09-04-96 SCCMEMORANDUM TO: Otsego City Council FROMm Andy MacArthur, City Attorney RE: Feedlot Ordinance Amendment DATE: September 3, 1996 Assuming that some decision is arrived at regarding the proposed feedlot ordinance that is in accordance with the consensus ckf the Council at the last workshop meeting, it will be necessary, in my opinion, to amend certain portions of the existing' Compreh nsive Plan in order to properly align the proposed ordinance wi the Comprehensive Plan. Following are the revisions that I would recommend:: Page 33, Policies, Agricultural, No. 4, changed to read as folows: "The keeping of the present levels of farm animals shall be confined to the rural designated areas of the community or. forming operations. Outside of the allowance of limited; expansio s of existing animal feedlots, there shall be no new feedlots a lowed within the City:. It is not in the best interest of the 'City to encourage more intensive animal uses within the mu;aicipal imits due to the present rate of urbanization." Page 34, No. 7, changed to read as follows: " unless there is a threat to public health or safety, the-p�lesent degree of agricultural activities shall not be limited or curtailed due to impacts, upon non-agricultural uses which have"o are proposing to encroach into rural areas. However, those t es of high intensity agricultural uses not presently undertaken ithin the City. which. have the potential for significant affect on adjoining non-agricultural uses shall be discouraged with the municipal boundaries. 11 Page 90, Land Use Plan, Rural Uses, the following paragraph should be added: "Another issue of City concern relates to the pr'posed establishment of new higher intensity agricultural uses, specifically, higher intensity animal feedlots within the community. Concern is also raised by the possible expansion of existing animal: feedlots to a more intense level of. activa y. At the present rate of City growth, and with the present number of residences and their concentration throughout the City, inc4uding the rural areas, further establishment of new animal feedl is of any size shall be discouraged. Further, the allowed expanson of existing animal.f4Vdlots needs to be controlled in order to Insure that such uses do not have an adverse affect on adjoining non- FN A C Northwest Associated Consultants, Inc. C O M M U N I T Y PLANNING e DESIGN MARKET R E S E A R C H MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: RE: FILE NO; Otsego Mayor and City Council Bob Kirmis / Andy MacArthur 28 August 1996 Otsego - Zoning Ordinance - Feedlot Regulations 176.08 - 95.28 At the City Council's directive, we have proceeded to revise the previous 5/28/96 draft version of the feedlot ordinance to integrate various comments received at the 13 August City Council workshop. It appears that there is a general consensus on most crucial policy issues. This memorandum is intended to focus discussion on those matters that need further clarification. ORDINANCE MODIFICATIONS: The following specific changes have been made to the previous draft feedlot regulations. Section 20-38-1 - Purpose Item B of the ordinance's purpose statement has been expanded to specifically reference size regulation. Section 20-38-2 - MPCA Permit Requirements The draft ordinance prohibits the establishment of new animal feedlots of greater than 10 animal units (Threshold for MPCA permit application). Resultantly, the previous reference to new feedlots in excess of 10 animal units has been omitted. Section 20-38-4 - Prohibited Feedlots This section has been revised to prohibit new feedlots in excess of 10 animal units. While the Council's directive of "no new feedlots" is acknowledged, it is believed some realistic allowance should be made for the small scale keeping of animals such as that associated with hobby farms. 5775 Wayzata Blvd. - Suite 555 • St. Louis Park, MN 55416 - (612) 595 -9636 -Fax. 595-9837 This section has further been modified to allow existing feedlots to expand to a maximum of 750 animal units. Section 20-38-6 - Information Requirement Item I of this section has been added which requires certification of existing number of animals units (applicable to feedlot expansions). Section 20-38-7.13 - Feedlot Setbacks This section has been expanded to specify that feedlot expansions must comply with various setback requirements as suggested at the 13 August workshop. Specific setback changes from the previous draft ordinance include the following: 1. Addition of a municipal boundary setback of/2 mile. 2 Private residence and well setbacks have been changed to 500 feet for facilities having less than 300 animal units and 750 feet for facilities greater than 300 animal units. Section 20-38-9 - Conditional Use Permits Conditional use permit qualification requirements have been changed to include: 1. Feedlot expansions where the cumulative total exceeds 150 animal units. 