/ Acre Units/ Acre Frontage/ Acre Persons/ Acre Otsego Industrial Park Lot 2, Block 2 1 1 6.3 260 .16 .16 41.3 10.5 PID # 263408 1 1 2.0 290 .5 .5 145.0 10.5 Sample Total 2 2 8.3 550 .24 .24 66.3 10.5 AGRICULTURAL USES No. of No. of Total Total Lots/ Units/ Frontage/ Persons/ Lots Units Acres Frontage Acre Acre Acre Acre W 1/2 of NW Quarter, Section 23, Range 24 1 1 99.0 1,750 .01 .01 17.6 .1 W 1/2 of NE Quarter, Section 34, Range 23 1 1 80.0 1,320 .013 .013 16.5 .1 NE Quarter of Section 29, Range 23 1 1 160.0 2,680 .006 .006 16.8 .1 Sample Total 3 3 339 5,750 .009 .009 17.0 .1 CITY OF OTSEGO SOUTHWEST AREA ANALYSIS FISCAL ANALYSIS SERVICE EXPENDITURES PER ACRE Table 2 on the following page illustrates total City service expenditures for each of the land use types. To be specifically noted is that such expenditures are exclusive to the City of Otsego and do not include School District or County service costs. Expenditures were calculated by taking the 1995 service costs which are paid through the City's general revenue fund and dividing it by a standard service unit. The standard service unit determined for the specific services on the basis of the services general characteristics are detailed below: Government Administration Total general governmental administration excluding individual licensing and permits is typically handled on a City-wide basis with services (taxation, finance, planning, insurance, etc.) directed toward property owners. Therefore, the standard service unit cost is calculated on a per lot basis. Public Safety and Building Inspection Law and code enforcement and emergency services are generally distributed by means of patrolling and service calls. Based on these general characteristics, a cost per unit service unit was established. Streets These services can be directly correlated with the street and utility system that services individual land uses. To distribute the demand for these services in an equitable fashion, the service unit is based upon the amount of lineal street frontage per lot. Community Services The service use of the City park and recreation facilities and programs typically serves individual people, including residents, non-resident employees and visitors. As such, the service expenditure unit for these services was calculated on a per capita basis. CITY OF OTSEGO SOUTHWEST AREA ANALYSIS 6 FISCAL ANALYSIS TABLE 2 ANNUAL SERVICE EXPENDITURES PER ACRE Manufactured Home Parks Single Family Residential Commercial Industrial Agricultural Lots Per Acre 6.5 .49 .55 .24 .009 Units Per Acre 6.5 .49 .80 .24 .009 Persons Per Acre 21.1 1.59 9.5 10.5 .1 Lineal Feet Lot Frontage Per Acre 456.5 135.4 200.9 66.3 17.0 Government Admin ($243/lot) $1,580 $119 $134 $58 $2 Police ($45/unit) $293 $22 $36 $11 $.41 Building Inspection ($12.50/unit) $81 $6 $10 $3 $.11 Streets ($68/lineal foot) $310 $92 $137 $45 $12 Recycling ($15/lot) $98 $7 $8 $4 $.14 Community Svcs. ($3.75/person) $79 $6 $36 $39 $.04 Other -Capital Outlay ($1.60/unit) $10 $.78 $1.28 $.38 $.0144 TOTAL $2,451 $330 $362 $160 $15 NOTES: 2,055 parcels with structures exist within the City (1,856 non- manufactured homes, 199 manufactured homes) • 65 miles of roadways under City jurisdiction exist within the City (343,200 lineal feet) • Costs derived from Otsego budget report Y -T -D 1995 (unaudited) • Commercial sample includes multi -tenant structures CITY OF OTSEGO SOUTHWEST AREA ANALYSIS 7 FISCAL ANALYSIS SURPLUS/DEFICIT PER ACRE Table 4 illustrates the land use tax revenues versus the service expenditures to demonstrate the economic efficiency of the various land uses. TABLE 4 TOTAL ANNUAL PROPERTY TAX REVENUE/EXPENDITURES PER ACRE Land Use City Property Tax Revenues Total City Expenditures = Surplus/ Deficit Manufactured Home Park $278 $2,451 -$2,173 Single Family Residential $161 $320 -$159 Commercial $1,914 $362 +$1,552 Industrial $574 $160 +$414 Agricultural $2 $15 -$13 SOURCE: Northwest Associated Consultants, Inc. NOTE: Tax Revenues = Taxes Per Unit X Units Per Acre REVENUES Table 4 illustrates the revenue generation of the various land uses per acre of development. This table shows a substantial difference between the tax revenue generation between low density residential uses and commercial/industrial uses. The lower residential tax generation is attributed to lower construction costs, smaller structures, and a lower tax classification. It should be noted, however, that revenues (and expenditures) are based on current City development patterns and Otsego's housing values. This is not to say that all single family homes create a deficit. Rather, the average single family home in Otsego generates less revenue than its expenditures for services. CITY OF OTSEGO SOUTHWEST AREA ANALYSIS 9 JUL-lb-yO Nt 1-44 YM NK1Ut11 tuUPlll rnn Au. olzodzollo r. � SJR 3a Commercial/Industrial (includes public utilities except class 5) 1st $100,000 - Limited to One parcel,, / entity/ county .............. Over S 100,000 or additional parcel ................................ DATE: 09/95 SEC IION:3201 PAGE: 2 C ass to 3.00% 4.60% 3b Employment Property 2.30% 1st $50,000 of Market Value ............. Over 550,600 of Market Value.......... 3.60% Border City Zone 1st S100,o00 of Market Value........... 3.00% Over $100,000 of Market Value........ 4.60% 3c Transit Zone Structures built on CA property (located within a transit zone as defined in M.S. 473.3915) having a bldg_ permit issued after 1/2/96 1 st $100,000 of Market Value.......... 300% Over $100,000 of Market Value (including portion of bldg. constructed 4.00% prior to issuance of bldg. permit 1/2/96) 4a Residential Non -Homestead 4 or More Units, taxable hospitals and contiguous property .......................... Certain qualifying areas with population 5,000 or less 3.400/9 2.300/c 4b(1) Residential Non -Homestead 3 Units or 2.30% less.................................................... 4b(2) Unclassified Manufactured Homes .......... 2.300/6 4b(3) House, Garage and 1 Acre on 2.30% Class 2b Farm .................................. JUL-lb-yb IUt 1'.X45 Y64 WK1UhI U, Uaii r�,t iiu. O1LbbLbtitl r, � DATE: 09!95 SECTION:3201 PAGE: 4 QW DuLd i 0=2410 4c(5) Seasonal Residential Recreational 1st $72,000 of Market Value ............. 2.00%* Over $72,000 of Market Value.......... 2.50% Seasonal Residential Recreational Commercial, not used for more than 250 days per year, including the remainder of class l c resorts .............. 2.30% 4c(6) Structures and land, not exceeding 1 acre, owned by non-profit community service organizations, not used for residential purposes nor for Revenue producing activities for more than six days per year.......... 2.30% 4c(7) Fraternities and Sororities ....................... 2.30% 4c(8) Manufactured Home Parks ...................... 2.00%o 4d(1) Farmer's Home Administration Financed Structures in cities of under 10,000 population, owned by non-profit or limited dividend entities and used for housing elderly, handicapped, or low or moderate income families. Structures only, limited to 15 years or the original term of the loan .......... 2.00% Land 3 units or less .................................... 2.300/6 4 or more units ................................. 3.40% 4d(3) MaPTA or BRA low income lease -purchase properties.......................................... I st $72,000 of Market Value ............. 1.000/0 Over $72,000 of Market Value.......... 2.00% *The class rate for Seasonal Recreational property will be reduced to 1.90% for the 1996 assessment and 1.80% for the 1997 assessment. FISCAL ANALYSIS NOTE: MANUFACTURED HOME PARK SAMPLE EXCLUSIVE TO LOTS 1-30 OF THE RIVERBEND MOBILE HOME PARK CITY OF OTSEGO SOUTHWEST AREA ANALYSIS FA C Northwest Associated Consultants, Inc. C O M M U N I T Y PLANNING • DESIGN MARKET R E S E A R C H MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: RE: FILE NO: Otsego Planning Commission Bob Kirmis/David Licht 2 May 1996 Otsego - Zoning Ordinance - Accessory and Temporary Outdoor Sales and Events 176.08 - 96.03 Attached please find a draft amendment to the Zoning Ordinance which establishes regulations for accessory and temporary outdoor sales and promotional events. Specifically, the amendment would make an allowance for such activities in the City's business, industrial and institutional zoning districts via the issuance of an administrative permit. This amendment has been prepared at the directive of the City Council and incorporates comments of the City Attorney. It is anticipated that a public hearing may be set at the forthcoming 15 May Planning Commission -meeting. pc: Elaine Beatty Andy MacArthur 5775 Wayzata Blvd. - Suite 555 - St. Louis Park, MN 55416 - (612) 595-9636•Fax. 595-9837 DRAFT - DRAFT - DRAFT 5/2/96 ORDINANCE NO. 96 CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT, MINNESOTA AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE OTSEGO ZONING ORDINANCE BY ESTABLISHING REGULATIONS FOR ACCESSORY AND TEMPORARY OUTDOOR SALES AND PROMOTIONAL EVENTS. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO HEREBY ORDAINS: Section 1. Section 20-9 of the Otsego City Code (reserved) is hereby amended to read as follows: SECTION 9 ADMINISTRATION - ADMINISTRATIVE PERMITS Section 20-9-1 Purpose 20-9-2 Procedure 20-9-3 Information Requirement 20-9-4 Performance Standards 20-9-5 Administration and Enforcement 20-9-1 PURPOSE: The purpose of this section is to establish regulations and procedures for the processing and consideration of activities allowed by administrative permit, with the goal of protecting the health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of the City. 20-9-2 PROCEDURE: A. Application for an administrative permit shall be filed by the property owner or designated agent with the Zoning Administrator on forms to be provided by the City. B. New applications and applications for amending administrative permits shall be accompanied by a non- refundable fee as set forth by resolution of the City Council. C. The Zoning Administrator shall review the application and related materials and shall determine that the proposal is in compliance with all applicable evaluation criteria, codes, ordinances, and applicable performance standards. D. The Zoning Administrator shall consider possible adverse effects of the proposed events or activity. Judgment shall be base upon (but not limited to) the following factors: 1. Compliance with and effect upon the policies and provisions of the official Comprehensive Plan. 2. The establishment, maintenance or operation of the use, event or activity will promote and enhance the general public welfare and will not be detrimental to or endanger the public health, safety, morals or comfort. 3. The use, event, or activity will not be injurious to the use and enjoyment of other property in the immediate vicinity for the purposes already permitted, nor substantially diminish and impair property values within the neighborhood. 4. The establishment of the use, event or activity will not impede the normal and orderly development and improvement of surrounding property for uses permitted in the district. 