07-10-97 WSCITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT MINUTES JULY 10,1997-6:30PM COUNCIL WORKSHOP ON SEWER AND WATER 1. Mayor Larry Fournier will call meeting to order Mayor Larry Fournier called the meeting to order at 6:30PM ROLL CALL: Mayor Larry Fournier, Suzanne Ackerman, Mark Berning, and Virginia Wendel, Council Members were present. Vern Heidner, Council Member was absent. Larry Koshak, John Harwood, Kevin Kielb and Steve Weser, Engineers, Dave Licht, Bob Kirmis, Planners, Andy Mac Arthur, Attorney and Elaine Beatty, City Cleik/Zoning Administrator were also present. 2 Discussion of sewer and water informationlrenorts Mayor Fournier turned the meeting over to Kevin Kielb to discuss sewer and water information. John Harwood presented the sewer portion of the agenda, charts of projected growth and twenty year sewer planning. (See attached information given on overheads). Design criteria was given and tabulation of RECS were shown on chart. CM Berning asked how many low density/high density lots we have in the immediate urban service area? John Harwood didn't have now but he can add it together (See Appendix B). 4163 potential development areas. CM Berning wanted to know if we are putting in those pipes, who pays? John Harwood - We are not putting those pipes in now. John Harwood explained evaluation of the entire service area: Phase I is -what we are talking about doing.. (He showed Phase I Trunk System), CM Benning asked who will be assessed for the trunks? John - First phase of development pays for trunks. N2 shown exhibit: Basics are in this plan it sets criteria for pipes. Pian is for many years. Detailed information for each district shown by John Harwood. CM Berning asked if any major gas lines that we need to be concerned with? John said there are always conflicts, nothing is unresolveable. Any problems would be cross country pipeline or electric with their own easements. APPENDIX B : Shows details of pipes/cost estimates/data/base of cost. Red line is force main/Green line gravity sewer. CM Wendel asked if all pipes in side of roads? John said many are in right of way or easement (would be temporary construction easement). Some easement along side of the road. CM Wendel asked if there is a cost for temporary easement? John, normally they try to put sewer in the most economical place. In areas of heavy development you wind up replacing roads. John Harwood continued to review the information on the attached pages. Phase I area 3,930 potential RECS for full development. In the next 20 years 1,351 RECS. One third of the area will fully develope in 20 year period. CITY OF OTSEGO COUNCIL WORKSHOP ON SEWER AND WATER JULY 10, 1997 6:30PM - PAGE 2 - The first phase construction base system shown by John $1,395,000. project cost. Two lift stations, forcemain between, one to treatment plant, no person or houses will connect to the system. Larry Koshak said Phase I and IA only a few local roads would have lines in them. (Quaday, through Big Eds, Christ Lutheran Church and Bank and Tom Thumb area road. John Harwood said that restoration is not that excessive. Page 15 Chart shown. Once the trunk is built, a gravity system can be built. RECS 568 North, 329 East for 897 RECS total. If fully developed a maximum of 0.22 MGD. Quaday area shown. East of Quaday 326 RECS, West of Quaday 394 RSCS, 897 RECS Total. CM Wendel asked about Fabian Sadowski's land. Larry Koshak explained it can be served at an estimated $3,000 per REC would fund the system. Systems are not cast in stone. The base trunk needs to be put in with a forcemain to treatment. John Harwood explained Fabian Sadowski's property and how to service with a 4" forcemain not too costly. 2.5 to 2.8 million to get the basic sewer system in place is the estimated cost. John Darkenwald asked about a financial consultant. He was told the City has hired Tom Truszinski of Juran and Moody, Inc. Paul Levenson asked about sewer for his area West of #101. The CompPlan will look at it. More discussion and Paul wants to be included in that area. The Planner and Engineer will check his issue out. POTABLE WATER SYSTEM STUDY: Water will go with sewer along side and is the same as the sewer area. Population projection is the same. Same key elements. 1). Wells 2). Storage (ground or towers) 3). Watermains. They looked at water towers/fire flow needs looked at, 3,500 GPM for Commercial - 2,500 GPM Residential. Flow demands calculated for entire area of service. Blue shading is twenty year period "Exhibit C". 50 year - 100 year pipe life. Page 10 system design ( Kevin Kieib explained). Study is conservative. The Department of Health wants enough storage for one days demand. Well and tower placement explained, where/why/how and system growth: Pg. 12 graff. Phase I area shown: 20 year 405,600 GPD is higher than sewer number as you loose some. 50GPD from 250GPD will be lost. Phasing of system: Pg. 15 of report explained (Charts). End of 20 years, 1/2 million GPD - add water tower. NW of school property (LeFebvre) is proposed for first water tower. Towers #2 and 3 - 100' high, Tower 41 140' high to make it work. CITY OF OTSEGO COUNCIL WORKSHOP ON SEWER AND WATER JULY 10, 1997 6:30PM - PAGE 3 - Department of Health requires at least two wells. Kevin Kielb explained. There are different scenarios of what wells would be developed first. He explained the size and cost of the mains and laterals. 