2. An expansion of a feedlot by more than 100 animal units. OUTSTANDING ISSUES: In preparing the various ordinance revisions, we discovered several policy areas which we feel need clarification from the City Council. MPCA Permit Requirements. Section 20-38-2.13 states that a change of ownership, including family members prompts an MPCA permit. Considering that the inclusion of family members is not part of the Minnesota Rule and that this subject has been an issue of previous debate, we request clarification on this matter. If a change is directed, the provision could be revised to read as follows: B. A change of ownership, excepting transfers to members of the immediate family. Prohibited Feedlots. As noted previously, the draft ordinance makes provision for new feedlots less than 10 animal units (i.e., hobby farms). Considering that this issue was not specifically addressed at the 13 August workshop, staff requests that the City Council K establish a specific position on this matter. To what degree new "small scale" feedlots are allowed is considered a policy matter to be determined by the City Council. Information Requirements. Within Section 20-38-6, some concern exists in regard to the applicability of the various information requirements. Specifically question exists whether all requirements should apply to "small scale feedlots (including hobby farms). To address this concern, item "J" could be added to read as follows: J. At its discretion, City staff may waive certain informational requirements for minimal expansions, defined as expansions of twenty (20) animal units or less which will result in a cumulative total of fifty (50) animal units or less. Setbacks. Non -Conforming Uses. We are uncertain as to the Council's position regarding setbacks applicable to existing feedlots which fail to meet new feedlot setbacks. For instance, can an existing feedlot which fails to meet new feedlot setbacks expand? The Planning Commission had previously recommended that legal non -conforming feedlots (which fail to meet new feedlot setback requirements) may be expanded provided the degree of setback non -conformity is not increased. This issue should be clarified by the Council. Private Residence Setbacks. The 13 August meeting minutes are not entirely clear on preferred private residence setbacks. Specifically, question exists whether the Council wishes to establish a specific setback for feedlots of 150 animal units or less. Church Setbacks. Church and similar facility setbacks are to reiterate private residence setbacks. Thus, clarification is needed as to whether a separate setback is desired for feedlots of 150 animal units or less. Manure Stockpile/Application Setbacks. No changes to section 20-38-8 of the ordinance (regarding manure setbacks) were directed by the City Council. We have some concern regarding an ordinance footnote which states that residence setbacks apply only if the occupants of the residence specifically request such setback in writing. The Council should determine whether this provision should be included. Comprehensive Plan Amendment. The prohibition of new animal feedlots (over ten animal units) represents a change in current City policy. If the draft ordinance, as currently written, is given final consensus by the City Council, an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan will be necessary. 3 This material is scheduled for City Council review at the forthcoming 4 September City Council workshop. PC: Elaine Beatty Otsego Feedlot Committee. DRAFT - DRAFT - DRAFT CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF MINNESOTA ORDINANCE NO. 96 - AN ORDINANCE ADDRESSING ANIMAL FEEDLOT OPERATIONS WITHIN THE CITY OF OTSEGO. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO HEREBY ORDAINS: Section 1. Section 20-2-2.F of the Otsego City Code (Definitions) is hereby amended to delete the following definitions: Feedlot, Commercial: The place of confined feeding of livestock or other animals for food, fur, pleasure or resale purposes in yards, lots, pens, building, or other areas not normally used for pasture or crops and 'n which substantial amounts of manure or related .her wastes may originate by reason of feeding such animals. Section 2. Section 20-2-2.F of the Otsego City Code (Definitions) is hereby amended to add the following definitions: Feedlot Related: 1. 2. 8/28/96 MN Rules 7020.0500 Subp. 4,B,2 3. 4. S. 6. ?#pt}}pol The total number of animal units subject to permit or registration shall be determined by including operations located within one-half mile which utilize a common area or system for manure disposal. saetsand the livestock operation does not create or maintain a potential pollution hazard or the potential pollution hazard has been corrected to meet MPCA requirements. torr stru' Whic P.01 1 cQnf 2 MN Rules 7020.0300 Subp. 6 MN Rules 7020.0300 Subp. 7 MN Rules 7020.0300 Subp. 7a MN Rules 7020.0300 Subp. 8 0 A.0 Animal Pier Animal>3'l�0lU $. 