5. Adequate public facilities and services are available or can be reasonably provided to accommodate the use, event or activity which is proposed. 6. The use, event or activity shall, in all other respects, conform to the applicable regulations of the district in which it is located. 7. The use, event or activity and site conform to all applicable performance standards of this Chapter. E.- -The Zoning Administrator shall make a determination on approval or denial of the administrative permit within thirty (30) days from the date of submission of a complete application. Upon notification to the applicant that any application presented is incomplete in any way, no action will be commenced by the City until such time as a complete application is submitted. F. A written permit shall be issued to the applicant when a determination of compliance has been made. Specific conditions to assure compliance with applicable evaluation criteria, codes, ordinances, and the standards of this Chapter shall be attached to the permit. 2 G. Determination of non-compliance with applicable codes, ordinances, and the standards in this paragraph shall be communicated to the applicant in writing and the application for the permit shall be considered denied; unless, within ten (10) days of the date of such notice, - the applicant submits revised plans and/or information with which the Zoning Administrator is able to determine compliance. H. Unresolved disputes as to administrative application of the requirements of this paragraph shall be subject to appeal as defined by Section 20-6 of this Chapter. 20-9-3 INFORMATION REQUIRIIMENT: The information required for all administrative permit applications shall include: A. A concise statement describing the proposed use, event or activity, including the purpose, type of merchandise involved, dates and times of operation, number of employees involved, provisions for on-site security, provisions for on-site parking, and other pertinent information required by the Zoning Administrator to fully evaluate the application. B. A copy of the approved site plan for the property or an "as built" survey which accurately represents existing conditions on the site, including entrances and exits, bona fide parking and driving areas, and which accurately indicates any proposed temporary structures, including tents, stands, and signs. C. An accurate floor plan, which in the judgement of the Zoning Administrator, such a plan is necessary to properly evaluate the location of the event and the effectiveness of available entrances and exists. D. A copy of the current sales tax certificate issued by the -State of Minnesota, if applicable. E. Certification that all property taxes, special assessments, interest and utility fees due upon the parcel to which the administrative permit relates have been paid. F. Proof that the applicant has insurance, in an amount acceptable to the City, to protect from risks inherent in the proposed activity. G. Information identified in Section 20-4-4 of this Chapter, as may be applicable. 9 20-9-4; PERFORMANCE STANDARDS: All uses allowed by administrative permit applicable standards outlined in which such use, event or activity 20-9-5: ADMINISTRATION AND ENFORCEMENT: events or activities shall conform to the the zoning district in is proposed. ' A. The Zoning Administrator shall keep a record of applications and administrative permits. B. A copy of all administrative permits issued shall be forwarded to appropriate staff as determined by the Zoning Administrator. C. Enforcement of the provisions of this paragraph shall be in accordance with Section 20-8 of this Chapter. violation of an issued permit or of the provisions of this section also shall be grounds for denial of future permit applications. Section 2. Section 20-62 of the Otsego City Code (B-1 District provisions) is hereby amended to add the following: 20-62-3A: USES BY ADMINISTRATIVE PERMIT: Subject to applicable provisions of this Section, performance standards established by this Chapter, and processing requirements of Section 20-9-2, the following are uses allowed in a B- 1 District by administrative permit as may be issued by the Zoning Administrator: A. Open or outdoor sales, rental or display as an accessory use in association with an allowed principal use provided that: 1. The area so occupied shall not exceed ten (10) percent of the principal building. 2. No storage or display of merchandise shall be permitted in required rear, side or front yards and shall be limited to the area of the customer entrances. 3. The outdoor sales, rental or display area shall be included in the calculations for parking spaces required for the use and shall not occupy space required for parking as stipulated by Section 20-22 of this Chapter, except as may be exempted for cause by the Zoning Administrator. 12 B. Temporary, outdoor promotional events and sales provided that: 1. Promotional Events. a. Such activity is directed towards the general public and includes grand openings, carnivals, craft shows, flea markets, mechanical and animal rides and displays of materials that are typically not sold or serviced on the site. b. The event shall not exceed the period specified in the administrative permit and in no case shall exceed three (3) consecutive calendar days per event; two (2 ) of the days shall be a Saturday and a Sunday. C. There shall be no more than two (2) promotional events per calendar year per property. 2. Outdoor Sales. a. Such activity is directed towards the general public and include warehouse sales, sidewalk sales, inventory reduction or liquidation sales, distressed merchandise sales, seasonal merchandise sales, and licensed transient merchant and transient product merchant sales. b. The following specific standards shall apply to all proposed temporary outdoor sales activities allowed by this paragraph and by City Code business licensing provisions in addition to other applicable building and safety code requirements as determined by the Zoning Administrator. (1) The maximum total time for temporary outdoor sales activities shall be the period specified in the administrative permit and, in no case, shall exceed sixty (60) days per calendar year per property. (2) There shall be no more sales activities than those specified in the administrative permit and, in no case, shall there be more than ten (10) sales activities per year pr property. 5 (3) Sales activities may be conducted within a required yard provided the area is paved and the activity does not interfere with parking, traffic circulation or emergency vehicle access. Temporary sales on unpaved landscaped areas is prohibited. C. General Standards (1) The event shall be clearly accessory to or promoting the permitted or conditional use approved for the site. Only merchandise which is normally manufactured, sold, or stocked by the occupant on the subject premises on a regular or seasonal basis shall be sold and/or promoted. (2) Tents, stands, and other similar temporary structures may be utilized, provided they are clearly identified on the submitted plan and provided that it is determined by the Zoning Administrator that they will not impair the parking capacity, emergency access, or the safe and efficient movement of pedestrian and vehicular traffic on or off the site. (3) The submitted plan shall clearly demonstrate that adequate off-street parking for the proposed event can and will be provided for the duration of the event. Determination of compliance with this requirement shall be made by the Zoning Administrator who shall consider_ the nature of the even and the applicable parking requirements of this Chapter. Consideration shall be given to the parking needs and requirements of other occupants in the case of multi -tenant buildings. Parking on public right-of- way and streets is prohibited; except that parking on local streets may be allowed on Saturday and Sunday only, provided that the petitioner arranges for traffic control by authorized enforcement officers, as approved in writing by the Zoning Administrator, at the petitioner's expense. 9 (4) Signage related to the event shall be in compliance with the temporary sign standards of this Chapter and shall be allowed for the duration of the event. Special signage for purposes of traffic direction and control may be authorized by the Zoning Administrator; the erection and removal of such signage shall be the responsibility of the applicant. (5) The approved permit shall be displayed on the premises for the duration of the event. C. Other uses of the same general character as those listed as a permitted use in this district. Section 3. Section 20-63 of the Otsego City Code (B-2 District provisions) is hereby amended to add the following: 20-63-3A USES BY ADMINISTRATIVE PERMIT: Subject to applicable provisions of this Section, performance standards established by this Chapter, and processing requirements of Section 20-9-2, the following are uses allowed in a B- 2 District by administrative permit as may be issued by the Zoning Administrator: A. Open or outdoor sales, rental or display as an accessory use in association with an allowed principal use subject to the same provisions as required in Section 20-62-3A.A of this Chapter. B. Temporary outdoor promotional events and sales subject to the same provisions as required in Section 20-62-3A.B of this Chapter. C. Other uses of the same general character as those listed -as a permitted use in this district. Section 4. Section 20-64 of the Otsego City Code (B-3 District provisions) is hereby amended to add the following: 20-64-3A USES BY ADMINISTRATIVE PERMIT: Subject to applicable provisions of this section, performance standards established by this Chapter and processing requirements of Section 20-9-2, the following uses may be allowed in a B-3 district by administrative permit as may be issued by the Zoning Administrator. 