01-31-97 WSCITY OF OTSEGO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP JANUARY 31, 1997 OTSEGO CITY HALL 4 P 1. Mayor Fournier will call the workshop to order_ Mayor Fournier called the workshop to order at 4:02 PM. Roll Call: Mayor Larry Fournier; Councilmembers: Suzanne Ackerman, Mark Berning, Vern Heidner, Virginia Wendel. Staff: Larry Koshak, City Engineer; Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator; Judy Hudson, Deputy Clerk. Mayor Fournier stated the intention of this workshop is for the council to get their ideas of sewer service out on the table for discussion. CM Berning's thoughts were for the City to reach a comfortable level in regards to financing a sewage treatment facility. Next would be the type of facility. He would first of all like to look at what Elk River proposes and if that wouldn't be the answer than look at package plants. He realizes that Package Treatment Plants are not the long term solution but one could get commercial going now and start generating some revenues to be set aside for a treatment facility. CM Benning felt key issue is water service. He feels the Well is losing money every year and asked if the City should consider putting more money into it in order to get more hookups and have it start paying for itself. CM Heidner reported on a sub -committee meeting he, Mayor Fournier and representatives from Dayton (Dayton's Mayor and representatives from Bonestroo) attended. At this meeting, Bonestroo said they looked at reducing the project. A major cost factor to Otsego was the size of trunk lines, sized so that the Immediate Service Area could be serviced when needed. This size trunk line is not only more expensive to install but to maintain. Bonestroo said they could reduce the size and therefore reduce the costs by more than 25%. Other cost reductions were not as many lateral lines going in right away, and Dayton paying for the trunk line running to Dayton and other costs being shared with Dayton. CM Heidner stressed how much Dayton wants to be part of this sewer project. From this meeting, both cities agreed if this goes any further, the Bonestroo Report needs to be updated. Otsego informed the attendees that Otsego will be doing weekly meetings and Bonestroo agreed to send someone from their office to Otsego's next meeting if needed. Bonestroo will also give a quote for update of the report. There is also the option of having another engineer do the Trunk Line and Water Service Report separately. Council Workshop of January 31, 1997, contd. Page 2. Mr. Koshak suggested the next step is to determine the location of the plant, which needs more study. The most acceptable sites should be picked and than determine how much land is needed. Land nd iscussio s Council discussed land locations where there isn't a lot of residential but relatively close to the Crow River. They discussed the Bodendrier land the Lahn property. They also discussed that a compatible use around a treatment plant is industrial. CM Wendel asked if the cost of the land would be shared by Dayton and if Dayton could drop out of this. Mr. Koshak explained there would be cost formula which would include all costs involved. Otsego can also go with a joint powers or sewer district. CM Heidner explained the City of Dayton has a natural watershed barrier which the Musa Board have repeatedly told them they would never service beyond that barrier. There was also concern with putting in a smaller trunk line now and what happens when a larger one is needed. Mr. Koshak explained you can run another line right along side of existing one and use both. Discussed having the hookup charge as the main charge to generate the revenues but that development is needed. CM Wendel asked if taxes will go up for the landowners. It was discussed where there is availability there is ability to assess. If there was capacity from Elk River, Mr. Koshak explained about using a force main, metering station and Otsego would have to pay for getting this across the river, also any lift stations. Otsego would have to retrieve their capital costs, O&M charges. Elk River would retrieve costs through hook up charges. CM Heidner pointed out Elk River stated they would not give Otsego capacity unless it is serious about building their own plant. There would also be a sunset clause in the contract. Mr. Koshak stated he supports the activated sludge treatment because if the City sees a lot of future development it would be the most effective method. A clay liner would reduce costs. The ponds have a limited ability to expand. If expanded the State may impose greater restrictions and the City may find that sludge becomes a problem. The ponds would be an easy way to start up with but the activated sludge process is the answer for the long term. Council Workshop of January 31, 1997, cont'd. Page 3. Elaine Beatty pointed out that since the City will be working with Dayton serious consideration should be given to the Mechanical Plant. There was also general discussion on getting a line to the west end of the City. Mr. Koshak's List of steps: Do a Feasibility Report Pinpoint the treatment plant the City is interested in. Study completed on site selection (but need to know what type of plant) CM Berning asked about discharging in Foster Lake. Mr. Koshak said it might be possible but would have higher standards. Mayor Fournier asked the Council for a consensus of type of treatment plant they are interested in. The Council consensus was support for the Mechanical Plant. Mayor Fournier asked for a consensus for discharge point: All Councilmembers supported discharge to the Crow River. CM Benning stated he would support the Crow River if there was no alternative. He expressed concern with Riverwood and the problems they are having with sewage treatment. CM Heidner thought they would have to go with a Package Plant. Mayor Fournier asked for council support with him approaching landowners to find out if they would be interested in selling their land for a sewage treatment site. The Council all agreed for him to proceed. Next workshop The Council agreed to set February 10, 1997 at 6 PM. Trunk Facility Plan The whole Council agreed they prefer not to have Bonestroo involved in this and not to have this included as part of the Wastewater Treatment Plan. There was Council and staff discussion on the option of bidding out this study. The Council noted a bidding process would take approximately two months, expense of writing a Request for Proposal, advertising expense, bid opening expense. Larry Koshak quoted a price his firm would charge for this report. It was noted by staff and some Councilmembers that Mr. Koshak has all the topos and is extremely familiar with the city and would expedite the process. Mr. Koshak said he will provide a proposal for this Study. Consensus of the Council was for Hakanson Anderson Inc. to prepare the Trunk Facility Plan which will also include water service. Council Workshop of January 31, 1997, cont'd. Page 4. The Council also directed the City Engineer to compile a list of steps and issues to address in conjunction with the Wastewater Treatment Plant. Elaine went over the payroll service options with the Council. She requested consent from the Council to proceed with APD with final Council approval at the February 10, 1997 City Council. The Council agreed to have Elaine continue to work towards implementing the City's payroll system with APD. CM Heidner motioned to adjourn the workshop. CM Ackerman seconded. All in favor. Motion carried. Workshop adjourned at 7:10 PM. Mayor Larry Fournier Attest: Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning Adm. Recorded by: Judy Hudson, Deputy Clerk City Seal