12-23-96 CCCITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: MEETING DATE 4. OPEN FORUM CITY CLERK Dec. 23, 1996 - 6:30PM ITEM NUMBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION: PREPARED BY: EB,CC 4.1. Special Presentation by Pat Sawatzke, Second District Commissioner Re: Hazardous Waste Collection at Otsego (See information enclosed). BACKGROUND: Pat Sawatzke will be here to ask the Council if you would like to host a hazardous waste collection day in the Spring of 1997. They have moved this around and had it in different places in Wright County in the past. If possible they would like to hold it at the Otsego Town Hall on Co. Ru. #39 to accommodate residents on the Eastern side of the County. STAFF RECONMNDATION: This is a Council -decision as how to go with this. Staff feels that this kind of an event for our residents is always well recepted and there is a need. Thank you, C, Elaine JN -r Y C) � 2 = Z M 00d O dy 7855 RICHARD W. NORMAN County Coordinator COUNTY OF WRIGHT Ms. Elaine Beatty Clerk, City of Otsego 8899 Nashua Avenue N.E. Otsego, MN 55330 Dear Elaine: 10 2nd Street NW, RM 235 Buffalo, Minnesota 55313-1188 Tel: (612) 682-7378 1-800-362-3667 Fax: 612-682-6178 COMMISSIONERS KEN DUDE First District PAT$AWATZKE Second District JACK RUSSEK Third District JUDIE ROSE Fourth District DICK MATTSON Fifth District December 6, 1996 Enclosed is a note from Chuck Davis, requesting the use of your facility for a hazardous waste collection. As I mentioned to you, there have been a number of requests from Otsego residents regarding hazardous waste drop off sites. This service is provided free -of -charge to all Wright County residents. In the past, we have found that residents generally will not travel more than ten miles for such a collection. Therefore, we try to spread the site locations around the County. We will advertise and ask for pre -registration so we can stagger the delivery times (to eliminate traffic problems) ; and, also to be prepared for the appropriate amounts and types of hazardous waste to be received. However, we will not turn away unregistered County residents who show up on collection day. The County will provide for volunteers; but, any additional volunteers from the City would be appreciated. The following household materials are acceptable: oil filters, solvents, acids, antifreeze, oil -base paints and lacquers, etc. Fluorescent bulbs are accepted up to ten per household, with a small fee for amounts over ten. As a rule, we do not accept the following: Latex paints (can be handled easily at home), large volume pesticides, commercial industrial waste, etc. I will be in attendance on December 23 to answer any questions you may have on this or other issues. Thank you for your assistance. Sincerel Pat S watzke Second Dis ict Commissioner PS:lmg Enc. Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action Employer Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action Employer 01* ii e t)t' PLA XLVLN'G AND ZO.A-ING MEMORANDUM Date: November 25, 1996 To: City of Otsego, Council Members & Employees From: Wright County Environmental Health Department Re: Household Hazardous Waste Collection for Spring of 1997 The Wright County Solid Waste Task Force has scheduled a collection for household hazardous waste for April of this coming year. if possible, they would like this collection to be held the Otsego town hall on County Road #39, to accomodate residents on the eastern side of the County. As done with all such collections, the County will indemnify the City of Otsego, so that all liability concerning the collection will be on behalf of Wright County. All hazardous wastes collected will be packed and removed the same day by Aptus, the State's hazardous waste contractor. Tentative dates for the collection are Saturday, April 12th or Saturday, April 26th. Please let us know if these dates would be acceptable to the City. We are waiting to hear back from Aptus with regards to which days they are avaiiabie. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Please call with any questions at 682-7331 or 682-7337. Printed ,int paper. Equal Opp,,rtuntty l%/irer,tttrr A( r-11 Empll) ,"r CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION 11 AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: MEETING DATE ---]I 5 CONSENT AGENDA Elaine Beatty Dec. 23, 1996 - 6:302M ITEM NUMBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION: PREPARED BY: EB,CC 5.1. Approval for Phyllis Cokley to use accrued vacation hours in 1997. BACKGROUND: Request has been made by Phyllis Cokley through her Attorney that vacation hours earned in 1996 be extended for use in 1997. The City Attorney recommends that this request be granted. STAFF RECOMENDATION: This is a Council Decision. The City Attorney recommends granting this request. Thank you, 4L Elaine CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION DEPARTMENT MEETING DATE CONSENT AGENDA December 23, 1996 ITEM NUMBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION: PREPARED BY: 5.2 Volunteer Recognition Dinner Judy Hudson, Deputy Clerk The Volunteer Recognition Dinner is an opportunity for the City to recognize persons for their volunteer work and contributions for 1996. The City has budgeted for this to pay for the dinners of the volunteers and their spouses and/or guests (excluding staff and council who pay for their own dinners). The suggested guest list includes all of the commissions, volunteers from Clean Up Day and the members who served on the Feedlot Ordinance Committee. Recommended date for the Council to set February 15, 1997 (Saturday) for this event. This date will enable the staff to have a Valentine Day theme. DEC -23-96 MON 03:22 PM TERRA ENGINEEEING 593 9325 P.01 TERRA ENGINEERING, INC. 6001 Glonwood Ave. CIVIL ENGtNEERING - LAND PLANNING - CONSULTING Minneapolis, Minnesota 65422 (phone/tax) 593-9325 December 23, 1996 Elaine Beatty City Clerk/Zoning Administrator City of Otsego 8899 Nashua Ave. NE Ells River, MN 55330 Ite: Concept Plan Review at City Council Meeting Sadowski Property (120 acres) Otsego, MN Dear Ms. Beatty: As we discussed, we understand that two of the City Council members will be new in 1997. We therefore request that this project be tabled at the City Council meeting tonight, and that our concept plan be reviewed at the January 13, 1997 City Council meeting. If you have any questions, please call. sincerely, r Peter J. Knaeble TEWU ENGINEERING, INC. CC: Neat Krzyzaniak, Bridge -land Development Co. (fax 469-5906) Fabian Sadowski, Property Owner CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: MEETING DATE 6. DAVID LICHT, CITY PLANNER Dec. 23, 1996 - 6:30PM ITEM NUMBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION: PREPARED 6Y: Ea,cc 6.1.Consider Lin -Bar Development, Inc. 5475 Parnell Ave NE, Rogers, PID #118-500-284300: (Cont from previous Agendas) A. Planned Unit Development (Concept Plan) BACKGROUND: This item has been continued many times and was continued from the Agenda of December 9, 1996 for further comment and recommendation by the Building Official, Jerry Olson. Attached is his information and recommendation. STAFF RECOMENDATION: This is a Council decision and Jerry Olson has given you the information. Thank you, 2-9-& . Elaine X fate: CITY OF OTSEGO OFFICE MEMORANDUM To: December 17, 1996 From: Mayor, and City Council: Subject: Jerry Olson, Building Official Lin -Bar Development I have been directed by the City Council to comment on the proposed Lin -Bar Development requirement for a collector septic system. First, I would like to offer some history on this particular parcel of land. I am sure you are all aware that this parcel was at one time considered as the Third Industrial Site. This proposed Industrial Site consisted of 31 lots ranging in size from one acre to three and a third acres with 22 of these lots sized from one to one and one half acres and eight lots sized from one and one half to three and one third acres. This proposal was initiated by the City, but was ultimately denied due to public opposition. This was after Lin -Bar had gone to considerable expense preparing surveys, site plans, landscaping plans, etc. However, a collector system was never a requirement for approval of the industrial park. The only reference to the type of sewer system that would be utilized in the proposed Industrial Park is in a letter from Hakanson Anderson Assoc. to Northwest Associated Consultants dated 11-29-93, in which Hakanson Anderson states that sewage treatment would be by means of individual tanks and drainfields. This letter goes on to state that "a collector system should be considered, however, individual systems will function adequately". A copy of this letter is enclosed with this report. Lin -Bar is now proposing a 34 lot residential development on this site with lots a minimum of one acre in size. Five lots have already been approved under the 1 per 40 development rights. These lots will have individual septic systems. On October 14, 1996, this property was re -zoned by the City Council from A-2 to Planned Unit Development (PUD) This motion was amended to include a condition that a collector sewage treatment system be implemented. The motion carried unanimously. While I have no doubt that this motion was well intended, it could be questioned whether the council had been given any information or had done any research on collector systems before this motion was passed. At this council meeting it was stated that the City Engineer and Lin -Bar's engineer come to a "joint conclusion". Memorandum to Mayor and City Council December 17, 1996 Page 2 This is improbable in that the developer and the City Engineer have different concepts as to lot size, placement of sewer lines, number of homes per system, etc. I will offer some information on collector systems. This information is from the "MPCA Sewage Treatment Manual, Section G". I have prepared copies of this chapter and distributed them to the council previously for their review, but I would like to highlight some excerpts from this chapter. From Page G.1: A collector system is defined as a system having two or more sewage sources with a common -soil treatment unit. The collector system as suggested in this manual should rarely be used for more than 15 homes. Unfortunately, in many instances municipal sewer collector design techniques have been used to design high-cost collector system that result in the dispersal of a large amount of liquid wastes into the soil at one location. Severe problems have been created by this process. Large amounts of sewage being discharged into a concentrated location in the soil either will not be accepted hydraulically or else will create nutrient or nitrate problems as the liquid percolates downward. Those who have designed large collector systems that use the soil as the ultimate treatment facility have not recognized these limitations. The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency has drafted specific standards for large size soil absorption systems. From page G.2 Before even considering a collector system, thoroughly investigate all possible on-site alternatives. These alternatives include the following: Wastewater flow reduction devices The use of elevated bed systems (mounds) Repairing -and adding to an existing drainfield trench system Using a holding tank for part of sewage wastes Locating a common soil treatment unit on the boundary line of adjacent lots. Obtaining variances on setback distances from lot lines or other lot boundaries Relocating water supply well (particularly if shallow and presently of minimum cost and more than 20 years old) Other alternatives Memorandum to Mayor and City Council December 17, 1996 Page 3 Only after investigating these alternatives should a collector system be seriously considered. Far too much time and money have been committed to the design and installation of collector systems, with too little effort directed to appropriate use of available on-site technology. From page G-4 Collector systems should rarely be used to develop new home sites. Better sewage treatment will result and fewer problems will develop if an adequate area of suitable soil is provided on each lot for the installation of an individual sewage treatment system. Newly platted lots should be of adequate size and should have soils suitable for proper sewage treatment. This would include a secondary site on the property. From page G.5 When property owners join together in such a project, competent legal advice is needed to develop an agreement on such issues as the following: Easements for the collector and pressure sewer lines Mutual ownership of portions of the sewage treatment system Operation and maintenance responsibilities and costs for mutually owned portions Maintenance schedule for individual septic