7 A. Open or outdoor sales, rental or display as an accessory use in association with an allowed principal use subject to the same provisions as required in Section 20-62-3A.A of this Chapter. B. Temporary outdoor promotional events and sales subject to the same provisions as required in Section 20-62-3A.B of this Chapter. C. Other uses of the same general character as those listed as a permitted use in this district. Section S. Section 20-65 of the Otsego City Code (B -W District provisions) is hereby amended to add the following: 20-65-3A USES BY ADMINISTRATIVE PERMIT: Subject to applicable provisions of this section, performance standards established by this chapter and processing requirements of Section 20-9-2, the following uses may be allowed in a B -W District by administrative permit as may be issued by the Zoning Administrator: A. Temporary outdoor promotional events and sales subject to the same provisions as required in Section 20-62-3A.B of this Chapter. B. Other uses of the same general character as those listed as a permitted use in this district. Section 6. Section 20-66 of the Otsego City Code (B -C District provisions) is hereby amended to add the following: 20-66-3A: USES BY ADMINISTRATIVE PERMIT: Subject to applicable provisions of this Section, performance standards established by this Chapter and processing requirements of Section 20-9-2, the following uses may be allowed in -a B -C District by administrative permit as may be issued by the Zoning Administrator. A. Temporary outdoor promotional events and sales subject to the same provisions as required in Section 20-62-3A.B of this Chapter. B. Other uses of the same general character as those listed as a permitted use in this district. Section 7. Section 20-67 of the Otsego City Code (I-1 District provisions) is hereby amended to add the following: EQ 20-67-3A USES BY ADMINISTRATIVE PERMIT: Subject to applicable provisions of this Section, performance standards established by this Chapter and processing requirements of Section 20-9-2, the following uses may be allowed in an I-1 District by administrative permit as may be issued' by the Zoning Administrator. A. Temporary outdoor promotional events and sales subject to the same provisions as required in Section 20-62-3A.B of this Chapter. B. Other uses of the same general character as those listed as a permitted use in this district. Section 8. Section 20-68 of the Otsego City Code (I-2 District provisions) is hereby amended to add the following: 20-68-3A USES BY ADMINISTRATIVE PERMIT: Subject to applicable provisions of this Section, performance standards established by this Chapter and processing requirements of Section 20-9-2, the following uses may be allowed in an I-2 District by administrative permit as may be issued by the Zoning Administrator. A. Temporary outdoor promotional events and sales subject to the same provisions as required in Section 20-62-3A.B of this Chapter. B. Other uses of the same general character as those listed as a permitted use in this district. Section 9. Section 20-69 of the Otsego City Code (INS District provisions) is hereby amended to add the following: 20-69-3A USES BY ADMINISTRATIVE PERMIT: Subject to applicable provisions of this Section, performance standards -established by this Chapter and processing requirements. of Section 20-9-2, the following uses may be allowed in an INS District by administrative permit as may be issued by the Zoning Administrator. A. Temporary outdoor promotional events and sales subject to the same provisions as required in Section 20-62-3A.B of this Chapter. B. Other uses of the same general character as those listed as a permitted use in this district. 01 Section 10. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and publication. ADOPTED by the Otsego City Council this day of, 1996. CITY OF OTSEGO By: ATTEST: Norman F. Freske, Mayor By: Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator 10 Northwest Associated Consultants, Inc. C O M M U N I T Y PLANNING - DESIGN - MARKET R E S E A R C H PLANNING REPORT FROM: DATE: RE: FILE NO: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Background Otsego Mayor and City Council Otsego Planning Commission Bob Kirmis/David Licht 10 July 1996 Otsego - Kincanon Golf Course CUP 176.02 - 96.15 Mr. Richard Kincanon has requested a conditional use permit to construct a nine hole, par three golf course upon a 20.8 acre parcel of land located south of 85th Street and east of Nashua Avenue. The subject property is zoned A-1, Agricultural Rural Service which lists "commercial outdoor recreation" as a conditional use. Attached for reference: Exhibit A - Site Location Exhibit B - Detailed Site Location Exhibit C - Site Plan 5775 Wayzata Blvd. - Suite 555 - St. Louis Park, MN 55416 - (612) 595 -9636 -Fax. 595-9837 Recommendation Based on the following review, our office recommends approval of the requested conditional use permit subject to the following conditions: 1. The City Engineer provide comment and recommendation in regard to any necessary 85th Street improvements (i.e., turn lane, bypass lane, etc.). 2. A grading and drainage plan is submitted subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. 3. All drainage easements as determined appropriate by the City Engineer are established. 4. A landscape plan is submitted which identifies the location, variety and size of proposed site plantings. 5. The applicants demonstrate to the City that stray balls can be successfully contained within the subject property (via mature tree heights, safety netting, etc.). 6. Right-of-way for 85th Street and Nashua Avenue is formally dedicated to the City as determined appropriate by the City Engineer. 7. Club house plans are submitted subject to City review and approval. 8. The City Engineer provide comment/recommendation in regard to septic system issues. 9. No outdoor storage of maintenance equipment occur on site. 10. The site plan is revised to illustrate individual parking stalls including two devoted to use by the handicapped. 11. The City Engineer provide comment/recommendation in regard to parking lot curbing requirements. 12. Any signage erected comply with applicable provisions of the City's sign regulations. 13. Comments of other City staff. K ISSUES ANALYSIS Conditional Use Permit Evaluation Criteria. The subject property is zoned A-1, Agricultural Rural Service which lists "commercial outdoor recreation" as a conditional use. As such, the processing of a conditional use permit is necessary to accommodate the proposed use. In consideration of conditional use permit requests, Section 20-4-2.F of the Zoning Ordinance directs the Planning Commission and City Council to consider possible adverse effects of the proposed conditional use. The following is a listing of factors which must be considered and resulting findings. 1. The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the official City Comprehensive Plan. The City's Land Use Plan suggests long term low density residential use of the subject property. While the Land Use Plan does not specifically identify areas proposed for "commercial recreational" uses, the proposed golf course is considered compatible with both short and long term uses in the area. 2. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. Provided proper screening and berming is established, the proposed use is considered compatible with present and future land uses in the area. 3. The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained herein (i.e., parking, loading, noise, etc.). As a condition of CUP approval, all applicable performance standards must be satisfactorily met. Details regarding this criterion will be discussed in latter sections of this report. 4. The proposed use's effect upon the area in which it is proposed. The proposed golf course is not expected to negatively impact the area in which it is proposed. 3 5. The proposed use's impact upon property values of the area in which it is proposed. While no detailed study has been conducted, the proposed golf course is not expected to negatively impact area property values. In fact, such use may escalate area property values. 6. Traffic generation by the proposed use in relation to capabilities of streets serving the property. Within the ITE Trip Generation Manual, trip generation rates of 5.3 trips per parking space and 6.9 trips per acre are provided for golf courses. Such ITE samples include public and private courses (9 hole and 18 hole) with and without clubhouse facilities. As calculated below, it is estimated that the proposed use will generate between 144 and 212 vehicle trips per day. Based upon the rural character of the City, however, these estimates may be considered "high end". Variable A - 5.3 x 40 parking spaces = 212 ADT Variable B - 6.9 x 20.8 acres = 144 ADT The subject property is to be accessed via 85th Street, a designated collector. Traffic generated by the proposed use is within the capabilities of such street. The City Engineer should, however, make comment and recommendation in regard to the need for any improvements to 85th Street (i.e., turn lane construction. 7. The proposed use's impact upon existing public services and facilities including parks, schools, streets, and utilities, and its potential to overburden the City's service capacity. The proposed use will not overburden the City's public service capacity. Grading and Drainage. According to the applicant, a minimal amount of grading will take place upon the subject site. The City Engineer has recommended that the applicant submit a grading and drainage plan and drainage report which demonstrates that storm water will be properly held on site. Additionally, drainage easements should be provided over all ponding areas. The grading and drainage plan must be subject to approval by the City Engineer. I] Landscaping. As shown on the submitted site plan, numerous new trees have been proposed throughout the site. According to the applicant, existing trees upon the site are to be relocated in areas of the site where tree plantings are most desirable (i.e., near property boundaries, along fairways, etc.). In satisfaction of CUP submission requirements, a landscape plan, which specifies tree variety, location and size, should be submitted for City review and approval. Stray Balls. Recognizing that dwellings lie to the east and west of the proposed golf course, three to five foot berms have been proposed as a means of containing stray balls. Additionally, tree plantings have been proposed along such berms. In areas where vegetation is intended to contain stray balls, trees must be of a height (size) and variety to successfully fulfill such function. Of particular issue are trees adjacent to the greens of holes 2, 3, 4, 6, and 7. As noted previously, the landscape plan should specify all proposed tree types, locations and sizes. Hole 7, which lies adjacent to Nashua Avenue, is only ± 110 yards in length. Thus, particular potential exists for stray balls to enter the Nashua Avenue right-of-way. As a condition of CUP approval, the applicant should demonstrate that proper measures have been taken to contain stray balls from entering the right-of-way. Such measures may include fencing, safety netting, etc. Streets. The submitted site plan illustrates the boundaries of the subject property as extending to the centerline of 85th Street and Nashua Avenue (roadways lie within an easement). As a condition of CUP approval, right-of-way for such streets, as determined appropriate by the City Engineer, should be formally dedicated to the City. Clubhouse. As shown on the submitted site plan, a 1,500 square foot (30 foot by 50 foot) clubhouse is to exist along the golf course's eastern boundary. According to the applicant, the clubhouse is to be used as a "pro shop" with incidental snack sales. The clubhouse will not include any restaurant/dining facilities. As a condition of CUP approval, detailed plans of the clubhouse (floor plan and elevation) should be submitted to determine compliance with building material and height requirements. The proposed clubhouse has been found to comply with applicable A-1 District setback requirements. Septic system requirements for the clubhouse should be subject to comment/ recommendation by the City Engineer. 