'cr�a: MN Rules 7020.0300 Subp. 5 One mature day ry cCwQ 214' anima3i One slaughter steer Q he�.fer,wi:t% .� 300:3 One ha..::£Ttk :.. ., 300 an One sof""i@ Gi` ..........:... tt75 d`r>»' ?#pt}}pol The total number of animal units subject to permit or registration shall be determined by including operations located within one-half mile which utilize a common area or system for manure disposal. saetsand the livestock operation does not create or maintain a potential pollution hazard or the potential pollution hazard has been corrected to meet MPCA requirements. torr stru' Whic P.01 1 cQnf 2 MN Rules 7020.0300 Subp. 6 MN Rules 7020.0300 Subp. 7 MN Rules 7020.0300 Subp. 7a MN Rules 7020.0300 Subp. 8 0 7. Domestic Fertilizer: A.i Animal:: -::;....manure that is put on or inje tt into the soilto improve the qual�tlt or quantity of plant growth; or B. Aimal< manure khat is used as comXiast,E}„' conditioners, or.specia1ized plant beds.;' 8. Earthen Basin: A dike or excavated structure often lined with clay or a synthetic liner, in which manure is stored The basin is emptied at least once each year, It is designed by a professional engineer or Natural Resources Conservation Service/Soil and Water Conservation District (NRCS)/(SWCD) technician. a 10. 11. Feedlot Operator: An individual, a corporation, a group of individuals, a partnership, joint venture, owner or any other business entity having charge or control of one or more livestock feedlots, poultry lots or other animal lots. 12.e?erY When required tnmths from 'tle date: of issuance,, identifying the necessary corrective measures to abate potential pollution hazards. 3 MN Rules 7020.0300 Subp. 11 MMG Glossary MN Rules 7020.0300 Subp. 3 MN Rules 7020.0300 Subp. 15 MN Rules 7020.0300 Subp. 13 14. Manure, Animal: The fecal and urinary excretions MMG Glossary of - • _ d poultry,p can include bedding material and water used for livestock. Tyipes of - havP descriptive names such as liauid. slurry.and solid, Manure that has a content of more. than ninety-six (96) percent moisture is liquid. Manure with a moisture content betwPen ninety (90)'and ninety-six (9-6) percent is referred to as a slurry, �. moisture content of less eighty-four (i • percent considered solid, 15. 16. 17. ... . . ::::.'ri :>:»o Issue to large facilities (one thousand (1,000) animal units or more) that have the potential to discharge to waters of the state. 4 MN Rules 7020.0300 Subp. 14 MN Rules 7020.0300 Subp. 16 MN Rules 7020.0300 Subp. 18 %relwzrflis UR - .• -! .. .!ae !-.!.!. WI shoreland or floodulain. or are located in an area draining draining directly to an area with to a sink shallow hole or sni 1 -, overlyincf a fractured or cavernous rock, or - located within one hundred 11) feet of waterwell; or RVI a discharcre of pollutants to surface or ground waters of- the state in excess of aimlicable standards, -including, but not limited to, Minnesota Rules Chapter 7050 and 7055, durincr! •4i1 event of magnitude than the 25 -year. 24-hour event or will allow uncontrolled seepage of pollutants into the ground water or violate any a3p]21icable state 19. Steep Slopes: Land where agricultural activity or development is either not recommended or described as poorly suited due to slope steepness and the site's soil characteristics, as mapped and described in available county soil surveys or other technical reports, unless appropriate design and construction techniques and farming practices are used in accordance with the provisions of these regulations. Where specific information is not available, steep slopes are lands having average slopes over twelve (12) percent, as measured over horizontal distances of fifty (50) feet or more, that are not bluffs. Section 3. Section 20-2-2.P of the Otsego City Code (Definitions) is hereby amended to add the following definitions: Park, Private: A tract of land presently owned or controlled and used by private or semi-public persons, entities, groups, etc. for active and/or passive recreational purposes. 5 MN Rules 7020.0300 Subp. 20/excluding the following language Park, Public: A tract of land publicly owned and used by the public for active and/or passive recreational purposes. Trailways themselves shall not constitute a public park. Section 4. Section 20-27-4.0 of the Otsego City Code (Farm Animal Regulations) is amended to read as follows: C. Manure application and stockpiling activities shall comply with the applicable provisions of Section 20-38-8 of this Chapter. Section 5. Section 20-27-4.E of the Otsego City Code (Farm Animal Regulations) is amended to read as follows: — E. All regulations imposed by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPGA) relating to the keeping of farm animals shall be adhered to and animal