tanks Assessment of initial costs to each lot Other uses for the common soil treatment area Additions or deletions to the system Other similar questions Property owners must agree on organizational and operational details before the sewage treatment system can be designed. Success of the group system depends on mutual cooperation and understanding by all participants as well as proper design, installation, and maintenance. As you can see a collector system presents many potential problems from legal, technical, and maintenance view points. I would agree with Lin -Bar's engineer that coordinating the location of a collector system so as to tie into a future city sewer would be largely a matter of guess -work and most likely subject to reconstruction. Also, water lines would not be installed at this time so in any case future reconstruction would seem to be inevitable should city services become available. Memorandum to Mayor and City Council Page 4 December 17, 1996 I will now address the issue of failing septic systems. This would certainly seem to be a problem in some areas of the city that were platted 20 to 25 years ago. However, in my opinion, the majority of these failures are due to improper installation techniques and improper maintenance. Many systems were installed too deep, were undersized, or had less than three feet to mottled soil or saturated soil. With today's technology and licensing requirements a properly installed and maintained septic system can be expected to last for an average of 25 to 30 years. As two septic sites are required on every newly developed lot there would be a total of at least 50 years of treatment capacity per lot. I have attempted to provide the necessary information regarding collector systems. I hope that this information will aid you in your decision addressing the Lin -Bar Development. JO/co BLDONSPAVM Ot 3. of November 25, 1996, cont'd. Page CM Fournier_expl ^ that normally the City fills commission position in January of each year and urged Mr: Bengtson to reconsider withdrawing his application. Mr. Bengtson responded his applicationshouldhave been considered in January of 1996. / • 4+•n11Y hMl': t'. YY �.1 •+Tlf.• - /// 5_ Consent Agenda,• 5-1- Approval of Monticello Fire Service Contract (removed and placed under Item 91 5-2_ Approval of Alhertville Fire Service Contract - 5 -3 - .on rac5-3_ R . .iv . Sewer nd Water Information Report and set Workshop for Monday. December 2- 1996 at 6:30 PM. (Removed and placed under Item 9-1 CM Black motioned approval of the Consent Agenda as amended. Seconded by CM Ackerman. All in favor. Motion carried. 6-1- Consider Lin-Rar Development, Inc., 5475 Parnell Ave_ NE. Rogers PID 118-500-284300_ (6ontinued from 10-14-96 and 10-28-96 and 11- 12 96 Agenda) (See attached letter from Enginepr)- A_ Planned Unit Development (.onc , to Plan) Mr. Koshak reviewed with the Council the meeting he had with Lin -Bar's Engineer and Surveyor. Together they reviewed the cluster systems. He stated a joint conclusion was not arrived at. The developer wants the one acre lots with sewer lines in the street with 3 or 4 lots on a cluster system. Mr. Koshak's concept of a cluster system was with urban size lots. CM Fournier motioned to continue this matter until the next City Council Meeting in order to give time to the Building Official time to comment on the feasibility of both systems in regards to how they protect the environment. Seconded by CM Black. Voting For the Motion: CM Ackerman, CM Black, CM Fournier, CM Heidner. Voting Against the Motion: Mayor Freske Motion carried four (4) to one (1). CM Heidner needed clarification if a motion was needed. He stated this plat was previously approved provided a cluster was put in. Mr. Kirmis stated he is correct and that a cluster system is part of the conditions. If the Building Official shows no support for a community system, than it would appear that a new motion would be needed. Hakanson Anderson Assoc., Inc. November 20, 1996 Mayor & City Council City of Otsego 8899 Nashua Avenue Otsego, MN 55330 RE: Lin Bar PUD Dear Mayor & Council Members: 3601 Thurston Avenue Anoka, Minnesota 55303 612/427-5860 Fax 612/=427-3-�- 0520 NOV 2 1 At the October 28, 1996 Council Meeting, the Developer's Engineer, Thor Meyer, and myself were asked to come back to you at a later meeting with a recommendation. We did meet on November 7, 1996, at the City Hall. Elaine Beatty, Thor Meyer, Bob Rohlin, and myself were in attendance. Mr. Meyer presented a concept of a cluster system. In the proposed plat I believe he had shown three such cluster drainfields. Sanitary sewer lines were conceptionally placed in the streets with a plan to ultimately direct the sewage to the northeast of the plat by gravity. It is conceivable that in the future, sanitary sewer could be available to this area from the east and that a trunk sewer would serve this plat at the northeast corner. The concept as presented assumed 1.0 acre residential lots. Thus, each drainfield would serve approximately 10-20 lots. This proposed concept is not the type cluster system we had in mind. We would propose small urban lots served by several cluster drainfields with open space between clusters. The same density as proposed would be considered but with smaller lots and more open space between the clusters. The developer desires to develop 1.0 acre lots only. According to Meyer Rohlin, that is the developer's goal. - - Our concept of cluster differs from their proposed system. It was stated by Meyer Rohlin that the cluster proposal is not cost effective for the developer. We tend to agree that the proposal is not cost effective. We also agree that 1.0 acre lots can be served by septic tank drainfields in this area with a minimum number being mound systems. We do not recommed that the Council approve a 1.0 lot subdivision in this area. The proposed plat is outside of the�mmediate service area as currently established. The proposal, if approved, also could open to other requests of similar nature for plating outside the immediate sewer area. Continued development of 1.0 acre lots without a sanitary sewer plan will cause serious problems in the future when existing septic drainfield systems begin to fail in significant numbers. Eiil-invers Landscape Architects Surveyors Mayor & City Council Page 2 November 20, 1996 We recommend before consideration of this proposal that the Council complete the Comprehensive Plans including sanitary sewer collection and treatment plan. Then, after the planning and engineering issues are considered and adopted, if this area is within the plan for development as 1 .0 acre lots, it could be concluded that adequate consideration was given to the proposal and the concept of 1.0 acre lots with septic tank/drainfields in this area is approved. This proposal, in our opinion, however, is premature at this time. Watershed issues for this area have not been dealt with to a level to allow further development. This proposal is on the top end of two watershed and which both watersheds are not developed to meet further development. We recommend that any development allowed in the area prior to an approval plan be required to have ponding to hold two single event 100 year storms with release of only the existing runoff. We would also recommend if the proposal is approved septic tank/drainfields shall be standard systems. No mound system would be allowed to support a residential unit. Our recommendation first is not to consider approval of the plat until the revised Comprehensive Plan is approved. If our recommendation is not considered, then we would recommend special conditions be applied to the Stormwater Drainage and Septic Tank/Drainfield design of this proposal. We will be available to discuss this matter with you at the Council Meeting. Sincerely, HAKAN$.QN ANDERSON ASSOCIATES, INC. gy rrkn—cWG. 46shak, PE Jig cc: :Elaine Beatty, Clerk Bob Kirmis, NAC Andy MacArthur, Attorney Hilary Barry Wilfred Lindenfelser OT2176.may Hakanson Anderson Assoc., Inc. Mr. Bob Kirmis Northwest Assoc. Consultants, Inc. 5775 Wayzata Blvd., Suite 555 St. Louis Park, MN 55416 Re: Third Industrial Park Site Engineering Issues Dear Bob: ,W 222 Monroe Street Anoka, Minnesota 55303 612/427-5860 fax 612/427-3401 We have reviewed the preliminary layout and sketch plan for the development and have the following to offer: CSAH37 ROW Item 1 - When platted a Wright County Highway portion related to the Avenue intersection. City Streets total ROW of 50 ft. will Dept. In our exhibit, current correction of th be required by the we show only the e CSAH37 and Odean Item 2 - We recommend that the plat be developed with 80 ft. ROW street as per the City's ordinances. We are also recommending for commercial property to have at least a 36 ft. wide street constructed as a rural section. It would provide for 2-1•2 foot driving lanes and 2-8 foot shoulders. The wider street is required to accommodate the truck and trailer traffic. Storm Water Drainage Item 3 - The most important element of the engineering analysis is the storm water plan for this proposed development. Storm water drainage for the site is evenly divided between two major watersheds. Natural drainage exists to the northeast corner of the property, to the middle of the southern property line and a minor flow to the southeastern corner of the property. No established off-site drainage easements currently abut the property. Until a drainage system is developed for the area, all flows should be detained on site. Proposed pond locations and preliminary sizing were analyzed and are shown on the attached exhibit. The surface areas of the ponds will vary based on water table depths and future grading requirements. Engineers Landscape Architects Surveyors J Mr. Bob Kirmis Page 2 November 29, 1993 Storm water will drain to the ponds by means of street ditches if a rural section is constructed or by curb and gutter if an urban street section is constructed. Grading on the site will also help provide positive flow pattern to the ponding areas. Phasing Item 4 - Based on the preliminary calculations, there will be three storm water ponds required. Phasing alignment will need to be adjusted to accommodate the drainage basins. The first phase would drain to the south central pond and phase two will drain to a southeasterly ponding area. The final phase will drain to the northeast. The ponding area will take a minimum of 2.0 acres for surface area for each site except perhaps the area in the southeast which will require less than two acres. Water System Item 5 - The City of Otsego does distribution system at this time. Water form of individual wells for the area. have proven to be a reliable source of Sewer System not have a public water supply is generally in the The aquifers in this area water. Item 6 - Sanitary sewage disposal will be by means of individual septic systems and drain fields. The on-site soils are loams and sandy loams. Percolation rates for these soil types have been measured between 20 and 40 minutes per inch (MPI) in the surrounding area. Based on this information, individual septic systems are a feasible means of sewage disposal for this site. A cluster soil absorption system should also be considered as a means for disposal. However, if the waste water flow is no greater than that of domestic use, then individual systems will function adequately. Large volume water users should be discouraged from the site. Item 7 - Cost Estimates - Without reliable contours and a grading plan, any street cost estimate will be only a rough figure. Generally, for a 36 ft. wide rural street paved full width, the cost per linear foot constructed in clay soils could be between $55/lineal foot to $75/lineal foot. This would vary depending on size of the project, cuts and fills, drainage facilities, etc. Site grading will be necessary to prepare the site drainage and ponding area. Mr. Bob Kirmis Page 3 November 29, 1993 Kevin Kielb of our staff reviewed this matter for us and if I am not available, Kevin will be glad to answer any questions you might have. Yours truly, HAKANSON ANDERSON ASSOCIATES, INC. /mlc Enclosure cc: Elaine Beatty, Deputy Clerk ✓ File: OT9:01-11 f _1 ---t---r— �i J � I I C-11 3nrr�nr �\\ � I f— N L � Q �i J � I I C-11 3nrr�nr �\\ � I f— CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: MEETING DATE 6. DAVID LICHT, CITY PLANNER Dec. 23, 1996 - 6:302M ITEM NUMBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION: PREPARED BY: EB,CC 6.2. Concept Plan Review for Fabian Sadowski property SW of 85TH ST & Page Ave NE (Neal Krzyzaniak, Bridgeland Development Co. and Peter J. Knabele Terra Engr, Inc (Questions as to Zoning and Subdivision) PID #118-500-223200, 80.37 Acres, Section 22, Twp 121, R23 and PID #118- 500-172200 - 40 Acres, Section 27, Twp 121, R23. BACKGROUND: Fabian Sadowiski has 120 acres, 40 Acres which is in the Immediate Urban Service Area now. He wants to sell all 120 to Bridgeland Development Co as stated above. They have a sketch plan and are looking for indication if they can develope all 120 acres into one acre lots (R-3, Residential, Immediate Urban Service Area). The property is all zoned A-1, General Agricultural now. This property is in the area proposed to be the area for sewer and water if we go ahead with that project. Fabian Sadowski said he is ready to retire and sell his land and wants to be able to sell the 120 acres for development. He also said he has watched development all around him and it is his time to develope now. The Planning Commission indicated that without any direction from the Council on sewer and water it was hard to make a commitment. They did indicate that the 40 acres is the immediate urban service area could possibly be developed. They asked Larry Fournier about the status of sewer and water. STAFF RECOMENDATION: This is a discussion item and Fabian Sadowski is looking for indication of Council direction on this. Thank you, Elaine 8I ST ST. WA N. '1— — — — — 85TH SI. (Es. Farmstead) S —J SL I 91 I Co —{I 0 — I u I F29LOts Rh. 1 F- g3RD R-J ZONING: ' I Mill. IOI SII.e 1.0 ac. I Min. lot width I0 A. Cul tt/W radius (a)' Street R/W _ ► I I Strcel \vldtll 32'M Collector R/W W)' mp I I I Collector width 44' B -B Future lot size 12,0(1) sr — — — Future lol width 75' LAND OWNRR, ti I Fabian Sadowski 15237 NE 145111 St. Olscgo. MN 53330 A-1 (441-2328) DEVELOPER: 33 Lots h. 2— I — — I Nrd Krzweland Diak I' 20141 land Dcv. Co. Lnkc llcl MI Tr. Likcvillc, MN 55110(0( � (714,5-5gA1) CIVIL FINGINEER, I I Petcr Knocblc. PE Tcrra Engineering, list. (A)I Glenwood Avc. Mpls.. MN 55422 I(517- 932 f) SITS FDAD I a° I Sitc area m 120 0(e. PON' Scc. 22 h 27; Twp. 121; Ranby 13 — I29 Lot PIi. 3 I — �— CONCEPT PLAN I 12/2/96 1" = 300' A-1. A-1 \ CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: MEETING DATE 6. DAVID LICHT, CITY PLANNER Dec. 23, 1996 - 6:302M ITEM NUMBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION: PREPARED BY: EB,CC 6.3. Richard Kincanon and Dennis Chuba of Heritage Landing Development, 19276 Vernon St, Elk River, MN 55330. Owner is Alvin F and Germaine Beaudry, 12900 - 77TH ST NE, Otsego, MN for PID #'s 118- 500-213100, property located on 85TH ST SW of Odean Ave NE, in Section 21, Twp 121, R23. Request is as follows: A. Rezone property from A-1 (General Agricultural) to R-3, (Residential, Immediate Urban Service Area). BACKGROUND: This is a rezoning request from A-1, General Ag to B-3, Residential Immediate Urban Service Area. The Planning Commission, at their Meeting of December 18, 1996 voted unanimously to rezone this property, after Hearing one residents concerns of traffic and safety on 85TH Street. See attached report from NAC and Findings of Fact. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Rezone this property from A-1, General Agricultural to B-3, Residential, Immediate Urban Service Area. Thank you, 4/� . Elaine DEC -19-1996 09.21 NAC 612 595 9837 P.02i07 CITY OF OTSEGO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA IN RE: REZONING APPROVAL FINDINGS OF FACT AND DECISION Application of Mr. Richard Kincanon and Dennis Chuba on behalf of Heritage Landing Development, Inc. to rezone the following described land from an A-1, Agricultural Rural Sery ice Area Zoning District designation to an R-3, Residential, Immediate Urban Service Area zoning designation. The subject property is legally described as: See Attached Exhibit A On 23 December 1996, the Otsego City Council met at its regularly scheduled meeting to consider the application of Heritage Landing Development to rezone the above described land from an A-1, Agricultural Rural Service Area Zoning District designation to an R-3, Residential, Immediate Urban Service Area zoning designation. Based upon the application, the recommendation of the Planning Commission and the evidence received, the City Council now makes the following findings of fact and decision. FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The applicant Is requesting a rezoning of the following described property from an A-1, Agricultural Rural Service Area Zoning District designation to an R-3, Residential, Immediate Urban Service Area zoning designation. The subject property is legally described as: See Attached Exhibit A 2. The subject property lies within the City's designated Immediate Urban Service Area. DEC -19-1996 09:22 NAC 612 595 9837 P.03i07 3. Section 20-3-2.F of the Zoning Ordinance directs the Planning Commission and City Council to consider seven possible adverse effects of the requested rezoning. The seven effects and the findings regarding them are: a. The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the official City Comprehensive Plan. The proposed rezoning is consistent with the City's Land Use Plan which suggests low density residential use of the subject property. The proposed use is also consistent with a specific policy of the Comprehensive Plan which encourages infill development. b. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. The proposed use is compatible with present and future land uses of the area. C. The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained herein (i.e., parking, loading, noise, etc.). As a condition of subdivision approval and building permit issuance, the proposed use shall be required to meet applicable performance standards of the Zoning Ordinance. d. The proposed use's effect upon the area in which it is proposed. The proposed rezoning and low density residential use will not adversely affect the subject area. e. The proposed use's impact upon property values of the area in which it is proposed. While no specific study has been conducted, similar situations indicate that the proposed rezoning will not adversely affect property values in the subject area. f. Traffic generation of the proposed use in relation to capabilities of streets serving the property. Traffic generated from the rezoning will be within the capabilities of 85th Street which serve the property. 2 DEC -19-1996 09:22 NAC 612 595 9837 P.04i07 g. The proposed use's impact upon existing public services and facilities including parks, streets, utilities, and its potential to overburden the City's service capacity. The rezoning and resulting land use will not overburden the City's service capacity. 4. The planning report dated 5 December 1996, prepared by Northwest Associated Consultants, Inc. is incorporated herein. 5. On 18 December 1996, the Otsego Planning Commission conducted a public hearing to consider the proposed rezoning preceded by published and mailed notice. Upon review of the rezoning application and evidence received, the Otsego Planning Commission closed the public hearing and recommended that the City Council approve the rezoning based on the aforementioned findings. DECISION Based on the foregoing considerations and applicable ordinances, the applicant's request to rezone that property legally described in attached Exhibit A from An A-1, Agricultural Rural Service Area Zoning District designation to an R73, Residential, Immediate Urban Service Area zoning designation is approved in its present form. ADOPTED by the Otsego City Council this 23rd day of December 1996. CITY OF OTSEGO By: Norman F. Freske, Mayor ATTEST: By: Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator 3 DEC -19-1996 09:23 NAC 612 595 9837 P.05/07 j FGAL• DESCRIPTION North Half of the Southwest Quarter of Section 21 in Township 121. Range 23, EXCEPT THEREFROM: a 15 acre tract in the North Half of the southwest Quarter of Section 21, Township 121, Range 23, described as follows: The North 990.00 feet of the East 650.00 feet of soid Southwest Quarter more particularly described to -wit: Beginning at the Northeast corner of said Soouthwest Quarter of Section 21; thence West along the North line of said Southwest Quorter 660.00 feet; thence Southerly parallel with the East line of said Southwest Quarter 990.00 feet; thence Easterly parallel 'with the North line of said Southwest Quarter 650.00 feet to the East line of said Southwest Quarter; thence Northerly 990.00 feet more or less to the point of beginning. Containing 62.76 Acres '/- EXHIBIT A DEC -19-1996 09:23 NAC 612 595 9837 P.06i07 ORDINANCE NO. 97 - CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT, MINNESOTA AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO TO PROVIDE FOR A CHANGE IN ZONING CLASSIFICATION. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO HEREBY ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The official zoning map of the Otsego Zoning Ordinance is hereby amended to change the zoning classification of the following described property: See Attached Exhibit A Section 2. The above described property is hereby rezoned from an A-1, Agricultural Rural Service Zoning District designation to an R-3, Residential Immediate Urban Service Area District zoning designation. Section 3. The Zoning Administrator is hereby directed to make appropriate change in the official zoning map of the City of Otsego to reflect the change in zoning classification as set forth above. Section 4. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and publication. ADOPTED by the Otsego City Council this 23d day of December 1996. CITY OF OTSEGO By: ATTEST: Norman F. Freske, Mayor By: Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator DEC -19-1996 09:24 NAC 612 595 9837 P.07i07 LECAL DESCRIP DON North Half of the Southwest Quarter of Section 21 in Township 121, Range 23, EXCEPT THEREFROM: a 15 acre tract in the North Hoff of the southwest Quarter of Section 21, Township 121, Range 23, described as follows: The North 990.00 feet of the East 660.00 feet of said Southwest Quarter more particularly described to --wit: Beginning at the Northeast corner of said Soouthwest Quarter of Section 21; thence West along the North line of said Southwest Quarter 660.00 feet; thence Southerly parallel with the East line of said Southwest Quarter 990.00 feet; thence Easterly parallel 'with the North line of said Southwest Quarter 660.00 feet to the East line of said Southwest Quarter; thence Northerly 990.00 feet more or less to the point of beginning. Containing 62.76 Acres `/- EXHIBIT A TOTAL P.0? NF,mc NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS COMMUNITY PLANNING - DESIGN - MARKET RE5EArck.n PLANNING REPORT TO: Otsego Mayor and City Council Otsego Planning Commission FROM: Bob Kirmis / David Licht DATE: 5 December 1996 RE: Otsego - Beaudry Property Rezoning: FILE NO: 176.02 - 96.25 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Heritage Landing Development Background Mr. Richard Kincanon and Mr. Dennis Chuba, on behalf of Heritage Landing Development, have requested a rezoning of a 65 acre tract of land located Residen8al immediate to U ban 5th Street and west of Odean Avenue from A-1, Agricultural Rural Service to R 3and is Service. The subject site currently lies within the immediate urb n ser i endre pursue bounded on all sides by platteda late rdaial te.subdivision The applicants subdivision of the property Attached for reference: Exhibit A:- Site Location Exhibit B: Detailed Site Location/Zoning Exhibit C: Land Use Plan Recommendation Matters of land use appropriateness are considered policy ehe s ve Plan (Land Use Plan ), City officials. Based on current City policy and the Comprehensive li ant's rezoning request. Should the however, justification does exist to approve the app City determine that low density residential use of the subject property is appropriate, our T LOUIS PARK, MINNESOTA 554 1 6 5775 WAYZATA BOULEVARD, SUITE 555 S PHONE 6 1 2-595-9636 FAX 6 1 2-595-9837 office would recommend approval of the requested rezoning of the property from A-1., Agricultural Rural Service to R-2, Residential Immediate Urban Service. ISSUES ANALYSIS Rezoning Judgement Criteria. As noted previously, the subject site is currently zoned A-1, Agricultural Rural Service District which allows one single family residential dwelling unit per forty acres of land. To accommodate single family residential development (upon one plus acre lots) over the entire parcel, a rezoning of the property to an R-3, Residential Immediate Urban Service area designation is necessary. In consideration of rezoning requests, Section 20-3-2.F of the Zoning Ordinance directs the City Council and Planning Commission to consider the possible adverse effects of the proposed amendment. Their judgement should be based upon, but not limited to, the following factors: 1. The proposed actions consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the official City Comprehensive Plan. As shown on attached Exhibit C, the City's Land Use Plan suggests low density residential use of the subject property. The subject property also lies within the City's immediate urban service area in which "infill" development is encouraged. It should be noted that a premise of the current Comprehensive Plan is the future extension of sanitary sewer service from Elk River. Without such service availability, genuine concern exists in regard to the continued allowance of unsewered lots within the City which are not consistent with sanitary sewer planning efforts. Of particular concern is the impact of such uses on the City's ground water supply. Such continuance will need to be carefully examined as part of the Comprehensive Plan's Update efforts. As it presently exists, however, the proposed use is consistent with the provisions of the Comprehensive Plan. 2. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. In considering the compatibility of the proposed use, it is considered beneficial to examine land uses (and zoning designations) which surround the subject site. The following is a listing of such uses and zoning designations. 2 As shown above, the subject property ert is surrounded on all sides by platted p residential subdivisions. Exceptingas development to the north, all lld surrounding 5 acre ro residential developments exhibit one acre lots (property Y to north lots). the proposed use is considered In review of surrounding residential uses, compatible with present and future land uses in the area. 3 The proposed uses conformity with all performance standards contained herein. ate subdivision approval, the proposed use will be required As a condition of ultim to comply with all applicable performance standards including, but not limited to, R- 3 and Shoreland Overlay District provisions. 4. The proposed use's effect on the area in which it is proposed. The proposed use is not expected to adversely affect the area in which it is proposed. 5. The proposed use's impact upon property values of the area in which it is proposed. n conducted, the proposed use is not expected to While no detailed study has bee negatively impact area property values. To be specifically noted is that the subject P roperty is bounded by "mobile home subdivisions con's d moderate to low value (less than $40,000 per 1990 Comprehensive erat on of the City's current p Plan). In single family dwelling standards, it is expected that homes dineructed upon the subject property would greatly exceed the value of surroun $ Use Zoning Direction R-2 North Single Family Residential (Vasseurs Oak Grove Estates) South Single Family Residential R-3 (Walesch Estates) Single Family Residential R-3 East (Vasseurs Oak Grove Estates) West Single Family Residential R-3 (Vasseurs Oak Grove Estates) As shown above, the subject property ert is surrounded on all sides by platted p residential subdivisions. Exceptingas development to the north, all lld surrounding 5 acre ro residential developments exhibit one acre lots (property Y to north lots). the proposed use is considered In review of surrounding residential uses, compatible with present and future land uses in the area. 3 The proposed uses conformity with all performance standards contained herein. ate subdivision approval, the proposed use will be required As a condition of ultim to comply with all applicable performance standards including, but not limited to, R- 3 and Shoreland Overlay District provisions. 4. The proposed use's effect on the area in which it is proposed. The proposed use is not expected to adversely affect the area in which it is proposed. 5. The proposed use's impact upon property values of the area in which it is proposed. n conducted, the proposed use is not expected to While no detailed study has bee negatively impact area property values. To be specifically noted is that the subject P roperty is bounded by "mobile home subdivisions con's d moderate to low value (less than $40,000 per 1990 Comprehensive erat on of the City's current p Plan). In single family dwelling standards, it is expected that homes dineructed upon the subject property would greatly exceed the value of surroun $ 6. Traffic generation of the proposed use in relation to capabilities of streets serving the property. Undoubtedly, an increase in traffic generation will result from the development of the subject property. The vast majority of such traffic would utilize 85th Street which borders the property one the north. According to the Institute of Transportation Engineers, a detached single family generates approximately 10.0 vehicle trips per day. Assuming the subject 65 acre property may accommodate 50 single family dwellings, a total of 500 vehicle trips per day could be expected. Such traffic is within the capabilities of 85th Street (a collector street) which is being considered for upgrade in 1997. 7. The proposed use's impact upon existing public services and facilities including parks, schools, street and utilities and its potential to overburden the City's service capacity. The proposed use will increase service demands. Such demands shall, however, be lessened through the imposition of park/trail and storm water impact fees. Considering that the proposed use constitutes infill development and maybe adequately served by 85th Street, the proposed use is not expected to overburden the City's service capacity. Sanitary Sewer Planning. As noted previously, the City's existing Comprehensive Plan is based on a premise that future sanitary sewer service would be extended from the City of Elk River. Since the plan's adoption, however, the City of Elk River has indicated that such service will not be made available. As a consequence, the City of Otsego has initiated efforts to study the possibility of jointly constructing a waste water treatment plant in the southeast area of the community (with the City of Dayton). Recognizing the relative uncertainty of the sanitary sewer issue, the lack of a definitive sewer plan and the potential ground water pollution problems associated with unsewered one acre development, some question exists as to the advisability of continuing to allow such development within the City at this time. Pending the resolution of this matter, the possible establishment of a development moratorium should not be disregarded by City officials. CONCLUSION Matters regarding land use appropriateness are considered City policy decisions to be determined by City officials. Considering, however, that the subject property lies within the immediate urban service area, the proposed use is consistent with the Land Use Plan (existing) and that development of the subject site would constitute "infill" development, justification does exist to approve the rezoning request. 4 pc: Elaine Beatty Andy MacArthur Larry Koshak Heritage Landing Development R ys 1. lffil�m r 6 s1. ML p /� !T. ti cz Cm "KL/ ` — } 4-� I �` ewe IT. � i r' INS * J Y r-{ 3 -- �►� i L PLL /rr, <:::::: IS I�`'� r1 Z � � I t R. \fir � � ; � ■ r _ 1E 711r n y A J r I c z w K (KL row IT.) no. 111. row T711[ZT EXHIBIT B - DETAILED SITE LOCATION/ZONIN co Co Otsego, rMinninenfn ......... . . 7 1 15 14 4 18 ..... . —P CATL 92-3 $T i and SEPTEMBER 1989 cenic DistrictBounJary M NOTL 7"S W.' 15 FIA KAJ...G rLso-osts cKv NO UCL" WT " Lwo .nl. cw z ... .......... BASE MAP SOURCE 67th ST .......... 22 23 24 1�1 9 35 65ti, S ?,Sth ST 3 —E2rj S_ 011 "d ST. ........... ........... BM ST 50th ST X .... . ............... 77th ST X, :. . x. 77th ST ........ ....... ............ -27 75th ST 25 4 30 29 ......... ........ ST 26 M ..... . t:...: .......... • ................ ........... .......... ................... .......... ........ 70th ST 70th ST 70th ST 1 2 2 67th ST I 5 _-,36 31 32 3 34 1 ST T RIC 1h, Y Otsego, rMinninenfn 62nd ST 60th ST rc Agricultural Highway Commercial (134 ac.) Low Density Residential Industrial (536. ac.) - Land Use PREPARED BY: Plan Park/Public Facility Medium/High Density Residential (229 ac.) Neighborhood Commercial m m Land uses dependent upon Hwy. orthwest FN 101 upgrade and sewer availibility Associated Inc.- Consultants, 1 .5 0 SCALE IN MILES —P CATL SEPTEMBER 1989 NOTL 7"S W.' 15 FIA KAJ...G rLso-osts cKv NO UCL" WT " Lwo .nl. cw A.L.1 BASE MAP SOURCE WWW COu4Ty 9-RVEYORS OFFICE 7-2589 35 65ti, S 3 —E2rj S_ 011 62nd ST 60th ST rc Agricultural Highway Commercial (134 ac.) Low Density Residential Industrial (536. ac.) - Land Use PREPARED BY: Plan Park/Public Facility Medium/High Density Residential (229 ac.) Neighborhood Commercial m m Land uses dependent upon Hwy. orthwest FN 101 upgrade and sewer availibility Associated Inc.- Consultants, ON THE GREAT RIVER ROAD CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION ION AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: MEETING DATE 7. ANDY Mac Arthur, CITY ATTORNEY: Dec. 23, 1996 - 6:302M n v . n r• ITEM NUMBER: 1'i'LM rZ% rru i —. 7.1. Information Re: Special Assessments of unpaid amounts charged for false alarm calls in the Monticello Fire Service area (Cont. from 12/9/96) A. Consider Ord. for false alarm charges to be redrafted with recommend changes by Attorney B. Consider approval of Monticello Fire Service Contract (Cont. from last Agenda). BACKGROUND: Two meetings ago, the Council asked the City Attorney to check into the legalities of this Ordinance and if it could be put on Special Assessment. At the last meeting the Council noted the contract would need to be changed and suggested that the City Attorney contact Monticello and get their approval of the suggested changes and that the Ordinance be changed as recommended. STAFF RECOIy MMDATION : Attached is the Ordinance for review, which has the suggested changes and Andy MacArthur has called Rick Wolfsteller, Adm. for Monticello to get them to redraft the Fire Contract with the proposed changes. If you agree with the changes, recommendation is to approve. Thank you, c� 91& Elaine ORDINANCE NO. CITY OF OTSEGO ORDINANCE PERTAINING TO DEFECTIVE OR MALFUNCTIONING EMERGENCY ALARM SYSTEMS WITHIN THE CITY OF OTSEGO. It is hereby ordained by the City Council of the City of Otsego, County of Wright, State of Minnesota as follows: Any false alarm call to an individual, or business that, in the opinion of the Monticello Fire Chief, was the result of a defective or malfunctioning alarm system will receive a notice outlining this policy, indicating a second false alarm call within the calendar year will subject the property owner to a $100.00 charge. The notice will also indicate that three or more false alarms during the calendar year will result in the property owner being charged $250.00 for each additional false alarm. Any unpaid service charge shall be placed as a special assessment against the property pursuant to Minn. Stat. 429.101, after proper notice and hearing. Adopted this day of , 19 CITY OF OTSEGO: Norman F Freske, Mayor ATTEST: Elaine Beatty, City Clerk (City Seal) William S. Radzwill Andrew J. MacArthur Michael C. Court Megan M. McDonald December 19, 1996 Mr. Rick Wolfsteller City Administrator City of Monticello Monticello City Hall 250 Broadway East Monticello, MN 55362 RADZWILL & CO URI Attorneys at Law 705 Central Avenue East PO Boz 369 St. Michael, MN 55376 (612) 497-1930 (612) 497-2599 (FAX) RE: Monticello- Otsego Fire Contract Dear Mr. Wolfsteller, VIA FACSIMILE AND U.S. MAIL The Otsego City Council has reviewed the proposed fire contract with the Joint Fire Department. They have also reviewed the proposed ordinance for false alarms and will pass the same with changes necessitated by the fact that the City's authority to assess service charges comes from a different statute, Minn. Stat. 429.101. Because of this necessary assessment procedure, the City is willing to assess for the charges and provide to the Joint Fire Department whatever amounts are paid off as they are collected, however, they are unwilling to bear responsibility for all such charges unpaid after a certain date, as set forth in the proposed contract. The City would propose changing Article IV, D of the proposed agreement to read as follows: "Any false alarm charge billed directly to an individual or business by the Joint Fire Department under this Agreement that remains unpaid shall be referred to the City by September 15 for assessment proceedings. Upon payment of the amount unpaid and assessed to the City, the City shall transmit that amount to the Joint Fire Department." I discussed this matter with you yesterday by telephone and indicated that you did not see any problem with the proposed change. If this is the case, could you please make the requested change and provide the City of Otsego with a corrected Fire Contract so that they can review and possibly act upon it at their meeting on Monday, December 23. Letter to Rick Wolfsteller December 19, 1996 Page—2 If you have any.questions or concerns please feel free to contact me. Very truly yours, Andrew J; MacArthur RADZWILL & COURI cc: City of Otsego ||� § Rm9E HILLS _� m a@aAamw A�m Orver Z t %.1E _ } 3 h, ` DEK ' �: , e \ PRELIMINARY &# / _. __ \ _`, MONTICELLO Office of the City Administrator 250 East Broadway December 20, 1996 Monticello, MN 55362-9245 Phone: (612) 295-2711 Metro: (612) 333-5739 Ms. Elaine Beatty City Clerk City of Otsego 8899 Nashua Avenue NE Otsego, MN 55330 Re: Revised fire contract Dear Elaine: nt ? 