5 Outdoor Storage. According to the applicant, all golf course maintenance equipment is to be stored off-site. As a condition of CUP approval, no outside storage of maintenance equipment shall be allowed. Off -Street Parking. Parking Supply. As shown on the submitted site plan, 40 off-street parking stalls have been proposed on site. The City Zoning Ordinance does not include a specific off-street parking requirement for golf courses. However, an American Planning Association reference document entitled "Off -Street Parking Requirements" recommends the following standard for par three golf courses such as that proposed: 25 spaces per nine holes plus one space per employee on the largest shift While the proposed parking supply meets anticipated demand, the site plan should be modified to illustrate individual parking stalls within the designated off-street parking area. Dimensional Requirements. All off-street parking stalls and drive aisles have been found to comply with the City's minimum dimensional requirements. Handicap Stalls. In conformance with American Disability Act requirements, two handicap parking spaces should be provided and illustrated upon the site plan (1 per 25 stalls required). Surfacing/Curbing. In conformance with Ordinance requirements, the proposed parking lot is to be surfaced with a bituminous material. Specific curbing requirements should be subject to comment and recommendation by the City Engineer. Signage. Any signage used to identify the proposed golf course must comply with applicable City sign regulations. 9 CONCLUSION Based on the preceding review, our office recommends approval of the requested conditional use permit subject to the conditions listed in the Executive Summary of this report. PC: Elaine Beatty Larry Koshak Andy MacArthur Richard Kincanon Lynn Caswell r� EXHIBIT A - SITE LOCATION CITY HALL"'" I 1 I ou-x I /sown I, Iseswl /203w0 I ,303103 /salla I T ------------ Asa+ -3o /Saiwo OF #015 � P4 G ' 1716 021 I 1 1 I 1 I � 1 I 1 1 , , , , ' 5^ -------------- ----------- ----;----- I ----- 1 1 ------------------ - yr s S I 1 1 ' 41 Z I ; � 2 i ' I I I 2 /30,301 ,70,OW 13013" ,]01]01 I ,30']01 I � 1 I ,201 w2 I ,IO1 w0 ,i0tJ61 ,sotw, K 1 1 it 11 - -------------------------- N.E. 85th'S7REET-------------------------------------------• 035 s s .. m. 0 34 . R Z 1,,. 1 2 2 {.....:;:;:;:�:::::::::::... 4 ..14 ...4/\ci 30 — t1.11.rF+� = F.. 5 1.. S '� F0. - I.•� l.r � 1 ' 1 Z �7 26 a -------------------------------------------- n�P_ .at�w Of 110 > lo� w 10 �? 23 ,1 11 7 Q 12 w 22 12 ; 12 w _0.,« 13 21 13 I 13 14 20 14 = 14 , /LC7 Cv d' 151� /J 1s 1s WV) (���m. > ": _ .7 N. E. 80th STREET 1. ?0 '10 21 _ 2g) I WA EXHIBIT B - DETAILED SITE LOCATION --- -'T 'ox 3Lr Js 'w trot-rtNXa/) s.ss-rtNrasl Ndld 3115 Z �4.N wryXID 'd 'PwbS {rHP xR 'nIWu�N Q wt n�•s ttw wr.«{Y aor J 71 'R o0Y33�1 srn-Jrrtrgl r{ar-arrluti NONNdONIH 0WHO18 d - a�pun q{w^S'Wol'Oww?1 nw�w ^uf: 'uil) F 75 re RarvYo A- oto NYI '003510 s'u "acro PF "'" °" "" 3SMf100 3-100 6 3AIMOR3 O03S10 y xaiwYxw uvo nrYa{w . we tp wa {sato JttRy i "�/ ` �Oa Y Y %RANO WOi a U W �• 1{ a I _ AIL'11"6 ° OO8 p oO OO 0 •T . ° o 1L:i I ;. O \ v) 0I x 11 1,1 0 0 0 UO IaL p I� O O 00 / I I ° I Y ° ° I \ op Iz s Io O, I ° a % / I O O ' O O ° - I Y p I ° / jl O / %I % I 6,1 / �! I -5 r v r" O pry °O I rW �o = z % p JI J CoQ 6' % OQ IOW NVO 00 Ch 1 %I~daw9w IWQNQOW cn I2=UF-WW ol _4�����`1 3 N 3IlN3AY YIIHSYN _6 — /��—�s------ -- a.w >bti «n n e xr w u�ra«�sr Hakanson Anderson Assoc., Inc. July 2, 1996 Ms. Elaine Beatty, Clerk City of Otsego 8899 Nashua Avenue NE Otsego, MN 55330 RE: Kincanon Executive Golf Course Dear Elaine: 3601 Thurston Avenue Anoka, Minnesota 55303 612/427-5860 Fax 612/427-3401 We have received the proposed 9 hole golf course to be constructed adjacent to 85th Street just east of the intersection with Nashua Street. We have the following comments and recommendations: 1. Storm Water Drainage must be held on site. Adequate ponding needs to be provided. A drainage report will be required to determine runoff and storage. 2. Ponds should be designed to act for sedimentation, erosion control, and provide minimum treatment as per recommendation of the Best Management Practice Manual. 3. There should be some discretionary distance between property boundary and any physical feature of the golf course. We recommend at least a 10 foot easement around the property for utility and drainage purposes adjacent to platted land with similar easements and a 20 foot easement on unplatted land. 4. Developer should provide a grading and drainage plan. Drainage easement will be required over ponds receiving storm water drainage from off site of the proposed development. 5. The City is proposing to upgrade 85th Street in 1997. We would recommend that the developer provide a 20 foot slope easement on 85th Street and not plant trees in that area until after the construction is complete on 85th Street. 6. The entrance to the site should be wide enough to accommodate two lanes of traffic with a 20 foot radius at the intersection. 7. Sewage treatment facilities must be provided as per the City Ordinance. Location of well and septic tank/drainage shall be shown on plans. Engineers Landscape Architects Surveyors Ms. Elaine Beatty, Clerk July 2, 1996 Page 2 If you have questions, please contact me. Yours truly, HAKANSON ANDERSON ASSOCIATES, INC. /jp cc: Bob Kirmis, NAC Andy MacArthur, Attorney ot2160.eb Hakanson Anderson Assoc., Inc. City of Otsego Engineer's Agenda Items City Council Meeting August 12, 1996 8.1 SANITARY SEWER, WATER SERVICE PLANNING • We will review the letter written to Council dated July 18, 1996 on the subject of Sanitary Sewer and Water Service Planning. A copy of the letter is attached. 8.2 ISLAND VIEW ESTATES/MISSISSIPPI SHORES PROJECT UPDATES Update Progress Island View Estates is approximately 85% complete. The first course of pavement is down and the restoration work has begun, weather permitting. Mississippi Shores Project is 100% complete by the Contractor. The Public Works staff needs to place the shoulder material and seed the disturbed areas. Dave Chase is coordinating this effort. • We recommend approval to pay partial payment #1 in the amount of $258,107.81. This includes both projects. 8.3 KARST LAND FILLING OPERATION • The TH 101 Contractor, SM Hentges & Sons, were given permission by the land owner to fill the site adjacent to Rice Lake (see topo map enclosed). No permit has been issued by the City for this operation. It was brought to our attention on July 29, 1996, and I did not get to the site until July 31, 1996. In discussing the land filling with Mn/DOT representatives who related to me that they were lead to believe Mr. Karst had a permit to land filling. I notified Elaine who directed Jerry Olson to "red tag" the property. Elaine has requested the DNR to review the matter and we will follow up that review. It would be our recommendation that the illegal land filling be removed and that the Council take whatever action necessary to prosecute the land owner for the ordinance violation. 8.4 ANY OTHER ENGINEERING BUSINESS agenda8.1 2 PAY ESTIMATE NO. 1 July 29, 1996 Midwest Asphalt Corporation PO Box 5477 Hopkins, MN 55343 RE: Public Improvement Projects No. 95-1 and 95-2 City of Otsego; Mississippi Shores 95-1 and Island View Estates 95-2 Bid Amount: $539,478.52 Award Date-. Completion Date: Bid Schedule "A": Item Description Estimated Unit Quantitv Price. Item 8.2 Owner Contract Used to Cost nate F Anncinn �1. Mobilization _ 1 LS $3,000_00 LS 65.00 Ton $3,000.00 4,875.00 1 LS _ 17.57 Ton $3,000.00 1,142.05 2. Bituminous patching mixture 75 Ton 3. IType 41A Wearing course mixture _ 7550 Ton 18.60 Ton 140,430.00 6425.53 Ton 1 14. jBituminous material for tack coat 5650 Gal 1.20 Gal 6,780.00 1850 Gal _119,514.86 2,220.00 I U I AL t31U 6UHLUULL "A": Bid Schedule "B": Item Description $155,085.00 $125,876.91 Estimated Unit Contract Used to Quantitv Price CnSt nate Fxtensinn 1 JMqbilization 1 LS $6,000.00 LS 6,000.00 0.9 LS 5,400.00 2. lClearing and grubbing _ 1 LS 2_,_800.00 LS 2,800.00 0.95 LS 2,660.00 3. Remove concrete driveway pavement 25 SY 4.00 SY 100.00 0 SY 0.00 4. Remove bituminous pavement 1130 SY 1.00 SY 1,130.00 _ 300 SY 300.00 5. Remove concrete headwall 1 EA 150.00 EA 150.00 0 EA 0.00 6. Sawing concrete pavement (full depth) 26 LF 4.00 LF 104.00 0 LF 0.00 7. Sawing bituminous pavement (full depth) 635 LF 2.00 LF 1,270.00 0 LF 0.00 OT331 P1.Wh-. Pay. i 8. ISalvage iron pipe culvert 50 LF 5.00 ILF 1 250.001 65 LF 325.00 9. ISalvage 12" CMP 140 1 LF 1 5.00 ILF 1 700.001 147 1LF 735.00 estimated Unit Contract Used to Item Description Quantitv Price Cost nate Fxtaneinn 10. Salvage 15" CMP 294 1 LF $5.00 LF $1,470.00 227.5 LF $1,137.50 11. Salvage and reinstall wood fence _ _ 26 LF 10.00 LF 260.00 0 LF 0.00 12. Salvage and reinstall timber _ _ 40 LF 25.00 LF 1,000.00 0 LF 0.00 13. Salvage and reinstall yard light___ 1 EA 1,700.00 EA 1,700.00 0 EA 0.00 14. Common excavation _ 12700 CY 2.96 CY 37,592.00 11,430 CY_ 33,832.80 15. Subgrade excavation 4533 CY 2.96 CY 13,417.68 1,038.3 CY 3,073.37 16. Gravel entrance reconstruction 52 7700 EA Ton _ _ _ 70.0_0 EA _ Ton _ 3,640.00 33,495.00_ 0 EA 421.36 Ton _ 0.00 1,832.92 _ _ 17. Granular borrow _ _ 18. Geotex_tile Fabric Type V (stabilization) _ _ 6565 SY _4.35 0.90 SY_ 5,908.50 _ _ 373 SY _ 335.70 19. Subgrade preparation_ 103.6 11920 2,710 RS_ Ton Ton _ 75 RS _5.34 Ton 19.20 Ton_ 7,770.00 63,652.80 _ 103.6 RS 0 Ton _7,770.00 0.00 20. Aggregate base, Class 5 _ _ 21. Type 41A Wearing course mixture _ 52,032.00 _ 0 Ton 0.00 22. Type 31 B Base course mixture _ 3650 Ton _ 18.35 Ton 66,977.50 3,387.72 Ton 62,164.66 23. 2" Bituminous wearingcourse drivew_ _ _ 1,170 1750 SY _ Gal 5.75 SY Gal 6,727.50 2,100.00 0 SY 0 Gal_ _ 0.00 0.00 24. Bituminous material for tack coat _ 25. Relocate mailbox _ _ 71 EA _1.20 _ 60.00 EA 4,260.00 60 EA _ 3,600.00 26. 15" RC pipe culvert, Class V _ _ _ 326 LF _ _ 19.40 LF_ 6,324.40 336 LF 6,518.40 27. 18" RCipp a culvert, Class III _ 44 32 LF LF 22.65 LF 34.60 LF 996.60 1,107.20 _ 36 LF LF _ _ 815.40 1,107.20 _ _ 28. 27" RC pipe culvert, Class 111 29. 30" RC pipe culvert, Class III _ _ _ _ 40 LF 38.40 LF 1,536.00 _32 40 LF 1,536.00 30. 15" CM pipe culvert _ 432 LF 14.40 LF 6,220.80 334 LF 4,809.60 31. 15" RC pipe apron _ _ _ _ 16 EA 375.00 EA 6,000.00 16 EA_ 6,000.00 32. ' 18" RC pipe apron _ _ 2 EA 450.00 EA 900.00 2 EA 900.00 33. 27" RC pipe apron _ 2 EA 550.00 EA 1,100.00 2 EA _ 1,100.00 34. 30" RC pipe apron _ 4 EA 600.00 EA 2,400.00 2 EA 1,200.00 ,35. 