07-07-97 CCCITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT MINUTES OF JULY 7, 1997 4PM EMERGENCY MEETING 1. MAYOR FOURNIER WILL. CALL MEETING TO ORDER Mayor Larry Fournier called the meeting to order at 4PM ROLL CALL: Larry Fournier, Mayor, Vern Heidner, Mark Berning, Suzanne Ackerman and Virginia Wendel, Council Members were present. Kevin Kielb, City Engineer, Bob Kirmis, Assistant Planner, Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator and Jerry Olson, Building Official were also present. 2. DISCUSSION OF STORM DAMAGE AND ANY RELATED ISSUES: Mayor Fournier stated he had many calls from many people asking for brush pick up and he would like to help them. CM Heidner stated we need to treat everyone the same. CM Wendel agreed with CM Heidner and discussed her lot and trees down and the amount of work it is. Mayor Fournier stated he feels we have a responsibility to help our citizens. More discussion on what should be done. Engineer Kielb stated in Anoka where he lives it may be September before they pick up brush. Discussion of approximately 80 St Louis Park Teenagers coming to Otsego Wednesday to help with storm damage clean up (2 -buses). Building Official Olson suggested if the Council decides to help with clean up they should set a deadline. CM Wendel stated everyone should haul their own trees. CM Heidner asked how recipients of this service would be qualified. Mr Kirmis suggested volunteers such as Boy Scouts, etc. may help. Mayor Fournier asked that the Council give the Public Works Sub -Committee authority to work with the .Public Works Department to put together a program to coordinate volunteers to help our citizens. CM Heidner was concerned how we define who has or hasn't ability to clean up. CM Wendel stated she does not like curb to curb pick up idea. Mayor Fournier stated we may be able to obtain volunteers. CM Heidner Motioned to have the Public Works Subcommittee came up with a plan with as much emphasis on volunteers as possible and come back to the Council with their answer. CM Berning seconded the Motion. Motion carried unanimously. CM Wendel wanted it clear that we emphasize if at all possible, bring the brush to City Hall site. Mayor Fournier brought up the issue of pole buildings and single wide trailers and replacing them according to Ordinance or not. Bob Kirmis explained they are non -conforming and if structure is damaged more than 50% it cannot be repaired. They must meet standards and explained the mobile home standards (non -conforming). The purpose of the ordinance is to upgrade the community to the desired standard. CITY OF OTSEGO EMERGENCY MEETING JULY 7,1997 4PM (MON.) MINUTES PAGE 2 Elaine spoke with Dave Licht and he recalls that an emergency ordinance was passed in Lakeville when they had a disaster. This ordinance addressed building material requirements, etc. Building Official Olson said six to ten homes were completely destroyed and some people are trying to stay in them. He talked about hardship of paying for a septic permit for upgrading of system. CM Heidner discussed the fact that when people had mobile homes burn in the past, they were made to conform with our ordinances. Mr. Kirmis explained the ordinance further and why it is set up that way. He also brought up the precedent. Building Official Olson has over the years told people, if we have a fire/flood or a tornado takes a non -conforming building, it will need to be upgraded according to ordinance. CM Wendel was concerned where these people will live and the Building Official would like something in the paper as to what the City Council is doing. CM Berning did not like the single wide trailer replacement, except for temporary housing while they are planning their upgrade. CM Heidner was concerned with septic systems and if they are not safe they need to be upgraded. CM Wendel agreed that temporary housing can be single wide, but not allowed indefinitely. CM Ackerman thought single wides should be allowed as they are built better now and people do not want to leave Otsego. Because of the storm the City should give leeway. Mayor Fournier asked CM Ackerman how she would respond to people in the past who have had fires and made to meet the ordinance. There was a consensus of the Council to stay with the ordinance as it is. CM Heidner stated that they can have a temporary home with an administrative permit for 90 days. Then they have to have a direction. Temporary housing was discussed and what is allowed by the ordinances. Mr. Olson reiterated the amount of homes damaged and said there could be leeway on "no penalties" by the City. Discussion of the municipal well and power by Kevin Kielb, Engineer. They had to obtain a generator for emergency power. Traut well was contacted Thursday at 2pM at a cost of $525.00 to bring out /hook up/take down the generator. Cost per day is $480.00. The City insurance will cover this after the $1,000.00 deductible. Dave Chase is focusing on clearing trees from the right of way. CM Heidner brought up the street sign damage. Mr. Olson explained the temporary dwelling unit that they need plans and we need to know that it will be removed. CITY OF OTSEGO EMERGENCY MEETING JULY 7, 1997 4PM (MON) PAGE 3 Mr. Kirmis said the Council could pass a resolution not to pursue enforcement for a period of time RE: this storm damage. He will check with Andy MacArthur on this. CM Heidner motioned to have the City Attorney look at temporary dwelling units Resolution 20-16-2E. Virginia Wendel seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Any Other Business: Elaine Beatty, City Clerk told the Council that Darlyn Kofoed called and is giving her resignation from the EDAAC. 4. Adjourn: CM Heidner motioned to adjourn the meeting. Suzanne Ackerman seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. CITY OF OTSEGO: LARRY FO ItR, MAYOR ATTEST: ` E AINE BEATTY, CITY CLE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR eh (CITY SEAL) FEE: CCEMGYME. WPS