3 Your City Attorney, Andrew MacArthur, had requested that the fire contract between the Joint Fire Board and the City of Otsego be revised to include different language regarding the assessment procedures for unpaid false alarm charges. I do not have a problem with the new language as proposed and I am enclosing a copy of the new contract that should address your concerns. If this new language is acceptable, I will forward additional copies of the contract that have been signed by the joint fire department representatives. At that time you may sign all three copies and keep one for your records. Should you have any questions, please contact me at your convenience. Sincerely, CITY OF MONTICELLO (1 -4 d , N.W Rick Wolfstelle City Administrator RW/glk cc: Fire department contract file This AGREEMENT between the City and Township of Monticello, Minnesota, hereafter referred to as the JOINT FIRE DEPARTMENT, and the City of Otsego, hereafter referred to whether in whole or in part as the CITY, both agree as follows: The JOINT FIRE DEPARTMENT agrees to furnish fire service and fire protection to all properties subject to the terms of this agreement, within the CITY area, said area being set forth in EXHIBIT A, attached hereto. The JOINT FIRE DEPARTMENT will make a reasonable effort to attend all fires within the CITY area upon notification of such fire or fires, and under the direction of the JOINT FIRE DEPARTMENT fire chief, subject to the following terms and conditions: A. Road and weather conditions must be such that the fire run can be made with reasonable safety to the firemen and equipment of the JOINT FIRE DEPARTMENT. The decision of the fire chief or other officer in charge of the fire department at the time that the fire run cannot be made with reasonable safety to firemen and equipment shall be final. B. The JOINT FIRE DEPARTMENT shall not be liable to the CITY for the loss or damage of any kind whatever resulting from any failure to furnish or any delay in furnishing firemen or fire equipment, or from any failure to prevent, control, or extinguish any fire, whether such loss or damage is caused by the negligence of the officers, agents, or employees of the JOINT FIRE DEPARTMENT or its fire department, or otherwise. The JOINT FIRE DEPARTMENT further agrees: A. To keep and maintain in good order at its own expense the necessary equipment and fire apparatus for fire service and fire protection within the town area so serviced. B. The JOINT FIRE DEPARTMENT shall provide sufficient manpower in its fire department to operate fire equipment. D. The JOINT FIRE DEPARTMENT will submit a summary to the City of all fires on a monthly basis. PROTECT.AGR: 12/20/96 Page 1 The CITY agrees: A. " " To pay an annual fee of $35 for each tax identification parcel as determined by the Otsego City Assessor and/or Wright County Auditors office for years 1997 through 1999. These fees shall include all standby charges and fire call costs. The total annual fee for the first year of this contract is estimated to be $6,650.00 based on an estimated 190 parcels @ $35 each. The annual fee shall be adjusted for years 1998 and 1999 at the same $35.00 rate per parcel for additional parcels added within coverage area. B. Annual fee shall be paid as follows: prior to January 1 of each year - 25% prior to April 1 of each year - 25% prior to July 1 of each year - 25% prior to October 1 of each year - 25% C. Any false alarm call to an individual or business that, in the opinion of the Monticello Fire Chief, was the result of a defective or malfunctioning alarm system will receive a written notice outlining this policy, indicating a second false alarm call within the calendar year will subject the property owner to a $100 charge. The notice will also indicate that three or more false alarms during the calendar year will result in the property owner being charged $250 for the alarm call. D. Any false alarm charge billed directly to an individual or business by the Joint Fire Department under this agreement that remains unpaid shall be referred to the City by September 15 for assessment proceedings. Upon payment of the amount unpaid and assessed to the City, the City shall transmit that amount to the Joint Fire Department. E. All payments must be made in accordance with this schedule to render this agreement effective for each calendar year of the contract. In case an emergency arises within the JOINT FIRE DEPARTMENT while equipment and personnel of the fire department are engaged in fighting a fire within the CITY area, calls shall be answered in the order of their receipt unless the fire chief or other officer in charge of the fire department at the time otherwise directs. In responding to fire calls within the CITY area, the fire chief or other officer in charge shall dispatch only such personnel and equipment as in his opinion can be safely spared from the JOINT FIRE DEPARTMENT. PROTECT.AGR: 12/20/96 Page 2 In cases where the JOINT FIRE DEPARTMENT receives a notification of an emergency other than a fire, and its assistance is requested in the area defined in Exhibit A of this contract, it shall respond to such emergency in the same manner as a fire as outlined in this contract. Charges for. such service shall be as outlined in ARTICLE VI. The CITY agrees to make a fire protection tax levy or otherwise to provide funds each year in an amount sufficient to pay the JOINT FIRE DEPARTMENT the compensation agreed upon. This AGREEMENT shall be in force for a term of three (3) years beginning on January 1, 1997, and ending on the 31st day of December, 1999. This contract may be terminated upon a six- month notice by either party. CITY OF MONTICELLO By: Mayor Atte Clerk Signed this day of 1996. TOWNSHIP OF MONTICELLO By: Chairperson Attest: Clerk Signed this day of , 1996. CITY OF OTSEGO By: Mayor Attest: Clerk Signed this day of 1996. PROTECT.AGR: 12/20/96 Page 3 EXHIBIT A This EXHIBIT is a part of the attached FIRE PROTECTION AGREEMENT, and its purpose is to designate the area covered under this AGREEMENT and referred to herein as the CITY area. Therefore, the CITY area in which protection for fires is agreed to involves the following sections of the CITY herein: (SEE ATTACHED MAPS) Range (Unplatted Areas) Section 10 Section 11 Section 14 Section 15 Section 22 Section 23 N1/2 of Section 27 Plata: Billstroms Riverview Addition Island View Estates Arrowhead Estates Riverwood PUD TOTAL NO. OF PARCELS At $35.00 per Parcel = $6,755.00 CITY OF MONTICELLO I:5 Mayor Attest: Clerk TOWNSHIP OF MONTICELLO By: Chairperson Attest: Clerk 193 CITY OF OTSEGO By: Mayor Attest: Clerk PROTECT.AGR: 12/20/96 Page 4 CITY OF OTSEGO REOT TEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: MEETING DATE 7. ANDY Mac Arthur, CITY ATTORNEY: Dec. 23, 1996 - 6:30PM ITEM NUMBER: ITEM DESC:K-LPTiUN: rtsi: 7.1. Information Re: Special Assessments of unpaid amounts charged for false alarm calls in the Monticello Fire Service area (Cont. from 12/9/96) A. Consider Ord. for false alarm charges to be redrafted with recommend changes by Attorney B. Consider approval of Monticello Fire Service Contract (Cont. from last Agenda). BACKGROUND: Two meetings ago, the Council asked the City Attorney to check into the legalities of this Ordinance and if it could be put on Special Assessment. At the last meeting the Council noted the contract would need to be changed and suggested that the City Attorney contact Monticello and get their approval of the suggested changes and that the Ordinance be changed as recommended. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Attached is the Ordinance for review, which has the suggested changes and Andy MacArthur has called Rick Wolfsteller, Adm. for Monticello to get them to redraft the Fire Contract with the proposed changes. If you agree with the changes, recommendation is to approve. Thank you, Elaine ORDINANCE NO. CITY OF OTSEGO ORDINANCE PERTAINING TO DEFECTIVE OR MALFUNCTIONING EMERGENCY ALARM SYSTEMS WITHIN THE CITY OF OTSEGO. It is hereby ordained by the City Council of the City of Otsego, County of Wright, State of Minnesota as follows: Any false alarm call to an individual, or business that, in the opinion of the Monticello Fire Chief, was the result of a defective or malfunctioning alarm system will receive a notice outlining this policy, indicating a second false alarm call within the calendar year will subject the property owner to a $100.00 charge. The notice will also indicate that three or more false alarms during the calendar year will result in the property owner being charged $250.00 for each additional false alarm. Any unpaid service charge shall be placed as a special assessment against the property pursuant to Minn. Stat. 429.101, after proper notice and hearing. Adopted this day of 119 CITY OF OTSEGO: Norman F Freske, Mayor ATTEST: Elaine Beatty, City Clerk (City Seal) William S. Radzwill Andrew J. MacArthur Michael C. Court Megan M. McDonald December 19, 1996 Mr. Rick Wolfsteller City Administrator City of Monticello Monticello City Hall 250 Broadway East Monticello, MN 55362 RADZWILL & CO URI Attorneys at Law 705 Central Avenue East PO Box 369 St. Michael, MN 55376 (612) 497-1930 (612) 497-2599 (FAX) RE: Monticello- Otsego Fire Contract Dear Mr. Wolfsteller, VIA FACSIMILE AND U.S. MAIL The Otsego City Council has reviewed the proposed fire contract with the Joint Fire Department. They have also reviewed the proposed ordinance for false alarms and will pass the same with changes necessitated by the fact that the City's authority to assess service charges comes from a different statute, Minn. Stat. 429.101. Because of this necessary assessment procedure, the City is willing to assess for the charges and provide to the Joint Fire Department whatever amounts are paid off as they are collected, however, they are unwilling to bear responsibility for all such charges unpaid after a certain date, as set forth in the proposed contract. The City would propose changing Article IV, D of the proposed agreement to read as follows: "Any false alarm charge billed directly to an individual or business by the Joint Fire Department under this Agreement that remains unpaid shall be referred to the City by September 15 for assessment proceedings. Upon payment of the amount unpaid and assessed to the City, the City shall transmit that amount to the Joint Fire Department." I discussed this matter with you yesterday by telephone and indicated that you did not see any problem with the proposed change. If this is the case, could you please make the requested change and provide the City of Otsego with a corrected Fire Contract so that they can review and possibly act upon it at their meeting on Monday, December 23. CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: MEETING DATE 7. ANDY MAC ARTHUR, CITY ATTORNEY Dec. 23, 1996 - 6:30PM ITEM NUMBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION: PREPARED BY: EB,CC 7.2. Discussion of Petition for Local Improvement (88TH ST NE) MRD Commercial Park BACKGROUND: This Petition is a result of the lot split for Ensminger in MRD Commercial Park. The Council Required the road be extended. See attached petition. STAFF RECOWENDATION: Andy MacArthur will be here to explain the process for this petition and local improvement. Thank you, Elaine Petition For Local Improvement (100 percent of property owners) Otsego, Minnesota November 19, 1996 To the City Council of Otsego, Minnesota: Re: Request for a Roadway Feasibility Study, MRD Commercial Park, 2nd Addition,(see attached) We, all owners or real property abutting on N. E. 88th Street along the North side of proposed Lot 1, Block 1, MRD Commercial Park Second Addition, hereby petitions for a City initiated project pursuant to Minnesota Statutes to: (1.) Construct of roadway & drainage extension of N. E. 88th Street approximately 430 LF Eastward, to the proposed Quaday Avenue. (2.) The use of MSA funds for the project. (3.) The entire remaining costs be assessed to the abutting property owners.. Signature of Owners. 1. Outlot A, MRD Commercial Park, 2nd Addition zv'r"" 4 , =PI ary R. Dare 2. Christ Lutheran Church of Elk River by 3. Roger L. Ensminger Christine W. Ensminger Examined, checked and found to be in proper form and to be signed by the required number of owners of property affected by the;making of the improvement petitioned for. City Clerk We fiurther request waiver of Public Hearing. FROM : CITY OF OTSEGO OCT. 2. 