15" CM pipe apron r3- Salvage and reinstall 15" CMP 18 501 _ EA LF 130.00 EA 12.00 LF 2,340.00 6,012.00 16 EA 435.5 LF 2,080.00 5,226.00 37. Extend culvert,__ _ _ _ _ 12 EA 240.00 EA 2,880.00 13 EA 3,120.00 38. Random rip rap CL 3 w/geotextile fabric 55.5CY IEA 1 CY 3_,330.00 55.5 CY 3,330.00 39. IFurnish and install sign panel (stop) 1 _60.00 145.00 EA 145.00 _ 0 EA 0.00 OT331 P1.WK4 Pagc c 40. Furnish and install sign panel left turn 11 EA 140.00 EA 140.00 0 EA 0.001 41. Furnish and install sign panel (right turn) 1 EA 140.00 EA 140.00 0 EA 0.00 I Estimated Unit Contract Used to Item Description Quantity Price Cost nate FYtancinn 42. Furnish and install sign panel (hill /w percent grade -8%) 1 EA $140.00 EA $140.00 0 EA v $0.00 43. Furnish and install sign panel (trucks use lower gear) 1 EA 140.00 EA 140.00 0 EA 0.00 44. Furnish and install sign panel (speed limit plaque) 1 EA 60.00 EA 60.00 0 EA 0.00 45. Furnish and install sign panel (dead end) 1 EA 140.00 EA 140.00 0 EA 0.00 46. Furnish and install sign panel (no outlet) 1 EA 140.00 EA 140.00 0 EA 0.00 47. Salvage and reinstall sign 20 EA 46.00 EA 920.00 0 EA 0.00 48. Bale check (per bale) 100 EA _ 5.40 EA 540.00 0 EA 0.00 49. Silt fence, pre -assembled _ 2300 EA 1.90 EA 4,370.00 0 EA 0.00 50. Bituminous lined flume _ _ _ 7.5 SY 31.00 SY 232.50 0 SY 0.00 51. Temporary rock construction entrance 3 EA 188.00 EA _ 564.00 0 EA _ 0.00 52. Mulch material, Type I _ 25 Ton 110.00 Ton 2,750.00 0 Ton 0.00 53. Seeding _ _ 12.6 Acre 98.00 Acre 1,234.80 0 Acre 0.00 54. Seed Mixture 800 650 LB 2.15 LB 1,397.50 0 LB 0.00 55. Disk anchoring _ 12.6 Acre 32.40 Acre_ 408.24 0 Acre 0.00 56. Wood fiber blanket, type regular 6,125 ISY _ 1 1.10 SY 6,737.50 _ 0 ISY _ 0.00- 57. Wood fiber type high velocity _ 5000 �SY 1.50 SY_ 7,500.00 0 SY 0.00 58. Commercial fertilizer, 20-10-10 _ 3.25 Ton 320.00 Ton 1,040.00 0 Ton 0.00 TOTAL BID SCHEDULE "B": SUMMARY OF WORK PEFORMED TO DATE: TOTAL SCHEDULE "A": TOTAL SCHEDULE "B": TOTAL OF BIDS: Less Retainage (10%): AMOUNT DUE CONTRACTOR: OT331P1.WK-. Pag, .) $384,393.52 $160,909.55 $125,876.91 160, 909.55 $286,786.46 28,678.65 $258,107.81 APPROVALS: CONTRACTOR; Certification by Contractor; I certify that all items and amounts shown are correct for the work completed to date. Midwest Asphalt Corporation Signed Title ENGINEER: Date HAKANSON ANDERSON ASSOCIATES, INC. Signed Title OWNER: CITY OF OTSEGO Signed Title Date Date OT331 P1.WK4 Page 4 fi CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: MEETING DATE 9.COUNCIL ITEMS CITY CLERK August 12, 1996 - 6:30PM ITLM NUMBht; : ITEM DESCRIPTION: PREPARED BY: EB,CC 9.1. Set meeting for new residents of Otsego - Welcome & information. BACKGROUND: As you know, the annexation of the portion of Frankfort East of the centerline of 101 to river, S to the center of the Crow River. became effective as of August 1, 1996. The Staff of Otsego feels it would be a nice gesture to send a letter to each of these new Otsego residents WELCOMING them to OTSEGO and stating a date that they can come to a meeting and get acquainted with the City Hall, Mayor and Council, Staff, and a time to talk and ask questions, see where they will be voting for the Primary and General Elections, etc. (This could be a regular Council Meeting) STAFF RECOMMENDATION: As soon as possible get a letter out with the information above - possibly an Otsego map and any other information we feel necessary and helpful and set a date to meet with the new residents of Otsego. Possibly This could be the August 26, 1996 Regular Council Meeting at 6PM. ------------------------- Thanks Elaine CITY OF OTSECO REQUEST FOR COUNCEL ACTION AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: MEETING DATE 9.COUNCIL ITEMS CITY CLERK August 12, 1996 - 6:30PM ITEM NUMBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION: PREPARED BY: EB, CC 9.2. Consider removing John Lenz property from "No Discharge Zone" of the Firearms Ordinance. BACKGROUND: This has been brought up twice at the Council Meetings and was directed to be on this Agenda. Larry Fournier has provided you with information that is attached. STAFF RECOb24ENDATION : Larry Fournier will be discussing this information with you. Thanks1 Elaine MEMORANDUM To: Mayor Norman F. Freske Councilmember Suzanne Ackerman Councilmember Ron Black Councilmember Vern Heidner From: Larry Fournier Date: August 7, 1966 Subject: Maximum range and impact velocity for ammunition Attached is the information Federal Cartridge uses for maximum range and velocity for its respective ammunition. In respect to Shotgun ammunition in most cases, maximum range is less than 1000 feet. I believe the Mississippi River is wider than 1000 feet in the area in question. Rifle ammunition should not be used any where in our City because of its long range of travel. I hope this information is helpful in making your decision. M x M ��✓,•.. m x n iI x, ) Ix T t r- 10 co X f N1� X00 x a 1f�. m X m m 10 m co X o \ $ x c1ID m 10 p N M m O ^ r 00 0) � m N x x m � x m m N IDX n m x .p A _ m W X N In n .o / M ` m c6 x o� m JJ x � v x o CID x /l .o X 00 OD m x ODx N M x / CO C6 m x� 10 m m x / d m x s ID n Co x n m m �\ x 10OD m \� l ,\ x m X SAAMI TECHNICAL DATA SHEET MAXM424 RANGE, VELO= AND ENEMY CIINIERFIRE R=E Velocity rel Energy 0 Bullet Maximum Maxim= Maxim= Weight Range Range Range Angle Caliber (gr) (ft) (ft/sec) (ft/lbs) (0) 0 6rim Remington 80 11191 371 25 32.9 12 15674 466 39 35.5 0 6rrm Remington 90 12326 400 32 33.9 12 17137 501 51 36.6 0 6nm Remington 100 13949 436 43 i 34.9 12 19302 544 67 37.6 0 6rrm Rem Mag 120 13104 416 47 34.3 12 18195 521 73 37.0 0 6.5x55 Swed Mauser 160 12 0 Trim Mauser (7x57) 139 12589 415 54 35.0 12 17285 516 83 37.5 0 7= Mauser (7x57) 139 12075 403 51 34.7 12 16606 502 79 37.2 0 7min Hauser (7x57) 160 10851 377 51 34.1 12 14935 470 80 36.7 0 7rrm Mauser (7x57) 175 10725 375 55 34.2 12 14739 467 86 36.7 0 7rrm Rem Mag 125 12237 396 44 33.7 12 17056 496 69 36.4 0 7rrm Rem Mag 150 13628 429 62 34.8 12 18862 536 97 37.4 0 Trim Rem Mag 160 12 0 7rrm Ren Mag 165 19793 562 117 38.6 12 27236 698. 181 40.7 0 Trim Ran Mag 175 15499 474 88 36.1 12 21231 588 136 38.7 0 Trim Ren Mag (SP) 175 11186 379 57 33.8 12 15496 474 88 36.4 SAA14I TECHNICAL DATA SHEET Velocity Bullet Maximum Maximum Weight Range Range Alt Cal iber (qr)_ (ft) (ft/sec) 0 8am Mauser (8x57) 170 8613 325 12 11921 405 0 7-30 Waters 120 12 0 Bum Rem Mag 185 12232 399 12 16975 500 0 Bum Rem Mag 220 13 820 438 12 18992 _ 546 0 17 Remington 25 7.682 286 12 10919 359 0 218 Bee 46 6285 261 12 8850 326 0 22 Hornet 45 6247 260 12 8791 325 0 22 Hornet 46 6251 260 12 8796 325 0 22-250 Remington 40 12 0 22-250 Remington 55 10504 353 12 14788 444 0 22-250 Remington 55 9336 327 12 13177 411 0 222 Remington 50 8615 316 12 (HPPL) 12089 395 0 222 Remington 50 8182 305 12 (PSP,sP,MC) 11498 382 0 222 Reningtcn 55 11320 380 12 (FIC) 15727 475 0 .222 Rem Mag 55 9426 334 12 (HPFL) 13215 418 0 222 Ren Mag 55 9027 324 12 (PSP) 12669 407 0 223 g�cn g 55 11528 381 :12 (FIC) 16073 478 2 Energy Maximum Range (ft/lbs) 40 63 66 104 95 148 5 7 7 11 7 11 7 11 15 24 11 18 10 16 18 28 14 22 13 21 18 28 SAAMI TECHNICAL DATA SHEET Velocity ® Energy Billet Maxi mean Maximum Maxi nun Weight Range Range Range Angle Alt Caliber (gr) (ft) (ft/sec) (ft/lbs) (0) 0 223 Reningtm 55 9426 334 14 32.1 12 (SPPL) 13214 418 22 34.6 0 223 Remington 55 9019 324 13 31.8 12 (SP,PSP) 12658 406 20 34.3 0 225 Winchester 55 9634 335 14 31.8 12 13561 421 22 34.3 0 243 Winchester 75 10434 356 21 32.6 12 14613 446 34 35.2 0 243 Winchester 80 11090 370 25 33.0 12 15507 465 39 35.6 0 243 Winchester 100 13727 434 42 35.1 12 18930 541 66 37.7 0 25-06 Remington 87 10305 352 24 32.4 12 14457 442` 38 35.0 0 25-06 Remington 90 11303 374 28 33.0 12 15820 469 45 35.6 0 25-06 Remington 100 12169 396 35 33.8 12 16938 496 55 36.4 0 25-06 Reni.ngton 117 1.3655 431 49 34.9 12 18678 538 76 37.5 0 25-06 Remingtcn 120 13969 438 52 35.1 12 19276 547 81 37.8 0 25-20 Winchester 86 7337 307 18 33.6 12 9986 379 28 36.0 0 25-35 Winchester 117 8750 331 29 33.2 12 (SP) 12067 411 44 35.7 0 25-35 Winchester 117 9549 351 32 33.8 12 13 119 436 50 36.3 0 250 Savage 57 11047 374 27 33.4 12 15362 468 43 36.0 0 250 Savage 100 11507 387 34 34.0 1.2 (PSP) 15912 483 52 36.6 --0 250 Savage 100 10548 365 30 33.4 12 (PSP,ST) 14630 456 47 36.0 SAAMI TECHNICAL DATA SHEET Velocity 0 Energy e Bullet Maxilmn Maxim an Maxim= Weight Range Range Range Angle Alt Caliber (gr) (f t) ; (ft/sec) (ft/lbs) (0) 0 256 Win Mag 60 6245 260 9 30.2 1.2 8795 325 14 32.5 0 257 Roberts 87 11190 375 28 33.3 12 15595 470 43 35.9 0 257 Roberts 100 10645 366 30 33.4 12 14784 458 47 35.9 0 257 Roberts 117 9970 354 33 33.3 12 13807 442 51 35.9 0 257 Roberts +P 100 12 0 257 Roberts +P 117 12 0 264 Winchester 100 11019 369 31 33.0 12 15402 463 48 35.6 0 264 Winchester 140 14625 452 64 35.4 12 20161 563 100 38.1 0 270 Winchester 100 11059 368 30 32.8 12 15497 462 48 35.4 0 270 Winchester 130 14377 445 58 35.2 12 19 868 S56 90 37.8 0 270 Winchester 130 13360 423 52 34.6 12 18502 529 82 37.3 0 270 Winchester 150 10848 371 46 33.5 12 (=P,SPCL) 15057 464 73 36.1 0 270 Winchester 150 13324 426 61 35.0 12 (PP,SP) 18367 532 96 37.6 0 270 Winchester 160 12849 419 63 35.1 12 17651 522 98 37.6 0 280 Reningtcn 150 13338 427 62 35.0 12 18380 532 96 37.6 0 280 Remington 165 11658 391 57 34.1 12 16113 488 88 36.7 =0 284 Winchester 125 12674 407 47 34.2 12 17554 510 73 36.8 4 SAAMI TECHNICAL DATA SHEET Velocity ® Energy all 1 et maximum Maxinum Maxim= Weight Range Range Range Angle Alt Caliber (gr) (ft) (ft/sec) (ft/lbs) (0) 0 284 Winchester 150 13270 426 61 35.0 12 18276 531 95 37.6 0 30 Carb 110 7527 303 23 32.6 12 (FTr) 10389 376 35 35.1 0 30 Cart 110 7101 291 21 32.2 12 (SP,HSP) 9826 362 32 34.6 0 30 Remington 170 9834 360 50 34.2 12 13454 446 76 36.7 0 30-06 Sprg 55 9536 328 13 31.2 12 13506 413 21 33.7 0 30-06 Sprg 110 8706 315 25 31.4 12 12253 396 39 33.9 0 30-06 Sprg - 125 11298 378 40 33.4 12 15732 473 63 36.0 0 30-06 Sprg 150 13905 439 65 35.3 12 (BP) 19144 547 101 37.9 0 30-06 Sprg 150 12 0 30-06 Sprg 150 13407 430 62 35.2 12 (MC) 18436 535 97 37.8 0 30-06 Sprg 150 11162 378 48 33.7 12 (PP,SP) 15483 472 75 36.2 0 30-06 Sprg 150 12465 407 56 34.5 12 (PSP, ST, HSSP, PSPC L) 17225 508 87 37.1 0 30-06 Sprg 165 16417 494 91 36.6 12 22404 612 139 39.2 0 30-06 Sprg 180 14836 463 87 36.1 12 (C PE,BP) 20263 575 134 38.7 0 30-06 Sprg 180 16976 508 105 37.1 12 (FMMT) 23064 628 160 39.6 0 30-06 Sprg 180 10251 360 52 33.4 12 14197 449 82 36.0 0 30-06 Sprg 180 14090 447 81 35.7 12 (RKSP, SPC L, PP, SP) 19282 555 125 38.3 5 SAAMI TECHNICAL DATA SHEET Velocity e Energy Bullet Maxims Maxim= jK3:{irrsar► Weight Range Range Range Angle Alt Caliber (ar) (ft) (ft/sec) (ft/lbs) (0) 0 30-06 Sprg 200 18571 545 134 38.0 12 (ST,HSSP,PSPCL) 25003 669 201 40.5 0 30--06 Sprg 220 11282 389 75 34.6 12 15458 484 116 37.2 0 30-06 Sprg 220 13544 441 96 35.9 12 (Sr) 18406 546 148 38.5 0 30-30 Winchester 55 6942 272 9 30.1 12 9826 341 14 32.3 0 30-30 Winchester 125 12 0 30-30 Winchester 150 9031 335 38 33.1 12 12484 418 59 35.6 0 30-30 Winchester SO 8249 316 34 32.5 12 (SPCZ) 11443 394 52 35.0 0 30-30 Winchester 170 9921 360 50 34.1 12 