feedlots shall comply with the applicable provisions of Section 20-38 of this Chapter. Section 6. Section 38 of the Otsego City Code _s hereby amended to read as follows: SECTION 38 FEEDLOT REGULATIONS SECTION: 20-38-1 Purpose 20-38-2 Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPGA) Feedlot Permit Requirements 20-38-3 Allowed Feedlots 20-38-4 Prohibited Feedlots 20-38-5 Pollution Control Requirements 20-38-6 Information Requirement 20-38-7 Feedlot Setbacks 20-38-8 Manure Stockpile/Application Setbacks 20-38-9 Conditional Use Permits 20-38-10 Standards for Earthen Storage Basins and Concrete Pits 20-38-11 Facility Closure 20-38-12 Abandonment A 20-38-1: PURPOSE: The purpose and intent of this Chapter is to regulate feedlot operations within the City of Otsego in a manner that is at least as restrictive as existing State regulations, and in many instances exceeding those State requirements, including those regulations related to pollution. These additional controls are needed due to the unique location of the municipality in relation to the Metropolitan Area, and in order to promote the planning process and protect the health, safety and welfare of the residents of the City, as well as to: A. Establish a procedure for the allowance of feedlots within the City. B. Regulate the location, development, and expansion of feedlots. C. Promote best farm management practices. D. Protect valuable groundwater and surface water resources. E. Protect human and animal health. F. Implement specific policies and provisions of the official City Comprehensive Plan. G. Promote compatibility of uses. H. Coordinate and assist state agencies in the administration of state-wide statutes and regulations governing livestock operations. 20-38-2: MINNESOTA POLLUTION CONTROL AGENCY (MPCA) ............................................. FEEDLOT PERMIT REQUIREMENTS: 'Ze ze € A. B chg...... o rshp, family members included. 7 MIST Rules 7020.0500 Subp. 1 MMG Page 12 0 C. 20-38-3: ALLOWED FEEDLOTS: Those feedlots which do not constitute a potential pollution hazard and meet the applicable requirements of this Ordinance shall be allowed within the City on the condition that they obtain a certificate of compliance by the MPGA, as required. 20-38-4: PROHIBITED FEEDLOTS: The following feedlots shall be prohibited within the City: A. New feedlots in excess of ten (10) animal units. B. Expansions of existing feedlots within the Urban Service Area which exceed a cumulative total of ten (10) animal units. C. Expansions of existing feedlots within the Rural Service Area which exceed a cumulative total of seven hundred fifty (750) animal units. z0-38-5: POLLUTION CONTROL REQUIREMENTS: A. Purpose: The purpose of this Section is to provide restrictions on feedlot operations as restrictive as, or more so, than existing State regulations regarding pollution or potential pollution hazards. B. C0 D MN Rules 7020.0400 Subp. 1 MN Rules 7020.0400 Subp. 2 a E. F. G. H. feedlot operations or fields divided by roadways provided the animal manure is fgr use __ as domestic fertilizer.'' Odors: Feedlot operations shall take responsible measures to minimize odors which have the effect of creating an adverse impact on the environment and quality of life for the residents of the City. 20-38-6: INFORMATION REQUIREMENT: mag1.I.X ..................... ral phQgpYt indicating 9 MN Rules 7020.0400 Subp. 3 MAI Rules 7020.0400 Subp. 4 MN Rules 7020.0400 Subp. 5 MN Rules 7020.0900 , MN Rules 7020.0500 Subp. 2 (partial) MMG Page 14 B. A description of the geological condition, soil types and seasonal high water table. C. A plan indicating operational procedure, the location and specifics of proposed animal waste facilities. The quantity and type of effluent to be discharged from the site. D. Method/plan for disposal of dead animals shall be consistent with the Minnesota Board of Animal Health regulations. E. Manure Utilization Plan which will include MMG the location of all manure application sites, crop types, application rate in gallons/acre or tons/acre, and the resulting application rate of N, P and K in pounds/acre. Manure application shall not exceed agronomic rates or to build N, P and K levels beyond the soil capability of holding and utilizing them for crop use, for the prevention of leaching and potential non -point pollution problems, as determined by the Wright County Extension Educator and the Minnesota Extension Service. F. Land spreading agreements shall be provided MMG if the applicant does not own the minimum acreage to apply animal waste and the land application agreement must be signed by all owners of the property. G. Methods used to control or mitigate odor impact upon neighboring properties. H. A plan for proper closure of the facility including an estimated cost of the same. I. In cases of feedlot expansions, certification of existing animal units