1996 9:16AM P20 PHONE NO. : 612 441 441.3 .. .. .... r r ...... ,o,a n,;a .�... 88th STREET , �r�wwwww r �' ♦ t am � ` r nrsr as tnr. h-- s. �' � F' 17 •� j � PROVIDE SEPARA ON•Ir utt •mxp x4wo $WA SIDEWALK AND/OilSPL—ArMN - : i PROYIDE PERIME� ; �1III/ y mz' POSTPONE DRIVEWAY VaR' GONSaUCTIO'N• � ���_ = t ''' • LZ J .. .......... 27 1100 It fM')w„� _ `—...�1 r�sva.• —ins — �' • _ �`� PROVIDE,Y ADDITIONAL HANDICAP STALL EXHIBIT G- SUGGESTED SITE PLAN MODIFICATIONS City of Otsego Engineer's Agenda Items City Council Meeting December 23, 1996 8.1 ANNUAL CERTIFICATION OF MILEAGE FOR MUNICIPAL STATE AID Mileage Certification is required to be done annually and is important to Otsego MSA program. Two conditions, population and certified mileage, dictate the amount of monies appropriated to the City for Funding. Population is now adjusted each year by the State Demographer and every ten years by the Census. Mileage Certification and the formula to determine the eligible MSA mileage provides the "needs" amount which establishes that portion of the appropriation. Normally, the only additions the City has to the system are the streets added through development. This year the City had an annexation and detachment along with development. Attached to this packet are copies of our calculations for the Certification. No action is necessary by the Council since this is a required submittal. The Certification for this year determined that the City has about a '/2 mile that needs to be designated MSA. The Council needs to consider which streets to add to the system. We will need to do this in late January or early February 1997, preferably at a workshop since that decision needs to be submitted by March 15, 1997. 8.2 ANY OTHER ENGINEERING BUSINESS agenda12.23 Item 8.2 I hereby certify that a tai Improved Mile go (CoI.XI. Line 7 + 11) in the Municipality of Signed Otsego Title City Engineer llakanson Anderson Associates, Inc. as of December 31, 1996 Is Date l0Z 90� 101.58 Miles. Municipal h 9 Revisions During Municipi age 11 as of Dec. 31, J95 I Current Year ( + or -) " as of Dec.... , 1996 ' ANNUAL CERTIFICATION �, > _ �, > OF MILEAGE Z 'X E a - ° � z n E n. � Z � E ° n LU f° E c E See enclosed Instructions c E C: Record revisions on back of form IIS IV L V VI VII VILI X' X _ - XI XI MILEAGE NOT CONSIDERED IN THE COMPUTATION OF BASIC MILEAGE -- -- 6.60 6.60 -- -- 0.10 0.10 -- -- 6.70 6.70 1. Trunk Highways 2. Trunk Highway Turnbacks -- -- -- (Designated as MSAS - mileage above 20%) -_ 3. County State Aid Highways -- -- 25.50 25.50 -- - _ 1.33 1.33 __ __ 26.83 26.83 (Exclude mileage designated as MSAS) 4. County State Aid Highway Turnbacks -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- (Designated as MSAS - mileage above 20%) 5. County Road Turnbacks -- -- -- -- (Designated as MSAS - mileage above 20%) - - -- -- -- -- -- -- 6. County Municipal State Aid Streets -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- (Jointlydesignated - Count State Aid & MSAS) 7. Total Mileage of Line 1 Thru 6 Previous 32. lU -F ju m -1 1.43 Adjustment 33.53 Current = BASIC MILEAGE: MILEAGE CONSIDERED IN THE COMPUTATION OF ALLOWABLE MILEAGE 8. Municipal State Aid Streets 2.78 -- 10.12 13.08 0. 18 -- -- -- 2.96 __ 10.12 13.08 (Exclude Trunk and Count Highway Turnbacks) 9. County Roads 0.74 0.74 -- 0.74 0.74 Exclude mileage designated MSAS 10. Other Local Roads And Streets - not designated -- -- 55.65 55.65 -- -- 1.54 1.54 -- -- 57.19 57.19 (Include T.N. & CSAH frontage roads) 66.51 (+ or 1.54 68.05 11. Total Improved Basic Mileage (Total Ilne 8+9+10) Previous Adjustment = Current = 0.20 12. Percentage Limitation Allowed by Statute X 13. MAXIMUM MILEAGE ALLOWED FOR M.S.A.S. DESIGNATIONS (Col XI, Line 12 Times Line 11). 13.61 14, Total Municipal State Aid Street Designated (Colum XII, Line 2 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 8) . 13.08 n/a n/a 15. Total MSAS One -Way Street Mileage Included In Col. XII, Line 6 & 8 . Mlles Divided By 2 = (-) (Only If considered as 1/2 Mileage - per Screening Board approval) n/a 16. Total Mlles of T.H. & County Turnbacks Designated as MSAS Above 20% (Col. XII Line 2 + 4 + 5). I 1 17. Mileage designated MSAS - not Including One -Way 112 Mileage, T.H. and C.R. Turnback mileage (Line 14 minus Line 15 & 16). 13.08 18. Municipal State Aid Street Mileage Over/Under Maximum Allowed. (Line 13 minus line 17. 0.53 I hereby certify that a tai Improved Mile go (CoI.XI. Line 7 + 11) in the Municipality of Signed Otsego Title City Engineer llakanson Anderson Associates, Inc. as of December 31, 1996 Is Date l0Z 90� 101.58 Miles. JAN. 1 TO DEC. 31, 1996 MUNICIPAUTY Otsego REVISIONS DURING CURRENT YEAR MUNICIPAL STATE AID STREETS Route Number Original Miles MILEAGE CHANGE + OR - Revised or new Miles Date of Change Reason Indicate if Needs were Received in 1996 Non- Existing Un- improved Improved ( Total � 101 3.15 -- __ 3 15 -- -- -- 102 2.28 -- -- -- I -- 2.28 -- -- -- 103 0.50 -- -- -- -- 0.50 -- -- -- 104 1.92 -- -- -- -- I 1.92 -- I -- '- 105 2.26 -- -- -- -- 2.26 -- -- Yes 106 0.84 -- -- -- -- 0.84 -- I -- -- 107 1.95 0.18 -- -- -- 2.13 -- -- -- T__T 12.90 0,18 -- -- -- 13.08 TOTAL NET CHANGE COUNTY ROADS or COUNTY STATE AID HIGHWAYS TRUNK HIGHWAYS TOTAL NET CHANGE TOTAL NET CHANGE City of,Otsego MSA Mileage Certification for Changes in 1996 1/21/96 KPK INCREASE IN MILEAGE FROM FORMER FRANKFORT TOWNSHIP Trunk Highway Mileage Route Lineal Feet Mileage HWY 101(1/2 of total) 2039 0.39 CSAH Mileage Route Lineal Feet Mileage CSAH36 9669 1.83 Local Mileage Route 57th Street Quilley Avenue & 56th Street Queens Avenue & 60th Street Quenroe Avenue, 59th Street & 58th Street Lineal Feet Mileage 471 0.09 3004 0.57 3573 0.68 3263 0.62 LOCAL TOTALS 10311 1.95 City of Otsego MSA Mileage Certification for Changes in 1996 11/21/96 KPK DECREASE IN MILEAGE DUE TO ALBERTVILLE ANNEXATION Trunk Highway Mileage Route Lineal Feet Mileage 1-94 1508 0.29 CSAH Mileage Route Lineal Feet Mileage CSAH37 1324 0.25 CSAH19 1330 0.25 CSAH TOTALS 2654 0.50 Local Mileage (All Are 1/2 of Total) Route Lineal Feet Mileage Kadler Avenue 2617 0.50 MacIver Avenue 1325 0.25 70th Street 5254 1.00 LOCAL TOTALS 9196 1.74 City of Otsego MSA Mileage Certification for Changes in 1996 11/21/96 KP K INCREASE IN MILEAGE DUE TO LOCAL CONSTRUCTION Local Mileage Route Quam Avenue Lin -Bar Estates Ogren Avenue Sorenson Ridge Naughtor Avenue, 93rd Street and Nason Avenue 94th Street Heritage Plains O'Brian Avenue Rivers Glen 92nd Street LOCAL TOTALS NET TOTALS CLASSIFICATION TRUNK HIGHWAY CSAH ROUTES LOCAL ROUTES Lineal Feet Mileage 1000 0.19 788 0.15 3199 0.61 0.07 950 0.18 713 0.14 6650 1.33 LINEAL FEET 531 7015 7765 MILEAGE 0.10 1.33 1.54 CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: MEETING DATE 9. COUNCIL ITEMS Elaine Beatty Dec. 23, 1996 - 6:302M ITEM NUMBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION: PREPARED BY: EB,CC 9.1. Discussion of letter received from Joan Vasseur - Re: Snowplowing BACKGROUND: The Council voted to discontinue snowplowing of driveways as of January 1, 1997. This letter is a result of that. Larry Fournier asked to have this item on for discussion. I want the Council to know that Dave Chase spent a whole day on that driveway and two vehicles were stuck. We had a lot of calls because the roads were not plowed in the normal, timely fashion, because of the equipment being stuck on this driveway. STAFF RECObS4ENDATION: Larry Fournier asked to have this on for discussion. Staff strongly recommends that snowplowing of driveways not be changed from the decision that was made. Other Cities do not plow driveways. This is a job for private contractors. Let them have the job. Thank you, Elaine DEC - 90 December 5, 1996 City Council City of Otsego 8899 Nashua Avenue N.E. Elk River, MN 55330 Members: This letter is in response to your letter notifying me of the discontinuance of snowplowing of private driveways. It is unreasonable and unconscionable to discontinue such a service in the middle of the snow season with only 3 weeks notice - a service that I have used for the past 15 years. It is equivalent to receiving a notice from your electric company notifying you on December 4th that on January 1 st your electric service will cease. Where would you receive alternate service? Could you purchase a generator with adequate capacity to serve your needs? Could you afford such an expense with 3 weeks notice? Could you survive without this service? Of course not! Well that's exactly the position we are placed in. I realize you are not a public utility but you have performed a service with the same critical need We need adequate notice which should be at the end of the snow season on May 15, 1997. I think, however, that you also must differentiate between homes and farms, i.e., "private driveways" which a small blade would clear and a long farm road such as mine. Snowblowers, pickups with blades and even tractors with dumps are all inadequate to clear long farm driveways. Otsego township recognized the need of its rural clientele and plowed long farm roads for that very reason. I would hope the City would also recognize this. I ask that all Council members read this letter and reconsider their action. I await your written reply. Thank you. Sincerely Joan Vasseur 6187 Rawlings Ave. Rogers, MN 55374 CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION 11 AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: MEETING DATE 9. COUNCIL ITEMS Elaine Beatty ITEM NUMBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION: 9.2. Discussion of Memo from Merland Otto Re: (City) match for trail enhancement projects Dec. 23, 1996 - 6:30PM PREPARED BY: EB, CC ISTEA money for local BACRGROLM : See attached information from Merland Otto. This may be a way to have a grant and not have to match the grant with City monies. This is for the Council to Discuss. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: This is a Council Decision as to what should be done. Thank you, Elaine Hdkanson)noka, 3601 Thurston Avenue r-_� 103 Pine Street �Q Minnesota 55303 Monticello, MN 55362 I Anderson (612) 427-5860 (612) 295-5800 Ass -6c., Inc. (612) 427-3401 Fax (612) 295-4488 Fax Memorandum •CTrTo: Fl. Date: Subject: Ey q g Attn: File #: Narrative: k�4 LQ cc: M COOPERATIVE TRAIL GRANT PROGRAM Information Sheet October 14, 1996 Deadlines/ To receive an application, sponsors must submit an AI)olication Request Form no later than January 31, Important Dates: 1997. The complete application is due on March 31, 1997 to be eligible for this funding cycle. Reimbursement grant awards will be announced in August 1997. Program purpose: The emphasis of this program is to promote trail access between people and desirable destinations, not to develop significant new recreation facilities. Its primary purpose is to complete trail connections or remove barriers to use between where people live (e.g., residential areas within cities, and communities) and significant public recreation facilities (e.g., parks and other trails). Priority will be given to residential connections to state and regional facilities. A secondarily purpose is to link existing trail segments. How it works: This program provides reimbursement grants to local units of government for trail development or serves as a partial local "match" for ISTEA trail Enhancement projects. Eligible applicants: Cities, counties, and townships. Minimum Project must result in a trail linkage that is immediately available for use by the general public. There Requirements: must be demonstrated compatibility of the uses provided by the project proposal with uses provided by the recreation facility. Local/area support must be demonstrated. Eligible projects: Land acquisition and trail development However, acquisition of trail right-of-way will only be eligible when it is proposed in conjunction with trail development Reimbursement A maximum of fifty percent of the total eligible project costs. Minimum -55,000. Maximum -550,000. t --nt Amount: — _I match: 501/6 "hard match" for eligible elements of the project proposal. Neither this funding source nor the "hard match" can be used for labor services and/or to meet existing payroll (i.e., only contract services, materials and supplies are reimbursable). Match must not be state funds or Metropolitan Council G rants. Project period: Funded projects will need to begin promptly after an agreement as been completed between the State and the applicant Funding for these projects is only available through December 31, 1999. Disbursement of funds: Grants are reimbursable. Costs must be Incurred and paid for before reimbursement can takeplace. Submit Application Recreation Services Section Request Forms to: Trails and Waterways Unit Department of Natural Resources 500 Lafayette Road St. Paul, MN 55155-4052 Contacts: Dan Collins Statewide 612/296-6048 Ardon Belcher Northwestern MN 218/755-2265 Les 011ila Northeastern MN 218/3274263 Tim Browning Central MN 218/828-2693 Craig Mitchell Southeasten MN 507/285-7176 Dave Wolff Southwestern MN 507/359-6068 William Johnson Twin Cities Metro Area 612/772-7936 Claims List f. - ;al MUNICIPAL OF CITY OF OTSECO TOTAL 43 ACCOUNT I V, 611{r tG1 LVV lam/ 1/. /U VV lei 1l / 7V 86.00 101-21707-000 86.