13596 448 77 36.6 0 30-40 R=ag 180 13655 443 79 36.0 12 18561 549 122 38.5 0 30-40 Brag 180 9980 358 52 33.7 12 (SPCL., PP, SP) 13753 446 81 36.2 0 30-40 Brag 220 13156 438 95 36.3 12 17754 541 145 38.7 0 300 H&H Mag 150 12724 409 56 34.3 12 17655 512 88 36.9 0 300 HEi rig 180 14368 449 82 35.5 12 19745 559 1_77 38.2 0 300 H&H Mag 220 13278 431 92 35.5 12 18153 536 142 38.1 0 300 Savage SO 12117 404 55 34.7 12 16650 503 85 37.3 0 300 Savage 150 10858 375 47 34.0 12 (PP,SP) 14983 468 74 36.5 0 300 Savage 150 9421 341 39 33.0 12 (SPCZ) 13068 426 61 35.5 •0 300 Savage 180 989.5 357 52 33.8 12 13615 444 80 36.3 i ShAMI I CI.HNICAL DAT;, SHEET 445 98 35.7 Bullet 553 151 Weight AlCaliber At Cl t i ber - (ar) 0 300 Savage 180 12 (ST, HSSP, PSPC.) 13518 0 300 Win Mag 150 12 . ' 547 121 0 300 Win Mag 180 12 33.8 17138 0 300 Win Mag 200 12 480 93 0 300 Win Mag 220 12 38.8 13349 0 303 British 150 12 540 118 0 303 British 180 12 (C=-) 14656 0 303 British 180 12 (KKSP) 51 0 303 British 180 12 (SPC,) 9546 0 303 Brit-; -,;h 180 12 441 83 0 303 British 215 12 0, 303 Sa-vage 180 12 0 303 Savage 190 12 0 307 Winchester 150 12 0 307 Wi nr-coater 180 12 0 308 Winchester 55 12 0 308 Winchester 110 12 0 308 Winchester 125 _12 0 308 Winchester 150 12 (IC) 13974 445 98 35.7 19119 553 151 38.3 Range Range Range Angle (ft) (ft/sec (ft/lips) (0) 13518 442 79 36.1 18337 ' 547 121 38.6 12302 398 53 33.8 17138 498 84 36.4 15938 480 93 36.1 21872 598 145 38.8 13974 445 98 35.7 19119 553 151 38.3 11790 396 53 34.4 16245 493 82 37.0 14295 457 85 36.3 19410 565 129 38.8 9686 350 50 33.5 13373 436 77 36.0 9971 357 33.7 13750 445 36.2 13349 436 77 35.7 18181 540 118 38.3 10744 381 70 34.8 14656 472 108 37.2 9610 354 51 34.1 13161 440 78 36.5 9546 356 54 34.4 13010 441 83 36.8 8582 314 24 31.5 12051 394 38 34.0 11232 377 40 33.5 15590 472 63 36.1 13408 430 62 35.2 18438 535 97 37.8 SAAMI TECHNICAL DATA SHEET Velocity ® Energy Bullet Max; rrn rm Max; rwn YzX,i rre nn Weight Range Range Range Angle Alt Caliber (_ (f t) (ft/sec) (ft/lbs) (0) 0 308 Winchester 150 13408 430 62 35.2 12 (PSP, ST, =P, PSPCM) 17045 507 87 37.1 0 308 Winchester 150 11060 377 48 33.E 12 (PP(SP)) 15315 471 75 36.--- 6.=0 0 308 Winchester 165 12 0 308 Winchester 180 9852 352 50 33.--- 3.:12 12 (gyp) 13641 439 78 35.E 0 308 Winchester 180 10174 359 52 33.- 12 (SPS„ PP, (SP) ) 14070 448 81 36.1 0 308 Winchester 180 13965 446 81 35.E 12 (Sr,=P,PSPCL) 19074 553 124 38.4 0 308 Wir =ester 200 12703 421 80 35.4 12 17335 523 123 38.0 0 32 Remington 170 8649 330 42 33.: 12 11908 410 64 35.7 0 32 Win Spl 170 9526 350 47 33.7 12 13095 435 72 36.2 0 32 Win Spl 170 8518 325 40 33.0 12 (PP,(SP)IST) 11766 404 62 35.4 0 32-20 Winchester 100 6365 284 18 33.4 12 8646 351 28 35.7 0 338 Win Mag 200 12343 404 73 34.-- 4.312 12 17080 504 114 36.S 0 338 Win Mag 225 15538 476 115 36.2 12 21756 600 182 38.7 0 338 Win Mag 250 12575 414 96 35.0 12 17267 516 150 37.= 0 338 Win Mag 300 11392 392 104 34.7 1.2 15612 467 160 37.2 0 348 Winchester 200 10898 378 64 34.2 12 14996 471 100 36.7 " 0 35 Remington 150 7897 308 32 32.4 12 10953 384 50 34.9 L SAAMI TECHNICAL DATA SHEET Velocity ® Energy rs1 Bullet Maxim= Maxin= Maximm Weight Range w Range Range Angle Alt Caliber (gr) (ft) (ft/sec) (ft/lbs) (�) 0 35 Reningtan 200 7943 313 44 32.9 12 10946 389 68 35.4 0 350 REnLingtcn Mag 200 11632 392 69 34.3 12 16039 489 108 36.9 0 351 Win SL 180 8931 342 47 34.1 12 12180 423 72 36.6 0 356 Winchester 200 12 0 356 Winchester 250 12 0 358 Winchester 200 10446 368 61 33.9 12 14389 458 94 36.5 0 358 Winchester 250 11892 407 93 35.4 12 16170 504 143 37.9 0 375 H&H Yjag 270 12514 412 103 34.9 12 17199 513 160 37.4 0 375 H&H Mag 300 9655 348 82 33.3 12 (M--, FTC) 13353 434 127 35.8 0 375 H&H Mag 300 12264 410 113 35.0 12 (ST) 16799 509 175 37.6 0 38-40 Winchester 180 6440 288 34 33.7 12 8718 355 51 36.0 0 44 Remingtcn Mag 240 6651 282 43 32.2 12 (HSP) 9180 350 66 34.7 0 44 Raningtr-n Mag 240 6822 287 44 32.4 12 (Sp) 9405 356 68 34.9 0 44 Remingtcn Mag 240 6915 289 45 32.5 12 (Sp) 9528 359 70 35.0 0 44-40 Winchester 200 6187 279 35 33.--- 3.312 12 8411 345 54 35.6 0 444 Marlin 240 6664 275 41 31.2 12 9309 343 64 33.5 0 45-70 Goverrment 300 12 9 SAAMI TECHNICAL DATA SHEET 10 Velocity 0 IIie Bullet Maxinwm Maxie an Maxin-I Weight Range Range Range Angle Alt Caliber (gr) (f t) (ft/sec) (ft/lbs) (0) 0 45-70 GovPrmE1t 405 9355 366 122 35.8 12 12453 448 183 38.1 0 458 Winchester 500 12076 416 195 35.9 12 16303 513 296 38.4 0 458 Winchester 510 10281 372 160 34.8 12 14001 461 244 37.2 10 1 MAXIMUM RANGE, VELOCITY AND ENERGY PISTOL & REVOLVER Bullet Maximum Vel.® Max Energy ® Max Weight Bullet Range Range Range Angle Alt Caliber (gr) Type (ft) (fps) ft. -lb. (0) 0 9mm 95 JSP 4327 219 10 30.6 12 6014 271 16 32.6 0 115 MC 5615 264 18 32.8 12 7639 325 27 35.0 0 115 JHP 5648 264 18 32.7 12 7691 325 27 34.9 0 115 STHP 5726 265 18 32.7 12 7814 327 27 34.8 0 124 MC 6391 289 23 33.8 12 8602 355 35 36.0 0 9mm Win Mag 115 MC 5485 253 16 31.6 12 7567 313 25 33.8 0 10mm Auto 155 FMJ 6682 296 22 34.1 12 - - - - 0 22 Rem Jet 40 SP 5759 250 6 30.2 12 8072 311 9 32.3 0 221 Fire Ball 50 PSP 7358 291 9 31.5 12 10246 363 15 33.7 0 25 Auto 45 XP 2548 169 3 30.5 12 3519 208 4 32.1 0 50 MC -FMC 3582 215 5 33.1 12 4086 262 8 35.1 0 256 Win 60 HP 6358 267 10 30.9 12 8872 332 15 33.1 0 30 Luger 93 FMC 6839 299 19 34.0 12 9220 367 28 36.1 0 32 Auto 60 STHP 4286 226 7 31.9 12 5855 279 10 34.1 0 71 MC -FMC 4515 238 9 32.9 12 6102 292 14 34.9 0 32 H&R Mag 85 JHP - - - - 12 - - - - d 95 LSWC - - - - 12 - - - - 1 * 4" Vented Bbl. ** 10" Vented Bbl. *** 10.5" Vented Bbl. 2 Bullet Maximum Vel.@ Max Energy @ Max Weight Bullet Range Range Range Angle Alt Caliber (gr) Type (ft) (fps) ft. -lb. (0) 0 32L Colt 82 L 4252 234 10 33.3 12 5711 286 15 35.3 0 32S Colt 80 L 3089 199 10 33.0 12 4143 244 11 35.1 0 32 S&W 85-88 L 3572 220 9 34.0 12 4735 267 14 35.9 0 32 S&WL 98 L 3830 223 11 33.3 12 5133 272 16 35.3 0 357 Mag 110 JHP,STHP 4413 222 12 30.8 12 6118 275 19 32.9 0 125 JSP,SP, 5368 250 17 31.6 12 SJHP 7407 309 27 33.7 0 145 STHP 6359 283 26 33.2 12 8648 348 39 35.3 0 158 MP,L,SWC, 6505 288 29 33.5 12 SWCHP 8814 355 44 35.7 0 180 JHP 4774 232 22 30.8 12 6622 287 33 32.9 0 180 JHP* 4490 229 21 31.5 12 6171 283 32 33.7 0 357 Rem Mag 158 SJHP** 7075 293 30 32.6 12 9726 363 47 34.8 0 158 SJHP 7194 294 30 32.4 12 9916 365 47 34.6 0 180 JHP*** 5543 254 26 31.6 12 7658 314 40 33.7 0 180 JHP 5688 255 26 31.2 12 7889 316 40 33.4 0 38 Auto 130 MC 6886 307 27 34.7 12 9167 375 41 36.9 0 38L Colt 150 L 4327 248 21 35.0 12 5674 300 30 36.9 * 4" Vented Bbl. ** 10" Vented Bbl. *** 10.5" Vented Bbl. 2 * 6" Solid Bbl. 7 Bullet Maximum Vel.® Max Energy 9 Max Weight Bullet Range Range Range P.ngle Alt Caliber (gr) Type (ft) (fps) ft. -lb. (�) 0 38S Colt 125 L 4301 241 16 34.1 12 5711 2.93 24 36.2 0 38S Colt 125 L* 4094 238 16 34.5 12 5396 289 23 36.4 0 38S Colt 130 L 4094 238 16 34.5 12 5396 289 24 36.4 0 38 S&W 145 L 4233 250 20 35.7 12 5490 301 29 37.5 0 38 Spl Match 148 LWC 2231 161 9 30.9 12 3057 198 13 33.0 0 38 Spl 158 L-LWC,MP 4226 241 20 34.3 12 5588 292 30 36.2 0 158 LPN 5217 278 27 35.7 12 6758 336 40 37.8 0 38 Spl 200 L 4564 273 33 37.2 12 5746 325 47 39.1 0 38 Spl +P 95 STHP 4891 242 12 32.1 12 6691 299 19 34.2 0 95 SJHP 4986 243 13 32.0 12 6841 300 19 34.1 0 110 JHP,SJHP 5641 271 18 33.7 12 7580 332 27 35.8 0 125 JSP-JHP, 6772 310 27 35.3 12 SJHP 8915 377 40 37.4 0 147 JHP - - - - 12 - - - - 0 150 L 5608 281 26 35.0 12 7375 342 39 37.0 0 158 SWC -L, 6440 305 33 35.5 12 LHP 8427 370 48 37.6 0 38 Super +P 115 JHP 5743 264 18 32.4 12 7860 326 27 34.6 * 6" Solid Bbl. 7 * 4" Vented Bbl. ** 6 1/2" Vented Bbl. 4 Bullet Maximum Vel.® Max Energy 9 Max Weight Bullet Range Range Range Angle Alt Caliber (gr) Type (ft) (fps) ft. -lb. LO) 0 38 Super +P 125 JHP-MC, 5593 260 19 32.4 12 STHP 7650 321 29 34.6 0 130 FMC 6422 286 24 33.4 12 8701 352 36 35.6 0 380 Auto 85 STHP 4514 233 10 32.1 12 6164 287 16 34.2 0 88 JHP 4201 223 9 31.7 12 5754 274 15 33.8 0 90 JHP 4201 223 10 21.7 12 5754 274 15 33.8 0 380 Auto 95 MC 1747 129 4 27.2 12 2474 160 5 28.9 0 40 S&W 180 JHP - - - _ 12 - _ 0 41 Rem Mag 210 L 4590 238 27 32.5 12 6237 292 40 34.6 0 210 SP-SJHP 6284 280 37 33.0 12 8559 346 56 35.2 0 44 Rem Mag 180 JHP 5548 253 26 31.4 12 7678 313 39 33.6 0 220 MCP 6898 292 42 32.9 12 9438 361 64 35.1 0 44 Rem Mag 210 STHP - - - 12 0 240 L 5768 274 40 33.8 12 7750 336 60 35.9 0 240 L* 6562 287 44 33.2 12 8931 354 67 35.4 0 240 SP-JHP 7430 317 54 34.6 12 9946 389 81 36.8 0 44 S&W 200 STHP 5199 262 31 33.9 12 6955 320 46 35.9 0 200 STHP** 4981 259 30 34.2 12 6619 316 45 36.3 * 4" Vented Bbl. ** 6 1/2" Vented Bbl. 4 * 6.5" Solid Bbl. ** 5.5" Solid Bbl. *** 7.26" Bbl. 5 Bullet Maximum Vel.O Max Energy ® Max Weight Bullet Range Range Range Angle Alt Caliber (gr) Type (ft) (fps) ft. -lb. (0) 0 44 S&W 200 STHP 5182 262 31 33.9 12 6929 320 46 36.0 0 44 S&W SP1 200 SWCHP 5548 266 32 33.3 12 7501 326 47 35.4 0 246 L 5638 287 45 35.6 12 7342 347 66 37.6 0 246 L* 5383 284 44 36.0 12 6959 342 64 37.9 0 45 Auto 185 STHP 5520 266 29 33.4 12 7441_ 327 44 35.6 0 185 JHP 5342 264 29 33.7 12 7163 324 43 35.8 0 185 MCWC 2949 188 15 31.8 12 4016 231 22 33.8 0 230 MC,FMC 5226 269 37 34.7 12 6904 327 55 36.7 0 45 Auto Rimmed 230 L 4462 242 30 33.6 12 5965 296 45 35.7 0 230 L** 4547 243 30 33.6 12 6097 297 45 35.5 0 45 Colt 225 5065 256 33 33.4 12 6804 314 50 35.6 0 225 STHP 5065 256 33 33.4 12 6804 314 50 35.6 0 225 SWCHP*** 5165 257 33 33.4 12 6960 315 50 35.5 0 250 L 5559 274 42 34.3 12 7398 334 62 36.4 0 255 L - - - - 12 - - - 0 45 Win Mag 230 FMC 6153 274 39 32.6 12 8419 339 59 34.8 * 6.5" Solid Bbl. ** 5.5" Solid Bbl. *** 7.26" Bbl. 5 M)kXIMUM RANGE, VELOCITY AND ENERGY RIMFIRE Bullet Maximum Vel.® Max Energy ® Max Weight Bullet Range Range Range Angle Alt Caliber (gr) Type (ft) (fps) ft. -lb. LO) 0 22LRHV 33 TCHP 4374 222 4 30.62 12 6091 273 5 32.50 0 22LRHV 36 TCSB 4612 231 4 31.15 12 6396 284 6 33.10 0 22WMRF 40 FMC,JHP 5144 237 5 30.4 12 7196 296- 8 32.6 0 22SSV 29 Ball 3628 206 3 31.2 12 5017 253 4 33.1 0 22SHV 27 HP 3525 200 2 30.6 12 4902 246 4 32.5 0 22SHV 29 Ball 3694 207 3 31.0 12 5121 254 4 32.9 0 22LHV 29 Ball 3813 208 3 30.6 12 5309 255 4 32.5 0 22LRSV 40 Ball 4765 240 5 32.1 12 6555 295 8 34.1 0 22LRHV 36 HP 4518 230 4 31.4 12 6260 282 6 33.4 0 22LRHV 37 HP 4612 233 4 31.5 12 6384 286 7 33.5 0 22LRHV 38 HP 4704 236 4 31.6 12 6508 290 7 33.6 0 22LRHV 40 Ball 4867 241 5 31.9 12 6718 296 8 33.9 0 22LRHV 42 TCSB - - - - 12 - - - - 4 /A CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION ORIGINATING DEPT. MEETING DATE COUNCIL ITEMS FINANCE AUGUST 12,1996 ITEM NO: ITEM DESCRIPTION PREPARED BY 9.3 CONSIDER APPROVAL OF A FIVE YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM P.COKLEY Attached is the City's first Five Year Capital Improvement Program Document. This five year capital improvement program is an important tool when analyzing the City's financial status and future needs. This document was prepared with the help of the City Engineer, City Staff and City Council. The City's Engineer, Larry Koshak, met with the public works department to review the City's street system and project future road improvement needs within the City. The City's Engineer, Merland Otto, met with the City's Park and Recreation Commission to review and plan for the City's future park development needs. The park development capital projections were also forwarded to the City's public works department, Dave Chase and Duane Fiedler for their information and recommendations. The City's administration staff also met to discuss and project all other general government capital needs including administration, building, computers, siren system, election equipment, and a future police and fire department. All of the information was then presented to the City Council in a workshop session to be review and revised or changed based upon their discussions. The result of the workshop session is the attached document. The changes incorporated into the final document include: 1. All items under $500.00 have been eliminated from the document. They will be addressed each year during the budget process. 