upon the property. J. Any other additional information as contained in the application and requested by the City or MPCA. 20-38-7: FEEDLOT SETBACKS: A. Existing Feedlots: Lawfully established feedlots existing prior to (effective date of ordinance) may be continued in the location existing on such date and are 10 exempt from the setback requirements of this Chapter. Expansions to existing feedlots shall be in compliance with the setback provisions as established by Section 20-38- 7.B below. (Legal non -conforming feedlots may be expanded provided the degree of setback non -conformity is not increased and all other applicable standards of operation specified in this Chapter are satisfactorily met.) B. New Feedlots and Feedlot Expansions: All new feedlots and feedlot expansions shall comply with each and every one of the following setback requirements: 1. Shorelands. No new feedlot or feedlot expansion shall be located within the Shoreland Districts of the City of Otsego as defined by Section 20-71 of this Chapter unless otherwise permitted by the MPCA. 2. Floodplains. No new feedlot or feedlot expansion shall be located within the one hundred (100) year floodplain area based on flood insurance rate maps and the flood insurance study for the City of Otsego. 3. Municipal Boundaries. No new feedlot or feedlot expansion shall be located within one-half (1/2) mile of an adjacent municipal boundary. 4. Steep Slopes. No new feedlot or feedlot expansion involving open lots or partial confinement buildings shall be located within three hundred (300) feet of the crown of a steep slope as defined by this Chapter. 5. Public Parks. No new feedlot or feedlot expansion shall be located within one thousand (1,000) feet of a public park. 11 6. Drainage Ditches. No new feedlot or feedlot expansion shall be located within three hundred (300) feet of a County, City or private drainage ditch. 7. Private Residences and Wells. No new feedlot or feedlot expansion shall be located within the following distances of any residence or well other than the feedlot land owner or operator: Required Setback Less than 300 animal units 500 feet 300 or more animal units 750 feet 8. Church, School or Similar Facilities. No new feedlot or feedlot expansion shall be located within the following distances of any church, school or similar public facility: Required Setback Less than 300'animal units 500 feet 300 or more animal units 750 feet 12 '0-38-8: MANURE STOCKPILE/APPLICATION SETBACKS: The following manure stockpile and application setbacks are required for all new and existing feedlots: 13 MMG Page 38 Manure Application Category Stock Surface/ Irrigation ArAlied Incorporated or Injected Piles Public lake, river. 300 feet 100 feet -lake 300 50 feet- or stream feet river stream Public streets* 25 feet- 10 feet 25 surface 300 feet - irrigation feet Platted 300 feet- 300 feet 300 surface 1,000 Subdivisions** feet feet - irrigation Municipal wells 200 feet 200 feet 300 feet Private wells 200 feet 200 feet 200 feet Public or private 300 feet 100 feet 300 ditch feet Residence other 300 feet- 300 feet** 300 than landowner or surface** feet o,perator 1,000 feet - irrigation *As measured from the outer boundary of the right-of-way ** These separation distances shall only apply if the occupants of the residence specifically request it in writing of the operator. 13 MMG Page 38 M '0-38-9: CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS: A. Requirement: A conditional use permit shall be obtained in a manner described in Section 20-4 of this Chapter whenever: 1. The proposed expansion, or modification of an existing feedlot is located within a Shoreland, Floodplain, or Wild and Scenic District. 2. The expansion of an existing feedlot is proposed where the cumulative total exceeds one hundred fifty (150) animal units. 3. The expansion of 'an existing feedl-ot by one hundred (100) or more animal units. 4. A lagoon system, an earthen basin or any other outdoor liquid storage structure is proposed for the storage or treatment of animal waste. B. Standards for Conditional Use Permits: To protect public health, safety and welfare, the City shall impose (but not be limited to the following conditions: 1. Trees and/or shrubs are planted, as determined necessary by the City Council, for use as a wind break but not so as to interfere with the design and functioning of the feedlot operation. 2. All provisions of the Manure Utilization Plan as outlined in Section 20-38-5 of this Chapter are satisfactorily met. 3. All pollution control measures outlined in Section 20-38-5 of this Chapter are satisfactorily met. 14 4. As required by State regulations, the applicant shall provide adequate security to ensure compliance with any or all conditions of the permit, proper handling and storage of manure, and proper closure of the facility. The amount of said security shall be contained in a written agreement between the permittee and the City. 5. All applicable setback requirements of Sections 20-38-7 and 20-38-8 of this Chapter are satisfactorily met. 6. All feedlots shall be operated in a nuisance -free manner consistent with the regulations of the city and Minnesota Pollution Control Agerrcy (MPGA). 