•^_' ( 23.61 101-43100-220:• 3 1,582.74 101-43100-202 '1.582 i4 3 ... 101-431W;220 ... C AI M -. r s ^AROL ^.. OLSON SECTION 125 REIMBURSEMENT 12/17/96 2115 213.00 • SOUT`! BICE LUMBER COMP"NY SUPPLIES INV.2110631 12/17/96 2116 Qr sNAPA Ul tLK RlVkR INU PART5 & b 2352.57 • H G WEBER OIL,,COMPANY DECEMBER DELIVERIES-�FUEL, ETC._ 12/17/96 101=41400=123 °$ • BOYER TRUCKS', PARTS- INVOICE 540407 12/1746 k01 4310?z123 8$.42, 1 =-. • JPH010UHAPHYJu. 101-43100-400 12/1" 117.16 ( 11 BFI - WOODLAKE SANITATION SERVICE NOVEMBER RECYCLING 12/17/96 2'21 12 AFFORDABLE SANITATION NOV.-DEC. RENTAL 12/17/96 2. 2 123.65 73 UNLIMXItU tLtUlKIf,;. INC �:Htr 4H & MAINlLNANQt-lNV.I6VV„•. 63.00 ( 14 CORROjk.TPCKING NOY MBERGYCl.1NCa 1,41 ,,A1600-130 ' 101 •43104 130 36.60 ` 2 101-43100-373 4,405.40 t. $0 966.55 ,� , 30,966.55- 0,966.55- ( 1 17 BOISE CASCADE OFFICE PRODUCTS OFFICE SUPPLIES- 12/17/9 to PRINCIPAL MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. DENTAL 12/15-1/14/97 12/17/9612 8' ` 1Oa. � .�3t�'^ �� �'":.F '; ?•y 21 ( z3 ANDEXXER, INC. HVAC REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 12/17/96 2 0' 24 TROPHIES PLUS PLAQUES 12/17/96 2 a ( s � .NORTHERN AIRGAS QX �«t'► �T�e� y X196'. 2 �n !!-TROPOQITAN GRAVEL 'CO 'TNG 3 e �`t 2! „GNU. + � 29 BOISE CASCADE OFFICE PRODUCTS OFICE SUPPLIES -INV. 207311 124.17/96 ; 26 30 MINNESOTA MUTUAL LIFE & STD -JANUARY 12/17/96 2;V7 Z33. 't. _ :t •fir �, ,^?� E�6s b E ;: W e # ,.: 13 x31 33 WRIGHT COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPT SALT & SAND-INV.1243 12/17/96 2 9 TOTAL 43 ACCOUNT ACCOUNT 86.00 101-21707-000 86.•^_' 23.61 101-43100-220:• 3 1,582.74 101-43100-202 '1.582 i4 .s 14.81 101-431W;220 14.81 317.50 101-41610-390 317.50 213.00 101-45200-410 213.00 248.75 ,s• „.pl-:0. 48.75 w m, b 9,f�.:: 'Q6`r79 •', Qr 06.79`' 2352.57 -161-414007-201 352.57 296.92 101=41400=123 132.63 y 01`-4%60'_123 15.83 k01 4310?z123 8$.42, 321.00 101-43100-400 321.00 117.16 101-41100-310 117.16 zp 'A 55.67' , 1 43100-243 - 55.67t, _4 Q -431J0-,24 1, 2Q.45 123.65 101-41400-201 123.65 164.20 101-41400-130 63.00 101 45104-130 36.60 1,41 ,,A1600-130 ' 28.00,;, 101 •43104 130 36.60 ` 4,405.40 101-43100-373 4,405.40 $0 966.55 ,� , 30,966.55- 0,966.55- I 1 CITY OF OTSEGO CASH AND INVESTMENT BALANCES BY FUND 11/30/96 FUND NAME General Fire Park Development Insurance Reserve Capital Equipment Debt Service Municipal Building MSA Construction Watershed Project Project 94-2 & Odean Island View 95-01 Mississippi Shores Municipal Well GO Improvement Bonds of 1996 Developers Escrow Builders Escrow TOTAL CASH & INVESTMENTS - ALL FUNDS CASH & INVESTMENT BALANCE $ 165,184.20 $ 25,170.63 $ (57,714.98) $ 6,649.08 $ (6,050.83) $ 236,839.56 $ 130,690.99 $ 123,416.49 $ 7,871.20 $ (58,683.92) $ 51,042.09 $ 48,732.73 $ (3,673.15) $ 87,866.41 $ (15,039.97) $ 8,998.80 $ 751,299.33 TO THE COUNCIL: THIS SCHEDULE SUMMARIZES THE CASH AND INVESTMENT BALANCES BY FUND BASED ON THE INFORMATION IN THE FINANCE SYSTEM OF THE CITY. I HAVE ALSO ATTACHED AN INVESTMENT SCHEDULE OF THE CITY'S INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO AS OF NOVEMBER 30. PLEASE INDICATE IF YOU WOULD LIKE ANY OF THIS INFORMATION AND HOW OFTEN. THANK YOU. GARY Page 1 CITY OF OTSEGO INVESTMENT SCHEDULE FYE 12/31/96 Totals $ 452,733.37 $ 362,808.09 $197,908.68 $ 617,632.78 Smith Barney -Money Funds $120,266.24 Toptal cash & Investments excluding Bank of Elk River $ 737,899.02 Par- 1 Interest Earned $1,315.11 $ 776.21 Investment Purchase Maturity Balance 1996 1996 Balance Investment Broker Type Date Date 1/1/96 Purchases Sales 11/30/96 Edward D. Jones Lasalle CD 7/14/95 12/2/02 $ 22,176.00 $ 22,176.00 Edward D. Jones FHMA 7/14/95 12/10/98 $ 98,750.56 $ 98,750.56 Smith Barney MBNA -CD 7/18/95 5/10/99 $ 51,274.17 $ 51,274.17 Smith Barney FNMA 7/18/95 3/10/97 $ 50,932.95 $ 50,932.95 Dain Bosworth FNMA 7/19/95 4/13/98 $ 78,572.81 $ 78,572.81 Marquette Bank CD 7/24/95 1/24/97 $ 50,000.00 $ 50,000.00 Smith Barney FNMA 8/2/95 2/18/97 $ 49,855.00 $ 49,855.00 Smith Barney FNMA 12/27/95 8/12/98 $ 51,171.88 $ 51,171.88 Smith Barney FNMA 7/10/96 5/21/99 $ - $ 50,291.34 $ 50,291.34 Edward D. Jones FHLM 7/19/96 7/9/98 $ - $ 25,080.21 $ 25,080.21 Dain Bosworth FHLB 7/25/96 3/5/01 $ - $ 29,885.87 $ 29,885.87 Smith Barney Comm. P 8/8/96 11/4/96 $ - $ 98,684.89 $ 98,684.89 $ - Edward D. Jones T -Bill 8/9/96 10/10/96 $ - $ 99,223.79 $ 99,223.79 $ - Dain Bosworth FHLB 10/8/96 3/6/01 $ - $ 59,641.99 $ 59,641.99 Totals $ 452,733.37 $ 362,808.09 $197,908.68 $ 617,632.78 Smith Barney -Money Funds $120,266.24 Toptal cash & Investments excluding Bank of Elk River $ 737,899.02 Par- 1 Interest Earned $1,315.11 $ 776.21 M'.!NIt IPAI_ OF CITY OF !r!TFnTM i"lN/',NCI,",L �=ORT 2 GENERAL FUND sVariance Favorable 6 z p u g g 71c t'T unTaVOral5l 6 R:;"�aiptz: 91 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE 0.00 2,307.40 2,307`.40 „ BLDG PERMIT SU!?CHG PA'f;.BL 0.00 1,569.6C 1,569.68 ,2 SALES T X PAYABLE 0.00 =.71.49 671.49 14 PROPERTY TAXES 0.00 333,934.x;5 333,934.85 15 DELINQUENT PROPERTY TAXES 0.00 9,385.88 9,385.88 17 DOG ,_.CENSES- 0.00 145.00 , 0M,.So 145.00 ,6 BUILDING PrRMITS 0.00 .39,376.23 39,376.28 20 WETLAND REVIEW FEES' 0.00 21100.00 2,100.00 21 WEIGHT PERMITS 0.0022 70.00 70.04 LUCAL UUVt:j<114mr-ll4l HIL) . ,446.J J ,4a 23 HOMESTEAD CREDIT 0.00 70,289.50 70,289.50 24 RECYCLING GRANT/AID 0.00 4,177.21 4,177.21 26 MSA MAINTENANCE 0..00 76,496.00 - 76.,496.0027 � CHARGES FOR SERVICES -GENERAL 0.00 3,11F>.25 3,116.25 - 1 29 SUBDIVISION FEES 0.00 1,300.00 1,300.00 ZONING/TEXT AMENDMENT FEE 0.00 1,100.00 1,100.00 a, 72 ASSESSMENT/SEPTIC SEARCHES 00 0.00 100.00 - 3,265.00 loo.ou 3,465...00 SNOW PLOWING 0.00 11306.10 1 ,306 ..1.0 „ -J+ J .J r J TOrO SALES 0.00 4,535.60 4,535.60 36 RECR`ATION FEE`' 0.00 253.00 253.00 J J 1:. 36 INTEREST EARNINGS C.00. 12,349..69 12,349.69 DONATIONS 0.00 :995.00 995.00 39 40 1. L,. I SITLL) .4 , Q ... .. .. 41 OLD CITY t-IALL4'PE,'1V`Y !ISE RENT 0.00 3,480.00 8,480.00 42 FRANCHISE FEES 0.00 7 ,0-13 .?4. 7,043.94 . 43 44 CLEAN UP DAY QQ 0.00 16 . b... 3,344.00 3,344.00 46 REFUNDS & REIMBURSEMENTS 0.00. 15,742.14 15,742.14 47 �J Ci i� ir:GE.S 0 C0 0 .7115 0 .50 Total R.. oma-_ 0 �0 .;' 703 35''.34 49 50 Other--nancin3 Sources 51 5i )F INVESTMENTS �,-!I.I r._ I n 11L r'�C" �� i r.,/ nr' rl i _' I �•.. IrIrE�Ir� FIrI^Irlcl.aL ^c^c?T 1 l'1J i J - 2 3 FUND " s Var ianc 6 F ,vorabl s Disbursements= ; s 10 11 ,1DrtIHISTRATION U.uv 0.00 150,727 .87 tV/ ( 150,727.37) 12 ELECTIOriS 0.^0 282.92 ( 282.92) 13 14 PLANNING COMMISSION 0.00 15 ASSESSOR 'i 0.00 1.1,8'33..25...( .:11,893.25) 14 iul I L 4 17 PLANNER 0 -00 41,496.45 ( 41,496.45) 1s FIFIANCE 0.00 53,023.37 ( 53,023.37) 20 LEGAL SERVICES 0.00 57,5?1.70 ( 57,531,70) 21 0.00 0.00 0.00 22 23 _C0110111k., CITY HALL 0.00 '10:3 .1s 24 ^CLICE 0.00 80 ,05c• -:�7 ( 80,056.67) 25 W01=1111n _ 26 HIGHWAYS, STREETS & ROADWAYS 0.00 237,F,b9,16 .:� r.. G ( 237,,b69,16) 27 STREET LIGHTING 0.00 11,098.13.( 11,098.13) 29 RECREATION PROGRAMS 0.00 36,052.44 ( 36,952.44) 30 PARKS MAINTENANCE 0.00 25,596.22 ( 25,596.22) 31 32 ,.. 0 .00_ 67 .93 i. 67 .93) 33 Total Disbursements 0.00 872,230.66 ( 872,230.66) 3. 35 36 �Dthor Financing Uses 37 FURCMASE OFF iNVES11011S 16 TRANSFERS TO OTHER FUNDS - 0.00 t0 11 C:.ginning Cash Balance n n0 12 t3 t3 t Cash Balance as of 11/30/96 t7 Le t9 it .. 1 -♦ MUNICIPAL. OF CITY Of OT ;EGA' INTERIh? FIPI^, ICI^.L FE -P= z 3 GENERAL FUND s Variancz a Favo••acic ' e Receipts: 9 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE 0.00 2,307.40 2,307.40 10 c 11 BLDG PER'1IT SURCHG PAYABL 0.00 1,569.68 1,569._3 iz SALES T.,,< PAYABLE 0.00 671.49 S71 .49 14 PROPERTY TAXES 0.00 333,934.85 333,934.85 15 DELINQUENT, PROPERTY TAXES 0..00 9,.385,88 9,385,88 .._ 16 J - J �, J. t'u 8,005.50 17 DOG LICENSES 0.00 145.00 145.00 1e BUILDING PERMITS 0.00 39,376.28 39,376.28 �G 19 s s. 20 WETLAND REVIEW FEES 0.00 2,100.00 2,100.00 1 WEIGHT PERMITS - 0.00 TG .00 70.00 23 HOMESTEAD CREDIT 0.00 70,289.50 70,289.50 24 RECYCLING GRANT/AID 0.00 4,177.21 4,177.21 e VuLlt_t AIL), MSA MAINTENANCE . 0.00- 76,496.00 . 76,496.00 CHARGES -FOR: -SERVICES --GENERAL 0.'.00 '. 3,116.25 3,116.25 . J J _' , 29 SUBDIVISION FEES 0.00 1,300.00 1,300.00 30 ZONING/TEXT AMENDMENT FEE 0.00 1,100.00 1,100.00 31 32 ASSESSMENT/SEPTIC SEARCHE$ -0.00 3,265.00 _.3,265.00 331 SNOW PLOWING 0.00 1,306.14 1,306.10 34 33 TOPO SALES 0.00 '4,535,60 4,535.60 36 RECREATION FEES 0.00 253.00 253.00 37 . Qv 0 . 3e INTEREST EARNINGS _ 0.00 12,349.69 12,349.69 39 DONATIONS :.0.00 .995.00 - .. ...995.00.: 40 41 OLD CITY HALL/PEAVEY IiSE RENT 0.00 3,480.00 8,430.00 42 FRANCHISE FEES 0.00 7,043.94 7,043.94 44 CLEAN •11P DAY. -0 .00 3,344.00 3,344.00 45 REFUNDS &'REIMBURSEMENTS .0.00 15,7<42.14:: '.15,742.14.. 46 � r �� _V eJ, r t ,.�,,./.3.. . 4� SURC lllRG`S .01�' 0.S0 n 0 v . J Total. ^_,,,nue-::; 0 00 `' 'D 703 ''J2.`3^ 4 50 Other Financing Sources 91 SA4 .INVESTMENT$. 1 i.F 1. ,1 Pum U I I IER F U r I LIT, d� 52 53 ice z L-. �1.`Ta I"ITC,,..K1 I Ii!.�rIt- _ I .^;L f1`11Or7 1 '. , 1 a 2 1 ' • �1.`Ta I"ITC,,..K1 I Ii!.�rIt- _ I .^;L f1`11Or7 1 '. , 1 2 FUND 3 4 V•]Y 1: ..c 0 F iJl vilul� o 7 Disbursements: 6 CITY COUNCIL' 9 6 to WAGES & S^ILAf:IE S 0.00 23' 375 .00 ( --C,375.00) 11 12 EMPLOI'CP. COPIT,^.IQ-rE,^.A GGPIT.^ 0 0 .!;0 159.84 ( 159 .>;4 ) 17 EMPLOYER CONTRIB-MEDICARE 0.00 339.39 (' 339.39) 14 MISCELLANEOUS WTIPAQ 0.00 0 00 624.77 7 28 ( 624.77)Is ;z 28- 16 DUCS & MEMBERSHIP 0.00 4,405.00 ( 4,406.00) 17 in EDUCATION/TRAINING/CONF. ^TWAGES,& 0.00 231.00 ( 231.00) 19 SALARIES,. 0,.00 77,916.41 ( _77.,91.6.41) 20 21 OVERTIME 0.00 6,223.99 ( 6,223.99) 3.30 44 22 EMPLOYER CONTRIB-PERA 0.00 3,769.52 ( 3,769.52) 3 EMPLOYER CONTRIG SOC .SEC. 0.00 4,897.16 ( 4,897.16) 24 25 0,.00 0.00 0.00 6 7 21 EMPLOYER: CONTRIB-MEDICARE 0.00 1,145.49 ( 1,145.49) OFFICE sUPPLIES 0.00 4,755.47 ( 4,755.47) 29 GAS & OIL o.�o 0.00 0.00 30 G6PP6!F=G r NERA6 ;.GG 294.9G 71 INSURANCE 0.00 16,969.00 ( 16,969.00) 32 32 ELECTION SUPPLIES- 0,00 1,483.55 ( 1,483.55)33. SMALL TOOLS & MINOR PARTS 0.00 250.20 ( 250.28) 35 x PROFESS SERVICES -LEGAL- 0.00 0.00 0.00 n PROFESS SERVICES -PLANNER G.Ge 0.00 9.GG 0.00 0.00 x MISCELLANEOUS 0.00 $9.,30 ( 89.30) 79 2;z 05-19 40 41 MILEAGC/TRAVEL 0.00 306.49 . 27) ( 306.49) 42 !JTILITICS GARBAGE 0.00 O,nO 0.00 ,. RECORDING FEES 0.00 299.15 (' 299.15) 45 NEWSLETTER 0.00 3,339.46 (-" 3,339.46) b DUES & MEMBERSHIP 0.00 213.00 ( X213.00) 47 CDUC^ITIOLJ,'TR.'IINING/COtlF . 0.1)0 'S .CO ( 6115. 00 ) 4 CONTRACTED SERVICES 0.00 ,116.00 ( ,116.00) 51 0.00 0,00 0.00 52 93 _ 6 54 MISC . OTHER CHARCES 0.^0 36 EQUIPMENT ELECTIONS: 9.66 A OPERATING SUPPLIES 0`.00 32,92 ( 282.92) ` s Variance 6 Favorable Disbursements: .. WAGES & SALARIES0.00 O:OQ10 j 411 WAGES & SALARIES 0.00 1,620.00 ( 1,620.00) 12 EMPLOYER CONTRIB-SOC.SEC. 0.00 100.44 ( 100.44) 11 14 EpiptOYER c01qTftf5 MEDIC AI'Ms SUPPLIES GENERAL r(` Y f?r3 r,FRi°-39 0.00 167 93 ( 167 93) A 15 ,ASSESSOR a 3; • i 16 V.VV Iv,J140.k�V 17 EMPLOYER CONTRIB-PERA 0.00 518.78 ( 518.78) 16 EMPLOYER CONTRIB-SOC.SEC. 0.00 717.96 ( 717.96)EMPt � 20 MILEAGE!<TRALIEL: f' '� "3 �'f 21 �+K �.}�yp^^yy�• k��^ Et7UCA'rt�<t /a'TRhN����V VIYF'ig,f,�f '< 7VV ( f :•7•VQ) �, 3ya♦v0 $r',. 22 23 PROFESS SERVICES -ENGINEER 0.00 42,620.01 ( 42,620.01)' "• 24 CONTRACTED SERVICES 0.00 415.00 ( 415.00) '° `}'" r, 26 S'x'4, Pf20 S' VICES Pir �R �` f?x X45x1 965 <. � ��•.• {�! $' �� ?ttq � � 44 q.. r� �'`� �:rh. f $1 �'�c:h'3,. Jk � 7..,. ..�.,. 27 • l`1 r-� >�>< 1<. 11.. 1yY ,; 9<''s':s .: T�. :es5 S,'.:�� Y9,, :x 1 `e � 29 EMPLOYER CONTRIB-PERA 0.00 1,845.17 ( 1,845.17) ao EMPLOYER CONTRIB-SOC.SEC 0.00 2,543.74 ( 2,543.74) 1 ., :. - :; ., 1:. jvmg' y•.0 hii:.��332.fi'.%M , ;a. 'F T .{Cu•!'"�: x u ::.`,c,:,.: Hzx;R:'sx]] ::. ,�,°� '=3a ...may i�3ko ;Y; , z ' ^aS� .^'M4tiq '' D m _. x4:f':Y fa.�C7.1-VAN <,�:.. .° <au� e Y ,, ; 1- �„ SUPPLIES -GENERAL• 0.00 54.87 ( 54.87) ;='* 36 PROFESSIONAL SER' -AUDIT 0.00 3,985.00 ( 3,985.00) 7.'.. 36 Yy ,Y <.' S:. h£ C' . j� aY" a a•y... f � Y RxR a ib:; 3�`,$ $ p'�'` <i? i'?.�'�'x .>k �'Y�-i � �:• 7.; Y �':f Q(�..•1 '. ,MV ri� i:. :. f .? ', '. L� ,�l ; Y �`ic Y �1 i' Y P ;f: r Yv.3?": �'q� •. .1 t.... sk., -' F 'a f.;.. �'1 '.t't' • `a b R., .d:l �s�}a t'Si �. ,': �`.i;: � Y '"T .:� � �+' 4.:� o i;+i,> .:'�` 7 �' �.. ° <. ' �.\% j ,•' t...... ��.+ ..'-" 1 .4:. ,. ..Y L,:.0 n .. �' x�.. Y ' )i 3 '':: & . l^:,.'�.. d 5ws ,� � e R ;Y'' f�.':�;.<. sAf ,.