2. The public works equipment as discussed at the worksession has been included in the final document. 3. Cable cast cameras and equipment has been removed from the five year plan. 4. A siren system as been added in the year 1997. 5. The water and sewer system has been added to the plan. Each of the systems are proposed in phases, with each phase taking place over a two year period. 6. A four-wheel drive pickup truck was included in the public works department with the assumption that the park maintenance department would use the old truck. As I have discussed earlier, the document is a planning tool to be used in financial analysis and the budget process each year, therefore, it is recommended that the City Council approve the Five Year Capital Improvement Program for the years 1997-2001. CITY OF OTSEGO FIVE YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1997-2001 CITY OF TSEGO 4899 Nashua Avenue N.E. ON THE GREAT RIVER ROAD (612) 441-4414 Elk River, MN 55330 Fax: (612) 441-8823 Mayor and City Council City of Otsego Attached is the City's first capital improvement program document. It is a projection of the City's capital improvement needs for the next five years. This projection was prepared with the help of the City Engineer, City Staff, and City Council. The document is a planning tool and is to be used as part of the budget process each year. It is not to be used as an actual commitment to purchase the capital items in each year as proposed. During the budget process the capital needs as determined in the five year plan are further analyzed, financial requirements are determined, and revenue sources to meet those requirements are proposed. The document has five broad categories; streets and roads, park development, all other general government, water and sewer. The first category, streets and roads, covers capital road improvements such as bituminous overlays, road reconstruction and resurfacing, and equipment. The second category is park development. This portion of the plan projects future park development needs including land purchases, trail development, park and playground development, and equipment needs for park maintenance. The third category incorporates all other general government including administration capital needs, city hall and other building capital needs, computer system upgrades, a future police department and fire department satellite building including equipment. The fourth and fifth categories are a water and sewer system for the City. The capital needs and years of implementation are based upon a water study completed in 1994 and a wastewater treatment facilities study completed in 1996. Each of the systems are proposed in phases with each phase taking place over a two year period. As I stated earlier in this letter, this document is one of the first steps in planning the City's financial requirements for the next five years. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the City Council, the City Staff, the City Engineers, and the Park and Recreation Commission for their suggestions and recommendations in preparing this document. R spectfully, Phyllis Cokley Business/Finance Director CITY OF OTSEGO FIVE YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FUNDING DESCRIPTION SOURCE 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 -1- STREETS & ROADS: Bituminous Over": Halls Addition SA/MSA/SW 130,652 Mason Ave. N.E. SA/MSA/SW 66,847 Odean Ave. N.E. SA/MSA/SW 115,027 Vasseurs 1 st & 2nd SA/MSA/SW 139,243 Acres 1 st & 2nd SA/MSA/SW 72,649 -Otsego Roadway Reconstruction: 85th Street SA/MSA/SW 600,000 600,000 80th Street„Marlowe Ave.,& 83rd St. SA/MSA/SW 361,781 361,781 Roadway Surfacing: Barthell Acres SA/MSA/SW 59,762 Vasseurs Oak Grove Estates SA/MSA/SW 122,844 Equipment: Tandem Truck CEF 110,000 Trailer CEF 7,700 Bobcat CEF 28,000 Ditch Mower CEF 6,000 Tractor CEF 20,000 4 -Wheel Drive Pickup Truck CEF 20,000 2 Overhead Doors CEF 10,000 Air Compressor CEF 4,000 Pressure Washer CEF 3,000 2 Gas Fan Heaters CEF 4,000 Cement Floor in Shop CEF 5,000 Salt Shed CEF 10,000 Paint Pole Shed CEF 7,000 TOTAL STREETS & ROADS 804,352 827,847 536,570 623,868 72,649 PARK DEVELOPMENT: LandlTrail Acquisition: District 1 Neighborhood Park GR/GO/CEF 30,000 District 5 Purchase CEF 1,000 Nashua to County 19 Trail GR/GO/CEF 34,500 County 19 to Jaber Ave Trail GR/GO/CEF 30,000 Kadler Avenue Public Access GR/GO/CEF 66.E District 3 Park GR/GO/CEF 50.E 25,000 Otsego Creek Trail GR/GO/CEF 19,700 Nashua Avenue Public Access GR/GO/CEF 65,000 Trails: Bike Lanes-Nashua,Pa e,Ohland,96th GR/GO/CEF 30,000 Bituminous Path -Otsego Creek,School GR/GO/CEF 50,300 Park Link Landscape & Bike Racks GR/GO/CEF 21,500 Historical Town Hall Sign & Lands" GR/GO/CEF 12,400 Improve Historical Town Hall Parkin GR/GO/CEF 15.600 Shelter at Town Hall GR/GO/CEF 20.E Quaday Ave. Bike Lane GR/GO/CEF 11,200 County 19 Bike Lane GR/GO/CEF 81.900 Odean Avenue Bike Lane GR/GO/CEF 69,300 85th Street -Nashua to 42 Bike Lane GR/GO/CEF 62.E Otsego Creek Path GR/GO/CEF 1 19,E -1- CITY OF OTSEGO FIVE YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FUNDING DESCRIPTION SOURCE 1997 1995 1969 2000 2001 -2- Otsego Prairie Park: Drinking Well CEF 13,000 Natural Trails/Limestone/Mulch CEF 2,000 4,000 2,000 Bleachers CEF 4,000 10,000 Player Benches CEF 1,500 Line Marker/Bases CEF 650 Basketball Goal CEF 600 Carsonite Fencing CEF 1,500 Rink Materials CEF 1,000 -Hockey 2270 Bituminous Trail GR/GO/CEF 20,000 Equipment GR/GO/CEF 20,500 35,000 -Play Picnic Shelter GR/GO/CEF 78,000 Lime Softball Fields CEF 4,000 -Ag Hard Surface Courts CEF 52,000 5280 Bituminous Trail GR/GO/CEF 68,600 500 Boardwalk GR/GO/CEF 54,000 Field Fence & Backstop GR/GO/CEF 11,700 24,000 ESoftball Warning Track at Balffields CEF 1 6,0001 1 LandscapingCEF 10,000 Park General Equipment: Picnic Tables/Grills CEF 1,6001 1,6001 1,600 1,000 Bike Racks CEF 700 1 500 500 Trail/Park Signage I CEF 4001 5wi 500 500 500 �-Playground Equipment CEF 15,0001 15,000 15,000 15,000 Play Area Construction CEF 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 Mower CEF 10,000 Trailer CEF 2,000 TOTAL PARK DEVELOPMENT 1 176,550 224,1001 267,000 310,500 267,100 GENERAL GOVERNMENT: Office and/or Conference Room Setup I CEF 5,000 10,000 Overhead Projector I CEF 750 10 Drawer Steel Flat Files I CEF 1,200 1,300 1,300 Upgrade Phone/Voice Mail System CEF 4,000 Administration Car CEF 15,000 Computer Hardware Upgrade: " Memory and Tape Backup CEF 800 Laser Jet Printer CEF 2,000 Replace 2 Computers CEF 4,000 4,000 Replace Printers CEF 1,000 1,000 Cable Additional Computers CEF 500 500 Computer Software: Special Assessments CEF 1,000 Permits/PropertyPermits/Property Identification System CEF 5,000 Payroll CEF 3,000 Utility Billing CEF 61000 City Hall/Facilities Rental Replace Carpet CEF 5,500 Awning -Service Counter CEF 1,000 Sound System -Conference Room CEF 6,500 Freezer CEF 1,000 Upgrade Security System CEF 4,500 Other Buildings: Paint Shed -8896 Nashua Ave. CEF 5,000 Replace Front Steps -School Bldg. CEF 10,000 Replace Windows -School Bldg. CEF 15,000 Elections: Voting Tabulator CEF 6,000 -2- CITY OF OTSEGO FIVE YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FUNDING DESCRIPTION SOURCE 1997 1996 1999 2000 2001 -3- EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS Siren System CEF/GR 12,000 FIRE DEPARTMENT Set Up Joint Fire Department Including: Buildin ,Pum er,Tanker,Grass Truck CEF/GO 1,000,000 POLICE DEPARTMENT Organize Police Department Including: Chief, Secreta ,4 staff, 2 cars,office & Communications CEF/GR 325,000 TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT 52,000 57,750 6,300 1,011,000 331,800 CITY WATER SYSTEM Pum house, 1.25 Million Gal. Tower, WUF/GO Trunk and Lateral Lines 568,750 1,750,000 TOTAL WATER SYSTEM 0 568,750 1,750,000 0 0 CITY SEWER SYSTEM Wastewater Treatment Plant & SUF/GO Collection System 2,225,000 3,448,000 TOTAL SEWER SYSTEM 0 2,225,000 3,448,000 0 0 TOTALS 1,032,902 3,845,697 6,001,570 934,368 338,749 Funding Source Code: CEF - Capital Equipment Fund SA - Special Assessments MSA - Municipal State Aid SW - Storm Water Impact Fees GR - Grants GO - General Obl ation Bonds WUF - Water Utik Fund SUF - Sewer Utility Fund -3- ,k Hakanson Anderson Assoc., Inc. July 18, 1996 Ms. Elaine Beatty, Clerk City of Otsego 8899 Nashua Avenue Otsego, MN 55330 RE: Sanitary Sewer & Water Service Planning Dear Elaine: Item 8.1 3601 Thurston Avenue Anoka, Minnesota 55303 612/427-5860 Fax 612/427-3401 In an effort to advise the Council in a manner by which to proceed to establish sanitary sewer and water service in the City, we have the following recommendation after the BRA study is completed. a. The service area should be identified for Phase I and guidelines for development determined. b. Affected land owners should be invited to a public information meeting regarding sewer service. C. The comprehensive plan should be revised to reflect recommended changes. Public hearings should be held on the Comprehensive plan amendments. d. The BRA report should be accepted or rejected as corrected. If accepted, the consultant should send it to the PCA for review and comment. e. Based on the reviews and comment from the PCA, the Council can prepare to call for a public hearing on the report. f. If favorable comments are made at the Public Hearing, the Council may proceed with adopting the BRA report. g. Assuming the communities are in favor of proceeding, and are in agreement on the report, the communities (joint powers, etc.) could request quotes on the design for the selected alternative from consultants. We feel more detail is necessary on the collection system study, should the completed BRA study not provide that detail, we recommend that the Council direct the City Engineer to prepare a study for collection of wastewater based on the new Engineers Landscape Architects Surveyors Elaine Beatty Page 2 July 