7. Approval of the conditional use permit shall be contingent upon the successful acquisition of a Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPGA) permit. 8. The use is consistent with applicable provisions of Section 26, 27 and 51 of this Chapter. 9. The provisions of Section 20-4-2.F of this Chapter are considered and determined to be satisfied. 10. All conditions of approval of the conditional use permit shall be recorded against the property. 20-38-10: STANDARDS FOR EARTHEN STORAGE BASINS, LAGOONS AND OTHER MANURE STORAGE AREAS: Earthen basins, lagoons and other manure storage areas shall be constructed in compliance with Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPGA) requirements. 15 10-38-11: FACILITY CLOSURE: A. Responsible Parties: The landowner, owner and operator of any animal feedlot shall be responsible for the ongoing management of manure and the final closure of the facility include the cleaning of buildings and the emptying and proper disposal of manure from all manure holding facilities. B. Environmental Financial Assurance: Financial security shall be posted with the City in the form of escrow, bond, or letter of credit in an amount established by State Rules or Regulations, or as amended, in order to assure proper closure of the facility. C. Closure Plan: If a permitted feedlot operation using a manure storage system ceases operation, the owner shall submit to the City and MPCA a closure plan. 1. The plan shall be submitted at least sixty (60) days prior to the final day of operation of the manure storage system. The plan shall be prepared by a professional engineer registered in the State of Minnesota, or a person recognized as qualified for such work by the MPGA. 2. Closure of the operation may be postponed for a period of twelve (12) months if the property is posted for sale. 3. Manure storage system closure shall include the removal of the sludge in the facilities and its disposal by proper land application at agronomic rates or by other legally permissible method. 4. Manure storage system closure shall also include filling in a basin with material from the dikes or other earthen material that may be available. Only material allowed to be buried under federal, state and local regulations may be used as fill. It is necessary to fill in the basin to prevent it from being a safety hazard when it fills in with rain and snow -melt waters. 5. All wastes from the feedlot operation and its waste control system shall be removed and disposed of on land or in some other manner which is legally permissible as soon as practical, but no more than six (6) months, and in accordance with the approved plan in order to promote and protect public health. 6. Each time ownership to the facility changes, the new owner must notify the MPCA and the City in writing with -in sixty (60) days of the transfer of ownership that the approved plan has been read and is understood and that all provisions of the plan will be implemented. The new owner must also provide the City with written assurance that they have assumed all obligations undertaken by previous operators or owners, including posting of any necessary security. 7. If the new ownership is to continue to operate the facility, closure shall not be necessary. 20-38-12: ABANDONMENT: Owners and operators of feedlots, either at the time of abandonment or after, shall have joint and several liability for clean up, closure or remediation of abandoned feedlot sites. Section 7. Section 20-51-2.A of the Otsego City Code (A-1 District Permitted Uses) is hereby amended to read as follows: A. Farms, farmsteads, farming and agricultural related buildings and structures subject to Minnesota Pollution Control Standards, but not including animal feedlots or other commercial operations. 17 Section 8. Section 20-51-5.D of the Otsego qty Code (A-1 District Conditional Uses) is hereby amended to read as follows: D. Animal feedlots as regulated by Section 38 of this Chapter. Section 9. Section 20-52-2.A of the Otsego City Code (A-2 District Permitted Uses) is hereby amended to read as follows: A. Farms, farmsteads, farming and agricultural related buildings and structures subject to Minnesota Pollution Control Standards, but not including animal feedlots or other commercial operations. Section 10. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and publication. ADOPTED by the Otsego City Council this day of 1996. CITY OF OTSEGO By: Norman F. Freske, Mayor ATTEST: By: Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator im 0