68 RECS per year for a 20 year periods. Total is $3,875. per REC required to fund the water system. Mayor Fournier - When do we have to add another well. Answer - Immediately, as soon as one more consumer, we need another well and water tower. Kevin Kielb explained how what wells are built and determined. CM Wendel asked if people can hook up to either water or sewer alone without the other? Kevin answered this is a Council decision. CM Wendel asked if we own any land for water towers? Kevin stated we need 100x100' site for well (one acre). One third of the area developing will pay for the water system in the first phase. Wally odell - Regarding the sewer system: Oversizing and trunk depth dictated by study area. Why isn't the difference spread out over the entire service area? John Harwood - We don't know when and if that will happen. Wally - Shouldn't the City be picking up the difference? John Harwood explained the trunk charges are charged as connection charges ,against properties. Oversizing of trunk explained - Same connection charge and will be charged for areas when they hook up. Dave Licht - The directive is that the system Would have to provide service and be paid for by the area developed (The Council can decide to charge people} On the O and M charges John Harwood passed out information from Osseo 69cents per 1,000 gals of #low. Anoka is 93 cents per 1,000, The bottom line is $16.00 per quarter, per REC at 70 cents per 1,000. This is very similar to our system we are looking at. John Darkenwald asked about stormsewer and how much a REC? Larry Koshak said an Impact Fee can be placed by the City on each watershed it is looked at individually. Impact Fee placed on the developer per acre. That will take care of the trunk and the City or Developer will build it and get credit. At the time of development the City will get storm sewer figures (more discussion) The stormsewer costs are in the range of $1,000 to $2,000 per acre. CM Wendel asked how they pay for easements? The benefited properties pay through project costs said Larry Koshak. CM Wendel asked about the trunk line and how/who pays? Larry said different ways to handle it. John Harwood said he is assuming people do not pay until they develop. Dave Licht talked about development and how to concentrate development so the system becomes feasible. Farmland and Green Acres was questions. Mayor Fournier said the user pays. #3 site selection of treatment facility: CITY OF OTSEGO COUNCIL WORKSHOP ON SEWER AND WATER JULY 10, 1997 6:30PM - PAGE 4 - Larry Koshak gave a presentation same as he gave last night at the Dayton/Otsego Joint Wastewater Treatment Plant Meeting. He discusses three selected sites, #1, #2 and #3 and a site by Dayton on #36. Mayor Fournier asked about closeness to the river. Larry Koshak agreed it does make sense. CM Ackerman, Bcrning and Mayor Fournier would like to see it closer to the Crow River. Discussion of making a decision on the size of the plant so Tom Truszinski can give us some preliminary figures on financing picture by using Bonestrods Report. CM Berning said he has reservations on the plant. He is not saying no, but he is interested in seeing the Comp Plan updated. He does not feel the Council looked at the plan. How firm are the boundaries? What are we going to tell people? Residents in the NE corner need to know the cost, etc. He feels it will be a 12 to 14 million dollar project. Suzanne Ackerman said she has been working on sewer and water for two years. The City has been talking about sewer and water since the mid 70's. It is time to get off out butts and do something. Either go for sewer and water or do nothing and shut down the City for all development. Dave Licht said the 1990 plan shows sewer from Elk River, now we don'i know where sewer is. We don't know if sewer is coming or not. We can put a plan together with sewer and one with no sewer but that is a substantial cost. The Council has to make a decision yes, this is feasible or na, it is not feasible. There are two concepts: # 1. Pending a public health problem. 92. Commerci a] /Industrial tax base The City should not continue to develop one acre lots with no sewer and water service. Much more discussion on this. Discussion of Commercial and Industrial base with TIF Financing? Dave Licht said it is based on an average. CM Berning asked if the sewer district is firm? More discussion. Dave Licht said a list of policies need to be put together. CM Wendel motioned to adjourn the meeting. Suzanne Ackerman seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. CITY OF OTSEGO IW."Iii'/;W116301102"11 ATTEST: C� �-R� EL BEATTY, CITY CLE ONING ADM.