18, 1996 comprehensive plan boundaries. The report would size the trunk and sub trunk pipe and detail the costs of the collection system similar to the approach done on the Frankfort Township study. After the revisions are made to the comprehensive plan, the City should consider having the City Engineer prepare a water study for the area to be served by wastewater collection system. The water study would provide the information and costs needed to analyze the impact of water service on property in the urban areas. The City of Otsego's water system has a well in place that would be incorporated into the plan. Proposed water towers, wells, pump houses, etc., would be sited for planning purposes in the study. Assuming that the Wastewater Treatment Facilities were designed and bid for construction, the Wastewater Collection and Water System could proceed with design and construction as needed. Once the construction stage of the wastewater and/or water facilities begins, the commitment toward development must be made by the City to generate funds to repay loans for construction of the facility. We would be pleased to provide costs of engineering services for the sanitary sewer collection system and water studies. We also would offer our services to assist the City in holding the public meetings and/or hearings. If you have any question on this matter, please contact me. Sincerely, HAKANSO,N,ANDERSON ASSOCIATES, INC. L w nc oshak, PE J19 cc: Andy MacArthur, Attorney Bob Kirmis, NAC Otsego City Council 0T607.e12 Hakanson Anderson Assoc., Inc. August 10, 1996 MEMO TO: OTSEGO MAYOR AND COUNCIL FROM: ELAINE BEATTY, CITY CLERK/ZOING ADMINISTRATOR RE: FRANKFORT TOWNSHIP LAND ACQUIRED IN ANNEXATION For your information, Larry Koshak, Pete Raatikka and Sharry Benning and I toured the area above. I took some notes. The following is the information I obtained: 1. There are no Special Assessment against any of the properties now. 2. The garbage hauler most of the residents use in this area is Corrow 3. Wokson Hills - There is a new home being built and Kevin Mealhouse is the Building Inspector for it. He will continue this project to finish. 4. The IndustnialfCommercial property is as follows: (on Queens St) 4.1. Elk River Collision Center 4.2. J&TAuto 4.3. Zroba Cabinets 4.4. Steve's Floor Covering 4.5. Hanson Welding 4.6. Glass Products 4.7. Frankos 4.8. Combined Welding Machine, Inc. 4.9. Metro Home Insulation 4.10. Riverdale Furniture 4.11. McAlpine Well Drilling 4.12. Power Screen 4.13. Crow River Rental 4.14. Crow River Farm Equipment (on #36) owned by Wayne Lahn 4.15. 5 - Commercial lots that were platted recently - not yet sold (Owned by Jim Peterson, Jr.) 5. HOUSING DEVELOPMENTS: 5.1. Wokson Hills (on 58th/59th Sts) (31 Units) 5.2. Autumn Woods (56th & Quiley) ( 29 Units) 5.3. Taylors Ridge (Co Rd. #36) (2 Units) One home, One vacant lot Owned by Mr. McAlpine. TOTAL 62 UNITS 5.4. Sharry Berning said there are 21 other residences (TOTAL OF 83 UNITS) 6. PROBLEMS: 6.1. Mr. Burlette 5544 Quiley - Had a call re his culvert being raised above the road because of the drainaize ditch there. What can we do. We looked at it and the culvert is in there driveway and he is responsible for it. I had told him that is what I thought when he called. The ditch needs cleaning. 6.2. On Quiley and 56TH there is illegal fill that was put in. He has been told he has to install a pipe. Sharry Anderson next door sued him and made him pay for trees he destroyed. (boxelder trees). He wanted to have the Twp. take over the drainage area when it is completed. 6.3. A pile of wood and debris to be burned is on the right of way on 56TH and they said it will be burned. We need to keep track of it to make sure it gets done. 7. On County Rd #36 and 54TH there is Lahn's farm. About 300 acres are owned by this family. Dennis Fehn has a gravel mining operation on this farm. We obtained the file W/Letter of Credit in it from Sharry Berning. The property is owned by Wayne and Ralph Lahn. ( Crow River Farm Equipment is on this Farm and owned by Wayne Lahn.) 7.1. Lawrence Homestead on #36 7.2. Timmers Homestead 7.3. Pokensy Homestead 7.4. Lloyd Cyr (10 A on #36) 7..5. There are a few other homes but I wasn't able to write them down. I hope this gives you an idea of what is there. 7.6. Also I got a call from a gentleman that lives next door to Al Schwab who has water on his land every spring and called last spring to say he wants something done about it. At that time I talked to Pete Raatikka at that time to check it out. The land owner said a culvert was not put in and he gets flooded where he never did before. We looked at this problem also. 7.7. Rogers Fire Department handles the Fire Service for this area and it is levied for. have talked to Rogers Fire Department Representative and they would like to continue with fire service. He said he will send a quote. Thanks. M August 13, 1996 DRAFT TO: ALL NEW RESIDENTS OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO The City of Otsego Mayor, Council and City Staff wish to extend a warm W E L C O M E to you. Welcome to our City. Enclosed is a map of Otsego which is being updated to add the portion of Frankfort Township East of the center line of State Highway #101, South of 60TH Street to the Crow River and bordering the City of Dayton. We invite you to attend a City Council Meeting on August 26, 1996 at 6:30PM to get aquatinted with your Mayor, Council and City Staff. This would also allow you an opportunity to visit you new polling place which is at the Otsego City Hall, 8899 Nashua Avenue NE, Otsego, Minnesota, 55330. Also, for your information, the City Staff is doing the Election Judge Training on August 15, 1996 and if you are interested in becoming an Election Judge, please let us know. City Elections are at the regular general elections and we have one Mayor and two Council positions for election (all four year terms). The filing opens on August 27, 1996 at 9AM and closes on September 10, 1996 at 5PM. You can sign up at the City Clerks office at City Hall. We all took forward to meeting you and hope to see you on August 26, 1996. Sincerely, CITY OF OTSEGO Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator Enclosures August 10, 1996 MEMO TO: OTSEGO MAYOR AND COUNCIL FROM: ELAINE BEATTY, CITY CLERK RE: WRIGHT COUNTY RIGHT OF WAY PLAT NO.33 Larry Koshak has this new plat prepared for recording, but needs Council acceptance of same. Larry Koshak requests approval by the Council of the Wright County Right of Way PIat No. 33 and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign same. (The revised plat was necessary due to the elimination of right of way acquisition from two properties on the West end of the project. Also the turnback of Old CSAFI #37 was revised. This item was requested by Wright County Highway Department.). See attached copy of the Wright County Right of Way Plat No. 33. Larry Koshak did not have this in time for Council Packets. But, we request that you approve this change. Thank you, Elaine WRIGHT COUNTY RIGHT OF WAY PLAT NO. 33 >; �'N9000'00"w a.=]I R/W TO to _c /2, OFSEC 2 \> R J09.00 / M. S. A. P. 1I217-020-02 L MR9 4 2T'31'J9" R .639.00 �s.e ]N .•. ].II r+i• ]J. 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SECTION LINE S.A.P. 86-637-22 DAM 9_ QUARTER SECTION LINE M.S.A.P. 217-020-02 A+NE A MNWCS TA UCENS NO '0 —Al ENGNEER, MINNESOTA 110ENSE N0. 'O)SO : PROPERTY LINE fiGH T -OF -WAY Al SECTIONS 2e t 33. T.121 R.23 ,yn —EAST = R/W BOUNDARY LINE IOCARu Moo •rfA� 'IRI01I MC"IIY, —ESOTA. AS SrOWNO« TMS K.T S r{REBr CERTR]ED 28 TOWSHP 121. A«GE 23 = TEMPORARY EASEMENT LINE +As oWIRA ®� TO 3E THE ORICIAL LOCATION Of TMS MWwA+ SEGMENT (ONCE CONSTgKTEO) TN T11". rh 241 DEEDS 9.)J WIRI SAD ME S -MT TO NI«NESOTA STAn S 505 1793 - - — OLD R/W LINE A ,[ROME N0.LE5 rii 1 ' .463-464 = OLD ROAD CL B ROBERT WLLRIAN .III n]IS SSS 326 PALE DEEPS9 O.JJ DATE. 19— L MKNCE A. OSHAR. OTSEG) Oir E—EER MINNESOTA UCCNY NO 1 261 R/W RIGHT OF WAY o = IRON MONUMENT SETHEAESI CERTIFY MAT TMS INSTRUME«i WAS reED « NE OFFICE CWNTY RECDI O R ANO WAS HEREBv WL+ RECORDED IN A"ET DOCUMENT N0. FOR RECORD ON TMS TE = TEMPORARY EASEMENT _D.. a< 19— AT _ O,x— _ ® = R/W TO BE VACATED CWNry RECORDER. WING«r <W«r. MI«NESOTA Qi = CASTIRON MONUMENT MRAT IK ARIDITY CWN ii ORAT 29 WAS --0•«D ACEIED BY MEOh CWaL OP ME OTv OOTIEGO, M«NESOTA AT . NEE'INO HEU] TIxS _ DAY OF 19_ BEARING ORIENTATION _ Fpr the purpose6 T ' plat the North I- of the MAJOR northwest 9Mprter has - pawmea Demlh9 of S 90"00'00' E 1 ) c: 1 111 _ L : i. 1. T v, :�,Cf I ) For the Period 08; 0)n/<ie t0 2 TO WHOM PAID FOR WHAT PURPOSE DATE NUMBER CLAIM ` MARGO DINNEEN REFUND DAMAGE DEPOSIT 08/08:-�E 1748 400.00 ' JERRY OLSON JULY BUILDING INSP.FEES 08/08/90 1749 21533.02 I e - -,nm PpImplipcpc i0 I' AT & T PHONE SERVICE 08/08/96 1751 42.03 e 21 'o BEST DISPOSAL SERVICE AUGUST RECYCLING 08/08/96 1752 57.50 11 12 BOISE CASCADE OFFICE PRODUCTS OFFICE SUPPLIES 08/08/96 1753 409.48 " BFI - WOODLAKE SANITATION SERVICE JULY RECYCLING 08/08/96 1755 321.25 BRAUN INTERTEC SOIL TESTING SERVICES .. .., NT MA TNT AnQrp 08/08/96 C)a /08 L46 -S 1756 X52 5,057.55 5!;'0 no 16 CASSIDY REALTY & APPRAISAL REVIEW OF BIKE TRAIL PROPERTY 08/08/96 1758 115.00 17 1e STEPHEN CONROY, ATTORNEY PROSECUTION LEGAL SERVICES 08/08/96 1759 242.00 CRfliJ}� O'RO &"CUT z ti/Q#3/96,2761 26.51 �zo DJ'5` TOIL`` SAKRETE MIX * 0$/08%96 1762 25.47 ECM PUBLISHERS INC �.,. GENERAL LEGAL NOTICES 08/08/96 1764 300 00 1,218.39 12 v �24 uC 2 0-:7 za 2D ELK RIVER FLORAL FLORAL ARRANGEMENT-PERRAULT 08/08/96 1765 83.88 30 �>_r 2.y�+� _ 'rf.•�x.xr#�oao'a�.,"".. 32 E.. 36 37 3° 41 42 143 44 I43 26 !SS' I i WATSbW APPRAIS L E� CONSULTING SER.. LEFEBVRE PROPERTY APPRAISAL 08/08/96 1778 H G`WEBER OIL COMPANYPREMIUM•& DIESEL 08/08/96 1779 WRIGHT-HENNEPIN CO-OP ELECTRIC ASSN ELECT.SVR.WELL,CITYHALL,SIREN,ST.LT 08/08/96 1781 800.00 869.80 030-.Oc - 721.78 Lldllllr Llrl I Vl NNVI -- For the period 06/08/96 to 08/08/96 CLAIM TOTAL TO WHOM PAID FOR WHAT PURPOSE PURPOSE DATE NUMBER CLAIM RQNn RATING (1R/-A/Qfl 17R7 7 SRATIN��R/�A/Q�������V--nln nn GDATNr:,TWn RnN() ISSUANCE-ISLANDVIEW.MISS.SHRS 08/08/96 1783 10,594.36 08/08/96 1784 C I L i rije Li=t f*;') I ove I F c) I the Period 07/30.'9r t o 07/3c/ CLAIM TOTAL DATE NUMBER Q.EIM TO WHOM PAID )F71 TA DFNTAI FOR WHAT PURPOSE 'alfrilcIT PpFmT1fm Q7 /'I() /Qf, 1 717 4 7 MEDICA PREMIUM 07/30/96 1738 1,958.74 ,AUGUST 9 r. ;o tt 12 PTPIT 1;TATF TTRF PFryrl T MC, TTPF7 P;=ryrl TNrl-rl Fg!'N 11p r)'ty r-)7 Z -4n ISLC' 123q 91 2 n- 13 ICMA RETIREMENT TR �' PAY PERIOD ENDED 7/27/96 07/30/96 1740 523.28 '4 -1 FUND PUBLIC"Emm, Ly S ft YER SHARE 7/27/96 EMPLOYEE/EMPLOYER 1741-, 850.05 15 to 17 is "F" ; TN 4 . ! ff 20 L V., m p.4 m4z� 21CdA. �XA ---N4�VWWKI R-- n" jlik6 Qk 1 4' 8 5 22 2-3 2A, -2 z Am 0"g 27 za 20 NMI:FJOL5 3 M7, 31 4, 34�3G 37 It 4,-;- 14 38 ax. ..a mi AY4`?Z g5 .00 40 ELAINE BEATTY REIMBURSE LODGING,MEALS,PARKING 07/30/96 1746 306.49 41 42 4.3 44 l� U M 5-11, .0 MY 641. 45 rg AICE 47 4a Ilkt NO 52 53 :6