07-22-97 SCCCITY OF OTSEGO EMERGENCY COUNCIL MEETING REGARDING STORM DAMAGE - 7-1-97 TUESDAY, JULY 22, 1997 - 6:30 PM 1. Mayor will call to order. Mayor Fournier called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. Roll Call: Mayor Larry Fournier: Councilmembers: Suzanne Ackerman, Mark Berning, Vern Heidner and Virginia Wendel. Staff: Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator; David Chase, Maintenance Supervisor; Judy Hudson, Deputy Clerk Mayor Fournier presented the attached recommendation. The Council discussed the recommendation with the possibility of using the new maintenance employees, the cost to the City, that the ROW's need to be cleaned and needing volunteers. Also discussed was using a contractor during the work week and not Saturdays. It was also announced that Christ Lutheran Church is donating $350 and have volunteers. Concern was expressed with the fairness to residents that have already cleaned up their lots. David Chase, Maintenance, said a clam bucket is needed and it will take more than one day to clear the ROWs. The Council agreed that the City would not go onto private property. Mayor Fournier invited public comment. Judy Nitz, 14061 NE 82nd Circle. She has 11.5 acres. Concern with the grass the City usually cuts and the trees located there. Jeff Christian, 82nd Street. Questioned the width of the ROW and the only place he could burn is on his drainfield. Joe Panka, 14348 82nd St. Concern with the all brush, mosquitoes, feels the City Employees should volunteer their time. Stated the residents in his neighborhood have been helping each other clean up. Supports the dump site at City Hall. Would like to see the backhoe used to help residents unload. Supports getting an organized volunteer effort going. Another concern was the ability to be able to bring new single wides back in. Kathryn Woodford, 14105 82nd Street. Concern with all the tree stumps left on the property. Steve Ackerman, 8217 Packard. Lost a lot of trees and needs help removing the stumps from his property. He feels the City isn't providing any services but harassing citizens. Deb Rosa, 14219 82nd Street. She needs help with her clean up and feels the City is dragging this out too long. Her house is not livable and was under insured. Theresa Panka, 14348 82nd Street. Concern with all the burning going on and with the kids breathing the smoke. City Council Meeting of 7-22-97, cont'd. Page 2. Steve Parker, Queens Ave. Concern with the all the trees stumps and the City not removing them. Darlene Solberg, resident. Attended representing Christ Lutheran Church which collected $350 and will provide volunteers. Jeff Christian. Feels they have been ignored and suggested a plan be put together to help clean up. Steve Ackerman: Volunteered to help. Suggested having a public notice on WCCO Radio. CM Wendel motioned to get a list of residents that need help to transport brush, furnish a backhoe as needed to unload the brush as residents bring in the brush. Seconded by CM Ackerman. CM Berning motioned to amend the motion to publish in the paper that the backhoe will be available at the brush pile August 2 and 9 in the AM to help unload. The City will hire Morrell for a minimum of two days during the week at the Public Works discretion to pick up the debris in the ROW. Seconded by Mayor Fournier. Vote on the Amendment: All in favor. Motion carried. Vote on the entire motion: All in favor. Motion carried. Jeff Christian will have one person call City Hall for his neighborhood. NX WITIT03 534wer, MORMON PI worts rem Mayor Fournier read the recommendation. Elaine Beatty presented information she received from the County, who is trying to get information for declaring Wright County a disaster area. Elaine also gave information on where residents can get assistance (see attached information). Joe Panka. Concern what will happen if Wright County isn't declared a disaster area. Elaine Beatty explained that according to Wright County it looks very good that Wright County will be declared a disaster. She also explained she contacted the sheriff, and the Building Official has reviewed the area. CM Berning motioned to accept the Committee's Recommendation of following the City Ordinance and have staff revisit the Zoning Ordinance regarding single wides at the next Administrative Staff Meeting and give a recommendation to the City Council. Seconded by CM Ackerman. All in favor. Motion carried. CM Berning noted the City Staff has already been looking at this issue and let them give a broader aspect of this and expects no more money spent on this. CM Beming left the meeting at this point. (8:10 PM) City Council Meeting of July 22, 1997, cont'd. Page 3. 4. Any other business_ Civil Defense Director and Emergency Policy. CM Heidner motioned to accept the recommendation to look into a Civil Defense Director and Emergency Policy and bring back to the City Council in September. Seconded by CM Ackerman. All in favor. Motion carried. 5. Adjourn, CM Heidner motioned to adjourn. Seconded by CM Ackerman. All in favor. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:15 PM. Mayor L Fournier A st: Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/ ning Adm. Recorded by: Judy Hudson, Deputy Clerk City Seal ccws7-97wps