°<y� .:.:.irk'.." f.w ":� rR Q,'�:a �+�� �' �a�('yRx a. i x " �?','' 7 .¢ .'.t•:f. .3c� .. R<. %Y,. `�<£ .. ...:. .r. Z t� 40 41 RECYCLING 42 CONTRACTED SERVICES 0.00 24,613.07 ( 24,613.07) 4. s ,WA�•G> S f ',rS>' FA @a�z»+x ' A k o-x Y ,0` !. 00 `i ay''o-,f' tt's 3 a43 1 ,232 Qb 1 2320 �._; t "°, s,�. y Es :'.-.. 'r T } xr$. >' PROF 2 64S ,299.700 , ' ,o:Y;s kbk x.�ic,r•::a' AW.. 46 X47 PROFESSIONAL SER - AUDIT 0.00 0.00 0.00 46 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY49 •, 50 t OL r .Y 7i 1�, �}�y .y1.[� EMP49':YFF' 'J'S 'i4 h� /�..fr% Y D J S` : 'f, b4i'%e6NJY' ,• ... � �6 Y` t' '., a�Ya ,:. &� My,� s9.t' Fx�.w•c., ,;M 92 rMF. • „ SUPPLIES -GENERAL 0.00 31.93 ( 31.93) 54 DUES & MEMBERSHIP 0.00 1,000.00 ( 1,000.00) SS CI1 Y10L'x�i7 :.: ' 3 _r7 ,_ t Cis . "1. M_.. <111 3'3° a 0,11"'Na.k"'. U C 0 b 4L z' 3 GENERA(.- FUND 4 7 V v Disbursements: 9 EMPLOYER CONTRIB-MEDICARE :;0.00 4.99 ( _.4.99 10 v - 11 REPAIR & MAINTEMANCE SUP. 0.00 1,120.00 ( 1,120.00) 12 UTILITIE`F, 0.00 5,305.96 ( 5,805.?-) 13 1 w% ` f 131 ITC 1,131. 14 CLEANING SERVICES 0.00 7,152,56 ( 7,152.56) „ CONTRACTED..: SERVICES 0 ,OGS-. 2 , 285 .2 .: C :2,.285..28 ).: .. 16 ._.J 17 & M GUIDING 0.00 136.00 ( 136.00 ) 16 R & M IMP.OTHER IER Tt I Af l BLDG 0.00 43 .90 ( 4 3 .90 ) 19 R E 14 1 h L J Vvv 11 f > 20 MISC. OTHER CHARGES 0.00 1,059.20,( 1,059.20) 21 POLICE 23 BUILDING INSPECTOR 24 SUPPLIES --GENERAL 0.00 315.55 ;. y 6 CONTRACTED SERVICES 4.00 21,002,39 ( 21,002.39) 27 HIGHWAYS, STREETS <& ROADWAYS 29 OVERTIME 0.00 3,601.03 ( 3,601.03) 30 EMPLOYER CONTRIB-PERA 0.00 2,589.36 ( 2,589.36) 31 32 t:O EMPLOYER CONTRIS-HEALTH '! U.vu, 0 .00. 3 ,`347 .59 ( , 3,941.59) ,941.59) 33 EMPLOYER CONTRIB-MEDICARE � QyOt.:� 905.43 ( 905,43) e 35 UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION 0.00 1,003.57 ( 1,003.57) 36 GAS & OIL 0.00 13,718.01 ( 13,918.01) 36 INSURANCE ' . 0 ,00 3,561.00 3,561.00) 39 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUP� �� � .: 0.00 13,452.29 ( 13,452- ) 40 I `� . vu , ..% 1 , 7,64 . J i, 41 SMALL TOOLS & MINOR PARTS 0.00 200.22 ( 200.22) 42 PROFESS SERVICES -ENGINEER 0.00 6,694.6-8 ( G,b94.�L?) 44 TELEPHONE 0,00 602.03 ( 602.03) 45 UTILITIES 0.00 1 ,-',S6e ,07 ( 1,668.07) 46L i t -L M .,' 3, Gi .J v l 47 SALT 0.00 1,88.03 ( 1,888.03) 46 SALT AND SAND MIX 0.00 8,933.32 40 , , 50 CULVERTS 0.00 406.95 ( 406.95} 51 STREET SIGNS 0.00.: 1,397.22.:(. :`1,397.22}.:. 52 1 LUO i F MLi I i•v J, V.�.� v,�1V. . 53 REPITALS 0.00 4,360.00 ( 1 , ^_•60 .00 ) S4 MISC. OTHER CHARGES 0.00 21014.32 SS . '1 40 , , s6 CRACKFILLING 0.00 227,895.56 ( 27,895.56) BLACKTOP PATCHING 0,00 4," 00_( 4,140.00) JI1\LLI JWLLf-11YV avv L, ✓V ` L,i��l/�. W( L. 0 c L1 �q 4 I 2 a GENERAL FUND 4 V:1'i"1anc s Favo i aL 1 e 7 n e Disbursements; D EQUIPMENT -. 0.00 20,424.70 (,. 20,424.70) 10 11 L i L I GH SUPPLIES -GENERAL 0.00 49.17 ( 19.17) 12 UTILITIEc C.00 11,48.9� 11 14 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUP. 0.00 0.00 0.00 15 RECREATION PROGRAMS 16 n OVERTIME 0.00 577.89 ( 577.89) 1e EMPLOYER CONTRIB-PERA 0.00 1,302.98 ( 1,302.98) 1D 20 LMPLUYLH.V.0,v, EMPLOYER CONTRIB-HEALTH -. 0.00 o0u. 70 1 ,943.15 l'uou./o) ( 1,943.15) 21 .. EMPLOYER CONTRIB-MEDICARE ':. 0.00. 421.15 ( 421.15) 22 EMPLOYER K. --S . TERM 0 00 .L 3 4 .L 23 MISCELLANEOUS 0.00 13.96 ( 13.96) 24 RECREATION PROGRAMMING 0.00 1,481.41 ( 1,481.41) 25 e PAHKb� MAIN CL WAGES & SALARIES 0.00 13,577.27 ( 13,577.27) 27 EMPLOYER CONTRIB-PERA 0.00 413.46 ( 413.46) - 1 . Q () 6Ut,. 48 v 29 EMPLOYER CONTRI3-MEDICARE 0.00 160.34 ( 160.34) ,o GAS & OIL 0.00 301.05 ( 301.05) ] 1 32 5UPPLIES-GENERAL REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUP.. 0.00. 0.00 1 .59 .d (` - 1..59) . 33 PROFESS -SERVICES. -ENGINEER %.0.00. ``7,328.16 ( .7,328..16) 3A 35 I _ .1 PRINTING & PUCLISHING . 0.00 177.10 ( 177.18) 34 R & M IMP.OTHER THAN BLDG 0.00 10.65 ( 10.65) 37 ,e HLNIAL5 MISC. OTHER CHARGES 0.00 356.66 ( 856.66) ,D RECREATION. PROGRAMMING 0.00'1 425.58 ( 425.58) 40I'INL'�LRVAiION 41 SUPPLIES -GENERAL 0.00 317.36 ( 317.36) 42 MISCELLANEOUS 0.00 1,590.03 ( 1,570.03) 43 144 EDUCATION/TRAINING/CONE. 00 0.00 100.00 J ( 100.00) 43 47 EMPLOYER CONTRI3--SOC .SEC . 0.00 34.72 ( 34.72) 4a EMPLOYER CONTRIB-MEDICARE 0.00 8.12 49 MUNI uls5ursame?7s Q.QQ so s i�r financing �� sa PURCHASE OF INVESTMENTS 0.00 54 TRANSFER" TO OTHER FUNDS 0.00 ss , Begin Cash Balance 4.Or M -11 I`IUf�ICIP,,L OF CIT'( OF JT��GJ IfITL:IM FIfIAfICI1;L REPORT 1 AJ i J 2 3 GENERAL FUND .. 4 5 11 -or the Month ended Nov3mber '(,>ar to -date e Va-ianc 7 Favorable e 9 Receipts= Budget Actual (Unfavorable) Budget Actual 11 DUE FROM OTHER GOV'T 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 23,871.09 12 CLDG PERMIT suPc iG r^,Y,^,3L 0.00 291.00 21)1.00 0.00 1 ,569 .68 13 r 14 DAMAGE DEPOSIT PAYABLE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 7,250.00 15 PROPERTY TAXES 0.00. 0.00 ':'. 0.00 0.00 333,934 .85 16 17 BUSINESS LICENSES/PERMITS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8,005.50 1e DOG LICENSES 0.00 5.00 5.00 0.00 145.00 19 0 100 6 F3bQa 20 SEPTIC SYSTEM PERMITS 0.00 1,125.00 , 1,125.00 0.00 7,050.00 21 WETLAND REVIEW FEES 0.00 280.00 280.00 0.00 2,100.00 23 LOCAL GOVERNMENT AID 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 37,446.50 24 HOMESTEAD CREDIT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 70,289.50 a POLICE AID 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6,660.05 27 MSA MAINTENANCE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 76,496.00 29 \ LJ FUH bLHViUEt,-ULNU-'0Lv.. CONDITIONAL USE/VARIANCE FEES 0.00 0.00 . .iJ 0.00 0.00 2,350.00 30 SUBDIVISION FEES C.CO 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,300.00 31 LUNINWILXI AMLNUMEN1 t-tt U.00 IbQ.UU IbOXV ' 32 INTERIM USE .FEES 0.00 0.00 :.. 0.00 0.00 100.00 33 ASSESSMENT/SEPTIC SEARCHES 0.00 210.00` 210.00 0.00 3,265.00 e MAPS/COPIES/MISC.SALES 0.00 7.00 7.00 . Uv 0.00 768.24 36 TOPO SALES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4,535.60 37 - 3e SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS - 0,00 0..00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ,9 INTEREST EARNINGS 0.00 245.54 245.54 0.00 12,349.69 40 J U ... ., . Qu ., V 1 7 J . 41 CULVERT SALES C.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 90.00 42 OLD CITY I I ;LL/ PEAVEY HSE REFIT 0.00 400.00 400 . "0O 111.00 6,480.00 43 44 OTHER/MISCELL 0.00 0.99 ( 0.99) 0.00 16.55 43 CLEAN UP DAY -. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,344.00 47 CITY HALL REFIT 0.00 320.00 320.00 0.00 ,,384.40 4e OU,^,!"H -GE 1:1 0.00 0.50 n �,C� n nn 0 n - 49 loval Haverlues J • .• J .J J so...: - ,1 Other Financing Sources =. I irlvLJ 52 53 1. TI?• _RS FROM OTHER FUNDS n,00 0.00 MUNICIPAL OF CITY OF OTSEGO IrITERIM FIN ANCL L RE^ORT For the Month entad November Y .ar -to-,J.a' 3 Variance ;ari,3nca FavoratUe F avorable Buri�et Actual (Unfavorable) BUd(-4et Actual (Unfavorable) t� _lL 0.00 600.00 ( 600.00) 0.00 600.00 ( 600.00) ,.._. r ;LARICS 0.00 1,87S.00 ( 1,875.00) 0.00 23 ,375 .00 (2-3,37,-.00) NrLOY_ 1 - J t^LOYER CONTRIB--SOC,SEC. 0.00 117.80 _ ( 117.80) 0.00 1,450.80 ( 1,450.80) ' ,'!rLOYER CONTRIB-MEDICARE 0.04 27.56' ( 27.56) 0.00 339.39 ( 339.39) i. -,-L L J X7 ; GE.'TPAVEL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 .28 ( 7 .28 ) " 1 MEMBERSHIP 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4,406.00 ( 4,406.00)' I�TRATION `'" ' ` .^.G[5 & SALARIES&� ,, i , 030 , O1 ( 7 , 030 .O1) 0 .00 77 , 916 .41 ( 77 ,956 :41) ' LE^TION JUDGES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 130.64 ( X130.64) ,I^LOYER CONTRIB-PERA 0.00 314.95 ( 314.95) 0.00 3,769.5- ( 3,769.52) . - 417.24 -16 M^COYER CONTRIB-HEALTH 0.00 132.63 ( 132.63) 0.00 5,595.10 ( 5,595.10) ' `ER 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 - \ '^^ LYER C0NTR . --S . TERM 0.00 63 .00 ( 63 .00) 0.00 1,145.4) 693.00 ( X 693.00) = 7!cE SUPPLIES 0.00 400.40 ( 400.40) 0.00 4,755.47 ( 4,755.47)' U^PLIES-GENERAL 0.00 34.14 ( 34.14) 0.00 294.93 ( 294.93)` Nc,URANCE 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 16,969.00 ( 16,969.00); LECTION SUPPLIES 0.00 678.00 ( 678.00) 0.00 .l.• rr C GE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 soc ' C .2J ( C 4 108.60 ) ...,LL TOOLS & MINOR PARTS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 o.2u ( � J0._8 ) ,-,OFESS - ROFESS SERVICES -ENGINEER 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 "FESS SERVICES -PLANNER 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 J1. L ELE^t IONS00 0.00 352.19 ( 352.19) 0.00 • . 3' 3,678.2" ( - - 3,678.27)= '-E.`,CE!TR(1VEL 0.00 ;.o0 0.00 0.00 306.49 ( 306.49) _ TILITIES ARBAGE SERVICE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 ECORDING FEES 0.40=., 0.00 0.00 0.00 299.15 ( 299.15)E L. _LLI L\ Ir;TI;JC 3 f VELISa1iNG9731.7- . 0 .00 .24 37/.L4) ( 973 .7V) 0.00 0 .00 ..J,JJ. 1l 3 301.' o1,300.0 ( E -)J E , .0'3 J E E E E E E E 7 MUNICIPAL OF CITY OF OTSEGO INTERIM FINANCIAL REPORT 2 ) �. 4 n":CDUES & MEMBERSHIP EDUCATION/TRAINING/CONF. R�#CTEp SERVICES RENTALS ;MISC. OTHER CHARGES a 'a,`WAGES & SALARIES PLANNING COMMISSION ASS SSOR- < " >=WAGES & SALARIES '7"; EDUCATION/TRAINING/CONF. ENGINEER In ) Variance Variance 7 z�#•;: :.vµ. ?"r,y.+',,: ., ,� �Ye `•' L it sk ak :. :' Y ( Unfavorable)Byid9e t Actual ('U nfavorable ) 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 213.00 ( 213.00)14 J 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 635.00 ( ) 635.00Q0,00 a 0.00 x 4.00 ( 0.00 4.00) 0.00 0.00 221 -11 116.00 ( .221 116.00') 17 I e ) 0.00 (00 0.00 , 0.00 0.00 0.00 . 21 0.00 237.92 ( 237.92) 0.00 4,599.30 ( 4,599.30)22 , 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 364.17 ( 364.17) 2. 0 go i45. 26 'S 0.0 xl (Au ft 782 92) 0 `00 28292 ` ( 282.92 } 27 \t rry .`.. t. %i'i. .:w :. ...:: ..! ,S:s.;_..➢`o':f F.. sa. 't,.,,^� :r;1,+,iz �",' f •„1. ;.'.Y 2 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2 31 3 ul x k*+a s 10gx0 ....,.•ww. ¢� �r 100544': { X10vv 0.44) ) e 30: 0< 23.49) i a 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10,348.00 ( 10,348.00)' O C?Q :�� ► i 0.00 :717.96 ( 717.96) 4 1 . ) A F 6 s 0 .00 167 91,, ( 167.91) 4 . 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 95.00 ( 95.00), 47 4T`gar ' �� } ` , 0.00 9R r 415.00 ( . 415.00) 48 ,9 ' g _: "•xt 51 • , , ..... i 57 0.00 3,476.16 ( 3,476.16) 0 .00 41 ,187 .60 ( 41 , 187 . (.C) 54 55 S6 0.00 215.52 ( 215.52) 0.00 2,543.74 ( 2,543'74 )5 0.00 15 83 ( 15.83) 0:00 1,681.98 ( 1,681.98),,o If t.to 5991. t9l 0.00 28.00 ( 28.00) 0.00 235.20 ( 235.20 62 6] 6, ) IR ; 20A 666 67 In .1!.;.tl':.. ,'.L _� ..'�• '� ,fir._. ��. _ ...� � .�.. ,i 1.. .. ,1,i_ 1 f i J z rUND 4 , Favol ablei-a s Budget Actual CUnfavorabla) BUd9St Actual (tjnfavcrable` 9 Disbursement--= ,o 1, _ err I;:>= •surrLI 1 0.00 0.00 C.00 C. .co .3o .32 Iz SU^rL=--GENCPAL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 X1.37 ( 54.8- 13 14 - PRINTED FORMS 0.00 75.50 ( 75.50) .. 0.00 416.44 ( , . CC 416.4, 15 PRINTING & PUBLISHING _. . +0.00.-. ..0.00 0.00 0.00 396.0.=. ( 396.0£. 1e Lu I MILMUL1.ter ✓ _34 C_ „ EDUCATION/TRAINING/CONT. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 to rEcYCLIG 19,O - J. 2 ,C, 2 , , zo LEGAL SERVICES 21 WAGES & SALARIES 0.00 1,232.00 ( 1,232.00) 0.00 1,232.00 ( 1,232.00 23 morESSIONAL SER - AUDIT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 c.00 o.c-_ z3 e WAGES & SALARIES E 0.00 613.44 ( 613.44) 0.00 7,268.40 ( 7,268.4C EMPLOYER CONTRIB-PERA 0.00 27.4$ ( 27.48) 0.00 325.62 ( 325.6-2 20 2 z9 \ .� EMPLOYER CONTRIB-MEDICARE 0.00 J8.90 ( II.90) 0.00 -. t� 105.16 ! _ . c,- 105.4`: 30 SUrPLIES-GENERAL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 31.93 a,jL)Utb ,z & MMULK5HIH EDUCATION/TRAINING/CONF. Q.UQ 0.00 u.uu 0.00 V.()V 0.00 V.VV 0.00 1,000.0o 415.00 ( . X415.00 y, CITY HALL 35 EF'?LOYERJCONTRIB-SOC.SEC. 0.00 11.32 ( 11.32) 0.00 L'1.32 ( 21.?-- 36 EN,PLOYE^ CONTRIB-MEDICARE 0.00 2.65 ( 2,_'-.)0.00 )-1 0.00 I 4 7 n x REPAIR & MAINTENANCE;SUP. 0.00 $8.16 ( i 58.16) 0.00 1,120.00 ( .2'; 1,120.00 79 UTILITIES ''0.00 206.35 ( 206.35) 0.00 5,805.96 ( 5,805.9" 40 .. .L,.V -J . .. .-,u ._ . 1 . C - 41 : _EANINGSERVICES 0.00 715.68 ( 715 .513) 0 .00 715.'_ .56 ( 7,152.-,- ,152.5- 42 4z CCNT^^iCTED `_'.ERVICES 0.00 272.64 ( 272..',1) 0.70 285 2,285.L-- 43 4, \ R & M BUIDING - .0.00 L.J4 VtJ 13".00 ( ._ 136.00) .. 0.00 136.00 ( � 136.0 45 R & M IMP.OTHER THAN BLDG 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 43.90 ( 43.9C as 47 N'Lll I tr t1I�C. OTHER CHARGES 0.00 0.00 . v U 0.00 U. _ _ 0.00 .... - 1,05^.20 ( It '6737. 1,0119.11- 46 LICE 4 so 51 ..'. S 57 34 7 U Y V Y y U • 4 • S V° O L j W N �S O O J O Y� Y I.. W O '• O V P M• U N "-' O O O J O Y• W N- O O O J P U• W N- _. f� r'• -1 Gi c r 7 CT - _ C O r r Ln o r)c) 7i7C CIRC c,) r- c -i3 1Cnc. Hoi c cmr. mm r z Y 0:1 V Jn at -� �,� r.l co vH rnH 3Z ZC -' 3 ! 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